From 1799f3830f089c6704bd32dc7fb3a74b650cb577 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "David E. Wheeler" Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 11:14:26 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Added current release docs. --- documentation.html | 5294 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- pg_prove.html | 352 ++- 2 files changed, 5642 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/documentation.html b/documentation.html index 35341d139..c78520b65 100644 --- a/documentation.html +++ b/documentation.html @@ -14,11 +14,5299 @@
- + +

pgTAP 0.23

+ +

pgTAP is a unit testing framework for PostgreSQL written in PL/pgSQL and +PL/SQL. It includes a comprehensive collection of TAP-emitting assertion +functions, as well as the ability to integrate with other TAP-emitting test +frameworks. It can also be used in the xUnit testing style.

- + +


- + +


+ +

For the impatient, to install pgTAP into a PostgreSQL database, just do this:

+ +
make USE_PGXS=1
+make install USE_PGXS=1
+make installcheck USE_PGXS=1
+ +

If you encounter an error such as:

+ +
"Makefile", line 8: Need an operator
+ +

You need to use GNU make, which may well be installed on your system as +‘gmake’:

+ +
gmake USE_PGXS=1
+gmake install USE_PGXS=1
+gmake installcheck USE_PGXS=1
+ +

If you encounter an error such as:

+ +
make: pg_config: Command not found
+ +


+ +
Makefile:52: *** pgTAP requires PostgreSQL 8.0 or later. This is .  Stop.
+ +

Be sure that you have pg_config installed and in your path. If you used a +package management system such as RPM to install PostgreSQL, be sure that the +-devel package is also installed. If necessary, add the path to pg_config +to your $PATH environment variable:

+ +
env PATH=$PATH:/path/to/pgsql/bin USE_PGXS=1 \
+make && make install && make installcheck
+ +

And finally, if all that fails, copy the entire distribution directory to the +contrib/ subdirectory of the PostgreSQL source tree and try it there without +the $USE_PGXS variable:

+ +
+make install
+make installcheck
+ +

If you encounter an error such as:

+ +
ERROR:  must be owner of database regression
+ +

You need to run the test suite using a super user, such as the default +“postgres” super user:

+ +
make installcheck PGUSER=postgres
+ +

If you want to schema-qualify pgTAP (that is, install all of its functions +into their own schema), set the $TAPSCHEMA variable to the name of the +schema you'd like to be created, for example:

+ +
make TAPSCHEMA=tap
+make install
+make installcheck
+ +

Testing pgTAP with pgTAP

+ +

In addition to the PostgreSQL-standard installcheck target, the test +target uses the included pg_prove Perl program to do its testing, which +requires that TAP::Harness, included in +Test::Harness 3.x. You'll need to make sure that you use a database with PL/pgSQL +loaded, or else the tests won’t work. pg_prove supports a number of +environment variables that you might need to use, including all the usual +PostgreSQL client environment variables:

+ + + + +

You can use it to run the test suite as a database super user like so:

+ +
make test USE_PGXS=1 PGUSER=postgres
+ +

Of course, if you're running the tests from the contrib/ directory, you +should omit the USE_PGXS variable.

+ +

Adding pgTAP to a Database

+ +

Once pgTAP has been built and tested, you can install it into a +PL/pgSQL-enabled database:

+ +
psql -d dbname -f pgtap.sql
+ +

If you want pgTAP to be available to all new databases, install it into the +“template1” database:

+ +
psql -d template1 -f pgtap.sql
+ +

If you want to remove pgTAP from a database, run the uninstall_pgtap.sql +script:

+ +
psql -d dbname -f uninstall_pgtap.sql
+ +

Both scripts will also be installed in the contrib directory under the +directory output by pg_config --sharedir. So you can always do this:

+ +
psql -d template1 -f `pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/pgtap.sql
+ +

But do be aware that, if you've specified a schema using $TAPSCHEMA, that +schema will always be created and the pgTAP functions placed in it.

+ +

pgTAP Test Scripts

+ +

You can distribute pgtap.sql with any PostgreSQL distribution, such as a +custom data type. For such a case, if your users want to run your test suite +using PostgreSQL’s standard installcheck make target, just be sure to set +variables to keep the tests quiet, start a transaction, load the functions in +your test script, and then rollback the transaction at the end of the script. +Here’s an example:

+ +
\set ECHO
+\set QUIET 1
+-- Turn off echo and keep things quiet.
+-- Format the output for nice TAP.
+\pset format unaligned
+\pset tuples_only true
+\pset pager
+-- Revert all changes on failure.
+\set ON_ERROR_STOP true
+\set QUIET 1
+-- Load the TAP functions.
+    \i pgtap.sql
+-- Plan the tests.
+SELECT plan(1);
+-- Run the tests.
+SELECT pass( 'My test passed, w00t!' );
+-- Finish the tests and clean up.
+SELECT * FROM finish();
+ +

Of course, if you already have the pgTAP functions in your testing database, +you should skip \i pgtap.sql at the beginning of the script.

+ +

The only other limitation is that the pg_typoeof() function, which is +written in C, will not be available in 8.3 and lower. You'll want to +comment-out its declaration in the bundled copy of pgtap.sql and then avoid +using cmp_ok(), since that function relies on pg_typeof(). Note that +pg_typeof() is included in PostgreSQL 8.4, so ou won’t need to avoid it on +that version or higher.

+ +

Now you're ready to run your test script!

+ +
% psql -d try -Xf test.sql
+ok 1 - My test passed, w00t!
+ +

You'll need to have all of those variables in the script to ensure that the +output is proper TAP and that all changes are rolled back — including the +loading of the test functions — in the event of an uncaught exception.

+ +

Using pg_prove

+ +

Or save yourself some effort — and run a batch of tests scripts or all of +your xUnit test functions at once — by using pg_prove. If you're not +relying on installcheck, your test scripts can be a lot less verbose; you +don’t need to set all the extra variables, because pg_prove takes care of +that for you:

+ +
-- Start transaction and plan the tests.
+SELECT plan(1);
+-- Run the tests.
+SELECT pass( 'My test passed, w00t!' );
+-- Finish the tests and clean up.
+SELECT * FROM finish();
+ +

Now run the tests. Here’s what it looks like when the pgTAP tests are run with +pg_prove:

+ +
% pg_prove -U postgres sql/*.sql
+All tests successful.
+Files=5, Tests=216,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr  0.02 sys +  0.08 cusr  0.07 csys =  0.23 CPU)
+Result: PASS
+ +

If you're using xUnit tests and just want to have pg_prove run them all +through the runtests() function, just tell it to do so:

+ +
% pg_prove -d myapp --runtests
+ +

Yep, that’s all there is to it. Call pg_prove --help to see other supported +options, and pg_prove --man to see its entire documentation.

+ +

Using pgTAP

+ +

The purpose of pgTAP is to provide a wide range of testing utilities that +output TAP. TAP, or the “Test Anything Protocol”, is an emerging standard for +representing the output from unit tests. It owes its success to its format as +a simple text-based interface that allows for practical machine parsing and +high legibility for humans. TAP started life as part of the test harness for +Perl but now has implementations in C/C++, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Perl, and +now PostgreSQL.

+ +

There are two ways to use pgTAP: 1) In simple test scripts that use a plan to +describe the tests in the script; or 2) In xUnit-style test functions that you +install into your database and run all at once in the PostgreSQL client of +your choice.

+ +

I love it when a plan comes together

+ +

Before anything else, you need a testing plan. This basically declares how +many tests your script is going to run to protect against premature failure.

+ +

The preferred way to do this is to declare a plan by calling the plan() +function:

+ +
SELECT plan( 42 );
+ +

There are rare cases when you will not know beforehand how many tests your +script is going to run. In this case, you can declare that you have no plan. +(Try to avoid using this as it weakens your test.)

+ +
SELECT * FROM no_plan();
+ +

Often, though, you'll be able to calculate the number of tests, like so:

+ +
SELECT plan( COUNT(*) )
+  FROM foo;
+ +

At the end of your script, you should always tell pgTAP that the tests have +completed, so that it can output any diagnostics about failures or a +discrepancy between the planned number of tests and the number actually run:

+ +
SELECT * FROM finish();
+ +

What a sweet unit!

+ +

If you're used to xUnit testing frameworks and using PostgreSQL 8.1 or higher, +you can collect all of your tests into database functions and run them all at +once with runtests(). This is similar to how +PGUnit and +Epic work. The runtests() function does all the +work of finding and running your test functions in individual transactions. It +even supports setup and teardown functions. To use it, write your unit test +functions so that they return a set of text results, and then use the pgTAP +assertion functions to return TAP values, like so:

+ +
+    RETURN NEXT is( MAX(nick), NULL, 'Should have no users') FROM users;
+    INSERT INTO users (nick) VALUES ('theory');
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+   SELECT is( nick, 'theory', 'Should have nick') FROM users;
+$$ LANGUAGE sql;
+ +

See below for details on the pgTAP assertion functions. Once you've defined +your unit testing functions, you can run your tests at any time using the +runtests() function:

+ +
SELECT * FROM runtests();
+ +

Each test function will run within its own transaction, and rolled back when +the function completes (or after any teardown functions have run). The TAP +results will be sent to your client.

+ +

Test names

+ +

By convention, each test is assigned a number in order. This is largely done +automatically for you. However, it’s often very useful to assign a name to +each test. Would you rather see this?

+ +
  ok 4
+  not ok 5
+  ok 6
+ +

Or this?

+ +
  ok 4 - basic multi-variable
+  not ok 5 - simple exponential
+  ok 6 - force == mass * acceleration
+ +

The latter gives you some idea of what failed. It also makes it easier to find +the test in your script, simply search for “simple exponential”.

+ +

All test functions take a name argument. It’s optional, but highly suggested +that you use it.

+ +

I'm ok, you're not ok

+ +

The basic purpose of pgTAP—and of any TAP-emitting test framework, for that +matter—is to print out either “ok #” or “not ok #”, depending on whether a +given test succeeded or failed. Everything else is just gravy.

+ +

All of the following functions return “ok” or “not ok” depending on whether +the test succeeded or failed.

+ +

ok( boolean, description )

+ +

ok( boolean )

+ +
SELECT ok( :this = :that, :description );
+ +

This function simply evaluates any expression (:this = :that is just a +simple example) and uses that to determine if the test succeeded or failed. A +true expression passes, a false one fails. Very simple.

+ +

For example:

+ +
SELECT ok( 9 ^ 2 = 81,    'simple exponential' );
+SELECT ok( 9 < 10,        'simple comparison' );
+SELECT ok( 'foo' ~ '^f',  'simple regex' );
+SELECT ok( active = true, name ||  widget active' )
+  FROM widgets;
+ +

(Mnemonic: “This is ok.”)

+ +

The description is a very short description of the test that will be printed +out. It makes it very easy to find a test in your script when it fails and +gives others an idea of your intentions. The description is optional, but we +very strongly encourage its use.

+ +

Should an ok() fail, it will produce some diagnostics:

+ +
not ok 18 - sufficient mucus
+#     Failed test 18: "sufficient mucus"
+ +

Furthermore, should the boolean test result argument be passed as a NULL +rather than true or false, ok() will assume a test failure and attach an +additional diagnostic:

+ +
not ok 18 - sufficient mucus
+#     Failed test 18: "sufficient mucus"
+#     (test result was NULL)
+ +

is( anyelement, anyelement, description )

+ +

is( anyelement, anyelement )

+ +

isnt( anyelement, anyelement, description )

+ +

isnt( anyelement, anyelement )

+ +
SELECT is(   :this, :that, :description );
+SELECT isnt( :this, :that, :description );
+ +

Similar to ok(), is() and isnt() compare their two arguments with IS +NOT DISTINCT FROM (=) AND IS DISTINCT FROM (<>) respectively and use +the result of that to determine if the test succeeded or failed. So these:

+ +
-- Is the ultimate answer 42?
+SELECT is( ultimate_answer(), 42, 'Meaning of Life' );
+-- foo() doesn't return empty
+SELECT isnt( foo(), '', 'Got some foo' );
+ +

are similar to these:

+ +
SELECT ok(   ultimate_answer() =  42, 'Meaning of Life' );
+SELECT isnt( foo()             <> '', 'Got some foo'    );
+ +

(Mnemonic: “This is that.” “This isn’t that.”)

+ +

Note: Thanks to the use of the IS [ NOT ] DISTINCT FROM construct, NULLs +are not treated as unknowns by is() or isnt(). That is, if :this and +:that are both NULL, the test will pass, and if only one of them is +NULL, the test will fail.

+ +

So why use these test functions? They produce better diagnostics on failure. +ok() cannot know what you are testing for (beyond the description), but +is() and isnt() know what the test was and why it failed. For example this +test:

+ +
\set foo '\'' waffle '\''
+\set bar '\'' yarblokos '\''
+SELECT is( :foo::text, :bar::text, 'Is foo the same as bar?' );
+ +

Will produce something like this:

+ +
# Failed test 17:  "Is foo the same as bar?"
+#         have: waffle
+#         want: yarblokos
+ +

So you can figure out what went wrong without re-running the test.

+ +

You are encouraged to use is() and isnt() over ok() where possible. You +can even use them to compar records in PostgreSQL 8.4 and later:

+ +
SELECT is( users.*, ROW(1, 'theory', true)::users )
+  FROM users
+ WHERE nick = 'theory'; 
+ +

matches( anyelement, regex, description )

+ +

matches( anyelement, regex )

+ +
SELECT matches( :this, '^that', :description );
+ +

Similar to ok(), matches() matches :this against the regex /^that/.

+ +

So this:

+ +
SELECT matches( :this, '^that', 'this is like that' );
+ +

is similar to:

+ +
SELECT ok( :this ~ '^that', 'this is like that' );
+ +

(Mnemonic “This matches that”.)

+ +

Its advantages over ok() are similar to that of is() and isnt(): Better +diagnostics on failure.

+ +

imatches( anyelement, regex, description )

+ +

imatches( anyelement, regex )

+ +
SELECT imatches( :this, '^that', :description );
+ +

These are just like matches() except that the regular expression is compared +to :this case-insensitively.

+ +

doesnt_match( anyelement, regex, description )

+ +

doesnt_match( anyelement, regex )

+ +

doesnt_imatch( anyelement, regex, description )

+ +

doesnt_imatch( anyelement, regex )

+ +
SELECT doesnt_match( :this, '^that', :description );
+ +

These functions work exactly as matches() and imatches() do, only they +check if :this does not match the given pattern.

+ +

alike( anyelement, pattern, description )

+ +

alike( anyelement, pattern )

+ +

ialike( anyelement, pattern, description )

+ +

ialike( anyelement, pattern )

+ +
SELECT alike( :this, 'that%', :description );
+ +

Similar to matches(), alike() matches :this against the SQL LIKE +pattern ‘that%’. ialike() matches case-insensitively.

+ +

So this:

+ +
SELECT ialike( :this, 'that%', 'this is alike that' );
+ +

is similar to:

+ +
SELECT ok( :this ILIKE 'that%', 'this is like that' );
+ +

(Mnemonic “This is like that”.)

+ +

Its advantages over ok() are similar to that of is() and isnt(): Better +diagnostics on failure.

+ +

unalike( anyelement, pattern, description )

+ +

unalike( anyelement, pattern )

+ +

unialike( anyelement, pattern, description )

+ +

unialike( anyelement, pattern )

+ +
SELECT unalike( :this, 'that%', :description );
+ +

Works exactly as alike(), only it checks if :this does not match the +given pattern.

+ +

cmp_ok( anyelement, operator, anyelement, description )

+ +

cmp_ok( anyelement, operator, anyelement )

+ +
SELECT cmp_ok( :this, :op, :that, :description );
+ +

Halfway between ok() and is() lies cmp_ok(). This function allows you to +compare two arguments using any binary operator.

+ +
-- ok( :this = :that );
+SELECT cmp_ok( :this, '=', :that, 'this = that' );
+-- ok( :this >= :that );
+SELECT cmp_ok( :this, '>=, 'this >= that' );
+-- ok( :this && :that );
+SELECT cmp_ok( :this, '&&', :that, 'this && that' );
+ +

Its advantage over ok() is that when the test fails you'll know what :this +and :that were:

+ +
not ok 1
+#     Failed test 1:
+#     '23'
+#         &&
+#     NULL
+ +

Note that if the value returned by the operation is NULL, the test will +be considered to have failed. This may not be what you expect if your test +was, for example:

+ +
SELECT cmp_ok( NULL, '=', NULL );
+ +

But in that case, you should probably use is(), instead.

