--------- beginning of system 11-12 19:34:00.455 724 3276 I ActivityManager: Killing 27582:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a90i314 (adj 0): isolated not needed 11-12 19:34:00.459 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 445ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 19:34:00.461 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 27504 11-12 19:34:00.470 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=507, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:34:00.471 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=508, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:34:00.578 724 12294 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10300000 cmp=com.sketchfab.sketchfab/.MainActivity} from uid 10030 11-12 19:34:00.825 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:34:01.148 724 12291 I ActivityManager: Start proc 27943:com.sketchfab.sketchfab/u0a90 for activity com.sketchfab.sketchfab/.MainActivity 11-12 19:34:01.161 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 284ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 19:34:01.445 724 11566 I ActivityManager: Start proc 27967:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider 11-12 19:34:01.864 724 12289 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:34:01.936 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=com.google.android.systemui.OPA_ENABLED flg=0x10000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.qsb.OPAStatusReceiver 11-12 19:34:02.279 724 12288 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28011:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a24 for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider 11-12 19:34:02.373 724 760 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{18b4ab5 u0 com.sketchfab.sketchfab/.MainActivity t330} 11-12 19:34:02.594 724 3104 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:34:03.357 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28086:com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel/1001 for service com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel/.QcrilMsgTunnelService 11-12 19:34:04.166 724 1317 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28134:android.process.acore/u0a0 for content provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider 11-12 19:34:09.234 724 3183 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28187:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i315 for webview_service com.sketchfab.sketchfab/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:34:17.473 724 12295 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:34:17.475 724 12295 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) s.87} 11-12 19:34:17.654 724 12295 I ActivityManager: Override config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) s.87} for displayId=0 11-12 19:34:18.062 724 739 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28267:com.google.tango/u0a92 for service com.google.tango/com.google.atap.tango.TangoVirtualHalService 11-12 19:34:18.115 724 804 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +740ms due to Window{faa7cb5 u0 StatusBar} 11-12 19:34:41.223 724 760 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:34:41.342 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:34:41.342 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:34:41.436 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:34:42.736 724 761 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28432:com.android.systemui:screenshot/u0a40 for service com.android.systemui/.screenshot.TakeScreenshotService 11-12 19:34:47.914 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:34:48.064 724 904 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:34:48.069 724 821 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) s.88} 11-12 19:34:48.226 724 821 I ActivityManager: Override config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) s.88} for displayId=0 11-12 19:34:48.253 724 821 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{610254a ActivityRecord{18b4ab5 u0 com.sketchfab.sketchfab/.MainActivity t330}} appWin=Window{26f3d3 u0 com.sketchfab.sketchfab/com.sketchfab.sketchfab.MainActivity} drawState=4 11-12 19:34:48.280 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 304ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=31 11-12 19:34:49.095 724 804 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s111ms due to Window{faa7cb5 u0 StatusBar} 11-12 19:34:49.760 724 3107 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:34:50.803 724 12296 I ActivityManager: Killing 27943:com.sketchfab.sketchfab/u0a90 (adj 902): remove task 11-12 19:34:50.804 724 12296 I ActivityManager: Killing 28187:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a90i315 (adj 900): remove task 11-12 19:34:50.988 724 904 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.sketchfab.sketchfab/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 12354ms 11-12 19:34:50.993 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:34:51.043 724 12286 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:34:51.498 724 1320 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=510, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@7d5e37d) 11-12 19:34:51.500 724 12288 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=509, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1102272) 11-12 19:34:51.520 724 740 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{26f3d3 u0 com.sketchfab.sketchfab/com.sketchfab.sketchfab.MainActivity} 11-12 19:34:51.530 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=509, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:34:51.530 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=510, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:34:51.533 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 27943 11-12 19:34:52.501 724 740 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28485:android.process.media/u0a14 for content provider com.android.providers.media/.MediaProvider 11-12 19:34:53.364 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28510:com.qualcomm.telephony/1000 for service com.qualcomm.atfwd/.AtFwdService 11-12 19:34:54.126 724 12298 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://media/external/images/media/372 typ=image/png flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.google.android.apps.photos/.pager.HostPhotoPagerActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:34:54.200 724 11459 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 11-12 19:34:54.230 724 11459 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28534:com.google.android.apps.photos/u0a71 for activity com.google.android.apps.photos/.pager.HostPhotoPagerActivity 11-12 19:34:55.787 724 11566 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28594:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63 for service com.google.vr.vrcore/.common.VrCoreSdkService 11-12 19:34:55.994 724 12289 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider from ProcessRecord{6c7d0b6 28594:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63} (pid=28594, uid=10063) requires com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES or com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES 11-12 19:34:56.003 724 5258 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider from ProcessRecord{6c7d0b6 28594:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63} (pid=28594, uid=10063) requires com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES or com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES 11-12 19:34:59.950 724 12295 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.apps.photos/.share.ShareActivity (has extras)} from uid 10071 11-12 19:35:00.534 724 12293 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10071 11-12 19:35:00.830 724 12290 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28658:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a31 for activity com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity 11-12 19:35:03.061 724 724 D TwilightService: onLocationChanged: provider=fused accuracy=22.46 time=1510515303025 11-12 19:35:07.152 724 822 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)... 11-12 19:35:07.167 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:35:07.168 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:35:07.183 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:35:07.440 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 11-12 19:35:07.456 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-12 19:35:07.457 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-12 19:35:07.458 724 767 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:35:07.477 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 37 ms 11-12 19:35:07.578 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-12 19:35:07.719 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: Performing stop of activity that is already stopped: {com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.apps.photos.pager.HostPhotoPagerActivity} 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: java.lang.RuntimeException: Performing stop of activity that is already stopped: {com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.apps.photos.pager.HostPhotoPagerActivity} 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.performStopActivityInner(ActivityThread.java:4052) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleStopActivity(ActivityThread.java:4140) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap24(Unknown Source:0) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1627) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 19:35:07.918 28534 28534 E ActivityThread: ActivityClientRecord{paused=true, stopped=true, hideForNow=false, startsNotResumed=false, isForward=true, pendingConfigChanges=0, onlyLocalRequest=false, preserveWindow=false, Activity{resumed=false, stopped=true, finished=false, destroyed=false, startedActivity=true, temporaryPause=false, changingConfigurations=false, visibleBehind=false}} 11-12 19:35:17.168 724 724 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28725:com.google.android.apps.maps/u0a94 for service com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.apps.gmm.ugc.clientnotification.phototaken.PhotoTakenObserverService 11-12 19:36:13.274 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:37:25.443 724 763 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy identical 5 lines 11-12 19:38:04.426 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:38:09.622 724 759 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28858:com.google.android.gm/u0a91 for service com.google.android.gm/.provider.GmailImapSyncAdapterService 11-12 19:38:09.838 28858 28858 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.google.android.gmail.provider;com.android.mail.notifier;com.google.android.gm.email.provider;com.google.android.gm.tasks.provider;com.google.android.gm.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider 11-12 19:38:10.188 724 1376 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm.exchange/com.android.exchange.service.EasService } U=0: not found 11-12 19:38:10.310 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:38:10.622 724 12298 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm.exchange/com.android.exchange.service.EasService } U=0: not found 11-12 19:39:01.518 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:39:01.529 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:40:08.841 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:40:08.864 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:40:08.865 3047 3060 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:40:11.103 724 12294 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:40:19.121 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:40:19.122 3047 5228 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:40:21.197 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:40:21.266 724 11459 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:41:18.129 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:41:28.062 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-12 19:41:28.068 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 11-12 19:41:28.092 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:41:28.207 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 145 ms 11-12 19:41:28.975 724 724 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=-491525677, gp=0) 11-12 19:41:28.979 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 19:41:28.995 724 3107 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 10040)... 11-12 19:41:29.014 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-12 19:41:29.020 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:41:29.022 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-12 19:41:29.022 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 19:41:29.045 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:41:29.045 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:41:29.054 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:41:29.281 724 3107 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-12 19:41:29.285 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 19:41:29.285 724 767 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:41:29.323 724 724 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 11-12 19:41:29.333 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 11-12 19:41:29.334 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 19:41:29.334 724 724 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 11-12 19:41:29.732 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:41:30.812 724 12293 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:41:31.904 724 12299 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:41:31.943 724 12293 I ActivityManager: Killing 28534:com.google.android.apps.photos/u0a71 (adj 900): remove task 11-12 19:41:32.131 724 1317 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=511, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@526ff3f) 11-12 19:41:32.134 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=511, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 11-12 19:41:32.135 724 12288 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{60bf3fc u0 com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.apps.photos.pager.HostPhotoPagerActivity} 11-12 19:41:32.154 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 28534 11-12 19:41:32.221 724 12291 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.TEXT_ASSIST flg=0x10008000 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.queryentry.QueryEntryActivity} from uid 10030 11-12 19:41:32.943 724 3276 W ActivityManager: Finishing task with all activities already finished 11-12 19:41:32.943 724 3276 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{416505b u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.queryentry.QueryEntryActivity t332 f} 11-12 19:41:34.550 724 1376 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main bnds=[641,1479][843,1663]} from uid 10030 11-12 19:41:34.748 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29092:com.android.chrome/u0a62 for activity com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main 11-12 19:41:34.753 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 173ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 19:41:35.240 724 1376 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14002000 cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity bnds=[641,1479][843,1663] (has extras)} from uid 10062 11-12 19:41:35.623 724 1320 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29118:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i316 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:41:36.104 724 1376 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29156:com.android.chrome:privileged_process0/u0a62 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0 11-12 19:41:37.033 724 5258 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29206:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1/u0i317 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 11-12 19:41:37.148 29092 29107 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.partnerbookmarks 11-12 19:41:42.208 724 1320 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1 (pid 29206) has died: vis TOP 11-12 19:41:42.208 724 1320 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 in 1000ms 11-12 19:41:55.778 724 724 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@d367ffc 11-12 19:42:20.552 724 3183 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/downloads/WebARonARCore.apk typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStart (has extras)} from uid 10062 11-12 19:42:20.702 724 12292 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/downloads/WebARonARCore.apk typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStaging (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 19:42:21.433 724 12292 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package6341237136814616503.apk flg=0x10000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 19:42:22.969 724 11567 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package6341237136814616503.apk cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallInstalling (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 19:42:32.145 724 777 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29393:com.android.defcontainer/u0a11 for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService 11-12 19:42:32.411 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29409:com.android.vending/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PackageVerificationReceiver 11-12 19:42:32.578 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:42:32.579 3047 5228 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:42:35.016 724 3183 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:42:44.004 724 777 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=org.chromium.android_webview.shell token=10 restoreSet=0 11-12 19:42:44.007 724 777 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately 11-12 19:42:44.064 724 3183 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package6341237136814616503.apk flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallSuccess (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 19:42:44.283 724 3119 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.chromium.android_webview.shell flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 11-12 19:42:44.515 724 12296 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.chromium.android_webview.shell flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.googlequicksearchbox.GelStubAppWatcher 11-12 19:42:44.515 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.chromium.android_webview.shell flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver 11-12 19:42:44.821 724 724 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.google.android.dialer: DDC.oR@DZE 11-12 19:42:45.220 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29513:com.google.android.apps.photos/u0a71 for broadcast com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.libraries.social.notifications.impl.gcm.receiver.GcmReceiver 11-12 19:43:32.933 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:43:33.047 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:43:40.400 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 11-12 19:43:40.592 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:43:40.601 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:43:40.617 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:43:40.829 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 11-12 19:43:40.857 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-12 19:43:40.858 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-12 19:43:40.860 724 767 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:43:40.875 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 47 ms 11-12 19:43:41.014 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-12 19:43:41.029 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:43:48.821 724 724 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=-726974441, gp=0) 11-12 19:43:48.831 724 739 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 10040)... 11-12 19:43:48.843 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-12 19:43:48.845 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 19:43:48.846 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-12 19:43:48.873 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:43:49.131 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:43:49.131 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:43:49.141 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:43:49.156 724 724 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 11-12 19:43:49.171 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 11-12 19:43:49.172 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 19:43:49.172 724 724 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 11-12 19:43:49.223 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 379 ms 11-12 19:43:49.224 724 771 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 393 ms 11-12 19:43:49.224 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-12 19:43:49.225 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 19:43:49.238 724 5258 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-12 19:43:49.239 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 19:43:49.239 724 767 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:44:20.167 906 906 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (253.0,20.0) 11-12 19:44:36.460 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:44:37.567 724 3119 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main bnds=[641,1479][843,1663]} from uid 10030 11-12 19:44:37.679 724 3104 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14002000 cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity bnds=[641,1479][843,1663] (has extras)} from uid 10062 11-12 19:44:38.911 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:44:41.360 724 12289 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.vending/.AssetBrowserActivity bnds=[237,986][439,1248]} from uid 10030 11-12 19:44:41.508 724 12289 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity bnds=[237,986][439,1248]} from uid 10033 11-12 19:44:49.308 724 1376 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.lightpurchase.LightPurchaseFlowActivity (has extras)} from uid 10033 11-12 19:44:49.473 724 739 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.AppsPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10033 11-12 19:44:55.404 724 739 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:44:58.851 724 759 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 11-12 19:45:02.934 724 12298 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:45:20.179 724 1317 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29979:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i318 for webview_service com.android.vending/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:45:26.136 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.BACKUP for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:45:26.136 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:45:26.139 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE for package com.google.android.gms - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:45:26.140 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE for package android.ext.services - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:45:26.141 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS for package com.android.apps.tag - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:45:26.142 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME for package com.google.android.apps.turbo - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:45:26.263 724 777 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=com.chrome.beta token=11 restoreSet=0 11-12 19:45:26.263 724 777 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately 11-12 19:45:26.329 724 12296 D PackageInstaller: Ignoring abandon after commit relinquished control 11-12 19:45:26.512 724 12294 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.chrome.beta flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 11-12 19:45:26.828 724 740 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.chrome.beta flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.googlequicksearchbox.GelStubAppWatcher 11-12 19:45:26.828 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.chrome.beta flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver 11-12 19:45:27.013 724 724 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.google.android.dialer: DDC.oR@DZ0 11-12 19:45:27.329 724 759 W AccountManagerService: user id must be concrete 11-12 19:45:32.570 724 3119 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.lightpurchase.LightPurchaseFlowActivity (has extras)} from uid 10033 11-12 19:45:32.757 724 1376 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.AppsPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10033 11-12 19:45:34.943 724 940 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.chrome.beta cmp=com.chrome.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} from uid 10033 11-12 19:45:34.980 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30049:com.chrome.beta/u0a98 for activity com.chrome.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main 11-12 19:45:35.291 724 3107 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.firstrun.FirstRunActivity (has extras)} from uid 10098 11-12 19:45:35.531 724 12286 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30078:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process0/u0i319 for service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:45:36.912 724 1317 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30124:com.chrome.beta:privileged_process0/u0a98 for service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0 11-12 19:45:39.614 724 1376 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.chrome.beta cmp=com.chrome.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main (has extras)} from uid 10098 11-12 19:45:41.401 724 12294 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30193:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process1/u0i320 for service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 11-12 19:45:45.936 724 11566 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=chrome-native://newtab/ pkg=com.chrome.beta cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.document.ChromeLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 10098 11-12 19:45:46.236 724 12293 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30250:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process2/u0i321 for service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2 11-12 19:45:46.284 724 12288 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=chrome-native://newtab/ flg=0x14002000 pkg=com.chrome.beta cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity (has extras)} from uid 10098 11-12 19:45:46.291 724 11566 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{75f73e2 u0 com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.document.ChromeLauncherActivity t340 f} 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: Activity org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity has leaked IntentReceiver org.chromium.chrome.browser.vr_shell.VrShellDelegate$VrBroadcastReceiver@1b8dedf that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Activity org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity has leaked IntentReceiver org.chromium.chrome.browser.vr_shell.VrShellDelegate$VrBroadcastReceiver@1b8dedf that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.(LoadedApk.java:1333) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1114) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1405) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1378) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1366) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:603) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.vr_shell.VrShellDelegate.getEnterVrPendingIntent(VrShellDelegate.java:68) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.vr_shell.VrShellDelegate.registerDaydreamIntent(VrShellDelegate.java:74) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.vr_shell.VrShellDelegate$1.onPostExecute(VrShellDelegate.java:6) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(AsyncTask.java:695) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.os.AsyncTask.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(AsyncTask.java:712) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 19:45:46.336 30049 30049 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 19:45:46.611 724 12291 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process1 (pid 30193) has died: vis TOP 11-12 19:45:46.612 724 12291 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 in 1000ms 11-12 19:45:46.746 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 131ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 19:45:52.404 724 3119 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process2 (pid 30250) has died: vis TOP 11-12 19:45:52.404 724 3119 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2 in 1000ms 11-12 19:45:53.116 724 12294 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=522, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@a7dad6b) 11-12 19:45:53.116 724 12286 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=516, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e1ba0c8) 11-12 19:45:53.117 724 904 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.vending (pid 29409) has died: prev LAST 11-12 19:45:53.120 724 1376 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{38468fc u0 com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} 11-12 19:45:53.185 724 904 I ActivityManager: Killing 29979:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a33i318 (adj 0): isolated not needed 11-12 19:45:53.186 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 29409 11-12 19:45:53.206 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=522, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 11-12 19:45:53.208 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=516, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 11-12 19:45:54.176 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30312:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process3/u0i322 for service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService3 11-12 19:46:03.399 724 12298 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30356:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process4/u0i323 for service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService4 11-12 19:46:06.097 724 761 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:46:06.116 724 761 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) s.89} 11-12 19:46:06.410 724 761 I ActivityManager: Override config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) s.89} for displayId=0 11-12 19:46:06.453 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 471ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler) {f8409bb} cb=com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$MyOrientationListener$1@7d14ed8 msg=0 11-12 19:46:07.122 724 12288 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s138ms due to Window{faa7cb5 u0 StatusBar} 11-12 19:46:08.620 724 12293 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process4 (pid 30356) has died: vis TOP 11-12 19:46:08.620 724 12293 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService4 in 1000ms 11-12 19:46:10.843 724 3276 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:46:13.066 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30403:com.whatsapp/u0a85 for broadcast com.whatsapp/.AlarmBroadcastReceiver 11-12 19:46:13.716 30403 30403 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.whatsapp.provider.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider 11-12 19:46:14.932 724 5258 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30489:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2/u0i324 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2 11-12 19:46:21.960 724 761 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:46:21.974 724 761 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) s.90} 11-12 19:46:22.147 724 761 I ActivityManager: Override config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) s.90} for displayId=0 11-12 19:46:22.164 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 284ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler) {f8409bb} cb=com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$MyOrientationListener$1@7d14ed8 msg=0 11-12 19:46:22.665 724 804 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +785ms due to Window{faa7cb5 u0 StatusBar} 11-12 19:46:29.789 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:46:29.802 3047 5228 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:46:32.199 724 12291 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:46:58.166 724 12296 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:47:00.304 724 739 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:47:01.055 724 739 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30613:com.android.vending/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.flushlogs.FlushLogsReceiver 11-12 19:47:05.700 724 3183 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.billing.lightpurchase.LightPurchaseFlowActivity (has extras)} from uid 10033 11-12 19:47:05.838 724 1320 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.AppsPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10033 11-12 19:47:41.831 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.BACKUP for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:47:41.831 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:47:41.833 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE for package com.google.android.gms - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:47:41.835 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE for package android.ext.services - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:47:41.836 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS for package com.android.apps.tag - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:47:41.836 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME for package com.google.android.apps.turbo - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:47:41.954 724 777 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=com.chrome.dev token=12 restoreSet=0 11-12 19:47:41.954 724 777 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately 11-12 19:47:42.248 724 11567 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.chrome.dev flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 11-12 19:47:42.676 724 12298 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.chrome.dev flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.googlequicksearchbox.GelStubAppWatcher 11-12 19:47:42.677 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.chrome.dev flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver 11-12 19:47:42.757 724 724 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.google.android.dialer: DDC.oR@DaI 11-12 19:47:43.296 724 759 W AccountManagerService: user id must be concrete 11-12 19:47:44.132 724 3107 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.chrome.dev cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} from uid 10033 11-12 19:47:44.369 724 12294 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30807:com.chrome.dev/u0a99 for activity com.chrome.dev/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main 11-12 19:47:44.505 724 12296 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 62ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 11-12 19:47:45.016 724 11459 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.chrome.browser.firstrun.FirstRunActivity (has extras)} from uid 10099 11-12 19:47:45.250 724 12296 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30837:com.chrome.dev:sandboxed_process0/u0i325 for service com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:47:47.186 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30875:com.chrome.dev:privileged_process0/u0a99 for service com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0 11-12 19:47:49.635 724 740 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.chrome.dev cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main (has extras)} from uid 10099 11-12 19:47:50.602 724 3104 I ActivityManager: Start proc 30924:com.chrome.dev:sandboxed_process1/u0i326 for service com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 11-12 19:47:52.257 724 740 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.systemui:screenshot (pid 28432) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:47:52.400 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 28432 11-12 19:47:52.400 724 12293 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.gm (pid 28858) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:47:52.406 724 12298 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.partnersetup (pid 28011) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:47:56.581 724 12298 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.dev:sandboxed_process1 (pid 30924) has died: vis TOP 11-12 19:47:56.582 724 12298 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 in 1000ms 11-12 19:47:58.613 724 760 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app idle: u0a62 -6m4s844ms com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.download.DownloadNotificationService 11-12 19:48:01.582 724 12298 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=29092 uid=10062 pkg=com.android.chrome 11-12 19:48:07.659 724 3107 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { flg=0x14 cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=29092 uid=10062 pkg=com.android.chrome 11-12 19:48:09.643 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:48:09.643 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:48:13.180 724 1317 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.packageinstaller (pid 28658) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:48:13.195 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 28658 11-12 19:48:25.050 724 3119 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.chrome.browser.preferences.Preferences (has extras)} from uid 10099 11-12 19:49:01.546 724 1317 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=29092 uid=10062 pkg=com.android.chrome 11-12 19:49:01.603 724 759 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31165:com.google.android.gm/u0a91 for service com.google.android.gm/.provider.GmailImapSyncAdapterService 11-12 19:49:01.950 31165 31165 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.google.android.gmail.provider;com.android.mail.notifier;com.google.android.gm.email.provider;com.google.android.gm.tasks.provider;com.google.android.gm.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider 11-12 19:49:02.370 724 12298 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm.exchange/com.android.exchange.service.EasService } U=0: not found 11-12 19:49:02.875 724 1317 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm.exchange/com.android.exchange.service.EasService } U=0: not found 11-12 19:49:26.458 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:49:26.572 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:49:27.556 724 5258 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore (pid 28134) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:30.659 724 12287 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.chromium.android_webview.shell/.AwShellActivity bnds=[35,1510][237,1772]} from uid 10030 11-12 19:49:30.742 724 12290 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31246:org.chromium.android_webview.shell/u0a97 for activity org.chromium.android_webview.shell/.AwShellActivity 11-12 19:49:30.946 724 12287 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10097 11-12 19:49:31.470 724 760 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{a2261f u0 org.chromium.android_webview.shell/.AwShellActivity t344} 11-12 19:49:31.499 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31267:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a31 for activity com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity 11-12 19:49:34.787 724 3104 D VoldConnector: SND -> {26 volume remount_uid 10097 read} 11-12 19:49:34.805 371 380 D vold : Remounting 10097 as mode read 11-12 19:49:34.840 371 380 D vold : Found matching PID 31246 11-12 19:49:34.852 724 824 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 26 Command succeeded} 11-12 19:49:34.854 724 3272 D VoldConnector: SND -> {27 volume remount_uid 10097 write} 11-12 19:49:34.855 371 380 D vold : Remounting 10097 as mode write 11-12 19:49:34.866 371 380 D vold : Found matching PID 31246 11-12 19:49:34.881 724 824 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 27 Command succeeded} 11-12 19:49:38.096 724 12287 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=512, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f437cdb) 11-12 19:49:38.096 724 12299 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.apps.maps (pid 28725) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:38.146 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=512, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:49:38.466 724 11567 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.media (pid 28485) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:38.476 724 3104 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.defcontainer (pid 29393) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:38.550 724 12299 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=517, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@c291378) 11-12 19:49:38.550 724 12298 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.apps.photos (pid 29513) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:38.553 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=517, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 11-12 19:49:38.763 724 740 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.process.gapps (pid 27967) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:38.791 724 12291 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.gm (pid 31165) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 19:49:44.006 724 12294 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.vr.vrcore (pid 28594) has died: cch+4CEM 11-12 19:49:44.277 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 (pid 29118) has died: cch+1CACC 11-12 19:49:44.278 724 12289 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 11-12 19:49:44.448 724 12299 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=526, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f0ead4a) 11-12 19:49:44.449 724 12286 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=523, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@34884bb) 11-12 19:49:44.480 724 12289 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{f941405 u0 com.chrome.beta/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} 11-12 19:49:44.528 724 11566 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=531, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1f3add8) 11-12 19:49:44.528 724 11458 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{e9ceab6 u0 com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity} 11-12 19:49:44.633 724 740 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.beta (pid 30049) has died: cch CAC 11-12 19:49:44.635 724 740 I ActivityManager: Killing 30078:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process0/u0a98i319 (adj 0): isolated not needed 11-12 19:49:44.638 724 740 I ActivityManager: Killing 30312:com.chrome.beta:sandboxed_process3/u0a98i322 (adj 0): isolated not needed 11-12 19:49:44.649 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=526, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:49:44.650 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=523, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:49:44.651 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=531, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 11-12 19:49:44.737 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.packageinstaller (pid 31267) has died: cch+2CEM 11-12 19:49:44.742 724 904 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.vending (pid 30613) has died: cch CAC 11-12 19:49:44.750 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 30049 11-12 19:49:44.750 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 31267 11-12 19:49:44.750 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 30613 11-12 19:49:44.751 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 116ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 19:49:45.642 724 12293 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.beta:privileged_process0 (pid 30124) has died: cch+2CEM 11-12 19:49:54.994 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:49:54.995 3047 5228 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:49:57.462 724 11459 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:50:00.601 724 761 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:50:00.683 724 761 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) s.91} 11-12 19:50:01.116 724 761 I ActivityManager: Override config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w683dp h387dp 420dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1794, 1080) s.91} for displayId=0 11-12 19:50:01.152 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 640ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler) {f8409bb} cb=com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$MyOrientationListener$1@7d14ed8 msg=0 11-12 19:50:02.513 724 769 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired. 11-12 19:50:02.513 724 769 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{faa7cb5 u0 StatusBar} 11-12 19:50:02.521 724 804 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +2s2ms due to Window{faa7cb5 u0 StatusBar} 11-12 19:50:02.532 724 12290 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=29092 uid=10062 pkg=com.android.chrome 11-12 19:50:09.637 724 760 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:50:09.754 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:50:09.754 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:50:09.834 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:50:28.847 724 12296 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { flg=0x14 cmp=com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) } to com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService from pid=30807 uid=10099 pkg=com.chrome.dev 11-12 19:51:06.728 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:51:10.642 724 760 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:51:10.677 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:51:10.677 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:51:10.694 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:51:11.566 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:52:09.358 724 940 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31589:com.google.process.gapps/u0a20 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider 11-12 19:52:09.359 724 940 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 148ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after start process 11-12 19:52:09.359 724 940 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 148ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: updating data structures 11-12 19:52:09.359 724 940 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 148ms so far, now at getContentProviderImpl: done! 11-12 19:52:12.800 724 760 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:52:12.834 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:52:12.834 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:52:12.866 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:52:14.097 724 12296 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=513, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@773eff5) 11-12 19:52:14.097 724 12291 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=514, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@bf8018a) 11-12 19:52:14.098 724 12294 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome (pid 29092) has died: cch CAC 11-12 19:52:14.124 724 12291 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{5bc96ce u0 com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity} 11-12 19:52:14.157 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=513, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:52:14.159 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=514, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:52:14.210 724 12294 I ActivityManager: Killing 30489:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2/u0a62i324 (adj 0): isolated not needed 11-12 19:52:14.218 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 29092 11-12 19:52:14.302 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:52:14.406 724 739 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 (pid 29156) has died: fore SVC 11-12 19:52:15.168 724 759 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31635:com.google.android.gm/u0a91 for service com.google.android.gm/.provider.GmailImapSyncAdapterService 11-12 19:52:15.869 31635 31635 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.google.android.gmail.provider;com.android.mail.notifier;com.google.android.gm.email.provider;com.google.android.gm.tasks.provider;com.google.android.gm.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider 11-12 19:52:16.619 724 3119 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm.exchange/com.android.exchange.service.EasService } U=0: not found 11-12 19:52:17.500 724 3104 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gm.exchange/com.android.exchange.service.EasService } U=0: not found 11-12 19:52:50.007 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:52:50.014 3047 5228 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:52:52.534 724 1320 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:53:04.464 724 740 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:53:05.063 724 760 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{a2261f u0 org.chromium.android_webview.shell/.AwShellActivity t344} 11-12 19:53:06.153 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Killing 30875:com.chrome.dev:privileged_process0/u0a99 (adj 904): remove task 11-12 19:53:06.153 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Killing 30837:com.chrome.dev:sandboxed_process0/u0a99i325 (adj 902): remove task 11-12 19:53:06.154 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Killing 30807:com.chrome.dev/u0a99 (adj 906): remove task 11-12 19:53:06.249 724 3107 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 11-12 19:53:06.251 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:06.292 724 12288 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.chrome.dev/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0 in 10957ms 11-12 19:53:06.318 724 12290 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=532, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@2282399) 11-12 19:53:06.318 724 11567 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=535, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@745f65e) 11-12 19:53:06.319 724 12295 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{8f22fc2 u0 com.chrome.dev/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main} 11-12 19:53:06.333 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=535, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:53:06.336 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=532, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:53:06.336 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 30807 11-12 19:53:06.818 724 1376 I ActivityManager: Killing 31246:org.chromium.android_webview.shell/u0a97 (adj 902): remove task 11-12 19:53:06.955 724 3104 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=538, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@93eaf0c) 11-12 19:53:06.956 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=538, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 19:53:06.957 724 11567 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{c8894c9 u0 org.chromium.android_webview.shell/org.chromium.android_webview.shell.AwShellActivity} 11-12 19:53:06.979 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 31246 11-12 19:53:07.245 724 12288 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity} from uid 10040 11-12 19:53:07.366 724 12288 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:53:07.377 724 12288 I ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) s.92} 11-12 19:53:07.493 724 12288 I ActivityManager: Override config changes=480 {1.0 234mcc26mnc [en_GB] ldltr sw411dp w411dp h659dp 420dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1794) s.92} for displayId=0 11-12 19:53:07.541 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 249ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=31 11-12 19:53:07.558 724 804 W WindowManager: Leaked dim user=Task=340 state=com.android.server.wm.DimLayerController$DimLayerState@eadaff8 11-12 19:53:07.559 724 804 W WindowManager: Leaked dim user=Task=337 state=com.android.server.wm.DimLayerController$DimLayerState@d61acd1 11-12 19:53:07.559 724 804 W WindowManager: Leaked dim user=Task=334 state=com.android.server.wm.DimLayerController$DimLayerState@fe47336 11-12 19:53:07.982 724 822 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)... 11-12 19:53:08.260 724 804 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +966ms due to Window{64061e6 u0 com.breel.wallpapers.dioramas.lagos.LagosWallpaperService} 11-12 19:53:08.348 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 11-12 19:53:08.353 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:53:08.353 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:53:08.376 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 28 ms 11-12 19:53:08.378 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:53:08.386 724 771 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:08.399 724 760 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:08.421 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-12 19:53:08.424 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-12 19:53:08.428 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-12 19:53:08.432 724 767 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:53:08.449 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:53:08.449 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:53:08.534 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:08.575 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:53:19.165 724 724 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=-491525677, gp=0) 11-12 19:53:19.171 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 19:53:19.181 724 3107 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 10040)... 11-12 19:53:19.190 724 771 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:19.202 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-12 19:53:19.206 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-12 19:53:19.230 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:53:19.236 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:53:19.236 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:53:19.408 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:53:19.723 724 760 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:19.853 724 724 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 11-12 19:53:19.866 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 11-12 19:53:19.867 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 19:53:19.867 724 724 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 11-12 19:53:19.930 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 728 ms 11-12 19:53:19.932 724 771 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 751 ms 11-12 19:53:19.932 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-12 19:53:19.932 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 19:53:19.951 724 12297 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-12 19:53:19.951 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 19:53:19.952 724 767 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:53:24.770 724 3276 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10040 11-12 19:53:24.812 724 3272 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 11-12 19:53:24.852 724 3272 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31886:com.android.settings/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.Settings 11-12 19:53:25.886 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31914:android.process.acore/u0a0 for content provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider 11-12 19:53:26.500 724 740 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:53:26.501 724 740 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:53:26.519 724 740 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:31.015 724 12287 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:53:31.175 724 12287 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null 11-12 19:53:36.908 724 3272 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:53:46.650 724 11459 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:53:47.105 31886 31886 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1540 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:678 android.content.pm.permission.RuntimePermissionPresenter$RemoteService.processMessage:154 android.content.pm.permission.RuntimePermissionPresenter.getAppPermissions:118 com.android.settingslib.applications.PermissionsSummaryHelper.getPermissionSummary:34 11-12 19:53:47.151 724 12299 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31948:com.android.packageinstaller/u0a31 for service com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.service.RuntimePermissionPresenterServiceImpl 11-12 19:53:47.258 724 3276 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:53:47.258 724 3276 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:53:47.276 724 3276 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:53:47.322 724 1317 I ProcessStatsService: Added stats: 2017-11-12-14-13-39, over +5h18m29s615ms 11-12 19:53:47.600 724 12295 I ProcessStatsService: Added stats: 2017-11-12-14-13-39, over +5h18m29s615ms 11-12 19:53:48.293 724 1317 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:48.299 724 5258 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.UNINSTALL_PACKAGE dat=package:com.google.tango cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.UninstallerActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:53:49.264 724 12287 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.UninstallUninstalling (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 19:53:49.386 724 760 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.google.tango appid=10092 user=0: deletePackageX 11-12 19:53:49.387 724 760 I ActivityManager: Killing 28267:com.google.tango/u0a92 (adj 800): stop com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:49.389 724 760 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.tango/com.google.atap.tango.TangoService in 1000ms 11-12 19:53:49.411 724 760 I ActivityManager: Force stopping service ServiceRecord{3ab3d74 u0 com.google.tango/com.google.atap.tango.TangoService} 11-12 19:53:49.431 724 777 I PackageManager: Removing old permission: com.google.tango.permission.DATASETS from package com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:49.434 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.BACKUP for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:53:49.434 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:53:49.437 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE for package com.google.android.gms - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:53:49.439 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE for package android.ext.services - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:53:49.440 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS for package com.android.apps.tag - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:53:49.446 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME for package com.google.android.apps.turbo - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 19:53:49.937 724 777 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31977:com.android.defcontainer/u0a11 for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService 11-12 19:53:49.956 724 777 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.google.tango appid=10092 user=0: pkg removed 11-12 19:53:50.058 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 101ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 19:53:50.058 724 760 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.google.tango appid=10092 user=-1: permission grant or revoke changed gids 11-12 19:53:50.069 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.google.tango flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 11-12 19:53:50.373 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 31995:com.android.vending/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.packagemanager.impl.PackageMonitorReceiverImpl$RegisteredReceiver 11-12 19:53:50.380 724 777 I ActivityManager: Force stopping com.google.tango appid=10092 user=0: pkg removed 11-12 19:53:50.410 724 759 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32000:com.android.printspooler/u0a76 for service com.android.printspooler/.model.PrintSpoolerService 11-12 19:53:50.428 724 724 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32013:com.android.keychain/1000 for service com.android.keychain/.KeyChainService 11-12 19:53:50.436 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 376ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=31 --------- beginning of main 11-12 19:53:50.747 31886 31904 W TileUtils: Found com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.SETTINGS pkg=com.android.settings } missing metadata com.android.settings.category 11-12 19:53:50.856 31995 31995 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 11-12 19:53:51.172 31995 31995 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 11-12 19:53:51.174 31995 31995 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 11-12 19:53:51.182 31995 32046 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 63.0.3223.7, arch: armv8l 11-12 19:53:51.244 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.a.d.a(39): No need to run daily hygiene. 11-12 19:53:51.386 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.bv.a.a(52): Enabling bucket experiment: factor=1.000, zeroDelta=0ms, forceNetwork=true 11-12 19:53:51.433 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.bs.a.onTrimMemory(5): Memory trim requested to level 10 11-12 19:53:51.605 31886 31886 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void com.android.settingslib.applications.ApplicationsState$MainHandler.handleMessage(android.os.Message) due to JIT inline cache 11-12 19:53:51.624 724 740 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32083:android.process.media/u0a14 for content provider com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadProvider 11-12 19:53:51.633 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.p.a(925): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 11-12 19:53:51.641 724 739 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32095:com.android.vending:instant_app_installer/u0a33 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.instantapps.appmanagement.InstantAppRemoveMonitor 11-12 19:53:51.677 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.p.a(925): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 11-12 19:53:51.719 11768 11768 I WearableService: Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device. 11-12 19:53:51.795 11768 21640 D WearableService: onGetService - Wear is not available on this device. 11-12 19:53:51.805 31995 31995 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.bl.a(3): onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 11-12 19:53:51.920 32095 32095 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 11-12 19:53:52.222 724 1376 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.google.tango flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.googlequicksearchbox.GelStubAppWatcher 11-12 19:53:52.248 724 760 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32124:com.android.documentsui/u0a13 for broadcast com.android.documentsui/.PackageReceiver 11-12 19:53:52.367 27917 28225 E WorkSourceUtil: Could not find package: com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:52.391 27917 28112 I Icing : doRemovePackageData com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:52.395 11768 12188 W ConfigurationChimeraPro: Got null configs for com.google.android.gms.drive 11-12 19:53:52.424 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32 11-12 19:53:52.435 27917 32145 D Wear_Controller: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED and uri=com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:52.437 27917 29763 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 11-12 19:53:52.466 27917 32138 I LocationSettingsChecker: Removing dialog suppression flag for package com.google.tango 11-12 19:53:52.591 27917 27928 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 84547(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 9(180KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4MB/9MB, paused 820us total 153.259ms 11-12 19:53:52.635 27917 28112 I Icing : App usage reports: 2 11-12 19:53:52.635 27917 28112 I Icing : Usage reports ok 2, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:53:52.691 27917 28112 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:53:52.746 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.bq.a.h.run(2): Loaded library for account: [7S_6Kw--8V4NZOIx5LW1F919sp4] 11-12 19:53:52.746 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.bq.a.h.run(5): Finished loading 1 libraries. 