Daemon Dash 2015 | A reimagined CS Undergrad Registration System
Team Victorious Secret's hack at the 2015 Daemon Dash Hackathon. Placed second overall and won the CS Department Undergraduate Event Registration System challenge. See http://daemondash.cs.umd.edu/ for more details about Daemon Dash @ Univ. of MD.
This project attempts to reimagine the previous event registration system maintained by the UMD CS Department. The resulting effort is a more functional, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing solution to both the students, staff administration, and the system administrators.
Utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for dynamic client-side frontend and Python/Django for the backend administration. Our team is currently planning to spend more time on this project in the future as an effort to improve the infrastructure of the CS Department at UMD.
To view the student page, use the username "student" and password "password".
To view the admin page, use the username "admin" and password "password".