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This RFC proposes to simplify and focus the Tokio project, in an attempt to make it easier to learn and more productive to use. Specifically:

  • Add a default global event loop, eliminating the need for setting up and managing your own event loop in the vast majority of cases.

    • Moreover, remove the distinction between Handle and Remote by making Handle both Send and Sync and deprecating Remote. Thus, even working with custom event loops becomes simpler.

    • Allow swapping out this default event loop for those who want to exercise full control.

  • Decouple all task execution functionality from Tokio, instead providing it through a standard futures component.

    • When running tasks thread-locally (for non-Send futures), provide more fool-proof APIs that help avoid lost wakeups.

    • Eventually provide some default thread pools as well (out of scope for this RFC).

  • Similarly, decouple timer futures from Tokio, providing functionality instead through a new futures-timer crate.

  • Provide the above changes in a new tokio crate, which is a slimmed down version of today's tokio-core, and may eventually re-export the contents of tokio-io. The tokio-core crate is deprecated, but will remain available for backward compatibility. In the long run, most users should only need to depend on tokio to use the Tokio stack.

  • Focus documentation primarily on tokio, rather than on tokio-proto. Provide a much more extensive set of cookbook-style examples and general guidelines, as well as a more in-depth guide to working with futures.

Altogether, these changes, together with async/await, should go a long distance toward making Tokio a newcomer-friendly library.


While Tokio has been an important step forward in Rust's async I/O story, many have found it difficult to learn initially, and have wanted more guidance in using it even after mounting the initial learning curve. While documentation is a major culprit, there are also several aspects of the core APIs that can be made simpler and less error-prone. The core motivation of this RFC is to tackle this problem head-on, ensuring that the technical foundation itself of Tokio is simplified to enable a much smoother introductory experience into the "world of async" in Rust.

On the documentation side, one mistake we made early on in the Tokio project was to so prominently discuss the tokio-proto crate in the documentation. While the crate was intended to make it very easy to get basic request/response protocol implementations up and running, it did not provide a very useful entry point for learning Tokio as a whole. Moreover, it turns out that there's a much wider audience for Tokio than there is for tokio-proto in particular. It's not entirely clear what the long-term story for tokio-proto should be (given that h2, one of its intended uses, rolled it own implementation), but for the time being it will be de-emphasized in the documentation.

On the API side, we've had more success with the tokio-core crate, but it's not without its problems. The distinction between Core, Handle, and Remote is subtle and can be difficult to grasp, for example. And in general, Tokio requires some amount of setup to use properly, which has turned out to be a struggle for some. Simplifying and decoupling these APIs should make the library easier to learn and to use.

It is our intention that after this reorganization happens the introduction to the Tokio project is a much more direct and smoother path than it is today. There will be fewer crates to consider (mostly just tokio) which have a much smaller API to work with (detailed below) and should allow us to tackle the heart of async programming, futures, much more quickly in the documentation.

Guide-level explanation

API changes

Note: this is a guide-level explanation to the changes, not a full-blown attempt to teach Tokio from scratch with the new APIs.

A quick overview of the changes

From a high level, the changes are:

  • Make it possible to use Tokio without ever explicitly touching an event loop.

  • Simplify the APIs around event loops.

  • Decouple all task execution functionality from Tokio, moving it to the futures level.

  • Publish this all as a new tokio crate, deprecating tokio-core (which just wraps tokio and can interoperate).

Examples for common-case usage

To see the API changes at a high level, let's start with a very simple example: an echo server written directly against Tokio. We'll look, in fact, at four variants of the echo server:

  • A blocking variant using std.
  • A variant using today's tokio-core.
  • A variant using the proposed tokio crate.
  • A variant using tokio and [async/await] notation.

