--------- beginning of main 05-29 11:23:02.845 4271 7457 E wv_dash : No saved usage table. Creating new table. 05-29 11:23:02.845 19825 19825 D PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginManager.initClassLoader - mClassLoader.getParent(): java.lang.BootClassLoader@35044c 05-29 11:23:02.846 19825 19825 D PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginManager.initClassLoader - mClassLoader.getParent().getParent(): null 05-29 11:23:02.859 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:23:02.859 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:23:02.859 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.getInstance - 05-29 11:23:02.860 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.getInstance - init 05-29 11:23:02.860 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.InternalSettingsDbHelper - constructor 05-29 11:23:02.860 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.open - 05-29 11:23:02.866 4271 7457 I TeeSysClient: open mode set to: 0 [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/common.cpp:303] 05-29 11:23:02.866 4271 7457 I TeeSysClient: driver version: v6.3 [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/driver.cpp:71] 05-29 11:23:02.866 4271 7457 I TeeSysClient: driver open [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/driver.cpp:84] 05-29 11:23:02.866 4271 7457 I TeeSysClient: Kinibi access granted by the driver [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/common.cpp:191] 05-29 11:23:02.867 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:23:02.871 19825 19825 D PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginManager.restoreLatestPlugin - START 05-29 11:23:02.871 19825 19825 D PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginManager.restoreLatestPlugin - END 05-29 11:23:02.871 19825 19825 V PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginPlatform.Init - Build.VERSION.SDK_INT:26 05-29 11:23:02.871 19825 19825 V PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginPlatform.Init - Load gnustl_shared here. 05-29 11:23:02.878 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:23:02.878 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:23:02.878 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:23:02.879 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:23:02.882 6102 16802 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:02.883 6102 16802 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:02.884 19825 19825 I PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginBaseManager.PluginBaseManager - Initialize PluginBaseManager, version: 0.0.1 type: MAIN 05-29 11:23:02.884 4271 7457 D WVCdm : OEMCrypto_Initialize Level 1 success. I will use level 1. 05-29 11:23:02.884 4271 7457 D WVCdm : CryptoSession::Open: Lock: requested_security_level: Default 05-29 11:23:02.885 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:23:02.885 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: false, SCRunningSetting: 0, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:23:02.887 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:23:02.887 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - service is not running, action:android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED 05-29 11:23:02.897 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - Bluetooth Profile - ACTION_ACL :0 / Bundle[{com.samsung.bluetooth.device.extra.LINKTYPE=2, android.bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, com.samsung.bluetooth.device.extra.DISCONNECTION_REASON=0}] 05-29 11:23:02.912 4271 7457 I WVCdm : CdmEngine::QueryOemCryptoSessionId 05-29 11:23:02.913 4271 7457 I WVCdm : CdmEngine::GenerateKeyRequest 05-29 11:23:02.916 4271 7457 D WVCdm : PrepareKeyRequest: nonce=3564811809 05-29 11:23:02.980 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:02.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:02.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:02.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:02.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:02.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:02.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:02.988 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:02.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:02.998 4271 7457 I WVCdm : CdmEngine::CloseSession 05-29 11:23:03.004 4271 7457 I TeeSysClient: driver closed [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/driver.cpp:95] 05-29 11:23:03.066 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:03.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:03.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.087 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:03.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:03.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.104 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:03.118 4441 19856 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:03.167 19685 19747 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:23:03.199 19685 19746 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:23:03.239 4808 6220 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10187 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:03.243 19685 19695 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:03.243 19685 19695 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.tachyon 05-29 11:23:03.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:03.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:03.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:03.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:03.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:03.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:03.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:03.957 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: [002:846] [19858] TachyonSilentRegFlow: Error on getRegisterSilent REMOTE_USER_NOT_FOUND 05-29 11:23:03.958 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: [002:847] [19858] TachyonSilentRegFlow: jvz: NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found. 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: [002:850] [19858] TachyonSilentRegFlow: jvz: NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found. 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at io.grpc.Status.a(PG:50) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at kgn.a(PG:12) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jvm.a(PG:2) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jug.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at gyv.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jvm.a(PG:2) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jug.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jyd.a(PG:32) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jvm.a(PG:2) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jug.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jyl.a(PG:11) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jyo.a(PG:53) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jyq.a(PG:8) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jyt.a(PG:11) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at jzi.run(PG:5) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at kff.run(PG:24) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:23:03.961 19685 19858 E TachyonSilentRegFlow: 05-29 11:23:03.967 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: [002:856] [19726] TachyonGrpcChannel: grpc send error for tag=RegisterSilent requestId=dcd6c147-2cb7-4c57-b3e5-7f2a556e34cf with TachyonError=UNSPECIFIED 05-29 11:23:03.967 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: [002:856] [19726] TachyonGrpcChannel: jvz: NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found. 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: [002:857] [19726] TachyonGrpcChannel: jvz: NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found. 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at io.grpc.Status.a(PG:50) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at kgn.a(PG:12) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jvm.a(PG:2) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jug.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at gyv.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jvm.a(PG:2) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jug.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jyd.a(PG:32) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jvm.a(PG:2) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jug.a(PG:6) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jyl.a(PG:11) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jyo.a(PG:53) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jyq.a(PG:8) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jyt.a(PG:11) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at jzi.run(PG:5) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at kff.run(PG:24) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:23:03.968 19685 19726 E TachyonGrpcChannel: 05-29 11:23:04.175 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.199 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.203 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.205 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.240 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.255 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.332 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:04.334 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:23:04.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.375 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.383 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.388 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.419 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.419 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.508 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.510 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.540 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.550 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.559 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.567 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.568 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.604 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.627 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.627 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.710 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.896 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.926 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.938 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.994 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:04.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:04.995 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:04.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.020 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.021 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.050 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.051 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.104 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.128 19685 19695 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:05.128 19685 19695 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.tachyon 05-29 11:23:05.132 19696 19708 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:05.133 19696 19708 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.appmanager 05-29 11:23:05.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.168 19696 19712 I zygote : Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:23:05.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.198 19696 19712 I zygote : WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 29.994ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:23:05.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.380 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.414 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.416 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.431 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.432 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.432 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.461 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.481 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.524 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.525 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.557 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.646 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.647 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.678 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.713 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:05.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:05.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:05.835 5205 5218 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:05.835 5205 5218 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.inputmethod 05-29 11:23:06.096 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:06.097 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:23:06.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.216 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.218 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.294 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=377242176000 05-29 11:23:06.295 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=377242176000 05-29 11:23:06.295 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.37 ] when=377242176000 05-29 11:23:06.296 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:06.296 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:06.297 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:06.385 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:23:06.385 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:23:06.392 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=377340539000 05-29 11:23:06.392 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=377340539000 05-29 11:23:06.392 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=377340539000 05-29 11:23:06.392 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:06.395 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:06.401 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:23:06.401 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:23:06.528 19685 19695 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:06.528 19685 19695 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.tachyon 05-29 11:23:06.601 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:06.601 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:23:06.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.649 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.649 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.688 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.716 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.719 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.783 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.859 19241 19761 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=60 latency=0 timeout=400 status=0 05-29 11:23:06.895 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=377843241000 05-29 11:23:06.895 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=377843241000 05-29 11:23:06.895 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.38 ] when=377843241000 05-29 11:23:06.896 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:06.896 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:06.896 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:06.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.907 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.923 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.924 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.937 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=377885600000 05-29 11:23:06.937 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=377885600000 05-29 11:23:06.937 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=377885600000 05-29 11:23:06.937 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:06.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.939 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.939 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:06.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.959 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.961 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:06.962 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:06.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.968 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:06.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:06.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:06.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.031 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:23:07.031 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:23:07.031 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({com.sec.android.inputmethod(5205)=11, android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:23:07.031 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:23:07.031 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:23:07.036 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 2ms lastUpdatedAfter : 37146 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 492 05-29 11:23:07.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.053 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.076 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.090 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:23:07.093 5191 5191 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:07.094 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:23:07.096 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:23:07.096 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: msgWhat: 2(2) 05-29 11:23:07.097 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: UUIDs on ACTION_UUID: null for device FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:23:07.102 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:23:07.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.108 10421 10421 E IC_DeviceManager: MSG_UUID_UPDATED, uuid null, return 05-29 11:23:07.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.152 6439 9446 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:23:07.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.197 19799 19809 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:07.197 19799 19809 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:23:07.203 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.203 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.203 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.203 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.324 19696 19708 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:07.324 19696 19708 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.appmanager 05-29 11:23:07.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.497 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.505 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.548 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.556 5191 5223 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex Bluetooth.apk 05-29 11:23:07.556 5191 5223 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex Bluetooth.apk 05-29 11:23:07.557 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:07.557 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:23:07.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.604 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.619 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.702 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:07.706 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:07.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.885 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.963 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.991 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:07.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:07.993 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:07.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.023 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.024 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.058 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.087 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.110 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.111 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.231 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.258 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.261 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.282 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.283 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.357 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.394 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.434 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.624 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.649 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.678 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.679 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.679 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.692 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.693 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.754 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.792 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=379739328000 05-29 11:23:08.793 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=379739328000 05-29 11:23:08.793 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.39 ] when=379739328000 05-29 11:23:08.794 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:08.794 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:08.794 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:23:08.794 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:23:08.794 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:23:08.794 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:23:08.795 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:08.796 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:08.796 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:23:08.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.798 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:08.800 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:23:08.801 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.806 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:23:08.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.815 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.959 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.989 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.990 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.998 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:08.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:08.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:08.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.059 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.068 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:23:09.069 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:23:09.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.077 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:23:09.078 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:23:09.078 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:23:09.078 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:23:09.078 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:23:09.078 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:23:09.097 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.097 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.125 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=380073272000 05-29 11:23:09.125 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=380073272000 05-29 11:23:09.125 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=380073272000 05-29 11:23:09.125 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:09.126 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:09.132 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:23:09.132 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:23:09.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.219 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.220 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.558 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.581 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:09.581 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:23:09.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.639 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.641 5191 5201 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 153838(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 10(200KB) LOS objects, 88% free, 798KB/6MB, paused 9.007ms total 60.917ms 05-29 11:23:09.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.672 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.813 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.912 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.943 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:09.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:09.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:09.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.017 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.122 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.124 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.157 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.216 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.217 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.271 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.273 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:10.273 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:23:10.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.293 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.373 19241 19251 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 129046(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(448KB) LOS objects, 65% free, 3MB/9MB, paused 4.041ms total 101.025ms 05-29 11:23:10.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.535 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.586 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.587 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.635 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.643 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.705 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.707 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.707 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.724 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.905 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:10.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:10.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:10.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.036 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.055 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.104 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.127 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.241 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.282 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.283 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.468 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.469 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.523 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.525 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.558 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.630 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:11.630 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:23:11.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.674 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.675 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.755 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.757 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.768 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.781 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.839 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.945 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.946 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.990 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.991 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:11.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:11.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:11.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.035 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.043 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.059 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.101 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.213 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.214 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.214 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.214 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.235 19799 19809 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:12.235 19799 19809 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:23:12.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.276 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.402 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.404 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.407 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.454 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.484 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.485 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.587 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.591 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.607 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.608 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.610 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:12.610 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:23:12.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.635 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.727 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.781 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=383728894000 05-29 11:23:12.781 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=383728894000 05-29 11:23:12.781 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.40 ] when=383728894000 05-29 11:23:12.783 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:12.783 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:12.783 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:12.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.822 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.847 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=383795921000 05-29 11:23:12.848 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=383795921000 05-29 11:23:12.848 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=383795921000 05-29 11:23:12.848 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:12.849 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:12.859 19780 19790 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:12.859 19780 19790 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:23:12.881 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:12.883 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = AUmx2G6RIkg= 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop AUmx2G6RIkg= dkeyDecode 1 dkeystr I��n�"H 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES f6 9c 80 d7 c3 62 cf ca 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 9pyA18Niz8o= 05-29 11:23:12.895 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 9pyA18Niz8o= 05-29 11:23:12.899 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.900 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:12.948 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:12.948 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:12.948 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.015 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.015 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.046 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.047 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.079 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.079 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.098 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.098 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.099 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.126 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.134 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.134 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.138 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:13.138 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:23:13.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.153 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = AmVpJl0wJkM= 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop AmVpJl0wJkM= dkeyDecode 2 dkeystr ei&]0&C 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:13.162 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES db 91 bb ca 4c 28 56 91 05-29 11:23:13.163 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 25G7ykwoVpE= 05-29 11:23:13.163 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 25G7ykwoVpE= 05-29 11:23:13.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.241 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.243 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.243 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.299 6118 6129 W SQLiteConnectionPool: A SQLiteConnection object for database '+data+user+0+com_google_android_googlequicksearchbox+databases+icing-mdh_db' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed. 05-29 11:23:13.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.337 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.338 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.394 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.486 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.498 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.511 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.562 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:13.564 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:13.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.566 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.591 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.607 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.607 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.607 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.684 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.712 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.714 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.863 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.872 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.876 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.890 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.890 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.960 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.991 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:13.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:13.993 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:13.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.024 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.058 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.079 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.193 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=385140908000 05-29 11:23:14.193 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=385140908000 05-29 11:23:14.193 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.41 ] when=385140908000 05-29 11:23:14.195 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:14.195 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:14.195 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:14.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.252 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=385200343000 05-29 11:23:14.252 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=385200343000 05-29 11:23:14.252 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=385200343000 05-29 11:23:14.252 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:14.253 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:14.264 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.269 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:14.271 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:14.283 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.284 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.304 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:14.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.409 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.431 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.431 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.439 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.454 4441 19878 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:14.536 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:14.553 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:14.685 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewTransitions called. 05-29 11:23:14.690 6102 9749 I Places : Converted 0 out of 13 WiFi scans 05-29 11:23:14.728 6102 9749 I Places : ?: Skipping call to PlaceGeofenceEventListener. Update fence triggered: true, Refresh fence triggered: false 05-29 11:23:14.740 6102 17069 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 05-29 11:23:14.766 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:14.823 13120 19879 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 05-29 11:23:14.850 13120 19880 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%) 05-29 11:23:14.861 13120 19880 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 05-29 11:23:14.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.952 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:14.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.953 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:14.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:14.954 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:14.959 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:23:15.023 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.045 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.047 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.139 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.143 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.146 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.237 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.238 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.301 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.360 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.361 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.387 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=386335252000 05-29 11:23:15.387 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=386335252000 05-29 11:23:15.388 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.42 ] when=386335252000 05-29 11:23:15.389 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:15.389 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:15.391 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:15.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.437 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=386385255000 05-29 11:23:15.437 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=386385255000 05-29 11:23:15.437 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=386385255000 05-29 11:23:15.437 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:15.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.439 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:15.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.452 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.483 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 3379027968} changed=false 05-29 11:23:15.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.510 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.563 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:15.563 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = DgAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:15.563 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = A3vR0qNAnk0= 05-29 11:23:15.563 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop DgAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop A3vR0qNAnk0= dkeyDecode 3 dkeystr {�ң@�M 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 87 a9 c7 b4 9b b2 c4 28 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return h6nHtJuyxCg= 05-29 11:23:15.564 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = h6nHtJuyxCg= 05-29 11:23:15.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.592 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.637 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.705 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.729 19241 19883 W ScanState: Serialized ScanState does not exist. This may be normal on first run. 05-29 11:23:15.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.744 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.744 19241 19883 E ScanState: Error while saving scan status to file: Cannot delete existing file. 05-29 11:23:15.751 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.751 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.751 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.751 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.758 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.768 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.768 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.768 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.768 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:15.771 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:23:15.772 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:23:15.774 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:23:15.774 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:23:15.775 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:23:15.776 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:23:15.778 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:23:15.795 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.825 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:23:15.826 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@c795d34 05-29 11:23:15.826 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:23:15.831 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:15.831 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:15.832 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.833 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:15.834 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.834 19241 19882 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:15.834 19241 19882 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:15.834 5191 5202 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@bd9dbd4 05-29 11:23:15.834 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:23:15.835 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:15.838 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.838 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.838 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:23:15.838 19241 19886 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.841 19241 19886 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:15.841 19241 19886 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.841 19241 19886 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:23:15.843 19241 19252 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=9 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:23:15.846 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.847 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.847 5191 5729 W BtGatt.GattService: loadAppInfo: may 24 hours passed 05-29 11:23:15.848 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LSTR, extra: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx@LowLatency, value: 0 05-29 11:23:15.849 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.849 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:15.850 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:15.850 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LESC, extra: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, value: 3000 05-29 11:23:15.852 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LSTR, extra: android.uid.bcmgr@Custom, value: 0 05-29 11:23:15.853 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LESC, extra: android.uid.bcmgr, value: 4000 05-29 11:23:15.855 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LSTR, extra: com.google.uid.shared@LowPower, value: 0 05-29 11:23:15.857 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LSTR, extra: com.google.uid.shared@LowLatency, value: 0 05-29 11:23:15.857 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportGsimData, feature: LESC, extra: com.google.uid.shared, value: 5000 05-29 11:23:15.858 5191 5729 D LeAppInfo: [GSIM LOG]: reportScanInfo(), totScanCount: 12, totScanResult: 478, totBatchCount: 0, filterScan: 9, nonfilter: 3, onFound: 0, onLostCount: 0, onBoth: 0, bgdCount: 11 05-29 11:23:15.858 5191 5729 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:23:15.858 5191 5729 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:23:15.868 5191 5729 W LeAppInfo: reportAdvInfo(), mAppAdvInfos nothing to report 05-29 11:23:15.868 5191 5729 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:23:15.868 5191 5729 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:23:15.879 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:23:15.880 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:23:15.882 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:23:15.889 5191 5729 W LeDbManager: clearDb(), rowCount: 0 05-29 11:23:15.889 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 9, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:23:15.903 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.904 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.916 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:23:15.916 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:23:15.918 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:23:15.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:15.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:15.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:15.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.113 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.167 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.167 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.168 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.174 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.182 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:23:16.183 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:23:16.186 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:16.189 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:23:16.190 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:23:16.194 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:23:16.195 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:23:16.197 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:23:16.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.295 19241 19895 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:23:16.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.320 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.326 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.327 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.360 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.361 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.391 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.393 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.446 4441 19887 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:16.798 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.799 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.859 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.903 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.949 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:23:16.969 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:23:16.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:16.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:16.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:16.972 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:16.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.006 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.008 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.028 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.191 19241 19882 I ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Successfully saved new distance model file 05-29 11:23:17.193 19241 19882 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:17.193 19241 19882 I ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Successfully updated distance model with latest from online database 05-29 11:23:17.478 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.754 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.766 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.791 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.795 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.841 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.893 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.898 19780 19790 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:17.899 19780 19790 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:23:17.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.916 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.916 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.946 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.946 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.947 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:17.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.966 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:17.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:17.966 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.002 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.054 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.98}]} 05-29 11:23:18.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.060 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.065 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.98}]} 05-29 11:23:18.073 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:18.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.160 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.171 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.172 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.231 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.299 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:18.299 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:23:18.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.323 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.351 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.368 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.420 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.436 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.436 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.458 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.459 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.459 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.472 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.472 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.481 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.520 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.520 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.520 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.568 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.569 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.581 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.631 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.661 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.673 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.674 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.679 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.738 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.779 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.783 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.788 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:18.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:18.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:18.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.079 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.087 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.158 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:23:19.158 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:23:19.158 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:23:19.159 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:23:19.159 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:23:19.159 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:23:19.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 3 lines 05-29 11:23:19.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.160 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:19.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:23:19.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.167 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:19.170 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:19.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.202 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.207 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.207 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.268 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.268 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.270 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.323 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.412 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.422 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.443 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.444 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.597 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.700 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.733 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.735 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.738 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:19.738 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:23:19.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.743 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.781 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.781 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.842 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.924 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.948 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.948 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:19.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:19.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:19.989 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.051 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.147 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.149 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.149 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.149 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.153 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.157 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.174 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.199 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.256 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.257 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.257 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.257 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.258 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.277 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.87}]} 05-29 11:23:20.278 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.285 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.87}]} 05-29 11:23:20.289 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:20.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.311 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.323 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.380 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.403 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.405 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.527 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.633 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.633 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.701 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.705 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.731 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.731 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.745 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.887 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.888 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.907 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:20.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:20.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:20.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.207 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.207 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.207 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.263 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.263 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.278 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.387 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.88}]} 05-29 11:23:21.397 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.88}]} 05-29 11:23:21.404 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:21.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.414 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.449 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.466 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.467 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.468 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.491 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.516 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.526 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.640 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.640 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.666 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.699 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.732 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.733 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.733 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.836 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.836 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.837 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:21.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.949 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:21.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:21.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.375 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.387 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.388 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.478 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.496 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:22.496 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.506 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:22.512 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:22.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.564 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.566 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.566 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.591 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.601 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.628 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.628 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.628 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.628 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.678 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.678 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.713 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.714 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.751 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.751 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.784 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.882 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.890 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.939 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.974 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.975 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.998 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:22.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.999 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:22.999 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:22.999 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.007 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.008 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.047 5191 5196 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=60KB, data=41KB 05-29 11:23:23.048 5191 5196 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=60KB, data=41KB 05-29 11:23:23.048 5191 5196 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 05-29 11:23:23.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.053 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.095 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.146 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.147 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.156 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.156 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.157 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.195 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.197 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.223 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = BJdSimdlX+Q= 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop BJdSimdlX+Q= dkeyDecode 4 dkeystr �R�ge_� 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 50 f2 64 bd 11 81 c1 b3 05-29 11:23:23.224 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return UPJkvRGBwbM= 05-29 11:23:23.225 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = UPJkvRGBwbM= 05-29 11:23:23.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.297 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.298 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.340 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.389 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:23:23.389 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:23.389 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:23.389 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:23:23.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.407 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.423 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.454 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.505 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.523 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.523 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.524 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.525 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.539 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.603 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:23:23.612 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:23:23.617 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:23.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.631 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.640 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.781 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.781 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.953 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.953 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.954 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:23.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.986 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:23.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:23.986 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.045 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.055 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.056 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.076 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.132 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.157 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.165 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.190 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.217 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:24.220 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:24.224 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:24.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.229 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:24.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.635 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.637 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.647 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.647 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.673 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.674 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.709 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.87}]} 05-29 11:23:24.718 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.87}]} 05-29 11:23:24.722 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:24.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.756 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.777 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:24.777 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:23:24.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.803 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.826 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.827 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.882 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.882 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.912 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.946 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.947 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.964 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:24.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.980 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:24.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:24.980 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.002 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.136 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.148 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.149 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.149 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.149 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.164 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.165 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.261 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.295 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.336 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.393 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.423 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.523 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.523 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.558 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.560 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.565 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.566 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.640 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.699 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.719 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.727 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.758 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.817 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:25.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.824 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.824 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.826 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 3 lines 05-29 11:23:25.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.834 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:25.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:23:25.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.836 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.844 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:25.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.877 19241 19246 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=60KB, data=59KB 05-29 11:23:25.879 19241 19246 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=60KB, data=59KB 05-29 11:23:25.879 19241 19246 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 05-29 11:23:25.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.887 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.887 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.924 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.937 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.937 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.945 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.945 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:25.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:25.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:25.983 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.115 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.195 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.221 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.348 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.388 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.389 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.454 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.454 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.469 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.562 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.564 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.571 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.904 6118 6118 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task offline_pages_custom_tabs_sync. 05-29 11:23:26.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:26.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:26.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:26.923 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:26.938 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:26.941 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:26.953 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:23:26.987 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:27.021 4808 6275 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.chrome user:0 05-29 11:23:27.022 4808 6275 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:23:27.022 4808 6275 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.chrome user:0 05-29 11:23:27.022 4808 6275 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:23:27.053 19899 19899 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:23:27.059 19899 19899 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:23:27.060 19899 19899 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=chrome, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.chrome 05-29 11:23:27.090 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10112 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:27.091 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10112 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:27.091 19899 19899 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:23:27.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.232 19899 19913 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:23:27.283 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.283 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.283 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.293 19899 19914 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates not found. 05-29 11:23:27.308 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.310 19899 19914 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:23:27.311 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:27.315 19899 19914 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 05-29 11:23:27.316 19899 19914 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates, version >= 4 05-29 11:23:27.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.323 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.356 19899 19914 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:23:27.408 19899 19899 I cr_base : Android Locale: en_US requires .pak files: [en-GB.pak, en-US.pak] 05-29 11:23:27.424 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:27.424 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:23:27.463 19899 19899 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 53 ms (timestamps 8357-8410) 05-29 11:23:27.464 19899 19899 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:23:27.465 19899 19899 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:23:27.471 19899 19899 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 05-29 11:23:27.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:27.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:27.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:27.522 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:23:27.543 4808 6253 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10112 05-29 11:23:27.546 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:23:27.547 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:23:27.551 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564207.543:318): avc: denied { read } for pid=19899 comm=".android.chrome" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:23:27.551 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564207.543:318): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=cef47a80 a2=a0000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=19899 auid=4294967295 uid=10112 gid=10112 euid=10112 suid=10112 fsuid=10112 egid=10112 sgid=10112 fsgid=10112 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=".android.chrome" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:23:27.551 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564207.543:318): proctitle="com.android.chrome" 05-29 11:23:27.558 19899 19927 W chromium: [WARNING:dns_config_service_posix.cc(351)] Failed to read DnsConfig. 05-29 11:23:27.621 4808 6253 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10112 05-29 11:23:27.624 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:23:27.625 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:23:27.644 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 136877(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 449(8MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 944us total 220.158ms 05-29 11:23:27.722 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:27.732 4441 19944 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:27.734 19899 19926 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:23:27.771 4808 6253 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 2 selection = isAuditLogEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.775 4808 6275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 2 selection = isAuditLogEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.777 4808 6275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getAutoFillSetting 05-29 11:23:27.777 4808 18008 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getAutoFillSetting 05-29 11:23:27.779 4808 6253 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getCookiesSetting 05-29 11:23:27.781 4808 6253 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getHttpProxy 05-29 11:23:27.785 4808 6275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getCookiesSetting 05-29 11:23:27.788 4808 6275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getJavaScriptSetting 05-29 11:23:27.790 19899 19934 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 05-29 11:23:27.797 4808 18008 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getHttpProxy 05-29 11:23:27.802 19899 19899 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10112, CallingPid : 19899 05-29 11:23:27.846 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getPopupsSetting 05-29 11:23:27.849 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 22 selection = isAuthenticationEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.853 4808 5622 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getJavaScriptSetting 05-29 11:23:27.858 4808 5622 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 5 selection = getPopupsSetting 05-29 11:23:27.859 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:27.861 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 22 selection = isAuthenticationEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.867 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:27.868 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 10 selection = getURLFilterList 05-29 11:23:27.869 4441 19950 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:27.869 4441 19951 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:27.877 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 10 selection = getURLFilterEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.886 4808 6253 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 10 selection = getURLFilterList 05-29 11:23:27.893 4808 6253 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 10 selection = getURLFilterEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.896 4808 5622 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 10 selection = getURLFilterReportEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.901 4808 5622 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 10 selection = getURLFilterReportEnabled 05-29 11:23:27.931 4808 6215 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10112 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:28.026 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:23:28.032 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:23:28.035 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:28.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.045 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.242 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.388 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.389 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.413 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.413 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.413 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.448 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.599 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.599 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.618 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.665 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.755 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.757 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.900 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.986 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:28.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.988 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:28.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:28.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.089 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.110 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.134 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.82}]} 05-29 11:23:29.141 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.82}]} 05-29 11:23:29.146 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:29.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.175 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.186 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:23:29.187 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:23:29.187 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:23:29.187 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:23:29.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.190 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:29.190 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:23:29.192 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:29.195 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:23:29.202 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:23:29.208 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:29.209 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:23:29.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.242 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.242 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.262 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:23:29.263 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:23:29.263 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:23:29.263 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:23:29.264 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:23:29.264 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:23:29.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.303 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.332 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.338 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.398 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.399 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.504 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.511 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.529 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.631 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.633 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.710 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.731 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.839 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.841 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.842 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.869 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.960 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.963 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.989 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:29.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.990 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:29.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:29.991 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.024 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.056 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.097 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.098 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.111 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.113 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.196 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.222 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.240 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:30.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.255 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:30.258 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:30.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.278 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.324 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.388 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.408 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.409 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.455 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.455 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.461 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.467 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.472 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.813 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.827 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.842 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.855 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.875 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.900 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.935 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.935 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.993 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:30.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.994 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:30.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:30.994 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.009 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.009 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.055 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.157 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.171 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.187 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.195 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.207 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.207 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.207 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.217 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.217 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.259 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.260 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.267 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.269 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.270 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.295 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.323 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.324 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.348 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:31.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.365 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.376 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:31.378 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:31.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.380 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:31.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.380 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:23:31.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.380 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 5 lines 05-29 11:23:31.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.461 19241 19251 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 116798(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(84KB) LOS objects, 67% free, 2MB/8MB, paused 6.610ms total 82.532ms 05-29 11:23:31.466 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.467 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.467 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.496 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.500 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.527 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.527 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.568 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.569 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.642 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.671 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.677 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.763 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.815 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.887 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.888 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.905 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:31.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:31.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:31.998 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.091 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.105 19899 19909 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:32.105 19899 19909 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome 05-29 11:23:32.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.122 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.149 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.199 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.273 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:32.277 19241 19376 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:32.279 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:32.279 19241 19376 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:23:32.285 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:23:32.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.308 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.308 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.400 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.457 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:32.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.470 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:32.477 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:32.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.518 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.520 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.520 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.550 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.603 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:32.668 4441 19953 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:32.670 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = BeARV0dWvUM= 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop BeARV0dWvUM= dkeyDecode 5 dkeystr �WGV�C 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 98 bc 96 97 19 b 27 89 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return mLyWlxkLJ4k= 05-29 11:23:32.671 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = mLyWlxkLJ4k= 05-29 11:23:32.732 4808 5622 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10112 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:23:32.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.872 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.886 19899 19899 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10112, CallingPid : 19899 05-29 11:23:32.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:32.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:32.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:32.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.196 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.216 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.216 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.278 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.342 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.372 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.372 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.394 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.394 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.425 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.560 17449 19956 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:23:33.561 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:33.567 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.84}]} 05-29 11:23:33.568 17449 19956 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:33.568 17449 19957 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:33.568 17449 19956 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:33.568 17449 19957 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:23:33.571 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:33.571 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:33.571 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:33.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.655 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.656 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.688 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:33.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:33.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:33.998 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.024 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.031 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.032 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.056 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.091 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.091 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.120 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.139 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.150 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.150 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.397 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.420 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.454 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.537 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.560 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.598 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] __PingReply__ 05-29 11:23:34.664 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:34.669 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.83}]} 05-29 11:23:34.671 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:34.701 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:34.702 4441 4639 I chatty : uid=0(root) /system/bin/netd identical 1 line 05-29 11:23:34.702 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:34.719 4441 19964 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:34.737 4441 19965 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:34.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:34.984 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.984 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:34.984 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:34.984 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.016 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.017 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.098 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.111 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.113 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.175 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.282 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.289 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.337 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.346 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.346 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.447 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.447 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.479 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.555 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.571 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:35.571 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:35.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:35.594 4441 19959 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:35.595 4441 19958 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:35.606 17449 19957 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:23:35.772 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.82}]} 05-29 11:23:35.783 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.82}]} 05-29 11:23:35.791 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:35.917 17449 17459 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:35.918 17449 17459 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.spp.push:RemoteDlcProcess 05-29 11:23:36.002 17449 17459 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 29564(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 19(380KB) LOS objects, 87% free, 913KB/6MB, paused 8.557ms total 85.449ms 05-29 11:23:36.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.213 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.219 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.224 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.224 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.602 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:36.880 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:23:36.891 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:23:36.896 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:36.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.903 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.971 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:36.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.987 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:36.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:36.987 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.016 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.163 19899 19909 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:37.163 19899 19909 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome 05-29 11:23:37.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.651 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.664 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{c594c64 u0a112 CEM idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1538) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1484) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:663) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.InvalidationController.startServiceIfPossible(InvalidationController.java:31) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.InvalidationController.ensureStartedAndUpdateRegisteredTypes(InvalidationController.java:21) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync.SyncController.syncStateChanged(SyncController.java:45) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync.ProfileSyncService.syncStateChanged(ProfileSyncService.java:75) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:23:37.691 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:23:37.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.714 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:37.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:37.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 9- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{c594c64 u0a112 CEM idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1538) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1484) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:663) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.components.invalidation.InvalidationService.setRegisteredObjectIds(InvalidationService.java:32) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:23:37.715 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: Failed to start service from exception: 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=org.chromium.components.sync.notifier.ACTION_REGISTER_TYPES cmp=com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.invalidation.ChromeInvalidationClientService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{c594c64 u0a112 CEM idle procs:1 seq(0,0,0)} 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1538) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ContextImpl.startService(ContextImpl.java:1484) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(ContextWrapper.java:663) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.components.invalidation.InvalidationService.setRegisteredObjectIds(InvalidationService.java:32) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:9) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:23:37.722 19899 19899 E cr_invalidation: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:23:37.988 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:23:37.998 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:23:38.014 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:38.059 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 3379027968} changed=false 05-29 11:23:38.104 19241 19241 I ScanJob : onStopJob called for immediate scan org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@c795d34 05-29 11:23:38.108 19241 19886 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.119 19241 19886 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.120 19241 19886 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:23:38.121 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 409069 05-29 11:23:38.121 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 37866, tot/min/max scan time: 37866/37866/37866 05-29 11:23:38.121 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.122 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.122 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.122 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.130 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.136 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:38.138 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.140 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.141 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.141 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.142 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.142 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.142 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.143 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with PRIVIOUS callback intent 05-29 11:23:38.147 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:23:38.147 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:23:38.148 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 9, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:23:38.152 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:38.154 19241 19886 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.157 19241 19886 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.157 19241 19886 D BluetoothLeScanner: could not find callback wrapper 05-29 11:23:38.159 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_register_scanner_cb'. 05-29 11:23:38.161 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: java.lang.SecurityException: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx from uid 1002 not allowed to perform COARSE_LOCATION 05-29 11:23:38.161 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at android.app.AppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.java:1923) 05-29 11:23:38.161 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.isAppOppAllowed(Utils.java:627) 05-29 11:23:38.161 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.checkCallerHasLocationPermission(Utils.java:528) 05-29 11:23:38.161 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.continuePiStartScan(GattService.java:1979) 05-29 11:23:38.161 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.onScannerRegistered(GattService.java:1037) 05-29 11:23:38.162 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:23:38.176 4808 6215 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awia 05-29 11:23:38.178 4808 6215 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:23:38.181 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:23:38.185 4279 4279 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885600 en : 1 05-29 11:23:38.191 6102 6102 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:23:38.195 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.195 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.195 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.195 19241 19876 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:38.201 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:38.202 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:38.252 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:23:38.252 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@6806792 05-29 11:23:38.253 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:23:38.253 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:38.253 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:38.254 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.255 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:38.255 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:38.257 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback intent 05-29 11:23:38.258 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: batchClient is NULL!, appDied: false 05-29 11:23:38.259 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scanning not started so Scan job is complete. 05-29 11:23:38.408 4808 6215 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:23:38.410 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16416, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:23:38.418 6102 6102 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:23:39.329 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:23:39.329 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:23:39.330 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:23:39.331 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:23:39.331 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:23:39.331 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:23:39.373 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:23:39.373 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:23:39.373 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:23:39.373 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:23:39.376 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:39.382 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:23:39.391 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:39.392 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:23:39.397 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:23:40.702 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:41.004 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Buy/6qShQ7g= 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Buy/6qShQ7g= dkeyDecode 6 dkeystr �ꤡC� 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 64 4c 6a 7f d7 65 d2 c4 05-29 11:23:41.005 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return ZExqf9dl0sQ= 05-29 11:23:41.006 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = ZExqf9dl0sQ= 05-29 11:23:41.231 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=183 05-29 11:23:41.233 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=172 05-29 11:23:41.358 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:23:41.363 5579 5912 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:23:41.364 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:23:41.366 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:23:41.370 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:23:41.375 5579 5597 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:23:41.375 5579 5597 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:23:41.376 5579 5597 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:23:41.405 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onCellLocationChanged 05-29 11:23:41.735 4441 19963 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:41.737 4441 19975 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:43.196 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=414144508000 05-29 11:23:43.197 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=414144508000 05-29 11:23:43.197 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.43 ] when=414144508000 05-29 11:23:43.198 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:43.199 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:43.199 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:23:43.248 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=414195929000 05-29 11:23:43.248 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=414195929000 05-29 11:23:43.248 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=414195929000 05-29 11:23:43.248 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:23:43.248 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:23:43.284 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 3379027968} changed=false 05-29 11:23:43.305 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.305 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.305 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.305 19241 19883 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.348 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.348 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.348 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.348 19241 19884 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:23:43.350 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:23:43.352 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:23:43.355 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:23:43.356 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:23:43.357 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:23:43.359 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:23:43.360 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:23:43.406 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:23:43.407 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@60a7133 05-29 11:23:43.407 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:23:43.408 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:43.408 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:23:43.409 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.410 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.410 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:23:43.410 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:23:43.410 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:23:43.410 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.411 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.411 5191 6149 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@29cc872 05-29 11:23:43.412 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:23:43.415 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.416 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.416 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:23:43.416 19241 19977 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.421 19241 19977 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:43.421 19241 19977 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.422 19241 19977 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:23:43.423 19241 19252 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:23:43.425 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 414373 05-29 11:23:43.426 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.426 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.426 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:23:43.427 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.429 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:23:43.429 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:23:43.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:23:43.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:23:43.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:23:43.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:23:43.434 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:23:43.434 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:23:43.436 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:23:43.436 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:23:43.436 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:23:43.450 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:43.451 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:43.452 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:43.452 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:43.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.509 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.509 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.513 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:23:43.514 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:23:43.516 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:23:43.517 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:23:43.518 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:23:43.519 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:23:43.519 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:23:43.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.576 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.622 19241 19985 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:23:43.663 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:43.664 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:43.665 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:43.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.665 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:43.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.666 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:43.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:43.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:43.857 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:23:43.858 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:43.858 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:43.858 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:23:44.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:44.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:44.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:44.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:44.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:44.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:44.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:44.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:44.396 6439 10934 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b87cff488: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:23:44.525 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.49}]} 05-29 11:23:44.535 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.49}]} 05-29 11:23:44.539 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:44.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:44.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:44.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:44.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.095 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.097 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.239 10421 10421 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.mStopRunnable - 05-29 11:23:45.251 10421 10421 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.onDestroy - 05-29 11:23:45.252 10421 10421 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.setProcessForeground - set false 05-29 11:23:45.274 10421 10421 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.setProcessForeground - [myPid]10421 >> [isForeground]false 05-29 11:23:45.279 10421 10421 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: IcNotificationManager.terminate - 05-29 11:23:45.294 10421 10421 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.disconnectIntelligentContinuityService - 05-29 11:23:45.300 10421 10421 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.disconnectQcService - 05-29 11:23:45.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.303 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.391 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.392 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.631 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:45.643 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:45.648 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:45.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.783 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:45.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:45.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:45.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:46.142 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=173 05-29 11:23:46.302 10421 10421 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BeaconManagerControlService.onDestroy - -- 05-29 11:23:46.302 10421 10421 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 10421 SIG: 9 05-29 11:23:46.396 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:46.429 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:23:46.429 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:46.429 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:46.429 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:23:46.487 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:23:46.737 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:46.749 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:46.754 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:47.463 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:23:47.463 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:23:47.740 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 136690(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 431(9MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 2.614ms total 278.900ms 05-29 11:23:47.843 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:47.852 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:23:47.857 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:47.922 13384 14113 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b894e3588: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:23:48.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.413 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.413 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.427 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.440 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.587 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.627 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.628 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.647 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.649 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.740 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:48.741 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:48.747 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:48.748 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:23:48.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.751 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.808 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.823 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.824 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.836 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.836 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.950 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-99,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.57}]} 05-29 11:23:48.962 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-99,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.57}]} 05-29 11:23:48.966 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:48.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:48.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:48.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:48.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.151 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.180 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.196 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.236 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.271 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.299 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.355 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.365 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.367 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.410 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:23:49.411 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:23:49.412 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:23:49.413 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:23:49.413 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:23:49.413 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:23:49.547 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:23:49.548 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:23:49.548 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:23:49.548 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:23:49.551 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:49.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.560 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:23:49.569 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:23:49.569 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:23:49.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.580 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:23:49.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.581 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.700 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.701 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.732 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.739 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.747 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.836 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.837 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:49.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:49.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:49.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.057 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:50.068 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:50.073 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:50.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.295 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.441 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.477 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.488 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.565 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.610 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.636 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.758 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:50.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:50.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:50.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.011 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.012 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.012 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.124 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.163 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-100,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:51.176 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-100,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:51.177 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:51.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.198 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.243 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.347 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.387 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.388 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.398 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.450 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.452 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.570 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.607 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.607 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.633 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.634 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.655 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.661 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:51.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:51.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:51.731 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:23:51.735 6102 19228 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7ba0966708: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:23:51.735 6102 19228 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7ba0966708: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : Failed closing connection 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Write error: ssl=0x7ba0966708: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_write(Native Method) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.NativeSsl.write(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):2) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket$SSLOutputStream.write(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):6) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at bmgo.a_(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):1) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at bmfx.a_(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):6) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at bmgr.close(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):3) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at blwx.close(Unknown Source:6) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at bluv.run(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):6) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at bltt.run(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):2) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at ovb.run(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):27) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at pbc.run(Unknown Source:7) 05-29 11:23:51.736 6102 19228 W blvm : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:23:51.748 4441 19991 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:23:52.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.119 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.134 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.162 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.196 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.197 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.251 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.269 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:52.278 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:52.284 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:52.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.317 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.327 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:23:52.328 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = B5KI2cgf+KI= 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop B5KI2cgf+KI= dkeyDecode 7 dkeystr ����� 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 4 5e 14 91 25 53 3c c 05-29 11:23:52.329 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return BF4UkSVTPAw= 05-29 11:23:52.330 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = BF4UkSVTPAw= 05-29 11:23:52.426 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.455 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.500 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.535 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.566 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.603 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.656 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.681 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.712 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.745 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:52.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:52.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:52.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.051 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|215] 05-29 11:23:53.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.376 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-100,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.39}]} 05-29 11:23:53.386 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-100,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.39}]} 05-29 11:23:53.392 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:53.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.419 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.421 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.435 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.436 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.537 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.647 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.780 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.808 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.863 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.864 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.942 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.944 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.944 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.964 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.966 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.968 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.995 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:53.996 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:53.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:53.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.009 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.036 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.095 4808 5169 D IcmpEchoPeer:doPingPipeLine: res : -1, -1062705919 - 0 / 1 - 0 / 1472 05-29 11:23:54.106 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:23:54.106 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:54.106 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:23:54.107 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:23:54.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.155 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.179 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.229 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.317 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.414 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.441 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.481 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.34}]} 05-29 11:23:54.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.492 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.34}]} 05-29 11:23:54.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.498 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.501 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:54.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-71, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.529 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.621 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.756 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.757 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.769 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:54.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:54.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:54.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.537 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.587 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-99,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:55.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.603 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-99,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.35}]} 05-29 11:23:55.611 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:55.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.621 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.624 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.673 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.674 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.700 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.815 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.847 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.847 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.847 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:55.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:55.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:55.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.179 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.264 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.266 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.325 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.326 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.368 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.372 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.392 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.405 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.539 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.559 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.604 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.647 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.693 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.32}]} 05-29 11:23:56.704 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.32}]} 05-29 11:23:56.709 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:56.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.745 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.824 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.865 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.926 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.953 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:56.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:56.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:56.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.012 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.028 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.243 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.284 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.303 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.308 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.367 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.392 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.484 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.486 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.508 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.509 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.526 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:23:57.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.799 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.29}]} 05-29 11:23:57.817 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.29}]} 05-29 11:23:57.822 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:57.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.834 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.854 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.879 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.880 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.895 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:57.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:57.987 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:57.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.005 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.042 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.179 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.195 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.196 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.304 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.724 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.731 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.768 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.769 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.906 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:23:58.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.916 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:23:58.921 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:23:58.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.939 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.942 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.943 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:58.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:58.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:58.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.325 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.326 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.352 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.361 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.467 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.495 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:23:59.495 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:23:59.496 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:23:59.496 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:23:59.496 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:23:59.496 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:23:59.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.520 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.523 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.562 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.875 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.887 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:23:59.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:23:59.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:23:59.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.014 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:24:00.015 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:24:00.024 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.3}]} 05-29 11:24:00.034 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.3}]} 05-29 11:24:00.040 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:00.050 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:24:00.081 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:24:00.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.340 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.394 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.452 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.526 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.583 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.618 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.619 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.631 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.674 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.699 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.781 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:00.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:00.875 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:00.875 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.101 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:24:01.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.130 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.3}]} 05-29 11:24:01.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.145 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.3}]} 05-29 11:24:01.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.147 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:01.207 6102 19994 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:24:01.268 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.269 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.357 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.459 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.461 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.508 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.564 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.565 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.571 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.572 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.631 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.769 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.809 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.839 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.840 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.876 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:01.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:01.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:01.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.051 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.053 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.143 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.175 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.175 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.204 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.205 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.231 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.236 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:02.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.250 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:02.254 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:02.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.293 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.558 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.592 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.640 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.674 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.675 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:24:02.675 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:24:02.675 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = CKjTa4/mNo4= 05-29 11:24:02.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.675 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:24:02.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop CKjTa4/mNo4= dkeyDecode 8 dkeystr��k��6� 05-29 11:24:02.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:24:02.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:24:02.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:24:02.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 6c 2a be bf c2 82 63 fd 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return bCq+v8KCY/0= 05-29 11:24:02.676 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = bCq+v8KCY/0= 05-29 11:24:02.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.703 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.704 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.739 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.771 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.780 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.993 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:02.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:02.995 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:02.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.032 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.062 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.124 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.343 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:03.353 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:03.359 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:03.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.647 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:03.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:03.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:03.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:04.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.412 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:04.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:04.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:04.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:04.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.436 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:04.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:04.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.441 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:04.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:04.449 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:04.458 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:04.462 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:05.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.172 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.175 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.176 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.180 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.346 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.347 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.357 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.372 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.403 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.432 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.434 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.555 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:05.565 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:05.569 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:05.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.628 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.642 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.655 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.724 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.847 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.847 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.851 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.899 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.956 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.983 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:05.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:05.985 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:05.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.012 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.012 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.062 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.103 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:24:06.104 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:24:06.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.111 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.131 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.375 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.383 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.387 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.497 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:06.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:06.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:06.662 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:06.671 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:06.676 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:07.134 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:24:07.134 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:24:07.134 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:24:07.134 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:24:07.134 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:24:07.139 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 4ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60103 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:24:07.317 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:07.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:07.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:07.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:07.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:07.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.548 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:07.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:07.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:07.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:07.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:07.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:07.766 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:24:07.777 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:24:07.781 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:08.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:08.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:08.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.422 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:08.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:08.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:08.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:08.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.436 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:08.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:08.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:08.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.472 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:08.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:08.872 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:24:08.880 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:24:08.885 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:09.171 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.237 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.238 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.263 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.265 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.573 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:24:09.573 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:24:09.574 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:24:09.575 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:24:09.575 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:24:09.575 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:24:09.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.924 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.938 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.952 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.953 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.978 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:09.986 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:09.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.987 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:09.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:09.992 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:09.997 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:10.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.769 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.865 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.893 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:10.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:10.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:10.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:11.083 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:24:11.093 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:24:11.099 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:11.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:11.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:11.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:11.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:11.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:11.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:11.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:11.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:11.656 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:11.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:11.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:11.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.190 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.26}]} 05-29 11:24:12.202 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.26}]} 05-29 11:24:12.209 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:12.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.368 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.425 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.433 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:12.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:12.464 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:12.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.175 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:13.176 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.176 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:13.176 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:13.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:13.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.238 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:13.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:13.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.266 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:13.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.268 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:13.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.296 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-97,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.25}]} 05-29 11:24:13.306 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-97,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.25}]} 05-29 11:24:13.314 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:13.944 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:13.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.945 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:13.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:13.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:13.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:13.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.035 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.059 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.098 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.099 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.153 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = CaQifFgcuJM= 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop CaQifFgcuJM= dkeyDecode 9 dkeystr �"|X�� 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 18 1e 9a 3 20 58 1b 65 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return GB6aAyBYG2U= 05-29 11:24:14.154 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = GB6aAyBYG2U= 05-29 11:24:14.402 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.24}]} 05-29 11:24:14.413 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-88,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.24}]} 05-29 11:24:14.419 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:14.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.648 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.678 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.679 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.679 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.679 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.695 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.708 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.740 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.768 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.791 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.842 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.847 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:14.848 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:14.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:14.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.035 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.150 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.214 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.215 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.441 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.498 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.513 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-94,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.25}]} 05-29 11:24:15.524 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-94,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.25}]} 05-29 11:24:15.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.535 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:15.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.539 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.560 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.561 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.586 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.595 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.631 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.634 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.636 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.731 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.732 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.747 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.783 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.937 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.963 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.968 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:15.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:15.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:15.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.058 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.113 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.114 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.114 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.143 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.148 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.149 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.149 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.150 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.203 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.204 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.255 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.256 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:16.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:16.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:16.618 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:16.629 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.27}]} 05-29 11:24:16.636 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:17.146 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:24:17.147 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:17.147 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:17.147 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:24:17.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:17.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:17.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:17.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:17.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:17.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:17.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:17.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:17.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:17.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:17.306 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:17.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:17.725 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:17.736 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:17.743 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:18.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.035 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.571 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.572 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.579 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.615 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.690 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.834 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.31}]} 05-29 11:24:18.848 19241 19882 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-96,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.31}]} 05-29 11:24:18.860 19241 19884 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:18.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:18.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:18.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:18.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.079 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.297 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.348 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.398 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.399 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.478 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.500 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.570 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.635 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.666 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:24:19.666 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:24:19.668 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:24:19.669 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:24:19.669 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:24:19.669 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:24:19.712 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:24:19.713 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:24:19.713 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:24:19.713 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:24:19.715 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:24:19.719 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:24:19.725 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:24:19.726 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:24:19.733 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:24:19.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.782 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.810 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.820 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.844 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.898 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=C6:08:36:88:DF:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.899 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=0, address=54:26:96:D3:ED:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.912 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.926 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:19.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:19.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:19.937 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:19.945 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:19.951 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:19.994 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 3379027968} changed=false 05-29 11:24:20.024 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:20.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:20.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:20.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:20.030 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:20.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:20.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:20.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:20.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:24:20.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:20.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:24:20.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:24:20.049 19241 19241 I ScanJob : onStopJob called for immediate scan org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@60a7133 05-29 11:24:20.056 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.056 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.056 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.056 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.057 19241 19977 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.059 19241 19977 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.059 19241 19977 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:24:20.061 5191 5202 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 451009 05-29 11:24:20.062 5191 5202 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 36636, tot/min/max scan time: 74502/36636/37866 05-29 11:24:20.070 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.077 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:24:20.078 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.079 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:24:20.080 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:24:20.081 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:24:20.081 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:24:20.082 19241 19977 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.083 19241 19977 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.083 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.083 19241 19977 D BluetoothLeScanner: could not find callback wrapper 05-29 11:24:20.085 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.092 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 3 lines 05-29 11:24:20.093 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.094 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with PRIVIOUS callback intent 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_register_scanner_cb'. 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: java.lang.SecurityException: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx from uid 1002 not allowed to perform COARSE_LOCATION 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at android.app.AppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.java:1923) 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.isAppOppAllowed(Utils.java:627) 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.checkCallerHasLocationPermission(Utils.java:528) 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.continuePiStartScan(GattService.java:1979) 05-29 11:24:20.099 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.onScannerRegistered(GattService.java:1037) 05-29 11:24:20.102 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.102 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.102 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.102 19241 19882 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:24:20.108 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-100,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:20.176 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:24:20.179 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@23f3d26 05-29 11:24:20.179 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:24:20.181 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:24:20.182 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:24:20.184 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.187 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:24:20.188 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:24:20.190 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: batchClient is NULL!, appDied: false 05-29 11:24:20.191 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback intent 05-29 11:24:20.197 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scanning not started so Scan job is complete. 05-29 11:24:20.233 19241 19883 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-100,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.28}]} 05-29 11:24:20.234 19241 19876 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:24:23.510 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:24:23.510 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:24:23.534 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Ctk8yTFPMPg= 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Ctk8yTFPMPg= dkeyDecode a dkeystr 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : �<�1O0� 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:24:23.535 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 50 ac 0 2d f6 56 be 56 05-29 11:24:23.536 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return UKwALfZWvlY= 05-29 11:24:23.536 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = UKwALfZWvlY= 05-29 11:24:23.805 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 135454(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 405(8MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 8.379ms total 295.942ms 05-29 11:24:24.826 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:24:24.826 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:24.826 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:24.826 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:24:27.381 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:24:27.382 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:27.382 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:27.382 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:24:27.526 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:24:29.772 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:24:29.772 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:24:29.775 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:24:29.778 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:24:29.778 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:24:29.778 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:24:29.810 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:24:29.811 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:29.811 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:29.811 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:24:30.290 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=461237655000 05-29 11:24:30.290 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=461237655000 05-29 11:24:30.290 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.44 ] when=461237655000 05-29 11:24:30.292 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:30.292 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:30.293 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:30.372 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=461321025000 05-29 11:24:30.373 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=461321025000 05-29 11:24:30.373 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=461321025000 05-29 11:24:30.373 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:30.374 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:30.439 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:24:30.495 4441 20009 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:24:30.539 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:24:30.540 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:24:30.543 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:24:30.584 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:24:30.584 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:24:30.585 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:24:30.597 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:24:30.597 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:24:30.620 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:24:30.620 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:24:30.622 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:24:30.649 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:24:30.649 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:24:30.650 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:24:30.674 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:24:30.674 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:24:30.675 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:24:30.973 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=461921382000 05-29 11:24:30.973 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=461921382000 05-29 11:24:30.973 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.45 ] when=461921382000 05-29 11:24:30.975 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:30.975 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:30.976 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:31.040 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=461988782000 05-29 11:24:31.040 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=461988782000 05-29 11:24:31.040 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=461988782000 05-29 11:24:31.040 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:31.042 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:32.077 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:24:32.078 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:24:32.078 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = C2X9+Lk84XA= 05-29 11:24:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:24:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:24:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop C2X9+Lk84XA= dkeyDecode b dkeystr e��<�p 05-29 11:24:32.079 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:24:32.079 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:24:32.079 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:24:32.079 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 86 c8 2a 47 64 54 9e 14 05-29 11:24:32.079 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return hsgqR2RUnhQ= 05-29 11:24:32.079 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = hsgqR2RUnhQ= 05-29 11:24:32.411 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=463358752000 05-29 11:24:32.411 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=463358752000 05-29 11:24:32.412 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.46 ] when=463358752000 05-29 11:24:32.413 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:32.413 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:32.413 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:32.501 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=463449649000 05-29 11:24:32.501 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=463449649000 05-29 11:24:32.501 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=463449649000 05-29 11:24:32.501 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:32.502 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:32.718 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=463666460000 05-29 11:24:32.718 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=463666460000 05-29 11:24:32.718 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.47 ] when=463666460000 05-29 11:24:32.719 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:32.719 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:32.719 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:32.844 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=463792169000 05-29 11:24:32.844 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=463792169000 05-29 11:24:32.844 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=463792169000 05-29 11:24:32.844 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:32.846 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:33.011 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=463959074000 05-29 11:24:33.011 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=463959074000 05-29 11:24:33.011 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.48 ] when=463959074000 05-29 11:24:33.011 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.011 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.012 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:33.111 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464059297000 05-29 11:24:33.111 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464059297000 05-29 11:24:33.111 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=464059297000 05-29 11:24:33.111 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.112 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:33.228 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464175967000 05-29 11:24:33.228 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464175967000 05-29 11:24:33.228 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.49 ] when=464175967000 05-29 11:24:33.228 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.228 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.229 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:33.295 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464243054000 05-29 11:24:33.295 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464243054000 05-29 11:24:33.295 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=464243054000 05-29 11:24:33.295 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.296 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:33.403 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464351176000 05-29 11:24:33.403 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464351176000 05-29 11:24:33.403 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.50 ] when=464351176000 05-29 11:24:33.403 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.403 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.404 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:33.469 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464418013000 05-29 11:24:33.470 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464418013000 05-29 11:24:33.470 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=464418013000 05-29 11:24:33.470 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.470 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:33.561 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464509941000 05-29 11:24:33.562 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464509941000 05-29 11:24:33.562 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.51 ] when=464509941000 05-29 11:24:33.562 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.562 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.562 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:33.637 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464585341000 05-29 11:24:33.637 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464585341000 05-29 11:24:33.637 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=464585341000 05-29 11:24:33.637 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.638 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:33.729 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464677126000 05-29 11:24:33.729 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464677126000 05-29 11:24:33.729 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.52 ] when=464677126000 05-29 11:24:33.729 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.730 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.730 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:33.796 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464744360000 05-29 11:24:33.796 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464744360000 05-29 11:24:33.796 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=464744360000 05-29 11:24:33.796 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.797 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:33.825 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:24:33.870 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464818773000 05-29 11:24:33.870 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=464818773000 05-29 11:24:33.871 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.53 ] when=464818773000 05-29 11:24:33.871 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.871 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.872 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:24:33.937 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464885897000 05-29 11:24:33.937 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=464885897000 05-29 11:24:33.937 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=464885897000 05-29 11:24:33.938 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:24:33.938 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:24:35.621 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:24:35.622 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:24:39.858 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:24:39.858 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:24:39.859 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:24:39.860 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:24:39.860 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:24:39.860 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:24:39.942 13384 14113 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7ba0991188: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:41.247 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:24:42.061 13349 16611 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8872f288: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:42.348 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:24:42.348 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:24:42.348 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = DPqrfA1oWV0= 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop DPqrfA1oWV0= dkeyDecode c dkeystr hY] �| 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES dc ec fa 31 a6 eb 99 b6 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 3Oz6MabrmbY= 05-29 11:24:42.349 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 3Oz6MabrmbY= 05-29 11:24:42.432 4808 5172 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|1] 05-29 11:24:42.676 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=183 05-29 11:24:42.679 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=172 05-29 11:24:43.267 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer: 3 1 567 61 189 61 05-29 11:24:43.457 4808 5172 D IcmpEchoPeer:doPingPipeLine: res : -1, -1062705919 - 0 / 1 - 0 / 1472 05-29 11:24:43.493 4808 20019 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:24:43.493 4808 20019 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:24:43.493 4808 20020 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:24:43.494 4808 20020 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:24:44.270 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer: 4 5 265 996 66 199 05-29 11:24:44.276 13349 16611 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7ba52cde88: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:45.274 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer: 0 2 0 582 0 291 05-29 11:24:46.203 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:24:46.204 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:24:46.207 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:24:46.503 6439 10934 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7ba888a008: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:47.253 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:24:49.776 13349 16611 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b87ab2a08: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:49.939 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:24:49.939 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:24:49.941 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:24:49.942 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:24:49.943 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:24:49.943 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:24:50.755 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:24:50.755 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = DRGi40ZS5FY= 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 ��FR�V11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop DRGi40ZS5FY= dkeyDecode d dkeystr 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 96 fe 98 59 58 a3 23 e8 05-29 11:24:50.756 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return lv6YWVijI+g= 05-29 11:24:50.757 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = lv6YWVijI+g= 05-29 11:24:51.264 4441 20014 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:24:51.469 4441 20021 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:24:53.659 4463 4463 I bootchecker: bootchecker wake up!! 05-29 11:24:53.986 6439 10934 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7ba5365f08: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:53.990 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:24:53.992 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:53.992 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:53.992 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:24:54.022 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|619] 05-29 11:24:54.044 6102 10243 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7ba68f7708: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:55.066 4808 5169 D IcmpEchoPeer:doPingPipeLine: res : -1, -1062705919 - 0 / 1 - 0 / 1472 05-29 11:24:55.586 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:24:55.589 5579 5912 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:24:55.590 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:24:55.590 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:24:55.602 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:24:55.604 5579 5912 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:24:55.604 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:24:55.604 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:24:55.610 13384 14113 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b894e3288: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:55.635 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onCellLocationChanged 05-29 11:24:57.531 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:24:58.086 13384 14113 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7bb3244388: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:58.261 13384 14113 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8abacb88: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:24:58.814 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:24:58.815 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:58.815 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:24:58.815 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:25:00.013 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:25:00.026 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:25:00.027 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:25:00.032 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:25:00.032 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:25:00.033 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:25:00.033 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:25:00.034 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:25:00.034 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:25:00.058 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:25:00.106 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:25:01.028 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:01.029 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = DudFLt7XR8Y= 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop DudFLt7XR8Y= dkeyDecode e dkeystr �E.��G� 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 68 f0 de cb 40 8d 64 bd 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return aPDey0CNZL0= 05-29 11:25:01.030 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = aPDey0CNZL0= 05-29 11:25:02.581 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:25:02.582 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:25:02.864 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 129579(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 367(6MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 3.421ms total 284.349ms 05-29 11:25:07.245 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:25:07.245 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:25:07.245 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:25:07.245 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:25:07.245 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:25:07.252 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 6ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60113 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:25:07.687 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:25:07.688 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:25:07.688 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:25:10.102 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:25:10.103 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:25:10.104 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:25:10.105 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:25:10.105 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:25:10.105 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:25:10.404 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:10.404 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = D9s7HbPkipo= 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop D9s7HbPkipo= dkeyDecode f dkeystr �;�䊚 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 28 24 e0 65 96 5b 48 95 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return KCTgZZZbSJU= 05-29 11:25:10.405 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = KCTgZZZbSJU= 05-29 11:25:10.544 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:25:10.544 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:25:10.544 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:25:15.186 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=2 05-29 11:25:15.186 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:25:15.186 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:25:15.186 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:25:15.186 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:25:15.348 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:25:15.349 6439 12168 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7b87cff008: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:25:15.350 6439 12168 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7b87cff008: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : Failed closing connection 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Write error: ssl=0x7b87cff008: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_write(Native Method) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.NativeSsl.write(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):2) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket$SSLOutputStream.write(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):6) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at bmgo.a_(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):1) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at bmfx.a_(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):6) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at bmgr.close(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):3) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at blwx.close(Unknown Source:6) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at bluv.run(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):6) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at bltt.run(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):2) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at ovb.run(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):27) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at pbc.run(Unknown Source:7) 05-29 11:25:15.351 6439 12168 W blvm : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:25:17.376 4441 20027 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:25:17.387 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:25:17.388 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:25:17.388 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:25:20.106 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:25:20.107 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:25:20.107 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:25:20.107 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:25:20.108 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:25:20.115 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:25:20.124 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:25:20.125 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:25:20.130 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:25:20.187 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:25:20.187 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:25:20.188 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:25:20.189 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:25:20.189 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:25:20.189 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:25:20.753 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:20.753 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:20.753 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = EGTpp6Kan8c= 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop EGTpp6Kan8c= dkeyDecode 10 dkeystr d駢��� 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 26 80 ca 9a 3d b8 67 8d 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return JoDKmj24Z40= 05-29 11:25:20.754 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = JoDKmj24Z40= 05-29 11:25:22.533 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERED => REGISTER_AGAIN 05-29 11:25:24.007 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:25:24.008 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:25:24.008 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:25:24.008 12481 12557 D ytrace : Pass 146 sec since last registration, expected expires is 150 sec 05-29 11:25:24.008 12481 12557 D ytrace : REG_OK (1), RTT=1476 ms, mean RTT=932 ms, CSeq=20, Branch=Kiwn9FTglOo89069, Expires=180 sec 05-29 11:25:24.008 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTER_AGAIN => SERVICE_READY 05-29 11:25:24.008 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=48, arg1=1527564315, arg2=-826811268, lineId=0 05-29 11:25:24.011 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_SERVICE_READY' subEvent='unknown subEvent=0x5B0CC81B' 05-29 11:25:24.012 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: SERVICE_READY => REGISTERED 05-29 11:25:24.012 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=3, arg1=3, arg2=-826815492, lineId=0 05-29 11:25:24.013 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_DONE' subEvent='C2C_INVALID_ACCOUNT' 05-29 11:25:24.013 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onSuccess 05-29 11:25:24.013 12481 12557 D RegisterNotificationJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:25:24.039 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=912, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, canceling 05-29 11:25:24.074 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=915, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:25:24.075 12481 12557 D BindCameraJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:25:24.079 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=913, tag=BindCameraJob}, canceling 05-29 11:25:24.099 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=916, tag=BindCameraJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:25:24.099 12481 12557 D ModifyCameraPwdJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:25:24.102 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=914, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, canceling 05-29 11:25:24.119 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=917, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:25:24.119 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local NAT=[PORT_FIXED], Expires=180, ID=broncidemo2$gmail.com@jalabell.iptnet.net, port index is 0 05-29 11:25:24.306 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:25:24.306 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:25:24.306 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:25:24.306 12481 12557 D ytrace : Recv duplicated registration ACK 05-29 11:25:30.267 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:25:30.267 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:25:30.268 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:25:30.269 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:25:30.269 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:25:30.269 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:25:32.077 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Ebg95kO9aVA= 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Ebg95kO9aVA= dkeyDecode 11 dkeystr �=�C�iP 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES f0 de ba 5c 3f 5e 87 b7 05-29 11:25:32.078 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 8N66XD9eh7c= 05-29 11:25:32.079 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 8N66XD9eh7c= 05-29 11:25:35.280 4808 6275 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awia 05-29 11:25:35.283 4808 6275 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:25:35.283 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:25:35.285 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885600 en : 1 05-29 11:25:35.290 6102 6102 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:25:35.328 6102 20031 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:25:35.515 4808 6275 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:25:35.516 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16416, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:25:35.525 6102 6102 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:25:40.345 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:25:40.345 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:25:40.346 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:25:40.347 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:25:40.347 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:25:40.347 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:25:41.376 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = EqywdLDTJi8= 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop EqywdLDTJi8= dkeyDecode 12 dkeystr ��t��&/ 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:41.377 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:41.378 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES ec 2e a c6 db b8 7e 8a 05-29 11:25:41.378 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 7C4Kxtu4foo= 05-29 11:25:41.378 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 7C4Kxtu4foo= 05-29 11:25:49.777 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:49.777 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:49.777 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = E8bH0rNHslM= 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop E8bH0rNHslM= dkeyDecode 13 dkeystr ��ҳG�S 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 84 a8 84 22 59 54 60 7e 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return hKiEIllUYH4= 05-29 11:25:49.778 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = hKiEIllUYH4= 05-29 11:25:50.274 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:25:50.274 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:25:50.274 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:25:50.275 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:25:50.280 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:25:50.285 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:25:50.299 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:25:50.301 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:25:50.307 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:25:50.394 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:25:50.395 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:25:50.434 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:25:50.435 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:25:50.436 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:25:50.438 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:25:50.438 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:25:50.438 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:25:50.677 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 159420(18MB) AllocSpace objects, 273(5MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 2.119ms total 284.147ms 05-29 11:25:53.535 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:25:54.707 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=545654649000 05-29 11:25:54.707 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=545654649000 05-29 11:25:54.709 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.54 ] when=545654649000 05-29 11:25:54.710 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:54.710 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:54.711 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:25:54.783 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=545730522000 05-29 11:25:54.783 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=545730522000 05-29 11:25:54.783 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=545730522000 05-29 11:25:54.784 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:54.786 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:25:54.805 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:25:54.808 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = FASlyRsA6Ms= 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop FASlyRsA6Ms= dkeyDecode 14 dkeystr �� 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 17 cf 91 eb 80 75 f c0 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return F8+R64B1D8A= 05-29 11:25:55.089 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = F8+R64B1D8A= 05-29 11:25:55.221 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|816] 05-29 11:25:55.490 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:25:55.494 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:25:55.792 6102 10243 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8a044388: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:25:56.255 4808 5169 D IcmpEchoPeer:doPingPipeLine: res : -1, -1062705919 - 0 / 1 - 0 / 1472 05-29 11:25:56.319 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=547267007000 05-29 11:25:56.319 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=547267007000 05-29 11:25:56.320 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.55 ] when=547267007000 05-29 11:25:56.321 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:56.321 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:56.322 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:25:56.369 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=547317264000 05-29 11:25:56.369 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=547317264000 05-29 11:25:56.369 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=547317264000 05-29 11:25:56.369 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:56.370 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:25:56.394 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:25:57.126 19241 19376 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:25:57.132 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:25:57.872 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=548819849000 05-29 11:25:57.872 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=548819849000 05-29 11:25:57.873 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.56 ] when=548819849000 05-29 11:25:57.874 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:57.874 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:57.876 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:25:57.922 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=548870467000 05-29 11:25:57.922 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=548870467000 05-29 11:25:57.922 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=548870467000 05-29 11:25:57.922 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:57.923 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = FT9j1Q2fJyE= 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 �'!29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop FT9j1Q2fJyE= dkeyDecode 15 dkeystr ?c� 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES f2 a 12 d0 6b 9 f9 38 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 8goS0GsJ+Tg= 05-29 11:25:58.167 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 8goS0GsJ+Tg= 05-29 11:25:59.081 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550029434000 05-29 11:25:59.081 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550029434000 05-29 11:25:59.082 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.57 ] when=550029434000 05-29 11:25:59.083 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.084 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.084 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:25:59.181 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550129981000 05-29 11:25:59.182 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550129981000 05-29 11:25:59.182 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=550129981000 05-29 11:25:59.182 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.183 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:25:59.581 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550529518000 05-29 11:25:59.581 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550529518000 05-29 11:25:59.581 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.58 ] when=550529518000 05-29 11:25:59.582 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.582 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.582 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:25:59.649 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550597682000 05-29 11:25:59.649 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550597682000 05-29 11:25:59.649 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=550597682000 05-29 11:25:59.650 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.650 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:25:59.791 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550739407000 05-29 11:25:59.791 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550739407000 05-29 11:25:59.791 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.59 ] when=550739407000 05-29 11:25:59.792 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.792 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.792 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:25:59.858 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550806414000 05-29 11:25:59.858 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550806414000 05-29 11:25:59.858 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=550806414000 05-29 11:25:59.858 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.859 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:25:59.966 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550914877000 05-29 11:25:59.967 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=550914877000 05-29 11:25:59.967 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.60 ] when=550914877000 05-29 11:25:59.967 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.967 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:25:59.967 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:00.003 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:26:00.003 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:26:00.017 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:00.025 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550973594000 05-29 11:26:00.025 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=550973594000 05-29 11:26:00.025 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=550973594000 05-29 11:26:00.025 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.026 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:00.031 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:00.134 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=551082009000 05-29 11:26:00.134 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=551082009000 05-29 11:26:00.134 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.61 ] when=551082009000 05-29 11:26:00.134 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.134 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.135 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:00.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=551140601000 05-29 11:26:00.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=551140601000 05-29 11:26:00.192 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=551140601000 05-29 11:26:00.192 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.193 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:00.266 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:26:00.267 5579 5912 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:26:00.267 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:26:00.267 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:26:00.273 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:26:00.273 5579 5912 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:26:00.273 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:26:00.273 5579 5912 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:26:00.292 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=551240440000 05-29 11:26:00.292 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=551240440000 05-29 11:26:00.292 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.62 ] when=551240440000 05-29 11:26:00.292 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.292 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.293 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:00.295 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onCellLocationChanged 05-29 11:26:00.367 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=551315567000 05-29 11:26:00.367 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=551315567000 05-29 11:26:00.367 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=551315567000 05-29 11:26:00.368 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.368 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:00.442 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=551390886000 05-29 11:26:00.443 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=551390886000 05-29 11:26:00.443 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.63 ] when=551390886000 05-29 11:26:00.443 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.443 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.443 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:00.493 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:26:00.493 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:26:00.493 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:26:00.493 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:00.493 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:00.493 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:00.501 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=551449200000 05-29 11:26:00.501 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=551449200000 05-29 11:26:00.501 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=551449200000 05-29 11:26:00.501 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:00.503 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:00.530 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:26:00.531 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:02.756 4441 20044 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:04.066 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:26:04.661 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:26:04.661 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:26:04.661 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:26:04.662 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:26:06.887 6102 10243 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b86a9f988: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:26:07.344 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: From: 292332435173 05-29 11:26:07.344 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: Notification Message id: 3b450b2418325db2fb7e9eddf96d6f3a 05-29 11:26:07.344 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: Notification Message Title: null 05-29 11:26:07.344 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: Notification Message Body/Text: null 05-29 11:26:07.353 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:26:07.353 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:26:07.353 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:26:07.353 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:26:07.353 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:26:07.355 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 1ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60103 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:26:08.526 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:26:08.526 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:26:08.526 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = FghC6M+K37w= 05-29 11:26:08.526 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop FghC6M+K37w= dkeyDecode 16 dkeystrB�ϊ߼ 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 22 5a 5c 3a a3 a3 ea 6d 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return IlpcOqOj6m0= 05-29 11:26:08.527 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = IlpcOqOj6m0= 05-29 11:26:08.707 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=183 05-29 11:26:09.089 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of UDP Server, len=172 05-29 11:26:10.339 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=561287035000 05-29 11:26:10.339 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=561287035000 05-29 11:26:10.339 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.64 ] when=561287035000 05-29 11:26:10.340 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:10.340 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:10.362 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:26:10.407 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.ANIMATING 05-29 11:26:10.408 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:10.411 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:26:10.412 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:26:10.429 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:10.440 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,72] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:10.449 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:10.449 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 2220, oldBottom : 72 05-29 11:26:10.449 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:26:10.451 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:10.451 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:10.459 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:10.459 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=513 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:10.465 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564045409Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:10.473 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:10.474 4808 5622 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039ce0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0388c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:10.475 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:10.476 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:26:10.484 4808 5622 V Vibrator: Called cancel() API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, token: android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:26:10.486 4286 4286 D SecVibrator-HAL: writeNode node:/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 05-29 11:26:10.489 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=561437010000 05-29 11:26:10.489 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=561437010000 05-29 11:26:10.489 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=561437010000 05-29 11:26:10.489 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:10.493 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:26:10.497 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:10.498 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=17 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (5/6) 05-29 11:26:10.498 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=17 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/6) 05-29 11:26:10.502 4295 4295 I Layer : id=17 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:10.503 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:10.509 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:26:10.510 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 70.0 | 0 2150 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:10.512 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:10.514 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800960a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:10.514 4808 5622 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 19241 05-29 11:26:10.514 4808 5622 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:26:10.516 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:10.516 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:10.522 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.525 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:10.536 5236 5243 I zygote64: Do full code cache collection, code=126KB, data=61KB 05-29 11:26:10.536 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:26:10.536 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:26:10.536 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:26:10.536 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:10.536 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:10.536 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:10.541 5236 5243 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=124KB, data=59KB 05-29 11:26:10.544 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.546 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:10.546 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:10.546 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.547 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.548 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:10.548 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.549 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.549 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:26:10.549 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: false, SCRunningSetting: 0, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:26:10.549 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:26:10.549 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - service is not running, action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:26:10.552 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - INTENT_STATUSBAR_EXPANDED- bluetooth on: start service 05-29 11:26:10.553 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 11 05-29 11:26:10.563 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onCreate - 05-29 11:26:10.563 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.setAppUpdateBadge - [Android OS]26 05-29 11:26:10.564 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.QcManager - initiate from com.samsung.android.oneconnect.QcService@f220a52 05-29 11:26:10.565 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:10.565 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.567 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.567 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:10.567 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.569 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.574 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.574 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.576 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:26:10.576 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.576 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.576 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:26:10.577 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:26:10.577 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:10.577 4808 5622 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800960a 05-29 11:26:10.579 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DiscoveryManager - Constructor 05-29 11:26:10.580 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:26:10.582 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.588 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:26:10.593 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.593 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.598 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.600 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.CloudHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.601 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.610 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.610 19799 19799 W linker : "/data/app/SamsungConnect/lib/arm/libconnectivity_abstraction.