11-12 19:53:52.748 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected 11-12 19:53:52.755 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=auto_uninstall due to Gms not connected 11-12 19:53:52.757 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected 11-12 19:53:52.760 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.setup.bp.run(90): Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed. 11-12 19:53:52.776 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.bs.a.onTrimMemory(5): Memory trim requested to level 80 11-12 19:53:52.787 27917 32137 W DriveInitializer: Awaiting to be initialized 11-12 19:53:52.788 27917 32157 W DriveInitializer: Background init thread started 11-12 19:53:52.828 27917 31013 I ContentMaintenance: Pruning caches... 11-12 19:53:52.862 27917 31013 I ContentMaintenance: Internal cache bytes used: 0; limit: 100000000; download size: 0 11-12 19:53:52.869 27917 31013 I ContentMaintenance: Cache pruning complete. 11-12 19:53:52.873 27917 31013 I ContentMaintenance: Beginning garbage collection. 11-12 19:53:52.878 27917 31013 I RealtimeCacheCleanup: Beginning Realtime garbage collection. 11-12 19:53:52.895 27917 31013 I RealtimeCacheCleanup: Finished Realtime garbage collection. 11-12 19:53:52.895 27917 31013 I ContentMaintenance: Finished garbage collection. 11-12 19:53:52.901 27917 28112 I PinnedContentDownloader: Started downloading pinned content. 11-12 19:53:52.902 27917 32157 W DriveInitializer: Background init thread ended 11-12 19:53:52.923 27917 28112 I PinnedContentDownloader: Finished downloading pinned content. 11-12 19:53:53.031 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32164:com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a83 for broadcast com.topjohnwu.magisk/.receivers.PackageReceiver 11-12 19:53:53.695 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing ACB20F0FDA4FE89AD5192E8EC70DDAEF86F25362 from com.google.android.gms 11-12 19:53:53.705 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done ACB20F0FDA4FE89AD5192E8EC70DDAEF86F25362 11-12 19:53:54.074 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 19:53:54.125 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 19:53:54.166 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 19:53:54.253 27878 27878 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 19:53:54.274 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 19:53:54.280 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 19:53:54.282 27878 31243 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 19:53:54.293 27878 27878 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 11-12 19:53:54.322 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 19:53:54.330 11768 15122 I TrustAgent: [VoiceUnlockTrustletChimeraService] #isSupported true 11-12 19:53:54.345 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Backpressure trigger, skipping transaction & refresh! 11-12 19:53:54.452 724 1371 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 19:53:54.452 724 1371 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 19:53:54.660 24366 24392 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-12 19:53:54.807 724 940 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main bnds=[641,1479][843,1663]} from uid 10030 11-12 19:53:54.843 724 11567 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32185:com.android.chrome/u0a62 for activity com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main 11-12 19:53:54.932 27878 28010 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 19:53:54.947 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 19:53:55.079 32185 32185 I cr_InstantAppsHandler: Package manager handles intents on O+, not handling in Chrome 11-12 19:53:55.082 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 59231(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(360KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 15MB/27MB, paused 511us total 214.140ms 11-12 19:53:55.116 724 3183 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14002000 cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity bnds=[641,1479][843,1663] (has extras)} from uid 10062 11-12 19:53:55.422 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 19:53:55.487 32185 32211 W cr_ChildProcLH: Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = com.android.chrome, sandboxed = true 11-12 19:53:55.509 32213 32213 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99327: Permission denied 11-12 19:53:55.509 32213 32213 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99327, 0) failed: Permission denied 11-12 19:53:55.509 32185 32203 W cr_tabmodel: Starting to fetch tab list. 11-12 19:53:55.511 32185 32199 W cr_tabmodel: Starting to fetch tab list. 11-12 19:53:55.511 32185 32199 E cr_tabmodel: State file does not exist. 11-12 19:53:55.512 32185 32203 W cr_tabmodel: Finished fetching tab list. 11-12 19:53:55.514 724 12297 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32213:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i327 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:53:55.534 32185 32224 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 19:53:55.581 32185 32224 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 19:53:55.586 32185 32224 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 19:53:55.589 32213 32213 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 11-12 19:53:55.614 32227 32227 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 11-12 19:53:55.728 32213 32213 W dboxed_process0: type=1400 audit(0.0:2027): avc: denied { search } for name="tmp" dev="mmcblk0p45" ino=752194 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-12 19:53:55.742 32185 32224 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 19:53:55.747 32185 32212 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 258 ms (timestamps 5842-6100) 11-12 19:53:55.770 32185 32224 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 19:53:55.770 32185 32224 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 19:53:55.776 32185 32212 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(46)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 19:53:55.777 32185 32212 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "62.0.3202.84", actual native library version number "62.0.3202.84" 11-12 19:53:55.778 32213 32213 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=32213 11-12 19:53:55.791 343 343 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransportFromManifest: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper in either framework or device manifest, using default transport. 11-12 19:53:55.798 32185 32224 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 19:53:55.896 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity: +707ms (total +1s64ms) 11-12 19:53:55.916 32185 32185 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 11-12 19:53:56.158 32185 32185 W .android.chrome: type=1400 audit(0.0:2028): avc: denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026546034 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 19:53:56.188 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteEdit: Using non-spannable model... 11-12 19:53:56.192 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:53:56.241 724 3276 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32252:com.android.chrome:privileged_process0/u0a62 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.PrivilegedProcessService0 11-12 19:53:56.249 32185 32211 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker 11-12 19:53:56.287 32185 32203 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates not found. 11-12 19:53:56.299 32252 32252 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=32252 11-12 19:53:56.329 32185 32203 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 19:53:56.331 32185 32203 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 11-12 19:53:56.331 32185 32203 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates, version >= 4 11-12 19:53:56.375 32185 32203 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 19:53:56.708 32185 32185 W cr_KnoxSettingsProvider: Permission to read device policy denied. 11-12 19:53:56.712 32252 32266 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 96 ms (timestamps 6969-7065) 11-12 19:53:56.713 32252 32266 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker 11-12 19:53:56.714 32252 32266 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(46)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 19:53:56.714 32252 32266 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "62.0.3202.84", actual native library version number "62.0.3202.84" 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 19:53:56.728 32252 32266 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 19:53:56.729 32252 32266 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 19:53:56.736 32252 32266 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 19:53:56.807 11768 11768 I WearableService: Wearable Services stopping 11-12 19:53:56.904 32213 32230 E WebViewFactory: can't load with relro file; address space not reserved 11-12 19:53:57.005 32213 32230 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 7 ms (timestamps 7251-7258) 11-12 19:53:57.005 32213 32230 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker 11-12 19:53:57.008 32213 32230 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(46)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 19:53:57.009 32213 32230 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "62.0.3202.84", actual native library version number "62.0.3202.84" 11-12 19:53:57.081 32252 32266 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 11-12 19:53:57.110 27878 27878 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 19:53:57.111 27878 27878 I VISHotwordAdapter: #initialize, locale=en-GB, keyPhrase=Ok Google 11-12 19:53:57.150 32185 32203 W cr_tabmodel: Starting to fetch tab list. 11-12 19:53:57.150 32185 32203 E cr_tabmodel: State file does not exist. 11-12 19:53:57.151 32252 32266 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 11-12 19:53:57.275 343 343 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransportFromManifest: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper in either framework or device manifest, using default transport. 11-12 19:53:57.280 32185 32195 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 9564(892KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 1994KB/3MB, paused 356us total 150.514ms 11-12 19:53:57.286 32252 32266 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 19:53:57.321 32185 32236 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 11-12 19:53:57.394 724 12297 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32303:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63 for service com.google.vr.vrcore/.common.VrCoreSdkService 11-12 19:53:57.509 32185 32185 V MediaRouter: Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 19:53:57.523 27898 27898 I Choreographer: Skipped 56 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-12 19:53:57.533 32185 32185 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 19:53:57.554 32185 32185 I MediaRouter: Found default route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android/.support.v7.p.Aj:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Phone, description=null, iconUri=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, connectionState=0, canDisconnect=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, deviceType=0, volumeHandling=1, volume=14, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, settingsIntent=null, providerPackageName=android } 11-12 19:53:57.572 32185 32185 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 19:53:57.786 27898 27911 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 16481(820KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(204KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 4MB/8MB, paused 1.651ms total 255.998ms 11-12 19:53:57.849 724 11458 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider from ProcessRecord{c4e02e1 32303:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63} (pid=32303, uid=10063) requires com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES or com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: Failed to read GServices. 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider from ProcessRecord{c4e02e1 32303:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63} (pid=32303, uid=10063) requires com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES or com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1942) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1888) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.IContentService$Stub$Proxy.registerContentObserver(IContentService.java:768) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(ContentResolver.java:1924) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(ContentResolver.java:1913) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at ard.a(PG:7) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at ard.b(PG:87) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at ard.a(PG:53) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at att.a(PG:3) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at awj.a(PG:19) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at auw.run(PG:7) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at avn.run(PG:8) 11-12 19:53:57.872 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:53:57.879 724 12297 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider from ProcessRecord{c4e02e1 32303:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63} (pid=32303, uid=10063) requires com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES or com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: Failed to read GServices. 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider from ProcessRecord{c4e02e1 32303:com.google.vr.vrcore/u0a63} (pid=32303, uid=10063) requires com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES or com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1942) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1888) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.app.IActivityManager$Stub$Proxy.getContentProvider(IActivityManager.java:4771) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.app.ActivityThread.acquireProvider(ActivityThread.java:5882) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.app.ContextImpl$ApplicationContentResolver.acquireUnstableProvider(ContextImpl.java:2498) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.ContentResolver.acquireUnstableProvider(ContentResolver.java:1780) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:738) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:704) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:662) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at ard.a(PG:35) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at ard.a(PG:58) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at att.a(PG:3) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at auw.run(PG:42) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at avn.run(PG:8) 11-12 19:53:57.891 32303 32323 W GservicesWrapper: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:53:57.908 32303 32303 I bou : Respecting usage reporting opt-in status. 11-12 19:53:57.916 32303 32303 I VrCoreApplication: Initializing primary process. 11-12 19:53:57.923 32303 32303 W ThermalInfoCache: Could not create ThermalInfoCache, exception while querying limits: java.lang.SecurityException: The caller is not a device owner, bound VrListenerService, or holding the DEVICE_POWER permission. 11-12 19:53:57.959 32303 32303 E cim : Null deviceParams or no alignment markers found. 11-12 19:53:57.968 32303 32303 I bou : Respecting usage reporting opt-in status. 11-12 19:53:58.084 32303 32303 I brf : Config fetched successfully, updated cached parameters. 11-12 19:53:58.193 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:58.198 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:58.198 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:58.198 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:58.231 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:58.353 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:58.355 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:58.355 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:58.355 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:58.373 27917 27928 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 52262(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 310us total 251.353ms 11-12 19:53:58.437 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:58.579 32185 32211 I cr_BindingManager: Moderate binding enabled: maxSize=20 11-12 19:53:58.580 32185 32199 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.partnerbookmarks 11-12 19:53:58.644 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:58.646 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:58.646 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:58.646 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:58.678 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:58.708 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:53:58.723 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:53:58.723 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:53:58.723 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:53:58.723 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:53:58.723 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:53:58.723 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:53:58.742 32185 32338 E chromium: [ERROR:devtools_http_handler.cc(249)] Cannot start http server for devtools. Stop devtools. 11-12 19:53:59.015 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:59.017 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.017 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:59.017 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.050 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:59.135 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:59.143 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.143 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:59.143 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.175 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:59.334 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:59.336 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.337 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:59.337 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.366 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:59.426 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 315052(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 11MB/23MB, paused 2.507ms total 325.362ms 11-12 19:53:59.528 27917 27928 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 280937(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(132KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 8MB/17MB, paused 215us total 110.716ms 11-12 19:53:59.539 32185 32333 W chromium: [WARNING:syncer_proto_util.cc(338)] Error posting from syncer: Response Code (bogus on error): -1 Content-Length (bogus on error): -1 Server Status: SYNC_AUTH_ERROR 11-12 19:53:59.585 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:59.587 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.587 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:59.587 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.617 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:59.845 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:53:59.847 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.847 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:53:59.847 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:53:59.877 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:53:59.955 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 19:53:59.961 27878 28183 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 19:54:00.017 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:00.021 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.021 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:00.021 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.050 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:00.069 32185 32247 W chromium: [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2921)] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 11 11-12 19:54:00.369 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:00.373 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.373 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:00.373 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.395 32185 32247 W chromium: [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2921)] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 13 11-12 19:54:00.403 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:00.490 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:00.493 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.493 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:00.493 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.524 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:00.653 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:00.655 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.655 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:00.655 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:00.686 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:00.716 32185 32247 W chromium: [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2921)] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 17 11-12 19:54:01.076 31995 32046 E Finsky : [893] com.google.android.finsky.af.c.a(14): Unable to build selector: /storage/emulated/0/Download/marketenvs.csv (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:54:01.093 31995 32080 I Finsky : [920] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.a.a.doInBackground(13): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 11-12 19:54:01.095 31995 32366 I Finsky : [928] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.a.a.doInBackground(13): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 11-12 19:54:01.133 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:01.133 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:01.140 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:01.144 32367 32367 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99328: Permission denied 11-12 19:54:01.144 32367 32367 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99328, 0) failed: Permission denied 11-12 19:54:01.146 724 3107 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32367:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process1/u0i328 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 11-12 19:54:01.152 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:01.167 32367 32367 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 11-12 19:54:01.234 32391 32391 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 11-12 19:54:01.291 32367 32367 W dboxed_process1: type=1400 audit(0.0:2029): avc: denied { search } for name="tmp" dev="mmcblk0p45" ino=752194 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-12 19:54:01.311 32367 32367 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=32367 11-12 19:54:01.375 32367 32392 E WebViewFactory: can't load with relro file; address space not reserved 11-12 19:54:01.425 31995 32080 I Finsky : [920] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.i.a(7): Started reading experiment flags from file [U0K-4fYQWblj-WfYxhY1VqlFkBc]. 11-12 19:54:01.434 31995 32080 I Finsky : [920] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.i.a(57): Finished reading experiment flags from file [U0K-4fYQWblj-WfYxhY1VqlFkBc]. 11-12 19:54:01.436 31995 32080 I Finsky : [920] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.a.a.doInBackground(43): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 11-12 19:54:01.436 32367 32392 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 13 ms (timestamps 1717-1730) 11-12 19:54:01.436 32367 32392 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker 11-12 19:54:01.438 32367 32392 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(46)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 19:54:01.438 32367 32392 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "62.0.3202.84", actual native library version number "62.0.3202.84" 11-12 19:54:01.448 31995 32082 I Finsky : [922] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.ai.a(5): Restoring notifications 11-12 19:54:01.450 31995 32366 I Finsky : [928] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.i.a(7): Started reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 11-12 19:54:01.453 31995 32366 I Finsky : [928] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.i.a(57): Finished reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 11-12 19:54:01.454 31995 32366 I Finsky : [928] com.google.android.finsky.ch.a.a.a.doInBackground(43): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 11-12 19:54:01.574 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.ai.c(53): Done restoring notifications 11-12 19:54:01.590 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 28259(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(140KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 358us total 384.862ms 11-12 19:54:01.958 724 3183 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 (pid 32213) has died: fore TOP 11-12 19:54:01.958 724 3183 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 11-12 19:54:01.959 724 762 W zygote64: failed to open /acct/uid_99327/pid_32213/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory 11-12 19:54:01.960 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:54:02.542 27917 27928 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 306814(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(192KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 9MB/18MB, paused 3.248ms total 163.380ms 11-12 19:54:04.031 32185 32415 I cr_LocationProvider: Google Play Services 11-12 19:54:04.312 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:04.760 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 491276(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 9MB/19MB, paused 263us total 217.284ms 11-12 19:54:04.814 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:04.816 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:05.316 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:54:05.317 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:54:05.317 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:54:05.317 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:54:05.317 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:54:05.317 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:54:05.317 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:54:05.321 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:54:05.322 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:54:05.322 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:54:05.322 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:54:05.322 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:54:05.322 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:54:05.322 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:54:06.340 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:06.392 724 940 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 19:54:06.433 27917 32148 I CastDatabase: CastDeviceInfo created: V_43d7be02-5afa-49d2-9b7a-b1cd119f3be2 11-12 19:54:06.465 27917 27928 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 528837(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(192KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 5MB/10MB, paused 207us total 121.362ms 11-12 19:54:06.508 11768 8046 I Places : Converted 11 out of 11 WiFi scans 11-12 19:54:06.548 11768 29952 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 11-12 19:54:06.570 724 724 D TwilightService: onLocationChanged: provider=fused accuracy=18.538 time=1510516446387 11-12 19:54:06.622 724 724 D NightDisplayService: onTwilightStateChanged: isNight=true 11-12 19:54:07.453 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 50569(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(456KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 604us total 196.680ms 11-12 19:54:07.520 31995 32050 I Finsky : [897] com.google.android.finsky.l.c.a(23): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 11-12 19:54:07.532 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.services.e.a(5): Installation state replication succeeded. 11-12 19:54:10.079 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 19:54:10.146 11768 11768 I chatty : uid=10020(u0_a20) com.google.android.gms.persistent identical 2 lines 11-12 19:54:14.682 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:14.688 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:14.897 27898 29253 W Delight5Decoder: fetchSuggestions(): Decoder state is invalid 11-12 19:54:16.665 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:16.666 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:16.666 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:16.666 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:16.710 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:16.833 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:16.835 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:16.835 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:16.835 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:16.840 27898 27898 I native : input-context-store.cc:115 Using roll back input context operation: [AbortComposing] reason: client [84] vs decoder [85] 11-12 19:54:16.866 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:17.020 27898 29253 I native : input-context-store.cc:140 Ignoring stale client request for FetchSuggestions 11-12 19:54:17.035 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:17.035 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.035 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:17.035 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.068 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:17.214 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:17.215 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.215 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:17.215 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.246 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:17.410 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:17.411 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.411 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:17.411 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.442 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:17.605 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:17.606 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.606 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:17.606 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.637 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:17.993 32185 32185 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 11-12 19:54:17.993 32185 32185 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 11-12 19:54:17.998 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:17.999 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:17.999 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:17.999 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:18.029 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:18.266 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:18.267 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:18.267 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:18.267 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:18.298 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:18.303 27898 29253 I native : input-context-store.cc:140 Ignoring stale client request for FetchSuggestions 11-12 19:54:20.769 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:20.770 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:20.770 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:20.770 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:20.801 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:21.435 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:21.436 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.436 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:21.436 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.467 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:21.650 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:21.651 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.651 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:21.651 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.682 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:21.785 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:21.786 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.786 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:21.786 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.817 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:21.906 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:21.907 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.907 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:21.907 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:21.938 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:22.233 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:22.234 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:22.235 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:22.235 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:22.265 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:22.511 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:22.512 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:22.512 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:22.512 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:22.543 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:22.793 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:22.793 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:22.794 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:22.794 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:22.824 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:23.389 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 19:54:23.390 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:23.390 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 19:54:23.390 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:23.421 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 19:54:23.537 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:23.537 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:23.547 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:23.552 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:23.556 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:54:23.828 27917 31013 I chatty : uid=10020(u0_a20) lowpool[4] expire 7 lines 11-12 19:54:25.037 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:54:25.038 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:54:25.038 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:54:25.038 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:54:25.038 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:54:25.038 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:54:25.038 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:54:25.040 11768 11778 I chatty : uid=10020(u0_a20) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines 11-12 19:54:26.991 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:54:27.088 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:29.188 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:54:29.256 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:29.453 27917 28225 I chatty : uid=10020(u0_a20) highpool[0] expire 1 line 11-12 19:54:29.507 27917 28066 I chatty : uid=10020(u0_a20) lowpool[0] expire 3 lines 11-12 19:54:30.643 24366 24376 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 36284(1609KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(640KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 5.783ms total 52.723ms 11-12 19:54:30.729 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 19:54:31.185 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:54:34.208 510 586 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 232 11-12 19:54:35.827 724 3272 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 19:54:42.545 724 12298 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32511:com.chrome.dev/u0a99 for broadcast com.chrome.dev/com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmReceiver 11-12 19:54:42.924 724 5258 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=32511 uid=10099 pkg=com.chrome.dev 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: Unable to handle inbound message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{958d539 u0a99 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{958d539 u0a99 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.services.gcm.ChromeGcmListenerService.onMessageReceived(ChromeGcmListenerService.java:59) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.android.gms.gcm.O.handleIntent(Unknown Source:10) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.firebase.z.T.run(Unknown Source:3) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 11-12 19:54:42.928 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:54:42.935 32511 32529 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates not found. 11-12 19:54:42.952 32511 32529 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 19:54:42.955 32511 32529 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 11-12 19:54:42.955 32511 32529 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates, version >= 4 11-12 19:54:43.001 32511 32529 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 19:54:43.017 724 11458 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:54:43.017 724 11458 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:54:43.028 724 11458 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 19:54:47.460 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 19:54:47.523 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 19:55:01.257 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 19:55:01.299 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:55:01.431 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 371763(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(44KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/21MB, paused 245us total 108.296ms 11-12 19:55:02.261 510 586 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[5] 11-12 19:55:02.264 510 586 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: Hotplugged ON CPU[4] 11-12 19:55:02.307 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 19:55:02.376 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 19:55:07.974 27917 32546 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 19:55:17.091 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:55:35.031 510 586 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: BATTERY - Setting battery charging mitigation to 0 11-12 19:55:17.200 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:55:42.408 724 904 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=32511 uid=10099 pkg=com.chrome.dev 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: Unable to handle inbound message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{958d539 u0a99 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{958d539 u0a99 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.services.gcm.ChromeGcmListenerService.onMessageReceived(ChromeGcmListenerService.java:59) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.android.gms.gcm.O.handleIntent(Unknown Source:10) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.firebase.z.T.run(Unknown Source:3) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 11-12 19:55:42.411 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:55:47.380 510 586 I ThermalEngine: ACTION: LCD - Setting max LCD brightness to 255 11-12 19:55:47.397 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 19:55:54.835 24366 879 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient 11-12 19:56:12.037 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:56:12.162 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:56:14.624 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 100541(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(168KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 15MB/27MB, paused 600us total 110.713ms 11-12 19:56:15.209 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:56:15.451 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:56:15.453 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:56:15.454 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:56:15.454 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:56:15.454 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:56:15.454 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:56:15.454 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:56:15.454 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:56:15.456 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:56:16.812 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:56:23.512 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:56:26.094 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:56:26.308 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:56:26.487 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:56:26.971 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:56:31.954 724 12289 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 19:56:32.071 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 19:56:32.094 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:56:32.094 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 19:56:32.299 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 19:56:32.299 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:56:32.299 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 19:56:33.924 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 19:56:33.930 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:56:33.930 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 19:56:34.022 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 19:56:34.023 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:56:34.023 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 19:56:34.186 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:56:36.077 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 19:56:36.078 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:56:36.078 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 19:56:36.244 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 19:56:36.244 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 19:56:36.244 31635 32614 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 19:56:38.027 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 19:56:38.032 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=32 11-12 19:56:38.094 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 7, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:56:38.125 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 34239(1925KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 1.826ms total 110.113ms 11-12 19:56:38.147 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:56:39.154 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing 5EC46CFA6DF1E420EDCD212345280FFEE12561A0 from com.google.android.gm 11-12 19:56:39.215 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done 5EC46CFA6DF1E420EDCD212345280FFEE12561A0 11-12 19:56:42.214 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 19:56:42.241 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:56:42.389 724 3104 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=32511 uid=10099 pkg=com.chrome.dev 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: Unable to handle inbound message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{958d539 u0a99 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.chrome.dev/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{958d539 u0a99 RCVR idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.services.gcm.ChromeGcmListenerService.onMessageReceived(ChromeGcmListenerService.java:59) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.android.gms.gcm.O.handleIntent(Unknown Source:10) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.firebase.z.T.run(Unknown Source:3) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 11-12 19:56:42.392 32511 32530 W AndroidGcmController: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:56:43.248 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 19:56:43.345 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 19:56:47.382 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 19:57:08.133 27917 32636 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 19:57:12.999 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Waiting finger up... 11-12 19:57:13.376 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:13.403 27917 28066 W Herrevad: [3924] tur.a: On wifi, but couldn't get security type 11-12 19:57:13.650 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 324018(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/21MB, paused 231us total 100.949ms 11-12 19:57:13.672 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Finger up Done 11-12 19:57:13.672 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:57:20.676 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Waiting finger up... 11-12 19:57:24.631 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Finger up Done 11-12 19:57:24.631 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:57:24.947 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:57:25.018 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:25.795 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Waiting finger up... 11-12 19:57:28.734 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:28.761 27917 32148 W Herrevad: [4108] tur.a: On wifi, but couldn't get security type 11-12 19:57:32.844 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Finger up Done 11-12 19:57:32.844 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:57:33.022 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:57:33.104 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:34.120 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:57:34.187 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:36.047 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:57:36.113 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:39.494 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Waiting finger up... 11-12 19:57:40.318 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop Finger up Done 11-12 19:57:40.318 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:57:41.457 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:57:41.460 27917 28066 W Herrevad: [3924] tur.a: On wifi, but couldn't get security type 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:57:41.699 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:57:41.700 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:57:41.701 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:57:41.702 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:57:41.702 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:57:41.702 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:57:41.702 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:57:41.702 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:57:41.702 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:57:41.704 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:57:41.705 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:57:41.705 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:57:41.705 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:57:41.705 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:57:41.705 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:57:41.705 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 19:57:41.706 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 19:57:41.734 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:57:43.422 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 19:57:43.476 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 6, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:57:44.483 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 19:57:44.567 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 19:57:49.080 27917 28066 W Herrevad: [3924] tur.a: On wifi, but couldn't get security type 11-12 19:57:49.084 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:58:07.796 32185 32185 I cr_ChromeTabbedActivity: Back pressed: Navigating backward 11-12 19:58:07.861 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:58:11.543 27917 32148 W Herrevad: [4108] tur.a: On wifi, but couldn't get security type 11-12 19:58:11.550 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 19:58:13.097 724 759 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32701:com.twitter.android/u0a86 for service com.twitter.android/com.twitter.library.platform.TwitterDataSyncService 11-12 19:58:13.398 32701 32701 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 11-12 19:58:13.399 32701 32701 I MultiDex: Installing application 11-12 19:58:13.399 32701 32701 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 11-12 19:58:13.614 32701 32701 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version 62.0.3202.84 (code 320208452) 11-12 19:58:13.775 32701 32701 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 7 ms (timestamps 4121-4128) 11-12 19:58:13.827 32701 32701 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(46)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 19:58:13.827 32701 32701 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "62.0.3202.84", actual native library version number "62.0.3202.84" 11-12 19:58:13.891 32701 32720 W cr_ChildProcLH: Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = com.android.chrome, sandboxed = true 11-12 19:58:13.914 32722 32722 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99329: Permission denied 11-12 19:58:13.915 32722 32722 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99329, 0) failed: Permission denied 11-12 19:58:13.916 724 5258 I ActivityManager: Start proc 32722:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i329 for webview_service com.twitter.android/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-12 19:58:13.945 32722 32722 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 11-12 19:58:13.947 32701 32701 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 11-12 19:58:13.965 32736 32736 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 11-12 19:58:13.991 32722 32722 W dboxed_process0: type=1400 audit(0.0:2030): avc: denied { search } for name="tmp" dev="mmcblk0p45" ino=752194 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-12 19:58:14.001 32722 32722 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=32722 11-12 19:58:14.031 32701 32701 W twitter.android: type=1400 audit(0.0:2031): avc: denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026546034 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 19:58:14.048 32701 32701 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 19:58:14.056 32701 32701 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 19:58:14.646 32701 32701 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics version 1.1.5 11-12 19:58:14.646 32701 32701 D libcrashlytics: Attempting to load unwinder... 11-12 19:58:14.668 32701 32701 D libcrashlytics: Done; using libunwind 11-12 19:58:14.668 32701 32701 D libcrashlytics: Attempting to register signal handler... 11-12 19:58:14.669 32701 32701 D libcrashlytics: Signal handler registered. 11-12 19:58:14.669 32701 32701 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful. 11-12 19:58:14.675 32701 32701 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics 2.3.17.dev 11-12 19:58:14.968 32701 32739 W Parcel : **** enforceInterface() expected 'android.content.ISyncAdapter' but read 'android.app.job.IJobService' 11-12 19:58:14.988 395 395 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99330: Permission denied 11-12 19:58:14.988 395 395 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99330, 0) failed: Permission denied 11-12 19:58:14.992 32701 32739 W Binder : Binder call failed. 11-12 19:58:14.992 32701 32739 W Binder : java.lang.SecurityException: Binder invocation to an incorrect interface 11-12 19:58:14.992 32701 32739 W Binder : at android.os.Parcel.nativeEnforceInterface(Native Method) 11-12 19:58:14.992 32701 32739 W Binder : at android.os.Parcel.enforceInterface(Parcel.java:531) 11-12 19:58:14.992 32701 32739 W Binder : at android.content.ISyncAdapter$Stub.onTransact(ISyncAdapter.java:51) 11-12 19:58:14.992 32701 32739 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:674) 11-12 19:58:14.994 724 12295 I ActivityManager: Start proc 395:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process2/u0i330 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2 11-12 19:58:15.020 395 395 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 11-12 19:58:15.038 435 435 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 11-12 19:58:15.057 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 49490(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 5(188KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 430us total 118.396ms 11-12 19:58:15.061 395 395 W dboxed_process2: type=1400 audit(0.0:2032): avc: denied { search } for name="tmp" dev="mmcblk0p45" ino=752194 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-12 19:58:15.071 395 395 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=395 11-12 19:58:15.085 395 440 E WebViewFactory: can't load with relro file; address space not reserved 11-12 19:58:15.118 395 440 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 3 ms (timestamps 5436-5439) 11-12 19:58:15.118 395 440 I cr_LibraryLoader: Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker 11-12 19:58:15.119 395 440 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(46)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 19:58:15.119 395 440 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "62.0.3202.84", actual native library version number "62.0.3202.84" 11-12 19:58:15.210 32701 422 W InstanceID/Rpc: Found 10020 11-12 19:58:15.250 32701 422 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=557, tag=ScribeFlushJob}, start 00:01:00, end 00:06:00 11-12 19:58:15.470 32701 382 W linker : "/data/app/com.google.android.gms-OBlzL0YSnmqENM3MBO40vQ==/lib/arm64/libconscrypt_gmscore_jni.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a 11-12 19:58:15.476 32701 382 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 276 native methods... 11-12 19:58:15.568 32701 382 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-12 19:58:15.572 32701 382 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL 11-12 19:58:16.347 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 19:58:16.348 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 19:58:16.355 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 19:58:16.374 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 19:58:16.375 3047 3060 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 19:58:16.378 512 8630 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 19:58:16.380 512 462 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeeb96bc0 tid=462 ready to run 11-12 19:58:16.444 3047 8651 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 19:58:18.321 32701 32714 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 11-12 19:58:18.388 32701 32714 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 66.936ms for cause ProfileSaver 11-12 19:58:18.453 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 19:58:18.481 512 462 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 19:58:18.481 512 462 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 19:58:18.533 512 462 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 19:58:18.533 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 19:58:18.542 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 19:58:18.542 3047 8653 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 19:58:18.545 3047 8651 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 19:58:18.550 3047 8651 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 19:58:18.578 512 635 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 19:58:18.579 512 635 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 19:58:18.579 724 12297 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 19:58:18.580 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 19:58:19.127 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 19:58:19.189 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 7, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 19:58:19.365 27917 28066 I CastDatabase: Saving the database 11-12 19:58:19.381 27917 28066 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 1, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 1, skipped 3, Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. 11-12 19:58:20.195 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 19:58:20.276 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 19:58:22.971 724 724 W JobServiceContext: 869defb #u0a86/1003 com.twitter.android/com.twitter.library.platform.TwitterDataSyncService 11-12 19:58:22.981 724 12291 I ActivityManager: Killing 30403:com.whatsapp/u0a85 (adj 906): empty #17 11-12 19:58:24.809 32701 365 D JobManager: Reschedule 0 jobs of 7 jobs 11-12 19:58:32.396 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 19:58:38.053 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:58:51.215 31995 32047 I PlayCommon: [894] com.google.android.play.a.h.e(248): Preparing logs for uploading 11-12 19:58:51.216 31995 32047 I PlayCommon: [894] com.google.android.play.a.h.e(252): No file ready to send 11-12 19:58:39.647 724 763 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy identical 1 line 11-12 19:58:56.546 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:59:00.982 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 11-12 19:59:01.099 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 11-12 19:59:01.100 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 19:59:01.100 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 19:59:01.100 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 11-12 19:59:01.100 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 19:59:01.102 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_stop 11-12 19:59:01.110 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 19:59:01.110 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_set_task 11-12 19:59:01.110 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 19:59:01.110 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing task 11-12 19:59:01.110 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 11-12 19:59:01.110 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 11-12 19:59:01.111 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 19:59:01.114 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_enable: property value='0' kpi_active=0 11-12 19:59:01.114 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 19:59:01.309 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 11-12 19:59:01.319 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-12 19:59:01.320 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-12 19:59:01.323 724 767 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 19:59:01.364 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 55 ms 11-12 19:59:01.423 724 1371 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 19:59:01.424 724 1371 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 19:59:01.463 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 19:59:01.513 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-12 19:59:01.513 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 19:59:01.519 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 19:59:01.520 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 19:59:01.524 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 11-12 19:59:01.557 32303 32303 I bou : Respecting usage reporting opt-in status. 11-12 19:59:01.641 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 11-12 19:59:01.643 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 11-12 19:59:01.644 724 862 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 131ms 11-12 19:59:01.728 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 19:59:01.728 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 19:59:01.729 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 19:59:01.729 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 19:59:01.842 27917 27917 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 11-12 19:59:01.842 27917 27917 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 11-12 19:59:01.848 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 19:59:01.853 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 19:59:01.854 27917 28066 W MdnsClient_Cast: Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 19:59:01.872 27917 28066 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0) 11-12 19:59:01.934 32185 649 W X : [TiclService] Ticl being stopped: Client: , \n\006\n\004\010\003\020\001\022\022\t\310\254\372\227WFZ\231\021yC\244\251o\200L\376\032\007\010\2272\020\003\030\001, 11-12 19:59:06.149 433 818 E SurfaceFlinger: Failed to find layer (com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity#0) in layer parent (no-parent). 11-12 19:59:06.164 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 19:59:06.217 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 19:59:16.055 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 19:59:16.061 32701 721 D PlatformJobService: Run job, request{id=557, tag=ScribeFlushJob}, waited 00:01:00, start 00:01:00, end 00:06:00 11-12 19:59:16.072 32701 721 I JobExecutor: Executing request{id=557, tag=ScribeFlushJob}, context PlatformJobService 11-12 19:59:16.086 32701 722 I JobExecutor: Finished job{id=557, finished=true, result=SUCCESS, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=j, tag=ScribeFlushJob} 11-12 19:59:16.088 32701 721 D PlatformJobService: Finished job, request{id=557, tag=ScribeFlushJob} SUCCESS 11-12 20:00:12.958 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:00:12.971 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:01:18.112 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:01:18.247 27917 735 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 20:01:43.066 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(0) 11-12 20:01:43.069 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_identify 11-12 20:01:43.082 906 906 I FingerprintController: fingerprint acquired, grabbing fp wakelock 11-12 20:01:43.149 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_identify: coverage: 85, quality: 48 11-12 20:01:43.149 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_get_auth_result 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->challenge 0 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->authenticator_id 17650328091476309850 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->authenticator_type 33554432 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->timestamp 2729484903820296192 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->user_id 1093764730857823633 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->version 0 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAuthenticated(fid=-491525677, gid=0) 11-12 20:01:43.156 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_update_template 11-12 20:01:43.161 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_store_template_db 11-12 20:01:19.637 724 763 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-sy identical 1 line 11-12 20:01:42.913 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:01:43.169 724 724 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=-491525677, gp=0) 11-12 20:01:43.173 906 906 I FingerprintController: fp wakelock: Authenticated, waking up... 11-12 20:01:43.174 724 12286 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 10040)... 