Variant 1: a blocking echo server

Here's one way you might write a blocking echo server against std:

//! A blocking echo server

use std::io;
use std::env;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener};
use std::thread;

fn serve(addr: SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> {
    let socket = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?;
    println!("Listening on: {}", addr);

    for conn in socket.incoming() {
        if let Ok(stream) = conn {
            thread::spawn(move || {
                // the strange double-borrow here is needed because
                // `copy` takes `&mut` references
                match io::copy(&mut &stream, &mut &stream) {
                    Ok(amt) => println!("wrote {} bytes to {}", amt, addr),
                    Err(e) => println!("error on {}: {}", addr, e),


fn main() {
    let addr = env::args()


This code is almost entirely straightforward; the only hiccup is around the copy combinator, which wants &mut reference for both a reader and a writer. Fortunately, a &TcpStream can serve as both a reader and writer (thread safety is provided by the operating system).

Variant 2: a tokio-core echo server

Now we'll translate the blocking code into async code using today's tokio-core crate, trying to keep it as similar as possible:


extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_io;

use std::io;
use std::env;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

use futures::{Future, Stream, IntoFuture};
use tokio_core::net::TcpListener;
use tokio_core::reactor::{Core, Handle};
use tokio_io::AsyncRead;
use tokio_io::io::copy;

fn serve(addr: SocketAddr, handle: Handle) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = io::Error> {
    TcpListener::bind(&addr, &handle)
        .and_then(move |socket| {
            println!("Listening on: {}", addr);

                .for_each(move |(conn, _)| {
                    let (reader, writer) = conn.split();
                    handle.spawn(copy(reader, writer).then(move |result| {
                        match result {
                            Ok((amt, _, _)) => println!("wrote {} bytes to {}", amt, addr),
                            Err(e) => println!("error on {}: {}", addr, e),

fn main() {
    let addr = env::args()

    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    let handle = core.handle();, handle)).unwrap();

Several aspects needed to change to get this variant to work:

  • Instead of writing code that primarily works with io::Result, we're now working with impl Future and combinators thereof.

  • We need to set up an event loop (Core), generate handles to it, and pass those handles around.

    • The handles are used both for setting up I/O objects, and for spawning tasks.
  • The Incoming stream and result of copy are both more complex than those in std.

    • For the Incoming stream, that's a minor detail having to do with how the socket address is exposed.
    • For copy, that's a deeper shift: the function takes full ownership of the reader and writer, because in general futures avoid borrowing. Instead, ownership of the reader and writer is returned upon completion (and here, thrown away).

All of these changes take some work to get your head around. Some of them are due to Tokio's API design; others are due to futures. The next two variants will show how we can improve each of those two sides.

Variant 3: a tokio echo server

First, we'll convert the code to use the newly-proposed tokio crate:


extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_io;

use std::io;
use std::env;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

use futures::{Future, Stream, IntoFuture};
use futures::thread;
use tokio_core::net::TcpListener;
use tokio_io::AsyncRead;
use tokio_io::io::copy;

fn serve(addr: SocketAddr) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = io::Error> {
        .and_then(move |socket| {
            println!("Listening on: {}", addr);

                .for_each(move |(conn, _)| {
                    let (reader, writer) = conn.split();
                    thread::spawn_task(copy(reader, writer).then(move |result| {
                        match result {
                            Ok((amt, _, _)) => println!("wrote {} bytes to {}", amt, addr),
                            Err(e) => println!("error on {}: {}", addr, e),

fn main() {
    let addr = env::args()


This version of the code retains the move to using futures explicitly, but eliminates the explicit event loop setup and handle passing. To execute and spawn tasks, it uses the thread executor from futures, which multiplexes tasks onto the current OS thread. A similar API is available for working with the default thread pool instead, which is more appropriate for tasks performing blocking or CPU-heavy work.

Variant 4: a tokio + async/await echo server -- the long-term vision

Finally, if we incorporate [async/await] notation, we get code that looks quite similar to the initial blocking variant:

#![feature(proc_macro, conservative_impl_trait, generators)]

extern crate futures_await as futures;
extern crate tokio;
extern crate tokio_io;

use std::io;
use std::env;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::thread;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio_io::AsyncRead;
use tokio_io::io::copy;

fn serve(addr: SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> {
    let socket = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?;
    println!("Listening on: {}", addr);

    for (conn, _) in socket.incoming() {
        // with Tokio, read and write components are distinct:
        let (reader, writer) = conn.split();

        thread::spawn_task(async_block! {
            match await!(copy(reader, writer)) {
                Ok((amt, _, _)) => println!("wrote {} bytes to {}", amt, addr),
                Err(e) => println!("error on {}: {}", addr, e),

fn main() {
    let addr = env::args()

    thread::block_on_all(serve(&cont, addr));

