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add option to minimize require calls for imported JS deps
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using the full path generates too much code for libs that have
hundreds or more required files. using numeric ids like webpack
hurts caching a bit but can reduce build size by quite a bit.
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thheller committed Feb 6, 2019
1 parent 34f089a commit c2abeaf
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Showing 8 changed files with 169 additions and 32 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion shadow-cljs.edn
Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
{:http-root "out/demo-browser/public"
:http-port 8600
:loader-mode :eval
;; :loader-mode :eval
:repl-init-ns demo.browser
:before-load-async demo.browser/stop-from-config
:after-load demo.browser/start-from-config}}
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/main/shadow/build.clj
Expand Up @@ -298,6 +298,8 @@
:elide-asserts true
:load-tests false
:pretty-print false})
{:minimize-require true})
(update-in [:compiler-options :closure-defines] merge {'goog.DEBUG false}))

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68 changes: 44 additions & 24 deletions src/main/shadow/build/closure.clj
Expand Up @@ -1620,7 +1620,21 @@
(let [rc-id
(data/get-source-id-by-provide state ns)
{:keys [resource-name] :as rc}
(data/get-source-by-id state rc-id)]
(data/get-source-by-id state rc-id)

(if-not (get-in state [:js-options :minimize-require])
(fn [m require target]
(let [src-id (get sym->id target)
src (get-in state [:sources src-id])]
(if-not (and src (:require-id src))
(assoc m require (:require-id src)))))

(assoc m resource-name require-map)))
Expand All @@ -1629,10 +1643,14 @@
"takes a list of :npm sources and rewrites in a browser compatible way, no full conversion"
[{:keys [project-dir js-options npm mode build-sources] :as state} sources]
(let [source-files
(->> (for [{:keys [resource-id resource-name ns file deps] :as src} sources]
(->> (for [{:keys [resource-id resource-name ns require-id file deps] :as src} sources]
(let [source (data/get-source-code state src)]
(closure-source-file resource-name
(str "shadow$provide[\"" ns "\"] = function(global,process,require,module,exports,shadow$shims) {\n"
(str "shadow$provide["
(if (and require-id (:minimize-require js-options))
(pr-str require-id)
(str "\"" ns "\""))
"] = function(global,process,require,module,exports,shadow$shims) {\n"
(if (str/ends-with? resource-name ".json")
(str "module.exports=(" source ");")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1680,6 +1698,11 @@
(PropertyCollector. cc)

(let [m (require-replacement-map state)]
(ReplaceRequirePass. cc m))

(doto (make-options)
(set-options co-opts state)
Expand All @@ -1697,9 +1720,7 @@
(.addCustomPass CustomPassExecutionTime/BEFORE_CHECKS
(NodeStuffInlinePass. cc))

(.addCustomPass CustomPassExecutionTime/BEFORE_CHECKS
(let [m (require-replacement-map state)]
(ReplaceRequirePass. cc m)))
(.addCustomPass CustomPassExecutionTime/BEFORE_CHECKS replace-require-pass)

(.setWarningLevel DiagnosticGroups/NON_STANDARD_JSDOC CheckLevel/OFF)
(.setWarningLevel DiagnosticGroups/MISPLACED_TYPE_ANNOTATION CheckLevel/OFF)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1736,7 +1757,10 @@
_ (throw-errors! state cc result)

(.getSourceMap cc)]
(.getSourceMap cc)

(.getAliveReplacements replace-require-pass)]

(-> state
(log-warnings cc result)
Expand All @@ -1759,23 +1783,6 @@
(catch Exception e
(throw (ex-info (format "failed to generate JS for \"%s\"" name) {:name name} e))))

;; the :simple optimization may remove conditional requires
;; the JS inspector is not smart enough to detect this without optimizing itself
;; so instead just check if the compiled JS still contains the module name
;; the name is unique enough so it shouldn't run into something the user actually typed
;; module$node_modules$react$cjs$react_production_min
;; it is not done as a compiler pass since I cannot figure out how to do it
;; the require("thing") is renamed to b("thing") so I can't check NodeUtil.isCallTo("require")
;; no idea if I can get the original name after renaming, its not always b so can't use that
;; anyways this should be good enough and fixes the react conditional require issue
(->> (get-in state [:str->sym ns])
;; test at least for ("module$thing")
;; so it doesn't conflict with module$thing$b
(remove #(str/includes? js (str "(\"" % "\")")))
(into #{}))

(when generate-source-map?
(let [sw (StringWriter.)]
Expand All @@ -1787,6 +1794,19 @@
(data/deps->syms state rc)

;; conditional requires may be removed by :simple optimizations
;; the ReplaceRequirePass remembers all the require calls it modified
;; and after optimizations we can extract which ones are still alive
(->> (get-in state [:str->sym ns])
(remove (fn [require-ns]
(or (contains? alive-replacements require-ns)
(let [require-id (get-in state [:sym->require-id require-ns])]
(and require-id (contains? alive-replacements require-id))))))
(into #{}))

(into #{} (remove removed-requires) deps)

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57 changes: 55 additions & 2 deletions src/main/shadow/build/closure/
Expand Up @@ -4,18 +4,34 @@