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x5ac6 05-29 11:26:10.621 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.639 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.641 19799 19799 W linker : "/data/app/SamsungConnect/lib/arm/libESMediatorRich.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x123bd 05-29 11:26:10.653 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.666 19799 19799 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI_OnLoad Enter 05-29 11:26:10.670 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.671 19799 19799 D NotificationService_JNI: initNotifcationConsumer 05-29 11:26:10.675 19799 19799 D OIC_CA_ADAP_UTILS: CANativeJNISetJavaVM 05-29 11:26:10.675 19799 19799 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI_OnLoad Exit 05-29 11:26:10.675 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.CloudNotificationHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.675 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.registerReceiver - 05-29 11:26:10.675 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.registerPushRegIdReceiver - 05-29 11:26:10.679 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudMetadataManager.getInstance - init 05-29 11:26:10.681 19799 19799 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI-OCFCLIENTMANAGER::nativeSetLocalDiscoveryListener Enter 05-29 11:26:10.681 19799 19799 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [OCFLocalDeviceDiscoveryManager()] IN 05-29 11:26:10.681 19799 19799 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [OCFLocalDeviceDiscoveryManager()] OUT 05-29 11:26:10.681 19799 19799 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [setCallbackHandlers] IN 05-29 11:26:10.681 19799 19799 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [setCallbackHandlers] OUT 05-29 11:26:10.681 19799 19799 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI-OCFCLIENTMANAGER::nativeSetLocalDiscoveryListener Exit 05-29 11:26:10.682 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ShpLocalHelper.ShpLocalHelper - Initiating (cacheEnabled=false) 05-29 11:26:10.683 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.SepBleHelper - Constructor 05-29 11:26:10.687 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.setCentralRunningMode - set to false 05-29 11:26:10.687 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:26:10.689 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.690 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.692 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.PreDiscoveryHelper - () 05-29 11:26:10.693 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.693 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.initializeAdvData - 05-29 11:26:10.693 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateContactInfo - 05-29 11:26:10.693 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getMyMobileNumber - 05-29 11:26:10.694 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: false 05-29 11:26:10.694 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getOwnerSystemNumber : - no contact permission 05-29 11:26:10.694 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.READ_CONTACTS: false 05-29 11:26:10.694 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getOwnerContactNumber - No Permission 05-29 11:26:10.695 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS: false 05-29 11:26:10.695 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getAccountNumber - No Permission 05-29 11:26:10.696 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getMyMobileNumber - null 05-29 11:26:10.698 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateDeviceName - mDeviceName: Galaxy S9 05-29 11:26:10.698 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setServiceType - 05-29 11:26:10.699 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isFileShare2Supported - TRUE (versionCode: 30) 05-29 11:26:10.699 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.setServiceCapability - Support File share 2 05-29 11:26:10.699 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setServiceType - 05-29 11:26:10.699 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.703 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.704 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.704 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.setVisibilityFromSystemDb - isAllowToConnect : false 05-29 11:26:10.706 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.isPossibleP2pProbe - possible P2p 05-29 11:26:10.708 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateAdvData - 05-29 11:26:10.708 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setRespTarget - 05-29 11:26:10.708 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.711 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.711 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - [force]false || ([!needScanQcBg]true && [!needScanNearby]true) 05-29 11:26:10.711 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:26:10.711 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.714 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.714 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - [needScanQcBg]false || [needScanQcFG]false || [needScanCentral]false || [needScanNearby]false 05-29 11:26:10.714 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - not startLeScan(), lowerPeriphService() 05-29 11:26:10.715 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setRespTarget - 05-29 11:26:10.715 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setDiscoveredDevices - 05-29 11:26:10.718 4808 5622 W ContentService: Ignoring content changes for content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup from 10193: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{838b20a 19799:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=19799, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:26:10.719 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.720 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.722 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.BluetoothHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.724 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.registerStateReceiver - mIsBtStateReceiver = false 05-29 11:26:10.724 19799 19799 D BluetoothAdapter: semIsSinkServiceSupported 05-29 11:26:10.726 5191 5203 D BluetoothAdapterService: semIsSinkServiceSupported : SecProductFeature_BLUETOOTH MULTI : true A2DPSINK : true 05-29 11:26:10.726 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.semIsSinkServiceSupported - true 05-29 11:26:10.728 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSemAvailable : - ? true ,Version: 2601 05-29 11:26:10.730 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isINDDevice - countryCode:Taiwan 05-29 11:26:10.731 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSShareCountryIso - 05-29 11:26:10.732 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getCurrentCountryIso - SIM does not have iso 05-29 11:26:10.732 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSShareCountryIso - get country code:US 05-29 11:26:10.733 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.startDiscovery - -- 05-29 11:26:10.733 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:26:10.737 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.737 4808 6275 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.easysetup user:0 05-29 11:26:10.737 4808 6275 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:10.737 4808 6275 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.easysetup user:0 05-29 11:26:10.737 4808 6275 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:10.751 20060 20060 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:10.751 4808 5622 W ContentService: Ignoring content changes for content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup from 10193: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{838b20a 19799:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=19799, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:26:10.751 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.ActionManager - () 05-29 11:26:10.752 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudActionHelper.CloudActionHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.752 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ScreenMirrorActionHelper.ScreenMirrorActionHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.753 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.BluetoothActionHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.753 20060 20060 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:10.753 20060 20060 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:26:10.754 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.757 19799 19799 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:26:10.758 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.initProfiles - support a2dp sink 05-29 11:26:10.759 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.A2dpSinkProfile - new() 05-29 11:26:10.759 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.bind - [mService]null [isFirstBinding]true 05-29 11:26:10.762 19799 19799 D BluetoothA2dpSink: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:26:10.763 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.bind - bound is true 05-29 11:26:10.764 19799 19799 D BluetoothHeadset: BTStateChangeCB is registed (19799 @ com.samsung.android.oneconnect) 05-29 11:26:10.767 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: TvActionHelper.TvActionHelper - 05-29 11:26:10.769 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.SepActionManager - mRequestId initialized to 93 05-29 11:26:10.770 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10020 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:10.771 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10020 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:10.771 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.772 20060 20060 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:10.775 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.startDiscovery - android.os.Messenger@5be864e/null NONE, flush:false 05-29 11:26:10.780 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.CloudLocationManager - 05-29 11:26:10.780 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.getInstance - 05-29 11:26:10.780 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.getInstance - init 05-29 11:26:10.780 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceDbManager.MobilePresenceDbManager - constructed 05-29 11:26:10.781 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getIotServerPos - 2 05-29 11:26:10.781 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getIotServerPos - cached:2 05-29 11:26:10.781 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initService - PROD 05-29 11:26:10.781 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initService - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.781 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initHttpClient - 05-29 11:26:10.787 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.787 19799 19799 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:26:10.794 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.getAllDbInfo - 05-29 11:26:10.797 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudUtil.getSamsungAccountName - accounts info is empty 05-29 11:26:10.804 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.805 20060 20060 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:10.805 20060 20060 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:26:10.806 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:10.806 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.808 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.808 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:10.808 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.810 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.811 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.SepBoardManager - 05-29 11:26:10.814 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:26:10.818 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:26:10.819 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:26:10.820 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.822 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:26:10.822 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:26:10.823 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.init - 05-29 11:26:10.826 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateMode - Mode(-2)->(0) + Stream(3) 05-29 11:26:10.826 4808 5622 I AudioService: Quick sound path is available with bit mask ==> 0x6fffffff 05-29 11:26:10.829 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPath.setIsWiredOn - false 05-29 11:26:10.831 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;getDevicesForStream=3 05-29 11:26:10.832 4429 9267 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream, streamType=3 05-29 11:26:10.832 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:10.832 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:10.832 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:10.834 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xe4899790 05-29 11:26:10.834 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 9 05-29 11:26:10.835 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 9 ports 0xe22e6000 05-29 11:26:10.835 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 9 ports needed 9 05-29 11:26:10.839 20060 20060 D EasySetup: RegisteredTvProvider.onCreate() - 05-29 11:26:10.839 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.839 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.840 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - Active(deviceId:2 ,infoType:2 ,a2dp active addr:[]) Stream(3) mask(6fffffff) isDualPlayMode(false) 05-29 11:26:10.840 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:26:10.841 20060 20060 I EasySetup: EasyConnectUtil.onCreate - created!! 05-29 11:26:10.842 4808 5622 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=1 05-29 11:26:10.843 4808 5622 D AudioService: device=1, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:26:10.844 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.x - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.845 4808 5622 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=2 05-29 11:26:10.845 4808 5622 D AudioService: device=2, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:26:10.845 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.o - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.845 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:26:10.849 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.registerListener - 05-29 11:26:10.849 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.setAllModeList - list : [] 05-29 11:26:10.850 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ServiceDbManager.ServiceDbManager - constructed 05-29 11:26:10.850 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudServiceManager.CloudServiceManager - 05-29 11:26:10.850 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.setCloudServiceResourceListener - 05-29 11:26:10.854 20060 20072 D EasySetup: RegisteredTvProvider.query() - 05-29 11:26:10.856 20060 20060 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:26:10.858 19799 20077 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.run - 05-29 11:26:10.858 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationManager.CloudNotificationManager - 05-29 11:26:10.858 19799 20077 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getLastAppUpdateCheckTimePref - [lastCheckTime]1527478268 05-29 11:26:10.858 19799 20077 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.checkToAppUpdate - skip query on app update to server 05-29 11:26:10.860 19799 20077 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getLastWithTvUpdateCheckTimePref - [lastCheckTime]1525074876 05-29 11:26:10.860 19799 20077 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.checkToWithTvUpdate - skip query on withtv update to server 05-29 11:26:10.861 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.AppPackageUtil - () 05-29 11:26:10.861 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub 05-29 11:26:10.862 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearPluginInstalled - is null! 05-29 11:26:10.862 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearPluginInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.862 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.neckletplugin 05-29 11:26:10.863 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearCirclePluginInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.863 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.sec.android.app.applinker 05-29 11:26:10.864 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.wms 05-29 11:26:10.864 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearFitManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.864 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.samsunggear360manager 05-29 11:26:10.864 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isSamsungGear360ManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.865 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.gear360manager 05-29 11:26:10.865 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGear360ManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.865 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.sec.samsungsoundphone 05-29 11:26:10.865 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isLevelAppInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.865 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.smarthome 05-29 11:26:10.865 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isSmartHomeInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:26:10.866 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.sec.spp.push 05-29 11:26:10.867 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.registerReceiver - 05-29 11:26:10.867 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.canEnableDevloperMode: - true 05-29 11:26:10.870 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getDeveloperModeEnable - result: - getSharedpred:false 05-29 11:26:10.870 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getDeveloperModeEnable - result:0 05-29 11:26:10.870 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.registerReceiver - debugModeUtil intent - skip 05-29 11:26:10.873 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:10.877 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.QcManager - mobileThing option is disabled 05-29 11:26:10.877 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.getQcManager - make new instance com.samsung.android.oneconnect.manager.QcManager@7ff1efe 05-29 11:26:10.877 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.getQcManager - return existing instance com.samsung.android.oneconnect.manager.QcManager@7ff1efe 05-29 11:26:10.877 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.setSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:26:10.878 4808 6275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:10.880 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessForeground - set true 05-29 11:26:10.889 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessImportant - [myPid]19799 >> [isForeground]true 05-29 11:26:10.890 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermissions - Denied android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 05-29 11:26:10.890 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.890 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.893 20060 20060 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:26:10.893 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.894 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.setSyncAll - false >> true 05-29 11:26:10.894 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.isFirstLaunch - value - isFirstLaunch: -1 05-29 11:26:10.894 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: first_launch_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.894 20060 20060 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.10.038 05-29 11:26:10.896 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 1 05-29 11:26:10.896 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.isFirstLaunch - RETURN: value - isFirstLaunch: 1 05-29 11:26:10.896 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isFirstLaunch(true), skip restore 05-29 11:26:10.896 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.init - 05-29 11:26:10.896 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.898 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.898 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]false [isHeadsetReady]false [isHidReady]false 05-29 11:26:10.899 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - isAllProfileReady is FALSE, retry in 100 msec retry:1 05-29 11:26:10.899 19799 20059 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.LoadRegisterTv - setHasRegisteredTV : FALSE 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDbDevice - db device list isEmpty 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.900 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:26:10.901 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 11 05-29 11:26:10.901 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.init - 05-29 11:26:10.901 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.903 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.903 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]false [isHeadsetReady]false [isHidReady]false 05-29 11:26:10.903 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - isAllProfileReady is FALSE, retry in 100 msec retry:2 05-29 11:26:10.903 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDbDevice - db device list isEmpty 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.904 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:26:10.906 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:10.908 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:26:10.908 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - action : android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION 05-29 11:26:10.908 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - receive INET_CONDITION_ACTION, but not signin state - restoreConnection 05-29 11:26:10.909 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isQcTopProcess return false, skip restore 05-29 11:26:10.909 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:10.910 20060 20076 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:10.910 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:26:10.911 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpProfile.onServiceConnected - Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:10.911 19799 19799 D BluetoothInputDevice: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:26:10.911 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: HidProfile.onServiceConnected - 4 android.bluetooth.SemBluetoothInputDevice@caa2d0a 05-29 11:26:10.911 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:10.912 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.chooseTab - IsTabSelected[false], LastClickAction[], LastClickMac[],drawFrom[0] 05-29 11:26:10.912 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:26:10.913 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isWfdConnected - >> false 05-29 11:26:10.913 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:26:10.913 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:26:10.913 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:26:10.913 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:26:10.913 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.onAudioDevicesAdded - 05-29 11:26:10.914 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: HeadsetProfile.onServiceConnected - Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:10.914 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:10.914 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:10.915 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: WIFI: true 05-29 11:26:10.915 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - com.samsung.android.oneconnect.action.VD_DEVICE_CHANGED, (NearbyScan:true && HasVdDevice :false), NeedNearbyScan:false 05-29 11:26:10.915 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.stopScanForNearby - -- 05-29 11:26:10.915 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.916 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:26:10.916 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:26:10.916 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.917 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - [force]false || ([!needScanQcBg]true && [!needScanNearby]true) 05-29 11:26:10.917 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:26:10.917 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:10.918 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:10.918 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - [needScanQcBg]false || [needScanQcFG]false || [needScanCentral]false || [needScanNearby]false 05-29 11:26:10.918 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - not startLeScan(), lowerPeriphService() 05-29 11:26:10.918 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:26:10.918 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.sendStopServiceIntent - 05-29 11:26:10.921 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:10.922 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.922 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:10.923 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - com.samsung.android.oneconnect.action.STOP_SERVICE 05-29 11:26:10.923 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:10.923 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - service Will_stop - KEEP_ALIVE_TIME 05-29 11:26:11.003 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]true [isHeadsetReady]true [isHidReady]true 05-29 11:26:11.006 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - getBondedDevices size is 0 05-29 11:26:11.014 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.handleMessage - MSG_REQ_UPDATE_ALL 05-29 11:26:11.015 4808 5622 I AudioService: Quick sound path is available with bit mask ==> 0x6fffffff 05-29 11:26:11.015 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPath.setIsWiredOn - false 05-29 11:26:11.015 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;getDevicesForStream=3 05-29 11:26:11.015 4429 9267 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream, streamType=3 05-29 11:26:11.016 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:11.016 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:11.016 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:11.018 5191 5203 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:11.021 5191 5203 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:11.021 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - Active(deviceId:2 ,infoType:2 ,a2dp active addr:[]) Stream(3) mask(6fffffff) isDualPlayMode(false) 05-29 11:26:11.021 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:26:11.022 4808 5622 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=1 05-29 11:26:11.022 4808 5622 D AudioService: device=1, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:26:11.022 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.x - - ($) 05-29 11:26:11.022 4808 5622 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=2 05-29 11:26:11.022 4808 5622 D AudioService: device=2, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:26:11.023 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.o - - ($) 05-29 11:26:11.023 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:26:11.023 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.handleMessage - call onUpdated 05-29 11:26:11.023 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:26:11.023 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mAudioPathManager.onUpdated - false 05-29 11:26:11.023 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mAudioPathManager.onUpdated - prevent flash 05-29 11:26:11.100 19799 19799 W DisplayManager: semGetActiveDlnaDevice, deviceInfo is null 05-29 11:26:11.100 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isDLNADeviceConnected - dlna : false 05-29 11:26:11.100 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.addConnectedDLNADevice - DLNA device is disconnected 05-29 11:26:11.103 19799 19799 W DisplayManager: semGetActiveDlnaDevice, deviceInfo is null 05-29 11:26:11.104 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isDLNADeviceConnected - dlna : false 05-29 11:26:11.104 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.addConnectedDLNADevice - DLNA device is disconnected 05-29 11:26:12.405 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:12.405 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:26:12.936 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=563884236000 05-29 11:26:12.936 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=563884236000 05-29 11:26:12.936 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.65 ] when=563884236000 05-29 11:26:12.937 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:12.937 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:12.938 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:12.943 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 0 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 114.697266 Y : 181.56738 05-29 11:26:13.449 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 299, 1104, Long click 05-29 11:26:13.451 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:13.454 4808 5622 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = 10003 isDM = false 05-29 11:26:13.465 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:13.468 4808 6275 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:26:13.468 4808 6275 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 19241 05-29 11:26:13.469 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:13.470 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:13.470 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:26:13.470 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:26:13.471 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:13.471 4808 6275 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:13.473 4808 6217 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@bc951a attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@18ee834 05-29 11:26:13.478 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:13.492 4808 8055 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 8055 05-29 11:26:13.495 7531 12195 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:26:13.498 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 05-29 11:26:13.499 19241 19241 I TSLocationManager: - onPause 05-29 11:26:13.499 4808 4945 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:13.501 4808 6217 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.settings user:0 05-29 11:26:13.501 4808 6217 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:13.501 4808 6217 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.settings user:0 05-29 11:26:13.501 4808 6217 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:13.503 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:13.504 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:13.506 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:13.507 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:13.513 20090 20090 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:13.517 20090 20090 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:13.518 20090 20090 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:13.520 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@20fbae9[settings]: setView = DecorView@c31ea0f[settings] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:13.527 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@20fbae9[settings]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:13.532 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=27 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:13.534 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:13.536 4808 4945 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 19241 05-29 11:26:13.537 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@20fbae9[settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530095796224} changed=true 05-29 11:26:13.538 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:13.539 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@20fbae9[settings]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:13.552 4808 5622 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:13.554 4808 5622 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:13.555 20090 20090 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:13.569 4808 6217 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:13.569 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:13.571 7531 12195 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:13.595 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:13.597 19241 19310 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xc96103d8 05-29 11:26:13.599 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:13.599 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:13.618 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=28 createSurf (16x16),-1 flag=20004, animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:13.621 19241 19376 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.isConnected blocked the main thread for 21ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:26:13.628 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: SolidColor | | 0000 | Unknown | -0.2 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8 | 0 0 1080 2220 | animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039ce0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 1 1079 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:13.630 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:13.634 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:13.635 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:13.643 4808 6228 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800b61a 05-29 11:26:13.711 20090 20106 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:13.714 20090 20090 I BNRClientProivder, VERSION : 1.7.5: register - xml6 quick_backup : ACCESSIBILITYSETTINGS, X6qErjsfs2, com.samsung.android.settings.accessibility.sharedaccessibility.scloud.BNRTask 05-29 11:26:13.718 20090 20090 I QBNRClientHelper: init SyncClientHelper : ACCESSIBILITYSETTINGS 05-29 11:26:13.718 20090 20090 I BNRClientProivder, VERSION : 1.7.5: register - xml6 quick_backup : CONNECTIONS, C0phMaUuZZ, com.samsung.android.settings.wifi.mobileap.WifiApBackupRestore 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = F1xCX4pJEBM= 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop F1xCX4pJEBM= dkeyDecode 17 dkeystr \B_�I 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES cb 29 d5 31 62 79 2 87 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return yynVMWJ5Aoc= 05-29 11:26:13.762 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = yynVMWJ5Aoc= 05-29 11:26:13.777 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 299, 1116 05-29 11:26:13.777 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:13.780 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:26:13.780 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:26:13.782 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:26:13.783 20090 20090 I QBNRClientHelper: init SyncClientHelper : CONNECTIONS 05-29 11:26:13.783 20090 20090 I BNRClientProivder, VERSION : 1.7.5: register - xml6 quick_backup : WiFi, C0phMaUuZZ, com.samsung.android.settings.wifi.WifiSamsungCloudBackupRestore 05-29 11:26:13.784 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:26:13.785 20090 20090 I QBNRClientHelper: init SyncClientHelper : WiFi 05-29 11:26:13.788 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:26:13.788 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:26:13.788 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:26:13.788 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:26:13.788 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:true 05-29 11:26:13.790 20090 20090 W zygote64: Class com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.SamsungAnalytics failed lock verification and will run slower. 05-29 11:26:13.790 20090 20090 W zygote64: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code 05-29 11:26:13.790 20090 20090 W zygote64: and incorrect proguard optimizations. 05-29 11:26:13.791 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:26:13.796 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:26:13.796 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.15 05-29 11:26:13.796 20090 20090 I Bixby_SmartView: BixbyApi.createInstance 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: SolidColor | | 0000 | Unknown | -0.2 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8 | 0 0 1080 2220 | animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039ce0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 25 51 1056 2170 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 1987.0 | 25 324 1056 2220 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:13.801 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:13.812 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,72] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:13.815 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:13.815 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,72 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 72, oldBottom : 2220 05-29 11:26:13.815 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:26:13.816 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x72]-format:1 05-29 11:26:13.816 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:13.825 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:13.825 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:13.825 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:13.825 20090 20090 D CustomizedTextParser: Initialzed 05-29 11:26:13.825 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:13.826 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:13.830 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:13.830 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:13.830 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:13.831 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564045409Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:13.831 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564045409Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:26:13.833 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:26:13.835 20090 20111 D Settings: packageName : com.android.settings className : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:13.835 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:26:13.849 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=29 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:13.850 4808 6228 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:13.852 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:13.853 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:26:13.855 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:26:13.855 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:26:13.856 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:26:13.856 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:26:13.862 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: SolidColor | | 0000 | Unknown | -0.2 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8 | 0 0 1080 2220 | animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039ce0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 27 56 1053 2165 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2156.0 | 7 92 1073 2220 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:13.897 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:13.964 20090 20090 W zygote64: Class com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.f.c failed lock verification and will run slower. 05-29 11:26:13.969 20090 20090 W zygote64: Class com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.f.c.a failed lock verification and will run slower. 05-29 11:26:13.975 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLCBinder] send register Request 05-29 11:26:13.975 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLCBinder] already send register request 05-29 11:26:13.998 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: readCountryCode(): country=TW 05-29 11:26:14.009 20090 20090 E SemExpandableListView: setDivider() height=2 05-29 11:26:14.011 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:14.034 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: set footer divider true 05-29 11:26:14.040 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:14.044 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:14.045 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:3 05-29 11:26:14.046 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:14.047 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:14.048 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStart consume time = 0.0 05-29 11:26:14.049 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStart consume time = 0.759385 05-29 11:26:14.049 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onStart 05-29 11:26:14.050 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.050 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.051 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.051 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLCBinder] already send register request 05-29 11:26:14.051 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: start 05-29 11:26:14.051 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SimSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.051 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:14.051 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PowerUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.052 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UserSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:14.052 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.052 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.052 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.052 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.053 4808 5414 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:14.053 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcOsaifukeitaiSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:14.054 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: startTracking 05-29 11:26:14.055 20090 20090 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 1000, CallingPid : 20090 05-29 11:26:14.057 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:14.057 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:14.057 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 3 05-29 11:26:14.057 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending mNetworkRequests to WWSM through Network Monitor [ Transports: WIFI] 05-29 11:26:14.058 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:14.058 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=-1ms what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:14.058 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:14.059 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.061 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:26:14.061 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:true configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.062 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PaymentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.062 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.063 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(NETGEAR46,saved,active,PSK,level=2(unchanged),info,metered=false,2452,-81) 05-29 11:26:14.063 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.063 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:14.063 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:14.064 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.065 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.067 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofences() 05-29 11:26:14.067 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:true configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.068 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.068 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:14.068 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:14.068 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.069 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Current network 05-29 11:26:14.071 20090 20117 D ScoverManager: serviceVersion : 17498112 05-29 11:26:14.072 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DockSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:14.073 20090 20117 D Settings_Utils: isSupportMultiResolution:true productFeature:true floating:true 05-29 11:26:14.073 20090 20117 D Settings_Utils: isSupportBoostMode: true // highPerfFeature:true resolutionFeature:true 05-29 11:26:14.074 20090 20117 D Settings_Utils: isGameModeEnabled: false 05-29 11:26:14.074 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:14.079 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:14.080 4808 6228 D UcmService: getKeyguardStorageForCurrentUser : 0 05-29 11:26:14.080 4808 6228 D UcmService: isFileExist : false 05-29 11:26:14.081 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.082 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.082 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.083 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.083 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.085 4808 5188 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:26:14.085 4808 5188 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:26:14.087 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.089 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.091 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.092 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PersonalPageSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:14.093 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:14.094 4808 6228 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.099 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.100 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.100 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.101 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.101 4808 6228 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.101 19241 20121 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.101 19241 20121 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.101 19241 20121 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.101 19241 20121 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.102 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PenSettingsMenuActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:14.103 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:14.105 20090 20122 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:14.124 20090 20096 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=16KB, data=29KB 05-29 11:26:14.124 20090 20096 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=16KB, data=29KB 05-29 11:26:14.124 20090 20096 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 05-29 11:26:14.125 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:14.125 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.125 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.126 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.126 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 80 05-29 11:26:14.126 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.127 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.129 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:10 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Connections 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 67 05-29 11:26:14.130 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.133 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Settings 05-29 11:26:14.134 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.134 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.134 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.134 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 66 05-29 11:26:14.134 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.135 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:14.135 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.137 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Service provider 05-29 11:26:14.138 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.139 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.139 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.139 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 64 05-29 11:26:14.139 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.141 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:9, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:14.142 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.142 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.142 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.142 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:14.144 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Mobile Hotspot and Tethering 05-29 11:26:14.144 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.144 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.144 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.144 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 59 05-29 11:26:14.144 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.145 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:9 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Sounds and vibration 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 56 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 9, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:14.153 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.155 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:14.156 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:26:14.157 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Notifications 05-29 11:26:14.158 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.158 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.158 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.158 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 55 05-29 11:26:14.158 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.160 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Display 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 49 05-29 11:26:14.160 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.163 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Advanced features 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.164 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 44 05-29 11:26:14.164 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Apps 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 38 05-29 11:26:14.168 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.169 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:26:14.170 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Lock screen and security 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 31 05-29 11:26:14.173 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Cloud and accounts 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 18 05-29 11:26:14.176 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.179 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:26:14.181 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Accessibility 05-29 11:26:14.181 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.181 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.181 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:14.181 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.181 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 17 05-29 11:26:14.181 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.184 20090 20096 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=38KB, data=39KB 05-29 11:26:14.185 20090 20096 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=38KB, data=39KB 05-29 11:26:14.185 20090 20096 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 05-29 11:26:14.185 20090 20096 I zygote64: Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 25337 in void org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.HTMLSchema.() 05-29 11:26:14.185 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile General management 05-29 11:26:14.186 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.187 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.187 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.187 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 16 05-29 11:26:14.187 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.189 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Software update 05-29 11:26:14.189 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.189 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.189 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.189 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 14 05-29 11:26:14.189 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.193 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Help 05-29 11:26:14.193 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.193 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.193 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.193 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 13 05-29 11:26:14.193 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.194 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:26:14.194 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile About phone 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : -1 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.195 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@206cba0 05-29 11:26:14.195 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:26:14.195 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.inputmethod.PhysicalKeyboardFragment 05-29 11:26:14.196 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:26:14.196 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Developer options 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.196 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:14.198 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.accessibility.AccessibilitySettings 05-29 11:26:14.199 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.200 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.201 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:14.201 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.201 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.201 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 74 05-29 11:26:14.201 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.201 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.202 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.202 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.language.LanguageAndInputSettings 05-29 11:26:14.202 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.inputmethod.VirtualKeyboardFragment 05-29 11:26:14.202 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.inputmethod.AvailableVirtualKeyboardFragment 05-29 11:26:14.203 5191 5203 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@2e2e140 05-29 11:26:14.203 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:26:14.207 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onResume 05-29 11:26:14.208 20090 20090 D Settings_SA: insertFlowLog(103) 05-29 11:26:14.208 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLCBinder] already send register request 05-29 11:26:14.208 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLCBinder] already send register request 05-29 11:26:14.208 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: resume 05-29 11:26:14.210 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.210 4808 6228 D WifiService: SEC_COMMAND_ID_SET_WIFI_SCAN_WITH_P2P - Start Scan(Anqp), Start Assoc 05-29 11:26:14.211 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: Stop p2p discovery after start legacy scan and assoc 05-29 11:26:14.212 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.212 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:26:14.212 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.212 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: SEC_COMMAND_ID_SET_WIFI_XXX_WITH_P2P semConcurrentEnabled false 05-29 11:26:14.213 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.214 19241 20124 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:14.214 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.215 19241 20124 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:26:14.215 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering stopFind() 05-29 11:26:14.216 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:14.216 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4 05-29 11:26:14.216 19241 19252 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:26:14.218 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 565166 05-29 11:26:14.219 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.219 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.219 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:26:14.219 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Mobile networks 05-29 11:26:14.220 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.220 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.220 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.220 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.220 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 52 05-29 11:26:14.220 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.220 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.221 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:14.221 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:14.223 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:26:14.223 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:26:14.224 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:26:14.224 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:26:14.225 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:26:14.225 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Wallpapers and themes 05-29 11:26:14.225 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.225 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.225 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.225 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 51 05-29 11:26:14.225 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.225 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: stopFind() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:14.226 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving stopFind() 05-29 11:26:14.226 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering flush() 05-29 11:26:14.227 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: flush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:14.227 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving flush() 05-29 11:26:14.227 4808 5065 D WifiService: SEC_COMMAND_ID_SET_WIFI_SCAN_WITH_P2P - Start Scan(Anqp), Start Assoc 05-29 11:26:14.229 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Edge screen 05-29 11:26:14.229 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.229 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.229 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.229 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 48 05-29 11:26:14.229 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.231 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Device maintenance 05-29 11:26:14.231 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.231 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.232 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.232 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 47 05-29 11:26:14.232 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.232 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 331141f 05-29 11:26:14.232 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming is not supported 05-29 11:26:14.233 4808 5037 E WifiStateMachine: Error! unhandled message{ when=-6ms what=139270 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:14.233 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: SEC_COMMAND_ID_SET_WIFI_XXX_WITH_P2P semConcurrentEnabled false 05-29 11:26:14.233 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:14.233 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.233 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4 05-29 11:26:14.234 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Battery 05-29 11:26:14.234 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.234 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.234 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.234 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 46 05-29 11:26:14.234 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:true configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Performance mode 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.235 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:14.236 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:14.237 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 331141f 05-29 11:26:14.237 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming is not supported 05-29 11:26:14.237 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.237 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:10 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:14.240 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:9, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:14.240 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:9 05-29 11:26:14.240 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 9, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Battery 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:14.244 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:14.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:14.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.250 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:14.250 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:14.251 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Google 05-29 11:26:14.251 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:14.252 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 103 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Google Play Protect 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.252 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 102 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.253 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Find My Device 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 101 05-29 11:26:14.253 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.253 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Security update 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Google 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: priority : -100 05-29 11:26:14.254 20090 20122 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.255 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile Google Account 05-29 11:26:14.255 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:14.256 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:26:14.257 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:26:14.257 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:14.257 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.257 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:14.257 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:14.258 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: setView = DecorView@8752931[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:14.260 4808 5622 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:14.260 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] register DLC result:RESULT_SUCCESS 05-29 11:26:14.261 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:14.261 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:14.261 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:14.261 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLCBinder] bind 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:3 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Help, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:14.262 20090 20122 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:14.263 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:14.263 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:14.263 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: scan requested by com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.263 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: checkAndStopMonitoring diff:305859 05-29 11:26:14.263 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.263 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: SMD listener state : registered 05-29 11:26:14.264 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:14.264 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:14.264 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.264 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:14.265 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.265 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.265 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:14.265 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:14.265 20090 20122 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:14.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: getCategories took 161 ms 05-29 11:26:14.266 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring 05-29 11:26:14.266 20090 20127 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:14.266 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:14.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=30 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:14.273 4808 6228 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 4808 6228 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 20090 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:14.275 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20090 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:14.276 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530705149952} changed=true 05-29 11:26:14.277 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:14.278 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:14.278 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:14.279 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:14.280 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.280 20090 20090 D AbsListView: in onLayout changed 05-29 11:26:14.280 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:14.281 20090 20126 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:26:14.281 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:26:14.281 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:14.281 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.282 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.282 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.282 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.282 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:14.283 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:14.283 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:14.283 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:14.284 20090 20126 D libGLESv1: STS_GLApi : DTS, ODTC are not allowed for Package : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20126 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b90636840 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:14.285 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:14.286 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Help, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.287 20090 20127 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:14.288 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:14.288 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:14.288 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.288 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:14.288 20090 20127 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:14.288 20090 20127 D TileUtils: getCategories took 22 ms 05-29 11:26:14.290 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 9 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:14.297 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.298 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.298 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:14.298 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:14.298 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:14.300 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.302 20090 20090 D AbsListView: in onLayout changed 05-29 11:26:14.302 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.303 20090 20090 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] DLC Client ServiceConnected 05-29 11:26:14.304 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:14.304 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 3 05-29 11:26:14.305 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.307 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.312 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:true configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.313 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.313 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:14.313 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:14.315 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.315 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:10 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:14.317 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:9, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:14.317 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:9 05-29 11:26:14.318 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 9, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:14.318 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:14.318 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConnectedChanged: isConnected:true 05-29 11:26:14.318 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:14.318 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:14.320 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:14.321 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:14.322 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(googlewifi,saved,connectable,PSK,level=1(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-87) 05-29 11:26:14.323 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:14.323 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:14.324 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: hide advanced menu on actionbar 05-29 11:26:14.326 4808 6231 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiDirectAllowed 05-29 11:26:14.327 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: create options menu 05-29 11:26:14.327 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:14.330 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: support contact us menu 05-29 11:26:14.331 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:14.331 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:14.331 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:14.331 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:14.331 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:14.331 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:14.332 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:14.334 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.335 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.336 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 9 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:14.342 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:14.359 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:14.383 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:14.386 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:14.388 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@87c5ad6 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:14.388 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity: +885ms 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@14c67eb inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@899b8bf nm = com.android.settings controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#113 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:26:14.388 4808 6228 V InputMethodManagerService: Window asks to hide input 05-29 11:26:14.389 4808 6228 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:14.389 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@20fbae9[settings]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:26:14.390 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '4dbc36e Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:26:14.390 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '4dbc36e Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:26:14.390 4808 6228 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:14.390 4808 6228 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{2780b8c uid 1000 pid 20090} 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:14.391 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:14.393 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:14.394 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.395 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:10 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:14.395 4808 6231 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@899b8bf missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:14.397 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:14.397 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=565345681000 05-29 11:26:14.397 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=565345681000 05-29 11:26:14.397 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:14.397 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=565345681000 05-29 11:26:14.397 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:14.398 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:14.399 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:9, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:14.399 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:9 05-29 11:26:14.400 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:14.400 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 9, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:14.400 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:14.401 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:14.404 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.405 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:14.405 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 9 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:14.411 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@a297661 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:14.419 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:14.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:14.439 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (2/9) 05-29 11:26:14.439 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=21 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (-2/9) 05-29 11:26:14.440 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:14.443 4295 4295 I Layer : id=21 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:26:14.526 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:14.526 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:14.527 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:14.527 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:14.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:14.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:14.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:14.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:14.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=27 Removed Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 (3/8) 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:14.562 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:14.565 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=27 Removed Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:14.577 4295 4295 I Layer : id=27 onRemoved Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:14.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:14.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:14.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.778 19241 20144 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:26:14.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:14.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:14.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:14.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:14.925 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:14.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:15.086 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:15.088 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:15.314 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.79}]} 05-29 11:26:15.318 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.79}]} 05-29 11:26:15.320 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:15.320 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: dhcpInfo.gateway : 23439552 05-29 11:26:15.321 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: Go to Webpage: gateway addr: 05-29 11:26:15.328 20090 20147 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:26:15.329 20090 20147 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:15.329 20090 20147 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:15.332 20090 20147 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:15.374 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=566322746000 05-29 11:26:15.375 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=566322746000 05-29 11:26:15.375 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.66 ] when=566322746000 05-29 11:26:15.375 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:15.375 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:15.376 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:15.376 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:15.378 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() ACTION_DOWN >>>>>> 05-29 11:26:15.447 20090 20090 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 1 05-29 11:26:15.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:15.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:15.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:15.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = AgAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = GBOzTYbPwpE= 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop AgAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop GBOzTYbPwpE= dkeyDecode 18 dkeystr �M��‘ 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 2f 6f d1 7d 71 4b e9 a7 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return L2/RfXFL6ac= 05-29 11:26:15.564 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = L2/RfXFL6ac= 05-29 11:26:15.727 4808 6231 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0xb61a 05-29 11:26:15.777 20060 20070 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:15.778 20060 20070 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:26:16.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.035 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.042 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.084 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=567032594000 05-29 11:26:16.084 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=567032594000 05-29 11:26:16.084 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=567032594000 05-29 11:26:16.085 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:16.086 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:16.087 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() refresh cancelled by list scrolling or touch release, mActionDown = false 05-29 11:26:16.087 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() ACTION_UP_CANCEL !!!! 05-29 11:26:16.087 20090 20090 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 3 05-29 11:26:16.087 20090 20090 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL initialVelocity : 0 05-29 11:26:16.087 20090 20090 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 0 05-29 11:26:16.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.115 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:16.116 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:16.119 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:16.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.143 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.222 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.371 20090 20147 D WifiSettings: Go To Webpage: HTTP Response 401 05-29 11:26:16.371 20090 20147 D WifiSettings: Go to Webpage: reach to finally 05-29 11:26:16.384 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=567331923000 05-29 11:26:16.384 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=567331923000 05-29 11:26:16.384 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.67 ] when=567331923000 05-29 11:26:16.384 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:16.384 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:16.385 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:16.386 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() ACTION_DOWN >>>>>> 05-29 11:26:16.418 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.89},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"319","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.74}]} 05-29 11:26:16.424 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"351","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-98,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.89},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"319","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.74}]} 05-29 11:26:16.428 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:16.448 20090 20090 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 1 05-29 11:26:16.473 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:16.473 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:16.474 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:16.474 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:16.474 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:16.474 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:16.828 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=567776208000 05-29 11:26:16.828 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=567776208000 05-29 11:26:16.828 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=567776208000 05-29 11:26:16.828 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:16.829 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:16.829 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() refresh cancelled by list scrolling or touch release, mActionDown = false 05-29 11:26:16.829 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() ACTION_UP_CANCEL !!!! 05-29 11:26:16.829 20090 20090 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 3 05-29 11:26:16.829 20090 20090 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL initialVelocity : -1019 05-29 11:26:16.829 20090 20090 D AbsListView: reportScrollStateChange() newState : 0 05-29 11:26:16.939 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.940 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:16.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:16.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:16.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.043 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.044 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.055 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:26:17.074 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ startGeofences() 05-29 11:26:17.101 19241 19241 W Notification: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 05-29 11:26:17.102 19241 19241 W Notification: See the documentation of setSound() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case 05-29 11:26:17.109 4808 6231 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx,userId = 0 05-29 11:26:17.110 4808 6231 D API test: getContainerInfo: value is 05-29 11:26:17.111 4808 6231 E NotificationService: No Channel found for pkg=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, channelId=android-permissions, id=-1888586689, tag=[android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION], opPkg=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, callingUid=10264, userId=0, incomingUserId=0, notificationUid=10264, notification=Notification(channel=android-permissions pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0x00000000 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0) 05-29 11:26:17.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.157 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.157 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.179 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.180 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.252 4808 6231 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-29 11:26:17.258 4808 5061 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 1 scan results. 05-29 11:26:17.262 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:26:17.262 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:26:17.263 4808 4808 I WifiService: Securities matching 05-29 11:26:17.264 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:17.265 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS 05-29 11:26:17.266 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:17.266 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:17.267 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: startTime is too old, so update it with Valid period 05-29 11:26:17.269 19799 20056 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbOpenHelper.open() - 05-29 11:26:17.269 19799 20056 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbOpenHelper.close() - opened database 05-29 11:26:17.274 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:17.275 19799 20056 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:26:17.275 19799 20053 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:26:17.282 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:17.283 5453 5509 D TrustAreaDBManager_FLP: remove before: 1526354777266 05-29 11:26:17.285 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(Timothy's iPhone 6s,saved,connectable,PSK,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,2462,-27) 05-29 11:26:17.286 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(dlink-54D4-5GHz:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d6,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,5745,-58) 05-29 11:26:17.287 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,2437,-66) 05-29 11:26:17.288 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:17.289 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:17.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.292 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:17.292 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:9 connected:1 scan:true 05-29 11:26:17.294 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:8, updatedScanResult :true 05-29 11:26:17.294 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: Accesspoint is changed : AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(changed),metered=false,0,-66) 05-29 11:26:17.294 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: ssid of deleting : bxxxxxxxxx_6F, index : 0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,0), New:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,0) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(F22:64:09:80:7c:12:d3,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-47), New:AccessPoint(F22:64:09:80:7c:12:d3,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-47) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: Accesspoint is changed : AccessPoint(dlink-54D4-5GHz:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d6,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(changed),metered=false,0,-58) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: ssid of deleting : dlink-54D4-5GHz, index : 3 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(F22_5G:64:09:80:7c:12:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-65), New:AccessPoint(F22_5G:64:09:80:7c:12:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-65) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(Su-35:40:d3:ae:61:a4:66,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-66), New:AccessPoint(Su-35:40:d3:ae:61:a4:66,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-66) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(TP-LINK_651E82:10:fe:ed:65:1e:82,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-70), New:AccessPoint(TP-LINK_651E82:10:fe:ed:65:1e:82,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-70) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: ssid of deleting : BC_14, index : 7 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: ssid of deleting : BRILONG_AP_80033, index : 8 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: insert compareTo Old:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,0) , 1, New:AccessPoint(Timothy's iPhone 6s,saved,connectable,WPA2,level=4(changed),metered=false,0,-27) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : Timothy's iPhone 6s, index : 1 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: insert compareTo Old:AccessPoint(F22:64:09:80:7c:12:d3,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-47) , 2, New:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4-5GHz:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d6,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(changed),metered=false,0,-58) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : dlink-54D4-5GHz, index : 2 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :3 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: insert compareTo Old:AccessPoint(F22_5G:64:09:80:7c:12:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-65) , 4, New:AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(changed),metered=false,0,-66) 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : bxxxxxxxxx_6F, index : 4 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :3 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :3 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :0 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :3 05-29 11:26:17.295 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: contains insertpos : 0, deleteap : AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(changed),metered=false,0,-66), insertap : AccessPoint(Timothy's iPhone 6s,saved,connectable,WPA2,level=4(changed),metered=false,0,-27) 05-29 11:26:17.298 20090 20090 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void com.samsung.android.graphics.spr.SemPathRenderingDrawable.draw(android.graphics.Canvas) due to JIT inline cache 05-29 11:26:17.310 20090 20096 I zygote64: Do full code cache collection, code=71KB, data=125KB 05-29 11:26:17.311 20090 20096 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=30KB, data=15KB 05-29 11:26:17.314 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: onAddDelete 05-29 11:26:17.314 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: deleteFromAdapter index:0, ssid:bxxxxxxxxx_6F 05-29 11:26:17.314 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: deleteFromAdapter index:3, ssid:dlink-54D4-5GHz 05-29 11:26:17.314 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: deleteFromAdapter index:7, ssid:BC_14 05-29 11:26:17.314 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: deleteFromAdapter index:8, ssid:BRILONG_AP_80033 05-29 11:26:17.315 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:0, ssid:Timothy's iPhone 6s 05-29 11:26:17.315 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:2, ssid:dlink-54D4-5GHz 05-29 11:26:17.315 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:4, ssid:bxxxxxxxxx_6F 05-29 11:26:17.315 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 8, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:17.316 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:17.319 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:17.322 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:17.323 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 8 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:17.330 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: onAnimationStart 05-29 11:26:17.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.348 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.436 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:17.437 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:26:17.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.458 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.458 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.458 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.504 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.505 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.521 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"324","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.43},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-77,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.96}]} 05-29 11:26:17.528 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"324","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.43},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-77,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.96}]} 05-29 11:26:17.533 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:17.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.875 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.875 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.905 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.952 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: onAnimationEnd AvailableAPCount : 8, ConnectedAPCount:1 05-29 11:26:17.984 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.985 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:17.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:17.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:17.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.134 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.136 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.198 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.263 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.265 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.287 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.300 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.467 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.468 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.468 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.468 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.626 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:18.626 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:18.636 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"324","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.4},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-77,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:26:18.649 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"324","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.4},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-77,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:26:18.650 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:18.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.827 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=569771339000 05-29 11:26:18.827 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=569771339000 05-29 11:26:18.827 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.68 ] when=569771339000 05-29 11:26:18.828 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:18.829 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:18.830 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:18.831 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() ACTION_DOWN >>>>>> 05-29 11:26:18.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.834 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.882 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=569830090000 05-29 11:26:18.882 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=569830090000 05-29 11:26:18.882 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=569830090000 05-29 11:26:18.882 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:18.884 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:18.885 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() refresh cancelled by list scrolling or touch release, mActionDown = false 05-29 11:26:18.885 20090 20090 D SeslSwipeRefreshLayout: onInterceptTouchEvent() ACTION_UP_CANCEL !!!! 05-29 11:26:18.885 20090 20090 D AbsListView: onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0 05-29 11:26:18.953 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onAccessPointPreferenceClick 05-29 11:26:18.959 20090 20090 I WifiSettings: connect - "Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK 05-29 11:26:18.965 4808 5037 V WifiConfigManager: Adding/Updating network Timothy's iPhone 6s 05-29 11:26:18.966 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getAllowUserProfiles 05-29 11:26:18.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:18.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:18.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:18.973 4808 5037 D WifiConfigManager: addOrUpdateNetworkInternal: added/updated config. netId=7 configKey="Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000 autoReconnect=1 05-29 11:26:18.976 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:18.985 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:18.995 4808 5037 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 12 ms. 05-29 11:26:18.995 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: connectToUserSelectNetwork netId 7, uid 1000, forceReconnect = false 05-29 11:26:18.996 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: connectToUserSelectNetwork SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_KNOX_SUPPORT_MDM : true 05-29 11:26:18.997 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:18.998 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:19.000 4808 5037 D WifiConfigManager: setNetworkSelectionStatus: configKey="Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK networkStatus=NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED disableReason=NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLE at=time=05-29 11:26:19.000 05-29 11:26:19.001 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:19.023 4808 5037 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 10 ms. 05-29 11:26:19.026 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:19 time=1527564379025 rid=103 isAllowed=1 apiName=connect ssid="Timothy's.iPhone.6s" callUid=android.uid.system:1000 05-29 11:26:19.027 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: CMD_START_CONNECT sup state CompletedState my state ConnectedState nid=7 roam=false 05-29 11:26:19.031 4808 5037 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: connectToNetwork "Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK 05-29 11:26:19.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.197 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.239 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: Notifying bigdata params feature:DISC, params:2 9 11 1 3 1 529032619 b0:39:56 2452 20 -84 7 4 2 0 0 11 -95 0 0 3 1825 05-29 11:26:19.240 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=B0.C0.B9 reason=3 locally_generated=1 05-29 11:26:19.247 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up 05-29 11:26:19.251 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:19.251 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:19.255 4808 5037 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: addSupplicantStaNetwork via HIDL 05-29 11:26:19.255 5451 5451 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 222 ms 05-29 11:26:19.263 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.116379> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:16 status:0x0 reason:2 05-29 11:26:19.316 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: Trying to associate with 6E.27.AE (SSID='Timothy's iPhone 6s' freq=2462 MHz) 05-29 11:26:19.316 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: WifiStateMachine: Leaving Connected state 05-29 11:26:19.317 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: Wifi got Disconnected in connectedstate, Send provisioning intent mIsAutoRoamingfalse 05-29 11:26:19.321 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:19.323 20090 20090 I WifiApBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: action com.samsung.intent.action.START_PROVISIONING userID :0 05-29 11:26:19.326 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: isFindLocationId() - Location Id : 3 05-29 11:26:19.326 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: triggerStopLearning id : 3 05-29 11:26:19.327 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:19.327 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:19.327 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopLearning ID = 3 05-29 11:26:19.328 4808 5037 D SLocation: setLearningStatus ID = 3 / status = false 05-29 11:26:19.332 4808 5057 D DhcpClient: doQuit 05-29 11:26:19.334 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:19.334 4808 5057 D ApfFilter: (wlan0): shutting down 05-29 11:26:19.336 4808 10165 D DhcpClient: onQuitting 05-29 11:26:19.336 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 05-29 11:26:19.339 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.294008> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Connecting with 6e:xx:xx:xx:x7:ae ssid "Timothy's iPhone 6s",channel:11 rcc:1 05-29 11:26:19.346 4441 4635 I Netd : Destroyed 15 sockets on in 2.8 ms 05-29 11:26:19.346 6102 10393 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7b8a044b08: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 05-29 11:26:19.349 6102 10393 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8a044b08: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:26:19.350 6102 10393 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:19.350 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_CLOSE event, wParam=2, RegSocket=2 05-29 11:26:19.352 12481 12557 D ytrace : Server disconnected! reg-state = REGISTERED 05-29 11:26:19.352 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERED => REG_READY 05-29 11:26:19.352 12481 12557 D ytrace : connect to server fail, reconnect after 6 second(s)... 05-29 11:26:19.352 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=4, arg1=4, arg2=-826806060, lineId=0 05-29 11:26:19.352 6102 10393 E GCM : Connection closed with errorCode 20 05-29 11:26:19.360 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_FAIL' subEvent='C2C_SRV_DISCONNECT' 05-29 11:26:19.360 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.361 12309 12708 E SPPClientService: [e] Push Channel Exception : java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort 05-29 11:26:19.363 6102 10393 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:19.365 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onFailure 05-29 11:26:19.391 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] SharedConstants.WHAT_PUSH_NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE 05-29 11:26:19.392 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] ResponseMap empty 05-29 11:26:19.402 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [[PushClientService]] reqType : 0 05-29 11:26:19.416 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.369811> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:3 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:19.419 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:19.422 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.375919> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:16 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:19.423 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [[PushClientService]] F:false, D:false, E:false, T:false, S:true, R:false 05-29 11:26:19.423 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:19.425 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0 05-29 11:26:19.428 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.428 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:26:19.429 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.429 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:19.432 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=2 bandwidth gettetherstats ... 05-29 11:26:19.432 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats start. socket=56, pid=4808, uid=1000, gid=1000 05-29 11:26:19.432 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats end 1 05-29 11:26:19.432 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.433 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.433 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:26:19.434 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.434 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.435 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=false 05-29 11:26:19.436 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.440 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.394108> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:7 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:19.441 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.441 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.enhance.gameservice user:0 05-29 11:26:19.441 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:19.441 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.enhance.gameservice user:0 05-29 11:26:19.441 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:19.441 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:19.441 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.441 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConnectedChanged: isConnected:false 05-29 11:26:19.441 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.442 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.442 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.444 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:true, updated:true 05-29 11:26:19.444 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:19.445 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:19.448 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.448 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:19.451 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: Associated with 6E.27.AE 05-29 11:26:19.451 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0 05-29 11:26:19.454 13384 13384 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=false 05-29 11:26:19.455 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:19.468 20155 20155 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:19.469 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 6E.27.AE (ver=2) 05-29 11:26:19.469 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4 05-29 11:26:19.469 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.469 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.469 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.469 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.470 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.470 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.471 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:19.471 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.471 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh: no connectivity 05-29 11:26:19.471 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.472 20155 20155 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:19.472 20155 20155 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.enhance.gameservice 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: EvaluatingState{ when=-1ms what=532487 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=-1ms what=532487 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=532487 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: Disconnected 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: unregister CaptivePortalReceiver 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 E NetworkMonitor: IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: com.android.server.connectivity.NetworkMonitor$1@49d16c1 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: com.android.server.connectivity.NetworkMonitor$1@49d16c1 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1181) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at android.app.ContextImpl.unregisterReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1456) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at com.android.server.connectivity.NetworkMonitor$DefaultState.processMessage(NetworkMonitor.java:487) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992) 05-29 11:26:19.473 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=69636 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@64f2364 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=0 what=69636 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@64f2364 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 502]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=69636 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@64f2364 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 10147 E NetworkMonitor: Async - Client connection lost reason: 0 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.473 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:19.474 5579 5805 D PdnController: handleMessage: what 106 05-29 11:26:19.475 5579 5778 D CapabilityProvider: mWifiStateListener.onAvailable(): mIsWifiConnected [false] 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:19.475 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Async - Client connection lost reason: 0 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.475 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:19.476 5579 5805 D PdnController: onWifiDisConnected: 05-29 11:26:19.476 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:19.480 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:19.480 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:19.482 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.483 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [a] [ConnectionManager] Connection is already disconnected. 05-29 11:26:19.483 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [b] null 05-29 11:26:19.487 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.440937> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:1 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:19.489 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 570.440994> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:0 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:19.490 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN], isWifiConnected [false] 05-29 11:26:19.490 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:19.490 5579 5805 D VolteServiceModule: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN]isWifiConnected [false], phoneId [0] 05-29 11:26:19.490 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: Start Disconnecting Watchdog 1 05-29 11:26:19.491 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:19.492 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from 6E.27.AE (ver=2) 05-29 11:26:19.492 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:19.492 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: NETWORK_TYPE 05-29 11:26:19.492 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkChanged: 05-29 11:26:19.492 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updatePani: 05-29 11:26:19.493 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updateRat: 05-29 11:26:19.493 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: notifyNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:19.493 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: buildNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:19.493 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:19.493 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:19.493 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:19.493 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:19.493 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.497 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4 05-29 11:26:19.499 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 6E.27.AE [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP] 05-29 11:26:19.499 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 6E.27.AE completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Timothy%27s+iPhone+6s%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%2C%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%7D] 05-29 11:26:19.501 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.501 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:26:19.501 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up 05-29 11:26:19.503 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: disconnectedstate enter 05-29 11:26:19.504 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityManager: startPeriodicSingleScan mPeriodicSingleScanInterval: 8000, isInRange: true 05-29 11:26:19.506 6102 6114 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.506 6102 6114 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.persistent 05-29 11:26:19.510 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-8ms what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:19.510 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:19.510 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:19.510 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:19.512 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: scan requested by WifiConnectivityManager 05-29 11:26:19.512 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: checkAndStopMonitoring diff:311108 05-29 11:26:19.512 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: SMD listener state : registered 05-29 11:26:19.512 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.513 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.513 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.513 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:19.513 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.513 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.513 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.513 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.514 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.514 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.514 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.516 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:19.517 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.517 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.517 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.517 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -D idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:19.519 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:19.519 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.519 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:19.524 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:19 time=1527564379523 rid=11 numAssoc=8 ssid="Timothy's.iPhone.6s" bssid=any netid=7 isLinkDebouncing=0 05-29 11:26:19.524 4808 5037 I PatternWifiConnecting: network is connected 05-29 11:26:19.528 12309 12339 E SPPClientService: [g] handleMessage. NetworkNotAvailableException. 05-29 11:26:19.532 12309 12339 E SPPClientService: [g] processInitFailException. message.arg1:126489825, internalErrorCode:-2 05-29 11:26:19.535 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] SharedConstants.WHAT_INTERNAL_ERROR 05-29 11:26:19.537 4808 6218 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10130 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:19.540 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.541 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.541 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.541 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.543 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.543 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.543 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.543 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.545 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.545 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.546 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.546 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.546 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:19.547 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] handleError->resultCode: INITIALIZATION_FAIL(-104) 05-29 11:26:19.548 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:19 time=1527564379547 rid=1 adpsState=0 networkPrefix=24 pstate=ConnectModeState sleep_policy=2 gw= ip= dhcp=1 dns1= pmsg=131215 ssid="NETGEAR46" bssid=b0:39:56:d6:c0:b9 netid=6 ppmsg=131131 screen_on=1 conn_duration=8 05-29 11:26:19.548 4808 5037 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 05-29 11:26:19.549 4808 5173 E WifiMHD::a: Send - f to get GW 05-29 11:26:19.550 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:19.550 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:19.550 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:19.550 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:19.550 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:19.550 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.550 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [a] [ConnectionManager] Connection is already disconnected. 05-29 11:26:19.550 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] null 05-29 11:26:19.550 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.550 4808 6231 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10130 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:19.550 12309 12334 E SPPClientService: [b] [ReInit] Retry Count : 0 05-29 11:26:19.551 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:19.551 20155 20155 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:19.553 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.553 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.553 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.553 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.553 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.553 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.553 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -D idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:19.558 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:19.559 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.560 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:19.560 4808 5423 D LocationManagerService: broadcast received action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.562 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:19.563 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@909b0e5 05-29 11:26:19.563 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@a0c5734 05-29 11:26:19.563 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE for 2 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.563 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.563 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponentHasType: 2 05-29 11:26:19.563 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponent() com.samsung.networkui.controller.component.MobileNetworkSettingComponent@89765c8 05-29 11:26:19.563 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.563 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:19.563 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh: no connectivity 05-29 11:26:19.563 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.564 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:19.564 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:19.564 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:19.565 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:0 scan:false 05-29 11:26:19.565 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:19.565 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:19.566 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.566 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: message: 4 05-29 11:26:19.566 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: NONE 05-29 11:26:19.566 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:19.567 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *mangle 05-29 11:26:19.567 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f6 05-29 11:26:19.567 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:19.567 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:19.567 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.567 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:19.570 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *mangle 05-29 11:26:19.570 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f6 05-29 11:26:19.570 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:19.570 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:26:19.570 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:19.571 4441 4645 I chatty : uid=0(root) Binder:4441_2 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:19.571 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:19.571 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:8, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:19.571 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:19.571 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:8 05-29 11:26:19.571 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 8, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:19.573 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:19.574 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:19.574 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:0 scan:false 05-29 11:26:19.577 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:19.578 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.578 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:true, updated:true 05-29 11:26:19.578 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:19.580 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true] 05-29 11:26:19.581 5205 5205 I SKBD : ats setNetworkState : NONE 05-29 11:26:19.582 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:8, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:19.582 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:8 05-29 11:26:19.583 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 8, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:19.583 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 0 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:19.584 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 8 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:19.598 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.599 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.599 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.599 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.599 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: none 05-29 11:26:19.599 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:19.599 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:19.599 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: 05-29 11:26:19.600 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConnectedChanged: isConnected:false 05-29 11:26:19.600 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.600 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:19.602 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:19.602 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :0 05-29 11:26:19.603 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.605 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateConnectivity: mCurrentState.bluetoothTethered + false 05-29 11:26:19.605 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:19.607 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.607 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.608 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:19.608 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :1 05-29 11:26:19.608 5591 5591 D PhoneMultiSimUtils: isAllSimNotReady - isSim1Ready: false isSim2Ready:false 05-29 11:26:19.608 5591 5591 D PhoneUtils: isAbsentSimState() = true 05-29 11:26:19.608 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.609 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true] 05-29 11:26:19.609 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: getCurrentUser = 0 05-29 11:26:19.609 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: isEmergencyMode: false 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I SettingProxy: isUltraPowerSavingMode: false 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isAirplaneModeOn : false 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSimLoaded : false 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportMobile : true 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportNetworkmodeInNosim : false 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isGuestMode : false 05-29 11:26:19.610 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isUpsmMode : false 05-29 11:26:19.610 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.610 4808 4851 D Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:26:19.610 4808 4851 D Tethering: InitialState got CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:19.611 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:19.612 5579 5805 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.612 5579 5805 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.612 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.612 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=3 bandwidth setglobalalert ... 05-29 11:26:19.617 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.617 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.617 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.617 4808 5037 D WIFI : needNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:19.618 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:19.618 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4 05-29 11:26:19.620 4808 5275 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.samsung.networkui cmp = com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings newState = 0 callingPackage = 1001/com.android.phone 05-29 11:26:19.621 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(5579, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [rcs_network_type] 05-29 11:26:19.621 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:19.621 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:19.620 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.622 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:19.622 5579 5805 D GlobalSettingsRepo[0]: query: 05-29 11:26:19.622 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.622 4808 4808 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: Vpn Receiver : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.622 4808 4808 I EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: Vpn Receiver : Connection change = true 05-29 11:26:19.622 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.622 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: change in connectivity has occured for the network type1 05-29 11:26:19.622 4808 5014 I ApplicationPolicy: updateDataUsageMap 05-29 11:26:19.622 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: Network info: type[13], typeName[WIFI_P2P], isAvailable[true], isConnected[false] 05-29 11:26:19.622 4808 5018 I EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:19.623 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.623 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 331141f 05-29 11:26:19.623 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming is not supported 05-29 11:26:19.623 4808 5018 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: vpn handle : connectivity action : Handle MSG CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:19.623 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:19.623 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: enableComponent : componentName > ComponentInfo{com.samsung.networkui/com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings} enable > true 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.624 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.625 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:19.625 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.626 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:19.626 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:19.626 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:19.626 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.627 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:19.629 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:19.630 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.630 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.630 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.630 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.631 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityManager: startPeriodicSingleScan mPeriodicSingleScanInterval: 8000, isInRange: true 05-29 11:26:19.631 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:19.632 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true] 05-29 11:26:19.633 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:19.633 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5021 D KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : connectivity action : Handle MSG CONNECTIVITY_ACTION. networkDown = true 05-29 11:26:19.633 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:19.633 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:19.633 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI : needNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:19.634 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:19.634 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:19.637 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.637 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.638 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.638 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.638 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.640 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.640 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.640 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.640 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.645 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.645 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.646 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.646 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.646 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.646 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.646 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.646 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.646 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.646 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.647 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.647 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.647 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:19.651 4808 5037 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: mIsSupportAdvancedCaptivePortal is true 05-29 11:26:19.652 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=69632 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@877518f target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:19.652 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor: Async - Half connection with WWSM established 05-29 11:26:19.652 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Async - Half connection with NetworkMonitor established 05-29 11:26:19.652 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Async - Full connection with NetworkMonitor established 05-29 11:26:19.653 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:19.653 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:19.653 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:19.653 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.654 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:19.654 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.655 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.656 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.656 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.656 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:19.657 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x708e22ff00 05-29 11:26:19.657 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : 05-29 11:26:19.657 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : createRequest: APF get capabilities request 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In SetAPFCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Id = 0, subcmd = 0, len = 16 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Response recieved for get packet filter capabilities command 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : APF version is 2 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : APF max len is 1854 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Done! 05-29 11:26:19.658 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Getting APF capability, version = 2, max_len = 1854 05-29 11:26:19.658 4808 5173 E WifiMHD::a: Send - f to get GW 05-29 11:26:19.659 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.659 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.659 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:19.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:19.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.661 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.667 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:19.671 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:19.671 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:19.672 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:19 time=1527564379671 rid=200 bandWidth=20 scanCount=11 80211mode=4 roamingCount=0 muMimo=0 passpoint=0 antenna=2 apTypeInt=0 locallyGenerated=1 freqeuncy=2452 akm=0 oui=b0:39:56 snr=11 rssi=-84 noise=-95 wpaState=9 disconnectReason=3 dataRate=7 scanCountSameChannel=1 wpaSecureType=2 05-29 11:26:19.673 4808 20178 D ApfFilter: (wlan0): begin monitoring 05-29 11:26:19.673 4808 5037 D PatternWifiDisc: weak signal 05-29 11:26:19.677 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:19.684 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.684 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.684 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:19.689 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:19.689 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:19.691 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:19.692 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:19.692 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.693 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.693 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.694 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:19.696 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:19.697 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:19.697 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:0 scan:false 05-29 11:26:19.698 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:2 05-29 11:26:19.699 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (3) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:19.700 20155 20155 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.700 20155 20155 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.enhance.gameservice 05-29 11:26:19.700 20155 20155 W zygote64: Suspending all threads took: 9.258ms 05-29 11:26:19.703 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:19 time=1527564379702 rid=12 bssid=6e:72:e7:a6:27:ae netid=7 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:8, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:8 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:19.704 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:19.706 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:19.707 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:19.707 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:19.707 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.709 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.710 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:19.710 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.713 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.713 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.715 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.715 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:19.718 12628 12628 V RsupS : tid.12628 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.55: enter jniP2PServerClose 05-29 11:26:19.719 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Mdc Run command 05-29 11:26:19.720 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:19.720 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:19.721 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:19.721 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 215071(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 180(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 48MB/72MB, paused 395us total 220.657ms 05-29 11:26:19.724 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:19.725 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.726 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:19.727 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.727 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:19.727 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.727 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.727 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.728 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Setting APF program, halHandle = 0x708e22ff00 05-29 11:26:19.728 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : 05-29 11:26:19.728 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : createRequest: APF set program request 05-29 11:26:19.728 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.729 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:19.730 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Done! 05-29 11:26:19.730 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.730 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.730 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.731 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: updateDnsLinkProperty: enter 05-29 11:26:19.731 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:19.731 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: getDns::LinkProps has null dns - returning default 05-29 11:26:19.732 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.SingDnsChecker: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:19.732 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:19.732 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.735 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"324","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.41},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.96}]} 05-29 11:26:19.738 12628 16251 W RsupS : tid.16251 - jni/lws/WSServer2.cpp.77: p2p accept(svr.71): Invalid argument 05-29 11:26:19.738 12628 16251 V RsupS : tid.16251 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.56: exit jniP2PAccept 05-29 11:26:19.740 12628 12628 V RsupS : tid.12628 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.56: exit jniP2PServerClose 05-29 11:26:19.740 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"324","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-79,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.41},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"296","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.96}]} 05-29 11:26:19.742 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:19.744 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.744 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.744 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.745 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.745 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.745 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.746 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.746 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.746 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.748 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.748 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.751 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.751 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.751 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.752 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:19.752 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:19.752 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:19.752 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:19.752 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.753 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.755 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.755 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.755 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.757 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:19.757 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.757 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:19.757 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.764 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:19.765 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.766 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.766 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.766 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.766 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.766 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:19.768 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:19.768 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:19.768 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:19.768 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.768 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:19.770 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.771 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.771 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.771 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.772 4808 6231 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent user:0 05-29 11:26:19.772 4808 6231 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:19.772 4808 6231 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent user:0 05-29 11:26:19.772 4808 6231 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:19.786 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:19.786 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:19.786 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:19.786 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.787 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:19.788 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.788 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.788 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.788 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.789 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:19.789 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:19.789 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:19.789 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.789 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:19.789 20186 20186 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:19.790 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.790 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.790 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.791 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:19.793 20186 20186 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:19.793 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.793 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.793 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.795 20186 20186 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent 05-29 11:26:19.797 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.797 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.800 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.801 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.801 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.804 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:19.804 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:19.804 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.805 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.807 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:19.807 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.808 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.808 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.809 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.809 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:19.810 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:19.810 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:19.811 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.812 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.813 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.813 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:19.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.815 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.815 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.815 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.815 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.815 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.816 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.816 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.816 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.818 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.818 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.819 4808 6231 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1250 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:19.820 4808 6231 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1250 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:19.820 20186 20186 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:19.830 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.831 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.831 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.836 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:19.836 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:19.836 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:19.836 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:19.836 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.838 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.839 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.839 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.839 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.841 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:19.841 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.842 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:19.842 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.842 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:19.844 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.845 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.845 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.845 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.848 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:19.848 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:19.849 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:19.849 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.849 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:19.851 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.853 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=131307 obj=start target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:19.853 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:19.856 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.857 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.857 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.859 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:19.860 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:19.860 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:19.860 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.860 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:19.860 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:19.861 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 8, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:19.861 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 0 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:19.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.862 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.862 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 8 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:19.862 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.862 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:2 05-29 11:26:19.863 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:2 05-29 11:26:19.863 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER 05-29 11:26:19.863 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.863 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.863 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.865 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:19.865 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:19.865 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:19.865 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.865 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:19.867 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.867 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.867 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:true 05-29 11:26:19.868 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:true 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:true 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.869 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:19.869 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 4 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:0 scan:false 05-29 11:26:19.870 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:2 05-29 11:26:19.871 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:8, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:19.872 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:8 05-29 11:26:19.872 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 8, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:19.872 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 4 05-29 11:26:19.872 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 0 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:19.873 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 8 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:19.873 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:2 05-29 11:26:19.873 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:2 05-29 11:26:19.871 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.876 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.876 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.878 20186 20186 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:19.879 20186 20186 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent 05-29 11:26:19.881 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.881 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.884 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.884 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.885 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.887 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:19.888 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:19.888 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.889 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.891 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:19.891 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:19.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.892 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:19.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:19.893 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.893 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.894 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.894 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:19.895 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:19.896 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:19.897 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:19.897 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.899 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.899 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:19.900 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.900 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.900 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.900 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.901 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.901 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.901 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.901 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.902 20155 20185 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:19.904 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.904 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.904 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.905 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.905 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.912 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.912 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.912 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.913 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:19.913 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:19.913 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:19.913 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:19.913 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.914 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.915 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.915 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.915 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.917 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:19.918 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.918 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:19.918 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.919 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:19.922 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.924 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.924 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.924 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.926 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:19.926 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:19.926 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:19.926 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.927 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:19.929 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.929 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.930 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.930 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.932 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:19.932 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:19.932 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:19.932 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.933 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:19.936 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.937 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.937 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.937 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.938 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:19.939 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:19.939 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:19.939 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:19.939 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:19.940 20186 20186 D DataBaseHelper_0: DataBaseHelper:getInstance countInstance[1]countConstructor[1] 05-29 11:26:19.942 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.942 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.942 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.944 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:19.946 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.947 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.947 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.950 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.951 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.957 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.957 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.957 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.960 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:19.960 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:19.960 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.962 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:19.963 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:19.963 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.965 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.965 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:19.966 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:19.966 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:19.967 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:19.968 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:19.969 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:19.969 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:19.970 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:19.970 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.970 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.974 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:19.975 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:19.975 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.975 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.976 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:19.977 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.977 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.977 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.977 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:19.978 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:19.978 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.979 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:19.979 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:19.979 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.983 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.983 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:19.986 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:19.987 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:19.987 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:19.987 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:19.988 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:19.988 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:19.988 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:19.988 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.990 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:19.993 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:19.993 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:19.993 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:19.995 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:19.995 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:19.995 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:19.995 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.000 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:20.002 20186 20186 D DataBaseHelper_0: DataBaseHelper:getInstance countInstance[2]countConstructor[2] 05-29 11:26:20.002 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.004 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.004 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.004 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.007 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:20.007 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:20.007 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:20.008 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.008 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:20.010 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.012 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.012 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.012 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.014 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:20.015 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:20.015 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:20.015 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.016 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:20.017 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.019 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.019 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.019 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.019 20186 20186 D DataBaseHelper_0: DataBaseHelper:getInstance countInstance[1]countConstructor[1] 05-29 11:26:20.021 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:20.022 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:20.022 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:20.022 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.023 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:20.026 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.026 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.026 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.026 20186 20186 D DataBaseHelper_0: DataBaseHelper:getInstance countInstance[2]countConstructor[2] 05-29 11:26:20.028 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:20.031 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.031 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.031 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.035 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.035 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.038 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageDB: getInstance - KnoxUsageDBHelper 05-29 11:26:20.038 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageDB: null == mDbHelperInstance - KnoxUsageDBHelper 05-29 11:26:20.039 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.039 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.039 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.043 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:20.043 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:20.043 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.044 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.045 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:20.046 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.046 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.046 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.046 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.047 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.047 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.048 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:20.048 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:20.049 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:20.049 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.050 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:20.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.052 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.052 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.052 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.052 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.052 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.052 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.053 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.053 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.053 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.060 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.060 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.060 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.061 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:20.061 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:20.062 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:20.062 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:20.062 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.064 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.065 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.065 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.065 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.067 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:20.067 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.067 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:20.067 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.068 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:20.069 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.071 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.071 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.071 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.075 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:20.075 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:20.076 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:20.076 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.076 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:20.078 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.079 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.079 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.079 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.081 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:20.081 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:20.081 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:20.081 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.081 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:20.083 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.084 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.085 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.085 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.086 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:20.086 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:20.087 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:20.087 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.087 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.087 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:20.089 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.090 20186 20200 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:20.093 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.093 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.093 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.095 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.096 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:20.098 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.098 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.098 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.098 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.098 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.099 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.100 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.103 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.103 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.110 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.111 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.111 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.111 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:20.112 4441 20203 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:20.113 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.114 6102 20202 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:20.115 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.115 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.116 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.116 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.117 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:20.117 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:20.117 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.118 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.120 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:20.120 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.121 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.121 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.123 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.123 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:20.125 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:20.125 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:20.126 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.127 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.128 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.129 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:20.129 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:20.129 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:20.129 6102 20202 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:20.130 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.130 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.130 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.130 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.130 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.130 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.131 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.131 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:20.131 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.131 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.131 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.132 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.132 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.132 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.134 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:20.135 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:26:20.135 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.136 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.139 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.139 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.139 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.140 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:20.140 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:20.140 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:20.140 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:20.140 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.138 6448 6482 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:20.141 6448 6482 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.contacts 05-29 11:26:20.148 6448 6448 I zygote64: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked for 7.236ms 05-29 11:26:20.150 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.151 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.151 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.151 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.153 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:20.153 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.153 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:20.154 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.155 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:20.158 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.159 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.160 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.160 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.165 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:20.165 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:20.165 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:20.166 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.166 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:20.167 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.169 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.169 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.169 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.171 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:20.172 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:20.172 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:20.172 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.172 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:20.175 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.176 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.176 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.176 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.177 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:20.178 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:20.178 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:20.178 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.178 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:20.180 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.180 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.180 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.182 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:20.184 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.184 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.185 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.187 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.188 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.191 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.191 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.191 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.197 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:20.197 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:20.197 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.198 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.199 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:20.199 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.200 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.200 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.201 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.201 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:20.202 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.202 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:20.202 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:20.203 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.203 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.206 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.206 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:20.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.207 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.207 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.207 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.208 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.208 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.208 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.212 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.215 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.215 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.216 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.216 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.225 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.225 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Gas78ZnQfHA= 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Gas78ZnQfHA= dkeyDecode 19 dkeystr �;��|p 05-29 11:26:20.225 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:26:20.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:26:20.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:26:20.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES e0 ee 1a 6 e 32 99 2e 05-29 11:26:20.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 4O4aBg4ymS4= 05-29 11:26:20.226 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 4O4aBg4ymS4= 05-29 11:26:20.230 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.230 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.231 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.231 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.231 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.234 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Action Name : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.234 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Current Time : 571183 05-29 11:26:20.234 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.234 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.235 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] No Connect : true 05-29 11:26:20.237 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.237 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.237 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.238 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:20.239 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:20.240 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:20.240 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:20.240 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.242 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.242 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.243 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.243 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.246 12309 20204 E SPPClientService: [[SystemStateMonitorService]] No Active Internet 05-29 11:26:20.246 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.246 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:20.247 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.247 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:20.247 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.248 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:20.250 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.251 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.251 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.252 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.252 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.253 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.253 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.253 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.254 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:20.254 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:20.255 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:20.255 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.256 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:20.257 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.261 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.261 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.262 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.262 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.263 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.263 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.263 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.264 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.268 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:20.268 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:20.268 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:20.268 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.269 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:20.270 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.272 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.273 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.273 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.273 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.273 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.273 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.274 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.275 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.275 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:20.275 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:20.275 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:20.275 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.276 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:20.278 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.280 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.280 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.280 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.280 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.280 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.281 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.282 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.282 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:20.284 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.284 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.286 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.286 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:20.289 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [a] [ConnectionManager] Connection is already disconnected. 05-29 11:26:20.290 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:20.290 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:20.290 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [a] [ConnectionManager] Connection is already disconnected. 05-29 11:26:20.290 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:20.290 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.290 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.291 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:20.295 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.295 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.295 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.296 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:20.296 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:20.296 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [3], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:20.296 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "NETGEAR46"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:20.299 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:20.300 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:20.300 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.301 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:20.302 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:20.304 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.305 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:3 05-29 11:26:20.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:20.306 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.307 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.307 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [[PushClientService]] <<--- deInitPushClientService END --->> 05-29 11:26:20.307 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.309 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.309 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:20.310 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:20.311 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:20.312 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.314 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.315 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:20.315 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.315 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.315 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.317 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.318 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.318 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.319 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.319 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.321 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.321 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.322 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.322 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.322 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.326 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.326 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.329 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.329 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.329 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.330 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:20.330 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:20.330 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:20.330 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:20.330 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.332 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.333 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.333 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.333 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.335 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:20.335 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.335 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:20.335 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.335 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:20.337 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.338 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.338 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.338 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.340 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:20.340 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:20.340 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:20.341 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.341 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:20.343 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.344 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.344 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.344 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.346 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:20.346 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:20.346 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:20.346 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.346 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:20.348 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.349 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.350 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.350 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.352 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:20.352 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:20.352 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:20.352 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.353 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:20.355 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.355 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.355 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.357 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:20.358 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.358 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.363 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.363 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.365 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.365 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.365 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.368 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:20.369 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:20.369 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.370 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.371 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:20.371 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.372 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.373 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.374 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.374 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:20.375 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:20.375 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:20.377 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.377 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.378 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.379 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:20.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.383 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.383 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.383 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.384 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.384 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.387 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.387 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.390 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.391 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.391 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.391 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:20.391 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:20.392 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:20.392 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:20.392 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.394 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.395 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.395 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.395 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.397 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:20.397 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:20.397 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:20.397 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.398 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:20.400 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.401 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.401 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.401 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.403 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:20.404 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:20.404 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:20.404 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.404 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:20.407 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.408 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.408 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.408 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.410 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:20.410 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:20.411 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:20.411 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.411 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:20.413 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.414 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.415 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.415 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.417 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:20.417 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:20.417 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:20.417 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:20.418 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:20.418 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:26:20.418 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:26:20.418 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:26:20.418 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:26:20.420 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:20.420 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:20.421 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:20.421 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:20.422 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:26:20.423 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:20.423 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:26:20.424 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:26:20.425 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:20.426 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.427 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.427 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.430 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.430 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.433 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.433 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.433 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.437 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:20.437 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:20.437 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.438 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:20.440 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:20.440 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.441 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.441 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:20.442 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:20.442 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:20.443 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:20.443 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:20.444 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:20.444 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:20.445 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.447 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:20.448 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:20.448 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.448 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.448 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:20.449 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.449 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.450 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.450 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:20.450 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:20.450 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.451 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:20.451 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:20.451 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.454 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.454 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:20.456 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:20.456 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:20.456 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:20.578 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:26:20.578 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:26:20.579 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:26:20.579 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:20.579 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:20.579 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:20.789 20060 20070 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:20.789 20060 20070 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:26:20.836 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:20.839 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:20.841 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:20.973 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER 05-29 11:26:20.985 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 85536 seconds 05-29 11:26:21.013 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid= 05-29 11:26:21.047 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 85536 seconds 05-29 11:26:21.064 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 05-29 11:26:21.087 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:21.091 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: updateDnsLinkProperty: enter 05-29 11:26:21.092 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Setting APF program, halHandle = 0x708e22ff00 05-29 11:26:21.092 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : 05-29 11:26:21.092 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : createRequest: APF set program request 05-29 11:26:21.092 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:21.093 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: getDns::LinkProps has null dns - returning default 05-29 11:26:21.093 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.SingDnsChecker: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:21.094 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:21.096 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Done! 05-29 11:26:21.096 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:21.097 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:21.097 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:21.097 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.100 4808 5173 E WifiMHD::a: RuntimeException1701 05-29 11:26:21.102 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.102 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.103 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: WifiStateMachine: handleSuccessfulIpConfiguration and no scan results"Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK 05-29 11:26:21.103 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: updateDnsLinkProperty: enter 05-29 11:26:21.104 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:21.104 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: sendConnectedState - setManualConnection: true 05-29 11:26:21.105 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.SingDnsChecker: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:21.105 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:21.107 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: updateLinkProperties: newLp = {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304}, oldLp = null 05-29 11:26:21.109 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *mangle 05-29 11:26:21.109 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f7 05-29 11:26:21.109 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:21.110 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:21.113 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:21.113 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:21.113 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:21.113 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:21.116 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.117 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.117 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:21.122 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.124 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.124 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.124 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.126 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.126 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 4 05-29 11:26:21.127 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:21.128 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *mangle 05-29 11:26:21.128 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f7 05-29 11:26:21.128 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:21.128 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:26:21.128 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:21.129 4441 4645 I chatty : uid=0(root) Binder:4441_2 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:21.129 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:21.131 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.136 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:21.139 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:21.140 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.140 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:21.140 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:21.141 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:21.143 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:21.145 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:21.145 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:21.145 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:21.145 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.146 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:21.150 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:21.156 4441 5367 D ResolverController: DNSDBG::server[0] 05-29 11:26:21.156 4441 5367 D ResolverController: DNSDBG::netId 503 searchDomains 05-29 11:26:21.156 4441 5367 D ResolverController: DNSDBG::server[0] 05-29 11:26:21.158 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.164 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.164 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=true 05-29 11:26:21.168 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.169 6102 6102 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.WIFI_TRIGGERED_FLUSH_AND_UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService }, extras=null 05-29 11:26:21.170 13384 13384 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=true 05-29 11:26:21.171 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:21.172 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:21.177 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:21.177 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:21.177 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:21.177 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.178 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:21.178 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:21.178 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConnectedChanged: isConnected:true 05-29 11:26:21.178 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:21.178 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.178 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:21.181 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=2 bandwidth gettetherstats ... 05-29 11:26:21.181 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats start. socket=56, pid=4808, uid=1000, gid=1000 05-29 11:26:21.181 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats end 1 05-29 11:26:21.181 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.181 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:true 05-29 11:26:21.182 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:21.182 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:21.182 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Current network 05-29 11:26:21.184 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.186 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:21.188 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 41057s 05-29 11:26:21.188 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 74843s 05-29 11:26:21.188 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 85535s 05-29 11:26:21.189 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.189 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.189 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.191 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Not required to send intent. 05-29 11:26:21.192 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:21.193 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:21.193 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:21.193 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=2 bandwidth gettetherstats ... 05-29 11:26:21.193 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.193 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats start. socket=56, pid=4808, uid=1000, gid=1000 05-29 11:26:21.193 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats end 1 05-29 11:26:21.193 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:21.193 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: sns inital connection check, scan set : true 05-29 11:26:21.194 4808 5037 E WifiStateMachine: Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp 05-29 11:26:21.194 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:21.195 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh: no connectivity 05-29 11:26:21.196 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:7, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:21.196 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:7 05-29 11:26:21.197 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 7, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:21.200 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:21.202 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: Wi-Fi is available 05-29 11:26:21.206 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.206 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:21.206 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:21.206 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:21.206 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.208 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.208 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.208 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.209 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.209 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.210 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:21.210 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.214 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.215 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:21.215 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:21.215 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:21.223 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:21.226 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:21.226 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:21.226 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:21.228 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:21.228 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:21.228 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:21.228 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.229 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 7 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.229 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:21.229 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:21.230 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=532481 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.232 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.232 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending mNetworkRequests to WWSM through Network Monitor [ Transports: WIFI] 05-29 11:26:21.232 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.232 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.232 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.232 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:21.232 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:21.232 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.232 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:21.233 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.233 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:21.233 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.233 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.233 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:21.234 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.234 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.234 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.234 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:21.235 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:21.235 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh() from cache miss 05-29 11:26:21.235 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:21.236 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.236 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.236 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.236 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: Connected 05-29 11:26:21.236 20155 20155 D GOS:MainIntentService: onCreate 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=-7ms what=151660 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=-7ms what=151660 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=-7ms what=151660 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=-5ms what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=-5ms what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.237 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=-5ms what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.238 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Connected - Move to CaptivePortalState 05-29 11:26:21.238 4808 5168 I WifiConnectivityMonitor: Stop scan. SNS initial connection check is ongoing 05-29 11:26:21.238 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Scan target found: initial rssi=-90 05-29 11:26:21.238 4808 5168 D ConnectivityService: semIsMobilePolicyDataEnabled(): deprecated 05-29 11:26:21.239 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: current state: com.android.server.wifi.WifiConnectivityMonitor$CaptivePortalState@ebf39cf 05-29 11:26:21.239 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:21 time=1527564381239 rid=300 dhcpFailReason=1 05-29 11:26:21.240 20155 20207 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent. begin 05-29 11:26:21.242 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:21.243 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:21.243 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:21.243 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:21.243 4441 20211 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:21.243 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:21.243 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:21.243 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:21.243 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 20208 D SntpClient: [DnsResolveTask] request resolve failed: host = asia.pool.ntp.orgjava.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "asia.pool.ntp.org": No address associated with hostname 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5030 D SntpClient: [BigData] request resolve failed in DnsResolveTask() 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: start to check Captive portal 05-29 11:26:21.244 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-5ms what=135247 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state CaptivePortalState 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=135175 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state CaptivePortalState 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: ReportBigdata request time failed: host = asia.pool.ntp.org 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: requestTime failed. server:asia.pool.ntp.org result = 1 05-29 11:26:21.244 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh Fail. 05-29 11:26:21.247 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.247 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.247 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.249 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:21.249 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:21.250 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:21.250 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.251 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:21 time=1527564381246 rid=2 networkPrefix=28 apTypeInt=0 gw= ip= dhcp=1 dns1= ssid="Timothy's.iPhone.6s" bssid=6e:72:e7:a6:27:ae netid=7 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:21.251 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.255 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:21.255 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.255 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.256 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:21.256 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:21.256 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.257 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:21.257 6102 9749 I Places : Converted 10 out of 10 WiFi scans 05-29 11:26:21.257 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.257 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:21.259 6102 6596 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.WIFI_TRIGGERED_UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService }, extras=null 05-29 11:26:21.260 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewTransitions called. 05-29 11:26:21.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.261 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:21.261 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.263 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: Wi-Fi is available 05-29 11:26:21.267 20155 20207 I GOS:DatabaseHelper: com.enhance.gameservice.App@fd6b5fa 05-29 11:26:21.267 20155 20207 I GOS:DatabaseHelper: Create a DatabaseHelper 05-29 11:26:21.267 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:21.268 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:21.268 4808 5037 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Received signal strength thresholds: [] 05-29 11:26:21.268 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.268 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.268 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI : done 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:21.269 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:7, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.269 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:7 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI : done 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:21.269 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 7, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:21.269 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: sns inital connection check, scan set : true 05-29 11:26:21.269 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.270 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:21.272 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive com.samsung.intent.action.BIG_DATA_MOBILE_DATA 05-29 11:26:21.272 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive com.samsung.intent.action.BIG_DATA_MOBILE_DATA NTPEasia.pool.ntp.org1 05-29 11:26:21.272 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive com.samsung.intent.action.BIG_DATA_MOBILE_DATAfrsn = 1 05-29 11:26:21.277 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:21.277 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:21.278 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:21.281 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 7 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.282 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:21.282 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:21.282 20155 20207 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent(). type : 3 05-29 11:26:21.285 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:21.287 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -A idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:21.288 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:21.290 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:21.290 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true] 05-29 11:26:21.290 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:21.293 6102 19228 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 05-29 11:26:21.293 5579 5778 D CapabilityProvider: mWifiStateListener.onAvailable(): mIsWifiConnected [true] 05-29 11:26:21.296 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.296 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:21.296 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:21.296 5579 5805 D PdnController: handleMessage: what 105 05-29 11:26:21.296 5579 5805 D PdnController: onWifiConnected: 05-29 11:26:21.297 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:21.297 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:21.297 6102 19228 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService }, extras=null 05-29 11:26:21.297 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@909b0e5 05-29 11:26:21.297 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@a0c5734 05-29 11:26:21.297 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE for 2 callbacks 05-29 11:26:21.297 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.297 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponentHasType: 2 05-29 11:26:21.297 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponent() com.samsung.networkui.controller.component.MobileNetworkSettingComponent@89765c8 05-29 11:26:21.297 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=151660 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.297 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=0 what=151660 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.297 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=151660 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.298 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN], isWifiConnected [true] 05-29 11:26:21.298 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:21.298 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:21.298 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:21.298 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:21.298 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:21.298 5579 5805 D VolteServiceModule: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN]isWifiConnected [true], phoneId [0] 05-29 11:26:21.299 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:21.299 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh needs cooling time to avoid watchdog 05-29 11:26:21.299 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:21.299 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:21.299 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateConnectivity: mCurrentState.bluetoothTethered + false 05-29 11:26:21.299 4808 5423 D LocationManagerService: broadcast received action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.300 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:21.300 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :0 05-29 11:26:21.300 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.301 4808 4851 D Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:26:21.301 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.301 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:21.301 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: NETWORK_TYPE 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkChanged: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updatePani: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updateRat: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: notifyNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: buildNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:21.301 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkEventChanged:Changed Event: isWifiConnected(new= true, old= false), 05-29 11:26:21.302 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:21.302 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :1 05-29 11:26:21.302 5591 5591 D PhoneMultiSimUtils: isAllSimNotReady - isSim1Ready: false isSim2Ready:false 05-29 11:26:21.302 5591 5591 D PhoneUtils: isAbsentSimState() = true 05-29 11:26:21.303 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService flush] 05-29 11:26:21.303 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 05-29 11:26:21.303 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: ║ HTTP Service 05-29 11:26:21.303 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: getCurrentUser = 0 05-29 11:26:21.303 5579 5805 D VolteServiceModule: onNetworkChanged: NetworkEvent [network=0, voiceOverPs=UNKNOWN, outOfService=true, isDataRoaming=false, isVoiceRoaming=false, csOutOfService=true, isWifiConnected=true, isEpdgConnected=false, operatorNumeric=, isPsOnlyReg=false] 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: isEmergencyMode: false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I SettingProxy: isUltraPowerSavingMode: false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isAirplaneModeOn : false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSimLoaded : false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportMobile : true 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportNetworkmodeInNosim : false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isGuestMode : false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isUpsmMode : false 05-29 11:26:21.303 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: out of service. 