+ +

pass( description )

+ +


+ +

fail( description )

+ +


+ +
SELECT pass( :description );
+SELECT fail( :description );
+ +

Sometimes you just want to say that the tests have passed. Usually the case is +you've got some complicated condition that is difficult to wedge into an +ok(). In this case, you can simply use pass() (to declare the test ok) or +fail() (for not ok). They are synonyms for ok(1) and ok(0).

+ +

Use these functions very, very, very sparingly.

+ +

isa_ok( value, regtype, name )

+ +

isa_ok( value, regtype )

+ +
SELECT isa_ok( :value, :regtype, name );
+ +

Checks to see if the given value is of a particular type. The description and +diagnostics of this test normally just refer to “the value”. If you'd like +them to be more specific, you can supply a :name. For example you might say +“the return value” when yo're examing the result of a function call:

+ +
SELECT isa_ok( length('foo'), 'integer', 'The return value from length()' );
+ +

In which case the description will be “The return value from length() isa +integer”.

+ +

In the event of a failure, the diagnostic message will tell you what the type +of the value actually is:

+ +
not ok 12 - the value isa integer[]
+#     the value isn't a "integer[]" it's a "boolean"
+ +

Pursuing Your Query

+ +

Sometimes, you've just gotta test a query. I mean the results of a full blown +query, not just the scalar assertion functions we've seen so far. pgTAP +provides a number of functions to help you test your queries, each of which +takes one or two SQL statements as arguments. For example:

+ +
SELECT throws_ok('SELECT divide_by(0)');
+ +

Yes, as strings. Of course, you'll often need to do something complex in your +SQL, and quoting SQL in strings in what is, after all, an SQL application, is +an unnecessary PITA. Each of the query-executing functions in this section +thus support an alternative to make your tests more SQLish: using prepared +statements.

+ +

Prepared statements allow you to just write SQL and simply +pass the prepared statement names to test functions. For example, the above +example can be rewritten as:

+ +
PREPARE mythrow AS SELECT divide_by(0);
+SELECT throws_ok('mythrow');
+ +

pgTAP assumes that an SQL argument without space characters or starting with a +double quote character is a prepared statement and simply EXECUTEs it. If +you need to pass arguments to a prepared statement, perhaps because you plan +to use it in multiple tests to return different values, just EXECUTE it +yourself. Here’s an example with a prepared statement with a space in its +name, and one where arguments need to be passed:

+ +
PREPARE "my test" AS SELECT * FROM active_users() WHERE name LIKE 'A%';
+PREPARE expect AS SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = $1 AND name LIKE $2;
+SELECT results_eq(
+    '"my test"',
+    'EXECUTE expect( true, ''A%'' )'
+ +

Since “my test” was declared with double quotes, it must be passed with double +quotes. And since the call to “expect” included spaces (to keep it legible), +the EXECUTE keyword was required.

+ +

In PostgreSQL 8.2 and up, you can also use a VALUES statement, both in +the query string or in a prepared statement. A useless example:

+ +
PREPARE myvals AS VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4);
+SELECT set_eq(
+    'myvals',
+    'VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4)'
+ +

On PostgreSQL 8.1 and down, you'll have to use UNION queries (if order +doesn’t matter) or temporary tables to pass arbitrary values:

+ +
SET client_min_messages = warning;
+CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stuff (a int, b int);
+INSERT INTO stuff VALUES(1, 2);
+INSERT INTO stuff VALUES(3, 4);
+RESET client_min_messages;
+PREPARE myvals AS SELECT a, b FROM stuff;
+SELECT set_eq(
+    'myvals',
+    'SELECT 1, 2 UNION SELECT 3, 4'
+ +

Here’s a bonus if you need to check the results from a query that returns a +single column: for those functions that take two query arguments, the second +can be an array. Check it out:

+ +
SELECT results_eq(
+    'SELECT * FROM active_user_ids()',
+    ARRAY[ 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ +

The first query must return only one column of the same type as the values +in the array. If you need to test more columns, you'll need to use two +queries.

+ +

Keeping these techniques in mind, read on for all of the query-testing +goodness.

+ +

To Error is Human

+ +

Sometimes you just want to know that a particular query will trigger an error. +Or maybe you want to make sure a query does not trigger an error. For such +cases, we provide a couple of test functions to make sure your queries are as +error-prone as you think they should be.

+ +

throws_ok( sql, errcode, errmsg, description )

+ +

throws_ok( sql, errcode, errmsg )

+ +

throws_ok( sql, errmsg, description )

+ +

throws_ok( sql, errcode )

+ +

throws_ok( sql, errmsg )

+ +

throws_ok( sql )

+ +
PREPARE my_thrower AS INSERT INTO try (id) VALUES (1);
+SELECT throws_ok(
+    'my_thrower',
+    '23505',
+    'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "try_pkey"',
+    'We should get a unique violation for a duplicate PK'
+ +

When you want to make sure that an exception is thrown by PostgreSQL, use +throws_ok() to test for it. Supported by 8.1 and up.

+ +

The first argument should be the name of a prepared statement or else a string +representing the query to be executed (see the summary +for query argument details). throws_ok() will use the PL/pgSQL EXECUTE +statement to execute the query and catch any exception.

+ +

The second argument should be an exception error code, which is a +five-character string (if it happens to consist only of numbers and you pass +it as an integer, it will still work). If this value is not NULL, +throws_ok() will check the thrown exception to ensure that it is the +expected exception. For a complete list of error codes, see Appendix +A. in the PostgreSQL +documentation.

+ +

The third argument is an error message. This will be most useful for functions +you've written that raise exceptions, so that you can test the exception +message that you've thrown. Otherwise, for core errors, you'll need to be +careful of localized error messages. One trick to get around localized error +messages is to pass NULL as the third argument. This allows you to still pass +a description as the fourth argument.

+ +

The fourth argument is of course a brief test description.

+ +

For the two- and three-argument forms of throws_ok(), if the second argument +is exactly five bytes long, it is assumed to be an error code and the optional +third argument is the error message. Otherwise, the second argument is assumed +to be an error message and the third argument is a description. If for some +reason you need to test an error message that is five bytes long, use the +four-argument form.

+ +

A failing throws_ok() test produces an appropriate diagnostic message. For +example:

+ +
# Failed test 81: "This should die a glorious death"
+#       caught: 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "try_pkey"
+#       wanted: 23502: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
+ +

Idea borrowed from the Test::Exception Perl module.

+ +

throws_like( query, pattern, description )

+ +

throws_like( query, pattern )

+ +
PREPARE my_thrower AS INSERT INTO try (tz) VALUES ('America/Moscow');
+SELECT throws_like(
+    'my_thrower',
+    '%"timezone_check"',
+    'We should error for invalid time zone'
+ +

Like throws_ok(), but tests that an exception error message matches an SQL +LIKE pattern. Supported by 8.1 and up.

+ +

A failing throws_like() test produces an appropriate diagnostic message. For +example:

+ +
# Failed test 85: "We should error for invalid time zone"
+#     error message: 'value for domain timezone violates check constraint "tz_check"'
+#     doesn't match: '%"timezone_check"'
+ +

throws_ilike( query, pattern, description )

+ +

throws_ilike( query, pattern )

+ +
PREPARE my_thrower AS INSERT INTO try (tz) VALUES ('America/Moscow');
+SELECT throws_ilike(
+    'my_thrower',
+    '%"TZ_check"',
+    'We should error for invalid time zone'
+ +

Like throws_like(), but case-insensitively compares the exception message to +the SQL LIKE pattern.

+ +

throws_matching( query, regex, description )

+ +

throws_matching( query, regex )

+ +
PREPARE my_thrower AS INSERT INTO try (tz) VALUES ('America/Moscow');
+SELECT throws_matching(
+    'my_thrower',
+    '.+"timezone_check"',
+    'We should error for invalid time zone'
+ +

Like throws_ok(), but tests that an exception error message matches a +regular expression. Supported by 8.1 and up.

+ +

A failing throws_matching() test produces an appropriate diagnostic message. For +example:

+ +
# Failed test 85: "We should error for invalid time zone"
+#     error message: 'value for domain timezone violates check constraint "tz_check"'
+#     doesn't match: '.+"timezone_check"'
+ +

throws_imatching( query, regex, description )

+ +

throws_imatching( query, regex )

+ +
PREPARE my_thrower AS INSERT INTO try (tz) VALUES ('America/Moscow');
+SELECT throws_imatching(
+    'my_thrower',
+    '.+"TZ_check"',
+    'We should error for invalid time zone'
+ +

Like throws_matching(), but case-insensitively compares the exception +message to the regular expression.

+ +

lives_ok( query, description )

+ +

lives_ok( query )

+ +
SELECT lives_ok(
+    'INSERT INTO try (id) VALUES (1)',
+    'We should not get a unique violation for a new PK'
+ +

The inverse of throws_ok(), lives_ok() ensures that an SQL statement does +not throw an exception. Supported by 8.1 and up. Pass in the name of a +prepared statement or string of SQL code (see the +summary for query argument details). The optional +second argument is the test description.

+ +

A failing lives_ok() test produces an appropriate diagnostic message. For +example:

+ +
# Failed test 85: "don't die, little buddy!"
+#         died: 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "try_pkey"
+ +

Idea borrowed from the Test::Exception Perl module.

+ +

performs_ok ( sql, milliseconds, description )

+ +

performs_ok ( sql, milliseconds )

+ +
PREPARE fast_query AS SELECT id FROM try WHERE name = 'Larry';
+SELECT performs_ok(
+    'fast_query',
+    250,
+    'A select by name should be fast'
+ +

This function makes sure that an SQL statement performs well. It does so by +timing its execution and failing if execution takes longer than the specified +number of milliseconds.

+ +

The first argument should be the name of a prepared statement or a string +representing the query to be executed (see the summary +for query argument details). throws_ok() will use the PL/pgSQL EXECUTE +statement to execute the query.

+ +

The second argument is the maximum number of milliseconds it should take for +the SQL statement to execute. This argument is numeric, so you can even use +fractions of milliseconds if it floats your boat.

+ +

The third argument is the usual description. If not provided, performs_ok() +will generate the description “Should run in less than $milliseconds ms”. +You'll likely want to provide your own description if you have more than a +couple of these in a test script or function.

+ +

Should a performs_ok() test fail it produces appropriate diagnostic +messages. For example:

+ +
# Failed test 19: "The lookup should be fast!"
+#       runtime: 200.266 ms
+#       exceeds: 200 ms
+ +

Note: There is a little extra time included in the execution time for the +the overhead of PL/pgSQL’s EXECUTE, which must compile and execute the SQL +string. You will want to account for this and pad your estimates accordingly. +It’s best to think of this as a brute force comparison of runtimes, in order +to ensure that a query is not really slow (think seconds).

+ +

Can You Relate?

+ +

So you've got your basic scalar comparison functions, what about relations? +Maybe you have some pretty hairy SELECT statements in views or functions to +test? We've got your relation-testing functions right here.

+ +

results_eq( sql, sql, description )

+ +

results_eq( sql, sql )

+ +

results_eq( sql, array, description )

+ +

results_eq( sql, array )

+ +

results_eq( cursor, cursor, description )

+ +

results_eq( cursor, cursor )

+ +

results_eq( sql, cursor, description )

+ +

results_eq( sql, cursor )

+ +

results_eq( cursor, sql, description )

+ +

results_eq( cursor, sql )

+ +

results_eq( cursor, array, description )

+ +

results_eq( cursor, array )

+ +
PREPARE users_test AS SELECT * FROM active_users();
+PREPARE users_expect AS
+VALUES ( 42, 'Anna'), (19, 'Strongrrl'),  (39, 'Theory');
+SELECT results_eq( 'users_test', 'users_expect', 'We should have users' );
+ +

There are three ways to test result sets in pgTAP. Perhaps the most intuitive +is to do a direct row-by-row comparison of results to ensure that they are +exactly what you expect, in the order you expect. Coincidentally, this is +exactly how results_eq() behaves. Here’s how you use it: simply pass in two +SQL statements or prepared statement names (or some combination; (see the +summary for query argument details) and an optional +description. Yep, that’s it. It will do the rest.

+ +

For example, say that you have a function, active_users(), that returns a +set of rows from the users table. To make sure that it returns the rows you +expect, you might do something like this:

+ +
SELECT results_eq(
+    'SELECT * FROM active_users()',
+    'SELECT * FROM users WHERE active',
+    'active_users() should return active users'
+ +

Tip: If you're using PostgreSQL 8.2 and up and want to hard-code the values to +compare, use a VALUES statement instead of a query, like so:

+ +
SELECT results_eq(
+    'SELECT * FROM active_users()',
+    $$VALUES ( 42, 'Anna'), (19, 'Strongrrl'), (39, 'Theory')$$,
+    'active_users() should return active users'
+ +

If the results returned by the first argument consist of a single column, the +second argument may be an array:

+ +
SELECT results_eq(
+    'SELECT * FROM active_user_ids()',
+    ARRAY[ 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ +

In general, the use of prepared statements is highly recommended to keep your +test code SQLish (you can even use VALUES in prepared statements in +PostgreSQL 8.2 and up!). But note that, because results_eq() does a +row-by-row comparison, the results of the two query arguments must be in +exactly the same order, with exactly the same data types, in order to pass. In +practical terms, it means that you must make sure that your results are never +unambiguously ordered.

+ +

For example, say that you want to compare queries against a persons table. +The simplest way to sort is by name, as in:

+ +
try=# select * from people order by name;
+  name  | age 
+ Damian |  19
+ Larry  |  53
+ Tom    |  44
+ Tom    |  35
+(4 rows)
+ +

But a different run of the same query could have the rows in different order:

+ +
try=# select * from people order by name;
+  name  | age 
+ Damian |  19
+ Larry  |  53
+ Tom    |  35
+ Tom    |  44
+(4 rows)
+ +

Notice how the two “Tom” rows are reversed. The upshot is that you must ensure +that your queries are always fully ordered. In a case like the above, it means +sorting on both the name column and the age column. If the sort order of +your results isn’t important, consider using set_eq() or bag_eq() instead.

+ +

Internally, results_eq() turns your SQL statements into cursors so that it +can iterate over them one row at a time. Conveniently, this behavior is +directly available to you, too. Rather than pass in some arbitrary SQL +statement or the name of a prepared statement, simply create a cursor and pass +it in, like so:

+ +
DECLARE cwant CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM active_users();
+SELECT results_eq(
+    'cwant'::refcursor,
+    'chave'::refcursor,
+    'Gotta have those active users!'
+ +

The key is to ensure that the cursor names are passed as refcursors. This +allows results_eq() to disambiguate them from prepared statements. And of +course, you can mix and match cursors, prepared statements, and SQL as much as +you like. Here’s an example using a prepared statement and a (reset) cursor +for the expected results:

+ +
PREPARE users_test AS SELECT * FROM active_users();
+SELECT results_eq(
+    'users_test',
+    'chave'::refcursor,
+    'Gotta have those active users!'
+ +

Regardless of which types of arguments you pass, in the event of a test +failure, results_eq() will offer a nice diagnostic message to tell you at +what row the results differ, something like:

+ +
# Failed test 146
+#     Results differ beginning at row 3:
+#         have: (1,Anna)
+#         want: (22,Betty)
+ +

If there are different numbers of rows in each result set, a non-existent row +will be represented as “NULL”:

+ +
# Failed test 147
+#     Results differ beginning at row 5:
+#         have: (1,Anna)
+#         want: NULL
+ +

On PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher, if the number of columns varies between result +sets, or if results are of different data types, you'll get diagnostics like +so:

+ +
# Failed test 148
+#     Column types differ between queries:
+#         have: (1)
+#         want: (foo,1)
+ +

On PostgreSQL 8.3 and down, the rows are cast to text for comparison, rather +than compared as record objects. The downside to this necessity is that the +test cannot detect incompatibilities in column numbers or types, or +differences in columns that convert to the same text representation. For +example, a NULL column will be equivalent to an empty string. The upshot: +read failure diagnostics carefully and pay attention to data types on 8.3 and +down.

+ +

results_ne( sql, sql, description )

+ +

results_ne( sql, sql )

+ +

results_ne( sql, array, description )

+ +

results_ne( sql, array )

+ +

results_ne( cursor, cursor, description )

+ +

results_ne( cursor, cursor )

+ +

results_ne( sql, cursor, description )

+ +

results_ne( sql, cursor )

+ +

results_ne( cursor, sql, description )

+ +

results_ne( cursor, sql )

+ +

results_ne( cursor, array, description )

+ +

results_ne( cursor, array )

+ +
PREPARE users_test AS SELECT * FROM active_users();
+PREPARE not_users AS
+VALUES ( 42, 'Anna'), (19, 'Strongrrl'),  (39, 'Theory');
+SELECT results_ne( 'users_test', 'not_users', 'We should get only users' );
+ +

The inverse of results_eq(), this function tests that query results are not +equivalent. Note that, like results_ne(), order matters, so you can actually +have the same sets of results in the two query arguments and the test will +pass if they're merely in a different order. More than likely what you really +want is results_eq() or set_ne(). But this function is included for +completeness and is kind of cute, so enjoy. If a results_ne() test fails, +however, there will be no diagnostics, because, well, the results will be the +same!