The most important difference, of course, is the sprinkling of async and await annotations. You can think of them as follows:

  • Code that is async-annotated looks like impl Future<Item = T, Error = E> on the outside, and Result<T, E> on the inside. That is, it's lets you write code that looks like synchronous I/O code, but in fact produces a future.
  • Code that is await-annotated is the reverse: it looks like impl Future<Item = T, Error = E> on the inside, and Result<T, E> on the outside. You use await to consume futures within async code.

More detail is available here; the rest of this RFC is focused purely on the Tokio side of things.

The long-term goal is to provide a complete async story that feels very close to synchronous programming, i.e. something like:

async fn serve(addr: SocketAddr) -> io::Result<()> {
    let socket = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?;
    println!("Listening on: {}", addr);

    async for (conn, _) in socket.incoming() {
        // with Tokio, read and write components are distinct:
        let (reader, writer) = conn.split();

        thread::spawn_task(async {
            match await copy(reader, writer) {
                Ok((amt, _, _)) => println!("wrote {} bytes to {}", amt, addr),
                Err(e) => println!("error on {}: {}", addr, e),


However, to fully get there, we'll need borrowing to work seamlessly with async/await, and for the feature to be provided in a direct way by the compiler; this is still a ways off. In the meantime, though, we can improve the Tokio side of the experience, which is what this RFC aims to do.

Key insights for this RFC

The design in this RFC stems from several key insights, which we'll work through next.

Insight 1: we can decouple task execution from the event loop

In today's tokio-core design, the event loop (Core) provides two important pieces of functionality:

  • It manages asynchronous I/O events using OS APIs, recording those events and waking up tasks as appropriate.

  • It acts as an executor, i.e. you can spawn futures onto it.

On each turn of the event loop, the Core processes all I/O events and polls any ready-to-run futures it's responsible for.

Running tasks directly on the event loop thread is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you avoid cross-thread communication when such tasks are woken from I/O events, which can be advantageous when the task is just going to immediately set some new I/O in motion. On the other hand, if the woken task does non-trivial work (even just to determine what I/O to do), it is effectively blocking the further processing and dispatch of I/O events, which can limit the potential for parallelism.

An insight behind this RFC is that there's no need to couple executor functionality with the event loop; we can provide each independently, but still allow you to combine them onto a single thread if needed. Our hypothesis is that, for most users, keeping event processing and task execution on strictly separate threads is a net win: it eliminates the risk of blocking the event loop and hence increases parallelism, at a negligible synchronization cost.

Thus, this RFC proposes that the new tokio crate focus solely on I/O, leaving executors to the futures crate.

Insight 2: we can provide default event loops and executors for the common case

Pushing further along the above lines, we can smooth the path toward a particular setup that we believe will work well for the majority of applications:

  • One dedicated event loop thread, which does not perform any task execution.
  • A global thread pool for executing compute-intensive or blocking tasks; tasks must be Send.
  • Optionally, a dedicated thread for running thread-local (non-Send) tasks in a cooperative fashion. (Requires that the tasks do not perform too much work in a given step).

The idea is to provide APIs for (1) working with I/O objects without an explicit event loop and (2) spawning Send tasks without an explicit thread pool, and in both cases spin up the corresponding default global resource. We then layer APIs for customizing or configuring the global resource, as well as APIs for e.g. targeting specific event loops. But for most users, it's just not necessary to think about the event loop or thread pool.

These default global resources greatly aid the experience for two additional cases:

  • Asynchronous client-side code, where it's far less natural to spin up and manage an event loop yourself.

  • Synchronous wrappers around async libraries. These wrappers generally want to avoid exposing details about the event loop, which is an implementation detail. By providing a global event loop resource, these wrapper libraries can both avoid this exposure and successfully share a common event loop, without any action on the user's part.