05-29 11:26:21.303 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkEventChanged: nTask= 0 nRegisteredTask= 0 bExistRetryTimer= false bHaveRegisteringTask= false 05-29 11:26:21.304 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkEventChanged: tryRegister 05-29 11:26:21.304 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: tryRegister: 05-29 11:26:21.304 5579 5876 D VolteServiceModule: tryDisconnect(0) delay 100 05-29 11:26:21.304 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: pendingHasEmergencyTask: 05-29 11:26:21.304 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: RegisterTask(0) : 05-29 11:26:21.305 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: RegisterTask(0) : 05-29 11:26:21.305 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: DO_PENDING_UPDATE_REGISTRATION 05-29 11:26:21.305 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: message: 4 05-29 11:26:21.305 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:21.305 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:21.306 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentLac failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:26:21.308 5579 5805 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.308 5579 5805 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.308 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.310 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=3 bandwidth setglobalalert ... 05-29 11:26:21.310 5205 5205 I SKBD : ats setNetworkState : WIFI 05-29 11:26:21.311 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:21.311 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:21.312 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:21.313 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:21.313 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:21.315 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:21.315 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:21.316 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.316 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:21.316 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.chooseTab - IsTabSelected[false], LastClickAction[], LastClickMac[],drawFrom[0] 05-29 11:26:21.317 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:26:21.317 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:21.317 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isWfdConnected - >> false 05-29 11:26:21.317 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:26:21.317 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:26:21.317 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:26:21.317 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:26:21.321 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:21.324 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: WIFI: true 05-29 11:26:21.324 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(5579, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [rcs_network_type] 05-29 11:26:21.324 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:26:21.324 5579 5805 D GlobalSettingsRepo[0]: query: 05-29 11:26:21.324 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:26:21.324 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:21.324 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:21.324 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: Network info: type[13], typeName[WIFI_P2P], isAvailable[true], isConnected[false] 05-29 11:26:21.325 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:21.325 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:21.325 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:21.325 5579 5805 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.325 5579 5805 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.325 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:21.325 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.325 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:26:21.325 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:21.326 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:21.326 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: enableComponent : componentName > ComponentInfo{com.samsung.networkui/com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings} enable > true 05-29 11:26:21.326 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.326 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.326 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:21.326 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:21.326 4808 5018 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: run all vpn : runAllVpnService beginning 05-29 11:26:21.327 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:21.327 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:21.330 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:21.332 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentLac failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:26:21.332 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:7, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:21.333 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:7 05-29 11:26:21.333 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:21.333 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 7, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:21.333 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:21.333 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:21.334 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(5579, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [rcs_network_type] 05-29 11:26:21.334 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentCellId failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:26:21.334 5579 5805 D GlobalSettingsRepo[0]: query: 05-29 11:26:21.335 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:21.335 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: Network info: type[1], typeName[WIFI], isAvailable[true], isConnected[true] 05-29 11:26:21.335 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: MOBILE or MOBILE_IMS or WIFI is connected, no need to continue scan 05-29 11:26:21.336 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:21.337 4808 5459 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 5459 05-29 11:26:21.340 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:21.341 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.341 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:21.345 4808 5459 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 5459 05-29 11:26:21.346 4808 5172 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: #1 GW MAC address found in ARP table.1 msec. 05-29 11:26:21.349 6102 17069 I GCoreUlr: LocationReporter sending 3 locations, 1 activities, and 8 metadata for account account#-7# request #0; requests: [] 05-29 11:26:21.350 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 7 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.353 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:21.355 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.363 4808 5459 D SLocation: cellList : 20 05-29 11:26:21.364 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: - No personas,Not registered, No need to process System intent 05-29 11:26:21.358 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:21.366 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic user:0 05-29 11:26:21.366 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:21.366 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic user:0 05-29 11:26:21.366 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:21.366 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:21.366 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:21.366 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:21.366 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.366 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:21.366 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:21.368 4808 5459 W SLocation: handleEvent EXIT : currentDirection 0 05-29 11:26:21.368 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (1) detected : 2 05-29 11:26:21.371 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:21.372 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:26:21.372 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:26:21.372 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:26:21.372 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:26:21.374 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:21.376 20220 20220 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:21.378 20220 20220 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:21.379 20220 20220 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic 05-29 11:26:21.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:21.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.380 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:21.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:21.381 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:21.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:21.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:21.382 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.383 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:21.384 4808 5459 W SLocation: handleEvent EXIT : currentDirection 0 05-29 11:26:21.384 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (2) detected : 2 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setMode(), 1 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setDefaultDss(), 100.0 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setDefaultDss2(), 100.0 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setDefaultDfs(), 60.0 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setLaunchBoostEnabled(), true 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEachModeDss(), [100.0, 100.0, 75.0, 50.0] 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEachModeDss2(), [100.0, 100.0, 75.0, 50.0] 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEachModeDfs(), [60.0, 60.0, 60.0, 30.0] 05-29 11:26:21.387 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setRecommendedMode(), [0, 1, 2, 3] 05-29 11:26:21.388 4808 5459 W SLocation: handleEvent EXIT : currentDirection 0 05-29 11:26:21.388 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (3) detected : 2 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEnabledFeatureFlag(), src : 22518273019130647, result : 22518273019126551 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setAvailableFeatureFlag(), 35324951977501463 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEnabledFeatureFlag(), src : 22518273019126551, result : 23649670484173591 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setServerFeatureFlagPolicy(), NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1NNNNN1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1N10NN0NNN1N 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setDefaultFeatureFlag(), 22518273019130647 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEnabledFeatureFlag(), src : 23649670484173591, result : 23649670484173591 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setDefaultDts(), 100 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEachModeDts(), [100, 100, 100, 100] 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEachModeMdnie(), [0, 0, 0, 0] 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setDefaultOdtc(), 0 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setEachModeOdtc(), [0, 0, 0, 0] 05-29 11:26:21.391 6439 12168 I PinnedContentDownloader: Finished downloading pinned content. 05-29 11:26:21.391 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setIpmMode(), 1 05-29 11:26:21.392 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setIpmTargetPower(), -1 05-29 11:26:21.392 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setIpmTargetTemperature(), 520 05-29 11:26:21.392 20155 20207 D GOS:GlobalSettingsContainer: setLauncherMode(), -1000 05-29 11:26:21.392 20155 20207 D GOS:DataManager: load GlobalSettingsContainer values 05-29 11:26:21.393 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Mdc Run command 05-29 11:26:21.394 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (1) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:21.397 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (2) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:21.397 6102 7189 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.397 6102 7189 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.398 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:21.398 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.398 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.400 4808 6220 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 5017 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:21.400 20155 20207 I GOS:DataManager: checkResolution 05-29 11:26:21.402 20155 20207 D GOS:DisplayInfo: DPI: 480, LongSide: 2076, ShortSide: 1080 05-29 11:26:21.403 20155 20207 D GOS:TSSCore: displayShortSide : 1080, globalDefaultTargetShortSide : 1080, globalEachModeTargetShortSide : [1440, 1080, 720, 720] 05-29 11:26:21.403 20155 20207 D GOS:TSSCore: global target short side is available. 05-29 11:26:21.403 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (3) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:21.404 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.404 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 5017 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:21.404 20220 20220 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:21.404 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:21.404 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.405 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:21.405 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:21.405 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:21.405 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:21.405 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:21.406 20155 20207 D GOS:DisplayUtil: getResolutionType() 05-29 11:26:21.406 20155 20207 D GOS:DisplayUtil: getResolutionType(), MultiResolution is supported 05-29 11:26:21.412 20155 20207 D GOS:DisplayUtil: getResolutionType(), dpi: 480, shortPixel: 1080, longPixel: 2076 05-29 11:26:21.412 20155 20207 D GOS:DisplayUtil: getResolutionType(), current resolution: FHD 05-29 11:26:21.412 20155 20207 D GOS:DisplayInfo: DPI: 480, LongSide: 2076, ShortSide: 1080 05-29 11:26:21.418 12628 20233 V RsupS : tid.20233 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.55: enter jniP2PServerOpen 05-29 11:26:21.418 12628 20233 I RsupS : tid.20233 - jni/lws/WSServer2.cpp.38: open p2p server on port.11710: sock.55 05-29 11:26:21.418 12628 20233 V RsupS : tid.20233 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.56: exit jniP2PServerOpen 05-29 11:26:21.419 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.421 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.421 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.421 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.423 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:21.423 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:21.423 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:21.423 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.424 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:21.425 20155 20207 D GOS:DataManager: Constructor, SOS policy, sosPolicyKeys : [siop, governor_settings, app_start, boost_settings, touch_settings, scheduler_settings] 05-29 11:26:21.425 20155 20207 I GOS:DataManager: Create a DataManager 05-29 11:26:21.425 20155 20207 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected() 05-29 11:26:21.425 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.426 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.426 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.426 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.428 20155 20207 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected(), too early. skip update. millisFromLastUpdate: 467397 05-29 11:26:21.428 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:21.428 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:21.428 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:21.428 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.429 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:21.431 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.432 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.432 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.432 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.433 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:21.433 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:21.433 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:21.433 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.433 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:21.432 12628 20239 V RsupS : tid.20239 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.55: enter jniP2PAccept 05-29 11:26:21.436 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.437 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.437 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.437 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.438 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:21.438 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:21.438 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:21.438 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.438 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:21.442 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.442 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.442 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.444 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:21.445 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:21.445 5579 5912 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:21.446 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.450 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.450 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.453 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.454 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:21.454 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.459 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:21.459 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:21.459 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:21.461 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:21.462 20155 20207 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:21.462 20155 20207 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.enhance.gameservice 05-29 11:26:21.467 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:21.467 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:21.470 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:21.470 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:21.473 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:21.473 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:21.475 5579 5912 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:21.476 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:21.478 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.479 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:21.481 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:21.481 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:21.483 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:21.483 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.483 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.483 4441 20218 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:21.486 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:21.487 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.488 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.488 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:21.489 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:21.490 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.490 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.491 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:21.491 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:21.491 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.497 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.497 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.501 4441 20236 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:21.503 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.503 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:21.503 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.505 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:21.505 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:21.505 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:21.505 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:21.505 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:21.508 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmDeviceSettings: Detected GPU limits [{-2=260000000, -1=299000000, 0=338000000, 1=455000000, 2=546000000, 3=546000000}] 05-29 11:26:21.508 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmDeviceSettings: Detected CPU limits [{-10=364000000, -9=422500000, -8=487500000, -7=650000000, -6=650000000, -5=650000000, -4=741000000, -3=858000000, -2=962000000, -1=1066000000, 0=1170000000, 1=1261000000, 2=1469000000, 3=1586000000, 4=1690000000, 5=1794000000, 6=1794000000}] 05-29 11:26:21.510 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.511 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.511 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.511 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.514 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:21.514 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:21.514 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:21.515 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.515 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:21.517 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmDeviceSettings: Detected CpuEfficiency [{0={1950000=20526.316, 1794000=23605.264, 1690000=24852.941, 1456000=28000.0, 1248000=29023.256, 1053000=28459.459, 949000=27911.766, 832000=26838.709, 715000=24655.172, 598000=21357.143, 455000=18200.0}, 1={2860000=1653.1792, 2704000=2028.5071, 2652000=2166.6667, 2496000=2638.4778, 2314000=3144.0217, 2106000=3593.8567, 2002000=3894.9417, 1924000=4076.2712, 1794000=4771.2764, 1690000=5044.776, 1586000=5746.377, 1469000=6070.248, 1261000=6567.7085, 1170000=6685.7144, 1066000=6704.4023, 962000=6680.5557, 858000=6919.355, 741000=6675.676, 650000=6435.6436}}] 05-29 11:26:21.517 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmDeviceSettings: Detected GpuEfficiency [{260=1.6352202, 299=1.4238095, 338=1.3307086, 455=1.1548223, 546=1.0664062, 572=1.053407}] 05-29 11:26:21.518 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.518 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.520 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.520 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.520 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.523 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:21.524 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:21.524 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:21.524 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.524 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:21.527 5579 5912 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.528 5579 5912 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.529 5579 5912 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.529 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.530 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:26:21.530 5579 5912 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:21.531 5579 5912 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:21.531 5579 5912 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:21.531 5579 5912 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.531 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:21.532 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:21.532 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:26:21.532 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:26:21.532 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:21.532 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:26:21.533 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.535 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.535 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.535 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.536 12628 20233 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.537 12628 20233 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.537 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:21.537 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:21.537 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:21.537 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:21.538 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:21.540 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:21.540 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:21.540 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:21.540 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:21.543 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:21.545 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:21.545 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:21.546 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.547 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: Loaded from libipm.so 05-29 11:26:21.547 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.547 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: Training file reused 05-29 11:26:21.549 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.549 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.553 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.553 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:21.553 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.554 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: device_name : starlte 05-29 11:26:21.554 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: model_name : SM-G960F 05-29 11:26:21.554 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_r : 8.0.0 05-29 11:26:21.554 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_i : G960FXXS1ARD1 05-29 11:26:21.554 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_name : 1.2.11 05-29 11:26:21.555 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_code : 1211 05-29 11:26:21.555 4808 5172 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|207] 05-29 11:26:21.557 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:21.558 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:21.558 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:21.560 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:21.561 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: is_test : false 05-29 11:26:21.561 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: gms_version : 80.008 05-29 11:26:21.561 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:21.561 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:21.562 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionNameFull : 05-29 11:26:21.562 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionCodeFull : 121100000 05-29 11:26:21.563 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:21.563 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:21.565 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:21.565 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:21.566 4808 20244 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.566 4808 20244 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.566 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:21.566 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:21.568 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:21.568 4808 20243 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:21.568 4808 20243 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:21.568 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:21.569 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:21.569 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:21.569 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:21.569 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:21.570 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:21.570 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:21.571 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: mcc : 466 05-29 11:26:21.571 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: mnc : 89 05-29 11:26:21.571 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:21.572 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:21.572 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.572 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.573 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:21.573 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.573 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.573 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:21.573 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:21.574 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:21.574 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.574 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:21.574 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:21.574 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.586 20220 20220 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:21.586 20220 20220 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic 05-29 11:26:21.593 4441 20241 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:21.596 4441 20245 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:21.621 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.621 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:21.625 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:21.625 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:21.625 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:21.629 4441 20246 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:21.646 20220 20220 I NEDI_NetworkDiagnostic: sec.intent.action.networkdiagnostic.LOCATION_UPDATED 05-29 11:26:21.662 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:26:21.663 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:21.663 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:26:21.663 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:26:21.663 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:21.663 6102 7189 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:26:21.678 20220 20220 I NEDI_ConfigurationUtil: Location Agreement (true) 05-29 11:26:21.681 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: installed_sec_game_family : com.samsung.android.game.gamehome:disabled,com.samsung.android.game.gametools:disabled 05-29 11:26:21.681 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: android_id_md5 (The actual value is UUID. android_id_md5 is just the key name for API header) : a500e525-1ed3-4a57-a6bf-2fec02565d2c 05-29 11:26:21.686 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: available_feature_flag : 35324951977501463 05-29 11:26:21.686 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: server_feature_flag_policy : NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1NNNNN1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1N10NN0NNN1N 05-29 11:26:21.686 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: default_feature_flag : 22518273019130647 05-29 11:26:21.686 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: enabled_feature_flag : 23649670484173591 05-29 11:26:21.686 20155 20207 D GOS:NetworkConnector: mBaseUrl: https://service.game-mode.net/gamemode 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 I GOS:NetworkConnector: WiFi is connected 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: WiFi available, enough time passed, rechecking 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTraining() 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTrainingFile() 05-29 11:26:21.690 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.697 20155 20207 D GOS:MainIntentService: there is gamemanger. don't start GameService 05-29 11:26:21.698 20155 20207 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent. begin 05-29 11:26:21.700 20155 20207 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent(). type : 3 05-29 11:26:21.700 20155 20207 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected() 05-29 11:26:21.702 20155 20207 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected(), too early. skip update. millisFromLastUpdate: 467672 05-29 11:26:21.703 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: device_name : starlte 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: model_name : SM-G960F 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_r : 8.0.0 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_i : G960FXXS1ARD1 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_name : 1.2.11 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_code : 1211 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: is_test : false 05-29 11:26:21.704 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: gms_version : 80.008 05-29 11:26:21.706 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Action Name : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:21.706 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Current Time : 572654 05-29 11:26:21.707 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] No Connect : false 05-29 11:26:21.710 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:21.710 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:21.710 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [1], direction [2], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:21.713 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionNameFull : 05-29 11:26:21.713 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionCodeFull : 121100000 05-29 11:26:21.714 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 1 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:21.714 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: mcc : 466 05-29 11:26:21.714 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: mnc : 89 05-29 11:26:21.720 20155 20253 D GOS:IpmUpdaterCheckVersion: Exception CheckVersion java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.enhance.gameservice/files/backup_q.tablex_version (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:26:21.745 20220 20250 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:21.758 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:21.759 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:1 05-29 11:26:21.759 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:21.760 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:21.760 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [2], direction [2], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:21.761 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.762 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 1 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:21.764 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:21.767 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:2 05-29 11:26:21.768 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:21.768 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return true 05-29 11:26:21.768 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [3], direction [2], Result [2] 05-29 11:26:21.768 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - All of AP are OUT. Increase scan max interval 05-29 11:26:21.770 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 2 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:21.771 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:21.774 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:3 05-29 11:26:21.774 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:21.774 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:21.774 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [1], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:21.774 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "Linksys00364"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:21.776 6102 20251 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:21.777 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:21.777 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=-1ms what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.779 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:21.781 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.781 20220 20220 I NEDI_IpcService: setIpcAction [request-cell-info(extension=true), mode=3, param=8] 05-29 11:26:21.782 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:1 05-29 11:26:21.782 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:21.782 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:21.782 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [2], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:21.782 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "googlewifi"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:21.784 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=-1ms what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.785 20220 20220 I NEDI_IpcService: [17, 98, 0, 6, 3, 8] 05-29 11:26:21.784 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:21.786 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.787 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:21.788 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:2 05-29 11:26:21.788 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:21.788 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:21.788 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [3], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:21.788 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "NETGEAR46"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:21.790 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:21.794 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:21.796 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:3 05-29 11:26:21.808 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532498 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.808 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=0 what=532498 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.808 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=532498 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.808 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: CMD_ACCEPT_UNVALIDATED_WIFI 05-29 11:26:21.809 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending mNetworkRequests to WWSM through Network Monitor [ Transports: WIFI] 05-29 11:26:21.809 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.809 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=0 what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.809 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=151659 arg1=1 obj=Bundle[{UID=1000, requestID=32}] target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.809 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : releaseNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:21.810 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.810 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5037 D WIFI : releaseNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:21.810 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.811 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.811 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:21.811 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:21.811 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:21.811 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:21.813 5591 5604 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:21.813 5591 5604 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.phone 05-29 11:26:21.823 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: installed_sec_game_family : com.samsung.android.game.gamehome:disabled,com.samsung.android.game.gametools:disabled 05-29 11:26:21.823 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: android_id_md5 (The actual value is UUID. android_id_md5 is just the key name for API header) : a500e525-1ed3-4a57-a6bf-2fec02565d2c 05-29 11:26:21.824 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: available_feature_flag : 35324951977501463 05-29 11:26:21.824 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: server_feature_flag_policy : NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1NNNNN1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1N10NN0NNN1N 05-29 11:26:21.824 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: default_feature_flag : 22518273019130647 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.824 20155 20207 D GOS:RequestHeader: enabled_feature_flag : 23649670484173591 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiConnectivit identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.824 20155 20207 D GOS:NetworkConnector: mBaseUrl: https://service.game-mode.net/gamemode 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiConnectivit identical 13 lines 05-29 11:26:21.824 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.826 20155 20207 I GOS:NetworkConnector: WiFi is connected 05-29 11:26:21.826 5591 5715 I System.out: Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.samsung.android.intent.action.CELL_TAG_RES (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:21.826 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.827 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.827 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: WiFi available, enough time passed, rechecking 05-29 11:26:21.827 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTraining() 05-29 11:26:21.827 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTrainingFile() 05-29 11:26:21.827 20155 20207 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:21.828 20155 20207 D GOS:MainIntentService: there is gamemanger. don't start GameService 05-29 11:26:21.831 20155 20155 D GOS:MainIntentService: onDestroy 05-29 11:26:21.831 20155 20261 D GOS:IpmUpdaterCheckVersion: Exception CheckVersion java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.enhance.gameservice/files/backup_q.tablex_version (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:26:21.833 20220 20262 I NEDI_BaseMeasurementSe: (thread-parseBts) Receive and Parse Ipc 05-29 11:26:21.833 5591 5606 I System.out: Broadcast completed: result=0 05-29 11:26:21.839 20220 20262 I NEDI_BaseMeasurementSe: (thread-getBtsSingle) read cell(Ipc) information 05-29 11:26:21.840 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 10264, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.840 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 10264, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:21.841 20220 20262 I NEDI_BaseMeasurementSe: (thread-getDbCollectionSingle) dbCollection, availability of measurement 05-29 11:26:21.849 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:21.849 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:21.849 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:21.850 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:21.852 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:21.852 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:21.853 4808 5168 I WifiConnectivityMonitor: Test result is reported. Start Scan. 05-29 11:26:21.853 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: sns inital connection check, scan set : false 05-29 11:26:21.854 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:21.856 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: EvaluatingState{ when=-3ms what=151655 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:21.856 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: RESULT_VALID 05-29 11:26:21.856 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: Validated 05-29 11:26:21.856 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:21.856 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:21.858 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:21.863 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - action : android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION 05-29 11:26:21.864 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - receive INET_CONDITION_ACTION, but not signin state - restoreConnection 05-29 11:26:21.864 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateConnectivity: mCurrentState.bluetoothTethered + false 05-29 11:26:21.867 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:21.867 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isQcTopProcess return false, skip restore 05-29 11:26:21.868 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:21.870 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:21.871 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:21.871 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:21.873 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:21.873 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:21.875 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:7, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:21.876 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:7 05-29 11:26:21.876 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 7, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:21.876 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.877 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:21.882 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:10 05-29 11:26:21.882 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:21.883 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:21.887 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:21.889 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 7 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.900 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:21.900 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:21.900 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:21.903 20220 20262 I NEDI_BaseMeasurementSe: (thread-getLocationSingle) read location and feasibility check 05-29 11:26:21.903 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:21.904 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:8 connected:1 scan:false 05-29 11:26:21.905 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=572853017000 05-29 11:26:21.905 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=572853017000 05-29 11:26:21.905 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:7, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:21.905 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:7 05-29 11:26:21.905 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 7, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:21.905 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.905 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.69 ] when=572853017000 05-29 11:26:21.905 5591 5604 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 111761(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(288KB) LOS objects, 70% free, 2MB/8MB, paused 7.234ms total 93.991ms 05-29 11:26:21.906 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:21.906 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:21.908 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:21.910 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:21.911 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 7 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:21.914 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:21.918 6102 17069 I GCoreUlr: Batch Location Update succeeded for account account#-7# 05-29 11:26:21.938 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:21.941 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:21.944 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:21.951 12628 12639 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:21.951 12628 12639 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.rsupport.mobizen.cn.k.sec 05-29 11:26:21.967 5567 7349 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:21.970 20155 20263 D GOS:GameIntentService: onHandleIntent. begin 05-29 11:26:21.970 20155 20263 D GOS:GameIntentService: onHandleIntent. GameIntentService. type 8 05-29 11:26:21.970 20155 20263 D GOS:GameIntentService: PROCESS_DIED, got process died signal, pkgName : com.android.vending, pid : 18429, uid : 10055 05-29 11:26:21.980 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=572928120000 05-29 11:26:21.980 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=572928120000 05-29 11:26:21.980 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=572928120000 05-29 11:26:21.980 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:21.980 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:22.009 20155 20263 D GOS:PkgData: PkgData(), pkgName: com.android.vending 05-29 11:26:22.010 20155 20263 D GOS:PkgData: setCustomFeatureFlag, pkgName: com.android.vending, old featureFlag: 22518273019130647, new featureFlag: 22518273019130647 05-29 11:26:22.161 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|202] [] 05-29 11:26:22.179 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: dhcpInfo.gateway : 17437868 05-29 11:26:22.179 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: Go to Webpage: gateway addr: 05-29 11:26:22.180 20090 20117 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:22.180 20090 20117 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 D WifiSettings: Go to Webpage: Error opening connection 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to / 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connectSocket(RealConnection.java:1417) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.java:1367) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findConnection(StreamAllocation.java:219) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findHealthyConnection(StreamAllocation.java:142) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.newStream(StreamAllocation.java:104) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:410) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.sendRequest(HttpEngine.java:343) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.execute(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:489) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getResponse(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:435) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:566) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings$17.doInBackground(WifiSettings.java:2794) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings$17.doInBackground(WifiSettings.java:2788) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:333) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:26:22.192 20090 20117 D WifiSettings: Go to Webpage: reach to finally 05-29 11:26:22.193 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: Go to Webpage: HTTP response is null 05-29 11:26:22.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.486 4808 6243 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-29 11:26:22.490 4808 5061 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 1 scan results. 05-29 11:26:22.494 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS 05-29 11:26:22.494 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:22.494 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:22.494 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:26:22.494 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:26:22.494 4808 4808 I WifiService: Securities matching 05-29 11:26:22.495 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:22.501 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:22.506 19799 20053 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:26:22.506 19799 20056 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:26:22.510 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:22.511 20090 20115 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: update - mIsLevelChanged true - AccessPoint(Su-35:40:d3:ae:61:a4:66,connectable,WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,2437,0) 05-29 11:26:22.515 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:22.516 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:22.518 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:22.518 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:12 connected:1 scan:true 05-29 11:26:22.523 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:11, updatedScanResult :true 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-49), New:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-49) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4-5GHz:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d6,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-59), New:AccessPoint(dlink-54D4-5GHz:48:ee:0c:2b:54:d6,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-59) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(F22:64:09:80:7c:12:d3,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-49), New:AccessPoint(F22:64:09:80:7c:12:d3,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=4(unchanged),metered=false,0,-49) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-68), New:AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-68) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(F22_5G:64:09:80:7c:12:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-64), New:AccessPoint(F22_5G:64:09:80:7c:12:d4,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-64) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: Accesspoint is changed : AccessPoint(Su-35:40:d3:ae:61:a4:66,connectable,WPA2,level=4(changed),metered=false,0,0) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: ssid of deleting : Su-35, index : 5 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: isExist Old:AccessPoint(TP-LINK_651E82:10:fe:ed:65:1e:82,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-69), New:AccessPoint(TP-LINK_651E82:10:fe:ed:65:1e:82,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-69) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: insert compareTo Old:AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-68) , 3, New:AccessPoint(Su-35:40:d3:ae:61:a4:66,connectable,WPA2,level=4(changed),metered=false,0,0) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : Su-35, index : 3 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: insert compareTo Old:AccessPoint(bxxxxxxxxx_6F:00:23:f8:09:e1:70,connectable,WPA_WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-68) , 3, New:AccessPoint(BC_14:90:f6:52:89:bf:14,connectable,WPA2,level=3(unchanged),metered=false,0,-73) 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : BC_14, index : 3 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :5 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :5 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : BCNET, index : 7 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :5 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : BRILONG_AP_80033, index : 7 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: mLastDeletePositions.contains :5 05-29 11:26:22.524 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: not in the old list ssid of inserting : NTGR_VMB_1524829034, index : 7 05-29 11:26:22.526 20090 20090 I zygote64: Deoptimizing void com.samsung.android.graphics.spr.SemPathRenderingDrawable.draw(android.graphics.Canvas) due to JIT inline cache 05-29 11:26:22.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: onAddDelete 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: deleteFromAdapter index:5, ssid:Su-35 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:3, ssid:Su-35 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:4, ssid:BC_14 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:8, ssid:BCNET 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:9, ssid:BRILONG_AP_80033 05-29 11:26:22.540 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: addToAdapter insertpos:10, ssid:NTGR_VMB_1524829034 05-29 11:26:22.541 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 11, ConnectedAPCount:1, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:22.542 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:22.546 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:22.550 20090 20090 D SettingsLib.AccessPoint: getSummary - index:5 05-29 11:26:22.551 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 1, getPreferenceCount = 11 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:22.574 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: onAnimationStart 05-29 11:26:22.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.751 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.752 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.888 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.889 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.954 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:22.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:22.955 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:22.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.044 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"326","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-91,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"298","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-92,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.22}]} 05-29 11:26:23.055 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"326","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-91,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"298","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-92,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.22}]} 05-29 11:26:23.061 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:23.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.164 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.180 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: onAnimationEnd AvailableAPCount : 11, ConnectedAPCount:1 05-29 11:26:23.216 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.218 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.422 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.425 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.435 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.700 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=574648176000 05-29 11:26:23.700 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=574648176000 05-29 11:26:23.701 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.70 ] when=574648176000 05-29 11:26:23.701 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:23.702 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:23.703 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:23.712 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.712 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.769 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=574716361000 05-29 11:26:23.769 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=574716361000 05-29 11:26:23.769 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=574716361000 05-29 11:26:23.770 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:23.771 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:23.784 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: onSwitchChanged : false 05-29 11:26:23.786 4808 5613 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:23.792 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:23.794 4808 6243 D WifiService: setControlHistory, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:23.794 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:23.795 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:23.798 4808 5037 V WifiConfigManager: Adding/Updating network Timothy's iPhone 6s 05-29 11:26:23.798 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getAllowUserProfiles 05-29 11:26:23.800 4808 5037 D WifiConfigManager: addOrUpdateNetworkInternal: added/updated config. netId=7 configKey="Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000 autoReconnect=1 05-29 11:26:23.803 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onChange: content://settings/global/wifi_on => match [13] 05-29 11:26:23.807 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onWifiSettingChanged: now [0] 05-29 11:26:23.809 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: WIFI_SETTINGS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:23.809 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: onWifiSettingsChanged: 0 05-29 11:26:23.814 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:23.816 4808 5037 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 12 ms. 05-29 11:26:23.817 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:23 time=1527564383817 rid=201 callBy=com.android.settings wifiConnected=1 snsState=0 wifiState=0 05-29 11:26:23.817 4808 5036 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:23.818 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: enabler changed - false 05-29 11:26:23.818 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 0 05-29 11:26:23.818 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addMessagePreference id:2131894528 05-29 11:26:23.818 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:23 time=1527564383818 rid=105 callBy=system apiName=addOrUpdateNetwork netid=7 callUid=android.uid.system:1000 05-29 11:26:23.819 4808 5036 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:23.819 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: WifiStateMachine: Leaving Connected state 05-29 11:26:23.819 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: Wifi got Disconnected in connectedstate, Send provisioning intent mIsAutoRoamingfalse 05-29 11:26:23.820 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:23.821 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:23.821 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:23.822 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: isFindLocationId() - failed to find! 05-29 11:26:23.822 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: triggerStopLearning id : -1 05-29 11:26:23.823 4808 5057 D DhcpClient: doQuit 05-29 11:26:23.823 4808 5057 D ApfFilter: (wlan0): shutting down 05-29 11:26:23.823 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:23.825 4808 20180 D DhcpClient: onQuitting 05-29 11:26:23.827 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=2 bandwidth gettetherstats ... 05-29 11:26:23.827 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats start. socket=56, pid=4808, uid=1000, gid=1000 05-29 11:26:23.827 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats end 1 05-29 11:26:23.827 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:23.827 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:23.828 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@a8e4dc6 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:23.828 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:23.828 4808 6243 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : startInput 05-29 11:26:23.828 4808 6243 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@58295cc missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:23.828 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 05-29 11:26:23.829 20090 20090 I WifiApBroadcastReceiver: onReceive: action com.samsung.intent.action.START_PROVISIONING userID :0 05-29 11:26:23.830 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:23.830 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:23.830 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:23.830 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.832 4441 4635 I Netd : Destroyed 4 sockets on in 1.3 ms 05-29 11:26:23.835 6102 20251 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7b8a12e708: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 05-29 11:26:23.836 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:23.836 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=false 05-29 11:26:23.836 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:23.836 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.836 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.837 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:23.838 6102 20251 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8a12e708: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:26:23.838 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:23.838 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConfiguredNetworksChanged - WifiEnabler is not checked 05-29 11:26:23.839 6102 20251 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:23.840 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:23.840 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:23.840 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.840 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:23.840 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:23.840 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:23.840 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:23.841 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:23.841 13384 13384 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=false 05-29 11:26:23.841 6102 20251 E GCM : Connection closed with errorCode 20 05-29 11:26:23.842 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.843 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.843 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.843 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.846 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.846 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:23.846 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:23.846 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:23.846 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:23.846 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.847 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:23.847 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.847 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.849 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:23.849 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:23.854 5579 5778 D CapabilityProvider: mWifiStateListener.onAvailable(): mIsWifiConnected [false] 05-29 11:26:23.855 5579 5805 D PdnController: handleMessage: what 106 05-29 11:26:23.855 5579 5805 D PdnController: onWifiDisConnected: 05-29 11:26:23.855 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:23.855 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN], isWifiConnected [false] 05-29 11:26:23.855 4441 20269 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:23.855 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:23.855 5579 5805 D VolteServiceModule: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN]isWifiConnected [false], phoneId [0] 05-29 11:26:23.856 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:23.856 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh needs cooling time to avoid watchdog 05-29 11:26:23.857 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:23.857 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: NETWORK_TYPE 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkChanged: 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updatePani: 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updateRat: 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: notifyNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: buildNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:23.858 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:23.858 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0 05-29 11:26:23.859 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:true, updated:true 05-29 11:26:23.859 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: ValidatedState{ when=0 what=532487 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=532487 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: Disconnected 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: unregister CaptivePortalReceiver 05-29 11:26:23.860 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 E NetworkMonitor: IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: com.android.server.connectivity.NetworkMonitor$1@6f5e11b 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: com.android.server.connectivity.NetworkMonitor$1@6f5e11b 05-29 11:26:23.860 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1181) 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at android.app.ContextImpl.unregisterReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1456) 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at com.android.server.connectivity.NetworkMonitor$DefaultState.processMessage(NetworkMonitor.java:487) 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992) 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809) 05-29 11:26:23.860 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:26:23.860 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: ValidatedState{ when=0 what=69636 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@877518f target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 503]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=69636 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@877518f target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:23.860 4808 20177 E NetworkMonitor: Async - Client connection lost reason: 0 05-29 11:26:23.861 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=135179 arg1=359 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:23.861 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Async - Client connection lost reason: 0 05-29 11:26:23.861 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.861 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.861 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.861 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.861 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:23.861 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.861 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:23.861 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.861 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:23.862 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.862 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:23.862 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.862 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.862 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:23.864 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:23.865 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:23.865 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConnectedChanged: isConnected:false 05-29 11:26:23.865 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:23.865 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:23.865 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:23.865 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:23.865 6102 20268 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:23.866 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:23.867 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:23.868 6102 20268 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:23.871 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.871 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:23.872 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.872 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.872 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.874 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:23.874 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.874 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:23.874 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:23.874 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.875 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:23.876 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:23.876 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:23.877 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:23.877 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:23.879 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.880 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.880 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.880 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.881 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:23.882 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:23.882 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:23.882 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.883 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:23.885 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.886 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.886 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.887 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.887 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.890 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:23.890 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:23.890 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:23.890 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.890 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:23.893 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.893 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.893 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.895 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -D idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:23.895 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:23.897 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:23.897 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:23.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:23.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:23.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:23.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:23.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:23.897 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:23.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:23.898 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:23.904 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.904 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:23.906 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.906 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:23.906 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:23.910 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:23.911 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:23.911 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:23.913 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:23.916 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:23.916 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:23.917 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -D idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:23.918 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:23.918 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:23.919 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:23.920 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:23.920 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:23.920 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@909b0e5 05-29 11:26:23.920 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@a0c5734 05-29 11:26:23.920 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE for 2 callbacks 05-29 11:26:23.920 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.920 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponentHasType: 2 05-29 11:26:23.920 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponent() com.samsung.networkui.controller.component.MobileNetworkSettingComponent@89765c8 05-29 11:26:23.920 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:23.920 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh needs cooling time to avoid watchdog 05-29 11:26:23.920 4808 5423 D LocationManagerService: broadcast received action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.920 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:23.921 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:23.921 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:23.921 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:23.921 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: message: 4 05-29 11:26:23.921 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:23.921 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:23.921 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :0 05-29 11:26:23.921 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:23.922 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateConnectivity: mCurrentState.bluetoothTethered + false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :1 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 D PhoneMultiSimUtils: isAllSimNotReady - isSim1Ready: false isSim2Ready:false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 D PhoneUtils: isAbsentSimState() = true 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: getCurrentUser = 0 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: isEmergencyMode: false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I SettingProxy: isUltraPowerSavingMode: false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isAirplaneModeOn : false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSimLoaded : false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportMobile : true 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportNetworkmodeInNosim : false 05-29 11:26:23.922 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isGuestMode : false 05-29 11:26:23.923 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isUpsmMode : false 05-29 11:26:23.923 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:23.923 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:23.924 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:23.924 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:23.924 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:23.924 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:23.924 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.924 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:23.924 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: NONE 05-29 11:26:23.925 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:23.925 4808 4851 D Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:26:23.925 4808 4851 D Tethering: InitialState got CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:23.925 5579 5805 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.925 5579 5805 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.925 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.925 4808 6215 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.samsung.networkui cmp = com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings newState = 0 callingPackage = 1001/com.android.phone 05-29 11:26:23.926 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:23.927 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: enableComponent : componentName > ComponentInfo{com.samsung.networkui/com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings} enable > true 05-29 11:26:23.927 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.927 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(5579, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [rcs_network_type] 05-29 11:26:23.927 5579 5805 D GlobalSettingsRepo[0]: query: 05-29 11:26:23.927 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: Network info: type[13], typeName[WIFI_P2P], isAvailable[true], isConnected[false] 05-29 11:26:23.928 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:23.928 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:23.928 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:23.928 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.929 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:23.930 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:23.930 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.931 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:23.931 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:23.932 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:23.932 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.932 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Action Name : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.932 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Current Time : 574880 05-29 11:26:23.932 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:23.932 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:23.932 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:23.934 5205 5205 I SKBD : ats setNetworkState : NONE 05-29 11:26:23.935 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.935 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:23.935 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:23.935 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:23.936 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] No Connect : true 05-29 11:26:23.937 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *mangle 05-29 11:26:23.937 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f7 05-29 11:26:23.937 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:23.937 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: Notifying bigdata params feature:DISC, params:2 9 14 2 3 1 529032623 6e:72:e7 2462 20 -33 130 2 1 0 0 35 -95 0 0 0 0 05-29 11:26:23.937 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=6E.27.AE reason=3 locally_generated=1 05-29 11:26:23.938 4808 5037 I WifiGeofenceManager: deinitGeofence 05-29 11:26:23.938 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up 05-29 11:26:23.938 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *mangle 05-29 11:26:23.938 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f7 05-29 11:26:23.938 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:23.938 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:26:23.938 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:23.939 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.939 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:23.939 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:23.939 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:23.939 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:23.939 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 574.832643> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:16 status:0x0 reason:2 05-29 11:26:23.939 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:23.939 4441 4645 I chatty : uid=0(root) Binder:4441_2 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:23.939 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:23.940 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=3 bandwidth setglobalalert ... 05-29 11:26:23.940 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:23.940 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:23.940 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:23.940 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:23.940 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:23.942 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:23.942 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:23.942 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopGeofence ID = 1 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 E SLocation: pendingIntent set to null 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 1 / status = 0 05-29 11:26:23.943 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : trigger = false 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : mSessionStatus = 0 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: stopGeofence() - id : 1 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5459 D SLocation: Session stopped 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5459 D SLocation: triggerAlarm 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5459 D SLocation: All alarm stopped 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopGeofence ID = 2 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 E SLocation: pendingIntent set to null 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 2 / status = 0 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : trigger = false 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : mSessionStatus = 0 05-29 11:26:23.943 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.943 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.943 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.943 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: stopGeofence() - id : 2 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5459 D SLocation: Session stopped 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5459 D SLocation: triggerAlarm 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5459 D SLocation: All alarm stopped 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopGeofence ID = 3 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 E SLocation: pendingIntent set to null 05-29 11:26:23.944 12628 12628 V RsupS : tid.12628 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.55: enter jniP2PServerClose 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 3 / status = 0 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : trigger = false 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : mSessionStatus = 0 05-29 11:26:23.944 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: stopGeofence() - id : 3 05-29 11:26:23.944 12628 12628 V RsupS : tid.12628 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.56: exit jniP2PServerClose 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:23 time=1527564383944 rid=1 adpsState=0 networkPrefix=28 pstate=SupplicantStartedState sleep_policy=2 gw= ip= dhcp=1 dns1= pmsg=131084 ssid="Timothy's.iPhone.6s" bssid=6e:72:e7:a6:27:ae netid=7 ppmsg=131131 screen_on=1 conn_duration=0 05-29 11:26:23.945 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering cancelConnect() 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 05-29 11:26:23.945 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : needNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:23.945 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Set prekey state (NONE -> NONE) 05-29 11:26:23.945 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:23.945 5451 5451 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Clear a pre-passphrase (State NONE) 05-29 11:26:23.945 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI : needNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 0 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:23.945 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:23.945 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:23.945 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:23.945 12628 20239 W RsupS : tid.20239 - jni/lws/WSServer2.cpp.77: p2p accept(svr.0): Invalid argument 05-29 11:26:23.946 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.946 12628 20239 V RsupS : tid.20239 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.56: exit jniP2PAccept 05-29 11:26:23.946 4808 5065 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: cancelConnect() failed: 1 () 05-29 11:26:23.946 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving cancelConnect() 05-29 11:26:23.946 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:23.947 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.948 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering flush() 05-29 11:26:23.948 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.949 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.949 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.949 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.949 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:23.949 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.949 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare user:0 05-29 11:26:23.949 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:23.949 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare user:0 05-29 11:26:23.949 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:23.949 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:4 05-29 11:26:23.950 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: flush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:23.950 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving flush() 05-29 11:26:23.950 4808 5065 D WifiP2pMonitor: stopMonitoring(p2p0) 05-29 11:26:23.950 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:23.952 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.952 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:23.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.952 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:26:23.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.952 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:23.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.953 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:23.947 4808 5459 D SLocation: Session stopped 05-29 11:26:23.953 4808 5459 D SLocation: triggerAlarm 05-29 11:26:23.953 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: none 05-29 11:26:23.953 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: 05-29 11:26:23.953 4808 5459 D SLocation: All alarm stopped 05-29 11:26:23.953 12309 20274 E SPPClientService: [[SystemStateMonitorService]] No Active Internet 05-29 11:26:23.953 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:23.954 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:true, connected:false 05-29 11:26:23.954 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:23.954 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:23.954 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:23.954 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences - Wi-Fi is not enabled. prevState:0 05-29 11:26:23.955 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:23.960 20276 20276 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:23.962 20276 20276 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:23.963 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:23 time=1527564383962 rid=200 bandWidth=20 scanCount=14 80211mode=2 roamingCount=0 muMimo=0 passpoint=0 antenna=1 apTypeInt=0 locallyGenerated=1 freqeuncy=2462 akm=0 oui=6e:72:e7 snr=35 rssi=-33 noise=-95 wpaState=9 disconnectReason=3 dataRate=130 scanCountSameChannel=2 wpaSecureType=2 05-29 11:26:23.963 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:23.963 20276 20276 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare 05-29 11:26:23.963 4808 5037 D PatternWifiDisc: user tirggered 05-29 11:26:23.965 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateWfdEnableState:: mWifiDisplayOnSetting = false mWifiP2pEnabled = false mWfdEnabled = false mWfdEnabling = false 05-29 11:26:23.965 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:23.965 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: disconnect() : null 05-29 11:26:23.965 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:23.965 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_DISABLED 05-29 11:26:23.965 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:26:23.965 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:26:23.965 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_DISABLED 05-29 11:26:23.965 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:26:23.966 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:26:23.966 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:false, connected:false 05-29 11:26:23.966 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:23.967 4808 4808 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: Vpn Receiver : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.967 4808 4808 I EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: Vpn Receiver : Connection change = true 05-29 11:26:23.967 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.967 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: change in connectivity has occured for the network type1 05-29 11:26:23.967 4808 5014 I ApplicationPolicy: updateDataUsageMap 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5021 D KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : connectivity action : Handle MSG CONNECTIVITY_ACTION. networkDown = true 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5018 I EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:23.968 4808 5018 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: vpn handle : connectivity action : Handle MSG CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:23.970 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:23.970 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:23.970 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:23.970 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:23.970 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.970 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.hardware.display.action.WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:23.970 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:23.971 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:23.971 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:23.971 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:23.971 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:23.971 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:23.971 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:23.972 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:23.972 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.973 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.973 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:4 05-29 11:26:23.973 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:23.974 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:23.974 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:23.975 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:23.975 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.975 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.975 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.975 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:23.976 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:23.976 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:23.976 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:23.976 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.976 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:23.977 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:23.977 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Failed to remove command 0: 0x0 05-29 11:26:23.977 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Success to clear alerthandler 05-29 11:26:23.977 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:true, connected:false 05-29 11:26:23.977 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:23.977 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:23.977 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:23.978 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:23.978 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.978 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.978 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.978 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:23.979 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:23.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:23.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:23.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:23.982 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:23.982 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:23.981 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:23.983 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:23.983 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: resetLogHandler(l.1593) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:23.983 4808 5037 W WifiDiags: Fail to reset log handler 05-29 11:26:23.983 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:23.984 4808 5037 I WifiScanningService: semSetWifiState wifiState 1 05-29 11:26:23.984 4808 4808 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1 05-29 11:26:23.984 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:23.984 4808 5063 D RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160513 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:23.984 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:23.984 4808 5061 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded 05-29 11:26:23.985 4808 5061 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WificondScannerImpl$2@b65b0d0 05-29 11:26:23.985 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: unregister SMD listener 05-29 11:26:23.985 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:23.986 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:23.986 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:23.986 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:23.986 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:23.987 4808 5061 D SemContextService: Service.removeListenerLocked() : listener = com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@7975a3a, service = Any Motion Detector, used = 0 05-29 11:26:23.987 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:23.988 4808 5061 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:217) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER 05-29 11:26:23.988 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:23.988 4808 5061 V CAE : stop(ContextProvider.java:155) 05-29 11:26:23.988 4808 5061 V CAE : clear(AnyMotionDetectorRunner.java:151) 05-29 11:26:23.988 4808 5061 V CAE : disable(AnyMotionDetectorRunner.java:140) 05-29 11:26:23.989 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:23.989 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:23.989 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:23.989 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:23.989 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:23.989 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:23.989 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:23.990 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:23.990 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:23.990 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:23.990 4808 5061 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -78, 58, 0, 0, 05-29 11:26:23.990 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:23.990 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:23.990 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:23.990 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:23.990 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.990 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:23.990 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:26:23.991 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:26:23.991 4279 4948 D Sensors : b2 3a 00 00 05-29 11:26:23.991 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:26:23.991 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.992 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:23.993 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.993 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.993 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:23.994 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.994 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:23.994 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:23.995 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:23.995 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStoppingState: disableSupplicant init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown 05-29 11:26:23.996 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:26:23.996 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:23.996 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:23.996 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:23.997 4808 5061 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(AnyMotionDetectorRunner.java:164) - true 05-29 11:26:23.997 4808 5061 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:26:23.997 4808 5012 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 5005 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:23.998 4808 5012 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 5005 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:23.999 20276 20276 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:24.000 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = false 05-29 11:26:24.001 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:24.002 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Mdc Run command 05-29 11:26:24.002 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 0 05-29 11:26:24.002 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 0 05-29 11:26:24.004 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:24.004 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:24.004 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:24.006 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:24.007 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:24.007 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:24.007 4808 5061 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:26:24.008 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:24.008 4808 5061 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:26:24.008 4808 5061 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:26:24.008 4808 5061 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@28097b4, Service : AUTO_BRIGHTNESS(1) 05-29 11:26:24.008 4808 5061 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:252) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER 05-29 11:26:24.009 4808 5061 D SemContextService: .unregisterCallback : 2, client= 05-29 11:26:24.009 4808 5061 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:26:24.009 4808 5061 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@8319fdd, Service : Auto Brightness 05-29 11:26:24.009 4808 5061 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:26:24.009 4808 5061 D SemContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@aeb7d65, service=Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:26:24.009 4808 5061 D SContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = com.samsung.android.server.wifi.SemSmdMotionDetector$2@766bc73, service=Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:26:24.009 5236 5703 V SystemUIAnalytics: SAPreference : 1104 / 0 05-29 11:26:24.010 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:24.010 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:24.010 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:24.010 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:24.010 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:24.012 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:24.012 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:24.012 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:24.013 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:24.014 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:24.015 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:24.016 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:24.016 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:24.017 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:24.017 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:24.018 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:24.018 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:24.018 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.018 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:24.019 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:24.019 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.019 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:24.019 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:24.019 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:24.019 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.020 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:24.020 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:24.020 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:24.021 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.022 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:24.024 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.024 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:24.024 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:24.025 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:24.025 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:24.025 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:24.025 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:24.025 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:24.026 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:24.027 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:24.027 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:24.027 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:24.028 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:24.028 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:24.028 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:24.028 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:24.028 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:24.030 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:24.030 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:24.030 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:24.030 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:24.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.031 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.033 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:24.033 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:24.033 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:24.033 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:24.033 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:24.034 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:24.035 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:24.035 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:24.035 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:24.036 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:24.036 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:24.036 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:24.036 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:24.036 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:24.037 20276 20276 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.037 20276 20276 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare 05-29 11:26:24.037 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:24.038 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:24.039 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:24.040 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:24.040 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:24.040 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:24.040 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:24.041 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:24.041 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:24.042 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:24.044 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.044 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:24.045 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.046 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:24.046 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:24.049 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:24.049 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:24.049 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:24.050 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:24.051 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:24.051 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:24.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.052 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.052 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:24.053 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:24.053 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:24.054 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:24.054 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:24.054 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:24.055 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:24.055 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:24.056 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:24.056 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:24.056 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:24.056 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:24.056 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:24.056 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:24.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:24.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:24.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:24.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.057 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:24.058 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:24.060 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.060 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:24.061 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:24.062 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:24.062 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:24.080 20276 20276 D FileShare: FsApplication.onCreate - 05-29 11:26:24.085 20276 20276 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.30: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:26:24.105 20276 20276 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.30: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:26:24.106 20276 20276 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.30: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.30 05-29 11:26:24.108 20276 20276 D FileShare: FileShareBroadcastReceiver.onReceive - action android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE // null 05-29 11:26:24.112 20276 20276 D FileShare: FileShareBroadcastReceiver.onReceive - disconnected 05-29 11:26:24.112 4808 4994 W SupplicantStaIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:24.112 4808 4994 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:24.112 4808 20154 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:24.112 4808 5481 W SupplicantStaIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:24.120 20276 20276 D FileShare: Outbound.stopDelayTimer - 05-29 11:26:24.129 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:24.129 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:24.131 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:24.132 20276 20290 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: Package update in userId-0 and uid-1000 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: isUCMPlugin pkgName-com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: isUCMPlugin match found.... 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: *****refreshAgentList userId-0 is called*** 05-29 11:26:24.146 4808 5127 D UcmService: resolveAllowedAgents for user 0 05-29 11:26:24.147 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:24.147 5236 5236 D MetadataParser: onPackageUpdated() key = com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.147 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:24.147 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:24.147 4808 5127 D UcmService: resolveAllowedAgentsLegacy for user 0 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: mPersistentServices size is 0 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:24.148 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot is system storage. Checking system signature 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Signature match 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Valid system storage found is com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: UCM ODE is not enabled 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: existUCMKeyguardProp 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Do not need to bind boot plugin service 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese is system storage. Checking system signature 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Signature match 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Valid system storage found is com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Do not need to bind eSE Service 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: mPersistentServices size is 0 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.sec.smartcard.manager is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION_LEGACY is granted 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:24.149 4808 5127 D UcmService: PCSC Service doesn't exist. Ignore binidng to old Bai plugin... 05-29 11:26:24.151 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:24.151 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"300","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.89},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.13}]} 05-29 11:26:24.156 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"300","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.89},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.13}]} 05-29 11:26:24.158 4808 5127 D UcmService: readPersistentServicesLocked is called... 05-29 11:26:24.159 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:24.159 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 05-29 11:26:24.160 5567 5567 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidate#1, attribute#1 05-29 11:26:24.162 5567 5567 D RoutingNotificationHelper: set : (( 5567true , false) 05-29 11:26:24.162 5567 5567 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidateCache 05-29 11:26:24.163 4808 5012 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.app.appsedge user:0 05-29 11:26:24.163 4808 5012 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:24.164 4808 5012 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.app.appsedge user:0 05-29 11:26:24.164 4808 5012 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:24.179 20298 20298 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:24.181 20298 20298 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:24.182 20298 20298 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.app.appsedge 05-29 11:26:24.189 5567 5567 D ApduServiceInfo: seId: 0 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D RegisteredOthersCache: start invalidate 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D RegisteredPoliciesCache: invalidate 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D RegisteredAidCache: onServicePolicyUpdated 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D RegisteredAidCache: generateAidPolicyMapLocked 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: print policy 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: table size : 0 05-29 11:26:24.190 5567 5567 D CardEmulationManager: Not Allow!!! 05-29 11:26:24.190 20276 20276 D FileShare: FileShareBroadcastReceiver.onReceive - action android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE // null 05-29 11:26:24.191 20276 20276 D FileShare: FileShareBroadcastReceiver.onReceive - disconnected 05-29 11:26:24.191 20276 20276 D FileShare: Outbound.stopDelayTimer - 05-29 11:26:24.190 5591 5591 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 05-29 11:26:24.192 5591 5591 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 05-29 11:26:24.193 5591 5591 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.194 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: There are not service policy for this aid 05-29 11:26:24.194 5567 5567 I chatty : uid=1027(nfc) com.android.nfc identical 23 lines 05-29 11:26:24.194 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: There are not service policy for this aid 05-29 11:26:24.194 5567 5567 D AidRoutingManager: Override power table is not changed 05-29 11:26:24.194 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:24.197 5567 5567 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 05-29 11:26:24.198 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:24.199 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:24.200 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collect Tech packages for Knox 05-29 11:26:24.200 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:24.201 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:24.201 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collect Tech packages for DualApp 05-29 11:26:24.201 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collecting NFC Tech components for DualApp 95 05-29 11:26:24.213 4808 4841 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.samsung.android.messaging/com.samsung.android.withtalk.ui.recipientspicker.PickerActivity: Search label must be a resource reference. 05-29 11:26:24.215 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:24.215 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:24.217 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10002 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:24.219 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10002 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:24.219 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:false configSize:8 scanSize:13 05-29 11:26:24.219 4808 5037 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond 05-29 11:26:24.220 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences - Wi-Fi is not enabled. prevState:0 05-29 11:26:24.220 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:24.220 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 10 05-29 11:26:24.220 4808 4808 D PackageManager: Shame on you for calling the hidden API queryBroadcastReceivers(). Shame! 05-29 11:26:24.220 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConfiguredNetworksChanged - WifiEnabler is not checked 05-29 11:26:24.220 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = false 05-29 11:26:24.221 5191 5191 D A2dpService: A2dpService - WIFI_STATE_DISABLED 05-29 11:26:24.221 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 1 05-29 11:26:24.222 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredAp - 05-29 11:26:24.222 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 1 05-29 11:26:24.222 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredAp - 05-29 11:26:24.222 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:24.222 20298 20298 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:24.223 5191 5191 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: Attempting to set busy level 05-29 11:26:24.223 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:24.223 6102 6799 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:24.222 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:24.224 20090 20122 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:24.225 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences - Wi-Fi is not enabled. prevState:0 05-29 11:26:24.225 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:24.231 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface p2p0 link down 05-29 11:26:24.233 13384 13979 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 4 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 0 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addMessagePreference id:2131894528 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:24.234 20090 20115 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:24.235 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:24.236 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged p2p0, false 05-29 11:26:24.236 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged p2p0, false 05-29 11:26:24.238 4808 4850 D Tethering: ignore interface down for p2p0 05-29 11:26:24.249 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:24.249 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 1 05-29 11:26:24.249 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:24.249 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:24.250 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:24.250 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: showOffNessage To improve location accuracy, apps and services may scan for Wi-Fi networks even when Wi-Fi is turned off. To stop this from happening, turn off Wi-Fi scanning in LINK_BEGINImprove accuracy settingsLINK_END. 05-29 11:26:24.255 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:24.256 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:24.256 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.258 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:24.259 20090 20122 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:24.260 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:24.261 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiDirectAllowed 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.262 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:24.263 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:24.263 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.265 20090 20122 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:24.265 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.265 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.265 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.265 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.265 20090 20122 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:24.266 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:24.267 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:24.267 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:24.267 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:24.267 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:24.267 4808 4808 I PersonaManagerService::Proxy: newPackage is com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Help, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:24.269 4808 4808 I DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.samsung.android.contacts 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:24.269 20090 20122 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:24.270 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:24.271 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:24.271 20090 20122 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:24.271 20090 20122 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:24.271 20090 20122 D TileUtils: getCategories took 47 ms 05-29 11:26:24.271 4808 4808 I DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 95: now null 05-29 11:26:24.272 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:24.272 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:24.272 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:24.272 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:24.272 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:24.273 4808 4808 D RCPManagerService: PackageReceiver onReceive() 05-29 11:26:24.274 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:24.274 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:24.274 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:24.275 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:24.275 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:24.276 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:24.277 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:24.283 20298 20298 D SamsungAnalytics:109037: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:26:24.298 4808 4841 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.samsung.android.themestore/.activity.bixby.SearchActivityForBixby: Search label must be a resource reference. 05-29 11:26:24.307 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.307 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.334 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: onPackageModified com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.334 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: - hadPrintService false 05-29 11:26:24.334 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: - hasPrintService false 05-29 11:26:24.336 4808 4841 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.printspooler user:0 05-29 11:26:24.336 4808 4841 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:24.336 4808 4841 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.printspooler user:0 05-29 11:26:24.336 4808 4841 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:26:24.349 20315 20315 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:26:24.353 20315 20315 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:26:24.354 20315 20315 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=release, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:26:24.362 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.362 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:26:24.374 20298 20298 D SamsungAnalytics:109037: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.09.037 05-29 11:26:24.376 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Service: changeItem 05-29 11:26:24.377 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:24.381 4808 6215 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10155 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:24.383 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10155 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:26:24.383 20315 20315 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:26:24.385 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:24.385 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:24.391 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:24.391 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:24.399 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.399 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:24.405 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.408 20298 20329 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:24.408 20315 20315 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.408 20315 20315 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:26:24.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.418 20298 20314 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:24.427 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:24.427 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:24.432 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.432 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:24.432 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link down 05-29 11:26:24.433 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false 05-29 11:26:24.433 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false 05-29 11:26:24.433 4808 4850 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0 05-29 11:26:24.437 4282 5442 E WifiHAL : wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0 (Success) 05-29 11:26:24.437 4282 5442 D WifiHAL : Got a signal to exit!!! 05-29 11:26:24.437 4282 5442 I WifiHAL : Exit wifi_event_loop 05-29 11:26:24.438 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0 (Success) 05-29 11:26:24.438 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Event processing terminated 05-29 11:26:24.438 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Internal cleanup completed 05-29 11:26:24.441 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.441 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:24.445 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.445 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:24.448 20315 20315 D PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state. 05-29 11:26:24.449 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.449 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:24.452 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.452 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:26:24.458 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.462 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.462 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:26:24.464 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Utils: isPackageEnabled 0 05-29 11:26:24.465 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Utils: isComponentEnabled 0 05-29 11:26:24.465 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Service: changeAppPairItem 05-29 11:26:24.469 20298 20329 D AppsEdge.Service: updatePanel 05-29 11:26:24.470 20315 20333 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:26:24.471 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.472 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.474 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:24.476 19241 19258 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Loading module via FirebaseOptions. 05-29 11:26:24.476 19241 19258 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create service connection to gms implementation 05-29 11:26:24.476 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:24.476 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:24.480 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:24.480 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:24.485 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.486 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:24.491 20298 20329 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:24.500 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:24.500 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:24.504 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.504 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:24.505 6221 7184 D LauncherApps: onPackageChanged 0,com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.505 6221 6221 D Launcher.Model: onPackageChanged:com.android.settings user:UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:24.506 6221 6221 D Launcher.Model: isValidStateInKnoxMode:false user:UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:24.506 6221 6304 D Launcher.Model: Loader.updatePackage com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.508 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.508 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:24.512 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.512 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:24.517 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.517 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:24.521 6221 6304 D LauncherApps: getActivityList callingUserId: 0, target user: 0 05-29 11:26:24.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.521 20298 20329 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.522 6221 6304 V LauncherApps: Returning activity for profile UserHandle{0} : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:24.526 20298 20329 I AppsHelpContainer: count=8 shouldShowBeginnerHelp=false 05-29 11:26:24.533 7531 7531 I CocktailBarUiController: onUpdateCocktail: 4 05-29 11:26:24.534 7531 7531 I CocktailBarPanelManager: updatePanelItem: updateContainedPanel - 4 05-29 11:26:24.534 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: onReceiveContentInfo action=com.samsung.android.app.appsedge.action.panel.update, 102047429 05-29 11:26:24.534 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:24.534 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=0, server addr is, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:24.537 6221 6304 D LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.android.settings, supportTheme: false, height: 192, width: 192, density: 640 05-29 11:26:24.542 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:24.542 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:24.548 6221 6304 D skia : Encode PNG Singlethread processname=com.sec.android.app.launcher : 8912 us, width=174, height=174 05-29 11:26:24.549 6221 6304 D skia : Encode PNG Singlethread processname=com.sec.android.app.launcher : 470 us, width=34, height=34 05-29 11:26:24.550 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:24.551 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:24.559 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.559 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:24.563 7531 7531 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:24.565 6221 6304 D LauncherApps: getActivityList callingUserId: 0, target user: 0 05-29 11:26:24.566 6221 6304 V LauncherApps: Returning activity for profile UserHandle{0} : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:24.566 6221 6304 D DataLoader: updatePackage:com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:24.567 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater 05-29 11:26:24.567 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater cn = ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} , UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:24.569 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:24.569 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:24.569 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater update item = IconInfo(title=Settings intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings (has extras) } id=44 type=0 container=-102 screen=0 cellX=3 cellY=3 spanX=1 spanY=1 rank=18 hidden=0 dropPos=null user=UserHandle{0}) 05-29 11:26:24.569 6221 6304 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:24.569 6221 6304 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:26:24.571 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.571 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:24.571 6221 6304 I PostPositionController: addItem() - com.android.settings, isWidgetOnly : true 05-29 11:26:24.574 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.574 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:24.574 6221 6304 D WidgetLoader: ignore dirty because widgets are not changed 05-29 11:26:24.576 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.576 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:24.578 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.578 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:24.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.579 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.581 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:24.588 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.youtube 05-29 11:26:24.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.590 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.android.chrome 05-29 11:26:24.606 7531 7531 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 05-29 11:26:24.606 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 306975(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 56(1296KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 47MB/71MB, paused 864us total 154.940ms 05-29 11:26:24.613 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 05-29 11:26:24.613 7531 7531 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 05-29 11:26:24.616 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 05-29 11:26:24.616 20340 20340 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:24.618 20155 20166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.618 20155 20166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.enhance.gameservice 05-29 11:26:24.618 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:26:24.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.620 4808 5409 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:26:24.620 4808 5409 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:26:24.620 4808 5409 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:26:24.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.620 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.tachyon 05-29 11:26:24.620 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:24.621 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: updateItems 05-29 11:26:24.621 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:24.622 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:24.622 12481 12560 D ytrace : Try next server! 05-29 11:26:24.622 12481 12560 D ytrace : Update server info ... 05-29 11:26:24.623 7531 7531 D PanelDescriptionView: updateHelpView: Apps edge2130968577 --> 2130968577 helpview reapplied0 05-29 11:26:24.623 12481 12560 D ytrace : start query to _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net, ret=1 05-29 11:26:24.623 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=1, ret=2 05-29 11:26:24.623 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV[1] wf053.iptnet.net 80 1 1 05-29 11:26:24.623 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:24.623 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=1, port index=1 05-29 11:26:24.624 7531 7531 D PanelDescriptionView: updateHelpView: Apps edge2130968577 --> 2130968577 helpview reapplied0 05-29 11:26:24.624 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: postUpdatePanel: 1 05-29 11:26:24.625 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:24.629 4441 20346 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:24.629 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:24.630 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:24.632 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:24.641 4282 4282 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 205 ms 05-29 11:26:24.642 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal stopped 05-29 11:26:24.653 20155 20164 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 05-29 11:26:24.654 20155 20164 E System : java.lang.AssertionError: Failed to close dex file in finalizer. 05-29 11:26:24.654 20155 20164 E System : at dalvik.system.DexFile.finalize(DexFile.java:336) 05-29 11:26:24.654 20155 20164 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 05-29 11:26:24.654 20155 20164 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 05-29 11:26:24.654 20155 20164 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 05-29 11:26:24.654 20155 20164 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:26:24.679 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.728 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.795 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.830 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.830 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:24.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.836 20186 20196 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.836 20186 20196 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent 05-29 11:26:24.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.895 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.959 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:24.959 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:26:24.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:24.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:24.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:24.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.151 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.153 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.184 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:25.185 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:26:25.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.255 6448 6482 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.255 6448 6482 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.contacts 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:25.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.265 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.98}]} 05-29 11:26:25.274 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.98}]} 05-29 11:26:25.281 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:25.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.361 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.363 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.478 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.479 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.521 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=576469192000 05-29 11:26:25.521 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=576469192000 05-29 11:26:25.522 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.71 ] when=576469192000 05-29 11:26:25.522 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:25.523 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:25.524 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:25.534 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=1, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:25.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.580 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=576527899000 05-29 11:26:25.580 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=576527899000 05-29 11:26:25.580 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=576527899000 05-29 11:26:25.580 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:25.581 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:25.611 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up 05-29 11:26:25.612 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:25.612 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:25.613 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Initializing wifi 05-29 11:26:25.613 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Creating socket 05-29 11:26:25.616 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103 05-29 11:26:25.617 4282 4282 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 972 ms 05-29 11:26:25.617 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:26:25.626 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal started successfully 05-29 11:26:25.626 4808 5037 D WificondControl: Setting up driver for client mode 05-29 11:26:25.631 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0 05-29 11:26:25.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.632 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.641 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:25.642 4441 20361 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:25.642 6102 20358 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:25.644 4808 5037 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can't call setDebugParams, ISupplicant is null 05-29 11:26:25.645 6102 20358 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:25.662 20359 20359 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:25.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:25.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:25.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:25.686 20362 20362 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:25.691 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:25.692 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:25.692 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=2, port index=2 05-29 11:26:25.693 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:25.698 4441 20368 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:25.699 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:25.699 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:25.702 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:25.782 20363 20363 D libmdf : libmdf v2.8.0.5 On 64bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL 05-29 11:26:25.785 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: Processing hidl events on FD 6 05-29 11:26:25.791 4808 20293 I zygote64: Looking for service android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default 05-29 11:26:25.791 4808 5481 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: IServiceNotification.onRegistration for: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant, default preexisting=false 05-29 11:26:25.791 4808 5481 I zygote64: Looking for service android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default 05-29 11:26:25.792 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:25.793 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:25.793 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:25.793 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:25.793 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:25.793 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:25.793 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:25.794 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:25.794 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:25.794 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:25.794 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:25.794 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:25.794 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:25.795 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:25.795 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:25.795 20363 20363 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:25.795 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: [wpa_supplicant_init]: use SECRIL 05-29 11:26:25.795 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant 05-29 11:26:25.798 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: set_csc_config : ifname(wlan0), opbranding_flags(0x0), boolean_flags(0x400), vendorssid_list() 05-29 11:26:25.798 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:25.798 4808 20293 I zygote64: Starting thread pool. 05-29 11:26:25.799 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:25.799 4808 5481 I zygote64: Starting thread pool. 05-29 11:26:25.800 20363 20363 E wpa_supplicant: getSavedIMSI cannot open /data/misc/radio/kmem: No such file or directory 05-29 11:26:25.800 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: [getIMSI]: sim_num 0 05-29 11:26:25.807 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device 05-29 11:26:25.852 12481 20344 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:25.855 12481 20344 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:25.855 12481 20344 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:25.861 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: set_csc_config : ifname(p2p0), opbranding_flags(0x0), boolean_flags(0x0), vendorssid_list() 05-29 11:26:25.861 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:25.861 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:25.862 20363 20363 E wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not configure driver mode 05-29 11:26:25.862 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=p2p0 disabled_11b_rates=0 05-29 11:26:25.862 20363 20363 E wpa_supplicant: p2p0: Failed to initialize driver interface 05-29 11:26:25.866 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: set_csc_config : ifname(p2p0), opbranding_flags(0x0), boolean_flags(0x0), vendorssid_list() 05-29 11:26:25.866 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:25.867 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:25.874 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot get wiphy information 05-29 11:26:25.883 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Set prekey state (NONE -> NONE) 05-29 11:26:25.885 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering getInterface() 05-29 11:26:25.886 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: getInterface() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:25.887 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving getInterface() with result = vendor.samsung.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISecSupplicantP2pIface@Proxy 05-29 11:26:25.887 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering registerCallback() 05-29 11:26:25.888 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: registerCallback() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:25.888 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving registerCallback() 05-29 11:26:25.888 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering registerCallbackEx() 05-29 11:26:25.889 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: registerCallbackEx() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:25.889 4808 5481 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving registerCallbackEx() 05-29 11:26:25.889 4808 5481 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: Completed initialization of ISupplicant interfaces. 05-29 11:26:25.889 4808 20293 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: registered extended callback for Samsung 05-29 11:26:25.889 4808 20293 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Completed initialization of ISupplicant interfaces. 05-29 11:26:25.938 12481 20344 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:25.939 12481 20344 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:25.939 12481 20344 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:25.939 12481 20344 I ytrace : End of SRV query process ... result num = 2 05-29 11:26:26.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:26.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.097 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:26.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:26.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:26.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:26.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:26.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.372 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1}]} 05-29 11:26:26.383 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1}]} 05-29 11:26:26.388 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:26.409 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:26.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:26.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:26.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:26.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:26.414 20220 20232 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:26.419 20220 20232 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic 05-29 11:26:26.448 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=577396526000 05-29 11:26:26.449 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=577396526000 05-29 11:26:26.449 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.72 ] when=577396526000 05-29 11:26:26.450 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:26.450 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:26.451 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:26.549 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=577497328000 05-29 11:26:26.549 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=577497328000 05-29 11:26:26.549 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=577497328000 05-29 11:26:26.549 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:26.550 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:26.569 7531 12195 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:26.574 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onPause 05-29 11:26:26.575 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: pause 05-29 11:26:26.576 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.578 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:26.584 4808 5409 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:26.584 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:26.584 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 20090 05-29 11:26:26.585 7531 12195 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:26.592 20090 20375 D Settings: packageName : com.android.settings className : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.619 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:26.630 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.632 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:26.632 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:26.635 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=2, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:26.635 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:26.636 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:26.636 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.638 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:26.643 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothManager: LocalBluetoothManager :: sInstance == null 05-29 11:26:26.646 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothManager: LocalBluetoothManager :: constructor 05-29 11:26:26.646 4808 5037 D WifiConfigManager: Legacy store files not found. No migration needed! 05-29 11:26:26.646 20090 20090 D BluetoothEventManager: BluetoothEventManager Constructor :: 05-29 11:26:26.648 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: PANU : true 05-29 11:26:26.648 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: addWifiPktLogFilter 05-29 11:26:26.648 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: addWifiPktLogFilter success 05-29 11:26:26.650 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: 05-29 11:26:26.651 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local A2DP profile 05-29 11:26:26.652 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19 05-29 11:26:26.652 20090 20090 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:26:26.652 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Sending mac address OUI 05-29 11:26:26.653 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local HEADSET profile 05-29 11:26:26.654 20090 20090 D BluetoothHeadset: BTStateChangeCB is registed (20090 @ com.android.settings) 05-29 11:26:26.655 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Handsfree Uuid not found. 05-29 11:26:26.655 20090 20090 D BluetoothMap: Create BluetoothMap proxy object 05-29 11:26:26.659 20090 20090 D BluetoothSap: Create BluetoothSap proxy object 05-29 11:26:26.661 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Adding local Spp profile 05-29 11:26:26.662 20090 20090 W LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Warning: SAP profile was previously added. 05-29 11:26:26.662 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete 05-29 11:26:26.662 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothManager: LocalBluetoothManager :: onInitCallback != null 05-29 11:26:26.662 20090 20090 D TAG : isSupportDeviceVisibility - isSupportD2d true 05-29 11:26:26.667 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideAdvancedCalling: Exception 05-29 11:26:26.667 20090 20090 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown component: ComponentInfo{com.samsung.advancedcalling/com.samsung.advancedcalling.VzwAdvancedCalling} 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1962) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1904) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.content.pm.IPackageManager$Stub$Proxy.getComponentEnabledSetting(IPackageManager.java:5728) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getComponentEnabledSetting(ApplicationPackageManager.java:2788) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.Utils.isHideAdvancedCalling(Utils.java:1038) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.samsung.android.settings.ConnectionsSettings.onCreate(ConnectionsSettings.java:286) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.Fragment.performCreate(Fragment.java:2593) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1234) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.addAddedFragments(FragmentManager.java:2421) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.executeOpsTogether(FragmentManager.java:2200) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.removeRedundantOperationsAndExecute(FragmentManager.java:2154) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:2055) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.executePendingTransactions(FragmentManager.java:798) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.switchToFragment(SettingsActivity.java:1988) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.launchSettingFragment(SettingsActivity.java:1317) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.onCreate(SettingsActivity.java:1131) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.samsung.android.settings.SettingsActivityWrapper.onCreate(SettingsActivityWrapper.java:37) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:26:26.668 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideAdvancedCalling: isEnabled = true 05-29 11:26:26.670 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideMobileNetworks: isEnabled = 0 05-29 11:26:26.671 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: for mobile_networks -> phoneType: 1 05-29 11:26:26.672 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 Status : ABSENT, SIM2 Status : ABSENT 05-29 11:26:26.672 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 icc_type : true, SIM2 icc_type : true 05-29 11:26:26.672 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: wificalling activity is not supported: .callsettings.WifiCallActivity 05-29 11:26:26.672 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isSupportWifiCalling: false 05-29 11:26:26.673 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isEnabledWifiCallingActivity: false 05-29 11:26:26.673 20090 20090 D mptcp_settings: isSupportMptcp: false 05-29 11:26:26.673 20090 20090 D mptcp_settings: isSupportMptcp: false 05-29 11:26:26.678 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:26.678 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:26.694 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStart consume time = 12644.81176 05-29 11:26:26.694 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStart consume time = 0.217846 05-29 11:26:26.695 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: start 05-29 11:26:26.695 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.695 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.696 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.697 5236 8357 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:26.697 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.697 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.698 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SimSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.698 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:26.698 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PowerUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.699 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UserSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:26.700 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=TW 05-29 11:26:26.700 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.700 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.701 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.701 4808 5037 D WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: TW 05-29 11:26:26.701 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.701 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcOsaifukeitaiSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:26.701 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:26.701 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 116, expected len = 256 05-29 11:26:26.702 4808 6215 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:26:26.702 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:26.702 4808 6215 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:26:26.702 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 112, expected len = 256 05-29 11:26:26.702 4808 6215 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:26:26.702 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PaymentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.703 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Driver: Dongle Host Driver, version 100.11.3 (r) 05-29 11:26:26.703 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd_100_10 on Apr 10 2018 at 10:46:23 Firmware: Firmware: wl0: Jan 17 2018 20:10:17 version 13.48.6 (B2 Network/rsdb) FWID 01-72bc2bd6 05-29 11:26:26.703 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Chip: 4347 Rev 5 Pkg 0 05-29 11:26:26.703 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.703 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Start get packet fate command 05-29 11:26:26.703 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : createRequest Monitor packet fate request 05-29 11:26:26.703 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:26:26.704 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:26:26.704 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -3 05-29 11:26:26.704 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:26:26.704 5236 8357 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:26:26.704 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: startPktFateMonitoring(l.1841) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 05-29 11:26:26.704 4808 5037 W WifiDiags: Failed to start packet fate monitoring 05-29 11:26:26.704 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:26:26.705 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.706 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:26.707 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.709 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DockSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:26.709 20090 20127 D Settings_Utils: isSupportMultiResolution:true productFeature:true floating:true 05-29 11:26:26.709 20090 20127 D Settings_Utils: isSupportBoostMode: true // highPerfFeature:true resolutionFeature:true 05-29 11:26:26.709 20090 20127 D Settings_Utils: isGameModeEnabled: false 05-29 11:26:26.710 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.711 4808 6215 D UcmService: getKeyguardStorageForCurrentUser : 0 05-29 11:26:26.711 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:26.711 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:26.711 4808 6215 D UcmService: isFileExist : false 05-29 11:26:26.711 20090 20090 D Settings_SA: insertFlowLog(3005) 05-29 11:26:26.711 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.712 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.712 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: resume 05-29 11:26:26.712 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.713 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.714 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isNFCEnabled 05-29 11:26:26.714 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.714 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isNFCEnabled/-1 05-29 11:26:26.715 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.715 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 16 selection = isNFCStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.715 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isNFCStateChangeAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:26.716 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 15 selection = isAndroidBeamAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.716 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.716 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isAndroidBeamAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:26.716 20090 20090 D NfcEnabler: isNFCEnabled = -1 , isNFCStateChangeAllowed = -1 , isAndroidBeamAllowed = -1 05-29 11:26:26.716 20090 20090 I NfcEnabler: mBeamDisallowedBySystem : false 05-29 11:26:26.716 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.717 20090 20090 I NfcEnabler: beamshare state is true 05-29 11:26:26.717 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PersonalPageSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:26.717 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:26.717 4808 6215 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:26.718 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.718 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.719 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.719 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.719 4808 6215 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:26.720 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PenSettingsMenuActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:26.720 20090 20127 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:26.720 20090 20127 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:26.721 20090 20090 W Settings: Setting location_providers_allowed has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning Secure URI. 05-29 11:26:26.723 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsBase: Location mode has been changed 05-29 11:26:26.723 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.724 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isSettingsChangesAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:26.724 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 12 selection = isLocationProviderBlocked 05-29 11:26:26.726 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isLocationProviderBlocked/-1 05-29 11:26:26.727 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 12 selection = isLocationProviderBlocked 05-29 11:26:26.727 4808 5037 I WifiScanningService: semSetWifiState wifiState 3 05-29 11:26:26.727 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isLocationProviderBlocked/-1 05-29 11:26:26.727 4808 4808 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 3 05-29 11:26:26.727 4808 5063 D RttService: DefaultState got{ when=-1ms what=160512 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:26.728 4808 5061 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=16 05-29 11:26:26.728 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 12 selection = isGPSStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.729 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isGPSStateChangeAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:26.729 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:26.729 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsBase: isSettingsChangesAllowed = -1, isLocationProviderBlockedGPS = -1, isLocationProviderBlockedNetwork = -1, isLocationGPSStateChangeAllowed = -1 05-29 11:26:26.729 4808 5063 D RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160516 obj=android.net.wifi.IClientInterface$Stub$Proxy@82b643c target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:26.729 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsBase: isRestricted() mdmRestricted= false UserRestricted = false 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsEnabler: onModeChanged : mSwitch = true 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.730 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.731 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:26.733 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 3 selection = isBluetoothEnabled 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.733 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.734 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:26.734 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.735 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:26.735 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.735 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.735 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.735 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.735 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 D LocalBluetoothProfileManager: Handsfree Uuid not found. 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 W LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: MAP profile was previously added but the UUID is now missing. 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 W LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: PBAP profile was previously added but the UUID is now missing. 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 W LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: SAP profile was previously added but the UUID is now missing. 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 W LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: HID profile was previously added but the UUID is now missing. 05-29 11:26:26.736 20090 20090 W LocalBluetoothProfileManager: updateLocalProfiles :: Spp profile was created already 05-29 11:26:26.737 20090 20090 D BluetoothEnabler: handleStateChanged:: state : 12 05-29 11:26:26.737 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:26.737 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:26.737 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:26.737 20090 20090 E BluetoothEnabler: maybeEnforceRestrictions :: can not get restriction policy 05-29 11:26:26.737 20090 20090 E BluetoothEnabler: maybeEnforceRestrictions :: can not get restriction policy 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:26.738 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:26.739 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:26.740 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:26.740 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:26.740 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:26.741 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:26.741 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:26.741 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Help, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:26.742 20380 20380 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:26.742 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:26.743 20090 20127 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:26.743 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:26.743 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:26.744 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:26.744 20090 20127 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:26.744 20090 20127 D TileUtils: getCategories took 24 ms 05-29 11:26:26.744 20090 20127 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:26.744 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isEnabledWifiCallingActivity: false 05-29 11:26:26.744 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideMobileNetworks: isEnabled = 0 05-29 11:26:26.745 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: for mobile_networks -> phoneType: 1 05-29 11:26:26.745 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 Status : ABSENT, SIM2 Status : ABSENT 05-29 11:26:26.745 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 icc_type : true, SIM2 icc_type : true 05-29 11:26:26.746 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:26.746 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:26.746 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=3, port index=3 05-29 11:26:26.747 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:26.749 4441 20383 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:26.749 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:26.749 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:26.750 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:26.751 20090 20090 W drawable: Bad element under : item 05-29 11:26:26.751 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:26.751 20090 20090 W drawable: Bad element under : item 05-29 11:26:26.752 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:26.753 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: checkCarrierByodCondition: byod condition - carrierid:BRI, sales_code:BRI,false 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:26.754 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:26.755 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:26.755 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.755 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.755 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.755 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.756 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.756 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.756 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:26.756 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:26.756 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.757 20090 20127 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:26.757 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.757 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.757 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.757 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.757 20090 20127 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:26.758 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:26.758 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:26.758 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:26.758 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:26.758 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:26.759 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: setView = DecorView@7c4faf5[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:26.761 4808 5012 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Help, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:26.761 20090 20127 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:26.762 20090 20127 D TileUtils: getCategories took 18 ms 05-29 11:26:26.764 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring 05-29 11:26:26.764 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:26.767 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=31 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:26.768 4808 5012 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:26.769 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:26.770 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 20090 05-29 11:26:26.771 20090 20090 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:26.771 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530017394688} changed=true 05-29 11:26:26.777 20090 20126 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:26.777 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b676ec690 05-29 11:26:26.802 20090 20090 D BluetoothPan: BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected 05-29 11:26:26.802 20090 20090 D PanProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.805 20090 20090 D A2dpProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.806 5191 5202 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectedDevices : size=0 05-29 11:26:26.806 20090 20090 D BluetoothMap: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:26:26.806 20090 20090 D MapProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.806 20090 20090 D BluetoothMap: getConnectedDevices() 05-29 11:26:26.808 20090 20090 D BluetoothPbap: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:26:26.808 20090 20090 D PbapServerProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.808 20090 20090 D BluetoothSap: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:26:26.808 20090 20090 D SapProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.808 20090 20090 D BluetoothInputDevice: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:26:26.809 20090 20090 D HidProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.810 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isEnabledWifiCallingActivity: false 05-29 11:26:26.810 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideMobileNetworks: isEnabled = 0 05-29 11:26:26.811 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: for mobile_networks -> phoneType: 1 05-29 11:26:26.811 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 Status : ABSENT, SIM2 Status : ABSENT 05-29 11:26:26.811 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 icc_type : true, SIM2 icc_type : true 05-29 11:26:26.811 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:26.811 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:26.812 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:26.812 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:26.812 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:26.812 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:26.813 20090 20090 D HeadsetProfile: Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:26:26.817 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:26.817 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:26.817 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:26.817 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:26.817 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:26.845 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:26.845 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:26.849 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:26.850 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity: +265ms 05-29 11:26:26.850 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@c3107d8 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:26.851 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@14c67eb inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@82a04be nm = com.android.settings controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#113 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 V InputMethodManagerService: Window asks to hide input 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:26.851 4808 5012 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@82a04be missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:26.852 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:26.852 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:26.852 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 15 selection = isAirplaneModeAllowed 05-29 11:26:26.853 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:26.854 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isAirplaneModeAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:26.854 20090 20090 I SecAirPlaneModeEnabler: onAirplaneModeChanged= true 05-29 11:26:26.856 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=32 createSurf (1080x2220),-1 flag=20004, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 05-29 11:26:26.859 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:26.871 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b90636840 05-29 11:26:26.871 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7b8d636000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7b8d76ee60 05-29 11:26:26.874 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038460 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a300 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 46.0 2220.0 | 1034 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:26.876 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:26.887 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:26.887 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:26.887 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:26.887 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038460 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 1.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1079 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]gs$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a300 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 101.0 2220.0 | 979 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservi 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ce.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:26.892 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:27.008 12628 12639 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:27.009 12628 12639 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.rsupport.mobizen.cn.k.sec 05-29 11:26:27.036 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:27.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:27.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:27.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:27.139 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:27.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:27.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:27.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:27.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:27.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:27.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:27.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:27.257 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=32 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 (3/9) 05-29 11:26:27.257 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=32 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:27.259 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:27.262 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onStop 05-29 11:26:27.262 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: stop 05-29 11:26:27.263 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: stopTracking 05-29 11:26:27.263 20090 20090 D ConnectivityManager: unregisterNetworkCallback; CallingUid : 1000, CallingPid : 20090 05-29 11:26:27.263 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStop consume time = 569.379269 05-29 11:26:27.263 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStop consume time = 0.087077 05-29 11:26:27.270 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onDestroyView, mListAnimationView is removed 05-29 11:26:27.271 4295 4295 I Layer : id=32 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 05-29 11:26:27.274 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@1e9e1d8[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:26:27.274 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'b6c13e1 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:26:27.274 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'b6c13e1 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:26:27.275 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=30 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 (2/8) 05-29 11:26:27.275 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=30 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:27.287 4295 4295 I Layer : id=30 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:27.473 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:26:27.478 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:26:27.480 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:27.734 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=3, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:27.809 20391 20391 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D ytrace : Exceed max retry (4) for registration ... server index = 1 (2) 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REG_READY => REG_READY 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D ytrace : has tried all servers 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server wf053.iptnet.net fail, reconnect after 7 second(s)... 05-29 11:26:27.813 12481 12560 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=4, arg1=5, arg2=-828878852, lineId=0 05-29 11:26:27.815 12481 12560 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_FAIL' subEvent='C2C_SRV_NO_RESP' 05-29 11:26:27.815 12481 12560 D MainService: onRegisterListener onFailure 05-29 11:26:27.817 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:27.825 4441 20394 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:27.826 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:27.826 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:27.832 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:28.046 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.293 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=579241331000 05-29 11:26:28.294 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=579241331000 05-29 11:26:28.294 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.73 ] when=579241331000 05-29 11:26:28.295 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:28.295 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:28.296 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:28.377 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=579325374000 05-29 11:26:28.377 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=579325374000 05-29 11:26:28.377 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=579325374000 05-29 11:26:28.378 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:28.378 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:28.404 4808 5012 I CustomStartingWindowData: CustomStartingWindow : com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SettingsisFixedOrientationfalse 05-29 11:26:28.404 7531 12195 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.410 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: pause 05-29 11:26:28.410 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@432a8e9[settings]: setView = DecorView@bb1880f[settings] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:28.412 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:28.414 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:28.415 20090 20090 D BluetoothEnabler: pause :: unregister BroadcastReceiver 05-29 11:26:28.415 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 3 selection = isBluetoothEnabled 05-29 11:26:28.420 4808 5012 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:28.420 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:28.421 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 20090 05-29 11:26:28.422 7531 12195 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:28.423 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@432a8e9[settings]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:28.427 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=33 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.428 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:28.429 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@432a8e9[settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530463350784} changed=true 05-29 11:26:28.430 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@432a8e9[settings]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:28.432 20090 20396 D Settings: packageName : com.android.settings className : com.android.settings.Settings 05-29 11:26:28.457 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:28.457 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: onCreate took 17 ms 05-29 11:26:28.457 20090 20399 W SuggestionParser: readSuggestions category : com.android.settings.suggested.category.DOCOMO 05-29 11:26:28.458 20090 20399 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.458 20090 20399 W SuggestionParser: readSuggestions category : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.459 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: adapter created 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20090 D DashboardData: mContext : com.android.settings.Settings@c36e2aa 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: onViewCreated took 1 ms 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI() 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20090 I DashboardSummary: rebuildUI mIsEnableCategories : false mIsRunningSuggestionLoader : false 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20399 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$FOTASuggestionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 1 05-29 11:26:28.460 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.461 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Software update 05-29 11:26:28.461 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.461 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.settings.AODCheckUpdate, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.461 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.461 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 1 05-29 11:26:28.461 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.468 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStart consume time = 1204.599038 05-29 11:26:28.468 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStart consume time = 0.136423 05-29 11:26:28.469 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:28.471 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:28.471 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:26:28.471 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Always On Display 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.CheckUpdate, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 1 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.472 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SimSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PowerUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Edge screen 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent.settings.KnoxSettingsAboutKnoxActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 1 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.474 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UserSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:28.475 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.475 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:28.475 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:28.475 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.475 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcOsaifukeitaiSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PaymentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20090 E AccessibilityManager: semUpdateAssitantMenu invoking from manager: 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Workspace 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.476 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.knox.securefolder, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.knox.securefolder.containeragent.ui.settings.KnoxSettingsAboutKnoxActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.477 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.477 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 1 05-29 11:26:28.477 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.knox.securefolder, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.477 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: SolidColor | | 0000 | Unknown | -0.2 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8 | 0 0 1080 2220 | animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 1 1079 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:28.477 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:28.478 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20090 D Settings_SA: insertFlowLog(35) 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Secure Folder 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.inputmethod, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.inputmethod.implement.setting.AboutSamsungKeyboard, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.inputmethod, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: onResume took 0 ms 05-29 11:26:28.479 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.481 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DockSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:28.481 20090 20147 D Settings_Utils: isSupportMultiResolution:true productFeature:true floating:true 05-29 11:26:28.481 20090 20147 D Settings_Utils: isSupportBoostMode: true // highPerfFeature:true resolutionFeature:true 05-29 11:26:28.481 20090 20147 D Settings_Utils: isGameModeEnabled: false 05-29 11:26:28.482 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.483 4808 5623 D UcmService: getKeyguardStorageForCurrentUser : 0 05-29 11:26:28.483 4808 5623 D UcmService: isFileExist : false 05-29 11:26:28.483 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.483 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.483 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: setView = DecorView@d1229f3[Settings] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Samsung Keyboard 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : false, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.inputmethod.beta, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.inputmethod.implement.setting.AboutSamsungKeyboard, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:28.484 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : false, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.inputmethod.beta, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.485 4808 5012 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:28.485 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:28.485 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.486 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring 05-29 11:26:28.486 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:28.486 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.487 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.489 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.489 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PersonalPageSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:28.489 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:28.490 4808 5012 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.491 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.492 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.492 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.492 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.492 4808 5012 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.493 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PenSettingsMenuActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:28.494 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:28.494 20090 20147 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:28.495 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=34 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.496 4808 5623 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:28.499 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 20090 05-29 11:26:28.501 20090 20090 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:28.501 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530702266368} changed=true 05-29 11:26:28.503 20090 20126 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:28.503 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b90636840 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20090 D DashboardData: mContext : com.android.settings.Settings@c36e2aa 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(0) : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(1) : Device 05-29 11:26:28.504 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(2) : Personal 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(3) : System 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.505 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.506 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:28.506 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.506 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.506 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.506 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.507 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.507 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.507 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.507 20090 20090 D DashboardData: cloud_account_settings, mContext : com.android.settings.Settings@c36e2aa 05-29 11:26:28.507 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:28.507 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.508 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:28.508 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.508 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.508 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.508 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.508 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.509 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:28.511 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:28.511 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:28.511 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:28.512 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Samsung Keyboard 05-29 11:26:28.512 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_NEW_UPDATE 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: checkCarrierByodCondition: byod condition - carrierid:BRI, sales_code:BRI,false 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:28.513 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:28.515 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:28.515 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:28.515 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:28.515 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:28.515 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI() 05-29 11:26:28.516 20090 20399 W SuggestionParser: readSuggestions category : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20399 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 3 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivityForCard, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.517 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:28.518 20090 20147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.519 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:28.519 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20147 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20147 D TileUtils: getCategories took 26 ms 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Device maintenance 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivityForCard, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20147 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Extend your battery life 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.security.SecurityActivityForCard, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: new Tile() 05-29 11:26:28.520 20090 20399 I TileUtils: priority : 0 05-29 11:26:28.521 20090 20399 I TileUtils: updateTileData applicationInfo.isSystemApp() : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, SETTING_PKG : com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:28.521 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile Device security 05-29 11:26:28.521 20090 20399 D TileUtils: Adding tile category com.android.settings.suggested.category.SEC_SETTINGS_ONLY 05-29 11:26:28.522 20090 20399 D DashboardSummary: suggestions.size() : 3 05-29 11:26:28.522 20090 20399 D DashboardSummary: suggestions.get(i).size() : 0 05-29 11:26:28.522 20090 20399 D DashboardSummary: suggestions.get(i).size() : 7 05-29 11:26:28.525 20090 20090 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 20090 05-29 11:26:28.527 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: hideSoftInputFromWindow ignore mServedView == null or mServedView.getWindowToken() != windowToken, mServedView :android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView{3f0fdba VFED.V... .F....ID 0,0-1080,2004 #7f0a04af app:id/list}, adapter:com.android.settings.SettingsPreferenceFragment$HighlightablePreferenceGroupAdapter@2c6e46b, layout:android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutManager@e0a0bc8, context:android.view.ContextThemeWrapper@e8e2461 05-29 11:26:28.528 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.wssyncmldm, count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.528 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:28.528 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.settings, count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.528 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings, count : -1 05-29 11:26:28.529 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent, count : -1 05-29 11:26:28.529 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.samsung.knox.securefolder, count : -1 05-29 11:26:28.529 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.sec.android.inputmethod, count : -1 05-29 11:26:28.529 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.sec.android.inputmethod, count : -1 05-29 11:26:28.529 20090 20399 D DashboardSummary: suggestions.get(i).size() : 3 05-29 11:26:28.529 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.samsung.android.lool, count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.530 20090 20399 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.530 20090 20399 D SuggestionsChecks: hadBadgeCount : com.samsung.android.lool, count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.533 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:28.534 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:28.535 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:28.536 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.537 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:28.538 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:28.538 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20090 D Settings: mProfileContentObserver register 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.539 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:28.540 20090 20090 D Settings: loadProfileImage 05-29 11:26:28.540 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:28.540 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:28.540 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:28.541 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:28.543 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b676ec690 05-29 11:26:28.543 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7b90671c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7b8d995640 05-29 11:26:28.544 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:28.544 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:28.544 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:28.544 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:28.545 20090 20147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.546 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:28.546 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:28.546 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:28.546 20090 20147 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:28.546 20090 20147 D TileUtils: getCategories took 26 ms 05-29 11:26:28.546 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:28.549 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.554 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.558 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.561 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.563 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.564 5236 5243 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=124KB, data=59KB 05-29 11:26:28.565 5236 5243 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=124KB, data=59KB 05-29 11:26:28.565 5236 5243 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB 05-29 11:26:28.570 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.573 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.573 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:28.575 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:28.578 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: getSmartManagerBadgeCount badgeCount : 0 05-29 11:26:28.579 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:28.580 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.580 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:28.582 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.584 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.587 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:28.611 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@432a8e9[settings]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:26:28.611 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '63f196e Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:26:28.611 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '63f196e Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:26:28.611 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +188ms 05-29 11:26:28.617 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:28.617 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:28.619 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@fbd5bb8 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:28.619 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@14c67eb inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@35223d0 nm = com.android.settings controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#113 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: Window asks to hide input 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:28.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@35223d0 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:28.620 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:28.620 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:28.620 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 D DashboardSummary: rebuildUI() 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 I DashboardSummary: rebuildUI mIsEnableCategories : true mIsRunningSuggestionLoader : true 05-29 11:26:28.620 20090 20090 D DashboardData: mContext : com.android.settings.Settings@c36e2aa 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: hasSettingsSuggestion(0) : 0 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: hasSettingsSuggestion(1) : 0 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: hasSettingsSuggestion(2) : 0 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(0) : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(1) : Device 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(2) : Personal 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: buildItemsData(), category(3) : System 05-29 11:26:28.621 20090 20090 D DashboardData: cloud_account_settings, mContext : com.android.settings.Settings@c36e2aa 05-29 11:26:28.623 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: checkCarrierByodCondition: byod condition - carrierid:BRI, sales_code:BRI,false 05-29 11:26:28.625 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: categories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:28.625 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.625 20090 20090 D Settings: loadProfileImage onCompleteLoad 05-29 11:26:28.625 20090 20090 D Settings: setProfileImage is default 05-29 11:26:28.625 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6 05-29 11:26:28.625 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.626 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.627 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 5 lines 05-29 11:26:28.627 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.628 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: getSmartManagerBadgeCount badgeCount : 0 05-29 11:26:28.628 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.629 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.629 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.629 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da 05-29 11:26:28.629 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.637 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.638 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8 05-29 11:26:28.638 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.639 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6 05-29 11:26:28.639 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.samsung.android.themestore/.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner } 05-29 11:26:28.639 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.642 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594 05-29 11:26:28.642 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.642 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.644 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832 05-29 11:26:28.644 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.645 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700 05-29 11:26:28.645 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.646 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e 05-29 11:26:28.646 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink } 05-29 11:26:28.646 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.646 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c 05-29 11:26:28.646 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.648 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a 05-29 11:26:28.648 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.649 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618 05-29 11:26:28.649 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$HelpActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.649 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: No fragment specified for ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.649 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.649 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656 05-29 11:26:28.649 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: getSummaryProvider(): intent1 = Intent { cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity } 05-29 11:26:28.651 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Creating com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4 05-29 11:26:28.651 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Listening true 05-29 11:26:28.652 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.652 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.652 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Connections - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Data usage, Airplane mode 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20405 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : System, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5b434a9, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary About phone - SM-G960F 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : System, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5b434a9, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary About phone - Status, Legal information, Device name 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.653 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Apps - Default apps, App permissions 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink} 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : System, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5b434a9, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4] 05-29 11:26:28.655 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary General management - Language and input, Date and time, Reset 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Advanced features - Games, One-handed mode 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : System, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5b434a9, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Accessibility - Vision, Hearing, Dexterity and interaction 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.656 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.657 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.657 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.657 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Display - Brightness, Blue light filter, Home screen 05-29 11:26:28.660 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.661 20090 20405 D Settings_Utils: checkCarrierByodCondition: byod condition - carrierid:BRI, sales_code:BRI,false 05-29 11:26:28.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.663 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.665 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.668 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.669 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: getFotaBadgeCount badgeCount : 0 05-29 11:26:28.669 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.670 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:28.670 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.675 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.675 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.675 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Lock screen and security - Always On Display, Face Recognition, Fingerprints, Iris 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Cloud and accounts - Samsung Cloud, Backup and restore, Smart Switch 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : System, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5b434a9, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Developer options - Developer options 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Notifications - Block, allow, prioritize 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(3) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.themestore/com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(4) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(5) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(6) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Personal, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@24d6700, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@391557e, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5089030] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : System, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@da1f32c, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@1694b8a, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@d11618, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@5b434a9, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c189656, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@2cd7bc4] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(1) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(2) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Software update - Download updates, Scheduled software updates, Last update information 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Wireless and networks, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c2364f6] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category : Device, component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity}, tile : [com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c6337da, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@41b22e8, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@cccf7a6, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@9fc1e2, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@3f38594, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@7e49973, com.android.settingslib.drawer.Tile@c0e832] 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: getTileFromCategory : category.tiles.get(0) : , component : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:28.676 20090 20090 D SummaryLoader: setSummary Sounds and vibration - Sounds, Vibration, Do not disturb 05-29 11:26:28.677 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.677 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:28.677 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.678 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: getFotaBadgeCount badgeCount : 0 05-29 11:26:28.679 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.679 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:28.680 20090 20090 W DashboardAdapter: onBindViewHolder type : 2131558575 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: SolidColor | | 0000 | Unknown | -0.2 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8 | 0 0 1080 2220 | animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a300 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 25 51 1056 2170 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 1984.0 | 25 327 1055 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 1984.0 | 25 327 1055 2220 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:28.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:28.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.723 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:28.723 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:28.723 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:28.723 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:28.758 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=33 Removed Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 (5/9) 05-29 11:26:28.762 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=33 Removed Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:26:28.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.763 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: SolidColor | | 0000 | Unknown | -0.2 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8 | 0 0 1080 2220 | animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a300 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 27 56 1053 2165 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2138.0 | 9 117 1071 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:28.765 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:28.774 4295 4295 I Layer : id=33 onRemoved Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.818 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.822 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:28.960 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:28.961 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: stop 05-29 11:26:28.962 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStop consume time = 493.375422 05-29 11:26:28.962 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStop consume time = 0.056885 05-29 11:26:28.963 4808 5188 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:26:28.964 4808 5188 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:26:28.966 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@9a902c[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:26:28.966 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'd71cc27 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:26:28.966 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'd71cc27 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:26:28.967 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=31 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 (2/8) 05-29 11:26:28.967 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=31 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:28.974 4295 4295 I Layer : id=31 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:28.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:28.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:28.981 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:28.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.009 20276 20286 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:29.009 20276 20286 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare 05-29 11:26:29.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.066 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.131 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.197 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.236 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.240 20298 20309 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:29.240 20298 20309 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.appsedge 05-29 11:26:29.372 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:29.372 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:26:29.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.398 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.399 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.449 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.512 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:29.555 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.650 20155 20166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:29.650 20155 20166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.enhance.gameservice 05-29 11:26:29.678 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-76,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:26:29.684 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-76,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:26:29.686 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:29.