+ +

Note that the caveats for results_ne() on PostgreSQL 8.3 and down apply to +results_ne() as well.

+ +

set_eq( sql, sql, description )

+ +

set_eq( sql, sql )

+ +

set_eq( sql, array, description )

+ +

set_eq( sql, array )

+ +
PREPARE testq  AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE expect AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'a%';
+SELECT set_eq( 'testq', 'expect', 'gotta have the A listers' );
+ +

Sometimes you don’t care what order query results are in, or if there are +duplicates. In those cases, use set_eq() to do a simple set comparison of +your result sets. As long as both queries return the same records, regardless +of duplicates or ordering, a set_eq() test will pass.

+ +

The SQL arguments can be the names of prepared statements or strings +containing an SQL query (see the summary for query +argument details), or even one of each. If the results returned by the first +argument consist of a single column, the second argument may be an array:

+ +
SELECT set_eq(
+    'SELECT * FROM active_user_ids()',
+    ARRAY[ 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ +

In whatever case you choose to pass arguments, a failing test will yield +useful diagnostics, such as:

+ +
# Failed test 146
+#     Extra records:
+#         (87,Jackson)
+#         (1,Jacob)
+#     Missing records:
+#         (44,Anna)
+#         (86,Angelina)
+ +

In the event that you somehow pass queries that return rows with different +types of columns, pgTAP will tell you that, too:

+ +
# Failed test 147
+#     Columns differ between queries:
+#         have: (integer,text)
+#         want: (text,integer)
+ +

This of course extends to sets with different numbers of columns:

+ +
# Failed test 148
+#     Columns differ between queries:
+#         have: (integer)
+#         want: (text,integer)
+ +

set_ne( sql, sql, description )

+ +

set_ne( sql, sql )

+ +

set_ne( sql, array, description )

+ +

set_ne( sql, array )

+ +
PREPARE testq  AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE expect AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'b%';
+SELECT set_ne( 'testq', 'expect', 'gotta have the A listers' );
+ +

The inverse of set_eq(), this function tests that the results of two queries +are not the same. The two queries can as usual be the names of prepared +statements or strings containing an SQL query (see the +summary for query argument details), or even one of +each. The two queries, however, must return results that are directly +comparable — that is, with the same number and types of columns in the same +orders. If it happens that the query you're testing returns a single column, +the second argument may be an array.

+ +

set_has( sql, sql, description )

+ +

set_has( sql, sql )

+ +
PREPARE testq  AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE subset AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'a%';
+SELECT set_has( 'testq', 'subset', 'gotta have at least the A listers' );
+ +

When you need to test that a query returns at least some subset of records, +set_has() is the hammer you're looking for. It tests that the the results of +a query contain at least the results returned by another query, if not more. +That is, the test passes if the second query’s results are a subset of the +first query’s results. The second query can even return an empty set, in which +case the test will pass no matter what the first query returns. Not very +useful perhaps, but set-theoretically correct.

+ +

As with set_eq(). the SQL arguments can be the names of prepared statements +or strings containing an SQL query (see the summary +for query argument details), or one of each. If it happens that the query +you're testing returns a single column, the second argument may be an array.

+ +

In whatever case, a failing test will yield useful diagnostics just like:

+ +
# Failed test 122
+#     Missing records:
+#         (44,Anna)
+#         (86,Angelina)
+ +

As with set_eq(), set_has() will also provide useful diagnostics when the +queries return incompatible columns. Internally, it uses an EXCEPT query to +determine if there any any unexpectedly missing results.

+ +

set_hasnt( sql, sql, description )

+ +

set_hasnt( sql, sql )

+ +
PREPARE testq   AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE exclude AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'b%';
+SELECT set_has( 'testq', 'exclude', 'Must not have the Bs' );
+ +

This test function is the inverse of set_has(): the test passes when the +results of the first query have none of the results of the second query. +Diagnostics are similarly useful:

+ +
# Failed test 198
+#     Extra records:
+#         (44,Anna)
+#         (86,Angelina)
+ +

Internally, the function uses an INTERSECT query to determine if there is +any unexpected overlap between the query results.

+ +

bag_eq( sql, sql, description )

+ +

bag_eq( sql, sql )

+ +

bag_eq( sql, array, description )

+ +

bag_eq( sql, array )

+ +
PREPARE testq  AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE expect AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'a%';
+SELECT bag_eq( 'testq', 'expect', 'gotta have the A listers' );
+ +

The bag_eq() function is just like set_eq(), except that it considers the +results as bags rather than as sets. A bag is a set that allows duplicates. In +practice, it mean that you can use bag_eq() to test result sets where order +doesn’t matter, but duplication does. In other words, if a two rows are the +same in the first result set, the same row must appear twice in the second +result set.

+ +

Otherwise, this function behaves exactly like set_eq(), including the +utility of its diagnostics.

+ +

bag_ne( sql, sql, description )

+ +

bag_ne( sql, sql )

+ +

bag_ne( sql, array, description )

+ +

bag_ne( sql, array )

+ +
PREPARE testq  AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE expect AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'b%';
+SELECT bag_ne( 'testq', 'expect', 'gotta have the A listers' );
+ +

The inverse of bag_eq(), this function tests that the results of two queries +are not the same, including duplicates. The two queries can as usual be the +names of prepared statements or strings containing an SQL query (see the +summary for query argument details), or even one of +each. The two queries, however, must return results that are directly +comparable — that is, with the same number and types of columns in the same +orders. If it happens that the query you're testing returns a single column, +the second argument may be an array.

+ +

bag_has( sql, sql, description )

+ +

bag_has( sql, sql )

+ +
PREPARE testq  AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE subset AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'a%';
+SELECT bag_has( 'testq', 'subset', 'gotta have at least the A listers' );
+ +

The bag_has() function is just like set_has(), except that it considers +the results as bags rather than as sets. A bag is a set with duplicates. What +practice this means that you can use bag_has() to test result sets where +order doesn’t matter, but duplication does. Internally, it uses an EXCEPT +ALL query to determine if there any any unexpectedly missing results.

+ +

bag_hasnt( sql, sql, description )

+ +

bag_hasnt( sql, sql )

+ +
PREPARE testq   AS SELECT * FROM users('a%');
+PREPARE exclude AS SELECT * FROM USERS where name LIKE 'b%';
+SELECT bag_has( 'testq', 'exclude', 'Must not have the Bs' );
+ +

This test function is the inverse of bag_hasnt(): the test passes when the +results of the first query have none of the results of the second query. +Diagnostics are similarly useful:

+ +
# Failed test 198
+#     Extra records:
+#         (44,Anna)
+#         (86,Angelina)
+ +

Internally, the function uses an INTERSECT ALL query to determine if there +is any unexpected overlap between the query results. This means that a +duplicate row in the first query will appear twice in the diagnostics if it is +also duplicated in the second query.

+ +

is_empty( sql, description )

+ +

is_empty( sql )

+ +
PREPARE emptyset  AS SELECT * FROM users(FALSE);
+SELECT is_empty( 'emptyset', 'Should have no inactive users' );
+ +

The is_empty() function takes a single query string or prepared statement +name as its first argument, and tests that said query returns no records. +Internally it simply executes the query and if there are any results, the test +fails and the results are displayed in the failure diagnostics, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 494: "Should have no inactive users"
+#     Records returned:
+#         (1,Jacob,false)
+#         (2,Emily,false)
+ +

row_eq( sql, record, description )

+ +

row_eq( sql, record )

+ +
PREPARE testrow  AS SELECT * FROM users where nick = 'theory';
+SELECT row_eq('testrow', ROW(1, 'theory', 'David Wheeler')::users);
+ +

Compares the contents of a single row to a record. Works on PostgreSQL 8.1 and +higher. Due to the limitations of non-C functions in PostgreSQL, a bar +RECORD value cannot be passed to the function. You must instead pass in a +valid composite type value, and cast the record argument (the second argument) +to the same type. Both explicitly created composite types and table types are +supported. Thus, you can do this:

+ +
CREATE TYPE sometype AS (
+    id    INT,
+    name  TEXT
+SELECT row_eq( ROW(1, 'foo')::sometype, ROW(1, 'foo')::sometype );
+ +

And, of course, thins:

+ +
+    id   INT,
+    name TEXT
+INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'theory');
+SELECT row_eq( id, name), ROW(1, 'theory')::users )
+  FROM users;
+ +

Compatible types can be compared, though. So if the users table actually +included an active column, for example, and you only wanted to test the +id and name, you could do this:

+ +
SELECT row_eq( id, name), ROW(1, 'theory')::sometype )
+  FROM users;
+ +

Note the use of the sometype composite type for the second argument. The +upshot is that you can create composite types in your tests explicitly for +comparing the rerutn values of your queries, if such queries don’t return an +existing valid type.

+ +

Hopefully someday in the future we'll be able to support arbitrary record +arguments. In the meantime, this is the 90% solution.

+ +

Diagnostics on failure are similar to those from is():

+ +
# Failed test 322
+#       have: (1,Jacob)
+#       want: (1,Larry)
+ +

The Schema Things

+ +

Need to make sure that your database is designed just the way you think it +should be? Use these test functions and rest easy.

+ +

A note on comparisons: pgTAP uses a simple equivalence test (=) to compare +all SQL identifiers, such as the names of tables, schemas, functions, indexes, +and columns (but not data types). So in general, you should always use +lowercase strings when passing identifier arguments to the functions below. +Use mixed case strings only when the objects were declared in your schema +using double-quotes. For example, if you created a table like so:

+ +
CREATE TABLE Foo (id integer);
+ +

Then you must test for it using only lowercase characters (if you want the +test to pass):

+ +
SELECT has_table('foo');
+ +

If, however, you declared the table using a double-quoted string, like so:

+ +
CREATE TABLE "Foo" (id integer);
+ +

Then you'd need to test for it using exactly the same string, including case, +like so:

+ +
SELECT has_table('Foo');
+ +

In general, this should not be an issue, as mixed-case objects are created +only rarely. So if you just stick to lowercase-only arguments to these +functions, you should be in good shape.

+ +

I Object!

+ +

In a busy development environment, you might have a number of users who make +changes to the database schema. Sometimes you have to really work to keep +these folks in line. For example, do they add objects to the database without +adding tests? Do they drop objects that they shouldn’t? These assertions are +designed to help you ensure that the objects in the database are exactly the +objects that should be in the database, no more, no less.

+ +

Each tests tests that all of the objects in the database are only the objects +that should be there. In other words, given a list of objects, say tables in +a call to tables_are(), this assertion will fail if there are tables that +are not in the list, or if there are tables in the list that are missing from +the database. It can also be useful for testing replication and the success or +failure of schema change deployments.

+ +

If you're more interested in the specifics of particular objects, skip to +the next section.

+ +

tablespaces_are( tablespaces, description )

+ +

tablespaces_are( tablespaces )

+ +
SELECT tablespaces_are(
+    ARRAY[ 'dbspace', 'indexspace' ],
+    'Should have the correct tablespaces'
+ +

This function tests that all of the tablespaces in the database only the +tablespaces that should be there. In the event of a failure, you'll see +diagnostics listing the extra and/or missing tablespaces, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 121: "There should be the correct tablespaces"
+#     Extra tablespaces:
+#         trigspace
+#     Missing tablespaces:
+#         indexspace
+ +

schemas_are( schemas, description )

+ +

schemas_are( schemas )

+ +
SELECT schemas_are(
+    ARRAY[ 'public', 'contrib', 'tap' ],
+    'Should have the correct schemas'
+ +

This function tests that all of the schemas in the database only the schemas +that should be there, excluding system schemas and information_schema. In +the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing schemas, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 106: "There should be the correct schemas"
+#     Extra schemas:
+#         __howdy__
+#     Missing schemas:
+#         someschema
+ +

tables_are( schema, tables, description )

+ +

tables_are( tables, description )

+ +

tables_are( schema, tables )

+ +

tables_are( tables )

+ +
SELECT tables_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'users', 'widgets', 'gadgets', 'session' ],
+    'Should have the correct tables in myschema'
+ +

This function tests that all of the tables in the named schema, or that are +visible in the search path, are only the tables that should be there. If the +:schema argument is omitted, tables will be sought in the search path, +excluding pg_catalog and information_schema If the description is omitted, +a generally useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing tables, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 91: "Schema public should have the correct tables"
+#     Extra tables:
+#         mallots
+#         __test_table
+#     Missing tables:
+#         users
+#         widgets
+ +

views_are( schema, views, description )

+ +

views_are( views, description )

+ +

views_are( schema, views )

+ +

views_are( views )

+ +
SELECT views_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'users', 'widgets', 'gadgets', 'session' ],
+    'Should have the correct views in myschema'
+ +

This function tests that all of the views in the named schema, or that are +visible in the search path, are only the views that should be there. If the +:schema argument is omitted, views will be sought in the search path, +excluding pg_catalog and information_schema If the description is omitted, +a generally useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing views, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 92: "Schema public should have the correct views"
+#     Extra views:
+#         v_userlog_tmp
+#         __test_view
+#     Missing views:
+#         v_userlog
+#         eated
+ +

sequences_are( schema, sequences, description )

+ +

sequences_are( sequences, description )

+ +

sequences_are( schema, sequences )

+ +

sequences_are( sequences )

+ +
SELECT sequences_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'users', 'widgets', 'gadgets', 'session' ],
+    'Should have the correct sequences in myschema'
+ +

This function tests that all of the sequences in the named schema, or that are +visible in the search path, are only the sequences that should be there. If +the :schema argument is omitted, sequences will be sought in the search +path, excluding pg_catalog and information_schema. If the description is +omitted, a generally useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing sequences, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 93: "Schema public should have the correct sequences"
+#     These are extra sequences:
+#         seq_mallots
+#         __test_table_seq
+#     These sequences are missing:
+#         users_seq
+#         widgets_seq
+ +

columns_are( schema, table, columns[], description )

+ +

columns_are( schema, table, columns[] )

+ +

columns_are( table, columns[], description )

+ +

columns_are( table, columns[] )

+ +
SELECT columns_are(
+    'myschema',
+    'atable',
+    ARRAY[ 'id', 'name', 'rank', 'sn' ],
+    'Should have the correct columns on myschema.atable'
+ +

This function tests that all of the columns on the named table are only the +columns that should be on that table. If the :schema argument is omitted, +the table must be visible in the search path, excluding pg_catalog and +information_schema. If the description is omitted, a generally useful +default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing columns, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 183: "Table users should have the correct columns"
+#     Extra columns:
+#         given_name
+#         surname
+#     Missing columns:
+#         name
+ +

indexes_are( schema, table, indexes[], description )

+ +

indexes_are( schema, table, indexes[] )

+ +

indexes_are( table, indexes[], description )

+ +

indexes_are( table, indexes[] )

+ +
SELECT indexes_are(
+    'myschema',
+    'atable',
+    ARRAY[ 'atable_pkey', 'idx_atable_name' ],
+    'Should have the correct indexes on myschema.atable'
+ +

This function tests that all of the indexes on the named table are only the +indexes that should be on that table. If the :schema argument is omitted, +the table must be visible in the search path, excluding pg_catalog and +information_schema. If the description is omitted, a generally useful +default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing indexes, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 180: "Table fou should have the correct indexes"
+#     Extra indexes:
+#         fou_pkey
+#     Missing indexes:
+#         idx_fou_name
+ +

triggers_are( schema, table, triggers[], description )

+ +

triggers_are( schema, table, triggers[] )

+ +

triggers_are( table, triggers[], description )

+ +

triggers_are( table, triggers[] )

+ +
SELECT triggers_are(
+    'myschema',
+    'atable',
+    ARRAY[ 'atable_pkey', 'idx_atable_name' ],
+    'Should have the correct triggers on myschema.atable'
+ +

This function tests that all of the triggers on the named table are only the +triggers that should be on that table. If the :schema argument is omitted, +the table must be visible in the search path, excluding pg_catalog and +information_schema. If the description is omitted, a generally useful +default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing triggers, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 180: "Table fou should have the correct triggers"
+#     Extra triggers:
+#         set_user_pass
+#     Missing triggers:
+#         set_users_pass
+ +

functions_are( schema, functions[], description )

