The callr
package has two main uses; calling R from other programs (including the shell) and for calling other programs from R.
There are myriad interfaces for calling R from other languages (e.g., the python package rpy2
) but debugging these interfaces when something goes wrong is challenging. Similarly, ad-hoc decisions about serialisation must be made that can fail subtly. We use the jsonlite
package to serialise calls to R from any language to give a simple and consistent interface.
lets you specify, in a json file,
- packages to load
- R files to source
- A function to call
- Arguments to the function
The result will then be added back into the original file. For example, suppose you had some R function definitions (in a file example.R
## Random multivariate normals with random variance covariance
## matrices, using the `mvtnorm` package:
random_mvnorm <- function(n, dim) {
rmvnorm(n, rnorm(dim), random_vcv(dim))
## Random positive definite matrices:
random_vcv <- function(n) {
decomp <- qr(matrix(ncol=n, rnorm(n^2)))
O <- qr.Q(decomp) %*% diag(sign(diag(qr.R(decomp))))
t(O) %*% diag(runif(n, 0, 10)) %*% O
We might write a json file:
"packages": "mvtnorm",
"sources": "example.R",
"function": "random_mvnorm",
"args": [
"value": 10
"name": "dim",
"value": 3
This will be translated into a function:
random_mvnorm(10L, dim = 3L)
Note that because json hashes do not guarantee order, the arguments are in an array (the [
bits), and the argument name goes in the name
field. Names are optional.
This can be run from within R like:
Though it will certainly be easier to run from the a shell session with:
Rscript -e 'callr::callr("example.json")
or by installing the shell script helper:
And running
callr example.json
Regardless of how callr
is run, the file example.json
now includes output:
"packages": "mvtnorm",
"sources": "example.R",
"function": "random_mvnorm",
"args": [
"value": 10
"name": "dim",
"value": 3
"value": [
Further options to the script:
callr [options] <filename> [<outfile>]
-h --help Show this screen.
-b --backup Make a backup of filename if outfile is same as filename?
-u --ugly Don't prettify json output
-s --strict Warn about extra fields
-v --vectors Don't auto unbox vectors to scalars
Calling system commands from R error prone as error handling is difficult and varies on things like whether standard output is to be collected. callr
includes a function call_system
for the case where a system call is blocking (i.e., we want to wait until it completes). It is a very thin wrapper around R's system2
function and hides output unless there is an error, when it will print a (possibly truncated) error message. This makes it useful for things like output of a LaTeX compilation where the amount of generated output is far too much to be useful but when an error occurs, some output is useful.
All output (non-truncated) will be returned, invisibly, by a successful run of call_system
As an example, due to the travis badge in this README, LaTeX cannot compile the LaTeX that pandoc generates:
callr::call_system("pandoc", c("", "-o", "README.tex", "--standalone"))
c("-interaction=nonstopmode", "-halt-on-error",
## Error in callr::call_system("pdflatex", c("-interaction=nonstopmode", : Running command:
## '/Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex' -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error README.tex
## had status 1
## Program output:
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## restricted \write18 enabled.
## entering extended mode
## (./README.tex
## [[... 79 lines dropped ...]]
## ))
## LaTeX Warning: File `'
## not found on input line 114.
## ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .png?branch=master.
## See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
## Type H <return> for immediate help.
## ...
## l.114}}
## ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
## Transcript written on README.log.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
only the last bit of output is included in the error, with many lines of output dropped.
Install from github with
replacing the path in the second line with something in your $PATH