11-12 20:01:43.175 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-12 20:01:43.176 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 20:01:43.176 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 20:01:43.176 906 906 I FingerprintController: releasing fp wakelock 11-12 20:01:43.191 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing default task 11-12 20:01:43.191 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop 11-12 20:01:43.191 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-12 20:01:43.194 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 20:01:43.194 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 11-12 20:01:43.195 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-12 20:01:43.214 724 3107 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-12 20:01:43.214 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 20:01:43.214 724 767 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 20:01:43.221 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 11-12 20:01:43.221 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 20:01:43.221 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 20:01:43.222 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 11-12 20:01:43.222 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:01:43.243 724 12289 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 20:01:43.243 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 20:01:43.247 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_stop 11-12 20:01:43.250 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:01:43.254 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:01:43.254 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_set_task 11-12 20:01:43.254 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:01:43.254 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing task 11-12 20:01:43.254 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 11-12 20:01:43.254 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 11-12 20:01:43.254 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 20:01:43.258 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_enable: property value='0' kpi_active=0 11-12 20:01:43.258 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 20:01:43.438 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 11-12 20:01:43.438 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 11-12 20:01:43.440 724 862 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 245ms 11-12 20:01:43.471 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:01:43.482 724 724 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 11-12 20:01:43.474 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:01:43.482 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_cancel 11-12 20:01:43.482 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:01:43.485 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:01:43.486 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:01:43.491 580 667 E fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate failed FPC_ERROR_CANCELLED 11-12 20:01:43.492 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:01:43.492 580 580 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onError(5) 11-12 20:01:43.492 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:01:43.492 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing default task 11-12 20:01:43.492 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop 11-12 20:01:43.494 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:01:43.495 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 11-12 20:01:43.495 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 20:01:43.495 724 724 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 11-12 20:01:43.500 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_start 11-12 20:01:43.506 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:01:43.508 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:01:43.508 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:01:43.509 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:01:43.509 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:01:43.513 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 11-12 20:01:43.527 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:01:43.530 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: User Present. Maybe fetch home. 11-12 20:01:43.531 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: fetch for account abdullahibneat@gmail.com 11-12 20:01:43.533 3085 891 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 11-12 20:01:43.537 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeFetcher: return existing home address! 11-12 20:01:43.538 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: home address is not changed. 11-12 20:01:43.565 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 374 ms 11-12 20:01:43.566 724 771 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 393 ms 11-12 20:01:43.594 27917 28066 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media) scannerFlags(2) 11-12 20:01:43.630 32303 32303 I bou : Respecting usage reporting opt-in status. 11-12 20:01:43.660 27917 738 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 11-12 20:01:43.668 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:01:43.705 433 775 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: can't openGlobalTransaction pid=32185, uid<=10062 11-12 20:01:43.710 32185 32185 E BpSurfaceComposerClient: Failed to transact (-1) 11-12 20:01:43.711 433 473 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: can't openGlobalTransaction pid=32185, uid<=10062 11-12 20:01:43.711 32185 32185 E BpSurfaceComposerClient: Failed to transact (-1) 11-12 20:01:43.745 27917 28066 W MdnsClient_Cast: #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:01:43.782 27917 28066 W MdnsClient_Cast: Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:01:43.796 27917 28066 W MdnsClient_Cast: #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:01:43.876 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=null, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:01:43.876 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:01:43.877 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:01:43.877 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:01:43.923 11768 29952 E ctxmgr : [AppIntervalImpl]closeInterval: ongoing 11-12 20:01:43.939 11768 29952 E ctxmgr : [ProducerStatusImpl]updateStateForNewContextData: inactive, contextName=6 11-12 20:01:44.076 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 11-12 20:01:44.094 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:01:44.094 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:01:45.999 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 20:01:46.000 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 20:01:46.000 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 20:01:46.000 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 20:01:46.000 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 20:01:46.000 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 20:01:46.000 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 20:01:46.002 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 20:01:46.180 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:01:47.614 724 12296 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:01:49.053 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 20:01:49.164 27917 27928 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 67624(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(120KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4MB/9MB, paused 329us total 128.804ms 11-12 20:01:50.692 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 20:01:58.007 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 20:01:58.066 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 20:01:59.895 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 20:02:01.297 32185 32185 I chatty : uid=10062(u0_a62) com.android.chrome identical 1 line 11-12 20:02:03.617 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 20:02:09.130 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Warning: Router objects should be explicitly closed when no longer required otherwise you may leak handles. 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : at org.chromium.mojo.bindings.AutoCloseableRouter.finalize(AutoCloseableRouter.java:18) 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 11-12 20:02:10.263 32185 32193 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 20:02:18.317 724 904 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:02:19.014 32185 32185 W chromium: [WARNING:render_frame_host_impl.cc(2624)] OnDidStopLoading was called twice. 11-12 20:02:19.094 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 20:02:19.158 27917 28066 I Icing : App usage reports: 1 11-12 20:02:19.158 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 4, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:02:20.167 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 20:02:20.275 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 20:02:21.167 724 724 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@d400ac1 11-12 20:02:21.244 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:23.296 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 20:02:23.300 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: notification ignored 11-12 20:02:23.512 27898 29253 W Delight5Decoder: fetchSuggestions(): Decoder state is invalid 11-12 20:02:24.154 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:02:24.921 32185 32185 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 11-12 20:02:24.921 32185 32185 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 11-12 20:02:24.924 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:24.925 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:24.925 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:24.925 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:24.928 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete: url is empty 11-12 20:02:24.928 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:24.929 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.001 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:25.002 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.002 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:25.003 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.040 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 20:02:25.082 27898 29253 I native : input-context-store.cc:140 Ignoring stale client request for FetchSuggestions 11-12 20:02:25.198 27898 29253 I native : input-context-store.cc:105 Ignoring stale client request for FetchSuggestions 11-12 20:02:25.209 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:25.210 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.210 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:25.210 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.241 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 20:02:25.406 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:25.407 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.407 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:25.407 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.417 32185 32247 W chromium: [WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2921)] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 1 11-12 20:02:25.437 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 20:02:25.648 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:25.649 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.649 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:25.649 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.680 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 20:02:25.704 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 79875(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 19(380KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 449us total 107.030ms 11-12 20:02:25.773 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:25.774 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.774 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:25.774 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:25.817 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 20:02:25.904 724 12288 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:02:26.004 32185 32185 W cr_AutocompleteModel: onTextChanged: in batch edit 11-12 20:02:26.004 32185 32185 W cr_UrlBar: Text change observed, triggering autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:26.004 32185 32185 W cr_LocationBar: onTextChangedForAutocomplete 11-12 20:02:26.004 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:26.035 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: starting autocomplete controller..[false][false] 11-12 20:02:26.066 11768 8046 I Places : Converted 14 out of 14 WiFi scans 11-12 20:02:26.097 11768 15122 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 11-12 20:02:26.969 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 20:02:27.001 32303 32303 I bou : Respecting usage reporting opt-in status. 11-12 20:02:27.068 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 20:02:27.069 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 20:02:27.079 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 20:02:27.081 27878 921 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:02:27.114 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:02:27.127 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:27.127 32185 32185 W cr_Autocomplete: stopping autocomplete. 11-12 20:02:27.183 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:02:27.197 32185 1055 W X : [TiclService] Ticl being stopped: Client: , \n\006\n\004\010\003\020\001\022\022\t\310\254\372\227WFZ\231\021yC\244\251o\200L\376\032\007\010\2272\020\003\030\001, 11-12 20:02:27.315 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Backpressure trigger, skipping transaction & refresh! 11-12 20:02:27.671 24366 24392 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-12 20:02:29.210 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:02:30.373 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:02:31.403 32185 1062 W X : [TiclService] Ticl being stopped: Client: , \n\006\n\004\010\003\020\001\022\022\t\310\254\372\227WFZ\231\021yC\244\251o\200L\376\032\007\010\2272\020\003\030\001, 11-12 20:02:34.591 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:02:35.020 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:02:35.087 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:02:35.615 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:02:52.402 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 20:02:52.402 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 20:02:52.406 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 20:02:52.412 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 20:02:52.413 3047 3059 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 20:02:52.426 512 9238 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 20:02:52.427 512 1081 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeeb96900 tid=1081 ready to run 11-12 20:02:52.455 3047 8653 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 20:02:52.557 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 20:02:52.612 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 6, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:02:52.741 32185 32211 I cr_BindingManager: onTrimMemory: level=20, size=1 11-12 20:02:53.617 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 20:02:53.642 724 5258 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/downloads/sample.apk typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStart (has extras)} from uid 10062 11-12 20:02:53.726 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 189312(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 55(1100KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 415us total 134.546ms 11-12 20:02:53.744 724 11567 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/downloads/sample.apk typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStaging (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:02:53.753 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 20:02:53.776 27878 28010 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:02:53.777 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:02:53.795 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:02:53.795 27878 27878 I chatty : uid=10042(u0_a42) com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search identical 1 line 11-12 20:02:53.796 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:02:53.837 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:02:53.889 31948 31971 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 20:02:53.920 31948 31971 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:02:53.925 31948 31971 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 20:02:53.929 31948 31971 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:02:53.929 31948 31971 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:02:53.992 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStaging: +201ms (total +309ms) 11-12 20:02:54.103 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:02:54.376 724 1317 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package4234685946899407326.apk flg=0x10000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : Key android.intent.extra.ORIGINATING_URI expected Parcelable but value was a java.lang.String. The default value was returned. 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : Attempt to cast generated internal exception: 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to android.os.Parcelable 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.os.Bundle.getParcelable(Bundle.java:894) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.content.Intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.java:7075) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity.onCreate(PackageInstallerActivity.java:420) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6975) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1213) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2770) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2892) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(Unknown Source:0) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1593) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 20:02:54.402 31948 31948 W Bundle : Key android.intent.extra.REFERRER expected Parcelable but value was a java.lang.String. The default value was returned. 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : Attempt to cast generated internal exception: 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to android.os.Parcelable 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.os.Bundle.getParcelable(Bundle.java:894) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.content.Intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.java:7075) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at com.android.packageinstaller.PackageInstallerActivity.onCreate(PackageInstallerActivity.java:421) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6975) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1213) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2770) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2892) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(Unknown Source:0) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1593) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 20:02:54.403 31948 31948 W Bundle : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 20:02:54.457 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 20:02:54.616 512 1081 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 20:02:54.654 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 20:02:54.670 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity: +277ms 11-12 20:02:54.706 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 20:02:54.706 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 20:02:54.710 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 20:02:54.710 3047 8653 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 20:02:54.710 3047 8653 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 20:02:54.711 3047 8662 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 20:02:54.734 512 635 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 20:02:54.734 512 635 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 20:02:54.735 724 1376 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 20:02:54.736 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 20:02:55.822 724 12296 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package4234685946899407326.apk cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallInstalling (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:02:56.042 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallInstalling: +192ms 11-12 20:02:56.044 31948 31971 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7dbe55a800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7dbe55b400 11-12 20:02:58.830 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 20:02:58.834 27878 29089 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 20:02:58.948 724 940 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:03:02.253 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PackageVerificationReceiver.onReceive(14): Verification requested, id = 18 11-12 20:03:06.593 31995 1105 I Finsky : [930] com.google.android.finsky.foregroundcoordinator.ForegroundCoordinator.a(9): Task 7 requested foreground 11-12 20:03:06.662 31995 1105 I Finsky : [930] com.google.android.finsky.foregroundcoordinator.ForegroundCoordinator.a(34): Not entering foreground 11-12 20:03:07.352 31995 32078 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-12 20:03:08.057 31995 1114 I Finsky : [934] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.bx.b(6): Verification id=18 response=0 11-12 20:03:08.111 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.cn.c(97): Verifying id=18, result=1 11-12 20:03:08.116 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.cn.c(110): Verification complete: id=18, package_name=com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:03:08.319 724 777 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dexoptNeeded=1) on: /data/app/vmdl1455788864.tmp/base.apk pkg=com.tomthecarrot.helloar isa=arm dexoptFlags=boot_complete,debuggable,public target-filter=quicken oatDir=/data/app/vmdl1455788864.tmp/oat sharedLibraries=null 11-12 20:03:08.421 1115 1115 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=14 --compiler-filter=quicken -j4 --debuggable --classpath-dir=/data/app/vmdl1455788864.tmp 11-12 20:03:08.584 1115 1115 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 167.139ms (208.151ms cpu) (threads: 4) arena alloc=13KB (13768B) java alloc=244KB (250224B) native alloc=1214KB (1243848B) free=3MB (3474744B) 11-12 20:03:08.828 724 777 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=com.tomthecarrot.helloar token=13 restoreSet=0 11-12 20:03:08.828 724 777 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately 11-12 20:03:08.834 515 515 E : Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl1455788864.tmp: No such file or directory 11-12 20:03:08.834 515 515 E installd: Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl1455788864.tmp: No such file or directory 11-12 20:03:08.857 724 12291 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package4234685946899407326.apk flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallSuccess (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:03:08.885 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 11-12 20:03:08.911 1254 1254 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 11-12 20:03:08.940 1254 1254 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:03:08.946 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 65725(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 88(4MB) LOS objects, 42% free, 17MB/29MB, paused 857us total 111.366ms 11-12 20:03:08.998 724 904 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.tomthecarrot.helloar flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 11-12 20:03:09.063 1254 1254 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0 11-12 20:03:09.068 3085 3085 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 11-12 20:03:09.087 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallSuccess: +200ms 11-12 20:03:09.122 11768 11768 I WearableService: Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device. 11-12 20:03:09.135 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.externalreferrer.f.run(9): Package state data is missing for com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:03:09.142 724 11567 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.tomthecarrot.helloar flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.googlequicksearchbox.GelStubAppWatcher 11-12 20:03:09.142 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.tomthecarrot.helloar flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver 11-12 20:03:09.158 11768 14151 D WearableService: onGetService - Wear is not available on this device. 11-12 20:03:09.167 31995 31995 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.bl.a(3): onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 11-12 20:03:09.169 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=auto_install due to Gms not connected 11-12 20:03:09.173 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected 11-12 20:03:09.210 27917 1130 D Wear_Controller: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED and uri=com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:03:09.235 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32 11-12 20:03:09.236 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 11-12 20:03:09.257 11768 12188 W ConfigurationChimeraPro: Got null configs for com.google.android.gms.chromesync 11-12 20:03:09.259 27917 1134 I ChromeSync: [Persistence,AffiliationManager] Fetching affiliations from the server. 11-12 20:03:09.296 724 724 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.google.android.dialer: DDC.oR@DcA 11-12 20:03:09.297 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:03:09.346 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:03:10.352 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing ACB20F0FDA4FE89AD5192E8EC70DDAEF86F25362 from com.google.android.gms 11-12 20:03:10.420 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done ACB20F0FDA4FE89AD5192E8EC70DDAEF86F25362 11-12 20:03:10.532 724 12298 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.tomthecarrot.helloar cmp=com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} from uid 10031 11-12 20:03:10.580 724 3107 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1139:com.tomthecarrot.helloar/u0a100 for activity com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity 11-12 20:03:10.587 1139 1139 I zygote : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 11-12 20:03:10.709 31948 31971 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7dbdf83c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7dc97df460 11-12 20:03:10.733 724 12286 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 11-12 20:03:11.002 1139 1139 I Unity : onResume 11-12 20:03:11.017 1139 1159 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 11-12 20:03:11.072 724 1371 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:03:11.072 724 1371 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:03:11.073 1139 1159 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 20:03:11.074 1139 1159 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:03:11.085 1139 1159 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 20:03:11.091 1139 1159 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:03:11.092 1139 1159 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:03:11.111 1139 1139 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xdf318808 11-12 20:03:11.111 1139 1139 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xdf318808 11-12 20:03:11.113 1139 1139 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true 11-12 20:03:11.136 343 343 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransportFromManifest: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper in either framework or device manifest, using default transport. 11-12 20:03:11.141 1139 1159 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:03:11.189 1139 1158 I TangoClientLibLoader: Pure Java path, not loading libtango_client_api.so at all. 11-12 20:03:11.191 1139 1158 E Tango : Java version of Tango Service not found, falling back to tangoservice_d. 11-12 20:03:11.192 1139 1158 E zygote : No implementation found for int com.google.atap.tango.TangoJNINative.Initialize(android.content.Context) (tried Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoJNINative_Initialize and Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoJNINative_Initialize__Landroid_content_Context_2) 11-12 20:03:11.192 1139 1158 E Unity : Error trying to call delegated method resume. null 11-12 20:03:11.193 1139 1158 D Unity : [VFS] Mount /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk 11-12 20:03:11.198 1139 1158 D Unity : Player data archive not found at `/data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem 11-12 20:03:11.221 724 3107 D VoldConnector: SND -> {28 volume mkdirs /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/com.tomthecarrot.helloar/} 11-12 20:03:11.227 724 824 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 28 Command succeeded} 11-12 20:03:11.244 1139 1158 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARMv7 VFPv3 NEON, Cores = 6, Memory = 1814mb 11-12 20:03:11.244 1139 1158 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 2 big (mask: 48), 4 little (mask: 15) 11-12 20:03:11.245 1139 1158 I Unity : ApplicationInfo com.tomthecarrot.helloar version 1.0 build 901f7406-84a6-4e8c-992a-a800c4e16ae3 11-12 20:03:11.245 1139 1158 D Unity : Player data archive not found at `/data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem 11-12 20:03:11.246 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf318808 11-12 20:03:11.249 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity: +690ms 11-12 20:03:11.251 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to find library path for 'monobdwgc-2.0'. 11-12 20:03:11.256 1139 1158 D Unity : Mono path[0] = '/data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed' 11-12 20:03:11.256 1139 1158 D Unity : Mono config path = 'assets/bin/Data/Managed/etc' 11-12 20:03:11.256 1139 1158 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized from /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data (debug = 0) 11-12 20:03:11.257 1139 1158 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55153 11-12 20:03:11.257 1139 1158 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized unix socket : Unity-com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:03:11.258 1139 1158 D Unity : Multi-casting "[IP] [Port] 55153 [Flags] 3 [Guid] 1524305340 [EditorId] 2655264626 [Version] 1048832 [Id] AndroidPlayer(LGE_Pixel_XL@ [Debug] 1" to []... 11-12 20:03:11.258 1139 1158 D Unity : Waiting for connection from host on []... 11-12 20:03:11.327 1139 1139 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xdf318008 11-12 20:03:14.175 11768 11768 I WearableService: Wearable Services stopping 11-12 20:03:16.306 1139 1158 D Unity : Timed out. Continuing without host connection. 11-12 20:03:16.306 1139 1158 D Unity : Started listening to [] 11-12 20:03:16.306 1139 1158 D Unity : Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,defer=y,address= 11-12 20:03:16.305 1158 1158 W UnityMain: type=1400 audit(0.0:2033): avc: denied { read } for name="stat" dev="proc" ino=4026546047 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_stat:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 20:03:16.422 1139 1158 D Unity : InitializeScriptEngine OK (ec206ee0) 11-12 20:03:16.422 1139 1158 D Unity : PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to [] 11-12 20:03:16.437 1139 1158 D Unity : Player data archive not found at `assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem 11-12 20:03:16.464 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'libaudioplugingvrunity', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:03:16.465 1139 1158 E Unity : Unable to find libaudioplugingvrunity 11-12 20:03:16.466 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'AudioPluginOculusSpatializer', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:03:16.468 1139 1158 E Unity : Unable to find AudioPluginOculusSpatializer 11-12 20:03:16.468 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'audioplugingvrunity', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:03:16.469 1139 1158 E Unity : Unable to find audioplugingvrunity 11-12 20:03:16.470 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'unitygar', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:03:16.470 1139 1158 E Unity : Unable to find unitygar 11-12 20:03:16.471 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:03:16.472 1139 1158 E Unity : Unable to find libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer 11-12 20:03:16.473 1139 1158 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'libtango_3d_reconstruction_api', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:03:16.474 1139 1158 E Unity : Unable to find libtango_3d_reconstruction_api 11-12 20:03:16.474 1139 1158 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK 11-12 20:03:16.474 1139 1158 D Unity : AndroidGraphics::Startup window = 0xdf318008 11-12 20:03:16.474 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf318008 11-12 20:03:16.481 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.1+AEP RGB0 000 0/0 11-12 20:03:16.482 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Checking ES 3.1 support... 11-12 20:03:16.485 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] ES 3.1 support detected 11-12 20:03:16.486 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.1+AEP RGB16 565 0/0 11-12 20:03:16.486 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.1+AEP RGB0 000 0/0 11-12 20:03:16.486 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.1+AEP RGB16 565 0/0 11-12 20:03:16.486 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 11-12 20:03:16.490 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[9] ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 AFBT 11-12 20:03:16.496 1139 1158 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (1080/1920) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (1080/1920) 11-12 20:03:16.506 1139 1158 D Unity : Renderer: Adreno (TM) 418 11-12 20:03:16.507 1139 1158 D Unity : Vendor: Qualcomm 11-12 20:03:16.507 1139 1158 D Unity : Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@225.0 (GIT@7142022, Ib5823dd10c) (Date:06/23/17) 11-12 20:03:16.507 1139 1158 D Unity : GLES: 3 11-12 20:03:16.507 1139 1158 D Unity : GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_OES_texture_npot GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_QCOM_alpha_test GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_sRGB GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_sample_variables GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation 11-12 20:03:16.507 1139 1158 D Unity : GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_EXT_debug_label GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_KHR_no_error GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent 11-12 20:03:16.519 724 940 D VoldConnector: SND -> {29 volume mkdirs /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tomthecarrot.helloar/cache/} 11-12 20:03:16.526 724 824 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 29 Command succeeded} 11-12 20:03:16.555 1139 1158 D Unity : OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.2 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle -890458688 11-12 20:03:16.555 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf318008 11-12 20:03:16.556 1139 1158 D Unity : Requested framebuffer: resolution[1080x1920], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[on], samples[1] 11-12 20:03:16.556 1139 1158 D Unity : Created framebuffer: resolution[1080x1920], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[24/8], samples[0] 11-12 20:03:16.556 1139 1158 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf318008 11-12 20:03:16.556 1139 1158 D Unity : Initialize engine version: 2017.2.0b9 (95ec3a4d5d9d) 11-12 20:03:16.609 1139 1158 D Unity : AudioManager: Selecting OpenSL output... 11-12 20:03:16.618 1139 1158 D : PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 11-12 20:03:16.620 1139 1158 D : TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 11-12 20:03:16.620 1139 1158 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 11-12 20:03:16.624 1139 1158 W AudioTrack: notificationFrames=-10 clamped to the range -1 to -8 11-12 20:03:16.626 1139 1158 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 1536 -> 1536 11-12 20:03:16.626 1139 1158 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 1536 11-12 20:03:16.692 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:03:16.697 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:03:16.699 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(5: audio-ull-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 11-12 20:03:16.701 512 678 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 11-12 20:03:16.704 1139 1158 D Unity : Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly 11-12 20:03:16.707 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:03:16.707 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:03:16.730 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(5) apply and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:03:16.759 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 11-12 20:03:16.760 512 16265 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:03:16.908 1139 1158 D Unity : - Completed reload, in 0.204 seconds 11-12 20:03:18.362 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 20:03:18.749 1139 1158 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineGraphics OK 11-12 20:03:18.763 1139 1158 D Unity : Found 25 native sensors 11-12 20:03:18.770 1139 1158 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:03:18.772 1139 1158 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:03:18.876 1139 1158 V MediaRouter: Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:03:18.901 1139 1158 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:03:19.647 1139 1221 D Unity : Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten. 11-12 20:03:19.648 1139 1222 D Unity : Thread -> id: ffffffffc3e82970 -> priority: 1 11-12 20:03:20.941 1139 1158 D Unity : UnloadTime: 6.219000 ms 11-12 20:03:20.976 1139 1158 I Unity : Handle to Tango Unity 3DR shim library is non-NULL 11-12 20:03:21.111 1139 1158 D Unity : UUID: 62eaec88123af608 => d485c15eacb045de19225d1c5188c21f 11-12 20:03:21.184 1139 1158 F tango : jni_helper.cc:19 'vm' Must be non NULL --------- beginning of crash 11-12 20:03:21.185 1139 1158 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 1158 (UnityMain) 11-12 20:03:21.241 1139 1183 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-12 20:03:21.366 1232 1232 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned 11-12 20:03:21.369 579 579 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 1139 11-12 20:03:21.372 1232 1232 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 1139 (target tid = 1158) 11-12 20:03:21.372 1232 1232 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11-12 20:03:21.372 1232 1232 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'google/marlin/marlin:7.1.1/NMF26Q/3537182:user/release-keys' 11-12 20:03:21.373 1232 1232 F DEBUG : Revision: 'rev_1.0' 11-12 20:03:21.373 1232 1232 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm' 11-12 20:03:21.373 1232 1232 F DEBUG : pid: 1139, tid: 1158, name: UnityMain >>> com.tomthecarrot.helloar <<< 11-12 20:03:21.373 1232 1232 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr -------- 11-12 20:03:21.377 1232 1232 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'jni_helper.cc:19 'vm' Must be non NULL' 11-12 20:03:21.377 1232 1232 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00000486 r2 00000006 r3 00000008 11-12 20:03:21.377 1232 1232 F DEBUG : r4 00000473 r5 00000486 r6 cedc4a78 r7 0000010c 11-12 20:03:21.377 1232 1232 F DEBUG : r8 cedc4ed0 r9 cedc4ecc sl 00000515 fp cedc51e0 11-12 20:03:21.377 1232 1232 F DEBUG : ip 00000000 sp cedc4a68 lr eb69a3b7 pc eb6ca91c cpsr 200f0010 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : backtrace: 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0004a91c /system/lib/libc.so (tgkill+12) 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0001a3b3 /system/lib/libc.so (abort+54) 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #02 pc 000065f9 /system/lib/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+152) 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00009e69 /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/lib/arm/libtango_client_api2.so 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #04 pc 0001256d /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/lib/arm/libtango_client_api2.so 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00009247 /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/lib/arm/libtango_client_api2.so (TangoService_isSupported+26) 11-12 20:03:21.386 1232 1232 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000884c 11-12 20:03:22.319 512 634 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:03:22.530 579 579 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones//tombstone_02 11-12 20:03:22.534 1139 1208 W AudioTrack: releaseBuffer() track 0xce31ef00 disabled due to previous underrun, restarting 11-12 20:03:22.544 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:03:22.552 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:03:22.554 512 678 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:03:22.596 724 5258 I ActivityManager: Process com.tomthecarrot.helloar (pid 1139) has died: fore TOP 11-12 20:03:22.600 724 5258 W ActivityManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{fafcb80 u0 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t349}: app died, no saved state 11-12 20:03:22.601 433 471 E SurfaceFlinger: Failed to find layer (SurfaceView - com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity#0) in layer parent (no-parent). 11-12 20:03:22.604 433 818 E SurfaceFlinger: Failed to find layer (Background for - SurfaceView - com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity#0) in layer parent (no-parent). 11-12 20:03:22.613 409 409 I Zygote : Process 1139 exited due to signal (6) 11-12 20:03:22.653 512 634 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:03:22.653 512 634 W AudioFlinger::EffectModule: EffectModule 0xf2d7df00 destructor called with unreleased interface 11-12 20:03:22.653 512 634 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:03:22.653 512 634 W AudioFlinger::EffectHandle: disconnect Effect handle 0xf2d59800 disconnected after thread destruction 11-12 20:03:22.676 724 821 W InputDispatcher: channel 'b1eba74 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 11-12 20:03:22.676 724 821 E InputDispatcher: channel 'b1eba74 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 11-12 20:03:22.678 724 766 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) 11-12 20:03:22.750 724 5258 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{2dad5b9 ActivityRecord{fafcb80 u0 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t349 f}} appWin=Window{b1eba74 u0 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} drawState=4 11-12 20:03:22.751 724 5258 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'b1eba74 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity (server)' 11-12 20:03:22.767 724 3272 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked:5700 com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied:2279 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:828 11-12 20:03:22.767 724 3272 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: null 11-12 20:03:22.800 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 1139 11-12 20:03:22.824 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 200ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=53 11-12 20:03:22.924 724 761 I ActivityManager: Showing crash dialog for package com.tomthecarrot.helloar u0 11-12 20:03:22.978 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(5) reset and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:03:22.987 724 761 W Looper : Dispatch took 141ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {bd33760} cb=null msg=1 11-12 20:03:22.994 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:03:22.994 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:03:23.010 724 1371 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:03:23.010 724 1371 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:03:23.045 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 20:03:23.166 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:03:23.384 27878 27878 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 20:03:23.401 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 20:03:23.432 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 20:03:23.435 27878 1242 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:03:23.450 27878 27878 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 11-12 20:03:23.478 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:03:23.490 11768 32448 I TrustAgent: [VoiceUnlockTrustletChimeraService] #isSupported true 11-12 20:03:23.646 24366 24392 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-12 20:03:24.458 724 1234 W ActivityManager: Ignoring remove of inactive process: ProcessRecord{e4857c3 0:com.tomthecarrot.helloar/u0a100} 11-12 20:03:24.598 724 804 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 11-12 20:03:26.216 31995 32050 I Finsky : [897] com.google.android.finsky.l.c.a(23): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 11-12 20:03:26.221 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.services.e.a(5): Installation state replication succeeded. 11-12 20:03:27.708 724 12288 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.documentsui/.LauncherActivity bnds=[35,724][237,986]} from uid 10030 11-12 20:03:27.808 724 1376 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=//com.android.documentsui.launchControl flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.documentsui/.files.FilesActivity (has extras)} from uid 10013 11-12 20:03:27.849 27878 1243 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:03:27.870 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:03:28.024 32124 1251 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 11-12 20:03:28.035 32124 32124 W ActionModeController: Tried to finish a null action mode. 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:03:28.069 32124 1251 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 20:03:28.075 32124 1251 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:03:28.078 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:03:28.107 32124 1251 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 20:03:28.111 32124 1251 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:03:28.111 32124 1251 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:03:28.177 343 343 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransportFromManifest: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper in either framework or device manifest, using default transport. 11-12 20:03:28.182 32124 1251 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:03:28.242 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.documentsui/.files.FilesActivity: +387ms (total +491ms) 11-12 20:03:32.879 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 20:03:32.883 27878 28183 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 20:03:34.600 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 20:03:34.600 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 20:03:34.604 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 20:03:34.612 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 20:03:34.613 3047 3059 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 20:03:34.615 512 8630 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 20:03:34.618 512 1266 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeeb96200 tid=1266 ready to run 11-12 20:03:34.653 3047 8653 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:736) 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.getType(ContentProviderNative.java:451) 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.getProviderMimeType(ActivityManagerService.java:12097) 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : at android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact(IActivityManager.java:1799) 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2935) 11-12 20:03:35.685 724 12291 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:674) 11-12 20:03:35.692 724 11458 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.provider.action.MANAGE_DOCUMENT dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/77 cmp=com.android.providers.downloads.ui/.TrampolineActivity} from uid 10013 11-12 20:03:35.823 32083 32083 D DownloadManager: Found 77 with status 8, reason 0 11-12 20:03:35.856 724 12287 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/77 typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x3 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStart (has extras)} from uid 10014 11-12 20:03:35.889 724 12297 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/77 typ=application/vnd.android.package-archive flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStaging (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:03:36.022 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallStaging: +106ms (total +302ms) 11-12 20:03:36.155 724 12288 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package466291215004653485.apk flg=0x10000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:03:36.250 31948 31948 W AppSecurityPermissions: Couldn't retrieve shared user id for: com.google.tango 11-12 20:03:36.354 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity: +179ms 11-12 20:03:36.657 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 20:03:36.664 512 1266 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 20:03:36.664 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 20:03:36.723 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 20:03:36.723 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 20:03:36.728 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 20:03:36.729 3047 8651 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 20:03:36.734 3047 8653 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 20:03:36.734 3047 8653 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 20:03:36.762 512 512 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 20:03:36.762 512 512 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 20:03:36.763 724 12299 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 20:03:36.764 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 20:03:37.473 724 5258 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package466291215004653485.apk cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallInstalling (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:03:37.671 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallInstalling: +158ms 11-12 20:03:37.674 31948 31971 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7dbc6de400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7dbe55be60 11-12 20:03:37.763 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 48513(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 27(1368KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 26.939ms total 137.894ms 11-12 20:03:40.334 27917 1281 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 20:03:40.347 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PackageVerificationReceiver.onReceive(14): Verification requested, id = 19 11-12 20:03:40.483 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:03:40.504 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:03:40.504 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:03:40.809 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:03:40.809 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:03:40.809 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:03:43.798 11768 15122 I GCoreUlr: Starting scheduled upload task 11-12 20:03:43.830 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:03:43.831 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:03:43.831 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:03:43.853 11768 15122 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService }, extras=null 11-12 20:03:43.943 11768 32448 I GCoreUlr: LocationReporter sending 4 locations, 9 activities, and 21 metadata for account account#13# request #0; requests: [] 11-12 20:03:44.038 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 21373(1478KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 900us total 105.635ms 11-12 20:03:44.131 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:03:44.132 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:03:44.132 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:03:44.808 11768 32448 I GCoreUlr: Batch Location Update succeeded for account account#13# 11-12 20:03:46.265 31995 1294 I Finsky : [935] com.google.android.finsky.foregroundcoordinator.ForegroundCoordinator.a(9): Task 7 requested foreground 11-12 20:03:46.269 31995 1294 I Finsky : [935] com.google.android.finsky.foregroundcoordinator.ForegroundCoordinator.a(34): Not entering foreground 11-12 20:03:46.428 31995 1312 I Finsky : [938] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.bx.b(6): Verification id=19 response=0 11-12 20:03:46.469 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.cn.c(97): Verifying id=19, result=1 11-12 20:03:46.472 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.cn.c(110): Verification complete: id=19, package_name=com.google.tango 11-12 20:03:46.621 724 777 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dexoptNeeded=1) on: /data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp/base.apk pkg=com.google.tango isa=arm dexoptFlags=boot_complete,public target-filter=quicken oatDir=/data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp/oat sharedLibraries=null 11-12 20:03:46.693 1313 1313 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=14 --compiler-filter=quicken -j4 --classpath-dir=/data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp 11-12 20:03:48.343 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 20:03:48.344 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 20:03:48.347 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 20:03:48.350 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 20:03:48.351 3047 3059 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 20:03:48.359 512 8685 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 20:03:48.361 512 1325 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeeb96c00 tid=1325 ready to run 11-12 20:03:48.385 3047 8651 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 20:03:49.083 1313 1313 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 2.392s (4.857s cpu) (threads: 4) arena alloc=11KB (11696B) java alloc=3MB (3890568B) native alloc=9MB (9774352B) free=3MB (3857136B) 11-12 20:03:49.111 724 777 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dexoptNeeded=1) on: /data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp/base.apk pkg=com.google.tango isa=arm64 dexoptFlags=boot_complete,public target-filter=quicken oatDir=/data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp/oat sharedLibraries=null 11-12 20:03:49.167 1327 1327 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=14 --compiler-filter=quicken -j4 --classpath-dir=/data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp 11-12 20:03:50.387 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 20:03:50.481 512 1325 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 20:03:50.481 512 1325 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 20:03:50.522 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:03:50.523 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:03:50.523 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:03:50.534 512 1325 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 20:03:50.534 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 20:03:50.541 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 20:03:50.541 3047 8651 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 20:03:50.541 3047 8651 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 20:03:50.542 3047 8662 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 20:03:50.562 512 8654 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 20:03:50.562 512 8654 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 20:03:50.562 724 12296 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 20:03:50.563 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 20:03:51.075 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:03:51.075 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:03:51.075 31635 1279 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:03:51.591 1327 1327 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 2.424s (4.971s cpu) (threads: 4) arena alloc=3KB (3952B) java alloc=5MB (5865016B) native alloc=11MB (12220416B) free=3MB (3901440B) 11-12 20:03:51.632 724 777 I PackageManager: New shared user com.google.tango: id=10101 11-12 20:03:51.632 724 777 E PackageManager: Adding duplicate user id: 10101 name=com.google.tango 11-12 20:03:51.744 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.BACKUP for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 20:03:51.744 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS for package com.android.vending - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 20:03:51.747 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.DISPATCH_PROVISIONING_MESSAGE for package com.google.android.gms - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 20:03:51.748 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.PROVIDE_RESOLVER_RANKER_SERVICE for package android.ext.services - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 20:03:51.749 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS for package com.android.apps.tag - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 20:03:51.750 724 777 W PackageManager: Privileged permission android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME for package com.google.android.apps.turbo - not in privapp-permissions whitelist 11-12 20:03:51.861 724 777 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=com.google.tango token=14 restoreSet=0 11-12 20:03:51.861 724 777 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately 11-12 20:03:51.870 515 11456 E : Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp: No such file or directory 11-12 20:03:51.871 515 11456 E installd: Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl100475966.tmp: No such file or directory 11-12 20:03:51.888 724 12290 I ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=file:///data/user_de/0/com.android.packageinstaller/no_backup/package466291215004653485.apk flg=0x2000000 cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallSuccess (has extras)} from uid 10031 11-12 20:03:51.915 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 11-12 20:03:51.941 724 11567 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.google.tango flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 11-12 20:03:51.968 3085 3085 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 11-12 20:03:51.972 1254 1254 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 11-12 20:03:51.972 1254 1254 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.google.tango 11-12 20:03:51.981 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 42908(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(176KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 604us total 111.245ms 11-12 20:03:52.020 1254 1254 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0 11-12 20:03:52.024 11768 11768 I WearableService: Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device. 11-12 20:03:52.045 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallSuccess: +114ms 11-12 20:03:52.060 724 904 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.google.tango flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.googlequicksearchbox.GelStubAppWatcher 11-12 20:03:52.061 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.google.tango flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver 11-12 20:03:52.073 11768 11779 D WearableService: onGetService - Wear is not available on this device. 11-12 20:03:52.085 31995 31995 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.bl.a(3): onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 11-12 20:03:52.086 27917 1347 D Wear_Controller: Received broadcast action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED and uri=com.google.tango 11-12 20:03:52.096 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=auto_install due to Gms not connected 11-12 20:03:52.098 27917 1345 I ChromeSync: [Persistence,AffiliationManager] Fetching affiliations from the server. 11-12 20:03:52.103 31995 31995 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.aj.run(9): Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected 11-12 20:03:52.114 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32 11-12 20:03:52.115 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 11-12 20:03:52.158 724 724 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.google.android.dialer: DDC.oR@DcY 11-12 20:03:52.193 27917 28066 I Icing : App usage reports: 2 11-12 20:03:52.193 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 2, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:03:52.270 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:03:53.051 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 20:03:53.053 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=32 11-12 20:03:53.068 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:03:53.131 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:03:53.155 31948 31948 I InstallSuccess: Finished installing com.google.tango 11-12 20:03:53.280 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing ACB20F0FDA4FE89AD5192E8EC70DDAEF86F25362 from com.google.android.gms 11-12 20:03:53.288 31948 31971 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7dbc734400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7dbe55b9a0 11-12 20:03:53.306 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done ACB20F0FDA4FE89AD5192E8EC70DDAEF86F25362 11-12 20:03:54.143 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing DF1CAC4B3763E780478E00408AF916FA169534AE from com.google.android.gm 11-12 20:03:54.205 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done DF1CAC4B3763E780478E00408AF916FA169534AE 11-12 20:03:54.356 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 20:03:54.434 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 20:03:54.434 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 20:03:54.440 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 20:03:54.446 27878 1243 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:03:54.462 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:03:54.471 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:03:54.647 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Backpressure trigger, skipping transaction & refresh! 11-12 20:03:54.757 724 1371 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:03:54.757 724 1371 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:03:55.886 724 11566 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity bnds=[641,724][843,986]} from uid 10030 11-12 20:03:55.942 1354 1354 I zygote : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 11-12 20:03:55.955 724 11567 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1354:com.tomthecarrot.helloar/u0a100 for activity com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity 11-12 20:03:56.020 27878 1243 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:03:56.036 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:03:56.325 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:03:56.387 1354 1354 I Unity : onResume 11-12 20:03:56.401 1354 1378 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 11-12 20:03:56.444 1354 1378 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 11-12 20:03:56.445 1354 1378 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:03:56.457 1354 1378 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 11-12 20:03:56.464 1354 1378 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:03:56.464 1354 1378 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:03:56.486 1354 1354 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xdf312808 11-12 20:03:56.486 1354 1354 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xdf312808 11-12 20:03:56.488 1354 1354 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true 11-12 20:03:56.520 343 343 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransportFromManifest: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper in either framework or device manifest, using default transport. 11-12 20:03:56.524 1354 1378 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:03:56.541 1354 1377 I TangoClientLibLoader: Pure Java path, not loading libtango_client_api.so at all. 11-12 20:03:56.566 1354 1377 I ndk_camera: Starting native camera system initialization. 