Starting TWRP 3.0.2-0 Tzul on Fri Jan 1 00:00:09 2010 (pid 112) I:=> product model: 'Lenovo TB3-710F' I:=> using device id: 'Lenovo_TB3-710F' RECOVERY_SDCARD_ON_DATA := true I:Lun file '/sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/' TW_INCLUDE_CRYPTO := true I:TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH := /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness I:Found brightness file at '/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness' I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 128 I:LANG: en I:RECOVERY_TOUCHSCREEN: FLIP_X=0 FLIP_Y=1 SWAP_XY=1 Starting the UI...Skipping adf graphics -- not present in build tree Skipping drm graphics -- not present in build tree [minuitwrp] fb0 reports (possibly inaccurate): res = 1024 x 600 (virtual = 1024 x 1824, offset = 0 x 600) nonstd = 0, activate = 0, height = -1, width = -1, accel_flags = 0, pixclock = -1 vi.bits_per_pixel = 32 = 16 .length = 8 = 8 .length = 8 = 0 .length = 8 setting GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 double buffered framebuffer: 3 (1024 x 600) ioctl(): blank: Invalid argument ioctl(): blank: Invalid argument Using fbdev graphics. I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 128 I:Loading package: splash (/twres/splash.xml) I:Load XML directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/splash.xml' directly I:Checking resolution... I:Scaling theme width 1.280000x and height 1.250000x, offsets x: 0 y: 0 I:Loading resources... I:Loading variables... I:Loading mouse cursor... I:Loading pages... I:Loading page splash I:Switching packages (splash) blacklisting mtk-tpd-kpd input device blacklisting hwmdata input device blacklisting ACCDET input device => Linking mtab => Processing recovery.fstab I:Processing '/mbr' I:Processing '/ebr1' I:Processing '/pro_info' I:Processing '/nvram' I:Processing '/protect_f' I:Processing '/protect_s' I:Processing '/seccfg' I:Processing '/uboot' I:Processing '/boot' I:Processing '/recovery' I:Processing '/sec_ro' I:Processing '/misc' I:Processing '/logo' I:Processing '/expdb' I:Processing '/tee1' I:Processing '/tee2' I:Processing '/kb' I:Processing '/dkb' I:Processing '/frp' I:Processing '/system_image' I:Processing '/system' I:Processing '/cache' I:Processing '/data' I:Processing '/external_sd' I:Processing '/sd-ext' I:Created '/sd-ext' folder. I:Processing '/usbotg' I:Setting up '/data' as data/media emulated storage. I:mount -o bind '/data/media' '/sdcard' process ended with RC=0 I:mount -o bind '/data/media/0' '/sdcard' process ended with RC=0 I:Setting up '/data' as data/media emulated storage. I:mount -o bind '/data/media' '/sdcard' process ended with RC=0 I:mount -o bind '/data/media/0' '/sdcard' process ended with RC=0 I:Created '/and-sec' folder. I:Creating Android Secure: /external_sd/.android_secure I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0 I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/Lenovo_TB3-710F' I:Settings storage is '/data/media/0' I:Decrypt adopted storage starting I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/data/system/storage.xml' directly Updating partition details... I:Data backup size is 4031MB, free: 487MB. I:Unable to mount '/sd-ext' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'ext4' I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' ...done I:Unmounting main partitions... Partition Logs: /mbr | /dev/mbr | Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Has_SubPartition IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/mbr Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0 Display_Name: Master Boot Record [mbr] Storage_Name: Master Boot Record [mbr] Backup_Path: /mbr Backup_Name: mbr Backup_Display_Name: MBR & EBR1 Storage_Path: /mbr Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /ebr1 | /dev/ebr1 | Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent Can_Flash_Img SubPartition_Of: /mbr Primary_Block_Device: /dev/ebr1 Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 Display_Name: Extended Boot Record [ebr1] Storage_Name: Extended Boot Record [ebr1] Backup_Path: /ebr1 Backup_Name: ebr1 Backup_Display_Name: Extended Boot Record [ebr1] Storage_Path: /ebr1 Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /pro_info | /dev/pro_info | Size: 3MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/pro_info Display_Name: Serial number [proinfo] Storage_Name: Serial number [proinfo] Backup_Path: /pro_info Backup_Name: pro_info Backup_Display_Name: Serial number [proinfo] Storage_Path: /pro_info Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /nvram | /dev/nvram | Size: 5MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/nvram Display_Name: NVRAM [nvram] Storage_Name: NVRAM [nvram] Backup_Path: /nvram Backup_Name: nvram Backup_Display_Name: NVRAM [nvram] Storage_Path: /nvram Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /protect_f | /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 | Size: 10MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Has_SubPartition IsPresent Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/protect_f Display_Name: Protect F Storage_Name: Protect F Backup_Path: /protect_f Backup_Name: protect_f Backup_Display_Name: Protect F&S [protect_f&s] Storage_Path: /protect_f Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /protect_s | /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 | Size: 10MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent SubPartition_Of: /protect_f Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/protect_s Display_Name: Protect S Storage_Name: Protect S Backup_Path: /protect_s Backup_Name: protect_s Backup_Display_Name: Protect S Storage_Path: /protect_s Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /seccfg | /dev/seccfg | Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Has_SubPartition IsPresent Primary_Block_Device: /dev/seccfg Display_Name: SecCfg Storage_Name: SecCfg Backup_Path: /seccfg Backup_Name: seccfg Backup_Display_Name: Misc [seccfg,misc,expdb] Storage_Path: /seccfg Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /uboot | /dev/uboot | Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/uboot Display_Name: Bootloader (LK) [uboot] Storage_Name: uboot Backup_Path: /uboot Backup_Name: uboot Backup_Display_Name: Bootloader (LK) [uboot] Storage_Path: /uboot Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /boot | /dev/bootimg | Size: 16MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/bootimg Display_Name: Boot/Kernel [boot] Storage_Name: boot Backup_Path: /boot Backup_Name: boot Backup_Display_Name: Boot/Kernel [boot] Storage_Path: /boot Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /recovery | /dev/recovery | Size: 16MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/recovery Display_Name: Recovery [recovery] Storage_Name: recovery Backup_Path: /recovery Backup_Name: recovery Backup_Display_Name: Recovery [recovery] Storage_Path: /recovery Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /sec_ro | /dev/sec_ro | Size: 6MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/sec_ro Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 Display_Name: SecRo [secro] Storage_Name: sec_ro Backup_Path: /sec_ro Backup_Name: sec_ro Backup_Display_Name: SecRo [secro] Storage_Path: /sec_ro Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /misc | /dev/misc | Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent SubPartition_Of: /seccfg Primary_Block_Device: /dev/misc Display_Name: Misc Storage_Name: Misc Backup_Path: /misc Backup_Name: misc Backup_Display_Name: Misc Storage_Path: /misc Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /logo | /dev/logo | Size: 3MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/logo Display_Name: Power-on graphics [logo] Storage_Name: logo Backup_Path: /logo Backup_Name: logo Backup_Display_Name: Power-on graphics [logo] Storage_Path: /logo Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /expdb | /dev/expdb | Size: 10MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent SubPartition_Of: /seccfg Primary_Block_Device: /dev/expdb Display_Name: Expdb Storage_Name: Expdb Backup_Path: /expdb Backup_Name: expdb Backup_Display_Name: Expdb Storage_Path: /expdb Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /tee1 | /dev/tee1 | Size: 5MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Has_SubPartition IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/tee1 Display_Name: Trusted Execution Environment 1 [tee1] Storage_Name: Trusted Execution Environment 1 [tee1] Backup_Path: /tee1 Backup_Name: tee1 Backup_Display_Name: Trustzone [tee1&2] Storage_Path: /tee1 Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /tee2 | /dev/tee2 | Size: 5MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent Can_Flash_Img SubPartition_Of: /tee1 Primary_Block_Device: /dev/tee2 Display_Name: Trusted Execution Environment 2 [tee2] Storage_Name: Trusted Execution Environment 2 [tee2] Backup_Path: /tee2 Backup_Name: tee2 Backup_Display_Name: Trusted Execution Environment 2 [tee2] Storage_Path: /tee2 Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /kb | /dev/kb | Size: 1MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Has_SubPartition IsPresent Primary_Block_Device: /dev/kb Display_Name: KB Storage_Name: KB Backup_Path: /kb Backup_Name: kb Backup_Display_Name: Keyblocks [kb,dkb] Storage_Path: /kb Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /dkb | /dev/dkb | Size: 1MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent SubPartition_Of: /kb Primary_Block_Device: /dev/dkb Display_Name: DKB Storage_Name: DKB Backup_Path: /dkb Backup_Name: dkb Backup_Display_Name: DKB Storage_Path: /dkb Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /frp | /dev/frp | Size: 1MB Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Primary_Block_Device: /dev/frp Display_Name: Factory Reset Protection [frp] Storage_Name: frp Backup_Path: /frp Backup_Name: frp Backup_Display_Name: Factory Reset Protection [frp] Storage_Path: /frp Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /system_image | /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 | Size: 1900MB Flags: IsPresent Can_Flash_Img Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 Display_Name: System Image Storage_Name: system_image Backup_Path: /system_image Backup_Name: system_image Backup_Display_Name: System Image Storage_Path: /system_image Current_File_System: emmc Fstab_File_System: emmc Backup_Method: dd /system | /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 | Size: 1840MB Used: 1535MB Free: 304MB Backup Size: 1535MB Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent Can_Encrypt_Backup Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 Display_Name: Android system [system] Storage_Name: System Backup_Path: /system Backup_Name: system Backup_Display_Name: Android system [system] Storage_Path: /system Current_File_System: ext4 Fstab_File_System: ext4 Backup_Method: files /cache | /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 | Size: 247MB Used: 4MB Free: 243MB Backup Size: 4MB Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent Can_Encrypt_Backup Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 Display_Name: Android cache [cache] Storage_Name: Cache Backup_Path: /cache Backup_Name: cache Backup_Display_Name: Android cache [cache] Storage_Path: /cache Current_File_System: ext4 Fstab_File_System: ext4 Backup_Method: files /data | /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 | Size: 5021MB Used: 4031MB Free: 487MB Backup Size: 4031MB Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent Can_Be_Encrypted Has_Data_Media Can_Encrypt_Backup Use_Userdata_Encryption Is_Storage Is_Settings_Storage Symlink_Path: /data/media/0 Symlink_Mount_Point: /sdcard Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 Display_Name: Android userdata [data] Storage_Name: Internal Storage Backup_Path: /data Backup_Name: data Backup_Display_Name: Android userdata [data] Storage_Path: /data/media/0 Current_File_System: ext4 Fstab_File_System: ext4 Backup_Method: files MTP_Storage_ID: 65537 /external_sd | /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 | Size: 30425MB Used: 5136MB Free: 25288MB Backup Size: 1583MB Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable IsPresent Has_Android_Secure Is_Storage Symlink_Path: /external_sd/.android_secure Symlink_Mount_Point: /and-sec Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1 Display_Name: Micro SD card [external_sd] Storage_Name: Micro SD card [external_sd] Backup_Path: /and-sec