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fake: update fieldslib interface ( fix #169 )
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trefis committed Feb 7, 2014
1 parent fb96b53 commit fbf669f
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Showing 3 changed files with 101 additions and 24 deletions.
115 changes: 91 additions & 24 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ module Ast = struct
type type_scheme =
| Var of string
| Arrow of Asttypes.label * type_scheme * type_scheme
| Tuple of type_scheme list
| Named of type_scheme list * string
| Core_type of core_type

Expand All @@ -77,6 +78,11 @@ module Ast = struct
| Binding of binding
| Module of string * top_item list

let sub_of_simple_variants lst =
let variants = lst ~f:(fun s -> Rtag (s, true, [])) in
let ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (variants, true, Some []) in
Core_type { ptyp_desc ; ptyp_loc = Location.symbol_gloc () }

let freshvars = Stream.from (fun i -> Some (Printf.sprintf "\x00_%d" i))
let new_var () = freshvars
Expand All @@ -90,6 +96,9 @@ let rec translate_ts ?ghost_loc = function
let a = translate_ts ?ghost_loc a in
let b = translate_ts ?ghost_loc b in
{ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_arrow(label, a, b) ; ptyp_loc = default_loc ghost_loc }
| Tuple lst ->
let lst = lst ~f:(translate_ts ?ghost_loc) in
{ ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple lst ; ptyp_loc = default_loc ghost_loc }
| Named (params, id) ->
let id = Longident.parse id in
let params = (translate_ts ?ghost_loc) params in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,26 +444,18 @@ module Fields = struct
let unit_ty = Named ([],"unit")
let bool_ty = Named ([],"bool")

let gen_field self ({ Location.txt = name }, mut, ty, _) : top_item list =
(* Remove higher-rank quantifiers *)
let ty = match ty.ptyp_desc with Ptyp_poly (_,ty) -> ty | _ -> ty in
let ty = Core_type ty in
let accessor = Arrow ("", self, ty) in
let fields = [Binding { ident = name; typesig = accessor; body = AnyVal }] in
let fields = match mut with
| Asttypes.Immutable -> fields
| Asttypes.Mutable ->
let typesig = Arrow ("", self, Arrow ("", ty, unit_ty)) in
(Binding { ident = "set_" ^ name; typesig ; body = AnyVal }) :: fields
let make_fields_module ~self fields : top_item =
let names =
let typesig = Named ([Named ([], "string")], "list") in
Binding { ident = "names" ; typesig ; body = AnyVal }

let make_fields_module ~self fields : top_item =
let fields_dot_t =
let perms = sub_of_simple_variants [ "Read" ; "Set_and_create" ] in fields ~f:(fun ({ Location.txt = name }, _, ty, _) ->
let ty = match ty.ptyp_desc with Ptyp_poly (_,ty) -> ty | _ -> ty in
let typesig = Named ([ self ; Core_type ty ], "Field.t") in
{ ident = name ; typesig ; body = AnyVal }
let t = Named ([ perms ; self ; Core_type ty ], "Field.t_with_perm") in
{ ident = name ; typesig = t ; body = AnyVal }

Expand All @@ -463,18 +464,75 @@ module Fields = struct
mk_labeled_fun ( fields ~f:(fun (l,_,_,_) -> l.Location.txt,true))

let linear_pass ~name ~ret_ty =
That is so ugly.
val make_creator :
x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Field.t_with_perm -> 'a -> ('b -> int) * 'c) ->
y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref) Field.t_with_perm -> 'c -> ('b -> float ref) * 'd) ->
'a -> ('b -> t) * 'd
let make_creator =
let acc_ret_ty = Var (new_var ()) in
let ios, first_input =
List.fold_right fields ~init:([], acc_ret_ty) ~f:(fun f (lst, acc) ->
let x = Var (new_var ()) in
(x, acc) :: lst, x
let creator_input = Var (new_var ()) in
let init =
let creator = Arrow ("", creator_input, self) in
Arrow ("", first_input, Tuple [ creator ; acc_ret_ty ])
let lst =
List.map2 fields fields_dot_t ~f:(fun (name, _, ty, _) fdt ->
(name.Location.txt, ty, fdt)
let typesig =
List.fold_right fields_dot_t ~init:ret_ty ~f:(fun field acc_ty ->
List.fold_right2 lst ios ~init ~f:(fun (name, ty, f_dot_t) (i, o) acc ->
let field_creator = Arrow ("", creator_input, Core_type ty) in
Arrow (
Arrow ("", f_dot_t.typesig, Arrow ("", i, Tuple [ field_creator ; o ])),
Binding { ident = "make_creator" ; typesig ; body }

