This treebank development formed a significant part of a PhD thesis. The treebank contains 1020 trees, and is annotated according to a dependency annotation scheme designed specifically for the Irish language.
The annotation guide is available in Appendix A of the thesis [Lynn, 2016] (
The following publications also contain relevant work, although most of their content is also in the thesis:
- Lynn, Teresa , Ozlem Cetinoglu, Jennifer Foster, Elaine Uí Dhonnchadha, Mark Dras and Josef van Genabith, [Irish Treebanking and Parsing: A Preliminary Evaluation] (, LREC 2012, Istanbul, May 2012
- Lynn, Teresa, Jennifer Foster, Mark Dras and Elaine Uí Dhonnchadha, [Active Learning and the Irish Treebank] (, ALTA 2012, Dunedin, NZ, December 2012
- Lynn, Teresa, Jennifer Foster, Mark Dras and Josef van Genabith, [Working with a small dataset — semi-supervised dependency parsing for Irish] (, SPMRL 2013, Seattle, USA, October 2013
- Lynn, Teresa, Jennifer Foster, Mark Dras and Lamia Tounsi, [Cross-lingual Transfer Parsing for Low-Resourced Languages: An Irish Case Study] ( CLTW 2014, Dublin, Ireland, August 2014
- Teresa Lynn, [Irish Dependency Treebanking and Parsing] (, PhD Thesis, Dublin City University, Ireland and Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2016
- Lynn, Teresa and Jennifer Foster, [Universal Dependencies for Irish] (, CLTW 2016, Paris, France, July 2016
This treebank has also been mapped to the [Universal Dependencies Project] ( annotation scheme. This UD version is also available to download on [GitHub] (