/home/xuanlinhha/TracerX/tracerx/Release+Asserts/bin/klee --max-memory=32000 --max-time=100 -solver-backend=z3 --search=dfs -allow-external-sym-calls --watchdog -dump-states-on-halt=0 -write-BB-cov=4 -no-output -spec-strategy=custom -spec-type=coverage -output-dir=/home/xuanlinhha/TracerX/run-test/output/Mpals6-B2-cil /home/xuanlinhha/TracerX/run-test/output/Mpals6-B2-cil.bc PID: 29468 Started: 2020-04-28 17:55:59 BEGIN searcher description DFSSearcher END searcher description KLEE: done: Total number of single time Visited Basic Blocks: 140 KLEE: done: Total number of Basic Blocks: 343 Finished: 2020-04-28 17:57:39 Elapsed: 00:01:40 KLEE: done: explored paths = 4054 KLEE: done: avg. constructs per query = 200 KLEE: done: total queries = 4941 KLEE: done: valid queries = 4098 KLEE: done: invalid queries = 826 KLEE: done: query cex = 62 KLEE: done: Total reduced symbolic execution tree nodes = 8107 KLEE: done: Total number of visited basic blocks = 37331 KLEE: done: Subsumption statistics KLEE: done: Time for actual solver calls in subsumption check (ms) = 88662.2 KLEE: done: Number of solver calls for subsumption check (failed) = 4879 (786) KLEE: done: Concrete store expression build time (ms) = 309.479 KLEE: done: Symbolic store expression build time (ms) = 1.496 KLEE: done: Solver access time (ms) = 91618.6 KLEE: done: Average table entries per subsumption checkpoint = 71.31 KLEE: done: Number of subsumption checks = 8092 KLEE: done: Average solver calls per subsumption check = 0.60 KLEE: done: TxTree method execution times (ms): KLEE: done: setCurrentINode = 47.517 KLEE: done: remove = 367.432 KLEE: done: subsumptionCheck = 94901.4 KLEE: done: markPathCondition = 0.005 KLEE: done: split = 113.014 KLEE: done: executeOnNode = 310.183 KLEE: done: executeMemoryOperation = 1396.78 KLEE: done: TxTreeNode method execution times (ms): KLEE: done: getInterpolant = 5.553 KLEE: done: addConstraintTime = 12.191 KLEE: done: splitTime = 111.67 KLEE: done: execute = 295.475 KLEE: done: bindCallArguments = 2.732 KLEE: done: bindReturnValue = 2.278 KLEE: done: getStoredExpressions = 98.663 KLEE: done: getStoredCoreExpressions = 167.803 KLEE: done: total instructions = 202583 KLEE: done: completed paths = 4037, among which KLEE: done: early-terminating paths (instruction time limit, solver timeout, max-depth reached) = 0 KLEE: done: average branching depth of completed paths = 19.3548 KLEE: done: average branching depth of subsumed paths = 18.9264 KLEE: done: average instructions of completed paths = 551.871 KLEE: done: average instructions of subsumed paths = 416.239 KLEE: done: subsumed paths = 4006 KLEE: done: error paths = 0 KLEE: done: program exit paths = 31 KLEE: done: generated tests = 0, among which KLEE: done: early-terminating tests (instruction time limit, solver timeout, max-depth reached) = 0 KLEE: done: error tests = 0 KLEE: done: program exit tests = 0 KLEE: done: NOTE: KLEE: done: Subsumed paths / tests counts are nondeterministic for KLEE: done: programs with dynamically-allocated memory such as those KLEE: done: using malloc, since KLEE may reuse the address of the KLEE: done: same malloc calls in different paths. This nondeterminism KLEE: done: does not cause loss of error reports. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Path | Instrs| Time(s)| ICov(%)| BCov(%)| ICount| TSolver(%)| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |/home/xuanlinhha/TracerX/run-test/output/Mpals6-B2-cil| 202583| 100.10| 44.87| 30.87| 1491| 0.87| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------