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This was a lot of fun.

Some fun things I learned

  • It turns out that 64-bit Doubles allow for many many many rows before they overflow. I was able to do 100,000,000 rows without an overflow
  • Using immutable datastructures really didn't cause any noticeable GC cycles, it turns out that the JVM has an O(1) algorithm for GC of "eden" phase objects. Since almost all of the objects are created and then destroyed it had 0 impact for the pause-the-world gc. AWESOME!
  • Turns out scala's collections don't have sequence, but it was straight-forward to add in the package object
  • Running long-running processes that interface with stdin and stdout are not as straight-forward in java/scala as I would have thought. But, in the end it wasn't much code to make it work

Things that would be fun to work towards (with more time)

  • Build with parser combinators for a more functional, type-safe approach
  • Explore that specific Stats are parametric on the Column type, along with parser combinators we could have a nice type-class approach to both value coersion and computations.
  • The computations are easily convergent (simple adding), parallelizing the computations could speed things up

Runtime performance visuals

Pull Mode

![10,000,000](pull_mode_10000000.png =640x480)

Push Mode

![10,000,000](push_mode_10000000.png =640x480)

100,000,000 rows in Pull mode

![100,000,000](pull_mode_100000000.png =640x480)


I went through a few iterations of work on this project, which are detailed in and


This is an sbt 0.13.8+ project and example usage can be found by running the following command from the root of this directory:

$ sbt "run --help"
Usage: <command> [options] where options would be:
 --pull <num>    <num> is number of records to pull
 --path <path>   <path> is the path to the generator
 --help          Print this usage

 If no options are given, it will assume it is taking input from

 Example Usage:
   # run this program using stdin
   ./generator 10000 | <command>

   # run this with the generator in PULL mode
   <command> --pull 1000000 --path "./generator"

From my laptop I run it the following ways:

# pull mode
$ sbt "run --pull 100000 --path /Users/akuhnhausen/workspace/wagon/generator

# pipe mode
$ ./generator 100000 | sbt run

Problem 1: Streaming statistics computation

Wagon computes histograms, distributions, and other statistics on streaming query results. Given a stream of numbers and text, let’s calculate some stats!


We’ve built a generator that outputs random web log data in CSV format. You can download it here:



The CSV header includes column names and column types, like this:

"col1name (col1type)","col2name (col2type)",...

The generator takes in a number of rows you’d like returned as a command line argument:

./generator 10000

Consume and compute

Build an executable that consumes ~10000 rows from the generator and calculates the following basic statistics:

  • For all columns, compute:

    • count
    • null count
  • For number columns, compute:

    • minimum
      • maximum
      • average
  • For text columns, compute:

    • count(shortest value)
    • count(longest value)
    • average length
    • break ties alphabetically as needed


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