Backup_Name: and-sec Backup_Display_Name: Android Secure Storage_Path: /external_sd Current_File_System: vfat Fstab_File_System: auto Backup_Method: files MTP_Storage_ID: 65538 /sd-ext | | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable Can_Encrypt_Backup Use_Userdata_Encryption Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 Display_Name: Micro SD partition 2 [sd-ext] Storage_Name: Micro SD partition 2 [sd-ext] Backup_Path: /sd-ext Backup_Name: sd-ext Backup_Display_Name: SD-Ext Storage_Path: /sd-ext Current_File_System: ext4 Fstab_File_System: ext4 Backup_Method: files /usbotg | | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable Is_Storage Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/sda1 Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/sda Display_Name: USB-OTG Storage_Name: USB-OTG Backup_Path: /usbotg Backup_Name: usbotg Backup_Display_Name: usbotg Storage_Path: /usbotg Current_File_System: auto Fstab_File_System: auto Backup_Method: files MTP_Storage_ID: 65539 I:Loading package: TWRP (/data/media/0/TWRP/theme/ I:Loading zip theme I:Loading package: TWRP (/twres/ui.xml) I:Load XML directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/uk.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/tr.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sv.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sl.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sk.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/ru.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pt_BR.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pl.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/nl.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/it.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/hu.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/fr.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/es.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/el.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/de.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/cz.xml' directly I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly parsing languageFile parsing languageFile done I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/ui.xml' directly I:Checking resolution... I:Scaling theme width 1.280000x and height 1.250000x, offsets x: 0 y: 0 I:Loading resources... I:Failed to load image from indeterminate013, error -1 I:Loading variables... I:Loading mouse cursor... I:Loading pages... I:Including file: /twres/landscape.xml... I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/landscape.xml' directly I:Loading resources... I:Loading variables... I:Loading mouse cursor... I:Loading pages... I:Loading page main I:Loading page main2 I:Loading page install I:Loading page flash_confirm I:Loading page flash_zip I:Loading page flash_done I:Loading page flashimage_confirm I:Loading page clear_vars I:Loading page confirm_action I:Loading page action_page I:Loading page singleaction_page I:Loading page action_complete I:Loading page filecheck I:Loading page rebootcheck I:Loading page wipe I:Loading page advancedwipe I:Loading page formatdata I:Loading page formatdata_confirm I:Loading page checkpartitionlist I:Loading page partitionoptions I:Loading page refreshfilesystem I:Loading page selectfilesystem I:Loading page backup I:Loading page backupname1 I:Loading page backupname2 I:Loading page backupencryption I:Loading page backupencryption2 I:Loading page checkbackuppassword I:Loading page backup_run I:Loading page restore I:Unable to open '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/Lenovo_TB3-710F' I:Loading page restore_read I:Loading page restore_decrypt I:Loading page try_restore_decrypt I:Loading page restore_select I:Loading page renamebackup I:Loading page restore_run I:Loading page mount I:Loading page usb_mount I:Loading page usb_umount I:Loading page system_readonly_check I:Loading page reboot I:Loading page system_readonly I:Loading page settings I:Loading page settings_timezone I:Loading page settings_screen I:Loading page settings_vibration I:Loading page settings_language I:Loading page advanced I:Loading page partsdcardsel I:Loading page