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This is a workflow engine based on Petri nets.


$ medal examples/network.yml -i examples/network-input.yml

It requires a file that describes a network (workflow) and a file that specifies the initial marking (optional).

See medal --help for more details.

$ ./bin/medal --help
Medal: A workflow engine based on Petri nets
Usage: ./bin/medal [options] <network.yml>
-i  --init Specify initial marking file
   --quiet Do not print any logs
   --debug Enable debug logs
     --log Specify log destination (default: stderr)
-h  --help This help information.

The examples directory shows several examples. Each directory contains network.yml for a network and init.yml for initial marking.

  • transition shows how to write a transition
  • network shows how to write a network
  • passthrough shows how to pass a token in a place to other places

You can visualize a given network by using net2dot.d with the following commands:

$ ./net2dot.d examples/network/network.yml # dub is required
$ dot -T pdf -o network.pdf # Graphviz is required

Note: syntax is not fixed yet.

For developers

Build requirements

  • D compiler (ldc 1.27.0, dmd 2.097.0 or later)
  • dub


  • Docker (only for Linux)

How to build

$ git clone
$ cd medal
$ dub build -b release


$ git clone
$ cd medal
$ docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/medal --workdir=/medal dlang2/ldc-ubuntu dub build -b release

You will see medal in bin directory.

How to dive into source codes

$ dub run gendoc

You will see API documents (HTML) in docs directory.