This tool is to help write out a quick and somewhat plain cover letter, which you should probably add to after generating the cover letter before submitting the application. The purpose is to streamline the process a bit, taking care of the boilerplate for you so you can focus more on the meat of the application.
You can use a live hosted version here or you can download it locally and modify it by following the steps listed below.
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Move into that directory
cd cv-generator
If you would like to modify the coverletter that is generated by the script, then you will have to modify the text in coverletter.js
which looks like this
ftext =
yourname +
"<br />" +
address1 +
"<br />" +
address2 +
"<br />" +
"<br />" +
companyName +
"<br />" +
" To whom it may concern," +
"<br />" +
"<br />" +
"<br />" +
"Thank you for taking the time to review my application for the " +
position +
" role advertise on " +
platform +
". The job description available to me indicated that you are seeking candidates that are proficient with " +
familiar +
". Given this stipulation, I think you will find me a fetching candidate for the position, which I think you will agree upon reviewing the information submitted with this application." +
"<br />" +
"<br />" +
" Believing that showing one's proficiency is a better method than telling others about it, I would prefer to demonstrate this capacity to you rather than wax poetically about my talents, for which purpose I ask that you examine my portfolio website at Additionally, I would like to take the time to point out that the resume I have submitted is the print version of my HTML resume which can be viewed live at in its fullest form. It was written leeveraging TailwindCSS and HTML such that I could more accurately control the use of whitespace on the page and insure that the styling of it met the muster of respect with which is only appropiate when advancing an application with " +
companyName +
". <br/>" +
"<br />" +
" After reviewing my resume, I hope you will agree that my candidacy should be advanced for the position of " +
position +
" at " +
companyName +
". If that is indeed the case, feel free to email me at " +
email +
"or call me at " +
phone +
" and I will be more than happy to accomodate your schedule in regards to scheduling of an interview in whatever format works best for you. If instead you do not think I am a good fit for this, please feel free to email me regarding any other roles you think I be better fit for within your organization and feel free to advance my resume towards such ends. " +
"<br />" +
"<br />" +
"Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon," +
"<br />" +
return ftext;
Changing the text, you may want to move around the variables populated by your responses, which means moving the corresponding addition marks which are lumping the text together with the strings you respond to the prompts with. Be sure to add spaces to before and after the quotation marks or you will have a funky looking coverletter.
It is also worth noting that the inclusion of the <br />
tags within the JS file are rendered at the time of display in HTML and are not going to be in the text you copy. You can change these if you like, I have found two is necessary to produce an actual space between the text, hence my inclusion of that many, but you may prefer 3 or 1, its up to you.
Yes the artwork used in this site, like many of my other sites, is that of my own creation. It serves as the background here to prevent the site from having too plain of an appearance. Which is something I do actually care about, hence my customizing my Linux window manager to such a degree as I do.
Feel free to use the artwork elsewhere if you so choose to, just make sure you attribute it to me please.
This picture is of some high rises in beautiful San Francisco that happened to take well to my super secret Machine Learning enabled art process. As a whole image, it kinda sucks but the zoom that the website does by default looks awesome and balances thw colors really well. As Bob Ross would say its,
A Happy Accident.