partsdcardcheck I:Loading page partsdcard I:Loading page htcdumlock I:Loading page lock I:Loading page filemanagerlist I:Loading page filemanageroptions I:Loading page choosedestinationfolder I:Loading page filemanagerrenamefile I:Loading page filemanagerrenamefolder I:Loading page filemanagerchmod I:Loading page filemanagerconfirm I:Loading page filemanageraction I:Loading page decrypt I:Loading page decrypt_pattern I:Loading page trydecrypt I:Loading page terminalcommand I:Loading page sideload I:Loading page fixcontexts I:Loading page installsu I:Loading page slideout I:Loading page select_storage I:Loading page select_language I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'main2' I:Switching packages (TWRP) SELinux contexts loaded from /file_contexts Full SELinux support is present. Startup Commands: f.hwrotation=270 ro.sf.hwrotation=270 ro.sf.lcd_density=160 ro.sys.usb.bicr=yes,mass_storage ro.sys.usb.charging.only=yes ro.sys.countrylist.start=1 ro.boot.emmc=0 ro.boot.serialno=YDPR4PUWR8J7JN9L ro.boot.bootreason=power_key ro.emmc=0 ro.twrp.boot=1 ro.twrp.version=3.0.2-0 Tzul ro.wifi.channels= ro.allow.mock.location=1 ro.board.platform=mt8127 Jun 12 19:52:08 CST 2016 5.0.1 LRX21M 1465732260 release-keys ro.mount.fs=EXT4 ro.config.ringtone=SaltWater.ogg ro.config.alarm_alert=New_Morning.ogg ro.config.notification_sound=Notice.ogg ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge=0 ro.huaqin.version.release=TB3-710F_S000025_160613_ROW ro.lenovo.bqb=pass ro.lenovo.ota.extsd=/sdcard/ ro.lenovo.sim=none ro.lenovo.device=tablet ro.lenovo.region=row ro.lenovo.series=Lenovo TAB3 7 Essential ro.lenovo.tablet=wifi ro.lenovo.gesture.enable=1 ro.lenovo.platform=mtk ro.lenovo.videocall=false ro.zygote=zygote32 ro.btstack=blueangel ro.carrier=unknown ro.product.sw.internal.version=TB3-710F_USR_S000025_1606131200_MP2V1_ROW ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.cpu.abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi ro.product.cpu.abilist32=armeabi-v7a,armeabi ro.product.cpu.abilist64= ro.product.ota.model=LenovoTB3-710F_L ro.product.board=LenovoTB3-710F ro.product.brand=Lenovo ro.product.model=Lenovo TB3-710F ro.product.device=TB3-710F ro.product.manufacturer=Lenovo ro.baseband=unknown ro.bootmode=unknown ro.hardware= ro.hardware.version=LenovoPad TB3-710F ro.mediatek.wlan.p2p=1 ro.mediatek.wlan.wsc=1 ro.mediatek.project.path=device/huaqin/hq8127_tb_b2b_l ro.mediatek.version.sdk=4 ro.mediatek.version.branch=L0.MP1 ro.mediatek.version.release=TB3-710F_S000025_160613_ROW ro.mediatek.chip_ver=S01 ro.mediatek.platform=MT8127 ro.opengles.version=131072 ro.revision=0 ro.serialno=YDPR4PUWR8J7JN9L ro.bootloader=unknown ro.debuggable=1 ro.hq_product.dir=hq8127_tb_b2b_l ro.hq_product.model= ro.lockscreen.wallpaper=yes ro.factorytest=0 ro.mtk_cta_set=1 ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL ro.mtk_bt_support=1 ro.mtk_fd_support=1 ro.mtk_gps_support=1 ro.mtk_wfd_support=1 ro.have_aee_feature=1 ro.mtk_dhcpv6c_wifi=1 ro.mtk_emmc_support=1 ro.mtk_hdmi_support=1 ro.mtk_sim_hot_swap=1 ro.mtk_wapi_support=1 ro.mtk_wlan_support=1 ro.sim_me_lock_mode=0 ro.mtk_shared_sdcard=1 ro.mtk_audenh_support=1 ro.mtk_audio_profiles=1 ro.mtk_multi_patition=1 ro.hq_shutanim_support=1 ro.mtk_cam_mav_support=1 ro.mtk_cam_mfb_support=1 ro.mtk_cta_drm_support=1 ro.mtk_send_rr_support=1 ro.mtk_wappush_support=1 ro.mtk_phone_number_geo=1 ro.mtk_subtitle_support=1 ro.mtk_voice_ui_support=1 ro.mtk_wfd_sink_support=1 ro.mtk_wifi_mcc_support=1 ro.hq_ut_function_modify=1 ro.mtk_audio_ape_support=1 ro.mtk_hdmi_hdcp_support=1 ro.mtk_mobile_management=1 ro.mtk_owner_sim_support=1 ro.mtk_safemedia_support=1 ro.mtk_search_db_support=1 ro.have_aacencode_feature=1 ro.mtk_antibricking_level=2 ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_ui=1 ro.mtk_live_photo_support=1 ro.mtk_besloudness_support=1 ro.mtk_drm_key_mng_support=1 ro.mtk_matv_analog_support=1 ro.mtk_perfservice_support=1 ro.mtk_wfd_hdcp_tx_support=1 ro.mtk_audio_change_support=1 ro.mtk_flv_playback_support=1 ro.mtk_fm_recording_support=1 ro.mtk_motion_track_support=1 ro.mtk_owner_sdcard_support=1 ro.mtk_passpoint_r1_support=1 ro.mtk_voice_unlock_support=1 