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We use the following convention here:
	DOM0>   Prompt which indicates you should run the command on Dom0
	ULINUX> Prompt which indicates you should run the command on DomU/Linux
	UWIN>   Prompt which indicates you should run the command on DomU/Windows

For both Linux and Windows:

	Install Rekall and its dependencies (this assumes a DNF-based
	system; similar steps apply on distributions which use other
	package managers):

		DOM0> sudo dnf install json-c json-c-devel virtualenv
		DOM0> virtualenv /tmp/MyEnv
		DOM0> source /tmp/MyEnv/bin/activate
		DOM0> pip install --upgrade setuptools pip wheel
		DOM0> pip install IPython
		DOM0> pip install rekall

For Linux DomU (monitoring target running Linux):

	1. Download the Rekall source code to DomU using:

		ULINUX> git clone

	2. From the rekall/tools/linux directory of the Rekall source
	tree run (this assumes a Red Hat-like placement of the kernel
	source code):

		ULINUX> KHEADER=/usr/src/kernels/<version> make profile

	3. Copy <version>.zip to Dom0.

	4. Run:

		DOM0> rekall convert_profile <version>.zip <guest-name>.json

	5. On Dom0, update /etc/libvmi.conf to include:

		<guest-name> {
			ostype         = "Linux";
			rekall_profile = "<path-to>/<guest-name>-rekall-profile.json";

For Windows DomU (monitoring target running Windows):

	1. First, you must find the GUID and PDB filename corresponding
	to the image you plan to run. To find this:

		a. Run libvmi's dump-memory example, and save its output
		to a file named "memory-dump":

			DOM0> ./examples/vmi-dump-memory <guest-name> memory-dump

		b. Obtain the GUID and PDB filename corresponding to
		your memory dump:

			DOM0> ./tools/windows-offset-finder/getGUID memory-dump

		(See the libvmi README for this tools dependencies.)

	2. Run Rekall to create the Rekall file needed by guestrace:

		DOM0> rekall fetch_pdb <PDB filename> <GUID>
		DOM0> rekall parse_pdb <PDB filename> > <guest-name>-rekall-profile.json

	3. On Dom0, update /etc/libvmi.conf to include:

		<guest-name> {
			ostype         = "Windows";
			rekall_profile = "<path-to>/<guest-name>-rekall-profile.json";

For both Linux and Windows, perform the following steps on Dom0:

	1. Add


	to /etc/default/grub, and add

		altp2mhvm = 1

	to the configuration file which defines each guest.

	2. Restart each Xen DomU guest.

	3. Build guestrace and run "guestrace <guest name>" on the Xen
	Dom0 guest.