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Pelican-bnews - Automatic generation of most recent news article list for Pelican

pelican-bnews is an open source Pelican plugin to produce list of most recent articles for content page. The plugin is developed to be used with Markdown content and Bootstrap 3 based template.


Toni Heittola (, GitHub, Home page

Installation instructions


bs4 is required. To ensure that all external modules are installed, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

bs4 (BeautifulSoup) for parsing HTML content

pip install beautifulsoup4

In order to regenerate minified CSS and JS files you need also:

rcssmin a CSS Minifier

pip install rcssmin

jsmin a JS Minifier

pip install jsmin

Pelican installation

Make sure you include Bootstrap in your template.

Make sure the directory where the plugin was installed is set in For example if you installed in plugins/pelican-bnews, add:

PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins']

Enable pelican-bnews with:

PLUGINS = ['pelican-bnews']

To allow plugin in include css file, one needs to add following to the base.html template, in the head :

{% if article %}
    {% if article.styles %}
        {% for style in article.styles %}
{{ style }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if page %}
    {% if page.styles %}
        {% for style in page.styles %}
{{ style }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Insert article listing in the page template:

{% if page.bnews %}
    {{ page.bnews }}
{% endif %}

Insert article listing in the article template:

{% if article.bnews %}
    {{ article.bnews }}
{% endif %}


Article listing generation is triggered for the page either by setting BNEWS metadata for the content (page or article) or using <div> with class bnews.

There is two layout modes available for both of these: panel and list.

Optionally article entries can be replaced with micro news read from yaml-file (use bnews-micro divs and data-source parameter). Micro news is intended for minimal news where only summary is shown and usually associated url lead to external site.


The parameters can be set in global, and content level. Globally set parameters are are first overwritten content meta data, and finally with div parameters.

Global parameters

Parameters for the plugin can be set in `' with following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
BNEWS_HEADER String Content Header text
BNEWS_HEADER_LINK String news Header link
BNEWS_TEMPLATE Dict of Jinja2 templates Two templates can be set for panel and list
BNEWS_ITEM_TEMPLATE Dict of Jinja2 templates Two templates can be set for panel and list
BNEWS_PANEL_COLOR String panel-primary CSS class used to color the panel template in the default template. Possible values: panel-default, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-info, panel-warning, panel-danger
BNEWS_CATEGORY_LABEL_CSS Dict Dict with category labels as keys, second level dict with keylabel-css.
BNEWS_MINIFIED Boolean True Do we use minified CSS file. Disable in case of debugging.
BNEWS_GENERATE_MINIFIED Boolean False CSS file is minified each time, Enable in case of development.
BNEWS_DEBUG_PROCESSING Boolean False Show extra information in when run with DEBUG=1

Content wise parameters

Parameter Example value Description
BNEWS True Enable article listing for the page
BNEWS_MODE panel Layout type, panel or list
BNEWS_PANEL_COLOR panel-info CSS class used to color the panel template in the default template. Possible values: panel-default, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-info, panel-warning, panel-danger 
BNEWS_HEADER News Header text
BNEWS_HEADER_LINK /news Header link
BNEWS_COUNT 3 Count of most recent articles shown
BNEWS_CATEGORY cat1, cat2 Show only articles from specified categories (comma separated), if empty all categories shown
BNEWS_SHOW_CATEGORIES True Show category label


Title: Test page
Date: 2017-01-05 10:20
Category: test
Slug: test-page
Author: Test Person
bnews: True
bnews_header: Recent news
bnews_category: cat1, cat2
bnews_count: 5

Article listing is available in template in variable page.bnews or article.bnews

Div wise parameters

Parameter Example value Description
data-mode panel Layout type, panel or list
data-header Dates Header text
data-header-link /news Header link
data-category cat1, cat2 Show only articles from specified categories (comma separated), if empty all categories shown
data-count 2 Count of most recent articles shown
data-show-categories True Show category label
data-show-summary  False Show news summary, use summary meta label
data-panel-color panel-info CSS class used to color the panel template in the default template. Possible values: panel-default, panel-primary, panel-success, panel-info, panel-warning, panel-danger 
data-source None Source to the micro news data file in yaml format. Used only with bnews-micro divs
 data-shorten-category-label True Shorten category label into single letter

Example listing:

<div class="bnews" data-category="category1" data-mode="list" data-header="Recent News" data-show-summary="True"></div>

Example with meta fields:

Title: Test page
Date: 2017-01-05 10:20
Category: test
Slug: test-page
Author: Test Person
bnews: True
bnews_category: category1
bnews_header: Recent News
bnews_panel_color: panel-default   
bnews_mode: panel    
<div class="bnews"></div>

Example micro news listing:

<div class="bnews-micro" source="content/data/micro_news.yaml" data-category="category1" data-mode="list" data-header="Recent News" data-show-summary="True"></div>

Source file:

- title: Test title1
  date: 2016-03-03 12:00:00
  summary: Some text
  category: category1

- title: Test title2
  date: 2016-07-03 12:00:00
  summary: Some text
  category: category1      


Pelican plugin to generate most recent article listings








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