Titan is an open community that welcomes contributions from anyone who is interested in improving the Titan project.
If you're struggling with something, but are unsure if it's a bug or missing feature, please contact the community through available support resources before submitting a new issue. It could simply be a misconfiguration or misunderstanding. If you do believe that it is a bug or missing feature, please search existing issues to see if something similar has already been reported.
When making a change, it is always recommended to first file an issue that describes the problem or feature being added. This creates a space for dialog and discussion, and a place where other users can associate their experiences, include closing new issues out as a duplicate.
All issues should follow the issue request template used by the project when opening new issue requests.
We believe in community ownership of code. Once you push your code to a shared repository, it is no longer "yours". This means it must be understandable, testable, and evolvable by others in the community. While there is always personal artistry and craft to code, we expect all contributions:
- Follow the style of existing code to make it easy for developers to move between different parts of the code. Projects are encouraged to programmatically enforce style when possible.
- Be well-commented such that others can understand the purpose and flow of the code. This does not mean every line or function needs an associated comment. Comments should help explain why things were done the way they were, how pieces fit together into a bigger picture, or how some potentially confusing bit of code operates.
- Include sufficient tests and coverage so others can validate functionality in the face of other changes. Projects are encouraged to have rigorous automated tests and code coverage reports as part of the development process.
The Titan community does not require a Contributor Agreement or copyright assignment. Because all contributors retain their copyright regardless of whether they include a notice or not, the community follows the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's copyright guidelines. When copyright notices are included, projects are encouraged to use a standard format:
Copyright The Titan Project Contributors.
This minimizes the overhead of trying to keep copyright names and dates up to date over time. This is a recommendation, not a requirement, and contributors (or their employers) that wish to include their own copyright statements can choose to do so.
To make a change, fork the repository and make any changes to your copy on
GitHub. When you've fully addressed the change you're looking to make,
open a pull request to the master
branch. If you'd like feedback on
your work prior to completion, include "WIP: " in the title. Fill out any data
requested by the pull request template and submit.
The pull request will run through any automated checks for the repository. If any of these checks fail, please fix any issues and re-submit. The appropriate code owners will then review your pull request. If they provide feedback that must be addressed, please do so and update the pull request. When all checks have passed and any feedback has been addressed, the pull request will be accepted and merged into master.
By default, Titan projects will squash and merge all your commits. This will reduce any commit history down to a single commit in the permanent history. This keeps the master history clean and easy to understand, and you don't have to worry about any intermediate commits (like "undo this thing that didn't work") being part of the history. Anyone can reference the pull request to see the more detailed discussion and history of the change. The downside is that if you are addressing multiple issues in one pull request, it is difficult to know which changes correspond to which issue. For this reason, it is recommended that each pull request address only a single issue.
The maintainer doing the merge will set the final commit message. By default
this will be the title of the PR, and a series of Fixes
lines with references
to any issues fixed by the PR. If possible, please make the last commit fit
this format to simplify the process.
By default, all Titan projects follow the GitHub Flow
model. This means that all pull requests are merged to master
, and releases
are triggered by creating a release tag in the master branch. Contributors
should fork repos into their own GitHub space where they can commit updates
and collaborate with others. In rare circumstances, a feature branch can
be created within the Titan community repository, though this practice is
generally discouraged. The master branch is protected - no one can directly
push to the branch, and only maintainers can accept pull requests.
Any "fast" checks (style, build, unit tests, etc) should be automatically run for each pull request. More complex tests should be run nightly and with each release. All builds and tests should post alerts to the Titan community slack workspace.
The mechanism by which releases are triggered can vary, but are typically
done as a result of pushing a change or tag to the master branch.
All artifacts should be published via GitHub, through the Titan
community AWS account or an
appropriate package repository (DockerHub, Maven, etc). All third party
packages should be published under a io.titan-data
namespace, or
if hyphens are not allowed (as it the case for java
packages, for example).