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  1. Install the extension through the Extension Manager
  2. Install Cundd Composer extension and let Composer install all the dependencies
  3. Configure the API access
  4. Connect to (rest/ is the request namespace)


Configure the access rules for different URI paths. path defines the URI path for the current rule. The read configuration belongs to the HTTP methods GET and HEAD. Any other method will be treated as write.

Important: The term URI path or simply path refers to the first part of the resource URI after the namespace and API version. The path of the URL would be my_ext-my_model.

The default access is defined with the path all:

plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
    1 {
        path = all
        read = deny
        write = deny

Allow read and write access to the model MyModel of the extension MyExt:

    2 {
        path = my_ext-my_model
        read = allow
        write = allow

Allow read and write access for all models of the extension MySecondext:

    3 {
        path = my_secondext-*
        read = allow
        write = allow

Additionally you can require a valid user login for write operations:

    4 {
        path = my_protectedext-*
        read = allow
        write = require

Advanced configuration


Often the full path for a model doesn't fit the clients expectations. To make the paths looking better, path aliases can be defined:

plugin.tx_rest.settings.aliases {
    my_model = my_ext-my_model

Root object for collection

Some clients expect a returned data collection to have a root object, others don't. If an array output like the one below meets your demands no further configuration is required.

        "uid": 9,
        "name": "Daniel"
        "uid": 10,
        "name": "Paul"

If you require an output like the following you can enable plugin.tx_rest.settings.addRootObjectForCollection = 1

    "users": [
            "uid": 9,
            "name": "Daniel"
            "uid": 10,
            "name": "Paul"

This wraps the whole response array into an object with the key read from the request path (i.e. users).

Tip: The request path will be used as root key, so you may want to configure aliases.

Virtual Objects

The current extension version introduces a new feature called Virtual Objects. The original versions only supported models of Extbase extensions, but now Virtual Objects can be configured. This configuration allows the mapping of any database record to an object that can be used by rest.

Example configuration

plugin.tx_rest.settings.virtualObjects {

    # Name of this Virtual Object resource 
    # which will be used in the URL rest/VirtualObject-MyResourceName/
    MyResourceName {
        mapping {
            # Name of the table to map to
            tableName = my_resource_table
            # A property to use as identifer
            identifier = property1
            # If FALSE and a property is encountered that is NOT defined in 
            # the mapping an exception will be thrown
            skipUnknownProperties = true
            properties {
                # Define the property name
                property1 {
                    # Define one of the types: 
                    # string, float, int(eger), bool(ean), email, slug, url, trim
                    type = string
                    # Define the column name to map to
                    column = property_one
                property2 {
                    type = float
                    column = property_two
                property3 {
                    type = int
                    column = property_three
                property4 {
                    type = integer
                    column = property_four
                property5 {
                    type = bool
                    column = property_five
                property6 {
                    type = boolean
                    column = property_six


When converting from or to a Virtual Object each mapped property value will be converted.

In addition to the default PHP variable types (string, float, int(eger), bool(ean)) the following types are supported:

  • email: The value is converted to an email (with PHP's FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL)
  • url: The value is converted to an URL (with PHP's FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)
  • trim: Whitespaces are trimmed from the beginning and end of the string value (with PHP's trim function)
  • slug: The value must only contain alphanumerics, dashes and underscores (must match /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/)


Mapping TYPO3 CMS content

Mapping TYPO3 CMS pages


The extension includes an (experimental) web server based on React. To start the server, open a terminal, navigate to the rest extension's directory and type the following command:

php server.php port (IP)

Replace port and the optional IP with your configuration.

Document Storage

The Document Storage is an (experimental) store for objects of class \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document. The Document class is a flexible, schema-less object. It's (required) core properties are an ID and the name of the connected database. All other properties can be dynamically set and retrieved through key-value-coding methods:

Get the value for a key:


Get the value for a key path (i.e. ""):


Set the value for a key:

setValueForKey($key, $value)


Paths and the associated classes

Below you find the URL paths (the part after rest/) and the matching class names that will be used:

Path Class Repository Data Provider Conf
/yag-gallery Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery[] Tx_Yag_Domain_Repository_GalleryRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DataProvider a
/yag-gallery/2 Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery Tx_Yag_Domain_Repository_GalleryRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DataProvider a
/cundd-foo-bar \Cundd\Foo\Domain\Model\Bar[] \Cundd\Foo\Domain\Repository\BarRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DataProvider b
/cundd-foo-bar/34 \Cundd\Foo\Domain\Model\Bar \Cundd\Foo\Domain\Repository\BarRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DataProvider b
/Document/db \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document[] \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Repository\DocumentRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DocumentDataProvider c
/Document/db/9 \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Repository\DocumentRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DocumentDataProvider c
/Document/db/a3b \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Repository\DocumentRepository \Cundd\Rest\DataProvider\DocumentDataProvider c
/cundd-daa-bar * * \Cundd\Daa\Rest\DataProvider d
/cundd-daa-bar/34 * * \Cundd\Daa\Rest\DataProvider d

*) These classes are not fixed and depend on the custom \Cundd\Daa\Rest\DataProvider.

Paths, methods and the associated actions

Path Method Class Action Conf
/yag-gallery GET Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery[] List all galleries a
/yag-gallery POST Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery Create a new gallery a
/yag-gallery DELETE 405 Method Not Allowed a
/yag-gallery/2 GET Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery Return the gallery with UID 2 a
/yag-gallery/2 POST Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery Replace the gallery with UID 2 a
/yag-gallery/2 DELETE Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery Delete the gallery with UID 2 a
/yag-gallery/2 PATCH Tx_Yag_Domain_Model_Gallery Update the gallery with UID 2 a
Path Method Class Action Conf
/Document/db GET \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document[] List all Documents in database 'db' c
/Document/db POST \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document Create a new Document in database 'db' c
/Document/db DELETE 405 Method Not Allowed c
/Document/db/9 GET \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document Return the Document with UID or ID 2 in database 'db' c
/Document/db/9 POST \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document Replace the Document with UID or ID 2 in database 'db' c
/Document/db/9 DELETE \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document Delete the Document with UID or ID 2 in database 'db' c
/Document/db/9 PATCH \Cundd\Rest\Domain\Model\Document Update the Document with UID or ID 2 in database 'db' c



plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
	10 {
		path = yag-gallery
		read = allow
		write = allow


plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
	10 {
		path = cundd-foo-bar
		read = allow
		write = allow


plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
	10 {
		path = Document-db
		read = allow
		write = allow


Assume the class \Cundd\Daa\Rest\DataProvider.

plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
	10 {
		path = Cundd-Daa-Bar
		read = allow
		write = allow


REST webservices for TYPO3 CMS






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