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tlikonen committed Jul 18, 2011
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* General accumulator

General accumulator is a general-purpose, extensible value accumulator
library for Common Lisp language. Its main interface is
=with-accumulator= macro which sets an environment for easy
accumulation. The library provides several built-in accumulators which
should cover the common use-cases but any kind of accumulators can be
added because the accumulator back-end is implemented through generic

** The interface

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(with-accumulator (NAME OBJECT &key KEYWORD-ARGUMENTS ...)
BODY ...)

The =with-accumulator= macro creates an accumulation environment in
which a local function /name/ handles the accumulation. Accumulator's
type is defined by the /object/ argument. Then all /body/ forms are
executed normally and the return value of the last form is returned.

The local function /name/ can optionally take one argument which is an
object to be accumulated. If the function is called without arguments it
returns the currently accumulated value.

The accumulation process is handled by generic functions =initialize=,
=accumulate= and =value=.

** Built-in accumulators

There are several built-in accumulator types. Possible values for the
/object/ argument of =with-accumulator= macro:

*** =:LIST=

Creates a list collector. Each accumulated object is collected to a
list. Example:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator (collect :list)
(collect 1) (collect 2) (collect 3)
(1 2 3)

The collecting is done destructively. The applicable /accumulate/ method
maintains a pointer to the last cons cell of the list and each time
modifies its /cdr/ value to point to a new cons cell.

*** A list

If the /object/ argument is of type /list/ then new elements are
collected at the end. Example:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator (collect (list 1 2 3))
(collect 4) (collect 5)
(1 2 3 4 5)

This is a destructive operation. The /cdr/ value of the last cons cell
of the original list is modified and linked to a new cons cell.

*** =:VECTOR=

Creates a general vector collector. It creates an adjustable vector with
a fill pointer 0 and element type /t/. New elements are pushed to that
vector with =cl:vector-push-extend= function. Example:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator (collect :vector)
(collect "first") (collect "second")
#("first" "second")

*** =:STRING=

This is similar to =:VECTOR= but the element type is /character/. The
underlying /accumulate/ methods can take a single /character/ or a
sequence of characters as the argument. Example:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator (collect :string)
(collect #\a)
(collect "bcd")
(collect #(#\e #\f))
(collect '(#\g #\h #\i))


This is similar to =:STRING= but the element type is /bit/. The argument
for the accumulator function can a /bit/ or a sequence of bits.

*** A vector

If /object/ is of type /vector/ which satisfies the test
=array-has-fill-pointer-p= then that vector is appended, starting from
its current fill pointer.

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator
(collect (make-array 2 :fill-pointer 2 :adjustable t
:initial-contents (vector 1 2)))
(collect 3)
(collect 4)
#(1 2 3 4)

Note that if the vector is not adjustable then the accumulator may reach
vector's limits and =cl:vector-push-extend= signals an error.

*** A function

If /object/ is of type /function/ then the accumulator behaves like the
=cl:reduce= function: all accumulated objects are combined into one by
calling the given reducer function. Examples:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator (summing #'+)
(summing 5) (summing 7) (summing 11)

GENACC> (with-accumulator (nc #'nconc)
(nc (list 1 2 3))
(nc (list 4 5 6))
(nc (list 7 8 9))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

GENACC> (with-accumulator (early-char (lambda (a b)
(if (char< a b) a b)))
(early-char #\o)
(early-char #\b)
(early-char #\s)

Note that a single reduce operation for a sequence is probably faster
with just =cl:reduce= function than with =with-accumulator= macro.
Therefore, the macro could be used only for collecting values into a
sequence and =cl:reduce= would be used for the actual reduce operation.
On the other hand, an advantage of doing all the reducing work with
=with-accumulator= is that the macro does it one step at the time.
Intermediate results of the reducing are always available.

** Adding a custom accumulator

The whole accumulation process is handled by three generic functions:
=initialize=, =accumulate= and =value=. Writing new methods for those
functions allow adding any kind of accumulators. The following example
adds an accumulator which calculates the arithmetic mean of accumulated

First we define a class whose instances will keep the state of the
accumulator. In this case we need to store the sum and the count of
accumulated numbers so we create slots for them.

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defclass mean-accumulator ()
((sum :initform 0)
(count :initform 0)))

Then we add a method for initializing an instance of the class. The
generic function =initialize= is used for that. It is called with the
/object/ argument of =with-accumulator= macro and with optional
/keyword-arguments/. In this example we use an /EQL/ specializer for
symbol =:MEAN=. We don't use any keyword arguments so there's just empty
/&key/ at the end of the lambda list.

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defmethod genacc:initialize ((type (eql :mean)) &key)
(make-instance 'mean-accumulator))

Now we create a method for generic function =accumulate=. The function
is called with two arguments:

1. the accumulator object created by =initialize=
2. the object that is meant to be accumulated.

This method specializes on our =mean-accumulator= class as well as on
/number/ class. The number is added to the previous value and the count
is increased by one.

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defmethod genacc:accumulate ((object mean-accumulator)
(number number))
(with-slots (sum count) object
(incf sum number)
(incf count 1)))

For returning the accumulated mean value we create a method for the
generic function =value=. This method, too, must specialize on the
=mean-accumulator= class. We get the current accumulated mean value by
dividing the value of /sum/ slot with the value of /count/ slot.

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(defmethod genacc:value ((object mean-accumulator))
(with-slots (sum count) object
(/ sum count)))

Now the custom accumulator is ready and it can be used with the
=with-accumulator= macro. Example:

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
GENACC> (with-accumulator (mean :mean)
(loop repeat 10 do (mean (random 1000)))
(format t "The mean so far: ~A~%" (mean))
(loop repeat 10 do (mean (random 1000)))
(format t "The final mean: ~A~%" (mean)))
The mean so far: 2512/5
The final mean: 2704/5

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