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.751 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.752 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.788 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=580736733000 05-29 11:26:29.788 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=580736733000 05-29 11:26:29.789 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.74 ] when=580736733000 05-29 11:26:29.789 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:29.790 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:29.790 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:29.818 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.824 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:29.826 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:29.826 4808 5012 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800b61a 05-29 11:26:29.845 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:29.869 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:29.878 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:29.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.905 20186 20196 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:29.905 20186 20196 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent 05-29 11:26:29.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.912 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.913 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=580861305000 05-29 11:26:29.913 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=580861305000 05-29 11:26:29.913 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=580861305000 05-29 11:26:29.913 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:29.913 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:29.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:29.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:29.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:29.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.092 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.092 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.092 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.236 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.342 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.408 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:30.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.424 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:30.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.511 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.591 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=581538961000 05-29 11:26:30.591 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=581538961000 05-29 11:26:30.592 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.75 ] when=581538961000 05-29 11:26:30.592 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:30.593 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:30.609 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=581547000000 05-29 11:26:30.609 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=0, interactive=true 05-29 11:26:30.613 4808 5012 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:26:30.613 4808 5012 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:26:30.613 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=0, wmActions=1 05-29 11:26:30.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.618 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:26:30.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.618 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:26:30.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 3 lines 05-29 11:26:30.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.628 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:26:30.628 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:26:30.628 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:26:30.628 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:30.629 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:30.629 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:30.643 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.674 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=581622050000 05-29 11:26:30.674 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=581622050000 05-29 11:26:30.674 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=581622050000 05-29 11:26:30.674 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:30.674 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:30.675 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=581622000000 05-29 11:26:30.675 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=1, interactive=true 05-29 11:26:30.676 4808 5012 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:26:30.676 4808 5012 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:26:30.676 4808 5012 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:26:30.676 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=1, wmActions=1 05-29 11:26:30.680 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:26:30.680 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:26:30.687 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:30.687 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:30.687 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:26:30.687 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:26:30.687 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:30.687 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:30.688 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:30.688 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:30.688 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:26:30.688 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:26:30.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.703 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(0) 05-29 11:26:30.703 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:30.704 20090 20405 D SummaryLoader: Listening false 05-29 11:26:30.705 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:30.705 4808 4997 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:30.706 4808 4997 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 20090 05-29 11:26:30.713 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:26:30.713 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:26:30.716 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:26:30.716 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(0) 05-29 11:26:30.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.718 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:30.720 6221 6221 D Launcher: onNewIntent 05-29 11:26:30.721 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:30.721 20090 20090 E AccessibilityManager: semUpdateAssitantMenu invoking from manager: 05-29 11:26:30.722 6221 6221 I StageManager: finishAllStage : 1 <--- 2 , stack=2 05-29 11:26:30.724 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:30.731 6221 6221 I BlurUtils: blurByWindowManager with show = false, dest = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow@4c9299a, amount = 0.0, duration = 100, sBlur=true 05-29 11:26:30.732 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:26:30.732 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:26:30.735 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setVisibility : 0 05-29 11:26:30.735 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:26:30.735 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:26:30.737 6221 6221 D BixbyApi_0.2.7: isBixbySupported:true 05-29 11:26:30.737 6221 6221 D StateManager: onLauncherTopViewChanged() : Home 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: start stageTransitionAnim : from com.android.launcher3.allapps.controller.AppsController@f65f1e0 to com.android.launcher3.home.HomeController@a550737 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564390 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183182 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: dump stageview info : mode(1), visible(0) , alpha(1.000000) 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: current stack : 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: dump stage 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: com.android.launcher3.home.HomeController@a550737 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: current stack : 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: dump stage 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D StageManager: com.android.launcher3.home.HomeController@a550737 05-29 11:26:30.738 6221 6221 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 6221 05-29 11:26:30.739 4808 5012 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10092: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@af4860b 05-29 11:26:30.741 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:26:30.741 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStop consume time = 1778.934229 05-29 11:26:30.742 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:30.742 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStop consume time = 0.911462 05-29 11:26:30.742 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:26:30.747 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b90636840 05-29 11:26:30.748 6221 6221 D Launcher: mRunResumeCallbackInSchedule needToRun! 05-29 11:26:30.748 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:26:30.748 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:26:30.748 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:26:30.748 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564390 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183182 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 1.0 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:26:30.749 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:26:30.750 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:26:30.751 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 2 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:26:30.753 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:26:30.755 4808 5414 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:26:30.755 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:30.756 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:26:30.757 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:30.757 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:26:30.757 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:26:30.758 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:30.758 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.761 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=35 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:30.762 4808 5409 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:30.762 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:30.763 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:30.763 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:26:30.764 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:26:30.765 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:30.765 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:26:30.765 4808 5414 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:26:30.766 6118 10605 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:26:30.770 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:30.770 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:26:30.771 6221 6221 I Launcher: schedule start! 05-29 11:26:30.771 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:30.771 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:26:30.771 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: updateItem : (id=44, container=-102, screen=0, rank=18, Settings, false) 05-29 11:26:30.771 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:30.771 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:30.772 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:26:30.776 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@dfa7f6a nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:26:30.776 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@fc49551 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6309232 nm = com.sec.android.app.launcher controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#130 windowFlags=#81910d00 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:30.776 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:30.777 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6309232 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:30.777 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:30.778 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:30.778 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:30.779 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:26:30.781 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:26:30.782 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-83,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.91}]} 05-29 11:26:30.785 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-83,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.91}]} 05-29 11:26:30.787 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:30.791 6221 6221 I RunCallbackInSchedule: mBindOnResumeCallbacks, size 1 05-29 11:26:30.792 6221 6221 I RunCallbackInSchedule: mBindOnResumeCallbacks, empty 05-29 11:26:30.792 5399 5424 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:26:30.792 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:30.792 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:26:30.794 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:30.796 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:26:30.796 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:26:30.796 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:26:30.797 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:30.812 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:30.823 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:30.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.828 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@bbf4462[Settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.831 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:30.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.831 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:26:30.848 4267 4530 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:26:30.848 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:26:30.848 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:26:30.849 4267 4530 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:26:30.849 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:26:30.849 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:26:30.849 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:26:30.849 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:26:30.849 4267 20412 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 179.0 368.0 901.0 1852.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 2 4 1078 2216 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f6 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 5bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:30.850 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:30.851 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:30.852 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.852 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.852 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.852 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.852 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.871 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.872 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.872 4267 4530 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:26:30.872 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:26:30.872 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:26:30.872 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:30.910 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:26:30.910 4267 4530 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:26:30.911 4267 4530 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:26:30.911 4267 4530 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:26:30.911 4267 4530 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:26:30.912 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:26:30.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=60:5A:2A:F1:81:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:30.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:30.975 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:30.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.014 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:31.014 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:31.014 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:31.014 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:31.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.017 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.114 19241 20413 W Notification: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 05-29 11:26:31.114 19241 20413 W Notification: See the documentation of setSound() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case 05-29 11:26:31.116 4808 18008 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx,userId = 0 05-29 11:26:31.116 4808 18008 D API test: getContainerInfo: value is 05-29 11:26:31.116 4808 18008 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx,userId = 0 05-29 11:26:31.116 4808 18008 D API test: getContainerInfo: value is 05-29 11:26:31.119 19241 19241 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.notification.local.core.fireEvent("trigger",{"id":1,"title":"Auto-unlock info","text":"For security reasons, the lock has been automatically switched to the Home mode. Switch back to the Away mode?","smallIcon":"res:\/\/notification_icon","actions":[{"id":"idAway3b450b2418325db2fb7e9eddf96d6f3a","title":"Switch to \"Away\" mode"}],"attachments":[],"autoClear":true,"defaults":0,"foreground":false,"groupSummary":false,"launch":true,"led":true,"lockscreen":true,"number":0,"priority":0,"progressBar":{"enabled":false,"value":0,"maxValue":100,"indeterminate":false},"showWhen":true,"silent":false,"sound":true,"trigger":{"type":"calendar"},"vibrate":false,"wakeup":true,"meta":{"plugin":"cordova-plugin-local-notifications","version":"0.9-beta"}},{"event":"trigger","foreground":false,"queued":false,"notification":1})) 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: open api 0 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: Screen On. 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: .registerCallback : 1, motion_sensors=7, client= 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: Screen On. 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: .isMotionEngineEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: .initializeMotionEngine 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: .isMotionEngineEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: .initializeMotionEngine 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionService 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==1601008243 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:26:31.120 4808 4808 D MotionEngine: [MotionEngine]->Build Binary Type(user):0 05-29 11:26:31.121 19241 19241 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.notification.local.core.fireEvent("add",{"id":1,"title":"Auto-unlock info","text":"For security reasons, the lock has been automatically switched to the Home mode. Switch back to the Away mode?","smallIcon":"res:\/\/notification_icon","actions":[{"id":"idAway3b450b2418325db2fb7e9eddf96d6f3a","title":"Switch to \"Away\" mode"}],"attachments":[],"autoClear":true,"defaults":0,"foreground":false,"groupSummary":false,"launch":true,"led":true,"lockscreen":true,"number":0,"priority":0,"progressBar":{"enabled":false,"value":0,"maxValue":100,"indeterminate":false},"showWhen":true,"silent":false,"sound":true,"trigger":{"type":"calendar"},"vibrate":false,"wakeup":true,"meta":{"plugin":"cordova-plugin-local-notifications","version":"0.9-beta"}},{"event":"add","foreground":false,"queued":false,"notification":1})) 05-29 11:26:31.121 4808 4808 D MotionEngine: [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] InitializeMotionManager.... GetNumberOfUsingPrimitive 05-29 11:26:31.121 4808 4808 D MotionEngine: [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] InitializeMotionManager ALL, DPS setting 2 05-29 11:26:31.122 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - accelerometer_sensor try to batching with 20000000 05-29 11:26:31.122 4279 4948 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885569 en : 1 05-29 11:26:31.125 5236 20417 I MediaPlayer: Need to enable context aware info 05-29 11:26:31.126 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - gyro_sensor try to batching with 20000000 05-29 11:26:31.126 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: native_setup 05-29 11:26:31.127 4279 4948 I Sensors : GyroSensor old sensor_state 16385, new sensor_state : 17179885571 en : 1 05-29 11:26:31.128 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: constructor 05-29 11:26:31.128 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: setListener 05-29 11:26:31.129 4808 4808 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 1601008243, Motion Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: Acquire sensors : Settings = 1100100000010000000101 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: Acquired sensors for motion : 11 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 1601008243, Motion Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: Fail to enableMotionSensor ! 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: Acc/Gyro was enabled by motion sensor = 1 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 E MotionRecognitionService: Cancel reactive alert mode 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: Acc/Gyro was enabled by motion sensor = 2 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: disableAccINT 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: AccINT is already disabled. 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 E MotionRecognitionService: handler : SCREEN_ON end 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4808 V MotionRecognitionManager: .registerListener : success. listener count = 0->1, motion_events=1, 05-29 11:26:31.130 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: Motion, result = 1 05-29 11:26:31.131 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: Motion, result = 1 05-29 11:26:31.131 4808 4977 D MotionRecognitionService: Settings updated : 1100100000010000000101 05-29 11:26:31.131 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: setParameter: key 1400 05-29 11:26:31.131 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: MediaPlayer::setParameter(1400) 05-29 11:26:31.131 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: setAudioStreamType: 5 05-29 11:26:31.131 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: MediaPlayer::setAudioStreamType 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:744) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.media.IRingtonePlayer$Stub$Proxy.setOnCompletionListener(IRingtonePlayer.java:383) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.notification.EasyMuteController.registerListener(EasyMuteController.java:157) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService.playSound(NotificationManagerService.java:4494) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService.buzzBeepBlinkLocked(NotificationManagerService.java:4305) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$PostNotificationRunnable.run(NotificationManagerService.java:4138) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:724) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:543) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:26:31.133 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:26:31.134 5236 20417 D RingtoneManager: getActualDefaultRingtoneUri type :2 05-29 11:26:31.134 4808 4808 I AccessibilityManagerService: semOnLightNotification(null), bIsFlashOn : false 05-29 11:26:31.134 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: Can't use light notification 05-29 11:26:31.134 5236 20417 D RingtoneManager: Current soundfile is in intenal storage 05-29 11:26:31.136 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [valid] onNotificationPosted : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user=UserHandle{0} id=1 tag=null key=0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264: Notification(channel=default-channel-id pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=default tick defaults=0x5 flags=0x11 color=0x00000000 actions=1 number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) 05-29 11:26:31.137 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:26:31.137 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationPosted() : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, count : [1], shouldBeFilteredOut : [false] 05-29 11:26:31.137 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:26:31.138 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: onChange 05-29 11:26:31.138 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: updateBadgeManager 05-29 11:26:31.139 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: setDataSourceFD: fd 149 05-29 11:26:31.139 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: setDataSource(149, 0, 576460752303423487) 05-29 11:26:31.139 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: updateLauncherIconBadges : 1 05-29 11:26:31.140 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: updateLauncherIconBadges() count : -1 05-29 11:26:31.140 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: updateLauncherIconBadges() item : [IconInfo(title=Brilong intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity (has extras) } id=122 type=0 container=-102 screen=1 cellX=0 cellY=1 spanX=1 spanY=1 rank=5 hidden=0 dropPos=null user=UserHandle{0})], item.mBadgeCount: [1] 05-29 11:26:31.140 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564391 05-29 11:26:31.140 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183183 05-29 11:26:31.142 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: Create new client(1) from pid 5236, uid 10003, 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: setDataSource fd=8 (/data/system_de/0/ringtones/notification_sound_cache), offset=0, length=576460752303423487 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: st_dev = 65027 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: st_mode = 33216 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: st_uid = 1000 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: st_gid = 1000 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: st_size = 29524 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: calculated length = 29524 05-29 11:26:31.144 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:26:31.144 4440 4786 V MediaPlayerService: player type = 4 05-29 11:26:31.145 4440 4786 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xeecce3c0) created, clientPid(5236) 05-29 11:26:31.146 5236 5236 D StatusBar: addNotification key=0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264 fullscreen:false 05-29 11:26:31.146 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=34 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 (3/8) 05-29 11:26:31.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.148 7531 7531 D BadgeProviderManager: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:26:31.148 7531 7531 D BadgeProviderManager: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:26:31.148 4808 4950 D SensorService: MotionSensorEngine:: ACTUAL_GYRO : does not send event, cause gyro data not delivered yet. 05-29 11:26:31.148 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=34 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:31.149 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: key=android:0 count=1 05-29 11:26:31.149 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: key=com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2:0 count=1 05-29 11:26:31.149 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: key=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx:0 count=1 05-29 11:26:31.149 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 1.0 1.0 1080.0 2218.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:31.151 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:31.162 4295 4295 I Layer : id=34 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings#0 05-29 11:26:31.162 4440 4786 V AudioSink: AudioOutput(105) 05-29 11:26:31.162 4440 4786 V NuPlayerDriver: setDataSource(0xeecce3c0) file(8) 05-29 11:26:31.162 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: kWhatSetAudioSink 05-29 11:26:31.163 4440 4786 V GenericSource: GenericSource 05-29 11:26:31.163 4440 4786 V GenericSource: BufferingMonitor::getDefaultBufferingSettings{initialMode(1), rebufferingMode(3), initialMarks(5000 ms, -1 KB), rebufferingMarks(2000, 15000)ms, (40, 200)KB} 05-29 11:26:31.163 4440 4786 V GenericSource: resetDataSource 05-29 11:26:31.163 4440 4786 V NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync fd 8/0/29524 source: 0xed2121c0 05-29 11:26:31.163 4440 4786 V GenericSource: setDataSource 8/0/29524 05-29 11:26:31.163 4440 4786 V GenericSource: resetDataSource 05-29 11:26:31.164 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: kWhatSetDataSource 05-29 11:26:31.164 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: getDefaultBufferingSettings(0xeecce3c0) 05-29 11:26:31.164 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: kWhatGetDefaultBufferingSettings 05-29 11:26:31.164 4440 20418 V GenericSource: BufferingMonitor::getDefaultBufferingSettings{initialMode(1), rebufferingMode(3), initialMarks(5000 ms, -1 KB), rebufferingMarks(2000, 15000)ms, (40, 200)KB} 05-29 11:26:31.165 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] getDefaultBufferingSettings{initialMode(1), rebufferingMode(3), initialMarks(5000 ms, -1 KB), rebufferingMarks(2000, 15000)ms, (40, 200)KB} 05-29 11:26:31.165 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: setLooping: 0 05-29 11:26:31.165 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: MediaPlayer::setLooping 05-29 11:26:31.165 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] setLooping(0) 05-29 11:26:31.166 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: setVideoSurfaceTexture 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x0) 05-29 11:26:31.166 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: prepare 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] setParameter(1400) 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: setAudioAttributes_l() usage=5 content=4 flags=0x0 tags= 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] prepareAsync 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: prepareAsync(0xeecce3c0) 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 4440 V NuPlayer: prepareAsync 05-29 11:26:31.166 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: onMessageReceived kWhatPrepare 05-29 11:26:31.167 4440 20418 I MediaMonitor: MediaMonitor() 05-29 11:26:31.167 4440 20418 V GenericSource: prepareAsync: (looper: 0) 05-29 11:26:31.168 4440 20423 V GenericSource: onPrepareAsync: mDataSource: 0 05-29 11:26:31.170 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:31.170 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:26:31.171 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Gh3DC77yzl0= 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Gh3DC77yzl0= dkeyDecode 1a dkeystr � ���] 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES ae e2 e4 48 82 a0 e2 b9 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return ruLkSIKg4rk= 05-29 11:26:31.172 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = ruLkSIKg4rk= 05-29 11:26:31.179 4431 4476 E SEC_DRM_PLUGIN_Omafl: OmaPlugin::onOpenDecryptSession(fd)::Drm2IsDrmFileByExtFd::file is NOT DRM by extension 05-29 11:26:31.180 4440 20423 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 05-29 11:26:31.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.187 4440 20423 V GenericSource: IDataSource(FileSource): 0xeece4720 9 0 29524 05-29 11:26:31.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.198 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.215 4437 4437 I OggExtractor: OggSource::OggSource() mExtractor ref count = 4 05-29 11:26:31.216 4440 20423 V GenericSource: initFromDataSource track[0]: audio/vorbis 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20423 I AnotherPacketSource: setFormat() audio 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20423 V GenericSource: initFromDataSource mSources.size(): 1 mIsSecure: 0 mime[0]: audio/vorbis 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20423 V GenericSource: checkDrmInfo: No PSSH 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20423 V GenericSource: finishPrepareAsync 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: onSourceNotify() kWhatFlagsChanged FLAG_CAN_PAUSE: 1 FLAG_CAN_SEEK_BACKWARD: 1 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: FLAG_CAN_SEEK_FORWARD: 1 FLAG_CAN_SEEK: 1 FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION: 0 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: FLAG_SECURE: 0 FLAG_PROTECTED: 0 05-29 11:26:31.218 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: prepare posted successfully. 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20418 I NuPlayer: ORmode enabled : unsupportedAudio = 0, unsupportedVideo = 0, mHaveAudioTrack = 1, mHaveVideoTrack = 0 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: msg : 200, ext1 : 10973, ext2 : 0 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20418 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeecce3c0), (200, 10973, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20418 V MediaPlayerService: [1] notify (200, 10973, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20423 V NuPlayer: Source::notifyPrepared 0 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20423 V GenericSource: onPrepareAsync: Done 05-29 11:26:31.219 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: message received msg=200, ext1=10973, ext2=0 05-29 11:26:31.219 5236 8357 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (10973, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.219 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: callback application 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: NuPlayer::onSourceNotify Source::kWhatPrepared source: 0xed2121c0 05-29 11:26:31.219 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: back from callback 05-29 11:26:31.219 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: extractMetadata Tracks : 1 05-29 11:26:31.220 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: enableInbandTextFromExtr 05-29 11:26:31.221 4440 20418 V NuPlayerDriver: notifyPrepareCompleted 0 05-29 11:26:31.221 4440 20418 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeecce3c0), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.221 4440 20418 V MediaPlayerService: [1] notify (1, 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.221 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: message received msg=1, ext1=0, ext2=0 05-29 11:26:31.221 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: MediaPlayer::notify() prepared 05-29 11:26:31.221 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: signal application thread 05-29 11:26:31.221 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: callback application 05-29 11:26:31.221 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: back from callback 05-29 11:26:31.221 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: prepare complete - status=0 05-29 11:26:31.224 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: invoke 68 05-29 11:26:31.224 4440 4440 I MediaPlayerService: Client::invoke requestID=1 05-29 11:26:31.224 4440 4440 V NuPlayer: getTrackInfo 05-29 11:26:31.225 4440 20418 W NuPlayer: no name 05-29 11:26:31.229 4429 9267 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;SplitSound=false 05-29 11:26:31.229 4808 5623 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10003/5236 clientId=android.media.AudioManager$cce331d req=3 flags=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.229 4808 5623 D AudioService: GetAppDevice, uid=10003 05-29 11:26:31.229 4808 5623 D MediaFocusControl: selectFocusStack, uid = 10003, appDevice = 0, device = 2 05-29 11:26:31.232 4808 5623 D AudioService: GetAppDevice, uid=10003 05-29 11:26:31.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.268 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:31.287 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:26:31.288 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:26:31.308 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [MotionEngine] -> DirectCall -> Proximitor Ready for acc direct call ready 05-29 11:26:31.311 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:26:31.327 4808 4818 I zygote64: NativeAllocBackground concurrent copying GC freed 86247(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 42(916KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 1.221ms total 157.778ms 05-29 11:26:31.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.391 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.391 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.407 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [MotionEngine] -> PR_MOVE -> Move Recognition Lv(3) 05-29 11:26:31.428 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [TURN OVER] ##### Init 05-29 11:26:31.490 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.518 20220 20232 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:31.518 20220 20232 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic 05-29 11:26:31.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.561 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.689 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:26:31.702 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:31.703 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:31.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.705 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.711 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:26:31.713 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8 05-29 11:26:31.716 5191 5203 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=8 05-29 11:26:31.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:26:31.723 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 8 05-29 11:26:31.733 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: start 05-29 11:26:31.733 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: start 05-29 11:26:31.733 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] setLooping(0) 05-29 11:26:31.734 4808 5409 D AudioPlaybackMonitor: Found a new active media playback. ID:103 -- type:android.media.MediaPlayer -- u/pid:10003/5236 -- state:started -- attr:AudioAttributes: usage=5 content=4 flags=0x0 tags= bundle=null 05-29 11:26:31.734 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] setVolume(1.000000, 1.000000) 05-29 11:26:31.734 4440 4440 V AudioSink: setVolume(1.000000, 1.000000) 05-29 11:26:31.734 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] setAuxEffectSendLevel(0.000000) 05-29 11:26:31.734 4440 4440 V AudioSink: setAuxEffectSendLevel(0.000000) 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] start 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: getClientDuration 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: getDuration 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] getDuration = 1740 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 4440 D NuPlayerDriver: start(0xeecce3c0), state is 4, eos is 0 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: kWhatStart 05-29 11:26:31.735 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: onStart: mCrypto: 0x0 (0) 05-29 11:26:31.736 4440 20418 I GenericSource: start 05-29 11:26:31.736 5236 20417 V MediaPlayerNative: invoke 68 05-29 11:26:31.736 4440 4440 I MediaPlayerService: Client::invoke requestID=1 05-29 11:26:31.736 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: checkOffloadExceptions is true, call canOffloadStream 05-29 11:26:31.736 4440 4440 V NuPlayer: getTrackInfo 05-29 11:26:31.743 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x3, Format=0x7000000, StreamType=5, BitRate=4294967295, duration=1739863 us, has_video=0 05-29 11:26:31.743 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:31.743 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: spkeaker can't support offload mode 05-29 11:26:31.744 4440 20418 I MediaClock: setPlaybackRate rate : 1.000000 05-29 11:26:31.745 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: onConfigPlayback 05-29 11:26:31.745 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setPlaybackRate rate : 1.000000 05-29 11:26:31.745 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setSpeedAjust mSASpeed (0), mMinClockModificationTimeUs (80000) 05-29 11:26:31.745 4440 20418 I NuPlayerRenderer: setDuration (1739863) 05-29 11:26:31.750 4808 5409 D MediaSessionStack: updateMediaButtonSessionIfNeeded, callers=com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService$1.onAudioPlaybackStarted:189 com.android.server.media.AudioPlaybackMonitor.dispatchPlaybackConfigChange:127 05-29 11:26:31.755 4440 20418 W NuPlayer: no name 05-29 11:26:31.755 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: scanning sources haveAudio=0, haveVideo=0 05-29 11:26:31.755 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: checkOffloadExceptions is true, call canOffloadStream 05-29 11:26:31.755 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x3, Format=0x7000000, StreamType=5, BitRate=4294967295, duration=1739863 us, has_video=0 05-29 11:26:31.755 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:31.756 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: spkeaker can't support offload mode 05-29 11:26:31.756 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: make Decoder (audio) 05-29 11:26:31.756 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: instantiateDecoder audio Decoder 05-29 11:26:31.760 4440 20432 I ACodec : [] Now uninitialized 05-29 11:26:31.762 4440 20433 I ACodec : [] onAllocateComponent 05-29 11:26:31.764 4440 20433 I OMXClient: Treble IOmx obtained 05-29 11:26:31.765 4440 20433 I ACodec : Set Google AAC Dec for aacProfile 0 05-29 11:26:31.769 4448 4724 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in omx@1.0-service process 05-29 11:26:31.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.792 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Loaded 05-29 11:26:31.793 4440 20433 I ACodec : [HW_HDR] HDR-OFF 0 05-29 11:26:31.793 4448 4551 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf0fa3560:google.vorbis.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-29 11:26:31.793 4440 20433 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648) 05-29 11:26:31.794 4448 4551 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xf0fa3560:google.vorbis.decoder, ConfigAndroidVendorExtension(0x6f100004)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-29 11:26:31.795 4440 20433 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode 05-29 11:26:31.796 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Loaded->Idle 05-29 11:26:31.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.807 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.810 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=582758066000 05-29 11:26:31.810 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=582758066000 05-29 11:26:31.810 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.76 ] when=582758066000 05-29 11:26:31.811 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:31.811 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:31.814 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=582760000000 05-29 11:26:31.814 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:31.815 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:26:31.815 4808 5409 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:26:31.817 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:26:31.817 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:26:31.828 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:31.838 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.838 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:26:31.838 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.839 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:26:31.839 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.842 4266 4266 I chatty : uid=1000(system) allocator@1.0-s identical 3 lines 05-29 11:26:31.843 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.844 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Idle->Executing 05-29 11:26:31.845 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Executing 05-29 11:26:31.847 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:31.847 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:26:31.847 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:26:31.848 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:31.848 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now handling output port settings change 05-29 11:26:31.850 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.852 4266 4266 I chatty : uid=1000(system) allocator@1.0-s identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:31.853 4266 4266 W /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x790802c500, 32768) 05-29 11:26:31.855 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Executing 05-29 11:26:31.855 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: openAudioSink: offloadOnly(0) offloadingAudio(0) 05-29 11:26:31.856 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: openAudioSink: open AudioSink in NON-offload mode audioFormat : 1, flags : 0 05-29 11:26:31.856 4440 20431 V AudioSink: +++ close 05-29 11:26:31.856 4440 20431 V AudioSink: --- close 05-29 11:26:31.856 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: checkAudioSinkPcmMsSetting 200 05-29 11:26:31.856 4440 20431 V AudioSink: setPlaybackRate(1.000000 1.000000 0 0) 05-29 11:26:31.856 4440 20431 V AudioSink: open(44100, 2, 0x0, 0x1, 0, 105 0x0) 05-29 11:26:31.856 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() device 2, stream 5, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0 05-29 11:26:31.856 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 13, 0001 05-29 11:26:31.856 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 13 05-29 11:26:31.857 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() device 2, stream 5, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0 05-29 11:26:31.857 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 13, 0001 05-29 11:26:31.857 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 13 05-29 11:26:31.858 4440 20431 V AudioSink: no track available to recycle 05-29 11:26:31.858 4440 20431 V AudioSink: creating new AudioTrack 05-29 11:26:31.858 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() usage=5, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 session 105 selectedDeviceId 0 05-29 11:26:31.858 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() device 0x2, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 900000 05-29 11:26:31.858 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 13, 0001 05-29 11:26:31.858 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 13 05-29 11:26:31.859 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=582807746000 05-29 11:26:31.859 4440 20431 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 2940 for frameCount 8820 05-29 11:26:31.859 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=582807746000 05-29 11:26:31.859 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=582807746000 05-29 11:26:31.859 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:31.860 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:31.860 4440 20431 V AudioSink: deleteRecycledTrack_l 05-29 11:26:31.860 4440 20431 V AudioSink: setVolume 05-29 11:26:31.860 4440 20431 V AudioSink: updateTrack() DONE status 0 05-29 11:26:31.860 4440 20431 V AudioSink: start 05-29 11:26:31.860 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=582808000000 05-29 11:26:31.861 4808 5623 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:26:31.861 4808 5623 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:26:31.862 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:26:31.862 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:26:31.864 4429 4618 W AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: Skipped to add effects on session 105 05-29 11:26:31.864 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 13, stream 5, session 105 05-29 11:26:31.864 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=1 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0 05-29 11:26:31.865 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 05-29 11:26:31.865 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0002 delayMs 0 05-29 11:26:31.865 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002 05-29 11:26:31.865 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0002 or null device 05-29 11:26:31.865 4429 4618 I AudioFlinger: updateStageIndex prev 0, new -1304 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setThreshold mThresholdTimeUsForAnchor(500000), mMinClockModificationTimeUs(80000), mMaxCorrectionTimeUs(30000) 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: onAudioSinkChanged() getPosition : 0 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setPlaybackRate rate : 0.000000 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue() send kWhatPollingAudioStarted audio_out : 0 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: setAudioFirstAnchorTime mAudioFirstAnchorTimeMediaUs : -1, new mediaTimeUs : 13061 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: media rendering started 05-29 11:26:31.865 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: msg : 6, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0 05-29 11:26:31.866 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.866 4440 20418 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeecce3c0), (6, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.866 4440 20418 V MediaPlayerService: [1] notify (6, 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.866 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: setDecoderBooster enable = No 05-29 11:26:31.866 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: message received msg=6, ext1=0, ext2=0 05-29 11:26:31.866 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: unrecognized message: (6, 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:31.866 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: callback application 05-29 11:26:31.866 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: back from callback 05-29 11:26:31.866 4440 4440 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.866 5236 20417 V MediaPlayer-JNI: getCurrentPosition: 0 (msec) 05-29 11:26:31.867 5236 5236 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity - hideMenuEvent 05-29 11:26:31.867 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.872 4440 20431 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 7 lines 05-29 11:26:31.872 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.875 4267 13304 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_write: transited to Ready 05-29 11:26:31.875 4267 13304 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_write: try to route for playback 05-29 11:26:31.875 4267 13304 I audio_route: > audio_route_apply_path : "media-dual-speaker" 05-29 11:26:31.875 4267 13304 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "media-dual-speaker" reverse(0) 05-29 11:26:31.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.879 4267 13304 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(10) 05-29 11:26:31.879 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_route: routed to media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:26:31.879 4267 13304 I audio_route: > audio_route_apply_path : "gain-media-dual-speaker" 05-29 11:26:31.879 4267 13304 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-media-dual-speaker" reverse(0) 05-29 11:26:31.880 4267 13304 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(2) 05-29 11:26:31.880 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_route: set gain as gain-media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:26:31.885 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-83,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:26:31.886 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_playback: SPKAMP Playback PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened 05-29 11:26:31.888 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-83,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:26:31.890 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:31.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.904 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.905 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(5) 05-29 11:26:31.907 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:26:31.908 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onPause() 05-29 11:26:31.908 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:26:31.915 4808 5623 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:31.916 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:31.916 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:26:31.917 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:26:31.920 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:31.922 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_playback: SPKAMP Playback PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started 05-29 11:26:31.925 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:31.925 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened 05-29 11:26:31.925 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:26:31.925 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(5) 05-29 11:26:31.926 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:31.926 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:31.926 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 Trylock acquired successfully 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition_l 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_join_callback_thread 05-29 11:26:31.927 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 20412 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop: Termination message 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:26:31.927 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:26:31.928 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:31.928 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started 05-29 11:26:31.928 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.929 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_erap_in: ERAP In PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened 05-29 11:26:31.933 6221 6221 D StageManager: saved stages : inStack [1] , outStack[2] 05-29 11:26:31.933 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 9 05-29 11:26:31.933 4267 20412 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STOPPED] 05-29 11:26:31.933 4267 20412 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization stopped & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:26:31.933 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:26:31.935 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_erap_in: ERAP In PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started 05-29 11:26:31.935 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.935 4267 13304 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-adev_set_route-1: routes to device(speaker) for usage(media) 05-29 11:26:31.936 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.938 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.938 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.938 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.939 4267 13304 I audio_hw_proxy: primary_out-proxy_open_playback_stream: The opened PCM Device is /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p with Sampling_Rate(48000) PCM_Format(0) 05-29 11:26:31.939 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.939 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.940 4267 13304 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_write: transited to Idle 05-29 11:26:31.940 4267 20412 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:31.940 4267 20412 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Disable MIC Controls 05-29 11:26:31.940 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:26:31.940 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:26:31.940 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:26:31.941 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stop Hotword Recognition status: true 05-29 11:26:31.942 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.944 4267 13304 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_write: transited to Playing 05-29 11:26:31.944 4429 4821 I AudioMixer: create resampler src 44100, 2, dst 48000, 2, q 8 05-29 11:26:31.946 4429 4821 D SoundAliveResampler: [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++ 05-29 11:26:31.947 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:26:31.948 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:26:31.951 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:31.953 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:31.972 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.972 4440 20431 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:31.973 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.974 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 500 05-29 11:26:31.974 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.974 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:31.975 4440 20431 I MediaClock: getMediaTime_l - mAnchorTimeRealUs is '-1' 05-29 11:26:31.977 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Activate EmRecentsManager with RecentsView 05-29 11:26:31.977 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Recents 05-29 11:26:31.982 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: setView = DecorView@847ee91[RecentsActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:31.984 4808 5012 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:26:31.984 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:26:31.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:31.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.985 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:31.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:31.989 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:31.993 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=36 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:31.994 4808 5012 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:31.994 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:31.996 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:26:31.997 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:31.997 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530587025408} changed=true 05-29 11:26:32.001 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:32.001 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881d320 05-29 11:26:32.007 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.011 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:32.020 4429 4821 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xe3f03640) throttle end: throttle time(48) 05-29 11:26:32.027 6118 10586 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:26:32.029 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:26:32.029 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:32.030 5236 5236 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@60b968f nm : com.android.systemui ic=null 05-29 11:26:32.030 5236 5236 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:32.030 4808 5414 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@f52417b inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@decedaf nm = com.android.systemui controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#89910500 05-29 11:26:32.031 4808 5414 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:32.031 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:32.031 4808 5414 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{2a6b5bc uid 10003 pid 5236} 05-29 11:26:32.033 4808 5414 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@decedaf missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:32.034 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:32.034 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:32.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 5236, caller uid : 10003 05-29 11:26:32.039 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:26:32.044 5236 5236 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@37326a1 nm : com.android.systemui ic=null 05-29 11:26:32.044 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: kWhatPollingAudioStarted clock running played_out : 17916 us, audio_out : 0 us, gap : 17916 us 05-29 11:26:32.044 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setPlaybackRate rate : 1.000000 05-29 11:26:32.044 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setSpeedAjust mSASpeed (0), mMinClockModificationTimeUs (80000) 05-29 11:26:32.044 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: kWhatPollingAudioStarted update nowMediaUs : 26396 us 05-29 11:26:32.047 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:26:32.053 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:32.053 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:26:32.053 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:32.056 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:32.057 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:32.060 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity: +138ms 05-29 11:26:32.066 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:26:32.069 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:32.070 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:26:32.070 4808 18008 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x80008708 05-29 11:26:32.071 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:32.071 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:32.075 4440 20431 I MediaClock: updateClock closest gapTimeUs(14697), nowMediaUs(71654), oldMediaUs(56957) 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 1.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:32.085 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:32.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.088 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:32.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.114 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.115 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.191 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] GetMotionScenarioId 0.011971 0.198725 9.761458 0.001975 0.042675 0.015129 8 51 20 05-29 11:26:32.191 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] GnStuckMode 0 05-29 11:26:32.219 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:32.219 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:32.219 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:32.219 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:32.219 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.220 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:32.235 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:32.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.393 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.398 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=35 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (2/8) 05-29 11:26:32.400 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=35 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:32.414 4295 4295 I Layer : id=35 onRemoved com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:32.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.529 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.603 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.636 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.636 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.679 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.705 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.719 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnect 05-29 11:26:32.719 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:32.719 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_send_hci_->log_collector_cb 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=5 connected=0 conn_id=5 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=6 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=7 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btm_acl_removed:1: 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnected 05-29 11:26:32.733 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:32.734 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT 05-29 11:26:32.734 5191 5323 D btif_av : btif_av_move_idle(L3072), cannot find av control block! 05-29 11:26:32.734 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:32.735 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:DisConnected to Device:6D:1 05-29 11:26:32.738 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:32.738 5191 5323 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifyDisconnectReason() is called!!! 05-29 11:26:32.739 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:26:32.739 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:26:32.739 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:26:32.739 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:32.739 5236 5515 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:32.743 5191 5191 D PanService: onReceive : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:32.743 5191 5191 D EnhancedTetheringManager: isLastConnectedDevice : 6D:1 05-29 11:26:32.747 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:32.747 20090 20090 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:32.747 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:26:32.749 5191 5191 I BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED, state: -2147483648 05-29 11:26:32.749 5191 5191 E BluetoothPbapService: Device 6D:1 not waiting for authorization..Skipping cancel dialog... 05-29 11:26:32.752 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:32.757 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.757 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.758 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:32.760 19799 20058 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:26:32.762 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.764 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.765 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: devicePropertyChangedCallback: bdDevice: 6D:1, value is empty for type: 241 05-29 11:26:32.770 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:26:32.771 19799 20058 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:26:32.777 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:26:32.780 5191 5204 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:26:32.781 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:26:32.782 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:26:32.790 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:26:32.801 19799 20058 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.addDevice - ADD: [Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[Alias]null[Class]7936[Battery]-1[Bonded]false[ConnectedA2dpSink]false[SecType]Unknown[A2dpSink]false[HasAppLinkerPkg]0 05-29 11:26:32.802 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.mDiscoveryListener - onDeviceAdded: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:32.802 19799 20051 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DeviceUpdateHandler - MSG_UPDATE_SCAN_LIST 05-29 11:26:32.802 19799 20051 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.updateDeviceList - [ADDED][Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[Alias]null[Class]7936[Battery]-1[Bonded]false[ConnectedA2dpSink]false[SecType]Unknown[A2dpSink]false[HasAppLinkerPkg]0 05-29 11:26:32.803 19799 20051 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DeviceBt.getDiscoveryType - DiscoveryType : 4 05-29 11:26:32.803 19799 20051 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcDevice.getStandardIcon - unknown device type : -1 05-29 11:26:32.804 19799 20051 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDevice - [Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[ConType]NONE[size()]1[OCFDiscovery]NONE[OCFOwned]-1 05-29 11:26:32.806 19799 20051 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcDevice.getDiscoveryType - DiscoveryType : 4 05-29 11:26:32.847 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.847 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.848 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:32.850 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.850 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:32.851 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:32.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.857 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [CALIBRATION] Calibration Secess(1)[-0.0859 0.0534 0.0234] 05-29 11:26:32.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:32.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.963 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:32.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:32.997 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-76,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.29},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:26:33.006 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-76,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.29},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.81}]} 05-29 11:26:33.020 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:33.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.051 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.247 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:26:33.250 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:26:33.254 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] GetMotionScenarioId 0.009577 0.217879 9.768641 0.091000 -0.039900 0.042000 8 51 20 05-29 11:26:33.254 4808 4950 D MotionEngine: [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] GnStuckMode 0 05-29 11:26:33.267 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.268 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.351 4440 20432 I NuPlayerDecoder: End of Stream 05-29 11:26:33.353 4440 20432 I chatty : uid=1013(media) /system/bin/mediaserver identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:33.354 4440 20432 I NuPlayerDecoder: End of Stream 05-29 11:26:33.357 4440 20432 I NuPlayerDecoder: [audio] saw output EOS 05-29 11:26:33.357 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: onQueueEOS audio finalResult : -1011 05-29 11:26:33.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.431 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.454 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: [audio] notifyEOS() End of Stream, delayUs : 312738 05-29 11:26:33.454 4440 20431 V AudioSink: stop 05-29 11:26:33.454 4440 20431 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 76728 frames delivered 05-29 11:26:33.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.481 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=584429149000 05-29 11:26:33.481 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=584429149000 05-29 11:26:33.482 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.77 ] when=584429149000 05-29 11:26:33.483 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:33.483 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:33.483 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:33.484 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:33.485 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.486 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.563 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=584511987000 05-29 11:26:33.564 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=584511987000 05-29 11:26:33.564 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=584511987000 05-29 11:26:33.564 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:33.564 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:33.565 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:33.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.575 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5101, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, 3 05-29 11:26:33.576 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:33.579 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(1) 05-29 11:26:33.580 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:26:33.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.587 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.587 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:26:33.587 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(1) 05-29 11:26:33.588 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:33.589 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:33.590 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:33.590 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:33.591 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [857x115]-format:1 05-29 11:26:33.591 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6b73a910 05-29 11:26:33.600 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=37 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:26:33.602 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6b73a910 05-29 11:26:33.603 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-0] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:26:33.603 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:33.610 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Deactivate EmRecentsManager 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.612 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Root 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 3 lines 05-29 11:26:33.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.612 5236 5236 D EmSystemUIManagerBridge: releaseInterimStateListener 05-29 11:26:33.612 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: ScreenStatesRequested:"stateIds":["Root"] 05-29 11:26:33.612 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: createInterimStateListener 05-29 11:26:33.613 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: activeAppName is not Notification:Recents 05-29 11:26:33.619 4808 5414 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:33.619 4808 5414 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:33.619 4808 5414 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:26:33.630 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:26:33.634 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:33.640 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=38 createSurf (857x115),1 flag=4, thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:26:33.641 4808 5409 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:33.642 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:33.646 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:33.647 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity. 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:26:33.647 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:26:33.648 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 05-29 11:26:33.648 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:33.650 19241 19241 I TSLocationManager: - onResume 05-29 11:26:33.653 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:33.655 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:33.656 4808 5012 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:33.656 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:33.656 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [857x115]-format:1 05-29 11:26:33.656 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6b73a910 05-29 11:26:33.658 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6b73a910 05-29 11:26:33.658 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-1] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:26:33.660 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=39 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:33.660 4808 5012 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:33.663 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 19241 05-29 11:26:33.663 19241 19241 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:33.663 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3347845120} changed=true 05-29 11:26:33.664 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSLUCENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:33.664 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:33.665 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:26:33.665 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:26:33.665 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:26:33.668 19241 19310 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:33.668 19241 19310 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc9612f20 05-29 11:26:33.675 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 72.0 1079.0 2220.0 | 110 221 969 1931 | SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 857.0 115.0 | 110 221 969 337 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGB 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: A_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:33.678 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:33.679 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:33.679 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ stop() 05-29 11:26:33.682 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:33.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.682 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:33.683 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:33.683 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:33.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 3 lines 05-29 11:26:33.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.687 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:33.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:33.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:33.691 19241 19241 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6e7873 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:26:33.691 19241 19241 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:33.691 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:33.691 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:33.692 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:33.692 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:33.692 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:33.692 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:33.692 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ removeGeofences() 05-29 11:26:33.693 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@9a4735 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@85f6031 nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#110 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:26:33.696 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:33.696 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:33.696 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@85f6031 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:33.696 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.696 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.696 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.696 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.697 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:33.697 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:33.697 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 19241, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:26:33.698 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad CACHEDIC onStartInput isCachedICEnabled: false 05-29 11:26:33.698 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 05-29 11:26:33.698 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato resetBinderManager() 05-29 11:26:33.698 5205 5205 I SKBD_SYNC: SamsungKeypad onStartInput: import DLM 05-29 11:26:33.698 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs setPrivateImeOptionsToTable privateImeOptions ( null ) 05-29 11:26:33.698 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs imeOptions is null 05-29 11:26:33.699 19241 19241 I ScanJob : onStopJob called for immediate scan org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@206cba0 05-29 11:26:33.699 6439 9446 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:26:33.700 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [PF_OP][onStartInput] 2478192 05-29 11:26:33.701 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.703 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.703 19241 20124 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:26:33.704 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 584652 05-29 11:26:33.704 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 19486, tot/min/max scan time: 93988/19486/37866 05-29 11:26:33.707 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.708 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:33.709 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.709 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.709 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.709 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.709 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.710 19241 20124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.710 19241 20124 D BluetoothLeScanner: could not find callback wrapper 05-29 11:26:33.710 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:26:33.710 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:26:33.710 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.710 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:26:33.710 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:26:33.710 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.712 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:33.712 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.712 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with PRIVIOUS callback intent 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039ea0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 67.0 1079.0 2220.0 | 103 207 977 1951 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 67.0 1079.0 2220.0 | 103 207 977 1951 | SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 857.0 115.0 | 101 216 974 333 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 0.0 58.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 14 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:33.712 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_register_scanner_cb'. 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: java.lang.SecurityException: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx from uid 1002 not allowed to perform COARSE_LOCATION 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at android.app.AppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.java:1923) 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.isAppOppAllowed(Utils.java:627) 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.checkCallerHasLocationPermission(Utils.java:528) 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.continuePiStartScan(GattService.java:1979) 05-29 11:26:33.715 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.onScannerRegistered(GattService.java:1037) 05-29 11:26:33.716 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.77}]} 05-29 11:26:33.724 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.724 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.724 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.724 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:33.738 4808 6215 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:33.740 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.77}]} 05-29 11:26:33.742 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:33.762 4429 4821 I SoundBoosterEffectPlus: SB_reset SoundBooster sessionId(-1304) 05-29 11:26:33.762 4429 4821 I SoundBooster_Interface: BuffClear() mMode: 2 05-29 11:26:33.762 4429 4821 I SoundBooster_Base: BuffClear() 05-29 11:26:33.762 4429 4821 I SoundBooster:SoundBooster_Legacy: BuffClear() 05-29 11:26:33.763 4429 4821 I SoundBooster_Base: BuffClear() 05-29 11:26:33.763 4429 4821 I SoundBooster:SoundBooster_Legacy: BuffClear() 05-29 11:26:33.767 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: [audio] notifyEOS() End of Stream, delayUs : 0 05-29 11:26:33.767 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: reached audio EOS 05-29 11:26:33.767 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: msg : 2, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0 05-29 11:26:33.767 4440 20418 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeecce3c0), (2, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 05-29 11:26:33.767 4440 20418 V MediaPlayerService: [1] notify (2, 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:33.768 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: onPause 05-29 11:26:33.768 4440 20431 I MediaClock: setPlaybackRate rate : 0.000000 05-29 11:26:33.768 4440 20431 V AudioSink: stop 05-29 11:26:33.768 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: message received msg=2, ext1=0, ext2=0 05-29 11:26:33.768 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: playback complete 05-29 11:26:33.768 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: callback application 05-29 11:26:33.768 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: back from callback 05-29 11:26:33.770 4808 5409 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10003/5236 clientId=android.media.AudioManager$cce331d 05-29 11:26:33.770 4808 5409 D MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus, clientId = android.media.AudioManager$cce331d 05-29 11:26:33.770 4808 5409 D AudioService: GetAppDevice, uid=10003 05-29 11:26:33.770 4808 5409 D MediaFocusControl: selectFocusStack, uid = 10003, appDevice = 0, device = 2 05-29 11:26:33.771 4808 5409 D MotionRecognitionManager: @ member 0 = 05-29 11:26:33.771 4808 5409 D MotionRecognitionService: open api 0 05-29 11:26:33.771 4808 5409 D MotionRecognitionService: .unregisterCallback : 0, client= 05-29 11:26:33.771 4808 5409 D MotionRecognitionService: Acc/Gyro will be disabled by motion sensor = 1 05-29 11:26:33.771 4808 5409 D MotionRecognitionService: Acc/Gyro will be disabled by motion sensor = 2 05-29 11:26:33.771 4808 5409 D SensorService: Calling activate off 1601008243 05-29 11:26:33.772 4279 4948 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 16387, new sensor_state : 17179885570 en : 0 05-29 11:26:33.775 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:26:33.776 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@c2e501d 05-29 11:26:33.776 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput() output 13, stream 5, session 105 05-29 11:26:33.776 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=0 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0 05-29 11:26:33.776 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:33.776 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:26:33.776 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 160 05-29 11:26:33.776 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002 05-29 11:26:33.776 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device 05-29 11:26:33.777 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:26:33.777 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:26:33.777 4279 4948 I Sensors : GyroSensor old sensor_state 16386, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:26:33.778 4808 5409 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:26:33.778 4808 5409 D MotionRecognitionService: .finalizeMotionEngine 05-29 11:26:33.779 4808 5409 I MotionRecognitionManager: .unregisterListener : / listener count = 1->0, 05-29 11:26:33.779 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.781 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:33.781 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:33.783 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: batchClient is NULL!, appDied: false 05-29 11:26:33.783 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback intent 05-29 11:26:33.789 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scanning not started so Scan job is complete. 05-29 11:26:33.868 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=37 Removed SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 (5/10) 05-29 11:26:33.873 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=37 Removed SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 (-2/10) 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039ea0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 12.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 18 39 1062 2174 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 1.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 71 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 139.0 | 0 2081 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:33.874 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:33.885 4295 4295 I Layer : id=37 onRemoved SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:26:33.909 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:33.931 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:33.931 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:33.931 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:33.931 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:34.038 20276 20286 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:34.038 20276 20286 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0396c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 1.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 1 2 1080 2218 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:34.043 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:34.086 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=38 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (5/9) 05-29 11:26:34.086 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=38 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:26:34.089 5399 5424 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039c00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:34.091 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:34.095 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:26:34.100 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:34.100 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:26:34.102 4295 4295 I Layer : id=38 onRemoved thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:26:34.106 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881d320 05-29 11:26:34.114 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:34.117 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=36 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (1/8) 05-29 11:26:34.117 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=36 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:34.119 4295 4295 I Layer : id=36 onRemoved com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:34.202 5236 20449 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 27813(1296KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 479us total 101.667ms 05-29 11:26:34.253 20298 20309 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:34.253 20298 20309 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.appsedge 05-29 11:26:34.469 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:34.469 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:26:34.714 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=585662611000 05-29 11:26:34.715 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=585662611000 05-29 11:26:34.715 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.78 ] when=585662611000 05-29 11:26:34.716 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:34.717 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:34.718 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:34.737 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=0, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:34.742 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:34.744 19241 19376 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:26:34.744 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:34.745 19241 19376 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:26:34.746 19241 19253 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:26:34.750 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 585698 05-29 11:26:34.752 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:34.753 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:34.755 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:26:34.755 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:34.758 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:34.759 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:34.766 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:26:34.766 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:26:34.769 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:26:34.769 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:26:34.770 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:26:34.774 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=585722160000 05-29 11:26:34.774 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=585722160000 05-29 11:26:34.774 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=585722160000 05-29 11:26:34.774 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:34.775 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:34.799 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:34.800 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:34.843 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:34.843 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.844 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:34.844 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.845 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:34.846 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.846 20454 20454 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:34.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:26:34.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.851 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:34.851 12481 12560 D ytrace : Try next server! 05-29 11:26:34.851 12481 12560 D ytrace : Update server info ... 05-29 11:26:34.853 12481 12560 D ytrace : start query to _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net, ret=1 05-29 11:26:34.854 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV index 2 out-of-range (2) 05-29 11:26:34.854 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=2, ret=0 05-29 11:26:34.854 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=0, ret=2 05-29 11:26:34.855 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV[0] wf054.iptnet.net 80 1 1 05-29 11:26:34.855 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:34.856 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=1, port index=1 05-29 11:26:34.859 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:34.863 4441 20459 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:34.863 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:34.864 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:34.868 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:34.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:34.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:34.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.933 20464 20464 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:34.947 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:34.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:34.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.953 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.953 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:34.954 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.958 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.960 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:34.960 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:34.960 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:34.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:34.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:34.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.024 6439 9446 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:26:35.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.098 12481 20457 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:35.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.099 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.100 12481 20457 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:35.100 12481 20457 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:35.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.154 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.163 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.165 12481 20457 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:35.166 12481 20457 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:35.166 12481 20457 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:35.166 12481 20457 I ytrace : End of SRV query process ... result num = 2 05-29 11:26:35.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.261 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.272 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.347 4808 5037 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.server.wifi.WifiConfigStore$1@7cf8d60 05-29 11:26:35.357 4808 5037 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 10 ms. 05-29 11:26:35.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.363 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.372 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:26:35.372 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:26:35.372 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:26:35.372 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:26:35.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.555 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:35.560 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:35.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.579 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.631 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:35.679 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.693 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.694 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.724 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:35.724 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:35.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.787 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.799 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:26:35.836 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=1, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:35.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.896 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:35.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:35.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:35.927 20482 20482 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:35.931 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:35.931 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:35.931 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=2, port index=2 05-29 11:26:35.932 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:35.934 4441 20485 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:35.935 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:35.935 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:35.939 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:36.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.010 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.105 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.115 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.119 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=587067468000 05-29 11:26:36.120 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=587067468000 05-29 11:26:36.120 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.79 ] when=587067468000 05-29 11:26:36.121 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:36.121 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:36.124 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:36.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.215 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.215 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.397 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:26:36.397 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:26:36.405 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.419 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.420 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.428 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:26:36.428 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:26:36.486 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=587434800000 05-29 11:26:36.486 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=587434800000 05-29 11:26:36.486 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=587434800000 05-29 11:26:36.487 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:36.488 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:36.492 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:26:36.492 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:26:36.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.602 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_standby: transited to Idle 05-29 11:26:36.621 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: primary_out-proxy_close_playback_stream: closed PCM Device 05-29 11:26:36.621 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_standby: transited to Standby 05-29 11:26:36.621 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_standby: try to unroute for standby 05-29 11:26:36.626 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.627 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_erap_in: ERAP In PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) is stopped & closed! 05-29 11:26:36.631 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) is stopped & closed! 05-29 11:26:36.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.657 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_playback: SPKAMP Playback PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) is stopped & closed! 05-29 11:26:36.657 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "media-dual-speaker" reverse(1) 05-29 11:26:36.662 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(10) 05-29 11:26:36.662 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-reset_route: unrouted media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:26:36.662 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-media-dual-speaker" reverse(1) 05-29 11:26:36.663 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(2) 05-29 11:26:36.663 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-reset_route: reset gain gain-media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:26:36.663 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-adev_set_route-1: unroutes to device(speaker) for usage(media) 05-29 11:26:36.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.728 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.765 4808 5127 D UcmService: onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:36.765 4808 5127 D UcmService: Package update in userId-0 and uid-1000 05-29 11:26:36.766 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:36.766 5236 5236 D MetadataParser: onPackageUpdated() key = com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.766 4808 5127 D UcmService: isUCMPlugin pkgName-com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest 05-29 11:26:36.766 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: isUCMPlugin match found.... 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: *****refreshAgentList userId-0 is called*** 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: resolveAllowedAgents for user 0 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: resolveAllowedAgentsLegacy for user 0 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: mPersistentServices size is 0 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:36.767 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:36.768 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:36.768 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:36.768 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot is system storage. Checking system signature 05-29 11:26:36.774 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:36.779 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 05-29 11:26:36.780 4808 5127 D UcmService: Signature match 05-29 11:26:36.780 4808 5127 D UcmService: Valid system storage found is com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:36.780 4808 5127 D UcmService: UCM ODE is not enabled 05-29 11:26:36.780 4808 5127 D UcmService: existUCMKeyguardProp 05-29 11:26:36.780 4808 5127 D UcmService: Do not need to bind boot plugin service 05-29 11:26:36.781 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:36.781 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:36.781 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:36.781 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:36.785 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:36.785 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:36.785 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese is system storage. Checking system signature 05-29 11:26:36.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.789 4808 5127 D UcmService: Signature match 05-29 11:26:36.789 4808 5127 D UcmService: Valid system storage found is com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: Do not need to bind eSE Service 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: mPersistentServices size is 0 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.sec.smartcard.manager is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION_LEGACY is granted 05-29 11:26:36.790 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:36.801 4808 5127 D UcmService: PCSC Service doesn't exist. Ignore binidng to old Bai plugin... 05-29 11:26:36.803 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Service: changeItem 05-29 11:26:36.804 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:36.804 5567 5567 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidate#1, attribute#1 05-29 11:26:36.805 5567 5567 D RoutingNotificationHelper: set : (( 5567true , false) 05-29 11:26:36.805 5567 5567 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidateCache 05-29 11:26:36.811 4808 5127 D UcmService: readPersistentServicesLocked is called... 05-29 11:26:36.811 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:36.811 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D ApduServiceInfo: seId: 0 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D RegisteredOthersCache: start invalidate 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D RegisteredPoliciesCache: invalidate 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D RegisteredAidCache: onServicePolicyUpdated 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D RegisteredAidCache: generateAidPolicyMapLocked 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: print policy 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: table size : 0 05-29 11:26:36.813 5567 5567 D CardEmulationManager: Not Allow!!! 05-29 11:26:36.816 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:36.817 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:36.818 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: There are not service policy for this aid 05-29 11:26:36.818 5567 5567 I chatty : uid=1027(nfc) com.android.nfc identical 23 lines 05-29 11:26:36.818 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: There are not service policy for this aid 05-29 11:26:36.818 5567 5567 D AidRoutingManager: Override power table is not changed 05-29 11:26:36.820 5567 5567 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 05-29 11:26:36.822 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.822 5591 5591 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.823 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:36.823 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collect Tech packages for Knox 05-29 11:26:36.824 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collect Tech packages for DualApp 05-29 11:26:36.825 5591 5591 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 05-29 11:26:36.825 5591 5591 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 05-29 11:26:36.825 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collecting NFC Tech components for DualApp 95 05-29 11:26:36.826 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.830 20298 20487 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:36.836 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=2, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:36.839 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:36.840 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:36.841 4808 4841 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.samsung.android.messaging/com.samsung.android.withtalk.ui.recipientspicker.PickerActivity: Search label must be a resource reference. 05-29 11:26:36.842 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:36.842 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:26:36.846 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.846 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:36.849 4808 4808 D PackageManager: Shame on you for calling the hidden API queryBroadcastReceivers(). Shame! 05-29 11:26:36.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.854 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.854 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:36.860 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.860 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:36.865 4429 20438 W libutils.threads: Thread (this=0xe48b4730): don't call waitForExit() from this Thread object's thread. It's a guaranteed deadlock! 05-29 11:26:36.870 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.870 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:36.875 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.877 4808 4808 I PersonaManagerService::Proxy: newPackage is com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.879 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Utils: isPackageEnabled 0 05-29 11:26:36.879 4808 4808 I DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.samsung.android.contacts 05-29 11:26:36.879 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Utils: isComponentEnabled 0 05-29 11:26:36.879 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Service: changeAppPairItem 05-29 11:26:36.880 4808 4808 I DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 95: now null 05-29 11:26:36.881 4808 4808 D RCPManagerService: PackageReceiver onReceive() 05-29 11:26:36.884 20298 20487 D AppsEdge.Service: updatePanel 05-29 11:26:36.884 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:36.884 4808 4841 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.samsung.android.themestore/.activity.bixby.SearchActivityForBixby: Search label must be a resource reference. 05-29 11:26:36.887 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:36.887 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:36.890 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:36.891 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:36.895 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.895 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:36.900 20298 20487 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:36.908 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:36.909 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:36.912 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: onPackageModified com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.912 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: - hadPrintService false 05-29 11:26:36.912 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: - hasPrintService false 05-29 11:26:36.916 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.916 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:36.917 20315 20315 D PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state. 05-29 11:26:36.925 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.925 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:36.925 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:36.925 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:26:36.936 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.936 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:36.941 20493 20493 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:36.943 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.943 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:36.953 20298 20487 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.958 20298 20487 I AppsHelpContainer: count=8 shouldShowBeginnerHelp=false 05-29 11:26:36.963 6221 7184 D LauncherApps: onPackageChanged 0,com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.963 6221 6221 D Launcher.Model: onPackageChanged:com.android.settings user:UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:36.963 6221 6221 D Launcher.Model: isValidStateInKnoxMode:false user:UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:36.964 6221 6304 D Launcher.Model: Loader.updatePackage com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.964 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:36.964 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:36.964 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=3, port index=3 05-29 11:26:36.965 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:36.968 4441 20496 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:36.969 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:36.969 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:36.970 6221 6304 D LauncherApps: getActivityList callingUserId: 0, target user: 0 05-29 11:26:36.971 7531 7531 I CocktailBarUiController: onUpdateCocktail: 4 05-29 11:26:36.971 7531 7531 I CocktailBarPanelManager: updatePanelItem: updateContainedPanel - 4 05-29 11:26:36.971 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: onReceiveContentInfo action=com.samsung.android.app.appsedge.action.panel.update, 102047429 05-29 11:26:36.971 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:36.971 6221 6304 V LauncherApps: Returning activity for profile UserHandle{0} : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:36.973 6221 6304 D LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.android.settings, supportTheme: false, height: 192, width: 192, density: 640 05-29 11:26:36.973 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:36.974 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:36.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:36.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:36.976 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:36.976 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:36.980 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:36.980 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:36.982 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.982 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:36.983 6221 6304 D skia : Encode PNG Singlethread processname=com.sec.android.app.launcher : 8796 us, width=174, height=174 05-29 11:26:36.983 6221 6304 D skia : Encode PNG Singlethread processname=com.sec.android.app.launcher : 356 us, width=34, height=34 05-29 11:26:36.984 6221 6304 D LauncherApps: getActivityList callingUserId: 0, target user: 0 05-29 11:26:36.985 6221 6304 V LauncherApps: Returning activity for profile UserHandle{0} : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:36.985 6221 6304 D DataLoader: updatePackage:com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:36.986 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater 05-29 11:26:36.986 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater cn = ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} , UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:36.986 7531 7531 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:36.987 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater update item = IconInfo(title=Settings intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings (has extras) } id=44 type=0 container=-102 screen=0 cellX=3 cellY=3 spanX=1 spanY=1 rank=18 hidden=0 dropPos=null user=UserHandle{0}) 05-29 11:26:36.987 6221 6304 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:36.987 6221 6304 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:26:36.988 6221 6304 I PostPositionController: addItem() - com.android.settings, isWidgetOnly : true 05-29 11:26:36.989 6221 6304 D WidgetLoader: ignore dirty because widgets are not changed 05-29 11:26:36.992 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:36.992 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:36.995 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.995 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:36.998 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:36.998 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:37.000 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:37.000 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:37.002 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:37.002 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:37.004 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:37.010 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.youtube 05-29 11:26:37.012 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.android.chrome 05-29 11:26:37.020 7531 7531 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 05-29 11:26:37.024 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 05-29 11:26:37.024 7531 7531 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 05-29 11:26:37.027 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 05-29 11:26:37.030 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:26:37.031 4808 6228 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:26:37.031 4808 6228 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:26:37.031 4808 6228 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:26:37.031 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.tachyon 05-29 11:26:37.032 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:37.032 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: updateItems 05-29 11:26:37.032 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:37.033 7531 7531 D PanelDescriptionView: updateHelpView: Apps edge2130968577 --> 2130968577 helpview reapplied0 05-29 11:26:37.034 7531 7531 D PanelDescriptionView: updateHelpView: Apps edge2130968577 --> 2130968577 helpview reapplied0 05-29 11:26:37.034 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: postUpdatePanel: 1 05-29 11:26:37.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.060 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.256 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.346 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.348 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.360 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.361 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.679 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.679 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.756 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=588704532000 05-29 11:26:37.757 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=588704532000 05-29 11:26:37.757 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.80 ] when=588704532000 05-29 11:26:37.758 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:37.759 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:37.759 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:37.784 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.814 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=588762103000 05-29 11:26:37.814 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=588762103000 05-29 11:26:37.814 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=588762103000 05-29 11:26:37.814 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:37.814 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:37.865 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:37.866 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:37.891 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:37.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.892 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:37.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:37.936 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=3, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:38.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.000 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.000 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.000 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.010 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.017 20502 20502 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:38.021 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:38.021 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:38.021 12481 12560 D ytrace : Exceed max retry (4) for registration ... server index = 0 (2) 05-29 11:26:38.021 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REG_READY => REG_READY 05-29 11:26:38.022 12481 12560 D ytrace : try next server, server index=1 05-29 11:26:38.022 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:38.026 4441 20505 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:38.027 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:38.028 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:38.032 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:38.036 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=0, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:38.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.089 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.112 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.122 20511 20511 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:38.127 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:38.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : Try next server! 05-29 11:26:38.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : Update server info ... 05-29 11:26:38.129 12481 12560 D ytrace : start query to _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net, ret=1 05-29 11:26:38.129 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=1, ret=2 05-29 11:26:38.129 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV[1] wf053.iptnet.net 80 1 1 05-29 11:26:38.129 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:38.129 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=1, port index=1 05-29 11:26:38.130 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:38.136 4441 20516 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:38.136 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:38.137 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:38.139 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:38.208 20521 20521 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:38.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.423 12481 20514 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:38.425 12481 20514 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:38.425 12481 20514 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:38.467 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.467 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.513 12481 20514 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:38.515 12481 20514 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:38.515 12481 20514 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:38.515 12481 20514 I ytrace : End of SRV query process ... result num = 2 05-29 11:26:38.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.620 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:38.622 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:38.640 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.640 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.749 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, auto: false 05-29 11:26:38.749 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: isSecureModeEnabled 05-29 11:26:38.750 5191 5203 D BtConfig.SecureMode: isSecureModeOn:false 05-29 11:26:38.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:38.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.751 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:38.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:38.751 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() 05-29 11:26:38.752 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=aa2dcaec-7120-46c5-830f-430c0919d31e 05-29 11:26:38.754 5191 5203 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - UUID=aa2dcaec-7120-46c5-830f-430c0919d31e 05-29 11:26:38.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=aa2dcaec-7120-46c5-830f-430c0919d31e, clientIf=8, status=0 05-29 11:26:38.760 19241 19376 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.connect blocked the main thread for 17ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:26:38.760 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8 05-29 11:26:38.766 5191 5203 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - address = FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, isDirect=true transport =0 set own addr = false own addr type:0, clientIf: 8, phy: 1 05-29 11:26:38.770 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x1 05-29 11:26:38.770 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:38.803 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:26:38.804 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8 05-29 11:26:38.805 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=8 05-29 11:26:38.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=8, connId=0, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:26:38.809 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 8 05-29 11:26:38.845 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, auto: false 05-29 11:26:38.845 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: isSecureModeEnabled 05-29 11:26:38.846 5191 5204 D BtConfig.SecureMode: isSecureModeOn:false 05-29 11:26:38.846 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() 05-29 11:26:38.846 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=c16e7f08-1779-4b81-836a-dcf8c28fc05a 05-29 11:26:38.848 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - UUID=c16e7f08-1779-4b81-836a-dcf8c28fc05a 05-29 11:26:38.853 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=c16e7f08-1779-4b81-836a-dcf8c28fc05a, clientIf=8, status=0 05-29 11:26:38.854 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8 05-29 11:26:38.857 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - address = FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, isDirect=true transport =0 set own addr = false own addr type:0, clientIf: 8, phy: 1 05-29 11:26:39.037 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=1, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:39.130 20534 20534 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:39.135 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:39.135 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:39.135 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=2, port index=2 05-29 11:26:39.136 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:39.141 4441 20537 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:39.142 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:39.142 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:39.144 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:40.037 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=2, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:40.121 20543 20543 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:40.125 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:40.126 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:40.126 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=3, port index=3 05-29 11:26:40.127 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:40.130 4441 20546 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:40.130 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:40.130 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:40.134 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:40.696 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:26:40.697 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:26:40.698 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:26:40.699 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:40.699 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:40.699 4429 4618 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:40.796 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:26:40.865 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:40.866 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:41.037 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=3, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:41.116 20552 20552 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:41.120 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:41.121 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:41.121 12481 12560 D ytrace : Exceed max retry (4) for registration ... server index = 1 (2) 05-29 11:26:41.121 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REG_READY => REG_READY 05-29 11:26:41.121 12481 12560 D ytrace : has tried all servers 05-29 11:26:41.121 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server wf053.iptnet.net fail, reconnect after 2 second(s)... 05-29 11:26:41.121 12481 12560 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=4, arg1=5, arg2=-828878852, lineId=0 05-29 11:26:41.121 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:41.122 12481 12560 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_FAIL' subEvent='C2C_SRV_NO_RESP' 05-29 11:26:41.122 12481 12560 D MainService: onRegisterListener onFailure 05-29 11:26:41.124 4441 20555 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:41.125 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:41.125 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:41.129 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:41.648 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=592596496000 05-29 11:26:41.649 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=592596496000 05-29 11:26:41.650 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.81 ] when=592596496000 05-29 11:26:41.652 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:41.652 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:41.652 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:41.730 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=592678789000 05-29 11:26:41.730 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=592678789000 05-29 11:26:41.730 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=592678789000 05-29 11:26:41.731 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:41.731 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:41.772 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:41.772 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:41.774 6118 10586 W NamedFutures: Timeout future task has been cancelled: 9000 milliseconds 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: Task 174 failed or timed out. Client 26908776118758175 disconnecting from SearchService! 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.eC(SourceFile:224) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.get(SourceFile:135) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.cs.q(SourceFile:1) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.az.o(SourceFile:7) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.bb.run(SourceFile:5) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.concurrent.b.an.run(SourceFile:2) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:26:41.782 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:26:41.867 6118 6118 I SpeechSettingsImpl: Exception device found. 05-29 11:26:41.895 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:26:41.896 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:26:41.902 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:41.902 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:41.905 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:41.929 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:41.929 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, className: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity, count: 0 05-29 11:26:41.930 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:26:41.931 19044 19044 D MethodReflector: notifyChange is called 05-29 11:26:41.931 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 05-29 11:26:41.932 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 05-29 11:26:41.944 6439 9446 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:26:41.950 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:41.951 4441 20561 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:41.951 6102 20560 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:41.954 6102 20560 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:41.968 6102 20559 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:26:42.010 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:42.060 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:42.060 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:26:42.132 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges() entered. 05-29 11:26:42.140 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.lool = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud = 1 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.facebook.katana = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider = -1 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider/com.samsung.android.email.ui.activity.MessageListXL = -1 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android = 1 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager = 0 05-29 11:26:42.143 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol = 0 05-29 11:26:42.145 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{0}] 05-29 11:26:42.157 19065 19078 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:26:42.161 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 2 05-29 11:26:42.161 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android/.activity.SplashActivity = 2 05-29 11:26:42.163 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{95}] 05-29 11:26:42.163 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), final size : 4 05-29 11:26:42.163 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges(), badges count : 4 05-29 11:26:42.214 5191 5897 E bt_btm : [BTCORE][DBFW+]btm_acl_created hci_handle=0x40 link_role=0 transport=2 05-29 11:26:42.214 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:42.215 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1b, rl_mask = 0x1, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:26:42.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.384 5191 5897 W bt_smp : smp_br_connect_callback is called on unexpected transport 2 05-29 11:26:42.384 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0 05-29 11:26:42.384 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT 05-29 11:26:42.384 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED 05-29 11:26:42.384 5191 5897 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_cache_load: can't open GATT cache file /data/misc/bluetooth/gatt_cache_fbbf796d102b for reading, error: No such file or directory 05-29 11:26:42.385 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:Connected to Device:6D:1, linktype is 2 05-29 11:26:42.391 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:42.393 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:26:42.393 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:26:42.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onConnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:26:42.394 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=8 device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:26:42.403 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:26:42.406 10370 10370 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.onReceive - ($) 05-29 11:26:42.412 19799 20058 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:26:42.418 5191 6149 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:26:42.419 19799 20058 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:26:42.424 5191 5203 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:26:42.424 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:26:42.425 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:26:42.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.432 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: same manuId data exists, combine both data and store 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: same manuId data exists, combine both data and store 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.433 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: same manuId data exists, combine both data and store 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: It's a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: It's a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.433 19241 19253 D ScanRecord: same manuId data exists, combine both data and store 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: It's a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:26:42.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: It's a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.434 6118 20411 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:26:42.434 6439 20563 I BluetoothDevice: fetchUuidsWithSdp() for device 6D:1 called by pid: 6439 tid: 20563 05-29 11:26:42.436 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:26:42.438 5191 5203 E BluetoothBondStateMachine: is in PendingState ? false 05-29 11:26:42.441 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:42.492 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:42.495 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:26:42.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.532 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:42.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:42.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:42.844 6118 19723 I BistoDBWrapper: Create DB 05-29 11:26:42.883 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=593831462000 05-29 11:26:42.884 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=593831462000 05-29 11:26:42.884 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.82 ] when=593831462000 05-29 11:26:42.885 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:42.885 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:42.886 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:42.895 6177 6177 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:26:42.905 6177 20564 E zygote64: The String#value field is not present on Android versions >= 6.0 05-29 11:26:42.942 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:42.943 4808 11437 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:26:42.943 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:42.957 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039c00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:42.997 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:43.016 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=593964887000 05-29 11:26:43.016 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=593964887000 05-29 11:26:43.016 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=593964887000 05-29 11:26:43.017 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:43.017 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:43.023 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:26:43.036 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=0, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:43.117 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:26:43.122 20570 20570 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:43.127 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:43.127 12481 12560 D ytrace : Try next server! 05-29 11:26:43.127 12481 12560 D ytrace : Update server info ... 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : start query to _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net, ret=1 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV index 2 out-of-range (2) 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=2, ret=0 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=0, ret=2 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV[0] wf054.iptnet.net 80 1 1 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:43.128 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=1, port index=1 05-29 11:26:43.129 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:43.134 4441 20575 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:43.134 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:43.135 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:43.137 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:43.205 20580 20580 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:43.280 5191 5897 W bt_bta_gattc: bta_gattc_explore_srvc no more services found 05-29 11:26:43.282 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:26:43.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:43.282 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:26:43.283 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:43.285 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_search_services_evt: no disc_ble_res.bd_name 05-29 11:26:43.286 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B Status=0 05-29 11:26:43.317 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:26:43.342 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:26:43.379 19241 19253 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:26:43.380 12481 20573 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:43.382 12481 20573 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:43.382 12481 20573 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = HLx5uuSb7pc= 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop HLx5uuSb7pc= dkeyDecode 1c dkeystr �y��� 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 21 53 8b 55 37 a1 77 d5 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return IVOLVTehd9U= 05-29 11:26:43.437 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = IVOLVTehd9U= 05-29 11:26:43.460 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:43.466 12481 20573 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:43.467 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:43.467 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:43.467 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:43.467 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:43.468 12481 20573 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:43.468 12481 20573 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:43.468 12481 20573 I ytrace : End of SRV query process ... result num = 2 05-29 11:26:43.468 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:43.468 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:43.468 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:43.469 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:43.469 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:26:43.469 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: true, SCRunningSetting: 1, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:26:43.470 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:26:43.470 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - SERVICE IS ALREADY RUNNING, action:android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED needNearbyScan :false , NearbyResponseSetting:false 05-29 11:26:43.470 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 12 05-29 11:26:43.477 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 12 05-29 11:26:43.509 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=594457778000 05-29 11:26:43.509 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=594457778000 05-29 11:26:43.510 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.83 ] when=594457778000 05-29 11:26:43.510 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:43.510 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:43.511 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=594459000000 05-29 11:26:43.511 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=0, interactive=true 05-29 11:26:43.513 4808 5012 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:26:43.513 4808 5012 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:26:43.513 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=0, wmActions=1 05-29 11:26:43.517 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:26:43.517 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:26:43.552 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=594499053000 05-29 11:26:43.552 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=594499053000 05-29 11:26:43.552 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=594499053000 05-29 11:26:43.552 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:43.553 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:43.554 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=594501000000 05-29 11:26:43.554 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=1, interactive=true 05-29 11:26:43.555 4808 5012 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:26:43.555 4808 5012 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:26:43.555 4808 5012 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:26:43.555 4808 5012 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=1, wmActions=1 05-29 11:26:43.559 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:26:43.559 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:26:43.562 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:43.563 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:43.564 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:43.564 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:26:43.564 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:26:43.565 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:43.565 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:43.565 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:26:43.565 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:26:43.566 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:26:43.571 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(0) 05-29 11:26:43.571 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:26:43.572 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 05-29 11:26:43.575 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:43.575 4808 4997 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:43.575 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato getNaviationBarHeight() first use took : 1 05-29 11:26:43.576 4808 4997 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 19241 05-29 11:26:43.583 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:26:43.586 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:26:43.586 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(0) 05-29 11:26:43.588 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:26:43.591 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:43.591 6221 6221 D Launcher: onNewIntent 05-29 11:26:43.592 6221 6221 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 6221 05-29 11:26:43.592 4808 5409 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10092: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4a4a4eb 05-29 11:26:43.592 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:26:43.593 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:26:43.593 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:43.593 19241 19241 I TSLocationManager: - onPause 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D Launcher: mRunResumeCallbackInSchedule needToRun! 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564403 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183195 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 1.0 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:26:43.599 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:26:43.599 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:26:43.600 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:26:43.601 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:43.602 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:43.603 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:26:43.603 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:26:43.603 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 3 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:26:43.604 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx], count : [1] 05-29 11:26:43.604 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:43.605 4808 5409 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:26:43.605 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 05-29 11:26:43.605 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:26:43.606 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:43.606 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:26:43.606 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:26:43.606 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:26:43.607 6118 20592 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:26:43.608 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=40 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:43.609 4808 5409 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:43.609 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8718 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:43.610 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:26:43.612 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:26:43.612 4808 5012 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8718 05-29 11:26:43.612 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:43.612 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:26:43.616 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:43.616 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:26:43.617 6221 6221 I Launcher: schedule start! 05-29 11:26:43.617 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:43.617 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:26:43.617 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: updateItem : (id=44, container=-102, screen=0, rank=18, Settings, false) 05-29 11:26:43.617 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:43.617 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:43.619 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@5dac337 nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:26:43.619 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:43.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:43.619 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@fc49551 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@5dec663 nm = com.sec.android.app.launcher controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#130 windowFlags=#81910d00 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:43.620 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@5dec663 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:43.622 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:43.622 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:26:43.623 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:43.624 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:43.625 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:26:43.628 19241 19310 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xc9612f20 05-29 11:26:43.629 6221 6221 I RunCallbackInSchedule: mBindOnResumeCallbacks, size 1 05-29 11:26:43.629 5399 5424 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:26:43.629 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:43.629 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:26:43.630 6221 6221 I RunCallbackInSchedule: mBindOnResumeCallbacks, empty 05-29 11:26:43.630 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:43.630 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:26:43.630 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:26:43.630 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:26:43.631 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:43.639 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:43.648 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:43.649 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:43.655 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:43.658 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:26:43.672 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:26:43.672 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038700 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 179.0 367.0 901.0 1852.0 | 1 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 5 10 1075 2210 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:43.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:43.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:43.680 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:43.692 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:43.741 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:43.741 19241 19761 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:26:43.759 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:43.791 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:26:43.792 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:26:43.792 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:26:43.794 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:26:43.794 4267 20593 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:26:43.794 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:26:43.794 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:26:43.794 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:26:43.794 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:26:43.795 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:43.795 4808 5012 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:26:43.795 4808 5012 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:26:43.795 4808 5012 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:26:43.795 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:26:43.795 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:26:43.795 5236 8357 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:26:43.795 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.796 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:26:43.796 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.796 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.796 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.796 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.817 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.818 19241 19761 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:26:43.819 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.819 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:26:43.819 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:26:43.819 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:26:43.819 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:43.826 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:26:43.827 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8 05-29 11:26:43.827 5191 5909 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=8 05-29 11:26:43.828 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:26:43.828 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 8 05-29 11:26:43.857 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:26:43.857 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:26:43.857 4267 5786 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:26:43.857 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:26:43.857 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:26:43.858 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:26:43.884 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:43.884 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:43.884 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:43.884 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038700 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 9.0 18.0 1072.0 2203.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0389a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038ee0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:43.894 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:43.933 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: Start of BadgeRunnable 05-29 11:26:43.933 4808 6023 I ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverOwner , PersonaId : -1 05-29 11:26:43.935 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : package IN ( "com.samsung.android.messaging" , "com.samsung.android.contacts" , "com.samsung.contacts ") 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 0 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 95 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:43.937 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:26:43.943 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=39 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (4/8) 05-29 11:26:43.956 4295 4295 I Layer : id=39 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:26:44.014 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:44.014 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:26:44.027 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=594975167000 05-29 11:26:44.027 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=594975167000 05-29 11:26:44.027 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.84 ] when=594975167000 05-29 11:26:44.027 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:44.027 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:44.027 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:44.028 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:26:44.030 5236 5515 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = true connected = false bluetoothState = 12 05-29 11:26:44.031 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:26:44.031 5236 5515 D FlashlightController: updateTorchCallback for mCameraId 0 05-29 11:26:44.031 5236 5515 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: handleUpdateState: value false state.dim false 05-29 11:26:44.032 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.ANIMATING 05-29 11:26:44.034 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:26:44.034 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:26:44.036 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=1, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:44.036 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:26:44.061 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,72] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:44.063 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:44.063 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 2220, oldBottom : 72 05-29 11:26:44.063 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:26:44.063 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:44.063 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:44.064 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:44.066 19241 19376 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:44.067 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:44.067 19241 19376 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:26:44.068 5191 5909 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 595016 05-29 11:26:44.068 5191 5909 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 9318, tot/min/max scan time: 103306/9318/37866 05-29 11:26:44.072 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:44.074 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:44.074 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:44.075 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:26:44.075 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:26:44.075 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:26:44.075 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:26:44.083 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:44.083 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=513 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:44.084 4808 5409 V Vibrator: Called cancel() API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, token: android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:26:44.084 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564397042Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:44.084 4286 4286 D SecVibrator-HAL: writeNode node:/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 05-29 11:26:44.087 5236 20597 V MediaPlayer-JNI: stop 05-29 11:26:44.087 5236 20597 V MediaPlayerNative: stop 05-29 11:26:44.087 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] stop 05-29 11:26:44.087 4440 4440 D NuPlayerDriver: stop(0xeecce3c0) 05-29 11:26:44.087 4440 4440 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeecce3c0), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 05-29 11:26:44.087 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: [1] notify (8, 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:44.087 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: message received msg=8, ext1=0, ext2=0 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: unrecognized message: (8, 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: callback application 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: Handler (android.media.MediaPlayer$EventHandler) {788fb22} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.media.MediaPlayer$EventHandler) {788fb22} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:545) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:661) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:630) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:600) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(Handler.java:537) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 W MessageQueue: at android.media.MediaPlayer.postEventFromNative(MediaPlayer.java:4477) 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 8357 V MediaPlayerNative: back from callback 05-29 11:26:44.088 5236 20597 V MediaPlayer: resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false 05-29 11:26:44.089 5236 20597 V MediaPlayer: cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null 05-29 11:26:44.089 5236 20597 V MediaPlayer-JNI: release 05-29 11:26:44.089 5236 20597 V MediaPlayerNative: setListener 05-29 11:26:44.089 5236 20597 V MediaPlayerNative: disconnect 05-29 11:26:44.089 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: disconnect(1) from pid 5236 05-29 11:26:44.089 4440 4440 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xeecce3c0) at state 8 05-29 11:26:44.089 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: updateMetrics(0xeecce3c0) from reset at state 8 05-29 11:26:44.089 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: logMetrics(0xeecce3c0) from reset at state 8 05-29 11:26:44.089 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:26:44.091 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: kWhatReset 05-29 11:26:44.091 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: setDecoderBooster enable = No 05-29 11:26:44.091 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: performDecoderFlush audio=2, video=2 05-29 11:26:44.091 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: [audio] flushDecoder needShutdown=1 05-29 11:26:44.091 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: postponing action mFlushingAudio=2, mFlushingVideo=0 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20432 I NuPlayerRenderer: flush audio, notifyComplete 1, shutdown Yes 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20432 D NuPlayerRenderer: signalTimeDiscontinuity() mHasAudio = 1 , mHasVideo = 0 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: flushing audio 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20431 I NuPlayerRenderer: onFlush mAudioDrainGeneration : 2 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20431 V AudioSink: flush 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] signalFlush 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] ExecutingState flushing now (codec owns 0/4 input, 0/4 output). 05-29 11:26:44.092 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8608 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Flushing 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] FlushingState onOMXEvent(0,1,0) 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] FlushingState onOMXEvent(0,1,1) 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Executing 05-29 11:26:44.092 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: decoder audio flush completed 05-29 11:26:44.093 4440 20431 V AudioSink: stop 05-29 11:26:44.093 4440 20431 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 0 frames delivered 05-29 11:26:44.093 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: renderer audio flush completed. 05-29 11:26:44.093 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: initiating audio decoder shutdown 05-29 11:26:44.094 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Executing->Idle 05-29 11:26:44.096 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:26:44.096 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:26:44.096 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:26:44.097 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Idle->Loaded 05-29 11:26:44.097 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Loaded 05-29 11:26:44.098 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:44.098 4440 20433 I ACodec : [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now uninitialized 05-29 11:26:44.098 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:44.099 4440 20433 I ACodec : [] Now kWhatShutdownCompleted event : 8575 05-29 11:26:44.099 4440 20433 I MediaCodec: Codec shutdown complete 05-29 11:26:44.099 4440 20432 I NuPlayerDecoder: onShutdown notifyComplete : Yes 05-29 11:26:44.099 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: audio shutdown completed 05-29 11:26:44.100 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: both audio and video are flushed now. 05-29 11:26:44.100 4440 20418 V NuPlayer: performReset 05-29 11:26:44.100 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=29 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (6/7) 05-29 11:26:44.100 4440 20418 V GenericSource: ~GenericSource 05-29 11:26:44.100 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=29 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:26:44.101 4440 20418 V GenericSource: resetDataSource 05-29 11:26:44.101 4440 20418 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xeecce3c0) 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: ~NuPlayerDriver(0xeecce3c0) 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: updateMetrics(0xeecce3c0) from destructor at state 0 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: logMetrics(0xeecce3c0) from destructor at state 0 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V NuPlayerDriver: did not have anything to record 05-29 11:26:44.102 5236 20597 V MediaPlayerNative: destructor 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: Client(1) destructor pid = 5236 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V AudioSink: +++ close 05-29 11:26:44.102 4440 4440 V AudioSink: --- close 05-29 11:26:44.102 4437 20426 I OggExtractor: OggSource::stop() mExtractor ref count = 2 05-29 11:26:44.102 4437 20426 I OggExtractor: ~OggSource -- 05-29 11:26:44.102 4437 20426 I OggExtractor: ~OggExtractor ++ 05-29 11:26:44.102 4437 20426 I OggExtractor: ~MyOggExtractor ++ 05-29 11:26:44.102 4437 20426 I OggExtractor: ~MyOggExtractor -- 05-29 11:26:44.102 4437 20426 I OggExtractor: ~OggExtractor -- 05-29 11:26:44.103 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: releaseOutput() 13 05-29 11:26:44.103 4440 4440 V MediaPlayerService: disconnect(1) from pid 5236 05-29 11:26:44.104 5236 20597 V MediaPlayerNative: disconnect 05-29 11:26:44.105 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.106 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:44.106 4295 4295 I Layer : id=29 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038700 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:44.109 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:44.109 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:26:44.110 4808 6228 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8608 05-29 11:26:44.110 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:44.116 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.128 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:26:44.128 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:26:44.131 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:26:44.133 20602 20602 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:44.137 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:44.137 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:44.137 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=2, port index=2 05-29 11:26:44.138 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:44.141 4441 20605 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:44.141 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:44.142 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:44.143 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:44.168 4808 4818 I zygote64: NativeAllocBackground concurrent copying GC freed 134117(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 81(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 47MB/71MB, paused 394us total 154.325ms 05-29 11:26:44.196 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.199 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:44.208 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.210 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=595158070000 05-29 11:26:44.210 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=595158070000 05-29 11:26:44.210 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=595158070000 05-29 11:26:44.210 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:44.210 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:44.212 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - AudioTab[false], ModeTab[false] 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - connectDevices : [] 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - visibleDevices : [] 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - EXPAND_QUICKSETTING 05-29 11:26:44.213 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]true [isHeadsetReady]true [isHidReady]true 05-29 11:26:44.214 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - getBondedDevices size is 0 05-29 11:26:44.215 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:26:44.217 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:26:44.217 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:44.217 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:44.217 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: true, SCRunningSetting: 1, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - SERVICE IS ALREADY RUNNING, action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED needNearbyScan :false , NearbyResponseSetting:false 05-29 11:26:44.218 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 12 05-29 11:26:44.221 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 12 05-29 11:26:44.224 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.224 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.224 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:26:44.224 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.575 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 21 lines 05-29 11:26:44.592 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:44.738 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:26:44.738 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:26:44.741 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:44.742 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:26:44.742 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:26:44.742 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:26:44.829 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnect 05-29 11:26:44.829 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:44.829 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_send_hci_disconnect: handle:0x40, reason=0x13 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=5 connected=0 conn_id=5 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=7 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btm_acl_removed:1: 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnected 05-29 11:26:44.842 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:26:44.843 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT 05-29 11:26:44.843 5191 5323 D btif_av : btif_av_move_idle(L3072), cannot find av control block! 05-29 11:26:44.843 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:44.843 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:DisConnected to Device:6D:1 05-29 11:26:44.847 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:44.847 5191 5191 D PanService: onReceive : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:44.847 5191 5191 D EnhancedTetheringManager: isLastConnectedDevice : 6D:1 05-29 11:26:44.847 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:44.848 5191 5191 I BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED, state: -2147483648 05-29 11:26:44.848 5191 5191 E BluetoothPbapService: Device 6D:1 not waiting for authorization..Skipping cancel dialog... 05-29 11:26:44.848 5236 5515 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:44.848 5191 5323 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifyDisconnectReason() is called!!! 05-29 11:26:44.848 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:26:44.848 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:26:44.849 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:26:44.849 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:26:44.849 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:44.850 20090 20090 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:26:44.851 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:44.852 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:44.852 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:44.853 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:44.853 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: devicePropertyChangedCallback: bdDevice: 6D:1, value is empty for type: 241 05-29 11:26:44.854 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:44.855 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:44.862 19799 20058 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:26:44.875 5191 6149 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:26:44.876 19799 20058 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:26:44.880 5191 6149 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:26:44.881 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:26:44.881 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:26:44.887 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:26:44.919 6177 6177 I BistoRealService: onDestroy 05-29 11:26:44.928 6177 6177 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:26:44.935 5191 5203 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectedDevices : size=0 05-29 11:26:45.070 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofences() 05-29 11:26:45.121 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=596069689000 05-29 11:26:45.121 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=596069689000 05-29 11:26:45.122 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.85 ] when=596069689000 05-29 11:26:45.122 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:45.122 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:45.122 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:45.124 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 0 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 150.0293 Y : 183.73535 05-29 11:26:45.136 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=2, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:45.143 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.143 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.143 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.143 19241 20113 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.188 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.188 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.188 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.188 19241 20119 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:26:45.191 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:45.192 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:26:45.197 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:26:45.203 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:45.203 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:26:45.208 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:26:45.212 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:26:45.219 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:26:45.236 20613 20613 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:45.241 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:45.241 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:45.241 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=3, port index=3 05-29 11:26:45.242 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:45.250 4441 20616 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:45.250 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:45.251 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:45.256 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:45.263 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:26:45.265 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@1257c9b 05-29 11:26:45.266 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:26:45.267 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:26:45.268 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:26:45.269 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.271 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:45.272 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.273 5191 5203 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@b186a1f 05-29 11:26:45.273 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:26:45.283 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.284 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.284 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:26:45.285 19241 20618 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.287 19241 20618 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:45.288 19241 20618 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.289 19241 20618 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:26:45.293 19241 19253 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:26:45.299 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 596247 05-29 11:26:45.300 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.300 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.301 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:26:45.301 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.302 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:45.302 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:26:45.304 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:26:45.304 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:26:45.306 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:26:45.307 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:26:45.307 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:26:45.336 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.351 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:26:45.351 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:26:45.365 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.380 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:45.381 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:45.381 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:45.383 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:45.383 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:45.383 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.384 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.385 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:45.388 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:45.389 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:26:45.394 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:26:45.396 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:26:45.398 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:26:45.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.399 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.401 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:26:45.402 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:26:45.404 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:26:45.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.476 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.476 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.476 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.486 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.493 19241 20625 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:26:45.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.559 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.572 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:45.592 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.626 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 1104, Long click 05-29 11:26:45.626 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:45.627 4808 5623 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = 10003 isDM = false 05-29 11:26:45.641 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(1) 05-29 11:26:45.643 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:26:45.643 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onPause() 05-29 11:26:45.644 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:26:45.645 4808 4945 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:45.646 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:26:45.646 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:45.647 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:26:45.647 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:26:45.648 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:45.649 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:45.651 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(1) 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 Trylock acquired successfully 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition_l 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_join_callback_thread 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 20593 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop: Termination message 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:26:45.653 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.655 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.655 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: setView = DecorView@453c613[settings] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:45.656 4808 6217 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:45.656 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:45.656 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:26:45.657 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:45.658 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 9 05-29 11:26:45.658 4267 20593 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STOPPED] 05-29 11:26:45.658 4267 20593 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization stopped & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:26:45.658 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:26:45.658 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.659 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.659 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.659 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.659 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.660 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:45.661 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:45.661 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:45.661 4808 5623 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:26:45.662 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:45.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.664 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:45.664 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=41 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:45.665 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.665 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:45.665 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4267 20593 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4267 20593 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Disable MIC Controls 05-29 11:26:45.666 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:26:45.666 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:45.666 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:26:45.666 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:26:45.668 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 529871331328} changed=true 05-29 11:26:45.668 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:26:45.668 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stop Hotword Recognition status: true 05-29 11:26:45.668 4808 5409 W InputMethodManagerService: Focus gain on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@daab06f (uid=10092 pid=6221) 05-29 11:26:45.668 4808 5409 W InputMethodManagerService: calledFromValidUser : true, (mCurFocusedWindow == windowToken) : true, (attribute != null) : false 05-29 11:26:45.668 4808 5409 W InputMethodManagerService: (mCurClient != cs) : false, mCurFocusedWindow : android.os.BinderProxy@9d871b6, windowToken : android.os.BinderProxy@9d871b6 05-29 11:26:45.669 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:45.670 20090 20629 D Settings: packageName : com.android.settings className : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.693 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:26:45.695 20090 20090 E SemExpandableListView: setDivider() height=2 05-29 11:26:45.697 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:26:45.698 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:45.699 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.699 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:26:45.700 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:45.702 4808 6228 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0xb61a 05-29 11:26:45.702 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:45.707 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:45.708 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: set footer divider true 05-29 11:26:45.709 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:45.712 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 529871331328} changed=false 05-29 11:26:45.712 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:45.713 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:45.714 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:45.714 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:45.716 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.716 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.716 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:45.717 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStart consume time = 14975.732759 05-29 11:26:45.717 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStart consume time = 0.154038 05-29 11:26:45.717 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onStart 05-29 11:26:45.718 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: start 05-29 11:26:45.718 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:45.719 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.720 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:45.720 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.721 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: startTracking 05-29 11:26:45.722 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.722 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SimSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.722 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PowerUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.722 20090 20090 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 1000, CallingPid : 20090 05-29 11:26:45.722 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UserSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 1 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20630 W WifiTracker: ignored updateAccessPoints, Wi-Fi is not enabled. state: 1 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.723 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: showOffNessage To improve location accuracy, apps and services may scan for Wi-Fi networks even when Wi-Fi is turned off. To stop this from happening, turn off Wi-Fi scanning in LINK_BEGINImprove accuracy settingsLINK_END. 05-29 11:26:45.724 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:45.724 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.724 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcOsaifukeitaiSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:45.725 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PaymentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.725 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.726 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.727 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:45.729 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.731 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DockSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:45.731 20090 20117 D Settings_Utils: isSupportMultiResolution:true productFeature:true floating:true 05-29 11:26:45.731 20090 20117 D Settings_Utils: isSupportBoostMode: true // highPerfFeature:true resolutionFeature:true 05-29 11:26:45.731 20090 20117 D Settings_Utils: isGameModeEnabled: false 05-29 11:26:45.732 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.733 4808 5012 D UcmService: getKeyguardStorageForCurrentUser : 0 05-29 11:26:45.733 4808 5012 D UcmService: isFileExist : false 05-29 11:26:45.733 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.733 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.733 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.734 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.734 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.734 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:45.735 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.735 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:45.736 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:45.736 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onResume 05-29 11:26:45.736 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.736 20090 20090 D Settings_SA: insertFlowLog(103) 05-29 11:26:45.736 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.736 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: resume 05-29 11:26:45.737 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PersonalPageSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:45.737 4808 6217 D WifiService: SEC_COMMAND_ID_SET_WIFI_SCAN_WITH_P2P - Start Scan(Anqp), Start Assoc 05-29 11:26:45.737 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:45.737 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: Stop p2p discovery after start legacy scan and assoc 05-29 11:26:45.737 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: SEC_COMMAND_ID_SET_WIFI_XXX_WITH_P2P semConcurrentEnabled false 05-29 11:26:45.737 4808 11437 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:45.738 4808 5037 E WifiStateMachine: Error! unhandled message{ when=0 what=139269 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:45.739 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.740 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.741 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.742 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: setView = DecorView@278c895[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:45.742 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.742 4808 5409 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:45.744 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PenSettingsMenuActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:45.744 20090 20117 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:45.744 20090 20117 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:45.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.748 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:45.748 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 W WifiTracker: ignored updateAccessPoints, Wi-Fi is not enabled. state: 1 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 W WifiTracker: ignored updateAccessPoints, Wi-Fi is not enabled. state: 1 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:45.749 20090 20630 W WifiTracker: ignored updateAccessPoints, Wi-Fi is not enabled. state: 1 05-29 11:26:45.750 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring 05-29 11:26:45.750 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:45.754 6118 20592 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:26:45.755 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:45.755 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=42 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:45.757 4808 6217 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.757 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:26:45.758 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:45.760 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 20090 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20090 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:45.760 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.761 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530654687232} changed=true 05-29 11:26:45.762 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:45.762 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.765 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:26:45.765 6118 6118 I chatty : uid=10094(u0_a94) com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:45.766 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20126 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b90636070 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20090 D AbsListView: in onLayout changed 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.766 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.767 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 0 05-29 11:26:45.767 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onConnectedChanged: isConnected:false 05-29 11:26:45.767 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:45.767 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 1 05-29 11:26:45.767 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: showOffNessage To improve location accuracy, apps and services may scan for Wi-Fi networks even when Wi-Fi is turned off. To stop this from happening, turn off Wi-Fi scanning in LINK_BEGINImprove accuracy settingsLINK_END. 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 4 05-29 11:26:45.768 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 4 05-29 11:26:45.769 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:45.769 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:45.769 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:45.769 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: hide advanced menu on actionbar 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:45.771 20090 20117 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:45.772 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiDirectAllowed 05-29 11:26:45.772 5236 8357 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:45.772 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:45.772 20090 20117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:45.772 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:45.772 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20117 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20117 D TileUtils: getCategories took 29 ms 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20117 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: create options menu 05-29 11:26:45.773 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: support contact us menu 05-29 11:26:45.774 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:45.774 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:45.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 31.0 63.0 1050.0 2157.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038b60 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 199 409 881 1811 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0395e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:45.782 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:45.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.783 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.785 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:45.786 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:45.787 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.788 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:45.789 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:45.789 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:45.791 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:45.792 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:45.793 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:45.793 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:45.793 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:45.793 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:45.793 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:45.793 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:45.794 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:45.795 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:45.795 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:45.795 20090 20117 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:45.795 20090 20117 D TileUtils: getCategories took 22 ms 05-29 11:26:45.796 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@56a5911 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:45.796 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:45.796 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity: +142ms 05-29 11:26:45.797 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:45.797 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:45.797 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:45.797 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:45.797 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:45.797 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@14c67eb inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@ed31dba nm = com.android.settings controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#113 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: Window asks to hide input 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@ed31dba missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:45.798 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@d818e4d[settings]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:26:45.798 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:45.798 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:45.798 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '6133d02 Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:26:45.798 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:45.798 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '6133d02 Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:26:45.799 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:45.799 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:45.799 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:45.799 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:45.799 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:45.799 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:45.800 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:45.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.800 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.800 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:45.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 57.0 117.0 1023.0 2102.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 139 285 941 1934 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038b60 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 139 285 941 1934 | Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_ 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:45.815 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:45.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.848 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.944 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 1116 05-29 11:26:45.944 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:45.944 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendScreenViewLog 299 05-29 11:26:45.944 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:26:45.962 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:45.963 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=513 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:45.963 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : already 2 05-29 11:26:45.963 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:26:45.963 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:26:45.965 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:26:45.966 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:true 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:45.969 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:45.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.977 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=41 Removed Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 (4/8) 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 159.0 328.0 921.0 1893.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 9 19 1070 2200 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 112.0 | 0 2108 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:26:45.982 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:45.989 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:45.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:45.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:45.994 4295 4295 I Layer : id=41 onRemoved Splash Screen com.android.settings#0 05-29 11:26:45.997 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,72] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:26:45.998 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,72 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 72, oldBottom : 2220 05-29 11:26:45.998 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:26:45.998 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:45.999 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x72]-format:1 05-29 11:26:45.999 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:26:46.002 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:46.002 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:46.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.014 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:46.014 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:46.014 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:46.014 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564397042Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:26:46.014 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564397042Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:26:46.015 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:26:46.016 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:26:46.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.016 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.032 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=43 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:46.033 4808 6217 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:46.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.035 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.035 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:46.035 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:26:46.036 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:26:46.036 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:26:46.038 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:26:46.039 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:26:46.047 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:26:46.068 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.068 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 177.0 365.0 903.0 1856.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0397a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 1 2 1079 2217 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:46.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:46.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.100 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.146 5399 5424 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:26:46.147 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:26:46.150 6221 6221 D StageManager: saved stages : inStack [1] , outStack[2] 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:46.150 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:46.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.162 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=40 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (1/8) 05-29 11:26:46.162 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=40 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:46.162 5567 8654 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:26:46.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.177 4295 4295 I Layer : id=40 onRemoved com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:26:46.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.219 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.236 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=3, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:46.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.282 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.302 20635 20635 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:46.305 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:46.305 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:46.306 12481 12560 D ytrace : Exceed max retry (4) for registration ... server index = 0 (2) 05-29 11:26:46.306 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REG_READY => REG_READY 05-29 11:26:46.306 12481 12560 D ytrace : try next server, server index=1 05-29 11:26:46.306 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:46.308 4441 20638 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:46.309 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:46.309 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:46.312 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:46.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.331 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=597279896000 05-29 11:26:46.331 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=597279896000 05-29 11:26:46.331 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=597279896000 05-29 11:26:46.332 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:46.332 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:46.336 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=0, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:46.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.362 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.386 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.79}]} 05-29 11:26:46.389 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:46.389 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:46.389 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:46.389 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:46.389 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:46.389 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:46.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.390 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.79}]} 05-29 11:26:46.392 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:46.408 20644 20644 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:46.411 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:46.411 12481 12560 D ytrace : Try next server! 05-29 11:26:46.411 12481 12560 D ytrace : Update server info ... 05-29 11:26:46.412 12481 12560 D ytrace : start query to _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net, ret=1 05-29 11:26:46.412 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=1, ret=2 05-29 11:26:46.412 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV[1] wf053.iptnet.net 80 1 1 05-29 11:26:46.412 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:46.412 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=1, port index=1 05-29 11:26:46.413 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:46.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.413 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.413 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.413 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.415 4441 20649 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:46.416 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:46.417 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:46.418 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:46.435 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.478 20654 20654 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:46.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.492 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.510 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.570 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.570 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.601 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.650 12481 20647 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:46.652 12481 20647 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:46.652 12481 20647 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:46.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.729 12481 20647 D ytrace : Query _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net from 05-29 11:26:46.731 12481 20647 D ytrace : connect to failed! errno=101 05-29 11:26:46.731 12481 20647 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=-1, ret=-6 05-29 11:26:46.731 12481 20647 I ytrace : End of SRV query process ... result num = 2 05-29 11:26:46.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.738 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.751 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.751 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.854 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.926 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.935 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:46.935 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:26:46.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:46.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:46.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:46.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.056 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:26:47.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.076 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.088 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ startGeofences() 05-29 11:26:47.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.111 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.168 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:47.168 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:26:47.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.229 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.306 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.337 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=1, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:47.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.425 20667 20667 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:47.429 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:47.429 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:47.429 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=2, port index=2 05-29 11:26:47.430 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:47.435 4441 20670 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:47.435 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:47.436 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:47.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.440 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.441 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:47.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.493 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-93,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.94}]} 05-29 11:26:47.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.505 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-93,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.94}]} 05-29 11:26:47.511 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:47.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.589 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.651 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.662 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:47.679 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.793 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.853 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.854 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.868 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:47.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:47.896 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:47.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.059 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.062 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.162 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.164 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.167 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.167 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.216 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.218 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.320 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.337 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=2, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:48.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.420 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.421 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.425 20676 20676 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:48.429 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:48.430 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:48.430 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=3, port index=3 05-29 11:26:48.430 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:48.434 4441 20679 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:48.436 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:48.437 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:48.441 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:48.445 5191 5191 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:48.445 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:48.446 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: msgWhat: 2(2) 05-29 11:26:48.446 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: UUIDs on ACTION_UUID: null for device FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:26:48.446 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:26:48.447 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:26:48.447 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:48.453 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:48.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.593 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:48.593 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:26:48.597 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:48.598 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:48.597 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:48.598 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:26:48.607 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.02}]} 05-29 11:26:48.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.620 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.02}]} 05-29 11:26:48.632 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:48.637 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.687 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.688 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.703 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.704 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.715 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:26:48.719 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=599667078000 05-29 11:26:48.719 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=599667078000 05-29 11:26:48.719 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.86 ] when=599667078000 05-29 11:26:48.720 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:48.720 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:48.721 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:48.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.813 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=599760478000 05-29 11:26:48.813 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=599760478000 05-29 11:26:48.813 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=599760478000 05-29 11:26:48.814 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:48.816 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:48.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.844 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.844 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:48.844 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:26:48.939 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:48.939 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:26:48.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:48.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:48.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:48.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.160 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.206 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.336 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=3, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:49.348 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.414 20687 20687 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D ytrace : Exceed max retry (4) for registration ... server index = 1 (2) 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REG_READY => REG_READY 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D ytrace : has tried all servers 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server wf053.iptnet.net fail, reconnect after 7 second(s)... 05-29 11:26:49.420 12481 12560 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=4, arg1=5, arg2=-828878852, lineId=0 05-29 11:26:49.421 12481 12560 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_FAIL' subEvent='C2C_SRV_NO_RESP' 05-29 11:26:49.421 12481 12560 D MainService: onRegisterListener onFailure 05-29 11:26:49.422 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 0 05-29 11:26:49.428 4441 20690 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:49.428 12481 12592 W ytrace : getaddrinfo() fail (No address associated with hostname)[7] !! 05-29 11:26:49.429 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns by name af 2 05-29 11:26:49.431 12481 12592 W ytrace : gethostbyname() fail !! 05-29 11:26:49.471 6118 8064 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:26:49.