diff --git a/.github/workflows/validate.yaml b/.github/workflows/validate.yaml index 21aa837679..8d2195448f 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/validate.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/validate.yaml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ on: env: GO_VERSION: 1.17 - GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION: v1.46.2 + GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION: v1.47.1 MISSSPELL_VERSION: v0.3.4 IN_DOCKER: "" diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 461f51e8a0..3fd473f243 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ vendor/ plugins-storage/ plugins-local/ traefik_changelog.md +integration/tailscale.secret diff --git a/.golangci.toml b/.golangci.toml index 93777cec0f..99dfcab4cf 100644 --- a/.golangci.toml +++ b/.golangci.toml @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ ] [[issues.exclude-rules]] path = "(.+)_test.go" - linters = ["goconst", "funlen", "godot"] + linters = ["goconst", "funlen", "godot", "nosnakecase"] [[issues.exclude-rules]] path = "integration/.+_test.go" text = "Error return value of `cmd\\.Process\\.Kill` is not checked" @@ -222,3 +222,15 @@ [[issues.exclude-rules]] path = "pkg/server/router/tcp/manager.go" text = "Function 'buildEntryPointHandler' is too long (.+)" + [[issues.exclude-rules]] + path = "integration/fake_dns_server.go" + linters = ["nosnakecase"] + [[issues.exclude-rules]] + path = "pkg/plugins/providers.go" + linters = ["nosnakecase"] + [[issues.exclude-rules]] + path = "pkg/tls/cipher.go" + linters = ["nosnakecase"] + [[issues.exclude-rules]] + text = "O_WRONLY|O_RDWR|O_CREATE|O_TRUNC|O_APPEND" + linters = ["nosnakecase"] diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 645736534d..49a1ec9a98 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,16 @@ +## [v2.8.1](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/tree/v2.8.1) (2022-07-11) +[All Commits](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/compare/v2.8.0...v2.8.1) + +**Bug fixes:** +- **[kv]** Upgrade valkeyrie to v0.4.1 ([#9161](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/9161) by [moutoum](https://github.com/moutoum)) +- **[middleware,metrics]** Improve performances when Prometheus metrics are enabled ([#9168](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/9168) by [juliens](https://github.com/juliens)) +- **[middleware]** Support forwarded websocket protocol in RedirectScheme ([#9159](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/9159) by [moutoum](https://github.com/moutoum)) + +**Documentation:** +- Update the language for advocating page ([#9169](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/9169) by [tfny](https://github.com/tfny)) +- Add callout for anyone using Traefik to manage commercial applications ([#9152](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/9152) by [tomatokoolaid](https://github.com/tomatokoolaid)) +- Update deprecation notices ([#9149](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/9149) by [ddtmachado](https://github.com/ddtmachado)) + ## [v2.8.0](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/tree/v2.8.0) (2022-06-29) [All Commits](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/compare/v2.8.0-rc1...v2.8.0) @@ -234,7 +247,7 @@ Release canceled. - **[webui]** Add a link to service on router detail view ([#8821](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/8821) by [Tchoupinax](https://github.com/Tchoupinax)) **Documentation:** -- Add a Feature Deprecation page ([#8868](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/8868) by [ddtmachado](https://github.com/ddtmachado)) +- Add a Feature Deprecation page ([#8868](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/8868) by [ddtmachado](https://github.com/ddtmachado)) **Misc:** - Merge current v2.6 into master ([#8877](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/8877) by [rtribotte](https://github.com/rtribotte)) @@ -602,7 +615,6 @@ Release canceled. - Merge current v2.4 into master ([#7748](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/7748) by [kevinpollet](https://github.com/kevinpollet)) - Merge current v2.4 into master ([#7728](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/7728) by [mmatur](https://github.com/mmatur)) - ## [v2.4.14](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/tree/v2.4.14) (2021-08-16) [All Commits](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/compare/v2.4.13...v2.4.14) @@ -3418,7 +3430,6 @@ Same changelog as v2.0.3. ## [v1.7.0-rc2](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/tree/v1.7.0-rc2) (2018-07-17) [All Commits](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/compare/v1.7.0-rc1...v1.7.0-rc2) - **Bug fixes:** - **[acme,provider]** Create init method on provider interface ([#3580](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/3580) by [Juliens](https://github.com/Juliens)) - **[acme]** Serve TLS-Challenge certificate in first ([#3605](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/3605) by [nmengin](https://github.com/nmengin)) @@ -4428,7 +4439,7 @@ Same changelog as v2.0.3. - **[acme]** Dumpcerts.sh: fixed sed, extracted domain keys ([#2161](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2161) by [sjawhar](https://github.com/sjawhar)) - Merge current v1.4 into master ([#2469](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2469) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) - Revert "Merge v1.4.2 into master" ([#2414](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2414) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) -- Merge v1.4.3 into master ([#2406](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2406) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) +- Merge v1.4.3 into master ([#2406](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2406) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) - Merge v1.4.2 into master ([#2358](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2358) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) - Merge v1.4.3 into master ([#2415](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2415) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) - Merge v1.4.1 into master ([#2318](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/2318) by [ldez](https://github.com/ldez)) @@ -5777,7 +5788,7 @@ Same changelog as v2.0.3. - Fix k8s watch [\#573](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/573) ([errm](https://github.com/errm)) - Add requirements.txt for netlify [\#567](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/567) ([emilevauge](https://github.com/emilevauge)) - Merge v1.0.1 master [\#565](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/565) ([emilevauge](https://github.com/emilevauge)) -- Move webui to FountainJS with Webpack [\#558](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/558) ([micaelmbagira](https://github.com/micaelmbagira)) +- Move webui to FountainJS with Webpack [\#558](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/558) ([micaelmbagira](https://github.com/micaelmbagira)) - Add global InsecureSkipVerify option to disable certificate checking [\#557](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/557) ([stuart-c](https://github.com/stuart-c)) - Move version.go in its own package… [\#553](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/553) ([vdemeester](https://github.com/vdemeester)) - Upgrade libkermit and dependencies [\#552](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/552) ([vdemeester](https://github.com/vdemeester)) @@ -6000,7 +6011,7 @@ Same changelog as v2.0.3. - Fix k8s watch [\#573](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/573) ([errm](https://github.com/errm)) - Add requirements.txt for netlify [\#567](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/567) ([emilevauge](https://github.com/emilevauge)) - Merge v1.0.1 master [\#565](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/565) ([emilevauge](https://github.com/emilevauge)) -- Move webui to FountainJS with Webpack [\#558](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/558) ([micaelmbagira](https://github.com/micaelmbagira)) +- Move webui to FountainJS with Webpack [\#558](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/558) ([micaelmbagira](https://github.com/micaelmbagira)) - Add global InsecureSkipVerify option to disable certificate checking [\#557](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/557) ([stuart-c](https://github.com/stuart-c)) - Move version.go in its own package… [\#553](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/553) ([vdemeester](https://github.com/vdemeester)) - Upgrade libkermit and dependencies [\#552](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/552) ([vdemeester](https://github.com/vdemeester)) @@ -6162,6 +6173,4 @@ Same changelog as v2.0.3. - log info about TOML configuration file using [\#420](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/420) ([cocap10](https://github.com/cocap10)) - Doc about skipping some integration tests with '-check.f ConsulCatalogSuite' [\#418](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/418) ([samber](https://github.com/samber)) - - \* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [gcg](https://github.com/ldez/gcg)* diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md index 686727636f..02265d5f9b 100644 --- a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject ## Scope -This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or our community. +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or our community. -Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. +Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. ## Enforcement Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at contact@traefik.io -All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. -The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 7b1c8c7d15..d3b08a3eef 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ Here are some guidelines that should help to start contributing to the project. -- [Submitting pull Requests](https://github.com/traefik/contributors-guide/blob/master/pr_guidelines.md) +- [Submitting pull Requests](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/contributing/submitting-pull-requests/) - [Submitting issues](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/contributing/submitting-issues/) -- [Submitting security issues](docs/content/contributing/submitting-security-issues.md) +- [Submitting security issues](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/contributing/submitting-security-issues/) +- [Advocating for Traefik](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/contributing/advocating/) +- [Triage Process](https://github.com/traefik/contributors-guide/blob/master/issue_triage.md) If you are willing to become a maintainer of the project, please take a look at the [maintainers guidelines](docs/content/contributing/maintainers-guidelines.md). diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index ebccf5d018..c04dc40e78 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ TRAEFIK_IMAGE := $(if $(REPONAME),$(REPONAME),"traefik/traefik") INTEGRATION_OPTS := $(if $(MAKE_DOCKER_HOST),-e "DOCKER_HOST=$(MAKE_DOCKER_HOST)",-v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock") DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS := $(if $(DOCKER_VERSION), "--build-arg=DOCKER_VERSION=$(DOCKER_VERSION)",) +# only used when running in docker TRAEFIK_ENVS := \ -e OS_ARCH_ARG \ -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG \ @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ TRAEFIK_ENVS := \ -e CODENAME \ -e TESTDIRS \ -e CI \ - -e CONTAINER=DOCKER # Indicator for integration tests that we are running inside a container. + -e IN_DOCKER=true # Indicator for integration tests that we are running inside a container. TRAEFIK_MOUNT := -v "$(CURDIR)/dist:/go/src/github.com/traefik/traefik/dist" DOCKER_RUN_OPTS := $(TRAEFIK_ENVS) $(TRAEFIK_MOUNT) "$(TRAEFIK_DEV_IMAGE)" @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ crossbinary-default-parallel: test: build-dev-image -docker network create traefik-test-network --driver bridge --subnet trap 'docker network rm traefik-test-network' EXIT; \ - $(if $(IN_DOCKER),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_TEST),) ./script/make.sh generate test-unit binary test-integration + $(if $(IN_DOCKER),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_TEST)) ./script/make.sh generate test-unit binary test-integration ## Run the unit tests .PHONY: test-unit @@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ test-unit: build-dev-image test-integration: build-dev-image -docker network create traefik-test-network --driver bridge --subnet trap 'docker network rm traefik-test-network' EXIT; \ - $(if $(IN_DOCKER),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_TEST),) ./script/make.sh generate binary test-integration + $(if $(IN_DOCKER),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_TEST)) ./script/make.sh generate binary test-integration ## Pull all images for integration tests .PHONY: pull-images diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index be68ddf0bb..318a05569e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ [![Join the community support forum at https://community.traefik.io/](https://img.shields.io/badge/style-register-green.svg?style=social&label=Discourse)](https://community.traefik.io/) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/traefik.svg?style=social)](https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=traefik) - Traefik (pronounced _traffic_) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates with your existing infrastructure components ([Docker](https://www.docker.com/), [Swarm mode](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/), [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io), [Marathon](https://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/), [Consul](https://www.consul.io/), [Etcd](https://coreos.com/etcd/), [Rancher](https://rancher.com), [Amazon ECS](https://aws.amazon.com/ecs), ...) and configures itself automatically and dynamically. Pointing Traefik at your orchestrator should be the _only_ configuration step you need. @@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ _(But if you'd rather configure some of your routes manually, Traefik supports t - Exposes a Rest API - Packaged as a single binary file (made with :heart: with go) and available as an [official](https://hub.docker.com/r/_/traefik/) docker image - ## Supported Backends - [Docker](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/providers/docker/) / [Swarm mode](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/providers/docker/) @@ -93,6 +91,7 @@ A collection of contributions around Traefik can be found at [https://awesome.tr ## Support To get community support, you can: + - join the Traefik community forum: [![Join the chat at https://community.traefik.io/](https://img.shields.io/badge/style-register-green.svg?style=social&label=Discourse)](https://community.traefik.io/) If you need commercial support, please contact [Traefik.io](https://traefik.io) by mail: . @@ -127,7 +126,6 @@ We are strongly promoting a philosophy of openness and sharing, and firmly stand This [document](docs/content/contributing/maintainers-guidelines.md) describes how to be part of the core team as well as various responsibilities and guidelines for Traefik maintainers. You can also find more information on our process to review pull requests and manage issues [in this document](docs/content/contributing/maintainers.md). - ## Contributing If you'd like to contribute to the project, refer to the [contributing documentation](CONTRIBUTING.md). diff --git a/build.Dockerfile b/build.Dockerfile index 8d3159c8ee..24d5e829d2 100644 --- a/build.Dockerfile +++ b/build.Dockerfile @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/bin \ | tar -xzC /usr/local/bin --transform 's#^.