11-12 20:03:56.577 1354 1377 D ndk_camera: Camera 0 has 86 metadata tags 11-12 20:03:56.577 1354 1377 E ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1310721 11-12 20:03:56.577 1354 1377 W ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1310721 for camera 0 with error code -10004 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 E ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1638401 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 W ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1638401 for camera 0 with error code -10004 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 D ndk_camera: Camera 1 has 82 metadata tags 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 E ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1310721 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 W ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1310721 for camera 1 with error code -10004 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 E ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1638401 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 W ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1638401 for camera 1 with error code -10004 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 I ndk_camera: Camera system initialized successfully with 2 cameras. 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 W tango_camera_native_jni: Camera system initilized. 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 E tango_camera_native: 2 is not a valid camera index. 11-12 20:03:56.578 1354 1377 E tango_camera_native: 3 is not a valid camera index. 11-12 20:03:56.588 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching texture_window 0xce32a008 11-12 20:03:56.588 1354 1377 D TangoVhs: about to bind as vhs 11-12 20:03:56.663 724 12287 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1384:com.google.tango/u0a101 for service com.google.tango/com.google.atap.tango.TangoVirtualHalService 11-12 20:03:56.664 1354 1377 D TangoVhs: finished bind as vhs 11-12 20:03:56.666 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity: +670ms 11-12 20:03:56.679 1354 1377 D Unity : [VFS] Mount /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk 11-12 20:03:56.687 1354 1377 D Unity : Player data archive not found at `/data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem 11-12 20:03:56.752 1354 1377 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARMv7 VFPv3 NEON, Cores = 6, Memory = 1814mb 11-12 20:03:56.752 1354 1377 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 2 big (mask: 48), 4 little (mask: 15) 11-12 20:03:56.753 1354 1377 I Unity : ApplicationInfo com.tomthecarrot.helloar version 1.0 build 901f7406-84a6-4e8c-992a-a800c4e16ae3 11-12 20:03:56.753 1354 1377 D Unity : Player data archive not found at `/data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem 11-12 20:03:56.753 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf312808 11-12 20:03:56.756 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to find library path for 'monobdwgc-2.0'. 11-12 20:03:56.761 1354 1377 D Unity : Mono path[0] = '/data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed' 11-12 20:03:56.761 1354 1377 D Unity : Mono config path = 'assets/bin/Data/Managed/etc' 11-12 20:03:56.761 1354 1377 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized from /data/app/com.tomthecarrot.helloar-aQzY3cwkcofmHo-A3TMJ5Q==/base.apk/assets/bin/Data (debug = 0) 11-12 20:03:56.762 1354 1377 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55062 11-12 20:03:56.762 1354 1377 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized unix socket : Unity-com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:03:56.763 1354 1377 D Unity : Multi-casting "[IP] [Port] 55062 [Flags] 3 [Guid] 918450963 [EditorId] 2655264626 [Version] 1048832 [Id] AndroidPlayer(LGE_Pixel_XL@ [Debug] 1" to []... 11-12 20:03:56.763 1354 1377 D Unity : Waiting for connection from host on []... 11-12 20:03:56.801 1354 1354 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xdf312008 11-12 20:03:56.915 1384 1384 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 21 lines 11-12 20:03:56.938 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: connected 11-12 20:03:56.939 1354 1412 I TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready 11-12 20:03:56.949 1384 1403 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) Binder:1384_1 expire 2 lines 11-12 20:03:56.981 1354 1412 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject) 11-12 20:03:56.981 1354 1412 I tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching tracking_window 0xcc611808 11-12 20:03:57.084 11768 11768 I WearableService: Wearable Services stopping 11-12 20:03:57.231 1384 1416 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 15 lines 11-12 20:03:57.473 1354 1354 I Tango : TangoService connected. 11-12 20:03:57.473 1354 1354 I Tango : Using the pure Java path for Tango client 11-12 20:03:58.529 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 37160(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 12(328KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 431us total 113.753ms 11-12 20:04:01.062 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 20:04:01.071 27878 28183 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 20:04:01.772 1354 1377 D Unity : Timed out. Continuing without host connection. 11-12 20:04:01.772 1354 1377 D Unity : Started listening to [] 11-12 20:04:01.772 1354 1377 D Unity : Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,defer=y,address= 11-12 20:04:01.768 1377 1377 W UnityMain: type=1400 audit(0.0:2034): avc: denied { read } for name="stat" dev="proc" ino=4026546047 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_stat:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 20:04:01.883 1354 1377 D Unity : InitializeScriptEngine OK (ebf9aee0) 11-12 20:04:01.884 1354 1377 D Unity : PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to [] 11-12 20:04:01.898 1354 1377 D Unity : Player data archive not found at `assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem 11-12 20:04:01.905 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'libaudioplugingvrunity', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:04:01.906 1354 1377 E Unity : Unable to find libaudioplugingvrunity 11-12 20:04:01.907 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'AudioPluginOculusSpatializer', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:04:01.908 1354 1377 E Unity : Unable to find AudioPluginOculusSpatializer 11-12 20:04:01.909 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'audioplugingvrunity', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:04:01.910 1354 1377 E Unity : Unable to find audioplugingvrunity 11-12 20:04:01.910 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'unitygar', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:04:01.911 1354 1377 E Unity : Unable to find unitygar 11-12 20:04:01.912 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:04:01.913 1354 1377 E Unity : Unable to find libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer 11-12 20:04:01.916 1354 1377 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'libtango_3d_reconstruction_api', native render plugin support disabled. 11-12 20:04:01.918 1354 1377 E Unity : Unable to find libtango_3d_reconstruction_api 11-12 20:04:01.918 1354 1377 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK 11-12 20:04:01.918 1354 1377 D Unity : AndroidGraphics::Startup window = 0xdf312008 11-12 20:04:01.918 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf312008 11-12 20:04:01.929 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.1+AEP RGB0 000 0/0 11-12 20:04:01.930 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Checking ES 3.1 support... 11-12 20:04:02.001 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] ES 3.1 support detected 11-12 20:04:02.001 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.1+AEP RGB16 565 0/0 11-12 20:04:02.001 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.1+AEP RGB0 000 0/0 11-12 20:04:02.002 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.1+AEP RGB16 565 0/0 11-12 20:04:02.002 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 11-12 20:04:02.007 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[9] ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 AFBT 11-12 20:04:02.018 1354 1377 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (1080/1920) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (1080/1920) 11-12 20:04:02.031 1354 1377 D Unity : Renderer: Adreno (TM) 418 11-12 20:04:02.031 1354 1377 D Unity : Vendor: Qualcomm 11-12 20:04:02.031 1354 1377 D Unity : Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@225.0 (GIT@7142022, Ib5823dd10c) (Date:06/23/17) 11-12 20:04:02.031 1354 1377 D Unity : GLES: 3 11-12 20:04:02.032 1354 1377 D Unity : GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_OES_texture_npot GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_QCOM_alpha_test GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_sRGB GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_sample_variables GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation 11-12 20:04:02.032 1354 1377 D Unity : GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_EXT_debug_label GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_KHR_no_error GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent 11-12 20:04:02.067 1354 1377 D Unity : OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.2 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle -903470656 11-12 20:04:02.067 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf312008 11-12 20:04:02.068 1354 1377 D Unity : Requested framebuffer: resolution[1080x1920], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[on], samples[1] 11-12 20:04:02.068 1354 1377 D Unity : Created framebuffer: resolution[1080x1920], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[24/8], samples[0] 11-12 20:04:02.068 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xdf312008 11-12 20:04:02.068 1354 1377 D Unity : Initialize engine version: 2017.2.0b9 (95ec3a4d5d9d) 11-12 20:04:02.112 1354 1377 D Unity : AudioManager: Selecting OpenSL output... 11-12 20:04:02.127 1354 1377 D : PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 11-12 20:04:02.129 1354 1377 D : TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 11-12 20:04:02.129 1354 1377 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 11-12 20:04:02.195 1354 1377 W AudioTrack: notificationFrames=-10 clamped to the range -1 to -8 11-12 20:04:02.197 1354 1377 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 1536 -> 1536 11-12 20:04:02.197 1354 1377 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 1536 11-12 20:04:02.205 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:04:02.209 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:04:02.214 512 678 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 11-12 20:04:02.218 1354 1377 D Unity : Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly 11-12 20:04:02.224 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:04:02.224 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:04:02.246 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(5) apply and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:04:02.273 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 11-12 20:04:02.273 512 16265 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:04:02.430 1354 1377 D Unity : - Completed reload, in 0.212 seconds 11-12 20:04:02.718 1354 1377 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineGraphics OK 11-12 20:04:02.728 1354 1377 D Unity : Found 25 native sensors 11-12 20:04:02.736 1354 1377 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:04:02.739 1354 1377 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:04:02.897 1354 1377 V MediaRouter: Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:04:02.914 1354 1377 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:04:03.228 1354 1489 D Unity : Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten. 11-12 20:04:03.228 1354 1490 D Unity : Thread -> id: ffffffffc3c02970 -> priority: 1 11-12 20:04:04.953 1354 1377 D Unity : UnloadTime: 7.750000 ms 11-12 20:04:04.987 1354 1377 I Unity : Handle to Tango Unity 3DR shim library is non-NULL 11-12 20:04:05.022 1354 1377 D Unity : UUID: 62eaec88123af608 => d485c15eacb045de19225d1c5188c21f 11-12 20:04:05.095 1354 1439 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-12 20:04:05.266 724 3272 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10100 11-12 20:04:05.275 1354 1354 I Unity : onPause 11-12 20:04:05.275 1354 1354 I TangoCameraNative: stopAllCameras() 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 closed. 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 out of reset. 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 1 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 1 closed. 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 1 out of reset. 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 2 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:05.278 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 3 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:05.373 1354 1377 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 149760 frames delivered 11-12 20:04:05.374 1354 1377 D : PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 11-12 20:04:05.377 1354 1377 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:04:05.392 1354 1354 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: false 11-12 20:04:05.471 512 634 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:04:05.651 724 769 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity: +264ms 11-12 20:04:05.797 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(5) reset and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:04:05.816 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:04:05.816 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:04:07.358 724 724 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(SET_REQUEST, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@d286fe0) 11-12 20:04:07.358 1354 1354 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true 11-12 20:04:07.391 724 759 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(SET_REQUEST, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@d286fe0) 11-12 20:04:07.447 1354 1354 I Unity : onResume 11-12 20:04:07.450 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching texture_window 0xdf312808 11-12 20:04:07.450 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: about to bind as vhs 11-12 20:04:07.462 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: finished bind as vhs 11-12 20:04:07.472 1354 1354 I Tango : TangoService connected. 11-12 20:04:07.472 1354 1354 I Tango : Using the pure Java path for Tango client 11-12 20:04:07.472 1354 1377 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:04:07.482 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: connected 11-12 20:04:07.498 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:04:07.498 1354 1503 I TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready 11-12 20:04:07.501 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:04:07.507 512 678 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 11-12 20:04:07.513 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:04:07.513 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:04:07.517 1354 1377 D Unity : Choreographer available: Enabling VSYNC timing 11-12 20:04:07.517 1354 1503 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject) 11-12 20:04:07.518 1354 1503 I tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching tracking_window 0xc6609808 11-12 20:04:07.537 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(5) apply and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:04:07.566 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 11-12 20:04:07.566 512 16265 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:04:07.596 1384 1416 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 52 lines 11-12 20:04:07.602 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectOnTextureAvailable(JNIEnv*, jobject, int, bool): camera_id = 0 11-12 20:04:07.602 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectOnTextureAvailable(JNIEnv*, jobject, int, bool) called for cam id(0) before TangoService_connect(). Callback will be registered on next call to TangoService_connect(). 11-12 20:04:07.603 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: TangoCameraNative_ConnectOnImageAvailable context 0xcc8e711c, camera 0 11-12 20:04:07.603 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: TangoErrorType internalConnectOnImageAvailable(TangoCameraId, void*, bool, void (*)(void*, TangoCameraId, const TangoImage*, const TangoCameraMetadata*)): Connecting callbacks... 11-12 20:04:07.605 1354 1377 E NdkImageReader: AImageReader_getWindow 11-12 20:04:07.605 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: TangoErrorType internalConnectOnImageAvailable(TangoCameraId, void*, bool, void (*)(void*, TangoCameraId, const TangoImage*, const TangoCameraMetadata*)) called for cam id(0) before TangoService_connect(). Callback will be registered on next call to TangoService_connect(). 11-12 20:04:07.608 1354 1377 I Tango : com.google.tango: 18377 11-12 20:04:07.703 1384 1418 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) Thread-35 expire 10 lines 11-12 20:04:07.698 1418 1418 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) Thread-35 expire 1 line 11-12 20:04:07.933 1384 1530 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 2 lines 11-12 20:04:07.933 1354 1377 I TangoCameraNative: startCamerasIfNeeded: VHS ready so camera can start. 11-12 20:04:07.935 10299 4456 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 2 11-12 20:04:07.935 1384 1529 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 11 lines 11-12 20:04:07.940 1384 1533 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 16 lines 11-12 20:04:07.961 10299 4456 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: (PID 1354, UID 10100) 11-12 20:04:07.962 10299 4456 I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 0: Opened 11-12 20:04:07.963 10299 4456 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 11-12 20:04:08.154 10299 4456 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/power.default.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:04:08.229 10299 4456 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.2/legacy/0 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 11-12 20:04:08.229 10299 4456 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 11-12 20:04:08.244 10300 1543 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_start_session:1778 ###Img_Loglevel 1 11-12 20:04:08.254 10300 1541 E mm-camera: q3a_port_init:1753 q3a_port_init: 3A VERSION --> 4.1.0.r9 11-12 20:04:08.255 10300 1540 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_module_start_session:360 num_session_opened 1 11-12 20:04:08.295 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.295 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3888766976 fd=43 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.298 10300 1538 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_addr_type:26Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:04:08.299 10300 1538 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_data_type:40Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:04:08.303 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.303 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3884797952 fd=44 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.312 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.312 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3876859904 fd=41 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.317 10300 1538 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_data_type:40Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:04:08.317 10300 1538 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_addr_type:26Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:04:08.320 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.320 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3872677888 fd=45 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.329 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.329 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3863277568 fd=49 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.345 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.345 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3858350080 fd=48 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.352 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:04:08.352 10300 1553 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3830460416 fd=51 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:04:08.361 10300 1555 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal: Adding session stream streamid= 0xf for session=1 11-12 20:04:08.361 10300 1555 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal:Linking session stream for session 1 11-12 20:04:08.366 10300 1555 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal:Session stream linked successfully session 1 11-12 20:04:08.379 1354 1377 E Camera2-Metadata: Update metadata entry: Unknown tag -1073741824 11-12 20:04:08.379 1354 1377 W ndk_camera: Failed to set the TANGO_MODE vendor tag for the color camera!This may not be required on this device. 11-12 20:04:08.379 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 is open, starting. 11-12 20:04:08.380 10299 7702 W CameraDeviceClient: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 0 with consumer usage flag: 0x100: Forcing asynchronous mode for stream 11-12 20:04:08.381 10299 7702 W CameraDeviceClient: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 0: Overriding format 0x1 to IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED 11-12 20:04:08.382 10299 10399 E mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_fsm_fn_stopped: invalid state (1) for evt (6) 11-12 20:04:08.382 10299 10399 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stopping channel 87040 11-12 20:04:08.382 10299 10399 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[0] type = 0, format = 35, width = 640, height = 480, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3 11-12 20:04:08.382 10299 10399 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[1] type = 0, format = 35, width = 640, height = 480, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3 11-12 20:04:08.382 10299 10399 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[2] type = 0, format = 34, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x100 11-12 20:04:08.382 31995 32050 I Finsky : [897] com.google.android.finsky.l.c.a(23): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 11-12 20:04:08.383 10299 10399 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 7, feature_mask is 0 11-12 20:04:08.384 10299 10399 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=101 11-12 20:04:08.386 31995 31995 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.services.e.a(5): Installation state replication succeeded. 11-12 20:04:08.391 10299 10399 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 1569) 11-12 20:04:08.394 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 is starting, waiting for it to be done. 11-12 20:04:08.394 1354 1532 I ndk_camera: Camera capture session started processing. 11-12 20:04:08.394 343 343 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransportFromManifest: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper in either framework or device manifest, using default transport. 11-12 20:04:08.394 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 start successfull. 11-12 20:04:08.408 1384 1415 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) Binder:1384_3 expire 1 line 11-12 20:04:08.494 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 1 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 0 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:04:08.494 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 5 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:04:08.494 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 5 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:04:08.494 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 11 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:04:08.500 10299 1569 I QCamera3HWI: getSensorOutputSize: sensor output dimension = 4032 x 3024 11-12 20:04:08.501 10299 1569 I QCamera3CropRegionMapper: update: active_array: 4032 x 3024, sensor size 4032 x 3024 11-12 20:04:08.502 10299 1569 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 5, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:04:08.516 10299 1569 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 5, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:04:08.517 10300 1556 E mm-camera: module_cac_port_ext_link:1427] link already established 11-12 20:04:08.517 10300 1556 E mm-camera: module_cac_port_ext_link:1427] link already established 11-12 20:04:08.528 10299 1569 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 1, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:04:08.531 10299 1569 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 11, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:04:08.533 10299 1569 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=100 11-12 20:04:08.534 10300 1556 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:827] Invalid type for reprocess 10005 11-12 20:04:08.534 10300 1556 E mm-camera: pproc_module_offline_stream_param_buf:2247 failed: parm_buf.type is invalid 11-12 20:04:08.534 10300 1556 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) mm-qcamera-daem identical 1 line 11-12 20:04:08.535 10300 1556 E mm-camera: pproc_module_offline_stream_param_buf:2247 failed: parm_buf.type is invalid 11-12 20:04:08.535 10300 1556 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:827] Invalid type for reprocess 10004 11-12 20:04:08.535 10300 1556 E mm-camera: pproc_module_offline_stream_param_buf:2247 failed: parm_buf.type is invalid 11-12 20:04:08.585 10300 1556 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_get_stats_type_mask:1375 enable_stats_mask f88 11-12 20:04:08.586 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2447 batch_dbg stream_id 2 type 5 streaming_mode 0 11-12 20:04:08.586 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2447 batch_dbg stream_id 4 type 1 streaming_mode 0 11-12 20:04:08.590 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2 11-12 20:04:08.591 10300 1556 E mm-camera-isp2: bpc44_run_abcc_algo:216 No defective pixels set by sensor event 11-12 20:04:08.591 10300 1556 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_sub_module_port_process_downstream_ctrl_event:954 failed: mct event 1 int_event 0 11-12 20:04:08.591 10300 1556 E mm-camera: dsps_proc_init:54 dsps_proc_init: Failed to open sensor1 port 11-12 20:04:08.598 10300 1549 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 29030400 BW inst 1466181932 11-12 20:04:08.599 10300 1588 E ldaf : Can not access calibration file /persist/calibration/xtalk 11-12 20:04:08.599 10300 1588 I ldaf : Laser calibration offset: -8 11-12 20:04:08.599 10300 1588 I ldaf : Laser calibration cross talk: 65535 11-12 20:04:08.608 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3 11-12 20:04:08.610 10300 1549 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 42854400 BW inst 1920000000 11-12 20:04:08.611 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4 11-12 20:04:08.613 10300 1549 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 238809600 BW inst 1556269794 11-12 20:04:08.614 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 5 11-12 20:04:08.614 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamon, got all bundled streamon! 11-12 20:04:08.614 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_update_streamon_id:skip, hw stream state = 1, hw stream id = 9000f, mct streamon id = 0 11-12 20:04:08.614 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: num_user_streams 4, num_hw_streams 2 11-12 20:04:08.615 10300 1556 E mm-camera-img: faceproc_comp_get_param:299] Error type 520 11-12 20:04:08.623 10300 1556 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:449 failed: Denominator is zero. hnum 0 vnum 0 11-12 20:04:08.627 10300 1588 E Sensors : open_sensors gets called! 11-12 20:04:08.627 10300 1588 E Sensors : sensors_poll_context_t::activate gets called! 11-12 20:04:08.639 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_start: stats_cmd: enable = 1, num of stats stream = 6 11-12 20:04:08.679 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: interface 0 already active 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : Connection state became Connected 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[]) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:LogFormat(LogType, String, Object[]) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:LogFormat(String, Object[]) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : GoogleARCoreInternal.SessionManager:set_ConnectionState(SessionConnectionState) (at /Users/tom/Desktop/HelloAR/Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/Managers/SessionManager.cs:64) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : GoogleARCore.SessionComponent:_ConnectToService(SessionConfig, Action`1) (at /Users/tom/Desktop/HelloAR/Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/SessionComponent.cs:240) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : GoogleARCore.c__AnonStorey1:<>m__0(AndroidPermissionsRequestResult) (at /Users/tom/Desktop/HelloAR/Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/SessionComponent.cs:205) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : GoogleARCore.c__AnonStorey0:<>m__0() (at /Users/tom/Desktop/HelloAR/Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/AsyncTask.cs:59) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : GoogleARCore.AsyncTask:EarlyUpdate() (at /Users/tom/Desktop/HelloAR/Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/AsyncTask.cs:186) 11-12 20:04:08.703 1354 1377 I Unity : Go 11-12 20:04:08.710 10300 1560 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_pack_stats_config:5904 invalid inputs to translate dimensions for fov 2 camif 11-12 20:04:08.722 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:04:08.722 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:04:08.722 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:04:08.722 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:04:08.742 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:04:08.742 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:04:08.742 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:04:08.742 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:04:08.804 10300 1560 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history:4718 history search unsuccessful! 11-12 20:04:08.818 1354 1377 E tango_camera_native: Couldn't get image exposure/skew for timestamp offset! 11-12 20:04:08.818 1354 1377 E ndk_camera: metadata has: 84587.671143 11-12 20:04:08.818 1354 1377 W tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_UpdateTextureExternalOes(JNIEnv*, jobject, int, int, jdoubleArray): Got a negative timestamp -0.000000 from camera with id 0. 11-12 20:04:08.836 724 1317 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.keychain (pid 32013) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:04:08.843 10300 1560 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history:4718 history search unsuccessful! 11-12 20:04:08.845 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:04:08.845 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:04:08.845 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:04:08.845 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:04:08.863 1354 1377 W System.err: com.google.atap.tangoservice.TangoErrorException 11-12 20:04:08.864 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.google.atap.tangoservice.Tango.throwTangoExceptionIfNeeded(Tango.java:1533) 11-12 20:04:08.864 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.google.atap.tangoservice.Tango.updateTextureExternalOes(Tango.java:511) 11-12 20:04:08.865 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender(Native Method) 11-12 20:04:08.865 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.c(Unknown Source:0) 11-12 20:04:08.865 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$c$1.handleMessage(Unknown Source:151) 11-12 20:04:08.866 1354 1377 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:101) 11-12 20:04:08.866 1354 1377 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:04:08.866 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$c.run(Unknown Source:20) 11-12 20:04:08.883 724 739 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore (pid 31914) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:04:08.906 1384 1504 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) mCameraHandlerT expire 1 line 11-12 20:04:08.913 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger: take CDS! cds status 1, curr_triiger 26.462862, lowlight_start 22.000000, lowlight_end 25.000000 11-12 20:04:08.913 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_handle_eztune_event:885error: unknown entry (default case) 11-12 20:04:08.943 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 0! drop CDS! 11-12 20:04:08.944 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_do_hw_update:980 cds_debug entry 0 stream_id[0] 2 enable 1 11-12 20:04:08.958 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:04:08.959 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:04:08.959 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:04:08.959 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:04:08.960 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:04:08.960 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:04:08.960 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:04:08.960 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1557 E mm-camera: isp_util_update_cds:1731 cds_debug stream_id 2 enable 1 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_uv_subsample: 7902 cds_debug hw_stream[0] id 10002 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ==== 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 320, height = 120 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 640, scanlines = 240 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:04:08.977 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 250 cds wait KERNEL...... 11-12 20:04:09.010 1384 1416 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 178 lines 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: iface_util_hw_notify_buf_drop: hw stream state 3, need divert 1 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10002 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 10 identity 10002 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 10 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 10 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:04:09.010 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10003 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 10 identity 10003 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 10 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 10 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:04:09.011 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:04:09.028 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:04:09.040 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 261 cds wait KERNEL done! 11-12 20:04:09.163 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 11-12 20:04:09.166 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[9] ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0 AFBT 11-12 20:04:09.174 1354 1377 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (1080/1920) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (1080/1920) 11-12 20:04:09.204 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.442 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.467 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.506 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.539 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.571 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.605 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:09.806 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:10.208 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:10.553 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger: take CDS! cds status 1, curr_triiger 16.440971, lowlight_start 22.000000, lowlight_end 25.000000 11-12 20:04:10.553 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_handle_eztune_event:885error: unknown entry (default case) 11-12 20:04:10.587 10300 1546 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_do_hw_update:980 cds_debug entry 0 stream_id[0] 2 enable 1 11-12 20:04:10.604 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 0! drop CDS! 11-12 20:04:10.613 10300 1557 E mm-camera: isp_util_update_cds:1731 cds_debug stream_id 2 enable 1 11-12 20:04:10.614 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_uv_subsample: 7902 cds_debug hw_stream[0] id 10002 11-12 20:04:10.615 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:04:10.614 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ==== 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 640, height = 240 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 640, scanlines = 240 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:04:10.617 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 250 cds wait KERNEL...... 11-12 20:04:10.644 10300 1585 E mm-camera: iface_util_hw_notify_buf_drop: hw stream state 3, need divert 1 11-12 20:04:10.644 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10002 11-12 20:04:10.644 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 59 identity 10002 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 59 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 59 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10003 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 59 identity 10003 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 59 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 59 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:04:10.645 10300 1585 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:04:10.675 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:10.675 10300 1560 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:04:10.678 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 261 cds wait KERNEL done! 11-12 20:04:10.762 1384 1529 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 1 line 11-12 20:04:10.879 1384 1401 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines 11-12 20:04:11.010 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:11.195 1354 1359 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=22KB, data=30KB 11-12 20:04:11.196 1354 1359 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=22KB, data=30KB 11-12 20:04:11.196 1354 1359 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 11-12 20:04:11.674 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:12.076 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:12.341 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:12.476 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:12.610 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:12.675 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:13.963 1384 1416 I chatty : uid=10101(u0_a101) com.google.tango expire 237 lines 11-12 20:04:14.135 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 17465(1248KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(100KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 1.035ms total 655.192ms 11-12 20:04:14.342 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:14.408 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:14.875 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:15.276 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:15.342 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:15.477 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:15.842 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:16.341 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:16.473 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:16.540 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:16.743 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:16.765 724 1320 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.vending:instant_app_installer (pid 32095) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:04:16.789 724 762 W zygote64: kill(32095, 9) failed: No such process 11-12 20:04:16.876 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:17.143 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:17.609 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:17.743 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:17.972 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.441 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 20:04:18.475 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.540 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.608 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.672 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.743 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.907 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:18.941 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.008 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.143 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.207 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.408 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.541 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.608 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:19.940 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:20.026 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.6804443480069 ; 84598.7804213480122 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.506147502019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.026 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.7644213480089 ; 84598.7804213480122 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.506147502019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.026 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.7804213480122 ; 84598.7964213480154 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.506147502019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.033 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84598.78042135 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.040 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:20.130 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.7804213480122 ; 84598.880405347998 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.59527681701 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.130 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.8644053479948 ; 84598.880405347998 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.59527681701 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.131 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.880405347998 ; 84598.8964053480013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.59527681701 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.145 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84598.88040535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.248 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.880405347998 ; 84598.9803813480103 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.714111923007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.248 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.964381348007 ; 84598.9803813480103 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.714111923007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.248 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.9803813480103 ; 84598.9963813480135 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.714111923007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.252 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84598.98038135 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.339 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84598.9803813480103 ; 84599.0803673480114 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.803231433005 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.339 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.0643673480081 ; 84599.0803673480114 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.803231433005 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.339 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.0803673480114 ; 84599.0963673480146 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.803231433005 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.340 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:20.347 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.08036735 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.416 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.0803673480114 ; 84599.1803453480097 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.892358435027 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.416 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.1643453480065 ; 84599.1803453480097 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.892358435027 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.416 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.1803453480097 ; 84599.196345348013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.892358435027 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.419 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.18034535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.514 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.1803453480097 ; 84599.2803233480081 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.981481224007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.516 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.2643233480048 ; 84599.2803233480081 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.981481224007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.517 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.2803233480081 ; 84599.2963233480114 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253106.981481224007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.520 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.28032335 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.542 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:20.606 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:20.617 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.2803233480081 ; 84599.3803093480092 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.100314849027 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.617 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.3643093480059 ; 84599.3803093480092 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.100314849027 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.617 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.3803093480092 ; 84599.3963093480124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.100314849027 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.623 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.38030935 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.716 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.3803093480092 ; 84599.480292348002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.189436870016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.716 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.4642923479987 ; 84599.480292348002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.189436870016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.716 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.480292348002 ; 84599.4962923480052 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.189436870016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.728 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.48029235 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.822 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.480292348002 ; 84599.580271348008 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.308270562004 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.822 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.5642713480047 ; 84599.580271348008 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.308270562004 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.823 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.580271348008 ; 84599.5962713480112 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.308270562004 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.828 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.58027135 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:20.941 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.580271348008 ; 84599.6802553480084 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.427110727003 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.942 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.6642553480051 ; 84599.6802553480084 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.427110727003 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.951 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.6802553480084 ; 84599.6962553480116 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.427110727003 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:20.956 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.68025535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.066 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.6802553480084 ; 84599.7802353480074 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.545944858022 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.066 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.7642353480041 ; 84599.7802353480074 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.545944858022 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.066 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.7802353480074 ; 84599.7962353480107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.545944858022 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.073 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.78023535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.169 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.7802353480074 ; 84599.8802233480092 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.635076388018 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.170 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.8642233480059 ; 84599.8802233480092 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.635076388018 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.170 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.8802233480092 ; 84599.8962233480124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.635076388018 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.177 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.88022335 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.210 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:21.247 724 3107 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:04:21.288 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.8802233480092 ; 84599.9802003479999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.753909714025 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.290 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.9642003479967 ; 84599.9802003479999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.753909714025 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.290 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.9802003479999 ; 84599.9962003480032 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.753909714025 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.296 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84599.98020035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.343 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:21.384 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84599.9802003479999 ; 84600.113508348004 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.872771859023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.384 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.0975083480007 ; 84600.113508348004 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.872771859023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.384 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.113508348004 ; 84600.1295083480072 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.872771859023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.397 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.11350835 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.475 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.113508348004 ; 84600.2134903480037 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.961900691007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.475 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.1974903480004 ; 84600.2134903480037 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.961900691007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.478 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.2134903480037 ; 84600.2294903480069 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253107.961900691007 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.488 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.21349035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.545 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.2134903480037 ; 84600.3134703480027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.021326456015 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.545 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.2974703479995 ; 84600.3134703480027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.021326456015 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.545 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.3134703480027 ; 84600.329470348006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.021326456015 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.551 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.31347035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.654 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.3134703480027 ; 84600.4134593480121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.140166481026 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.654 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.3974593480089 ; 84600.4134593480121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.140166481026 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.654 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.4134593480121 ; 84600.4294593480154 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.140166481026 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.659 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.41345935 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.773 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.4134593480121 ; 84600.5134343480022 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.259011632006 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.773 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.4974343479989 ; 84600.5134343480022 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.259011632006 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.773 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.5134343480022 ; 84600.5294343480055 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.259011632006 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.779 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.51343435 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:21.920 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.5134343480022 ; 84600.6134193480102 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.377856366016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.921 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.597419348007 ; 84600.6134193480102 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.377856366016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.921 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.6134193480102 ; 84600.6294193480135 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.377856366016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:21.932 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.61341935 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.053 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.6134193480102 ; 84600.7467213480122 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.526405703014 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.053 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.730721348009 ; 84600.7467213480122 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.526405703014 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.053 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.7467213480122 ; 84600.7627213480155 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.526405703014 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.057 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.74672135 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.073 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:22.167 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.7467213480122 ; 84600.8800343480107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.64524041902 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.167 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.8640343480074 ; 84600.8800343480107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.64524041902 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.167 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.8800343480107 ; 84600.8960343480139 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.64524041902 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.176 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.88003435 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.262 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.8800343480107 ; 84600.9800133480021 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.734373509011 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.263 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.9640133479988 ; 84600.9800133480021 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.734373509011 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.263 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.9800133480021 ; 84600.9960133480054 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.734373509011 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.267 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84600.98001335 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.309 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:22.397 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84600.9800133480021 ; 84601.0799943480088 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.882910275017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.400 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.0639943480055 ; 84601.0799943480088 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.882910275017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.400 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.0799943480088 ; 84601.095994348012 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253108.882910275017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.407 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84601.07999435 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.508 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:22.575 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:22.667 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.0799943480088 ; 84601.2133033480059 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.150280376023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.670 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.1973033480026 ; 84601.2133033480059 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.150280376023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.670 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.2133033480059 ; 84601.2293033480091 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.150280376023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.693 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84601.21330335 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.753 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:04:22.761 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:04:22.868 1384 1416 I tango : timestamp_intrinsic_tests.cc:131 Timestamps: Features potential skipped frame, delta: 0.266618 11-12 20:04:22.871 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.2133033480059 ; 84601.4799213480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.358250648016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.872 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.4639213479968 ; 84601.4799213480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.358250648016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.872 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.4799213480001 ; 84601.4959213480033 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.358250648016 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:22.880 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84601.47992135 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:22.979 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:22.753 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:04:23.028 724 763 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 11-12 20:04:23.078 1384 1416 I tango : timestamp_intrinsic_tests.cc:131 Timestamps: Features potential skipped frame, delta: 0.233289 11-12 20:04:23.086 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.4799213480001 ; 84601.7132103480108 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.536511272017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.086 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.6972103480075 ; 84601.7132103480108 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.536511272017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.086 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.7132103480108 ; 84601.729210348014 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.536511272017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.092 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84601.71321035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.173 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:23.192 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.7132103480108 ; 84601.8798503480066 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.655348904023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.193 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.8638503480033 ; 84601.8798503480066 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.655348904023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.193 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.8798503480066 ; 84601.8958503480098 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.655348904023 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.201 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84601.87985035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.271 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.8798503480066 ; 84602.0131543480093 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.744476968015 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.271 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84601.997154348006 ; 84602.0131543480093 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.744476968015 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.271 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.0131543480093 ; 84602.0291543480125 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.744476968015 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.285 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.01315435 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.345 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.0131543480093 ; 84602.1131493480061 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.833568751026 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.345 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.0971493480029 ; 84602.1131493480061 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.833568751026 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.346 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.1131493480061 ; 84602.1291493480094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.833568751026 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.350 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.11314935 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.373 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:23.442 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.1131493480061 ; 84602.2131253480038 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.922703820019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.442 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.1971253480006 ; 84602.2131253480038 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.922703820019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.443 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.2131253480038 ; 84602.2291253480071 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253109.922703820019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.447 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.21312535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.529 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.2131253480038 ; 84602.3130993480008 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.01184081001 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.530 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.2970993479976 ; 84602.3130993480008 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.01184081001 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.530 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.3130993480008 ; 84602.3290993480041 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.01184081001 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.536 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.31309935 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.573 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:23.574 724 760 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app idle: u0a62 -2m4s404ms com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.download.DownloadNotificationService 11-12 20:04:23.574 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 20:04:23.579 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 20:04:23.589 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 20:04:23.672 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:23.711 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.3130993480008 ; 84602.4130803480075 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.160403688002 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.711 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.3970803480042 ; 84602.4130803480075 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.160403688002 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.711 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.4130803480075 ; 84602.4290803480108 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.160403688002 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.716 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.41308035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.728 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 20:04:23.729 3047 5228 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 20:04:23.772 512 8035 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 20:04:23.773 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:23.774 512 1615 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeed83640 tid=1615 ready to run 11-12 20:04:23.794 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.4130803480075 ; 84602.513071348003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.279255116009 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.795 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.4970713479997 ; 84602.513071348003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.279255116009 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.796 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.513071348003 ; 84602.5290713480063 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.279255116009 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.808 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.51307135 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:23.889 3047 8651 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 20:04:23.984 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.513071348003 ; 84602.6130353480112 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.457525564008 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.986 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.5970353480079 ; 84602.6130353480112 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.457525564008 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.986 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.6130353480112 ; 84602.6290353480144 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.457525564008 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:23.994 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.61303535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.083 1384 1416 I tango : timestamp_intrinsic_tests.cc:131 Timestamps: Features potential skipped frame, delta: 0.199985 11-12 20:04:24.089 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.6130353480112 ; 84602.8130203480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.576366826019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.089 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.7970203480072 ; 84602.8130203480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.576366826019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.089 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.8130203480105 ; 84602.8290203480137 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.576366826019 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.099 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.81302035 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.186 27878 27878 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 20:04:24.229 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.8130203480105 ; 84602.9129873480124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.695206266013 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.229 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.8969873480091 ; 84602.9129873480124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.695206266013 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.229 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.9129873480124 ; 84602.9289873480157 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.695206266013 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.236 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84602.91298735 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.269 11768 15122 I TrustAgent: [VoiceUnlockTrustletChimeraService] #isSupported true 11-12 20:04:24.343 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84602.9129873480124 ; 84603.0796253480075 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.814046303014 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.343 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.0636253480043 ; 84603.0796253480075 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.814046303014 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.343 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.0796253480075 ; 84603.0956253480108 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.814046303014 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.361 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84603.07962535 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.363 724 821 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/.NexusLauncherActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 11-12 20:04:24.373 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:24.446 1354 1354 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: false 11-12 20:04:24.471 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stats_buf_mgr_get_buf:338 failed: to get buf for stats type 3 11-12 20:04:24.471 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_parser_thread_process_raw_stats:257 failed: get buf failed 11-12 20:04:24.472 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_parser_thread_func:592 failed: isp_parser_process 11-12 20:04:24.492 1354 1354 I Unity : onPause 11-12 20:04:24.493 1354 1354 I TangoCameraNative: stopAllCameras() 11-12 20:04:24.501 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:24.501 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 started, calling stop. 11-12 20:04:24.504 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 in stopping state, waiting for stop. 11-12 20:04:24.505 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stats_buf_mgr_get_buf:338 failed: to get buf for stats type 3 11-12 20:04:24.505 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_parser_thread_process_raw_stats:257 failed: get buf failed 11-12 20:04:24.505 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_parser_thread_func:592 failed: isp_parser_process 11-12 20:04:24.506 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:24.524 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.0796253480075 ; 84603.1796023479983 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.992314775009 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.524 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.163602347995 ; 84603.1796023479983 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.992314775009 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.524 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.1796023479983 ; 84603.1956023480016 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253110.992314775009 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.530 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84603.17960235 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.559 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 20:04:24.560 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 20:04:24.574 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:24.619 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 20:04:24.620 1354 1532 I ndk_camera: Capture sequence completed. 