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.636 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.704 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:49.714 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:49.714 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=600662607000 05-29 11:26:49.715 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=600662607000 05-29 11:26:49.715 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.87 ] when=600662607000 05-29 11:26:49.716 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:49.716 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:49.716 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:49.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.719 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:49.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.788 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.788 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.788 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.797 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=600745384000 05-29 11:26:49.797 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=600745384000 05-29 11:26:49.797 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=600745384000 05-29 11:26:49.797 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:49.799 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:49.804 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: onSwitchChanged : true 05-29 11:26:49.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.806 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:49.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.806 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.811 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:49.814 4808 5409 D WifiService: setControlHistory, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:49.816 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:49.817 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:49.822 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onChange: content://settings/global/wifi_on => match [13] 05-29 11:26:49.822 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: enabler changed - true 05-29 11:26:49.822 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 2 05-29 11:26:49.822 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addMessagePreference id:2131894519 05-29 11:26:49.823 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:49.823 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:49 time=1527564409823 rid=201 callBy=com.android.settings wifiConnected=0 snsState=0 wifiState=1 05-29 11:26:49.823 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:49.823 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:49.825 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:49.826 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=135173 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:49.827 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:49.827 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = false 05-29 11:26:49.828 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:49.828 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onWifiSettingChanged: now [1] 05-29 11:26:49.828 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: WIFI_SETTINGS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:49.828 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: onWifiSettingsChanged: 1 05-29 11:26:49.829 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:49.829 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 2 05-29 11:26:49.829 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 2 05-29 11:26:49.831 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:49.835 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:49.836 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:2 05-29 11:26:49.838 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:49.840 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:49.852 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:49.852 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 2 05-29 11:26:49.852 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addMessagePreference id:2131894519 05-29 11:26:49.853 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:49.853 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:49.866 4808 5037 E WifiGeofenceManager: ConnectModeState - enter !! - mGeofenceManagerEnabled !! 05-29 11:26:49.867 4808 4808 I WifiGeofenceManager: initGeofence 05-29 11:26:49.868 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:49.868 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4 05-29 11:26:49.868 5191 5191 D A2dpService: A2dpService - WIFI_STATE_ENABLED 05-29 11:26:49.869 5191 5191 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: Attempting to set busy level 05-29 11:26:49.869 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = true 05-29 11:26:49.871 4808 4808 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:49.871 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:26:49.871 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:26:49.871 4808 4808 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:49.872 4808 4808 D SLocation: startGeofence ID = 1 05-29 11:26:49.872 4808 4808 D SLocation: addReceiver type4 05-29 11:26:49.872 4808 4808 D SLocation: already exist record! 05-29 11:26:49.873 4808 4808 D SLocation: setPendingIntent 05-29 11:26:49.873 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 331141f 05-29 11:26:49.873 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming is not supported 05-29 11:26:49.873 4808 4808 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 1 / status = 3 05-29 11:26:49.873 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:49.873 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: disconnectedstate enter 05-29 11:26:49.874 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityManager: startPeriodicSingleScan mPeriodicSingleScanInterval: 8000, isInRange: true 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: startGeofence() - id : 1 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: scan requested by WifiConnectivityManager 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: startGeofence ID = 2 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: addReceiver type4 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: already exist record! 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: setPendingIntent 05-29 11:26:49.875 4808 4808 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 2 / status = 3 05-29 11:26:49.876 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: startGeofence() - id : 2 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: startGeofence ID = 3 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: addReceiver type4 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: already exist record! 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: setPendingIntent 05-29 11:26:49.877 4808 4808 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 3 / status = 3 05-29 11:26:49.878 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 05-29 11:26:49.882 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: startGeofence() - id : 3 05-29 11:26:49.882 4808 4808 D WifiStateMachine: syncSetFccChannel: enable = false 05-29 11:26:49.883 5236 5703 V SystemUIAnalytics: SAPreference : 1104 / 1 05-29 11:26:49.886 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:3 05-29 11:26:49.890 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:49.896 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.897 4808 5459 D SLocation: onCellLocationChanged 2 / 0 05-29 11:26:49.904 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:49.904 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 3 05-29 11:26:49.954 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:49.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:49.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:49.965 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Trying to bring up p2p0 05-29 11:26:49.967 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=131308 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:49.967 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 arg1=3 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:49.968 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:49.968 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:49.969 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:49.969 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface p2p0 link up 05-29 11:26:49.970 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged p2p0, true 05-29 11:26:49.970 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged p2p0, true 05-29 11:26:49.970 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: getConfiguredNetworks size:8 05-29 11:26:49.972 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: updateAccessPoints clearConfig:true configSize:8 scanSize:0 05-29 11:26:49.972 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:49.972 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 2 05-29 11:26:49.973 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: updateAccessPointPreferences size:0 connected:0 scan:false 05-29 11:26:49.973 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addDeviceCategory Available networks 05-29 11:26:49.974 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:49.975 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:49.977 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:49.980 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateWfdEnableState:: mWifiDisplayOnSetting = false mWifiP2pEnabled = true mWfdEnabled = false mWfdEnabling = false 05-29 11:26:49.980 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:49.980 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: disconnect() : null 05-29 11:26:49.980 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:49.980 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_ENABLED 05-29 11:26:49.980 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_ENABLED 05-29 11:26:49.983 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(discovery_icon, 256) 05-29 11:26:49.984 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Set Samsung Discovery Icon = 256 05-29 11:26:49.985 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:49.985 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:4 05-29 11:26:49.986 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:49.987 4808 5065 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(discovery_icon, 256) failed: 1 () 05-29 11:26:49.987 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(discovery_icon, 256) 05-29 11:26:49.987 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsDeviceName([Phone] Galaxy S9) 05-29 11:26:49.988 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsDeviceName([Phone] Galaxy S9) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:49.988 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsDeviceName([Phone] Galaxy S9) 05-29 11:26:49.988 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) 05-29 11:26:49.989 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:49.989 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) 05-29 11:26:49.990 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:49.990 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setSsidPostfix(-SM-G960F) 05-29 11:26:49.991 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setSsidPostfix(-SM-G960F) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:49.991 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setSsidPostfix(-SM-G960F) 05-29 11:26:49.992 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:true, connected:false 05-29 11:26:49.992 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:49.992 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.hardware.display.action.WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:49.993 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:49.993 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:49.995 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:49.995 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:49.997 5591 5606 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: ICC ID is null or empty. 05-29 11:26:50.002 20090 20090 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:26:50.002 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: updateWithAnimation size:1, updatedScanResult :false 05-29 11:26:50.002 20090 20090 E WifiSettings.VI: setAccessPointList size:1 05-29 11:26:50.002 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 1, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:50.003 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiDirectAllowed 05-29 11:26:50.004 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@58e5d6c nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:50.004 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:50.005 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : startInput 05-29 11:26:50.005 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@2858b55 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:50.006 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:50.006 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.AccessPointExpListAdapter: getGroupView :: groupPosition = 0, getPreferenceCount = 1 , isExpanded = true 05-29 11:26:50.006 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:50.008 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:50.009 20090 20090 D AbsListView: in onLayout changed 05-29 11:26:50.014 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 1ms lastUpdatedAfter : 42659 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 205 05-29 11:26:50.016 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(phone_number, 7348d2f961) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(phone_number, 7348d2f961) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(phone_number, 7348d2f961) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(samsung_discovery, 1) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(samsung_discovery, 1) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(samsung_discovery, 1) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(fw_invite, 1) 05-29 11:26:50.017 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(fw_invite, 1) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(fw_invite, 1) 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(static_ip, 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(static_ip, completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(static_ip, 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering getDeviceAddress() 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: getDeviceAddress() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving getDeviceAddress() with result = 26:18:1d:73:de:2c 05-29 11:26:50.018 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering flush() 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: flush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving flush() 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering serviceFlush() 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: serviceFlush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving serviceFlush() 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering listNetworks() 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: listNetworks() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving listNetworks() with result = [] 05-29 11:26:50.019 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering saveConfig() 05-29 11:26:50.025 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: saveConfig() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.025 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving saveConfig() 05-29 11:26:50.026 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:50.026 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:50.422 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=601370390000 05-29 11:26:50.422 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=601370390000 05-29 11:26:50.423 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.88 ] when=601370390000 05-29 11:26:50.423 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:50.424 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:50.424 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:50.459 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.459 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.515 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=601463503000 05-29 11:26:50.515 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=601463503000 05-29 11:26:50.515 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=601463503000 05-29 11:26:50.515 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:50.516 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:50.521 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: onSwitchChanged : false 05-29 11:26:50.523 4808 11437 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:50.527 4808 11437 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:50.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.529 4808 11437 D WifiService: setControlHistory, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:50.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:50.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.530 4808 11437 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:50.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:50.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.530 4808 11437 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:50.532 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: enabler changed - false 05-29 11:26:50.533 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 0 05-29 11:26:50.533 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addMessagePreference id:2131894528 05-29 11:26:50.533 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:50 time=1527564410532 rid=201 callBy=com.android.settings wifiConnected=0 snsState=0 wifiState=0 05-29 11:26:50.533 4808 5036 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:50.533 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onChange: content://settings/global/wifi_on => match [13] 05-29 11:26:50.534 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:50.534 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onWifiSettingChanged: now [0] 05-29 11:26:50.535 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: WIFI_SETTINGS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.535 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: onWifiSettingsChanged: 0 05-29 11:26:50.535 4808 5036 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:50.535 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:50.542 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@44ffa5 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:50.542 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:50.542 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : startInput 05-29 11:26:50.543 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@83d5e5b missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:50.543 4808 5037 I WifiGeofenceManager: deinitGeofence 05-29 11:26:50.543 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:50.544 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:50.544 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:50.544 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:50.544 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopGeofence ID = 1 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 E SLocation: pendingIntent set to null 05-29 11:26:50.544 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 1 / status = 0 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : trigger = false 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : mSessionStatus = 0 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: stopGeofence() - id : 1 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopGeofence ID = 2 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 E SLocation: pendingIntent set to null 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 2 / status = 0 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : trigger = false 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : mSessionStatus = 0 05-29 11:26:50.545 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: stopGeofence() - id : 2 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 D SLocation: stopGeofence ID = 3 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 E SLocation: pendingIntent set to null 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 3 / status = 0 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : trigger = false 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5037 D SLocation: updateSession : mSessionStatus = 0 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5459 D SLocation: Session stopped 05-29 11:26:50.546 4808 5459 D SLocation: triggerAlarm 05-29 11:26:50.548 4808 5459 D SLocation: All alarm stopped 05-29 11:26:50.550 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:50.550 4808 5037 D WifiGeofenceManager: stopGeofence() - id : 3 05-29 11:26:50.551 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering cancelConnect() 05-29 11:26:50.551 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Set prekey state (NONE -> NONE) 05-29 11:26:50.551 20363 20363 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Clear a pre-passphrase (State NONE) 05-29 11:26:50.551 4808 5065 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: cancelConnect() failed: 1 () 05-29 11:26:50.551 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving cancelConnect() 05-29 11:26:50.552 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering flush() 05-29 11:26:50.553 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: flush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:50.553 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving flush() 05-29 11:26:50.553 4808 5065 D WifiP2pMonitor: stopMonitoring(p2p0) 05-29 11:26:50.555 4808 5459 D SLocation: Session stopped 05-29 11:26:50.555 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.555 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:4 05-29 11:26:50.555 4808 5459 D SLocation: triggerAlarm 05-29 11:26:50.556 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:50.557 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateWfdEnableState:: mWifiDisplayOnSetting = false mWifiP2pEnabled = false mWfdEnabled = false mWfdEnabling = false 05-29 11:26:50.557 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:50.557 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: disconnect() : null 05-29 11:26:50.557 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:50.557 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:50.557 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:50.558 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:50.558 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:true, connected:false 05-29 11:26:50.558 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_DISABLED 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:26:50.559 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_DISABLED 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:false, connected:false 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:50.559 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.hardware.display.action.WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.560 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:50.560 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:50.560 4808 5459 D SLocation: All alarm stopped 05-29 11:26:50.560 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:50.560 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:50.560 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:50.561 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.561 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:4 05-29 11:26:50.561 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:50.562 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:50.562 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:50.563 4808 5037 I WifiScanningService: semSetWifiState wifiState 1 05-29 11:26:50.563 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - no p2pInfoWifi...remove all wifi device. 05-29 11:26:50.563 4808 5061 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded 05-29 11:26:50.563 4808 5061 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WificondScannerImpl$2@b65b0d0 05-29 11:26:50.564 4808 4808 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1 05-29 11:26:50.564 4808 5063 D RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160513 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:50.565 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:50.565 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:true, connected:false 05-29 11:26:50.565 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:50.565 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:50.565 19799 19799 I chatty : uid=10193(u0_a193) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:50.565 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:50.566 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:50.566 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:50.567 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:50.568 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:50.568 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:50.568 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:50.568 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:50.568 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.569 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.570 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.571 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.571 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:50.571 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:50.571 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - DISCONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:50.572 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStoppingState: disableSupplicant init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown 05-29 11:26:50.573 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:50.573 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:50.573 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:50.573 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = false 05-29 11:26:50.574 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:50.575 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:50.575 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:50.575 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:50.576 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:50.576 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:50.576 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 0 05-29 11:26:50.577 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 0 05-29 11:26:50.575 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:50.579 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:50.581 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:50.582 5236 5703 V SystemUIAnalytics: SAPreference : 1104 / 0 05-29 11:26:50.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.583 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.588 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:0 05-29 11:26:50.588 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:50.589 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: updateNetworkInfo reorder:false, updated:false 05-29 11:26:50.589 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:50.595 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:50.596 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:50.596 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:50.596 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:50.597 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:50.598 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:50.598 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:50.598 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:50.598 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:50.600 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:50.601 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:50.601 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:50.601 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:50.602 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:50.602 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:50.602 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:50.602 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:50.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.603 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:50.604 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:50.604 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:50.604 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 0 05-29 11:26:50.604 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: addMessagePreference id:2131894528 05-29 11:26:50.605 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:50.605 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:50.608 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:26:50.608 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:26:50.608 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:26:50.608 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:26:50.609 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.610 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:26:50.612 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.612 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:50.612 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:26:50.612 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:50.612 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:50.612 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:50.613 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.613 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:50.614 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:26:50.615 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:26:50.615 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.616 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:50.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.616 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:50.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:26:50.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.616 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:50.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.616 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:50.616 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:50.618 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:50.618 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:50.619 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:50.619 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:50.620 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:50.620 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:50.620 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:50.620 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:50.621 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:50.621 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.622 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:50.623 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:50.623 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:50.623 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:50.625 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:50.627 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:50.627 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:50.628 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:50.633 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.633 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:50.636 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:50.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:50.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.639 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.642 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:50.643 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:50.643 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:50.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.646 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:50.648 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:50.648 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:50.649 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:50.649 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:50.651 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:50.651 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:50.652 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:50.652 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:50.654 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:50.654 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:50.655 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:50.655 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:50.655 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:50.656 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:50.657 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:50.657 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:50.657 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:50.657 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.658 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:50.658 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:50.658 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.659 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:50.659 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:50.659 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:50.659 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.659 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:50.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:50.660 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:50.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:50.664 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:50.665 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:50.665 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:50.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.705 4808 20293 W SupplicantStaIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:50.705 4808 20293 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:50.705 4808 4995 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:50.705 4808 4994 W SupplicantStaIfaceHal: ISupplicant/ISupplicantStaIface died: cookie=0 05-29 11:26:50.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.739 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.772 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:26:50.772 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:26:50.772 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:26:50.773 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:26:50.773 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:26:50.773 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:26:50.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.782 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.806 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:50.814 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:50.814 4808 5037 D WificondControl: tearing down interfaces in wificond 05-29 11:26:50.815 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:50.815 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:50.816 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:50.816 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = false 05-29 11:26:50.816 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:50.818 5191 5191 D A2dpService: A2dpService - WIFI_STATE_DISABLED 05-29 11:26:50.818 5191 5191 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: Attempting to set busy level 05-29 11:26:50.818 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 1 05-29 11:26:50.818 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredAp - 05-29 11:26:50.818 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 1 05-29 11:26:50.818 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeAllDiscoveredAp - 05-29 11:26:50.818 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:50.819 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:50.820 20090 20630 D WifiTracker: WorkHandler - handleMessage : 3 05-29 11:26:50.820 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:50.822 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: MainHandler - handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:50.822 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onWifiStateChanged wifiState is 1 05-29 11:26:50.822 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:50.822 6102 6799 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:50.823 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: showOffNessage To improve location accuracy, apps and services may scan for Wi-Fi networks even when Wi-Fi is turned off. To stop this from happening, turn off Wi-Fi scanning in LINK_BEGINImprove accuracy settingsLINK_END. 05-29 11:26:50.824 20090 20090 I WifiSettings.VI: removeAll 05-29 11:26:50.825 20090 20090 D WifiSettings.VI: updateEmptyView - list item AvailableAPCount : 0, ConnectedAPCount:0, restriction:false 05-29 11:26:50.826 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiDirectAllowed 05-29 11:26:50.827 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:50.827 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:50.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.831 13384 13979 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:50.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.844 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface p2p0 link down 05-29 11:26:50.845 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged p2p0, false 05-29 11:26:50.846 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged p2p0, false 05-29 11:26:50.846 4808 4850 D Tethering: ignore interface down for p2p0 05-29 11:26:50.883 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.883 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.883 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.884 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.990 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:50.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:50.990 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:50.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.059 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.073 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link down 05-29 11:26:51.076 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false 05-29 11:26:51.076 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false 05-29 11:26:51.077 4808 4850 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0 05-29 11:26:51.086 4282 20355 E WifiHAL : wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0 (Success) 05-29 11:26:51.087 4282 20355 D WifiHAL : Got a signal to exit!!! 05-29 11:26:51.087 4282 20355 I WifiHAL : Exit wifi_event_loop 05-29 11:26:51.088 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0 (Success) 05-29 11:26:51.088 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Event processing terminated 05-29 11:26:51.089 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Internal cleanup completed 05-29 11:26:51.133 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=602081762000 05-29 11:26:51.134 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=602081762000 05-29 11:26:51.134 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.89 ] when=602081762000 05-29 11:26:51.135 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:51.135 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:51.136 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:51.150 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.151 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.160 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.193 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.250 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=602198742000 05-29 11:26:51.250 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=602198742000 05-29 11:26:51.250 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=602198742000 05-29 11:26:51.251 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:51.251 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:51.259 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.260 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.264 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:51.269 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onPause 05-29 11:26:51.269 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: pause 05-29 11:26:51.270 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.273 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:51.278 4808 5012 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:26:51.278 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:26:51.279 4808 5012 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 20090 05-29 11:26:51.280 7531 7544 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:26:51.288 20090 20697 D Settings: packageName : com.android.settings className : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.292 4282 4282 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 206 ms 05-29 11:26:51.292 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal stopped 05-29 11:26:51.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.312 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.314 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:51.315 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:51.315 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.317 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:51.318 20090 20090 D TAG : isSupportDeviceVisibility - isSupportD2d true 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideAdvancedCalling: Exception 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown component: ComponentInfo{com.samsung.advancedcalling/com.samsung.advancedcalling.VzwAdvancedCalling} 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1962) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1904) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.content.pm.IPackageManager$Stub$Proxy.getComponentEnabledSetting(IPackageManager.java:5728) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getComponentEnabledSetting(ApplicationPackageManager.java:2788) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.Utils.isHideAdvancedCalling(Utils.java:1038) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.samsung.android.settings.ConnectionsSettings.onCreate(ConnectionsSettings.java:286) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.Fragment.performCreate(Fragment.java:2593) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1234) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.addAddedFragments(FragmentManager.java:2421) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.executeOpsTogether(FragmentManager.java:2200) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.removeRedundantOperationsAndExecute(FragmentManager.java:2154) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:2055) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.executePendingTransactions(FragmentManager.java:798) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.switchToFragment(SettingsActivity.java:1988) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.launchSettingFragment(SettingsActivity.java:1317) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.onCreate(SettingsActivity.java:1131) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.samsung.android.settings.SettingsActivityWrapper.onCreate(SettingsActivityWrapper.java:37) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:26:51.319 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideAdvancedCalling: isEnabled = true 05-29 11:26:51.320 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideMobileNetworks: isEnabled = 0 05-29 11:26:51.323 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: for mobile_networks -> phoneType: 1 05-29 11:26:51.323 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 Status : ABSENT, SIM2 Status : ABSENT 05-29 11:26:51.323 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 icc_type : true, SIM2 icc_type : true 05-29 11:26:51.323 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: wificalling activity is not supported: .callsettings.WifiCallActivity 05-29 11:26:51.323 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isSupportWifiCalling: false 05-29 11:26:51.324 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:51.324 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isEnabledWifiCallingActivity: false 05-29 11:26:51.324 20090 20090 D mptcp_settings: isSupportMptcp: false 05-29 11:26:51.324 20090 20090 D mptcp_settings: isSupportMptcp: false 05-29 11:26:51.335 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStart consume time = 5617.160804 05-29 11:26:51.335 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStart consume time = 0.163038 05-29 11:26:51.336 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.336 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.336 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: start 05-29 11:26:51.336 4808 11437 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.336 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.337 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SimSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.337 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PowerUsageSummaryActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.337 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$UserSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:51.337 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.337 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.338 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.339 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.339 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$NfcOsaifukeitaiSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:51.339 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PaymentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.339 4808 11437 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:51.339 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.340 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.341 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.342 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DockSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:51.342 20090 20147 D Settings_Utils: isSupportMultiResolution:true productFeature:true floating:true 05-29 11:26:51.342 20090 20147 D Settings_Utils: isSupportBoostMode: true // highPerfFeature:true resolutionFeature:true 05-29 11:26:51.343 20090 20147 D Settings_Utils: isGameModeEnabled: false 05-29 11:26:51.343 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.344 4808 11437 D UcmService: getKeyguardStorageForCurrentUser : 0 05-29 11:26:51.344 4808 11437 D UcmService: isFileExist : false 05-29 11:26:51.344 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.344 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20090 E DatabaseIndexingManager: Cannot find SearchIndexableResources for class name: com.android.settings.print.PrintSettingsFragment 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20090 D Settings_SA: insertFlowLog(3005) 05-29 11:26:51.345 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.346 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.346 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: resume 05-29 11:26:51.346 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.347 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PersonalPageSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:51.347 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:51.347 4808 5409 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:51.348 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isNFCEnabled 05-29 11:26:51.348 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.348 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isNFCEnabled/-1 05-29 11:26:51.348 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.349 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 16 selection = isNFCStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.349 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.349 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.349 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isNFCStateChangeAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:51.350 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 15 selection = isAndroidBeamAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.350 4808 5012 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.settings cmp = com.android.settings.backup.BackupSettingsActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 1000/com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:51.350 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isAndroidBeamAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:51.350 20090 20090 D NfcEnabler: isNFCEnabled = -1 , isNFCStateChangeAllowed = -1 , isAndroidBeamAllowed = -1 05-29 11:26:51.350 20090 20090 I NfcEnabler: mBeamDisallowedBySystem : false 05-29 11:26:51.351 20090 20090 I NfcEnabler: beamshare state is true 05-29 11:26:51.351 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$PenSettingsMenuActivity}, enabled : false 05-29 11:26:51.352 20090 20147 D SettingsDrawerActivity: setTileEnabled : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity}, enabled : true 05-29 11:26:51.352 20090 20147 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:51.352 20090 20090 W Settings: Setting location_providers_allowed has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning Secure URI. 05-29 11:26:51.353 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsBase: Location mode has been changed 05-29 11:26:51.353 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.354 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isSettingsChangesAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:51.354 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 12 selection = isLocationProviderBlocked 05-29 11:26:51.356 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isLocationProviderBlocked/-1 05-29 11:26:51.356 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 12 selection = isLocationProviderBlocked 05-29 11:26:51.356 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isLocationProviderBlocked/-1 05-29 11:26:51.357 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 12 selection = isGPSStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.357 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isGPSStateChangeAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:51.357 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsBase: isSettingsChangesAllowed = -1, isLocationProviderBlockedGPS = -1, isLocationProviderBlockedNetwork = -1, isLocationGPSStateChangeAllowed = -1 05-29 11:26:51.357 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsBase: isRestricted() mdmRestricted= false UserRestricted = false 05-29 11:26:51.358 20090 20090 I LocationSettingsEnabler: onModeChanged : mSwitch = true 05-29 11:26:51.359 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.360 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.361 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:51.362 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 3 selection = isBluetoothEnabled 05-29 11:26:51.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.362 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.362 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:51.362 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20090 D BluetoothEnabler: handleStateChanged:: state : 12 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20090 E BluetoothEnabler: maybeEnforceRestrictions :: can not get restriction policy 05-29 11:26:51.363 20090 20090 E BluetoothEnabler: maybeEnforceRestrictions :: can not get restriction policy 05-29 11:26:51.364 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:51.364 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.365 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:51.365 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.365 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.365 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.365 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.365 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:51.368 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isEnabledWifiCallingActivity: false 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideMobileNetworks: isEnabled = 0 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:51.369 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20147 D TileUtils: getCategories took 18 ms 05-29 11:26:51.370 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: for mobile_networks -> phoneType: 1 05-29 11:26:51.371 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 Status : ABSENT, SIM2 Status : ABSENT 05-29 11:26:51.371 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 icc_type : true, SIM2 icc_type : true 05-29 11:26:51.371 20090 20147 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:51.372 20090 20090 W drawable: Bad element under : item 05-29 11:26:51.373 20090 20090 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:51.373 20090 20090 W drawable: Bad element under : item 05-29 11:26:51.374 20090 20108 D SamsungAnalytics: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:26:51.380 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: checkCarrierByodCondition: byod condition - carrierid:BRI, sales_code:BRI,false 05-29 11:26:51.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.385 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.387 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: setView = DecorView@dd37f81[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:26:51.388 4808 5409 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:26:51.389 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:26:51.390 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring 05-29 11:26:51.390 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.391 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:51.392 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:51.393 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=44 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.394 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:51.394 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.394 4808 11437 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:51.394 20090 20147 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:51.395 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.395 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.395 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.395 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.395 20090 20147 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:51.395 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:51.396 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:51.397 4808 11437 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 20090 05-29 11:26:51.397 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:51.397 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:51.397 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:51.397 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:51.398 20090 20090 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:26:51.398 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530067689472} changed=true 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:51.399 20090 20147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:51.400 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:51.400 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:51.400 20090 20147 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:51.400 20090 20147 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:51.400 20090 20147 D TileUtils: getCategories took 29 ms 05-29 11:26:51.401 20090 20126 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:26:51.401 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b8d740b70 05-29 11:26:51.415 20090 20090 D WifiCalling: isEnabledWifiCallingActivity: false 05-29 11:26:51.415 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: isHideMobileNetworks: isEnabled = 0 05-29 11:26:51.416 20090 20090 D Settings_Utils: for mobile_networks -> phoneType: 1 05-29 11:26:51.416 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 Status : ABSENT, SIM2 Status : ABSENT 05-29 11:26:51.416 20090 20090 I Settings_Utils: disable_offslot SIM1 icc_type : true, SIM2 icc_type : true 05-29 11:26:51.416 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:1 05-29 11:26:51.418 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:51.418 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:51.418 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:51.418 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:51.418 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:51.420 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:26:51.420 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:26:51.420 20090 20090 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@f65f1e0 nm : com.android.settings ic=null 05-29 11:26:51.421 20090 20090 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@14c67eb inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@15021b3 nm = com.android.settings controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#113 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: Window asks to hide input 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:26:51.421 4808 5409 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@15021b3 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:26:51.422 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:51.422 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:26:51.422 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:51.422 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:51.422 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:51.422 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:51.422 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:51.422 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.422 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 20090, caller uid : 1000 05-29 11:26:51.441 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 15 selection = isAirplaneModeAllowed 05-29 11:26:51.442 20090 20090 W SettingsEdm: projectionArgs:isAirplaneModeAllowed/-1 05-29 11:26:51.442 20090 20090 I SecAirPlaneModeEnabler: onAirplaneModeChanged= true 05-29 11:26:51.445 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:26:51.446 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity: +166ms 05-29 11:26:51.456 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=45 createSurf (1080x2220),-1 flag=20004, com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 05-29 11:26:51.456 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b90636070 05-29 11:26:51.456 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7b6a6e0c00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7b8d959580 05-29 11:26:51.459 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0xb61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:26:51.460 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:26:51.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0397a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 46.0 2220.0 | 1034 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:51.478 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0397a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 1.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1079 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | | 0000 | Unknown | 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]gs$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 101.0 2220.0 | 979 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservi 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ce.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:51.494 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:51.567 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.568 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.576 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.581 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:26:51.581 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:26:51.581 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:26:51.581 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:26:51.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.677 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.692 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.692 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.856 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=45 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 (3/9) 05-29 11:26:51.856 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=45 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:26:51.861 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:26:51.862 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onStop 05-29 11:26:51.862 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: stop 05-29 11:26:51.862 20090 20090 D WifiTracker: stopTracking 05-29 11:26:51.862 20090 20090 D ConnectivityManager: unregisterNetworkCallback; CallingUid : 1000, CallingPid : 20090 05-29 11:26:51.862 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStop consume time = 527.751461 05-29 11:26:51.863 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStop consume time = 0.043962 05-29 11:26:51.865 20090 20090 D WifiSettings: onDestroyView, mListAnimationView is removed 05-29 11:26:51.868 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@fec904c[Settings$WifiSettingsActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:26:51.868 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel '3be1929 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:26:51.868 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel '3be1929 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:26:51.869 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=42 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 (2/8) 05-29 11:26:51.869 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=42 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:26:51.872 4295 4295 I Layer : id=42 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:26:51.872 4295 4295 I Layer : id=45 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity_dim#0 05-29 11:26:51.908 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:51.912 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:51.915 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:51.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.942 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:51.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:51.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:51.960 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:51.960 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:26:52.036 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:52.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:52.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:52.092 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.092 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:52.092 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.161 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up 05-29 11:26:52.162 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:52.162 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:52.165 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Initializing wifi 05-29 11:26:52.165 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Creating socket 05-29 11:26:52.173 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103 05-29 11:26:52.175 4282 4282 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 879 ms 05-29 11:26:52.177 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:26:52.195 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal started successfully 05-29 11:26:52.195 4808 5037 D WificondControl: Setting up driver for client mode 05-29 11:26:52.199 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:52.199 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:26:52.206 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0 05-29 11:26:52.227 4808 5037 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can't call setDebugParams, ISupplicant is null 05-29 11:26:52.358 20700 20700 D libmdf : libmdf v2.8.0.5 On 64bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL 05-29 11:26:52.360 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: Processing hidl events on FD 6 05-29 11:26:52.365 4808 5481 I zygote64: Looking for service android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default 05-29 11:26:52.365 4808 4994 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: IServiceNotification.onRegistration for: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant, default preexisting=false 05-29 11:26:52.366 4808 4994 I zygote64: Looking for service android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default 05-29 11:26:52.366 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:52.366 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:52.366 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:52.367 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:52.367 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:52.367 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:52.367 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:52.368 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:52.368 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:52.368 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:52.368 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: encoded 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: decoding and unzip finish 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: use unCompDataBuff. encoded 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 D SecNativeFeatureCppIf: Free unCompDataBuff 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [wpa_supplicant_init]: use SECRIL 05-29 11:26:52.369 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant 05-29 11:26:52.370 4808 5481 I zygote64: Starting thread pool. 05-29 11:26:52.372 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: set_csc_config : ifname(wlan0), opbranding_flags(0x0), boolean_flags(0x400), vendorssid_list() 05-29 11:26:52.372 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:52.372 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:52.372 20700 20700 E wpa_supplicant: getSavedIMSI cannot open /data/misc/radio/kmem: No such file or directory 05-29 11:26:52.372 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [getIMSI]: sim_num 0 05-29 11:26:52.375 4808 4994 I zygote64: Starting thread pool. 05-29 11:26:52.379 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device 05-29 11:26:52.430 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: set_csc_config : ifname(p2p0), opbranding_flags(0x0), boolean_flags(0x0), vendorssid_list() 05-29 11:26:52.430 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:52.430 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:52.430 20700 20700 E wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not configure driver mode 05-29 11:26:52.430 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=p2p0 disabled_11b_rates=0 05-29 11:26:52.431 20700 20700 E wpa_supplicant: p2p0: Failed to initialize driver interface 05-29 11:26:52.436 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: set_csc_config : ifname(p2p0), opbranding_flags(0x0), boolean_flags(0x0), vendorssid_list() 05-29 11:26:52.437 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:52.437 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: >>>>> Not GET KEY, IV <<<<< 05-29 11:26:52.448 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: rfkill: Cannot get wiphy information 05-29 11:26:52.459 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Set prekey state (NONE -> NONE) 05-29 11:26:52.463 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering getInterface() 05-29 11:26:52.465 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: getInterface() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:52.466 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving getInterface() with result = vendor.samsung.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISecSupplicantP2pIface@Proxy 05-29 11:26:52.467 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering registerCallback() 05-29 11:26:52.467 4808 5481 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: registered extended callback for Samsung 05-29 11:26:52.468 4808 5481 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Completed initialization of ISupplicant interfaces. 05-29 11:26:52.468 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: registerCallback() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:52.468 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving registerCallback() 05-29 11:26:52.468 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering registerCallbackEx() 05-29 11:26:52.469 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: registerCallbackEx() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:52.469 4808 4994 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving registerCallbackEx() 05-29 11:26:52.469 4808 4994 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: Completed initialization of ISupplicant interfaces. 05-29 11:26:52.724 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:52.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:52.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.828 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:52.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:52.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:52.872 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=603819750000 05-29 11:26:52.872 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=603819750000 05-29 11:26:52.872 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.90 ] when=603819750000 05-29 11:26:52.873 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:52.874 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:52.874 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:26:52.946 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=603894428000 05-29 11:26:52.946 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=603894428000 05-29 11:26:52.946 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=603894428000 05-29 11:26:52.946 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (20090): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:26:52.948 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:26:52.961 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: onSwitchChanged : true 05-29 11:26:52.964 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:52.969 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:52.971 4808 5409 D WifiService: setControlHistory, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:52.971 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:26:52.972 4808 5409 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:26:52.975 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onChange: content://settings/global/wifi_on => match [13] 05-29 11:26:52.975 5579 5851 D RegiObsMgr: onWifiSettingChanged: now [1] 05-29 11:26:52.976 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: WIFI_SETTINGS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:52.976 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: onWifiSettingsChanged: 1 05-29 11:26:53.012 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:53.020 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.03}]} 05-29 11:26:53.023 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:53.234 4808 5037 D WifiConfigManager: Legacy store files not found. No migration needed! 05-29 11:26:53.239 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: addWifiPktLogFilter 05-29 11:26:53.240 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: addWifiPktLogFilter success 05-29 11:26:53.244 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19 05-29 11:26:53.245 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Sending mac address OUI 05-29 11:26:53.267 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:53.282 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:26:53.318 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=TW 05-29 11:26:53.320 4808 5037 D WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: TW 05-29 11:26:53.320 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:53.320 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 116, expected len = 256 05-29 11:26:53.320 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:53.320 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 112, expected len = 256 05-29 11:26:53.321 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Driver: Dongle Host Driver, version 100.11.3 (r) 05-29 11:26:53.321 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd_100_10 on Apr 10 2018 at 10:46:23 Firmware: Firmware: wl0: Jan 17 2018 20:10:17 version 13.48.6 (B2 Network/rsdb) FWID 01-72bc2bd6 05-29 11:26:53.321 4808 5037 I WifiVendorHal: Chip: 4347 Rev 5 Pkg 0 05-29 11:26:53.321 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Start get packet fate command 05-29 11:26:53.321 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : createRequest Monitor packet fate request 05-29 11:26:53.321 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:26:53.321 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -3 05-29 11:26:53.321 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: startPktFateMonitoring(l.1841) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 05-29 11:26:53.321 4808 5037 W WifiDiags: Failed to start packet fate monitoring 05-29 11:26:53.322 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Disconnected - Move to DefaultState 05-29 11:26:53.333 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:53.336 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:53.336 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:53.337 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = false 05-29 11:26:53.338 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:53.338 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:53.340 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:2 05-29 11:26:53.340 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 2 05-29 11:26:53.341 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 2 05-29 11:26:53.341 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:53.342 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:53.345 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:53.362 4808 5037 I WifiScanningService: semSetWifiState wifiState 3 05-29 11:26:53.362 4808 5061 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=16 05-29 11:26:53.363 4808 4808 D RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 3 05-29 11:26:53.363 4808 5063 D RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160512 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:53.364 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 05-29 11:26:53.364 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Trying to bring up p2p0 05-29 11:26:53.364 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface p2p0 link up 05-29 11:26:53.364 4808 5037 E WifiGeofenceManager: ConnectModeState - enter !! - mGeofenceManagerEnabled !! 05-29 11:26:53.365 4808 4808 I WifiGeofenceManager: initGeofence 05-29 11:26:53.365 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:53.365 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4 05-29 11:26:53.366 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged p2p0, true 05-29 11:26:53.366 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged p2p0, true 05-29 11:26:53.367 4808 4808 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:53.368 4808 4808 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:53.368 4808 4808 D SLocation: startGeofence ID = 1 05-29 11:26:53.368 4808 4808 D SLocation: addReceiver type4 05-29 11:26:53.368 4808 4808 D SLocation: already exist record! 05-29 11:26:53.368 4808 4808 D SLocation: setPendingIntent 05-29 11:26:53.368 4808 4808 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 1 / status = 3 05-29 11:26:53.369 5236 5515 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION received : enabled = true 05-29 11:26:53.369 5191 5191 D A2dpService: A2dpService - WIFI_STATE_ENABLED 05-29 11:26:53.369 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:53.369 5191 5191 I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni: Attempting to set busy level 05-29 11:26:53.369 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:53.370 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:26:53.370 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:26:53.370 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: handleWifiStateChanged state:3 05-29 11:26:53.371 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: startGeofence() - id : 1 05-29 11:26:53.371 4808 4808 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:53.371 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 4808 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 4808 D SLocation: startGeofence ID = 2 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 4808 D SLocation: addReceiver type4 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 4808 D SLocation: already exist record! 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 331141f 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 4808 D SLocation: setPendingIntent 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming is not supported 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 4808 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 2 / status = 3 05-29 11:26:53.372 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: disconnectedstate enter 05-29 11:26:53.373 4808 5063 D RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160516 obj=android.net.wifi.IClientInterface$Stub$Proxy@833e088 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:53.373 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityManager: startPeriodicSingleScan mPeriodicSingleScanInterval: 8000, isInRange: true 05-29 11:26:53.374 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: scan requested by WifiConnectivityManager 05-29 11:26:53.375 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:53 time=1527564413375 rid=201 callBy=com.android.settings wifiConnected=0 snsState=0 wifiState=1 05-29 11:26:53.376 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: startGeofence() - id : 2 05-29 11:26:53.376 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateWfdEnableState:: mWifiDisplayOnSetting = false mWifiP2pEnabled = true mWfdEnabled = false mWfdEnabling = false 05-29 11:26:53.376 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:53.376 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: disconnect() : null 05-29 11:26:53.376 4808 4852 D WifiDisplayController: updateScanState() mScanRequested = false, mWfdEnabled = false, mDiscoverPeersInProgress = false 05-29 11:26:53.376 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(discovery_icon, 256) 05-29 11:26:53.377 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: P2P: Set Samsung Discovery Icon = 256 05-29 11:26:53.377 4808 5065 W SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(discovery_icon, 256) failed: 1 () 05-29 11:26:53.377 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(discovery_icon, 256) 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsDeviceName([Phone] Galaxy S9) 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsDeviceName([Phone] Galaxy S9) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsDeviceName([Phone] Galaxy S9) 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) 05-29 11:26:53.378 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setSsidPostfix(-SM-G960F) 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 4808 D SLocation: checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForSLocationUse : 2 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setSsidPostfix(-SM-G960F) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setSsidPostfix(-SM-G960F) 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 4808 D SLocation: system 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 4808 D SLocation: startGeofence ID = 3 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 4808 D SLocation: addReceiver type4 05-29 11:26:53.379 4808 4808 D SLocation: already exist record! 05-29 11:26:53.381 4808 4808 D SLocation: setPendingIntent 05-29 11:26:53.381 4808 4808 D SLocation: setStatus ID = 3 / status = 3 05-29 11:26:53.382 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In DebugCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:53.382 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : len = 4, expected len = 4 05-29 11:26:53.384 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_ENABLED 05-29 11:26:53.384 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_STATE_ENABLED 05-29 11:26:53.384 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: startGeofence() - id : 3 05-29 11:26:53.384 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:53.384 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:4 05-29 11:26:53.385 4808 4808 D WifiStateMachine: syncSetFccChannel: enable = false 05-29 11:26:53.385 5236 5703 V SystemUIAnalytics: SAPreference : 1104 / 1 05-29 11:26:53.385 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:53.386 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:26:53.386 5591 5606 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: ICC ID is null or empty. 05-29 11:26:53.387 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=135173 arg1=3 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:53.387 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION 05-29 11:26:53.387 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - netType:[P2P], enabled:true, connected:false 05-29 11:26:53.387 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.updateConnectionState - all request done. 05-29 11:26:53.387 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.hardware.display.action.WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:53.388 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:53.388 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:53.388 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:53.388 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED, mIsScanningWfd: false 05-29 11:26:53.388 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - ACTION_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED :0 05-29 11:26:53.388 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 331141f 05-29 11:26:53.388 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming is not supported 05-29 11:26:53.389 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:53.389 4808 5037 D WifiConnectivityManager: startPeriodicSingleScan mPeriodicSingleScanInterval: 8000, isInRange: true 05-29 11:26:53.398 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:53.398 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 1ms lastUpdatedAfter : 3384 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 204 05-29 11:26:53.398 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.acore 05-29 11:26:53.398 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:53.399 4808 5459 W SLocation: No Active Data Connection 05-29 11:26:53.399 4808 5459 D SLocation: onCellLocationChanged 2 / 0 05-29 11:26:53.404 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(phone_number, 7348d2f961) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(phone_number, 7348d2f961) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(phone_number, 7348d2f961) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(samsung_discovery, 1) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(samsung_discovery, 1) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(samsung_discovery, 1) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(fw_invite, 1) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(fw_invite, 1) completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(fw_invite, 1) 05-29 11:26:53.405 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering p2pSetCmd(static_ip, 05-29 11:26:53.406 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: p2pSetCmd(static_ip, completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.406 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving p2pSetCmd(static_ip, 05-29 11:26:53.406 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering getDeviceAddress() 05-29 11:26:53.406 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: getDeviceAddress() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.406 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving getDeviceAddress() with result = 26:18:1d:73:de:2c 05-29 11:26:53.408 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering flush() 05-29 11:26:53.408 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: flush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.408 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving flush() 05-29 11:26:53.408 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering serviceFlush() 05-29 11:26:53.409 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: serviceFlush() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.409 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving serviceFlush() 05-29 11:26:53.409 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering listNetworks() 05-29 11:26:53.409 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: listNetworks() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.409 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving listNetworks() with result = [] 05-29 11:26:53.409 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering saveConfig() 05-29 11:26:53.414 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: saveConfig() completed successfully. 05-29 11:26:53.414 4808 5065 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving saveConfig() 05-29 11:26:53.415 4808 5065 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:53.417 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:53.417 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:26:53.667 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:53.668 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:26:53.711 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:26:53.718 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:53.719 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:26:53.773 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:53.773 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:26:53.875 6118 20592 W NamedFutures: Timeout future task has been cancelled: 9000 milliseconds 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: Task 174 failed or timed out. Client 26908776118758179 disconnecting from SearchService! 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.eC(SourceFile:224) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.get(SourceFile:135) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.cs.q(SourceFile:1) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.az.o(SourceFile:7) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.bb.run(SourceFile:5) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.concurrent.b.an.run(SourceFile:2) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:26:53.878 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:26:53.949 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:53.950 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:53.951 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:53.958 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:53.958 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:26:54.053 6118 6118 I SpeechSettingsImpl: Exception device found. 05-29 11:26:54.087 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:26:54.089 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:26:54.118 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:54.118 20276 20276 D FileShare: FileShareBroadcastReceiver.onReceive - action android.net.wifi.p2p.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE // null 05-29 11:26:54.119 20276 20276 D FileShare: FileShareBroadcastReceiver.onReceive - disconnected 05-29 11:26:54.119 20276 20276 D FileShare: Outbound.stopDelayTimer - 05-29 11:26:54.122 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:54.124 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:54.133 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:54.139 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:54.139 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:54.139 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:54.140 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:54.146 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:54.146 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:54.147 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:54.148 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:54.148 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:26:54.400 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (1) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:54.406 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:54.407 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:54.407 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [1], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:54.407 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "Linksys00364"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:54.411 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:54.416 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:54.421 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:1 05-29 11:26:54.431 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (2) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:54.434 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:54.434 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:54.434 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [2], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:54.435 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "googlewifi"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:54.437 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:54.440 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:54.445 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:2 05-29 11:26:54.450 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (3) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:54.453 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:54.453 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:54.453 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [3], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:54.453 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "NETGEAR46"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:54.457 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:54.459 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:54.462 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:3 05-29 11:26:54.484 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:54.484 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:26:54.897 6177 6177 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:26:55.221 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:55.228 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:55.237 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:55.777 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:55.777 5236 5236 D MetadataParser: onPackageUpdated() key = com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:55.785 5591 5591 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName: com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:55.792 4808 5127 D UcmService: onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:55.792 4808 5127 D UcmService: Package update in userId-0 and uid-1000 05-29 11:26:55.793 4808 5127 D UcmService: isUCMPlugin pkgName-com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest 05-29 11:26:55.793 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest 05-29 11:26:55.793 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:55.793 4808 5127 D UcmService: isUCMPlugin match found.... 05-29 11:26:55.793 4808 5127 D UcmService: *****refreshAgentList userId-0 is called*** 05-29 11:26:55.793 4808 5127 D UcmService: resolveAllowedAgents for user 0 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: resolveAllowedAgentsLegacy for user 0 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: found com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: mPersistentServices size is 0 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:55.794 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:55.795 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:55.795 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:55.795 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:55.795 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:55.795 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot is system storage. Checking system signature 05-29 11:26:55.809 20090 20117 D CategoryManager: reloadAllCategories( : false 05-29 11:26:55.811 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 05-29 11:26:55.872 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: onReceive android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:55.886 4808 5127 D UcmService: Signature match 05-29 11:26:55.886 4808 5127 D UcmService: Valid system storage found is com.samsung.ucs.agent.boot 05-29 11:26:55.886 4808 5127 D UcmService: UCM ODE is not enabled 05-29 11:26:55.886 4808 5127 D UcmService: existUCMKeyguardProp 05-29 11:26:55.888 4808 5127 D UcmService: Do not need to bind boot plugin service 05-29 11:26:55.888 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:55.888 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:55.888 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:55.888 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:55.894 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION is granted 05-29 11:26:55.895 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:55.895 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese is system storage. Checking system signature 05-29 11:26:55.897 4808 5127 D UcmService: Signature match 05-29 11:26:55.897 4808 5127 D UcmService: Valid system storage found is com.samsung.ucs.agent.ese 05-29 11:26:55.897 4808 5127 D UcmService: Do not need to bind eSE Service 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: mPersistentServices size is 0 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: -------Processing started for agentPackageName----- -com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: agentPackageName -com.sec.smartcard.manager is an active plugin 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: Check if caller has UCS Plugin permission... 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: enforcePermission : com.sec.smartcard.manager 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: KNOX_UCM_PLUGIN_PERMISSION_LEGACY is granted 05-29 11:26:55.898 4808 5127 D UcmService: Agent has UCS PLUGIN permission. Processing further... 05-29 11:26:55.906 4808 5127 D UcmService: PCSC Service doesn't exist. Ignore binidng to old Bai plugin... 05-29 11:26:55.916 4808 5127 D UcmService: readPersistentServicesLocked is called... 05-29 11:26:55.927 4808 4808 D PackageManager: Shame on you for calling the hidden API queryBroadcastReceivers(). Shame! 05-29 11:26:55.950 5567 5567 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidate#1, attribute#1 05-29 11:26:55.952 5567 5567 D RoutingNotificationHelper: set : (( 5567true , false) 05-29 11:26:55.953 5567 5567 D RegisteredServicesCache: invalidateCache 05-29 11:26:55.955 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Service: changeItem 05-29 11:26:55.955 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:55.956 4808 6228 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-29 11:26:55.977 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:55.977 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:55.985 5567 5567 D ApduServiceInfo: seId: 0 05-29 11:26:55.985 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:55.985 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D RegisteredOthersCache: start invalidate 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D RegisteredPoliciesCache: invalidate 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D RegisteredAidCache: onServicePolicyUpdated 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D RegisteredAidCache: generateAidPolicyMapLocked 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: print policy 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: table size : 0 05-29 11:26:55.986 5567 5567 D CardEmulationManager: Not Allow!!! 05-29 11:26:55.992 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:55.992 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:55.993 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:55.993 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:26:55.999 4808 18008 I zygote64: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked for 6.103ms 05-29 11:26:56.006 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: There are not service policy for this aid 05-29 11:26:56.006 5567 5567 I chatty : uid=1027(nfc) com.android.nfc identical 23 lines 05-29 11:26:56.006 5567 5567 D AidPolicyManager: There are not service policy for this aid 05-29 11:26:56.006 5567 5567 D AidRoutingManager: Override power table is not changed 05-29 11:26:56.012 5567 5567 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 05-29 11:26:56.014 20298 20707 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:56.018 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collect Tech packages for Knox 05-29 11:26:56.018 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collect Tech packages for DualApp 05-29 11:26:56.019 5567 5567 D RegisteredComponentCache: Collecting NFC Tech components for DualApp 95 05-29 11:26:56.021 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: CMD_START_CONNECT sup state UninitializedState my state DisconnectedState nid=7 roam=false 05-29 11:26:56.021 4808 4841 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.samsung.android.messaging/com.samsung.android.withtalk.ui.recipientspicker.PickerActivity: Search label must be a resource reference. 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 51 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.022 4808 5037 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: connectToNetwork "Timothy's iPhone 6s"WPA_PSK 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AirplaneModeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$TetherSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.022 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DataUsageSummaryActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WirelessSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrintSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$TRoamingSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DomesticSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SprTetherSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$RingtoneSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ZenModeDNDSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$BlockNotificationListActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DisplaySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.display.FontPreview 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$UsefulFeatureMainActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$StorageDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$ManageApplicationsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$VZWManageApplicationsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AdvancedAppsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NfcSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.smartscan.SmartScanEntry 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocationSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$LockAndSecuritySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.face.FaceEntry 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.fingerprint.FingerprintEntry 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.samsung.android.settings.iris.IrisLockSettings 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SafetyCareSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$EasyModeMainActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$UserAndAccountDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$CloudAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$DateTimeSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.023 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$AccessibilitySettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$GeneralDeviceSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$SoftwareUpdateSettingActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$HelpActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DeviceInfoSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$NetworkDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectedDeviceDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$AppAndNotificationDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$WifiDisplaySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SecuritySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.android.settings, activityInfo.name : com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$SystemDashboardActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LanguageAndInputSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$LocalePickerActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 20090 20117 I TileUtils: not ValidTileItem. : com.android.settings.Settings$PrivacySettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.024 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS 05-29 11:26:56.024 4808 5037 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: addSupplicantStaNetwork via HIDL 05-29 11:26:56.024 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:26:56.024 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:56.024 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:56.025 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:26:56.034 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 0 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 7 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.networkui, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.themestore, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.themestore.activity.LauncherfromSettingForOwner, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings.EdgeScreenSettingsMain, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.scoreboard.ScoreBoardActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.BatteryActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.samsung.android.lool, activityInfo.name : com.samsung.android.sm.ui.booster.PerformanceBooster, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.037 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service, activityInfo.name : com.sec.android.emergencymode.service.PowerSavingOptionActivity, defaultCategory : com.android.settings.category.device 05-29 11:26:56.040 19799 20056 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:26:56.040 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:56 time=1527564416040 rid=11 numAssoc=10 ssid="Timothy's.iPhone.6s" bssid=6e:72:e7:a6:27:ae netid=7 isLinkDebouncing=0 05-29 11:26:56.040 4808 5037 I PatternWifiConnecting: network is connected 05-29 11:26:56.041 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:56.041 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: Trying to associate with 6E.27.AE (SSID='Timothy's iPhone 6s' freq=2462 MHz) 05-29 11:26:56.041 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:56.044 5591 5591 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 05-29 11:26:56.046 5591 5591 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 05-29 11:26:56.048 19799 20053 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:26:56.049 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:26:56.049 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:26:56.049 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:26:56.049 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:26:56.052 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 1 05-29 11:26:56.052 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsLink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.054 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:56.057 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.057 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:56.057 20090 20117 I ttt : getTilesForIntent results count : 5 05-29 11:26:56.057 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.VerifyAppsSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.057 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.security.settings.AdmSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.057 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.update.SystemUpdateActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.057 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsIALink, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.057 20090 20117 I TileUtils: getTilesForIntent resolved.system : true, activityInfo.packageName : com.google.android.gms, activityInfo.name : com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ui.MyAccountSettingsActivity, defaultCategory : null 05-29 11:26:56.058 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.058 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.058 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.058 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.059 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.060 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.060 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:56.061 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.061 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.061 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.061 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.061 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.063 4808 4808 I PersonaManagerService::Proxy: newPackage is com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:56.063 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.063 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.063 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.064 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.065 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.066 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:56.066 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.wireless 05-29 11:26:56.066 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.066 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.066 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Connections, priority = 80 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Device 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.device 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Sounds and vibration, priority = 59 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Notifications, priority = 56 05-29 11:26:56.067 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Display, priority = 55 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Advanced features, priority = 49 05-29 11:26:56.067 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Apps, priority = 44 05-29 11:26:56.067 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.067 4808 4808 I DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.samsung.android.contacts 05-29 11:26:56.068 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.068 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : Personal 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.personal 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Lock screen and security, priority = 38 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Cloud and accounts, priority = 31 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category title : System 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: Adding category key : com.android.settings.category.ia.system 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Accessibility, priority = 18 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = General management, priority = 17 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Software update, priority = 16 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = User manual, priority = 14 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = About phone, priority = 13 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Developer options, priority = -1 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Wallpapers and themes, priority = 52 05-29 11:26:56.069 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: isSupportGraceUXGraceView add the tile: title = Device maintenance, priority = 48 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 D TileUtils: EXTRA_SETTINGS_ACTION add the tile: title = Google, priority = 0 05-29 11:26:56.069 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:56.070 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.security 05-29 11:26:56.070 4808 4808 I DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 95: now null 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.homepage 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20117 W TileUtils: Couldn't find category com.android.settings.category.ia.account_detail 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20117 D TileUtils: categories size : 4 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20117 D TileUtils: getCategories took 261 ms 05-29 11:26:56.070 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories.size() : 4 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Wireless and networks 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Device 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : Personal 05-29 11:26:56.070 20090 20090 W CategoryManager: mCategories : System 05-29 11:26:56.071 4808 4808 D RCPManagerService: PackageReceiver onReceive() 05-29 11:26:56.071 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.072 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.072 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.072 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.072 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:56.072 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.072 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.072 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.073 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 607.011706> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Connecting with 6e:xx:xx:xx:x7:ae ssid "Timothy's iPhone 6s",channel:11 rcc:1 05-29 11:26:56.074 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.074 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.074 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.074 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.074 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 607.029879> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:3 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:56.074 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.077 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.078 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.078 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.078 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.078 4808 4808 I WifiService: Securities matching 05-29 11:26:56.079 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.080 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.080 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:56.080 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.080 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.080 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.080 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.080 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.082 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.082 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.082 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.082 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.084 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.085 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.085 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.085 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.085 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.087 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.087 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.087 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.087 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.087 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:56.088 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.089 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.089 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.089 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.089 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.089 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.090 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.090 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.090 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.090 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.090 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.092 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.092 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.093 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.094 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 607.050279> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:16 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:56.095 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.095 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Utils: isPackageEnabled 0 05-29 11:26:56.095 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.095 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.095 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Utils: isComponentEnabled 0 05-29 11:26:56.095 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Service: changeAppPairItem 05-29 11:26:56.098 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.098 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.098 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.099 20298 20707 D AppsEdge.Service: updatePanel 05-29 11:26:56.099 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:56.099 4808 4841 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.samsung.android.themestore/.activity.bixby.SearchActivityForBixby: Search label must be a resource reference. 05-29 11:26:56.099 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.100 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.101 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.101 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:56.102 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:56.102 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.102 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.103 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.103 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.104 5579 5994 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.105 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:56.105 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:56.105 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.106 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.106 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.106 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.106 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.106 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:56.106 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.106 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.107 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: Associated with 6E.27.AE 05-29 11:26:56.107 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.108 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.108 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 607.057883> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:7 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:56.108 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.108 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.110 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.110 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.110 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.111 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.112 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.112 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.112 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.113 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.114 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.114 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.114 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.114 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.115 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.115 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.115 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.116 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.116 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.116 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.117 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.117 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:56.118 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.118 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.119 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.119 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.123 20298 20707 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:56.123 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.123 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.124 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 6E.27.AE (ver=2) 05-29 11:26:56.124 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4 05-29 11:26:56.126 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.126 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.126 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.126 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.126 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.126 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:56.128 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.128 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.129 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.129 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.130 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: onPackageModified com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:56.130 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: - hadPrintService false 05-29 11:26:56.130 4808 4841 I PrintManagerService: - hasPrintService false 05-29 11:26:56.131 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.131 13384 13394 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:56.131 13384 13394 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.persistent 05-29 11:26:56.132 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.132 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.132 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.133 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.133 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.133 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.133 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.134 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.134 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.135 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.135 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.133 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.136 20315 20315 D PrintSpoolerService: No existing print spooler state. 05-29 11:26:56.137 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.140 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.140 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.140 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.140 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:56.141 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:56.142 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.142 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.142 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.142 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.142 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.143 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 607.098641> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:1 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:56.144 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.144 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.144 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.144 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.144 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: [DHD]< 607.098695> wl_cfgvendor_send_supp_eventstring: [wlan0] Mode:0 event:0 status:0x0 reason:0 05-29 11:26:56.145 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.145 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:56.145 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.145 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.145 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.145 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.145 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.148 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.148 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.148 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.148 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.149 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.149 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.149 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.149 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.149 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.149 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:56.149 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.151 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.152 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from 6E.27.AE (ver=2) 05-29 11:26:56.152 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.152 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.152 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.153 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.153 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.153 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.153 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.153 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.155 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4 05-29 11:26:56.155 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.155 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.155 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.156 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.157 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:56.157 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.157 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:56.157 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.157 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.157 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.157 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.157 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.157 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.157 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.157 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.158 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.158 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.158 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 6E.27.AE [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP] 05-29 11:26:56.159 20700 20700 I wpa_supplicant: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 6E.27.AE completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Timothy%27s+iPhone+6s%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%2C%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%7D] 05-29 11:26:56.159 4441 4635 D Netd : Iface wlan0 link up 05-29 11:26:56.160 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:56.160 4808 4850 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true 05-29 11:26:56.162 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.162 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.163 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.163 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.163 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.163 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.163 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.165 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.165 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.166 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.166 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.166 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.166 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.166 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.167 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.167 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.168 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.168 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.168 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.168 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.168 4808 5037 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: mIsSupportAdvancedCaptivePortal is true 05-29 11:26:56.168 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.169 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=69632 obj=com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@8607903 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.169 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor: Async - Half connection with WWSM established 05-29 11:26:56.169 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Async - Half connection with NetworkMonitor established 05-29 11:26:56.169 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Async - Full connection with NetworkMonitor established 05-29 11:26:56.169 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.170 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.170 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.172 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.173 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.173 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.173 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.172 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:56.173 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.173 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.173 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.173 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.173 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.173 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.174 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.174 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.175 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.175 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x708e22fe80 05-29 11:26:56.175 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : 05-29 11:26:56.175 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : createRequest: APF get capabilities request 05-29 11:26:56.175 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.175 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.176 4808 5173 E WifiMHD::a: Send - f to get GW 05-29 11:26:56.176 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : In SetAPFCommand::handleResponse 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Id = 0, subcmd = 0, len = 16 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Response recieved for get packet filter capabilities command 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : APF version is 2 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : APF max len is 2048 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Done! 05-29 11:26:56.177 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Getting APF capability, version = 2, max_len = 2048 05-29 11:26:56.178 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.179 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.179 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.180 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.180 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.183 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.183 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.184 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.184 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.185 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:56 time=1527564416184 rid=12 bssid=6e:72:e7:a6:27:ae netid=7 05-29 11:26:56.185 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.186 6221 7184 D LauncherApps: onPackageChanged 0,com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:56.186 6221 6221 D Launcher.Model: onPackageChanged:com.android.settings user:UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:56.187 6221 6221 D Launcher.Model: isValidStateInKnoxMode:false user:UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:56.187 6221 6304 D Launcher.Model: Loader.updatePackage com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:56.187 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.187 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.187 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:56.188 6221 6304 D LauncherApps: getActivityList callingUserId: 0, target user: 0 05-29 11:26:56.188 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.188 4808 20709 D ApfFilter: (wlan0): begin monitoring 05-29 11:26:56.188 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.189 6221 6304 V LauncherApps: Returning activity for profile UserHandle{0} : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:56.189 5579 5994 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.189 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.189 6221 6304 D LauncherActivityInfo: packageName: com.android.settings, supportTheme: false, height: 192, width: 192, density: 640 05-29 11:26:56.190 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.191 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.191 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.192 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.192 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.192 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.193 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.196 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:56.196 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.196 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.197 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.197 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.197 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.198 20298 20707 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.199 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.200 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = getPromptCredentialsEnabled 05-29 11:26:56.201 6221 6304 D skia : Encode PNG Singlethread processname=com.sec.android.app.launcher : 10337 us, width=174, height=174 05-29 11:26:56.201 6221 6304 D skia : Encode PNG Singlethread processname=com.sec.android.app.launcher : 327 us, width=34, height=34 05-29 11:26:56.204 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Setting APF program, halHandle = 0x708e22fe80 05-29 11:26:56.204 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : 05-29 11:26:56.204 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : createRequest: APF set program request 05-29 11:26:56.204 6221 6304 D LauncherApps: getActivityList callingUserId: 0, target user: 0 05-29 11:26:56.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.205 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.205 6221 6304 V LauncherApps: Returning activity for profile UserHandle{0} : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:26:56.205 6221 6304 D DataLoader: updatePackage:com.android.settings 05-29 11:26:56.205 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Done! 05-29 11:26:56.206 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.206 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.206 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater 05-29 11:26:56.206 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater cn = ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} , UserHandle{0} 05-29 11:26:56.206 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: updateDnsLinkProperty: enter 05-29 11:26:56.206 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.206 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.206 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.207 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: getDns::LinkProps has null dns - returning default 05-29 11:26:56.207 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.SingDnsChecker: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.207 6221 6304 I AppsModel: addOrUpdater update item = IconInfo(title=Settings intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings (has extras) } id=44 type=0 container=-102 screen=0 cellX=3 cellY=3 spanX=1 spanY=1 rank=18 hidden=0 dropPos=null user=UserHandle{0}) 05-29 11:26:56.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.207 6221 6304 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:26:56.207 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.207 6221 6304 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:26:56.207 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.208 6221 6304 I PostPositionController: addItem() - com.android.settings, isWidgetOnly : true 05-29 11:26:56.209 6221 6304 D WidgetLoader: ignore dirty because widgets are not changed 05-29 11:26:56.209 20298 20707 I AppsHelpContainer: count=8 shouldShowBeginnerHelp=false 05-29 11:26:56.209 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.210 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.213 7531 7531 I CocktailBarUiController: onUpdateCocktail: 4 05-29 11:26:56.213 7531 7531 I CocktailBarPanelManager: updatePanelItem: updateContainedPanel - 4 05-29 11:26:56.213 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: onReceiveContentInfo action=com.samsung.android.app.appsedge.action.panel.update, 102047429 05-29 11:26:56.213 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: getSelectedItems 05-29 11:26:56.214 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.214 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.214 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.215 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.215 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.215 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.215 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.215 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.218 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.218 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: count=8 05-29 11:26:56.219 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=4 pos=5 id=1 05-29 11:26:56.219 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.220 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.220 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.222 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.222 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.222 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 5 MultiItem 05-29 11:26:56.222 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=0 id=2 05-29 11:26:56.222 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.222 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.223 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.223 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 166048(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 90(2MB) LOS objects, 32% free, 49MB/73MB, paused 1.766ms total 242.081ms 05-29 11:26:56.224 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.225 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 0 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.225 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=2 pos=6 id=1 05-29 11:26:56.225 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.225 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.225 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.227 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.227 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.227 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.227 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.227 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.228 7531 7531 D FolderItem: FolderItem 05-29 11:26:56.229 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.231 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.231 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.231 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.232 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.232 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.232 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.232 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.232 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.233 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 6 FolderItem:preset_folder:0:0 05-29 11:26:56.233 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=1 id=5 05-29 11:26:56.234 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.235 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 1 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.235 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=7 id=6 05-29 11:26:56.235 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.235 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.235 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.236 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 7 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.236 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=2 id=7 05-29 11:26:56.237 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.237 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.237 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.238 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.238 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.238 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 2 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.238 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=8 id=8 05-29 11:26:56.240 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.240 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.240 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.242 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.243 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 8 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.243 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: type=0 pos=3 id=9 05-29 11:26:56.244 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.244 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.244 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.245 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Data: item=SelectedItem : pos = 3 ComponentItem:null 05-29 11:26:56.247 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.247 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.249 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.249 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.249 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.250 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.youtube 05-29 11:26:56.251 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.android.chrome 05-29 11:26:56.252 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.252 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.252 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.253 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.255 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.255 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.256 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.256 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.257 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.258 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.258 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.258 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.260 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.260 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.261 7531 7531 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 05-29 11:26:56.261 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.261 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.262 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.262 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.262 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.262 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.263 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.263 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.263 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.263 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.264 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.264 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.264 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.264 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 05-29 11:26:56.264 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.264 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.264 7531 7531 D ApplicationPackageManager: we has com.samsung.android.calendar class. reuse it 05-29 11:26:56.266 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.266 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.267 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: load= live icon for com.samsung.android.calendar, from overlay = false 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.269 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.269 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.270 4808 5613 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:26:56.270 4808 5613 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:26:56.270 4808 5613 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.google.android.apps.tachyon.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:26:56.270 7531 7531 I ApplicationPackageManager: return adaptive icon for com.google.android.apps.tachyon 05-29 11:26:56.271 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:56.271 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.271 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Panel: updateItems 05-29 11:26:56.271 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:26:56.272 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.272 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.272 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.272 7531 7531 D PanelDescriptionView: updateHelpView: Apps edge2130968577 --> 2130968577 helpview reapplied0 05-29 11:26:56.273 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.273 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.273 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.273 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.273 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.273 7531 7531 D PanelDescriptionView: updateHelpView: Apps edge2130968577 --> 2130968577 helpview reapplied0 05-29 11:26:56.273 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: postUpdatePanel: 1 05-29 11:26:56.275 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.276 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.276 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.276 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.278 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.278 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.278 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.278 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.279 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.281 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.282 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.282 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.282 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.284 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.284 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.284 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.284 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.284 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.286 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.286 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.286 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.286 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.287 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.287 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.287 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.287 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.287 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.289 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.289 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.289 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.290 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.291 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.291 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.291 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.294 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.294 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.296 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.296 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.297 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.299 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.299 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.299 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.300 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.301 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.301 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.303 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.303 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.304 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.304 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.305 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.305 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.306 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.306 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.307 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.308 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.309 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.309 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.309 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.310 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.311 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.312 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.312 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.312 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.313 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.314 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.314 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.314 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.317 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.317 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.320 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.321 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.321 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.322 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.322 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.322 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.322 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.322 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.324 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.324 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.324 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.324 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.324 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:56.325 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.325 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.325 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.325 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.328 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:26:56.331 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:56.334 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.336 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.336 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.336 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.336 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.337 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.337 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.337 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.337 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.338 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.339 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=0, server addr is wf053.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:56.341 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.344 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.344 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.344 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.346 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.347 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.347 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.348 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.348 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.352 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.352 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.352 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.352 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.353 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.353 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.353 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.353 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.354 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.356 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.356 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.356 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.357 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.358 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.358 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.358 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=0 what=131307 obj=start target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.359 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.369 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER 05-29 11:26:56.370 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.370 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.375 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.375 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.375 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.378 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 85536 seconds 05-29 11:26:56.380 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.380 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.380 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.383 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.385 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid= 05-29 11:26:56.386 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.386 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.388 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.388 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.391 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.391 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.393 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.393 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.395 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.395 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.397 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.397 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.398 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.399 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.399 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.399 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.401 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.401 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.402 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.402 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.403 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.403 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.404 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.404 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.404 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.409 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 85536 seconds 05-29 11:26:56.409 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.409 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.413 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 05-29 11:26:56.413 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.414 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.414 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.415 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.416 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.416 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.416 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.416 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.419 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.420 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.420 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:56.420 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:26:56.421 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.421 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.422 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-1ms what=131307 obj=complete target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state NotConnectedState 05-29 11:26:56.423 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.423 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.424 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.424 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Setting APF program, halHandle = 0x708e22fe80 05-29 11:26:56.424 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : 05-29 11:26:56.424 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : createRequest: APF set program request 05-29 11:26:56.424 4808 5173 E WifiMHD::a: RuntimeException1701 05-29 11:26:56.424 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.424 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: updateDnsLinkProperty: enter 05-29 11:26:56.424 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.424 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.424 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.424 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.424 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.424 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.425 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: getDns::LinkProps has null dns - returning default 05-29 11:26:56.425 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.SingDnsChecker: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.425 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.426 4282 4282 I WifiHAL : Done! 05-29 11:26:56.426 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.427 4808 5037 D WifiStateMachine: sendConnectedState - setManualConnection: false 05-29 11:26:56.427 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.426 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.428 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: updateDnsLinkProperty: enter 05-29 11:26:56.428 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.428 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.429 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.SingDnsChecker: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.429 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: setCurrentLinkProperties: lp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304} 05-29 11:26:56.430 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.430 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.430 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.430 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.431 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.removeDiscoveredDeviceByNetType - netType:2 05-29 11:26:56.431 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: updateLinkProperties: newLp = {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::2618:1dff:fe73:de2c/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,4194304,524288,1048576,4194304}, oldLp = null 05-29 11:26:56.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *mangle 05-29 11:26:56.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f8 05-29 11:26:56.432 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:56.434 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:56.435 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.436 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.436 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.436 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.436 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.436 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.437 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.437 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.437 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.437 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.437 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:56.439 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.440 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.440 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.440 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.440 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.441 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.442 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.442 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 41057s 05-29 11:26:56.442 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 74843s 05-29 11:26:56.442 4808 20711 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 85535s 05-29 11:26:56.443 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:56.443 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *mangle 05-29 11:26:56.443 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A INPUT -i wlan0 -j MARK --set-mark 0x301f8 05-29 11:26:56.443 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:26:56.443 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:26:56.443 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:56.443 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.443 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.443 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.443 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.444 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:56.444 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:56.444 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:56.445 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:56.445 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=true 05-29 11:26:56.445 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.446 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.447 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.447 13384 13384 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendWifiConnectivityChanged: connectivity=true 05-29 11:26:56.449 5236 5515 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState enabledChanging 05-29 11:26:56.450 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.452 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: Wifi not connected just return 05-29 11:26:56.452 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.453 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.453 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.453 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.454 6102 6102 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.WIFI_TRIGGERED_FLUSH_AND_UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService }, extras=null 05-29 11:26:56.456 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.457 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: Wi-Fi is available 05-29 11:26:56.457 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.458 5579 5597 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.458 5579 5597 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.458 5579 5597 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.458 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.459 4441 4644 D ResolverController: DNSDBG::server[0] 05-29 11:26:56.459 4441 4644 D ResolverController: DNSDBG::netId 504 searchDomains 05-29 11:26:56.459 4441 4644 D ResolverController: DNSDBG::server[0] 05-29 11:26:56.461 5579 5597 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.461 5579 5597 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.461 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.463 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: sns inital connection check, scan set : true 05-29 11:26:56.464 4808 5037 E WifiStateMachine: Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp 05-29 11:26:56.464 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@40585c5 05-29 11:26:56.464 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@87fdee6 05-29 11:26:56.464 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE for 1 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.464 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.465 5591 5591 D PhoneApp: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.469 5591 5591 D NetworkUIGlobals: PhoneAppBroadcastReceiver onReceive android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.470 20155 20155 D GOS:MainIntentService: onCreate 05-29 11:26:56.471 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.mReceiver - action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.471 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:26:56.471 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:26:56.472 20155 20723 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent. begin 05-29 11:26:56.472 5579 5597 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.473 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=2 bandwidth gettetherstats ... 05-29 11:26:56.473 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats start. socket=56, pid=4808, uid=1000, gid=1000 05-29 11:26:56.473 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.473 5579 5597 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.475 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats end 1 05-29 11:26:56.476 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:56.479 4808 5037 D SecContentProvider: insert(), uri = 2 05-29 11:26:56.484 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Not required to send intent. 05-29 11:26:56.484 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:56.484 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh needs cooling time to avoid watchdog 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.485 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=2 bandwidth gettetherstats ... 05-29 11:26:56.485 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats start. socket=56, pid=4808, uid=1000, gid=1000 05-29 11:26:56.485 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.485 4441 4645 D CommandListener: gettetherstats end 1 05-29 11:26:56.487 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:56 time=1527564416487 rid=300 dhcpFailReason=1 05-29 11:26:56.488 4808 5037 D WifiIssueDetector: report htime=2018-05-29_11:26:56 time=1527564416487 rid=2 networkPrefix=28 apTypeInt=0 gw= ip= dhcp=1 dns1= ssid="Timothy's.iPhone.6s" bssid=6e:72:e7:a6:27:ae netid=7 05-29 11:26:56.488 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=532481 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.489 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.489 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.490 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:56.490 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.491 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.492 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:56.492 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh needs cooling time to avoid watchdog 05-29 11:26:56.492 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: Connected 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Connected - Move to CaptivePortalState 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 5168 I WifiConnectivityMonitor: Stop scan. SNS initial connection check is ongoing 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: Scan target found: initial rssi=-90 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 5168 D ConnectivityService: semIsMobilePolicyDataEnabled(): deprecated 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=-5ms what=151660 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: current state: com.android.server.wifi.WifiConnectivityMonitor$CaptivePortalState@ebf39cf 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=-5ms what=151660 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.493 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: DefaultState{ when=-6ms what=151660 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.494 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Received signal strength thresholds: [] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : done 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: start to check Captive portal 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5168 E WifiConnectivityMonitor: Unhandled message { when=-2ms what=135247 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state CaptivePortalState 05-29 11:26:56.496 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: - No personas,Not registered, No need to process System intent 05-29 11:26:56.495 4808 5037 D WIFI : done 05-29 11:26:56.496 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 20 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:56.496 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:56.496 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:56.496 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:56.496 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: sns inital connection check, scan set : true 05-29 11:26:56.496 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2107) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = } 05-29 11:26:56.500 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:56.502 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.502 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.503 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewTransitions called. 05-29 11:26:56.504 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: action : android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.505 20155 20155 D GOS:GameServiceReceiver: Wi-Fi is available 05-29 11:26:56.506 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.506 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.506 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.512 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.512 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.512 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.514 20186 20186 I usagelog: received in receiver 05-29 11:26:56.514 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver onReceive :android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE myUserId=0 05-29 11:26:56.515 20186 20186 D KnoxUsageLogPro: KnoxUsageReceiver -processSystemEvents 05-29 11:26:56.517 6102 17069 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 05-29 11:26:56.517 20186 20186 I KnoxUsageLogPro: processSystemEvents: - No personas,Not registered, No need to process System intent 05-29 11:26:56.517 4808 5613 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awgw 05-29 11:26:56.518 4808 11437 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==18 flags=0 rate=0 timeout== 0 05-29 11:26:56.518 6102 6596 D SensorManager: requestTrigger :: 18, SAMSUNG Significant Motion Sensor, 05-29 11:26:56.519 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.520 20155 20723 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent(). type : 3 05-29 11:26:56.520 20155 20723 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected() 05-29 11:26:56.521 6102 6596 I GCoreUlr: Starting service, intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.location.reporting.WIFI_TRIGGERED_UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService }, extras=null 05-29 11:26:56.523 20155 20723 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected(), too early. skip update. millisFromLastUpdate: 502492 05-29 11:26:56.528 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.528 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.529 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:56.530 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.530 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.531 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.531 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.532 5579 5597 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.533 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.534 5579 5597 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.534 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.536 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.536 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.537 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.537 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.537 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: device_name : starlte 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: model_name : SM-G960F 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_r : 8.0.0 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_i : G960FXXS1ARD1 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_name : 1.2.11 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_code : 1211 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: is_test : false 05-29 11:26:56.537 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: gms_version : 80.008 05-29 11:26:56.538 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionNameFull : 05-29 11:26:56.538 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionCodeFull : 121100000 05-29 11:26:56.540 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.540 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: mcc : 466 05-29 11:26:56.540 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: mnc : 89 05-29 11:26:56.544 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.544 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.544 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.544 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.545 20720 20720 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:26:56.545 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.545 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.545 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.545 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.545 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.548 4441 4645 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -A idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0 05-29 11:26:56.550 4441 4645 I Netd : RTNETLINK RTM_NEWRULE Process with UID_RANGE for HIGHER KERNEL 05-29 11:26:56.553 5579 5778 D CapabilityProvider: mWifiStateListener.onAvailable(): mIsWifiConnected [true] 05-29 11:26:56.554 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.554 5579 5805 D PdnController: handleMessage: what 105 05-29 11:26:56.554 5579 5805 D PdnController: onWifiConnected: 05-29 11:26:56.555 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:56.555 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:56.555 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN], isWifiConnected [true] 05-29 11:26:56.555 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:56.555 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:56.555 5579 5805 D VolteServiceModule: onDataConnectionStateChanged(): networkType [UNKNOWN]isWifiConnected [true], phoneId [0] 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: NETWORK_TYPE 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkChanged: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updatePani: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: updateRat: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: notifyNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: buildNetworkEvent: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D PdnController<0>: getNetworkState: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkEventChanged:Changed Event: isWifiConnected(new= true, old= false), 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D VolteServiceModule: onNetworkChanged: NetworkEvent [network=0, voiceOverPs=UNKNOWN, outOfService=true, isDataRoaming=false, isVoiceRoaming=false, csOutOfService=true, isWifiConnected=true, isEpdgConnected=false, operatorNumeric=, isPsOnlyReg=false] 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: out of service. 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkEventChanged: nTask= 0 nRegisteredTask= 0 bExistRetryTimer= false bHaveRegisteringTask= false 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: onNetworkEventChanged: tryRegister 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: tryRegister: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5876 D VolteServiceModule: tryDisconnect(0) delay 100 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase<0>: pendingHasEmergencyTask: 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: RegisterTask(0) : 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: RegisterTask(0) : 05-29 11:26:56.556 5579 5805 D RegiMgrBase: handleMessage: DO_PENDING_UPDATE_REGISTRATION 05-29 11:26:56.557 4808 4851 D EntConnectivity: Not allowed due to - mEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.558 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.558 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.559 5591 5591 I IntentManager: onReceive: android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE @com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$IntentBroadCastReceiver@909b0e5 05-29 11:26:56.559 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=151660 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.559 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notify: callBackList - com.samsung.networkui.controller.IntentManager$CallBackList@a0c5734 05-29 11:26:56.559 5591 5591 I IntentManager: notifyCallBacks: for action - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE for 2 callbacks 05-29 11:26:56.559 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.559 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponentHasType: 2 05-29 11:26:56.559 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: updateComponent() com.samsung.networkui.controller.component.MobileNetworkSettingComponent@89765c8 05-29 11:26:56.559 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=0 what=151660 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.560 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=151660 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:56.560 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateConnectivity: mCurrentState.bluetoothTethered + false 05-29 11:26:56.562 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: message: 4 05-29 11:26:56.563 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh called 05-29 11:26:56.563 4808 5030 D NtpTrustedTime: NTP forceRefresh needs cooling time to avoid watchdog 05-29 11:26:56.563 4808 5423 D LocationManagerService: broadcast received action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.563 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.563 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:56.563 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:56.564 4808 4851 D Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:26:56.564 4808 4851 D Tethering: InitialState got CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED 05-29 11:26:56.564 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.564 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:56.566 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.http.HttpService flush] 05-29 11:26:56.566 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 05-29 11:26:56.566 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: ║ HTTP Service 05-29 11:26:56.566 13120 20174 D TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 05-29 11:26:56.569 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:56.569 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :0 05-29 11:26:56.571 5591 5591 D ReflectUtil: getSimState is called 05-29 11:26:56.571 5591 5591 I NetworkProxy: getSimState : 1 / slot :1 05-29 11:26:56.571 5591 5591 D PhoneMultiSimUtils: isAllSimNotReady - isSim1Ready: false isSim2Ready:false 05-29 11:26:56.571 5591 5591 D PhoneUtils: isAbsentSimState() = true 05-29 11:26:56.572 5579 5805 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.572 5579 5805 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.572 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.572 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:26:56.572 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:26:56.572 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: getCurrentUser = 0 05-29 11:26:56.573 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.chooseTab - IsTabSelected[false], LastClickAction[], LastClickMac[],drawFrom[0] 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkUtils: isEmergencyMode: false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I SettingProxy: isUltraPowerSavingMode: false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(5579, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [rcs_network_type] 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isAirplaneModeOn : false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSimLoaded : false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportMobile : true 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isSupportNetworkmodeInNosim : false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5579 5805 D GlobalSettingsRepo[0]: query: 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isGuestMode : false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompImpl: canDisplay: isUpsmMode : false 05-29 11:26:56.573 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: Network info: type[13], typeName[WIFI_P2P], isAvailable[true], isConnected[false] 05-29 11:26:56.574 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:26:56.574 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isWfdConnected - >> false 05-29 11:26:56.574 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:26:56.574 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:26:56.574 4441 4645 D CommandListener: bwctrlcmd: argc=3 bandwidth setglobalalert ... 05-29 11:26:56.574 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:26:56.574 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:26:56.575 5579 5805 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.575 5579 5805 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.575 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.575 5205 5205 I SKBD : ats setNetworkState : WIFI 05-29 11:26:56.576 5579 5805 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(5579, imsservice) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/global#simslot0], pro : [rcs_network_type] 05-29 11:26:56.576 5579 5805 D GlobalSettingsRepo[0]: query: 05-29 11:26:56.576 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:26:56.576 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:26:56.576 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: Network info: type[1], typeName[WIFI], isAvailable[true], isConnected[true] 05-29 11:26:56.576 5579 5805 D ConfigModule[0]: MOBILE or MOBILE_IMS or WIFI is connected, no need to continue scan 05-29 11:26:56.576 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: WIFI: true 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:56.577 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Action Name : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.577 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] Current Time : 607525 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:26:56.577 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:26:56.578 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:56.578 13349 13349 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:56.579 4808 18008 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.samsung.networkui cmp = com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings newState = 0 callingPackage = 1001/com.android.phone 05-29 11:26:56.580 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:56.580 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: connectivity change: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:56.580 6439 6439 I CmaSystemUpdateService: receiver: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 05-29 11:26:56.581 5591 5591 I MobileNetworkCompMgr: enableComponent : componentName > ComponentInfo{com.samsung.networkui/com.samsung.networkui.MobileNetworkSettings} enable > true 05-29 11:26:56.581 5591 5591 I NetworkNotificationUI2: handleIntentCallBack: onReceive - android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:56.585 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:56.585 12481 12560 D ytrace : Try next server! 05-29 11:26:56.585 12481 12560 D ytrace : Update server info ... 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : start query to _proxy._tcp.jalabell.iptnet.net, ret=1 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV index 2 out-of-range (2) 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=2, ret=0 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : Get SRV info, index=0, ret=2 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : SRV[0] wf054.iptnet.net 80 1 1 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : connect to server failed! 05-29 11:26:56.586 12481 12560 D ytrace : connection for registration failed, try again...retry=1, port index=1 05-29 11:26:56.588 4441 20731 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:56.588 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:56.589 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [SystemStateMoniter] No Connect : false 05-29 11:26:56.593 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.594 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.594 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.596 4808 5172 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.CaptivePortalDnsResolver: #1 GW MAC address found in ARP table.0 msec. 05-29 11:26:56.597 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.597 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.597 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.598 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.598 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.599 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.599 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.599 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.599 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.600 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.600 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.600 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.600 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.601 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:56.602 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.603 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:26:56.604 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:26:56.604 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.604 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:26:56.604 19241 19241 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:26:56.604 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.604 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.604 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.605 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.605 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.605 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.605 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.612 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.617 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.618 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.618 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.618 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.619 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.620 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.620 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.620 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.620 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.623 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.624 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.624 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.624 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.625 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.625 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.625 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.625 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.627 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.633 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.633 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.633 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.634 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.636 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.636 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.637 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.640 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.640 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.644 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.644 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.644 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.649 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.650 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.650 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.652 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.653 4441 20733 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:56.654 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:26:56.654 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "wf054.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:26:56.654 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.654 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.656 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.656 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.658 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.658 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.659 5579 5994 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.659 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.661 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.662 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.664 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.664 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.665 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.665 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.665 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.666 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.667 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.667 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.672 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.672 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.673 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.673 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.673 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.673 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.673 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.677 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.677 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: installed_sec_game_family : com.samsung.android.game.gamehome:disabled,com.samsung.android.game.gametools:disabled 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: android_id_md5 (The actual value is UUID. android_id_md5 is just the key name for API header) : a500e525-1ed3-4a57-a6bf-2fec02565d2c 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: available_feature_flag : 35324951977501463 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: server_feature_flag_policy : NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1NNNNN1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1N10NN0NNN1N 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: default_feature_flag : 22518273019130647 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: enabled_feature_flag : 23649670484173591 05-29 11:26:56.678 20155 20723 D GOS:NetworkConnector: mBaseUrl: https://service.game-mode.net/gamemode 05-29 11:26:56.680 20155 20723 I GOS:NetworkConnector: WiFi is connected 05-29 11:26:56.680 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:56.680 12628 20734 V RsupS : tid.20734 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.55: enter jniP2PServerOpen 05-29 11:26:56.680 12628 20734 I RsupS : tid.20734 - jni/lws/WSServer2.cpp.38: open p2p server on port.11710: sock.55 05-29 11:26:56.680 12628 20734 V RsupS : tid.20734 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.56: exit jniP2PServerOpen 05-29 11:26:56.680 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:56.680 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmUpdater: WiFi available, enough time passed, rechecking 05-29 11:26:56.680 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTraining() 05-29 11:26:56.680 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTrainingFile() 05-29 11:26:56.681 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:56.682 20155 20723 D GOS:MainIntentService: there is gamemanger. don't start GameService 05-29 11:26:56.683 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.683 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.683 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.684 20155 20723 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent. begin 05-29 11:26:56.685 20155 20723 D GOS:MainIntentService: onHandleIntent(). type : 3 05-29 11:26:56.685 20155 20723 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected() 05-29 11:26:56.688 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.688 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.688 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.688 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.688 6439 12168 I PinnedContentDownloader: Finished downloading pinned content. 05-29 11:26:56.688 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.693 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.694 20155 20723 D GOS:DataManager: onWifiConnected(), too early. skip update. millisFromLastUpdate: 502657 05-29 11:26:56.694 12628 20738 V RsupS : tid.20738 - /Users/objects/WORK/RCMP/rcommon/app/src/main/jni/rclib/log.h.55: enter jniP2PAccept 05-29 11:26:56.694 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.694 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.694 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.695 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: device_name : starlte 05-29 11:26:56.695 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: model_name : SM-G960F 05-29 11:26:56.695 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_r : 8.0.0 05-29 11:26:56.696 20155 20737 D GOS:IpmUpdaterCheckVersion: Exception CheckVersion java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.enhance.gameservice/files/backup_q.tablex_version (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:26:56.697 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.697 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.697 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.697 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.697 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.700 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: version_i : G960FXXS1ARD1 05-29 11:26:56.700 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_name : 1.2.11 05-29 11:26:56.700 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: app_version_code : 1211 05-29 11:26:56.700 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: is_test : false 05-29 11:26:56.700 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: gms_version : 80.008 05-29 11:26:56.702 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:56.703 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionNameFull : 05-29 11:26:56.704 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: appVersionCodeFull : 121100000 05-29 11:26:56.704 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.705 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.705 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.705 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.706 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: mcc : 466 05-29 11:26:56.706 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: mnc : 89 05-29 11:26:56.706 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.706 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.706 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.706 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.712 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.746 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.748 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.748 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.748 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.751 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.751 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.751 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.751 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.752 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.755 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.755 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.755 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.756 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.759 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.759 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.759 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.759 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.759 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.762 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.762 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.762 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.765 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.766 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.766 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.769 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.780 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.780 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.788 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.788 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.788 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.792 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.792 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.792 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.796 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.797 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.798 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.799 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.800 4808 5172 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|203] 05-29 11:26:56.803 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:56.804 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.806 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.807 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.808 4808 20747 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.808 4808 20746 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.808 5579 5994 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.808 4808 20746 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.809 4808 20747 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.810 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:56.810 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:56.812 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.813 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.814 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:56.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:56.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:56.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:56.816 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.817 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.818 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: installed_sec_game_family : com.samsung.android.game.gamehome:disabled,com.samsung.android.game.gametools:disabled 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: android_id_md5 (The actual value is UUID. android_id_md5 is just the key name for API header) : a500e525-1ed3-4a57-a6bf-2fec02565d2c 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: available_feature_flag : 35324951977501463 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: server_feature_flag_policy : NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1NNNNN1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1N10NN0NNN1N 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: default_feature_flag : 22518273019130647 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:RequestHeader: enabled_feature_flag : 23649670484173591 05-29 11:26:56.825 20155 20723 D GOS:NetworkConnector: mBaseUrl: https://service.game-mode.net/gamemode 05-29 11:26:56.824 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.828 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.829 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.829 20155 20723 I GOS:NetworkConnector: WiFi is connected 05-29 11:26:56.829 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.829 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.829 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:56.830 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:56.830 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmUpdater: WiFi available, enough time passed, rechecking 05-29 11:26:56.830 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTraining() 05-29 11:26:56.830 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmUpdater: asyncDownloadTrainingFile() 05-29 11:26:56.830 20155 20723 D GOS:IpmCore: getVersion 05-29 11:26:56.830 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.830 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.831 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.831 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.831 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.832 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.832 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.831 20155 20723 D GOS:MainIntentService: there is gamemanger. don't start GameService 05-29 11:26:56.834 20155 20155 D GOS:MainIntentService: onDestroy 05-29 11:26:56.838 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.838 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.841 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.842 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.842 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.843 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsSim1ManagerTask: mNetworkChangeReceiver onReceive : true 05-29 11:26:56.843 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: ImsSim1ManagerListener setNetworkValue : true 05-29 11:26:56.843 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshUi ServiceCarrier : BRI, opStyle : BRI, needToUiUpdate : true 05-29 11:26:56.843 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet 05-29 11:26:56.843 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.845 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.846 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.846 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.846 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.848 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [mmtel-video] 05-29 11:26:56.849 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name mmtel-video 05-29 11:26:56.849 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: mmtel-video 0 05-29 11:26:56.849 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: mmtel-video, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.850 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: presence 05-29 11:26:56.852 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.854 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.854 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.854 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.856 20155 20751 D GOS:IpmUpdaterCheckVersion: Exception CheckVersion java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/user/0/com.enhance.gameservice/files/backup_q.tablex_version (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:26:56.856 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [presence] 05-29 11:26:56.856 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name presence 05-29 11:26:56.857 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: presence 0 05-29 11:26:56.857 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: presence, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.857 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: options 05-29 11:26:56.859 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.861 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.861 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.861 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:56.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:56.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:56.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:56.864 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [options] 05-29 11:26:56.864 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name options 05-29 11:26:56.864 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: options 0 05-29 11:26:56.864 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: options, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.864 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: isServiceAvailable: im 05-29 11:26:56.867 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.868 12628 20734 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.868 12628 20734 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.869 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.869 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.869 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.870 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:56.871 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.sec.ims.settings/imsswitch#simslot0], pro : [im] 05-29 11:26:56.871 5579 5994 D DeviceConfigManager[0]: queryImsSwitch: name im 05-29 11:26:56.871 5579 5994 D DmConfigHelper: isServiceEnabled: im 0 05-29 11:26:56.871 5579 5994 D ImsServiceStub: isServiceAvailable: im, rat: -1, profileFind:false, Enabled:false 05-29 11:26:56.872 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getConfigValues 05-29 11:26:56.874 5579 5994 D Util : getSimSlotFromUri: content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0 05-29 11:26:56.874 5579 5994 D Util : Valid simslot:0. get it from Uri 05-29 11:26:56.874 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider<0>: query: 05-29 11:26:56.875 5579 5994 D ImsSettingsProvider: Query(6448, contacts) : Uri[content://com.samsung.rcs.dmconfigurationprovider/omadm/*#simslot0] 05-29 11:26:56.877 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (94) ./3GPP_IMS/LVC_ENABLED [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.877 5579 5994 D DmConfigModule: result (31) ./3GPP_IMS/EAB_SETTING [ 1 ] 05-29 11:26:56.877 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.877 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.877 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isImAvailable : false 05-29 11:26:56.877 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isLvcDmEnabled : true 05-29 11:26:56.877 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: checkImsSim1ServiceFeatureSet, isEabDmSetting : true 05-29 11:26:56.877 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.878 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.878 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.882 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.882 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.886 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.887 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.887 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.891 6448 6448 W Settings: Setting data_roaming has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:26:56.891 6448 6448 I RCS-ContactsImsCommon: refreshVolteCache 05-29 11:26:56.891 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.893 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getRegistrationInfoByServiceType 05-29 11:26:56.894 4441 20752 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:56.895 4441 20749 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:56.895 4441 20748 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:56.895 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isEpdgOrWifi : false 05-29 11:26:56.895 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.897 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.898 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0][0]: getRegistrationInfo 05-29 11:26:56.900 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase<0>: getRegistrationInfoByPhoneId: not exist matched info 05-29 11:26:56.902 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getVideocallType 05-29 11:26:56.904 6177 6177 I BistoRealService: onDestroy 05-29 11:26:56.904 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:56.905 5579 5994 D Util : getVideoCallType<0>: 0 05-29 11:26:56.905 6448 6448 D secImsManager[0]: getCurrentProfile 05-29 11:26:56.906 6177 6177 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:26:56.907 5579 5994 D RegiMgrBase: getProfileList : list is null 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: [[[refreshUi]]] end 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiMessageCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: refreshUi 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(0) 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: checkImsVtCallEnabled(1) 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: CSVT value : false 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 I RCS-ImsUiVideoCallCommon: forceRefreshUI 05-29 11:26:56.908 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isLvcSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.909 5191 6149 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectedDevices : size=0 05-29 11:26:56.910 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: getMobileDataEnabled(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.911 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: getDataRoamingEnabled : false 05-29 11:26:56.911 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(0) : true 05-29 11:26:56.912 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.912 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.912 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isVolteSettingOn : true 05-29 11:26:56.914 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.915 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.916 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.916 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommon: isImsRegistered : false 05-29 11:26:56.917 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(0) : false 05-29 11:26:56.917 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isRcsRegistered(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.918 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsOpstyle : BRI 05-29 11:26:56.918 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: imsNetworkOpstyle : 05-29 11:26:56.918 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVolteRegisteredWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.922 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVolteSettingOn(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.922 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsManager: isVowifiEnabledWithSimPreference 05-29 11:26:56.925 6448 6448 D RCS-ContactsImsCommonMultiSim: isVowifiEnabled(1) : false 05-29 11:26:56.925 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsContactsUtils: No Multi Sim isPreferredSimAlwaysAsk false 05-29 11:26:56.925 6448 6448 D RCS-ImsUiVideoCallChn: isVtCallEnabled false 05-29 11:26:56.993 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.005 6102 20742 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:26:57.006 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:57.006 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.016 4808 20708 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkMonitorN identical 2 lines 05-29 11:26:57.017 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532488 arg1=10033 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.034 12481 20732 D ytrace : Query from 05-29 11:26:57.041 12481 20732 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=84, ret=0 05-29 11:26:57.045 12481 20732 D ytrace : SRV recv len=92 05-29 11:26:57.045 12481 20732 D ytrace : SRV recv len=94 05-29 11:26:57.107 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:57.115 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=0 what=532498 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.115 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: MaybeNotifyState{ when=0 what=532498 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.115 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: DefaultState{ when=0 what=532498 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.115 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: CMD_ACCEPT_UNVALIDATED_WIFI 05-29 11:26:57.116 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.116 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI : releaseNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:57.117 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI : my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI : releaseNetworkFor 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: my score=-1, my filter=[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: my score=60, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: WIFI_P2P&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5178 D Ethernet: done 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5065 D WIFI_P2P: done 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.117 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : my score=2147483647, my filter=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps] 05-29 11:26:57.118 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.118 4808 5037 D WIFI_UT : done 05-29 11:26:57.118 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: new score 100 for exisiting request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:26:57.118 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: my score=101, my filter=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&ENT1 Specifier: ] 05-29 11:26:57.118 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: evalRequest 05-29 11:26:57.118 5591 5591 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: done 05-29 11:26:57.125 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:57.126 4808 5168 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiConnectivit identical 18 lines 05-29 11:26:57.126 4808 5168 D NetworkStatsCollection: getHistory: mached - UID: 1000, isVideoCall: false 05-29 11:26:57.126 12481 20732 D ytrace : Query from 05-29 11:26:57.142 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:57.142 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:26:57.142 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:26:57.143 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: sendBroadcastFromWWSMForCurrentUser() 05-29 11:26:57.143 4808 5168 I WifiConnectivityMonitor: Test result is reported. Start Scan. 05-29 11:26:57.144 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:26:57.144 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: EvaluatingState{ when=-1ms what=151655 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:26:57.144 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: RESULT_VALID 05-29 11:26:57.144 4808 20708 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504]: Validated 05-29 11:26:57.145 4808 5037 I WifiStateMachine: sns inital connection check, scan set : false 05-29 11:26:57.146 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:57.147 4808 5168 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: isPackageRunning - top:com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity 05-29 11:26:57.167 12481 20732 D ytrace : Connect to DNS server, socket=85, ret=0 05-29 11:26:57.174 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - action : android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION 05-29 11:26:57.174 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - receive INET_CONDITION_ACTION, but not signin state - restoreConnection 05-29 11:26:57.175 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateConnectivity: mCurrentState.bluetoothTethered + false 05-29 11:26:57.183 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isQcTopProcess return false, skip restore 05-29 11:26:57.199 12481 20732 D ytrace : SRV recv len=92 05-29 11:26:57.199 12481 20732 D ytrace : SRV recv len=94 05-29 11:26:57.199 12481 20732 I ytrace : End of SRV query process ... result num = 2 05-29 11:26:57.200 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:26:57.209 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:57.310 4174 4174 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/servicemanager identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:57.413 4174 4174 E audit : avc: denied { find } for service=WlanDutService pid=4808 uid=1000 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:wlandutservice_service:s0 tclass=service_manager 05-29 11:26:57.431 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.02}]} 05-29 11:26:57.448 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.02}]} 05-29 11:26:57.456 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:57.460 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|209] [] 05-29 11:26:57.516 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:26:57.534 4808 4808 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: Vpn Receiver : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:57.535 4808 4808 I EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: Vpn Receiver : Connection change = false 05-29 11:26:57.535 4808 5018 I EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:57.535 4808 5018 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: vpn handle : connectivity action : Handle MSG CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:57.535 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:57.535 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: change in connectivity has occured for the network type1 05-29 11:26:57.536 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:57.536 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:26:57.536 4808 5021 D KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : connectivity action : Handle MSG CONNECTIVITY_ACTION. networkDown = false 05-29 11:26:57.536 4808 5021 D KnoxVpnEngineService: run all vpn : runAllVpnService beginning 05-29 11:26:57.536 4808 5018 D EnterprisePremiumVpnPolicyServiceV2: run all vpn : runAllVpnService beginning 05-29 11:26:57.540 12481 12560 D ytrace : Start registration process...reg port index=1, server addr is wf054.iptnet.net, reg state is REG_READY 05-29 11:26:57.543 4808 4808 D MDC : onReceive android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:26:57.546 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=2 05-29 11:26:57.548 4808 4808 D SLocation: BroadcastReceiver : CONNECTIVITY_ACTION 05-29 11:26:57.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:57.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.550 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 3 lines 05-29 11:26:57.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.551 4808 5459 D SLocation: checkWifiInfo 05-29 11:26:57.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:26:57.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.552 4808 5183 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=2 retVal=true 05-29 11:26:57.556 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:57.558 4808 5459 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 5459 05-29 11:26:57.565 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:57.577 4808 5459 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 5459 05-29 11:26:57.580 4808 4841 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 4841 05-29 11:26:57.590 4441 4645 D CommandListener: Mdc Run command 05-29 11:26:57.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:57.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.595 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:57.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.606 4808 5459 D SLocation: cellList : 20 05-29 11:26:57.611 4808 5459 W SLocation: handleEvent EXIT : currentDirection 0 05-29 11:26:57.611 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (1) detected : 2 05-29 11:26:57.613 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:57.613 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:57.613 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [1], direction [2], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:57.615 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 1 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:57.617 4808 5459 W SLocation: handleEvent EXIT : currentDirection 0 05-29 11:26:57.618 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (2) detected : 2 05-29 11:26:57.620 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:57.622 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:1 05-29 11:26:57.622 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:57.622 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:57.622 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [2], direction [2], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:57.623 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 1 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:57.624 4808 5459 W SLocation: handleEvent EXIT : currentDirection 0 05-29 11:26:57.624 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (3) detected : 2 05-29 11:26:57.626 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:57.628 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:2 05-29 11:26:57.628 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:57.628 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return true 05-29 11:26:57.628 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [3], direction [2], Result [2] 05-29 11:26:57.628 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - All of AP are OUT. Increase scan max interval 05-29 11:26:57.630 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 2 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:57.632 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:57.632 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (1) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:57.633 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:3 05-29 11:26:57.637 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:57.637 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:57.637 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [1], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:57.637 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "Linksys00364"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:57.639 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:57.641 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:57.642 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (2) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:57.643 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:1 05-29 11:26:57.647 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:57.647 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:57.647 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [2], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:57.647 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "googlewifi"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:57.648 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:57.650 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:57.652 4808 5459 D SLocation: geofence id (3) detected : 0 05-29 11:26:57.652 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:2 05-29 11:26:57.654 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver: com.sec.android.wifi.GEOFENCE_TRIGGERED 05-29 11:26:57.654 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: isGeofenceExit : return false 05-29 11:26:57.654 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: id [3], direction [0], Result [1] 05-29 11:26:57.654 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: BroadcastReceiver() - configKey : "NETGEAR46"WPA_PSK IN. Reduce scan max interval 05-29 11:26:57.