let create =
let typesig =
List.fold_right fields ~init:self ~f:(fun (name, _, t, _) acc ->
Arrow (name.Location.txt, Core_type t, acc)
Binding { ident = "create" ; typesig ; body }

let linear_pass ?result ~name ret_ty =
let init =
match result with
| None -> ret_ty
| Some ty -> ty
let typesig =
List.fold_right fields_dot_t ~init ~f:(fun field acc_ty ->
Arrow (field.ident, Arrow ("", field.typesig, ret_ty), acc_ty)
Binding { ident = name ; typesig ; body }

let iter = linear_pass ~name:"iter" ~ret_ty:unit_ty in
let forall = linear_pass ~name:"for_all" ~ret_ty:bool_ty in
let exists = linear_pass ~name:"exists" ~ret_ty:bool_ty in
let iter = linear_pass ~name:"iter" unit_ty in
let forall = linear_pass ~name:"for_all" bool_ty in
let exists = linear_pass ~name:"exists" bool_ty in
let to_list =
let ty_var = Var (new_var ()) in
linear_pass ~result:(Named ([ty_var], "list")) ~name:"to_list" ty_var

let fold =
let typesig =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,10 +567,20 @@ module Fields = struct
Binding { ident = "map" ; typesig ; body }

let map_poly =
let var = Var (new_var ()) in
let perms = sub_of_simple_variants [ "Read" ; "Set_and_create" ] in
let user = Named ([ perms ; self ; var ], "Field.user") in
let typesig = Arrow ("", user, Named ([var], "list")) in
Binding { ident = "map_poly" ; typesig ; body = AnyVal }

Module (
"Fields", fields_dot_t ~f:(fun x -> Binding x) @
[ fold ; iter ; map ; forall ; exists ]
names :: fields_dot_t ~f:(fun x -> Binding x) @ [
make_creator ; create ; iter ; map ; fold ; map_poly ; forall ; exists ;
to_list ; Module ("Direct", [ iter ; fold ])

let top_lvl ({ Location.txt = name },ty) =
Expand All @@ -525,8 +593,7 @@ module Fields = struct
let self = Named (params, name) in
match ty.ptype_kind with
| Parsetree.Ptype_record fields ->
List.concat_map ~f:(gen_field self) fields @ [make_fields_module ~self fields]
| Parsetree.Ptype_record fields -> [make_fields_module ~self fields]
| _ -> []

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
["find", "use", "fieldslib"]
["tell", "source", "open Fieldslib\n"]
["tell", "source", "\ntype t = { x : int ; y : float ref } with fields"]
["tell", "end"]
["dump", "env"]
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/fieldslib_01.out
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
["return",[["Line 3, characters 5-37","type t = { x : int; y : float ref; }"],["Line 1","module Fields :\n sig\n val names : string list\n val x :\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm\n val y :\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm\n val make_creator :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n 'a -> ('b -> int) * 'c) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'c -> ('b -> float ref) * 'd) ->\n 'a -> ('b -> t) * 'd\n val create : x:int -> y:float ref -> t\n val iter :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n unit) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) ->\n unit\n val map :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n int) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> float ref) ->\n t\n val fold :\n init:'a ->\n x:('a ->\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n 'b) ->\n y:('b ->\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'c) ->\n 'c\n val map_poly :\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, 'a) Fieldslib.Field.user -> 'a list\n val for_all :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n bool) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) ->\n bool\n val exists :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n bool) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) ->\n bool\n val to_list :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm ->\n 'a) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) ->\n 'a list\n module Direct :\n sig\n val iter :\n x:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) ->\n y:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) ->\n unit\n val fold :\n init:'a ->\n x:('a ->\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, int)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'b) ->\n y:('b ->\n ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, float ref)\n Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'c) ->\n 'c\n end\n end"]]]

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