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Change one of the default values in Highlight Text page
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FayCross committed May 7, 2021
1 parent db5c528 commit e623d6e
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Showing 3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -6479,7 +6479,7 @@
<feedbackGroup type="group" label="Feedback Text" optional="true" tooltip="The optional feedback text appears after answers are submitted">
<feedbackTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="(feedbackPos=='panelA'||feedbackPos=='panelB') || download=='true'" defaultValue="Feedback" optional="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document"/>
<feedback label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="Enter feedback text here" optional="true"/>
<feedbackPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2,Lightbox" data="panelA,panelB,lightbox" conditionTrigger="true" defaultValue="lightbox" optional="true" tooltip="The position of the feedback text on the screen"/>
<feedbackPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2,Lightbox" data="panelA,panelB,lightbox" conditionTrigger="true" defaultValue="panelB" optional="true" tooltip="The position of the feedback text on the screen"/>

<notesText label="Notes Placeholder Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="" condition="mode=='Notes'" optional="true" tooltip="When in note taking mode this text will appear in the notes area by default"/>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Nottingham/wizards/en-GB/template.xwd
Expand Up @@ -6479,7 +6479,7 @@
<feedbackGroup type="group" label="Feedback Text" optional="true" tooltip="The optional feedback text appears after answers are submitted">
<feedbackTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="(feedbackPos=='panelA'||feedbackPos=='panelB') || download=='true'" defaultValue="Feedback" optional="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document"/>
<feedback label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="Enter feedback text here" optional="true"/>
<feedbackPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2,Lightbox" data="panelA,panelB,lightbox" conditionTrigger="true" defaultValue="lightbox" optional="true" tooltip="The position of the feedback text on the screen"/>
<feedbackPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2,Lightbox" data="panelA,panelB,lightbox" conditionTrigger="true" defaultValue="panelB" optional="true" tooltip="The position of the feedback text on the screen"/>

<notesText label="Notes Placeholder Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="" condition="mode=='Notes'" optional="true" tooltip="When in note taking mode this text will appear in the notes area by default"/>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Nottingham/wizards/en-GB/textHighlight.xwd
@@ -1 +1 @@
<wizard menus="Interactivity"> <pageWizard remove="true" duplicate="false"> <newNodes> <textHighlight><![CDATA[<textHighlight name="Enter Page Title" text="Enter text for the page here" textPos="top" textTitle="Introduction" initialText="Enter initial text here" initialPos="panelA" initialTitle="Initial Text" suggestedText="Enter suggested answer text here" suggestedPos="panelB" suggestedTitle="Suggested Text" notesPos="panelB" notesTitle="Notes" mode="Highlight" highlight1="0xFFFF00" highlight2="0xFFCC00" selectBtn="Highlight" noteBtn="Copy to Notes" downloadBtn="Download" checkBtn="Submit" clearBtn="Clear" resetBtn="Reset" errorTxt="Selection error - you can not select content from more than one paragraph at a time" highlightTxt="Selection error - no text selected" initTxtLabel="Initial text - select text and copy to your notes" initTxtLabel2="Initial text - select text before clicking highlight button" suggestedTxtLabel="A suggested answer" notesTxtLabel="Notes" />]]></textHighlight> </newNodes> </pageWizard> <!-- TEXT HIGHLIGHTING INTERACTION========================= --> <textHighlight menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Highlight Text" hint="A page where an initial piece of text can be highlighted and then compared to a suggested answer." icon="icHighlight" thumb="thumbs/textHighlight.jpg" remove="true"> <name label="Page Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true"/> <mode label="Interactivity Type" type="combobox" conditionTrigger="true" options="Highlighting,Note Taking" data="Highlight,Notes" /> <textGroup type="group" label="Page Text"> <textTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="(textPos=='panelA'||textPos=='panelB'||textPos=='left') || download=='true'" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document" /> <text label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100"/> <textPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Top,Left,Panel 1,Panel 2" data="top,left,panelA,panelB" conditionTrigger="true" tooltip="The position of this introductory text on the screen. Text can only appear on the left when there is only one panel being used." /> </textGroup> <initialGroup type="group" label="Initial Text"> <initialTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document"/> <initialText label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100"/> <initialPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2" data="panelA,panelB" tooltip="The position of the initial text on the screen" /> </initialGroup> <suggestedGroup type="group" label="Suggested Text" tooltip="The suggested text appears after answers are submitted. It should contain a suggested version of appropriate highlights or notes. Highlights can be added to this text using the background colour button on