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Unbalanced Gromov-Wasserstein divergence

This repository is the official implementation of in the paper The Unbalanced Gromov Wasserstein Distance: Conic Formulation and Relaxation. It computes the approximation of the UGW divergence based on entropic regularization and the Sinkhorn algorithm. It allows to compare weighted point clouds equipped with a cost matrix, or graphs with weights at the node and distances on the edges. The implementation of the Gromov-Wasserstein distance (GW) is also available with this package.

If you use this work for your research, please cite the paper:

  title={The Unbalanced Gromov Wasserstein Distance: Conic Formulation and Relaxation},
  author={S{\'e}journ{\'e}, Thibault and Vialard, Fran{\c{c}}ois-Xavier and Peyr{\'e}, Gabriel},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.04266},


The package is installable via pip. It relies on the NumPy and PyTorch packages, and the examples use matplotlib. To install the dependencies and the package, run the following command on your terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install unbalancedgw

Run the solver

You can check the file for a simple example using the package. The principle is the following: first import the method.

import torch
from unbalancedgw.vanilla_ugw_solver import exp_ugw_sinkhorn
from unbalancedgw._vanilla_utils import ugw_cost
from unbalancedgw.utils import generate_measure

Then you can set the parameters of the method (entropic regularization and strength of marginal penalty), and generate the data.

eps = 1.0
rho, rho2 = 1.0, 1.0

# Generate two mm-spaces with euclidean metrics
a, dx, _ = generate_measure(n_batch=1, n_sample=5, n_dim=3)
b, dy, _ = generate_measure(n_batch=1, n_sample=6, n_dim=2)
a, b, dx, dy = a[0], b[0], dx[0], dy[0]

Eventually you can compute the optimal UGW transport plan, and compute its associated UGW cost.

pi, gamma = exp_ugw_sinkhorn(a, dx, b, dy, init=None, eps=eps,
                             rho=rho, rho2=rho2,
                             nits_plan=1000, tol_plan=1e-5,
                             nits_sinkhorn=1000, tol_sinkhorn=1e-5,
cost = ugw_cost(pi, gamma, a, dx, b, dy, eps=eps, rho=rho, rho2=rho2)

If you want to switch to Balanced-GW, you can set the parameters as

eps = 1.0
rho, rho2 = float("Inf"), float("Inf")

PU learning experiments

We propose in the paper to apply UGW to domain adaptation data in a PU learning setting. The unbalanced plan perform a partial matching of the data, which allows to predict which samples should be in the same class as the source dataset.

The code is available in the folder /experiments_pu. The code is only available on the repo and uses extra packages. To reproduce the experiments, run the package, install the dependencies and go into the folder.

git clone
cd unbalanced_gromov_wasserstein/experiments_pu
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download the data

The data is available here. You should store it in a folder located at /unbalanced_gromov_wasserstein/experiments_pu/data.

Compute the prediction and accuracies

To compute the prediction and convert the accuracies in a pandas dataframe, run:


Observe the accuracy results

Then you can run the notebook display_performance.ipynb which displays the accuracy for all tasks. The reproduction of the results from Chapel et al. is available in display_results_pgw.ipynb.


The code is available under a MIT license.


Implementation of the Gromov-Wasserstein distance to the setting of Unbalanced Optimal Transport







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