Python library to stitch and crop OpenStreetMap tiles.
Create a 200x200 pixels image of an area between latitues (45.2775, 46.3785) and longitudes (13.5261, 14.9271):
slipy_map = mod_tilestitcher.SlippyMapTiles()
image = slipy_map.get_image((45.2775, 46.3785), (13.5261, 14.9271), 200, 200)
The library will try to find the needed tiles and the best zoom, stitch them and crop to cover the needed area.
The resulting image is a PIL Image object.
Note that bigger images will need more tiles. By default the library is limited to stitch 2 tiles horizontally and 2 vertically. If you need more (but keep in mind the OSM tile usage policy!):
slipy_map = mod_tilestitcher.SlippyMapTiles(max_tiles=3)
If you plan not to use the best zoom, but the second best zoom (one level smaller):
slipy_map = mod_tilestitcher.SlippyMapTiles(nth_best_zoom=1)
- Waypoints
TileStitcher is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Check the OSM tile usage policy. Most importantly display the license distribution and do not use this library for bulk downloading!