For thread-local tasks, which are more specialized and local, the user should retain full control over the thread of execution, and specifically request spinning up an executor. An API for doing so, with some additional fool-proofing compared to today's APIs, is part of the RFC.

Insight 3: we can remove the Handle/Remote distinction

Today, tokio-core provides three types for working with event loops:

  • Core: the event loop itself; non-Clone, non-Send.
  • Handle: an on-thread pointer to the event loop; Clone, non-Send.
  • Remote: a general-purpose pointer to the event loop; Clone and Send.

The distinction between Handle and Remote today stems from the fact that the event loop serves as an executor; to spawn non-Send tasks onto it, you need "proof" that you're on the same thread, which is what Handle provides. By splitting off the executor functionality, we can do away with this distinction.

At the same time, we can incorporate recent changes to mio that make it possible to provide highly-concurrent updates to the event loop itself, so that registering events cross-thread requires only lightweight synchronization.

Insight 4: the tokio crate

As we'll see, some of the changes proposed in this RFC would involve breakage for tokio-core. Rather than produce a new major release, however, the RFC proposes to introduce a tokio crate providing the new APIs, which can be wrapped by the (now deprecated) tokio-core crate. This also allows us to provide interoperation across libraries.

The Tokio team initially resisted creating a tokio crate because it was unclear at first what the most common use-cases of the library would be, e.g. how important tokio-proto would be. It's now clear that today's tokio-core is really what Tokio is, with tokio-proto being a convenient helper that sits on top.

Moreover, with the other slimming down proposed in this RFC, the remaining APIs seem constitute a relatively minimal commitment.

Thus, the time seems ripe to publish a tokio crate!

Documentation changes

This RFC won't go into extensive detail on the new structure of the documentation, but rather just enumerate some basic constraints:

  • It should put much more focus on core futures and Tokio concepts, rather than tokio-proto, at the outset. This should include talking much more about the ecosystem, showing how to use existing libraries to build async services.

  • It should give far more guidance on how to effectively use Tokio and futures, e.g. by talking about how to deal with common ownership issues.

  • It should provide an order of magnitude more examples, with a mix of "cookbook"-style snippets and larger case studies.

  • There should be a lot more of it.

Reference-level explanation

The new tokio crate

To begin with, the new tokio crate will look like a streamlined version of tokio-core. Eventually it will also re-export APIs from tokio-io, once those APIs have been fully vetted.

At the top level, the crate will provide three submodules:

  • reactor: for manual configuration and control over event loops.
  • net: I/O objects for async networking.
  • io: general utilities for async I/O (much like std::io)

Let's look at each in turn.

The reactor module

The reactor module provides just a few types for working with reactors (aka event loops):

  • Reactor, an owned reactor. (Used to be Core)
  • Handle, a shared, cloneable handle to a reactor.
  • PollEvented, a bridge between mio event sources and a reactor

Compared to Core today, the Reactor API is much the same, but drops the run and remote methods and the Executor implementation:

impl Reactor {
    pub fn new() -> Result<Reactor>;
    pub fn handle(&self) -> Handle;

    // blocks, turning the event loop until either woken through a handle,
    // or the given timeout expires.
    pub fn turn(&mut self, max_wait: Option<Duration>) -> Turn;

// No contents/API initially, but we may want to expand this in the future
pub struct Turn { /* ... */ }

The Handle API is also slimmed down:

impl Default for Handle {
    // get a handle to the default global event loop ...

impl Handle {
    // Wakes up the corresponding reactor if it is blocking
    pub fn wakeup(&self);

    // Sets this handle as the default (returned by `Handle::default`)
    // within the current thread, for the duration of `Enter`'s lifetime.
    // The `Enter` type is explained in a later section on executors,
    // but the point here is that defaults are tied to executor
    // granularity.
    pub fn make_default_for(&self, &mut Enter);

Most usage of the Handle type comes through parameters to various I/O object construction functions, as we'll see in a moment.

Unlike today, though, Handle is Send and Sync (as well as Clone). Handles are used solely to tie particular I/O objects to particular event loops. In particular, the PollEvented API stays exactly as-is, and is the primitive way that I/O objects are registered onto a reactor.

