A photo gallery website fed by kpawebgen, written in Clojure.
Requires a kpawebgen gallery DB version 1.
Currently (October 2019) deployed as https://gallery.brainonfire.net/ on NearlyFreeSpeech.net. I developed it on Heroku as pellucida.herokuapp.com, so you may see some references to that in the codebase and commit history.
With Leiningen:
lein trampoline run path/to/config.clj
enables automatic code reloading.
Configuration is in Clojure, and is expected to look something like this:
{:thumbs-link-base "/v2/proxy-image/" ;; Proxy files from the local filesystem
:thumbs-proxy-base "/home/timmc/photos/web/gen/"
:gallery-db "/home/timmc/photos/web/kpawebgen.db3"
;; Optional keys
:port 8080}
Configuration keys are documented in org.timmc.pellucida.settings
Build a jar file with lein uberjar
and deploy as usual for Java.
- Bugfixes:
- Geocode maps no longer link to a map that labels the marker, now that Google Maps has been updated.
- Gallery layout shows uneven rows of images -- switch to multiple of column count
- Tag
Content:back yard
not showing up -- confirm it is even being included
- Show mode switcher (or remover) now that modes are supported (involves some plumbing work)
- Atom feed
- Better titles, especially on filtered list view
- Sort by creation chronology, image ID, or newest present in gallery (last may not be possible, but is most interesting for a feed)
- Add Drawbridge REPL (but nREPL needs a secure way to pass auth!)
Copyright © 2012–2019 Tim McCormack, except for vendored items in
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0, the same as Clojure.
Division 2.0.0 CSS grid system is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.