diff --git a/WordPress.com duplicate of service 173/Terms of Service.md b/WordPress.com duplicate of service 173/Terms of Service.md index 80c31e812aa..762224c908a 100644 --- a/WordPress.com duplicate of service 173/Terms of Service.md +++ b/WordPress.com duplicate of service 173/Terms of Service.md @@ -420,13 +420,13 @@ Automattic may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. You may * [Matt Mullenweg](https://ma.tt/ "Founder of Automattic, example of what WordPress can do") * [We are hiring PHP developers. Join us!](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/code-wrangler/?utm_source=h4&utm_campaign=cw-php-we "We are super nice :-)") -An [Automattic](https://automattic.com/) Creation +An [Automattic](https://automattic.com/) Ruckus var cwLink = document.getElementById( 'code-wrangler' ); var alternatives = \[ {text: 'We are hiring PHP developers. Join us!', campaign: 'cw-php-we'}, {text: 'Automattic is hiring PHP developers. Join us!', campaign: 'cw-php-a8c'}, {text: 'Automattic is hiring backend developers. Join us!', campaign: 'cw-backend-a8c'}, {text: 'We are hiring backend developers. Join us!', campaign: 'cw-backend-we'}, {text: 'Automattic is hiring PHP developers anywhere in the world. Join us!', campaign: 'cw-php-a8c-anywhere'}, {text: 'Automattic is hiring backend developers anywhere in the world. Join us!', campaign: 'cw-backend-a8c-anywhere'}, {text: "<?php find\_developers( \['language' => 'PHP', 'specialty' => 'scaling', 'location' => ANYWHERE \] )", campaign: 'cw-phpcode'}, \]; var sourceAlternatives = { jetpackcom: \[ {text: 'Know PHP and want to improve Jetpack? Join us!', campaign: 'cw-knowphp-jetpack'}, {text: 'Know PHP and want to improve Jetpack from anywhere in the world? Join us!', campaign: 'cw-knowphp-jetpack-anywhere'}, \], h4: \[ {text: 'Know PHP and want to improve WordPress.com? Join us!', campaign: 'cw-knowphp-wpcom'}, {text: 'Know PHP and want to improve WordPress.com from anywhere in the world? Join us!', campaign: 'cw-knowphp-wpcom-anywhere'}, \], homepage: \[ {text: 'Know PHP and want to improve WordPress.com? Join us!', campaign: 'cw-knowphp-wpcom'}, {text: 'Know PHP and want to improve WordPress.com from anywhere in the world? Join us!', campaign: 'cw-knowphp-wpcom-anywhere'}, \], } if ( sourceAlternatives\[ 'h4' \] ) { alternatives = alternatives.concat( sourceAlternatives\[ 'h4' \] ); } var chosen = alternatives\[ Math.floor( Math.random() \* alternatives.length ) \]; cwLink.href = 'https://automattic.com/work-with-us/code-wrangler/?utm\_source=h4&utm\_medium=link&utm\_campaign=' + chosen.campaign; cwLink.innerHTML = chosen.text; if ( window.top !== window.self ) { if ( window.top.location.hostname !== window.self.location.hostname || window.top.location.protocol !== window.top.location.protocol ) { window.top.location.href = window.self.location.href; } } var WPGroHo = {"my\_hash":""}; // Initialize and attach hovercards to all gravatars ( function() { function init() { if ( typeof Gravatar === 'undefined' ) { return; } if ( typeof Gravatar.init !== 'function' ) { return; } Gravatar.profile\_cb = function ( hash, id ) { WPGroHo.syncProfileData( hash, id ); }; Gravatar.my\_hash = WPGroHo.my\_hash; Gravatar.init( 'body', '#wp-admin-bar-my-account' ); } if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { init(); } else { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', init ); } } )(); -var comment\_like\_text = {"loading":"Loading..."}; ( 'fetch' in window ) || document.write( '