# Render Pipeline Plugin Configuration # Instead of editing this file, prefer to use the Plugin Configurator # Any formatting and comments will be lost enabled: - bloom - color_correction - env_probes - pssm - scattering - ssr # - ao # - clouds # - dof # - forward_shading # - fxaa # - motion_blur # - skin_shading # - sky_ao # - smaa # - volumetrics # - vxgi overrides: ao: blur_quality: LOW blur_normal_factor: 0.1 blur_depth_factor: 0.5 occlusion_strength: 3.16 clip_length: 1 technique: HBAO ssao_sample_radius: 80.0 ssao_sequence: halton_3D_8 ssao_bias: 0.0333 ssao_max_distance: 6.9 hbao_sample_radius: 255.0 hbao_ray_count: 4 hbao_ray_steps: 3 hbao_tangent_bias: 0.65 hbao_max_distance: 11.5 ssvo_sequence: halton_2D_8 ssvo_sphere_radius: 18.0 ssvo_max_distance: 0.82 alchemy_sample_radius: 210.0 alchemy_sequence: halton_2D_8 alchemy_max_distance: 4.75 ue4ao_sample_radius: 110.5 ue4ao_sample_sequence: halton_2D_8 ue4ao_max_distance: 1.87 bloom: num_mipmaps: 6 bloom_strength: 0.03 remove_fireflies: True lens_dirt_factor: 0.0 clouds: raymarch_steps: 256 color_correction: tonemap_operator: reinhard reinhard_version: rgb exponential_factor: 1.23 uc2t_shoulder_strength: 0.3352 uc2t_linear_strength: 0.5339 uc2t_linear_angle: 0.1797 uc2t_toe_strength: 0.3919 uc2t_toe_numerator: 0.0029 uc2t_toe_denumerator: 0.2787 uc2t_reference_white: 10.05 vignette_strength: 0.1286 film_grain_strength: 0.1286 color_lut: film_luts/default_lut.png use_chromatic_aberration: True chromatic_aberration_strength: 0.019 chromatic_aberration_samples: 2 manual_camera_parameters: False min_exposure_value: 0.01 max_exposure_value: 1.0 exposure_scale: 1.0 brightness_adaption_rate: 3.6 darkness_adaption_rate: 0.7 use_sharpen: True sharpen_strength: 0.5 sharpen_twice: False dof: focal_point: 1000.0 focal_size: 994.0 blur_strength: 0.0 near_blur_strength: 0.4286 env_probes: probe_resolution: 16 diffuse_probe_resolution: 2 max_probes: 16 max_probes_per_cell: 3 forward_shading: fxaa: quality: ultra subpixel_quality: 0.5 edge_threshold: 0.166 min_threshold: 0.833 motion_blur: num_camera_samples: 2 camera_blur_factor: 0.0 enable_object_blur: False blur_factor: 0.5 tile_size: 32 max_blur_radius: 10.0 num_samples: 12 pssm: max_distance: 2.0 logarithmic_factor: 3.0 sun_distance: 100.0 split_count: 4 resolution: 1024 border_bias: 0.058 use_pcf: True filter_sequence: halton_2D_32 filter_radius: 0.7 fixed_bias: 0.11429 slope_bias: 0.0 normal_bias: 0.67 use_pcss: False pcss_sequence: halton_2D_16 pcss_penumbra_size: 2.38 pcss_min_penumbra_size: 7.0 use_distant_shadows: True dist_shadow_resolution: 4096 dist_shadow_clipsize: 400.0 dist_shadow_sundist: 300.0 scene_shadow_resolution: 512 scene_shadow_sundist: 300.0 scattering: scattering_method: eric_bruneton ground_reflectance: 0.1231 rayleigh_factor: 0.5 rayleigh_height_scale: 8.0 mie_height_scale: 1.3 mie_phase_factor: 0.3 beta_mie_scattering: 4.0 enable_godrays: False atmosphere_start: 549.61 skin_shading: quality: medium blur_scale: 0.43 sky_ao: sample_radius: 0.1 max_radius: 200.0 resolution: 1024 sample_sequence: poisson_2D_32 ao_multiplier: 0.25 ao_bias: 0.3 blend_factor: 0.05 capture_height: 250.0 smaa: use_reprojection: False smaa_quality: low jitter_pattern: halton8 history_length: 8 jitter_amount: 0.16143 ssr: effect_scale: 1.0 trace_steps: 64 history_length: 16 abort_on_object_infront: True intial_bias: 3.37 hit_tolerance: 9.9994 roughness_fade: 0.4652 skip_invalid_samples: False border_fade: 1.0 volumetrics: enable_volumetric_shadows: True volumetric_shadow_intensity: 0.1 volumetric_shadow_brightness: 1.66 volumetric_shadow_pow: 1.15999 volumetric_max_distance: 79.41429 volumetric_shadow_fadein_distance: 9.49 volumetric_num_steps: 128 vxgi: grid_resolution: 256 grid_ws_size: 100.0 diffuse_cone_steps: 32 specular_cone_steps: 150