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:57.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.655 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:57.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.656 4808 4808 D WifiGeofenceManager: sendBroadcastForInOutRange() - state : 0 getNetworkType() : 0 05-29 11:26:57.658 4808 4808 I AutoWifiController: set Geofence state : 0Exit 05-29 11:26:57.660 4808 4808 D SLocation: PendingIntent onSendFinished id:3 05-29 11:26:57.665 12481 12560 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:57.666 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:26:57.667 4441 20767 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:26:57.667 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REG_READY => CONNECT_2_SVR 05-29 11:26:57.667 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:26:57.667 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "wf054.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:26:57.850 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: initializing... 05-29 11:26:57.850 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: root = 0, root_strlen = 1 05-29 11:26:57.850 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: process = ffffffff00000000000000000000000a, process_strlen = 32 05-29 11:26:57.850 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: input max_sendmsg_size = 262196 05-29 11:26:57.850 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: input max_recvmsg_size = 262196 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: root = 0, root_len = 1 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: process = ffffffff00000000000000000000000a, process_strlen = 32 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: aligned max_sendmsg_size = 262208 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: aligned max_recvmsg_size = 262208 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: device_id = 0x0 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_open() was called 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Opening MobiCore device 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TeeSysClient: open mode set to: 0 [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/common.cpp:303] 05-29 11:26:57.851 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Allocating message buffer for TCI 05-29 11:26:57.855 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Opening the session 05-29 11:26:57.902 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_open() succeeded 05-29 11:26:57.902 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info1 05-29 11:26:57.911 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info2 05-29 11:26:57.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:57.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:57.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.921 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info3 05-29 11:26:57.930 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info4 05-29 11:26:57.937 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info5 05-29 11:26:57.943 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:57.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.944 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:26:57.944 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.945 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info6 05-29 11:26:57.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.951 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info7 05-29 11:26:57.957 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info8 05-29 11:26:57.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:57.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:57.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:57.977 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: Trustlet response is completed 05-29 11:26:57.989 12481 12558 D ytrace : FD_CONNECT event of socket b, event=0x10, state=CONNECT_2_SVR 05-29 11:26:58.096 12481 12558 D ytrace : connect to Server (wf054.iptnet.net, port index 1) successfully 05-29 11:26:58.205 12481 12558 D ytrace : local ip is 05-29 11:26:58.205 12481 12558 D ytrace : Local network info: 05-29 11:26:58.206 12481 12558 D ytrace : Reg State: CONNECT_2_SVR => REGISTERING 05-29 11:26:58.372 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:58.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:58.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.407 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:58.408 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.acore 05-29 11:26:58.433 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:58.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:58.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:58.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.440 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:58.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.464 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:26:58.464 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get NEED_AUTH from server 05-29 11:26:58.464 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ack, authentication is required 05-29 11:26:58.469 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|216] [] 05-29 11:26:58.480 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:58.480 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.acore 05-29 11:26:58.532 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.01}]} 05-29 11:26:58.535 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-87,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.01}]} 05-29 11:26:58.538 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:58.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:58.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.796 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:58.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D ytrace : Pass 94 sec since last registration, expected expires is 180 sec 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D ytrace : REG_OK (0), RTT=600 ms, mean RTT=690 ms, CSeq=21, Branch=4m1G9jSeoa4y9mwz, Expires=60 sec 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERING => SERVICE_READY 05-29 11:26:58.806 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=48, arg1=1527564411, arg2=-826811268, lineId=0 05-29 11:26:58.808 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_SERVICE_READY' subEvent='unknown subEvent=0x5B0CC87B' 05-29 11:26:58.810 12481 12491 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:58.810 12481 12491 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bronci.jalavideo 05-29 11:26:58.935 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local network info: 05-29 11:26:58.935 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: SERVICE_READY => NAT_PROBE_P1 05-29 11:26:59.165 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:59.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:59.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.173 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:59.173 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:26:59.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:59.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:59.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.212 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:59.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:59.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.304 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:59.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:59.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:59.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:59.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:26:59.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:26:59.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:26:59.623 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [[PushClientService]] SPPC Ver : 1.9.05, Server Ver : 1, Platform Ver : 26 05-29 11:26:59.634 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-75,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1}]} 05-29 11:26:59.638 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-75,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1}]} 05-29 11:26:59.641 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:26:59.663 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:26:59.663 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:26:59.676 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [[PushClientService]] reqType : 0 05-29 11:26:59.685 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [[PushClientService]] F:false, D:false, E:false, T:false, S:false, R:false 05-29 11:26:59.694 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [a] [ConnectionManager] Connection is already disconnected. 05-29 11:26:59.694 12309 12309 E SPPClientService: [b] null 05-29 11:26:59.840 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: NAT_PROBE_P1 => NAT_PROBE_P2 05-29 11:27:00.005 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:27:00.007 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:27:00.008 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:27:00.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.009 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.027 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:00.039 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.049 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:00.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.120 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: NAT_PROBE_P2 => NAT_PROBE_P2_3 05-29 11:27:00.319 12481 12557 D ytrace : NAT Probe Done! NAT Type is PORT_FIXED 05-29 11:27:00.319 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: NAT_PROBE_P2_3 => REGISTERED 05-29 11:27:00.319 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=3, arg1=3, arg2=-826810260, lineId=0 05-29 11:27:00.320 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_DONE' subEvent='C2C_INVALID_ACCOUNT' 05-29 11:27:00.320 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onSuccess 05-29 11:27:00.320 12481 12557 D RegisterNotificationJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:27:00.324 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=915, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, canceling 05-29 11:27:00.346 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=918, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:27:00.346 12481 12557 D BindCameraJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:27:00.349 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=916, tag=BindCameraJob}, canceling 05-29 11:27:00.364 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=919, tag=BindCameraJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:27:00.364 12481 12557 D ModifyCameraPwdJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:27:00.367 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=917, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, canceling 05-29 11:27:00.381 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=920, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:27:00.381 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local NAT=[PORT_FIXED], Expires=60, ID=broncidemo2$gmail.com@jalabell.iptnet.net, port index is 1 05-29 11:27:00.391 12309 20788 E SPPClientService: [b] __InitReply__ 05-29 11:27:00.422 12309 20788 E SPPClientService: [a] onConnected Time : 611370 05-29 11:27:00.650 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:27:00.650 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:27:00.650 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:27:00.650 12481 12557 D ytrace : Recv duplicated registration ACK 05-29 11:27:00.736 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1}]} 05-29 11:27:00.741 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1}]} 05-29 11:27:00.743 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:00.825 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:27:00.825 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:27:00.826 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:27:00.826 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:27:00.827 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:27:00.827 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:27:00.848 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.848 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.870 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.937 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.951 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.952 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:00.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:00.980 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:00.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.052 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.149 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel: TIMA: response_id = 3 05-29 11:27:01.149 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel: TIMA: response ret = 0, result_ondemand = MSG=Kernel Verification Success; 05-29 11:27:01.149 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_close() was called 05-29 11:27:01.149 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Closing the session 05-29 11:27:01.151 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Freeing message buffer 05-29 11:27:01.152 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Closing MobiCore device 05-29 11:27:01.152 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_close() succeeded 05-29 11:27:01.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.187 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.188 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.206 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.315 13384 13394 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:01.315 13384 13394 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.persistent 05-29 11:27:01.398 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.520 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:01.520 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:27:01.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.627 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:01.627 19825 19835 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:27:01.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.685 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.843 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97}]} 05-29 11:27:01.852 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97}]} 05-29 11:27:01.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.854 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.859 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:01.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.887 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.926 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.994 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:01.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:01.995 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:01.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.043 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.046 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.046 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.046 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.134 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.212 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.213 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.213 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.213 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.314 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.315 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.340 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.342 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.441 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.443 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.518 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.719 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.755 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.948 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.93}]} 05-29 11:27:02.958 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.93}]} 05-29 11:27:02.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.965 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:02.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:02.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:02.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:02.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.042 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.255 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.360 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.361 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.468 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.469 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.483 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.484 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.576 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.593 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.788 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.788 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.806 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.887 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.889 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.912 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:03.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.924 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:03.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:03.944 12481 12491 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:03.944 12481 12491 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bronci.jalavideo 05-29 11:27:04.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.053 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-74,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:27:04.063 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-74,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.85}]} 05-29 11:27:04.069 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:04.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.304 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.414 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.546 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:27:04.546 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:04.547 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:04.547 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:27:04.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.619 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.640 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.718 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.740 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.810 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:04.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:04.949 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:04.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.015 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.160 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-74,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.78}]} 05-29 11:27:05.173 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-74,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.78}]} 05-29 11:27:05.178 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:05.215 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.217 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.258 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.260 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.408 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.555 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.684 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.685 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.828 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.899 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:05.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:05.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:05.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.115 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.116 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.157 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:06.157 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:27:06.175 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:27:06.182 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:27:06.183 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:06.183 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:06.186 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:27:06.188 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:27:06.188 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:06.188 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:06.212 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onCellLocationChanged 05-29 11:27:06.264 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.76}]} 05-29 11:27:06.272 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-85,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.76}]} 05-29 11:27:06.276 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:06.304 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.320 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.365 4808 8055 D NetworkManagement: setTCRule - enabled: false, iface: wlan0, limit: -1 Mbit 05-29 11:27:06.367 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: /system/bin/tc 05-29 11:27:06.367 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: qdisc 05-29 11:27:06.367 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: del 05-29 11:27:06.367 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: dev 05-29 11:27:06.367 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: wlan0 05-29 11:27:06.367 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: ingress 05-29 11:27:06.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: failed deleting tc in Igress, path: qdisc del dev wlan0 ingress 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: /system/bin/tc 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: qdisc 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: del 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: dev 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: wlan0 05-29 11:27:06.412 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: root 05-29 11:27:06.420 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.421 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.435 4441 4645 E TcController: failed deleting tc in root, path: qdisc del dev wlan0 root 05-29 11:27:06.436 4808 8055 D NetworkManagement: setTCRule - enabled: false, iface: wlan0, limit: -1 Mbit 05-29 11:27:06.437 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: /system/bin/tc 05-29 11:27:06.437 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: qdisc 05-29 11:27:06.437 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: del 05-29 11:27:06.437 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: dev 05-29 11:27:06.437 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: wlan0 05-29 11:27:06.437 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: ingress 05-29 11:27:06.452 4808 5037 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener com.android.server.wifi.WifiConfigStore$1@7cf8d60 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: failed deleting tc in Igress, path: qdisc del dev wlan0 ingress 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: /system/bin/tc 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: qdisc 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: del 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: dev 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: wlan0 05-29 11:27:06.464 4441 4645 E TcController: runcmd: root 05-29 11:27:06.464 4808 5037 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 12 ms. 05-29 11:27:06.484 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.484 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.491 4441 4645 E TcController: failed deleting tc in root, path: qdisc del dev wlan0 root 05-29 11:27:06.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.555 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:06.556 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:27:06.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.646 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.915 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.917 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:06.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:06.934 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:06.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.140 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.140 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.148 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.355 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.357 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.374 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.69}]} 05-29 11:27:07.386 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.69}]} 05-29 11:27:07.389 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:07.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.425 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:27:07.425 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:27:07.425 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({system(4808)=2, android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:27:07.425 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:27:07.425 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:27:07.430 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 3ms lastUpdatedAfter : 14032 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 470 05-29 11:27:07.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.458 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.459 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.461 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.529 4808 20798 D WifiMHD::s: req(2):1, 6, 1 05-29 11:27:07.532 4808 20798 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:27:07.532 4808 20798 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:27:07.534 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:27:07.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.546 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.578 4441 20799 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:27:07.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:07.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:07.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:07.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.067 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.069 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.154 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.278 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.480 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.59}]} 05-29 11:27:08.492 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.59}]} 05-29 11:27:08.496 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:08.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.546 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.589 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.716 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.724 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.809 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.824 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.907 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:08.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:08.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:08.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.020 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.039 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.090 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.092 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.092 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.143 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.347 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.467 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.468 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.468 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.468 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.585 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.55}]} 05-29 11:27:09.595 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.55}]} 05-29 11:27:09.599 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:09.635 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.636 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.648 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.649 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.842 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.860 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.861 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.876 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.879 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:09.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:09.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:09.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.067 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.067 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.180 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.276 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.380 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.478 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.479 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.607 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.693 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.55}]} 05-29 11:27:10.701 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:10.701 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:27:10.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.712 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.720 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.55}]} 05-29 11:27:10.724 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:10.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.899 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:27:10.899 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:27:10.901 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:27:10.902 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:27:10.902 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:27:10.902 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:27:10.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:10.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:10.912 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:10.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.034 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.124 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.189 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:11.190 20315 20325 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.printspooler 05-29 11:27:11.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.268 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.269 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.586 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.587 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.631 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.736 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.752 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.797 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-75,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:11.805 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-75,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:11.810 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:11.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.949 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.956 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:11.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:11.957 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:11.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.135 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.136 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.153 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.167 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.167 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.253 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.254 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.266 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.267 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.355 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.459 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.472 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.557 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.562 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.695 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.872 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.883 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.884 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.884 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.884 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.893 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.902 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-75,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:12.903 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.904 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.910 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-75,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:12.913 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:12.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:12.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:12.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:12.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.256 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.257 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.257 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.257 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.314 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.314 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.416 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.444 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.505 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.516 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.598 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:13.598 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:13.599 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:13.605 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:13.606 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:13.607 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:13.607 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.621 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.684 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.836 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.837 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.888 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.926 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.987 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.988 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.990 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:13.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:13.992 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:13.992 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.009 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:14.018 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityImmediate","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:14.011 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.030 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.031 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:27:14.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.032 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:14.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.076 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.132 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.146 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.162 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.180 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.193 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.235 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.235 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.259 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.260 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.524 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.526 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.562 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.673 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.674 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.731 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.861 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.862 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.907 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:14.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.937 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:14.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:14.999 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.002 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.060 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.062 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.068 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.079 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.095 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.112 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:15.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.122 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.5}]} 05-29 11:27:15.127 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:15.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.264 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.266 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.276 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.286 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.287 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.298 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.299 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.449 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.451 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.483 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.485 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.524 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.524 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.607 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.615 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.687 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.703 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.789 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.793 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:15.793 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:27:15.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.875 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.885 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.895 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:15.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:15.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:15.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.110 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.111 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.193 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.194 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.220 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-80,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.51}]} 05-29 11:27:16.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.229 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-80,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.51}]} 05-29 11:27:16.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.235 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.235 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.246 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:16.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.372 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.464 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.466 6102 10243 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b859e0088: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:27:16.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.520 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.550 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.564 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.656 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.724 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.725 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.751 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.754 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.868 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.912 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.951 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.952 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.971 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:16.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:16.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:16.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.112 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.135 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.136 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.163 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.164 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.173 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=628121590000 05-29 11:27:17.174 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=628121590000 05-29 11:27:17.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.175 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.175 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.176 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.91 ] when=628121590000 05-29 11:27:17.177 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:17.177 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:17.179 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:27:17.188 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:27:17.188 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:27:17.188 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:27:17.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.195 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:27:17.195 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:27:17.195 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:27:17.195 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:27:17.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.196 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.199 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.ANIMATING 05-29 11:27:17.209 5236 5515 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = true connected = false bluetoothState = 12 05-29 11:27:17.209 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:27:17.209 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:27:17.211 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:27:17.211 5236 5515 D FlashlightController: updateTorchCallback for mCameraId 0 05-29 11:27:17.211 5236 5515 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: handleUpdateState: value false state.dim false 05-29 11:27:17.215 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:27:17.229 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,72] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:27:17.230 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:27:17.231 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:27:17.231 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 2220, oldBottom : 72 05-29 11:27:17.231 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:27:17.232 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:27:17.232 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:27:17.238 4808 5623 V Vibrator: Called cancel() API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, token: android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:27:17.239 4286 4286 D SecVibrator-HAL: writeNode node:/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 05-29 11:27:17.247 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800b60a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:27:17.250 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800b60a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:27:17.251 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:27:17.251 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=513 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:27:17.251 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 20090 05-29 11:27:17.252 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:27:17.252 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564416281Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:27:17.253 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:27:17.253 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:27:17.255 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:27:17.257 4808 5623 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800b61a 05-29 11:27:17.258 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:27:17.258 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:17.259 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:27:17.265 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=43 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (6/7) 05-29 11:27:17.266 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=43 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:27:17.272 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:27:17.274 4295 4295 I Layer : id=43 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:17.275 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:27:17.275 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:27:17.276 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:27:17.278 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:27:17.282 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:17.282 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:17.282 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:17.282 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:17.282 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:17.282 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:17.283 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:27:17.284 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800b60a 05-29 11:27:17.286 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:17.296 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0382a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:17.297 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:17.307 17449 20805 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:27:17.307 17449 20806 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:27:17.307 17449 20805 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:27:17.307 17449 20806 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:27:17.308 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:27:17.308 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:27:17.317 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{811cec0 uid 10038 pid 19404} (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:27:17.317 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{811cec0 uid 10038 pid 19404} (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:27:17.319 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:27:17.322 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.54}]} 05-29 11:27:17.328 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.54}]} 05-29 11:27:17.328 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=628276431000 05-29 11:27:17.328 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=628276431000 05-29 11:27:17.328 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=628276431000 05-29 11:27:17.328 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:17.330 19241 20113 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:17.332 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:17.339 12309 20788 E SPPClientService: [b] __PingReply__ 05-29 11:27:17.360 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 299, 1101 05-29 11:27:17.360 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:17.360 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:27:17.360 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendScreenViewLog 201 05-29 11:27:17.360 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:27:17.361 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:17.361 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - AudioTab[false], ModeTab[false] 05-29 11:27:17.361 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - connectDevices : [] 05-29 11:27:17.361 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - visibleDevices : [] 05-29 11:27:17.361 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:27:17.361 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - EXPAND_QUICKSETTING 05-29 11:27:17.361 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]true [isHeadsetReady]true [isHidReady]true 05-29 11:27:17.362 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - getBondedDevices size is 0 05-29 11:27:17.369 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:27:17.369 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:17.369 4441 20807 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:27:17.369 4441 20808 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:27:17.376 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:27:17.381 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:27:17.382 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:27:17.382 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:27:17.382 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: true, SCRunningSetting: 1, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:27:17.382 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:27:17.382 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - SERVICE IS ALREADY RUNNING, action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED needNearbyScan :false , NearbyResponseSetting:false 05-29 11:27:17.382 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 12 05-29 11:27:17.385 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 12 05-29 11:27:17.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.690 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:17.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:17.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:17.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.180 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=629127952000 05-29 11:27:18.180 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=629127952000 05-29 11:27:18.180 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.92 ] when=629127952000 05-29 11:27:18.180 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:18.181 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:18.181 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:18.182 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 0 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 669.72656 Y : 1660.1221 05-29 11:27:18.186 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:27:18.187 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.187 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.212 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.224 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.224 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.229 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.246 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.262 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:27:18.278 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.289 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=629237374000 05-29 11:27:18.289 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=629237374000 05-29 11:27:18.289 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=629237374000 05-29 11:27:18.289 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:18.290 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:18.295 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.298 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.345 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 201, 1116 05-29 11:27:18.345 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:18.345 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendScreenViewLog 299 05-29 11:27:18.345 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:18.348 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:27:18.349 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:27:18.350 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800b61a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:27:18.353 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:27:18.353 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 20090 05-29 11:27:18.354 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:27:18.354 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:27:18.355 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:27:18.357 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:27:18.358 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:27:18.359 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:27:18.359 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:27:18.359 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:27:18.359 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:27:18.360 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:27:18.360 4808 5623 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@61b1a8d attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@d5c4b04 05-29 11:27:18.362 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:27:18.362 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:27:18.362 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:27:18.362 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:27:18.362 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:true 05-29 11:27:18.363 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:27:18.363 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:27:18.363 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800b61a 05-29 11:27:18.381 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,72] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:27:18.382 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:27:18.383 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,72 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 72, oldBottom : 2220 05-29 11:27:18.383 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:27:18.383 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x72]-format:1 05-29 11:27:18.383 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:27:18.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.389 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.396 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:27:18.398 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.398 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:27:18.398 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.399 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:27:18.399 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:27:18.400 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:27:18.400 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564416281Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:27:18.401 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564416281Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:27:18.401 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:27:18.402 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.402 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.403 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:27:18.413 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=46 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:18.414 4808 5623 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.416 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.417 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.418 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:27:18.419 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:27:18.420 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:27:18.422 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:27:18.422 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:27:18.424 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.53}]} 05-29 11:27:18.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.433 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-84,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.53}]} 05-29 11:27:18.435 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:27:18.436 19241 20121 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:18.466 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038d20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:18.466 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:18.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.498 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.539 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.540 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.583 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.595 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.723 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=629671306000 05-29 11:27:18.723 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=629671306000 05-29 11:27:18.723 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.93 ] when=629671306000 05-29 11:27:18.723 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:18.723 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:18.725 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=629672000000 05-29 11:27:18.726 4808 6243 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:27:18.728 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:27:18.728 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:27:18.734 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.738 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.739 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:27:18.773 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=629721672000 05-29 11:27:18.773 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=629721672000 05-29 11:27:18.773 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=629721672000 05-29 11:27:18.773 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:18.773 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:18.774 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=629722000000 05-29 11:27:18.775 4808 6243 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:27:18.776 4808 6243 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:27:18.777 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:27:18.777 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:27:18.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.782 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.784 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.785 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [933x132]-format:1 05-29 11:27:18.785 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:27:18.788 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:27:18.788 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-2] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:27:18.789 5236 5236 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity - hideMenuEvent 05-29 11:27:18.799 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(5) 05-29 11:27:18.799 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity} 05-29 11:27:18.801 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: pause 05-29 11:27:18.802 4808 5623 D SecContentProvider2: query(), uri = 20 selection = isWifiStateChangeAllowed 05-29 11:27:18.802 4808 6243 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:27:18.802 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:27:18.802 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 20090 05-29 11:27:18.804 4808 5623 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 18 selection = isWifiEnabled 05-29 11:27:18.808 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:27:18.811 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:27:18.812 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(5) 05-29 11:27:18.812 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 500 05-29 11:27:18.812 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:18.814 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:27:18.815 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:18.815 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:18.816 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Activate EmRecentsManager with RecentsView 05-29 11:27:18.816 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Recents 05-29 11:27:18.816 4808 6243 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:27:18.817 20090 20090 D BluetoothEnabler: pause :: unregister BroadcastReceiver 05-29 11:27:18.818 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 3 selection = isBluetoothEnabled 05-29 11:27:18.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.823 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:27:18.830 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=47 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:18.831 4808 5623 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.831 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8718 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x2000 05-29 11:27:18.832 20090 20090 D WifiEnabler: stop 05-29 11:27:18.832 20090 20090 D Settings: [start] onStop consume time = 26969.68025 05-29 11:27:18.832 20090 20090 D Settings: [end] onStop consume time = 0.127731 05-29 11:27:18.834 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:27:18.834 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.834 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530095128576} changed=true 05-29 11:27:18.836 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:27:18.836 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:27:18.837 20090 20126 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b8d740b70 05-29 11:27:18.837 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:18.837 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:27:18.837 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:27:18.838 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:27:18.839 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:27:18.840 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8718 05-29 11:27:18.840 5236 5236 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@e442b8d nm : com.android.systemui ic=null 05-29 11:27:18.840 5236 5236 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:27:18.840 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:27:18.840 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@f52417b inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@a2ccc53 nm = com.android.systemui controlFlags=#100 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#89910500 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:27:18.841 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@a2ccc53 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:27:18.843 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:27:18.843 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:27:18.845 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 5236, caller uid : 10003 05-29 11:27:18.846 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:27:18.852 5399 5424 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:27:18.852 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:27:18.852 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:27:18.853 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:27:18.853 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:27:18.853 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:27:18.853 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:27:18.853 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:27:18.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=48 createSurf (933x132),1 flag=4, thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:18.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.855 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.859 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.859 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.862 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:18.873 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:27:18.875 4808 18008 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:27:18.877 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:18.878 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:27:18.878 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:27:18.883 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:27:18.885 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:27:18.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.890 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.890 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.898 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:27:18.900 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:27:18.900 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:27:18.900 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:27:18.900 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false 05-29 11:27:18.900 4808 6228 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x80008708 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038d20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2213.0 | 0 9 1079 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658fc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: D 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: evice | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:18.901 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:18.908 5236 5246 V MediaPlayer-JNI: native_finalize 05-29 11:27:18.908 5236 5246 V MediaPlayer-JNI: release 05-29 11:27:18.917 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.917 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c980 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038d20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 5.0 1080.0 2139.0 | 5 106 1075 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:18.918 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:18.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.930 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:27:18.951 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.968 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.984 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:18.984 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:18.984 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:18.984 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.007 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.015 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.015 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.044 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Start get packet fate command 05-29 11:27:19.044 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : createRequest Get Tx packet fate request 05-29 11:27:19.044 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:27:19.044 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -3 05-29 11:27:19.045 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.049 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: getTxPktFates(l.1933) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 05-29 11:27:19.049 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Start get packet fate command 05-29 11:27:19.049 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : createRequest Get Rx packet fate request 05-29 11:27:19.049 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:27:19.049 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -3 05-29 11:27:19.049 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: getRxPktFates(l.1973) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 05-29 11:27:19.066 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c7c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038d20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 60.0 1079.0 1152.0 | 61 1252 1018 2220 | com.android.settings/com.android.set[...]ttings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bfe0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 933.0 132.0 | 59 1274 1016 1410 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.086 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.109 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:27:19.109 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:27:19.109 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:27:19.109 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:27:19.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.222 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.272 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.312 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=44 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 (4/9) 05-29 11:27:19.312 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=44 Removed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:27:19.312 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=48 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (4/8) 05-29 11:27:19.312 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=48 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:27:19.319 4808 5188 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:27:19.319 4808 5188 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:27:19.328 4295 4295 I Layer : id=44 onRemoved com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.329 4295 4295 I Layer : id=48 onRemoved thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.338 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.491 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.527 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.54}]} 05-29 11:27:19.531 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-78,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.54}]} 05-29 11:27:19.532 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=630480172000 05-29 11:27:19.532 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=630480172000 05-29 11:27:19.532 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.94 ] when=630480172000 05-29 11:27:19.532 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:19.532 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:19.532 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:19.533 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:19.535 19241 20119 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:19.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.575 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=630523521000 05-29 11:27:19.575 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=630523521000 05-29 11:27:19.575 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=630523521000 05-29 11:27:19.575 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:19.575 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:19.576 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:19.577 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5101, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, 2 05-29 11:27:19.577 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:19.578 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(1) 05-29 11:27:19.579 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:27:19.582 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:27:19.586 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=49 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:27:19.587 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:19.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.589 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:19.589 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [904x121]-format:1 05-29 11:27:19.589 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4ba610 05-29 11:27:19.592 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(1) 05-29 11:27:19.592 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:19.592 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:27:19.592 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4ba610 05-29 11:27:19.592 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:19.592 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-3] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:27:19.596 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Deactivate EmRecentsManager 05-29 11:27:19.596 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Root 05-29 11:27:19.596 5236 5236 D EmSystemUIManagerBridge: releaseInterimStateListener 05-29 11:27:19.596 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: ScreenStatesRequested:"stateIds":["Root"] 05-29 11:27:19.596 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: createInterimStateListener 05-29 11:27:19.596 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: activeAppName is not Notification:Recents 05-29 11:27:19.604 4808 6243 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:27:19.604 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:27:19.605 4808 6243 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:27:19.614 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:27:19.616 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:27:19.616 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:27:19.621 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=50 createSurf (904x121),1 flag=4, thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:19.622 4808 6243 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:19.626 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity. 05-29 11:27:19.626 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:27:19.630 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 05-29 11:27:19.630 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.631 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.633 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:27:19.634 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:27:19.635 19241 19241 I TSLocationManager: - onResume 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:27:19.635 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:27:19.635 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:27:19.636 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:27:19.639 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:19.640 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [904x121]-format:1 05-29 11:27:19.640 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4ba610 05-29 11:27:19.640 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=51 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.641 4808 6228 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:19.642 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4ba610 05-29 11:27:19.642 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-4] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:27:19.643 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:27:19.643 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSLUCENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:27:19.644 4808 6228 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 19241 05-29 11:27:19.644 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:27:19.645 19241 19241 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:27:19.645 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3493744640} changed=true 05-29 11:27:19.649 19241 19310 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:27:19.649 19241 19310 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7fbd0a0 05-29 11:27:19.652 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:27:19.653 19241 19241 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@92d5f68 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:27:19.653 19241 19241 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:27:19.653 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@9a4735 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@f1870a7 nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#110 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:27:19.654 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@f1870a7 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 72.0 1080.0 2187.0 | 87 447 992 2220 | SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 904.0 121.0 | 87 448 992 569 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGB 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: A_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.657 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.659 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:27:19.659 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 19241, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad CACHEDIC onStartInput isCachedICEnabled: false 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato resetBinderManager() 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD_SYNC: SamsungKeypad onStartInput: import DLM 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs setPrivateImeOptionsToTable privateImeOptions ( null ) 05-29 11:27:19.660 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs imeOptions is null 05-29 11:27:19.661 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [PF_OP][onStartInput] 648307 05-29 11:27:19.661 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:27:19.661 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:27:19.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:19.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.666 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:19.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:19.672 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:27:19.674 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:27:19.675 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ stop() 05-29 11:27:19.685 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:19.686 19241 19241 I ScanJob : onStopJob called for immediate scan org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@1257c9b 05-29 11:27:19.686 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c7c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 67.0 1080.0 2189.0 | 81 418 998 2220 | SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 904.0 121.0 | 80 427 997 550 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 58.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 14 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.sa 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: msung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.687 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.688 19241 20618 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.688 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 05-29 11:27:19.688 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, className: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity, count: 0 05-29 11:27:19.688 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ removeGeofences() 05-29 11:27:19.689 19241 20618 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.689 19241 20618 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:27:19.690 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:27:19.690 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 630638 05-29 11:27:19.690 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 34391, tot/min/max scan time: 137697/9318/37866 05-29 11:27:19.690 19044 19044 D MethodReflector: notifyChange is called 05-29 11:27:19.691 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:27:19.692 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:27:19.692 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 05-29 11:27:19.693 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.693 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:27:19.693 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:27:19.693 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 05-29 11:27:19.693 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 05-29 11:27:19.693 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 05-29 11:27:19.693 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.694 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:27:19.695 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.695 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.695 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.696 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.696 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.696 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.696 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.697 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.699 19241 20618 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.699 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.700 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:27:19.700 5191 5897 W bt_btm : do_in_bta_thread: posting SetScanParameters@system/bt/btif/src/btif_ble_scanne 05-29 11:27:19.700 19241 20618 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.700 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:27:19.700 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:27:19.700 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.700 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.701 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with PRIVIOUS callback intent 05-29 11:27:19.702 19241 20618 D BluetoothLeScanner: could not find callback wrapper 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_register_scanner_cb'. 05-29 11:27:19.704 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.54}]} 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: java.lang.SecurityException: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx from uid 1002 not allowed to perform COARSE_LOCATION 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at android.app.AppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.java:1923) 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.isAppOppAllowed(Utils.java:627) 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.checkCallerHasLocationPermission(Utils.java:528) 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.continuePiStartScan(GattService.java:1979) 05-29 11:27:19.704 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.onScannerRegistered(GattService.java:1037) 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 61.0 1080.0 2193.0 | 75 383 1006 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 61.0 1080.0 2193.0 | 75 383 1006 2220 | SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038000 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 904.0 121.0 | 72 403 1003 528 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 0.0 46.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 26 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.707 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.708 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:19.718 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.718 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.718 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.718 19241 20041 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:27:19.726 5236 5692 E CustomizedTextParser: getCustomizedText Rule is empty. mRuleMap={} 05-29 11:27:19.728 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:27:19.730 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"257","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.54}]} 05-29 11:27:19.730 19241 20041 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:27:19.737 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:19.737 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:27:19.756 4441 20818 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:27:19.790 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:27:19.791 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@c2cb1c8 05-29 11:27:19.791 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:27:19.792 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:27:19.792 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:27:19.793 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.794 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:27:19.794 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:19.795 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback intent 05-29 11:27:19.796 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: batchClient is NULL!, appDied: false 05-29 11:27:19.798 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scanning not started so Scan job is complete. 05-29 11:27:19.827 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:19.827 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:19.829 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:19.848 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=49 Removed SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 (5/10) 05-29 11:27:19.853 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=49 Removed SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 (-2/10) 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0389a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 12.0 1080.0 2215.0 | 14 75 1066 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 1.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 71 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 139.0 | 0 2081 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:27:19.855 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:19.863 4295 4295 I Layer : id=49 onRemoved SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=688#0 05-29 11:27:19.892 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges() entered. 05-29 11:27:19.898 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:27:19.901 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.lool = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud = 1 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.facebook.katana = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider = -1 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider/com.samsung.android.email.ui.activity.MessageListXL = -1 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android = 1 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager = 0 05-29 11:27:19.902 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol = 0 05-29 11:27:19.903 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{0}] 05-29 11:27:19.907 19065 19078 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:27:19.908 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 2 05-29 11:27:19.908 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android/.activity.SplashActivity = 2 05-29 11:27:19.908 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{95}] 05-29 11:27:19.908 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), final size : 4 05-29 11:27:19.908 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges(), badges count : 4 05-29 11:27:19.918 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:27:19.918 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:27:19.918 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:27:19.919 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c980 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 1.0 1080.0 2219.0 | 1 4 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:20.022 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:20.065 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=50 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (5/9) 05-29 11:27:20.066 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=50 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:27:20.070 5399 5424 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:27:20.071 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:27:20.074 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:27:20.078 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:20.078 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:27:20.081 4295 4295 I Layer : id=50 onRemoved thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:27:20.085 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:27:20.097 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:27:20.103 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=47 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (1/8) 05-29 11:27:20.107 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=47 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:27:20.114 4295 4295 I Layer : id=47 onRemoved com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:27:20.184 5236 20449 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 5083(234KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 50% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 478us total 106.246ms 05-29 11:27:20.552 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:20.552 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:20.556 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:20.756 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:20.761 19241 19376 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:27:20.762 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:20.763 19241 19376 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:27:20.767 19241 20682 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:27:20.770 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 631718 05-29 11:27:20.772 19241 19376 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.startScan blocked the main thread for 18ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:27:20.773 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:20.775 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:20.777 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:27:20.779 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:20.783 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:27:20.785 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:20.794 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:27:20.794 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:27:20.796 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:27:20.797 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:27:20.797 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:27:20.797 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:27:20.797 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:27:20.798 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.798 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:27:20.798 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:27:20.799 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:27:20.802 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.802 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:27:20.803 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:27:20.829 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:20.830 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.830 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.831 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:20.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.834 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.834 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.840 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.846 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:20.846 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.846 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.848 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.849 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:20.849 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.862 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:20.862 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.863 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.864 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:20.864 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.864 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.865 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.865 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:20.874 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, auto: false 05-29 11:27:20.874 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: isSecureModeEnabled 05-29 11:27:20.874 5191 5203 D BtConfig.SecureMode: isSecureModeOn:false 05-29 11:27:20.875 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() 05-29 11:27:20.875 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=5050756e-e127-4266-8ea5-c4307a27e7c1 05-29 11:27:20.877 5191 5203 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - UUID=5050756e-e127-4266-8ea5-c4307a27e7c1 05-29 11:27:20.879 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=5050756e-e127-4266-8ea5-c4307a27e7c1, clientIf=8, status=0 05-29 11:27:20.880 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=8 05-29 11:27:20.881 5191 5203 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - address = FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, isDirect=true transport =0 set own addr = false own addr type:0, clientIf: 8, phy: 1 05-29 11:27:20.883 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x1 05-29 11:27:20.883 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:27:20.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.948 5191 5897 E bt_btm : [BTCORE][DBFW+]btm_acl_created hci_handle=0x40 link_role=0 transport=2 05-29 11:27:20.949 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1b, rl_mask = 0x1, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:27:20.949 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:27:20.955 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.959 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.975 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:27:20.976 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:27:20.976 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:27:20.977 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:27:20.977 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:27:20.977 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:27:20.980 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:20.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:20.981 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:20.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.030 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.031 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.046 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.047 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.058 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.074 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.105 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.116 5191 5897 W bt_smp : smp_br_connect_callback is called on unexpected transport 2 05-29 11:27:21.116 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0 05-29 11:27:21.117 5191 5897 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_cache_load: can't open GATT cache file /data/misc/bluetooth/gatt_cache_fbbf796d102b for reading, error: No such file or directory 05-29 11:27:21.118 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT 05-29 11:27:21.118 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED 05-29 11:27:21.118 5191 5323 E bt_btif : remote name callback registration fail. 05-29 11:27:21.119 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:Connected to Device:6D:1, linktype is 2 05-29 11:27:21.125 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:21.126 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:27:21.126 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:27:21.126 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onConnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:27:21.130 10370 10370 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.onReceive - ($) 05-29 11:27:21.131 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=8 device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:27:21.134 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:27:21.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.147 19799 20058 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:27:21.151 5191 5203 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:27:21.153 19799 20058 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:27:21.167 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.168 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.169 5191 6149 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:27:21.170 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:27:21.171 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:27:21.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.177 6118 10586 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:27:21.186 19799 20058 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:27:21.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.190 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.195 6439 20823 I BluetoothDevice: fetchUuidsWithSdp() for device 6D:1 called by pid: 6439 tid: 20823 05-29 11:27:21.198 5191 5909 E BluetoothBondStateMachine: is in PendingState ? false 05-29 11:27:21.199 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:27:21.205 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.206 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.220 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.220 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.258 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.258 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.447 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:21.448 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:27:21.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.477 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.527 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.601 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.614 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:27:21.618 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:27:21.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.695 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: Start of BadgeRunnable 05-29 11:27:21.695 4808 6023 I ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverOwner , PersonaId : -1 05-29 11:27:21.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.707 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.707 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.707 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.716 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : package IN ( "com.samsung.android.messaging" , "com.samsung.android.contacts" , "com.samsung.contacts ") 05-29 11:27:21.729 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 0 05-29 11:27:21.729 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 95 05-29 11:27:21.730 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:27:21.731 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:27:21.769 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:27:21.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.794 5191 5897 W bt_bta_gattc: bta_gattc_explore_srvc no more services found 05-29 11:27:21.795 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:27:21.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:27:21.795 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:27:21.798 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:27:21.800 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_search_services_evt: no disc_ble_res.bd_name 05-29 11:27:21.803 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B Status=0 05-29 11:27:21.870 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:27:21.874 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:27:21.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.900 19241 19376 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.subscribe blocked the main thread for 18ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:27:21.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.966 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:27:21.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.994 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.995 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:21.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:21.999 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:21.999 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.024 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.071 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:22.072 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:22.072 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = HocN86L6mog= 05-29 11:27:22.072 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:22.072 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 ��-29 11:27:22.072 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop HocN86L6mog= dkeyDecode 1e dkeystr � 05-29 11:27:22.072 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:22.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.077 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:22.077 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:22.077 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 21 2f ed 93 bd 75 e4 c4 05-29 11:27:22.077 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return IS/tk7115MQ= 05-29 11:27:22.077 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = IS/tk7115MQ= 05-29 11:27:22.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.101 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.120 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.149 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:22.149 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.149 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:27:22.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.215 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:27:22.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.233 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:27:22.233 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:27:22.233 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:27:22.233 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:27:22.235 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:27:22.235 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:27:22.235 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:27:22.235 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:27:22.235 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:27:22.236 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: true, SCRunningSetting: 1, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:27:22.236 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:27:22.236 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - SERVICE IS ALREADY RUNNING, action:android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED needNearbyScan :false , NearbyResponseSetting:false 05-29 11:27:22.237 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 12 05-29 11:27:22.247 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 12 05-29 11:27:22.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.379 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.408 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.420 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.441 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.500 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.518 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.524 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.525 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.535 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.555 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.586 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.615 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.642 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.674 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.675 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.703 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.705 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.789 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.803 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.847 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.847 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.847 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.893 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.938 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.963 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:22.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:22.990 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:22.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.051 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.074 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.270 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.272 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.292 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:23.292 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:23.293 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:23.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.360 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.360 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.360 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.360 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.530 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.531 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.531 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.531 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.565 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.570 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.571 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.571 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.571 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.631 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.632 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.642 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.684 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.803 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.815 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:23.815 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:27:23.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.860 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.861 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.883 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.883 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.884 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.884 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.885 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=634832975000 05-29 11:27:23.885 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=634832975000 05-29 11:27:23.885 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.95 ] when=634832975000 05-29 11:27:23.886 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:23.886 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:23.888 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.889 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.899 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:23.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.967 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=634915876000 05-29 11:27:23.968 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=634915876000 05-29 11:27:23.968 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=634915876000 05-29 11:27:23.968 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:23.969 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:23.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:23.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:23.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:23.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.017 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:24.018 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:24.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.060 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.079 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.147 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.148 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.163 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:24.164 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:24.164 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:24.165 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:24.166 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:24.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.168 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:24.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.172 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.188 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.255 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:24.255 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = H2RKxyhx+CY= 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop H2RKxyhx+CY= dkeyDecode 1f dkeystr dJ�(q�& 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 93 69 27 9b d f9 12 38 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return k2knmw35Ejg= 05-29 11:27:24.256 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = k2knmw35Ejg= 05-29 11:27:24.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.391 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.433 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.490 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.579 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.658 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:24.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.663 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:24.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.766 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.768 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.809 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.842 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.869 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.870 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.896 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.910 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:24.911 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:27:24.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.928 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.954 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.955 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.984 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:24.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:24.985 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:24.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.039 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.067 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.068 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.091 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.199 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.229 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=636176997000 05-29 11:27:25.229 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=636176997000 05-29 11:27:25.229 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.96 ] when=636176997000 05-29 11:27:25.230 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:25.230 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:25.232 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:25.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.251 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.315 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:27:25.316 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:27:25.317 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.330 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:27:25.330 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:27:25.337 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=636285060000 05-29 11:27:25.337 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=636285060000 05-29 11:27:25.337 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=636285060000 05-29 11:27:25.337 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:25.339 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:25.344 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:27:25.344 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:27:25.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.380 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.410 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.475 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.476 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.511 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.527 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.557 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.640 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.678 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.678 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.731 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.766 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.854 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=636801972000 05-29 11:27:25.854 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=636801972000 05-29 11:27:25.854 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.97 ] when=636801972000 05-29 11:27:25.854 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:25.854 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:25.856 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:25.861 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.861 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.905 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=636853783000 05-29 11:27:25.905 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=636853783000 05-29 11:27:25.905 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=636853783000 05-29 11:27:25.905 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:25.906 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:25.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.955 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:25.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:25.955 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:25.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.014 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.018 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.064 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.112 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.113 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.172 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.205 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.206 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.206 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = AQAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = ICBDC42i2Fw= 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop AQAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop ICBDC42i2Fw= dkeyDecode 20 dkeystr C ���\ 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES ab c3 f6 3a 80 e3 b2 ed 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return q8P2OoDjsu0= 05-29 11:27:26.207 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = q8P2OoDjsu0= 05-29 11:27:26.236 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.270 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.407 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.439 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.466 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.467 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.472 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.472 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.564 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.579 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.733 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:26.733 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:27:26.743 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.744 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.839 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.898 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.899 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.916 6439 10934 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8554e888: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 05-29 11:27:26.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:26.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:26.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:26.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.012 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.086 19241 20729 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=60 latency=0 timeout=400 status=0 05-29 11:27:27.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.100 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.205 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.206 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.206 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.211 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:27:27.211 5191 5191 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:27:27.211 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:27:27.213 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:27:27.214 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: msgWhat: 2(2) 05-29 11:27:27.214 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:27:27.214 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: UUIDs on ACTION_UUID: null for device FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:27:27.214 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:27:27.216 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.220 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.229 5191 5223 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex Bluetooth.apk 05-29 11:27:27.229 5191 5223 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex Bluetooth.apk 05-29 11:27:27.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.307 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.307 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.326 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.326 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.359 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.390 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:27:27.390 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:27:27.390 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:27:27.396 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:27:27.396 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:27:27.396 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:27:27.396 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:27:27.578 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:27:27.578 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:27.578 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:27.578 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:27:27.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:27.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:27.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:27.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.079 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.126 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.213 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.217 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.235 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.250 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.340 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.342 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.351 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.397 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.443 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.450 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.450 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.787 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.842 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.844 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.864 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.865 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.928 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.954 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:28.955 20090 20101 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.settings 05-29 11:27:28.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.971 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.991 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:28.992 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:28.992 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:28.992 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.095 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.188 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.202 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.203 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.203 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.213 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.216 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.216 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.216 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.242 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.266 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.267 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.295 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.303 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.330 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.358 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.359 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.389 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.508 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.539 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.646 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:27:29.827 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.828 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.882 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:29.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.928 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:29.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:29.935 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:29.936 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:27:30.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.062 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = IXMdm+vgUck= 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop IXMdm+vgUck= dkeyDecode 21 dkeystr !s���Q� 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 62 f4 e7 b5 c5 76 85 6b 05-29 11:27:30.093 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return YvTntcV2hWs= 05-29 11:27:30.094 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = YvTntcV2hWs= 05-29 11:27:30.097 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.098 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.147 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.148 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.255 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.258 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.361 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.362 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.397 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.459 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.516 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.557 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.558 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.655 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.656 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.674 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.675 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.727 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.766 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.928 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:30.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:30.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:30.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.048 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:27:31.048 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:27:31.049 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:27:31.049 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:27:31.049 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:27:31.049 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:27:31.068 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.069 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.128 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.190 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.193 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.194 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.200 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.222 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.224 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.299 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.381 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.582 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.597 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.643 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.668 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.755 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:31.755 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:27:31.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.762 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.806 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.812 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.813 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.896 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.935 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:31.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:31.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:31.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.007 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.009 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.018 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.034 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.115 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.116 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.149 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.150 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.217 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.235 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.235 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.235 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.242 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.263 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.263 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.311 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.323 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.337 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.383 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.384 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.447 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.448 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.524 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.524 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.524 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.534 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:32.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.883 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.884 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.885 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:32.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:32.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:32.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.146 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.261 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:33.261 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:27:33.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.346 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.357 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.358 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.358 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.391 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.392 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.597 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.615 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.648 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.649 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.674 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.675 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.685 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.718 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.740 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.806 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.863 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.865 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:33.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:33.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:33.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.018 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data --------- beginning of system 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.009505431675243 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 54, average - 37.001429388221865 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 81, average - 50.97462835906232 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0048595726434644 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007575216179518 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.013292360465947 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.007503751875936 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00092903594655 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97105695704995 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.981276352461945 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.992138926606124 05-29 11:27:34.046 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.99899949974988 05-29 11:27:34.047 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.009004502251125 05-29 11:27:34.047 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.0026441792325 05-29 11:27:34.047 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97677410133638 05-29 11:27:34.047 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.23290216536833 05-29 11:27:34.044 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.170 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.202 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.203 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.204 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.224 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.258 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.387 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.388 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.402 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.509 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.510 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.557 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.570 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.713 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.719 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.771 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.864 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.890 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.891 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.891 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.926 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.953 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:34.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:34.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:34.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.015 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.066 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.067 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.068 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.131 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.140 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.140 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.214 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.216 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.216 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.216 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.236 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.242 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.276 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.286 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.320 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.440 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.537 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.624 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.842 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.950 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:35.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:35.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:35.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.009 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.011 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.069 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:36.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.097 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.098 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.215 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.223 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.325 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.327 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.394 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.400 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.431 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.496 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.582 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 306 (W:15), BAT = 289, USB = 294, CHG = 304, CP = 310, WF = 303, WFPst = 311 (W:15) 05-29 11:27:36.566 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.583 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=647531247000 05-29 11:27:36.583 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=647531247000 05-29 11:27:36.584 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.98 ] when=647531247000 05-29 11:27:36.585 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:36.585 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:36.587 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:36.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.591 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.618 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=647565713000 05-29 11:27:36.618 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=647565713000 05-29 11:27:36.618 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=647565713000 05-29 11:27:36.618 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:36.619 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:36.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.634 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.648 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.649 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.657 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:36.659 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:36.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.736 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.736 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.736 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.736 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:36.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:36.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:36.806 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:36.817 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:27:36.817 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:36.817 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:36.817 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:27:37.007 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.139 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.146 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.179 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.217 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.218 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.243 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.304 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.362 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:37.367 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:37.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.602 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=648550432000 05-29 11:27:37.602 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=648550432000 05-29 11:27:37.603 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.99 ] when=648550432000 05-29 11:27:37.604 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:37.604 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:37.604 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:37.636 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.636 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.687 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.694 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.779 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.783 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.934 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.952 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:37.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.952 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:37.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:37.954 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=648901569000 05-29 11:27:37.954 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=648901569000 05-29 11:27:37.954 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=648901569000 05-29 11:27:37.954 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:37.955 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:27:37.958 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:37.962 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:27:37.962 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:27:38.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.050 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.120 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.164 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.164 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.164 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.164 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.196 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.196 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.208 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:38.208 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:27:38.243 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.244 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.308 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 74771 5177916 w 25848 474852 d 3117 148684 f 6478 6540 iot 34172 29188 th 291676 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 649.255 05-29 11:27:38.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.408 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 343744(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 247(6MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 47MB/71MB, paused 821us total 200.270ms 05-29 11:27:38.412 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.412 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.418 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.420 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = IpvTodJ/VDM= 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop IpvTodJ/VDM= dkeyDecode 22 dkeystr "�ӡ�T3 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES c4 72 7d d 7b 12 28 1e 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return xHJ9DXsSKB4= 05-29 11:27:38.421 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = xHJ9DXsSKB4= 05-29 11:27:38.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.456 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:38.456 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:27:38.457 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:27:38.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.628 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.836 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.875 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.899 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.992 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:38.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:38.994 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:38.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.006 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-74, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.042 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.176 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:39.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.213 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.215 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.250 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.314 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.314 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.315 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.358 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.358 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.367 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.379 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.485 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.509 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.510 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.524 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.524 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.564 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.725 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.736 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.744 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.838 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=650786117000 05-29 11:27:39.838 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=650786117000 05-29 11:27:39.840 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.100 ] when=650786117000 05-29 11:27:39.841 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:39.841 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:39.842 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-72, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.872 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.907 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=650855331000 05-29 11:27:39.907 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=650855331000 05-29 11:27:39.907 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=650855331000 05-29 11:27:39.907 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:39.908 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:39.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.946 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.946 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.946 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.946 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.953 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:39.954 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.956 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:39.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:39.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:39.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:39.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.011 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.047 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.047 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.104 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.155 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.155 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.160 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.214 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = I0nr7FD+5tI= 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop I0nr7FD+5tI= dkeyDecode 23 dkeystr #I��P��� 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 37 f9 b8 4a 76 1a 7a b2 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return N/m4SnYaerI= 05-29 11:27:40.215 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = N/m4SnYaerI= 05-29 11:27:40.252 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.253 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.264 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.313 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.370 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 17 99 -17 -200 -17 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:27:40.370 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:40.370 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:40.370 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:27:40.372 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.380 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:27:40.380 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:27:40.380 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:27:40.502 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.503 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.503 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.503 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.604 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.621 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:40.625 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:40.682 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.890 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:40.891 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:40.892 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:40.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.007 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.008 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.114 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:41.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.130 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:27:41.130 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:27:41.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.130 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:27:41.131 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:27:41.131 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:27:41.131 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:27:41.132 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:41.155 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 568, Display = 384(Panel:140, LDIs:244), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:27:41.156 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 142, Display = 96, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:27:41.159 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.69, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.60], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.30] 05-29 11:27:41.195 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.197 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.199 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.252 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.253 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.286 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.287 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.307 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.308 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.320 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.337 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.338 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.379 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.614 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:41.614 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:27:41.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.815 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.839 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.840 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.865 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.942 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.943 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.995 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:41.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:41.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:41.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.019 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:27:42.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.021 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:27:42.021 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:42.022 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:42.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.024 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:27:42.025 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:27:42.025 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:42.025 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:27:42.059 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.071 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onCellLocationChanged 05-29 11:27:42.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.193 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.258 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.278 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.315 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.322 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:42.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.347 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.485 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.661 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.704 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.705 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.734 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.791 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.793 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.823 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.864 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.865 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.868 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:42.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:42.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:42.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.005 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.015 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.016 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.179 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.180 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.224 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.240 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.241 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.256 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.257 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.257 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.280 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.311 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 74771 5177916 w 25858 474928 d 3118 148700 f 6479 6541 iot 34176 29191 th 302740 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 654.258 05-29 11:27:43.284 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.315 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.316 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.323 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=654270569000 05-29 11:27:43.323 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=654270569000 05-29 11:27:43.324 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.101 ] when=654270569000 05-29 11:27:43.324 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:43.324 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:43.325 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 160 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 654270 05-29 11:27:43.328 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:43.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.398 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=654346073000 05-29 11:27:43.398 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=654346073000 05-29 11:27:43.398 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=654346073000 05-29 11:27:43.398 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:43.398 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:43.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.420 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:43.421 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:43.422 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.466 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.467 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.467 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.529 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.529 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.586 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.586 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.624 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.677 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.707 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.708 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.725 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.766 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.810 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-73, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.983 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:43.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:43.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:43.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.006 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.097 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.130 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:44.134 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:44.135 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.135 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.135 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.151 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.179 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.203 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.204 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.242 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.266 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.267 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.347 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.348 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.358 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.363 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.387 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.389 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.482 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=655430353000 05-29 11:27:44.483 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=655430353000 05-29 11:27:44.483 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.102 ] when=655430353000 05-29 11:27:44.484 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:44.484 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:44.486 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:44.494 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 16 99 -16 -200 -16 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:27:44.494 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:44.494 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:44.494 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:27:44.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.503 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.503 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.503 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.530 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.567 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=655515043000 05-29 11:27:44.567 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=655515043000 05-29 11:27:44.567 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=655515043000 05-29 11:27:44.567 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:44.567 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:44.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.649 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 64 128 162 58 184 183 34 176 187 57 183 183 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 13994 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0048595726434644 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007575216179518 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 40, average - 23.013292360465947 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.007503751875936 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 54, average - 39.00092903594655 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 66, average - 53.97105695704995 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.981276352461945 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 44, average - 34.992138926606124 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 72, average - 40.99899949974988 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.009004502251125 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 53, average - 37.0026441792325 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 66, average - 50.97677410133638 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0046448477919108 05-29 11:27:44.651 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007503215663856 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01450621695012 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.006931542089465 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00200085751036 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97191653565814 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.98020580248678 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.992782621123304 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 41.00121480634558 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.0085036444190365 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00378733743035 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97784764899242 05-29 11:27:44.652 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.23703015578099 05-29 11:27:44.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.734 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.768 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.768 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.869 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.963 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.980 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:44.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.980 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:44.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:44.999 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=655947342000 05-29 11:27:44.999 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=655947342000 05-29 11:27:44.999 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.103 ] when=655947342000 05-29 11:27:45.000 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.000 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.000 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:45.051 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.051 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.076 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=656023948000 05-29 11:27:45.076 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=656023948000 05-29 11:27:45.076 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=656023948000 05-29 11:27:45.076 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.077 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:45.111 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.112 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.253 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.254 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.285 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.288 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.372 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.392 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.440 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:45.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.491 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.517 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=656465056000 05-29 11:27:45.517 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=656465056000 05-29 11:27:45.517 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.104 ] when=656465056000 05-29 11:27:45.517 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.517 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.517 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:45.564 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.564 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.564 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.595 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.600 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.610 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=656558501000 05-29 11:27:45.610 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=656558501000 05-29 11:27:45.610 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=656558501000 05-29 11:27:45.610 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.611 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:45.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.690 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.744 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.751 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.751 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.752 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.772 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.772 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.772 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.835 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=656783211000 05-29 11:27:45.835 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=656783211000 05-29 11:27:45.835 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.105 ] when=656783211000 05-29 11:27:45.836 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.836 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.836 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:45.860 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.860 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.860 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.860 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.892 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.919 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=656867014000 05-29 11:27:45.919 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=656867014000 05-29 11:27:45.919 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=656867014000 05-29 11:27:45.919 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:45.921 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:45.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.980 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:45.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:45.980 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:45.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.094 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=657042525000 05-29 11:27:46.094 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=657042525000 05-29 11:27:46.094 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.106 ] when=657042525000 05-29 11:27:46.095 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.095 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.096 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:46.096 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:27:46.105 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.124 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.161 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=657109278000 05-29 11:27:46.161 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=657109278000 05-29 11:27:46.161 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=657109278000 05-29 11:27:46.161 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.162 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:46.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.235 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.251 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.252 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.276 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.303 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=657250969000 05-29 11:27:46.303 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=657250969000 05-29 11:27:46.303 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.107 ] when=657250969000 05-29 11:27:46.303 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.303 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.303 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:46.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.313 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.361 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=657309901000 05-29 11:27:46.361 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=657309901000 05-29 11:27:46.362 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=657309901000 05-29 11:27:46.362 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.362 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:46.446 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.483 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.483 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.512 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=657459961000 05-29 11:27:46.512 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=657459961000 05-29 11:27:46.512 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.108 ] when=657459961000 05-29 11:27:46.512 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.512 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.512 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:46.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.546 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.555 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.559 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.570 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=657518679000 05-29 11:27:46.570 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=657518679000 05-29 11:27:46.570 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=657518679000 05-29 11:27:46.571 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:46.572 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:46.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.513 4808 8055 I chatty : uid=1000(system) SSRM Handler Th identical 2 lines 05-29 11:27:46.572 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:27:46.610 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 307 (W:15), BAT = 289, USB = 295, CHG = 304, CP = 310, WF = 301, WFPst = 310 (W:15) 05-29 11:27:46.601 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.634 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.635 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.665 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.681 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.824 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.824 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.940 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:46.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:46.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:46.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.034 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.058 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.062 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:27:47.062 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:47.062 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:27:47.062 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:27:47.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.070 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=658018132000 05-29 11:27:47.070 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=658018132000 05-29 11:27:47.070 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.109 ] when=658018132000 05-29 11:27:47.071 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:47.071 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:47.071 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:47.072 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:27:47.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.074 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.155 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.155 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.179 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.180 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.180 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=658128648000 05-29 11:27:47.180 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=658128648000 05-29 11:27:47.181 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=658128648000 05-29 11:27:47.181 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:47.185 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:47.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.208 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.222 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:47.507 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:47.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.716 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = JFOjwqQd0QM= 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop JFOjwqQd0QM= dkeyDecode 24 dkeystr $S�¤� 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:47.797 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 86 4c c1 99 79 43 11 20 05-29 11:27:47.798 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return hkzBmXlDESA= 05-29 11:27:47.798 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = hkzBmXlDESA= 05-29 11:27:47.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.803 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.812 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.813 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.819 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.841 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:47.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.967 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{bd28ec6: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:47.925 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:47.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:47.974 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:47.978 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T112937 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:27:47.979 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:47.996 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: From: 292332435173 05-29 11:27:47.996 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: Notification Message id: 3b450b2418325db2fb7e9eddf96d6f3a 05-29 11:27:47.996 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: Notification Message Title: null 05-29 11:27:47.996 19241 20046 D FirebasePlugin: Notification Message Body/Text: null 05-29 11:27:48.023 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.033 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T112947 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:27:48.043 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{4994520: PendingIntentRecord{3844c23 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:48.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.314 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 74771 5177916 w 25867 475004 d 3118 148700 f 6483 6545 iot 34180 29194 th 295120 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 659.262 05-29 11:27:48.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.315 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = JbP3IRZ8f1U= 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop JbP3IRZ8f1U= dkeyDecode 25 dkeystr %��!|U 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES dd e3 ba c 38 87 c9 66 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 3eO6DDiHyWY= 05-29 11:27:48.316 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 3eO6DDiHyWY= 05-29 11:27:48.325 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.326 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.439 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.446 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.447 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.447 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.447 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.456 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.483 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.507 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:48.484 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.539 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.540 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.548 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.661 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:48.665 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:48.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.740 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.755 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.869 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.870 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.956 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.957 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:48.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:48.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:48.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.011 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.114 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.115 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.172 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.300 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.397 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.456 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.607 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.712 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.714 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.793 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=660741214000 05-29 11:27:49.793 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=660741214000 05-29 11:27:49.794 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.110 ] when=660741214000 05-29 11:27:49.795 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:49.795 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:49.796 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:49.796 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 170 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 660741 05-29 11:27:49.798 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.799 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.819 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.819 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.819 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.819 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.858 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.886 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=660834514000 05-29 11:27:49.886 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=660834514000 05-29 11:27:49.886 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=660834514000 05-29 11:27:49.886 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:49.887 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:49.920 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:49.921 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:49.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.955 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.955 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:49.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:49.988 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:49.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.088 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:27:50.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.112 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.112 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.205 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.205 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.238 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.532 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.584 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.585 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.610 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.636 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:50.640 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:50.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.896 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:50.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.992 4808 6213 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:27:50.993 4808 6213 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4308, temperature: 290, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2985000 05-29 11:27:50.993 4808 6213 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-10, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:-5 05-29 11:27:50.994 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:27:50.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:50.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:50.997 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:27:50.997 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:27:50.997 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:27:50.998 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:27:50.999 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:27:51.001 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:51.006 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.011 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:27:51.019 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:27:51.021 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:27:51.022 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:27:51.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.047 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.048 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.186 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:51.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.204 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:27:51.204 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:27:51.205 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:27:51.207 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:27:51.207 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:27:51.207 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:27:51.208 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:51.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.236 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 740, Display = 388(Panel:156, LDIs:232), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:27:51.236 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 185, Display = 97, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:27:51.241 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.77, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.60], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:27:51.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.258 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.280 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.306 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.367 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.372 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.394 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.423 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.425 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.454 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.455 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.523 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.580 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:51.571 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.571 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.589 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.607 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.697 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.772 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.772 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.823 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.846 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.848 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.896 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.907 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.931 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=662878939000 05-29 11:27:51.931 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=662878939000 05-29 11:27:51.932 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.111 ] when=662878939000 05-29 11:27:51.932 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:51.933 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:51.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.936 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:27:51.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:51.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:51.968 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:51.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.000 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.000 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.000 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.015 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=662963158000 05-29 11:27:52.015 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=662963158000 05-29 11:27:52.015 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=662963158000 05-29 11:27:52.015 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:27:52.016 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:27:52.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.034 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.051 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:52.053 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:52.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.119 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.215 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.215 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.244 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.327 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.347 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.347 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.361 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Js/ol0x7zF8= 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Js/ol0x7zF8= dkeyDecode 26 dkeystr &��L{�_ 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 95 f1 f0 52 ae a9 34 6d 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return lfHwUq6pNG0= 05-29 11:27:52.362 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = lfHwUq6pNG0= 05-29 11:27:52.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.419 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.419 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.419 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.419 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.423 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.448 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.477 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.526 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.533 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.550 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.635 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.636 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.636 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.700 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.713 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:52.716 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:27:52.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F0:6D:A2:F1:3C:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.761 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:52.763 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:52.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:27:52.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:27:52.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:27:52.765 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:52.767 19241 19376 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:52.767 19241 19376 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:27:52.770 5191 5909 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 663717 05-29 11:27:52.770 5191 5909 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 31999, tot/min/max scan time: 169696/9318/37866 05-29 11:27:52.774 19241 19376 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.stopScan blocked the main thread for 19ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:27:52.777 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:52.780 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:27:52.781 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:27:52.781 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:27:52.782 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:27:52.782 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:27:52.782 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:27:53.051 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:53.051 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:27:53.318 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 74771 5177916 w 25879 475200 d 3121 148732 f 6490 6553 iot 34204 29202 th 293964 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 664.265 05-29 11:27:54.031 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:27:54.033 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112804, SetElapsed=675564, nowELAPSED=664981 05-29 11:27:54.033 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T112800, SetElapsed=670948, nowELAPSED=664981 05-29 11:27:54.033 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=com.sec.android.intent.action.HQM_TRIGGER alarm=Alarm{f125ed9 type 0 when 1527564474030 android} 05-29 11:27:54.651 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERED => REGISTER_AGAIN 05-29 11:27:54.705 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:55.031 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:27:55.031 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:27:55.031 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:27:55.031 12481 12557 D ytrace : Pass 56 sec since last registration, expected expires is 60 sec 05-29 11:27:55.032 12481 12557 D ytrace : REG_OK (1), RTT=380 ms, mean RTT=597 ms, CSeq=27, Branch=4m1G9jSeoa4y9mwz, Expires=90 sec 05-29 11:27:55.032 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTER_AGAIN => SERVICE_READY 05-29 11:27:55.032 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=48, arg1=1527564467, arg2=-826811268, lineId=0 05-29 11:27:55.034 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_SERVICE_READY' subEvent='unknown subEvent=0x5B0CC8B3' 05-29 11:27:55.035 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: SERVICE_READY => REGISTERED 05-29 11:27:55.035 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=3, arg1=3, arg2=-826815492, lineId=0 05-29 11:27:55.036 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_DONE' subEvent='C2C_INVALID_ACCOUNT' 05-29 11:27:55.036 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onSuccess 05-29 11:27:55.036 12481 12557 D RegisterNotificationJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:27:55.059 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=918, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, canceling 05-29 11:27:55.074 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.078 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{c9d934c: PendingIntentRecord{ac10f95 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:55.080 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.085 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.085 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.086 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.089 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{93138aa: PendingIntentRecord{6b51c9b com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:55.099 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:55.103 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=921, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:27:55.103 12481 12557 D BindCameraJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:27:55.105 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = write failed: EIO (I/O error) 05-29 11:27:55.106 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.107 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=919, tag=BindCameraJob}, canceling 05-29 11:27:55.120 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:55.120 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:27:55.116 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.121 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{7701011: PendingIntentRecord{dc23576 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:55.124 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{73ee777: PendingIntentRecord{d58ffe4 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:55.126 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.130 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:55.132 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=922, tag=BindCameraJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:27:55.132 12481 12557 D ModifyCameraPwdJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:27:55.135 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=920, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, canceling 05-29 11:27:55.138 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.142 4808 4968 I HqmInfo::AbsHWParamInfo: sendK(DQ) - failed to read....SSDP 05-29 11:27:55.149 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{d943302: PendingIntentRecord{5308413 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:55.152 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.152 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.153 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.153 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{e3bb049: PendingIntentRecord{967d4e com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:27:55.154 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.156 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.158 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.160 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:27:55.161 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = /sys/class/sec/sec_key/key_pressed_count (Permission denied) 05-29 11:27:55.162 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.162 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=923, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:27:55.163 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local NAT=[PORT_FIXED], Expires=90, ID=broncidemo2$gmail.com@jalabell.iptnet.net, port index is 1 05-29 11:27:55.171 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = /sys/class/camera/rear/rear2_hwparam (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:27:55.174 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = /sys/class/dsm/max98512/spk_amp_reg_wrong_cnt_r (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:27:55.175 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = /sys/class/dsm/max98512/spk_amp_reg_diff_dump_r (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:27:55.177 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = /sys/class/dsm/max98512/spk_amp_reg_wrong_cnt (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:27:55.177 4808 4968 E AbsHWParamInfo: e = /sys/class/dsm/max98512/spk_amp_reg_diff_dump (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:27:55.186 4808 4968 I HqmInfo::AbsHWParamInfo: sendK(DQ) - failed to read....STAT 05-29 11:27:55.196 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.196 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.198 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.226 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.227 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.229 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.241 4808 4968 I HqmInfo::AbsHWParamInfo: sendK(DQ) - failed to read....FRAG 05-29 11:27:55.244 4808 4968 I HqmInfo::AbsHWParamInfo: sendK(DQ) - failed to read....FATX 05-29 11:27:55.183 4808 4968 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Hqm Thread2 identical 7 lines 05-29 11:27:55.185 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamFromKernel:506 05-29 11:27:55.246 4808 4968 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:0/F:9/AC:false) 20180530T112755 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:27:55.252 4808 4968 I HqmInfo::HWParamModule: sendHWUpdateIntent() 05-29 11:27:55.252 4808 4968 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 com.samsung.android.hqm.HWParam.HWParamModule.sendHWUpdateIntent:331 com.samsung.android.hqm.HWParam.HWParamModule.postProcessByAlarm:323 com.samsung.android.hqm.HWParam.HWParamModule.sendBigDataByAlarm:318 com.samsung.android.hqm.HWParam.HWParamModule.-wrap1:0 05-29 11:27:55.257 4808 4808 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.260 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.265 4808 4808 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.268 4808 4808 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.269 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:27:55.270 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 13995 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0046448477919108 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007503215663856 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01450621695012 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.006931542089465 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 39.00200085751036 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.97191653565814 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.98020580248678 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.992782621123304 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 41.00121480634558 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.0085036444190365 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 37.00378733743035 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.97784764899242 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.004430153626295 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007431225437657 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01579135405502 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.006359414076455 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00350125044659 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97427652733119 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.979135405501966 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.991997141836336 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 41.00128617363344 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.00800285816363 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00507324044304 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.98013576277242 05-29 11:27:55.271 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.24115755627002 05-29 11:27:55.272 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 b.j.ia:111 b.j.ic:81 b.s.handleMessage:350 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 05-29 11:27:55.273 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.274 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.274 4808 8055 D SurveyLogging: app_id = com.samsung.android.hqm, feature = CORE, extra = {"C0":"0","C1":"0","C2":"0","C3":"0","C4":"0","C5":"1","C6":"1","C7":"1","Tot":"3"} 05-29 11:27:55.275 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.277 4808 4982 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.284 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.286 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 b.j.ia:111 b.j.ic:81 b.s.handleMessage:377 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 05-29 11:27:55.287 4808 8055 D SurveyLogging: app_id = com.android.server.ssrm, feature = ATCC, extra = {"TYPE":"0","AP":"170.27","AP_CNT":"66","CP":"8.08","CP_CNT":"65","Display":"85.45","Display_CNT":"66","Camera":"0.00","Camera_CNT":"0","WiFi":"180.26","WiFi_CNT":"19","Speaker":"0.00","Speaker_CNT":"0","BAT_LEV":"0.0"} 05-29 11:27:55.288 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.289 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 b.j.ia:111 b.j.ic:81 b.s.handleMessage:377 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 05-29 11:27:55.290 4808 8055 D SurveyLogging: app_id = com.android.server.ssrm, feature = ATCC, extra = {"TYPE":"1","AP":"135.28","AP_CNT":"43","CP":"8.00","CP_CNT":"43","Display":"86.84","Display_CNT":"43","Camera":"0.00","Camera_CNT":"0","WiFi":"123.33","WiFi_CNT":"6","Speaker":"0.00","Speaker_CNT":"0","BAT_LEV":"0.0"} 05-29 11:27:55.290 4808 4964 I BarTender:BatteryStatsExtDBHelper: getLastDailyStats : no data 05-29 11:27:55.291 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.292 4808 4982 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker 05-29 11:27:55.293 4808 4964 I BarTender:BatteryStatsExtDBHelper: getLastDailyStats : no data 05-29 11:27:55.293 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 b.j.ia:111 b.j.ic:81 b.s.handleMessage:377 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 05-29 11:27:55.295 4808 8055 D SurveyLogging: app_id = com.android.server.ssrm, feature = ATCC, extra = {"TYPE":"2","AP":"235.70","AP_CNT":"23","CP":"8.23","CP_CNT":"22","Display":"82.87","Display_CNT":"23","Camera":"0.00","Camera_CNT":"0","WiFi":"206.54","WiFi_CNT":"13","Speaker":"0.00","Speaker_CNT":"0","BAT_LEV":"0.0"} 05-29 11:27:55.296 4808 4982 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==1 flags=0 rate=2000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:27:55.297 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - accelerometer_sensor try to batching with 2000000 05-29 11:27:55.299 4279 4948 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885569 en : 1 05-29 11:27:55.305 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 1, LSM6DSL Acceleration Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.305 4808 4982 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==2 flags=0 rate=2000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:27:55.306 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - gyro_sensor try to batching with 2000000 05-29 11:27:55.306 4279 4948 I Sensors : GyroSensor old sensor_state 16385, new sensor_state : 17179885571 en : 1 05-29 11:27:55.309 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.309 4808 4982 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker 05-29 11:27:55.310 4808 4982 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==2 flags=0 rate=2000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:27:55.314 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.314 4808 4982 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker 05-29 11:27:55.315 4808 4982 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==6 flags=0 rate=10000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:27:55.315 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - geomagnetic_sensor try to batching with 10000000 05-29 11:27:55.316 4279 4948 I Sensors : GeoMagneticSensor old sensor_state 16387, new sensor_state : 17179885587 en : 1 05-29 11:27:55.317 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.317 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.318 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.320 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 6, AK09916C Magnetic field Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.320 4808 4982 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker 05-29 11:27:55.321 4808 4982 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:27:55.321 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:27:55.322 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16403, new sensor_state : 17179885619 en : 1 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 1, LSM6DSL Acceleration Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 6, AK09916C Magnetic field Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 1, LSM6DSL Acceleration Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.325 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 6, AK09916C Magnetic field Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 1, LSM6DSL Acceleration Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 2, LSM6DSL Gyroscope Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 6, AK09916C Magnetic field Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.326 4808 4982 D SensorManager: registerListener fail :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:27:55.332 4808 4982 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.337 4808 4982 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:27:55.338 4808 4982 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker.insertLog:1662 com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker.enableTestSensor:575 com.samsung.android.gesture.MotionRecognitionSensorChecker$8.handleMessage:474 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 05-29 11:27:55.339 4279 4395 E Sensors : Sensor : Meta event 05-29 11:27:55.346 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.346 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.347 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.357 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:55.357 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:27:55.374 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.375 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.376 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.398 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.399 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.400 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.423 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.424 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.425 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.445 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.445 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.446 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.454 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:55.454 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:27:55.472 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.472 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.475 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.499 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.500 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.502 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.528 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.528 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.530 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.538 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:27:55.538 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:27:55.538 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:27:55.538 12481 12557 D ytrace : Recv duplicated registration ACK 05-29 11:27:55.555 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.555 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.556 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.578 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.578 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.579 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.588 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:55.588 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:27:55.614 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.614 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.615 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.641 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.641 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.643 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.666 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.667 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.668 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.689 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.690 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.691 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.719 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.721 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.722 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.746 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.746 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.747 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.778 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.778 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.780 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.782 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:55.782 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:27:55.811 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.812 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.813 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.840 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.841 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.842 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.873 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.874 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.875 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.902 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.902 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.903 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:55.932 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:27:55.932 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:27:55.934 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:27:56.052 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getDebugTxPacketFates 05-29 11:27:56.052 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Start get packet fate command 05-29 11:27:56.052 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : createRequest Get Tx packet fate request 05-29 11:27:56.053 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:27:56.053 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -3 05-29 11:27:56.057 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: getTxPktFates(l.1933) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 05-29 11:27:56.058 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getDebugRxPacketFates 05-29 11:27:56.059 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : Start get packet fate command 05-29 11:27:56.059 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : createRequest Get Rx packet fate request 05-29 11:27:56.060 4282 4282 D WifiHAL : error code -95 mapped to -3 05-29 11:27:56.060 4282 4282 E WifiHAL : Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -3 05-29 11:27:56.062 4808 5037 E WifiVendorHal: getRxPktFates(l.1973) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = } 05-29 11:27:56.520 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 1 05-29 11:27:56.521 4279 4279 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 16435, new sensor_state : 17179885618 en : 0 05-29 11:27:56.524 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 2 05-29 11:27:56.524 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - gyro_sensor try to batching with 2000000 05-29 11:27:56.526 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:27:56.528 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 2 05-29 11:27:56.529 4279 4948 I Sensors : GyroSensor old sensor_state 16434, new sensor_state : 17179885616 en : 0 05-29 11:27:56.531 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:27:56.626 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 308 (W:15), BAT = 290, USB = 294, CHG = 304, CP = 310, WF = 303, WFPst = 308 (W:15) 05-29 11:27:57.748 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:27:58.086 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:27:58.086 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:27:58.157 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:27:58.157 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:27:58.157 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = JxSXJu/RekQ= 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop JxSXJu/RekQ= dkeyDecode 27 dkeystr '�&��zD 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES ee f6 8d 9d 9 ed c2 b7 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 7vaNnQntwrc= 05-29 11:27:58.158 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 7vaNnQntwrc= 05-29 11:27:58.324 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 74959 5178968 w 26512 481468 d 3159 149184 f 6755 6818 iot 34564 29463 th 293912 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 669.270 05-29 11:28:00.001 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 05-29 11:28:00.002 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{7dc026b type 3 when 670948 android} 05-29 11:28:00.012 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T112900 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:00.013 4808 4808 V AlarmManager: ___SyncScheduler (v3) ACTIVATED___ 05-29 11:28:00.016 4808 4808 V AlarmManagerEXT: 05-29 11:28:00.017 4808 4808 V AlarmManagerEXT: (AppSync) ### 0 added ### 05-29 11:28:00.024 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:28:00.025 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:28:00.065 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:28:00.101 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:28:00.196 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:00.197 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:28:00.531 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 22 [2018-05-29 11:28:00.530] 05-29 11:28:00.712 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=671660420000 05-29 11:28:00.713 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=671660420000 05-29 11:28:00.713 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.112 ] when=671660420000 05-29 11:28:00.714 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:00.714 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:00.715 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:00.799 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:00.799 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:00.813 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=671761560000 05-29 11:28:00.813 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=671761560000 05-29 11:28:00.813 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=671761560000 05-29 11:28:00.814 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:00.815 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:00.816 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:28:00.816 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:00.817 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:00.821 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:00.821 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:00.844 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:01.258 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:01.269 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:28:01.269 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:28:01.270 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:28:01.270 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:28:01.270 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:28:01.270 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:28:01.270 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:01.289 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 444, Display = 380(Panel:128, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:01.289 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 111, Display = 95, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:01.290 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.64, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.60], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.30] 05-29 11:28:01.407 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=672354143000 05-29 11:28:01.407 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=672354143000 05-29 11:28:01.407 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.113 ] when=672354143000 05-29 11:28:01.408 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:01.408 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:01.409 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:01.481 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=672429582000 05-29 11:28:01.481 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=672429582000 05-29 11:28:01.481 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=672429582000 05-29 11:28:01.481 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:01.483 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:01.488 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 6 05-29 11:28:01.489 4279 4948 I Sensors : GeoMagneticSensor old sensor_state 16432, new sensor_state : 17179885600 en : 0 05-29 11:28:01.494 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:28:01.518 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:01.521 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:01.551 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:28:01.552 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16416, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:28:01.554 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:28:01.811 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:28:01.815 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:28:02.342 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:02.346 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:02.649 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|211] [] 05-29 11:28:02.933 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=673881449000 05-29 11:28:02.934 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=673881449000 05-29 11:28:02.934 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.114 ] when=673881449000 05-29 11:28:02.935 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:02.936 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:02.936 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:02.949 6102 10243 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b870a8608: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 05-29 11:28:03.009 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=673957407000 05-29 11:28:03.009 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=673957407000 05-29 11:28:03.009 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=673957407000 05-29 11:28:03.009 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:03.010 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:03.049 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:03.051 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = KPJ+NW04XtM= 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop KPJ+NW04XtM= dkeyDecode 28 dkeystr (�~5m8^� 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 59 d1 ea 14 2d 2e 59 b4 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return WdHqFC0uWbQ= 05-29 11:28:03.315 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = WdHqFC0uWbQ= 05-29 11:28:03.328 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 74962 5178980 w 26564 481896 d 3161 149204 f 6762 6825 iot 34588 29479 th 292828 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 674.275 05-29 11:28:03.530 4808 4848 V MARsPolicyManager: updateFromMARsThread 05-29 11:28:03.531 4808 4849 D MARsDBManager: updatePkgsToSMDB : begin --size 1 05-29 11:28:03.537 4808 4849 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:28:03.537 4808 4849 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:03.538 4808 4849 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : com.samsung.android.lool 05-29 11:28:03.538 4808 4849 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.lool user:0 05-29 11:28:03.538 4808 4849 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:03.538 4808 4849 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.lool, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:03.538 4808 4849 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.lool user:0 05-29 11:28:03.538 4808 4849 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:03.570 20841 20841 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:03.573 4808 4849 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20841:com.samsung.android.sm.provider/1000 for content provider com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.database.SmProvider 05-29 11:28:03.574 20841 20841 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:03.574 20841 20841 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:03.580 20841 20841 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:03.582 20841 20841 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=com.samsung.android.sm.provider 05-29 11:28:03.617 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:03.619 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:03.620 20841 20841 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:03.622 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.lool and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:03.648 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564483.639:349): avc: denied { write } for pid=20841 comm="oid.sm.provider" name="com.samsung.android.lool-_jMpZ3xOVZWftVRHAviXqA==" dev="dm-3" ino=1011 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:28:03.649 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564483.639:349): arch=c00000b7 syscall=48 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7bb331fc80 a2=2 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4425 pid=20841 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="oid.sm.provider" exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:system_app:s0 key=(null) 05-29 11:28:03.649 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564483.639:349): proctitle="com.samsung.android.sm.provider" 05-29 11:28:03.649 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564483.643:350): avc: denied { write } for pid=20841 comm="oid.sm.provider" name="com.samsung.android.lool-_jMpZ3xOVZWftVRHAviXqA==" dev="dm-3" ino=1011 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:28:03.649 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564483.643:350): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7bb32d35a0 a2=42 a3=1b6 items=0 ppid=4425 pid=20841 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="oid.sm.provider" exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:system_app:s0 key=(null) 05-29 11:28:03.650 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564483.643:350): proctitle="com.samsung.android.sm.provider" 05-29 11:28:03.668 20841 20841 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:03.668 20841 20841 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.sm.provider 05-29 11:28:03.699 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:03.701 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:744) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.update(ContentProviderNative.java:570) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at android.content.ContentResolver.update(ContentResolver.java:1678) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.MARsDBManager.doUpdatePkgToSMDB(MARsDBManager.java:1934) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.MARsDBManager.updatePkgsToSMDB(MARsDBManager.java:1715) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.MARsDBManager.