This is a static version of ACN-Data (, collected from 2018 to 2020.
The dataset contains EV charging time series data collected from various sites at Caltech, JPL, and nearby offices. Each site folder contains csv files sorted by dates when the data has been collected. More pre-processing toolkits, packages, and polished datasets will be released soon.
Added caltech session data .json file.
GMM for ACN-Data:
Gym Environment:
If you use ACN-Data in published work, we ask that you cite ACN-Data: Analysis and Applications of an Open EV Charging Dataset so others can find and use the dataset as well.
@inproceedings{lee_acndata_2019, author = {Lee, Zachary J. and Li, Tongxin, and Low, Steven H.}, title = { {ACN}-{Data}: {Analysis} and {Applications} of an {Open} {EV} {Charging} {Dataset} }, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Future Energy Systems}, series = {e-Energy '19}, month = jun, year = {2019}, location = {Phoenix, Arizona} }