The net module

The net module remains almost exactly as it is in tokio-core today, with one key difference: APIs for constructing I/O objects come in two flavors, one that uses the default global reactor, and one that takes an explicit handle. Generally the convenient, "default" mode of construction doesn't take a handle, and those involving customizations do.

Example: TcpListener

impl TcpListener {
    // set up a listener with the global event loop
    fn bind(addr: &SocketAddr) -> io::Result<TcpListener>;

    // set up a fully-customized listener
    fn from_std(listener: std::net::TcpListener, handle: &Handle) -> io::Result<TcpListener>;

    // this yields a *std* TcpStream, so that you can use `TcpStream::from_std` to
    // associate it with an handle of your choice.
    fn accept_std(&mut self) -> Result<(std::net::TcpStream, SocketAddr)>

    // by contrast, this method returns a stream bound to the default handle.
    fn accept(&mut self) -> Result<(TcpStream, SocketAddr)>

Example: TcpStream

impl TcpStream {
    // set up a stream with the global event loop
    fn connect(addr: &SocketAddr) -> TcpStreamNew;

    // these are as today
    fn from_std(stream: std::net::TcpStream, handle: &Handle) -> Result<TcpStream>;
    fn connect_std(stream: std::net::TcpStream, addr: &SocketAddr, handle: &Handle) -> TcpStreamNew

The io module

Finally, there may eventually be an io module with the some portion of contents of the tokio-io crate. However, those APIs need a round of scrutiny first (the subject of a future RFC), and they may ultimately be moved into the futures crate instead.

An eventual goal, in any case, is that you can put Tokio to good use by bringing in only the tokio and futures crates.

Changes to the futures crate

In general, futures are spawned onto executors, which are responsible for polling them to completion. There are basically two ways this can work: either you run a future on your thread, or someone else's (i.e. a thread pool).

The threadpool case is provided by crates like futures_cpupool; eventually, a crate along these lines should provide a configurable, default global thread pool, which provides similar benefits to providing a global event loop. This functionality may eventually want to live in the futures crate. Exact details are out of scope for this RFC.

The "your thread" case allows for non-Send futures to be scheduled cooperatively onto their thread of origin, and is currently provided by the Core in tokio_core. As explained in the Guide-level introduction, though, this RFC completely decouples this functionality, moving it instead into the futures crate.

The thread module

The futures crate will add a module, thread, with the following contents:

pub mod thread {
    /// Execute the given future *synchronously* on the current thread, blocking until
    /// it (and all spawned tasks) completes and returning its result.
    /// In more detail, this function blocks until:
    /// - the given future completes, *and*
    /// - all spawned tasks complete, or `cancel_all_spawned` is invoked
    /// Note that there is no `'static` or `Send` requirement on the future.
    pub fn block_on_all<F: Future>(f: F)  -> Result<F::Item, F::Error>;

    /// Execute the given closure, then block until all spawned tasks complete.
    /// In more detail, this function will block until:
    /// - All spawned tasks are complete, or
    /// - `cancel_all_spawned` is invoked.
    pub fn block_with_init<F>(f: F) where F: FnOnce(&Enter);

    /// Spawns a task, i.e. one that must be explicitly either
    /// blocked on or killed off before `block_*` will return.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function can only be invoked within a future given to a `block_*`
    /// invocation; any other use will result in a panic.
    pub fn spawn_task<F>(task: F) where F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'static;

    /// Spawns a daemon, which does *not* block the pending `block_on_all` call.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function can only be invoked within a future given to a `block_*`
    /// invocation; any other use will result in a panic.
    pub fn spawn_daemon<F>(task: F) where F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'static;

    /// Cancels *all* spawned tasks and daemons.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function can only be invoked within a future given to a `block_*`
    /// invocation; any other use will result in a panic.
    pub fn cancel_all_spawned(&self);

    struct TaskExecutor { .. }
    impl<F> Executor<F> for TaskExecutor
        where F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'static { .. }

