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First pass at verify().
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I have most of the logic I want in there. I think it's pretty good. Will start
on tests next, as there are likely a bazillion bugs. Ref #15.
  • Loading branch information
theory committed Dec 27, 2012
1 parent edfb19d commit a966ef3
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Showing 2 changed files with 269 additions and 3 deletions.
268 changes: 267 additions & 1 deletion lib/App/Sqitch/
Expand Up @@ -251,14 +251,225 @@ sub revert {
return $self;

sub verify {
my ( $self, $from, $to ) = @_;
my $sqitch = $self->sqitch;
my $plan = $sqitch->plan->changes;
my $exitval = 0;
my $from_idx = 0;
my $to_idx = 0;
my @changes = map {
my $tags = $_->{tags} || [];
my $c = App::Sqitch::Plan::Change->new(%{ $_ }, plan => $plan );
App::Sqitch::Plan::Tag->new(name => $_, plan => $plan, change => $c )
) for @{ $tags };
} $self->deployed_changes;

'Verifying {destination}',
destination => $self->destination,

if (!@changes) {
# Probably expected, but exit 1 anyway.
my $msg = $plan->count
? __ 'No changes deployed.'
: __ 'Nothing to verify (no planned or deployed changes)';
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
message => $msg,
exitval => $exitval,

if ($plan->count == 0) {
# Oy, there are deployed changes, but not planned!
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
message => __ 'There are deployed changes, but none planned!',
exitval => 2,

if (defined $from) {
# Jump to that change in each set of changes.
my $from_id = $self->change_id_for_key( $from ) || hurl {
ident => 'verify',
exitval => 2,
message => __x(
'Cannot find change "{change}" in the plan',
change => $from
shift @changes until !@changes || $changes[0]->id eq $from_id;
$from_idx = try { $plan->index_of( $from ) } catch {

if (!@changes) {
# Can't find it in the database. Is it in the plan?
my $msg = defined $from_idx ? __x(
'Change "{change}" has not been deployed',
change => $from,
) : __x(
'Cannot find "{change}" in the database or the plan',
change => $from,
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
message => $msg,
exitval => 2,

# Complain if we can't find the change in the plan.
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
exitval => 2,
message => __x(
'Change "{change}" is deployed, but not planned',
change => $from,
} unless defined $from_idx;

# We good.

} else {
# Make sure we can find the change in the plan.
$from_idx = $plan->index_of( $changes[0]->id );
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
exitval => 2,
message => __x(
'Cannot find first deploye change "{change}" in the plan',
change => $changes[0]->format_name_with_tags,
} unless defined $from_idx;

if ($from_idx > 0) {
# There are changes in the plan before the earliest deployed change.
my $count = $plan->count - $from_idx;
'Planned change appears before first deployed change "{change}":',
'Planned changes appear before first deployed change "{change}":',
change => $changes[0]->format_name_with_tags,

$sqitch->emit( ' * ', $plan->change_at($_)->format_name_with_tags )
for (0..$from_idx);
$exitval += $count;

# We good.

if (defined $to) {
my $to_id = $self->change_id_for_key( $to ) || hurl {
ident => 'verify',
exitval => 2,
message => __x(
'Cannot find change "{change}" in the plan',
change => $to
pop @changes until !@changes || $changes[-1]->id eq $to_id;
$to_idx = try { $plan->index_of( $to ) } catch {

if (!@changes) {
# Can't find it in the database. Is it in the plan?
my $msg = defined $to_idx ? __x(
'Change "{change}" has not been deployed',
change => $to,
) : __x(
'Cannot find "{change}" in the database or the plan',
change => $to,
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
message => $msg,
exitval => 2,

# Complain if we can't find the change in the plan.
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
exitval => 2,
message => __x(
'Change "{change}" is deployed, but not planned',
change => $to,
} unless defined $to_idx;

# We good.

} else {
$to_idx = $plan->count - 1;