-wrap15(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.MARsDBManager$DBHandler.handleMessage(MARsDBManager.java:312) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:28:03.732 4808 4849 W Binder : at com.android.server.am.MARsDBManager$DBThread.run(MARsDBManager.java:286) 05-29 11:28:03.734 20841 20841 D SamsungAnalytics111040: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:28:03.757 20841 20855 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:03.758 4808 4849 D MARsDBManager: updatePkgsToSMDB : end 05-29 11:28:03.759 4808 4849 D MARsDBManager: onChange - mSmartManagerObserver! Uri = content://com.samsung.android.sm/AppFreezer?MARs-self=true&MARs=true 05-29 11:28:03.760 20841 20841 D SamsungAnalytics111040: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:28:03.762 20841 20841 D SamsungAnalytics111040: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.11.040 05-29 11:28:03.906 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:04.395 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=675343563000 05-29 11:28:04.396 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=675343563000 05-29 11:28:04.397 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.115 ] when=675343563000 05-29 11:28:04.400 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:04.400 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:04.402 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:04.447 4808 4843 D WindowManager: requestTransientBars to Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar} : sb= false ,nb= true 05-29 11:28:04.448 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:28:04.450 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:28:04.451 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:28:04.470 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 26.0 | 0 2194 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:28:04.505 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:28:04.510 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=675458743000 05-29 11:28:04.510 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=675458743000 05-29 11:28:04.510 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=675458743000 05-29 11:28:04.511 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:04.511 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:04.512 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:28:04.616 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:28:04.617 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113728 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.617 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=675565 05-29 11:28:04.617 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T112900, SetElapsed=730948, nowELAPSED=675565 05-29 11:28:04.617 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112928 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.618 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113257 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.618 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.reporting.collectors.ble.ULR_BLE_SCAN_ALARM alarm=Alarm{c352b5e type 2 when 639755 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:28:04.619 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.reporting.collectors.ULR_BAROMETER_READ_ALARM alarm=Alarm{f3d6c0c type 1 when 1527564448844 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:28:04.621 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=null alarm=Alarm{15ad955 type 3 when 652928 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:28:04.622 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10055 action=null alarm=Alarm{ea49f6a type 0 when 1527564470603 com.android.vending} 05-29 11:28:04.623 4808 4963 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:04.623 4808 4963 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:04.623 4808 4963 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 10055, packageName : com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.624 4808 4963 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.vending user:0 05-29 11:28:04.624 4808 4963 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.624 4808 4963 D ActivityManager: package com.android.vending, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.624 4808 4963 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.vending user:0 05-29 11:28:04.624 4808 4963 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.627 6102 15744 I GCoreUlr: Starting BLE scan: mode: 2 05-29 11:28:04.628 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 2 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=ULR] 05-29 11:28:04.640 20859 20859 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.640 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: 6 filters, scanMode=2, reportdelay=0, callback type=1, #clients=2, workSource=WorkSource{} 05-29 11:28:04.640 20859 20859 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:04.640 20859 20859 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:04.641 4808 4963 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20859:com.android.vending/u0a55 for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.DailyHygiene$DailyHygieneService 05-29 11:28:04.641 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: Starting scan on OS scanner. BT state: 12 05-29 11:28:04.642 20859 20859 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:04.642 20859 20859 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=gmscore, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.642 6102 6102 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.644 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10251 action=null alarm=Alarm{2e54836 type 0 when 1527564477024 com.rsupport.mobizen.cn.k.sec} 05-29 11:28:04.645 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@5094d4a alarm=Alarm{7646337 type 2 when 675564 android} 05-29 11:28:04.644 6102 6102 I chatty : uid=10033(u0_a33) com.google.android.gms.persistent identical 2 lines 05-29 11:28:04.644 6102 6102 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.645 6102 6102 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:28:04.645 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{f8330a4 type 1 when 1527564480000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:28:04.646 6102 6117 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:28:04.646 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113218 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.647 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:04.647 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:04.647 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 10028, packageName : com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:04.648 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.sec.android.app.samsungapps user:0 05-29 11:28:04.648 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.648 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: package com.sec.android.app.samsungapps, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.648 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.sec.android.app.samsungapps user:0 05-29 11:28:04.648 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.649 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.649 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.649 4808 6228 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awia 05-29 11:28:04.649 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:28:04.650 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.650 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.650 4808 6228 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:28:04.651 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:28:04.651 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.651 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:04.651 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885600 en : 1 05-29 11:28:04.657 6102 6102 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:28:04.657 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:28:04.657 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:28:04.659 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20870:com.sec.android.app.samsungapps/u0a28 for service com.sec.android.app.samsungapps/.jobscheduling.PollJobService 05-29 11:28:04.660 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:28:04.661 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:28:04.661 20870 20870 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.662 20870 20870 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:04.662 20870 20870 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:04.664 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:28:04.664 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:28:04.666 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:28:04.666 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.666 20870 20870 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:04.667 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112900 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:28:04.667 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:28:04.667 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:28:04.669 20870 20870 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=samsung, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:04.670 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:28:04.670 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:28:04.672 4808 18008 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.673 4808 18008 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.673 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:28:04.673 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:28:04.673 20859 20859 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:04.675 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:28:04.675 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:28:04.675 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:28:04.678 4808 6228 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.android.vending and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:04.689 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10028 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.690 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10028 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.690 20870 20870 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:04.692 4808 6228 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.sec.android.app.samsungapps and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:04.696 6102 20878 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:28:04.707 20859 20859 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:04.707 20859 20859 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.712 20870 20870 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:04.712 20870 20870 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:04.712 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.720 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112904 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:28:04.735 20870 20870 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 05-29 11:28:04.735 20870 20870 I MultiDex: install 05-29 11:28:04.735 20870 20870 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 05-29 11:28:04.743 20870 20870 D SamsungApps: GalaxyApps Application onCreate calling... 05-29 11:28:04.752 6102 7191 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:04.752 6102 7191 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:04.754 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:04.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:04.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:04.755 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:28:04.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:04.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:28:04.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:04.770 6102 9556 I NearbyMessages: NetworkPollManager: RPC was requested, but deemed unnecessary. -- metadata{ service_id: 0 } 05-29 11:28:04.774 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.779 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.785 20859 20891 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:04.789 20870 20893 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:04.796 20870 20870 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.33: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.33 05-29 11:28:04.802 4808 6243 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.808 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.809 6102 7192 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:04.809 6102 7192 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:04.810 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:04.813 20870 20870 V ConcreteDeviceInfoLoader: SimState is not Ready 05-29 11:28:04.813 20870 20870 V ConcreteDeviceInfoLoader: deviceInfo MCC value is not correct 05-29 11:28:04.823 20859 20904 I Finsky : [272] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.l.b(25): Started reading experiment flags from file [tBOg1xWNMQnd96ngUxJpqLtuHKM]. 05-29 11:28:04.823 20859 20903 I Finsky : [271] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.l.b(25): Started reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 05-29 11:28:04.824 20859 20903 I Finsky : [271] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.l.b(61): Finished reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 05-29 11:28:04.824 20859 20904 I Finsky : [272] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.l.b(61): Finished reading experiment flags from file [tBOg1xWNMQnd96ngUxJpqLtuHKM]. 05-29 11:28:04.814 4808 18008 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1A identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:04.822 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.832 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.832 20870 20870 V ConcreteDeviceInfoLoader: SimState is not Ready 05-29 11:28:04.832 20870 20870 V ConcreteDeviceInfoLoader: deviceInfo MCC value is not correct 05-29 11:28:04.833 4808 6243 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.833 4808 6213 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.android.vending.AssetBrowserActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10055/com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.833 4808 18008 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PlayProtectHomeActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10055/com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.834 4441 20901 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:04.834 4441 20894 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:04.836 4808 6213 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService newState = 0 callingPackage = 10055/com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.838 20870 20870 V ConcreteDeviceInfoLoader: SimState is not Ready 05-29 11:28:04.839 4808 6213 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.839 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.bc.a(14): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService enabled via PackageManager. 05-29 11:28:04.839 4808 18008 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearChangeListenerService newState = 0 callingPackage = 10055/com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.842 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.bc.a(14): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearChangeListenerService enabled via PackageManager. 05-29 11:28:04.842 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.842 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : StickerCenterInfo::::StickerCenterInfo 05-29 11:28:04.843 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, getscVersion : 1000200 05-29 11:28:04.843 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : StickerCenterInfo::::mScPackageName :com.samsung.android.stickercenter 05-29 11:28:04.843 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : StickerCenterInfo::::mDeviceScVersion :1000200 05-29 11:28:04.844 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : StickerCenterInfo::::mScProviderName :com.samsung.android.stickercenter.provider 05-29 11:28:04.844 20859 20859 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 05-29 11:28:04.844 20859 20859 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 05-29 11:28:04.845 20859 20910 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10055, CallingPid : 20859 05-29 11:28:04.846 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10055/20859 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:28:04.847 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:28:04.847 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:28:04.847 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:28:04.847 20870 20870 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:28:04.847 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:28:04.847 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:28:04.848 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:28:04.848 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:28:04.851 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.852 20859 20905 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 68.0.3417.3, arch: armv8l 05-29 11:28:04.851 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.852 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.858 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : StickerCenterAsyncQueryHandler::::startAllStickerItemInfoQuery content://com.samsung.android.stickercenter.provider/noBlob/sticker/* 05-29 11:28:04.853 4808 18008 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1A identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:04.855 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : com.samsung.android.stickercenter 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.stickercenter user:0 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.stickercenter, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.stickercenter user:0 05-29 11:28:04.859 4808 6243 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.868 20946 20946 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.869 20946 20946 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:04.869 20946 20946 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:04.870 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20946:com.samsung.android.stickercenter/1000 for content provider com.samsung.android.stickercenter/.StickerProvider 05-29 11:28:04.870 20946 20946 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:04.870 4808 6213 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10055 05-29 11:28:04.870 4808 6213 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:29250 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiver:23013 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:176 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3797 05-29 11:28:04.870 20946 20946 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=com.samsung.android.stickercenter 05-29 11:28:04.872 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bb.(18): Resetting scheduler db 05-29 11:28:04.873 4808 6228 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10055 05-29 11:28:04.873 4808 6228 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:29250 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiver:23013 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:176 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3797 05-29 11:28:04.874 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.a.d.a(65): No need to run daily hygiene. 05-29 11:28:04.875 4808 6228 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:28:04.875 4279 4279 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16416, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:28:04.875 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.876 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:04.876 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.876 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:28:04.876 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:28:04.876 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.876 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:28:04.876 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.877 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.878 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:28:04.879 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:28:04.879 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:28:04.879 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:28:04.880 6102 6102 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:28:04.882 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.881 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:04.883 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.884 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:28:04.884 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:28:04.884 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:04.884 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.884 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:28:04.888 20859 20961 I Finsky : [297] com.google.android.finsky.cf.a.f.l(150): Loaded library for account: [wTxqnglKegOb9kqp6bS9QjUOlsg] 05-29 11:28:04.891 20870 20870 D SamsungApps: GalaxyApps Application onCreate called... 05-29 11:28:04.896 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : Global::recovered::false 05-29 11:28:04.900 4808 6220 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.901 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.901 20946 20946 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:04.902 4808 6220 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.903 4808 6220 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:04.903 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.903 20859 20961 I Finsky : [297] com.google.android.finsky.cf.a.f.l(184): Finished loading 1 libraries. 05-29 11:28:04.903 4808 6213 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.stickercenter and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:04.904 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.splitinstallservice.bu.a(25): Connecting InstallListener to SplitInstallService broadcaster... 05-29 11:28:04.907 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: execute::IDLE:EXECUTE 05-29 11:28:04.908 20859 20859 I MediaPlayer: Need to enable context aware info 05-29 11:28:04.908 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: exit::IDLE 05-29 11:28:04.908 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: entry::CHECK_TIMEOUT_FOR_UPDATE 05-29 11:28:04.908 20859 20859 V MediaPlayer-JNI: native_setup 05-29 11:28:04.908 20859 20859 V MediaPlayerNative: constructor 05-29 11:28:04.911 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : AutoUpdateTriggerManager:REQUEST2:requestInterval 05-29 11:28:04.912 20859 20859 V MediaPlayerNative: setListener 05-29 11:28:04.920 4808 6220 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.android.vending cmp = com.google.android.finsky.activities.DebugActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 10055/com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:04.923 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.cn.a.a(48): Enabling bucket experiment: factor=1.000, zeroDelta=0ms, forceNetwork=true 05-29 11:28:04.930 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, transactionId : 292fdb53c 05-29 11:28:04.934 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, transactionId : 292fdb53c000 05-29 11:28:04.939 20946 20946 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:04.939 20946 20946 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.stickercenter 05-29 11:28:04.948 20870 20870 I GA_Volley: RestApi Request Add : 2307::292fdb53c000 05-29 11:28:04.949 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.DailyHygiene$DailyHygieneService.onStartCommand(30): Beginning daily hygiene, foreground = false, reason = 11 05-29 11:28:04.954 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.n.a(96): Probe [wTxqnglKegOb9kqp6bS9QjUOlsg] for hygiene pass 05-29 11:28:04.954 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.955 4808 5012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_3 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:28:04.955 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.960 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7191 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:04.960 6102 7192 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:28:04.961 20946 20970 D StickerProvider: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps called 2 sticker * 05-29 11:28:04.962 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.ai.a(264): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 05-29 11:28:04.961 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:04.961 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10051, packageName : com.android.providers.downloads 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.providers.downloads user:0 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 D ActivityManager: package com.android.providers.downloads, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.providers.downloads user:0 05-29 11:28:04.965 4808 5012 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:04.973 20976 20976 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:04.974 20976 20976 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:04.974 20976 20976 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:04.975 20976 20976 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:04.976 20976 20976 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=media, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=android.process.media 05-29 11:28:04.976 4808 5012 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20976:android.process.media/u0a51 for content provider com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadProvider 05-29 11:28:04.991 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10051 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.992 4808 6220 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10051 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:04.992 20976 20976 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:04.996 4808 18008 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.android.providers.downloads and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:05.045 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:05.066 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:05.066 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:05.074 4441 20990 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:05.091 20859 20921 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:28:05.106 20946 20975 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:05.165 20859 20918 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:28:05.251 20976 20991 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:05.260 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.261 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:05.261 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:05.289 20870 20945 D [SAUI] : No Proxy createConnection HurlStack 05-29 11:28:05.301 4808 18008 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:05.320 20976 20976 I PPS_SemPrivateModeManager: SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_PRIVATE_MODE is missing 05-29 11:28:05.326 20976 20976 D MediaProvider: Attached volume: internal 05-29 11:28:05.327 20976 20976 D MediaProvider: new PersonDataBaseHelper() 05-29 11:28:05.332 20976 20976 I ContentSyncInterface: Request sync on/off state 05-29 11:28:05.338 20976 20976 I PPS_SemPrivateModeManager: SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_PRIVATE_MODE is missing 05-29 11:28:05.341 20870 20945 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:05.338 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 6 lines 05-29 11:28:05.339 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 5009, packageName : com.samsung.android.scloud 05-29 11:28:05.341 20870 20945 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.scloud user:0 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.scloud, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.scloud user:0 05-29 11:28:05.342 4808 6223 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:05.343 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:05.345 20976 20976 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id private ,type 1 ,disk null 05-29 11:28:05.345 20976 20976 D VolumeInfo: VolumeInfo from Parcel: id emulated ,type 2 ,disk null 05-29 11:28:05.356 4808 6223 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20995:com.samsung.android.scloud/5009 for content provider com.samsung.android.scloud/.cloudagent.CloudProvider 05-29 11:28:05.357 20995 20995 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:05.357 20995 20995 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:05.357 20995 20995 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:05.359 20995 20995 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:05.359 20995 20995 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.scloud 05-29 11:28:05.367 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.dr.c.a(59): Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [81010800] >= Server Version [-1] 05-29 11:28:05.368 4808 6243 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.371 4808 6220 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.373 4441 20994 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:05.379 20870 20945 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:28:05.380 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 5009 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:05.381 4808 6220 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 5009 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:05.381 20995 20995 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:05.383 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.scloud and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:05.383 20859 21009 I Finsky : [306] com.google.android.finsky.heterodyne.HeterodyneSyncService.onHandleIntent(6): Triggered Heterodyne Sync. 05-29 11:28:05.384 20859 20924 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:05.408 20859 20926 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:05.411 20976 20976 D MediaProvider: Attached volume: external 05-29 11:28:05.416 20859 20926 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:05.417 20859 20924 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:05.417 4808 6243 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.430 20976 20976 D MediaProvider: EmergencyMode is enabled: false 05-29 11:28:05.431 20976 20976 D MediaProvider: MTP is enabled: false 05-29 11:28:05.448 20995 20995 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:05.448 20995 20995 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.scloud 05-29 11:28:05.474 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.r.(15): Not checking if recovering from paused session because experiment is off 05-29 11:28:05.489 20995 20995 I [SC]DataStoreProvider: onCreate() is called 05-29 11:28:05.497 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:28:05.497 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:28:05.498 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:28:05.498 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:28:05.498 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.499 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:28:05.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:28:05.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:28:05.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.499 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:28:05.503 20859 21009 E zygote : The String#value field is not present on Android versions >= 6.0 05-29 11:28:05.506 20995 20995 I [SC]RequestProvider: onCreate 05-29 11:28:05.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.511 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:28:05.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:28:05.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.530 20995 20995 I [SC]FailLogsProvider: onCreate 05-29 11:28:05.561 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):Reading from variable values from setDefaultValuesToVariables 05-29 11:28:05.562 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:05.563 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):isShipBuild true 05-29 11:28:05.563 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):getDebugLevel 0x4f4c 05-29 11:28:05.563 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):Smart Bonding Setting is false 05-29 11:28:05.563 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):SmartBonding Setting is false, SHIP_BUILD is true, log to file is false, DBG is false, DEBUG_LEVEL (1-LOW, 2-MID, 3-HIGH) is 1 05-29 11:28:05.569 20995 21019 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:05.573 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:05.574 4441 21020 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:05.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:28:05.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.600 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:28:05.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:05.606 20995 20995 I [SC]ExternalOEMControlProvider: onCreate 05-29 11:28:05.627 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:05.627 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:28:05.632 20995 21007 I [SC]CloudProvider: Call: get_cloud_settings_value 05-29 11:28:05.633 20995 21007 I [SC]CloudProvider: isValidPackage: com.android.providers.downloads, get_cloud_settings_value 05-29 11:28:05.633 20995 21007 I [SC]FeatureManager: byod mode enabled: false 05-29 11:28:05.634 20995 21007 I [SC]FeatureManager: FeatureManager DisablingKeyboardDataSync:boolean:true,[SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SAMSUNGCLOUD_ENABLE_SETTING_MENU]:TRUE 05-29 11:28:05.634 20995 21007 I [SC]FeatureManager: [SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SAMSUNGCLOUD_SUPPORT_CONTENT_SYNC]bln true 05-29 11:28:05.634 20995 21007 I [SC]FeatureManager: [SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SAMSUNGCLOUD_SUPPORT_SAMSUNGKEYBOARD_SYNC]bln true 05-29 11:28:05.634 20995 21007 I [SC]FeatureManager: [SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SAMSUNGCLOUD_ENABLE_SETTING_MENU]bln true 05-29 11:28:05.634 20995 21007 I [SC]FeatureManager: [DisablingKeyboardDataSync ]bln true 05-29 11:28:05.638 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.648 20995 20995 I [SC]SamsungCloudApp: onCreate: com.samsung.android.scloud, 05-29 11:28:05.648 20995 20995 I [SC]SamsungCloudApp: controller create 05-29 11:28:05.644 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:28:05.645 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.651 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.664 20995 21007 I [SC]CMHInterface: isEnabled: true 05-29 11:28:05.674 20995 21007 I [SC]ConnectionJobService: scheduleJob : false 05-29 11:28:05.677 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:05.681 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:05.684 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:05.684 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:05.688 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:05.699 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:05.728 4441 21029 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:05.728 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:28:05.729 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "jalabell.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:28:05.730 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.731 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5009 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.731 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.733 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112810 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:05.733 4808 18008 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112810, SetElapsed=681679, nowELAPSED=676681 05-29 11:28:05.733 20995 21007 I [SC]ConnectionJobService: Register connection receiver 05-29 11:28:05.734 20995 21024 I [SC]FailCardManagingOperator: Handle method by TransactionManager : initFailDetailData 05-29 11:28:05.737 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bb.a(50): Jobs in database: 12-1 05-29 11:28:05.740 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.g.a(287): ConstraintMapping: 12-1, -> L: 14925ms, D: 86399925ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 05-29 11:28:05.745 20995 21007 I [SC]CloudManager: makeDefaultFolders 05-29 11:28:05.746 20995 21024 I [SC]FailCardManagingOperator: Handle method by TransactionManager : initFailCardList 05-29 11:28:05.746 20995 21024 I [SC]TipsOperator: Handle method by TransactionManager : handleStartMonitoringSync 05-29 11:28:05.749 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(142): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 14925, D: 86399925, C: false, I: false, N: 1 05-29 11:28:05.750 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.764 20995 20995 I [SC]PackageUtil: getCalendarPkgName: com.samsung.android.calendar 05-29 11:28:05.766 20995 20995 I [SC]PackageUtil: getContactsPkgName: com.samsung.android.contacts 05-29 11:28:05.768 20995 21007 I [SC]AccountUtil: Samsung Account Not Logged in 05-29 11:28:05.769 20995 21007 I [SC]CloudProvider: KEY_GET_CLOUD_SETTINGS_VALUE: settings_is_sync_on, 0, false 05-29 11:28:05.771 20976 20993 I ContentSyncInterface: mSCloud?: false 05-29 11:28:05.787 20870 20870 D GA_Volley: RestApiResponse Success::CHECK_UPDATE_CYCLE 292fdb53c000 0 05-29 11:28:05.788 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : AutoUpdateTriggerManager:REQUEST2:setInterval:86400000 05-29 11:28:05.789 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : AutoUpdateTriggerManager:REQUEST2:notifyTimedOutAndWriteUpdateCheckedTime 05-29 11:28:05.792 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.e.a(4): Account synced successfully. 05-29 11:28:05.794 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: execute::CHECK_TIMEOUT_FOR_UPDATE:TIMED_OUT 05-29 11:28:05.794 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: exit::CHECK_TIMEOUT_FOR_UPDATE 05-29 11:28:05.794 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: entry::REQ_UPDATE_CHECK 05-29 11:28:05.794 20870 20870 D [SA_INIT]: PreloadUpdateManager ServiceInitializer startInitialize() 05-29 11:28:05.797 20995 21024 I [SC]SyncSettingHandler: Handle method by TransactionManager : requestRegisterEventReceivedListener 05-29 11:28:05.799 20870 21033 D [SA_INIT]: createTaskForServiceInitialize() 05-29 11:28:05.800 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 145076(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 265(5MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 48MB/72MB, paused 787us total 173.515ms 05-29 11:28:05.809 20995 20995 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:28:05.810 20870 21035 D [SA_INIT]: NetworkStateCheckUnit workImpl() 05-29 11:28:05.810 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.811 20870 21035 D [SA_INIT]: NetworkStateCheckUnit result : 1 05-29 11:28:05.815 20995 20995 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:28:05.815 4808 6220 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.815 20995 20995 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.10.038 05-29 11:28:05.815 20870 21036 D [SA_INIT]: GetWhiteAppInfoUnit saved time : 1527143475788 current time : 1527564485814 interval : 345600000 differ : 421010026 05-29 11:28:05.817 20859 21009 I System.out: IntentService[HeterodyneSyncService] calls detatch() 05-29 11:28:05.830 20870 21036 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, transactionId : 292fdb53c 05-29 11:28:05.832 20870 21036 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, transactionId : 292fdb53c001 05-29 11:28:05.836 20870 21036 I GA_Volley: RestApi Request Add : 2348::292fdb53c001 05-29 11:28:05.837 20870 21036 D [SA_INIT]: GetWhiteAppInfoUnit whiteList send request 05-29 11:28:05.837 20995 21024 I [SC]DeviceControllerManager: Handle method by TransactionManager : handleRequestRefreshIcon 05-29 11:28:05.839 20995 20995 I [SC]AutoBackupSettingValueUpdater: AutoBackupSetting value will be updated : false 05-29 11:28:05.841 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.841 20995 21024 I [SC]TipsOperator: Handle method by TransactionManager : handleReportAccountStatusOperation 05-29 11:28:05.843 20995 21044 I [SC]ConnectionJobService: CONNECTION_CHANGE_RECEIVER 05-29 11:28:05.845 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5009 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.847 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:05.847 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):isShipBuild true 05-29 11:28:05.847 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):getDebugLevel 0x4f4c 05-29 11:28:05.847 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):Smart Bonding Setting is false 05-29 11:28:05.847 20859 21009 I System.out: Thread-306(ApacheHTTPLog):SmartBonding Setting is false, SHIP_BUILD is true, log to file is false, DBG is false, DEBUG_LEVEL (1-LOW, 2-MID, 3-HIGH) is 1 05-29 11:28:05.848 20995 21040 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Setting Sender] No status log 05-29 11:28:05.848 20870 20944 D [SAUI] : No Proxy createConnection HurlStack 05-29 11:28:05.851 20870 20944 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:05.856 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5009 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.852 20870 20944 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:05.857 20995 21045 I [SC]SystemStateMonitor: getConnectionType=0 05-29 11:28:05.857 20995 21045 I [SC]SystemStateMonitor: Network available true 05-29 11:28:05.857 20995 21045 I [SC]ConnectionJobService: scheduleJob : true 05-29 11:28:05.859 4808 6223 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=676807 05-29 11:28:05.859 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112820 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:05.859 4808 6223 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112820, SetElapsed=691623, nowELAPSED=676807 05-29 11:28:05.860 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:05.861 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5009 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:05.863 20995 21045 I [SC]CloudManager: No resume from settings,events or system policy change 05-29 11:28:05.865 20995 21046 I [SC]CloudManager: requestResumePendingDataTransfer 05-29 11:28:05.866 20995 21046 I [SC]AccountUtil: Samsung Account Not Logged in 05-29 11:28:05.872 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 10 94 100 66 181 190 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 13996 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.004430153626295 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007431225437657 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01579135405502 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.006359414076455 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 39.00350125044659 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.97427652733119 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.979135405501966 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 2, average - 34.991997141836336 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 41.00128617363344 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.00800285816363 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 50, average - 37.00507324044304 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 76, average - 50.98013576277242 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.00421549014004 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007359245498714 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.017076307516433 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.005787367819376 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00500142897971 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97663618176622 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.978065161474706 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.98963989711343 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.998785367247784 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.007502143469563 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00600171477568 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.98192340668763 05-29 11:28:05.873 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.24528436696191 05-29 11:28:05.905 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:05.905 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:05.924 20859 21009 I System.out: IntentService[HeterodyneSyncService] calls detatch() 05-29 11:28:05.938 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:05.940 20859 21009 E Finsky : [306] com.google.android.finsky.ar.c.a(34): Unable to build selector: /storage/emulated/0/Download/marketenvs.csv (No such file or directory) 05-29 11:28:05.951 20859 20973 I Finsky : [303] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(92): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 05-29 11:28:06.009 20859 20973 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:06.012 20859 20973 I chatty : uid=10055(u0_a55) com.android.vending identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:06.012 20859 20973 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:06.013 20859 20973 I Finsky : [303] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(113): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 05-29 11:28:06.014 20859 20974 I Finsky : [304] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(92): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 05-29 11:28:06.025 20859 20974 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:06.029 20859 20974 I chatty : uid=10055(u0_a55) com.android.vending identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:06.029 20859 20974 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:06.030 20859 20974 I Finsky : [304] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(113): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 05-29 11:28:06.036 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.037 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.113 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:28:06.158 20870 20870 D GA_Volley: RestApiResponse Success::WHITE_APP_INFO_LIST 292fdb53c001 0 05-29 11:28:06.159 20870 20870 D [SA_INIT]: ServiceInitializer onInitializeResult() result : true 05-29 11:28:06.161 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.161 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.164 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, transactionId : 292fdb53c 05-29 11:28:06.169 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : GalaxyApps, transactionId : 292fdb53c002 05-29 11:28:06.173 20870 20870 I GA_Volley: RestApi Request Add : 2315::292fdb53c002 05-29 11:28:06.174 20870 20870 D JOULE : JOULELOG com.sec.android.app.joule.f Task [35, 91251973_0] synchronized notifyAll 05-29 11:28:06.180 4808 6220 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:06.182 20870 20942 D [SAUI] : No Proxy createConnection HurlStack 05-29 11:28:06.188 20870 20942 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:06.188 20870 20942 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:06.297 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.297 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:06.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:06.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:28:06.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:06.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:28:06.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:06.332 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:28:06.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:06.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:28:06.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:28:06.421 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.421 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:06.433 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.433 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = KVbeLsGpRw4= 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop KVbeLsGpRw4= dkeyDecode 29 dkeystr )V�.�G 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:06.468 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES ee 50 fd fd f4 bc 51 3e 05-29 11:28:06.469 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 7lD9/fS8UT4= 05-29 11:28:06.469 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 7lD9/fS8UT4= 05-29 11:28:06.570 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.570 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.628 6102 15744 I GCoreUlr: Starting BLE scan: mode: 3 05-29 11:28:06.629 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 2 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=ULR] 05-29 11:28:06.632 6102 15744 I GCoreUlr: BLE: collected 6 results 05-29 11:28:06.642 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: Stopping scan on delegate scanner. BT state: 12 05-29 11:28:06.644 6102 6102 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:06.645 6102 6102 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:06.645 6102 6102 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:28:06.652 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 320, PST = 310 (W:15), BAT = 290, USB = 295, CHG = 306, CP = 311, WF = 303, WFPst = 308 (W:15) 05-29 11:28:06.656 6102 6102 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:06.656 6102 6102 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:06.656 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: Resetting - new scanner available: true 05-29 11:28:06.656 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled. 05-29 11:28:06.656 6102 6102 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients 05-29 11:28:06.668 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:06.671 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:28:06.672 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:28:06.673 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:28:06.673 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:28:06.673 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:28:06.673 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:28:06.713 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.713 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.840 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:06.840 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:06.922 20870 20870 D GA_Volley: RestApiResponse Success::GET_EMERGENCYDOWNLOAD_LIST 292fdb53c002 0 05-29 11:28:06.922 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: execute::REQ_UPDATE_CHECK:REQUEST_SUCCESS 05-29 11:28:06.922 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: exit::REQ_UPDATE_CHECK 05-29 11:28:06.922 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: entry::NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:28:06.922 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: exit::NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:28:06.922 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: entry::FINISH 05-29 11:28:06.924 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: exit::FINISH 05-29 11:28:06.925 20870 20870 D PreloadUpdateManagerStateMachine: entry::IDLE 05-29 11:28:06.929 4808 18008 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.samsungpassautofill] : 9326 K 05-29 11:28:06.929 4808 18008 I ActivityManager: Killing 19442:com.samsung.android.samsungpassautofill/u0a161 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:06.992 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:06.994 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:07.006 20859 20928 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.087 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:28:07.087 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.091 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:28:07.091 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:28:07.012 20859 20928 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.399 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:07.399 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:07.455 4808 6220 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:28:07.481 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.cf.p.b(140): com.samsung.android.app.aodservice available because owned, overriding [restriction=2]. 05-29 11:28:07.483 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.cf.p.b(140): com.sec.android.app.clockpackage available because owned, overriding [restriction=7]. 05-29 11:28:07.486 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.cf.p.b(140): com.samsung.android.sdk.professionalaudio.utility.jammonitor available because owned, overriding [restriction=7]. 05-29 11:28:07.490 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.cf.p.b(140): com.skms.android.agent available because owned, overriding [restriction=2]. 05-29 11:28:07.512 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.513 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.515 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.516 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.530 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:28:07.530 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:28:07.530 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:28:07.530 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:28:07.530 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:28:07.532 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.DailyHygiene.b(125): Logging device features 05-29 11:28:07.532 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 1ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60102 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:28:07.544 20859 21049 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.545 4808 6220 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112807 - CU:10055/CP:20859 05-29 11:28:07.545 4808 6220 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112808, SetElapsed=679490, nowELAPSED=678493 05-29 11:28:07.566 20859 21050 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.572 20859 21050 I Finsky : [315] com.google.android.finsky.datasync.y.a(73): [Cache and Sync] mode not available for any accounts. 05-29 11:28:07.575 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.a.d.a(25): Dispatching hygiene task 11 05-29 11:28:07.583 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.a.d.a(25): Dispatching hygiene task 26 05-29 11:28:07.586 20859 21050 D Volley : [315] e.a: Cache cleared. 05-29 11:28:07.589 20859 20859 W Settings: Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:28:07.591 20859 20859 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 05-29 11:28:07.596 4808 18008 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.598 4808 6220 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.599 4808 18008 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:07.599 4808 18008 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:28:07.599 4808 18008 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 10055, packageName : com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:07.599 4808 18008 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.vending user:0 05-29 11:28:07.600 4808 18008 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:07.600 4808 18008 D ActivityManager: package com.android.vending, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:07.600 4808 18008 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.vending user:0 05-29 11:28:07.600 4808 18008 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:07.601 4808 6220 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.609 20859 20968 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.605 4808 6220 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_12 identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:07.608 4808 6220 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.618 4808 18008 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21052:com.android.vending:instant_app_installer/u0a55 for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.instantapps.statussync.StatusSyncService 05-29 11:28:07.618 21052 21052 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:28:07.620 21052 21052 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:28:07.620 21052 21052 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:07.626 21052 21052 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:07.627 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.629 21052 21052 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=gmscore, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.vending:instant_app_installer 05-29 11:28:07.630 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.632 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.634 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.647 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.648 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.648 4808 6220 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20180530T094203 - CU:10055/CP:20859 05-29 11:28:07.649 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{1b5b1cb: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:28:07.650 4808 6213 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112807, SetElapsed=678488, nowELAPSED=678598 05-29 11:28:07.650 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:28:07.650 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112820, SetElapsed=691623, nowELAPSED=678599 05-29 11:28:07.651 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10055 action=null alarm=Alarm{ccc20c1 type 0 when 1527564487540 com.android.vending} 05-29 11:28:07.664 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113325 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:28:07.665 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.665 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.666 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{9a20c54: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:28:07.668 20859 21063 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.669 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:07.670 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:07.671 21052 21052 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:07.674 4808 6220 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.android.vending and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:07.681 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113325 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:28:07.689 20859 20973 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.692 20859 20859 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.707 21052 21052 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:07.707 21052 21052 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending:instant_app_installer 05-29 11:28:07.711 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService.onStartCommand(26): Starting WearSupportService for hygiene 05-29 11:28:07.713 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.w.a(18): Connecting to wearable 05-29 11:28:07.725 20859 21070 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.728 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.729 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.730 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:07.737 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.737 6102 6102 I WearableService: Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device. 05-29 11:28:07.740 20859 21072 I Finsky : [321] com.google.android.finsky.flushlogs.FlushLogsReceiver$FlushLogsService.onHandleIntent(12): Flushing event logs for [wTxqnglKegOb9kqp6bS9QjUOlsg] 05-29 11:28:07.744 6102 16570 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 20-GetDevFeaturesOp 05-29 11:28:07.746 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(19): Cancelling existing job with id: 9000 05-29 11:28:07.746 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.g.f(552): Preparing logs for uploading 05-29 11:28:07.738 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.746 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.748 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.x.a(51): Connecting to server for timestamp: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log/timestamp 05-29 11:28:07.748 4808 6213 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=678696 05-29 11:28:07.748 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:07.749 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:07.750 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(42): Scheduling immediate wakeup job with id: 9000 05-29 11:28:07.754 6102 16570 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetSettingsCacheOperation 05-29 11:28:07.756 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(19): Cancelling existing job with id: 9000 05-29 11:28:07.756 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(42): Scheduling immediate wakeup job with id: 9000 05-29 11:28:07.760 20859 20906 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:07.760 20859 20906 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:07.764 6102 16570 W WearableService: onGetService - Wear is not available on this device. 05-29 11:28:07.764 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:28:07.774 4808 5012 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.793 21052 21071 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:28:07.800 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:07.804 4441 21073 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:07.804 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:28:07.805 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "wf053.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:28:07.809 21052 21083 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.811 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.x.a(3): onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 05-29 11:28:07.811 20859 20859 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.w.b(31): GoogleApiClient instance is not connected when requested 05-29 11:28:07.812 20859 20859 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.dk.run(16): Dropping command=hygiene due to Gms not connected 05-29 11:28:07.812 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService.b(66): Stopping WearSupportService 05-29 11:28:07.806 4808 5012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_3 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:28:07.808 4808 5012 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.812 4808 6213 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.815 4808 5012 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.820 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(11): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9000 05-29 11:28:07.825 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:07.827 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:07.828 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.x.a(45): Scheduling fallback job with id: 9032, and delay: 43200000 ms 05-29 11:28:07.832 21052 21086 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:07.833 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180530T052807 - CU:10055/CP:20859 05-29 11:28:07.834 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.x.a(14): Scheduling fallback in 64799996 (absolute: 65478777) 05-29 11:28:07.841 4441 21081 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:07.842 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:28:07.842 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:28:07.842 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:28:07.848 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.861 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.handleMessage(39): DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1527564487845, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true} 05-29 11:28:07.871 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bb.a(50): Jobs in database: 10-11 10-26 12-1 05-29 11:28:07.850 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.881 4808 6243 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.882 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(138): Running job: 10-11 05-29 11:28:07.891 4808 6213 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:28:07.891 20859 20859 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.v.a(7): Failed to find the Hygiene logging context. Creating a new one. 05-29 11:28:07.896 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.splitinstallservice.bj.a(10): Running split install cleaner 05-29 11:28:07.900 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(138): Running job: 10-26 05-29 11:28:07.906 20859 20859 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.hygiene.v.a(7): Failed to find the Hygiene logging context. Creating a new one. 05-29 11:28:07.907 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(196): RunningQueue size: 2, PendingQueue size: 0 05-29 11:28:07.908 20859 20973 I Finsky : [303] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ay.b(8): jobFinished: 10-26. TimeElapsed: 8ms 05-29 11:28:07.910 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(213): Running queue: 10-11 10-26 05-29 11:28:07.910 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.b(38): Job 10-26 finished 05-29 11:28:07.912 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(196): RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 05-29 11:28:07.913 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(213): Running queue: 10-11 05-29 11:28:07.937 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.splitinstallservice.bj.a(29): Removed 0 obsolete sessions. 05-29 11:28:07.950 20859 21026 E Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.splitinstallservice.aa.a(3): Can't schedule deferred install. No modules found. 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ea.b.a(28): Failed to get status for package 'com.joaomgcd.autolocation' (1601) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at com.google.android.finsky.cw.b.run(Unknown Source:4) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : Caused by: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.joaomgcd.autolocation 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException.readFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:56) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:82) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:80) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readParcelable(Parcel.java:2797) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1953) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1904) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.app.usage.IStorageStatsManager$Stub$Proxy.queryStatsForPackage(IStorageStatsManager.java:316) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.app.usage.StorageStatsManager.queryStatsForPackage(StorageStatsManager.java:199) 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : ... 6 more 05-29 11:28:07.951 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ea.b.a(18): Error getting stats 05-29 11:28:07.957 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ay.b(8): jobFinished: 10-11. TimeElapsed: 75ms 05-29 11:28:07.958 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.b(38): Job 10-11 finished 05-29 11:28:07.959 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(196): RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 05-29 11:28:07.960 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.handleMessage(78): Executor finished 05-29 11:28:07.970 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bb.a(50): Jobs in database: 12-1 05-29 11:28:07.971 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.g.a(287): ConstraintMapping: 12-1, -> L: 12692ms, D: 86397692ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 05-29 11:28:07.976 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(99): Throttling wakeup for job 9001 (expected to run in 12692 ms) due to recent wakeup 05-29 11:28:07.977 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(142): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 30000, D: 86397692, C: false, I: false, N: 1 05-29 11:28:07.978 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:07.982 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112837 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:07.982 4808 5012 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112837, SetElapsed=708926, nowELAPSED=678930 05-29 11:28:07.993 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:07.994 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:08.057 21052 21089 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ea.b.a(28): Failed to get status for package 'com.incorporateapps.fakegps.fre' (1601) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at com.google.android.finsky.cw.b.run(Unknown Source:4) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : Caused by: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.incorporateapps.fakegps.fre 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException.readFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:56) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:82) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:80) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readParcelable(Parcel.java:2797) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1953) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1904) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.app.usage.IStorageStatsManager$Stub$Proxy.queryStatsForPackage(IStorageStatsManager.java:316) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.app.usage.StorageStatsManager.queryStatsForPackage(StorageStatsManager.java:199) 05-29 11:28:08.059 20859 20859 E Finsky : ... 6 more 05-29 11:28:08.060 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ea.b.a(18): Error getting stats 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ea.b.a(28): Failed to get status for package 'com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol' (1601) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at com.google.android.finsky.cw.b.run(Unknown Source:4) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : Caused by: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException.readFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:56) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:82) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.ParcelableException$1.createFromParcel(ParcelableException.java:80) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readParcelable(Parcel.java:2797) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1953) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1904) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.app.usage.IStorageStatsManager$Stub$Proxy.queryStatsForPackage(IStorageStatsManager.java:316) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : at android.app.usage.StorageStatsManager.queryStatsForPackage(StorageStatsManager.java:199) 05-29 11:28:08.096 20859 20859 E Finsky : ... 6 more 05-29 11:28:08.097 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ea.b.a(18): Error getting stats 05-29 11:28:08.129 21052 21052 D PhenotypeUpdateService: onCreate called 05-29 11:28:08.143 21052 21097 D PhenotypeUpdateService: Registering with Phenotype 05-29 11:28:08.147 21052 21086 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:08.173 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(810): Connecting to server: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log?format=raw&proto_v2=true 05-29 11:28:08.173 6102 10910 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 51-RegisterOperationCall 05-29 11:28:08.174 20859 20906 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:08.198 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:08.228 4808 6213 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=679177 05-29 11:28:08.229 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112837 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:08.229 4808 6213 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112837, SetElapsed=708926, nowELAPSED=679177 05-29 11:28:08.176 20859 20906 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:08.230 21052 21096 I PlayCommon: [286] com.google.android.play.b.g.f(552): Preparing logs for uploading 05-29 11:28:08.231 4808 6213 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112900, SetElapsed=730948, nowELAPSED=679179 05-29 11:28:08.231 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:08.232 4808 6220 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:08.235 21052 21096 W PlayCommon: [286] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(224): No account for auth token provided 05-29 11:28:08.236 21052 21096 I PlayCommon: [286] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(810): Connecting to server: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log?format=raw&proto_v2=true 05-29 11:28:08.243 4808 6220 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting] : 10029 K 05-29 11:28:08.243 4808 6220 I ActivityManager: Killing 19468:com.samsung.android.sdk.handwriting/u0a139 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:08.263 21052 21096 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:28:08.272 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(275): Successfully uploaded logs. 05-29 11:28:08.274 21052 21096 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:08.278 21052 21096 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:08.281 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:08.301 4808 5012 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.osp.app.signin] : 9144 K 05-29 11:28:08.301 4808 5012 I ActivityManager: Killing 19530:com.osp.app.signin/u0a60 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:08.302 4441 21100 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:08.317 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:08.321 21052 21096 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:28:08.330 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 76706 5223024 w 27040 488428 d 3203 150324 f 6930 6993 iot 35180 29983 th 292612 0 0 pt 0 inp 1 4 679.277 05-29 11:28:08.350 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:08.433 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10055 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:08.534 21052 21096 I PlayCommon: [286] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(275): Successfully uploaded logs. 05-29 11:28:08.767 20841 20851 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:08.768 20841 20851 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.sm.provider 05-29 11:28:09.684 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:09.685 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:09.695 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:09.696 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:09.716 20859 20889 I zygote : Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:09.720 20870 20890 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:09.748 20870 20890 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 27.374ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:09.806 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:09.809 4441 21104 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:09.811 20859 20889 I zygote : WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 94.821ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:09.812 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:28:09.812 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "wf054.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:28:09.813 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:09.813 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:28:09.909 20946 20959 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:09.910 20946 20959 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.stickercenter 05-29 11:28:10.016 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:10.021 20976 20986 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:10.021 20976 20986 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.media 05-29 11:28:10.131 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:10.131 20870 20884 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.samsungapps 05-29 11:28:10.389 20995 21005 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:10.390 20995 21005 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.scloud 05-29 11:28:10.468 20995 21017 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:10.511 20995 21017 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 42.821ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:10.783 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:10.783 20859 20871 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending 05-29 11:28:10.875 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:10.878 4808 6213 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:11.313 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:11.331 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:28:11.332 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:28:11.334 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:28:11.335 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:28:11.335 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:28:11.335 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:28:11.336 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:11.372 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 772, Display = 376(Panel:124, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:11.373 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 193, Display = 94, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:11.378 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.73, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:28:12.682 21052 21062 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:12.683 21052 21062 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending:instant_app_installer 05-29 11:28:12.720 21052 21069 I zygote : Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:12.806 21052 21069 I zygote : WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 85.726ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:28:12.815 6102 6102 I WearableService: Wearable Services stopping 05-29 11:28:13.117 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:13.334 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77059 5225560 w 27326 491140 d 3209 150348 f 7030 7093 iot 35316 30104 th 292444 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 684.281 05-29 11:28:13.836 20841 20851 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:13.836 20841 20851 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.sm.provider 05-29 11:28:14.829 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:14.829 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:28:14.838 20859 20974 I Finsky : [304] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(92): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 05-29 11:28:14.875 20859 20974 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.879 20859 20974 I chatty : uid=10055(u0_a55) com.android.vending identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:14.879 20859 20974 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.881 20859 20974 I Finsky : [304] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(113): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 05-29 11:28:14.882 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(92): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 05-29 11:28:14.901 20859 21026 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.918 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService.onStartCommand(26): Starting WearSupportService for send_installed_apps 05-29 11:28:14.921 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.w.a(18): Connecting to wearable 05-29 11:28:14.924 20859 21049 E GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. 05-29 11:28:14.933 20946 20959 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:14.933 20946 20959 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.stickercenter 05-29 11:28:14.935 20859 21026 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.935 20859 21026 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.942 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.l.b(25): Started reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As]. 05-29 11:28:14.948 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.l.b(61): Finished reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As]. 05-29 11:28:14.949 20859 21026 I Finsky : [310] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(113): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 05-29 11:28:14.950 20859 20973 I Finsky : [303] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(92): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 05-29 11:28:14.953 6102 6102 I WearableService: Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device. 05-29 11:28:14.961 20859 20968 I Finsky : [300] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.at.a(7): Restoring notifications 05-29 11:28:14.973 6102 6600 W WearableService: onGetService - Wear is not available on this device. 05-29 11:28:14.975 20859 20859 E Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.x.a(3): onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null} 05-29 11:28:14.976 20859 20859 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.w.b(31): GoogleApiClient instance is not connected when requested 05-29 11:28:14.976 20859 20859 W Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.dk.run(16): Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected 05-29 11:28:14.977 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService.b(66): Stopping WearSupportService 05-29 11:28:14.982 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.at.c(44): Done restoring notifications 05-29 11:28:14.989 20859 20973 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.993 20859 20973 I chatty : uid=10055(u0_a55) com.android.vending identical 1 line 05-29 11:28:14.993 20859 20973 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 05-29 11:28:14.994 20859 20973 I Finsky : [303] com.google.android.finsky.db.a.a.a.b(113): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 05-29 11:28:15.052 20976 20986 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:15.052 20976 20986 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.media 05-29 11:28:15.488 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.setup.ar.run(35): Detected restoreservicev2://recovery not needed, will not run 05-29 11:28:15.511 20995 21005 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:15.511 20995 21005 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.scloud 05-29 11:28:16.226 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:16.499 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:28:16.501 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:28:16.501 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 13997 05-29 11:28:16.502 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.00421549014004 05-29 11:28:16.503 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007359245498714 05-29 11:28:16.503 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.017076307516433 05-29 11:28:16.503 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.005787367819376 05-29 11:28:16.503 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 39.00500142897971 05-29 11:28:16.503 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.97663618176622 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.978065161474706 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.98963989711343 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.998785367247784 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.007502143469563 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 37.00600171477568 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.98192340668763 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.00400085732657 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007287275844824 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.018361077373722 05-29 11:28:16.504 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.005215403300708 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00650139315567 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.978995499035506 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.976995070372222 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.988854754590236 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.99885689790669 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.007001500321498 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00728727584485 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.984210902336216 05-29 11:28:16.505 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.24941058798306 05-29 11:28:16.684 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 311 (W:15), BAT = 290, USB = 295, CHG = 305, CP = 311, WF = 300, WFPst = 308 (W:15) 05-29 11:28:16.827 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = KgVMHqWP9Vs= 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop KgVMHqWP9Vs= dkeyDecode 2a dkeystr *L���[ 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:16.829 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES aa c2 85 33 f4 c 36 89 05-29 11:28:16.830 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return qsKFM/QMNok= 05-29 11:28:16.830 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = qsKFM/QMNok= 05-29 11:28:17.806 21052 21062 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:17.806 21052 21062 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.vending:instant_app_installer 05-29 11:28:18.340 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77060 5225564 w 27344 491336 d 3213 150364 f 7031 7094 iot 35332 30109 th 291680 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 689.286 05-29 11:28:19.388 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:19.394 6102 6114 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:19.394 6102 6114 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.persistent 05-29 11:28:19.470 6102 6600 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:19.470 6102 6600 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:19.474 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:19.476 4441 21109 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:19.498 6102 6114 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 153233(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 30(944KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8MB/16MB, paused 1.488ms total 104.601ms 05-29 11:28:19.537 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:19.545 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:19.545 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:28:19.545 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:28:19.546 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:19.546 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:28:19.663 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 05-29 11:28:19.663 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:19.663 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@12685025@12.6.85 (040408-197041431):13) 05-29 11:28:19.663 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor) 05-29 11:28:19.664 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.Linux.setsockoptTimeval(Native Method) 05-29 11:28:19.664 6102 6600 W Conscrypt: at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.setsockoptTimeval(ForwardingOs.java:173) 05-29 11:28:19.851 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:19.853 4441 21113 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:19.980 6102 6102 I WearableService: Wearable Services stopping 05-29 11:28:20.451 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:20.559 4441 21115 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:20.750 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10112 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:20.846 19899 19936 W cr_ChildProcLH: Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = com.android.chrome, sandboxed = true 05-29 11:28:20.863 4808 6243 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.android.chrome user:0 05-29 11:28:20.863 4808 6243 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:20.863 4808 6243 D ActivityManager: package com.android.chrome, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:28:20.864 4808 6243 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.android.chrome user:0 05-29 11:28:20.864 4808 6243 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:28:20.864 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: SA, print process name forked by webview_zygote : com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:28:20.895 5298 5298 E SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1 05-29 11:28:20.918 21116 21116 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99003: Permission denied 05-29 11:28:20.919 21116 21116 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99003, 0) failed: Permission denied 05-29 11:28:20.919 21116 21116 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0.xml - Permission denied 05-29 11:28:20.921 21116 21116 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:webview_zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:28:20.922 4808 6243 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 05-29 11:28:20.922 4808 6243 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 05-29 11:28:20.922 4808 6243 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 61ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 05-29 11:28:20.922 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21116:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i3 for webview_service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 05-29 11:28:20.922 21116 21116 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=chrome, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:28:20.923 4808 6243 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 61ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 05-29 11:28:20.923 4808 6243 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 61ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 05-29 11:28:20.923 4808 6243 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 61ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc! 05-29 11:28:20.980 21116 21116 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 05-29 11:28:20.985 21116 21116 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service 05-29 11:28:20.998 21116 21116 D libmdf : libmdf v2.8.0.5 On 32bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL 05-29 11:28:21.002 21116 21116 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:28:21.009 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.android.chrome and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:28:21.065 21130 21130 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 05-29 11:28:21.107 4808 6243 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:28:21.310 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3L.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.310 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.310 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3L:null 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3T.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3T:null 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4L.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4L:null 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4T.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4T:null 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num35.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.311 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.312 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num35:null 05-29 11:28:21.312 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num45.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.312 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.312 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num45:null 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3Lv.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3LV:null 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3R.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3R:null 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Tv.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.313 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Tv:null 05-29 11:28:21.314 21116 21116 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Lv.ttf 05-29 11:28:21.314 21116 21116 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:28:21.314 21116 21116 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Lv:null 05-29 11:28:21.321 21116 21116 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=21116 05-29 11:28:21.330 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.mobileservice] : 27640 K 05-29 11:28:21.330 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: Killing 19556:com.samsung.android.mobileservice/u0a159 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:21.341 21116 21116 E WebViewFactory: can't load with relro file; address space not reserved 05-29 11:28:21.367 21116 21132 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 2314-2315) 05-29 11:28:21.369 21116 21132 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:28:21.370 21116 21132 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:28:21.387 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:21.397 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:21.407 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:28:21.407 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:28:21.408 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:28:21.408 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:28:21.408 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:28:21.408 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:28:21.409 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:21.430 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 336, Display = 376(Panel:120, LDIs:256), WIFI = 4, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:21.430 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 84, Display = 94, WIFI = 1, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:21.431 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.69, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:28:22.305 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.mStopRunnable - -- 05-29 11:28:22.310 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:28:22.351 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:28:22.351 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:28:22.351 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:28:22.354 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:28:22.354 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:28:22.354 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:28:22.355 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:28:22.356 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.shouldStopService - ConnDevice:false, (NearbyScan:true && HasVdDevice :false), NearbyResponse:false, isCloudWorking:false 05-29 11:28:22.356 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.mStopRunnable - call stopSelf 05-29 11:28:22.371 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onDestroy - 05-29 11:28:22.371 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessForeground - set false 05-29 11:28:22.383 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessImportant - [myPid]19799 >> [isForeground]false 05-29 11:28:22.383 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.setSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:28:22.385 4808 6220 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:28:22.386 4808 6220 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:28:22.389 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.terminate - -- 05-29 11:28:22.394 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.stopDiscovery - android.os.Messenger@5be864e/null 05-29 11:28:22.396 19799 20051 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DiscoveryWorkHandler - MSG_STOP_SCAN 05-29 11:28:22.396 19799 20051 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.stopDiscoveryDevice - 05-29 11:28:22.396 19799 20051 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.stopDiscoveryDevice - not discovering. 05-29 11:28:22.397 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.terminate - mGUIScanTypeMap.size - 0 05-29 11:28:22.397 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.terminate - mDeviceHandlerList.size - 0 05-29 11:28:22.399 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.399 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.unregisterStateReceiver - mIsBtStateReceiver = true 05-29 11:28:22.401 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.terminate - Destructor 05-29 11:28:22.403 19799 19799 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopLeScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:28:22.404 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.terminate - -- 05-29 11:28:22.409 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WearableHelper.terminate - -- 05-29 11:28:22.409 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.414 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.415 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.417 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.417 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.unregisterReceiver - 05-29 11:28:22.417 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.unregisterPushRegIdReceiver - 05-29 11:28:22.417 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.terminate - -- 05-29 11:28:22.418 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.cancelConnectPeer - 05-29 11:28:22.418 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:28:22.420 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:28:22.421 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ShpLocalHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.421 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=139376 arg2=10 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:28:22.422 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepAccountManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.422 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.422 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState package to call requestNfcConnect -> com.samsung.android.oneconnect with arg : 0 05-29 11:28:22.423 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.unregisterSShareReceiver - mIsSShareReceiver = false 05-29 11:28:22.425 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=139376 arg2=11 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:28:22.426 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState package to call requestNfcConnect -> com.samsung.android.oneconnect with arg : 0 05-29 11:28:22.432 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.433 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.unbind - [mService]null 05-29 11:28:22.433 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.release - 05-29 11:28:22.433 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.cancelNotification - 05-29 11:28:22.433 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.unregisterA2dpSinkReceiver - mIsBtA2dpSinkProfileReceiver = false 05-29 11:28:22.433 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.requestServiceEnable - false 05-29 11:28:22.436 19799 19799 E BluetoothHeadset: BTStateChangeCB is unregisted 05-29 11:28:22.442 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: com.samsung.bluetooth.btservice.action.ACTION_REGISTER_A2DP_SINK_SERVICE 05-29 11:28:22.443 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.444 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.unregisterListener - 05-29 11:28:22.444 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.release - 05-29 11:28:22.446 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: A2DP_SINK_SERVICE : 0, : false 05-29 11:28:22.446 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: Not allowed - REGISTER_A2DP_SINK_SERVICE 05-29 11:28:22.446 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:28:22.446 19799 19799 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:28:22.447 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:28:22.449 19799 19799 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.450 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:28:22.451 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:28:22.452 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.453 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.460 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudDbOpenHelper.close - 05-29 11:28:22.461 19799 19799 E SQLiteLog: (10) POSIX Error : 11 SQLite Error : 3850 05-29 11:28:22.461 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:22.462 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudServiceManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.462 19799 19799 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.terminate - 05-29 11:28:22.462 19799 19799 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.setAppUpdateBadge - [Android OS]26 05-29 11:28:22.464 19799 19799 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19799 SIG: 9 05-29 11:28:22.536 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService (pid 19799) has died: fore SVC (60,1399) 05-29 11:28:22.538 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:23.346 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77184 5230596 w 27420 492784 d 3230 150560 f 7065 7129 iot 35456 30185 th 295708 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 694.292 05-29 11:28:24.654 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:28:25.559 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:26.022 21116 21126 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:26.022 21116 21126 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:28:26.431 21116 21132 I chromium: [INFO:child_process_service.cc(73)] ChildProcessService: Exiting child process. 05-29 11:28:26.492 4808 21142 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 (pid 21116) has died: cch CEM (65,1399) 05-29 11:28:26.494 4808 4844 W zygote64: failed to open /acct/uid_99003/pid_21116/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory 05-29 11:28:26.496 4808 21142 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 05-29 11:28:26.498 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:26.499 19899 19936 W cr_ChildProcessConn: onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=21116 05-29 11:28:26.509 4808 21142 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.facebook.appmanager] : 17826 K 05-29 11:28:26.509 4808 21142 I ActivityManager: Killing 19696:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a125 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:26.563 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:26.719 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 311 (W:15), BAT = 290, USB = 295, CHG = 304, CP = 309, WF = 302, WFPst = 307 (W:15) 05-29 11:28:27.115 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 13998 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.00400085732657 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007287275844824 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.018361077373722 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.005215403300708 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 39.00650139315567 05-29 11:28:27.117 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.978995499035506 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.976995070372222 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.988854754590236 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.99885689790669 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.007001500321498 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 37.00728727584485 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.984210902336216 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0037862551793113 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007215316473783 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01964566366624 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.00464352050293 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00800114302043 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.98135447921132 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.975925132161738 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.98806972424629 05-29 11:28:27.118 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.99892841834548 05-29 11:28:27.119 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.0065009287041 05-29 11:28:27.119 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00857265323621 05-29 11:28:27.119 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.98649807115302 05-29 11:28:27.119 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.25353621945985 05-29 11:28:28.225 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = K5JxOrhAVVw= 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop K5JxOrhAVVw= dkeyDecode 2b dkeystr +�q:�@U\ 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES c8 e2 c9 25 c0 b2 94 b9 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return yOLJJcCylLk= 05-29 11:28:28.226 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = yOLJJcCylLk= 05-29 11:28:28.352 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77186 5230720 w 27474 493216 d 3232 150612 f 7066 7130 iot 35484 30194 th 297188 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 699.298 05-29 11:28:28.661 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:29.296 19899 19969 W chromium: [WARNING:syncer_proto_util.cc(338)] Error posting from syncer: Response Code (bogus on error): -1 Content-Length (bogus on error): -1 Server Status: SYNC_AUTH_ERROR 05-29 11:28:29.320 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.google.android.gms.unstable] : 27374 K 05-29 11:28:29.320 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: Killing 19780:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a33 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:29.396 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:29.427 6102 6600 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:29.428 6102 6600 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:28:29.650 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:28:29.702 4441 21148 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:28:29.830 4808 5274 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10112 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:28:30.546 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 23 [2018-05-29 11:28:30.545] 05-29 11:28:31.458 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:31.479 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:28:31.479 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:28:31.480 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:28:31.481 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:28:31.481 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:28:31.481 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:28:31.483 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:31.517 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 316, Display = 376(Panel:120, LDIs:256), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:31.517 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 79, Display = 94, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:31.522 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.69, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:28:31.767 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:33.357 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77187 5230784 w 27564 494752 d 3247 150800 f 7102 7166 iot 35556 30249 th 298372 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 704.303 05-29 11:28:34.878 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:36.757 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 311 (W:15), BAT = 290, USB = 295, CHG = 302, CP = 308, WF = 299, WFPst = 307 (W:15) 05-29 11:28:37.735 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:28:37.736 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:28:37.736 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 13999 05-29 11:28:37.736 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0037862551793113 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007215316473783 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01964566366624 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.00464352050293 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 39.00800114302043 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.98135447921132 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.975925132161738 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.98806972424629 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.99892841834548 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.0065009287041 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 37.00857265323621 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.98649807115302 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.003571683691692 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007143367383385 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.020930066433316 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.004071719408529 05-29 11:28:37.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.0095006786199 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.983713122365884 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.974855346810486 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.987284806057545 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.99899992856633 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.006000428602043 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.0098578469891 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.988784913208086 05-29 11:28:37.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.2576612615186 05-29 11:28:37.971 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:38.362 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77188 5231040 w 27629 495452 d 3248 150932 f 7107 7171 iot 35584 30265 th 297696 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 709.308 05-29 11:28:38.654 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:38.655 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:38.655 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = LKWSWrjFLiA= 05-29 11:28:38.655 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:38.655 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop LKWSWrjFLiA= dkeyDecode 2c dkeystr ,��Z��. 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES ec 2e 7 e7 0 11 d3 79 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return 7C4H5wAR03k= 05-29 11:28:38.656 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 7C4H5wAR03k= 05-29 11:28:41.081 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:41.549 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:41.566 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:28:41.566 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:28:41.568 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:28:41.570 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:28:41.570 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:28:41.570 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:28:41.570 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:41.602 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 296, Display = 376(Panel:120, LDIs:256), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:41.603 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 74, Display = 94, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:41.608 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.69, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:28:43.366 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77189 5231044 w 27658 495804 d 3251 150960 f 7113 7177 iot 35600 30274 th 297220 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 714.313 05-29 11:28:44.185 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:46.789 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 310 (W:15), BAT = 290, USB = 295, CHG = 301, CP = 307, WF = 297, WFPst = 305 (W:15) 05-29 11:28:46.976 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = LasVGh7GQFk= 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop LasVGh7GQFk= dkeyDecode 2d dkeystr -��@Y 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES f8 e6 d7 67 c2 47 a5 17 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return +ObXZ8JHpRc= 05-29 11:28:46.977 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = +ObXZ8JHpRc= 05-29 11:28:47.301 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:48.346 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14000 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.003571683691692 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.007143367383385 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.020930066433316 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.004071719408529 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 39.0095006786199 05-29 11:28:48.348 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.983713122365884 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.974855346810486 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.987284806057545 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.99899992856633 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.006000428602043 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 37.0098578469891 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.988784913208086 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.003357142857143 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.007071428571429 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.022214285714284 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.0035 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.011 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.98607142857143 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.973785714285714 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.98649999999997 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.999071428571426 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.0055 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.011142857142886 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.99107142857143 05-29 11:28:48.349 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.26178571428564 05-29 11:28:48.371 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77189 5231044 w 27664 495908 d 3253 151032 f 7114 7178 iot 35608 30277 th 296740 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 719.318 05-29 11:28:50.443 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:51.325 4808 4827 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:28:51.326 4808 4827 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4307, temperature: 289, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2985000 05-29 11:28:51.326 4808 4827 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:0, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:2 05-29 11:28:51.327 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:28:51.334 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:28:51.335 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:28:51.335 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:28:51.335 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:28:51.337 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:28:51.339 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:28:51.347 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:28:51.362 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:28:51.362 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:28:51.370 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:28:51.634 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:51.654 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:28:51.654 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:28:51.656 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:28:51.658 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:28:51.658 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:28:51.658 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:28:51.658 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:28:51.689 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 292, Display = 376(Panel:120, LDIs:256), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:51.689 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 73, Display = 94, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:28:51.694 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.69, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:28:51.722 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.android.chrome] : 45558 K 05-29 11:28:51.722 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: Killing 19899:com.android.chrome/u0a112 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:28:51.835 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=30, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@3520aac) 05-29 11:28:51.836 4808 5409 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6372375) 05-29 11:28:51.837 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=30, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:28:51.838 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=30, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:28:51.839 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=30, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:28:51.839 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:28:51.840 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:28:51.841 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:28:51.843 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:28:53.376 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77189 5231044 w 27683 496044 d 3255 151040 f 7117 7183 iot 35612 30283 th 299360 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 724.322 05-29 11:28:53.550 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:54.249 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=725197264000 05-29 11:28:54.250 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=725197264000 05-29 11:28:54.250 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.116 ] when=725197264000 05-29 11:28:54.251 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:54.252 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:54.253 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:54.329 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:54.329 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:54.345 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:54.345 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:54.347 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=725295941000 05-29 11:28:54.348 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=725295941000 05-29 11:28:54.348 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=725295941000 05-29 11:28:54.348 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:54.349 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:54.349 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:28:54.357 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:54.357 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:54.655 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:28:54.834 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=725780826000 05-29 11:28:54.834 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=725780826000 05-29 11:28:54.834 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.117 ] when=725780826000 05-29 11:28:54.835 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:54.835 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:54.835 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:54.867 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=725814854000 05-29 11:28:54.867 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=725814854000 05-29 11:28:54.867 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=725814854000 05-29 11:28:54.867 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:54.868 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:54.901 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:54.902 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:55.178 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:28:55.566 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:28:55.725 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:55.729 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:55.986 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=726934325000 05-29 11:28:55.986 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=726934325000 05-29 11:28:55.987 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.118 ] when=726934325000 05-29 11:28:55.988 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:55.988 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:55.990 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:55.990 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 180 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 726934 05-29 11:28:56.327 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=727275835000 05-29 11:28:56.328 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=727275835000 05-29 11:28:56.328 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=727275835000 05-29 11:28:56.328 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:56.330 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:56.334 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:28:56.334 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:28:56.659 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:56.812 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:28:56.812 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:28:56.819 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 309 (W:15), BAT = 289, USB = 296, CHG = 301, CP = 306, WF = 299, WFPst = 304 (W:15) 05-29 11:28:57.025 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 205942(20MB) AllocSpace objects, 253(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 948us total 213.815ms 05-29 11:28:57.250 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:57.250 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:57.250 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = LveXx5+i000= 05-29 11:28:57.250 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop LveXx5+i000= dkeyDecode 2e dkeystr .�ǟ��M 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES a4 cc f7 ad c8 ed e0 6e 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return pMz3rcjt4G4= 05-29 11:28:57.251 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = pMz3rcjt4G4= 05-29 11:28:57.656 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=728604427000 05-29 11:28:57.656 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=728604427000 05-29 11:28:57.657 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.119 ] when=728604427000 05-29 11:28:57.659 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:57.660 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:57.661 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:57.705 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=728652654000 05-29 11:28:57.705 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=728652654000 05-29 11:28:57.705 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=728652654000 05-29 11:28:57.706 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:57.708 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:58.380 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77196 5231176 w 27699 496228 d 3256 151056 f 7123 7189 iot 35624 30289 th 303180 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 729.327 05-29 11:28:58.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 63 125 158 175 212 201 102 196 201 168 208 200 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14001 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.003357142857143 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 9, average - 11.007071428571429 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 36, average - 23.022214285714284 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 14, average - 8.0035 05-29 11:28:58.960 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 105, average - 39.011 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 96, average - 53.98607142857143 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.973785714285714 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 73, average - 34.98649999999997 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 96, average - 40.999071428571426 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 11, average - 7.0055 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 96, average - 37.011142857142886 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 94, average - 50.99107142857143 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.003142632669095 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.00692807656596 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.0231412041997 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.00392829083637 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.015713163345474 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.98907220912792 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.972716234554674 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.989215056067394 05-29 11:28:58.961 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 41.00299978572959 05-29 11:28:58.962 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.005785301049925 05-29 11:28:58.962 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.01535604599675 05-29 11:28:58.962 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.994143275480326 05-29 11:28:58.962 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.26590957788721 05-29 11:28:59.009 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=729956628000 05-29 11:28:59.009 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=729956628000 05-29 11:28:59.009 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.120 ] when=729956628000 05-29 11:28:59.010 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:59.011 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:59.012 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:28:59.042 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=729990091000 05-29 11:28:59.043 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=729990091000 05-29 11:28:59.043 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=729990091000 05-29 11:28:59.043 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:28:59.045 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:28:59.091 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:59.093 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:28:59.412 19241 19376 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = L4qFu+B8Vnc= 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : dkeyop L4qFu+B8Vnc= dkeyDecode 2f dkeystr /����|Vw 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES c5 f7 6c 12 73 97 54 64 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 I JNIMsg : short return xfdsEnOXVGQ= 05-29 11:28:59.413 19241 19376 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = xfdsEnOXVGQ= 05-29 11:28:59.754 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:28:59.772 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:29:00.001 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 12 05-29 11:29:00.001 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=730949 05-29 11:29:00.005 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@bb5b1c2 alarm=Alarm{3c5ef0a type 2 when 708926 android} 05-29 11:29:00.007 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{5d8037b type 3 when 730948 android} 05-29 11:29:00.009 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{56381f1 type 1 when 1527564540000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:29:00.018 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:28:59.779 19241 19376 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:29:00.032 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:29:00.058 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113000 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:29:00.062 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T112959 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:00.067 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:29:00.069 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:29:00.077 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(11): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9001 05-29 11:29:00.102 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:00.105 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:29:00.110 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:00.111 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.x.a(45): Scheduling fallback job with id: 9032, and delay: 43200000 ms 05-29 11:29:00.129 4808 18008 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180530T052900 - CU:10055/CP:20859 05-29 11:29:00.130 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.x.a(14): Scheduling fallback in 64799984 (absolute: 65531062) 05-29 11:29:00.134 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:00.141 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:29:00.142 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.handleMessage(39): DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1527564540132, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true} 05-29 11:29:00.150 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bb.a(50): Jobs in database: 12-1 05-29 11:29:00.156 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(138): Running job: 12-1 05-29 11:29:00.158 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ai.c.a(37): ContentSyncJob started 05-29 11:29:00.161 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(196): RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 05-29 11:29:00.161 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(213): Running queue: 12-1 05-29 11:29:00.167 20859 20908 I Finsky : [276] com.google.android.finsky.o.c.a(21): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 05-29 11:29:00.168 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.ai.c.a(5): Installation state replication succeeded. 05-29 11:29:00.169 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ay.b(8): jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 11ms 05-29 11:29:00.170 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.b(38): Job 12-1 finished 05-29 11:29:00.173 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.z.a(196): RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 05-29 11:29:00.173 20859 20859 I Finsky : [2] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.handleMessage(78): Executor finished 05-29 11:29:00.136 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:00.188 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:00.191 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114219 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:00.545 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=731493499000 05-29 11:29:00.546 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=731493499000 05-29 11:29:00.546 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.121 ] when=731493499000 05-29 11:29:00.547 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:00.548 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:00.548 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:29:00.561 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 24 [2018-05-29 11:29:00.561] 05-29 11:29:00.689 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:29:00.689 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:29:00.721 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:29:00.721 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:29:00.752 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:29:00.752 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:29:00.752 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=731700596000 05-29 11:29:00.752 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=731700596000 05-29 11:29:00.752 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=731700596000 05-29 11:29:00.753 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:00.753 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:29:00.754 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:29:00.758 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:29:00.758 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:29:01.003 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=731951132000 05-29 11:29:01.003 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=731951132000 05-29 11:29:01.003 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.122 ] when=731951132000 05-29 11:29:01.004 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:01.004 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:01.004 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:29:01.088 4808 4843 D WindowManager: requestTransientBars to Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar} : sb= false ,nb= true 05-29 11:29:01.089 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:01.089 4808 5012 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:29:01.089 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:29:01.104 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 26.0 | 0 2194 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:01.137 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:01.178 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=732126506000 05-29 11:29:01.178 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=732126506000 05-29 11:29:01.178 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=732126506000 05-29 11:29:01.178 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (19241): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:01.180 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:29:01.180 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:29:01.186 19241 19241 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:29:01.186 19241 19241 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:29:01.712 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:01.720 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:29:01.720 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:29:01.721 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:29:01.721 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:29:01.722 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:29:01.722 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:29:01.722 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:01.744 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 504, Display = 380(Panel:140, LDIs:240), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:01.744 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 126, Display = 95, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:01.745 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.78, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.80], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.50] 05-29 11:29:01.898 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=732845212000 05-29 11:29:01.898 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=732845212000 05-29 11:29:01.898 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.123 ] when=732845212000 05-29 11:29:01.899 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:01.899 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:29:01.900 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 190 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 732845 05-29 11:29:01.901 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=732848000000 05-29 11:29:01.903 4808 5623 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:29:01.905 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:29:01.905 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:29:01.925 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564390703 05-29 11:29:01.926 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:29:01.927 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:29:01.928 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:29:01.929 4808 5623 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:29:01.929 4808 5623 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:29:01.929 4808 5623 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:29:01.929 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:29:01.930 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:29:01.930 5236 5236 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:29:01.931 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:29:01.946 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=732894714000 05-29 11:29:01.946 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=732894714000 05-29 11:29:01.946 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=732894714000 05-29 11:29:01.947 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:01.947 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:29:01.948 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=732895000000 05-29 11:29:01.949 4808 5623 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:29:01.949 4808 5623 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:29:01.949 4808 5623 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: haptic disabled by policy 05-29 11:29:01.951 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:29:01.951 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:29:01.953 5236 5236 D Recents : toggleRecentApps 05-29 11:29:01.956 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:01.957 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [933x132]-format:1 05-29 11:29:01.957 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:29:01.962 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:29:01.962 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-5] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:29:01.962 5236 5236 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity - hideMenuEvent 05-29 11:29:01.963 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: reason=recentapps 05-29 11:29:01.966 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=null typ=null flg=0x10804000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} from uid 10003 05-29 11:29:01.968 4808 5623 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_ACT_START@CPU_MIN@84 05-29 11:29:01.971 4808 5623 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() ACT_START 05-29 11:29:01.972 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(5) 05-29 11:29:01.972 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:29:01.974 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 05-29 11:29:01.974 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:29:01.974 4808 5623 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:29:01.974 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:29:01.975 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 19241 05-29 11:29:01.981 4808 5623 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:29:01.983 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:29:01.983 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.android.systemui, clsName: com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity,FgActivityName:com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:29:01.983 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:29:01.983 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.android.systemui, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:29:01.983 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:29:01.984 4808 5623 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.android.systemui, userId = 0 05-29 11:29:01.985 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 500 05-29 11:29:01.985 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:29:01.986 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: startRecentsActivity for UserHandle{-2} done. 05-29 11:29:01.986 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:29:01.987 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:29:01.987 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(5) 05-29 11:29:01.993 19241 19241 I TSLocationManager: - onPause 05-29 11:29:01.987 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:29:01.993 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: done. 05-29 11:29:01.993 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:29:01.993 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:01.994 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:01.994 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Activate EmRecentsManager with RecentsView 05-29 11:29:01.994 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Recents 05-29 11:29:01.995 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:29:01.997 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:29:01.999 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:29:02.002 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 05-29 11:29:02.003 4808 4827 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#120 ty=1 fl=#89910500 pfl=0x24040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:29:02.003 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:29:02.003 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=52 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.004 4808 4827 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:02.004 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8718 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:02.006 4808 4827 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:29:02.007 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:02.007 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530095128576} changed=true 05-29 11:29:02.008 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato getNaviationBarHeight() first use took : 3 05-29 11:29:02.013 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:29:02.013 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:29:02.014 4808 4827 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8718 05-29 11:29:02.014 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:29:02.015 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:29:02.015 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:29:02.015 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:29:02.015 5236 5236 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@75d103 nm : com.android.systemui ic=null 05-29 11:29:02.015 5236 5236 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:29:02.015 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@f52417b inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@518d3e5 nm = com.android.systemui controlFlags=#100 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#89910500 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:29:02.016 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@518d3e5 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:29:02.020 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:29:02.020 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:29:02.021 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 5236, caller uid : 10003 05-29 11:29:02.023 19241 19310 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xc7fbd0a0 05-29 11:29:02.023 4808 5623 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{d0e65d u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:29:02.026 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:02.027 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity) 05-29 11:29:02.027 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:29:02.027 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:29:02.028 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:29:02.028 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:29:02.028 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:29:02.029 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:29:02.029 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:29:02.029 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:29:02.029 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:29:02.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=53 createSurf (933x132),1 flag=4, thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:29:02.030 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:02.035 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:02.043 4808 4945 D TaskSnapshotCache: putSnapshot mTaskId=688 RunningCache size=3 05-29 11:29:02.043 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:29:02.046 4808 18008 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{d0e65d u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity EXITING}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:29:02.048 4808 6223 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:29:02.048 4808 6243 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:29:02.048 19241 19241 D ViewRootImpl@6e99885[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:29:02.052 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:29:02.053 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=false 05-29 11:29:02.053 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:02.056 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:29:02.058 4808 6243 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:29:02.062 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:02.062 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.063 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:02.064 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{a327c86: PendingIntentRecord{2f37d6c com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:02.073 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:29:02.073 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:29:02.073 4808 4827 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x80008708 05-29 11:29:02.074 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false 05-29 11:29:02.074 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2213.0 | 0 9 1079 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:02.074 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0 05-29 11:29:02.075 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: x776f65bf00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:02.075 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:02.078 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:29:02.079 5236 5692 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564390703 05-29 11:29:02.080 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:29:02.080 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:29:02.081 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:29:02.084 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:02.084 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:02.087 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{d969a9d: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65bb80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 5.0 1080.0 2135.0 | 5 111 1074 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:02.089 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:02.091 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:29:02.097 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113325 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:29:02.182 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.android.systemui className : com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:29:02.182 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:29:02.091 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:29:02.104 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:29:02.182 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 60.0 1079.0 1152.0 | 61 1252 1018 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c980 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 933.0 132.0 | 59 1274 1016 1410 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Devic 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: e | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:02.258 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:02.283 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:29:02.283 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:29:02.284 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:29:02.284 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:29:02.303 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.android.systemui className : com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:29:02.303 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:29:02.332 19241 20682 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:29:02.338 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:29:02.339 19241 19376 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=8 05-29 11:29:02.340 5191 5958 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=8 05-29 11:29:02.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=8, connId=8, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:29:02.341 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 8 05-29 11:29:02.352 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.353 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.353 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.354 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.354 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.354 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.355 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.355 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.358 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.358 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:02.470 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:29:02.470 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() TAIL 05-29 11:29:02.470 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextMaxCPUCoreRequest, index: 1 05-29 11:29:02.471 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_ACT_START@CPU_MIN@84 05-29 11:29:02.471 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_release() ACT_START 05-29 11:29:02.485 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:508 05-29 11:29:02.485 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=51 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (4/9) 05-29 11:29:02.485 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=51 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:29:02.485 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=53 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (4/8) 05-29 11:29:02.485 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=53 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:29:02.501 4295 4295 I Layer : id=53 onRemoved thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:29:02.502 4295 4295 I Layer : id=51 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:02.511 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:02.670 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:29:02.770 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:29:02.861 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:03.093 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofences() 05-29 11:29:03.112 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:03.113 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:03.137 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112903 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.137 4808 4827 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112904, SetElapsed=735082, nowELAPSED=734085 05-29 11:29:03.140 4808 4827 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112903, SetElapsed=734132, nowELAPSED=734088 05-29 11:29:03.140 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112903 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.141 19241 21161 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.141 19241 21161 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.141 19241 21161 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.141 19241 21161 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.146 4808 4827 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_2 identical 1 line 05-29 11:29:03.150 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112903 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.155 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:03.156 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:03.181 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.183 4808 6243 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=734132 05-29 11:29:03.183 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:29:03.184 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114403 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.184 4808 4963 E AlarmManager: No more alarm at this time. nowELAPSED=734132 batch.start=751565 mNextWakeup=751565 mNextNonWakeup=730948 mAlarmBatches.size=52 05-29 11:29:03.184 4808 4963 E AlarmManager: Batch 1 size = 1 : 751565, Batch 2 size = 2 : 759793, Batch 3 size = 1 : 768919 05-29 11:29:03.184 4808 4963 E AlarmManager: No more alarm at this time. mNextWakeup will be set as zero : 751565 05-29 11:29:03.184 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=734132 05-29 11:29:03.187 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112903 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.187 4808 6243 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112904, SetElapsed=735132, nowELAPSED=734135 05-29 11:29:03.190 4808 6243 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112903, SetElapsed=734176, nowELAPSED=734138 05-29 11:29:03.190 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112903 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.191 19241 21162 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.191 19241 21162 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.191 19241 21162 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.191 19241 21162 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:29:03.199 19241 21162 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:29:03.200 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:29:03.203 19241 21159 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:29:03.205 19241 21160 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:29:03.208 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:29:03.213 19241 21161 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:29:03.216 19241 21162 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:29:03.218 19241 21159 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:29:03.195 4808 6243 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_16 identical 1 line 05-29 11:29:03.198 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112903 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.228 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:29:03.228 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112904, SetElapsed=735143, nowELAPSED=734176 05-29 11:29:03.228 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@2595c57 alarm=Alarm{1c6965e type 2 when 734176 android} 05-29 11:29:03.231 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.265 19241 19241 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:29:03.266 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@b252989 05-29 11:29:03.266 19241 19241 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:29:03.268 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:29:03.268 19241 19241 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:29:03.270 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.273 19241 19241 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:29:03.274 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.275 5191 5958 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@e58f3ca 05-29 11:29:03.275 19241 19241 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:29:03.279 4808 4827 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112903, SetElapsed=734176, nowELAPSED=734227 05-29 11:29:03.280 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:29:03.281 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:19241 05-29 11:29:03.281 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112920, SetElapsed=751565, nowELAPSED=734229 05-29 11:29:03.281 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@828d197 alarm=Alarm{f64db5b type 2 when 734176 android} 05-29 11:29:03.284 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114403 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:03.284 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.285 19241 19241 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.286 19241 19241 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:29:03.287 19241 21163 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.290 19241 21163 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:29:03.291 19241 21163 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.292 19241 21163 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:29:03.294 19241 20729 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:29:03.298 5191 5958 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 734246 05-29 11:29:03.300 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.300 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.301 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:29:03.302 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.302 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:29:03.303 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:03.305 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:29:03.305 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:29:03.307 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:29:03.307 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:29:03.307 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:29:03.341 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnect 05-29 11:29:03.341 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_send_hci_disconnect: handle:0x40, reason=0x13 05-29 11:29:03.342 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:29:03.382 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:29:03.382 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:29:03.382 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=5 connected=0 conn_id=5 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:29:03.382 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=6 connected=0 conn_id=6 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:29:03.382 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=7 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:29:03.382 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btm_acl_removed:1: 05-29 11:29:03.383 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnected 05-29 11:29:03.383 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77201 5231320 w 27801 497700 d 3270 151624 f 7154 7220 iot 35668 30327 th 301612 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 734.331 05-29 11:29:03.384 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:29:03.385 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT 05-29 11:29:03.385 5191 5323 D btif_av : btif_av_move_idle(L3072), cannot find av control block! 05-29 11:29:03.385 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:29:03.386 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:DisConnected to Device:6D:1 05-29 11:29:03.390 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.391 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:29:03.391 5236 5515 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:29:03.391 5191 5323 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifyDisconnectReason() is called!!! 05-29 11:29:03.391 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:29:03.391 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:29:03.393 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:29:03.393 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:29:03.394 20090 20090 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:29:03.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.408 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.409 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.411 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.411 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.411 5191 5191 D PanService: onReceive : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:29:03.412 5191 5191 D EnhancedTetheringManager: isLastConnectedDevice : 6D:1 05-29 11:29:03.412 5191 5191 I BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED, state: -2147483648 05-29 11:29:03.412 5191 5191 E BluetoothPbapService: Device 6D:1 not waiting for authorization..Skipping cancel dialog... 05-29 11:29:03.413 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: devicePropertyChangedCallback: bdDevice: 6D:1, value is empty for type: 241 05-29 11:29:03.424 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.425 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.434 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:29:03.564 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.565 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.567 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.572 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.574 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.583 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.599 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.600 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.600 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.602 20090 20090 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.603 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:03.603 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:03.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.610 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:29:03.610 19241 19241 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:29:03.614 19241 21160 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:29:03.616 19241 21161 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:29:03.618 19241 19376 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:29:03.620 19241 21162 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:29:03.622 19241 21159 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:29:03.625 19241 21160 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:29:03.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.666 19241 21171 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:29:03.703 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.704 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.762 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.763 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.893 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:29:03.899 4808 18008 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:29:03.894 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:29:03.903 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.904 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:03.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.949 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:03.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:03.974 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:29:04.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.131 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.224 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.393 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-89,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.61}]} 05-29 11:29:04.407 19241 21161 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-89,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.61}]} 05-29 11:29:04.416 19241 21162 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:29:04.431 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.432 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.504 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.747 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.826 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.847 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.847 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.876 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.890 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.890 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.890 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:04.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:04.952 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:04.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.058 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:29:05.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.059 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.090 19241 19376 D TSLocationManager: $ startGeofences() 05-29 11:29:05.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.164 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.263 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.324 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.391 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.441 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.497 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.6}]} 05-29 11:29:05.507 19241 21159 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.6}]} 05-29 11:29:05.513 19241 21160 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:29:05.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.589 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.769 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.781 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.783 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.834 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.894 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:29:05.895 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:29:05.895 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:29:05.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.928 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:05.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.962 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:05.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:05.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:05.999 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.000 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.011 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.036 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.215 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.218 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.280 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.311 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.424 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:29:06.424 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:29:06.424 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:29:06.425 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:29:06.602 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.55}]} 05-29 11:29:06.615 19241 21161 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.55}]} 05-29 11:29:06.623 19241 21161 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:29:06.633 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.634 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.739 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.740 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.743 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:06.744 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.842 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 308 (W:15), BAT = 289, USB = 295, CHG = 301, CP = 307, WF = 298, WFPst = 303 (W:15) 05-29 11:29:06.745 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:06.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:06.882 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|220] [] 05-29 11:29:06.992 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:06.992 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:06.993 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:06.993 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:29:06.997 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:06.998 19276 19286 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:29:07.097 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:29:07.097 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:29:07.099 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:29:07.099 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:29:07.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.154 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.256 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.285 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.419 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.420 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.570 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.572 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.585 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:29:07.585 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:29:07.585 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:29:07.585 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:29:07.585 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:29:07.589 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 2ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60056 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:29:07.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.655 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.673 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.674 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.693 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.694 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.708 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.59}]} 05-29 11:29:07.716 19241 21159 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-86,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.59}]} 05-29 11:29:07.720 19241 21160 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:29:07.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.796 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.964 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.966 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.992 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:07.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:07.993 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:07.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.153 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:08.153 19241 19251 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:08.203 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.205 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.207 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.207 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.220 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.221 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.237 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.238 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.306 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.308 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.344 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=739291625000 05-29 11:29:08.344 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=739291625000 05-29 11:29:08.344 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.124 ] when=739291625000 05-29 11:29:08.346 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:08.346 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:08.346 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:08.347 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:29:08.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.384 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.384 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=739332697000 05-29 11:29:08.384 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=739332697000 05-29 11:29:08.384 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=739332697000 05-29 11:29:08.385 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:08.385 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:08.385 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:29:08.386 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77203 5231328 w 27856 498460 d 3273 151684 f 7158 7224 iot 35700 30341 th 301176 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 739.333 05-29 11:29:08.392 4808 18008 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:29:08.392 4808 18008 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:29:08.392 4808 18008 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:29:08.393 5236 5495 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:29:08.394 5236 5495 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:29:08.394 5236 5495 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:29:08.395 5236 5495 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:29:08.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.615 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.639 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.762 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.803 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: tid=688 05-29 11:29:08.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.804 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5102, Close button 05-29 11:29:08.804 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:29:08.809 19241 19241 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onDestroy() 05-29 11:29:08.810 19241 19885 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-90,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.61}]} 05-29 11:29:08.810 4808 18008 D TaskSnapshotCache: removeRunningEntry taskId=688 RunningCache size=2 05-29 11:29:08.811 4808 18008 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:29:08.811 4808 18008 I ActivityManager: Killing 19241:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/u0a264 (adj 100): remove task 05-29 11:29:08.812 4808 18008 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:29:08.812 4808 18008 I ActivityManager: Killing 19276:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a264i2 (adj 100): remove task 05-29 11:29:08.813 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: done. 05-29 11:29:08.819 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:29:08.823 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.919 5236 5252 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564390703 05-29 11:29:08.824 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.921 4808 18008 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:29:08.922 4808 18008 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:29:08.922 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:29:08.929 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:08.929 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:08.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:08.931 5191 5323 E BtGatt.GattService: RemoteException: android.os.DeadObjectException 05-29 11:29:08.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.956 4808 18008 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 05-29 11:29:08.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:08.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:08.958 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:29:08.984 4808 4997 W InputDispatcher: channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 05-29 11:29:08.985 4808 4997 E InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 05-29 11:29:09.007 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:09.035 4808 21142 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@6c15ad3) 05-29 11:29:09.036 4808 5623 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{d0e65d u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:29:09.036 4808 5623 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 05-29 11:29:09.036 5191 5203 D LeAppInfo: removeLeacReportedServerApp, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:09.037 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 739985 05-29 11:29:09.037 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 5739, tot/min/max scan time: 175435/5739/37866 05-29 11:29:09.038 4808 5414 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@9534509) 05-29 11:29:09.040 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:29:09.044 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=739992478000 05-29 11:29:09.044 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=739992478000 05-29 11:29:09.045 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.125 ] when=739992478000 05-29 11:29:09.045 4808 4844 W zygote64: failed to open /acct/uid_99002/pid_19276/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory 05-29 11:29:09.045 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.045 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.045 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.046 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:29:09.046 4808 6223 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob in 1000ms 05-29 11:29:09.046 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:29:09.047 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:29:09.047 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:29:09.048 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:29:09.048 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{1ff8415 uid 10264 pid 19241} (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:29:09.049 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{1ff8415 uid 10264 pid 19241} (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:29:09.049 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:29:09.049 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:29:09.051 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:09.051 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:29:09.052 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:09.052 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:29:09.053 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:29:09.053 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:29:09.053 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:29:09.057 4808 4852 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 19241 05-29 11:29:09.058 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T112939 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:09.119 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=740067513000 05-29 11:29:09.119 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=740067513000 05-29 11:29:09.119 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=740067513000 05-29 11:29:09.119 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.119 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.120 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:29:09.535 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: tid=692 05-29 11:29:09.535 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5102, Close button 05-29 11:29:09.536 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:29:09.540 4808 21177 D TaskSnapshotCache: removeRunningEntry taskId=692 RunningCache size=1 05-29 11:29:09.541 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: done. 05-29 11:29:09.546 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:29:09.561 4808 21177 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 1000: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@afb933c 05-29 11:29:09.576 20090 20090 D ViewRootImpl@92d5f68[Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:29:09.577 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel '83f58ed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:29:09.577 20090 20090 D InputEventReceiver: channel '83f58ed com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$ConnectionsSettingsActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:29:09.583 20090 20090 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:29:09.592 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 0 11 44 152 165 178 2 18 41 128 141 154 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14002 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.003142632669095 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.00692807656596 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 0, average - 23.0231412041997 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 5, average - 8.00392829083637 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 32, average - 39.015713163345474 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 59, average - 53.98907220912792 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.972716234554674 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.989215056067394 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 0, average - 41.00299978572959 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 1, average - 7.005785301049925 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 15, average - 37.01535604599675 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 33, average - 50.994143275480326 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.002928153120983 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.006141979717183 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.02149692901014 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.003713755177833 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.015212112555346 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.98943008141694 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.971646907584631 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.98671618340234 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 41.000071418368805 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.005356377660334 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.013783745179296 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.99285816311956 05-29 11:29:09.593 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.27003285244956 05-29 11:29:09.644 5236 5252 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564390703 05-29 11:29:09.645 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:29:09.646 4808 6228 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:29:09.647 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:29:09.679 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=740627210000 05-29 11:29:09.679 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=740627210000 05-29 11:29:09.679 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.126 ] when=740627210000 05-29 11:29:09.680 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.680 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.680 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.680 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:29:09.753 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=740701982000 05-29 11:29:09.754 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=740701982000 05-29 11:29:09.754 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=740701982000 05-29 11:29:09.754 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.754 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:29:09.754 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:29:10.168 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: reason=homekey 05-29 11:29:10.169 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: tid=690 05-29 11:29:10.169 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5102, Close button 05-29 11:29:10.170 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:29:10.170 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: done. 05-29 11:29:10.171 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:29:10.172 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:10.173 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:10.176 4808 6228 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.sec.android.app.applinker] : 7628 K 05-29 11:29:10.176 4808 6228 I ActivityManager: Killing 10499:com.sec.android.app.applinker/u0a101 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:29:10.182 4808 6228 D TaskSnapshotCache: removeRunningEntry taskId=690 RunningCache size=0 05-29 11:29:10.182 4808 6228 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:29:10.182 4808 6228 I ActivityManager: Killing 20090:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 900): remove task 05-29 11:29:10.183 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: done. 05-29 11:29:10.188 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}} from uid 10003 05-29 11:29:10.190 4808 21177 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:29:10.193 4808 21177 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() HOME 05-29 11:29:10.194 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(0) 05-29 11:29:10.194 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:29:10.195 4808 21177 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:29:10.195 4808 21177 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:29:10.195 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:29:10.196 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:29:10.200 4808 21177 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=5, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:29:10.201 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:29:10.202 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:29:10.202 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, clsName: com.android.launcher3.Launcher,FgActivityName:com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher 05-29 11:29:10.202 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:29:10.202 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.sec.android.app.launcher, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:29:10.202 4808 6228 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=100 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:29:10.202 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:29:10.202 4808 21177 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 05-29 11:29:10.204 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:29:10.204 6221 6221 D Launcher: onNewIntent 05-29 11:29:10.204 6221 6221 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 6221 05-29 11:29:10.205 4808 6228 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10092: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@f4f514b 05-29 11:29:10.205 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:29:10.207 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:29:10.207 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:29:10.207 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:29:10.207 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(0) 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:10.207 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:29:10.208 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.208 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:29:10.208 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:29:10.208 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.208 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.208 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Deactivate EmRecentsManager 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Root 05-29 11:29:10.209 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.209 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 D EmSystemUIManagerBridge: releaseInterimStateListener 05-29 11:29:10.209 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: ScreenStatesRequested:"stateIds":["Root"] 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: createInterimStateListener 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: activeAppName is not Notification:Recents 05-29 11:29:10.209 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:29:10.209 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.209 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.210 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.210 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D Launcher: mRunResumeCallbackInSchedule needToRun! 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564550 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183342 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 1.0 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:29:10.213 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:29:10.213 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:29:10.214 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 3 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:29:10.217 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx], count : [1] 05-29 11:29:10.219 4808 21177 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:29:10.219 4808 21177 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0 05-29 11:29:10.219 4808 4808 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0 05-29 11:29:10.219 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:29:10.220 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:29:10.220 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:29:10.220 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:29:10.220 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:29:10.220 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=100 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:29:10.222 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:10.222 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:29:10.224 6118 10586 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:29:10.224 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=54 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.224 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:29:10.225 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:10.225 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:10.226 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:10.228 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:29:10.229 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:29:10.229 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:29:10.229 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:29:10.227 4808 18008 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1A identical 1 line 05-29 11:29:10.232 4808 18008 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:10.234 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:10.235 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:29:10.235 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:29:10.236 6221 6221 I Launcher: schedule start! 05-29 11:29:10.236 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4b7870 05-29 11:29:10.236 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:29:10.236 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:29:10.236 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: updateItem : (id=44, container=-102, screen=0, rank=18, Settings, false) 05-29 11:29:10.236 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#120 ty=1 fl=#89910500 pfl=0x24040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:29:10.237 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:29:10.237 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:29:10.240 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:29:10.243 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@92a10a4 nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:29:10.243 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@fc49551 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@be09bbe nm = com.sec.android.app.launcher controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#130 windowFlags=#81910d00 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:29:10.243 4808 18008 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@be09bbe missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:29:10.244 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:29:10.244 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:29:10.245 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:29:10.249 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:29:10.249 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:29:10.249 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 21179 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:29:10.250 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.251 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.251 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.251 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.251 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.252 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:29:10.260 4808 18008 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} in Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) 05-29 11:29:10.260 6221 6221 I RunCallbackInSchedule: mBindOnResumeCallbacks, size 1 05-29 11:29:10.262 6221 6221 I RunCallbackInSchedule: mBindOnResumeCallbacks, empty 05-29 11:29:10.269 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:29:10.271 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.271 5236 20449 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 5826(407KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 212us total 48.678ms 05-29 11:29:10.272 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.272 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:29:10.272 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:29:10.272 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:29:10.272 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:29:10.304 4808 4997 W InputDispatcher: channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 05-29 11:29:10.304 4808 4997 E InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c980 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 24.0 50.0 1055.0 2170.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bb80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:10.306 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:10.310 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:29:10.310 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:29:10.311 4267 5786 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:29:10.311 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:29:10.311 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:29:10.311 4808 6223 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 05-29 11:29:10.311 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:29:10.311 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSLUCENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:29:10.311 4808 6223 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:29:10.316 4808 5623 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{80bf91 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 05-29 11:29:10.316 4808 5623 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 05-29 11:29:10.317 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:29:10.318 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{2780b8c uid 1000 pid 20090} (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:29:10.318 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{2780b8c uid 1000 pid 20090} (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:29:10.320 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=28 Removed animation background stackId=1#0 (2/8) 05-29 11:29:10.320 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=28 Removed animation background stackId=1#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c980 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 18.0 38.0 1062.0 2183.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bb80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 59.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 13 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:10.321 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: D 05-29 11:29:10.322 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: evice | 0x776f65bd40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:10.322 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:10.324 4808 4852 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 20090 05-29 11:29:10.334 4295 4295 I Layer : id=28 onRemoved animation background stackId=1#0 05-29 11:29:10.337 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:29:10.337 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:29:10.435 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:508 05-29 11:29:10.435 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=52 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:29:10.437 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=52 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c980 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 7.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 65 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c600 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b800 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:29:10.439 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:29:10.451 4295 4295 I Layer : id=52 onRemoved com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:29:10.457 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:29:10.458 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:29:10.503 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:29:10.503 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:29:10.503 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:29:10.503 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:29:10.727 4808 21181 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,60,10,32,888 05-29 11:29:10.769 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:29:10.769 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:29:10.805 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:29:10.993 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:29:11.774 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:11.538 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:29:11.792 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:29:11.792 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:29:11.794 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:29:11.795 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:29:11.795 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:29:11.795 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:29:11.795 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:11.828 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 512, Display = 364(Panel:124, LDIs:240), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:11.829 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 128, Display = 91, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:11.833 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.67, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:29:12.025 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:12.167 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:12.167 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:29:12.175 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:29:12.196 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:29:12.430 6118 20592 W NamedFutures: Timeout future task has been cancelled: 9000 milliseconds 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: Task 174 failed or timed out. Client 26908776118758182 disconnecting from SearchService! 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.eC(SourceFile:224) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.get(SourceFile:135) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.cs.q(SourceFile:1) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.az.o(SourceFile:7) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.bb.run(SourceFile:5) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.concurrent.b.an.run(SourceFile:2) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:29:12.432 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:29:12.473 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:29:12.474 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:29:12.478 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:29:12.506 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:12.506 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:29:12.605 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:29:12.607 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:29:12.621 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:29:12.621 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:29:12.622 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:29:12.623 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:29:13.322 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:29:13.394 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77227 5231724 w 27914 499332 d 3292 152680 f 7170 7236 iot 35756 30373 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 744.341 05-29 11:29:13.459 6177 6177 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:29:15.127 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:15.243 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:29:15.272 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:15.473 6177 6177 I BistoRealService: onDestroy 05-29 11:29:15.478 6177 6177 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:29:15.498 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectedDevices : size=0 05-29 11:29:16.878 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 306 (W:15), BAT = 289, USB = 295, CHG = 300, CP = 308, WF = 297, WFPst = 302 (W:15) 05-29 11:29:17.554 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:17.554 19098 19108 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.dqagent 05-29 11:29:18.240 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:18.403 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77228 5231728 w 27972 499804 d 3294 152784 f 7173 7239 iot 35780 30384 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 749.350 05-29 11:29:19.659 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERED => REGISTER_AGAIN 05-29 11:29:20.058 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:29:20.059 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:29:20.059 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:29:20.059 12481 12557 D ytrace : Pass 85 sec since last registration, expected expires is 90 sec 05-29 11:29:20.059 12481 12557 D ytrace : REG_OK (1), RTT=401 ms, mean RTT=538 ms, CSeq=28, Branch=4m1G9jSeoa4y9mwz, Expires=120 sec 05-29 11:29:20.059 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTER_AGAIN => SERVICE_READY 05-29 11:29:20.059 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=48, arg1=1527564552, arg2=-826811268, lineId=0 05-29 11:29:20.063 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_SERVICE_READY' subEvent='unknown subEvent=0x5B0CC908' 05-29 11:29:20.067 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: SERVICE_READY => REGISTERED 05-29 11:29:20.067 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=3, arg1=3, arg2=-826815492, lineId=0 05-29 11:29:20.068 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_DONE' subEvent='C2C_INVALID_ACCOUNT' 05-29 11:29:20.069 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onSuccess 05-29 11:29:20.070 12481 12557 D RegisterNotificationJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:29:20.087 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=921, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, canceling 05-29 11:29:20.110 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{c7b1f46: PendingIntentRecord{a17d507 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:20.114 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{9780634: PendingIntentRecord{a36ac5d com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:20.119 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:20.122 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=924, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:29:20.122 12481 12557 D BindCameraJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:29:20.126 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=922, tag=BindCameraJob}, canceling 05-29 11:29:20.134 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{4d2baa3: PendingIntentRecord{fa951a0 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:20.137 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{3b6b159: PendingIntentRecord{2a8d11e com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:20.143 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:20.145 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=925, tag=BindCameraJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:29:20.145 12481 12557 D ModifyCameraPwdJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:29:20.149 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=923, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, canceling 05-29 11:29:20.156 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{9e1e7cc: PendingIntentRecord{d980a15 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:20.159 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{e0ce12a: PendingIntentRecord{892db1b com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:20.165 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:20.167 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=926, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:29:20.167 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local NAT=[PORT_FIXED], Expires=120, ID=broncidemo2$gmail.com@jalabell.iptnet.net, port index is 1 05-29 11:29:20.213 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14003 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.002928153120983 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.006141979717183 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.02149692901014 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.003713755177833 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 39.015212112555346 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.98943008141694 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.971646907584631 05-29 11:29:20.215 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.98671618340234 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 41.000071418368805 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.005356377660334 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 37.013783745179296 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.99285816311956 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0027137042062417 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005355995143898 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.019995715203883 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.003142183817754 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.012425908733846 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.98621723916304 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.970577733342855 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.98421766764262 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.9975719488681 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.0048561022638 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.011140469899345 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.989787902592305 05-29 11:29:20.216 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.27415553809888 05-29 11:29:20.242 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:29:20.425 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:29:20.426 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:29:20.426 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:29:20.426 12481 12557 D ytrace : Recv duplicated registration ACK 05-29 11:29:20.617 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:29:20.618 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112937, SetElapsed=768919, nowELAPSED=751566 05-29 11:29:20.619 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10126 action=WakingExecutorService.ACTION_ALARM.com.facebook.katana.Mqtt_Wakeup alarm=Alarm{cfc3291 type 2 when 751565 com.facebook.katana} 05-29 11:29:21.297 6102 19228 I GCoreUlr: Starting scheduled upload task 05-29 11:29:21.349 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:21.526 4808 5623 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:29:21.528 4808 5623 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4308, temperature: 287, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2985000 05-29 11:29:21.528 4808 5623 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:0, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:-10 05-29 11:29:21.528 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:29:21.531 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:29:21.531 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:29:21.532 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:29:21.532 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:29:21.534 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:29:21.536 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:21.537 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:29:21.549 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:21.550 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:29:21.558 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:29:21.860 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:21.877 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:29:21.878 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:29:21.879 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:29:21.880 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:29:21.880 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:29:21.880 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:29:21.881 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:21.909 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 304, Display = 332(Panel:52, LDIs:280), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:21.909 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 76, Display = 83, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:21.915 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.66, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:29:23.410 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77228 5231728 w 28012 500700 d 3303 153108 f 7189 7257 iot 35824 30407 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 754.357 05-29 11:29:24.462 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:26.915 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 306 (W:15), BAT = 287, USB = 296, CHG = 299, CP = 306, WF = 296, WFPst = 301 (W:15) 05-29 11:29:27.551 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:28.415 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77228 5231728 w 28032 500832 d 3304 153112 f 7190 7258 iot 35832 30411 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 759.361 05-29 11:29:29.464 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:29:29.465 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:29:29.465 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:29:29.465 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:29:30.567 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 25 [2018-05-29 11:29:30.566] 05-29 11:29:30.653 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:30.823 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:29:30.824 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:29:30.824 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14004 05-29 11:29:30.824 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0027137042062417 05-29 11:29:30.824 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.005355995143898 05-29 11:29:30.826 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.019995715203883 05-29 11:29:30.826 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.003142183817754 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 39.012425908733846 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.98621723916304 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.970577733342855 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.98421766764262 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.9975719488681 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.0048561022638 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 37.011140469899345 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.989787902592305 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.002499285918309 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.00457012282205 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.018494715795487 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.002570694087405 05-29 11:29:30.827 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00964010282777 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.983004855755496 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.96950871179663 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.98171950871177 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.995072836332476 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.004355898314767 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00849757212229 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.986718080548414 05-29 11:29:30.828 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.27827763496134 05-29 11:29:31.943 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:31.961 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:29:31.962 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:29:31.962 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:29:31.963 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:29:31.963 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:29:31.963 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:29:31.964 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:31.993 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 296, Display = 336(Panel:52, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:31.993 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 74, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:31.998 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.76, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.50] 05-29 11:29:33.420 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77228 5231728 w 28042 500872 d 3304 153112 f 7190 7258 iot 35832 30412 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 764.367 05-29 11:29:33.760 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:36.413 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:36.413 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:29:36.704 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 177197(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 272(6MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 2.185ms total 292.315ms 05-29 11:29:36.864 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:36.955 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 305 (W:15), BAT = 287, USB = 296, CHG = 298, CP = 305, WF = 294, WFPst = 300 (W:15) 05-29 11:29:37.971 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:29:37.972 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T112939, SetElapsed=770004, nowELAPSED=768920 05-29 11:29:37.976 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM alarm=Alarm{f7a0df7 type 2 when 768919 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:29:38.006 6102 20730 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:29:38.026 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{da066cd: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:38.033 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113038 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:29:38.069 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{379293: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:38.076 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113128 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:29:38.426 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77228 5231728 w 28044 500880 d 3304 153112 f 7191 7259 iot 35832 30413 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 769.372 05-29 11:29:39.056 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:29:39.060 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113128 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:39.061 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113041, SetElapsed=832458, nowELAPSED=770009 05-29 11:29:39.061 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113000, SetElapsed=790948, nowELAPSED=770009 05-29 11:29:39.062 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@e12da3f alarm=Alarm{70462d0 type 2 when 770004 android} 05-29 11:29:39.064 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=null alarm=Alarm{fd9a2c9 type 3 when 735665 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:29:39.066 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.reporting.collectors.ULR_BAROMETER_READ_ALARM alarm=Alarm{fb9bdce type 1 when 1527564568844 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:29:39.093 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113104 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:29:39.103 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:29:39.104 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:29:39.104 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10264, packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:39.105 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:29:39.105 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:29:39.105 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:29:39.105 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:29:39.105 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:29:39.119 4808 4827 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awia 05-29 11:29:39.120 4808 4827 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:29:39.121 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:29:39.123 4279 4279 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885600 en : 1 05-29 11:29:39.129 6102 6102 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:29:39.129 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21186:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/u0a264 for service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob 05-29 11:29:39.132 21186 21186 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:29:39.133 21186 21186 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:29:39.134 21186 21186 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:29:39.137 21186 21186 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:29:39.141 21186 21186 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:39.168 6102 21185 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:29:39.174 4808 21180 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:29:39.176 4808 21180 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:29:39.177 21186 21186 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:29:39.180 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:29:39.189 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113039 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:29:39.189 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:39.262 21186 21201 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:29:39.264 21186 21186 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:29:39.267 21186 21186 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:29:39.269 21186 21186 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:29:39.272 21186 21186 I BiChannelGoogleApi: [FirebaseAuth: ] No Fallback module; NOT setting up for lazy initialization 05-29 11:29:39.276 21186 21202 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:29:39.281 21186 21202 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Loading module via FirebaseOptions. 