+/##x' # Download golangci-lint binary to bin folder in $GOPATH -RUN curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | bash -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin v1.46.2 +RUN curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | bash -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin v1.47.1 # Download misspell binary to bin folder in $GOPATH RUN curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/client9/misspell/master/install-misspell.sh | bash -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin v0.3.4 diff --git a/docs/content/contributing/advocating.md b/docs/content/contributing/advocating.md index 655b092723..785c971565 100644 --- a/docs/content/contributing/advocating.md +++ b/docs/content/contributing/advocating.md @@ -8,8 +8,24 @@ description: "There are many ways to contribute to Traefik Proxy. If you're talk Spread the Love & Tell Us about It {: .subtitle } -There are many ways to contribute to the project, and there is one that always spark joy: when we see/read about users talking about how Traefik helps them solve their problems. +Traefik Proxy was started by the community for the community. +You can contribute to the Traefik community in three main ways: -If you're talking about Traefik, [let us know](https://traefik.io/submit-my-contribution/) and we'll promote your enthusiasm! +**Spread the word!** Guides, videos, blog posts, how-to articles, and showing off your network design all help spread the word about Traefik Proxy +and teach others in the community how to best implement it. +It always sparks joy when users share how Traefik Proxy helps them solve their problems. +If you are talking about Traefik Proxy, [let us know](https://traefik.io/submit-my-contribution/) and we will promote your work and reward your enthusiasm! +If you are giving a talk that includes or is about Traefik Proxy, [let us know](https://traefik.io/submit-my-contribution/) and we will send you swag and stickers for your time at the conference. +If you have written about Traefik or shared useful information you would like to promote, feel free to add links to the [dedicated wiki page on GitHub](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/wiki/Awesome-Traefik). -Also, if you've written about Traefik or shared useful information you'd like to promote, feel free to add links in the [dedicated wiki page on Github](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/wiki/Awesome-Traefik). +**Help community members!** Everyone needs a place to share their cool innovations or get help with that pesky bug that only a different pair of eyes seems to be able to see. +Join our [Community Forum](https://community.traefik.io/) where you can ask questions, help out other users, and share your neat configuration examples or snippets. +Top contributors will be asked to join the Ambassador program and get unique swag to celebrate! + +**Build cool solutions!** Traefik Proxy would be so much better if only it had… +We love all the wonderful ideas that our users come up with, but we can only build so much. +Luckily, as an open source community, our users can help by [building awesome features](https://github.com/orgs/traefik/projects/9/views/7), enhancements, or bug fixes. +We are a big community, so we do need to prioritize a bit. +That is why we use the tag `contributor/wanted` to let you know which pull requests will make it to the front of the queue for design support and review. +Feel free to grab one of these and run with it. +Top contributors get unique swag to celebrate. diff --git a/docs/content/contributing/submitting-pull-requests.md b/docs/content/contributing/submitting-pull-requests.md index 8354821895..ec26125f9b 100644 --- a/docs/content/contributing/submitting-pull-requests.md +++ b/docs/content/contributing/submitting-pull-requests.md @@ -3,12 +3,228 @@ title: "Traefik Pull Requests Documentation" description: "Looking to contribute to Traefik Proxy? This guide will show you the guidelines for submitting a PR in our contributors guide repository." --- -# Submitting Pull Requests +# Before You Submit a Pull Request -A Quick Guide for Efficient Contributions -{: .subtitle } +This guide is for contributors who already have a pull request to submit. +If you are looking for information on setting up your developer environment +and creating code to contribute to Traefik Proxy or related projects, +see the [development guide](https://docs.traefik.io/contributing/building-testing/). -So you've decided to improve Traefik? -Thank You! +Looking for a way to contribute to Traefik Proxy? +Check out this list of [Priority Issues](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/labels/contributor%2Fwanted), +the [Good First Issue](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/labels/contributor%2Fgood-first-issue) list, +or the list of [confirmed bugs](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/labels/kind%2Fbug%2Fconfirmed) waiting to be remedied. -Please review the [guidelines on creating PRs](https://github.com/traefik/contributors-guide/blob/master/pr_guidelines.md) for Traefik in our [contributors guide repository](https://github.com/traefik/contributors-guide). +## How We Prioritize + +We wish we could review every pull request right away. +Unfortunately, our team has to prioritize pull requests (PRs) for review +(but we are welcoming new [maintainers](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/blob/master/docs/content/contributing/maintainers-guidelines.md) to speed this up, +so if you are interested, check it out and apply). + +The PRs we are able to handle fastest are: + +* Documentation updates. +* Bug fixes. +* Enhancements and Features with a `contributor/wanted` tag. + +PRs that take more time to address include: + +* Enhancements or Features without the `contributor/wanted` tag. + +If you have an idea for an enhancement or feature that you would like to build, +[create an issue](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/issues/new/choose) for it first +and tell us you are interested in writing the PR. +If an issue already exists, definitely comment on it to tell us you are interested in creating a PR. + +This will allow us to communicate directly and let you know if it is something we would accept. +It also allows us to make sure you have all the information you need during the design phase +so that it can be reviewed and merged quickly. + +If you have questions about the Triage process, +[read more here](https://github.com/traefik/contributors-guide/blob/master/issue_triage.md). + +## The Pull Request Submit Process + +Merging a PR requires the following steps to be completed before it is merged automatically. + +* Make sure your pull request adheres to our best practices. These include: + * [Following project conventions](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/blob/master/docs/content/contributing/maintainers-guidelines.md); including using the PR Template. + * Make small pull requests. + * Solve only one problem at a time. + * Comment thoroughly. + * Do not open the PR from an organization repository. + * Keep "allows edit from maintainer" checked. + * Use semantic line breaks for documentation. +* Pass the validation check. +* Pass all tests. +* Receive 3 approving reviews maintainers. + +## Pull Request Review Cycle + +You can read about our Triage Process [here](https://github.com/traefik/contributors-guide/blob/master/issue_triage.md), +but in short, it looks like this: + +* We triage every new PR or comment before entering it into the review process. + * We ensure that all prerequisites for review have been met. + * We check to make sure the use case meets our needs. + * We assign reviewers. +* Design Review. + * This takes longer than other parts of the process. + * We review that there are no obvious conflicts with our codebase. +* Code Review. + * We review the code in-depth and run tests. + * We may ask for changes here. + * During code review, we ask that you be reasonably responsive, + if a PR languishes in code review it is at risk of rejection, + or we may take ownership of the PR and the contributor will become a co-author. +* Merge. + * Success! + +!!! note + + Occasionally, we may freeze our codebase when working towards a specific feature or goal that could impact other development. + During this time, your pull request could remain unmerged while the release work is completed. + +## Run Local Verifications + +You must run these local verifications before you submit your pull request to predict the pass or failure of continuous integration. +Your PR will not be reviewed until these are green on the CI. + +* `make validate` +* `make pull-images` +* `make test` + +## The Testing and Merge Workflow + +Pull Requests are managed by the bot [Myrmica Lobicornis](https://github.com/traefik/lobicornis). +This bot is responsible for verifying GitHub Checks (CI, Tests, etc), mergability, and minimum reviews. +In addition, it rebases or merges with the base PR branch if needed. +It performs several other housekeeping items +and you can read more about those on the [README](https://github.com/traefik/lobicornis) for Lobicornis. + +The maintainer giving the final LGTM must add the `status/3-needs-merge` label to trigger the merge bot. + +By default, a squash-rebase merge will be carried out. + +The status `status/4-merge-in-progress` is only used by the bot. + +If the bot is not able to perform the merge, the label `bot/need-human-merge` is added. +In such a situation, solve the conflicts/CI/... and then remove the label `bot/need-human-merge`. + +To prevent the bot from automatically merging a PR, add the label `bot/no-merge`. + +The label `bot/light-review` decreases the number of required LGTM from 3 to 1. + +This label can be used when: + +* Updating a dependency. +* Merging branches back into the next version branch. +* Submitting minor documentation changes. +* Submitting changelog PRs. + +## Why Was My Pull Request Closed? + +Traefik Proxy is made by the community for the community, +as such the goal is to engage the community to make Traefik the best reverse proxy available. +Part of this goal is maintaining a lean codebase and ensuring code velocity. +unfortunately, this means that sometimes we will not be able to merge a pull request. + +Because we respect the work you did, you will always be told why we are closing your pull request. +If you do not agree with our decision, do not worry; closed pull requests are easy to recreate, +and little work is lost by closing a pull request that subsequently needs to be reopened. + +Your pull request might be closed if: + +* Your PR's design conflicts with our existing codebase in such a way that Merging is not an option + and the work needed to make your pull request usable is too high. + * To prevent this, make sure you created an issue first + and think about including Traefik Proxy maintainers in your design phase to minimize conflicts. +* Your PR is for an enhancement or feature that we will not use. + * Please remember to create an issue for any pull request **before** you create a PR + to ensure that your goal is something we can merge and that you have any design insight you might need from the team. +* Your PR has been waiting for feedback from the contributor for over 90 days. + +## Why is My Pull Request Not Getting Reviewed + +A few factors affect how long your pull request might wait for review. + +We must prioritize which PRs we focus on. +Our first priority is PRs we have identified as having high community engagement and broad applicability. +We put our top priorities on our roadmap and you can identify them by the `contributor/wanted` tag. +These PRs will enter our review process the fastest. + +Our second priority is bug fixes. +Especially for bugs that have already been tagged with `bug/confirmed`. +These reviews enter the process quickly. + +If your PR does not meet the criteria above, +it will take longer for us to review as any PRs that do meet the criteria above will be prioritized. + +Additionally, during the last few weeks of a milestone, we stop reviewing PRs to reduce churn and stabilize. +We will resume after the release. + +The second major reason that we deprioritize your PR is that you are not following best practices. + +The most common failures to follow best practices are: + +* You did not create an issue for the PR you wish to make. + If you do not create an issue before submitting your PR, + we will not be able to answer any design questions and let you know how likely your PR is to be merged. +* You created pull requests that are too large to review. + * Break your pull requests up. + If you can extract whole ideas from your pull request and send those as pull requests of their own, + you should do that instead. + It is better to have many pull requests addressing one thing than one pull request addressing many things. + * Traefik Proxy is a fast-moving codebase — lock in your changes ASAP with your small pull request, + and make merges be someone else's problem. + We want every pull request to be useful on its own, + so use your best judgment on what should be a pull request vs. a commit. +* You did not comment well. + * Comment everything. + +Please remember that we are working internationally, cross-culturally, and with different use-cases. +Your reviewer will not intuitively understand the problem the same way you do or solve it the same way you would. +This is why every change you make must be explained and your strategy for coding must also be explained. + +* Your tests were inadequate or absent. + * If you do not know how to test your PR, please ask! + We will be happy to help you or suggest appropriate test cases. + +If you have already followed the best practices and your PR still has not received a response, +here are some things you can do to move the process along: + +* If you have fixed all the issues from a review, + remember to re-request a review (using the designated button) to let your reviewer know that you are ready. + You can choose to comment with the changes you made. +* Ping `@tfny` if you have not been