ro.mtk_widevine_drm_support=1 ro.mtk_wmv_playback_support=1 ro.mtk_dialer_search_support=1 ro.mtk_internal_hdmi_support=1 ro.mtk_system_update_support=1 ro.mtk_tetheringipv6_support=1 ro.mtk_voice_contact_support=1 ro.mtk_wfd_sink_uibc_support=1 ro.mtk_mtkps_playback_support=1 ro.mtk_thumbnail_play_support=1 ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_support=1 ro.mtk_voice_extension_support=1 ro.mtk_cmcc_ft_precheck_support=1 ro.mtk_flight_mode_power_off_md=1 drm.service.enabled=true sys.usb.vid=17EF sys.usb.state=mtp,adb sys.usb.config=mtp,adb usb.vendor=17EF usb.product.adb=773E usb.product.mtpadb=79A2 wfd.dummy.enable=1 init.svc.adbd=stopping init.svc.healthd=running init.svc.ueventd=running init.svc.recovery=running init.svc.set_permissive=stopped twrp.touch.flipx=0 twrp.touch.flipy=1 twrp.touch.swapxy=1 twrp.crash_counter=0 twrp.action_complete=0 wifi.interface=wlan0 wifi.tethering.interface=ap0 dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features=div dalvik.vm.heapsize=256m dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms=64m dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx=512m dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=2m dalvik.vm.heapminfree=512k dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=5m dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=128m dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms=64m dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx=64m dalvik.vm.dex2oat-threadcount=3 dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.75 persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb persist.service.acm.enable=0 persist.backgrounddata.enable=false service.adb.root=1 mediatek.wlan.chip=mediatek.wlan.module.postfix=_ mediatek.wlan.ctia=0 set_gsm_serial=0 I:Copying file /cache/recovery/log to /cache/recovery/last_log tw_get_context got selinux context: u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 I:Got default contexts and file mode for storage files. I:Attempt to load settings from settings file... I:InfoManager loading from '/data/media/0/TWRP/.twrps'. I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/Lenovo_TB3-710F' I:DataManager::SetBackupFolder zip path was /external_sd changing to /sdcard, /external_sd I:Copying file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version' I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 128 I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly parsing languageFile parsing languageFile done I:Translating partition display names I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/Lenovo_TB3-710F' I:Enabling MTP during startup I:Starting MTP I:sending message to add 65537 '/data/media/0' 'Internal Storage' Starting MTP I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 I:sending message to add 65538 '/external_sd' 'Micro SDCard' I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65538 MTP Enabled I:Switching packages (TWRP) I:Set page: 'main' I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'main2' created new mtpserver object MtpServer::run fd: 23 mtppipe add storage 65537 '/data/media/0' MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /data/media/0 mtppipe add storage 65538 '/external_sd' MtpStorage id: 65538 path: /external_sd I:Set page: 'install' I:Set page: 'flash_confirm' I:Set page: 'flash_zip' I:operation_start: 'Flashing' Installing zip file '/external_sd/' Checking for MD5 file... Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root. I:Legacy property environment initialized. Archive: /external_sd/ inflating: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF inflating: META-INF/CERT.SF inflating: META-INF/CERT.RSA inflating: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary inflating: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script inflating: arm/bootimgtools inflating: arm/busybox inflating: arm/magiskhide inflating: arm/resetprop inflating: arm/sepolicy-inject inflating: arm64/bootimgtools inflating: arm64/busybox inflating: arm64/magiskhide inflating: arm64/resetprop inflating: arm64/sepolicy-inject inflating: chromeos/futility inflating: chromeos/kernel.keyblock inflating: chromeos/kernel_data_key.vbprivk