    /// Provides an executor handle for spawning tasks onto the current thread.
    /// # Panics
    /// As with the `spawn_*` functions, this function can only be invoked within
    /// a future given to a `block_*` invocation; any other use will result in
    // a panic.
    pub fn task_executor() -> TaskExecutor;

    struct DaemonExecutor { .. }
    impl<F> Executor<F> for DaemonExecutor
        where F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'static { .. }

    /// Provides an executor handle for spawning daemons onto the current thread.
    /// # Panics
    /// As with the `spawn_*` functions, this function can only be invoked within
    /// a future given to a `block_*` invocation; any other use will result in
    // a panic.
    pub fn daemon_executor() -> DaemonExecutor;

This suite of functionality replaces two APIs provided in the Tokio stack today:

  • The free block_on_all function replaces the wait method on Future, which will be deprecated. In our experience with Tokio, as well as the experiences of other ecosystems like Finagle in Scala, having a blocking method so easily within reach on futures leads people down the wrong path. While it's vitally important to have this "bridge" between the async and sync worlds, providing it as thread::block_on_all highlights the synchronous nature. In addition, the fact that the function automatically blocks on any spawned tasks helps avoid footguns as well.

  • Today, Tokio's Handle can be used for cooperative, non-Send task execution. Here, that functionality is replaced (and enhanced) by a suite of free functions, spawn_task, spawn_daemon, and cancel_all_spawned. These functions, which can only be called in the context of a block_* function, give you ways both to spawn cooperative tasks, and to fully manage shutdown. In particular, the fact that block_on_all waits for spawned tasks to complete (or for explicit cancellation) helps mitigate another footgun with today's setup: tasks that are dropped on the floor.

Those wishing to couple a reactor and a single-threaded executor, as today's tokio-core does, should use something like FuturesUnordered together with a custom reactor to do so. We expect there will eventually be a separate crate providing this functionality in a high-performance way.

Executors in general

Another footgun we want to watch out for is accidentally trying to spin up multiple executors on a single thread. The most common case is using thread::block_on_all on, say, a thread pool's worker thread.

We can mitigate this easily by providing an API for "executor binding" that amounts to a thread-local boolean:

pub mod executor {
    pub struct Enter { .. }

    // Marks the current thread as being within the dynamic extent of
    // an executor. Panics if the current thread is *already* marked.
    pub fn enter() -> Enter;

    impl Enter {
        // Register a callback to be invoked if and when the thread
        // ceased to act as an executor.
        pub fn on_exit<F>(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce() + 'static;

        // Treat the remainder of execution on this thread as part of an
        // executor; used mostly for thread pool worker threads.
        // All registered `on_exit` callbacks are *dropped* without being
        // invoked.
        pub fn make_permanent(self);

    impl Drop for Enter {
        // Exits the dynamic extent of an executor, unbinding the thread

This API should be used in functions like block_on_all that enter executors, i.e. that block until some future completes (or other event occurs). Consequently, nested uses of block_on_all, or uses within a thread pool, will panic, alerting the user to a bug.

Executors should publicly expose access to an Enter only during initialization, e.g. many executors provide for "initialization hooks" for setting up worker threads, and these hooks and provide temporary access to an Enter. That restriction is leveraged by methods like Handle::make_default_for, which are intended to only be used during executor thread initialization.

The futures-timer crate

The futures-timer crate will contain the Delay (used to be Timeout) and Interval types currently in tokio_core's reactor module:

impl Delay {
    fn new(dur: Duration) -> Result<Delay>
    fn new_at(at: Instant) -> Result<Delay>
    fn reset(&mut self, at: Instant);

impl Future for Delay { .. }

impl Interval {
    fn new(dur: Duration) -> Result<Interval>
    fn new_at(at: Instant, dur: Duration) -> Result<Interval>
    fn reset(&mut self, at: Instant);

impl Stream for Interval { .. }

These functions will lazily initialize a dedicated timer thread. We will eventually provide a means of customization, similar to SetDefault for reactor, but that's out of scope for this RFC.