+ +

functions_are( schema, functions[] )

+ +

functions_are( functions[], description )

+ +

functions_are( functions[] )

+ +
SELECT functions_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'foo', 'bar', 'frobnitz' ],
+    'Should have the correct functions in myschema'
+ +

This function tests that all of the functions in the named schema, or that are +visible in the search path, are only the functions that should be there. If +the :schema argument is omitted, functions will be sought in the search +path, excluding pg_catalog and information_schema If the description is +omitted, a generally useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing functions, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 150: "Schema someschema should have the correct functions"
+#     Extra functions:
+#         schnauzify
+#     Missing functions:
+#         frobnitz
+ +

roles_are( roles[], description )

+ +

roles_are( roles[] )

+ +
SELECT roles_are(
+    ARRAY[ 'postgres', 'someone', 'root' ],
+    'Should have the correct roles'
+ +

This function tests that all of the roles in the database only the roles that +should be there. Supported in PostgreSQL 8.1 and higher. In the event of a +failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or missing roles, like +so:

+ +
# Failed test 195: "There should be the correct roles"
+#     Extra roles:
+#         root
+#     Missing roles:
+#         bobby
+ +

users_are( users[], description )

+ +

users_are( users[] )

+ +
SELECT users_are(
+    ARRAY[ 'postgres', 'someone', 'root' ],
+    'Should have the correct users'
+ +

This function tests that all of the users in the database only the users that +should be there. In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing +the extra and/or missing users, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 195: "There should be the correct users"
+#     Extra users:
+#         root
+#     Missing users:
+#         bobby
+ +

groups_are( groups[], description )

+ +

groups_are( groups[] )

+ +
SELECT groups_are(
+    ARRAY[ 'postgres', 'admins, 'l0s3rs' ],
+    'Should have the correct groups'
+ +

This function tests that all of the groups in the database only the groups +that should be there. In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics +listing the extra and/or missing groups, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 210: "There should be the correct groups"
+#     Extra groups:
+#         meanies
+#     Missing groups:
+#         __howdy__
+ +

languages_are( languages[], description )

+ +

languages_are( languages[] )

+ +
SELECT languages_are(
+    ARRAY[ 'plpgsql', 'plperl', 'pllolcode' ],
+    'Should have the correct procedural languages'
+ +

This function tests that all of the procedural languages in the database only +the languages that should be there. In the event of a failure, you'll see +diagnostics listing the extra and/or missing languages, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 225: "There should be the correct procedural languages"
+#     Extra languages:
+#         pllolcode
+#     Missing languages:
+#         plpgsql
+ +

opclasses_are( schema, opclasses[], description )

+ +

opclasses_are( schema, opclasses[] )

+ +

opclasses_are( opclasses[], description )

+ +

opclasses_are( opclasses[] )

+ +
SELECT opclasses_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'foo', 'bar', 'frobnitz' ],
+    'Should have the correct opclasses in myschema'
+ +

This function tests that all of the operator classes in the named schema, or +that are visible in the search path, are only the opclasses that should be +there. If the :schema argument is omitted, opclasses will be sought in the +search path, excluding pg_catalog and information_schema. If the +description is omitted, a generally useful default description will be +generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing opclasses, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 251: "Schema public should have the correct operator classes"
+#     Extra operator classes:
+#         goofy_ops
+#     Missing operator classes:
+#         custom_ops
+ +

rules_are( schema, table, rules[], description )

+ +

rules_are( schema, table, rules[] )

+ +

rules_are( table, rules[], description )

+ +

rules_are( table, rules[] )

+ +
SELECT rules_are(
+    'myschema',
+    'atable',
+    ARRAY[ 'on_insert', 'on_update', 'on_delete' ],
+    'Should have the correct rules on myschema.atable'
+ +

This function tests that all of the rules on the named relation are only the +rules that should be on that relation (a table or a view). If the :schema +argument is omitted, the rules must be visible in the search path, excluding +pg_catalog and information_schema. If the description is omitted, a +generally useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing rules, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 281: "Relation public.users should have the correct rules"
+#     Extra rules:
+#         on_select
+#     Missing rules:
+#         on_delete
+ +

types_are( schema, types[], description )

+ +

types_are( schema, types[] )

+ +

types_are( types[], description )

+ +

types_are( types[] )

+ +
SELECT types_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'timezone', 'state' ],
+    'Should have the correct types in myschema'
+ +

Tests that all of the types in the named schema are the only types in that +schema, including base types, composite types, domains, enums, and +pseudo-types. If the :schema argument is omitted, the types must be visible +in the search path, excluding pg_catalog and information_schema. If the +description is omitted, a generally useful default description will be +generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing types, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 307: "Schema someschema should have the correct types"
+#     Extra types:
+#         sometype
+#     Missing types:
+#         timezone
+ +

domains_are( schema, domains[], description )

+ +

domains_are( schema, domains[] )

+ +

domains_are( domains[], description )

+ +

domains_are( domains[] )

+ +
SELECT domains_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'timezone', 'state' ],
+    'Should have the correct domains in myschema'
+ +

Tests that all of the domains in the named schema are the only domains in that +schema. If the :schema argument is omitted, the domains must be visible in +the search path, excluding pg_catalog and information_schema. If the +description is omitted, a generally useful default description will be +generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing domains, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 327: "Schema someschema should have the correct domains"
+#     Extra domains:
+#         somedomain
+#     Missing domains:
+#         timezone
+ +

enums_are( schema, enums[], description )

+ +

enums_are( schema, enums[] )

+ +

enums_are( enums[], description )

+ +

enums_are( enums[] )

+ +
SELECT enums_are(
+    'myschema',
+    ARRAY[ 'timezone', 'state' ],
+    'Should have the correct enums in myschema'
+ +

Tests that all of the enums in the named schema are the only enums in that +schema. Enums are supported in PostgreSQL 8.3 and up. If the :schema +argument is omitted, the enums must be visible in the search path, excluding +pg_catalog and information_schema. If the description is omitted, a +generally useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing enums, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 333: "Schema someschema should have the correct enums"
+#     Extra enums:
+#         someenum
+#     Missing enums:
+#         bug_status
+ +

casts_are( casts[], description )

+ +

casts_are( casts[] )

+ +
SELECT casts_are(
+    ARRAY[
+        'integer AS double precision',
+        'integer AS reltime',
+        'integer AS numeric',
+        -- ...
+    ]
+    'Should have the correct casts'
+ +

This function tests that all of the casts in the database are only the casts +that should be in that database. Casts are specified as strings in a syntax +similarly to how they're declared via CREATE CAST. The pattern is +:source_type AS :target_type. If the description is omitted, a generally +useful default description will be generated.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing casts, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 302: "There should be the correct casts"
+#     Extra casts:
+#         lseg AS point
+#     Missing casts:
+#         lseg AS integer
+ +

operators_are( schema, operators[], description )

+ +

operators_are( schema, operators[] )

+ +

operators_are( operators[], description )

+ +

operators_are( operators[] )

+ +
SELECT operators_are(
+    'public',
+    ARRAY[
+        '=(citext,citext) RETURNS boolean',
+        '-(NONE,bigint) RETURNS bigint',
+        '!(bigint,NONE) RETURNS numeric',
+        -- ...
+    ],
+    ''
+ +

Tests that all of the operators in the named schema are the only operators in +that schema. If the :schema argument is omitted, the operators must be +visible in the search path, excluding pg_catalog and information_schema. +If the description is omitted, a generally useful default description will be +generated.

+ +

The :operators argument is specified as an array of strings in which +each operator is defined similarly to the display of the :regoperator type. +The format is :op(:leftop,:rightop) RETURNS :return_type.

+ +

For left operators the left argument type should be NONE. For right +operators, the right argument type should be NONE. The example above shows +one one of each of the operator types. =(citext,citext) is an infix +operator, -(bigint,NONE) is a left operator, and `!(NONE,bigint)‘ is a right +operator.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll see diagnostics listing the extra and/or +missing operators, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 453: "Schema public should have the correct operators"
+#     Extra operators:
+#         +(integer,integer) RETURNS integer
+#     Missing enums:
+#         +(integer,text) RETURNS text
+ +

To Have or Have Not

+ +

Perhaps you're not so concerned with ensuring the precise correlation of +database objects. Perhaps you just need to make sure +that certain objects exist (or that certain objects don’t exist). You've +come to the right place.

+ +

has_tablespace( tablespace, location, description )

+ +

has_tablespace( tablespace, description )

+ +

has_tablespace( tablespace )

+ +
SELECT has_tablespace(
+    'sometablespace',
+    '/data/dbs',
+    'I got sometablespace in /data/dbs'
+ +

This function tests whether or not a tablespace exists in the database. The +first argument is a tablespace name. The second is either the a file system +path for the database or a test description. If you specify a location path, +you must pass a description as the third argument; otherwise, if you omit the +test description, it will be set to “Tablespace :tablespace should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_tablespace( tablespace, tablespace, description )

+ +

hasnt_tablespace( tablespace, description )

+ +

hasnt_tablespace( tablespace )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_tablespace(
+    'sometablespace',
+    'There should be no tablespace sometablespace'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_tablespace(). The test passes if the +specified tablespace does not exist.

+ +

has_schema( schema, description )

+ +

has_schema( schema )

+ +
SELECT has_schema(
+    'someschema',
+    'I got someschema'
+ +

This function tests whether or not a schema exists in the database. The first +argument is a schema name and the second is the test description. If you omit +the schema, the schema must be visible in the search path. If you omit the +test description, it will be set to “Schema :schema should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_schema( schema, schema, description )

+ +

hasnt_schema( schema, description )

+ +

hasnt_schema( schema )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_schema(
+    'someschema',
+    'There should be no schema someschema'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_schema(). The test passes if the +specified schema does not exist.

+ +

has_table( schema, table, description )

+ +

has_table( table, description )

+ +

has_table( table )

+ +
SELECT has_table(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'I got myschema.sometable'
+ +

This function tests whether or not a table exists in the database. The first +argument is a schema name, the second is a table name, and the third is the +test description. If you omit the schema, the table must be visible in the +search path. If you omit the test description, it will be set to “Table +:table should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_table( schema, table, description )

+ +

hasnt_table( table, description )

+ +

hasnt_table( table )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_table(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'There should be no table myschema.sometable'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_table(). The test passes if the +specified table does not exist.

+ +

has_view( schema, view, description )

+ +

has_view( view, description )

+ +

has_view( view )

+ +
SELECT has_view(
+    'myschema',
+    'someview',
+    'I got myschema.someview'
+ +

Just like has_table(), only it tests for the existence of a view.

+ +

hasnt_view( schema, view, description )

+ +

hasnt_view( view, description )

+ +

hasnt_view( view )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_view(
+    'myschema',
+    'someview',
+    'There should be no myschema.someview'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_view(). The test passes if the specified +view does not exist.

+ +

has_sequence( schema, sequence, description )

+ +

has_sequence( sequence, description )

+ +

has_sequence( sequence )

+ +
SELECT has_sequence(
+    'myschema',
+    'somesequence',
+    'I got myschema.somesequence'
+ +

Just like has_table(), only it tests for the existence of a sequence.

+ +

hasnt_sequence( schema, sequence, description )

+ +

hasnt_sequence( sequence, description )

+ +

hasnt_sequence( sequence )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_sequence(
+    'myschema',
+    'somesequence',
+    'There should be no myschema.somesequence'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_sequence(). The test passes if the +specified sequence does not exist.

+ +

has_type( schema, type, description )

+ +

has_type( schema, type )

+ +

has_type( type, description )

+ +

has_type( type )

+ +
SELECT has_type(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometype',
+    'I got myschema.sometype'
+ +

This function tests whether or not a type exists in the database. Detects all +types of types, including base types, composite types, domains, enums, and +pseudo-types. The first argument is a schema name, the second is a type name, +and the third is the test description. If you omit the schema, the type must +be visible in the search path. If you omit the test description, it will be +set to “Type :type should exist”. If you're passing a schema and type rather +than type and description, be sure to cast the arguments to name values so +that your type name doesn’t get treated as a description.

+ +

If you've created a composite type and want to test that the composed types +are a part of it, use the column testing functions to verify them, like so:

+ +
CREATE TYPE foo AS (id int, name text);
+SELECT has_type( 'foo' );
+SELECT has_column( 'foo', 'id' );
+SELECT col_type_is( 'foo', 'id', 'integer' );
+ +

hasnt_type( schema, type, description )

+ +

hasnt_type( schema, type )

+ +

hasnt_type( type, description )

+ +

hasnt_type( type )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_type(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometype',
+    'There should be no type myschema.sometype'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_type(). The test passes if the specified +type does not exist.

+ +

has_domain( schema, domain, description )

+ +

has_domain( schema, domain )

+ +

has_domain( domain, description )

+ +

has_domain( domain )

+ +
SELECT has_domain(
+    'myschema',
+    'somedomain',
+    'I got myschema.somedomain'
+ +

This function tests whether or not a domain exists in the database. The first +argument is a schema name, the second is the name of a domain, and the third +is the test description. If you omit the schema, the domain must be visible in +the search path. If you omit the test description, it will be set to “Domain +:domain should exist”. If you're passing a schema and domain rather than +domain and description, be sure to cast the arguments to name values so that +your domain name doesn’t get treated as a description.

+ +

hasnt_domain( schema, domain, description )

+ +

hasnt_domain( schema, domain )

+ +

hasnt_domain( domain, description )

+ +

hasnt_domain( domain )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_domain(
+    'myschema',
+    'somedomain',
+    'There should be no domain myschema.somedomain'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_domain(). The test passes if the +specified domain does not exist.

+ +

has_enum( schema, enum, description )

+ +

has_enum( schema, enum )

+ +

has_enum( enum, description )

+ +

has_enum( enum )

+ +
SELECT has_enum(
+    'myschema',
+    'someenum',
+    'I got myschema.someenum'
+ +

This function tests whether or not a enum exists in the database. Enums are +supported in PostgreSQL 8.3 or higher. The first argument is a schema name, +the second is the an enum name, and the third is the test description. If you +omit the schema, the enum must be visible in the search path. If you omit the +test description, it will be set to “Enum :enum should exist”. If you're +passing a schema and enum rather than enum and description, be sure to cast +the arguments to name values so that your enum name doesn’t get treated as a +description.

+ +

hasnt_enum( schema, enum, description )

+ +

hasnt_enum( schema, enum )

+ +

hasnt_enum( enum, description )

+ +

hasnt_enum( enum )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_enum(
+    'myschema',
+    'someenum',
+    'I don''t got myschema.someenum'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_enum(). The test passes if the specified +enum does not exist.

+ +

has_index( schema, table, index, columns[], description )

+ +

has_index( schema, table, index, columns[] )

+ +

has_index( schema, table, index, column/expression, description )

+ +

has_index( schema, table, index, columns/expression )

+ +

has_index( table, index, columns[], description )

+ +

has_index( table, index, columns[], description )

+ +

has_index( table, index, column/expression, description )

+ +

has_index( schema, table, index, column/expression )

+ +

has_index( table, index, column/expression )

+ +

has_index( schema, table, index )

+ +

has_index( table, index, description )

+ +

has_index( table, index )

+ +
SELECT has_index(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'myindex',
+    ARRAY[ 'somecolumn', 'anothercolumn' ],
+    'Index "myindex" should exist'
+SELECT has_index('myschema', 'sometable', 'anidx', 'somecolumn');
+SELECT has_index('myschema', 'sometable', 'loweridx', 'LOWER(somecolumn)');
+SELECT has_index('sometable', 'someindex');
+ +

Checks for the existence of an index associated with the named table. The +:schema argument is optional, as is the column name or names or expression, +and the description. The columns argument may be a string naming one column or +an array of column names. It may also be a string representing an expression, +such as lower(foo). For expressions, you must use lowercase for all SQL +keywords and functions to properly compare to PostgreSQL’s internal form of +the expression.

+ +

If you find that the function call seems to be getting confused, cast the +index name to the NAME type:

+ +
SELECT has_index( 'public', 'sometab', 'idx_foo', 'name'::name );
+ +

If the index does not exist, has_index() will output a diagnostic message +such as:

+ +
# Index "blah" ON public.sometab not found
+ +

If the index was found but the column specification or expression is +incorrect, the diagnostics will look more like this:

+ +
#       have: "idx_baz" ON public.sometab(lower(name))
+#       want: "idx_baz" ON public.sometab(lower(lname))
+ +

hasnt_index( schema, table, index, description )

+ +

hasnt_index( schema, table, index )

+ +

hasnt_index( table, index, description )

+ +

hasnt_index( table, index )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_index(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'someindex',
+    'Index "someindex" should not exist'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_index(). The test passes if the +specified index does not exist.

