The simplest and the most powerful library for mysql written in php:
- You can use the same db connection in more than one instances (optimizing mysql physical connections)
- This library allow you to make common database operations immediately and efficiently, returning simple data structures
- Log all actions performed on db
- All mysql error as exception
- Clone support
- Transactions support
Clone repository
git clone
download composer here
add the following dependence in composer.json
"thecsea/mysqltcs": "3.0.*"
or type
php composer.phar require thecsea/mysqltcs
##Install/Update Update composer (download composer here
php composer.phar self-update
Followings commands must be executed in project root directory
###Install mysqltcs
php composer.phar install
###Update mysqltcs
You can perform an updated if you have added mysqltcs as composer dependency
php composer.phar update
You have to perform an update when a new version is released
##How to use
When composer installation is finished you will see vendor/autoload.php
that is the auload generated by composer. If you have set mysqltcs
as composer dependence the autoload loads both mysqltcs and other dependecies. So you just have to include autload in each file where you want use mysqltcs and create the mysqtcs object in the following way:
$connection = new it\thecsea\mysqltcs\Mysqltcs(...);
use it\thecsea\mysqltcs\Mysqltcs;
and $connection = new Mysqltcs(...);
You can see examples to understand how to use library
You can also take a look to wiki to see the detailed description or go to generated phpdoc documents (documentations of all classes)
Mysqltcs is tested with automatic test: phpunit test. So we have a good chance of not having errors, but not the
But we have covered the following percentage of statements with tests:
- Change db data in
- Import
- Execute the unit tests:
- Go in the root directory
- Type
or if you have downloaded the pharphp phpunit-xxx.phar
In fact phpunit.xml
contains the correct test configuration
CAUTION: each time tests are executed, the database must be in the initial state, like the import has just been executed (you should have a empty table, only the db structure)
You can find some examples under examples
to run it:
- Change db data in
- Import
There is a simple example simpleExample.php
that shows you how to use the library in the simplest way
There are not examples about transactions yet (you have to remember to set autocommit to true after using transactions)
N.B. if you have added mysqltcs as composer dependency you will find example under vendor/thecsea/mysqltcs/examples