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CIP2017-03-29 Scalar Subqueries and List Subqueries

1. Scalar Subqueries and List Subqueries

Scalar Subqueries are read-only subqueries that produce a single value in a single row. The result of a Scalar Subquery is the single value (in the single row) produced by the subquery.

List Subqueries are read-only subqueries that produce a single value per row, and zero or more rows. The result of a List Subquery is the list formed by collecting all of the values of all rows produced by the subquery.

1.1. Syntax

Atom = ... | ListSubquery | ScalarSubquery ;

ListSubquery = '[', SingleValueSubquery, ']' ;

ScalarSubquery = 'SCALAR', '(', SingleValueSubquery, ')' ;

SingleValueSubquery = SingleValuePatternQuery
                    | SingleValueUnwindQuery
                    | SingleValueCallQuery
                    | SingleValueQuery

SingleValuePatternQuery = PatternPart, [Where], SingleValueReturn ;
SingleValueUnwindQuery  = 'UNWIND', Expression,
                          ['AS', Variable, [Where], Filter] ;
SingleValueCallQuery    = 'CALL', ExplicitProcedureInvocation,
                          'YIELD', YieldItem, [Where], Filter ;
SingleValueQuery  = {{Match | Unwind | Call}-, {With}}-, SingleValueReturn ;
SingleValueReturn = 'RETURN', (Expression | ProjectedMap | Aggregation), Filter ;

Filter = [Order], [Skip], [Limit] ;

1.2. Scalar Subqueries

Scalar Subqueries are read-only subqueries that produce a single value in a single row. The result of a Scalar Subquery is the single value (in the single row) produced by the subquery.

If the subquery of a Scalar Subquery produces more than a single row an error value (or NULL) is produced as the result of the subquery.

If the subquery of a Scalar Subquery produces no rows, an error value (or NULL) is produced as the result of the subquery.

Note that this makes it difficult to distinguish between the cases of:

  • The Scalar Subquery produced more than a single row

  • The Scalar Subquery produced zero rows

  • The Scalar Subquery produced a single row, but the value of that row is an error value (or NULL)

In order to allow the user to explicitly distinguish between these cases, we allow ways of asserting that there is exactly one row.

  • For ensuring that the Scalar Subquery produces at least a single row, the MANDATORY query modifies can be used, either by specifying the whole Scalar Subquery as a mandatory subquery, or if the subquery is a single MATCH subquery MANDATORY MATCH can be used.

  • For ensuring that the Scalar Subquery produces at most single rows, an asserting aggregation function called single is proposed. This aggregation raises an error from the query if more than a single row is aggregated.

1.3. List Subqueries

List Subqueries are read-only subqueries that produce a single value per row, and zero or more rows. The result of a List Subquery is the list formed by collecting all of the values of all rows produced by the subquery. If the subquery of the List Subquery produces no rows, the result of the List Subquery is an empty list.

A Scalar Subquery is equivalent to the corresponding Scalar Subquery where the projected value is collected into a list. As an example, the following query:

MATCH (p:Person)
RETURN AS person, [
   MATCH (p)-[:KNOWS]-(f)
] AS friends

is equivalent to:

MATCH (p:Person)
   MATCH (p)-[:KNOWS]-(f)
   RETURN collect(
) AS friends

1.4. Single Pattern Based Subqueries

The subquery syntax defined by the SingleValuePatternQuery non-terminal is intended to replace the syntax that has been known as "Pattern Comprehension" and recast it as a kind of subquery. It is semantically equivalent to a SingleValueQuery with a Match preceding the single PatternPart, including the optional Where.

It differs from SingleValueQuery in that:

  • it only allows a single Match with a single PatternPart.

  • it does not allow Unwind, Call, or With.

It differs from "Pattern Comprehension" in that:

  • it uses RETURN for defining the projected value instead of |.

A SingleValuePatternQuery, α [WHERE ρ] RETURN σ is canonicalized to a SingleValueQuery as MATCH α [WHERE ρ] RETURN σ. For example [(kevin)-[:KNOWS]->(friend) RETURN] is canonicalized to [MATCH (kevin)-[:KNOWS]->(friend) RETURN].

1.5. Examples

Filter the contents of an existing list
    UNWIND existing_list_of_items AS item
    WHERE item.size < 15
    RETURN item
] AS small_items
Sort an existing list
    UNWIND existing_list_of_items AS item
    RETURN item
    ORDER BY item.price
] AS small_items
Collect separate lists of friends and enemies
MATCH (me:Person {name: $my_name})
    MATCH (me)-[:FRIEND]-(friend)
] AS friends, [
    MATCH (me)-[:ENEMY]-(enemy)
] AS enemies
Unpack the value of a singleton list (or fail if the list is not a singleton)
RETURN SCALAR (UNWIND list_with_single_item) AS the_item
Unpack the single element matching a predicate from a list
    UNWIND existing_list_of_items AS item
    WHERE = "Cabbage"
    // RETURN is not needed from an UNWIND subquery
) AS the_item
Unpack the first element matching a predicate from a list
    UNWIND existing_list_of_items AS item
    // RETURN is not needed from an UNWIND subquery
    LIMIT 1
) AS first_item
Compute an aggregation of all items in a list
    UNWIND existing_list_of_items AS item
    RETURN avg(item.price)
) AS avg_item_price
Compute an aggregation over a sub-pattern
MATCH (who:Employee)
    MATCH (who)-[filing:FILED]->(receipt)
    WHERE date.truncate('month', date() - duration('P1M'))
          <= <
          date.truncate('month', date() + duration('P1M'))
    RETURN sum(receipt.amount)
) AS total_expenses
Using the SingleValueCallQuery form to avoid redundant projection
    CALL YIELD theValue
    WHERE theValue.temperatureC < 4.0
    // Return is not needed for CALL subquery with only a single YIELD field
] AS all_cool_values