+ +

has_trigger( schema, table, trigger, description )

+ +

has_trigger( schema, table, trigger )

+ +

has_trigger( table, trigger, description )

+ +

has_trigger( table, trigger )

+ +
SELECT has_trigger(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'sometrigger',
+    'Trigger "sometrigger" should exist'
+SELECT has_trigger( 'sometable', 'sometrigger' );
+ +

Tests to see if the specified table has the named trigger. The :description +is optional, and if the schema is omitted, the table with which the trigger is +associated must be visible in the search path.

+ +

hasnt_trigger( schema, table, trigger, description )

+ +

hasnt_trigger( schema, table, trigger )

+ +

hasnt_trigger( table, trigger, description )

+ +

hasnt_trigger( table, trigger )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_trigger(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'sometrigger',
+    'Trigger "sometrigger" should not exist'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_trigger(). The test passes if the +specified trigger does not exist.

+ +

has_rule( schema, table, rule, description )

+ +

has_rule( schema, table, rule )

+ +

has_rule( table, rule, description )

+ +

has_rule( table, rule )

+ +
SELECT has_rule(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somerule,
+    'Trigger "somerule" should exist'
+SELECT has_rule( 'sometable', 'somerule' );
+ +

Tests to see if the specified table has the named rule. The :description is +optional, and if the schema is omitted, the table with which the trigger is +associated must be visible in the search path.

+ +

hasnt_rule( schema, table, rule, description )

+ +

hasnt_rule( schema, table, rule )

+ +

hasnt_rule( table, rule, description )

+ +

hasnt_rule( table, rule )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_rule( 'sometable', 'somerule' );
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_rule(). The test passes if the specified +rule does not exist.

+ +

has_function( schema, function, args[], description )

+ +

has_function( schema, function, args[] )

+ +

has_function( schema, function, description )

+ +

has_function( schema, function )

+ +

has_function( function, args[], description )

+ +

has_function( function, args[] )

+ +

has_function( function, description )

+ +

has_function( function )

+ +
SELECT has_function(
+    'pg_catalog',
+    'decode',
+    ARRAY[ 'text', 'text' ],
+    'Function decode(text, text) should exist'
+SELECT has_function( 'do_something' );
+SELECT has_function( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'] );
+SELECT has_function( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'] );
+ +

Checks to be sure that the given function exists in the named schema and with +the specified argument data types. If :schema is omitted, has_function() will +search for the function in the schemas defined in the search path. If +:args[] is omitted, has_function() will see if the function exists without +regard to its arguments.

+ +

The :args[] argument should be formatted as it would be displayed in the +view of a function using the \df command in psql. For example, even if you +have a numeric column with a precision of 8, you should specify +ARRAY['numeric']“. If you created a varchar(64) column, you should pass +the :args[] argument as ARRAY['character varying'].

+ +

If you wish to use the two-argument form of has_function(), specifying only the +schema and the function name, you must cast the :function argument to +:name in order to disambiguate it from from the +has_function(:function,:description)` form. If you neglect to do so, your +results will be unexpected.

+ +

Also, if you use the string form to specify the :args[] array, be sure to +cast it to name[] to disambiguate it from a text string:

+ +
SELECT has_function( 'lower', '{text}'::name[] );
+ +

Deprecation notice: The old name for this test function, can_ok(), is +still available, but emits a warning when called. It will be removed in a +future version of pgTAP.

+ +

hasnt_function( schema, function, args[], description )

+ +

hasnt_function( schema, function, args[] )

+ +

hasnt_function( schema, function, description )

+ +

hasnt_function( schema, function )

+ +

hasnt_function( function, args[], description )

+ +

hasnt_function( function, args[] )

+ +

hasnt_function( function, description )

+ +

hasnt_function( function )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_function(
+    'pg_catalog',
+    'alamode',
+    ARRAY[ 'text', 'text' ],
+    'Function alamode(text, text) should not exist'
+SELECT hasnt_function( 'bogus' );
+SELECT hasnt_function( 'bogus', ARRAY['integer'] );
+SELECT hasnt_function( 'bogus', ARRAY['numeric'] );
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_function(). The test passes if the +specified function (optionally with the specified signature) does not exist.

+ +

has_cast( source_type, target_type, schema, function, description )

+ +

has_cast( source_type, target_type, schema, function )

+ +

has_cast( source_type, target_type, function, description )

+ +

has_cast( source_type, target_type, function )

+ +

has_cast( source_type, target_type, description )

+ +

has_cast( source_type, target_type )

+ +
SELECT has_cast(
+    'integer',
+    'bigint',
+    'pg_catalog',
+    'int8'
+    'We should have a cast from integer to bigint'
+ +

Tests for the existence of a cast. A cast consists of a source data type, a +target data type, and perhaps a (possibly schema-qualified) function. If you +omit the description four the 3- or 4-argument version, you'll need to cast +the function name to the NAME data type so that PostgreSQL doesn’t resolve +the function name as a description. For example:

+ +
SELECT has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'int8'::NAME );
+ +

pgTAP will generate a useful description if you don’t provide one.

+ +

hasnt_cast( source_type, target_type, schema, function, description )

+ +

hasnt_cast( source_type, target_type, schema, function )

+ +

hasnt_cast( source_type, target_type, function, description )

+ +

hasnt_cast( source_type, target_type, function )

+ +

hasnt_cast( source_type, target_type, description )

+ +

hasnt_cast( source_type, target_type )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'circle' );
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_cast(). The test passes if the specified +cast does not exist.

+ +

has_operator( left_type, schema, name, right_type, return_type, desc )

+ +

has_operator( left_type, schema, name, right_type, return_type )

+ +

has_operator( left_type, name, right_type, return_type, desc )

+ +

has_operator( left_type, name, right_type, return_type )

+ +

has_operator( left_type, name, right_type, desc )

+ +

has_operator( left_type, name, right_type )

+ +
SELECT has_operator(
+    'integer',
+    'pg_catalog', '<=',
+    'integer',
+    'boolean',
+    'Operator (integer <= integer RETURNS boolean) should exist'
+ +

Tests for the presence of a binary operator. If the operator exists with the +given schema, name, left and right arguments, and return value, the test will +fail. If the operator does not exist, the test will fail. If you omit the +schema name, then the operator must be visible in the search path. If you omit +the test description, pgTAP will generate a reasonable one for you. The return +value is also optional. If you need to test for a left or right unary +operator, use has_leftop() or has_rightop() instead.

+ +

has_leftop( schema, name, right_type, return_type, desc )

+ +

has_leftop( schema, name, right_type, return_type )

+ +

has_leftop( name, right_type, return_type, desc )

+ +

has_leftop( name, right_type, return_type )

+ +

has_leftop( name, right_type, desc )

+ +

has_leftop( name, right_type )

+ +
SELECT has_leftop(
+    'pg_catalog', '!!',
+     'bigint',
+     'numeric',
+     'Operator (!! bigint RETURNS numeric) should exist'
+ );
+ +

Tests for the presence of a left-unary operator. If the operator exists with +the given schema, name, right argument, and return value, the test will fail. +If the operator does not exist, the test will fail. If you omit the schema +name, then the operator must be visible in the search path. If you omit the +test description, pgTAP will generate a reasonable one for you. The return +value is also optional.

+ +

has_rightop( left_type, schema, name, return_type, desc )

+ +

has_rightop( left_type, schema, name, return_type )

+ +

has_rightop( left_type, name, return_type, desc )

+ +

has_rightop( left_type, name, return_type )

+ +

has_rightop( left_type, name, desc )

+ +

has_rightop( left_type, name )

+ +
SELECT has_rightop(
+    'bigint',
+    'pg_catalog', '!',
+    'numeric',
+    'Operator (bigint ! RETURNS numeric) should exist'
+ +

Tests for the presence of a right-unary operator. If the operator exists with +the given left argument, schema, name, and return value, the test will fail. +If the operator does not exist, the test will fail. If you omit the schema +name, then the operator must be visible in the search path. If you omit the +test description, pgTAP will generate a reasonable one for you. The return +value is also optional.

+ +

has_opclass( schema, name, description )

+ +

has_opclass( schema, name )

+ +

has_opclass( name, description )

+ +

has_opclass( name )

+ +
SELECT has_opclass(
+    'myschema',
+    'my_ops',
+    'We should have the "my_ops" operator class'
+ +

Tests for the presence of an operator class. If you omit the schema name, then +the operator must be visible in the search path. If you omit the test +description, pgTAP will generate a reasonable one for you. The return value is +also optional.

+ +

hasnt_opclass( schema, name, description )

+ +

hasnt_opclass( schema, name )

+ +

hasnt_opclass( name, description )

+ +

hasnt_opclass( name )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_opclass(
+    'myschema',
+    'your_ops',
+    'We should not have the "your_ops" operator class'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_opclass(). The test passes if the +specified operator class does not exist.

+ +

has_role( role, desc )

+ +

has_role( role )

+ +
SELECT has_role( 'theory', 'Role "theory" should exist' );
+ +

Checks to ensure that a database role exists. If the description is omitted, +it will default to “Role :role should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_role( role, desc )

+ +

hasnt_role( role )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_role( 'theory', 'Role "theory" should not exist' );
+ +

The inverse of has_role(), this function tests for the absence of a +database role.

+ +

has_user( user, desc )

+ +

has_user( user )

+ +
SELECT has_user( 'theory', 'User "theory" should exist' );
+ +

Checks to ensure that a database user exists. If the description is omitted, +it will default to “User :user should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_user( user, desc )

+ +

hasnt_user( user )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_user( 'theory', 'User "theory" should not exist' );
+ +

The inverse of has_user(), this function tests for the absence of a +database user.

+ +

has_group( group, desc )

+ +

has_group( group )

+ +
SELECT has_group( 'sweeties, 'Group "sweeties" should exist' );
+ +

Checks to ensure that a database group exists. If the description is omitted, +it will default to “Group :group should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_group( group, desc )

+ +

hasnt_group( group )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_group( 'meanies, 'Group meaines should not exist' );
+ +

The inverse of has_group(), this function tests for the absence of a +database group.

+ +

has_language( language, desc )

+ +

has_language( language )

+ +
SELECT has_language( 'plpgsql', 'Language "plpgsql" should exist' );
+ +

Checks to ensure that a procedural language exists. If the description is +omitted, it will default to “Procedural language :language should exist”.

+ +

hasnt_language( language, desc )

+ +

hasnt_language( language )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_language( 'plpgsql', 'Language "plpgsql" should not exist' );
+ +

The inverse of has_language(), this function tests for the absence of a +procedural language.

+ +

Table For One

+ +

Okay, you're sure that your database has exactly the right schema and that all of the objects you need are +there. So let’s take a closer +look at tables. There are a lot of ways to look at tables, to make sure that +they have all the columns, indexes, constraints, keys, and indexes they need. +So we have the assertions to validate ‘em.

+ +

has_column( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

has_column( table, column, description )

+ +

has_column( table, column )

+ +
SELECT has_column(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'I got myschema.sometable.somecolumn'
+ +

Tests whether or not a column exists in a given table, view, or composite +type. The first argument is the schema name, the second the table name, the +third the column name, and the fourth is the test description. If the schema +is omitted, the table must be visible in the search path. If the test +description is omitted, it will be set to “Column :table.:column should +exist”.

+ +

hasnt_column( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

hasnt_column( table, column, description )

+ +

hasnt_column( table, column )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_column(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'There should be no myschema.sometable.somecolumn column'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_column(). The test passes if the +specified column does not exist in the specified table, view, or composite +type.

+ +

col_not_null( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_not_null( table, column, description )

+ +

col_not_null( table, column )

+ +
SELECT col_not_null(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.somecolumn should be NOT NULL'
+ +

Tests whether the specified column has a NOT NULL constraint. The first +argument is the schema name, the second the table name, the third the column +name, and the fourth is the test description. If the schema is omitted, the +table must be visible in the search path. If the test description is omitted, +it will be set to “Column :table.:column should be NOT NULL”. Note that this +test will fail with a useful diagnostic message if the table or column in +question does not exist. But use has_column() to make sure the column exists +first, eh?

+ +

col_is_null( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_null( table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_null( table, column )

+ +
SELECT col_is_null(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.somecolumn should allow NULL'
+ +

This function is the inverse of col_not_null(): the test passes if the +column does not have a NOT NULL constraint. The first argument is the schema +name, the second the table name, the third the column name, and the fourth is +the test description. If the schema is omitted, the table must be visible in +the search path. If the test description is omitted, it will be set to “Column +:table.:column should allow NULL”. Note that this test will fail with a +useful diagnostic message if the table or column in question does not exist. +But use has_column() to make sure the column exists first, eh?

+ +

col_has_default( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_has_default( table, column, description )

+ +

col_has_default( table, column )

+ +
SELECT col_has_default(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.somecolumn has a default'
+ +

Tests whether or not a column has a default value. Fails if the column doesn’t +have a default value. It will also fail if the column doesn’t exist, and emit +useful diagnostics to let you know:

+ +
# Failed test 136: "desc"
+#     Column public.sometab.__asdfasdfs__ does not exist
+ +

col_hasnt_default( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_hasnt_default( table, column, description )

+ +

col_hasnt_default( table, column )

+ +
SELECT col_hasnt_default(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'There should be no default on myschema.sometable.somecolumn'
+ +

This function is the inverse of col_has_default(). The test passes if the +specified column does not have a default. It will still fail if the column +does not exist, and emit useful diagnostics to let you know.

+ +

col_type_is( schema, table, column, schema, type, description )

+ +

col_type_is( schema, table, column, schema, type )

+ +

col_type_is( schema, table, column, type, description )

+ +

col_type_is( schema, table, column, type )

+ +

col_type_is( table, column, type, description )

+ +

col_type_is( table, column, type )

+ +
SELECT col_type_is(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'numeric(10,2)',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.somecolumn should be type text'
+ +

This function tests that the specified column is of a particular type. If it +fails, it will emit diagnostics naming the actual type. The first argument is +the schema name, the second the table name, the third the column name, the +fourth the type’s schem, the fifth the type, and the sixth is the test +description. If the table schema is omitted, the table and the type must be +visible in the search path. If the test description is omitted, it will be set +to “Column :schema.:table.:column should be type :schema.:type”. Note that +this test will fail if the table or column in question does not exist.

+ +

The type argument should be formatted as it would be displayed in the view of +a table using the \d command in psql. For example, if you have a numeric +column with a precision of 8, you should specify “numeric(8,0)”. If you +created a varchar(64) column, you should pass the type as “character +varying(64)”.

+ +

If the test fails, it will output useful diagnostics. For example this test:

+ +
SELECT col_type_is( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'typname', 'text' );
+ +

Will produce something like this:

+ +
# Failed test 138: "Column pg_catalog.pg_type.typname should be type text"
+#         have: name
+#         want: text
+ +

It will even tell you if the test fails because a column doesn’t exist or +actually has no default. But use has_column() to make sure the column exists +first, eh?

+ +

col_default_is( schema, table, column, default, description )

+ +

col_default_is( table, column, default, description )

+ +

col_default_is( table, column, type )

+ +
SELECT col_default_is(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'somecolumn',
+    'howdy'::text,
+    'Column myschema.sometable.somecolumn should default to ''howdy'''
+ +

Tests the default value of a column. If it fails, it will emit diagnostics +showing the actual default value. The first argument is the schema name, the +second the table name, the third the column name, the fourth the default +value, and the fifth is the test description. If the schema is omitted, the +table must be visible in the search path. If the test description is omitted, +it will be set to “Column :table.:column should default to :default”. Note +that this test will fail if the table or column in question does not exist.

+ +

The default argument must have an unambiguous type in order for the call to +succeed. If you see an error such as ‘ERROR: could not determine polymorphic +type because input has type “unknown”’, it’s because you forgot to cast the +expected value, probably a NULL (which, by the way, you can only properly +test for in PostgreSQL 8.3 and later), to its proper type. IOW, this will +fail:

+ +
SELECT col_default_is( 'tab', age, NULL );
+ +

But this will not:

+ +
SELECT col_default_is( 'tab', age, NULL::integer );
+ +

You can also test for functional defaults. Just specify the function call as a +string:

+ +
SELECT col_default_is( 'user', 'created_at', 'now()' );
+ +

If the test fails, it will output useful diagnostics. For example, this test:

+ +
SELECT col_default_is(
+    'pg_catalog',
+    'pg_type',
+    'typname',
+    'foo',
+    'check typname'
+ +

Will produce something like this:

+ +
# Failed test 152: "check typname"
+#         have: NULL
+#         want: foo
+ +

And if the test fails because the table or column in question does not exist, +the diagnostics will tell you that, too. But you use has_column() and +col_has_default() to test those conditions before you call +col_default_is(), right? Right??? Yeah, good, I thought so.

