Stateline is a framework for distributed Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling written in C++. Stateline is designed specifically for difficult inference problems in computational science; e.g. it allows for target distributions that are highly non-Gaussian, for conditioning on data that is non-linearly related to the model parameters, or where the models are expensive ‘black box’ functions, such as the solutions to numerical simulations. Some notable features of stateline include:
- random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with parallel tempering to improve chain mixing
- an adaptive proposal distribution, to speed up convergence
- allowing the user to factorise their likelihoods (eg. over sensors or data),
- built for deploying computation on a cluster, e.g. Amazon Web Services
- allowing users to execute likelihood calculations in their preferred language (eg. C++, R, python, ...).
For more about stateline and the techniques involved, see the stateline package..
The stateliner
package is designed to make it easy for those using R code to interface with and use stateline. While stateline potentially allows for likelihoods to be written in any language, there is a certain amount of infrastructure needed to communicate between the works (your model in R) and stateline. The stateliner
package provides that infrastructure, so that all you need to do is write R code.
The work-flow described below uses docker containers. Docker containers are virtual machines that can be mounted onto your local machine, or a remote cluster environment. A comprehensive guide to docker can be found here. There are two reasons we use docker here:
- It saves installing the stateline engine and other required components on your local machine. (Instead these are all accessed via the docker containers).
- It enables a seamless transition to running your compute in a cloud environment such as Amazon Web services (because the docker container can be mounted onto the remote machine).
Please note that stateliner
is ONLY set up to work with docker containers. (We do not support local installations.)
If you're using a mac or windows, all docker commands require that you have docker-machine
set appropriately. (By contrast, docker is available by default on linux). First install docker. For example, to build a virtual box with 3Gb memory and access to 3 cpus, run (in a terminal session)
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-memory "3000" --virtualbox-cpu-count 3 default
(If you want to modify the number of CPUs on an existing machine run VBoxManage modifyvm MACHINE_NAME --cpus NUM_CPUS
, substituting MACHINE_NAME
for suitable values.)
Then you can start the box
docker-machine start default
And to use it you also need to set the environment in your terminal session
eval $(docker-machine env default)
Once docker is installed, you can build the necessary containers, or pull down the pre-built containers from dockerhub. We're going to require two containers
: contains the stateline server and enginetraitecoevo/stateliner
: an R interface to the stateline server
When we run stateline (below) we deploy both containers in a linked fashion. The traitecoevo/stateline
container has a full installation of stateline, and is built directly from the stateline repo. For the traitecoevo/stateliner
container, the focus is creating and installing R packages; it therefore makes sense to start from the r-base
image, rather than from the stateline image. The container gets all the relevant prerequisites for using R and stateline together and can be used to test simple likelihood functions, or as a base container in your own projects (eg. via dockertest
). The container contains the stateline client, but does not contain a full stateline installation.
To pull down the pre-built containers:
docker pull traitecoevo/stateline
docker pull traitecoevo/stateliner
To build the traitecoevo/stateline
git clone
docker build -t traitecoevo/stateline stateline
To build the traitecoevo/stateliner
docker build -t traitecoevo/stateliner docker
The dockerfile for building this container is in docker/Dockerfile. Both containers build off other base containers (ubuntu and r-base, so the first thing that will happen when you try to build these is that the docker will pull down that base layer.
All the examples below run using linked containers. The local folder config
contains files for configuring stateline demo-config.json
and for R based workers. When running the material below we mount this folder onto the containers. This enables us to source local files, without requiring that we rebuild the container each time these change.
First, start the stateline server
docker run --rm -it \
--name stateline_server \
-v ${PWD}/inst:/config \
-v ${PWD}/output/demo:/stateline/demo \
traitecoevo/stateline \
/usr/local/bin/stateline -c /config/gaussian.json
Considerably easier will be to install the package and use the script:
devtools::install_github("traitecoevo/callr", "traitecoevo/stateliner")
stateline_server --config inst/gaussian.json
which will set up all the appropriate links for you
The options above include
--name stateline_server
: name of the container to refer to later-v ${PWD}/inst:/config
: this is how we get the config file into stateline (see the-c
option)-v ${PWD}/output/demo:/stateline/demo
: this means that the output will end up inoutput/demo
; however, the correct value on the right-hand side of the colon depends on the values set in the configuration (stateline_server
will map this appropriately).
Then start a worker, using any of the following
docker run --rm traitecoevo/stateliner --help
docker run --rm \
--link stateline_server \
-v ${PWD}/inst:/example \
traitecoevo/stateliner \
--address stateline_server:5555 \
--config /example/gaussian.json \
--source /example/gaussian.R \
--target gaussian
Here, the options after the container name are passed through to the stateliner client and are
: then name of the configuration file--source
: a source file to read (several--source
options are allowed)--target
: the name of the target function to run
As soon as this worker is created, the server will start feeding it tasks; these will turn up in the output
directory, due to the link when establishing the server.
Note that there is no support for the workers detecting that the task is finished. In theory I guess that the server should send a goodbye message but I don't see that.
If you want to interactively debug, you'll need to start the container in interactive mode:
docker run --rm -it \
--link stateline_server \
-v ${PWD}/inst:/example \
-v ${PWD}:/src \
--entrypoint bash \
Note the --entrypoint
argument here which overrides the default stateliner
program running.
The stateliner package also includes routines for doing basic analysis of stateline output. For example, the code below should work for the output from the above example
path <- "output/demo"
Loads each chain in a list object
raw_samples <- load_chains(path, nstacks = 2)
sapply(raw_samples, nrow)
We can remove an custom-defined warmup period
warmup <- 200
samples_minus_burnin <- remove_warmup(raw_samples, warmup)
Or examine trace_plots to check
trace_plot(raw_samples, scales = "fixed")
And calculate summary statistics of parameter posteriors
posterior_summary <- summarise_samples(samples_minus_burnin)
Here is a density plot of the parameter posteriors
density_plot(remove_warmup(raw_samples, warmup))