Basic HTML/CSS template with header, wide content column on the left, menu on the right, and a footer.
Clone this repository to your GitHub Desktop application, changing its name to something relevant for your project. For instance, if your project is about visiting the Biltmore in Asheville, North Carolina, you might use the name Biltmore for your copy of the repository.
Edit the files in the navigation folder to change the content of the site header, the right menu sidebar, and the footer. The content in these places is the same throughout the site.
Change the background colors of the site in the main.css file in the css folder. Look for comments in main.css that indicate where to change the different sections of the page.
Duplicate the index.html file to add more pages to your site. Give your duplicate files meaningful names that relate to the content that the page will contain. For example, choose about.html for a page that tells readers about your site or topic. Avoid names like page2.html that are not meaningful.