# Run the verify tests.
my $i = 0;
my @good_indexes;
for my $change (@changes) {
$sqitch->emit( ' * ', $change->format_name_with_tags );

my $plan_index = $plan->index_of( $change->id );
if (! defined $plan_index) {
$sqitch->comment(' ! ', __ 'Not present in the plan');
} elsif ( $plan_index != ($from_idx + $i) ) {
$sqitch->comment(' ! ', __ 'Out of order');
} else {
push @good_indexes => $i;

# Run the verify script.
try { $self->verify_change( $change ) };
catch {

# List off any undeployed changes.
for my $idx ( $from_idx .. $to_idx ) {
next if first { $_ == $idx } @good_indexes;
my $change = $plan->change_at( $idx );
$sqitch->emit( ' * ', $change->format_name_with_tags );
$sqitch->comment(' ! ', __ 'Not deployed');

# Die if we have errors.
hurl {
ident => 'verify',
exitval => $exitval,
message => __ 'Verify failed',
} if $exitval;

return $self;

sub verify_change {
my ( $self, $change ) = @_;
my $file = $change->verify_file;
return $self->run_file( $file ) if -e $file;

# The file does not exist. Complain, but don't die.
'Verify file {file} does not exist',
'Verify script {file} does not exist',
file => $file,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,6 +581,19 @@ sub change_id_for_depend {

sub change_id_for_key {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
my $offset = App::Sqitch::Plan::ChangeList::_offset $key;
my ( $cname, $tag ) = split /@/ => $key, 2;
return $self->change_id_for(
( !$tag && $cname =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ ? (change_id => $cname) : (
change => $cname,
tag => $tag,
offset => $offset,

sub find_change {
my ( $self, %p ) = @_;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -921,6 +1145,41 @@ associated changes. The C<$log_only> parameter, if passed a true values,
causes the revert to log the reverted changes I<without running the revert
=head3 C<verify>
$engine->verify( $from );
$engine->verify( $from, $to );
$engine->verify( undef, $to );
Verifies the database against the plan. Pass in change identfiers, as
described in L<sqitchchanges>, to limit the changes to verify. For
each change, information will be emitted if:
=item *
It does not appear in the plan.
=item *
It has not been deployed to the database.
=item *
It has been deployed out-of-order relative to the plan.
=item *
Its verify script fails.
Changes without verify scripts will emit a warning, but not constitute a
failure. If there are any failures, an exception will be thrown once all
verifications have completed.
=head3 C<check_deploy_dependencies>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -993,6 +1252,13 @@ Returns the L<App::Sqitch::Plan::Change> object representing the latest
applied change. With the optional C<$offset> argument, the returned change
will be the offset number of changes before the latest change.
=head3 C<change_id_for_key>
say 'Got it!' if $engine->change_id_for_key(key);
Searches the list of deplyed changes for a change ID corresponding to the
specified key, which should be in a format as described in L<sqitchchanges>.
=head3 C<change_id_for_depend>
say 'Dependency satisfied' if $engine->change_id_for_depend($depend);
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions t/engine.t
Expand Up @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ is_deeply +MockOutput->get_info, [[
' + ', 'foo'
]], 'Output should reflect the logging';
is_deeply +MockOutput->get_vent, [
[__x 'Verify file {file} does not exist', file => $change->verify_file],
[__x 'Verify script {file} does not exist', file => $change->verify_file],
], 'A warning about no verify file should have been emitted';

# Alright, disable verify now.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ ok $engine->verify_change($change), 'Verify a change with no verify script.';
is_deeply $engine->seen, [], 'No abstract methods should be called';
is_deeply +MockOutput->get_info, [], 'Should have no info output';
is_deeply +MockOutput->get_vent, [
[__x 'Verify file {file} does not exist', file => $change->verify_file],
[__x 'Verify script {file} does not exist', file => $change->verify_file],
], 'A warning about no verify file should have been emitted';

Expand Down

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