11-12 20:04:24.626 27878 919 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:04:24.628 1354 1373 E ACameraDevice: onDeviceIdle sending state cb 11-12 20:04:24.629 1354 1532 I ndk_camera: Camera capture session done processing. 11-12 20:04:24.632 1384 1416 I tango : timestamp_intrinsic_tests.cc:131 Timestamps: Features potential skipped frame, delta: 0.19997 11-12 20:04:24.637 10299 4456 I CameraLatencyHistogram: Stream 0 dequeueBuffer latency histogram (467) samples: 11-12 20:04:24.638 10299 4456 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 inf (max ms) 11-12 20:04:24.638 10299 4456 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 99.14 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 (%) 11-12 20:04:24.641 10299 10399 I CameraLatencyHistogram: Stream 1 dequeueBuffer latency histogram (467) samples: 11-12 20:04:24.641 10299 10399 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 inf (max ms) 11-12 20:04:24.641 10299 10399 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 99.57 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%) 11-12 20:04:24.641 10299 10399 I CameraLatencyHistogram: Stream 1 latency histogram for wait on max_buffers (3) samples: 11-12 20:04:24.641 10299 10399 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 33 66 99 132 165 198 231 264 297 inf (max ms) 11-12 20:04:24.641 10299 10399 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%) 11-12 20:04:24.646 10299 10299 I CameraLatencyHistogram: Stream 2 dequeueBuffer latency histogram (467) samples: 11-12 20:04:24.646 10299 10299 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 inf (max ms) 11-12 20:04:24.646 10299 10299 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 98.72 0.64 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%) 11-12 20:04:24.647 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.1796023479983 ; 84603.3795723479998 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253111.111161072011 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.647 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.3635723479965 ; 84603.3795723479998 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253111.111161072011 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.647 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.3795723479998 ; 84603.395572348003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253111.111161072011 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.651 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:04:24.656 27878 27878 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 11-12 20:04:24.665 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84603.37957235 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.671 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_stats_buf_mgr_get_buf:338 failed: to get buf for stats type 3 11-12 20:04:24.671 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_parser_thread_process_raw_stats:257 failed: get buf failed 11-12 20:04:24.672 10300 1548 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_parser_thread_func:592 failed: isp_parser_process 11-12 20:04:24.673 10299 7702 E mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_del_poll_fd: invalid handler 88324 (4) 11-12 20:04:24.673 10300 1556 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:794] FD_STREAMOFF 0 10005 11-12 20:04:24.684 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:04:24.684 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:04:24.684 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:04:24.684 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:04:24.704 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:04:24.704 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 5 11-12 20:04:24.704 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 5 11-12 20:04:24.704 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamoff, first bundled streamoff all bindled streams! 11-12 20:04:24.704 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_update_streamon_id: left stream on count 2, skip hw streamoff 11-12 20:04:24.705 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_update_streamon_id: left stream on count 1, skip hw streamoff 11-12 20:04:24.705 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_update_streamon_id: invalid hw stream 9000f state 1, enforce streamoff! 11-12 20:04:24.706 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_stop: stats_cmd: enable = 0, num of stats stream = 6 11-12 20:04:24.707 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: interace 0 active count = 1, skip stop ispif 11-12 20:04:24.707 10300 1585 E mm-camera: iface_queue_buf: error, do not have VFE fd 11-12 20:04:24.707 10300 1585 E mm-camera: iface_util_buf_divert_notify: queue back buffer failed!hw stream id 10002, bufq handle 2be0006, buf_idx 4 rc = -1 11-12 20:04:24.710 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_streamoff: X, rc = 0 11-12 20:04:24.710 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: session_id = 1, active_streams = 0 11-12 20:04:24.710 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: X 11-12 20:04:24.711 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 5 11-12 20:04:24.711 10299 7702 E mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_del_poll_fd: invalid handler 87553 (1) 11-12 20:04:24.712 10299 1583 D QCamera3Stream: processDataNotify: Stream thread is not active, no ops here 11-12 20:04:24.714 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3462, info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10002 11-12 20:04:24.714 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3566] iden:0x10002, linked_params:0xe95e1800 11-12 20:04:24.714 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_hardware_process_streamoff:731] skip_iden:0x10003, duplicate_stream_status:0xed7f4224 11-12 20:04:24.719 10300 1549 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 224985600 BW inst 1466181818 11-12 20:04:24.720 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3611, info: stream-off done for identity 0x10002 11-12 20:04:24.723 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2 11-12 20:04:24.723 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 2 11-12 20:04:24.723 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 2 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 2total bundled stream num = 4 11-12 20:04:24.723 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: X 11-12 20:04:24.724 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2 11-12 20:04:24.725 10299 7702 E mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_del_poll_fd: invalid handler 87810 (2) 11-12 20:04:24.726 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3462, info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10003 11-12 20:04:24.727 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3566] iden:0x10003, linked_params:0xe95de000 11-12 20:04:24.728 10300 1549 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 195955200 BW inst 1466181818 11-12 20:04:24.728 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_hardware_process_streamoff:731] skip_iden:0x10002, duplicate_stream_status:0x0 11-12 20:04:24.728 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3611, info: stream-off done for identity 0x10003 11-12 20:04:24.728 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3 11-12 20:04:24.728 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3 11-12 20:04:24.729 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 1 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 3total bundled stream num = 4 11-12 20:04:24.729 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: X 11-12 20:04:24.729 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3 11-12 20:04:24.731 10299 7702 E mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_poll_thread_del_poll_fd: invalid handler 88067 (3) 11-12 20:04:24.762 10300 1560 E mm-camera: stats_port_event:1833 stats_port_event stop sending AEC_UPDATE 11-12 20:04:24.762 10300 1560 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:04:24.763 10300 1560 E mm-camera: stats_port_event:1849 stats_port_event stop sending AWB_UPDATE 11-12 20:04:24.771 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3462, info: doing stream-off for identity 0x10004 11-12 20:04:24.772 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3566] iden:0x10004, linked_params:0x0 11-12 20:04:24.772 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_hardware_process_streamoff:731] skip_iden:0x0, duplicate_stream_status:0x0 11-12 20:04:24.776 10300 1549 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 0 BW inst 0 11-12 20:04:24.776 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_streamoff_event:3611, info: stream-off done for identity 0x10004 11-12 20:04:24.779 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4 11-12 20:04:24.779 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4 11-12 20:04:24.779 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: skip streamoff! left 0 bundled streamoff, mct stream id 4total bundled stream num = 4 11-12 20:04:24.783 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010003, handle 505 11-12 20:04:24.783 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer 11-12 20:04:24.783 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010007, handle 302 11-12 20:04:24.783 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010008, handle 203 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 80010009, handle 401 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 8001000a, handle 608 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_axi_stats_stream_unconfig: release stats stream id 8001000b, handle 700 11-12 20:04:24.784 10300 1586 E mm-camera: iface_stats_unreg_buf: last VFE close, relase stats buffer 11-12 20:04:24.786 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 1 rdi_cnt= 1 used mask 3 11-12 20:04:24.786 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0 rdi_cnt= 1 used mask 0 11-12 20:04:24.786 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_util_release_resource: camif_cnt= 0 rdi_cnt= 0 used mask 0 11-12 20:04:24.789 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: all bundled stream streamoff, clear hal bundled mask 11-12 20:04:24.789 10300 1544 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff: X 11-12 20:04:24.790 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_streamoff_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 4 11-12 20:04:24.793 10300 1556 E mm-camera: sensor_pdaf_deinit:4287failed to open pdaf3 init library function 11-12 20:04:24.829 10299 7702 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stopping channel 87040 11-12 20:04:24.829 10299 7702 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[0] type = 0, format = 34, width = 320, height = 240, rotation = 0, usage = 0x800 11-12 20:04:24.829 10299 7702 E QCamera3Channel: stop: Attempt to stop inactive channel 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 2 mode 0 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10002, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.838 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:844 ide 10002 port 0xed4592a0 11-12 20:04:24.839 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10002 11-12 20:04:24.839 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10002, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.839 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10002 11-12 20:04:24.839 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10002, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.840 10299 7702 E QCamera3Channel: stop: Attempt to stop inactive channel 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10003, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10003, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 3 mode 0 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10003, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10003, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.844 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:844 ide 10003 port 0xed4592a0 11-12 20:04:24.845 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10003 11-12 20:04:24.845 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10003, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.845 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10003 11-12 20:04:24.845 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10003, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.845 10299 7702 E QCamera3Channel: stop: Attempt to stop inactive channel 11-12 20:04:24.849 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.3795723479998 ; 84603.479548348012 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253111.319139760017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.849 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.4635483480088 ; 84603.479548348012 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253111.319139760017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.849 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 84603.479548348012 ; 84603.4955483480153 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253094.503564664017 ; 253111.319139760017 ] sec. 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 4 mode 0 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10004, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.854 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:844 ide 10004 port 0xed4592a0 11-12 20:04:24.855 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10004 11-12 20:04:24.855 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10004, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.855 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x10004 11-12 20:04:24.855 10300 1556 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x10004, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.855 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [84603.47954835 < 253094.5035647] 11-12 20:04:24.859 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10005, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.859 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10005, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.859 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id 5 mode 0 11-12 20:04:24.859 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x10005, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.859 10300 1556 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream 11-12 20:04:24.859 10300 1556 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x10005, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.860 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:844 ide 10005 port 0xed4592a0 11-12 20:04:24.861 10299 7702 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 7, feature_mask is 0 11-12 20:04:24.864 10299 7702 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=101 11-12 20:04:24.876 10299 7702 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 1569) 11-12 20:04:24.877 1354 1532 I ndk_camera: Camera capture session closed. 11-12 20:04:24.877 1354 1532 E ndk_camera: onCaptureSessionClosed called, signalling on CV. 11-12 20:04:24.878 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 in open state. 11-12 20:04:24.883 10299 4456 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E 11-12 20:04:24.885 724 760 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{8c0d0af u0 com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t352} 11-12 20:04:24.885 10299 4456 I CameraLatencyHistogram: ProcessCaptureRequest latency histogram (467) samples: 11-12 20:04:24.887 10299 4456 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 inf (max ms) 11-12 20:04:24.887 10299 4456 I CameraLatencyHistogram: 96.57 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (%) 11-12 20:04:24.888 10299 4456 E QCamera3Channel: stop: Attempt to stop inactive channel 11-12 20:04:24.889 10299 4456 I chatty : uid=1047(cameraserver) Binder:10299_3 identical 1 line 11-12 20:04:24.889 10299 4456 E QCamera3Channel: stop: Attempt to stop inactive channel 11-12 20:04:24.889 10299 4456 E mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_fsm_fn_stopped: invalid state (1) for evt (6) 11-12 20:04:24.889 10299 4456 I QCamera3HWI: ~QCamera3HardwareInterface: stopping channel 87040 11-12 20:04:24.889 10299 4456 E QCamera3Channel: stop: Attempt to stop inactive channel 11-12 20:04:24.899 10300 1556 E mm-camera: isp_util_print_meta_stream_info:5716 Deallocate resources 11-12 20:04:24.921 10299 4456 E QCamera3HWI: ~QCamera3HardwareInterface: deleting channel 87040 11-12 20:04:24.923 10300 1556 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_process_set:2304: Couldn't find stream id: 0 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xed8af2c0, direction = 2 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id f mode 0 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: port_iface_ext_unlink_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: iface_ext_unlink_src_port: mct stream already removed from hw stream 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: port_iface_check_caps_unreserve_func: E, identity = 0x1000f, port = 0xed8af5c0, direction = 1 11-12 20:04:24.924 10300 10300 E mm-camera: isp_port_check_caps_unreserve:844 ide 1000f port 0xed4592a0 11-12 20:04:24.925 10300 10300 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:183, identity=0x1000f 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:193, identity=0x1000f, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:183, identity=0x1000f 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_unreserve:193, identity=0x1000f, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x1000f 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x1000f, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:164, identity=0x1000f 11-12 20:04:24.926 10300 10300 E mm-camera: cpp_port_check_caps_unreserve:174, identity=0x1000f, unreserved 11-12 20:04:24.927 10300 10300 E mm-camera: q3a_thread_af_stop:679 q3a_thread_af_stop:679 MSG_STOP_THREAD 11-12 20:04:24.928 10300 10300 D mm-camera: stats_port_delete_reserved_stream:2426: going to NULL peer 11-12 20:04:24.936 10300 1629 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_module_stop_session:437 session id 1 11-12 20:04:24.940 10300 1631 E mm-camera: cpp_module_stop_session:552, info: stopping session 1 ... 11-12 20:04:24.940 10300 1549 E mm-camera: cpp_thread_process_pipe_message:584, CPP_THREAD_MSG_ABORT: cpp_thread exiting.. 11-12 20:04:24.941 1384 1529 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:04:24.944 10300 1632 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_stop_session:1804] session cnt 1 11-12 20:04:24.944 906 927 I zygote64: NativeAllocBackground concurrent copying GC freed 25905(1123KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/13MB, paused 718us total 154.150ms 11-12 20:04:24.945 724 1371 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-12 20:04:24.945 724 1371 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 11-12 20:04:24.953 10300 1631 E mm-camera: cpp_module_stop_session:601, info: session 1 stopped. 11-12 20:04:24.953 10300 1631 E mm-camera: c2d_module_stop_session:354, info: stopping session 1 ... 11-12 20:04:24.953 10300 1550 E mm-camera: c2d_thread_process_pipe_message:836, C2D_THREAD_MSG_ABORT: c2d_thread exiting.. 11-12 20:04:24.956 10300 1631 E mm-camera: c2d_module_stop_session:399, info: session 1 stopped. 11-12 20:04:24.963 10300 1631 E cac2 : [cac2latency] cac2_destroy_buffers: 0 ms 11-12 20:04:24.997 10300 1630 E Sensors : sensors_poll_context_t::activate gets called! 11-12 20:04:25.015 10299 4456 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.2/legacy/0 torch status is now AVAILABLE_OFF 11-12 20:04:25.015 10299 4456 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=1 11-12 20:04:25.028 10299 4456 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: X 11-12 20:04:25.028 10299 4456 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E 11-12 20:04:25.041 1384 1529 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:04:25.049 10299 4456 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client for camera 0 for PID 1354 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 out of reset. 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 1 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 1 closed. 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 1 out of reset. 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 2 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native: Camera 3 entering reset... 11-12 20:04:25.050 1354 1507 I tango_camera_native: Camera not streaming, releasing ImageReader resources and returning from callback early. 11-12 20:04:25.051 1354 1507 E BufferItemConsumer: [ImageReader-640x480f23u3m16-1354-0] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 11-12 20:04:25.052 1354 1507 I chatty : uid=10100(u0_a100) ImageReader-640 identical 2 lines 11-12 20:04:25.052 1354 1507 E BufferItemConsumer: [ImageReader-640x480f23u3m16-1354-0] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 11-12 20:04:25.053 1354 1507 I tango_camera_native: Camera not streaming, releasing ImageReader resources and returning from callback early. 11-12 20:04:25.053 1354 1507 E tango_camera_native: AImageReader_acquireLatestImage failed during cleanup. 11-12 20:04:25.053 1354 1507 I tango_camera_native: Camera not streaming, releasing ImageReader resources and returning from callback early. 11-12 20:04:25.053 1354 1507 E tango_camera_native: AImageReader_acquireLatestImage failed during cleanup. 11-12 20:04:25.054 10299 10399 I Camera2ClientBase: Closed Camera 0. Client was: com.tomthecarrot.helloar (PID 1354, UID 10100) 11-12 20:04:25.055 1384 1416 I tango : java_service_entrypoint.cc:334 jint Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoServiceJNINative_Disconnect(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint): Disconnecting from Tango... 11-12 20:04:25.055 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:453 Received DISCONNECT call from client: com.tomthecarrot.helloar 11-12 20:04:25.053 1354 1507 I tango_camera_native: Camera not streaming, releasing ImageReader resources and returning from callback early. 11-12 20:04:25.056 1354 1507 E tango_camera_native: AImageReader_acquireLatestImage failed during cleanup. 11-12 20:04:25.066 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:173 ThreadLoop attempting disconnect number 0. 11-12 20:04:25.067 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:322 TangoContext::StopRuntime() /data/data/com.google.tango/files/datasets/ 11-12 20:04:25.068 1384 1416 I tango : tango_application.cc:346 TangoApplication: Stopping... 11-12 20:04:25.070 1384 1416 I tango : tango_image_callback.cc:66 Stopping YUV callback thread. 11-12 20:04:25.071 1384 1416 I tango : tango_image_callback.cc:68 YUV callback thread stopped. 11-12 20:04:25.071 1384 1416 I tango : tango_image_callback.cc:70 Releasing YUV callback thread images. 11-12 20:04:25.074 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: bool Stop(TangoHalDeviceContext): Using VHS 11-12 20:04:25.074 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:186 HAL device wrapper calling stop. 11-12 20:04:25.080 1384 1418 E tango-ndk-hal: Stopping cameras.. 11-12 20:04:25.151 24366 24392 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-12 20:04:25.152 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:189 HAL device wrapper stop call succeeded. 11-12 20:04:25.154 1384 1416 I tango : tango_application.cc:420 Running Area Learning in VIWLS mode, stopping online mapping. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : feature_combo_node.cc:181 Cleared scoped_image buffers in feature_combo. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:380 Starting ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:409 Finished ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:380 Starting ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:409 Finished ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : tango_application.cc:427 TangoApplication: Joined successfully. 11-12 20:04:25.160 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:179 ThreadLoop stopped Tango Runtime. 11-12 20:04:25.161 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:343 TangoContext::DestroyRuntime() 11-12 20:04:25.161 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:1146 TangoContext: Destroying Tango Service Application. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : tango_application.cc:346 TangoApplication: Stopping... 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : tango_application.cc:420 Running Area Learning in VIWLS mode, stopping online mapping. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : feature_combo_node.cc:181 Cleared scoped_image buffers in feature_combo. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:380 Starting ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:409 Finished ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:380 Starting ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:409 Finished ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : tango_application.cc:427 TangoApplication: Joined successfully. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:1169 Trying to reset application_. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : feature_combo_node.cc:181 Cleared scoped_image buffers in feature_combo. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:380 Starting ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:409 Finished ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:380 Starting ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.170 1384 1416 I tango : image_cache_inl.h:409 Finished ImageCache drain. 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: bool Close(TangoHalDeviceContext): Using VHS 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1418 E tango-ndk-hal: tango_hal_destroy called. 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1418 E tango-ndk-hal: Stopping cameras.. 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_interface.cc:212 Average feature detection frequency: 9.03017 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_wrapper.cc:111 Closing Tango HAL. 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:215 HAL device wrapper calling close, buffer balance at: 0 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:223 HAL device wrapper close call succeeded. 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: virtual tango_hal::TangoDeviceSensors::~TangoDeviceSensors() 11-12 20:04:25.173 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: virtual tango_hal::TangoDeviceSensors::~TangoDeviceSensors() 11-12 20:04:25.178 1384 1416 I tango : landmark_associator.cc:16 Total number of unique processed features: 0 11-12 20:04:25.178 1384 1416 I tango : landmark_associator.cc:20 Number of unique landmarks with at least two measurements: 0 11-12 20:04:25.178 1384 1416 I tango : landmark_associator.cc:22 Total number of landmarks in the map: 0 11-12 20:04:25.178 1384 1416 I tango : landmark_associator.cc:24 Total number of landmark candidates: 0 11-12 20:04:25.285 1384 1416 I tango : manager.cc:136 IMU average latency 0.104947ms variance 0.0912579 max 5.87746ms hz 202.024 11-12 20:04:25.286 1384 1416 I tango : manager.cc:142 VIO average latency 0ms variance 0 max -1.79769e+308ms hz -1 11-12 20:04:25.293 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:1172 Done resetting application_. (Took 0.124222 seconds.) 11-12 20:04:25.293 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:1175 TangoContext: Runtime has shut down! (Took 0.131242 seconds.) 11-12 20:04:25.297 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:184 ThreadLoop destroyed Tango Runtime. 11-12 20:04:25.299 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:504 Disconnect succeeded 11-12 20:04:25.301 1384 1416 I tango : java_service_entrypoint.cc:352 jint Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoServiceJNINative_Disconnect(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint): Successfully disconnected from Tango. 11-12 20:04:25.322 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:208 Should be signalling IDLE. 11-12 20:04:25.388 1354 1377 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 856512 frames delivered 11-12 20:04:25.389 1354 1377 D : PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 11-12 20:04:25.399 1354 1377 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:04:25.484 512 634 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:04:25.541 1354 1354 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0x0 11-12 20:04:25.810 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(5) reset and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:04:25.830 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:04:25.830 512 678 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:04:25.896 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 20:04:25.905 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:04:25.912 512 1615 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 20:04:25.912 512 1615 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 20:04:25.933 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:04:25.968 512 1615 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 20:04:25.969 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 20:04:25.976 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 20:04:25.977 3047 8653 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 20:04:25.982 3047 8651 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 20:04:26.006 3047 8651 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 20:04:26.125 512 8035 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 20:04:26.125 512 8035 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 20:04:26.126 724 12295 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 20:04:26.127 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 20:04:26.229 1354 1359 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=62KB, data=58KB 11-12 20:04:26.233 1354 1359 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=62KB, data=58KB 11-12 20:04:26.233 1354 1359 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 11-12 20:04:28.986 426 846 E android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: uevent received SUBSYSTEM=dual_role_usb 11-12 20:04:28.989 426 846 I android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: otg_default 11-12 20:04:29.001 426 846 I android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: canChangeMode: 1 canChagedata: 0 canChangePower:0 11-12 20:04:29.032 724 820 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 11-12 20:04:29.046 724 767 I UsbPortManager: USB port changed: port=UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=true, currentMode=ufp, currentPowerRole=sink, currentDataRole=device, supportedRoleCombinations=[source:host, sink:device]}, canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false 11-12 20:04:29.812 724 760 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.apps.photos/.scheduler.PowerReceiver 11-12 20:04:29.816 724 724 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy... 11-12 20:04:29.834 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:04:29.837 11768 11768 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_ACTIVE_STATE cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{source=PowerModeReceiver}] 11-12 20:04:29.944 724 12290 E LightsService: Light requested not available on this device. 3 11-12 20:04:29.989 724 12290 D LightsService: Excessive delay setting light: 62ms 11-12 20:04:30.592 11768 15122 I GCoreUlr: DispatchingService.updateActiveState+PowerModeReceiver: Ensuring that reporting is active for [account#13#] 11-12 20:04:30.621 11768 15122 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stop 11-12 20:04:30.702 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 463379(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 9MB/19MB, paused 30.522ms total 375.956ms 11-12 20:04:31.014 31995 32033 I Finsky : [887] com.google.android.finsky.contentfilterui.m.a(8): Received content filters request from sharedUserId=com.google.uid.shared:10020 11-12 20:04:29.834 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:04:31.132 724 3104 I ActivityManager: Process com.topjohnwu.magisk (pid 32164) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:04:31.191 432 432 E lowmemorykiller: Error writing /proc/32000/oom_score_adj; errno=22 11-12 20:04:31.203 724 11566 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.printspooler (pid 32000) has died: cch+4CEM 11-12 20:04:31.268 11768 15605 W ConfigurationChimeraPro: Got null configs for com.google.android.gms.backup 11-12 20:04:31.296 11768 24950 W ConfigurationChimeraPro: Got null configs for com.google.android.gms.constellation 11-12 20:04:31.529 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32 11-12 20:04:31.531 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 11-12 20:04:31.563 27917 28225 I Icing : Query from com.google.android.gms package restrict com.google.android.gms start 0 num 100 11-12 20:04:31.570 27917 31013 I Icing : App usage reports: 2 11-12 20:04:31.572 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 2, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:04:31.634 724 12286 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1670:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a20 for service com.google.android.gms/.droidguard.DroidGuardService 11-12 20:04:31.636 352 402 I Magisk : proc_monitor: com.google.android.gms.unstable (PID=1670 ns=mnt:[4026547200]) 11-12 20:04:31.732 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:04:31.759 724 740 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1685:android.process.acore/u0a0 for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2 11-12 20:04:31.865 1670 1670 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 11-12 20:04:32.002 1685 1685 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate start 11-12 20:04:32.033 1685 1685 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate finish 11-12 20:04:32.045 1670 1670 W linker : "/data/app/com.google.android.gms-OBlzL0YSnmqENM3MBO40vQ==/lib/arm64/libconscrypt_gmscore_jni.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a 11-12 20:04:32.061 1670 1670 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 276 native methods... 11-12 20:04:32.110 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 39550(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 9(500KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 484us total 114.066ms 11-12 20:04:32.119 1685 1705 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: WAL enabled for contacts2.db: true 11-12 20:04:32.141 1685 1685 I zygote64: Failed to open app image /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@app@UserDictionaryProvider@UserDictionaryProvider.apk@classes.art Oat checksum 0x49f9efad does not match the image one 0x84903513 in image /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@app@UserDictionaryProvider@UserDictionaryProvider.apk@classes.art 11-12 20:04:32.250 1670 1670 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-12 20:04:32.301 1670 1670 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL 11-12 20:04:32.416 1685 1705 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [[en_GB]]: […, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, …, А, Б, В, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Џ, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, …, א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, …, ا, ب, ت, ث, ج, ح, خ, د, ذ, ر, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ظ, ع, غ, ف, ق, ك, ل, م, ن, ه, و, ي, …, ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, …, ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, …, あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, …] 11-12 20:04:32.469 1685 1705 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: WAL enabled for profile.db: true 11-12 20:04:32.668 11768 14151 W ConfigurationChimeraPro: Got null configs for com.google.android.gms.droidguard 11-12 20:04:33.257 11768 32448 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:04:33.263 11768 32448 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:04:33.263 11768 32448 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:04:33.368 11768 32448 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:04:33.369 11768 32448 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:04:33.369 11768 32448 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:04:34.279 11768 1651 I InstantApps: DomainFilterImpl: Domain filter response size: 14148 11-12 20:04:34.371 1670 1714 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 11-12 20:04:34.371 1670 1714 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates 11-12 20:04:34.489 1670 1714 W zygote64: Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 20:04:34.655 1714 1714 W IntentService[D: type=1400 audit(0.0:2036): avc: denied { read } for name="/" dev="tmpfs" ino=9839 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 11-12 20:04:34.655 1714 1714 W IntentService[D: type=1400 audit(0.0:2037): avc: denied { read } for name="interrupts" dev="proc" ino=4026546044 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_interrupts:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 20:04:46.405 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 305910(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 5(92KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 9MB/19MB, paused 734us total 141.006ms 11-12 20:04:46.484 31995 32031 I Finsky : [886] com.google.android.finsky.contentfilterui.m.a(8): Received content filters request from sharedUserId=com.google.uid.shared:10020 11-12 20:04:46.848 11768 1725 I InstantApps: DomainFilterImpl: Domain filter response size: 14148 11-12 20:04:48.862 6320 6320 I adbd : Calling send_auth_request... 11-12 20:04:48.893 6320 6320 I adbd : Loading keys from /data/misc/adb/adb_keys 11-12 20:04:59.824 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 11-12 20:05:00.115 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 11-12 20:05:00.116 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 20:05:00.116 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 20:05:00.116 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 11-12 20:05:00.117 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:05:00.117 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_stop 11-12 20:05:00.125 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:05:00.125 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_set_task 11-12 20:05:00.125 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:05:00.126 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing task 11-12 20:05:00.126 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 11-12 20:05:00.126 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 11-12 20:05:00.126 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 20:05:00.131 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_enable: property value='0' kpi_active=0 11-12 20:05:00.131 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 20:05:00.329 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 11-12 20:05:00.335 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 6 ms 11-12 20:05:00.402 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-12 20:05:00.401 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 20:05:00.402 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-12 20:05:00.402 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-12 20:05:00.405 724 767 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 20:05:00.409 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:05:00.413 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 20:05:00.422 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 11-12 20:05:00.460 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 20:05:00.562 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 11-12 20:05:00.563 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 11-12 20:05:00.564 724 862 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 162ms 11-12 20:05:00.692 528 528 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 197 ms 11-12 20:05:00.759 27878 1620 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:05:00.860 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:05:00.871 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:05:00.871 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:05:00.871 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:05:00.871 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:05:00.921 27917 27917 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 11-12 20:05:00.922 27917 27917 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 11-12 20:05:00.932 27917 28066 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0) 11-12 20:05:00.948 27917 28066 W MdnsClient_Cast: Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:05:00.953 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:05:00.962 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:05:03.909 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:04.242 27878 1752 E NotificationStore: Error reading notifications from disk 11-12 20:05:04.286 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task proactive_run_request_manager. 11-12 20:05:04.429 27878 29089 W LocationOracle: No location history returned by ContextManager 11-12 20:05:04.639 27878 1752 W RequestManagerImpl: graph.recentDetectedActivityOptional() should be cached 11-12 20:05:04.739 27878 921 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 20:05:05.214 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:05:05.326 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:05:05.864 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 20:05:05.875 27878 29089 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 20:05:06.668 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:05:06.917 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_reset_without_restart. 11-12 20:05:07.031 11768 15605 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[creatorPackage=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox], packageName=null] 11-12 20:05:07.038 27878 1752 E GeofenceHelper: Failed: remove geofences by PendingIntent 11-12 20:05:07.123 11768 11826 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_IDS Ids=[3b9ae35e-1359-4e40-923a-4a0ab072549c], packageName=com.google.android.gms] 11-12 20:05:07.161 27878 1752 I TrainingQuestionManager: updateFromServerResponse: no new training mode data and no pending answered questions to clear 11-12 20:05:07.177 11768 11826 I GeofencerStateMachine: addGeofences: geofencingRequest=GeofencingRequest[geofences=[Geofence[CIRCLE id:3e64aee9-660d-4aa1-ab5b-ce925e654dc1 transitions:3 51.514612, -0.017538 10000m, resp=300s, dwell=-1ms, @-1]], initialTrigger=5, tag=] intent=PendingIntent{9473c31: android.os.BinderProxy@5a2daf0} 11-12 20:05:08.176 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:05:08.237 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:08.355 27878 29089 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:08.425 27878 28183 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:08.429 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 31144(1798KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(180KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 960us total 154.618ms 11-12 20:05:08.493 27878 1758 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:08.570 11768 32448 W ctxmgr : [WorkManager]Long workInfo: pkg=com.google.android.gms, lbl=FenceEvaluationOperation, start=2017-11-12 20:05:07.177+0000, stop=2017-11-12 20:05:08.568+0000, durtn=1391ms 11-12 20:05:08.590 27878 1758 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:13.344 724 12289 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) } to com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService from pid=32185 uid=10062 pkg=com.android.chrome 11-12 20:05:08.700 27878 1758 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition. 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: Unable to handle inbound message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{2cbb4c3 u0a62 RCVR bg:+1m49s773ms idle procs:2 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.android.chrome/com.google.ipc.invalidation.ticl.android2.TiclService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{2cbb4c3 u0a62 RCVR bg:+1m49s773ms idle procs:2 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.services.gcm.ChromeGcmListenerService.onMessageReceived(ChromeGcmListenerService.java:59) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.android.gms.gcm.O.handleIntent(Unknown Source:10) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at com.google.firebase.z.M.run(Unknown Source:3) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 11-12 20:05:13.483 32185 32434 W AndroidGcmController: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 11-12 20:05:18.287 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 20:05:29.836 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:05:29.864 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task upload_audio_logs. 11-12 20:05:29.836 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:05:29.865 724 724 V BackupManagerService: Scheduling immediate backup pass 11-12 20:05:29.885 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task upload_hotword_settings. 11-12 20:05:29.895 724 724 V BackupManagerService: Running a backup pass 11-12 20:05:29.895 724 3010 V BackupManagerService: clearing pending backups 11-12 20:05:29.922 27878 1101 W S3UtteranceSender: Should not send utterances. 11-12 20:05:29.923 724 3010 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=6e60e4aa 11-12 20:05:29.923 724 3010 V PerformBackupTask: Beginning backup of 7 targets 11-12 20:05:29.945 27878 28183 I UploadHwSettingsTask: Uploading hotword settings to server. 11-12 20:05:29.949 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on @pm@ 11-12 20:05:30.012 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:30.116 11768 14151 W Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Unknown package in backup request: @pm@ 11-12 20:05:30.124 27878 1243 W CronetHttpEngine: Upload request without a content type. 11-12 20:05:30.144 11768 14151 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:30.144 11768 14151 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for @pm@ 11-12 20:05:30.149 11768 14151 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for @pm@ 11-12 20:05:30.454 11768 11779 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:30.477 11768 11779 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:30.477 11768 11779 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:30.760 11768 11779 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:30.760 11768 11779 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:30.760 11768 11779 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:30.786 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 20640(1359KB) AllocSpace objects, 12(340KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 374us total 134.071ms 11-12 20:05:30.929 11768 11840 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void ampo.b(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) due to JIT inline cache 11-12 20:05:31.012 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:31.018 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:31.018 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:31.139 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:31.140 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:31.140 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:31.573 11768 11840 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:31.577 11768 11840 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for @pm@ 11-12 20:05:31.586 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.chrome.beta} 11-12 20:05:31.678 724 3010 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1805:com.chrome.beta/u0a98 for backup com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeBackupAgent 11-12 20:05:31.701 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{7d428c9 com.chrome.beta} 11-12 20:05:32.179 724 12288 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=com.chrome.beta agent=android.os.BinderProxy@e38cbce 11-12 20:05:32.179 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.IBackupAgent$Stub$Proxy@b9bbaef 11-12 20:05:32.179 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:32.318 1805 1822 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates not found. 11-12 20:05:32.349 1805 1805 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 109 ms (timestamps 1140-1249) 11-12 20:05:32.360 1805 1822 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 20:05:32.362 1805 1805 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 20:05:32.362 1805 1805 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "63.0.3239.41", actual native library version number "63.0.3239.41" 11-12 20:05:32.368 1805 1822 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 11-12 20:05:32.368 1805 1822 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates, version >= 4 11-12 20:05:32.372 1805 1805 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 11-12 20:05:32.571 1805 1822 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 11-12 20:05:32.698 1805 1805 W com.chrome.beta: type=1400 audit(0.0:2038): avc: denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026546034 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 20:05:34.681 1805 1817 I cr_ChromeBackupAgent: Can't read backup status file 11-12 20:05:34.705 1805 1817 I cr_ChromeBackupAgent: Backup complete 11-12 20:05:34.717 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:34.731 11768 12188 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:34.731 11768 12188 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:34.733 11768 12188 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:34.909 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:34.910 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:34.910 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:34.986 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:34.986 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:34.986 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:35.194 1805 1838 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 11-12 20:05:35.388 11768 11781 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:35.391 11768 11781 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:35.427 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=android} 11-12 20:05:35.428 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{9013f2a android} 11-12 20:05:35.496 724 724 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=android agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@58917bf 11-12 20:05:35.497 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@58917bf 11-12 20:05:35.497 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on android 11-12 20:05:35.560 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling existing helper 'account_manager' com.android.server.backup.AccountManagerBackupHelper@d557e8c 11-12 20:05:35.627 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling existing helper 'account_sync_settings' com.android.server.backup.AccountSyncSettingsBackupHelper@63db9d5 11-12 20:05:35.638 724 3010 I AccountSyncSettingsBackupHelper: Backup state version is: 536870912 (support only up to version 1) 11-12 20:05:35.638 724 3010 I AccountSyncSettingsBackupHelper: Backup successful. 