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New script to maintain the sales commission calculation methods
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Files changed in commit:
On branch commissions
  • Loading branch information
timschofield committed Jun 1, 2018
1 parent b97ed0c commit ff7fda1
Showing 1 changed file with 228 additions and 0 deletions.
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions SalesCommissionTypes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
include ('includes/session.php');

$Title = _('Sales Commission Calculation Methods');

include ('includes/header.php');
echo '<p class="page_title_text">
<img src="', $RootPath, '/css/', $_SESSION['Theme'], '/images/magnifier.png" title="', _('Search'), '" alt="" />', ' ', $Title, '

if (isset($_GET['SelectedTypeID'])) {
$SelectedTypeID = $_GET['SelectedTypeID'];
} elseif (isset($_POST['SelectedTypeID'])) {
$SelectedTypeID = $_POST['SelectedTypeID'];

if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {

//initialise no input errors assumed initially before we test
$InputError = 0;

/* actions to take once the user has clicked the submit button
ie the page has called itself with some user input */

//first off validate inputs sensible
if (trim($_POST['CommissionTypeName']) == '') {
$InputError = 1;
prnMsg(_('The commission type name may not be empty'), 'error');

if (isset($_POST['SelectedTypeID']) and $_POST['SelectedTypeID'] != '' and $InputError != 1) {

/*SelectedTypeID could also exist if submit had not been clicked this code would not run in this case cos submit is false of course see the delete code below*/
// Check the name does not clash
$SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM salescommissiontypes
WHERE commissiontypeid <> '" . $SelectedTypeID . "'
AND commissiontypename='" . $_POST['CommissionTypeName'] . "'";
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
$MyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
if ($MyRow[0] > 0) {
$InputError = 1;
prnMsg(_('The commission type can not be renamed because another with the same name already exist.'), 'error');
} else {
// Get the old name and check that the record still exist neet to be very carefull here
// idealy this is one of those sets that should be in a stored procedure simce even the checks are
// relavant
$SQL = "SELECT commissiontypename FROM salescommissiontypes
WHERE commissiontypeid = '" . $SelectedTypeID . "'";
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
if (DB_num_rows($Result) != 0) {
// This is probably the safest way there is
$MyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
$OldCommissionTypeName = $MyRow[0];
$SQL = array();
$SQL[] = "UPDATE salescommissiontypes
SET commissiontypename='" . $_POST['CommissionTypeName'] . "'
WHERE commissiontypename='" . DB_escape_string($OldCommissionTypeName) . "'";
} else {
$InputError = 1;
prnMsg(_('The commission type no longer exist.'), 'error');
$Msg = _('Unit of measure changed');
} elseif ($InputError != 1) {
/*SelectedTypeID is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record*/
$SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM salescommissiontypes
WHERE commissiontypename='" . $_POST['CommissionTypeName'] . "'";
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
$MyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
if ($MyRow[0] > 0) {
$InputError = 1;
prnMsg(_('The commission type can not be created because another with the same name already exists.'), 'error');
} else {
$SQL = "INSERT INTO salescommissiontypes (commissiontypename )
VALUES ('" . $_POST['CommissionTypeName'] . "')";
$Msg = _('New sales commission type added');

if ($InputError != 1) {
//run the SQL from either of the above possibilites
if (is_array($SQL)) {
$Result = DB_Txn_Begin();
$DbErr = _('Could not update sales commission type');
$DbDbg = _('The sql that failed was') . ':';
foreach ($SQL as $Statement) {
$Result = DB_query($Statement, $DbErr, $DbDbg, true);
if (!$Result) {
$InputError = 1;
if ($InputError != 1) {
$Result = DB_Txn_Commit();
} else {
$Result = DB_Txn_Rollback();
} else {
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
prnMsg($Msg, 'success');

