A plugin for Sublime Text 2, that runs your ugly CSS through the http://csslisible.com/ API.
- Recommended - Using Sublime Package Control
on osx then selectPackage Control: Install Package
install Csslisible
Using Package Control ensures Sublime Csslisible will stay up to date automatically.
Alternatively, download the package from GitHub into your Packages folder (on OSX):
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/ git clone git@github.com:thierrylemoulec/Sublime-Csslisible.git
- Open a CSS file
- Select one or multiple block.
- If no selection is made the plugin will run on the whole file.
- Press
on Windows, Linux and OS X to run Csslisible or use the command palette.
'idparam' : (value,/default value/) : Explanation
'api' : (1)
'clean_css' : (css to clean) : CSS to clean
'distance_selecteurs' : (0,/1/,2) : Number of lines separating multiple selectors.
'type_indentation' : (0,1,2,/3/,4,5,6) : Chosen type of indentation.
'type_separateur' : (0,1,/2/,3) : Type of separator between properties and value.
'selecteurs_multiples_separes' : (0,/1/) : Adding a carriage return after each part of a multiple selector. (Boolean)
'valeurs_multiples_separees' : (0,/1/) : Adding a carriage return after each comma in a multiple value. (Boolean)
'hex_colors_format' : (/0/,1,2) : Formatting colors (# fff to # FFF, and vice versa).
'colors_format' : (/0/,1,2,3) : Advanced formatting of colors.
'raccourcir_valeurs' : (/0/,1) : Using CSS shortcuts on values with 4 numericals parameters. (Boolean)
0 : 1 space
1 : 2 spaces
2 : 3 spaces
3 : 4 spaces ( default )
4 : 1 tab
5 : 2 tabs
6 : no indent.
0 : ':'
1 : ' :'
2 : ': '
3 : ' : '
0 : 'Unchanged'
1 : 'lower' ( #FFF -> #fff )
2 : 'upper' ( #fff -> #FFF )
0 : 'Unchanged'
1 : 'Name' ( #000 / rgb(0,0,0) -> white [if possible])
2 : 'Hex' : ( rgb(0,0,0) / black -> #000 )
3 : 'RGB' : ( #000 / black -> rgb(0,0,0) )