11-12 20:05:35.638 724 3010 W BackupHelperDispatcher_native: Skipping unknown header version: 0x0000001f, 24144968 bytes 11-12 20:05:35.639 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling new helper 'notifications' 11-12 20:05:35.661 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling new helper 'permissions' 11-12 20:05:35.679 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling new helper 'preferred_activities' 11-12 20:05:35.684 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling new helper 'shortcut_manager' 11-12 20:05:35.732 724 3010 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling new helper 'usage_stats' 11-12 20:05:35.892 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:35.903 11768 11779 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:35.903 11768 11779 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for android 11-12 20:05:35.904 11768 11779 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for android 11-12 20:05:36.087 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:36.088 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:36.088 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:36.216 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:36.218 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:36.218 11768 11840 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:36.692 11768 11840 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:36.697 11768 11840 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for android 11-12 20:05:36.701 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.google.android.apps.gcs} 11-12 20:05:36.735 724 3010 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1861:com.google.android.apps.gcs/u0a19 for backup com.google.android.apps.gcs/.storage.GcsBackupAgent 11-12 20:05:36.735 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{3b2462f com.google.android.apps.gcs} 11-12 20:05:36.910 1805 1818 I zygote : Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 11-12 20:05:36.955 1805 1818 I zygote : WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 44.308ms for cause ProfileSaver 11-12 20:05:37.090 1861 1861 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 11.7.32 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run: 11-12 20:05:37.090 1861 1861 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG 11-12 20:05:37.090 1861 1861 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4 11-12 20:05:37.184 724 904 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=com.google.android.apps.gcs agent=android.os.BinderProxy@94cc443 11-12 20:05:37.184 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.IBackupAgent$Stub$Proxy@84e2ac0 11-12 20:05:37.184 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on com.google.android.apps.gcs 11-12 20:05:37.193 724 3010 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 240 minutes 11-12 20:05:37.251 1861 1872 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling existing helper 'persistent_backup_agent_helper_prefs' android.app.backup.SharedPreferencesBackupHelper@c1a7f07 11-12 20:05:37.274 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:37.280 11768 21641 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:37.280 11768 21641 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for com.google.android.apps.gcs 11-12 20:05:37.281 11768 21641 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for com.google.android.apps.gcs 11-12 20:05:37.289 1861 1881 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 11-12 20:05:37.521 11768 24950 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:37.522 11768 24950 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:37.522 11768 24950 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:37.580 11768 24950 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:37.581 11768 24950 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:37.581 11768 24950 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:38.170 11768 24950 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:38.173 11768 24950 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for com.google.android.apps.gcs 11-12 20:05:38.178 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.android.providers.settings} 11-12 20:05:38.181 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{150196e com.android.providers.settings} 11-12 20:05:38.187 724 724 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=com.android.providers.settings agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@f541931 11-12 20:05:38.187 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@f541931 11-12 20:05:38.187 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on com.android.providers.settings 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:736) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.canonicalize(ContentProviderNative.java:740) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.content.ContentResolver.canonicalize(ContentResolver.java:842) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsHelper.getCanonicalRingtoneValue(SettingsHelper.java:229) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsHelper.onBackupValue(SettingsHelper.java:195) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsBackupAgent.extractRelevantValues(SettingsBackupAgent.java:721) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsBackupAgent.getSystemSettings(SettingsBackupAgent.java:507) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.providers.settings.SettingsBackupAgent.onBackup(SettingsBackupAgent.java:158) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder.doBackup(BackupAgent.java:908) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$PerformBackupTask.invokeAgentForBackup(BackupManagerService.java:3236) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$PerformBackupTask.invokeNextAgent(BackupManagerService.java:3016) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$PerformBackupTask.execute(BackupManagerService.java:2801) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$BackupHandler.handleMessage(BackupManagerService.java:926) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:05:38.201 724 3010 W Binder : at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 11-12 20:05:38.261 724 3010 D WifiService: Retrieving backup data 11-12 20:05:38.280 724 3010 D WifiService: Retrieved backup data 11-12 20:05:38.285 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:38.292 11768 20268 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:38.292 11768 20268 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for com.android.providers.settings 11-12 20:05:38.292 11768 20268 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for com.android.providers.settings 11-12 20:05:38.411 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:38.411 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:38.411 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:38.710 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:38.711 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:38.711 11768 11781 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:39.137 11768 11781 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:39.142 11768 11781 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for com.android.providers.settings 11-12 20:05:39.146 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.android.calllogbackup} 11-12 20:05:39.176 724 3010 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1891:com.android.calllogbackup/u0a0 for backup com.android.calllogbackup/.CallLogBackupAgent 11-12 20:05:39.177 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{a15bf91 com.android.calllogbackup} 11-12 20:05:39.270 724 740 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=com.android.calllogbackup agent=android.os.BinderProxy@1a1c3f0 11-12 20:05:39.270 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.IBackupAgent$Stub$Proxy@733bd69 11-12 20:05:39.270 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on com.android.calllogbackup 11-12 20:05:39.301 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:39.308 11768 11779 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:39.308 11768 11779 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for com.android.calllogbackup 11-12 20:05:39.308 11768 11779 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for com.android.calllogbackup 11-12 20:05:39.498 11768 12235 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:39.499 11768 12235 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:39.499 11768 12235 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:39.676 11768 12235 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:39.676 11768 12235 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:39.677 11768 12235 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:40.498 27917 1907 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 20:05:40.583 11768 12235 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:40.586 11768 12235 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for com.android.calllogbackup 11-12 20:05:40.590 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.chrome.dev} 11-12 20:05:40.594 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{76cb0a1 com.chrome.dev} 11-12 20:05:40.633 724 1317 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=com.chrome.dev agent=android.os.BinderProxy@49e72c6 11-12 20:05:40.633 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.IBackupAgent$Stub$Proxy@9936287 11-12 20:05:40.633 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on com.chrome.dev 11-12 20:05:40.676 32511 32511 I cr_base : Android Locale: en_GB requires .pak files: [en-GB.pak, en-US.pak] 11-12 20:05:40.791 32511 32511 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 113 ms (timestamps 9579-9692) 11-12 20:05:40.802 32511 32511 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-12 20:05:40.802 32511 32511 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "64.0.3261.0", actual native library version number "64.0.3261.0" 11-12 20:05:40.810 32511 32511 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 11-12 20:05:41.098 32511 32511 W com.chrome.dev: type=1400 audit(0.0:2039): avc: denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026546034 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-12 20:05:41.681 32511 32523 I cr_ChromeBackupAgent: Can't read backup status file 11-12 20:05:41.723 32511 32523 I cr_ChromeBackupAgent: Backup complete 11-12 20:05:41.762 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:41.769 11768 11841 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:41.770 11768 11841 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for com.chrome.dev 11-12 20:05:41.771 11768 11841 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for com.chrome.dev 11-12 20:05:41.840 1861 1874 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 11-12 20:05:41.910 1861 1874 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 69.938ms for cause ProfileSaver 11-12 20:05:42.027 11768 21641 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:42.028 11768 21641 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:42.028 11768 21641 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:42.055 11768 21641 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:42.056 11768 21641 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:42.056 11768 21641 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:42.123 32511 1927 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 11-12 20:05:42.462 11768 21641 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:42.465 11768 21641 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for com.chrome.dev 11-12 20:05:42.473 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: starting key/value backup of BackupRequest{pkg=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin} 11-12 20:05:42.475 724 3010 D BackupManagerService: awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{2137f82 com.google.android.inputmethod.latin} 11-12 20:05:42.513 724 12288 D BackupManagerService: agentConnected pkg=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin agent=android.os.BinderProxy@3e48157 11-12 20:05:42.514 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: got agent android.app.IBackupAgent$Stub$Proxy@7fdc444 11-12 20:05:42.514 724 3010 D PerformBackupTask: invokeAgentForBackup on com.google.android.inputmethod.latin 11-12 20:05:42.518 27898 28077 D BackupHelperDispatcher: handling existing helper 'shared_pref' android.app.backup.SharedPreferencesBackupHelper@f4e35bc 11-12 20:05:42.524 724 3010 I BackupRestoreController: Getting widget state for user: 0 11-12 20:05:42.531 11768 14151 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Starting new backup session 11-12 20:05:42.531 11768 14151 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] starting performBackup for com.google.android.inputmethod.latin 11-12 20:05:42.532 11768 14151 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] performBackup done for com.google.android.inputmethod.latin 11-12 20:05:42.743 11768 11825 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:42.743 11768 11825 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:42.743 11768 11825 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:42.804 11768 11825 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:05:42.804 11768 11825 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:42.804 11768 11825 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:05:43.000 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 51000(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 54(1600KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 522us total 114.503ms 11-12 20:05:43.142 11768 11825 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Http Response Code: 200 11-12 20:05:43.144 11768 11825 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Backup finished for com.google.android.inputmethod.latin 11-12 20:05:43.155 724 3010 I BackupManagerService: K/V backup pass finished. 11-12 20:05:43.174 27917 28066 W Herrevad: [3924] tur.a: On wifi, but couldn't get security type 11-12 20:05:44.864 724 12293 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) } to com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService from pid=1805 uid=10098 pkg=com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{daf436a u0a98 CEM idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.InvalidationController.startServiceIfPossible(InvalidationController.java:31) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.InvalidationController.ensureStartedAndUpdateRegisteredTypes(InvalidationController.java:21) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync.SyncController.syncStateChanged(SyncController.java:45) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync.ProfileSyncService.syncStateChanged(ProfileSyncService.java:75) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 20:05:44.956 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 20:05:45.170 724 3272 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) } to com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService from pid=1805 uid=10098 pkg=com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{daf436a u0a98 CEM idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.components.invalidation.InvalidationService.setRegisteredObjectIds(InvalidationService.java:32) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 20:05:45.172 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 20:05:45.238 1805 1961 W chromium: [WARNING:syncer_proto_util.cc(338)] Error posting from syncer: Response Code (bogus on error): -1 Content-Length (bogus on error): -1 Server Status: SYNC_AUTH_ERROR 11-12 20:05:45.936 724 904 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=546, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@d75b1a) 11-12 20:05:45.936 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Process com.twitter.android (pid 32701) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:05:45.981 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Killing 32722:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a86i329 (adj 0): isolated not needed 11-12 20:05:45.982 724 762 W zygote64: failed to open /acct/uid_99329/pid_32722/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory 11-12 20:05:46.060 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=546, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 20:05:46.234 724 3276 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) } to com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService from pid=1805 uid=10098 pkg=com.chrome.beta 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.chrome.beta/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{daf436a u0a98 CEM idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.components.invalidation.InvalidationService.setRegisteredObjectIds(InvalidationService.java:32) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 20:05:46.236 1805 1805 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 20:05:46.449 724 12299 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=550, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@3721828) 11-12 20:05:46.449 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.dev (pid 32511) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:05:46.451 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=550, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 20:05:47.537 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 11286(927KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(96KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 435us total 104.639ms 11-12 20:05:55.927 24366 879 I ClearcutLoggerApiImpl: disconnect managed GoogleApiClient 11-12 20:06:07.292 11768 11778 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 118197(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(428KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/20MB, paused 408us total 116.951ms 11-12 20:06:07.361 1861 1977 I PhenotypeExpCommitSvc: [4066] PhenotypeExperimentCommitService.a: Successfully committed experiments for user [7S_6Kw--8V4NZOIx5LW1F919sp4] 11-12 20:06:07.417 11768 11877 E NetworkScheduler: ignoring stale queue check message 11-12 20:06:22.701 31995 32047 I PlayCommon: [894] com.google.android.play.a.h.e(248): Preparing logs for uploading 11-12 20:06:22.847 31995 32047 I PlayCommon: [894] com.google.android.play.a.h.a(470): Connecting to server: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log?format=raw&proto_v2=true 11-12 20:06:23.692 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:06:23.822 27878 1752 W LocationOracle: No location history returned by ContextManager 11-12 20:06:24.148 11768 11781 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[creatorPackage=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox], packageName=null] 11-12 20:06:24.159 27878 28183 E GeofenceHelper: Failed: remove geofences by PendingIntent 11-12 20:06:24.203 31995 32047 I PlayCommon: [894] com.google.android.play.a.h.a(527): Successfully uploaded logs. 11-12 20:06:28.559 11768 11768 W GCM-DMM : Force release of GOOGLE_C2DM lock 11-12 20:07:03.409 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(0) 11-12 20:07:03.420 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_identify 11-12 20:07:03.485 906 906 I FingerprintController: fingerprint acquired, grabbing fp wakelock 11-12 20:07:03.497 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_identify: coverage: 77, quality: 61 11-12 20:07:03.497 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_get_auth_result 11-12 20:07:03.506 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->challenge 0 11-12 20:07:03.506 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->authenticator_id 17650328091476309850 11-12 20:07:03.506 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->authenticator_type 33554432 11-12 20:07:03.506 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->timestamp 7693301615670853632 11-12 20:07:03.506 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->user_id 1093764730857823633 11-12 20:07:03.506 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->version 0 11-12 20:07:03.507 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAuthenticated(fid=-491525677, gid=0) 11-12 20:07:03.507 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_update_template 11-12 20:07:03.510 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_store_template_db 11-12 20:07:03.538 724 724 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=-491525677, gp=0) 11-12 20:07:03.543 906 906 I FingerprintController: fp wakelock: Authenticated, waking up... 11-12 20:07:03.544 724 1376 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 10040)... 11-12 20:07:03.544 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-12 20:07:03.545 906 906 I FingerprintController: releasing fp wakelock 11-12 20:07:03.545 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 20:07:03.549 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-12 20:07:03.549 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing default task 11-12 20:07:03.549 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop 11-12 20:07:03.551 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 20:07:03.552 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 11-12 20:07:03.573 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 20:07:03.602 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 20:07:03.712 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 11-12 20:07:03.712 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 20:07:03.714 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 20:07:03.715 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 11-12 20:07:03.715 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:07:03.722 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_stop 11-12 20:07:03.728 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:07:03.728 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_set_task 11-12 20:07:03.728 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:07:03.728 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing task 11-12 20:07:03.728 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 11-12 20:07:03.728 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 11-12 20:07:03.729 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 20:07:03.734 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_enable: property value='0' kpi_active=0 11-12 20:07:03.734 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 20:07:03.735 724 11567 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:07:03.782 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 11-12 20:07:03.783 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 11-12 20:07:03.785 724 862 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 236ms 11-12 20:07:03.796 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:07:03.859 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 20:07:03.859 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 20:07:03.889 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 20:07:03.895 27878 1242 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:07:03.911 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:07:04.058 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:07:04.074 724 724 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 11-12 20:07:04.058 906 906 I chatty : uid=10040(u0_a40) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 11-12 20:07:04.061 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:07:04.075 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_cancel 11-12 20:07:04.075 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:07:04.085 580 667 E fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate failed FPC_ERROR_CANCELLED 11-12 20:07:04.085 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:07:04.085 580 580 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onError(5) 11-12 20:07:04.086 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:07:04.087 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing default task 11-12 20:07:04.087 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop 11-12 20:07:04.087 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 11-12 20:07:04.087 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 20:07:04.087 724 724 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 11-12 20:07:04.095 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_start 11-12 20:07:04.101 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:07:04.132 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:07:04.133 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:07:04.147 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:07:04.148 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:07:04.148 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:07:04.148 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:07:04.167 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: User Present. Maybe fetch home. 11-12 20:07:04.168 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: fetch for account abdullahibneat@gmail.com 11-12 20:07:04.171 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 11-12 20:07:04.175 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeFetcher: return existing home address! 11-12 20:07:04.175 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: home address is not changed. 11-12 20:07:04.185 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:07:04.268 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 724 ms 11-12 20:07:04.273 724 771 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 729 ms 11-12 20:07:04.273 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-12 20:07:04.274 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 20:07:04.307 724 3272 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-12 20:07:04.308 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 20:07:04.309 724 767 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 20:07:04.336 27917 31013 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media) scannerFlags(2) 11-12 20:07:04.424 27917 2011 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 11-12 20:07:04.440 24366 24392 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-12 20:07:04.495 27917 31013 W MdnsClient_Cast: #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:07:04.541 27917 31013 W MdnsClient_Cast: Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:07:04.554 27917 31013 W MdnsClient_Cast: #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:07:04.608 11768 32448 E ctxmgr : [AppIntervalImpl]closeInterval: ongoing 11-12 20:07:04.754 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 11-12 20:07:04.761 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=null, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:07:04.762 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:07:04.762 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:07:04.762 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:07:04.773 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:07:04.773 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:07:08.857 724 904 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:07:24.154 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:07:24.202 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:24.202 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:07:24.726 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:07:24.726 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:24.726 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:07:26.587 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 46652(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 422us total 103.817ms 11-12 20:07:26.920 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:07:26.921 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:26.921 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:07:27.493 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:07:27.505 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:27.506 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:07:28.511 724 11459 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:07:29.654 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:07:29.655 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:29.655 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:07:29.834 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:07:30.154 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:07:30.155 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:30.155 31635 2036 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:07:31.082 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 20:07:31.083 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 20:07:31.089 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 20:07:29.835 724 763 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-12 20:07:31.103 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 20:07:31.105 3047 3059 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 20:07:31.115 512 9238 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 20:07:31.119 512 2059 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeeb96f40 tid=2059 ready to run 11-12 20:07:31.176 3047 8653 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 20:07:32.151 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 20:07:32.158 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=32 11-12 20:07:32.228 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:07:32.288 27917 28066 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:07:33.186 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 20:07:33.197 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:07:33.217 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:07:33.222 512 2059 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 20:07:33.222 512 2059 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 20:07:33.274 512 2059 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 20:07:33.274 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 20:07:33.283 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 20:07:33.283 3047 8662 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 20:07:33.311 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing 94BE9FCFE9745C55BCE080993E5A83E1669A9F3E from com.google.android.gm 11-12 20:07:33.318 3047 8653 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 20:07:33.318 3047 8653 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 20:07:33.358 512 8654 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 20:07:33.358 512 8654 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 20:07:33.361 724 12297 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 20:07:33.362 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 20:07:33.391 27917 28066 I Icing : Indexing done 94BE9FCFE9745C55BCE080993E5A83E1669A9F3E 11-12 20:07:33.555 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 11-12 20:07:33.695 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 11-12 20:07:33.695 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 20:07:33.696 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 20:07:33.696 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 11-12 20:07:33.696 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:07:33.696 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_stop 11-12 20:07:33.704 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:07:33.705 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_set_task 11-12 20:07:33.705 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:07:33.705 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing task 11-12 20:07:33.705 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 11-12 20:07:33.705 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 11-12 20:07:33.706 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 20:07:33.710 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_enable: property value='0' kpi_active=0 11-12 20:07:33.710 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 20:07:33.936 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 11-12 20:07:33.946 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 10 ms 11-12 20:07:33.957 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 11-12 20:07:33.957 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 20:07:33.964 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:07:33.968 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 11-12 20:07:33.975 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 20:07:33.976 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 20:07:33.979 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 11-12 20:07:33.979 724 771 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 11-12 20:07:33.980 724 767 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 20:07:34.086 27878 921 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:07:34.093 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 11-12 20:07:34.094 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 11-12 20:07:34.095 724 862 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 137ms 11-12 20:07:34.115 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:07:34.130 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:07:34.130 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:07:34.130 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:07:34.131 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:07:34.132 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:07:34.132 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:07:34.132 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:07:34.132 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:07:34.224 27917 27917 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 11-12 20:07:34.224 27917 27917 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 11-12 20:07:34.240 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:07:34.241 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Removing route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:07:34.241 27917 28066 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0) 11-12 20:07:34.243 27917 28066 W MdnsClient_Cast: Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:07:38.761 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:07:38.800 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:07:39.122 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 20:07:39.124 27878 28183 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 20:07:40.672 27917 2070 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 20:07:40.709 724 759 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 11-12 20:07:58.676 724 11459 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) } to com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService from pid=32185 uid=10062 pkg=com.android.chrome 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{2cbb4c3 u0a62 CAC bg:+4m35s104ms idle procs:2 seq(0,0,0)} 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1505) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1461) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:644) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.InvalidationController.startServiceIfPossible(InvalidationController.java:31) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.InvalidationController.ensureStartedAndUpdateRegisteredTypes(InvalidationController.java:21) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync.SyncController.syncStateChanged(SyncController.java:45) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync.ProfileSyncService.syncStateChanged(ProfileSyncService.java:75) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6541) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:240) 11-12 20:07:58.794 32185 32185 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:767) 11-12 20:08:28.064 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.android.chrome componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 20:08:28.093 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:08:29.100 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 from com.android.chrome 11-12 20:08:29.275 27917 31013 I Icing : Indexing done F2D2D0C0F33FFBDF0C735C8D9ABFEDF36CCD45A9 11-12 20:08:51.130 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Received SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS status=0 11-12 20:08:51.130 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: params status 2 11-12 20:08:51.135 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop:[1] send recognition event 0 11-12 20:08:51.146 724 724 I SoundTriggerHelper: Recognition success 11-12 20:08:51.149 3047 3059 I AlwaysOnHotwordDetector: onDetected 11-12 20:08:51.151 512 7250 W DeviceHAL: Device 0xf2ead000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument 11-12 20:08:51.153 512 2119 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xeed83a40 tid=2119 ready to run 11-12 20:08:51.175 3047 8662 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Starting hotword detection. 11-12 20:08:51.332 27878 27878 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 20:08:51.364 11768 15122 I TrustAgent: [VoiceUnlockTrustletChimeraService] #isSupported true 11-12 20:08:53.178 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stopping DSP streaming after timeout 11-12 20:08:53.316 512 2119 D sound_trigger_hw: check_and_exit_lab: trigger to exit lab 11-12 20:08:53.317 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Enter pcm 0xf3740b20 11-12 20:08:53.370 512 8627 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_stop_buffering:[1] Exit, status=0 11-12 20:08:53.370 512 8627 I sound_trigger_hw: callback_thread_loop: Waiting for SNDRV_LSM_EVENT_STATUS 11-12 20:08:53.379 3047 3047 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Stopping hotword detection. 11-12 20:08:53.379 3047 8651 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #onClosed - Hotword is not running 11-12 20:08:53.380 3047 8662 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: HotwordCallback#onError 11-12 20:08:53.381 3047 8662 I HotwordRecognitionRnr: Catched InterruptedException 11-12 20:08:53.413 512 9238 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter 11-12 20:08:53.413 512 9238 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0 11-12 20:08:53.413 724 12292 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 11-12 20:08:53.414 3047 3047 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 11-12 20:09:40.851 27917 2142 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 20:11:07.204 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 11-12 20:11:07.206 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 20:11:07.206 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 11-12 20:11:07.206 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 1 on display: 0 11-12 20:11:07.241 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 20:11:07.244 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 20:11:07.281 724 771 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 78 ms 11-12 20:11:07.466 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 1 on display 0 11-12 20:11:07.466 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 2 11-12 20:11:07.471 724 862 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 265ms 11-12 20:11:07.617 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(5) 11-12 20:11:07.619 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 20:11:07.958 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(0) 11-12 20:11:07.958 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_identify 11-12 20:11:07.961 906 906 I FingerprintController: fingerprint acquired, grabbing fp wakelock 11-12 20:11:08.029 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_identify: coverage: 61, quality: 49 11-12 20:11:08.029 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_get_auth_result 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->challenge 0 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->authenticator_id 17650328091476309850 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->authenticator_type 33554432 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->timestamp 14663470862003339264 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->user_id 1093764730857823633 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: hat->version 0 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAuthenticated(fid=-491525677, gid=0) 11-12 20:11:08.034 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_update_template 11-12 20:11:08.039 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_store_template_db 11-12 20:11:08.042 724 724 V FingerprintService: onAuthenticated(owner=com.android.systemui, id=-491525677, gp=0) 11-12 20:11:08.047 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 20:11:08.049 906 906 I FingerprintController: fp wakelock: Authenticated, waking up... 11-12 20:11:08.064 724 12298 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 10040)... 11-12 20:11:08.074 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing default task 11-12 20:11:08.074 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop 11-12 20:11:08.079 906 906 I FingerprintController: releasing fp wakelock 11-12 20:11:08.079 724 771 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 11-12 20:11:08.082 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 20:11:08.083 724 769 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 11-12 20:11:08.083 433 433 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x73ddc5e000 11-12 20:11:08.083 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 11-12 20:11:08.087 433 433 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 11-12 20:11:08.087 433 591 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 11-12 20:11:08.108 724 804 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 11-12 20:11:08.109 724 822 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 11-12 20:11:08.110 724 739 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 11-12 20:11:08.111 724 767 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 11-12 20:11:08.111 724 767 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 11-12 20:11:08.116 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_get_authenticator_id 11-12 20:11:08.116 724 724 V FingerprintService: startAuthentication(com.android.systemui) 11-12 20:11:08.116 724 724 V FingerprintService: starting client AuthenticationClient(com.android.systemui), initiatedByClient = true) 11-12 20:11:08.116 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_authenticate operation_id 0 11-12 20:11:08.116 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:11:08.130 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_stop 11-12 20:11:08.135 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:11:08.135 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_set_task 11-12 20:11:08.135 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:11:08.135 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing task 11-12 20:11:08.135 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate 11-12 20:11:08.135 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_auth_challenge 11-12 20:11:08.135 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is authenticating... 11-12 20:11:08.138 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_kpi_enable: property value='0' kpi_active=0 11-12 20:11:08.138 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_capture_image 11-12 20:11:08.166 724 734 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 65915(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 21(664KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 514us total 117.626ms 11-12 20:11:08.183 27878 27878 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 11-12 20:11:08.185 27878 27878 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 11-12 20:11:08.201 27878 27878 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[122610251151799252] not persisted. 11-12 20:11:08.211 27878 1242 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:11:08.213 27878 27878 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 11-12 20:11:08.216 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:11:08.216 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:11:08.216 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:11:08.216 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:11:08.226 27878 27878 I MicroDetectionState: Keep running DSP hotword 11-12 20:11:08.242 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine resumed 11-12 20:11:08.252 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:11:08.256 27917 31013 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(%urn:x-cast:com.google.cast.media) scannerFlags(2) 11-12 20:11:08.278 27917 31013 W MdnsClient_Cast: #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:11:08.282 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:11:08.282 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:11:08.287 724 12292 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:11:08.292 27917 31013 W MdnsClient_Cast: Multicast lock held. Releasing. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:11:08.292 724 724 V FingerprintService: stop client com.android.systemui 11-12 20:11:08.295 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_cancel 11-12 20:11:08.295 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_set_cancel 11-12 20:11:08.309 512 3313 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 11-12 20:11:08.312 27917 31013 W MdnsClient_Cast: #acquireLock. Multicast lock not held. Acquiring. Subtypes:"%9E5E7C8F47989526C9BCD95D24084F6F0B27C5ED" 11-12 20:11:08.326 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:11:08.389 580 667 E fpc_fingerprint_hal: do_authenticate failed FPC_ERROR_CANCELLED 11-12 20:11:08.389 580 580 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_clear_cancel 11-12 20:11:08.389 580 580 D android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onError(5) 11-12 20:11:08.389 580 580 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: fpc_worker_resume 11-12 20:11:08.389 580 667 D fpc_fingerprint_hal: worker_function executing default task 11-12 20:11:08.389 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop 11-12 20:11:08.390 724 724 W FingerprintService: client com.android.systemui is no longer authenticating 11-12 20:11:08.396 724 724 V FingerprintService: Done with client: com.android.systemui 11-12 20:11:08.396 724 724 V FingerprintService: handleError(client=com.android.systemui, error = 5) 11-12 20:11:08.398 580 667 D fpc_tac : nav_start 11-12 20:11:08.404 580 667 D fpc_tac : fpc_tee_nav_loop waiting for finger down 11-12 20:11:08.419 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:11:08.422 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: User Present. Maybe fetch home. 11-12 20:11:08.423 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: fetch for account abdullahibneat@gmail.com 11-12 20:11:08.433 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeFetcher: return existing home address! 11-12 20:11:08.448 11768 32448 E ctxmgr : [AppIntervalImpl]closeInterval: ongoing 11-12 20:11:08.452 11768 11768 I Coffee-HomeAddressChangeTracker: home address is not changed. 11-12 20:11:08.461 906 906 D StatusBar: disable 11-12 20:11:08.532 27917 2193 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 11-12 20:11:08.734 24366 24392 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-12 20:11:08.862 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 11-12 20:11:08.878 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:11:08.878 512 675 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:11:09.466 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=null, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:11:09.477 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:11:09.478 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:11:09.478 27917 27917 V MediaRouter: Adding route: UserRouteInfo{ name=Abdullah's Chromecast, description=Chromecast, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Devices types=ROUTE_TYPE_USER groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_USER , presentationDisplay=null } 11-12 20:11:12.664 724 12295 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:11:26.566 724 3272 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.tomthecarrot.helloar/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity bnds=[641,724][843,986]} from uid 10030 11-12 20:11:26.707 27878 2174 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[122610251151799252] from persistence. 11-12 20:11:26.724 1354 1354 I Unity : onResume 11-12 20:11:26.732 27878 27878 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 11-12 20:11:26.763 27878 27878 I VoiceSearchSettings: Hotword upgrade key is null! 11-12 20:11:26.788 11768 15122 I TrustAgent: [VoiceUnlockTrustletChimeraService] #isSupported true 11-12 20:11:26.817 1354 1354 I tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching texture_window 0xdf3e7808 11-12 20:11:26.817 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: about to bind as vhs 11-12 20:11:26.827 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: finished bind as vhs 11-12 20:11:26.849 998 998 I WallpaperService: engine paused 11-12 20:11:26.888 1354 1354 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xc6857008 11-12 20:11:26.888 1354 1354 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xc6857008 11-12 20:11:26.892 433 818 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10100 pid=1354 11-12 20:11:26.893 433 818 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10100 => denied (1066 us) 11-12 20:11:26.893 433 818 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: can't openGlobalTransaction pid=1354, uid<=10100 11-12 20:11:26.893 1354 1354 E BpSurfaceComposerClient: Failed to transact (-1) 11-12 20:11:26.893 433 775 E SurfaceFlinger: Permission Denial: can't openGlobalTransaction pid=1354, uid<=10100 11-12 20:11:26.893 1354 1354 E BpSurfaceComposerClient: Failed to transact (-1) 11-12 20:11:26.895 1354 1354 I Tango : TangoService connected. 11-12 20:11:26.895 1354 1354 I Tango : Using the pure Java path for Tango client 11-12 20:11:26.896 1354 1354 D TangoVhs: connected 11-12 20:11:26.897 1354 2209 I TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready 11-12 20:11:26.898 1354 1354 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true 11-12 20:11:26.899 1384 1420 D tango-ndk-hal: void Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoVirtualHalService_initialize(JNIEnv*, jclass) 0x0 11-12 20:11:26.900 1354 1377 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xc6857008 11-12 20:11:26.907 1354 1377 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (1080/1920) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (1080/1920) 11-12 20:11:26.947 1354 2209 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject) 11-12 20:11:26.947 1354 2209 I tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching tracking_window 0xc0b97008 11-12 20:11:26.960 1354 1377 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002394 / 0.00s ; BMI160 accelerometer / Bosch 11-12 20:11:26.991 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:11:26.996 421 421 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(3840) returning hidl_memory(0x7594a2c310, 3840) 11-12 20:11:26.999 512 678 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 11-12 20:11:27.003 1354 1377 D Unity : Choreographer available: Enabling VSYNC timing 11-12 20:11:27.006 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback) 11-12 20:11:27.006 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 11-12 20:11:27.018 1384 1416 I tango : java_service_entrypoint.cc:192 bool getConfig(JNIEnv*, TangoConfigType, tango_common::Config*): Getting config... 11-12 20:11:27.021 1384 1416 I tango : java_service_entrypoint.cc:208 bool getConfig(JNIEnv*, TangoConfigType, tango_common::Config*): Done getting config. 11-12 20:11:27.030 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(5) apply and update mixer path: audio-ull-playback 11-12 20:11:27.036 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectOnTextureAvailable(JNIEnv*, jobject, int, bool): camera_id = 0 11-12 20:11:27.037 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectOnTextureAvailable(JNIEnv*, jobject, int, bool) called for cam id(0) before TangoService_connect(). Callback will be registered on next call to TangoService_connect(). 11-12 20:11:27.038 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: TangoCameraNative_ConnectOnImageAvailable context 0xcc8e711c, camera 0 11-12 20:11:27.039 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: TangoErrorType internalConnectOnImageAvailable(TangoCameraId, void*, bool, void (*)(void*, TangoCameraId, const TangoImage*, const TangoCameraMetadata*)): Connecting callbacks... 11-12 20:11:27.039 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native_jni: TangoErrorType internalConnectOnImageAvailable(TangoCameraId, void*, bool, void (*)(void*, TangoCameraId, const TangoImage*, const TangoCameraMetadata*)) called for cam id(0) before TangoService_connect(). Callback will be registered on next call to TangoService_connect(). 11-12 20:11:27.043 1354 1377 I Tango : com.google.tango: 18377 11-12 20:11:27.057 512 16265 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 11-12 20:11:27.058 512 16265 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 11-12 20:11:27.079 1384 1416 W tango : permission_handler.cc:76 The application 'com.tomthecarrot.helloar' does not have permission to use the Tango 'Dataset Read/Write' capabilities. To ask the user of your app for this permission, invoke the Tango Android permissions intent for 'Dataset Read/Write'. 11-12 20:11:27.083 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:327 Listener from 1354 11-12 20:11:27.084 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:156 TangoContext::StartRuntime() 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:179 All config flag settings: 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : { 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "tango_service_library_version": "170828-0ce0795-arm64-v8a-android-25" 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "max_point_cloud_elements": 60000 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "experimental_color_y_tex_data_width": 480 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "depth_period_in_seconds": 0.2 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_use_pgs_instead_of_viwls": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_runtime_depth_framerate": 5 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_load_area_description_UUID": "" 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_drift_correction": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_runtime_recording_control": 0 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_datasets_path": "/data/data/com.google.tango/files/datasets/" 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_runtime_plane_detection_control": 0 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_depth": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_color_camera": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_low_latency_imu_integration": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "experimental_color_y_tex_data_height": 1080 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_dataset_recording": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_auto_recovery": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_use_cloud_adf": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_learning_mode": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "experimental_color_uv_tex_data_height": 540 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_log_callback_data": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_load_dataset_UUID": "" 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_dataset_recording_m 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : ode": 0 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_enable_plane_detection": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_depth_mode": 0 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_enable_motion_tracking": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_adf_runtime_loading": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "experimental_color_uv_tex_data_width": 480 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_enable_depth_from_vio": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_enable_online_calibration": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_enable_scene_reconstruction": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_experimental_3dof_fallback": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_high_rate_pose": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_internal_enable_area_learning_light": false 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_smooth_pose": true 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : "config_letango_load_dataset_UUID": "" 11-12 20:11:27.088 1384 1416 I tango : } 11-12 20:11:27.160 1384 1416 I tango : tango_context.cc:1079 TangoContext: Starting Tango Service Application. 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : performance_manager.cc:22 Processor data: Num processors 6 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Processor type: LittleBig 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Num small cores 4 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Max frequency 1440000 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Min frequency 384000 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Small cores 0 1 2 3 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Num big cores 2 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Max frequency 1824000 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Min frequency 384000 11-12 20:11:27.164 1384 1416 I tango : Big cores 4 5 11-12 20:11:27.171 1384 1416 I tango : application_base.cc:92 Created application with data source = [Superframes] 11-12 20:11:27.173 1384 1416 I tango : dataset_meta_data.cc:28 Generated new dataset metadata with id 7783506b-6f40-2568-80c4-a16bf70c9ab0 11-12 20:11:27.173 1384 1418 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.serialno" 11-12 20:11:27.181 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:68 Opened libtango_hal.so 11-12 20:11:27.181 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: tango_hal_init() Creating TangoNdkContext! 11-12 20:11:27.182 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: Found marlin:7: Setting LPF -1.710833e-03 -1.710833e-03 11-12 20:11:27.183 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: Creating TangoDeviceSensors object since dataset path or UUID value not set. 11-12 20:11:27.183 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: Found marlin:7: Setting LPF -1.710833e-03 -1.710833e-03 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_wrapper.cc:241 Got num fisheye buffers 16 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_wrapper.cc:260 HAL does not define num_color_buffers. Using default 16 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_sensor_graph.cc:204 Enabling point cloud. 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_sensor_graph.cc:219 Enabling fisheye. 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_sensor_graph.cc:228 Enabling yuv. 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_interface.cc:200 Rolling shutter is enabled. 11-12 20:11:27.184 1384 1416 W tango : tango_hal_interface.cc:322 Some of the requested image streams are not supported! Available mask: 00000000000000000000000000000001 Requested mask: 00000000000000000001000000010001 11-12 20:11:27.195 1384 1416 I tango : feature_matching_base.cc:346 Using gyro prediction for matching. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : feature_matcher_bin_manager.cc:157 Neighborhood radius for feature matcher bin-grid-0 is 21.2132 pixels. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : feature_matcher_bin_manager.cc:157 Neighborhood radius for feature matcher bin-grid-1 is 42.4264 pixels. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : feature_matcher_bin_manager.cc:157 Neighborhood radius for feature matcher bin-grid-2 is 64.1467 pixels. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : feature_matcher_bin_manager.cc:157 Neighborhood radius for feature matcher bin-grid-3 is 99.4286 pixels. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : feature_matcher_bin_manager.cc:157 Neighborhood radius for feature matcher bin-grid-4 is 148.18 pixels. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : gyro_feature_matching.cc:22 Running tracker at 10 Hz. 11-12 20:11:27.197 1384 1416 I tango : feature_combo_node.cc:138 Number of cameras on which DoG seeded KLT is done: 1 11-12 20:11:27.199 1384 1416 W tango : thermal_logger_application_block.cc:70 Unrecognized device type for ThermalLoggerApplicationBlock. No data will be collected. 11-12 20:11:27.199 1384 1416 W tango : cpu_logger_application_block.cc:222 Not logging CPU on non-Yellowstone, non-Coconut device. 11-12 20:11:27.200 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_debug_module.cc:17 TangoHalDebugModule - Init 11-12 20:11:27.206 1384 1416 I tango : vio_helper.cc:47 Use calibrated IMU scale factors. 11-12 20:11:27.206 1384 1416 I tango : vio_helper.cc:59 Use calibrated IMU misalignment factors. 11-12 20:11:27.206 1384 1416 I tango : vio_helper.cc:47 Use calibrated IMU scale factors. 11-12 20:11:27.206 1384 1416 I tango : vio_helper.cc:59 Use calibrated IMU misalignment factors. 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : data_manager.cc:63 Mapping Config: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : ViwlsConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : OnlineMappingConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_online_viwls: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : load_online_map_in_vio: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_lite_com: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : incrementally_build_problem: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : MapFormulationConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : vio_drift_tolerance_rotation: 0.05 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : vio_drift_tolerance_translation: 0.2 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_keypoint_pruning: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_local_map_tracking: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : add_every_nth_keyframe: 3 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : WLS_options: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : estimate_camera_intrinsics: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : estimate_imu_camera_extrinsics: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : estimate_imu_intrinsics: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : calculate_keyframe_covariance: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : calculate_landmark_covariance: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : calculate_calibration_parameters_covariance: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : use_huber_loss_visual_cost_term: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : nonlinear_optimization_type: NLWLS 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : num_outlier_rejection_loops: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : log_viwls_state_estimates_to_file: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : minimize_photometric_error: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : fail_on_missing_inv_depth_base_keyframe: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_lite_com: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : ViwlsProblemType: kMarginalizedViwls 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : incrementally_build_problem: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : MapSparsifierConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_debug_output: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : marginalize_stable_landmarks: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : marginalize_n_keyframes: 20 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : retain_n_keyframes: 5 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : max_la 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : ndmarks_for_cklam_plus: 50 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_marginalization: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : MapLandmarkConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : min_landmark_observations: 5 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : LandmarkParam: k3DInverseDepth 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : min_depth_of_pointlandmark_from_image_plane: 0.05 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : max_depth_of_pointlandmark_from_image_plane: 15 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : landmark_covariance_use_approximation: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : keypoint_pixel_sigma: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : Debug_options: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : simulator_export_state_error_sigma_info: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : log_visual_residuals: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : evaluation_log_directory: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : DataManagerConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : visualization_enabled: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : execute_in_thread: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_online_calibration: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : log_maps_for_visualization: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : fisheye_buffer_size: 7 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : save_map_with_uuid_as_filename: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : save_map_filename: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : evaluation_log_directory: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : MapLifeCycleConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : save_map_for_structure_relocalization: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_multi_map_merging: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : enable_time_base_map_split: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : MultiMapManagerConfig: 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : threshold_position_meters: 2 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : threshold_orientation_radians: 0.174 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : min_num_cross_adf_constraints: 9 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : perform_full_multimap_optimization: 0 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : merge_active_map_until_stable_coregistration: 1 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : min_number_of_keyframes_to_add_adf: 25 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : _adf: 25 11-12 20:11:27.218 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.384 1384 1416 I tango : backend_base.h:55 LC-backend initialized. 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : loop_detector_graph.cc:52 Initializing localizer with: loop_detector_engine: inverted_multi_index_pq 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : low_power_localization: 0 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : feature_descriptor: lens_invariant_ocvfreak 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : override projection_matrix: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : override quantizer: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : override product quantizer: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : max_num_of_image_to_image_matches: 1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : use_landmarks_for_relocalization: 0 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : use_augmentation_with_previous_matches: 1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : verification_options: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : skip_bad_landmarks: 1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : overwrite_hamming_distance_threshold: -1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : min_geom_inlier_ratio: 0.35 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : Ransac structure matching: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : min_num_points: 8 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : max_iterations: 50 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : confidence: 0.99 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : sampson_error_threshold: 0.0008 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : use_upright_pose_estimation: 1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : Ransac image to image matching: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : min_num_points: 8 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : max_iterations: 50 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : confidence: 0.99 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : sampson_error_threshold: 0.0001 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : use_upright_pose_estimation: 1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : compute_relative_pose_covariance: 0 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : max_num_points_covariance_calc: 60 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : min_match_image_time_difference: 10 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : gravity_direction_threshold_degrees: 5 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : matching_engine_options: 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : projected_descriptor_dimensions: 16 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : num_closest_words_fo 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : r_nn_search: 30 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : knn_search_epsilon: 2 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : knn_max_radius: 100 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : num_neighbors: -1 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : vote_filter_type: covisibility-graph-filter 11-12 20:11:27.391 1384 1416 I tango : use pose prior for image to image matching: 0 11-12 20:11:27.418 1384 1416 I tango : backend_base.h:55 LC-backend initialized. 