inflating: common/ inflating: common/file_contexts_image inflating: common/init.magisk.rc inflating: common/ inflating: common/magiskhide/add inflating: common/magiskhide/list inflating: common/magiskhide/rm inflating: x64/bootimgtools inflating: x64/busybox inflating: x64/magiskhide inflating: x64/resetprop inflating: x64/sepolicy-inject inflating: x86/bootimgtools inflating: x86/busybox inflating: x86/magiskhide inflating: x86/resetprop inflating: x86/sepolicy-inject ***************************** Magisk v9 Boot Image Patcher ***************************** - Mounting /system(ro), /cache, /data - Device platform: arm chmod: /futility: No such file or directory sh: missing ] ! Unable to detect boot image Updater process ended with ERROR: 1 I:Legacy property environment disabled. Error installing zip file '/external_sd/' Updating partition details... I:Data backup size is 4031MB, free: 487MB. I:Unable to mount '/sd-ext' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'ext4' I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' ...done I:Set page: 'flash_done' I:operation_end - status=1 I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'install' I:Set page: 'main' I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'main2' I:Set page: 'advanced' I:Set page: 'main' I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'main2' I:Set page: 'mount' I:Set page: 'usb_mount' E:request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop I:Disabling MTP I:Device doesn't have multiple lun files, mount current storage I:USB mount '/external_sd', '/dev/block/mmcblk1p1' > '/sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/' I:Set page: 'usb_umount' I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0 I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' Updating partition details... I:Data backup size is 4031MB, free: 487MB. I:Unable to mount '/sd-ext' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'ext4' I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' ...done I:Unmounting main partitions... I:Starting MTP I:sending message to add 65537 '/data/media/0' 'Internal Storage' I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 I:sending message to add 65538 '/external_sd' 'Micro SDCard' I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65538 I:Set page: 'mount' Starting MTP created new mtpserver object MtpServer::run fd: 26 mtppipe add storage 65537 '/data/media/0' MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /data/media/0 mtppipe add storage 65538 '/external_sd' MtpStorage id: 65538 path: /external_sd I:Set overlay: 'select_storage' I:Backup folder set to '/external_sd/TWRP/BACKUPS/Lenovo_TB3-710F' I:Set overlay: '' I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'mount' I:Set page: 'usb_mount' I:Disabling MTP I:Device doesn't have multiple lun files, mount current storage I:USB mount '/external_sd', '/dev/block/mmcblk1p1' > '/sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/' I:Set page: 'usb_umount' I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0 I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' Updating partition details... I:Data backup size is 4031MB, free: 487MB. I:Unable to mount '/sd-ext' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'ext4' I:Unable to mount '/usbotg' I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'auto' ...done I:Unmounting main partitions... I:Starting MTP I:sending message to add 65537 '/data/media/0' 'Internal Storage' Starting MTP I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 I:sending message to add 65538 '/external_sd' 'Micro SDCard' I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65538 I:Set page: 'mount' created new mtpserver object MtpServer::run fd: 26 mtppipe add storage 65537 '/data/media/0' MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /data/media/0 mtppipe add storage 65538 '/external_sd' MtpStorage id: 65538 path: /external_sd I:Set page: 'main' I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'main2' I:Set page: 'advanced' I:Set page: 'confirm_action' I:Set page: 'action_page' I:operation_start: 'Copy Log' I:Copying file /tmp/recovery.log to /external_sd/recovery.log