An update of what the compass-h5bp gem puts out. Updates to use HTML5 Boilerplate v 3.0.2. Also uses my own base colors and media query-happy grids (set at 48em and 60em) using SASS's bubbling-out feature to keep media queries more managable (instead of combining them all in _media.scss).
- Lots of Compass/SASS love.
- Media query love using modernizr with respond.js
- Customized typographic scale using rem with px-based fallback (
- Customized color scheme based on, use these at your own peril.
- Basic 12-column grid layout for 50em and 13 for 65em screen widths.
- Extreme minimalist form designs (use these at your peril).
- jQuery called from Cloudflare CDN
Install the gems for compass-h5bp and html5-boilerplate. compass watch [your folder] Tasty!
(The haml file hasn't been tested. Sorry, I find haml annoying.)