Reactive Extensions (Rx) support for the .NET Docker client.
DockerClient client =
new DockerClientConfiguration(
new Uri("unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
// You could also use ObserveEvents or ObserveEventsJson.
IObservable<string> allEvents =
var subscription1 = allEvents.Subscribe(
eventJson => Console.WriteLine("Subscription1: {0}", eventJson),
error => Console.WriteLine("Subscription1: ERROR - {0}", error),
() => Console.WriteLine("Subscription1: Completed")
Console.WriteLine("Subscription1: Running");
var subscription2 = allEvents.Subscribe(
eventJson => Console.WriteLine("Subscription2: {0}", eventJson),
error => Console.WriteLine("Subscription2: ERROR - {0}", error),
() => Console.WriteLine("Subscription2: Completed")
Console.WriteLine("Subscription2: Running");
using (subscription1)
using (subscription2)
Console.WriteLine("S2: Dispose");
Console.WriteLine("S1: Dispose");
Go perform some actions in Docker and watch the events show up. Each call to IObservable.Subscribe
will result in another call to the underlying Docker API client's MonitorEventsAsync
Disposing of the subscription will terminate that event stream.