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Simple web based Python 3 IDE with Brython, Github, and Google Drive integration

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Repository files navigation

build passing


Brython-Server is a Flask-based web application focused on providing a simple Python 3 development environment where source files are hosted on Github.

You can try Brython-Server to get a feel for how it works.

Brief Instructions

When the page loads, you can begin writing Python 3 code right away. To execute your code, press the run button.

Github Support

To load Python 3 source code hosted on Github, you must should first log in to Github with the login button. Github will ask you to authorize Brython-Server in the next page.

To load your source, paste the Github URL of your source file or repository into the text control at the top of the page. Press <Enter> or the refresh button to retrieve the source from Github.

You may make any changes you want to the source code and re-run it. If you would like to save your work back to Github, just press the commit button.

Google Drive Support

The Google Drive load and save buttons will activate Google Drive authentication and authorization dialog where you may confirm your desire to let Brython-Server access your Google Drive. This confirmation is required periodically.

The Google Drive load button directs you to a standard Google Drive file picking screen. Only compatible text files are available to pick. Once you have selected a file, the URL for the file will be displayed in the upper left edit window.

The Google Drive save button will upload any changes you have made to a file since you downloaded it, but only if you own or have edit priveleges on the file. If you didn't download a file first, the save button will prompt you for a new file name. In this case, Brython-Server will create a new file with your chosen name in the root of your Google Drive.

If you previously load-ed or refreshed an existing file from Google Drive then the save button will simply udate your file with any changes you have made since then.

Authorizing Google Drive will also add the Brython-Server app to your Google Drive. This will give you a custom new file type in Google Drive, and a custom option under the Google Drive Open with context menu.

Note: files that were not created by Brython-Server may not be opened from the load button unless you previously opened them with the Google Drive Open with context menu.

Note: working with any Github repository or Google Drive source files will require you to have an account with these services. If you use these services to access files that are not modifiable by you, you will be able to edit them locally in the Brython-Server page but will not be able to commit or save any changes back to their original source unless you have the priveleges to do so.


Brython-Server supports the Python turtle to the extent that it is supported by the underlying Brython interpreter. Its usage is simple, but slightly non-standard. For example:

from brythonserver import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()


Brython-Server includes built-in support for the Ggame graphics engine. For example, a trivial program from the Ggame documentation:

from ggame import App, ImageAsset, Sprite

# Create a displayed object at 100,100 using an image asset
Sprite(ImageAsset("bunny.png"), (100, 100))
# Create the app, with a default stage
APP = App()
# Run the app


The best way to install Brython-Server is with pip and virtualenv, using Python 3.11+. Create and activate your virtual environment then install Brython-Server with:

python3.11 -m pip install brython-server


The essential requirements for Brython-Server are met when you install with pip. In addition, for a production install you will need gunicorn.

Brython-Server will use Brython as its Python interpreter and and Ggame as its graphics engine. The correct versions of each will automatically be used when you install Brython-Server using pip.

Environment Variables

A full Brython-Server installation that is capable of interacting with Github should have several environment variables set for production use:

Required for Github functionality:

  • githubtoken (an optional Github personal access token)
  • githubsecret (Github oauth secret)
  • githubclientid (Github oauth client id)

Required for Google Drive functionality:

  • googleclientid (Google Client ID)
  • googleapikey (Google API Key. Brython Server requires the drive/files and filePicker APIs)
  • googleappid (Google Application ID)

Required for creating a "personalized" Brython-Server instance:

  • sitetitle (A string that will be displayed as the "name of the site")
  • sitecontact (An e-mail address to use for contact)
  • siteurl (A full URL to the website)
  • flasksecret (A Flask application secret key)

Note: to generate a unique, random Flask secret key, enter the following in a Python console:

>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)

Use the string that results as the value of the flasksecret environment variable.


To run the server in stand-alone development mode (never in production!) execute (for example) from the Python 3 shell:

Python 3.11.7 (main, Dec  8 2023, 18:56:58) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from brythonserver.main import APP
>>>"", port=8080)
 * Serving Flask app 'brythonserver.main' (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on all addresses (
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
 * Running on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

To run the server in a production environment, use gunicorn:

$ gunicorn -b -w 4   brythonserver.main:APP

Development Environment

To begin working with Brython Server in development environment:

  • Clone this repository and cd into it.
  • Create a virtual environment: python3.11 -m venv env
  • Activate the virtual environment: source env/bin/activate
  • Install the dependencies: python3.11 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Other Dependencies

Your development environment will need black and standardjs to execute the run_tests and run_js_tests scripts (in the scripts folder).


Prior to executing the server in your development environment you will have to perform the following manual steps to populate the Brython distribution files where Brython Server can access them:

cd ~/workspace/brython-server
mkdir -p brythonserver/static/brython
cd brythonserver/static/brython
python3.11 -m brython --update

Now you should be able to run Brython Server in your development environment using a script similar to this:

export githubclientid=<insert your github client id here>
export githubsecret=<insert your github secret here>
export githubtoken=<insert your personal github token here>
export googleclientid='<insert your google client id here>'
export googleapikey='<insert your google api key here>'
export googleappid='<insert your google app id here>'
export sitetitle="<insert the name of your development site here>"
export sitecontact=<insert an e-mail address here>
export siteurl=<insert the url for your development page here>
export PORT=<use your port number here>
source brython-server/env/bin/activate
cd brython-server
python3.11 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
pushd brythonserver/static/brython
brython-cli install


Simple web based Python 3 IDE with Brython, Github, and Google Drive integration






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  • HTML 41.0%
  • Python 28.7%
  • JavaScript 27.8%
  • CSS 1.6%
  • Shell 0.9%