11-12 20:11:27.424 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: bool SetCallbacks(TangoHalDeviceContext, TangoHalCallbacks*): Using VHS 11-12 20:11:27.424 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: Setting callbacks 0x7dbc8451f0 11-12 20:11:27.424 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: bool Start(TangoHalDeviceContext): Using VHS 11-12 20:11:27.424 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:161 HAL device wrapper calling start. 11-12 20:11:27.426 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: Found raw gyro 11-12 20:11:27.426 1384 1418 I tango-ndk-hal: Found raw accelerometer 11-12 20:11:27.427 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_device_wrapper.cc:164 Start was successful. 11-12 20:11:27.428 1384 1416 I tango : tango_hal_interface.cc:345 Monitoring callbacks 11-12 20:11:27.428 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:359 Connect succeeded 11-12 20:11:27.433 1354 1377 I TangoCameraNative: startCamerasIfNeeded: VHS ready so camera can start. 11-12 20:11:27.433 1384 2230 I tango-ndk-hal: Gyro min delay 2500, using 5000 11-12 20:11:27.435 10299 7702 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 2 11-12 20:11:27.444 1384 2230 I tango-ndk-hal: Accel min delay 2500, using 5000 11-12 20:11:27.450 10299 7702 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: (PID 1354, UID 10100) 11-12 20:11:27.450 10299 7702 I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 0: Opened 11-12 20:11:27.452 10299 7702 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 11-12 20:11:27.492 10299 7702 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib/hw/power.default.so from the current namespace instead. 11-12 20:11:27.499 1384 2229 I tango-ndk-hal: Opened libexternal_lift_optimized_cpu 11-12 20:11:27.506 1384 2234 W tango : helpers.cc:418 Defaulting to persistent calibration file. 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 W tango : helpers.cc:395 Property calibration_cad is not defined. 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 I tango : calibration_provider.cc:486 Instantiating calibration provider with sources: 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 I tango : CAD: 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 I tango : Factory: 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 I tango : Online: /data/data/com.google.tango/files/config/online-calibration.xml 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 I tango : ActiveFile: kOnlineCalibrationFile 11-12 20:11:27.511 1384 2234 I tango : Hardcoded CAD model fallback: Enabled 11-12 20:11:27.516 1384 2234 I tango : device_provider.cc:340 Identified device type: kMarlin 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : calibration_provider.cc:379 Requested parsing of Online calibration, but failed to parse it and the following fallbacks: 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : - Online calibration: File does not exist: /data/data/com.google.tango/files/config/online-calibration.xml. 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : - Factory calibration: File not set. 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : - CAD calibration: File not set. 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : - Hardcoded CAD model: Could not load hardcoded CAD model. It is only available when: 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : - Explicitly setting the active file to kHardcodedCadModel. 11-12 20:11:27.517 1384 2234 W tango : - On device, as a fallback when reading the CAD calibration file fails. 11-12 20:11:27.519 1384 2234 W tango : calibration_provider.cc:372 Requested parsing of CAD calibration, but fell back to Hardcoded CAD model. 11-12 20:11:27.519 1384 2234 W tango : Attempted fallbacks: 11-12 20:11:27.519 1384 2234 W tango : - CAD calibration: File not set. 11-12 20:11:27.519 1384 2234 W tango : - Hardcoded CAD model: Successfully parsed file: 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:40 Building LIFT with poly3 cam model 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 0: 478.818 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 1: 478.745 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 2: 320.398 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 3: 241.369 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 4: 0.0226009 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 5: -0.0657141 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code_dynamic.cc:48 camera intrinsics: 6: 0.0971462 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code.cc:27 Running optimized C++ / NEON feature extraction. 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2234 I tango : external_lift_optimized_cpu_code.cc:40 Number of octaves used in DoG 4 11-12 20:11:27.520 1384 2229 D tango-ndk-hal: Allocate LIFT tracker 11-12 20:11:27.533 10299 7702 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.2/legacy/0 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 11-12 20:11:27.533 10299 7702 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 11-12 20:11:27.547 10300 2248 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_start_session:1778 ###Img_Loglevel 1 11-12 20:11:27.548 10300 2243 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_module_start_session:360 num_session_opened 1 11-12 20:11:27.557 10300 2244 E mm-camera: q3a_port_init:1753 q3a_port_init: 3A VERSION --> 4.1.0.r9 11-12 20:11:27.590 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.590 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3888766976 fd=41 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.593 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.593 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3884797952 fd=43 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.598 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.598 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3876859904 fd=44 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.605 10300 2236 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_addr_type:26Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:11:27.605 10300 2236 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_data_type:40Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:11:27.607 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.607 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3872677888 fd=45 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.613 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.613 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3864313856 fd=47 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.624 10300 2236 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_data_type:40Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:11:27.624 10300 2236 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_sdk_util_get_kernel_i2c_addr_type:26Invalid addr_type = 0 11-12 20:11:27.625 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.625 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3860131840 fd=46 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.626 1384 2229 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:11:27.629 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: 11-12 20:11:27.629 10300 2256 E libaprpmem: Ion allocation success virtaddr : ret=3855949824 fd=48 heapid=33554432 11-12 20:11:27.648 10300 2258 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal: Adding session stream streamid= 0xf for session=1 11-12 20:11:27.648 10300 2258 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal:Linking session stream for session 1 11-12 20:11:27.657 10300 2258 E mm-camera: mct: mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal:Session stream linked successfully session 1 11-12 20:11:27.661 1354 1377 E Camera2-Metadata: Update metadata entry: Unknown tag -1073741824 11-12 20:11:27.661 1354 1377 W ndk_camera: Failed to set the TANGO_MODE vendor tag for the color camera!This may not be required on this device. 11-12 20:11:27.661 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 is open, starting. 11-12 20:11:27.664 10299 10399 W CameraDeviceClient: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 0 with consumer usage flag: 0x100: Forcing asynchronous mode for stream 11-12 20:11:27.665 10299 10399 W CameraDeviceClient: createSurfaceFromGbp: Camera 0: Overriding format 0x1 to IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED 11-12 20:11:27.666 10299 10299 E mm-camera-intf: mm_channel_fsm_fn_stopped: invalid state (1) for evt (6) 11-12 20:11:27.666 10299 10299 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stopping channel 89088 11-12 20:11:27.666 10299 10299 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[0] type = 0, format = 35, width = 640, height = 480, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3 11-12 20:11:27.666 10299 10299 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[1] type = 0, format = 35, width = 640, height = 480, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3 11-12 20:11:27.666 10299 10299 I QCamera3HWI: configureStreamsPerfLocked: stream[2] type = 0, format = 34, width = 1920, height = 1080, rotation = 0, usage = 0x100 11-12 20:11:27.667 10299 10299 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 7, feature_mask is 0 11-12 20:11:27.668 10299 10299 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=101 11-12 20:11:27.674 10299 10299 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 2270) 11-12 20:11:27.676 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 is starting, waiting for it to be done. 11-12 20:11:27.676 1354 2232 I ndk_camera: Camera capture session started processing. 11-12 20:11:27.676 1354 1377 I tango_camera_native: Camera 0 start successfull. 11-12 20:11:27.676 1384 1416 I tango : TangoService.cc:245 set poseListenerFrames from 1354 11-12 20:11:27.686 10300 2259 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 1 resolution 1920x1080 hw_stream 1 need_native_buff 0 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:11:27.686 10300 2259 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 5 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:11:27.686 10300 2259 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 5 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:11:27.686 10300 2259 E mm-camera: isp_util_decide_stream_mapping:5685 INFO: type 11 resolution 640x480 hw_stream 0 need_native_buff 1 controllable_output 0 shared_output 0 11-12 20:11:27.691 10299 2270 I QCamera3HWI: getSensorOutputSize: sensor output dimension = 4032 x 3024 11-12 20:11:27.691 10299 2270 I QCamera3CropRegionMapper: update: active_array: 4032 x 3024, sensor size 4032 x 3024 11-12 20:11:27.692 10299 2270 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 5, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:11:27.699 10299 2270 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 5, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:11:27.701 10300 2259 E mm-camera: module_cac_port_ext_link:1427] link already established 11-12 20:11:27.701 10300 2259 E mm-camera: module_cac_port_ext_link:1427] link already established 11-12 20:11:27.727 1384 2229 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:11:27.753 10299 2270 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 1, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:11:27.756 10299 2270 I QCamera3Stream: init: stream_type is 11, feature_mask is 8390286 11-12 20:11:27.758 10299 2270 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=100 11-12 20:11:27.758 10300 2259 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:827] Invalid type for reprocess 10005 11-12 20:11:27.759 10300 2259 E mm-camera: pproc_module_offline_stream_param_buf:2247 failed: parm_buf.type is invalid 11-12 20:11:27.759 10300 2259 I chatty : uid=1006(camera) CAM_MctCtrl identical 1 line 11-12 20:11:27.759 10300 2259 E mm-camera: pproc_module_offline_stream_param_buf:2247 failed: parm_buf.type is invalid 11-12 20:11:27.759 10300 2259 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:827] Invalid type for reprocess 10004 11-12 20:11:27.759 10300 2259 E mm-camera: pproc_module_offline_stream_param_buf:2247 failed: parm_buf.type is invalid 11-12 20:11:27.799 10300 2259 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_resource_get_stats_type_mask:1375 enable_stats_mask f88 11-12 20:11:27.800 10300 2259 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2447 batch_dbg stream_id 2 type 5 streaming_mode 0 11-12 20:11:27.800 10300 2259 E mm-camera: iface_util_fill_hw_stream_info_pix:#2447 batch_dbg stream_id 4 type 1 streaming_mode 0 11-12 20:11:27.806 10300 2259 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 2 11-12 20:11:27.806 10300 2259 E mm-camera-isp2: bpc44_run_abcc_algo:216 No defective pixels set by sensor event 11-12 20:11:27.806 10300 2259 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_sub_module_port_process_downstream_ctrl_event:954 failed: mct event 1 int_event 0 11-12 20:11:27.807 10300 2259 E mm-camera: dsps_proc_init:54 dsps_proc_init: Failed to open sensor1 port 11-12 20:11:27.815 10300 2287 E ldaf : Can not access calibration file /persist/calibration/xtalk 11-12 20:11:27.815 10300 2287 I ldaf : Laser calibration offset: -8 11-12 20:11:27.815 10300 2287 I ldaf : Laser calibration cross talk: 65535 11-12 20:11:27.817 10300 2252 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 29030400 BW inst 1466181932 11-12 20:11:27.827 1384 2229 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:11:27.829 10300 2259 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3 11-12 20:11:27.831 10300 2252 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 42854400 BW inst 1920000000 11-12 20:11:27.832 10300 2259 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4 11-12 20:11:27.834 10300 2252 E mm-camera: :cpp_hardware_set_clock:333 Set clock 320000000 BW abg 238809600 BW inst 1556269794 11-12 20:11:27.835 10300 2259 E mm-camera: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 5 11-12 20:11:27.836 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: streamon, got all bundled streamon! 11-12 20:11:27.836 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_util_update_streamon_id:skip, hw stream state = 1, hw stream id = 9000f, mct streamon id = 0 11-12 20:11:27.836 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_streamon: num_user_streams 4, num_hw_streams 2 11-12 20:11:27.836 10300 2259 E mm-camera-img: faceproc_comp_get_param:299] Error type 520 11-12 20:11:27.848 10300 2287 E Sensors : open_sensors gets called! 11-12 20:11:27.848 10300 2287 E Sensors : sensors_poll_context_t::activate gets called! 11-12 20:11:27.866 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_axi_cfg_stats_stream_start: stats_cmd: enable = 1, num of stats stream = 6 11-12 20:11:27.871 10300 2259 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_trigger_update:449 failed: Denominator is zero. hnum 0 vnum 0 11-12 20:11:27.911 724 12299 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.vr.vrcore (pid 32303) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:11:27.912 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_ispif_get_cfg_params_from_hw_streams: interface 0 already active 11-12 20:11:27.924 10300 2263 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_pack_stats_config:5904 invalid inputs to translate dimensions for fov 2 camif 11-12 20:11:27.925 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:27.925 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:27.926 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:27.926 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:27.927 1384 2229 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:11:27.956 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:27.956 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:27.956 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:27.956 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:27.989 724 740 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.gms.unstable (pid 1670) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:11:27.993 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:27.993 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:27.993 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:27.993 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:28.018 10300 2263 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history:4718 history search unsuccessful! 11-12 20:11:28.027 1384 2229 D tango_tracker: tracker timeout 11-12 20:11:28.031 1354 1377 E tango_camera_native: Couldn't get image exposure/skew for timestamp offset! 11-12 20:11:28.031 1354 1377 E ndk_camera: metadata has: 85026.885051 11-12 20:11:28.031 1354 1377 W tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_UpdateTextureExternalOes(JNIEnv*, jobject, int, int, jdoubleArray): Got a negative timestamp -0.000000 from camera with id 0. 11-12 20:11:28.058 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: be_stats44_stats_config_validate:623 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:28.058 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:28.058 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: bhist_stats44_stats_config_validate:363 Invalid BG from 3A h_num = 0, v_num = 0 11-12 20:11:28.058 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: 11-12 20:11:28.060 3085 3350 E NxpTml : _i2c_write() errno : 5 11-12 20:11:28.060 3085 3350 E NxpTml : PN54X - Error in I2C Write..... 11-12 20:11:28.060 3085 3352 E NxpHal : write error status = 0x1ff 11-12 20:11:28.061 3085 3339 E NxpHal : write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry 11-12 20:11:28.089 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 0 ; 85026.9005912780121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.583854970027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.089 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85026.8845912780089 ; 85026.9005912780121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.583854970027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.089 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85026.9005912780121 ; 85026.9165912780154 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.583854970027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.089 1384 1416 W tango : feature_processing.cc:154 Skipping first feature measurement because we don't have a previous to diff against. 11-12 20:11:28.110 10300 2263 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_get_matching_index_from_history:4718 history search unsuccessful! 11-12 20:11:28.110 10300 2263 E mm-camera-CORE: aec_process_calc_current_bayer_metered_luma:1452 BG stats mismatch ERROR, pixpregion 713, rum 961, grnum 961, gbnum 961, bnum 961 11-12 20:11:28.158 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger: take CDS! cds status 1, curr_triiger 35.567024, lowlight_start 22.000000, lowlight_end 25.000000 11-12 20:11:28.158 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_handle_eztune_event:885error: unknown entry (default case) 11-12 20:11:28.172 1354 1377 W System.err: com.google.atap.tangoservice.TangoErrorException 11-12 20:11:28.173 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.google.atap.tangoservice.Tango.throwTangoExceptionIfNeeded(Tango.java:1533) 11-12 20:11:28.173 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.google.atap.tangoservice.Tango.updateTextureExternalOes(Tango.java:511) 11-12 20:11:28.173 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:28.174 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.c(Unknown Source:0) 11-12 20:11:28.174 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$c$1.handleMessage(Unknown Source:151) 11-12 20:11:28.174 1354 1377 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:101) 11-12 20:11:28.175 1354 1377 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 11-12 20:11:28.175 1354 1377 W System.err: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$c.run(Unknown Source:20) 11-12 20:11:28.181 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85026.9005912780121 ; 85026.9985529590049 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.672958458017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.181 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85026.9825529590016 ; 85026.9985529590049 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.672958458017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.181 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85026.9985529590049 ; 85027.0145529590081 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.672958458017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.183 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85026.99855296 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.191 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 0! drop CDS! 11-12 20:11:28.192 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_do_hw_update:980 cds_debug entry 0 stream_id[0] 2 enable 1 11-12 20:11:28.223 10300 2260 E mm-camera: isp_util_update_cds:1731 cds_debug stream_id 2 enable 1 11-12 20:11:28.224 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_util_uv_subsample: 7902 cds_debug hw_stream[0] id 10002 11-12 20:11:28.224 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ==== 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 320, height = 120 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 640, scanlines = 240 11-12 20:11:28.226 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:11:28.227 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 250 cds wait KERNEL...... 11-12 20:11:28.241 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:28.255 10300 2284 E mm-camera: iface_util_hw_notify_buf_drop: hw stream state 3, need divert 1 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10002 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 11 identity 10002 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 11 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 11 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:11:28.256 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:11:28.257 10300 2284 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:11:28.257 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:11:28.258 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:11:28.258 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10003 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 11 identity 10003 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 11 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 11 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:11:28.259 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:11:28.264 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:11:28.268 724 12289 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.packageinstaller (pid 31948) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:11:28.288 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:28.289 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 261 cds wait KERNEL done! 11-12 20:11:28.309 724 769 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 31948 11-12 20:11:28.319 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85026.9985529590049 ; 85027.1194296320027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.791785786016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.319 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.1034296319995 ; 85027.1194296320027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.791785786016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.319 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.1194296320027 ; 85027.135429632006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.791785786016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.322 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.11942963 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.345 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:28.377 724 12291 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.defcontainer (pid 31977) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:11:28.378 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:28.396 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.1194296320027 ; 85027.2196476320096 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.880899725016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.396 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.2036476320063 ; 85027.2196476320096 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.880899725016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.396 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.2196476320096 ; 85027.2356476320128 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.880899725016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.396 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.21964763 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.412 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:28.446 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:28.509 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.2196476320096 ; 85027.3198466320027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.999720525026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.509 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.3038466319995 ; 85027.3198466320027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.999720525026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.509 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.3198466320027 ; 85027.335846632006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253534.999720525026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.510 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.31984663 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.616 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.3198466320027 ; 85027.4200536319986 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.088838221011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.617 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.4040536319953 ; 85027.4200536319986 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.088838221011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.617 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.4200536319986 ; 85027.4360536320019 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.088838221011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.619 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.42005363 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.720 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.4200536319986 ; 85027.5202656320034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.207662477012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.720 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.5042656320002 ; 85027.5202656320034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.207662477012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.720 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.5202656320034 ; 85027.5362656320067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.207662477012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.722 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.52026563 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.822 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.5202656320034 ; 85027.6204756320076 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.296784653008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.822 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.6044756320043 ; 85027.6204756320076 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.296784653008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.822 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.6204756320076 ; 85027.6364756320108 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.296784653008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.823 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.62047563 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.873 724 12288 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=548, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@20ce864) 11-12 20:11:28.873 724 5258 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=549, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@fa59acd) 11-12 20:11:28.874 724 12292 I ActivityManager: Process com.chrome.beta (pid 1805) has died: cch+6CEM 11-12 20:11:28.921 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.6204756320076 ; 85027.7206996320019 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.385898253007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.922 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.7046996319987 ; 85027.7206996320019 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.385898253007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.922 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.7206996320019 ; 85027.7366996320052 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.385898253007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:28.924 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.72069963 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:28.972 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=548, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 20:11:28.975 724 836 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=549, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-12 20:11:29.017 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.7206996320019 ; 85027.8209066320123 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.504725133011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.017 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.8049066320091 ; 85027.8209066320123 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.504725133011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.017 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.8209066320123 ; 85027.8369066320156 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.504725133011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.018 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.82090663 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.127 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.8209066320123 ; 85027.9211296319991 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.593854349019 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.127 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.9051296319958 ; 85027.9211296319991 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.593854349019 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.127 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.9211296319991 ; 85027.9371296320023 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.593854349019 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.127 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85027.92112963 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.221 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85027.9211296319991 ; 85028.0213176320103 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.712684125028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.221 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.0053176320071 ; 85028.0213176320103 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.712684125028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.221 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.0213176320103 ; 85028.0373176320136 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.712684125028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.222 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.02131763 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.314 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.0213176320103 ; 85028.1215276319999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.801811489015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.314 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.1055276319967 ; 85028.1215276319999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.801811489015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.314 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.1215276319999 ; 85028.1375276320032 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.801811489015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.316 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.12152763 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.417 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.1215276319999 ; 85028.2217346320103 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.89093215001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.417 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.2057346320071 ; 85028.2217346320103 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.89093215001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.417 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.2217346320103 ; 85028.2377346320136 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253535.89093215001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.421 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.22173463 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.518 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.2217346320103 ; 85028.3219416320062 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.009759007022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.518 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.3059416320029 ; 85028.3219416320062 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.009759007022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.519 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.3219416320062 ; 85028.3379416320095 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.009759007022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.520 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.32194163 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.615 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.3219416320062 ; 85028.4221586320054 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.098888903012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.615 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.4061586320022 ; 85028.4221586320054 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.098888903012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.615 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.4221586320054 ; 85028.4381586320087 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.098888903012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.616 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.42215863 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.712 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.4221586320054 ; 85028.5223656320013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.188014831016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.712 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.5063656319981 ; 85028.5223656320013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.188014831016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.713 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.5223656320013 ; 85028.5383656320046 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.188014831016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.713 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.52236563 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.819 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.5223656320013 ; 85028.6225746320124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.306838216027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.819 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.6065746320091 ; 85028.6225746320124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.306838216027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.819 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.6225746320124 ; 85028.6385746320157 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.306838216027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.821 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.62257463 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:29.921 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.6225746320124 ; 85028.7227856320096 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.395961712027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.921 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.7067856320064 ; 85028.7227856320096 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.395961712027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.921 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.7227856320096 ; 85028.7387856320129 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.395961712027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:29.921 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.72278563 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.017 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.7227856320096 ; 85028.8229956319992 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.485081929015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.017 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.806995631996 ; 85028.8229956319992 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.485081929015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.017 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.8229956319992 ; 85028.8389956320025 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.485081929015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.018 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.82299563 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.118 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.8229956319992 ; 85028.9232076320041 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.603915432002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.119 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.9072076320008 ; 85028.9232076320041 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.603915432002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.119 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.9232076320041 ; 85028.9392076320073 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.603915432002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.119 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85028.92320763 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.211 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85028.9232076320041 ; 85029.0234116320062 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.693033607007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.211 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.0074116320029 ; 85029.0234116320062 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.693033607007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.211 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.0234116320062 ; 85029.0394116320094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.693033607007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.212 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.02341163 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.309 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.0234116320062 ; 85029.1236226320034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.782146473008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.309 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.1076226320001 ; 85029.1236226320034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.782146473008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.309 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.1236226320034 ; 85029.1396226320066 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.782146473008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.310 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.12362263 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.427 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.1236226320034 ; 85029.2238336320006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.900974441029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.427 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.2078336319973 ; 85029.2238336320006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.900974441029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.427 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.2238336320006 ; 85029.2398336320039 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.900974441029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.431 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.22383363 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.507 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.2238336320006 ; 85029.324040632011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.990083394019 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.507 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.3080406320078 ; 85029.324040632011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.990083394019 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.507 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.324040632011 ; 85029.3400406320143 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253536.990083394019 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.507 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.32404063 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.608 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.324040632011 ; 85029.4242516320082 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.079196126026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.608 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.408251632005 ; 85029.4242516320082 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.079196126026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.609 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.4242516320082 ; 85029.4402516320115 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.079196126026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.610 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.42425163 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.720 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.4242516320082 ; 85029.5244646320061 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.198014464026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.720 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.5084646320029 ; 85029.5244646320061 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.198014464026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.722 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.5244646320061 ; 85029.5404646320094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.198014464026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.724 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.52446463 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.815 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.5244646320061 ; 85029.6246636319993 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.287130012002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.815 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.608663631996 ; 85029.6246636319993 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.287130012002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.815 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.6246636319993 ; 85029.6406636320025 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.287130012002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.816 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.62466363 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:30.919 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.6246636319993 ; 85029.7248846319999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.405947165011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.919 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.7088846319966 ; 85029.7248846319999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.405947165011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.919 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.7248846319999 ; 85029.7408846320031 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.405947165011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:30.920 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.72488463 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.018 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.7248846319999 ; 85029.8250926320034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.495063709008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.018 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.8090926320001 ; 85029.8250926320034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.495063709008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.018 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.8250926320034 ; 85029.8410926320066 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.495063709008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.022 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.82509263 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.118 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.8250926320034 ; 85029.9253046320082 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.584183481027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.118 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.9093046320049 ; 85029.9253046320082 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.584183481027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.118 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.9253046320082 ; 85029.9413046320115 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.584183481027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.120 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85029.92530463 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.220 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85029.9253046320082 ; 85030.0255166319985 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.70301337901 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.220 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.0095166319952 ; 85030.0255166319985 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.70301337901 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.220 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.0255166319985 ; 85030.0415166320017 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.70301337901 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.223 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.02551663 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.319 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.0255166319985 ; 85030.1257176320069 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.792130691028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.319 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.1097176320036 ; 85030.1257176320069 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.792130691028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.319 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.1257176320069 ; 85030.1417176320101 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.792130691028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.320 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.12571763 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.351 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_calc_cds_trigger: take CDS! cds status 1, curr_triiger 19.628094, lowlight_start 22.000000, lowlight_end 25.000000 11-12 20:11:31.351 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_handle_eztune_event:885error: unknown entry (default case) 11-12 20:11:31.366 10300 2247 E mm-camera-isp2: scaler44_do_hw_update:980 cds_debug entry 0 stream_id[0] 2 enable 1 11-12 20:11:31.367 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 0! drop CDS! 11-12 20:11:31.397 10300 2260 E mm-camera: isp_util_update_cds:1731 cds_debug stream_id 2 enable 1 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_util_uv_subsample: 7902 cds_debug hw_stream[0] id 10002 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info:=== CDS DUMP: session_id 1, hw_stream_id 10002 ==== 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: plane_fmt 0(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: width = 640, height = 480 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: stride = 640, scanlines = 480 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[0]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: plane_fmt 3(Y-0/CB-1/Cr-2/CrCb-3/CbCr-4) 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: width = 640, height = 240 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: stride = 640, scanlines = 240 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2285 E mm-camera: iface_dump_axi_update_info: plane[1]: address_offset 0 11-12 20:11:31.398 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 250 cds wait KERNEL...... 11-12 20:11:31.421 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:11:31.426 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.1257176320069 ; 85030.2259346320061 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.91095185501 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.427 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.2099346320028 ; 85030.2259346320061 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.91095185501 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.427 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.2259346320061 ; 85030.2419346320094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253537.91095185501 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.428 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.22593463 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: iface_util_hw_notify_buf_drop: hw stream state 3, need divert 1 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10002 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 106 identity 10002 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 106 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 106 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:11:31.430 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1181: MCT_EVENT_MODULE_FRAME_DROP_NOTIFY: identity=0x10003 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:722, info: ISP drop buf frameid 106 identity 10003 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:738, error: update cur_frame_id to 106 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_handle_isp_drop_buffer:786, error: ISP buf drop for invalid frame 106 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: cpp_module_process_downstream_event:1184, failed 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_cac_forward_port_event:403] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_forward_port_event:787] Fowarding event 2 from sink port failed 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: module_afs_port_event_func:1167] module_afs_forward_port_event failed 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera-pp: [ERR] base_port_sink_event_func:723, failed 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_util_forward_event:1053 failed: mct_port_send_event_to_peer event->type 2 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera-isp2: isp_handler_event:1870 failed: isp_util_forward_event 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event:293 failed: isp_handler_event 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_process_downstream_event:341 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_module_event 11-12 20:11:31.431 10300 2284 E mm-camera: isp_port_event:477 failed: isp_port_process_downstream_event 11-12 20:11:31.432 10300 2263 E mm-camera: iface_util_decide_cds_update: cds_status 2, thread busy 1! drop CDS! 11-12 20:11:31.461 10300 2245 E mm-camera: iface_session_thread_proc_cmd: 261 cds wait KERNEL done! 11-12 20:11:31.553 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.2259346320061 ; 85030.3634104890079 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.02978280402 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.553 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.3474104890047 ; 85030.3634104890079 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.02978280402 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.553 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.3634104890079 ; 85030.3794104890112 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.02978280402 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.558 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.36341049 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.651 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.3634104890079 ; 85030.4633874889987 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.118908342003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.651 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.4473874889954 ; 85030.4633874889987 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.118908342003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.651 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.4633874889987 ; 85030.479387489002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.118908342003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.652 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.46338749 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.754 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.4633874889987 ; 85030.5633724890067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.237743131001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.754 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.5473724890035 ; 85030.5633724890067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.237743131001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.754 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.5633724890067 ; 85030.57937248901 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.237743131001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.756 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.56337249 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.759 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:31.763 11768 32448 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater received intent Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.ACTION_UPDATE_WORLD flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService (has extras) } with receiverAction NO_RECEIVER_ACTION 11-12 20:11:31.851 27878 27878 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task send_pending_events_to_clearcut. 11-12 20:11:31.856 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.5633724890067 ; 85030.6633574890002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.326869047014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.856 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.6473574889969 ; 85030.6633574890002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.326869047014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.856 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.6633574890002 ; 85030.6793574890035 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.326869047014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.856 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.66335749 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.862 27878 29089 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 11-12 20:11:31.936 11768 32448 I GCoreUlr: WorldUpdater:NO_RECEIVER_ACTION: Ensuring that reporting is active for [account#13#] 11-12 20:11:31.939 11768 32448 I GCoreUlr: Place inference reporting - stop 11-12 20:11:31.939 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.6633574890002 ; 85030.7633354889986 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.415984790016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.939 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.7473354889953 ; 85030.7633354889986 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.415984790016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.939 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.7633354889986 ; 85030.7793354890018 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.415984790016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:31.942 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.76333549 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:31.959 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:31.990 724 11566 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 11-12 20:11:32.065 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.7633354889986 ; 85030.8633234890003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.53482123703 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.067 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.8473234889971 ; 85030.8633234890003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.53482123703 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.067 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.8633234890003 ; 85030.8793234890036 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.53482123703 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.070 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.86332349 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.092 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:32.161 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.8633234890003 ; 85030.9633074890007 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.653646554012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.162 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.9473074889975 ; 85030.9633074890007 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.653646554012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.162 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.9633074890007 ; 85030.979307489004 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.653646554012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.168 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85030.96330749 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.248 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85030.9633074890007 ; 85031.0632804890047 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.742757044005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.248 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.0472804890014 ; 85031.0632804890047 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.742757044005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.248 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.0632804890047 ; 85031.0792804890079 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.742757044005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.250 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.06328049 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.336 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.0632804890047 ; 85031.1632734890009 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.802172179014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.336 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.1472734889976 ; 85031.1632734890009 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.802172179014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.336 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.1632734890009 ; 85031.1792734890041 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.802172179014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.338 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.16327349 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.433 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.1632734890009 ; 85031.2632424890035 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.921003268013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.433 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.2472424890002 ; 85031.2632424890035 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.921003268013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.433 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.2632424890035 ; 85031.2792424890067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253538.921003268013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.434 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.26324249 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.524 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:11:32.531 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.2632424890035 ; 85031.3632214890094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.010117414029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.531 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.3472214890062 ; 85031.3632214890094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.010117414029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.531 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.3632214890094 ; 85031.3792214890127 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.010117414029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.531 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.36322149 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.580 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:32.580 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:11:32.656 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.3632214890094 ; 85031.4632024890016 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.128941829025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.656 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.4472024889983 ; 85031.4632024890016 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.128941829025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.656 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.4632024890016 ; 85031.4792024890048 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.128941829025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.656 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.46320249 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.757 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.4632024890016 ; 85031.563186489002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.247770858026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.757 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.5471864889987 ; 85031.563186489002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.247770858026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.757 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.563186489002 ; 85031.5791864890052 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.247770858026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.762 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.56318649 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.865 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.563186489002 ; 85031.663166489001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.33689108101 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.865 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.6471664889978 ; 85031.663166489001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.33689108101 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.865 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.663166489001 ; 85031.6791664890043 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.33689108101 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.870 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.66316649 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.965 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.663166489001 ; 85031.763151489009 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.455717989011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.965 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.7471514890058 ; 85031.763151489009 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.455717989011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.965 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.763151489009 ; 85031.7791514890123 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.455717989011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:32.968 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.76315149 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:32.973 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:11:32.975 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:32.975 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:11:33.071 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.763151489009 ; 85031.8672955869988 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.544831934007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.071 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.8512955869955 ; 85031.8672955869988 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.544831934007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.071 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.8672955869988 ; 