+ +

has_pk( schema, table, description )

+ +

has_pk( table, description )

+ +

has_pk( table )

+ +
SELECT has_pk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'Table myschema.sometable should have a primary key'
+ +

Tests whether or not a table has a primary key. The first argument is the +schema name, the second the table name, the the third is the test description. +If the schema is omitted, the table must be visible in the search path. If the +test description is omitted, it will be set to “Table :table should have a +primary key”. Note that this test will fail if the table in question does not +exist.

+ +

hasnt_pk( schema, table, description )

+ +

hasnt_pk( table, description )

+ +

hasnt_pk( table )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_pk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'Table myschema.sometable should not have a primary key'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_pk(). The test passes if the specified +primary key does not exist.

+ +

has_fk( schema, table, description )

+ +

has_fk( table, description )

+ +

has_fk( table )

+ +
SELECT has_fk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'Table myschema.sometable should have a foreign key constraint'
+ +

Tests whether or not a table has a foreign key constraint. The first argument +is the schema name, the second the table name, the the third is the test +description. If the schema is omitted, the table must be visible in the search +path. If the test description is omitted, it will be set to “Table :table +should have a foreign key constraint”. Note that this test will fail if the +table in question does not exist.

+ +

hasnt_fk( schema, table, description )

+ +

hasnt_fk( table, description )

+ +

hasnt_fk( table )

+ +
SELECT hasnt_fk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'Table myschema.sometable should not have a foreign key constraint'
+ +

This function is the inverse of has_fk(). The test passes if the specified +foreign key does not exist.

+ +

col_is_pk( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_pk( schema, table, column[], description )

+ +

col_is_pk( table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_pk( table, column[], description )

+ +

col_is_pk( table, column )

+ +

col_is_pk( table, column[] )

+ +
SELECT col_is_pk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'id',
+    'Column should be a primary key'
+SELECT col_is_pk(
+    'persons',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

Tests whether the specified column or columns in a table is/are the primary +key for that table. If it fails, it will emit diagnostics showing the actual +primary key columns, if any. The first argument is the schema name, the second +the table name, the third the column name or an array of column names, and the +fourth is the test description. If the schema is omitted, the table must be +visible in the search path. If the test description is omitted, it will be set +to “Column :table(:column) should be a primary key”. Note that this test +will fail if the table or column in question does not exist.

+ +

If the test fails, it will output useful diagnostics. For example this test:

+ +
SELECT col_is_pk( 'pg_type', 'id' );
+ +

Will produce something like this:

+ +
# Failed test 178: "Column should be a primary key"
+#         have: {}
+#         want: {id}
+ +

col_isnt_pk( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_isnt_pk( schema, table, column[], description )

+ +

col_isnt_pk( table, column, description )

+ +

col_isnt_pk( table, column[], description )

+ +

col_isnt_pk( table, column )

+ +

col_isnt_pk( table, column[] )

+ +
SELECT col_isnt_pk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'id',
+    'Column should not be a primary key'
+SELECT col_isnt_pk(
+    'persons',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

This function is the inverse of col_is_pk(). The test passes if the +specified column or columns are not a primary key.

+ +

col_is_fk( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_fk( schema, table, column[], description )

+ +

col_is_fk( table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_fk( table, column[], description )

+ +

col_is_fk( table, column )

+ +

col_is_fk( table, column[] )

+ +
SELECT col_is_fk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'other_id',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.other_id should be a foreign key'
+SELECT col_is_fk(
+    'contacts',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

Just like col_is_fk(), except that it test that the column or array of +columns are a primary key. The diagnostics on failure are a bit different, +too. Since the table might have more than one foreign key, the diagnostics +simply list all of the foreign key constraint columns, like so:

+ +
#    Table widget has foreign key constraints on these columns:
+#        {thingy_id}
+#        {surname,given_name}
+ +

col_isnt_fk( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_isnt_fk( schema, table, column[], description )

+ +

col_isnt_fk( table, column, description )

+ +

col_isnt_fk( table, column[], description )

+ +

col_isnt_fk( table, column )

+ +

col_isnt_fk( table, column[] )

+ +
SELECT col_isnt_fk(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'other_id',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.other_id should not be a foreign key'
+SELECT col_isnt_fk(
+    'contacts',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

This function is the inverse of col_is_fk(). The test passes if the +specified column or columns are not a foreign key.

+ +

fk_ok( fk_schema, fk_table, fk_column[], pk_schema, pk_table, pk_column[], description )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_schema, fk_table, fk_column[], fk_schema, pk_table, pk_column[] )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_table, fk_column[], pk_table, pk_column[], description )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_table, fk_column[], pk_table, pk_column[] )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_schema, fk_table, fk_column, pk_schema, pk_table, pk_column, description )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_schema, fk_table, fk_column, pk_schema, pk_table, pk_column )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_table, fk_column, pk_table, pk_column, description )

+ +

fk_ok( fk_table, fk_column, pk_table, pk_column )

+ +
SELECT fk_ok(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'big_id',
+    'myschema',
+    'bigtable',
+    'id',
+    'myschema.sometable(big_id) should reference myschema.bigtable(id)'
+SELECT fk_ok(
+    'contacts',
+    ARRAY['person_given_name', 'person_surname'],
+    'persons',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

This function combines col_is_fk() and col_is_pk() into a single test that +also happens to determine that there is in fact a foreign key relationship +between the foreign and primary key tables. To properly test your +relationships, this should be your main test function of choice.

+ +

The first three arguments are the schema, table, and column or array of +columns that constitute the foreign key constraint. The schema name is +optional, and the columns can be specified as a string for a single column or +an array of strings for multiple columns. The next three arguments are the +schema, table, and column or columns that constitute the corresponding primary +key. Again, the schema is optional and the columns may be a string or array of +strings (though of course it should have the same number of elements as the +foreign key column argument). The seventh argument is an optional description +If it’s not included, it will be set to :fk_schema.:fk_table(:fk_column) +should reference :pk_column.pk_table(:pk_column).

+ +

If the test fails, it will output useful diagnostics. For example this test:

+ +
SELECT fk_ok( 'contacts', 'person_id', 'persons', 'id' );
+ +

Will produce something like this:

+ +
# Failed test 178: "Column contacts(person_id) should reference persons(id)"
+#         have: contacts(person_id) REFERENCES persons(id)"
+#         want: contacts(person_nick) REFERENCES persons(nick)"
+ +

has_unique( schema, table, description )

+ +

has_unique( table, description )

+ +

has_unique( table )

+ +
SELECT has_unique(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'Table myschema.sometable should have a unique constraint'
+ +

Tests whether or not a table has a unique constraint. The first argument is +the schema name, the second the table name, the the third is the test +description. If the schema is omitted, the table must be visible in the search +path. If the test description is omitted, it will be set to “Table :table +should have a unique constraint”. Note that this test will fail if the table +in question does not exist.

+ +

col_is_unique( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_unique( schema, table, column[], description )

+ +

col_is_unique( table, column, description )

+ +

col_is_unique( table, column[], description )

+ +

col_is_unique( table, column )

+ +

col_is_unique( table, column[] )

+ +
SELECT col_is_unique(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'other_id',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.other_id should have a unique constraint'
+SELECT col_is_unique(
+    'contacts',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

Just like col_is_pk(), except that it test that the column or array of +columns have a unique constraint on them.

+ +

has_check( schema, table, description )

+ +

has_check( table, description )

+ +

has_check( table )

+ +
SELECT has_check(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'Table myschema.sometable should have a check constraint'
+ +

Tests whether or not a table has a check constraint. The first argument is the +schema name, the second the table name, the the third is the test description. +If the schema is omitted, the table must be visible in the search path. If the +test description is omitted, it will be set to “Table :table should have a +check constraint”. Note that this test will fail if the table in question does +not exist.

+ +

col_has_check( schema, table, column, description )

+ +

col_has_check( schema, table, column[], description )

+ +

col_has_check( table, column, description )

+ +

col_has_check( table, column[], description )

+ +

col_has_check( table, column )

+ +

col_has_check( table, column[] )

+ +
SELECT col_has_check(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'other_id',
+    'Column myschema.sometable.other_id should have a check constraint'
+SELECT col_has_check(
+    'contacts',
+    ARRAY['given_name', 'surname'],
+ +

Just like col_is_pk(), except that it test that the column or array of +columns have a check constraint on them.

+ +

index_is_unique( schema, table, index, description )

+ +

index_is_unique( schema, table, index )

+ +

index_is_unique( table, index )

+ +

index_is_unique( index )

+ +
SELECT index_is_unique(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'myindex',
+    'Index "myindex" should be unique'
+SELECT index_is_unique( 'sometable', 'myindex' );
+ +

Tests whether an index is unique.

+ +

index_is_primary( schema, table, index, description )

+ +

index_is_primary( schema, table, index )

+ +

index_is_primary( table, index )

+ +

index_is_primary( index )

+ +
SELECT index_is_primary(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'myindex',
+    'Index "myindex" should be on a primary key'
+SELECT index_is_primary( 'sometable', 'myindex' );
+ +

Tests whether an index is on a primary key.

+ +

is_clustered( schema, table, index, description )

+ +

is_clustered( schema, table, index )

+ +

is_clustered( table, index )

+ +

is_clustered( index )

+ +
SELECT is_clustered(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'myindex',
+    'Table sometable should be clustered on "myindex"'
+SELECT is_clustered( 'sometable', 'myindex' );
+ +

Tests whether a table is clustered on the given index. A table is clustered on +an index when the SQL command CLUSTER TABLE INDEXNAME has been executed. +Clustering reorganizes the table tuples so that they are stored on disk in the +order defined by the index.

+ +

index_is_type( schema, table, index, type, description )

+ +

index_is_type( schema, table, index, type )

+ +

index_is_type( table, index, type )

+ +

index_is_type( index, type )

+ +
SELECT index_is_type(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'myindex',
+    'gist',
+    'Index "myindex" should be a GIST index'
+SELECT index_is_type( 'myindex', 'gin' );
+ +

Tests to ensure that an index is of a particular type. At the time of this +writing, the supported types are:

+ + + + +

If the test fails, it will emit a diagnostic message with the actual index +type, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 175: "Index idx_bar should be a hash index"
+#         have: btree
+#         want: hash
+ +

Feeling Funky

+ +

Perhaps more important than testing the database schema is testing your custom +functions. Especially if you write functions that provide the interface for +clients to interact with the database, making sure that they work will save +you time in the long run. So check out these assertions to maintain your +sanity.

+ +

can( schema, functions[], description )

+ +

can( schema, functions[] )

+ +

can( functions[], description )

+ +

can( functions[] )

+ +
SELECT can( 'pg_catalog', ARRAY['upper', 'lower'] );
+ +

Checks to be sure that :schema has :functions[] defined. This is subtly +different from functions_are(). functions_are() fails if the functions +defined in :schema are not exactly the functions defined in :functions[]. +can(), on the other hand, just makes sure that functions[] exist.

+ +

If :schema is omitted, then can() will look for functions defined in +schemas defined in the search path. No matter how many functions are listed in +:functions[], a single call to can() counts as one test. If you want +otherwise, call can() once for each function — or better yet, use +has_function().

+ +

If any of the functions are not defined, the test will fail and the +diagnostics will output a list of the functions that are missing, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 52: "Schema pg_catalog can"
+# missing
+# missing
+ +

function_lang_is( schema, function, args[], language, description )

+ +

function_lang_is( schema, function, args[], language )

+ +

function_lang_is( schema, function, language, description )

+ +

function_lang_is( schema, function, language )

+ +

function_lang_is( function, args[], language, description )

+ +

function_lang_is( function, args[], language )

+ +

function_lang_is( function, language, description )

+ +

function_lang_is( function, language )

+ +
SELECT function_lang_is(
+    'myschema',
+    'foo',
+    ARRAY['integer', 'text'],
+    'perl',
+    'The function should be written in Perl'
+SELECT function_lang_is( 'do_something', 'sql' );
+SELECT function_lang_is( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'], 'plpgsql' );
+SELECT function_lang_is( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'], 'plpgsql' );
+ +

Tests that a particular function is implemented in a particular procedural +language. The function name is required. If the :schema argument is omitted, +then the function must be visible in the search path. If the :args[] +argument is passed, then the function with that argument signature will be the +one tested; otherwise, a function with any signature will be checked (pass an +empty array to specify a function with an empty signature). If the +:description is omitted, a reasonable substitute will be created.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll useful diagnostics will tell you what went +wrong, for example:

+ +
# Failed test 211: "Function, text) should be written in perl"
+#         have: plpgsql
+#         want: perl
+ +

If the function does not exist, you'll be told that, too.

+ +
# Failed test 212: "Function myschema.grab() should be written in sql
+#     Function myschema.grab() does not exist
+ +

But then you check with has_function() first, right?

+ +

function_returns( schema, function, args[], type, description )

+ +

function_returns( schema, function, args[], type )

+ +

function_returns( schema, function, type, description )

+ +

function_returns( schema, function, type )

+ +

function_returns( function, args[], type, description )

+ +

function_returns( function, args[], type )

+ +

function_returns( function, type, description )

+ +

function_returns( function, type )

+ +
SELECT function_returns(
+    'myschema',
+    'foo',
+    ARRAY['integer', 'text'],
+    'integer',
+    'The function should return an integer'
+SELECT function_returns( 'do_something', 'setof bool' );
+SELECT function_returns( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'], 'boolean' );
+SELECT function_returns( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'], 'numeric' );
+ +

Tests that a particular function returns a particular data type. The :args[] +and :type arguments should be formatted as they would be displayed in the +view of a function using the \df command in psql. For example, use +“character varying” rather than “varchar”, and “boolean” rather than “bool”. +For set returning functions, the :type argument should start with “setof ” +(yes, lowercase).

+ +

If the :schema argument is omitted, then the function must be visible in the +search path. If the :args[] argument is passed, then the function with that +argument signature will be the one tested; otherwise, a function with any +signature will be checked (pass an empty array to specify a function with an +empty signature). If the :description is omitted, a reasonable substitute +will be created.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll useful diagnostics will tell you what went +wrong, for example:

+ +
# Failed test 283: "Function oww(integer, text) should return integer"
+#         have: bool
+#         want: integer
+ +

If the function does not exist, you'll be told that, too.

+ +
# Failed test 284: "Function oui(integer, text) should return integer"
+#     Function oui(integer, text) does not exist
+ +

But then you check with has_function() first, right?

+ +

is_definer( schema, function, args[], description )

+ +

is_definer( schema, function, args[] )

+ +

is_definer( schema, function, description )

+ +

is_definer( schema, function )

+ +

is_definer( function, args[], description )

+ +

is_definer( function, args[] )

+ +

is_definer( function, description )

+ +

is_definer( function )

+ +
SELECT is_definer(
+    'myschema',
+    'foo',
+    ARRAY['integer', 'text'],
+    'The function should be security definer'
+SELECT is_definer( 'do_something' );
+SELECT is_definer( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'] );
+SELECT is_definer( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'] );
+ +

Tests that a function is a security definer (i.e., a “setuid” function). If +the :schema argument is omitted, then the function must be visible in the +search path. If the :args[] argument is passed, then the function with that +argument signature will be the one tested; otherwise, a function with any +signature will be checked (pass an empty array to specify a function with an +empty signature). If the :description is omitted, a reasonable substitute +will be created.

+ +

If the function does not exist, a handy diagnostic message will let you know:

+ +
# Failed test 290: "Function nasty() should be security definer"
+#     Function nasty() does not exist
+ +

But then you check with has_function() first, right?

+ +

is_strict( schema, function, args[], description )

+ +

is_strict( schema, function, args[] )

+ +

is_strict( schema, function, description )

+ +

is_strict( schema, function )

+ +

is_strict( function, args[], description )

+ +

is_strict( function, args[] )

+ +

is_strict( function, description )

+ +

is_strict( function )

+ +
SELECT is_strict(
+    'myschema',
+    'foo',
+    ARRAY['integer', 'text'],
+    'The function should be strict
+SELECT is_strict( 'do_something' );
+SELECT is_strict( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'] );
+SELECT is_strict( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'] );
+ +

Tests that a function is a strict, meaning that the function returns null if +any argument is null. If the :schema argument is omitted, then the function +must be visible in the search path. If the :args[] argument is passed, then +the function with that argument signature will be the one tested; otherwise, a +function with any signature will be checked (pass an empty array to specify a +function with an empty signature). If the :description is omitted, a +reasonable substitute will be created.

