Cyclone is a lightweight network library, It is cross-platform and high-performance
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android)
- Non-blocking IO + IO multiplexing, support
- One loop per thread + reactor model
- Mostly wait-free multi-threaded design
- Support vectored I/O and timerfd api(Linux)
- Usefull utility support(DH key exchange, AES, adler32, and more)
- Unit test and samples
Cyclone depends on following libraries
Cyclone has been tested with Clang (under Mac OS X), GCC 4.8+ (under Linux), Android Build Tools 25.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2017(under Windows 10).
git clone
mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../cyclone
make test
- Open CMake-GUI, enter the correct directory for source code and build. Then click Configure, choose your installed version of the Microsoft Visual Studio.
- Click generate after fixing all missing variables to generate your Visual Studio solution.
- Open the solution and compile the code.
- Right click the project RUN TESTS and slect Build to run unit test
Build on the windows host machine, make sure the flowing envionment variables have been set correctly. ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
git clone
mkdir _build && cd _build
%ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%/cmake/ -G "Ninja" -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a ^
To run unit test, an android device with root authority is required.
adb push test/unit/cyt_unit /data/local/tmp/
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/cyt_unit
adb shell /data/local/tmp/cyt_unit
- echo a typical client/server program
- timer just show how to use timer function
- chat a simple chat room program
- socks5 a Socks5 proxy server(only support tcp protocol)
- relay a interesting socket tunnel utility, support n:1, 1:n, key-exchange and aes encrypt.
- filetransfer Transfer a file to another machine as soon as possible