the text toolbar" > <suggestedTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document" /> <suggestedText label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100" /> <suggestedPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2" data="panelA,panelB" tooltip="The position of the suggested text on the screen" /> </suggestedGroup> <notesGroup type="group" label="Notes Area" condition="mode=='Notes'" tooltip="This text area is only shown when in note taking mode"> <notesTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="mode=='Notes'" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document"/> <notesPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2" data="panelA,panelB" condition="mode=='Notes'" tooltip="The position of the notes text on the screen"/> </notesGroup> <highlight1 label="Highlight Colour" type="ColourPicker" defaultValue="0xFFFF00" tooltip="The background colour used when highlighting text"/> <highlight2 label="Select Colour" type="ColourPicker" defaultValue="0xFFCC00" condition="mode=='Highlight'" tooltip="The background colour used for selected text"/> <feedbackGroup type="group" label="Feedback Text" optional="true" tooltip="The optional feedback text appears after answers are submitted"> <feedbackTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="(feedbackPos=='panelA'||feedbackPos=='panelB') || download=='true'" defaultValue="Feedback" optional="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document" /> <feedback label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="Enter feedback text here" optional="true"/> <feedbackPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2,Lightbox" data="panelA,panelB,lightbox" conditionTrigger="true" defaultValue="lightbox" optional="true" tooltip="The position of the feedback text on the screen" /> </feedbackGroup> <notesText label="Notes Placeholder Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="" condition="mode=='Notes'" optional="true" tooltip="When in note taking mode this text will appear in the notes area by default"/> <downloadGroup type="group" label="Download Notes" optional="true" tooltip="Allow text on the page to be downloaded as a Word document" > <download label="Allow Download" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="true" conditionTrigger="true" optional="true" /> <filename label="Filename (without extension)" type="TextInput" defaultValue="textHighlight" condition="download=='true'" optional="true"/> <fileOrientation label="File Orientation" data="portrait,landscape" type="ComboBox" options="Portrait,Landscape" width="120" defaultValue="portrait" condition="download=='true'" optional="true"/> </downloadGroup> <allowTyping label="Allow Typing" type="CheckBox" optional="true" condition="mode=='Notes'" defaultValue="true" tooltip="Allow typing directly in notes area (on by default)" /> <required label="Answer Required Before Feedback" type="CheckBox" optional="true" defaultValue="true" /> <forceTabs label="Panels to Tabs" type="CheckBox" optional="true" defaultValue="true" tooltip="Force all panels to be shown as tabbed navigators, even when they contain just one pane of information" /> <selectBtn label="Select Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" divider="true" language="true"/> <noteBtn label="Notes Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" divider="true" language="true"/> <downloadBtn label="Download Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <checkBtn label="Check Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <clearBtn label="Clear Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <resetBtn label="Reset Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <errorTxt label="Selection Error" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <highlightTxt label="Highlight Error" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <initTxtLabel label="Initial Text Label (Notes)" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <initTxtLabel2 label="Initial Text Label (Highlight)" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <suggestedTxtLabel label="Suggested Text Label" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <notesTxtLabel label="Notes Text Label" type="TextInput" language="true" /> </textHighlight></wizard>
<wizard menus="Interactivity"> <pageWizard remove="true" duplicate="false"> <newNodes> <textHighlight><![CDATA[<textHighlight name="Enter Page Title" text="Enter text for the page here" textPos="top" textTitle="Introduction" initialText="Enter initial text here" initialPos="panelA" initialTitle="Initial Text" suggestedText="Enter suggested answer text here" suggestedPos="panelB" suggestedTitle="Suggested Text" notesPos="panelB" notesTitle="Notes" mode="Highlight" highlight1="0xFFFF00" highlight2="0xFFCC00" selectBtn="Highlight" noteBtn="Copy to Notes" downloadBtn="Download" checkBtn="Submit" clearBtn="Clear" resetBtn="Reset" errorTxt="Selection error - you can not select content from more than one paragraph at a time" highlightTxt="Selection error - no text selected" initTxtLabel="Initial text - select text and copy to your notes" initTxtLabel2="Initial text - select text before clicking highlight button" suggestedTxtLabel="A suggested answer" notesTxtLabel="Notes" />]]></textHighlight> </newNodes> </pageWizard> <!