Migration Guide

While tokio and tokio-core will provide some level of interoperation, the expectation is that over time the ecosystem will converge on just using tokio. Transitioning APIs over is largely straightforward, but will require a major version bump:

  • Uses of Remote/Handle that don't involve spawning tasks can use the new Handle.
  • Local task spawning should migrate to use the thread module.
  • APIs that need to construct I/O objects, or otherwise require a Handle, should follow the pattern laid out in the net module:
    • There should be a simple standard API that does not take an explicit Handle argument, instead using the global one.
    • Alongside, there should be some means of customizing the handle, either through a secondary API (connect and connect_handle), or else as part of a builder-style API (if there are other customizations that you want to allow).

The story for other Tokio crates


This crate is deprecated in favor of the new tokio crate. To provide for interoperation, however, it is also reimplemented as a thin layer on top of the new tokio crate, with the ability to dig into this layering. This reimplementation will be provided as a new, semver-compatible release.

The key idea is that a tokio_core Core is a combination of a Reactor and a custom thread-local executor, and you can thus extract out the underlying pieces:

// in the new tokio_core release:

use tokio::reactor;
use futures::thread;

impl Core {
    fn from_tokio_reactor(reactor: reactor::Reactor) -> Self;
    fn tokio_reactor(&mut self) -> &mut reactor::Reactor;

impl Handle {
    fn tokio_handle(&self) -> &reactor::Handle;

This should allow at least some level of interoperation between libraries using the current tokio_core libraries and those that have migrated to tokio.


The tokio-io crate needs an overall API audit. Its APIs may eventually be reexported within the tokio crate, but it also has value as a standalone crate that provides general I/O utilities for futures. (It may move into futures instead).


The tokio-service crate is not, in fact, Tokio-specific; it provides a general way of talking about services and middleware in the futures world. Thus the likely path is for tokio-service to be split out from the Tokio project and instead provide foundational traits under a new moniker. Regardless, though, the crate will always remain available in some form.


Finally, there's tokio-proto, which provides a very general framework for Tokio-based servers and clients.

Part of the original goal was for tokio-proto to be expressive enough that you could build a solid http2 implementation with it; this has not panned out so far, though it's possible that the crate could be improved to do so. On the other hand, it's not clear that it's useful to provide that level of expressiveness in a general-purpose framework.

It seems like there are three basic paths forward:

  • Improve tokio-proto such that is can support the full h2 implementation. It's not clear to what extent doing so would benefit other protocols, however.
  • Refocus tokio-proto on simpler use-cases and ergonomics, e.g. by removing streaming bodies entirely.
  • Deprecate it, in favor of direct, custom server implementations.

It's also not clear what the long-term story for Hyper is; it currently uses tokio-proto, but may end up using h2 instead.

So, in general: the future direction for tokio-proto is unclear. We need to be driven by strong, concrete use-cases. If you have one of these, we'd love to hear about it!


The clear drawback here is ecosystem churn. While the proposal provides interoperation with the existing Tokio ecosystem, there's still a push toward major version bumps across the ecosystem to adapt to the new idioms. The interop means, however, that it's far less problematic for an app to "mix" the two worlds, which means that major version bumps don't need to be as coordinated as they might otherwise be.

Rationale and Alternatives

The rationale has been discussed pretty extensively throughout. However, a few aspects of the design have quite plausible alternatives:

  • The approach to Handles means that libraries need to provide two API surfaces: one using the default global reactor, and one allowing for customization. In practice, it seems likely that many libraries will skip out on the second API. Clients that require it will then need to file issues, and adding support for handle specification after the fact can involve some tricky refactoring -- especially because there's no simple way to ensure that you aren't calling some other API that's using the default reactor, and should now be passing a customized one.
    • An alternative would be to use thread-local storage to set the "current reactor" in a scoped way. By default, this would be the global reactor, but you could override it in cases where you need to customize the reactor that's used.
    • Unfortunately, though, this alternative API is subject to some very subtle bugs when working with futures, because you need to ensure that this thread-local value is set at the right time, which means you need to know whether the handle is used when constructing the future, or when executing it. It was unclear how to design an API that would make it easy to get this right.

Unresolved questions

  • What should happen with tokio-io?
  • What are the right use-cases to focus on for tokio-proto?