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Add update script for PR #121
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Also includes some update infrastructure changes. Main difference
is that sql/updates/ scripts are now split into pre- and post- files.
This is needed because table updates need to happen before reloading
functions (some functions checked for accessing right schema at
definition time). Meanwhile trigger updates need to happen after
since triggers must refer to valid functions at definition time.
  • Loading branch information
cevian committed Jul 13, 2017
1 parent 83c75fd commit a0db500
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Showing 7 changed files with 64 additions and 15 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ endif

EXTENSION = timescaledb
SQL_FILES = $(shell cat sql/setup_load_order.txt sql/functions_load_order.txt sql/init_load_order.txt)
MANUAL_UPDATE_FILES = $(shell echo sql/setup_main.sql && cat sql/setup_load_order.txt sql/init_load_order.txt)
EXT_VERSION = $(shell cat timescaledb.control | grep 'default' | sed "s/^.*'\(.*\)'$\/\1/g")
UPDATE_VERSIONS = $(shell ls -1 sql/updates/*.sql | xargs basename | grep $(EXT_VERSION) | sed "s/\.sql//g")
UPDATE_FILES = $(shell echo sql/updates/${UPDATE_VERSIONS}.sql && cat sql/functions_load_order.txt)
UPDATE_VERSIONS = $(shell ls -1 sql/updates/*.sql | xargs basename | grep $(EXT_VERSION) | sed "s/\.sql//g"| sed "s/^pre-//g;s/^post-//g"| head -1)
UPDATE_VERSIONS_PRE = $(shell ls -1 sql/updates/pre-$(UPDATE_VERSIONS).sql)
UPDATE_VERSIONS_POST = $(shell ls -1 sql/updates/post-$(UPDATE_VERSIONS).sql)
UPDATE_FILES = $(shell echo ${UPDATE_VERSIONS_PRE} && cat sql/functions_load_order.txt && echo ${UPDATE_VERSIONS_POST} )
EXT_GIT_COMMIT := $(shell git describe --abbrev=4 --dirty --always --tags || echo $(EXT_GIT_COMMIT))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,4 +130,7 @@ typedef.list: clean $(OBJS)
pgindent: typedef.list
pgindent --typedef=typedef.list

git diff origin/master $(MANUAL_UPDATE_FILES)

.PHONY: check-sql-files all
22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions scripts/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@

set -e
set -o pipefail

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,25 +33,34 @@ docker run -d --name timescaledb-orig -v ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/pg_data:/var/lib/postg

wait_for_pg ${UPDATE_PG_PORT}

echo "Executing setup script on 0.1.0"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p ${UPDATE_PG_PORT} -f test/sql/updates/setup.sql
docker rm -vf timescaledb-orig

docker run -d --name timescaledb-updated -v /tmp/pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p ${UPDATE_PG_PORT}:5432 update_test:latest

wait_for_pg ${UPDATE_PG_PORT}

echo "Executing ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d single -p ${UPDATE_PG_PORT} -c "ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE"

wait_for_pg ${CLEAN_PG_PORT}

echo "Executing setup script on new version"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p ${CLEAN_PG_PORT} -f test/sql/updates/setup.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d single -p ${UPDATE_PG_PORT} -f test/sql/updates/test-0.1.1.sql > /tmp/updated.out
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d single -p ${CLEAN_PG_PORT} -f test/sql/updates/test-0.1.1.sql > /tmp/clean.out

docker rm -f timescaledb-updated timescaledb-clean || rm -rf ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/pg_data ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/pg_data_clean
echo "Restarting clean container"
#below is needed so the clean container looks like updated, which has been restarted after the setup script
#(especially needed for sequences which might otherwise be in different states -- e.g. some backends may have reserved batches)
docker rm -vf timescaledb-clean
docker run -d --name timescaledb-clean -v /tmp/pg_data_clean:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p ${CLEAN_PG_PORT}:5432 update_test:latest
wait_for_pg ${CLEAN_PG_PORT}

diff ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/clean.out ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/updated.out > ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/update_test.output
cat ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/update_test.output
echo "Testing"
psql -X -v ECHO=ALL -h localhost -U postgres -d single -p ${UPDATE_PG_PORT} -f test/sql/updates/test-0.1.1.sql > /tmp/updated.out
psql -X -v ECHO=ALL -h localhost -U postgres -d single -p ${CLEAN_PG_PORT} -f test/sql/updates/test-0.1.1.sql > /tmp/clean.out

docker rm -f timescaledb-updated timescaledb-clean || rm -rf ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/pg_data ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/pg_data_clean

cmp ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/clean.out ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/updated.out > ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/update_test.output
diff ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/clean.out ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/updated.out | tee ${PGTEST_TMPDIR}/update_test.output
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions sql/updates/0.1.0--0.1.1-dev.sql

This file was deleted.

11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions sql/updates/
@@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
Folder for update SQL-scripts named oldversion--newversion (0.1.0--0.1.1)
It is assumed that there is only one file matching the newversion.
Folder for update SQL-scripts named pre-oldversion--newversion or post-oldversion--newversion

pre files are run before reloading the functions. These should include new
tables, constraints, indexes, etc.

post functions are run after reloading the functions. These include
any entities depending on functions-- e.g. triggers.

It is assumed that there is only one file for pre or post matching the newversion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/post-0.1.0--0.1.1-dev.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER ddl_drop_trigger
ON sql_drop
EXECUTE PROCEDURE _timescaledb_internal.ddl_process_drop_trigger();
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/pre-0.1.0--0.1.1-dev.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
ALTER TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ADD UNIQUE (id, schema_name);

ALTER TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_index
DROP CONSTRAINT hypertable_index_hypertable_id_fkey,
ADD CONSTRAINT hypertable_index_hypertable_id_fkey
FOREIGN KEY (hypertable_id, main_schema_name)
REFERENCES _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable(id, schema_name)

ALTER TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.chunk_index
DROP CONSTRAINT chunk_index_main_schema_name_fkey,
ADD CONSTRAINT chunk_index_main_schema_name_fkey
FOREIGN KEY (main_schema_name, main_index_name)
REFERENCES _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_index(main_schema_name, main_index_name)
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions test/sql/updates/test-0.1.1.sql
@@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
\d+ _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable;
\d+ _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_index;
\d+ _timescaledb_catalog.*;
\df+ _timescaledb_internal.*;

SELECT count(*)
FROM pg_depend
WHERE refclassid = 'pg_extension'::regclass
AND refobjid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'timescaledb');

-- The list of tables configured to be dumped.
SELECT unnest(extconfig)::regclass::text c from pg_extension where extname='timescaledb' ORDER BY c;

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