+ +

If the function does not exist, a handy diagnostic message will let you know:

+ +
# Failed test 290: "Function nasty() should be strict
+#     Function nasty() does not exist
+ +

But then you check with has_function() first, right?

+ +

is_aggregate( schema, function, args[], description )

+ +

is_aggregate( schema, function, args[] )

+ +

is_aggregate( schema, function, description )

+ +

is_aggregate( schema, function )

+ +

is_aggregate( function, args[], description )

+ +

is_aggregate( function, args[] )

+ +

is_aggregate( function, description )

+ +

is_aggregate( function )

+ +
SELECT is_aggregate(
+    'myschema',
+    'foo',
+    ARRAY['integer', 'text'],
+    'The function should be strict
+SELECT is_aggregate( 'do_something' );
+SELECT is_aggregate( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'] );
+SELECT is_aggregate( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'] );
+ +

Tests that a function is an aggregate function. If the :schema argument is +omitted, then the function must be visible in the search path. If the +:args[] argument is passed, then the function with that argument signature +will be the one tested; otherwise, a function with any signature will be +checked (pass an empty array to specify a function with an empty signature). +If the :description is omitted, a reasonable substitute will be created.

+ +

If the function does not exist, a handy diagnostic message will let you know:

+ +
# Failed test 290: "Function nasty() should be strict
+#     Function nasty() does not exist
+ +

But then you check with has_function() first, right?

+ +

volatility_is( schema, function, args[], volatility, description )

+ +

volatility_is( schema, function, args[], volatility )

+ +

volatility_is( schema, function, volatility, description )

+ +

volatility_is( schema, function, volatility )

+ +

volatility_is( function, args[], volatility, description )

+ +

volatility_is( function, args[], volatility )

+ +

volatility_is( function, volatility, description )

+ +

volatility_is( function, volatility )

+ +
SELECT volatility_is(
+    'myschema',
+    'foo',
+    ARRAY['integer', 'text'],
+    'stable',
+    'The function should be stable
+SELECT volatility_is( 'do_something', 'immutable' );
+SELECT volatility_is( 'do_something', ARRAY['integer'], 'stable' );
+SELECT volatility_is( 'do_something', ARRAY['numeric'], 'volatile' );
+ +

Tests the volatility of a function. Supported volatilities are “volatile”, +“stable”, and “immutable”. Consult the CREATE FUNCTION +documentation +for details. The function name is required. If the :schema argument is +omitted, then the function must be visible in the search path. If the +:args[] argument is passed, then the function with that argument signature +will be the one tested; otherwise, a function with any signature will be +checked (pass an empty array to specify a function with an empty signature). +If the :description is omitted, a reasonable substitute will be created.

+ +

In the event of a failure, you'll useful diagnostics will tell you what went +wrong, for example:

+ +
# Failed test 211: "Function, text) should be IMMUTABLE"
+#         have: VOLATILE
+#         want: IMMUTABLE
+ +

If the function does not exist, you'll be told that, too.

+ +
# Failed test 212: "Function myschema.grab() should be IMMUTABLE
+#     Function myschema.grab() does not exist
+ +

But then you check with has_function() first, right?

+ +

trigger_is( schema, table, trigger, schema, function, description )

+ +

trigger_is( schema, table, trigger, schema, function )

+ +

trigger_is( table, trigger, function, description )

+ +

trigger_is( table, trigger, function )

+ +
SELECT trigger_is(
+    'myschema',
+    'sometable',
+    'sometrigger',
+    'myschema',
+    'somefunction',
+    'Trigger "sometrigger" should call somefunction()'
+ +

Tests that the specified trigger calls the named function. If not, it outputs +a useful diagnostic:

+ +
# Failed test 31: "Trigger set_users_pass should call hash_password()"
+#         have: hash_pass
+#         want: hash_password
+ +

Database Deets

+ +

Tables and functions aren’t the only objects in the database, as you well +know. These assertions close the gap by letting you test the attributes of +other database objects.

+ +

language_is_trusted( language, description )

+ +

language_is_trusted( language )

+ +
SELECT language_is_trusted( 'plperl', 'PL/Perl should be trusted' );
+ +

Tests that the specified procedural language is trusted. See the CREATE +LANGUAGE documentation for details on trusted and untrusted +procedural languages. If the :description argument is not passed, a suitably +useful default will be created.

+ +

In the event that the language in question does not exist in the database, +language_is_trusted() will emit a diagnostic message to alert you to this +fact, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 523: "Procedural language plomgwtf should be trusted"
+#     Procedural language plomgwtf does not exist
+ +

But you really ought to call has_language() first so that you never get that +far.

+ +

enum_has_labels( schema, enum, labels, desc )

+ +

enum_has_labels( schema, enum, labels )

+ +

enum_has_labels( enum, labels, desc )

+ +

enum_has_labels( enum, labels )

+ +
SELECT enum_has_labels(
+    'myschema',
+    'someenum',
+    ARRAY['foo', 'bar'],
+    'Enum someenum should have labels foo, bar'
+ +

This function tests that an enum consists of an expected list of labels. Enums +are supported in PostgreSQL 8.3 or higher. The first argument is a schema +name, the second an enum name, the third an array of enum labels, and the +fourth a description. If you omit the schema, the enum must be visible in the +search path. If you omit the test description, it will be set to “Enum :enum +should have labels (:labels)”.

+ +

domain_type_is( schema, domain, schema, type, description )

+ +

domain_type_is( schema, domain, schema, type )

+ +

domain_type_is( schema, domain, type, description )

+ +

domain_type_is( schema, domain, type )

+ +

domain_type_is( domain, type, description )

+ +

domain_type_is( domain, type )

+ +
SELECT domain_type_is(
+    'public', 'us_postal_code',
+    'public', 'text',
+    'The us_postal_code domain should extend the text type'
+ +

Tests the data type underlying a domain. The first two are arguments are the +schema and name of the domain. The second two are the schema and name of the +type that the domain should extend. The fifth argument is a description. If +there is no description, a reasonable default description will be created. The +schema arguments are also optional (though if there is no schema for the +domain then there cannot be one for the type). For the 3- and 4-argument +forms with schemas, cast the schemas to NAME to avoid ambiguities.

+ +

If the data type does not match the type that the domain extends, the test +will fail and output diagnostics like so:

+ +
# Failed test 631: "Domain public.us_postal_code should extend type public.integer"
+#         have: public.text
+#         want: public.integer
+ +

If the domain in question does not actually exist, the test will fail with +diagnostics that tell you so:

+ +
# Failed test 632: "Domain public.zip_code should extend type public.text"
+#    Domain public.zip_code does not exist
+ +

domain_type_isnt( schema, domain, schema, type, description )

+ +

domain_type_isnt( schema, domain, schema, type )

+ +

domain_type_isnt( schema, domain, type, description )

+ +

domain_type_isnt( schema, domain, type )

+ +

domain_type_isnt( domain, type, description )

+ +

domain_type_isnt( domain, type )

+ +
SELECT domain_type_isnt(
+    'public', 'us_postal_code',
+    'public', 'integer',
+    'The us_postal_code domain should not extend the integer type'
+ +

The inverse of domain_type_is(), this function tests that a domain does +not extend a particular data type. For example, a US postal code domain +should probably extned the text type, not integer, since leading 0s are +valid and required. The arguments are the same as for domain_type_is().

+ +

cast_context_is( source_type, target_type, context, desc )

+ +

cast_context_is( source_type, target_type, context )

+ +
SELECT cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'implicit' );
+ +

Test that a cast from a source to a target data type has a particular context. +The data types should be passed as they are displayed by +pg_catalog.format_type(). For example, you would need to pass “character +varying”, and not “VARCHAR”.

+ +

The The supported contexts are “implicit”, “assignment”, and “explicit”. You +can also just pass in “i”, “a”, or “e”. Consult the PostgreSQL CREATE +CAST +documentation for the differences between these contexts (hint: they +correspond to the default context, AS IMPLICIT, and AS ASSIGNMENT). If you +don’t supply a test description, pgTAP will create a reasonable one for you.

+ +

Test failure will result in useful diagnostics, such as:

+ +
# Failed test 124: "Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") context should be explicit"
+#         have: implicit
+#         want: explicit
+ +

If the cast doesn’t exist, you'll be told that, too:

+ +
# Failed test 199: "Cast ("integer" AS foo) context should be explicit"
+#     Cast ("integer" AS foo) does not exist
+ +

But you've already used has_cast() to make sure of that, right?

+ +

is_superuser( user, desc )

+ +

is_superuser( user )

+ +
SELECT is_superuser( 'theory', 'User "theory" should be a super user' );
+ +

Tests that a database user is a super user. If the description is omitted, it +will default to “User :user should be a super user”. If the user does not +exist in the database, the diagnostics will say so.

+ +

isnt_superuser( user, desc )

+ +

isnt_superuser( user )

+ +
SELECT is_superuser(
+    'dr_evil',
+    'User "dr_evil" should not be a super user'
+ +

The inverse of is_superuser(), this function tests that a database user is +not a super user. Note that if the named user does not exist in the +database, the test is still considered a failure, and the diagnostics will say +so.

+ +

is_member_of( group, users[], desc )

+ +

is_member_of( group, users[] )

+ +

is_member_of( group, users, desc )

+ +

is_member_of( group, users )

+ +
SELECT is_member_of( 'sweeties', 'anna' 'Anna should be a sweetie' );
+SELECT is_member_of( 'meanies', ARRAY['dr_evil', 'dr_no' ] );
+ +

Checks whether a group contains a user or all of an array of users. If the +description is omitted, it will default to “Should have members of group +:group.” On failure, is_member_of() will output diagnostics listing the +missing users, like so:

+ +
# Failed test 370: "Should have members of group meanies"
+#     Users missing from the meanies group:
+#         theory
+#         agliodbs
+ +

If the group does not exist, the diagnostics will tell you that, instead. But +you use has_group() to make sure the group exists before you check its +members, don’t you? Of course you do.

+ +

rule_is_instead( schema, table, rule, description )

+ +

rule_is_instead( schema, table, rule )

+ +

rule_is_instead( table, rule, description )

+ +

rule_is_instead( table, rule )

+ +
SELECT rule_is_instead(
+    'public',
+    'users',
+    'on_insert',
+    'Rule "on_insert" should be on on relation public.users'
+ +

Checks whether a rule on the specified relation is an INSTEAD rule. See the +CREATE RULE +Documentation +for details. If the :schema argument is omitted, the relation must be +visible in the search path. If the :description argument is omitted, an +appropriate description will be created. In the event that the test fails +because the rule in question does not actually exist, you will see an +appropriate diagnostic such as:

+ +
# Failed test 625: "Rule on_insert on relation public.users should be an INSTEAD rule"
+#     Rule on_insert does not exist
+ +

rule_is_on( schema, table, rule, event, description )

+ +

rule_is_on( schema, table, rule, event )

+ +

rule_is_on( table, rule, event, description )

+ +

rule_is_on( table, rule, event )

+ +
SELECT rule_is_on(
+    'public',
+    'users',
+    'on_insert',
+    'INSERT',
+    'Rule "on_insert" be on insert to on relation public.users'
+ +

Tests the event for a rule, which may be one of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, +or DELETE. For the :event argument, you can specify the name of the event +in any case, or even with a single letter (“s”, “i”, “u”, or “d”). If the +:schema argument is omitted, then the table must be visible in the search +path. If the :description is omitted, a reasonable default will be created.

+ +

If the test fails, you'll see useful diagnostics, such as:

+ +
# Failed test 133: "Rule ins_me should be on INSERT to public.widgets"
+#         have: UPDATE
+#         want: INSERT
+ +

If the rule in question does not exist, you'll be told that, too:

+ +
# Failed test 134: "Rule upd_me should be on UPDATE to public.widgets"
+#     Rule upd_me does not exist on public.widgets
+ +

But then you run has_rule() first, don’t you?

+ +

No Test for the Wicked

+ +

There is more to pgTAP. Oh so much more! You can output your own +diagnostics. You can write conditional +tests based on the output of utility +functions. You can batch up tests in +functions. Read on to learn all about it.

+ +


+ +

If you pick the right test function, you'll usually get a good idea of what +went wrong when it failed. But sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. So here +we have ways for you to write your own diagnostic messages which are safer +than just \echo or SELECT foo.

+ +

diag( text )

+ +

Returns a diagnostic message which is guaranteed not to interfere with +test output. Handy for this sort of thing:

+ +
-- Output a diagnostic message if the collation is not en_US.UTF-8.
+SELECT diag(
+     E'These tests expect LC_COLLATE to be en_US.UTF-8,\n'
+  || 'but yours is set to ' || setting || E'.\n'
+  || 'As a result, some tests may fail. YMMV.'
+  FROM pg_settings
+ WHERE name = 'lc_collate'
+   AND setting <> 'en_US.UTF-8';
+ +

Which would produce:

+ +
# These tests expect LC_COLLATE to be en_US.UTF-8,
+# but yours is set to en_US.ISO8859-1.
+# As a result, some tests may fail. YMMV.
+ +

Conditional Tests

+ +

Sometimes running a test under certain conditions will cause the test script +or function to die. A certain function or feature isn’t implemented (such as +pg_sleep() prior to PostgreSQL 8.2), some resource isn’t available (like a +procedural language), or a contrib module isn’t available. In these cases it’s +necessary to skip tests, or declare that they are supposed to fail but will +work in the future (a todo test).

+ +

skip( why, how_many )

+ +

skip( how_many, why )

+ +

skip( why )

+ +

skip( how_many )

+ +

Outputs SKIP test results. Use it in a conditional expression within a +SELECT statement to replace the output of a test that you otherwise would +have run.

+ +
SELECT CASE WHEN pg_version_num() < 80100
+    THEN skip('throws_ok() not supported before 8.1', 2 )
+    ELSE collect_tap(
+        throws_ok( 'SELECT 1/0', 22012, 'division by zero' ),
+        throws_ok( 'INSERT INTO try (id) VALUES (1)', '23505' )
+    ) END;
+ +

Note how use of the conditional CASE statement has been used to determine +whether or not to run a couple of tests. If they are to be run, they are run +through collect_tap(), so that we can run a few tests in the same query. If +we don’t want to run them, we call skip() and tell it how many tests we're +skipping.

+ +

If you don’t specify how many tests to skip, skip() will assume that you're +skipping only one. This is useful for the simple case, of course:

+ +
SELECT CASE current_schema()
+    WHEN 'public' THEN is( :this, :that )
+    ELSE skip( 'Tests not running in the "public" schema' )
+    END;
+ +

But you can also use it in a SELECT statement that would otherwise return +multiple rows:

+ +
SELECT CASE current_schema()
+    WHEN 'public' THEN is( nspname, 'public' )
+    ELSE skip( 'Cannot see the public schema' )
+    END
+  FROM pg_namespace;
+ +

This will cause it to skip the same number of rows as would have been tested +had the WHEN condition been true.

+ +

todo( why, how_many )

+ +

todo( how_many, why )

+ +

todo( how_many )

+ +

todo( why )

+ +

Declares a series of tests that you expect to fail and why. Perhaps it’s +because you haven’t fixed a bug or haven’t finished a new feature:

+ +
todo('URIGeller not finished', 2);
+\set card '\'' Eight of clubs '\''
+SELECT is( URIGeller.yourCard(), :card, 'Is THIS your card?' );
+SELECT is( URIGeller.bendSpoon(), 'bent', 'Spoon bending, how original' );
+ +

With todo(), :how_many specifies how many tests are expected to fail. If +:how_many is omitted, it defaults to 1. pgTAP will run the tests normally, +but print out special flags indicating they are “todo” tests. The test harness +will interpret these failures as ok. Should any todo test pass, the harness +will report it as an unexpected success. You then know that the thing you had +todo is done and can remove the call to todo().

+ +

The nice part about todo tests, as opposed to simply commenting out a block of +tests, is that they're like a programmatic todo list. You know how much work +is left to be done, you're aware of what bugs there are, and you'll know +immediately when they're fixed.

+ +

todo_start( :why )

+ +

todo_start( )

+ +

This function allows you declare all subsequent tests as TODO tests, up until +the todo_end() function is called.

