(unofficial) Python library and CLI tools for working with the QuantConnect API
List projects in your account: $ ./qcproject ls --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD
Create a new project: $ ./qcproject init --name MyProject --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD
Connect to an existing project: $ ./qcproject init --project_id=44343 --username $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD
Delete a project: $ ./qcproject delete --project_id=3434343
You must first initialize a project in the current directory with qcproject
Pull remote code to CWD: ./qcsync pull
Push local code to QC: ./qcsync push
See differences between local and remote code that would be overritten by a push/pull: ./qcsync diff
Compile your project: ./qcbacktest build
Run a backtest on your project: ./qcbacktest backtest --name=MyBacktest
using a previous compile: ./qcbacktest --compile_id=3434234j3fdf
Delete a backtest: ./qcbacktest delete --backtest_id=34234jdfdf
You can automate your own workflows using the classes in qcapi.py