85031.8832955870021 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.544831934007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.072 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.86729559 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.149 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.8672955869988 ; 85031.9672865870089 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.633955302008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.150 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.9512865870056 ; 85031.9672865870089 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.633955302008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.150 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.9672865870089 ; 85031.9832865870121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.633955302008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.151 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85031.96728659 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.247 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85031.9672865870089 ; 85032.0672515870101 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.723077183007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.247 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.0512515870068 ; 85032.0672515870101 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.723077183007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.247 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.0672515870101 ; 85032.0832515870134 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.723077183007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.248 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.06725159 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.348 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.0672515870101 ; 85032.1672365870036 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.81220931001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.351 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.1512365870003 ; 85032.1672365870036 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.81220931001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.351 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.1672365870036 ; 85032.1832365870068 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.81220931001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.354 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.16723659 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.447 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.1672365870036 ; 85032.2672235870123 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.931040893018 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.447 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.251223587009 ; 85032.2672235870123 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.931040893018 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.447 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.2672235870123 ; 85032.2832235870155 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253539.931040893018 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.448 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.26722359 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.552 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.2672235870123 ; 85032.36719958701 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.020155746024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.552 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.3511995870067 ; 85032.36719958701 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.020155746024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.552 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.36719958701 ; 85032.3831995870132 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.020155746024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.556 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.36719959 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.660 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.36719958701 ; 85032.4671835870104 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.138983550016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.660 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.4511835870071 ; 85032.4671835870104 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.138983550016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.660 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.4671835870104 ; 85032.4831835870136 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.138983550016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.665 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.46718359 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.761 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.4671835870104 ; 85032.5671645870025 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.228103011003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.761 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.5511645869992 ; 85032.5671645870025 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.228103011003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.761 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.5671645870025 ; 85032.5831645870057 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.228103011003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.763 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.56716459 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.861 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.5671645870025 ; 85032.6671465870022 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.346918783005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.861 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.6511465869989 ; 85032.6671465870022 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.346918783005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.861 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.6671465870022 ; 85032.6831465870055 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.346918783005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.867 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.66714659 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:33.963 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.6671465870022 ; 85032.7629654890043 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.436045284005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.963 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.746965489001 ; 85032.7629654890043 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.436045284005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.964 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.7629654890043 ; 85032.7789654890075 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.436045284005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:33.969 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.76296549 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.063 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.7629654890043 ; 85032.862941489002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.525099008024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.063 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.8469414889987 ; 85032.862941489002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.525099008024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.063 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.862941489002 ; 85032.8789414890052 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.525099008024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.067 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.86294149 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.166 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.862941489002 ; 85032.9629284890107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.643924002012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.166 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.9469284890074 ; 85032.9629284890107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.643924002012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.166 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.9629284890107 ; 85032.9789284890139 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.643924002012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.168 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85032.96292849 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.252 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85032.9629284890107 ; 85033.0629164890124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.733043896005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.252 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.0469164890092 ; 85033.0629164890124 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.733043896005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.252 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.0629164890124 ; 85033.0789164890157 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.733043896005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.255 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.06291649 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.351 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.0629164890124 ; 85033.1628874890012 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.822170263011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.351 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.1468874889979 ; 85033.1628874890012 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.822170263011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.351 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.1628874890012 ; 85033.1788874890044 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.822170263011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.353 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.16288749 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.448 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.1628874890012 ; 85033.2653753480117 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.941006080015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.448 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.2493753480085 ; 85033.2653753480117 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.941006080015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.448 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.2653753480117 ; 85033.281375348015 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253540.941006080015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.451 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.26537535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.562 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.2653753480117 ; 85033.3653493480087 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.030136037007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.562 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.3493493480055 ; 85033.3653493480087 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.030136037007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.562 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.3653493480087 ; 85033.381349348012 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.030136037007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.567 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.36534935 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.624 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:34.665 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.3653493480087 ; 85033.4653273480071 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.14896198202 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.665 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.4493273480039 ; 85033.4653273480071 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.14896198202 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.665 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.4653273480071 ; 85033.4813273480104 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.14896198202 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.666 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.46532735 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.760 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.4653273480071 ; 85033.5653153480089 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.238085149002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.760 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.5493153480056 ; 85033.5653153480089 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.238085149002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.760 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.5653153480089 ; 85033.5813153480121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.238085149002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.764 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.56531535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.828 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.5653153480089 ; 85033.6652943480003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.297510457021 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.828 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.6492943479971 ; 85033.6652943480003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.297510457021 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.828 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.6652943480003 ; 85033.6812943480036 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.297510457021 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.833 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.66529435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:34.861 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:11:34.861 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:34.861 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:11:34.891 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:34.929 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.6652943480003 ; 85033.7652743479994 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.416350555024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.929 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.7492743479961 ; 85033.7652743479994 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.416350555024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.929 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.7652743479994 ; 85033.7812743480026 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.416350555024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:34.934 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.76527435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.032 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.7652743479994 ; 85033.8652563479991 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.505483456014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.032 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.8492563479958 ; 85033.8652563479991 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.505483456014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.032 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.8652563479991 ; 85033.8812563480024 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.505483456014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.034 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.86525635 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.129 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.8652563479991 ; 85033.9702378240036 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.594611548004 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.129 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.9542378240003 ; 85033.9702378240036 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.594611548004 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.129 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.9702378240036 ; 85033.9862378240068 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.594611548004 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.136 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85033.97023782 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.182 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:11:35.182 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:35.182 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:11:35.245 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85033.9702378240036 ; 85034.0702188240102 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.713444594003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.245 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.054218824007 ; 85034.0702188240102 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.713444594003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.245 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.0702188240102 ; 85034.0862188240135 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.713444594003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.249 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.07021882 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.352 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.0702188240102 ; 85034.1702388870035 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.83228410501 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.352 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.1542388870002 ; 85034.1702388870035 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.83228410501 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.352 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.1702388870035 ; 85034.1862388870068 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.83228410501 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.355 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.17023889 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.465 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.1702388870035 ; 85034.2701988240005 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.951115401025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.465 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.2541988239973 ; 85034.2701988240005 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.951115401025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.465 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.2701988240005 ; 85034.2861988240038 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253541.951115401025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.471 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.27019882 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.560 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.2701988240005 ; 85034.3701718240045 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.040247699013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.560 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.3541718240012 ; 85034.3701718240045 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.040247699013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.560 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.3701718240045 ; 85034.3861718240078 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.040247699013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.566 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.37017182 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.696 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.3701718240045 ; 85034.4984723480011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.188742698025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.697 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.4824723479978 ; 85034.4984723480011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.188742698025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.698 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.4984723480011 ; 85034.5144723480043 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.188742698025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.700 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.49847235 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.758 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:35.784 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.4984723480011 ; 85034.5984533480078 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.277869617013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.784 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.5824533480045 ; 85034.5984533480078 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.277869617013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.784 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.5984533480078 ; 85034.614453348011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.277869617013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.791 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.59845335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.883 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.5984533480078 ; 85034.6984343479999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.366987163026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.883 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.6824343479966 ; 85034.6984343479999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.366987163026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.883 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.6984343479999 ; 85034.7144343480031 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.366987163026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.887 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.69843435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:35.990 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.6984343479999 ; 85034.7984163479996 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.456113876018 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.991 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.7824163479963 ; 85034.7984163479996 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.456113876018 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.991 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.7984163479996 ; 85034.8144163480029 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.456113876018 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:35.995 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.79841635 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.026 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:36.096 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.7984163479996 ; 85034.8984043480013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.574944012013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.096 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.8824043479981 ; 85034.8984043480013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.574944012013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.096 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.8984043480013 ; 85034.9144043480046 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.574944012013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.098 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.89840435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.187 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.8984043480013 ; 85034.9984043480072 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.664065015008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.187 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.9824043480039 ; 85034.9984043480072 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.664065015008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.187 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.9984043480072 ; 85035.0144043480104 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.664065015008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.190 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85034.99840435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.227 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:36.288 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85034.9984043480072 ; 85035.0983663480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.753183507011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.288 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.0823663479969 ; 85035.0983663480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.753183507011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.288 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.0983663480001 ; 85035.1143663480034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.753183507011 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.297 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.09836635 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.391 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.0983663480001 ; 85035.1983413480048 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.872005295008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.391 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.1823413480015 ; 85035.1983413480048 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.872005295008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.391 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.1983413480048 ; 85035.214341348008 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.872005295008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.397 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.19834135 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.490 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.1983413480048 ; 85035.2983243480121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.961135837017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.490 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.2823243480088 ; 85035.2983243480121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.961135837017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.490 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.2983243480121 ; 85035.3143243480154 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253542.961135837017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.500 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.29832435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.589 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.2983243480121 ; 85035.3983053480042 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.079960313014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.589 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.382305348001 ; 85035.3983053480042 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.079960313014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.589 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.3983053480042 ; 85035.4143053480075 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.079960313014 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.594 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.39830535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.695 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.3983053480042 ; 85035.4983033480094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.169082646025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.696 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.4823033480061 ; 85035.4983033480094 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.169082646025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.696 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.4983033480094 ; 85035.5143033480126 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.169082646025 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.698 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.49830335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.758 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:36.788 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.4983033480094 ; 85035.5982803480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.258198010008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.789 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.5822803479969 ; 85035.5982803480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.258198010008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.789 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.5982803480001 ; 85035.6142803480034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.258198010008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.798 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.59828035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.906 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.5982803480001 ; 85035.6982723480032 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.377022932022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.906 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.682272348 ; 85035.6982723480032 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.377022932022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.907 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.6982723480032 ; 85035.7142723480065 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.377022932022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.913 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.69827235 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:36.977 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.6982723480032 ; 85035.7982633479987 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.466143478028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.978 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.7822633479955 ; 85035.7982633479987 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.466143478028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.978 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.7982633479987 ; 85035.814263348002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.466143478028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:36.981 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.79826335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.012 1354 1377 I Adreno : Invalid colorspace 1 11-12 20:11:37.091 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.7982633479987 ; 85035.8982133480022 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.555261659028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.091 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.8822133479989 ; 85035.8982133480022 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.555261659028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.091 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.8982133480022 ; 85035.9142133480054 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.555261659028 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.098 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.89821335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.159 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:37.190 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.8982133480022 ; 85035.9981943480088 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.67408748201 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.191 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.9821943480056 ; 85035.9981943480088 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.67408748201 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.191 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.9981943480088 ; 85036.0141943480121 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.67408748201 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.197 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85035.99819435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.224 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:37.279 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85035.9981943480088 ; 85036.0981733480003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.733500602015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.279 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.082173347997 ; 85036.0981733480003 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.733500602015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.279 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.0981733480003 ; 85036.1141733480035 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.733500602015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.283 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.09817335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.292 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:37.372 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.0981733480003 ; 85036.1981633480027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.852296696015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.372 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.1821633479994 ; 85036.1981633480027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.852296696015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.374 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.1981633480027 ; 85036.214163348006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.852296696015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.376 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.19816335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.465 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.1981633480027 ; 85036.2981393480004 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.941414158006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.465 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.2821393479971 ; 85036.2981393480004 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.941414158006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.466 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.2981393480004 ; 85036.3141393480037 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253543.941414158006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.471 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.29813935 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.559 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:37.573 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.2981393480004 ; 85036.3981153479981 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.060238384001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.573 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.3821153479948 ; 85036.3981153479981 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.060238384001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.575 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.3981153479981 ; 85036.4141153480014 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.060238384001 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.577 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.39811535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.642 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:11:37.643 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:37.643 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:11:37.668 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.3981153479981 ; 85036.4981033479999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.149366019003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.668 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.4821033479966 ; 85036.4981033479999 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.149366019003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.669 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.4981033479999 ; 85036.5141033480031 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.149366019003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.673 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.49810335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.788 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.4981033479999 ; 85036.5980823480058 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.268201710016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.788 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.5820823480026 ; 85036.5980823480058 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.268201710016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.788 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.5980823480058 ; 85036.6140823480091 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.268201710016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.799 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.59808235 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.826 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:37.887 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.5980823480058 ; 85036.6980773480027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.357330192026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.887 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.6820773479994 ; 85036.6980773480027 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.357330192026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.889 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.6980773480027 ; 85036.714077348006 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.357330192026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.891 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.69807735 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:37.984 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.6980773480027 ; 85036.7980503480067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.44645489502 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.985 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.7820503480034 ; 85036.7980503480067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.44645489502 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.985 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.7980503480067 ; 85036.8140503480099 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.44645489502 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:37.988 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.79805035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.026 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: 11-12 20:11:38.026 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-12 20:11:38.026 31635 2299 W Conscrypt: com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@11746940:13) 11-12 20:11:38.084 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.7980503480067 ; 85036.898028348005 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.565298449015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.084 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.8820283480018 ; 85036.898028348005 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.565298449015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.084 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.898028348005 ; 85036.9140283480083 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.565298449015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.090 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.89802835 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.091 1384 1416 I tango : log_per_line.cc:12 Statistics 11-12 20:11:38.091 1384 1416 I tango : log_per_line.cc:12 ----------- # Hz (avg +- std ) [min,max] 11-12 20:11:38.091 1384 1416 I tango : log_per_line.cc:12 pose_dt_count 0 11-12 20:11:38.186 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.898028348005 ; 85036.9980083480041 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.654425194021 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.186 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.9820083480008 ; 85036.9980083480041 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.654425194021 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.186 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.9980083480041 ; 85037.0140083480073 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.654425194021 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.189 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85036.99800835 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.284 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85036.9980083480041 ; 85037.0979913480114 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.773254656029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.284 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.0819913480082 ; 85037.0979913480114 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.773254656029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.284 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.0979913480114 ; 85037.1139913480147 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.773254656029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.288 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.09799135 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.384 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.0979913480114 ; 85037.1979713480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.862372831005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.384 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.1819713480072 ; 85037.1979713480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.862372831005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.385 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.1979713480105 ; 85037.2139713480137 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.862372831005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.387 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.19797135 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.484 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.1979713480105 ; 85037.2979553480109 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.951505958015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.484 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.2819553480076 ; 85037.2979553480109 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.951505958015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.484 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.2979553480109 ; 85037.3139553480141 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253544.951505958015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.487 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.29795535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.585 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.2979553480109 ; 85037.3979343480023 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.070341070008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.585 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.381934347999 ; 85037.3979343480023 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.070341070008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.585 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.3979343480023 ; 85037.4139343480056 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.070341070008 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.588 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.39793435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.686 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.3979343480023 ; 85037.4979133480083 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.159460836003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.686 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.481913348005 ; 85037.4979133480083 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.159460836003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.687 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.4979133480083 ; 85037.5139133480116 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.159460836003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.690 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.49791335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.787 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.4979133480083 ; 85037.5978963480011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.278299772006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.787 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.5818963479978 ; 85037.5978963480011 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.278299772006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.787 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.5978963480011 ; 85037.6138963480043 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.278299772006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.792 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.59789635 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.886 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.5978963480011 ; 85037.6978853480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.367399948009 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.887 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.6818853480072 ; 85037.6978853480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.367399948009 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.887 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.6978853480105 ; 85037.7138853480137 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.367399948009 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.892 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.69788535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:38.983 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.6978853480105 ; 85037.7978603480005 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.456523335015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.983 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.7818603479973 ; 85037.7978603480005 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.456523335015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.983 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.7978603480005 ; 85037.8138603480038 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.456523335015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:38.985 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.79786035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.086 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.7978603480005 ; 85037.8978413480072 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.575345679012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.086 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.8818413480039 ; 85037.8978413480072 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.575345679012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.086 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.8978413480072 ; 85037.9138413480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.575345679012 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.090 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.89784135 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.185 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.8978413480072 ; 85037.9978183480125 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.664457087027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.185 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.9818183480093 ; 85037.9978183480125 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.664457087027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.186 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.9978183480125 ; 85038.0138183480158 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.664457087027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.189 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85037.99781835 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.284 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85037.9978183480125 ; 85038.0978053480067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.753580078017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.284 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.0818053480034 ; 85038.0978053480067 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.753580078017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.284 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.0978053480067 ; 85038.1138053480099 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.753580078017 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.292 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.09780535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.391 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.0978053480067 ; 85038.1977863479988 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.872409790027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.391 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.1817863479955 ; 85038.1977863479988 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.872409790027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.391 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.1977863479988 ; 85038.213786348002 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.872409790027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.396 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.19778635 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.487 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.1977863479988 ; 85038.2977683479985 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.961532821006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.487 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.2817683479952 ; 85038.2977683479985 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.961532821006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.487 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.2977683479985 ; 85038.3137683480018 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253545.961532821006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.497 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.29776835 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.586 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.2977683479985 ; 85038.3977503479982 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.05066264802 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.586 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.381750347995 ; 85038.3977503479982 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.05066264802 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.586 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.3977503479982 ; 85038.4137503480015 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.05066264802 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.591 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.39775035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.691 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:39.693 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.3977503479982 ; 85038.4977423480013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.169496319024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.693 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.4817423479981 ; 85038.4977423480013 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.169496319024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.693 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.4977423480013 ; 85038.5137423480046 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.169496319024 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.706 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.49774235 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.790 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.4977423480013 ; 85038.5977133480046 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.258623250003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.791 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.5817133480014 ; 85038.5977133480046 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.258623250003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.791 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.5977133480046 ; 85038.6137133480079 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.258623250003 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.794 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.59771335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.889 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.5977133480046 ; 85038.6976943480113 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.377446141007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.890 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.681694348008 ; 85038.6976943480113 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.377446141007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.890 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.6976943480113 ; 85038.7136943480145 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.377446141007 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.895 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.69769435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:39.984 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.6976943480113 ; 85038.7976783480117 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.466565913026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.986 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.7816783480084 ; 85038.7976783480117 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.466565913026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.986 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.7976783480117 ; 85038.8136783480149 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.466565913026 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:39.990 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.79767835 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.024 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:40.090 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.7976783480117 ; 85038.8976583480107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.555695096002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.090 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.8816583480075 ; 85038.8976583480107 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.555695096002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.090 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.8976583480107 ; 85038.913658348014 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.555695096002 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.093 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.89765835 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.182 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.8976583480107 ; 85038.9976403480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.644812637009 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.182 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.9816403480072 ; 85038.9976403480105 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.644812637009 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.182 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.9976403480105 ; 85039.0136403480137 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.644812637009 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.188 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85038.99764035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.225 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:40.285 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85038.9976403480105 ; 85039.0976253480039 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.763638125005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.285 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.0816253480007 ; 85039.0976253480039 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.763638125005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.285 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.0976253480039 ; 85039.1136253480072 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.763638125005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.289 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.09762535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.399 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.0976253480039 ; 85039.1976033480023 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.882467357005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.399 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.181603347999 ; 85039.1976033480023 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.882467357005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.399 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.1976033480023 ; 85039.2136033480056 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.882467357005 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.401 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.19760335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.491 27917 28785 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=36 11-12 20:11:40.496 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.1976033480023 ; 85039.2975763480063 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.97158962203 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.497 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.281576348003 ; 85039.2975763480063 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.97158962203 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.497 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.2975763480063 ; 85039.3135763480095 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253546.97158962203 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.505 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.29757635 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.511 27917 28225 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gm componentName=null serviceId=32 11-12 20:11:40.553 27917 31013 I Icing : App usage reports: 1 11-12 20:11:40.553 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:11:40.599 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.2975763480063 ; 85039.39757034801 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.060709211015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.599 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.3815703480068 ; 85039.39757034801 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.060709211015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.599 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.39757034801 ; 85039.4135703480133 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.060709211015 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.601 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.39757035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.631 27917 31013 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false 11-12 20:11:40.691 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.39757034801 ; 85039.4975453480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.149823930027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.691 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.4815453479969 ; 85039.4975453480001 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.149823930027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.691 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.4975453480001 ; 85039.5135453480034 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.149823930027 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.694 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.49754535 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.769 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.4975453480001 ; 85039.5975333480019 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.238943507022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.769 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.5815333479986 ; 85039.5975333480019 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.238943507022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.769 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.5975333480019 ; 85039.6135333480051 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.238943507022 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.774 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.59753335 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.868 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.5975333480019 ; 85039.6975203480106 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.357765362016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.868 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.6815203480073 ; 85039.6975203480106 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.357765362016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.868 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.6975203480106 ; 85039.7135203480138 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.357765362016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.884 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.69752035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:40.982 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.6975203480106 ; 85039.7974873480125 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.446889809013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.982 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.7814873480093 ; 85039.7974873480125 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.446889809013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.983 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.7974873480125 ; 85039.8134873480158 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.446889809013 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:40.987 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.79748735 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:41.012 27917 2309 W GAv4-SVC: Network compressed POST connection error: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to ssl.google-analytics.com/ 11-12 20:11:41.067 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.7974873480125 ; 85039.8974703480053 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.536013805016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.068 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.881470348002 ; 85039.8974703480053 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.536013805016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.068 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.8974703480053 ; 85039.9134703480086 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.536013805016 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.071 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.89747035 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:41.092 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:41.170 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.8974703480053 ; 85039.9974493480113 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.654847503029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.170 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.981449348008 ; 85039.9974493480113 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.654847503029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.170 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.9974493480113 ; 85040.0134493480145 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.654847503029 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.175 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85039.99744935 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:41.225 10300 2263 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_handle_aec_update:444miss aec update window, skip 11-12 20:11:41.290 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85039.9974493480113 ; 85040.0974343480048 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.773673382006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.291 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85040.0814343480015 ; 85040.0974343480048 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.773673382006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.291 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85040.0974343480048 ; 85040.113434348008 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.773673382006 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.298 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85040.09743435 < 253533.9891185] 11-12 20:11:41.398 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85040.0974343480048 ; 85040.1974293480016 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.86279418401 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.398 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85040.1814293479983 ; 85040.1974293480016 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.86279418401 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.398 1384 1416 W tango : gyro_helper.cc:59 Gyro samples do not cover << [ 85040.1974293480016 ; 85040.2134293480049 ] sec. Use identity R. Gyro samples cover [ 253533.98911850201 ; 253547.86279418401 ] sec. 11-12 20:11:41.405 1384 1416 E tango : vio_initializer.cc:286 Received image measurement before corresponding IMU measurement. [85040.19742935 < 253533.9891185]