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Kinesis AWS Command-line Interface Plugin

This Plugin adds four Kinesis commands to the AWS CLI


Use pip to install the Kinesis AWS CLI Plugin under Python site-packages:

sudo pip install

On a Mac you might have to install the plugin like this:

sudo pip install --ignore-installed six

AWS CLI Plugin Registration

Execute the following command to register the plugin in your ~/.aws/config file

aws configure set plugins.kinesis kinesis_awscli_plugin

This will add the plugin to the ~/.aws/config file.


1. Stream Metrics

Displays stream-level metrics for the specified stream. By default datapoints of the last 10 minutes get fetched.

Example 1:

Fetches all metrics for the specified stream:

aws kinesis get-stream-metrics --stream-name Test

Example 2:

Fetches all metrics for the specified stream and displays them in readable format:

aws kinesis get-stream-metrics --stream-name Test --output table

More details with aws kinesis get-stream-metrics help.

2. Shard-level Metrics

Displays shard-level metrics for the specified stream. By default the datapoints of the last 10 minutes get fetched and averaged. The metric name used by default is 'IncomingRecords'.

Example 1:

Simple shard metrics query using the defaults (average of IncomingRecords over the last 15 minutes). Output is always sorted by average in descending order.

aws kinesis get-shard-metrics --stream-name Test

Example 2:

Shard metrics query using a different metric and statistic. Output is sorted by average of datapoints for the shards in descending order.

aws kinesis get-shard-metrics --stream-name Test --metric-name WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded --statistic Sum

Example 3:

Use other metric name and different start and end time. Time needs to be in UTC.

aws kinesis get-shard-metrics --stream-name Test --metric-name IncomingBytes --start-time 2016-10-10T10:10:00Z --end-time 2016-10-10T11:10:00Z

if the Python dateparser module is installed (pip install dateparser) you can also use relative dates like --start-time "20 minutes ago"

Example 4:

Show only the average of the datapoints over the queried timeframe. Output is also in table format.

aws kinesis get-shard-metrics --stream-name Test --metric-name IncomingBytes --statistic Sum --query "ShardMetrics[*].{ShardId:ShardId,DatapointAverage:DatapointAverage}" --output table

More details with aws kinesis get-shard-metrics help.

3. Push

By piping output to the push extension, data gets put into the specified Kinesis Stream.

Example 1:

Puts every new line of currently populated logfile into a record and calls PutRecord. The partition key is the MD5 hash of the payload.

tail -f logfile | aws kinesis push --stream-name Test --disable-batch

Example 2:

Puts the content of every log file in the /var/log directory into Kinesis. Lines are batched into a single record until the record reaches 50kB. Partition key is the current host name.

cat /var/log/*.log | aws kinesis push --stream-name Test --partition-key $(hostname)

More details with aws kinesis push help.

4. Pull

The pull command calls GetRecords in a loop for the specified stream and shard.

Example 1:

This command retrieves data from shard 0 of stream Test. GetRecords is called every 5000 ms (default).

aws kinesis pull --stream-name Test --shard-id ShardId-000000000000

Example 2:

This command retrieves data from shard 0 of stream Test. It calls GetRecords every 500ms.

aws kinesis pull --stream-name Test --shard-id ShardId-00000000000 --pull-delay 500

More details with aws kinesis pull help.


Kinesis AWS CLI Plug-in






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