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ThisissoonFM Socket Server

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The ThisissoonFM socket server interfaces redis pub/sub events with web clients via sockets.


The socket messages use the same names as the redis events emitted from FM-API, camelCased and prefixed with fm:player: eg:

  • fm:player:play
  • fm:player:add
  • fm:player:volumeChanged

For a full list of the events see: FM-API docs

In each case data from the redis message is passed through the socket message to the client.


Ensure you have the following tools before you start developing this application:


The ThisissoonFM socket server is designed to be run under docker. This section will describe how to get the application up and running under docker.

Building the Docker Image

First step is to get docker installed on your system. You will need to use Boot2Docker on OSX/Windows and you can follow the basic instructions here but shout for help if you are not sure:

Once you have docker running the first thing to do is build the docker image. In future we may host the latest image build on docker hub or similar.

$ docker build -t soon/fm-socket .

Running the Application

$ docker run --rm -it soon/fm-socket

The following configuration can be set via Environment Varibales:

  • SOCKET_PORT Server port
  • SOCKET_LOG_LEVEL Logging level - defaults to info, setting to verbose will log all emitted events
  • REDIS_URI Set the redis server to listen to - defaults to redis://redis:6379
  • REDIS_CHANNEL Set the redis channel to listen to - defaults to fm:events

Running in Development

To run the application in development, we're using fig.

Fig (OSX)

Fig defines all the services that make up the app in fig.yml and runs them together in an isolated environment. Simply run:

$ fig up

To attach your local code for development, un-comment the relevant application volumes in fig.yml.

Check it out at http://localdocker:8080


Testing uses the mocha framework, with istanbul for coverage reports ./coverage/lcov-report. Run:

$ grunt test

Running Tests in Development

To run the test suite with auto-reruns on code changes, run:

$ grunt dev


Websocket server for, interfacing redis pub/sub events to websocket messages






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