+ +

The todo() syntax is generally pretty good about figuring out whether or not +we're in a TODO test. However, often we find it difficult to specify the +number of tests that are TODO tests. Thus, you can instead use +todo_start() and todo_end() to more easily define the scope of your TODO +tests.

+ +

Note that you can nest TODO tests, too:

+ +
SELECT todo_start('working on this');
+-- lots of code
+SELECT todo_start('working on that');
+-- more code
+SELECT todo_end();
+SELECT todo_end();
+ +

This is generally not recommended, but large testing systems often have weird +internal needs.

+ +

The todo_start() and todo_end() function should also work with the +todo() function, although it’s not guaranteed and its use is also +discouraged:

+ +
SELECT todo_start('working on this');
+-- lots of code
+SELECT todo('working on that', 2);
+-- Two tests for which the above line applies
+-- Followed by more tests scoped till the following line.
+SELECT todo_end();
+ +

We recommend that you pick one style or another of TODO to be on the safe +side.

+ +


+ +

Stops running tests as TODO tests. This function is fatal if called without a +preceding todo_start() method call.

+ +


+ +

Returns true if the test is currently inside a TODO block.

+ +

Utility Functions

+ +

Along with the usual array of testing, planning, and diagnostic functions, +pTAP provides a few extra functions to make the work of testing more pleasant.

+ +


+ +
SELECT pgtap_version();
+ +

Returns the version of pgTAP installed in the server. The value is NUMERIC, +and thus suitable for comparing to a decimal value:

+ +
SELECT CASE WHEN pgtap_version() < 0.17
+    THEN skip('No sequence assertions before pgTAP 0.17')
+    ELSE has_sequence('my_big_seq')
+    END;
+ +


+ +
SELECT pg_version();
+ +

Returns the server version number against which pgTAP was compiled. This is +the stringified version number displayed in the first part of the core +version() function and stored in the “server_version” setting:

+ +
try=% select current_setting( 'server_version'), pg_version();
+ current_setting | pg_version
+ 8.3.4           | 8.3.4
+(1 row)
+ +


+ +
SELECT pg_version_num();
+ +

Returns an integer representation of the server version number against which +pgTAP was compiled. This function is useful for determining whether or not +certain tests should be run or skipped (using skip()) depending on the +version of PostgreSQL. For example:

+ +
SELECT CASE WHEN pg_version_num() < 80100
+    THEN skip('throws_ok() not supported before 8.1' )
+    ELSE throws_ok( 'SELECT 1/0', 22012, 'division by zero' )
+    END;
+ +

The revision level is in the tens position, the minor version in the thousands +position, and the major version in the ten thousands position and above +(assuming PostgreSQL 10 is ever released, it will be in the hundred thousands +position). This value is the same as the server_version_num setting +available in PostgreSQL 8.2 and higher, but supported by this function back to +PostgreSQL 8.0:

+ +
try=% select current_setting( 'server_version_num'), pg_version_num();
+ current_setting | pg_version_num
+ 80304           |          80304
+ +


+ +
SELECT os_name();
+ +

Returns a string representing the name of the operating system on which pgTAP +was compiled. This can be useful for determining whether or not to skip tests +on certain operating systems.

+ +

This is usually the same a the output of uname, but converted to lower case. +There are some semantics in the pgTAP build process to detect other operating +systems, though assistance in improving such detection would be greatly +appreciated.

+ +

NOTE: The values returned by this function may change in the future, +depending on how good the pgTAP build process gets at detecting a OS.

+ +


+ +
SELECT collect_tap(
+    ok(true, 'This should pass'),
+    ok(false, 'This should fail)
+ +

Collects the results of one or more pgTAP tests and returns them all. Useful +when used in combination with skip():

+ +
  SELECT CASE os_name() WHEN 'darwin' THEN
+      collect_tap(
+          cmp_ok( 'Bjørn'::text, '>', 'Bjorn', 'ø > o' ),
+          cmp_ok( 'Pınar'::text, '>', 'Pinar', 'ı > i' ),
+          cmp_ok( 'José'::text,  '>', 'Jose',  'é > e' ),
+          cmp_ok( 'Täp'::text,   '>', 'Tap',   'ä > a' )
+      )
+       skip('Collation-specific test', 4)
+  END;
+ +

On PostgreSQL 8.4 and higher, it can take any number of arguments. Lower than +8.4 requires the explicit use of an array:

+ +
SELECT collect_tap(ARRAY[
+    ok(true, 'This should pass'),
+    ok(false, 'This should fail)
+ +

display_type( schema, type_oid, typemod )

+ +

display_type( type_oid, typemod )

+ +
SELECT display_type('public', 'varchar'::regtype, NULL );
+SELECT display_type('numeric'::regtype, 196612 );
+ +

Like pg_catalog.format_type(), except that the returned value is not +prepended with the schema name unless it is passed as the first argument. Used +internally by pgTAP to compare type names, but may be more generally useful.

+ +

display_oper( oper_name, oper_oid )

+ +
SELECT display_type(oprname, oid ) FROM pg_operator;
+ +

Similar to casting an operator OID to regoperator, only the schema is not +included in the display. Used internally by pgTAP to compare operators, but +may be more generally useful.

+ +


+ +
SELECT pg_typeof(:value);
+ +

Returns a regtype identifying the type of value passed to the function. This +function is used internally by cmp_ok() to properly construct types when +executing the comparison, but might be generally useful.

+ +
try=% select pg_typeof(12), pg_typeof(100.2);
+ pg_typeof | pg_typeof
+ integer   | numeric
+ +

Note: pgTAP does not build pg_typeof() on PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher, +because it’s in core in 8.4. You only need to worry about this if you depend +on the function being in particular schema. It will always be in pg_catalog +in 8.4 and higher.

+ +

findfuncs( schema, pattern )

+ +

findfuncs( pattern )

+ +
SELECT findfuncs('myschema', '^test' );
+ +

This function searches the named schema or, if no schema is passed, the search +patch, for all functions that match the regular expression pattern. The +functions it finds are returned as an array of text values, with each value +consisting of the schema name, a dot, and the function name. For example:

+ +
SELECT findfuncs('tests', '^test);
+            findfuncs
+ {tests.test_foo,tests."test bar"}
+(1 row)
+ +

Tap that Batch

+ +

Sometimes it can be useful to batch a lot of TAP tests into a function. The +simplest way to do so is to define a function that RETURNS SETOF TEXT and +then simply call RETURN NEXT for each TAP test. Here’s a simple example:

+ +
+    RETURN NEXT pass( 'plpgsql simple' );
+    RETURN NEXT pass( 'plpgsql simple 2' );
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ +

Then you can just call the function to run all of your TAP tests at once:

+ +
SELECT plan(2);
+SELECT * FROM my_tests();
+SELECT * FROM finish();
+ +

do_tap( schema, pattern )

+ +

do_tap( schema )

+ +

do_tap( pattern )

+ +


+ +
SELECT plan(32);
+SELECT * FROM do_tap('testschema'::name);
+SELECT * FROM finish();
+ +

If you like you can create a whole slew of these batched tap functions, and +then use the do_tap() function to run them all at once. If passed no +arguments, it will attempt to find all visible functions that start with +“test”. If passed a schema name, it will look for and run test functions only +in that schema (be sure to cast the schema to name if it is the only +argument). If passed a regular expression pattern, it will look for function +names that match that pattern in the search path. If passed both, it will of +course only search for test functions that match the function in the named +schema.

+ +

This can be very useful if you prefer to keep all of your TAP tests in +functions defined in the database. Simply call plan(), use do_tap() to +execute all of your tests, and then call finish().

+ +

As a bonus, if client_min_messages is set to “warning”, “error”, “fatal”, or +“panic”, the name of each function will be emitted as a diagnostic message +before it is called. For example, if do_tap() found and executed two TAP +testing functions an client_min_messages is set to “warning”, output will +look something like this:

+ +
# public.test_this()
+ok 1 - simple pass
+ok 2 - another simple pass
+# public.test_that()
+ok 3 - that simple
+ok 4 - that simple 2
+ +

Which will make it much easier to tell what functions need to be examined for +failing tests.

+ +

runtests( schema, match )

+ +

runtests( schema )

+ +

runtests( match )

+ +

runtests( )

+ +
SELECT * FROM runtests( 'testschema', '^test' );
+ +

If you'd like pgTAP to plan, run all of your tests functions, and finish all +in one fell swoop, use runtests(). This most closely emulates the xUnit +testing environment, similar to the functionality of +PGUnit and +Epic. It requires PostgreSQL 8.1 or higher.

+ +

As with do_tap(), you can pass in a schema argument and/or a pattern that +the names of the tests functions can match. If you pass in only the schema +argument, be sure to cast it to name to identify it as a schema name rather +than a pattern:

+ +
SELECT * FROM runtests('testschema'::name);
+ +

Unlike do_tap(), runtests() fully supports startup, shutdown, setup, and +teardown functions, as well as transactional rollbacks between tests. It also +outputs the test plan and fishes the tests, so you don’t have to call plan() +or finish() yourself.

+ +

The fixture functions run by runtests() are as follows:

+ + + + +

Note that all tests executed by runtests() are run within a single +transaction, and each test is run in a subtransaction that also includes +execution all the setup and teardown functions. All transactions are rolled +back after each test function, and at the end of testing, leaving your +database in largely the same condition as it was in when you started it (the +one exception I'm aware of being sequences, which are not rolled back to the +value used at the beginning of a rolled-back transaction).

+ +

Compose Yourself

+ +

So, you've been using pgTAP for a while, and now you want to write your own +test functions. Go ahead; I don’t mind. In fact, I encourage it. How? Why, +by providing a function you can use to test your tests, of course!

+ +

But first, a brief primer on writing your own test functions. There isn’t much +to it, really. Just write your function to do whatever comparison you want. As +long as you have a boolean value indicating whether or not the test passed, +you're golden. Just then use ok() to ensure that everything is tracked +appropriately by a test script.

+ +

For example, say that you wanted to create a function to ensure that two text +values always compare case-insensitively. Sure you could do this with is() +and the LOWER() function, but if you're doing this all the time, you might +want to simplify things. Here’s how to go about it:

+ +
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is (text, text, text)
+    result BOOLEAN;
+    result := LOWER($1) = LOWER($2);
+    RETURN ok( result, $3 ) || CASE WHEN result THEN '' ELSE E'\n' || diag(
+           '    Have: ' || $1 ||
+        E'\n    Want: ' || $2;
+) END;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+ +

Yep, that’s it. The key is to always use pgTAP’s ok() function to guarantee +that the output is properly formatted, uses the next number in the sequence, +and the results are properly recorded in the database for summarization at +the end of the test script. You can also provide diagnostics as appropriate; +just append them to the output of ok() as we've done here.

+ +

Of course, you don’t have to directly use ok(); you can also use another +pgTAP function that ultimately calls ok(). IOW, while the above example +is instructive, this version is easier on the eyes:

+ +
+     SELECT is( LOWER($1), LOWER(2), $3);
+$$ LANGUAGE sql;
+ +

But either way, let pgTAP handle recording the test results and formatting the +output.

+ +

Testing Test Functions

+ +

Now you've written your test function. So how do you test it? Why, with this +handy-dandy test function!

+ +

check_test( test_output, is_ok, name, want_description, want_diag, match_diag )

+ +

check_test( test_output, is_ok, name, want_description, want_diag )

+ +

check_test( test_output, is_ok, name, want_description )

+ +

check_test( test_output, is_ok, name )

+ +

check_test( test_output, is_ok )

+ +
SELECT * FROM check_test(
+    lc_eq('This', 'THAT', 'not eq'),
+    false,
+    'lc_eq fail',
+    'not eq',
+    E'    Want: this\n    Have: that'
+SELECT * FROM check_test(
+    lc_eq('This', 'THIS', 'eq'),
+    true
+ +

This function runs anywhere between one and three tests against a test +function. For the impatient, the arguments are:

+ + + + +

Now, on with the detailed documentation. At its simplest, you just pass it the +output of your test (and it must be one and only one test function’s +output, or you'll screw up the count, so don’t do that!) and a boolean value +indicating whether or not you expect the test to have passed. That looks +something like the second example above.

+ +

All other arguments are optional, but I recommend that you always include a +short test name to make it easier to track down failures in your test script. +check_test() uses this name to construct descriptions of all of the tests it +runs. For example, without a short name, the above example will yield output +like so:

+ +
not ok 14 - Test should pass
+ +

Yeah, but which test? So give it a very succinct name and you'll know what +test. If you have a lot of these, it won’t be much help. So give each call +to check_test() a name:

+ +
SELECT * FROM check_test(
+    lc_eq('This', 'THIS', 'eq'),
+    true,
+    'Simple lc_eq test',
+ +

Then you'll get output more like this:

+ +
not ok 14 - Simple lc_test should pass
+ +

Which will make it much easier to find the failing test in your test script.

+ +

The optional fourth argument is the description you expect to be output. This +is especially important if your test function generates a description when +none is passed to it. You want to make sure that your function generates the +test description you think it should! This will cause a second test to be run +on your test function. So for something like this:

+ +
SELECT * FROM check_test(
+    lc_eq( ''this'', ''THIS'' ),
+    true,
+    'lc_eq() test',
+    'this is THIS'
+ +

The output then would look something like this, assuming that the lc_eq() +function generated the proper description (the above example does not):

+ +
ok 42 - lc_eq() test should pass
+ok 43 - lc_eq() test should have the proper description
+ +

See how there are two tests run for a single call to check_test()? Be sure +to adjust your plan accordingly. Also note how the test name was used in the +descriptions for both tests.

+ +

If the test had failed, it would output a nice diagnostics. Internally it just +uses is() to compare the strings:

+ +
# Failed test 43:  "lc_eq() test should have the proper description"
+#         have: 'this is this'
+#         want: 'this is THIS'
+ +

The fifth argument, :want_diag, which is also optional, compares the +diagnostics generated during the test to an expected string. Such diagnostics +must follow whatever is output by the call to ok() in your test. Your +test function should not call diag() until after it calls ok() or things +will get truly funky.

+ +

Assuming you've followed that rule in your lc_eq() test function, to see +what happens when a lc_eq() fails. Write your test to test the diagnostics +like so:

+ +
SELECT * FROM check_test(
+    lc_eq( ''this'', ''THat'' ),
+    false,
+    'lc_eq() failing test',
+    'this is THat',
+    E'    Want: this\n    Have: THat
+ +

This of course triggers a third test to run. The output will look like so:

+ +
ok 44 - lc_eq() failing test should fail
+ok 45 - lc_eq() failing test should have the proper description
+ok 46 - lc_eq() failing test should have the proper diagnostics
+ +

And of course, it the diagnostic test fails, it will output diagnostics just +like a description failure would, something like this:

+ +
# Failed test 46:  "lc_eq() failing test should have the proper diagnostics"
+#         have:     Have: this
+#     Want: that
+#         want:     Have: this
+#     Want: THat
+ +

If you pass in the optional sixth argument, :match_diag, the :want_diag +argument will be compared to the actual diagnostic output using matches() +instead of is(). This allows you to use a regular expression in the +:want_diag argument to match the output, for those situations where some +part of the output might vary, such as time-based diagnostics.

+ +

I realize that all of this can be a bit confusing, given the various haves and +wants, but it gets the job done. Of course, if your diagnostics use something +other than indented “have” and “want”, such failures will be easier to read. +But either way, do test your diagnostics!

+ +


+ +

Here are some notes on how pgTAP is built for particular versions of +PostgreSQL. This helps you to understand any side-effects. If you'd rather not +have these changes in your schema, build pgTAP with a schema just for it, +instead:

+ +
make TAPSCHEMA=tap
+ +

To see the specifics for each version of PostgreSQL, consult the files in the +compat/ directory in the pgTAP distribution.

+ +

8.4 and Up

+ +

No changes. Everything should just work.

+ +

8.3 and Down

+ + + + +

8.2 and Down

+ + + + +


+ + + + +

To Do

+ + + + +

Supported Versions

+ +

pgTAP has been tested on the following builds of PostgreSQL:

+ + + + +

If you know of others, please submit them! Use +psql -d template1 -c 'SELECT VERSION()' to get the formal build version and OS.

+ +

Public Repository

+ +

The source code for pgTAP is available on +GitHub. Please feel free to fork and +contribute!

+ +

Mail List

+ +

Join the pgTAP community by subscribing to the pgtap-users mail +list. All questions, +comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed there.

+ +


+ +

David E. Wheeler

+ +


+ + + + +

Copyright and License

+ +

Copyright © 2008-2009 Kineticode, Inc. Some rights reserved.

+ +

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its +documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is +hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph +and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.

+ +


+ +