} elseif (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
//the link to delete a selected record was clicked instead of the submit button
$SQL = "SELECT commissiontypename FROM salescommissiontypes
WHERE commissiontypeid= '" . $SelectedTypeID . "'";
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
if (DB_num_rows($Result) == 0) {
// This is probably the safest way there is
prnMsg(_('Cannot delete this sales commission calculation method because it no longer exist'), 'warn');
} else {
$MyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
$OldTypeName = $MyRow[0];
$SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM salesman WHERE commissiontypeid='" . $_GET['SelectedTypeID'] . "'";
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
$MyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
if ($MyRow[0] > 0) {
prnMsg(_('Cannot delete this sales commission type because sales people items have been created using this unit of measure'), 'warn');
echo '<br />' . _('There are') . ' ' . $MyRow[0] . ' ' . _('sales people that use this commission type') . '</font>';
} else {
$SQL = "DELETE FROM salescommissiontypes WHERE commissiontypeid= '" . $SelectedTypeID . "'";
$Result = DB_query($SQL);
prnMsg($OldTypeName . ' ' . _('unit of measure has been deleted') . '!', 'success');
} //end if account group used in GL accounts

if (!isset($SelectedTypeID)) {

$SQL = "SELECT commissiontypeid,
FROM salescommissiontypes
ORDER BY commissiontypeid";

$ErrMsg = _('Could not get unit of measures because');
$Result = DB_query($SQL, $ErrMsg);

if (DB_num_rows($Result) > 0) {

echo '<table>
<th class="SortedColumn">', _('Calculation Method'), '</th>
<th colspan="2"></th>
echo '<tbody>';

while ($MyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result)) {

echo '<tr class="striped_row">
<td>', $MyRow[1], '</td>
<td><a href="', htmlspecialchars(basename(__FILE__), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '?SelectedTypeID=', urlencode($MyRow[0]), '">', _('Edit'), '</a></td>
<td><a href="', htmlspecialchars(basename(__FILE__), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '?SelectedTypeID=', urlencode($MyRow[0]), '&amp;delete=1" onclick="return MakeConfirm(\'', _('Are you sure you wish to delete this calculation method?'), '\', \'Confirm Delete\', this);">', _('Delete'), '</a></td>

echo '</tbody>';
echo '</table>';
} //end of ifs and buts!

if (isset($SelectedTypeID)) {
echo '<div class="centre">
<a href="', htmlspecialchars(basename(__FILE__), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '">', _('Review Commission Calculation Methods'), '</a>

if (!isset($_GET['delete'])) {

echo '<form method="post" action="', htmlspecialchars(basename(__FILE__), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="', $_SESSION['FormID'], '" />';

if (isset($SelectedTypeID)) {
//editing an existing section
$SQL = "SELECT commissiontypeid,
FROM salescommissiontypes
WHERE commissiontypeid='" . $SelectedTypeID . "'";

$Result = DB_query($SQL);
if (DB_num_rows($Result) == 0) {
prnMsg(_('Could not retrieve the requested unit of measure, please try again.'), 'warn');
} else {
$MyRow = DB_fetch_array($Result);

$_POST['CommissionTypeID'] = $MyRow['commissiontypeid'];
$_POST['CommissionTypeName'] = $MyRow['commissiontypename'];

echo '<input type="hidden" name="SelectedTypeID" value="', $_POST['CommissionTypeID'], '" />';
echo '<fieldset>
<legend>', _('Edit Calculation Method'), ' - ', $_POST['CommissionTypeName'], '</legend>';

} else {
$_POST['CommissionTypeName'] = '';
echo '<fieldset>
<legend>', _('Create New Calculation Method'), '</legend>';
echo '<field>
<label for="CommissionTypeName">', _('Commission Calculation Method'), ':</label>
<input type="text" name="CommissionTypeName" size="35" required="required" autofocus="autofocus" maxlength="55" value="', $_POST['CommissionTypeName'], '" />
<fieldhelp>', _('The name of the commission calculation algorithm'), '</fieldhelp>
echo '</fieldset>';

echo '<div class="centre">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="', _('Enter Information'), '" />

echo '</form>';

} //end if record deleted no point displaying form to add record
include ('includes/footer.php');

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