assigned to a reviewer. + +For more information on best practices, try these links: + +* [How to Write a Git Commit Message - Chris Beams](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) +* [Distributed Git - Contributing to a Project (Commit Guidelines)](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Contributing-to-a-Project) +* [What’s with the 50/72 rule? - Preslav Rachev](https://preslav.me/2015/02/21/what-s-with-the-50-72-rule/) +* [A Note About Git Commit Messages - Tim Pope](https://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html) + +## It's OK to Push Back + +Sometimes reviewers make mistakes. +It is OK to push back on changes your reviewer requested. +If you have a good reason for doing something a certain way, you are absolutely allowed to debate the merits of a requested change. +Both the reviewer and reviewee should strive to discuss these issues in a polite and respectful manner. + +You might be overruled, but you might also prevail. +We are pretty reasonable people. + +Another phenomenon of open-source projects (where anyone can comment on any issue) is the dog-pile - +your pull request gets so many comments from so many people it becomes hard to follow. +In this situation, you can ask the primary reviewer (assignee) whether they want you to fork a new pull request +to clear out all the comments. +You do not have to fix every issue raised by every person who feels like commenting, +but you should answer reasonable comments with an explanation. + +## Common Sense and Courtesy + +No document can take the place of common sense and good taste. +Use your best judgment, while you put a bit of thought into how your work can be made easier to review. +If you do these things your pull requests will get merged with less friction. diff --git a/docs/content/contributing/thank-you.md b/docs/content/contributing/thank-you.md index e5d7dda61c..8766d98b69 100644 --- a/docs/content/contributing/thank-you.md +++ b/docs/content/contributing/thank-you.md @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ description: "Thank you to all those who have contributed! Traefik Proxy is an o _You_ Made It {: .subtitle} -Traefik truly is an [open-source project](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/), +Traefik Proxy truly is an [open-source project](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/), and wouldn't have become what it is today without the help of our [many contributors](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/graphs/contributors) (at the time of writing this), -not accounting for people having helped with issues, tests, comments, articles, ... or just enjoying it and letting others know. +not accounting for people having helped with issues, tests, comments, articles, ... or just enjoy using Traefik Proxy and share with others. -So once again, thank you for your invaluable help on making Traefik such a good product. +So once again, thank you for your invaluable help in making Traefik such a good product! !!! question "Where to Go Next?" If you want to: diff --git a/docs/content/deprecation/features.md b/docs/content/deprecation/features.md index fb400c166b..29b162d199 100644 --- a/docs/content/deprecation/features.md +++ b/docs/content/deprecation/features.md @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ This page is maintained and updated periodically to reflect our roadmap and any | Feature | Deprecated | End of Support | Removal | |---------------------------------------------------------------|------------|----------------|---------| -| [Pilot Dashboard (Metrics)](#pilot-dashboard-metrics) | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.9 | -| [Pilot Plugins](#pilot-plugins) | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.9 | -| [Consul Enterprise Namespaces](#consul-enterprise-namespaces) | 2.8 | TBD | TBD | +| [Pilot Dashboard (Metrics)](#pilot-dashboard-metrics) | 2.7 | 2.8 | 3.0 | +| [Pilot Plugins](#pilot-plugins) | 2.7 | 2.8 | 3.0 | +| [Consul Enterprise Namespace](#consul-enterprise-namespace) | 2.8 | N/A | 3.0 | ## Impact @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ In 2.9, the Pilot platform and all Traefik integration code will be permanently Starting on 2.7 the pilot token will not be a requirement anymore. At 2.9, a new plugin catalog home should be available, decoupled from pilot. -### Consul Enterprise Namespaces +### Consul Enterprise Namespace Starting on 2.8 the `namespace` option of Consul and Consul Catalog providers is deprecated, please use the `namespaces` options instead. diff --git a/docs/content/deprecation/releases.md b/docs/content/deprecation/releases.md index 1ff1f5ecee..f95e325a15 100644 --- a/docs/content/deprecation/releases.md +++ b/docs/content/deprecation/releases.md @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ Below is a non-exhaustive list of versions and their maintenance status: | Version | Release Date | Active Support | Security Support | |---------|--------------|--------------------|------------------| -| 2.6 | Jan 24, 2022 | Yes | Yes | +| 2.8 | Jun 29, 2022 | Yes | Yes | +| 2.7 | May 24, 2022 | Ended Jun 29, 2022 | No | +| 2.6 | Jan 24, 2022 | Ended May 24, 2022 | No | | 2.5 | Aug 17, 2021 | Ended Jan 24, 2022 | No | | 2.4 | Jan 19, 2021 | Ended Aug 17, 2021 | No | | 2.3 | Sep 23, 2020 | Ended Jan 19, 2021 | No | diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md b/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md index 8e06c02d3a..af8ecc0c2a 100644 --- a/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md +++ b/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md @@ -93,3 +93,18 @@ All available environment variables can be found [here](../reference/static-conf All the configuration options are documented in their related section. You can browse the available features in the menu, the [providers](../providers/overview.md), or the [routing section](../routing/overview.md) to see them in action. + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/install-traefik.md b/docs/content/getting-started/install-traefik.md index 199c403804..caedc2475a 100644 --- a/docs/content/getting-started/install-traefik.md +++ b/docs/content/getting-started/install-traefik.md @@ -179,10 +179,17 @@ And run it: All the details are available in the [Contributing Guide](../contributing/building-testing.md) -!!! question "Using Traefik for Business?" +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" - If you're using Traefik for commercial applications, - consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/) of Traefik as your [Kubernetes Ingress](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/), - your [Docker Swarm Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/), - or your [API gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/). + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/quick-start.md b/docs/content/getting-started/quick-start.md index 2d9e40229a..bed7b1ef28 100644 --- a/docs/content/getting-started/quick-start.md +++ b/docs/content/getting-started/quick-start.md @@ -113,4 +113,20 @@ IP: ``` !!! question "Where to Go Next?" + Now that you have a basic understanding of how Traefik can automatically create the routes to your services and load balance them, it is time to dive into [the documentation](/) and let Traefik work for you! + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/https/acme.md b/docs/content/https/acme.md index f41f29b0e2..4574010e5e 100644 --- a/docs/content/https/acme.md +++ b/docs/content/https/acme.md @@ -666,3 +666,18 @@ If Let's Encrypt is not reachable, the following certificates will apply: !!! important For new (sub)domains which need Let's Encrypt authentication, the default Traefik certificate will be used until Traefik is restarted. + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/middlewares/http/redirectscheme.md b/docs/content/middlewares/http/redirectscheme.md index 3e37e89fc3..9c7a67ec1e 100644 --- a/docs/content/middlewares/http/redirectscheme.md +++ b/docs/content/middlewares/http/redirectscheme.md @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ TODO: add schema --> The RedirectScheme middleware redirects the request if the request scheme is different from the configured scheme. -The middleware does not work for websocket requests. !!! warning "When behind another reverse-proxy" diff --git a/docs/content/plugins/index.md b/docs/content/plugins/index.md index f5062b21fc..7eb57106d2 100644 --- a/docs/content/plugins/index.md +++ b/docs/content/plugins/index.md @@ -1,54 +1,32 @@ --- title: "Traefik Plugins Documentation" -description: "Learn how to connect Traefik Proxy with Pilot, a SaaS platform that offers features for metrics, alerts, and plugins. Read the technical documentation." +description: "Learn how to use Traefik Plugins. Read the technical documentation." --- -# Plugins and Traefik Pilot +# Traefik Plugins and the Plugin Catalog -Traefik Pilot is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that connects to Traefik to extend its capabilities. -It offers a number of features to enhance observability and control of Traefik through a global control plane and dashboard, including: +Plugins are a powerful feature for extending Traefik with custom features and behaviors. +The [Plugin Catalog](https://plugins.traefik.io/) is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that provides an exhaustive list of the existing plugins. -* Metrics for network activity of Traefik proxies and groups of proxies -* Alerts for service health issues and security vulnerabilities -* Plugins that extend the functionality of Traefik +??? note "Plugin Catalog Access" + You can reach the [Plugin Catalog](https://plugins.traefik.io/) from the Traefik Dashboard using the `Plugins` menu entry. -!!! important "Learn More About Traefik Pilot" - This section is intended only as a brief overview for Traefik users who are not familiar with Traefik Pilot. - To explore all that Traefik Pilot has to offer, please consult the [Traefik Pilot Documentation](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik-pilot/) +To add a new plugin to a Traefik instance, you must change that instance's static configuration. +Each plugin's **Install** section provides a static configuration example. +Many plugins have their own section in the Traefik dynamic configuration. -!!! Note "Prerequisites" - Traefik Pilot is compatible with Traefik Proxy 2.3 or later. - -## Connecting to Traefik Pilot - -To connect your Traefik proxies to Traefik Pilot, login or create an account at the [Traefik Pilot homepage](https://pilot.traefik.io) and choose **Register New Traefik Instance**. - -To complete the connection, Traefik Pilot will issue a token that must be added to your Traefik static configuration, according to the instructions provided by the Traefik Pilot dashboard. -For more information, consult the [Quick Start Guide](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik-pilot/connecting/) - -Health and security alerts for registered Traefik instances can be enabled from the Preferences in your [Traefik Pilot Profile](https://pilot.traefik.io/profile). - -## Plugins - -Plugins are available to any Traefik proxies that are connected to Traefik Pilot. -They are a powerful feature for extending Traefik with custom features and behaviors. - -You can browse community-contributed plugins from the catalog in the [Traefik Pilot Dashboard](https://pilot.traefik.io/plugins). - -To add a new plugin to a Traefik instance, you must modify that instance's static configuration. -The code to be added is provided for you when you choose **Install the Plugin** from the Traefik Pilot dashboard. -To learn more about Traefik plugins, consult the [documentation](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik-pilot/plugins/overview/). +To learn more about Traefik plugins, consult the [documentation](https://plugins.traefik.io/install). !!! danger "Experimental Features" - Plugins can potentially modify the behavior of Traefik in unforeseen ways. + Plugins can change the behavior of Traefik in unforeseen ways. Exercise caution when adding new plugins to production Traefik instances. ## Build Your Own Plugins -Traefik users can create their own plugins and contribute them to the Traefik Pilot catalog to share them with the community. +Traefik users can create their own plugins and share them with the community using the Plugin Catalog. -Traefik plugins are loaded dynamically. +Traefik will load plugins dynamically. They need not be compiled, and no complex toolchain is necessary to build them. The experience of implementing a Traefik plugin is comparable to writing a web browser extension. -To learn more and see code for example Traefik plugins, please see the [developer documentation](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik-pilot/plugins/plugin-dev/). +To learn more about Traefik plugin creation, please refer to the [developer documentation](https://plugins.traefik.io/create). diff --git a/docs/content/providers/docker.md b/docs/content/providers/docker.md index 3b6de478fd..95603a7b4b 100644 --- a/docs/content/providers/docker.md +++ b/docs/content/providers/docker.md @@ -742,3 +742,18 @@ providers: ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.docker.allowEmptyServices=true ``` + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/providers/kubernetes-ingress.md b/docs/content/providers/kubernetes-ingress.md index badb47da4a..955003517a 100644 --- a/docs/content/providers/kubernetes-ingress.md +++ b/docs/content/providers/kubernetes-ingress.md @@ -501,3 +501,18 @@ providers: To learn more about the various aspects of the Ingress specification that Traefik supports, many examples of Ingresses definitions are located in the test [examples](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/tree/v2.8/pkg/provider/kubernetes/ingress/fixtures) of the Traefik repository. + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd-definition-v1.yml b/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd-definition-v1.yml index fb0e5ce378..345e907364 100644 --- a/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd-definition-v1.yml +++ b/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd-definition-v1.yml @@ -1904,8 +1904,8 @@ spec: schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: 'TraefikService is the CRD implementation of a Traefik Service. - TraefikService object allows to: - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing - - Mirror traffic on services More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice' + TraefikService object allows to: - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing + - Mirror traffic on services More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice' properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation diff --git a/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.containo.us_traefikservices.yaml b/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.containo.us_traefikservices.yaml index 4270ecf212..b9850c069c 100644 --- a/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.containo.us_traefikservices.yaml +++ b/docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.containo.us_traefikservices.yaml @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ spec: schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: 'TraefikService is the CRD implementation of a Traefik Service. - TraefikService object allows to: - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing - - Mirror traffic on services More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice' + TraefikService object allows to: - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing + - Mirror traffic on services More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice' properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation diff --git a/docs/content/routing/entrypoints.md b/docs/content/routing/entrypoints.md index 91509d3f19..31f22f24b0 100644 --- a/docs/content/routing/entrypoints.md +++ b/docs/content/routing/entrypoints.md @@ -967,3 +967,18 @@ entryPoints: entrypoints.foo.address=:8000/udp entrypoints.foo.udp.timeout=10s ``` + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/routing/routers/index.md b/docs/content/routing/routers/index.md index 74a32c66da..265c73c26b 100644 --- a/docs/content/routing/routers/index.md +++ b/docs/content/routing/routers/index.md @@ -1329,3 +1329,18 @@ There must be one (and only one) UDP [service](../services/index.md) referenced Services are the target for the router. !!! important "UDP routers can only target UDP services (and not HTTP or TCP services)." + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/content/routing/services/index.md b/docs/content/routing/services/index.md index 98758ad6d1..ca86b048c9 100644 --- a/docs/content/routing/services/index.md +++ b/docs/content/routing/services/index.md @@ -1645,3 +1645,18 @@ udp: [[udp.services.appv2.loadBalancer.servers]] address = "private-ip-server-2:8080/" ``` + +!!! question "Using Traefik for Business Applications?" + + If you are using Traefik for commercial applications, + consider the [Enterprise Edition](https://traefik.io/traefik-enterprise/). + You can use it as your: + + - [Kubernetes Ingress Controller](https://traefik.io/solutions/kubernetes-ingress/) + - [Load Balancer](https://traefik.io/solutions/docker-swarm-ingress/) + - [API Gateway](https://traefik.io/solutions/api-gateway/) + + Traefik Enterprise enables centralized access management, + distributed Let's Encrypt, + and other advanced capabilities. + Learn more in [this 15-minute technical walkthrough](https://info.traefik.io/watch-traefikee-demo). diff --git a/docs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs.yml index 4884032cee..36240c18b9 100644 --- a/docs/mkdocs.yml +++ b/docs/mkdocs.yml @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ nav: - 'InFlightConn': 'middlewares/tcp/inflightconn.md' - 'IpWhitelist': 'middlewares/tcp/ipwhitelist.md' - 'Traefik Hub': 'traefik-hub/index.md' - - 'Plugins & Traefik Pilot': 'plugins/index.md' + - 'Plugins & Plugin Catalog': 'plugins/index.md' - 'Operations': - 'CLI': 'operations/cli.md' - 'Dashboard' : 'operations/dashboard.md' diff --git a/docs/readme.md b/docs/readme.md index 54760414b5..de1d8b6779 100644 --- a/docs/readme.md +++ b/docs/readme.md @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ | mkdocs-material | [documentation][mkdocs-material] | [Sources][mkdocs-material-src] | | pymdown-extensions| [documentation][pymdown-extensions] | [Sources][pymdown-extensions-src] | - [mkdocs]: https://www.mkdocs.org "Mkdocs" [mkdocs-src]: https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs "Mkdocs - Sources" diff --git a/docs/scripts/netlify-run.sh b/docs/scripts/netlify-run.sh deleted file mode 100755 index dac3f97b33..0000000000 --- a/docs/scripts/netlify-run.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# -# This 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h1:wtMFcOzmuA5QigNsgEIb7O5lhvH1tHAF1RbWmLWV4to= gorm.io/driver/sqlserver v1.0.4/go.mod h1:ciEo5btfITTBCj9BkoUVDvgQbUdLWQNqdFY5OGuGnRg= diff --git a/integration/fixtures/k8s/01-traefik-crd.yml b/integration/fixtures/k8s/01-traefik-crd.yml index fb0e5ce378..345e907364 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/k8s/01-traefik-crd.yml +++ b/integration/fixtures/k8s/01-traefik-crd.yml @@ -1904,8 +1904,8 @@ spec: schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: 'TraefikService is the CRD implementation of a Traefik Service. - TraefikService object allows to: - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing - - Mirror traffic on services More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice' + TraefikService object allows to: - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing + - Mirror traffic on services More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice' properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls-with-https.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls-with-https.toml index e2b4e66627..1b10712463 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls-with-https.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls-with-https.toml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ [tcp.services] [tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-no-tls:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiNoTLSAddress }}" [http] [http.routers] @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ [http.services] [http.services.whoami.loadBalancer] [[http.services.whoami.loadBalancer.servers]] - url = "http://whoami:80" + url = "{{ .WhoamiURL }}" diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls.toml index 3d0cfc1e13..c052832e85 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls.toml @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ [tcp.services] [tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-banner:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiBannerAddress }}" diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/ip-whitelist.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/ip-whitelist.toml index 26f5efd15c..2718f05449 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/ip-whitelist.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/ip-whitelist.toml @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ [tcp.services] [tcp.services.whoami-a.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-a.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-a:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiA }}" [tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-b:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiB }}" [tcp.middlewares] [tcp.middlewares.allowing-ipwhitelist.ipWhiteList] diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/mixed.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/mixed.toml index 6dac324f47..eea3acabf1 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/mixed.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/mixed.toml @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ [http.services] [http.services.whoami.loadBalancer] [[http.services.whoami.loadBalancer.servers]] - url = "http://whoami:80" + url = "{{ .Whoami }}" [tcp] [tcp.routers] [tcp.routers.to-whoami-a] @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ [tcp.services.whoami-a.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-a.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-a:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiA }}" [tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-b:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiB }}" [tcp.services.whoami-no-cert.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-cert.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-no-cert:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiNoCert }}" [[tls.certificates]] certFile = "fixtures/tcp/whoami-c.crt" diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/multi-tls-options.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/multi-tls-options.toml index 366c55947d..be9a2a1728 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/multi-tls-options.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/multi-tls-options.toml @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ [tcp.services.whoami-no-cert] [tcp.services.whoami-no-cert.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-cert.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-no-cert:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiNoCert }}" [tls.options] diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls-fallback.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls-fallback.toml index f4ff8f854a..2043694a1f 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls-fallback.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls-fallback.toml @@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ [tcp.services] [tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-no-tls:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiNoTLS }}" [tcp.services.whoami-a.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-a.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-a:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiA }}" [tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-b:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiB }}" [tcp.services.whoami-no-cert.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-cert.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-no-cert:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiNoCert }}" diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls.toml index 608d77a4d4..3b0b5efd50 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/non-tls.toml @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ [tcp.services] [tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-no-tls.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-no-tls:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiNoTLS }}" diff --git a/integration/fixtures/tcp/wrr.toml b/integration/fixtures/tcp/wrr.toml index 892e231c68..b9d35e65c5 100644 --- a/integration/fixtures/tcp/wrr.toml +++ b/integration/fixtures/tcp/wrr.toml @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ [tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-b.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-b:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiB }}" [tcp.services.whoami-ab.loadBalancer] [[tcp.services.whoami-ab.loadBalancer.servers]] - address = "whoami-ab:8080" + address = "{{ .WhoamiAB }}" diff --git a/integration/integration_test.go b/integration/integration_test.go index c7e99d9166..19b53ad537 100644 --- a/integration/integration_test.go +++ b/integration/integration_test.go @@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ package integration import ( "bytes" "context" + "errors" "flag" "fmt" + "io/fs" + "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" @@ -40,8 +43,23 @@ func Test(t *testing.T) { return } + // TODO(mpl): very niche optimization: do not start tailscale if none of the + // wanted tests actually need it (e.g. KeepAliveSuite does not). + var ( + vpn *tailscaleNotSuite + useVPN bool + ) + if os.Getenv("IN_DOCKER") != "true" { + if vpn = setupVPN(nil, "tailscale.secret"); vpn != nil { + defer vpn.TearDownSuite(nil) + useVPN = true + } + } + check.Suite(&AccessLogSuite{}) - check.Suite(&AcmeSuite{}) + if !useVPN { + check.Suite(&AcmeSuite{}) + } check.Suite(&ConsulCatalogSuite{}) check.Suite(&ConsulSuite{}) check.Suite(&DockerComposeSuite{}) @@ -55,12 +73,16 @@ func Test(t *testing.T) { check.Suite(&HostResolverSuite{}) check.Suite(&HTTPSSuite{}) check.Suite(&HTTPSuite{}) - check.Suite(&K8sSuite{}) + if !useVPN { + check.Suite(&K8sSuite{}) + } check.Suite(&KeepAliveSuite{}) check.Suite(&LogRotationSuite{}) - check.Suite(&MarathonSuite15{}) check.Suite(&MarathonSuite{}) - check.Suite(&ProxyProtocolSuite{}) + check.Suite(&MarathonSuite15{}) + if !useVPN { + check.Suite(&ProxyProtocolSuite{}) + } check.Suite(&RateLimitSuite{}) check.Suite(&RedisSuite{}) check.Suite(&RestSuite{}) @@ -125,6 +147,24 @@ func (s *BaseSuite) composeUp(c *check.C, services ...string) { c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) } +// composeExec runs the command in the given args in the given compose service container. +// Already running services are not affected (i.e. not stopped). +func (s *BaseSuite) composeExec(c *check.C, service string, args ...string) { + c.Assert(s.composeProject, check.NotNil) + c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) + + _, err := s.dockerComposeService.Exec(context.Background(), s.composeProject.Name, composeapi.RunOptions{ + Service: service, + Stdin: os.Stdin, + Stdout: os.Stdout, + Stderr: os.Stderr, + Command: args, + Tty: false, + Index: 1, + }) + c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) +} + // composeStop stops the given services of the current docker compose project and removes the corresponding containers. func (s *BaseSuite) composeStop(c *check.C, services ...string) { c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) @@ -285,3 +325,45 @@ func (s *BaseSuite) getContainerIP(c *check.C, name string) string { func withConfigFile(file string) string { return "--configFile=" + file } + +// tailscaleNotSuite includes a BaseSuite out of convenience, so we can benefit +// from composeUp et co., but it is not meant to function as a TestSuite per se. +type tailscaleNotSuite struct{ BaseSuite } + +// setupVPN starts Tailscale on the corresponding container, and makes it a subnet +// router, for all the other containers (whoamis, etc) subsequently started for the +// integration tests. +// It only does so if the file provided as argument exists, and contains a +// Tailscale auth key (an ephemeral, but reusable, one is recommended). +// +// Add this section to your tailscale ACLs to auto-approve the routes for the +// containers in the docker subnet: +// +// "autoApprovers": { +// // Allow myself to automatically advertize routes for docker networks +// "routes": { +// "": ["your_tailscale_identity"], +// }, +// }, +// +// TODO(mpl): we could maybe even move this setup to the Makefile, to start it +// and let it run (forever, or until voluntarily stopped). +func setupVPN(c *check.C, keyFile string) *tailscaleNotSuite { + data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile) + if err != nil { + if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { + log.Fatal(err) + } + return nil + } + authKey := strings.TrimSpace(string(data)) + // TODO: copy and create versions that don't need a check.C? + vpn := &tailscaleNotSuite{} + vpn.createComposeProject(c, "tailscale") + vpn.composeUp(c) + time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) + // If we ever change the docker subnet in the Makefile, + // we need to change this one below correspondingly. + vpn.composeExec(c, "tailscaled", "tailscale", "up", "--authkey="+authKey, "--advertise-routes=") + return vpn +} diff --git a/integration/marathon15_test.go b/integration/marathon15_test.go index 481e3b7431..493db256a7 100644 --- a/integration/marathon15_test.go +++ b/integration/marathon15_test.go @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func (s *MarathonSuite15) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) { s.createComposeProject(c, "marathon15") s.composeUp(c) - s.marathonURL = "http://" + containerNameMarathon + ":8080" + s.marathonURL = "http://" + s.getComposeServiceIP(c, containerNameMarathon) + ":8080" // Wait for Marathon readiness prior to creating the client so that we // don't run into the "all cluster members down" state right from the diff --git a/integration/marathon_test.go b/integration/marathon_test.go index 7bcd42ce23..5552e0d0b4 100644 --- a/integration/marathon_test.go +++ b/integration/marathon_test.go @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (s *MarathonSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) { s.createComposeProject(c, "marathon") s.composeUp(c) - s.marathonURL = "http://" + containerNameMarathon + ":8080" + s.marathonURL = "http://" + s.getComposeServiceIP(c, containerNameMarathon) + ":8080" // Wait for Marathon readiness prior to creating the client so that we // don't run into the "all cluster members down" state right from the @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ func (s *MarathonSuite) TestConfigurationUpdate(c *check.C) { MarathonURL string }{s.marathonURL}) defer os.Remove(file) + cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) defer display(c) err := cmd.Start() diff --git a/integration/resources/compose/marathon.yml b/integration/resources/compose/marathon.yml index f6e689fbf1..5a2be1e677 100644 --- a/integration/resources/compose/marathon.yml +++ b/integration/resources/compose/marathon.yml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ services: -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /cgroup:/cgroup -v /sys:/sys \ -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker \ - -e MESOS_HOSTNAME=mesos-slave \ + -e MESOS_HOSTNAME=$$(hostname -i) \ -e MESOS_CONTAINERIZERS=docker,mesos \ -e MESOS_ISOLATOR=cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem \ -e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log \ diff --git a/integration/resources/compose/marathon15.yml b/integration/resources/compose/marathon15.yml index 5a67ce9534..6a5774fc76 100644 --- a/integration/resources/compose/marathon15.yml +++ b/integration/resources/compose/marathon15.yml @@ -17,24 +17,32 @@ services: MESOS_ZK: zk://zookeeper:2181/mesos mesos-slave: - image: mesosphere/mesos-slave-dind:0.4.0_mesos-1.4.1_docker-17.05.0_ubuntu-16.04.3 + image: docker:dind privileged: true # Uncomment published ports for interactive debugging. # ports: # - "5051:5051" - environment: - MESOS_HOSTNAME: mesos-slave - MESOS_CONTAINERIZERS: docker,mesos - MESOS_ISOLATOR: cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem - MESOS_LOG_DIR: /var/log - MESOS_MASTER: zk://zookeeper:2181/mesos - MESOS_PORT: 5051 - MESOS_WORK_DIR: /var/lib/mesos - MESOS_EXECUTOR_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT: 5mins - MESOS_EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_GRACE_PERIOD: 90secs - MESOS_DOCKER_STOP_TIMEOUT: 60secs - MESOS_RESOURCES: cpus:2;mem:2048;disk:20480;ports(*):[12000-12999] - MESOS_SYSTEMD_ENABLE_SUPPORT: false + command: + - "/bin/sh" + - "-c" + - "(/usr/local/bin/dockerd-entrypoint.sh &); sleep 10; set -x; \ + docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock run -d --net=host --privileged \ + -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ + -v /cgroup:/cgroup -v /sys:/sys \ + -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker \ + -e MESOS_HOSTNAME=$$(hostname -i) \ + -e MESOS_CONTAINERIZERS=docker,mesos \ + -e MESOS_ISOLATOR=cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem \ + -e MESOS_LOG_DIR=/var/log \ + -e MESOS_MASTER=zk://zookeeper:2181/mesos \ + -e MESOS_PORT=5051 \ + -e MESOS_WORK_DIR=/var/lib/mesos \ + -e MESOS_EXECUTOR_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT=5mins \ + -e MESOS_EXECUTOR_SHUTDOWN_GRACE_PERIOD=90secs \ + -e MESOS_DOCKER_STOP_TIMEOUT=60secs \ + -e MESOS_RESOURCES='cpus:2;mem:2048;disk:20480;ports(*):[12000-12999]' \ + -e MESOS_SYSTEMD_ENABLE_SUPPORT=false \ + mesosphere/mesos-slave:1.4.1; sleep 600" marathon: image: mesosphere/marathon:v1.5.9 diff --git a/integration/resources/compose/tailscale.yml b/integration/resources/compose/tailscale.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82b033ebf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/integration/resources/compose/tailscale.yml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +version: "3.8" +services: + tailscaled: + hostname: traefik-tests-gw # This will become the tailscale device name + image: tailscale/tailscale:v1.24.0 + volumes: + # TODO: maybe mount the container's /var/lib to keep some state for tailscale? + - "/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun" # Required for tailscale to work + cap_add: # Required for tailscale to work + - net_admin + - sys_module + command: tailscaled + +networks: + default: + name: traefik-test-network + external: true diff --git a/integration/resources/tls/README.md b/integration/resources/tls/README.md index 1fb53c461b..da7d18e0fc 100644 --- a/integration/resources/tls/README.md +++ b/integration/resources/tls/README.md @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ## local.crt / local.key Generate with + ```bash go run $GOROOT/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --rsa-bits 1024 --host,::1,localhost --ca --start-date "Jan 1 00:00:00 1970" --duration=1000000h mv cert.pem local.cert diff --git a/integration/tcp_test.go b/integration/tcp_test.go index 2cc72cd1f6..adea43dd50 100644 --- a/integration/tcp_test.go +++ b/integration/tcp_test.go @@ -25,7 +25,17 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestMixed(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/mixed.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/mixed.toml", struct { + Whoami string + WhoamiA string + WhoamiB string + WhoamiNoCert string + }{ + Whoami: "http://" + s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami") + ":80", + WhoamiA: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-a") + ":8080", + WhoamiB: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-b") + ":8080", + WhoamiNoCert: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-no-cert") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -75,7 +85,11 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestMixed(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestTLSOptions(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/multi-tls-options.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/multi-tls-options.toml", struct { + WhoamiNoCert string + }{ + WhoamiNoCert: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-no-cert") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -105,7 +119,17 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestTLSOptions(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestNonTLSFallback(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/non-tls-fallback.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/non-tls-fallback.toml", struct { + WhoamiA string + WhoamiB string + WhoamiNoCert string + WhoamiNoTLS string + }{ + WhoamiA: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-a") + ":8080", + WhoamiB: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-b") + ":8080", + WhoamiNoCert: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-no-cert") + ":8080", + WhoamiNoTLS: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-no-tls") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -139,7 +163,11 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestNonTLSFallback(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestNonTlsTcp(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/non-tls.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/non-tls.toml", struct { + WhoamiNoTLS string + }{ + WhoamiNoTLS: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-no-tls") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -159,7 +187,11 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestNonTlsTcp(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestCatchAllNoTLS(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls.toml", struct { + WhoamiBannerAddress string + }{ + WhoamiBannerAddress: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-banner") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -179,7 +211,13 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestCatchAllNoTLS(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestCatchAllNoTLSWithHTTPS(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls-with-https.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/catch-all-no-tls-with-https.toml", struct { + WhoamiNoTLSAddress string + WhoamiURL string + }{ + WhoamiNoTLSAddress: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-no-tls") + ":8080", + WhoamiURL: "http://" + s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami") + ":80", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -204,7 +242,13 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestCatchAllNoTLSWithHTTPS(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestMiddlewareWhiteList(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/ip-whitelist.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/ip-whitelist.toml", struct { + WhoamiA string + WhoamiB string + }{ + WhoamiA: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-a") + ":8080", + WhoamiB: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-b") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) @@ -228,7 +272,13 @@ func (s *TCPSuite) TestMiddlewareWhiteList(c *check.C) { } func (s *TCPSuite) TestWRR(c *check.C) { - file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/wrr.toml", struct{}{}) + file := s.adaptFile(c, "fixtures/tcp/wrr.toml", struct { + WhoamiB string + WhoamiAB string + }{ + WhoamiB: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-b") + ":8080", + WhoamiAB: s.getComposeServiceIP(c, "whoami-ab") + ":8080", + }) defer os.Remove(file) cmd, display := s.traefikCmd(withConfigFile(file)) diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 606175fa1d..0000000000 --- a/netlify.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -[build] -# Path relative to the root of the repository -publish = "site" -base = "docs" - -# Path relative to the "base" directory -command = "sh -x scripts/netlify-run.sh" diff --git a/pkg/metrics/datadog.go b/pkg/metrics/datadog.go index 62cf9020d9..6aeafddf60 100644 --- a/pkg/metrics/datadog.go +++ b/pkg/metrics/datadog.go @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func RegisterDatadog(ctx context.Context, config *types.Datadog) Registry { } datadogClient = dogstatsd.New(config.Prefix+".", kitlog.LoggerFunc(func(keyvals ...interface{}) error { - log.WithoutContext().WithField(log.MetricsProviderName, "datadog").Info(keyvals) + log.WithoutContext().WithField(log.MetricsProviderName, "datadog").Info(keyvals...) return nil })) diff --git a/pkg/metrics/influxdb.go b/pkg/metrics/influxdb.go index cbb72b997f..47a0f2962b 100644 --- a/pkg/metrics/influxdb.go +++ b/pkg/metrics/influxdb.go @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func initInfluxDBClient(ctx context.Context, config *types.InfluxDB) *influx.Inf RetentionPolicy: config.RetentionPolicy, }, kitlog.LoggerFunc(func(keyvals ...interface{}) error { - log.WithoutContext().WithField(log.MetricsProviderName, "influxdb").Info(keyvals) + log.WithoutContext().WithField(log.MetricsProviderName, "influxdb").Info(keyvals...) return nil })) } diff --git a/pkg/metrics/influxdb2.go b/pkg/metrics/influxdb2.go index 391499c651..9ca2caa943 100644 --- a/pkg/metrics/influxdb2.go +++ b/pkg/metrics/influxdb2.go @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func RegisterInfluxDB2(ctx context.Context, config *types.InfluxDB2) Registry { config.AdditionalLabels, influxdb.BatchPointsConfig{}, kitlog.LoggerFunc(func(kv ...interface{}) error { - log.FromContext(ctx).Error(kv) + log.FromContext(ctx).Error(kv...) return nil }), ) diff --git a/pkg/metrics/prometheus.go b/pkg/metrics/prometheus.go index cad4461799..1f23dcf2d9 100644 --- a/pkg/metrics/prometheus.go +++ b/pkg/metrics/prometheus.go @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import ( "context" "errors" "net/http" - "sort" - "strings" "sync" "time" @@ -15,7 +13,6 @@ import ( "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" "github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/config/dynamic" "github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/log" - "github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/safe" "github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/types" ) @@ -111,37 +108,33 @@ func initStandardRegistry(config *types.Prometheus) Registry { buckets = config.Buckets } - safe.Go(func() { - promState.ListenValueUpdates() - }) - - configReloads := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + configReloads := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: configReloadsTotalName, Help: "Config reloads", }, []string{}) - configReloadsFailures := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + configReloadsFailures := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: configReloadsFailuresTotalName, Help: "Config failure reloads", }, []string{}) - lastConfigReloadSuccess := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + lastConfigReloadSuccess := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: configLastReloadSuccessName, Help: "Last config reload success", }, []string{}) - lastConfigReloadFailure := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + lastConfigReloadFailure := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: configLastReloadFailureName, Help: "Last config reload failure", }, []string{}) - tlsCertsNotAfterTimestamp := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + tlsCertsNotAfterTimestamp := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: tlsCertsNotAfterTimestamp, Help: "Certificate expiration timestamp", }, []string{"cn", "serial", "sans"}) - promState.describers = []func(chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc){ - configReloads.cv.Describe, - configReloadsFailures.cv.Describe, - lastConfigReloadSuccess.gv.Describe, - lastConfigReloadFailure.gv.Describe, - tlsCertsNotAfterTimestamp.gv.Describe, + promState.vectors = []vector{ + configReloads.cv, + configReloadsFailures.cv, + lastConfigReloadSuccess.gv, + lastConfigReloadFailure.gv, + tlsCertsNotAfterTimestamp.gv, } reg := &standardRegistry{ @@ -156,30 +149,30 @@ func initStandardRegistry(config *types.Prometheus) Registry { } if config.AddEntryPointsLabels { - entryPointReqs := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + entryPointReqs := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: entryPointReqsTotalName, Help: "How many HTTP requests processed on an entrypoint, partitioned by status code, protocol, and method.", }, []string{"code", "method", "protocol", "entrypoint"}) - entryPointReqsTLS := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + entryPointReqsTLS := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: entryPointReqsTLSTotalName, Help: "How many HTTP requests with TLS processed on an entrypoint, partitioned by TLS Version and TLS cipher Used.", }, []string{"tls_version", "tls_cipher", "entrypoint"}) - entryPointReqDurations := newHistogramFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{ + entryPointReqDurations := newHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: entryPointReqDurationName, Help: "How long it took to process the request on an entrypoint, partitioned by status code, protocol, and method.", Buckets: buckets, }, []string{"code", "method", "protocol", "entrypoint"}) - entryPointOpenConns := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + entryPointOpenConns := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: entryPointOpenConnsName, Help: "How many open connections exist on an entrypoint, partitioned by method and protocol.", }, []string{"method", "protocol", "entrypoint"}) - promState.describers = append(promState.describers, []func(chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc){ - entryPointReqs.cv.Describe, - entryPointReqsTLS.cv.Describe, - entryPointReqDurations.hv.Describe, - entryPointOpenConns.gv.Describe, - }...) + promState.vectors = append(promState.vectors, + entryPointReqs.cv, + entryPointReqsTLS.cv, + entryPointReqDurations.hv, + entryPointOpenConns.gv, + ) reg.entryPointReqsCounter = entryPointReqs reg.entryPointReqsTLSCounter = entryPointReqsTLS @@ -188,30 +181,30 @@ func initStandardRegistry(config *types.Prometheus) Registry { } if config.AddRoutersLabels { - routerReqs := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + routerReqs := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: routerReqsTotalName, Help: "How many HTTP requests are processed on a router, partitioned by service, status code, protocol, and method.", }, []string{"code", "method", "protocol", "router", "service"}) - routerReqsTLS := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + routerReqsTLS := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: routerReqsTLSTotalName, Help: "How many HTTP requests with TLS are processed on a router, partitioned by service, TLS Version, and TLS cipher Used.", }, []string{"tls_version", "tls_cipher", "router", "service"}) - routerReqDurations := newHistogramFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{ + routerReqDurations := newHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: routerReqDurationName, Help: "How long it took to process the request on a router, partitioned by service, status code, protocol, and method.", Buckets: buckets, }, []string{"code", "method", "protocol", "router", "service"}) - routerOpenConns := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + routerOpenConns := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: routerOpenConnsName, Help: "How many open connections exist on a router, partitioned by service, method, and protocol.", }, []string{"method", "protocol", "router", "service"}) - promState.describers = append(promState.describers, []func(chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc){ - routerReqs.cv.Describe, - routerReqsTLS.cv.Describe, - routerReqDurations.hv.Describe, - routerOpenConns.gv.Describe, - }...) + promState.vectors = append(promState.vectors, + routerReqs.cv, + routerReqsTLS.cv, + routerReqDurations.hv, + routerOpenConns.gv, + ) reg.routerReqsCounter = routerReqs reg.routerReqsTLSCounter = routerReqsTLS reg.routerReqDurationHistogram, _ = NewHistogramWithScale(routerReqDurations, time.Second) @@ -219,40 +212,40 @@ func initStandardRegistry(config *types.Prometheus) Registry { } if config.AddServicesLabels { - serviceReqs := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + serviceReqs := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: serviceReqsTotalName, Help: "How many HTTP requests processed on a service, partitioned by status code, protocol, and method.", }, []string{"code", "method", "protocol", "service"}) - serviceReqsTLS := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + serviceReqsTLS := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: serviceReqsTLSTotalName, Help: "How many HTTP requests with TLS processed on a service, partitioned by TLS version and TLS cipher.", }, []string{"tls_version", "tls_cipher", "service"}) - serviceReqDurations := newHistogramFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{ + serviceReqDurations := newHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: serviceReqDurationName, Help: "How long it took to process the request on a service, partitioned by status code, protocol, and method.", Buckets: buckets, }, []string{"code", "method", "protocol", "service"}) - serviceOpenConns := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + serviceOpenConns := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: serviceOpenConnsName, Help: "How many open connections exist on a service, partitioned by method and protocol.", }, []string{"method", "protocol", "service"}) - serviceRetries := newCounterFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ + serviceRetries := newCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: serviceRetriesTotalName, Help: "How many request retries happened on a service.", }, []string{"service"}) - serviceServerUp := newGaugeFrom(promState.collectors, stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ + serviceServerUp := newGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: serviceServerUpName, Help: "service server is up, described by gauge value of 0 or 1.", }, []string{"service", "url"}) - promState.describers = append(promState.describers, []func(chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc){ - serviceReqs.cv.Describe, - serviceReqsTLS.cv.Describe, - serviceReqDurations.hv.Describe, - serviceOpenConns.gv.Describe, - serviceRetries.cv.Describe, - serviceServerUp.gv.Describe, - }...) + promState.vectors = append(promState.vectors, + serviceReqs.cv, + serviceReqsTLS.cv, + serviceReqDurations.hv, + serviceOpenConns.gv, + serviceRetries.cv, + serviceServerUp.gv, + ) reg.serviceReqsCounter = serviceReqs reg.serviceReqsTLSCounter = serviceReqsTLS @@ -287,64 +280,92 @@ func registerPromState(ctx context.Context) bool { // It then converts the configuration to the optimized package internal format // and sets it to the promState. func OnConfigurationUpdate(conf dynamic.Configuration, entryPoints []string) { - dynamicConfig := newDynamicConfig() + dynCfg := newDynamicConfig() for _, value := range entryPoints { - dynamicConfig.entryPoints[value] = true + dynCfg.entryPoints[value] = true + } + + if conf.HTTP == nil { + promState.SetDynamicConfig(dynCfg) + return } for name := range conf.HTTP.Routers { - dynamicConfig.routers[name] = true + dynCfg.routers[name] = true } for serviceName, service := range conf.HTTP.Services { - dynamicConfig.services[serviceName] = make(map[string]bool) + dynCfg.services[serviceName] = make(map[string]bool) if service.LoadBalancer != nil { for _, server := range service.LoadBalancer.Servers { - dynamicConfig.services[serviceName][server.URL] = true + dynCfg.services[serviceName][server.URL] = true } } } - promState.SetDynamicConfig(dynamicConfig) + promState.SetDynamicConfig(dynCfg) } func newPrometheusState() *prometheusState { return &prometheusState{ - collectors: make(chan *collector), dynamicConfig: newDynamicConfig(), - state: make(map[string]*collector), + deletedURLs: make(map[string][]string), } } +type vector interface { + stdprometheus.Collector + DeletePartialMatch(labels stdprometheus.Labels) int +} + type prometheusState struct { - collectors chan *collector - describers []func(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) + vectors []vector - mtx sync.Mutex - dynamicConfig *dynamicConfig - state map[string]*collector + mtx sync.Mutex + dynamicConfig *dynamicConfig + deletedEP []string + deletedRouters []string + deletedServices []string + deletedURLs map[string][]string } func (ps *prometheusState) SetDynamicConfig(dynamicConfig *dynamicConfig) { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() - ps.dynamicConfig = dynamicConfig -} -func (ps *prometheusState) ListenValueUpdates() { - for collector := range ps.collectors { - ps.mtx.Lock() - ps.state[collector.id] = collector - ps.mtx.Unlock() + for ep := range ps.dynamicConfig.entryPoints { + if _, ok := dynamicConfig.entryPoints[ep]; !ok { + ps.deletedEP = append(ps.deletedEP, ep) + } + } + + for router := range ps.dynamicConfig.routers { + if _, ok := dynamicConfig.routers[router]; !ok { + ps.deletedRouters = append(ps.deletedRouters, router) + } + } + + for service, serV := range ps.dynamicConfig.services { + actualService, ok := dynamicConfig.services[service] + if !ok { + ps.deletedServices = append(ps.deletedServices, service) + } + for url := range serV { + if _, ok := actualService[url]; !ok { + ps.deletedURLs[service] = append(ps.deletedURLs[service], url) + } + } } + + ps.dynamicConfig = dynamicConfig } // Describe implements prometheus.Collector and simply calls // the registered describer functions. func (ps *prometheusState) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) { - for _, desc := range ps.describers { - desc(ch) + for _, v := range ps.vectors { + v.Describe(ch) } } @@ -354,49 +375,54 @@ func (ps *prometheusState) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) { // The removal happens only after their Collect method was called to ensure that // also those metrics will be exported on the current scrape. func (ps *prometheusState) Collect(ch chan<- stdprometheus.Metric) { + for _, v := range ps.vectors { + v.Collect(ch) + } + ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() - var outdatedKeys []string - for key, cs := range ps.state { - cs.collector.Collect(ch) - - if ps.isOutdated(cs) { - outdatedKeys = append(outdatedKeys, key) + for _, ep := range ps.deletedEP { + if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasEntryPoint(ep) { + ps.DeletePartialMatch(map[string]string{"entrypoint": ep}) } } - for _, key := range outdatedKeys { - ps.state[key].delete() - delete(ps.state, key) - } -} - -// isOutdated checks whether the passed collector has labels that mark -// it as belonging to an outdated configuration of Traefik. -func (ps *prometheusState) isOutdated(collector *collector) bool { - labels := collector.labels - - if entrypointName, ok := labels["entrypoint"]; ok && !ps.dynamicConfig.hasEntryPoint(entrypointName) { - return true + for _, router := range ps.deletedRouters { + if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasRouter(router) { + ps.DeletePartialMatch(map[string]string{"router": router}) + } } - if routerName, ok := labels["router"]; ok { - if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasRouter(routerName) { - return true + for _, service := range ps.deletedServices { + if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasService(service) { + ps.DeletePartialMatch(map[string]string{"service": service}) } } - if serviceName, ok := labels["service"]; ok { - if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasService(serviceName) { - return true - } - if url, ok := labels["url"]; ok && !ps.dynamicConfig.hasServerURL(serviceName, url) { - return true + for service, urls := range ps.deletedURLs { + for _, url := range urls { + if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasServerURL(service, url) { + ps.DeletePartialMatch(map[string]string{"service": service, "url": url}) + } } } - return false + ps.deletedEP = nil + ps.deletedRouters = nil + ps.deletedServices = nil + ps.deletedURLs = make(map[string][]string) +} + +// DeletePartialMatch deletes all metrics where the variable labels contain all of those passed in as labels. +// The order of the labels does not matter. +// It returns the number of metrics deleted. +func (ps *prometheusState) DeletePartialMatch(labels stdprometheus.Labels) int { + var count int + for _, elem := range ps.vectors { + count += elem.DeletePartialMatch(labels) + } + return count } func newDynamicConfig() *dynamicConfig { @@ -440,42 +466,15 @@ func (d *dynamicConfig) hasServerURL(serviceName, serverURL string) bool { return false } -func newCollector(metricName string, labels stdprometheus.Labels, c stdprometheus.Collector, deleteFn func()) *collector { - return &collector{ - id: buildMetricID(metricName, labels), - labels: labels, - collector: c, - delete: deleteFn, - } -} - -// collector wraps a Collector object from the Prometheus client library. -// It adds information on how many generations this metric should be present -// in the /metrics output, relative to the time it was last tracked. -type collector struct { - id string - labels stdprometheus.Labels - collector stdprometheus.Collector - delete func() -} - -func buildMetricID(metricName string, labels stdprometheus.Labels) string { - var labelNamesValues []string - for name, value := range labels { - labelNamesValues = append(labelNamesValues, name, value) - } - sort.Strings(labelNamesValues) - return metricName + ":" + strings.Join(labelNamesValues, "|") -} - -func newCounterFrom(collectors chan<- *collector, opts stdprometheus.CounterOpts, labelNames []string) *counter { +func newCounterFrom(opts stdprometheus.CounterOpts, labelNames []string) *counter { cv := stdprometheus.NewCounterVec(opts, labelNames) c := &counter{ - name: opts.Name, - cv: cv, - collectors: collectors, + name: opts.Name, + cv: cv, + labelNamesValues: make([]string, 0, 16), } if len(labelNames) == 0 { + c.collector = cv.WithLabelValues() c.Add(0) } return c @@ -485,39 +484,37 @@ type counter struct { name string cv *stdprometheus.CounterVec labelNamesValues labelNamesValues - collectors chan<- *collector + collector stdprometheus.Counter } func (c *counter) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Counter { + lnv := c.labelNamesValues.With(labelValues...) return &counter{ name: c.name, cv: c.cv, - labelNamesValues: c.labelNamesValues.With(labelValues...), - collectors: c.collectors, + labelNamesValues: lnv, + collector: c.cv.With(lnv.ToLabels()), } } func (c *counter) Add(delta float64) { - labels := c.labelNamesValues.ToLabels() - collector := c.cv.With(labels) - collector.Add(delta) - c.collectors <- newCollector(c.name, labels, collector, func() { - c.cv.Delete(labels) - }) + c.collector.Add(delta) } func (c *counter) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) { c.cv.Describe(ch) } -func newGaugeFrom(collectors chan<- *collector, opts stdprometheus.GaugeOpts, labelNames []string) *gauge { +func newGaugeFrom(opts stdprometheus.GaugeOpts, labelNames []string) *gauge { gv := stdprometheus.NewGaugeVec(opts, labelNames) g := &gauge{ - name: opts.Name, - gv: gv, - collectors: collectors, + name: opts.Name, + gv: gv, + labelNamesValues: make([]string, 0, 16), } + if len(labelNames) == 0 { + g.collector = gv.WithLabelValues() g.Set(0) } return g @@ -527,46 +524,37 @@ type gauge struct { name string gv *stdprometheus.GaugeVec labelNamesValues labelNamesValues - collectors chan<- *collector + collector stdprometheus.Gauge } func (g *gauge) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Gauge { + lnv := g.labelNamesValues.With(labelValues...) return &gauge{ name: g.name, gv: g.gv, - labelNamesValues: g.labelNamesValues.With(labelValues...), - collectors: g.collectors, + labelNamesValues: lnv, + collector: g.gv.With(lnv.ToLabels()), } } func (g *gauge) Add(delta float64) { - labels := g.labelNamesValues.ToLabels() - collector := g.gv.With(labels) - collector.Add(delta) - g.collectors <- newCollector(g.name, labels, collector, func() { - g.gv.Delete(labels) - }) + g.collector.Add(delta) } func (g *gauge) Set(value float64) { - labels := g.labelNamesValues.ToLabels() - collector := g.gv.With(labels) - collector.Set(value) - g.collectors <- newCollector(g.name, labels, collector, func() { - g.gv.Delete(labels) - }) + g.collector.Set(value) } func (g *gauge) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) { g.gv.Describe(ch) } -func newHistogramFrom(collectors chan<- *collector, opts stdprometheus.HistogramOpts, labelNames []string) *histogram { +func newHistogramFrom(opts stdprometheus.HistogramOpts, labelNames []string) *histogram { hv := stdprometheus.NewHistogramVec(opts, labelNames) return &histogram{ - name: opts.Name, - hv: hv, - collectors: collectors, + name: opts.Name, + hv: hv, + labelNamesValues: make([]string, 0, 16), } } @@ -574,28 +562,21 @@ type histogram struct { name string hv *stdprometheus.HistogramVec labelNamesValues labelNamesValues - collectors chan<- *collector + collector stdprometheus.Observer } func (h *histogram) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Histogram { + lnv := h.labelNamesValues.With(labelValues...) return &histogram{ name: h.name, hv: h.hv, - labelNamesValues: h.labelNamesValues.With(labelValues...), - collectors: h.collectors, + labelNamesValues: lnv, + collector: h.hv.With(lnv.ToLabels()), } } func (h *histogram) Observe(value float64) { - labels := h.labelNamesValues.ToLabels() - observer := h.hv.With(labels) - observer.Observe(value) - // Do a type assertion to be sure that prometheus will be able to call the Collect method. - if collector, ok := observer.