-- TEXT HIGHLIGHTING INTERACTION========================= --> <textHighlight menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Highlight Text" hint="A page where an initial piece of text can be highlighted and then compared to a suggested answer." icon="icHighlight" thumb="thumbs/textHighlight.jpg" remove="true"> <name label="Page Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true"/> <mode label="Interactivity Type" type="combobox" conditionTrigger="true" options="Highlighting,Note Taking" data="Highlight,Notes" /> <textGroup type="group" label="Page Text"> <textTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="(textPos=='panelA'||textPos=='panelB'||textPos=='left') || download=='true'" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document" /> <text label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100"/> <textPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Top,Left,Panel 1,Panel 2" data="top,left,panelA,panelB" conditionTrigger="true" tooltip="The position of this introductory text on the screen. Text can only appear on the left when there is only one panel being used." /> </textGroup> <initialGroup type="group" label="Initial Text"> <initialTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document"/> <initialText label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100"/> <initialPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2" data="panelA,panelB" tooltip="The position of the initial text on the screen" /> </initialGroup> <suggestedGroup type="group" label="Suggested Text" tooltip="The suggested text appears after answers are submitted. It should contain a suggested version of appropriate highlights or notes. Highlights can be added to this text using the background colour button on the text toolbar" > <suggestedTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document" /> <suggestedText label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100" /> <suggestedPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2" data="panelA,panelB" tooltip="The position of the suggested text on the screen" /> </suggestedGroup> <notesGroup type="group" label="Notes Area" condition="mode=='Notes'" tooltip="This text area is only shown when in note taking mode"> <notesTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="mode=='Notes'" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document"/> <notesPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2" data="panelA,panelB" condition="mode=='Notes'" tooltip="The position of the notes text on the screen"/> </notesGroup> <highlight1 label="Highlight Colour" type="ColourPicker" defaultValue="0xFFFF00" tooltip="The background colour used when highlighting text"/> <highlight2 label="Select Colour" type="ColourPicker" defaultValue="0xFFCC00" condition="mode=='Highlight'" tooltip="The background colour used for selected text"/> <feedbackGroup type="group" label="Feedback Text" optional="true" tooltip="The optional feedback text appears after answers are submitted"> <feedbackTitle label="Title" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" condition="(feedbackPos=='panelA'||feedbackPos=='panelB') || download=='true'" defaultValue="Feedback" optional="true" tooltip="Title to appear on tab and in downloaded document" /> <feedback label="Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="Enter feedback text here" optional="true"/> <feedbackPos label="Position" type="combobox" options="Panel 1,Panel 2,Lightbox" data="panelA,panelB,lightbox" conditionTrigger="true" defaultValue="panelB" optional="true" tooltip="The position of the feedback text on the screen" /> </feedbackGroup> <notesText label="Notes Placeholder Text" type="TextArea" height="100" defaultValue="" condition="mode=='Notes'" optional="true" tooltip="When in note taking mode this text will appear in the notes area by default"/> <downloadGroup type="group" label="Download Notes" optional="true" tooltip="Allow text on the page to be downloaded as a Word document" > <download label="Allow Download" type="CheckBox" defaultValue="true" conditionTrigger="true" optional="true" /> <filename label="Filename (without extension)" type="TextInput" defaultValue="textHighlight" condition="download=='true'" optional="true"/> <fileOrientation label="File Orientation" data="portrait,landscape" type="ComboBox" options="Portrait,Landscape" width="120" defaultValue="portrait" condition="download=='true'" optional="true"/> </downloadGroup> <allowTyping label="Allow Typing" type="CheckBox" optional="true" condition="mode=='Notes'" defaultValue="true" tooltip="Allow typing directly in notes area (on by default)" /> <required label="Answer Required Before Feedback" type="CheckBox" optional="true" defaultValue="true" /> <forceTabs label="Panels to Tabs" type="CheckBox" optional="true" defaultValue="true" tooltip="Force all panels to be shown as tabbed navigators, even when they contain just one pane of information" /> <selectBtn label="Select Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" divider="true" language="true"/> <noteBtn label="Notes Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" divider="true" language="true"/> <downloadBtn label="Download Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <checkBtn label="Check Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <clearBtn label="Clear Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <resetBtn label="Reset Button Label" type="TextInput" wysiwyg="true" language="true"/> <errorTxt label="Selection Error" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <highlightTxt label="Highlight Error" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <initTxtLabel label="Initial Text Label (Notes)" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <initTxtLabel2 label="Initial Text Label (Highlight)" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <suggestedTxtLabel label="Suggested Text Label" type="TextInput" language="true" /> <notesTxtLabel label="Notes Text Label" type="TextInput" language="true" /> </textHighlight></wizard>
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