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.*;

public class ReplaceRequirePass extends NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback implements CompilerPass {

private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
private final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> replacements;

public final List<ChangedRequire> changedRequires = new ArrayList<>();

public ReplaceRequirePass(AbstractCompiler compiler, Map<String, Map<String, Object>> replacements) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.replacements = replacements;

public static class ChangedRequire {
public final Node requireNode;
public final String sourceName;
public final String require;
public final Object replacement;

public ChangedRequire(Node requireNode, String sourceName, String require, Object replacement) {
this.requireNode = requireNode;
this.sourceName = sourceName;
this.require = require;
this.replacement = replacement;

public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node node, Node parent) {
if (NodeUtil.isCallTo(node, "require")) {
Expand All @@ -39,7 +55,18 @@ public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node node, Node parent) {
// might be a clj-sym or String
Object replacement = requires.get(require);
if (replacement != null) {
Node replacementNode = null;

if (replacement instanceof Long) {
replacementNode = IR.number((Long) replacement);
} else {
replacementNode = IR.string(replacement.toString());


changedRequires.add(new ChangedRequire(node, sfn, require, replacement));

Expand All @@ -49,6 +76,32 @@ public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node node, Node parent) {

public static boolean isAlive(Node node) {
Node test = node;
while (true) {
if (test == null) {
return false;
} else if (test.isRoot()) {
test = test.getParent();
return true;

// only call this after optimizations are done, otherwise everything will be alive
public Set<Object> getAliveReplacements() {
Set<Object> alive = new HashSet<>();

for (ChangedRequire req : changedRequires) {
if (isAlive(req.requireNode)) {

return alive;

public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this);
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58 changes: 56 additions & 2 deletions src/main/shadow/build/compiler.clj
Expand Up @@ -1025,10 +1025,17 @@
to ensure recompilation when their names change"
[state resource-id]
(let [rc (data/get-source-by-id state resource-id)
deps-syms (data/deps->syms state rc)]
deps-syms (data/deps->syms state rc)

(->> deps-syms
(map #(get-in state [:sym->require-id %]))
(remove nil?)
(into #{}))]

(update-in state [:sources resource-id :cache-key]
(fn [key]
(->> (into key deps-syms)
(->> (into key (concat deps-syms require-ids))
(into []))))))

Expand All @@ -1042,6 +1049,48 @@
:file file
:js-errors merged})))))

(defn assign-require-ids [state source-ids]
(loop [state state
[src-id & more] source-ids
idx 0]
(if-not src-id
(let [{:keys [ns type] :as src} (get-in state [:sources src-id])]
(if (not= :shadow-js type)
(recur state more idx)

;; assign an alias to be used when setting up the provide and on each require
;; shadow$provide[some-alias] = function(...) { require(some-alias); }
;; typically defaults to the full namespace which has a pretty big impact on overall
;; size on libraries that contains a lot of small files that all require each other in some way
;; a simple numeric id is the best for overall size (after gzip) but doesn't cache well
;; since every added JS dep may shift the ids and thus require recompiles
;; using the file ns in hash form is overall shorter than most paths but downright hostile
;; when it comes to gzip compression and thus not viable
;; even a shortened hashes still basically nullify gains in gzip
;; full hash [JS: 825.62 KB] [GZIP: 205.61 KB]
;; full path [JS: 891.56 KB] [GZIP: 186.04 KB]
;; short hash 8 [JS: 745.50 KB] [GZIP: 184.36 KB] (first 8 chars)
;; short hash 6 [JS: 738.83 KB] [GZIP: 182.84 KB] (first 6 chars)
;; numeric id [JS: 719.89 KB] [GZIP: 177.36 KB]
;; don't know how short the hash could be to reduce conflicts since each conflict
;; would mean we need to recompile which then makes it worse than numeric ids
;; wonder if there is something that is gzip-friendly but also cache-friendly

(let [alias idx #_ (subs (util/md5hex (str ns)) 0 6)]
(-> state
(update-in [:sources src-id] assoc :require-id alias)
(assoc-in [:require-id->sym alias] ns)
(assoc-in [:sym->require-id ns] alias)
(recur more (inc idx))

(defn compile-all
"compile a list of sources by id,
requires that the ids are in dependency order
Expand All @@ -1057,6 +1106,11 @@

(let [state
(if-not (get-in state [:js-options :minimize-require])
(assign-require-ids state source-ids))

(reduce ensure-cache-invalidation-on-resolve-changes state source-ids)

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/main/shadow/build/data.clj
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
;; since closure only works with names not ids
:name->id {}

;; numeric require mapped to its namespace and back
:require-id->sym {}
:sym->require-id {}

;; map of {resource-id #{resource-id ...}}
;; keeps track of immediate deps for each given source
;; used for cache invalidation and collecting all deps
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/main/shadow/build/npm.clj
Expand Up @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
:require require
:override override})))))))

(defn shadow-js-require [{:keys [ns resource-config] :as rc}]
(defn shadow-js-require [{:keys [ns require-id resource-config] :as rc}]
(let [{:keys [export-global export-globals]}

Expand All @@ -712,7 +712,11 @@
(seq globals)
(assoc :globals globals)))]

(str "shadow.js.require(\"" ns "\", " (json/write-str opts) ");")))
(str "shadow.js.require("
(if require-id
(pr-str require-id)
(str "\"" ns "\""))
", " (json/write-str opts) ");")))

;; FIXME: allow configuration of :extensions :entry-keys
;; maybe some closure opts
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/shadow/js.js
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ shadow.js.jsRequire = function(name, opts) {

try {
if (goog.DEBUG) {
if (name.indexOf("/") != -1) {
if (name instanceof String && name.indexOf("/") != -1) {
"Tried to dynamically require '" +
name +
Expand Down

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