(stdprometheus.Histogram); ok { - h.collectors <- newCollector(h.name, labels, collector, func() { - h.hv.Delete(labels) - }) - } + h.collector.Observe(value) } func (h *histogram) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) { @@ -618,7 +599,7 @@ func (lvs labelNamesValues) With(labelValues ...string) labelNamesValues { // ToLabels is a convenience method to convert a labelNamesValues // to the native prometheus.Labels. func (lvs labelNamesValues) ToLabels() stdprometheus.Labels { - labels := stdprometheus.Labels{} + labels := make(map[string]string, len(lvs)/2) for i := 0; i < len(lvs); i += 2 { labels[lvs[i]] = lvs[i+1] } diff --git a/pkg/metrics/prometheus_test.go b/pkg/metrics/prometheus_test.go index 7e1154a038..30627c3bd9 100644 --- a/pkg/metrics/prometheus_test.go +++ b/pkg/metrics/prometheus_test.go @@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ import ( ) func TestRegisterPromState(t *testing.T) { - // Reset state of global promState. - defer promState.reset() + t.Cleanup(promState.reset) testCases := []struct { desc string @@ -88,21 +87,10 @@ func TestRegisterPromState(t *testing.T) { } } -// reset is a utility method for unit testing. It should be called after each -// test run that changes promState internally in order to avoid dependencies -// between unit tests. -func (ps *prometheusState) reset() { - ps.collectors = make(chan *collector) - ps.describers = []func(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc){} - ps.dynamicConfig = newDynamicConfig() - ps.state = make(map[string]*collector) -} - func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) { promState = newPrometheusState() promRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry() - // Reset state of global promState. - defer promState.reset() + t.Cleanup(promState.reset) prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(context.Background(), &types.Prometheus{AddEntryPointsLabels: true, AddRoutersLabels: true, AddServicesLabels: true}) defer promRegistry.Unregister(promState) @@ -361,30 +349,41 @@ func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) { func TestPrometheusMetricRemoval(t *testing.T) { promState = newPrometheusState() promRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry() - // Reset state of global promState. - defer promState.reset() + t.Cleanup(promState.reset) prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(context.Background(), &types.Prometheus{AddEntryPointsLabels: true, AddServicesLabels: true, AddRoutersLabels: true}) defer promRegistry.Unregister(promState) - conf := dynamic.Configuration{ + conf1 := dynamic.Configuration{ HTTP: th.BuildConfiguration( th.WithRouters( - th.WithRouter("foo@providerName", - th.WithServiceName("bar")), + th.WithRouter("foo@providerName", th.WithServiceName("bar")), + th.WithRouter("router2", th.WithServiceName("bar@providerName")), ), - th.WithLoadBalancerServices(th.WithService("bar@providerName", - th.WithServers(th.WithServer("http://localhost:9000"))), + th.WithLoadBalancerServices( + th.WithService("bar@providerName", th.WithServers( + th.WithServer("http://localhost:9000"), + th.WithServer("http://localhost:9999"), + th.WithServer("http://localhost:9998"), + )), + th.WithService("service1", th.WithServers(th.WithServer("http://localhost:9000"))), + ), + ), + } + + conf2 := dynamic.Configuration{ + HTTP: th.BuildConfiguration( + th.WithRouters( + th.WithRouter("foo@providerName", th.WithServiceName("bar")), + ), + th.WithLoadBalancerServices( + th.WithService("bar@providerName", th.WithServers(th.WithServer("http://localhost:9000"))), ), - func(cfg *dynamic.HTTPConfiguration) { - cfg.Services["fii"] = &dynamic.Service{ - Weighted: &dynamic.WeightedRoundRobin{}, - } - }, ), } - OnConfigurationUpdate(conf, []string{"entrypoint1"}) + OnConfigurationUpdate(conf1, []string{"entrypoint1", "entrypoint2"}) + OnConfigurationUpdate(conf2, []string{"entrypoint1"}) // Register some metrics manually that are not part of the active configuration. // Those metrics should be part of the /metrics output on the first scrape but @@ -393,22 +392,25 @@ func TestPrometheusMetricRemoval(t *testing.T) { EntryPointReqsCounter(). With("entrypoint", "entrypoint2", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Add(1) + prometheusRegistry. + RouterReqsCounter(). + With("router", "router2", "service", "bar@providerName", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). + Add(1) prometheusRegistry. ServiceReqsCounter(). - With("service", "service2", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). + With("service", "service1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Add(1) prometheusRegistry. ServiceServerUpGauge(). - With("service", "service1", "url", "http://localhost:9999"). + With("service", "bar@providerName", "url", "http://localhost:9999"). Set(1) prometheusRegistry. - RouterReqsCounter(). - With("router", "router2", "service", "service2", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). - Add(1) + ServiceServerUpGauge(). + With("service", "bar@providerName", "url", "http://localhost:9998"). + Set(1) - assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName, serviceReqsTotalName, serviceServerUpName) - assertMetricsAbsent(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName, serviceReqsTotalName, serviceServerUpName) - assertMetricsAbsent(t, mustScrape(), routerReqsTotalName, routerReqDurationName, routerOpenConnsName) + assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName, routerReqsTotalName, serviceReqsTotalName, serviceServerUpName) + assertMetricsAbsent(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName, routerReqsTotalName, serviceReqsTotalName, serviceServerUpName) // To verify that metrics belonging to active configurations are not removed // here the counter examples. @@ -418,24 +420,80 @@ func TestPrometheusMetricRemoval(t *testing.T) { Add(1) prometheusRegistry. RouterReqsCounter(). - With("router", "foo@providerName", "service", "bar@providerName", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). + With("router", "foo@providerName", "service", "bar", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Add(1) + prometheusRegistry. + ServiceReqsCounter(). + With("service", "bar@providerName", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). + Add(1) + prometheusRegistry. + ServiceServerUpGauge(). + With("service", "bar@providerName", "url", "http://localhost:9000"). + Set(1) delayForTrackingCompletion() - assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName) - assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName) - assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), routerReqsTotalName) - assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), routerReqsTotalName) + assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName, serviceReqsTotalName, serviceServerUpName, routerReqsTotalName) + assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entryPointReqsTotalName, serviceReqsTotalName, serviceServerUpName, routerReqsTotalName) +} + +func TestPrometheusMetricRemoveEndpointForRecoveredService(t *testing.T) { + promState = newPrometheusState() + promRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry() + t.Cleanup(promState.reset) + + prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(context.Background(), &types.Prometheus{AddServicesLabels: true}) + defer promRegistry.Unregister(promState) + + conf1 := dynamic.Configuration{ + HTTP: th.BuildConfiguration( + th.WithLoadBalancerServices( + th.WithService("service1", th.WithServers(th.WithServer("http://localhost:9000"))), + ), + ), + } + + conf2 := dynamic.Configuration{ + HTTP: th.BuildConfiguration(), + } + + conf3 := dynamic.Configuration{ + HTTP: th.BuildConfiguration( + th.WithLoadBalancerServices( + th.WithService("service1", th.WithServers(th.WithServer("http://localhost:9001"))), + ), + ), + } + + OnConfigurationUpdate(conf1, []string{}) + OnConfigurationUpdate(conf2, []string{}) + OnConfigurationUpdate(conf3, []string{}) + + prometheusRegistry. + ServiceServerUpGauge(). + With("service", "service1", "url", "http://localhost:9000"). + Add(1) + + assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), serviceServerUpName) + assertMetricsAbsent(t, mustScrape(), serviceServerUpName) } func TestPrometheusRemovedMetricsReset(t *testing.T) { - // Reset state of global promState. - defer promState.reset() + t.Cleanup(promState.reset) prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(context.Background(), &types.Prometheus{AddEntryPointsLabels: true, AddServicesLabels: true}) defer promRegistry.Unregister(promState) + conf1 := dynamic.Configuration{ + HTTP: th.BuildConfiguration( + th.WithLoadBalancerServices(th.WithService("service", + th.WithServers(th.WithServer("http://localhost:9000"))), + ), + ), + } + OnConfigurationUpdate(conf1, []string{"entrypoint1", "entrypoint2"}) + OnConfigurationUpdate(dynamic.Configuration{}, nil) + labelNamesValues := []string{ "service", "service", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), @@ -467,12 +525,24 @@ func TestPrometheusRemovedMetricsReset(t *testing.T) { assertCounterValue(t, 1, findMetricFamily(serviceReqsTotalName, metricsFamilies), labelNamesValues...) } +// reset is a utility method for unit testing. +// It should be called after each test run that changes promState internally +// in order to avoid dependencies between unit tests. +func (ps *prometheusState) reset() { + ps.dynamicConfig = newDynamicConfig() + ps.vectors = nil + ps.deletedEP = nil + ps.deletedRouters = nil + ps.deletedServices = nil + ps.deletedURLs = make(map[string][]string) +} + // Tracking and gathering the metrics happens concurrently. -// In practice this is no problem, because in case a tracked metric would miss -// the current scrape, it would just be there in the next one. -// That we can test reliably the tracking of all metrics here, we sleep -// for a short amount of time, to make sure the metric will be present -// in the next scrape. +// In practice this is no problem, because in case a tracked metric would miss the current scrape, +// it would just be there in the next one. +// That we can test reliably the tracking of all metrics here, +// we sleep for a short amount of time, +// to make sure the metric will be present in the next scrape. func delayForTrackingCompletion() { time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond) } diff --git a/pkg/metrics/statsd.go b/pkg/metrics/statsd.go index 7a81dd351b..90b356876c 100644 --- a/pkg/metrics/statsd.go +++ b/pkg/metrics/statsd.go @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func RegisterStatsd(ctx context.Context, config *types.Statsd) Registry { } statsdClient = statsd.New(config.Prefix+".", kitlog.LoggerFunc(func(keyvals ...interface{}) error { - log.WithoutContext().WithField(log.MetricsProviderName, "statsd").Info(keyvals) + log.WithoutContext().WithField(log.MetricsProviderName, "statsd").Info(keyvals...) return nil })) diff --git a/pkg/middlewares/forwardedheaders/forwarded_header.go b/pkg/middlewares/forwardedheaders/forwarded_header.go index d38011aa81..19881ad748 100644 --- a/pkg/middlewares/forwardedheaders/forwarded_header.go +++ b/pkg/middlewares/forwardedheaders/forwarded_header.go @@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ func (x *XForwarded) rewrite(outreq *http.Request) { xfProto := unsafeHeader(outreq.Header).Get(xForwardedProto) if xfProto == "" { + // TODO: is this expected to set the X-Forwarded-Proto header value to + // ws(s) as the underlying request used to upgrade the connection is + // made over HTTP(S)? if isWebsocketRequest(outreq) { if outreq.TLS != nil { unsafeHeader(outreq.Header).Set(xForwardedProto, "wss") diff --git a/pkg/middlewares/metrics/metrics.go b/pkg/middlewares/metrics/metrics.go index a491401cb7..327e61e18d 100644 --- a/pkg/middlewares/metrics/metrics.go +++ b/pkg/middlewares/metrics/metrics.go @@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ func (m *metricsMiddleware) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) labels = append(labels, m.baseLabels...) labels = append(labels, "method", getMethod(req), "protocol", getRequestProtocol(req)) - m.openConnsGauge.With(labels...).Add(1) - defer m.openConnsGauge.With(labels...).Add(-1) + openConnsGauge := m.openConnsGauge.With(labels...) + openConnsGauge.Add(1) + defer openConnsGauge.Add(-1) // TLS metrics if req.TLS != nil { @@ -122,8 +123,7 @@ func (m *metricsMiddleware) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) labels = append(labels, "code", strconv.Itoa(recorder.getCode())) - histograms := m.reqDurationHistogram.With(labels...) - histograms.ObserveFromStart(start) + m.reqDurationHistogram.With(labels...).ObserveFromStart(start) m.reqsCounter.With(labels...).Add(1) } diff --git a/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme.go b/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme.go index 204e1a16c5..063d6c4bc8 100644 --- a/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme.go +++ b/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme.go @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ func NewRedirectScheme(ctx context.Context, next http.Handler, conf dynamic.Redi port = ":" + conf.Port } - return newRedirect(next, uriPattern, conf.Scheme+"://${2}"+port+"${4}", conf.Permanent, rawURLScheme, name) + return newRedirect(next, uriPattern, conf.Scheme+"://${2}"+port+"${4}", conf.Permanent, clientRequestURL, name) } -func rawURLScheme(req *http.Request) string { +func clientRequestURL(req *http.Request) string { scheme := schemeHTTP host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.Host) if err != nil { @@ -64,8 +64,20 @@ func rawURLScheme(req *http.Request) string { scheme = schemeHTTPS } - if value := req.Header.Get(xForwardedProto); value != "" { - scheme = value + if xProto := req.Header.Get(xForwardedProto); xProto != "" { + // When the initial request is a connection upgrade request, + // X-Forwarded-Proto header might have been set by a previous hop to ws(s), + // even though the actual protocol used so far is HTTP(s). + // Given that we're in a middleware that is only used in the context of HTTP(s) requests, + // the only possible valid schemes are one of "http" or "https", so we convert back to them. + switch { + case strings.EqualFold(xProto, "ws"): + scheme = schemeHTTP + case strings.EqualFold(xProto, "wss"): + scheme = schemeHTTPS + default: + scheme = xProto + } } if scheme == schemeHTTP && port == ":80" || scheme == schemeHTTPS && port == ":443" { diff --git a/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme_test.go b/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme_test.go index 3d94bfcdad..dea1d6265e 100644 --- a/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme_test.go +++ b/pkg/middlewares/redirect/redirect_scheme_test.go @@ -63,6 +63,41 @@ func TestRedirectSchemeHandler(t *testing.T) { }, expectedStatus: http.StatusOK, }, + { + desc: "HTTP to HTTPS, with X-Forwarded-Proto to unknown value", + config: dynamic.RedirectScheme{ + Scheme: "https", + }, + url: "http://foo", + headers: map[string]string{ + "X-Forwarded-Proto": "bar", + }, + expectedURL: "https://bar://foo", + expectedStatus: http.StatusFound, + }, + { + desc: "HTTP to HTTPS, with X-Forwarded-Proto to ws", + config: dynamic.RedirectScheme{ + Scheme: "https", + }, + url: "http://foo", + headers: map[string]string{ + "X-Forwarded-Proto": "ws", + }, + expectedURL: "https://foo", + expectedStatus: http.StatusFound, + }, + { + desc: "HTTP to HTTPS, with X-Forwarded-Proto to wss", + config: dynamic.RedirectScheme{ + Scheme: "https", + }, + url: "http://foo", + headers: map[string]string{ + "X-Forwarded-Proto": "wss", + }, + expectedStatus: http.StatusOK, + }, { desc: "HTTP with port to HTTPS without port", config: dynamic.RedirectScheme{ diff --git a/pkg/provider/consulcatalog/consul_catalog.go b/pkg/provider/consulcatalog/consul_catalog.go index e0564681fa..59e19ddf4d 100644 --- a/pkg/provider/consulcatalog/consul_catalog.go +++ b/pkg/provider/consulcatalog/consul_catalog.go @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type itemData struct { // ProviderBuilder is responsible for constructing namespaced instances of the Consul Catalog provider. type ProviderBuilder struct { - Configuration `export:"true"` + Configuration `yaml:",inline" export:"true"` // Deprecated: use Namespaces option instead. Namespace string `description:"Sets the namespace used to discover services (Consul Enterprise only)." json:"namespace,omitempty" toml:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` diff --git a/pkg/provider/kubernetes/crd/traefik/v1alpha1/service.go b/pkg/provider/kubernetes/crd/traefik/v1alpha1/service.go index 847c97daee..c7cbe593a6 100644 --- a/pkg/provider/kubernetes/crd/traefik/v1alpha1/service.go +++ b/pkg/provider/kubernetes/crd/traefik/v1alpha1/service.go @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import ( // TraefikService is the CRD implementation of a Traefik Service. // TraefikService object allows to: -// - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing -// - Mirror traffic on services +// - Apply weight to Services on load-balancing +// - Mirror traffic on services // More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.8/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-traefikservice type TraefikService struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` diff --git a/pkg/provider/kubernetes/ingress/client.go b/pkg/provider/kubernetes/ingress/client.go index 7dddb8cda3..b9759b1f05 100644 --- a/pkg/provider/kubernetes/ingress/client.go +++ b/pkg/provider/kubernetes/ingress/client.go @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ func filterIngressClassByName(ingressClassName string, ics []*networkingv1.Ingre return ingressClasses } -// Ingress in networking.k8s.io/v1 is supported starting 1.19. +// Ingress in networking.k8s.io/v1 is supported starting 1.19. // thus, we query it in K8s starting 1.19. func supportsNetworkingV1Ingress(serverVersion *version.Version) bool { ingressNetworkingVersion := version.Must(version.NewVersion("1.19")) diff --git a/pkg/provider/kv/consul/consul.go b/pkg/provider/kv/consul/consul.go index 492652c368..53f49a2c13 100644 --- a/pkg/provider/kv/consul/consul.go +++ b/pkg/provider/kv/consul/consul.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ var _ provider.Provider = (*Provider)(nil) // ProviderBuilder is responsible for constructing namespaced instances of the Consul provider. type ProviderBuilder struct { - kv.Provider `export:"true"` + kv.Provider `yaml:",inline" export:"true"` // Deprecated: use Namespaces instead. Namespace string `description:"Sets the namespace used to discover the configuration (Consul Enterprise only)." json:"namespace,omitempty" toml:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` diff --git a/pkg/server/router/tcp/router_test.go b/pkg/server/router/tcp/router_test.go index f9e9978cf7..1e2180090b 100644 --- a/pkg/server/router/tcp/router_test.go +++ b/pkg/server/router/tcp/router_test.go @@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ func (h *httpForwarder) Accept() (net.Conn, error) { // // - TCP-TLS HostSNI(`foobar`) and HTTPS PathPrefix(`/`) // - On v2.6 and v2.7, the TCP-TLS one takes precedence. -// func Test_Routing(t *testing.T) { // This listener simulates the backend service. // It is capable of switching into server first communication mode, diff --git a/pkg/server/service/roundtripper_test.go b/pkg/server/service/roundtripper_test.go index b58a26e333..a057166aba 100644 --- a/pkg/server/service/roundtripper_test.go +++ b/pkg/server/service/roundtripper_test.go @@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ QPZ6VGR7+w1jB5BQXqEZcpHQIPSzeQJBAIy9tZJ/AYNlNbcegxEnsSjy/6VdlLsY rqPRSAtd/h6oZbs= -----END PRIVATE KEY-----`) -// openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 \ -// -new -nodes -x509 \ -// -days 3650 \ -// -out cert.pem \ -// -keyout key.pem \ -// -subj "/CN=example.com" -// -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:example.com" +// openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 \ +// -new -nodes -x509 \ +// -days 3650 \ +// -out cert.pem \ +// -keyout key.pem \ +// -subj "/CN=example.com" +// -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:example.com" var mTLSCert = []byte(`-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDJTCCAg2gAwIBAgIUYKnGcLnmMosOSKqTn4ydAMURE4gwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAwwLZXhhbXBsZS5jb20wHhcNMjAwODEzMDkyNzIwWhcNMzAw diff --git a/pkg/tcp/chain.go b/pkg/tcp/chain.go index cc192b6671..8cc351ba5d 100644 --- a/pkg/tcp/chain.go +++ b/pkg/tcp/chain.go @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ func (c Chain) Then(h Handler) (Handler, error) { // // Append returns a new chain, leaving the original one untouched. // -// stdChain := tcp.NewChain(m1, m2) -// extChain := stdChain.Append(m3, m4) -// // requests in stdChain go m1 -> m2 -// // requests in extChain go m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> m4 +// stdChain := tcp.NewChain(m1, m2) +// extChain := stdChain.Append(m3, m4) +// // requests in stdChain go m1 -> m2 +// // requests in extChain go m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> m4 func (c Chain) Append(constructors ...Constructor) Chain { newCons := make([]Constructor, 0, len(c.constructors)+len(constructors)) newCons = append(newCons, c.constructors...) @@ -65,22 +65,23 @@ func (c Chain) Append(constructors ...Constructor) Chain { // // Extend returns a new chain, leaving the original one untouched. // -// stdChain := tcp.NewChain(m1, m2) -// ext1Chain := tcp.NewChain(m3, m4) -// ext2Chain := stdChain.Extend(ext1Chain) -// // requests in stdChain go m1 -> m2 -// // requests in ext1Chain go m3 -> m4 -// // requests in ext2Chain go m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> m4 +// stdChain := tcp.NewChain(m1, m2) +// ext1Chain := tcp.NewChain(m3, m4) +// ext2Chain := stdChain.Extend(ext1Chain) +// // requests in stdChain go m1 -> m2 +// // requests in ext1Chain go m3 -> m4 +// // requests in ext2Chain go m1 -> m2 -> m3 -> m4 // // Another example: -// aHtmlAfterNosurf := tcp.NewChain(m2) -// aHtml := tcp.NewChain(m1, func(h tcp.Handler) tcp.Handler { -// csrf := nosurf.New(h) -// csrf.SetFailureHandler(aHtmlAfterNosurf.ThenFunc(csrfFail)) -// return csrf -// }).Extend(aHtmlAfterNosurf) -// // requests to aHtml hitting nosurfs success handler go m1 -> nosurf -> m2 -> target-handler -// // requests to aHtml hitting nosurfs failure handler go m1 -> nosurf -> m2 -> csrfFail +// +// aHtmlAfterNosurf := tcp.NewChain(m2) +// aHtml := tcp.NewChain(m1, func(h tcp.Handler) tcp.Handler { +// csrf := nosurf.New(h) +// csrf.SetFailureHandler(aHtmlAfterNosurf.ThenFunc(csrfFail)) +// return csrf +// }).Extend(aHtmlAfterNosurf) +// // requests to aHtml hitting nosurfs success handler go m1 -> nosurf -> m2 -> target-handler +// // requests to aHtml hitting nosurfs failure handler go m1 -> nosurf -> m2 -> csrfFail func (c Chain) Extend(chain Chain) Chain { return c.Append(chain.constructors...) } diff --git a/pkg/tls/certificate_store.go b/pkg/tls/certificate_store.go index 36922f1ced..8017c981ab 100644 --- a/pkg/tls/certificate_store.go +++ b/pkg/tls/certificate_store.go @@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ func (c *CertificateStore) GetBestCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) if c == nil { return nil } - domainToCheck := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(clientHello.ServerName)) - if len(domainToCheck) == 0 { + serverName := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(clientHello.ServerName)) + if len(serverName) == 0 { // If no ServerName is provided, Check for local IP address matches host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(clientHello.Conn.LocalAddr().String()) if err != nil { - log.Debugf("Could not split host/port: %v", err) + log.WithoutContext().Debugf("Could not split host/port: %v", err) } - domainToCheck = strings.TrimSpace(host) + serverName = strings.TrimSpace(host) } - if cert, ok := c.CertCache.Get(domainToCheck); ok { + if cert, ok := c.CertCache.Get(serverName); ok { return cert.(*tls.Certificate) } @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func (c *CertificateStore) GetBestCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) if c.DynamicCerts != nil && c.DynamicCerts.Get() != nil { for domains, cert := range c.DynamicCerts.Get().(map[string]*tls.Certificate) { for _, certDomain := range strings.Split(domains, ",") { - if MatchDomain(domainToCheck, certDomain) { + if matchDomain(serverName, certDomain) { matchedCerts[certDomain] = cert } } @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func (c *CertificateStore) GetBestCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) sort.Strings(keys) // cache best match - c.CertCache.SetDefault(domainToCheck, matchedCerts[keys[len(keys)-1]]) + c.CertCache.SetDefault(serverName, matchedCerts[keys[len(keys)-1]]) return matchedCerts[keys[len(keys)-1]] } @@ -121,9 +121,12 @@ func (c CertificateStore) ResetCache() { } } -// MatchDomain return true if a domain match the cert domain. -func MatchDomain(domain, certDomain string) bool { - if domain == certDomain { +// matchDomain returns whether the server name matches the cert domain. +// The server name, from TLS SNI, must not have trailing dots (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6066#section-3). +// This is enforced by https://github.com/golang/go/blob/d3d7998756c33f69706488cade1cd2b9b10a4c7f/src/crypto/tls/handshake_messages.go#L423-L427. +func matchDomain(serverName, certDomain string) bool { + // TODO: assert equality after removing the trailing dots? + if serverName == certDomain { return true } @@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ func MatchDomain(domain, certDomain string) bool { certDomain = certDomain[:len(certDomain)-1] } - labels := strings.Split(domain, ".") + labels := strings.Split(serverName, ".") for i := range labels { labels[i] = "*" candidate := strings.Join(labels, ".") diff --git a/pkg/tracing/haystack/logger.go b/pkg/tracing/haystack/logger.go index 0912557cb0..7635bd8218 100644 --- a/pkg/tracing/haystack/logger.go +++ b/pkg/tracing/haystack/logger.go @@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ type haystackLogger struct { // Error prints the error message. func (l haystackLogger) Error(format string, v ...interface{}) { - l.logger.Errorf(format, v) + l.logger.Errorf(format, v...) } // Info prints the info message. func (l haystackLogger) Info(format string, v ...interface{}) { - l.logger.Infof(format, v) + l.logger.Infof(format, v...) } // Debug prints the info message. func (l haystackLogger) Debug(format string, v ...interface{}) { - l.logger.Debug(format, v) + l.logger.Debugf(format, v...) } diff --git a/script/binary b/script/binary index 0008a855c3..a108aa2cdb 100755 --- a/script/binary +++ b/script/binary @@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOGC=off go build ${FLAGS[*]} -ldflags "-s -w \ -X github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/version.Version=$VERSION \ -X github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/version.Codename=$CODENAME \ -X github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/version.BuildDate=$DATE" \ - -a -installsuffix nocgo -o dist/traefik ./cmd/traefik + -installsuffix nocgo -o dist/traefik ./cmd/traefik diff --git a/script/gcg/traefik-bugfix.toml b/script/gcg/traefik-bugfix.toml index dec99d1f1e..3a2af099de 100644 --- a/script/gcg/traefik-bugfix.toml +++ b/script/gcg/traefik-bugfix.toml @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ RepositoryName = "traefik" OutputType = "file" FileName = "traefik_changelog.md" -# example new bugfix v2.7.3 -CurrentRef = "v2.7" -PreviousRef = "v2.7.2" -BaseBranch = "v2.7" -FutureCurrentRefName = "v2.7.3" +# example new bugfix v2.8.1 +CurrentRef = "v2.8" +PreviousRef = "v2.8.0" +BaseBranch = "v2.8" +FutureCurrentRefName = "v2.8.1" ThresholdPreviousRef = 10 ThresholdCurrentRef = 10