05-29 11:29:39.281 21186 21202 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create service connection to gms implementation 05-29 11:29:39.291 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10264 pid :21186 / op:PendingIntent{c5fef18: PendingIntentRecord{4424d71 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:29:39.293 21186 21205 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.flags:2 and remote module com.google.android.gms.flags:3 05-29 11:29:39.293 21186 21205 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.flags, version >= 3 05-29 11:29:39.295 21186 21186 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 05-29 11:29:39.298 4808 4827 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:29:39.302 21186 21208 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 11910 05-29 11:29:39.302 21186 21208 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 05-29 11:29:39.302 21186 21208 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 05-29 11:29:39.302 21186 21208 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:39.323 21186 21186 I BeaconManager: BeaconManager started up on pid 21186 named 'com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx' for application package 'com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx'. isMainProcess=true 05-29 11:29:39.328 21186 21186 D BeaconParser: Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25 05-29 11:29:39.346 21186 21205 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:29:39.354 4808 21180 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:29:39.354 4279 4279 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16416, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:29:39.360 6102 6102 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:29:39.376 21186 21205 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.crash not found. 05-29 11:29:39.380 21186 21205 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.crash:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.crash:215 05-29 11:29:39.380 21186 21205 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.crash, version >= 215 05-29 11:29:39.386 21186 21205 I FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrashApiImpl created by ClassLoader ad[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/DynamiteModulesC_GmsCore_prodmnc_xxhdpi_release.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/n/armeabi-v7a, /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/n/armeabi, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]] 05-29 11:29:39.387 21186 21205 I FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting loaded - com.google.android.gms.internal.zzdzk@8eb2fbd 05-29 11:29:39.397 21186 21186 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:29:39.397 21186 21206 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.flags:2 and remote module com.google.android.gms.flags:3 05-29 11:29:39.397 21186 21206 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.flags, version >= 3 05-29 11:29:39.399 21186 21186 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@7ff1efe 05-29 11:29:39.399 21186 21186 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:29:39.402 21186 21186 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:29:39.402 21186 21186 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:29:39.410 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.410 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.410 21186 21206 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.crash not found. 05-29 11:29:39.413 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.414 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.416 5191 5204 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@e63893b 05-29 11:29:39.416 21186 21186 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:29:39.420 4808 21180 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113123, SetElapsed=874559, nowELAPSED=770369 05-29 11:29:39.422 4808 21180 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:21186 05-29 11:29:39.425 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:39.426 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.427 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.429 21186 21186 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:29:39.429 21186 21211 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.432 21186 21211 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:29:39.432 21186 21211 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.434 21186 21211 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:29:39.438 21186 21199 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=6 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:29:39.441 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 770389 05-29 11:29:39.445 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.446 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:29:39.447 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.447 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:29:39.449 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.450 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:29:39.460 21186 21206 I FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrash reporting API initialized 05-29 11:29:39.460 21186 21206 I FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting initialized com.google.android.gms.internal.zzdzk@8eb2fbd 05-29 11:29:39.461 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:29:39.461 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:29:39.461 21186 21206 D FirebaseCrash: Firebase Analytics Listener for Firebase Crash is initialized 05-29 11:29:39.466 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:29:39.466 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:29:39.466 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:29:39.534 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:39.536 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:39.541 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:39.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.551 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:39.555 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:39.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.557 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.559 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:39.560 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:39.562 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:39.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.649 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.655 21186 21216 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:29:39.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.754 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.808 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.972 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:39.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.990 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:39.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:39.991 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:39.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.539 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.691 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.693 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.716 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.853 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.855 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.899 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.900 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.903 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:40.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:40.904 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:40.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.005 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.006 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.105 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.168 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.208 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.220 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.221 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.270 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.271 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.431 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.458 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.461 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:29:41.465 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14005 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.002499285918309 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.00457012282205 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.018494715795487 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.002570694087405 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 39.00964010282777 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.983004855755496 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.96950871179663 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.98171950871177 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.995072836332476 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.004355898314767 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 37.00849757212229 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.986718080548414 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.002284898250625 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.003784362727597 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.016993930739023 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.001999285969298 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00685469475187 05-29 11:29:41.466 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.979792931096036 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.968439842913245 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.97922170653335 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.99257408068547 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.00385576579793 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00585505176726 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.983648696893965 05-29 11:29:41.467 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.28239914316306 05-29 11:29:41.459 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.535 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.636 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.827 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.956 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:41.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:41.957 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:41.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-75, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.030 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:42.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.048 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:29:42.049 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:29:42.050 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:29:42.052 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:29:42.052 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:29:42.052 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:29:42.053 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:42.060 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.085 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 340, Display = 332(Panel:48, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:42.086 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 85, Display = 83, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:42.091 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.76, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.50] 05-29 11:29:42.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.271 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.383 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.384 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.479 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.570 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.581 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.685 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.756 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.784 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.939 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.987 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:42.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:42.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:42.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.073 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:43.073 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:29:43.077 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:43.096 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.098 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.200 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.300 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.301 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.311 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.431 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77256 5233600 w 28083 501340 d 3306 153120 f 7195 7263 iot 35860 30429 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 774.378 05-29 11:29:43.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.724 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.725 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.858 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.859 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.939 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:43.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:43.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:43.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.143 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.190 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:44.191 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:44.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.213 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.213 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.213 21186 21200 I zygote : Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:29:44.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.246 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.255 21186 21200 I zygote : WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 42.876ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:29:44.355 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.408 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.456 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.471 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.735 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.771 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.772 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.780 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.795 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.827 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:29:44.828 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:29:44.828 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:29:44.828 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:29:44.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.968 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:44.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:44.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:44.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.155 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.336 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.397 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.526 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.528 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.604 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.708 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.716 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.851 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.916 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:45.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:45.917 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:45.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.055 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.182 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:46.127 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.231 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.333 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.426 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.427 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.992 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:46.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:46.999 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 304 (W:15), BAT = 287, USB = 296, CHG = 298, CP = 305, WF = 295, WFPst = 299 (W:15) 05-29 11:29:46.993 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:46.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.180 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.365 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.484 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.485 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.583 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.691 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.692 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.798 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.799 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.903 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:47.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:47.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:47.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.100 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.104 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.118 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:48.118 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:29:48.208 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.313 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.314 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.314 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.314 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.436 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77256 5233600 w 28085 501352 d 3306 153120 f 7196 7264 iot 35864 30430 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 779.383 05-29 11:29:48.425 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.425 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.626 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:48.626 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:29:48.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.651 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.718 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.719 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.823 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.824 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:48.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:48.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:48.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.235 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.256 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:29:49.256 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:29:49.299 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:49.337 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.338 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.396 21186 21202 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Loading module via FirebaseOptions. 05-29 11:29:49.396 21186 21202 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create service connection to gms implementation 05-29 11:29:49.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.436 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.665 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:29:49.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.941 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.941 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.963 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:49.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:49.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:49.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.314 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.316 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.387 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.595 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.692 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.705 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.809 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.833 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.834 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:50.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:50.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:50.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.126 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.128 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.235 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.346 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.708 4808 4827 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:29:51.709 4808 4827 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4309, temperature: 286, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2985000 05-29 11:29:51.709 4808 4827 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:0, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:0 05-29 11:29:51.710 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:29:51.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.718 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:29:51.718 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:29:51.719 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:29:51.720 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:29:51.725 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:29:51.731 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:51.739 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:29:51.753 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:29:51.760 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:51.760 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:29:51.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.974 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:51.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:51.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:51.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.082 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:29:52.083 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14006 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.002284898250625 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.003784362727597 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.016993930739023 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.001999285969298 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 39.00685469475187 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.979792931096036 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.968439842913245 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.97922170653335 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.99257408068547 05-29 11:29:52.084 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.00385576579793 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 37.00585505176726 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.983648696893965 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.00207054119663 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.0029987148365 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.015493359988575 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.001427959445953 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00406968442096 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97658146508639 05-29 11:29:52.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.967371126660003 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.97672426103096 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.990075681850634 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.003355704697986 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.003212908753426 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.98057975153505 05-29 11:29:52.085 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.28652006283012 05-29 11:29:52.116 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:52.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.133 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:29:52.133 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:29:52.135 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:29:52.136 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:29:52.136 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:29:52.136 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:29:52.137 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:29:52.148 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.164 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 308, Display = 332(Panel:48, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:52.164 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 77, Display = 83, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:29:52.169 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.76, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.50], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.50] 05-29 11:29:52.150 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.244 21186 21224 I FirebaseCrash: Sending crashes 05-29 11:29:52.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.405 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:52.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.504 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.505 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.520 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.612 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.703 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.716 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:52.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:52.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:52.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.442 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28116 501592 d 3308 153128 f 7210 7280 iot 35884 30443 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 784.388 05-29 11:29:53.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.646 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.807 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.815 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:53.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:53.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:53.999 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.010 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.490 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.597 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.707 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.813 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:54.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:54.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:54.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.534 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:55.481 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.868 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.885 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.887 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:55.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:55.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:55.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.082 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.324 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.395 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:56.396 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:56.403 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:29:56.404 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:29:56.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.407 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.409 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.500 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.604 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.812 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.812 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.812 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.839 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.840 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.876 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:56.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:56.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:56.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.036 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 304 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 297, CHG = 297, CP = 304, WF = 295, WFPst = 298 (W:15) 05-29 11:29:57.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.235 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.346 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.347 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.431 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.454 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.455 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.557 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.558 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.898 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.899 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.988 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:57.989 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:57.989 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:57.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.453 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28120 501632 d 3308 153128 f 7211 7281 iot 35884 30445 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 789.400 05-29 11:29:58.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.606 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:29:58.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.713 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.716 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:58.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:58.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:58.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.018 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.223 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.267 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.280 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.461 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.626 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.629 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.733 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.736 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.839 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.841 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:29:59.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:29:59.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.000 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 05-29 11:30:00.001 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{fb94e48 type 3 when 790948 android} 05-29 11:30:00.004 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{9848206 type 1 when 1527564600000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:29:59.944 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:29:59.944 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.006 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.010 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113100 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:30:00.011 4808 4808 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113100, SetElapsed=850948, nowELAPSED=790959 05-29 11:30:00.008 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.014 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:30:00.015 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:30:00.020 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:30:00.031 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113100 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:30:00.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.058 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:30:00.105 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:30:00.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.155 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.155 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.258 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.363 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.564 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.581 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 26 [2018-05-29 11:30:00.580] 05-29 11:30:00.565 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.565 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.678 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.679 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.781 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.782 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.893 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.993 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:00.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:00.994 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:00.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.128 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.414 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.416 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.710 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:01.705 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.725 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.740 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.828 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.928 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:01.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:01.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:01.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.035 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.135 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.135 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.143 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.197 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:02.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.214 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:30:02.214 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:30:02.215 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:30:02.216 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:30:02.216 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:30:02.216 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:30:02.217 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:02.247 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 312, Display = 332(Panel:48, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:02.247 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 78, Display = 83, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:02.251 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.257 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.87, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.80], F_RF[30.60], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.20], B_WIFI[29.50], B_SPK[29.60] 05-29 11:30:02.252 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.306 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.307 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.560 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.561 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.678 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.726 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:30:02.727 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14007 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.00207054119663 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.0029987148365 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.015493359988575 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.001427959445953 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 39.00406968442096 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.97658146508639 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.967371126660003 05-29 11:30:02.729 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.97672426103096 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.990075681850634 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.003355704697986 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 37.003212908753426 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.98057975153505 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.001856214749768 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.002213179124723 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01399300349825 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.000856714499895 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 39.00128507174984 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97337045762833 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.966302563004213 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.974227172128195 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.98757763975155 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.002855714999643 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 37.00057114299996 05-29 11:30:02.730 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97751124437781 05-29 11:30:02.731 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.29064039408858 05-29 11:30:02.679 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.679 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.861 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.862 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.875 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:02.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:02.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:02.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.047 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.089 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.235 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.236 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.306 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.407 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.408 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.420 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.459 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28125 501712 d 3309 153132 f 7213 7283 iot 35892 30448 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 794.405 05-29 11:30:03.421 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.727 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.795 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.833 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.834 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.935 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.980 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:03.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:03.981 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:03.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.020 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.143 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.163 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.164 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.253 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.254 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.360 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.360 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.734 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.736 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.736 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.818 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:04.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.879 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:04.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:04.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:04.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.105 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.298 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.299 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.508 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.509 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.718 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.822 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:05.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:05.844 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:05.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.018 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.020 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.030 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.032 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.135 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.164 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.164 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.546 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.558 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.669 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.768 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.879 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.955 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.957 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:06.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:06.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.073 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 303 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 297, CHG = 297, CP = 304, WF = 295, WFPst = 298 (W:15) 05-29 11:30:06.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:06.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.085 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.108 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:30:07.108 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:30:07.110 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:30:07.111 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:30:07.112 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.297 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.301 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.518 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:07.518 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:30:07.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.621 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.683 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:30:07.683 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:30:07.683 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:30:07.683 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:30:07.683 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:30:07.688 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 3ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60098 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:30:07.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.827 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.921 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:07.851 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:07.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:07.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:07.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.035 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.139 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.140 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.240 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.241 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.348 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.433 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.434 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.465 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28142 501832 d 3309 153132 f 7215 7285 iot 35900 30452 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 799.411 05-29 11:30:08.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.789 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.952 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.953 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.963 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:08.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:08.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:08.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.167 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.167 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.167 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.484 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.583 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.584 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.585 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.798 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.799 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.900 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:09.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:09.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:09.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.208 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.414 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.414 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.458 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.458 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.615 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.923 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:10.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:10.925 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:10.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.015 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.026 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:11.016 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.091 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.092 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.131 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.243 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.267 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.352 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.461 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.477 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.560 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.561 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.664 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.665 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.769 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:11.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:11.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:11.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.295 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:12.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.311 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:30:12.311 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:30:12.312 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:30:12.313 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:30:12.313 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:30:12.313 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:30:12.314 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:12.343 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 308, Display = 336(Panel:52, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:12.343 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 77, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:12.349 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.87, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.80], F_RF[30.60], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.20], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.60] 05-29 11:30:12.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.383 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.485 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.569 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:12.569 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:30:12.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.639 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.806 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:12.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:12.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:12.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.011 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.016 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.016 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.115 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.150 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.219 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.221 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.263 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.342 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14008 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.001856214749768 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.002213179124723 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.01399300349825 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.000856714499895 05-29 11:30:13.344 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 39.00128507174984 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.97337045762833 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.966302563004213 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.974227172128195 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.98757763975155 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.002855714999643 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 37.00057114299996 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.97751124437781 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0016419189034838 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.001427755568248 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01249286122216 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 8.00028555111365 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.998500856653344 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97015990862364 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.965234151913192 05-29 11:30:13.345 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.97173043974869 05-29 11:30:13.346 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.98507995431182 05-29 11:30:13.346 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.002355796687607 05-29 11:30:13.346 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.997929754426075 05-29 11:30:13.346 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97444317532838 05-29 11:30:13.346 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.29476013706446 05-29 11:30:13.471 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28145 501888 d 3310 153136 f 7216 7286 iot 35904 30454 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 804.418 05-29 11:30:13.323 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.539 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.791 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.847 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:13.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:13.952 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:13.952 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.135 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:14.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.163 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.375 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.476 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.476 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.576 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.682 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.684 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.734 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.787 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:14.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:14.987 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:14.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.042 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.146 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.303 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.400 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.402 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.576 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.719 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.820 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:15.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:15.822 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:15.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.246 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.299 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.452 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.863 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:16.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:16.971 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:16.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.011 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.011 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.020 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.021 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.110 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 302 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 297, CHG = 296, CP = 303, WF = 295, WFPst = 297 (W:15) 05-29 11:30:17.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.238 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:17.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.276 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.383 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.488 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.592 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.802 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:17.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:17.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:17.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.018 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.478 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28148 501904 d 3310 153136 f 7217 7287 iot 35908 30456 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 809.424 05-29 11:30:18.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.699 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:18.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:18.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:18.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.498 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.668 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:30:19.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.707 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.708 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:19.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:19.926 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:19.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.146 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|220] [] 05-29 11:30:20.326 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:20.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.450 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.451 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.557 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.655 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.865 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.966 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:20.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:20.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:20.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.068 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.069 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.531 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.531 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:21.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.897 4808 21180 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:30:21.898 4808 21180 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4309, temperature: 285, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2985000 05-29 11:30:21.898 4808 21180 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:0, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:0 05-29 11:30:21.898 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:30:21.809 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:21.809 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:21.906 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:30:21.906 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:30:21.906 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:30:21.907 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:30:21.910 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:30:21.915 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:30:21.920 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:30:21.930 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:30:21.930 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:30:21.931 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:30:22.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.227 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.229 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.330 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.379 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:22.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.397 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:30:22.397 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:30:22.398 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:30:22.399 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:30:22.399 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:30:22.399 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:30:22.400 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:22.430 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 308, Display = 332(Panel:52, LDIs:280), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:22.430 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 77, Display = 83, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:22.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.439 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.87, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.80], F_RF[30.60], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.20], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.60] 05-29 11:30:22.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.643 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.784 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.955 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:22.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:22.956 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:22.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.202 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.204 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.205 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.362 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:23.271 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.374 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.375 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.375 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.485 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28164 502012 d 3312 153144 f 7220 7292 iot 35924 30462 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 814.431 05-29 11:30:23.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.585 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.692 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.731 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.736 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.955 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:30:23.956 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:30:23.956 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14009 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0016419189034838 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.001427755568248 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.01249286122216 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 8.00028555111365 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 38.998500856653344 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.97015990862364 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.965234151913192 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.97173043974869 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.98507995431182 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.002355796687607 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 36.997929754426075 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.97444317532838 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0014276536512243 05-29 11:30:23.957 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.00064244414305 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.010992933114427 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.999714469269756 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.995717039046326 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.96694981797416 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.964165893354272 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.969234063816096 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.982582625455066 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.0018559497465915 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99528874295099 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.971375544292954 05-29 11:30:23.958 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.29887929188371 05-29 11:30:23.903 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.995 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:23.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:23.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:23.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.422 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.531 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.532 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.635 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:24.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:24.845 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:24.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.156 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.213 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.214 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.214 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.268 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.423 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.471 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.683 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.789 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.792 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.898 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:25.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:25.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:25.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.000 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.202 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.203 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.203 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.203 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.306 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.465 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:26.307 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.511 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.618 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.619 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.692 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.693 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.725 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.933 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:26.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:26.934 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:26.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.153 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 302 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 297, CHG = 295, CP = 303, WF = 296, WFPst = 297 (W:15) 05-29 11:30:27.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.250 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.458 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.458 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.458 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.566 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.567 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:27.875 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:27.875 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:27.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.187 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.490 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28168 502068 d 3313 153160 f 7221 7293 iot 35928 30463 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 819.437 05-29 11:30:28.484 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.607 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.608 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.709 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:28.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:28.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:28.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.031 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.231 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.232 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.346 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.347 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.449 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.450 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.450 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.603 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:29.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.872 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:29.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:29.981 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:29.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.402 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.594 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 27 [2018-05-29 11:30:30.593] 05-29 11:30:30.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.712 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.714 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:30.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:30.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:30.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.014 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.031 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.132 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.134 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.236 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.340 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.342 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.454 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.655 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.655 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.859 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.862 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:31.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:31.964 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:31.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.067 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.068 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.384 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.396 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:32.397 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:30:32.466 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:32.481 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:30:32.482 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:30:32.483 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:30:32.491 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.492 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.493 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:30:32.493 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:30:32.493 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:30:32.494 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:32.517 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 308, Display = 336(Panel:52, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:32.518 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 77, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:32.522 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.87, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.80], F_RF[30.60], B_AP[30.50], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.50] 05-29 11:30:32.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.699 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.707 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:32.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.903 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:32.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:32.916 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:32.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.020 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.021 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.124 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.229 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.496 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28177 502140 d 3313 153160 f 7222 7294 iot 35936 30466 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 824.442 05-29 11:30:33.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.450 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.663 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.771 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.879 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:33.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:33.986 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:33.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.199 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.267 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.269 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.300 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.403 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.405 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.505 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.566 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:30:34.568 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14010 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0014276536512243 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.00064244414305 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.010992933114427 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.999714469269756 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 38.995717039046326 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.96694981797416 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.964165893354272 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.969234063816096 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.982582625455066 05-29 11:30:34.573 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.0018559497465915 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 36.99528874295099 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.971375544292954 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0012134189864383 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 10.999857244825124 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.009493219129194 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.99914346895075 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.992933618843686 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.96374018558173 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.963097787294789 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.966738044254086 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.98008565310492 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.001356174161313 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99264810849396 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.96830835117773 05-29 11:30:34.574 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.3029978586723 05-29 11:30:34.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.607 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.608 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:34.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:34.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:34.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.236 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.443 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.652 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.817 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:35.757 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:35.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:35.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:35.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.068 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.068 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:36.068 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:30:36.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.159 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.283 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.483 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.484 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.704 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.787 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:36.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:36.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.186 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 300 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 297, CHG = 295, CP = 303, WF = 295, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:30:36.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:36.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.446 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:37.446 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:30:37.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.554 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.554 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.668 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.769 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.874 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.874 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:37.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:37.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:37.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.501 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28184 502172 d 3313 153160 f 7223 7295 iot 35936 30468 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 829.448 05-29 11:30:38.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.504 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.616 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.616 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.921 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:38.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:38.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:38.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:38.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.101 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.251 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.253 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.455 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.456 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.566 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.568 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.874 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:39.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:39.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:39.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.293 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.712 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.993 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:40.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:40.994 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:40.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.231 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.232 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.509 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:41.509 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:30:41.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.654 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.654 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.794 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 165138(18MB) AllocSpace objects, 302(5MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 2.070ms total 286.550ms 05-29 11:30:41.865 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:41.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.971 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:41.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.080 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.180 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.279 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.284 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.380 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:41.991 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:42.564 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:42.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.580 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:30:42.580 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:30:42.581 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:30:42.582 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:30:42.582 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:30:42.582 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:30:42.583 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:42.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.615 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 316, Display = 336(Panel:52, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:42.618 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 79, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:42.623 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.88, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.70], F_RF[30.60], B_AP[30.40], B_RF[30.10], B_WIFI[29.40], B_SPK[29.50] 05-29 11:30:42.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.908 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:42.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:42.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:42.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.009 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.010 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.214 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.215 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.215 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.419 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.419 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.628 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.629 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.724 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.926 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.928 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:43.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:43.944 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:43.944 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.030 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.032 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.135 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.244 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.450 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.669 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.880 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:44.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:44.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:44.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.095 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:45.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.190 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14011 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0012134189864383 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 10.999857244825124 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.009493219129194 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.99914346895075 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 38.992933618843686 05-29 11:30:45.192 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.96374018558173 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.963097787294789 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.966738044254086 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.98008565310492 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.001356174161313 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 36.99264810849396 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.96830835117773 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0009992149025764 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 10.999072157590465 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.00799371922061 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.998572550139177 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.990150595960316 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.96053101134822 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.962029833702092 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.96424238098635 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.97758903718507 05-29 11:30:45.193 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.000856469916494 05-29 11:30:45.194 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99000785097426 05-29 11:30:45.194 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.96524159588895 05-29 11:30:45.194 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.30711583755613 05-29 11:30:45.188 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.284 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.287 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.405 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.488 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.492 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.693 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.806 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.839 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.841 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.912 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.996 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:45.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:45.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:45.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.019 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.021 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.180 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.568 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.737 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.738 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.787 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.788 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.789 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.863 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.864 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:46.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:46.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:46.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.174 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.175 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.218 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 300 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 296, CHG = 295, CP = 302, WF = 294, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:30:47.175 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.176 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.279 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.314 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.383 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.389 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.389 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.483 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.486 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.486 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.666 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.807 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.807 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:47.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:47.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:47.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.015 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.115 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.172 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:48.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.333 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.512 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77261 5233620 w 28186 502184 d 3313 153160 f 7224 7296 iot 35944 30469 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 839.458 05-29 11:30:48.439 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.751 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.781 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.782 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.953 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:48.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:48.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:48.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.059 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.265 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.579 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.675 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:30:49.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.688 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:49.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:49.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:49.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.002 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.277 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.278 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.278 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.540 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.646 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.858 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.859 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:50.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:50.963 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:50.963 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.014 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.017 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.272 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:51.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.383 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.571 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.705 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:51.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:51.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:51.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.071 4808 21180 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:30:52.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.122 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.131 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.131 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.318 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.319 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.319 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.443 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.511 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.555 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.654 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:52.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.675 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:30:52.675 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:30:52.676 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:30:52.677 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:30:52.677 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:30:52.677 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:30:52.677 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:30:52.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.706 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 308, Display = 336(Panel:52, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:52.707 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 77, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:30:52.711 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.78, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.60], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.30], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.30], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:30:52.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.871 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.974 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:52.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:52.975 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:52.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.074 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.079 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.079 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.266 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.399 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.399 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.449 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.450 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.450 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.517 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77267 5233716 w 28190 502224 d 3314 153164 f 7226 7299 iot 35952 30472 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 844.464 05-29 11:30:53.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.608 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.712 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.816 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:53.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:53.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:53.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.132 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.180 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.180 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.198 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.198 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.240 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.340 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.342 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.380 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:54.379 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.661 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.662 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.758 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:54.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:54.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:54.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.085 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.089 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.268 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.269 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.397 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.436 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.455 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.456 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.603 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.703 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.704 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.704 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.716 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.806 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 124 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14012 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0009992149025764 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 10.999072157590465 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.00799371922061 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.998572550139177 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 38.990150595960316 05-29 11:30:55.808 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.96053101134822 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.962029833702092 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.96424238098635 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.97758903718507 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.000856469916494 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 36.99000785097426 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.96524159588895 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0007850413930917 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 10.998287182415073 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.006494433342848 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.998001712817586 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98736797031116 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.957322295175565 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.960962032543534 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.96174707393661 05-29 11:30:55.809 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.97509277761918 05-29 11:30:55.810 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 7.000356836996859 05-29 11:30:55.810 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.98736797031118 05-29 11:30:55.810 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.96217527833286 05-29 11:30:55.810 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.31123322866107 05-29 11:30:55.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.813 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:55.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:55.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:55.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.123 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.231 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.336 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.338 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.439 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.643 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.848 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.949 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.950 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.956 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:56.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:56.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:56.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.134 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.135 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.250 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 300 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 296, CHG = 295, CP = 302, WF = 295, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:30:57.135 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.135 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.486 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:30:57.481 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.508 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.583 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.586 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.693 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.800 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.889 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.900 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.953 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:57.957 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:30:57.957 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:30:57.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:57.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:57.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:58.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:58.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.060 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:58.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:58.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:58.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:58.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:58.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:58.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.253 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:58.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.522 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77267 5233716 w 28194 502252 d 3314 153164 f 7227 7300 iot 35956 30473 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 849.469 05-29 11:30:58.255 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:58.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:58.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:58.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:58.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.005 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.006 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.043 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.154 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.193 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.194 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.379 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.472 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.566 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.780 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.781 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.887 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.889 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.889 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:30:59.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:30:59.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.000 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 05-29 11:31:00.001 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{b599e60 type 3 when 850948 android} 05-29 11:31:00.010 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113200 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:30:59.940 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:30:59.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.016 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:31:00.016 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:31:00.061 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:00.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.092 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:00.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.123 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.195 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.195 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.255 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.257 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.257 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.368 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:31:00.368 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:31:00.368 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:31:00.609 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 28 [2018-05-29 11:31:00.608] 05-29 11:31:00.618 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.624 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:00.619 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:00.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:00.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:00.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.111 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.112 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.200 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.346 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.404 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.449 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.450 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.451 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.451 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.486 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.548 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.656 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.672 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.768 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.768 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.860 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.861 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.879 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.983 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:01.984 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:01.985 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:01.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.393 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.409 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.599 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.682 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 2 05-29 11:31:02.682 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:02.682 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:02.683 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 59 -> 59 05-29 11:31:02.683 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=59, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:02.687 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:02.687 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:02.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.703 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11120 + 05-29 11:31:02.713 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11120 - 05-29 11:31:02.715 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10540 + 05-29 11:31:02.721 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10540 - 05-29 11:31:02.724 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9960 + 05-29 11:31:02.730 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9960 - 05-29 11:31:02.734 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:02.742 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9380 + 05-29 11:31:02.747 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9380 - 05-29 11:31:02.752 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:31:02.752 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:31:02.752 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:31:02.753 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:31:02.753 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:31:02.753 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:31:02.754 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:02.758 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 8800 + 05-29 11:31:02.763 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 8800 - 05-29 11:31:02.774 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 8220 + 05-29 11:31:02.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.778 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 308, Display = 336(Panel:52, LDIs:284), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:02.778 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 77, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:02.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.780 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 8220 - 05-29 11:31:02.784 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.78, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.60], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.30], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.20], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:31:02.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.787 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.791 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 7640 + 05-29 11:31:02.795 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 7640 - 05-29 11:31:02.808 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 7060 + 05-29 11:31:02.810 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:02.811 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 7060 - 05-29 11:31:02.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:02.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:02.824 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 6480 + 05-29 11:31:02.828 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 6480 - 05-29 11:31:02.840 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:02.841 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 59 -> 59 05-29 11:31:02.841 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=59, rate=500 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:02.841 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 5900 + 05-29 11:31:02.848 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 5900 - 05-29 11:31:03.009 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:03.009 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:31:03.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.091 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.224 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.330 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.528 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77267 5233716 w 28196 502264 d 3314 153164 f 7228 7301 iot 35960 30474 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 854.474 05-29 11:31:03.435 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.538 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.542 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.542 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.548 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.699 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:03.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.710 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.731 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.817 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.820 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.854 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.912 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.957 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:03.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:03.959 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:03.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.020 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.378 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.381 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.464 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.481 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.584 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.585 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:04.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:04.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:04.999 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.000 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.032 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.226 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.315 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.316 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.521 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.522 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.599 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.628 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.733 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.787 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.839 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.841 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.841 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.943 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:05.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:05.980 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:05.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.151 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.167 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.168 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.251 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.411 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 33 77 18 60 111 3 43 100 17 58 109 05-29 11:31:06.412 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 88 05-29 11:31:06.412 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14013 05-29 11:31:06.412 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0007850413930917 05-29 11:31:06.412 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 10.998287182415073 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 2, average - 23.006494433342848 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.998001712817586 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 38.98736797031116 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 9, average - 53.957322295175565 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.960962032543534 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.96174707393661 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 6, average - 40.97509277761918 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 7.000356836996859 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 36.98736797031118 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 8, average - 50.96217527833286 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.000570898451438 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 10.99750231927496 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.00499536145008 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.997430956968531 05-29 11:31:06.413 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98458574181117 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.95411403696568 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.959894383786484 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.9592521230286 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.972596874330975 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.99985727538714 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.98472846642406 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.959109398415755 05-29 11:31:06.414 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.31278098908149 05-29 11:31:06.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.438 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.461 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.783 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.797 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:06.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.885 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.959 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.992 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:06.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:06.993 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:06.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.062 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.100 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.120 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:31:07.122 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:31:07.123 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:31:07.124 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:31:07.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.207 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.289 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 290, PST = 299 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 296, CHG = 294, CP = 303, WF = 295, WFPst = 295 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:07.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.314 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.315 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.418 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.421 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.480 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.518 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.669 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.784 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:31:07.784 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:31:07.784 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:31:07.784 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:31:07.784 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:31:07.791 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 5ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60103 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:31:07.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.853 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.855 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.893 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:07.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:07.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:07.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.036 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.258 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.315 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.317 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.317 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.367 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.367 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.534 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77267 5233716 w 28201 502332 d 3314 153164 f 7230 7303 iot 35964 30477 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 859.480 05-29 11:31:08.477 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.582 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.584 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.585 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.793 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.842 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.900 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.903 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.947 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.950 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.957 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:08.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:08.961 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:08.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.011 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.224 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.427 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.429 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.429 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.529 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.637 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.687 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] UserActivityState : 2 -> 4 05-29 11:31:09.688 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: Nap time (uid 1000)... 05-29 11:31:09.688 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : startDreaming: false (canDreamLocked: false canDozeLocked: false) 05-29 11:31:09.688 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: !@[ps] Screen__Off - 1 : dream(timeout) (2) 05-29 11:31:09.688 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 05-29 11:31:09.689 4808 5180 D NetworkPolicy: onScreenStateChanged, state: false, reason: 3 05-29 11:31:09.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.689 4808 4854 D InputManager-JNI: setInteractive(false) 05-29 11:31:09.690 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:31:09.690 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep... (why=3) 05-29 11:31:09.690 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:09.690 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:09.691 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedGoingToSleep(3) 05-29 11:31:09.696 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=55 createSurf (1080x2220),2 flag=404, ColorFade#0 05-29 11:31:09.698 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@ad33e0d nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:31:09.698 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:31:09.699 4808 6243 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : startInput 05-29 11:31:09.699 4808 4854 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:09.700 4808 6243 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@28fa1bf missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:31:09.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.705 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:31:09.705 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:31:09.707 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:31:09.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.708 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 5 lines 05-29 11:31:09.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.713 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: Lock timeout lockAfterTimeout=5000 policyTimeout=0 displayTimeout=120000 05-29 11:31:09.713 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: timeout = 5000 05-29 11:31:09.715 4808 4854 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:09.718 4808 4854 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:09.721 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:09.724 4808 21180 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113114 - CU:10003/CP:5236 05-29 11:31:09.724 4808 21180 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113114, SetElapsed=865661, nowELAPSED=860672 05-29 11:31:09.725 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: setting alarm to turn off keyguard, seq = 3 05-29 11:31:09.727 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:09.730 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setUnlockingKeyguard( false ) 05-29 11:31:09.730 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:09.730 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:09.730 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyStartedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:09.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.795 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: ColorFade: onAnimationStart 05-29 11:31:09.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.802 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:09.802 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:09.802 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:09.802 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | ColorFade#0 05-29 11:31:09.802 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:09.845 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.845 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.846 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.846 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.904 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:09.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:09.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:09.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:09.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.074 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerState: !@ ColorFade entry 05-29 11:31:10.075 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [input device light] onColorFadeExit(false) 05-29 11:31:10.076 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: ColorFade: onAnimationEnd 05-29 11:31:10.090 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.091 4808 4854 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 05-29 11:31:10.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.091 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 0 + 05-29 11:31:10.095 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 0 - 05-29 11:31:10.109 4808 4854 W mali_winsys: native_window_api_disconnect failed: -19 05-29 11:31:10.110 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 117 -> 117 05-29 11:31:10.110 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=117, rate=500 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.110 4808 4854 D RampAnimator: mAnimationCallback timeDelta calculate error!! -0.006379272 05-29 11:31:10.110 4808 4854 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 20 ms 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: [M OS] REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_* -> REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_OFF. 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 I WindowManager: Screen turned off... 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Dozing 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:10.111 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:10.113 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: notePauseComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:31:10.114 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onPause() 05-29 11:31:10.115 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:31:10.162 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.162 4808 4854 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff() 05-29 11:31:10.163 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: mWindowManagerPolicy.screenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:10.163 4808 4854 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/lcd/panel/lux, -1 05-29 11:31:10.163 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:10.168 4808 4854 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/backlight/panel/auto_brightness, 0 05-29 11:31:10.169 4808 4854 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/auto_brightness, 0 05-29 11:31:10.169 4808 4854 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] no lux value from sensor manager 05-29 11:31:10.169 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.169 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:10.170 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : startDreaming: true (canDreamLocked: false canDozeLocked: true) 05-29 11:31:10.169 5236 8357 D WallpaperViewController: sendWallpaperCommand() SLEEP_LOCK 05-29 11:31:10.170 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = SLEEP_LOCK 05-29 11:31:10.170 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : startDream(true) 05-29 11:31:10.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.176 4808 21180 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=com.android.systemui uid=10003 pid=5399 ws=null pkg=com.android.systemui 05-29 11:31:10.176 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] setLightSensorEnabled : unregisterListenerRunnable 05-29 11:31:10.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.178 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Service.removeListenerLocked() : listener = com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@8319fdd, service = Auto Brightness, used = 0 05-29 11:31:10.178 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: resetShapeData 05-29 11:31:10.179 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: parse data start shapeSizeRatio = 0.64 05-29 11:31:10.180 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:10.180 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setLockNotificationClicked:false 05-29 11:31:10.180 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: onScreenTurnedOff() 05-29 11:31:10.180 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 4 05-29 11:31:10.187 4284 21244 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 0 05-29 11:31:10.188 4284 21245 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 05-29 11:31:10.188 4284 21245 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 05-29 11:31:10.192 4808 5181 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:217) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:10.194 4808 17338 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:31:10.195 4808 17338 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:31:10.195 4808 17338 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10048, packageName : com.samsung.android.mateagent 05-29 11:31:10.196 4808 17338 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.mateagent user:0 05-29 11:31:10.196 4808 17338 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.196 4808 17338 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.mateagent, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.196 4808 17338 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.mateagent user:0 05-29 11:31:10.197 4808 17338 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.198 4808 5181 V CAE : stop(ContextProvider.java:155) 05-29 11:31:10.198 4808 5181 V CAE : clear(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:267) 05-29 11:31:10.199 4808 5181 V CAE : disable(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:256) 05-29 11:31:10.200 4808 5181 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -78, 48, 0, 0, 05-29 11:31:10.200 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateSessions() 05-29 11:31:10.201 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:31:10.202 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.202 4279 4279 D Sensors : b2 30 00 00 05-29 11:31:10.202 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.205 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: parse data end 05-29 11:31:10.209 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:31:10.209 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: onActiveSessionsChanged() controllers: Size: 0 05-29 11:31:10.209 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateController: , current controller = 05-29 11:31:10.209 5236 5236 D MusicController_LOCK: onSessionEnabled() enabled = true, mEnabled = true, lastSession = null, activeSession = null 05-29 11:31:10.210 4808 5181 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:281) - true 05-29 11:31:10.211 4808 5181 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:31:10.212 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:10.213 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:31:10.213 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 0 05-29 11:31:10.213 5236 5236 D LockIcon: mCurrentState = 5, mLastState = 5, mDeviceInteractive = true, mLastDeviceInteractive = true, mScreenOn = false, mLastScreenOn = true, force = false 05-29 11:31:10.214 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = true 05-29 11:31:10.214 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 0 05-29 11:31:10.215 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: resetProperties 05-29 11:31:10.223 4808 5181 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:31:10.223 4808 5181 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:31:10.224 4808 5181 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:10.224 4808 5181 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:252) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:10.224 4808 5181 D SemContextService: .unregisterCallback : 1, client= 05-29 11:31:10.224 4808 5181 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:10.225 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:31:10.225 4808 5181 D SemContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@5dbce7e, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:10.225 4808 5181 D SContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = com.android.server.display.AutomaticBrightnessController$5@89901d2, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:10.225 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in SensorHubAutoBrightnessEnabled::unregisterListener done: 49ms 05-29 11:31:10.231 21246 21246 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.233 21246 21246 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:31:10.233 21246 21246 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:31:10.234 4808 17338 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21246:com.samsung.android.mateagent:service/u0a48 for service com.samsung.android.mateagent/.interact.AgentService 05-29 11:31:10.240 21246 21246 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:31:10.241 21246 21246 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.mateagent:service 05-29 11:31:10.243 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:31:10.243 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 Trylock acquired successfully 05-29 11:31:10.243 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition_l 05-29 11:31:10.243 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:31:10.243 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_join_callback_thread 05-29 11:31:10.244 4267 21179 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop: Termination message 05-29 11:31:10.244 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:31:10.244 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:31:10.244 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:31:10.244 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.245 6221 6221 D StageManager: saved stages : inStack [1] , outStack[2] 05-29 11:31:10.247 4808 4843 W Looper : Dispatch took 125ms on android.ui, h=Handler (com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler) {9a0e7c4} cb=null msg=53 05-29 11:31:10.248 4808 4854 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 05-29 11:31:10.248 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 05-29 11:31:10.248 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.248 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.251 4808 4850 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 05-29 11:31:10.252 4284 21244 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 0 05-29 11:31:10.253 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 9 05-29 11:31:10.253 4267 21179 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STOPPED] 05-29 11:31:10.253 4267 21179 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization stopped & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:31:10.253 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:31:10.253 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.253 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in nativeSetInteractive(false): 72ms 05-29 11:31:10.254 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: ON -> OFF brightness: 9400 -> 0 05-29 11:31:10.254 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 05-29 11:31:10.256 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.256 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.256 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.256 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.256 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:31:10.258 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.258 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 1 05-29 11:31:10.259 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleLcdOff() 05-29 11:31:10.259 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.259 4267 21179 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:31:10.259 4267 21179 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Disable MIC Controls 05-29 11:31:10.259 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:31:10.259 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:31:10.259 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:31:10.260 4808 4808 I CAE : handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:155) - AP_SLEEP 05-29 11:31:10.261 4808 4808 I CAE : updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:447) - AP_SLEEP 05-29 11:31:10.261 4808 4808 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -76, 13, -46, 0, 05-29 11:31:10.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.263 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:10.264 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:31:10.265 4808 4850 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:31:10.265 4808 4850 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:31:10.266 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:10.267 4808 4850 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10003, packageName : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:10.268 4808 4850 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.app.aodservice user:0 05-29 11:31:10.268 4808 4850 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.268 4808 4850 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.268 4808 4850 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.app.aodservice user:0 05-29 11:31:10.268 4808 4850 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.270 5567 5567 D NfcService: PROXIMITY SCREEN OFF 05-29 11:31:10.270 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:10.262 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:31:10.272 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.272 4279 4279 D Sensors : b4 0d d2 00 05-29 11:31:10.272 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.272 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:31:10.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.272 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.273 5567 21258 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:31:10.274 5567 21258 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 1 05-29 11:31:10.275 4808 4808 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 14, 3, 31, 10, 05-29 11:31:10.275 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 5 05-29 11:31:10.275 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.275 4279 4279 D Sensors : c1 0e 03 1f 0a 05-29 11:31:10.275 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.275 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:10.275 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:10.276 4274 17462 I display : DDISCALER Info(clearDisplay) : Enable=2, Mode(w=1080, h=2220) 05-29 11:31:10.278 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 5 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:31:10.279 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:31:10.284 4808 4850 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21261:com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/u0a3 for service com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/.DozeService 05-29 11:31:10.285 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stop Hotword Recognition status: true 05-29 11:31:10.285 21261 21261 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.285 21261 21261 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:31:10.285 21261 21261 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:31:10.287 21261 21261 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:31:10.287 21261 21261 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:10.288 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10048 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.289 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10048 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.290 21246 21246 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:31:10.294 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.mateagent and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:31:10.300 6118 20411 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:31:10.305 4808 6243 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10003 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.306 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:31:10.307 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10003 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.308 21261 21261 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:31:10.311 4808 6213 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.app.aodservice and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:31:10.319 21246 21246 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:10.319 21246 21246 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.mateagent:service 05-29 11:31:10.366 4808 6213 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:31:10.368 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.377 21246 21276 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:31:10.378 21261 21261 D DBManager: ver : 8 05-29 11:31:10.380 21261 21261 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_log (UID integer primary key autoincrement, TIME integer, MESSAGE text) 05-29 11:31:10.380 21261 21261 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_clockcustom (UID integer primary key autoincrement, CLOCK_NAME text, SELECTED_COLOR integer, SELECTED_WALLPAPER integer, SELECTED_FONT integer, SELECTED_FONT_SIZE integer, SIGNATURE_TEXT text, BITMAP blob, SRC_BITMAP blob, COLOR_ELIMINATION_LEVEL integer, COLOR_SAMPLING_LEVEL integer, COLOR_INVERT integer, COLOR_MAX_LEVEL real, COLOR_MIN_LEVEL real, SELECTED_IMAGE_TYPE text) 05-29 11:31:10.380 21261 21261 D DBManager: create create table if not exists remoteview_calendar (UID integer primary key autoincrement, type text, date text, image blob, preview integer, timezoneid text, cityname text) 05-29 11:31:10.380 21261 21261 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_settings (UID integer primary key autoincrement, SETTING_KEY text, SETTING_VALUE text) 05-29 11:31:10.380 21261 21261 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_lock_settings (UID integer primary key autoincrement, SETTING_KEY text, SETTING_VALUE text) 05-29 11:31:10.381 21261 21275 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:31:10.381 21246 21246 I FSvc|130134|RootUtil: isDeviceRooted(): false true true 05-29 11:31:10.395 4808 4827 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:31:10.402 4808 6213 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:31:10.404 21246 21279 I FSvc|130134|EnfUrl: isDev() : false 05-29 11:31:10.404 21246 21279 I FSvc|130134|EnfUrl: isPrePrd() : false 05-29 11:31:10.404 21246 21279 I FSvc|130134|EnfUrl: isDev() : false 05-29 11:31:10.404 21246 21279 I FSvc|130134|EnfUrl: isPrePrd() : false 05-29 11:31:10.406 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:31:10.411 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:31:10.411 21246 21279 W FSvc|130134|ActionDispatcherImpl: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 05-29 11:31:10.411 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.10.038 05-29 11:31:10.413 21246 21246 I FSvc|130134|AgentSvcImpl: onIdle 05-29 11:31:10.415 21261 21284 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Setting Sender] No status log 05-29 11:31:10.416 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(0), blank(4) 05-29 11:31:10.416 21261 21261 D DBManager: init : DBHelper is NOT NULL. 05-29 11:31:10.416 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(0), blank(4) 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4860 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 157ms 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in !@display_state: OFF: 164ms 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: ON -> OFF 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 236ms 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] Off : 0s ago 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] PowerManagerService.WakeLocks: ref count=1 05-29 11:31:10.417 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] mWakeLockSummary : 0x81 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK '*job*/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob' ACQ=-1m31s112ms LONG (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10264}) 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK 'startDream' ACQ=-170ms (uid=1000 pid=4808) 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] PowerManagerService.Display: ref count=1 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] mUserActivitySummary : 0x4 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] PowerManagerService.Dozing: ref count=1 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.418 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:10.425 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: parseClockFaceInfo: clockId => 2131689483, clockType : 60000, clockLayout => 2130903105 05-29 11:31:10.426 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: AODClockfaceTypeList size = 1 05-29 11:31:10.426 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: parseClockFaceInfo: clockId => 2131689483, clockType : 60000, clockLayout => 2130903105 05-29 11:31:10.426 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: LockScreenClockfaceTypeList size = 1 05-29 11:31:10.428 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 1 clockFacetype = 0 category = AOD 05-29 11:31:10.428 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:10.430 21261 21261 I AODPinnedPreviewActivity: checkActivityEnable : pinPreviewActivityEnabled = true 05-29 11:31:10.431 21261 21261 I AODPinnedPreviewActivity: init: pinToAOD component current state : enabled 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/samsung/android/aod/AODManager$AODDozeCallback; 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance() (Class.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:3524) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1786) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.samsung.android.aod.AODManager$AODDozeCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/lib/arm64, /data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]] 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance() (Class.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:3524) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1786) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/samsung/android/aod/AODManager$AODDozeCallback; 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance() (Class.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:3524) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1786) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.samsung.android.aod.AODManager$AODDozeCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/lib/arm64, /data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]] 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance() (Class.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:3524) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1786) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/samsung/android/aod/AODManager$AODDozeCallback; 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance() (Class.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:3524) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1786) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.samsung.android.aod.AODManager$AODDozeCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/lib/arm64, /data/app/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice-tpv7Yn7UyqCSHOwsSs2P1Q==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]] 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.Class.newInstance() (Class.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleCreateService(android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:3524) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap4(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$CreateServiceData) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1786) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.434 21261 21261 I zygote64: 05-29 11:31:10.445 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [api] DreamReceiver: onReceive: android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED 05-29 11:31:10.445 7531 7531 I TraySpecificModeController: SpecificModeReceiver : action = android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED 05-29 11:31:10.445 7531 7531 D TrayVisibilityController: onModeChanged : mode = 16 05-29 11:31:10.445 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:31:10.445 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=4097 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=16 05-29 11:31:10.446 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564438435Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:31:10.446 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T124210 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:10.446 4808 4808 I PersonaManagerService::Timeout: TimeoutReceiver.onReceive() {action:android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED userHandle:-1} 05-29 11:31:10.448 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:31:10.462 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 05-29 11:31:10.466 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: setView = DecorView@11dac02[Sys2410:dream] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:31:10.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.481 21261 21261 D DozeService: onAttachedToWindow() 05-29 11:31:10.483 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:31:10.483 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 1 05-29 11:31:10.483 21261 21261 D DozeService: startDozing() : 1 05-29 11:31:10.483 4808 4827 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4827 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:31:10.484 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=46 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (5/7) 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 D PowerManagerService: setDozeModeBySysfs done: value is 0 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: OFF screenBrightness: -1 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x40 tag=DreamManagerService uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=null pkg=android 05-29 11:31:10.484 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=46 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 6213 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:10.484 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Dozing 05-29 11:31:10.484 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:10.485 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:10.485 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:10.485 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep... (why=3) 05-29 11:31:10.486 4808 6213 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{b86913e u0 Sys2410:dream}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2410 fl=#1880509 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x1600411 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:10.486 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:31:10.487 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=56 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, Sys2410:dream#0 05-29 11:31:10.488 4295 4295 I Layer : id=46 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:31:10.489 4808 6213 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:10.495 4808 5180 D PersonaManagerService: onfinishedGoingToSleep why = 3 05-29 11:31:10.495 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: onFinishedGoingToSleep(3) 05-29 11:31:10.495 5236 8357 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyFinishedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:10.496 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyFinishedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:10.496 21261 21261 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:10.496 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530973880320} changed=true 05-29 11:31:10.496 5236 5236 D WallpaperViewController: onScreenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:10.497 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateSessions() 05-29 11:31:10.498 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: onActiveSessionsChanged() controllers: Size: 0 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateController: , current controller = 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D MusicController_LOCK: onSessionEnabled() enabled = true, mEnabled = true, lastSession = null, activeSession = null 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D PowerUI.Notification: dismissUnintentionallyLcdOnNotice 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: handleScreenTurnedOff() 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:31:10.498 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:10.499 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:10.499 21261 21295 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:31:10.499 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:31:10.501 21261 21261 D DozeService: onDreamingStarted: canDoze=true 05-29 11:31:10.502 21261 21295 D libGLESv1: STS_GLApi : DTS, ODTC are not allowed for Package : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:10.502 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:1/F:9/AC:false) 20180529T114110 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:10.502 21261 21295 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:10.502 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881d5a0 05-29 11:31:10.506 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 3, color = 0, mode = 14, onMS = 0, offMS = 0, (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:31:10.506 4808 4808 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:31:10.506 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x40 | SvcLED(id=3) set On 05-29 11:31:10.507 4808 6213 D EdgeLightingListenerManager: register : pkg = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, mListeners = 0 05-29 11:31:10.508 21261 21261 W System.err: com.samsung.android.aod.AODManager No field java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: AOD_MANAGER_VERSION 05-29 11:31:10.509 4808 4808 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.server.lights.LightsService 05-29 11:31:10.509 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==10 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:10.509 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: constructor 05-29 11:31:10.510 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - light_sensor try to batching with 200000000 05-29 11:31:10.511 4808 8055 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 8055 05-29 11:31:10.511 4279 4279 I Sensors : LightSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179886080 en : 1 05-29 11:31:10.515 4808 6213 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:10.516 4808 4808 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 10, TMD4906 lux Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:31:10.516 4808 4808 D BatteryService: turn on LED for fully charged 05-29 11:31:10.517 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: updateSetting: ServiceEnabled = false, AODEnabled = true 05-29 11:31:10.518 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:31:10.518 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: putStringInner: updated AODSettingsDBItem / PINNED_CONTENT_SHOWN_STATE=0 05-29 11:31:10.518 4808 6213 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:31:10.520 4808 6213 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:31:10.520 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_CONFIGURATION 05-29 11:31:10.520 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_CONFIGURATION 05-29 11:31:10.520 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_COVER 05-29 11:31:10.522 4808 4808 D EdmStorageProvider: getCount(ClientCertificateManagerTable) - 0 05-29 11:31:10.524 21261 21261 D ScoverManager: serviceVersion : 17498112 05-29 11:31:10.524 21261 21261 D ScoverManager: registerListener 05-29 11:31:10.525 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_COVER 05-29 11:31:10.525 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_DISPLAY 05-29 11:31:10.526 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_DISPLAY 05-29 11:31:10.526 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.526 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_SETTINGSDB_AODENABLE 05-29 11:31:10.526 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver user:0 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver user:0 05-29 11:31:10.527 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.538 21309 21309 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.538 4808 4842 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21309:com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver/1000 for broadcast com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver/.AccessibilityReceiver 05-29 11:31:10.540 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_LOCK_TASK_MODE 05-29 11:31:10.540 21309 21309 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:31:10.540 21309 21309 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:31:10.541 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 299 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 297, CHG = 295, CP = 301, WF = 294, WFPst = 295 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:10.541 4808 4808 I MdnieScenarioControlService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.541 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_LOCK_TASK_MODE 05-29 11:31:10.541 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_ROAMING 05-29 11:31:10.542 4808 4808 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:31:10.543 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:31:10.543 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_ROAMING 05-29 11:31:10.543 21309 21309 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:31:10.544 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:10.547 21309 21309 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver 05-29 11:31:10.549 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:31:10.549 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x40 -> 0x40 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:31:10.550 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isRoamingState: isDualClockSetting : true, isAODRoamingClockOptionEnabled : true, isHomeTimeZoneExist : true, isEasyUxON : false, isNetworkRoaming : false 05-29 11:31:10.551 21261 21261 D AODBaseFeature: getLiveClockVersion: version 2 aodtheme,activeclock=2,uxstyle=dream,pintoaod,aodversion=5,clearcovergraylevel=225,brightness,agif 05-29 11:31:10.551 4808 4808 D SmartAlertController: ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.553 4267 5786 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(screen_state=off) 05-29 11:31:10.553 4808 6213 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:31:10.554 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: Screen State = off) 05-29 11:31:10.555 4429 4845 V MultiRecordManager: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue screen_state=off, calling pid 4808 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10079, packageName : com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.sec.android.app.soundalive user:0 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: package com.sec.android.app.soundalive, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.sec.android.app.soundalive user:0 05-29 11:31:10.556 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:10.558 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: onStartCommand : command : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.intent.action.AOD_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.558 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isNavigationBarEnable : true / isHomeButtonSettingShowEnable : true 05-29 11:31:10.559 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: getClockInfo clockType = 1 05-29 11:31:10.559 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 1 clockFacetype = 0 category = AOD 05-29 11:31:10.559 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:10.559 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: getClockInfo clockType = 1 05-29 11:31:10.559 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 1 clockFacetype = 0 category = AOD 05-29 11:31:10.559 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:10.560 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: not applied theme clock 05-29 11:31:10.560 21261 21261 D AODBaseUtils: updateLockScreenState 05-29 11:31:10.567 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21322:com.sec.android.app.soundalive/u0a79 for content provider com.sec.android.app.soundalive/.compatibility.SAContentProvider 05-29 11:31:10.567 21322 21322 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:31:10.568 21322 21322 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:31:10.568 21322 21322 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:31:10.571 21322 21322 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:31:10.572 21322 21322 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:31:10.573 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.574 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: wallpaper component=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} 05-29 11:31:10.574 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: componentName=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue 05-29 11:31:10.574 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: unmatched service name =com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlack 05-29 11:31:10.574 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: isInfinityWallpaper = true 05-29 11:31:10.574 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isSeamlessWallpaper : true 05-29 11:31:10.575 4808 4827 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.576 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isRoamingState: isDualClockSetting : true, isAODRoamingClockOptionEnabled : true, isHomeTimeZoneExist : true, isEasyUxON : false, isNetworkRoaming : false 05-29 11:31:10.576 21309 21309 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:31:10.576 4808 4827 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:31:10.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.578 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:31:10.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.579 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: startAOD: AODServicePolicy :AODPolicy : mClockInfo = com.samsung.android.uniform.manager.ClockInfo@d1c4068, mPaletteColorIndex = 0, mIsSeamlessEnabled = true, mIsLiveClockEnabled = true, mIsSelfMoveEnabled = true, mIsDirtyMoveEnabled = true, mIsEnabled = true 05-29 11:31:10.579 21261 21261 I AODScheduleTimer: start 05-29 11:31:10.587 21261 21261 D AODScheduleTimer: start : wake up aod 05-29 11:31:10.587 21261 21261 D AODScheduleTimer: notifyWakeUp 05-29 11:31:10.588 4808 6213 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:31:10.589 4808 6213 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:31:10.589 21261 21261 W AODBaseSettingsUtils: [Always On Display] Is AOD shown(AODShowState)? true 05-29 11:31:10.589 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: isNeedRefreshLiveClockImage: false 05-29 11:31:10.590 21261 21261 D AODStateMachine: request : (IDLE) --> (STARTING) : action (1) 05-29 11:31:10.590 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: [transitionTo] IDLE >> STARTING 05-29 11:31:10.590 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_SEMCONTEXT 05-29 11:31:10.591 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_SENSOR_LIGHT 05-29 11:31:10.593 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10079 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.595 4808 6213 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10079 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:10.595 21322 21322 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:31:10.597 4808 6213 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.sec.android.app.soundalive and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:31:10.599 4808 5623 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SensorMonitor$SensorListenerSet 05-29 11:31:10.599 4808 5623 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==10 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:10.599 21261 21261 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 10, TMD4906 lux Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:31:10.599 21261 21261 I AOD_MONITOR@SensorMonitor: register: type: 5 05-29 11:31:10.599 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_PSM 05-29 11:31:10.602 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_WALLPAPER 05-29 11:31:10.604 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: createAODWindow 05-29 11:31:10.605 21261 21261 D AODBaseFeature: clear cover gray level : 225 05-29 11:31:10.607 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.608 4808 4827 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 05-29 11:31:10.608 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 4 , byte length 9 05-29 11:31:10.608 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.609 4279 4279 D Sensors : c1 17 38 04 00 00 00 01 02 05-29 11:31:10.609 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.612 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 9 05-29 11:31:10.613 4808 4827 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.613 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.613 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] onSensorChanged::light value = 400 05-29 11:31:10.613 4808 4827 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:155) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.613 4808 4859 D SensorService: Calling activate off 10 05-29 11:31:10.613 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - light_sensor try to batching with 200000000 05-29 11:31:10.614 21261 21261 D PointerIcon: [View]semSetPointerIcon = 20019, view = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{ddd19b2 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}, callingPid = 21261 05-29 11:31:10.614 4808 4859 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:10.614 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/sec/led/led_lowpower, 0 05-29 11:31:10.614 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: Create: AODUIPolicy : AODPolicy : mClockInfo = com.samsung.android.uniform.manager.ClockInfo@d1c4068, mPaletteColorIndex = 0, mIsSeamlessEnabled = true, mIsLiveClockEnabled = true, mIsSelfMoveEnabled = true, mIsDirtyMoveEnabled = true, mPageType = 1, mIsNotificationEnabled = true, mIsPinIconEnabled = true, mIsPinnedContentEnabled = false, mIsAODHelpEnabled = false, mIsSmartAlertEnabled = true, mIsHomeKeyEnabled = true, mIsHomeKeyHelpEnabled = false, mTSPEventEnabled = true, mScreenEventEnabled = true, mIsRoamingState = false, mBackgroundColor = 0, mIsBatteryInfoEnabled = true, mIsOwnerInfoEnabled = true, mIsBrightnessControllerEnabled = false, mIsMusicInfoEnabled = true, mIsNeedToRequestCalendar = false 05-29 11:31:10.614 4808 4827 V CAE : start(ContextProvider.java:128) 05-29 11:31:10.614 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 5 + 05-29 11:31:10.614 4808 4827 V CAE : clear(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:497) 05-29 11:31:10.614 21261 21261 D ResourceUtils: getScreenDensityRateForWQHD640DpiStyle: currentDpi: 480.0 currentDensity: 3.0 scaledDpi: 640.0 scaledDensity: 4.0 sScreenDensityRate: 1.0 05-29 11:31:10.615 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: getAnalogClockResources: version : 2 type : 1 : null 05-29 11:31:10.615 4808 4827 V CAE : enable(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:471) 05-29 11:31:10.615 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / FIRST_LAUNCHED = 2018-03-89 11:40:34:4034 05-29 11:31:10.615 4808 4827 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -79, 56, 0, 3, 31, 10, 05-29 11:31:10.617 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 6 05-29 11:31:10.617 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.617 4279 4948 D Sensors : b1 38 00 03 1f 0a 05-29 11:31:10.617 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.617 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 5 - 05-29 11:31:10.617 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:31:10.618 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:31:10.618 21322 21322 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:10.618 21322 21322 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:31:10.618 4808 4859 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{3d59a53: PendingIntentRecord{62a2f90 android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:10.619 4808 4859 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113100, SetElapsed=850948, nowELAPSED=861567 05-29 11:31:10.620 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:31:10.620 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113114, SetElapsed=865661, nowELAPSED=861568 05-29 11:31:10.620 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_SENSOR_COLLECTOR alarm=Alarm{a966aa1 type 2 when 811058 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:31:10.621 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=null alarm=Alarm{ea4c6 type 3 when 830133 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:31:10.622 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{394ac87 type 1 when 1527564660000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:31:10.622 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 6 05-29 11:31:10.623 4808 4827 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:521) - true 05-29 11:31:10.623 4808 4827 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:31:10.624 4808 4859 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T114110 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:10.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.629 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:744) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(ContentProviderNative.java:474) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1545) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.audio.AudioService.setSoundAliveScreenStatus(AudioService.java:12980) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.audio.AudioService$AudioServiceBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(AudioService.java:8560) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$-android_app_LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args_52166(LoadedApk.java:1317) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.$m$0(Unknown Source:4) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.run(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:724) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:543) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:31:10.631 4808 4808 W Binder : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:31:10.631 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxUIComponent: getPageKeyList() = servicebox_clock;servicebox_music 05-29 11:31:10.632 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxUIComponent: initializePages(): [ServiceBoxPageItem [mKey=servicebox_clock], ServiceBoxPageItem [mKey=servicebox_music]] 05-29 11:31:10.632 4808 6213 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:31:10.633 4808 6213 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:31:10.633 4808 4827 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:31:10.633 21322 21336 D SADVFSHelper: Either heavy-duty effect is Off or Music playback is not active 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@bc04752, Service : DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR(1) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:191) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:744) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.ISemContextCallback$Stub$Proxy.getListenerInfo(ISemContextCallback.java:116) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$ListenerManager.notifyListeners(SemContextService.java:1205) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService.registerCallback(SemContextService.java:189) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.ISemContextService$Stub.onTransact(ISemContextService.java:62) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:682) 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 D SemContextService: .registerCallback : 2, client= 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@684ab20, Service : Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.634 4808 4827 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:31:10.634 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .registerListener : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.635 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.635 4808 4827 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 2, 0, 10, 05-29 11:31:10.635 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:10.635 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.636 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 02 00 0a 05-29 11:31:10.636 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.637 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T124210 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:10.638 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: inside mBReciever onReceive : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.639 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block started**** 05-29 11:31:10.639 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: notifyChangeToPlugin is called for Lock status update... 05-29 11:31:10.639 4808 4808 D UcmService: notifyChangeToPlugin event 16 05-29 11:31:10.639 4808 4808 D UcmService: checkCallerPermissionFor is called for method-notifyChangeToPlugin 05-29 11:31:10.639 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block ended**** 05-29 11:31:10.640 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: initializeNotifications 05-29 11:31:10.640 4808 4808 I KnoxKeyguardScrimView: scrim receiver onReceive. action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.640 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:10.641 4808 4827 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.641 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.641 4808 5423 D GnssLocationProvider: receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.641 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.642 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.642 4808 5189 D KnoxKeyguardScrimView: MSG_CHECK_KEYGUARD_SERVICE_RUNNING 05-29 11:31:10.642 4808 4827 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 3, 0, 30, 05-29 11:31:10.642 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:10.642 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.642 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 03 00 1e 05-29 11:31:10.642 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.643 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.645 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:10.645 4808 4827 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.645 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.645 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.646 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: SCREEN : OFF 05-29 11:31:10.646 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.646 4808 4827 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 4, 0, 1, 05-29 11:31:10.646 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:10.646 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.646 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 04 00 01 05-29 11:31:10.646 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.647 5205 5205 I SKBD : ahd SKBD mScreenLockReceiver onReceive() 05-29 11:31:10.648 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:10.649 4808 4827 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.649 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.649 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.650 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:31:10.650 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:31:10.650 4808 5623 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.650 4808 5623 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 1, 0, 3, 05-29 11:31:10.650 4808 4827 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isLockScreenEnabled 05-29 11:31:10.650 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:10.650 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.650 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 01 00 03 05-29 11:31:10.650 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.650 5567 5567 D NfcService: Top activity class name = com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:31:10.651 4808 4827 D SecContentProvider: called from com.sec.android.inputmethod 05-29 11:31:10.651 5567 5567 D NfcService: FactoryTestApp is not running, keep going 05-29 11:31:10.652 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:10.652 4808 5623 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.653 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: LiveClockManager: ready 05-29 11:31:10.653 4808 5623 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.653 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: isNeedRefreshLiveClockImage: false 05-29 11:31:10.653 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.654 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{ddd19b2 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:10.654 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (createAODContainer -> -> initLiveClockManager -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:10.654 4808 5623 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=AOD_DRAW uid=10003 pid=21261 ws=null pkg=com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:10.654 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: dispatchEvent: false 05-29 11:31:10.654 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer$SWTicker@798c9e5 05-29 11:31:10.654 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (createAODContainer -> -> initLiveClockManager -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:10.654 5567 21340 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:31:10.655 5567 21340 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 1 05-29 11:31:10.655 5567 21340 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 05-29 11:31:10.655 21261 21261 I AbstractStubReflection: Load reflections 05-29 11:31:10.655 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:31:10.655 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:31:10.656 4808 5623 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.656 4808 5623 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 4, 0, 0, 0, 110, 1, 05-29 11:31:10.658 4808 4827 I AODWindowManager: AOD Window : Window{977869e u0 AOD} 05-29 11:31:10.658 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=true 05-29 11:31:10.659 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 4 , byte length 9 05-29 11:31:10.659 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.659 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x920a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:31:10.659 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 04 00 00 00 6e 01 05-29 11:31:10.659 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.660 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:31:10.660 21322 21322 D BixbyApplication: onCreate() 05-29 11:31:10.660 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:31:10.661 4808 4827 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:31:10.661 4808 4827 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 21261 05-29 11:31:10.662 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@f2012c8[AOD]: setView = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.AlwaysOnDisplay$AODDecorView{5111f61 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:31:10.662 21322 21322 D a_0.1.0 : Version Name:8.0.21 05-29 11:31:10.662 21261 21261 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_EnsureWorkingTime, timeout - 1100, reason - start delay by 100, wakeLock = WakeLock{5e01a86 held=false, refCount=0} 05-29 11:31:10.662 4808 6228 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x920a 05-29 11:31:10.663 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Add whitelist package alarm: PendingIntent{f1ca57f: PendingIntentRecord{8d9594c com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:10.664 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 9 05-29 11:31:10.664 4808 5623 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.664 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:0/F:9/AC:false) 20180529T113200 - CU:10003/CP:21261 05-29 11:31:10.664 4808 5623 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.665 21261 21261 I AODScheduleTimer: setAlarm : TICK, next alarm [1527564720000 ms], [05-29 11:32:00.000], [Reason: TimeTick| Self: NONE/O'clock: NONE/OFF: NONE/SW: NONE] 05-29 11:31:10.665 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :21261 / op:PendingIntent{a885d95: PendingIntentRecord{ed16eaa com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:10.665 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.666 4808 5623 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.666 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: start time : 1527564670665 05-29 11:31:10.666 4808 5623 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 4, 0, 0, 0, 17, 2, 05-29 11:31:10.667 4808 4827 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{b86913e u0 Sys2410:dream}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2410 fl=#1880509 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x1600411 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:10.668 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 4 , byte length 9 05-29 11:31:10.668 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:10.668 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 04 00 00 00 11 02 05-29 11:31:10.668 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:10.669 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530973880320} changed=false 05-29 11:31:10.670 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 9 05-29 11:31:10.670 4808 5623 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:10.670 4808 5623 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:10.671 21261 21335 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:10.677 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:10.679 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'com.android.systemui' ACQ=-502ms (uid=10003 pid=5399) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:10.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.681 5579 5876 D VolteServiceModule: onSreenOnOffChanged: on =0 05-29 11:31:10.681 5579 5876 D StackIF[-1]: updateScreenOnOff: on 0 05-29 11:31:10.695 5579 5876 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0007]> REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:31:10.695 4808 6243 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{82945b6 u0 NavBarTouchConsumer} in Surface(name=NavBarTouchConsumer) 05-29 11:31:10.698 20700 20700 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 106 ms 05-29 11:31:10.698 5579 5873 D [IMS6.0]: IMS_onResponse() Resp Id:101 05-29 11:31:10.700 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{b86913e u0 Sys2410:dream} in Surface(name=Sys2410:dream) 05-29 11:31:10.701 5579 5873 D StackIF : readMessage: messageType 1 tid 7 pduLength 10 05-29 11:31:10.701 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.sm.policy] : 8473 K 05-29 11:31:10.701 21261 21261 I AOD_TSP@AODTspEventController: setTouchMode: skipped 05-29 11:31:10.701 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: Killing 18740:com.samsung.android.sm.policy/u0a153 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:31:10.702 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODTspEventMonitor: register 05-29 11:31:10.703 21261 21261 D AODRemoteViewController: addRemoteViewCallback: added 1 05-29 11:31:10.707 5579 5873 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0007]< REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:31:10.707 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: reqId 2 05-29 11:31:10.707 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: handle 0 result REQUEST_SUCCESS reason REASON_NO_ERROR 05-29 11:31:10.710 21261 21261 D RemoteViewsMonitor: requestServiceBoxRemoteViews() sent: 05-29 11:31:10.711 4808 6243 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateStatusBarNotifications] (2/2/2) showingKeys [{0}|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|null][{0}|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|null] 05-29 11:31:10.713 21261 21261 I SmartAlertManager: loadHiddenKeyList: null 05-29 11:31:10.713 4808 5623 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateSmartAlert] (0<0>) showingKeys 05-29 11:31:10.713 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@f2012c8[AOD]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:31:10.716 21309 21339 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:31:10.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.720 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T155959 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:31:10.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:10.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.723 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.724 7531 7531 D AbstractCocktailPanelView: setPanelVisible: CocktailPortraitRemotePanelView2 will be hidden: 4 05-29 11:31:10.724 7531 7531 D CocktailBarPanelVisibilityManager: updateActivePanelView: vis=false screenOn=false onTransit=false -hide: 4 current Active: 4 05-29 11:31:10.726 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T160000 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:31:10.729 13120 21345 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 05-29 11:31:10.731 7531 7531 I AbstractCocktailPanelView: notifyPanelVisibilityChanged: visibility not changed 2 id: 4 05-29 11:31:10.731 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:31:10.731 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=4099 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=16 05-29 11:31:10.731 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : already 2 05-29 11:31:10.733 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:10.734 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.736 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 f.g.handleMessage:162 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 android.os.Looper.loop:164 android.os.HandlerThread.run:65 05-29 11:31:10.739 5236 5236 D PowerUI.Notification: dismissUnintentionallyLcdOnNotice 05-29 11:31:10.740 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:31:10.742 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113200 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:31:10.743 8147 8147 D ODTCFactoryService:AlarmReceiver: On SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.745 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = true 05-29 11:31:10.745 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_READY 05-29 11:31:10.745 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: getLiveClockImageIfNeedToRefresh: new imageInfo = 1paletteItem=SOLID color : FFCCCCCCscreen=1080x2076, resizeRate=1.0, cur imageInfo = 1paletteItem=SOLID color : FFCCCCCCscreen=1080x2076, resizeRate=1.0, result = false 05-29 11:31:10.745 21261 21261 I AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@: refreshLiveClockDataIfNeeded: skipped 05-29 11:31:10.746 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onAttachedToWindow : mDateFormatter = DateFormatter : mFormat = EEE, MMMM d, mTimeFormatter = TimeFormatter : mDefaultFormat = null, m12hFormat = null, m24hFormat = null, m2DigitHour = true, mHasSeconds = false, mTimeZone = null, mRoamingHomeTimeZone = null, mSuspend = true 05-29 11:31:10.746 13120 21347 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%) 05-29 11:31:10.749 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onTimeChanged : [DateTimeInfo : date = Tue, May 29, hourMin = 11:31, hour = 11, minute = 31, amPm = , colon = :, second = , timezone = null, isLeftOfAmPm = false, ttsDate = Tuesday, May 29] 05-29 11:31:10.750 8147 8147 D ODTCFactoryService:AlarmReceiver: ODTC game - start sleep 05-29 11:31:10.758 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.758 21261 21261 D MusicInfoContainer: onMusicPlaybackStateChanged() : 1 IsNeedUpdateMetadata : true 05-29 11:31:10.758 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.758 6102 9593 I chatty : uid=10033(u0_a33) NearbyDirectMai identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:10.759 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.759 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:10.759 13120 21347 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 05-29 11:31:10.759 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.google.uid.shared:10033, last scan stopped at 861707 05-29 11:31:10.759 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 625546, tot/min/max scan time: 818348/192802/625546 05-29 11:31:10.759 21322 21338 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:31:10.761 10370 10370 V BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - startBleScan 05-29 11:31:10.762 10370 10370 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.762 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.763 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:10.764 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.764 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.MSG_CALL_START_LESCAN - isFilterScanFailed/discovering:false/true 05-29 11:31:10.764 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.765 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:10.765 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.766 10370 10370 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.onReceive - receive Action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.766 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.766 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.directStopLeScan - call BleScanner.stopScan() 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - mScreenObserver action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - BroadcastReceiver onReceive end 05-29 11:31:10.767 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.768 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.769 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:10.769 21261 21261 D ServiceBoxMusicPage: printMusicInfo: true////false 05-29 11:31:10.769 5191 5729 E LeAppInfo: updateScanStopInfo(), There is NO scan process with : com.google.uid.shared| Normal| LowPower| Filter| true| 05-29 11:31:10.771 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, last scan stopped at 861719 05-29 11:31:10.771 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 625444, tot/min/max scan time: 814589/120/625444 05-29 11:31:10.774 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = true 05-29 11:31:10.774 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_NONE 05-29 11:31:10.774 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onAttachedToWindow : mDateFormatter = DateFormatter : mFormat = EEE, MMMM d, mTimeFormatter = TimeFormatter : mDefaultFormat = null, m12hFormat = null, m24hFormat = null, m2DigitHour = true, mHasSeconds = false, mTimeZone = null, mRoamingHomeTimeZone = null, mSuspend = true 05-29 11:31:10.775 6102 21346 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:31:10.776 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onTimeChanged : [DateTimeInfo : date = Tue, May 29, hourMin = 11:31, hour = 11, minute = 31, amPm = , colon = :, second = , timezone = null, isLeftOfAmPm = false, ttsDate = Tuesday, May 29] 05-29 11:31:10.781 21261 21261 D MusicInfoContainer: onMusicPlaybackStateChanged() : 1 IsNeedUpdateMetadata : true 05-29 11:31:10.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.785 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.785 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:31:10.785 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.786 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 7, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:10.787 5191 5729 E LeAppInfo: updateScanStopInfo(), There is NO scan process with : android.uid.bcmgr| Normal| Custom| Filter| true| 05-29 11:31:10.792 4808 6228 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{977869e u0 AOD}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#30 ty=2225 fl=#1120700 pfl=0x10 fmt=-3 wanim=0x7f0b00a7 or=5 rotAnim=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:10.794 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=57 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, AOD#0 05-29 11:31:10.795 4808 6228 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:10.796 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{f52d002 u0 Bouncer} 05-29 11:31:10.796 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} 05-29 11:31:10.796 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} 05-29 11:31:10.797 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{e5d8c13 u0 InputMethod} 05-29 11:31:10.797 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{5550c53 u0 ContainerKeyguardScrim} 05-29 11:31:10.797 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{82945b6 u0 NavBarTouchConsumer} 05-29 11:31:10.797 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{61b2d21 u0 AssistPreviewPanel} 05-29 11:31:10.797 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 05-29 11:31:10.797 4808 6228 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:31:10.798 4808 6213 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113210 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:31:10.798 21261 21261 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:10.798 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@f2012c8[AOD]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530975248384} changed=true 05-29 11:31:10.807 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:31:10.807 21261 21295 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:10.807 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881d910 05-29 11:31:10.808 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / android.widget.FrameLayout{a456d9c V.E...... ......ID 82,0-997,1175 #7f0f00cf app:id/aod_layout_content_layout} 05-29 11:31:10.808 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (updateInner -> onUpdate -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:10.809 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:31:10.809 21261 21261 I AOD_MONITOR@BroadcastMonitor: onUpdate: BR : android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE 05-29 11:31:10.811 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isRoamingState: isDualClockSetting : true, isAODRoamingClockOptionEnabled : true, isHomeTimeZoneExist : true, isEasyUxON : false, isNetworkRoaming : false 05-29 11:31:10.812 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: onRoamingStateUpdated: enabled = false 05-29 11:31:10.812 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: suspend: AODServiceBoxContainer 05-29 11:31:10.812 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_HW_SUSPENDED 05-29 11:31:10.812 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = false 05-29 11:31:10.816 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_SW_CLONE_SUSPENDED 05-29 11:31:10.816 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = false 05-29 11:31:10.820 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:10.820 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@f2012c8[AOD]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:31:10.822 21261 21261 D SmartAlertManager: updateSmartAlerts: false 0 05-29 11:31:10.823 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{ddd19b2 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:10.823 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (setPart -> transition -> transitionTo -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:10.825 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: initPosition: mCurPoint = Point(33, 271), mRange = Rect(-38, 0 - 38, 840), mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = FULL_SCREEN, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 100, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 1120, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 49} 05-29 11:31:10.825 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / FIRST_LAUNCHED = 2018-03-89 11:40:34:4034 05-29 11:31:10.825 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: updatePosition: first : mCurPoint = Point(33, 271), mRange = Rect(-38, 0 - 38, 840), count = 0, mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = FULL_SCREEN, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 100, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 1120, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 49} 05-29 11:31:10.825 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: initPosition: mCurPoint = Point(4, -1), mRange = Rect(-8, -7 - 8, 7), mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = HOME_KEY, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 20, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 18, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 17} 05-29 11:31:10.825 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: updatePosition: first : mCurPoint = Point(4, -1), mRange = Rect(-8, -7 - 8, 7), count = 0, mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = HOME_KEY, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 20, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 18, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 17} 05-29 11:31:10.835 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLCBinder] send register Request 05-29 11:31:10.835 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLCBinder] already send register request 05-29 11:31:10.835 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@f2012c8[AOD]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:10.839 4808 5180 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:31:10.851 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{977869e u0 AOD} in Surface(name=AOD) 05-29 11:31:10.851 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:31:10.852 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:31:10.858 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:10.861 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{b86913e u0 Sys2410:dream} in Surface(name=Sys2410:dream) 05-29 11:31:10.858 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:10.861 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: setDozeInternal : IdleState - [DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE] 05-29 11:31:10.862 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:31:10.863 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[true], NitMode[60NIT], EdgeLighting[false], CoverState[false], isAutoBrightness[true], mLastBrightness[3] 05-29 11:31:10.863 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@DozeService: setDozeScreenBrightness mode : 65538, brightness : 3, this? com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService@9c788 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: setDozeModeBySysfs done: value is 65538 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: OFF screenBrightness: 94 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 6228 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 6228 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:10.865 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:10.866 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 3 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: DOZE screenBrightness: 94 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerState: !@ ColorFade exit 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 6228 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [input device light] onColorFadeExit(true) 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 6228 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:10.866 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:31:10.866 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:10.867 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=55 Removed ColorFade#0 (8/8) 05-29 11:31:10.867 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=55 Removed ColorFade#0 (-2/8) 05-29 11:31:10.867 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.867 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:10.867 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:10.868 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9400 + 05-29 11:31:10.868 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9400 - 05-29 11:31:10.869 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: OFF -> DOZE brightness: 0 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:10.869 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 05-29 11:31:10.870 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_start]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(190, 547 - 1080, 1369) 05-29 11:31:10.870 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 3 05-29 11:31:10.871 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:10.872 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:31:10.872 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:10.872 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:31:10.872 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:31:10.872 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:31:10.872 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:10.873 4295 4295 I Layer : id=55 onRemoved ColorFade#0 05-29 11:31:10.876 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:10.877 4274 4365 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 0 05-29 11:31:10.877 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:10.877 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - Start filter Scan(SCREEN_OFF) 05-29 11:31:10.878 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.getMyScanPreferences - interval:3120, window:55 05-29 11:31:10.879 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_start]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(253, 729 - 1440, 1825) 05-29 11:31:10.880 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.880 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.881 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:10.881 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] register DLC result:RESULT_SUCCESS 05-29 11:31:10.881 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.881 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.881 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:10.883 10370 19872 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:31:10.884 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:10.885 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:10.885 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLCBinder] bind 05-29 11:31:10.886 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:10.886 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, first scan started at 861834 05-29 11:31:10.887 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE 05-29 11:31:10.887 4808 6275 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:10.888 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.889 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.890 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:10.890 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.890 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.892 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:10.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:10.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:10.891 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.893 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.896 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:10.896 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:10.897 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:10.898 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:10.898 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:10.901 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:10.901 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:10.902 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: default value of curScanSetting 0 is choosen 05-29 11:31:10.903 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.904 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:31:10.904 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:10.905 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:31:10.905 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:31:10.905 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:31:11.000 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:11.001 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:11.003 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:11.003 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:11.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.005 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.036 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:SysNumbers:dream' ACQ=-151ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:11.037 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-150ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:11.092 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4860 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 217ms 05-29 11:31:11.093 4274 17462 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] validateDisplay:: validateDisplay layer size is 0 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in !@display_state: DOZE: 224ms 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: OFF -> DOZE 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 224ms 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:11.093 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:11.093 4274 4274 I display : DDISCALER Info(clearDisplay) : Enable=2, Mode(w=1080, h=2220) 05-29 11:31:11.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Sys2410:dream#0 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f03a060 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0388c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:31:11.102 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:11.103 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:11.103 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:11.103 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:11.106 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:11.108 21261 21261 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] DLC Client ServiceConnected 05-29 11:31:11.110 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.111 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{ddd19b2 V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:11.111 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (onAnimationStart -> onAnimationStart -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:11.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.116 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.120 4808 6228 I LiveClock: set_ioctl_aod_self_display : ioctl : ret = 0 05-29 11:31:11.120 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setAnalogClockInfo : en 0 05-29 11:31:11.120 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setAnalogClockInfo : pos_x 0, pos_y 0, rotate 0 05-29 11:31:11.120 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setAnalogClockInfo : process result = 0 05-29 11:31:11.121 21261 21261 D StarLiveAnalogClockCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveAnalogClockCommand{en=0, posX=0, posY=0, rotate=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:11.126 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: set_ioctl_aod_self_display : ioctl : ret = 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en_hh 1, en_mm 1 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos1_x 0, pos1_y 0, pos2_x 0, pos2_y 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos3_x 0, pos3_y 0, pos4_x 0, pos4_y 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : img_width 0, img_height 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_en 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b1_pos_x 0, b1_pos_y 0, b2_pos_x 0, b2_pos_y 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_color 0, b_radius 0 05-29 11:31:11.128 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : process result = 0 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D StarLiveDigitalClockCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveDigitalClockCommand{en=0, hourPos1=Point(0, 0), hourPos2=Point(0, 0), minPos1=Point(0, 0), minPos2=Point(0, 0), spriteItemSizeWQHD=0x0, colonEn=0, colonPos1=Point(0, 0), colonPos2=Point(0, 0), colonColor=0, colonRadius=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D StarLiveClockClearCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveClockClearCommand{} result=0 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: !@AOD setCommand: [0] : displayState=DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE cmd=StarLiveClockClearCommand{} result=0 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: true / android.widget.FrameLayout{a456d9c V.E...... ........ 115,271-1030,1369 #7f0f00cf app:id/aod_layout_content_layout} 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (handleMessage -> onRestore -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: start: skipped : AODServiceBoxContainer, SWTicker, 05-29 11:31:11.129 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: Processing notification: 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264 05-29 11:31:11.132 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: updateNotificationItems: NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:31:11.132 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: Processing notification: 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212 05-29 11:31:11.137 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: updateNotificationItems: NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:31:11.138 21261 21261 D NotificationContainer: updateContainerVisibility() true 2/false 05-29 11:31:11.145 21261 21284 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:31:11.149 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:11.150 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:11.151 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:11.151 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:11.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.173 4808 4971 D SensorHubManager: onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(7) = 1, 1, 56, 1, 1, 104, 12 05-29 11:31:11.173 4808 4972 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 14, 3, 31, 11, 05-29 11:31:11.174 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 5 05-29 11:31:11.175 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:11.175 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 0e 03 1f 0b 05-29 11:31:11.175 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:11.180 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 5 05-29 11:31:11.181 4808 4972 D CAE : onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:91) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :7], AP_SLEEP 05-29 11:31:11.181 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:192) - buffer size = 7 05-29 11:31:11.181 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:203) - 1, 1, 56, 1, 1, 104, 12, 05-29 11:31:11.182 4808 4972 D CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:375) - ================= DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR ================= 05-29 11:31:11.182 4808 4972 I CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:391) - AODReason=[12], AODStatus=[104], DataType=[1] 05-29 11:31:11.184 4808 4976 D SemContextService: Service.updateContext() : service = Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:11.190 21261 21261 I AOD_MONITOR@SemContextMonitor: onUpdate: status : 104 reason : 12 05-29 11:31:11.190 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: onSemContextCarryingStateChanged - status : 104 reason : 12 lastBrightnessState = 2 05-29 11:31:11.190 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplay: REASON_SEMCONTEXT_BRIGHTNESS_CHANGE [SensorEvent] 12, brightness : 104 05-29 11:31:11.192 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => interval : 0 05-29 11:31:11.193 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / PINNED_CONTENT_SHOWN_STATE = 0 05-29 11:31:11.193 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => brightnessValue : 3, prefsKey : high_light_display_time 05-29 11:31:11.194 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: start time : 1527564671194 05-29 11:31:11.194 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: setSensorBrightness: 3 05-29 11:31:11.195 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: putStringInner: updated AODSettingsDBItem / aod_brightness_value=3 05-29 11:31:11.223 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: setDozeInternal : DozeState - [DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE] 05-29 11:31:11.224 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[true], NitMode[60NIT], EdgeLighting[false], CoverState[false], isAutoBrightness[true], mLastBrightness[3] 05-29 11:31:11.225 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@DozeService: setDozeScreenBrightness mode : 65538, brightness : 3, this? com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService@9c788 05-29 11:31:11.227 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 3 05-29 11:31:11.276 6118 6118 I SpeechSettingsImpl: Exception device found. 05-29 11:31:11.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.304 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: set_ioctl_aod_self_display : ioctl : ret = 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en_hh 0, en_mm 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos1_x 0, pos1_y 0, pos2_x 0, pos2_y 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos3_x 0, pos3_y 0, pos4_x 0, pos4_y 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : img_width 0, img_height 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_en 0 05-29 11:31:11.306 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b1_pos_x 0, b1_pos_y 0, b2_pos_x 0, b2_pos_y 0 05-29 11:31:11.307 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_color 0, b_radius 0 05-29 11:31:11.307 4808 6228 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : process result = 0 05-29 11:31:11.307 21261 21261 D StarLiveDigitalClockCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveDigitalClockCommand{en=0, hourPos1=Point(0, 0), hourPos2=Point(0, 0), minPos1=Point(0, 0), minPos2=Point(0, 0), spriteItemSizeWQHD=0x0, colonEn=0, colonPos1=Point(0, 0), colonPos2=Point(0, 0), colonColor=0, colonRadius=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:11.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.308 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.308 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: !@AOD setCommand: [0] : displayState=DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE cmd=StarLiveDigitalClockCommand{en=0, hourPos1=Point(0, 0), hourPos2=Point(0, 0), minPos1=Point(0, 0), minPos2=Point(0, 0), spriteItemSizeWQHD=0x0, colonEn=0, colonPos1=Point(0, 0), colonPos2=Point(0, 0), colonColor=0, colonRadius=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:11.308 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.320 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:31:11.321 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:31:11.338 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:11.228 4808 6228 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_14 identical 5 lines 05-29 11:31:11.309 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.339 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.410 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.390 4808 5274 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_4 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:31:11.424 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.457 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'AOD_DRAW' ACQ=-803ms (uid=10003 pid=21261) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:11.459 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.493 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.511 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.619 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.635 21322 21322 D SADVFSHelper: Either heavy-duty effect is Off or Music playback is not active 05-29 11:31:11.590 4808 5274 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_4 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:31:11.624 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.657 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:11.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.673 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.690 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(124, 547 - 1040, 1369) 05-29 11:31:11.690 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(165, 729 - 1386, 1825) 05-29 11:31:11.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.855 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:11.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:11.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:11.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.100 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.164 21261 21261 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_EnsureWorkingTime, timeout - 500, reason - forceSuspendDoze, wakeLock = WakeLock{5e01a86 held=true, refCount=1} 05-29 11:31:12.168 21261 21261 D DozeService: Change dream background 05-29 11:31:12.169 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = AOD_START 05-29 11:31:12.125 4808 6228 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_14 identical 15 lines 05-29 11:31:12.159 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.171 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=com.android.systemui uid=10003 pid=5399 ws=null pkg=com.android.systemui 05-29 11:31:12.172 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: true / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{ddd19b2 V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:12.172 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (onAnimationEnd -> onAnimationEnd -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:12.173 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: start: skipped : SWTicker, 05-29 11:31:12.173 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:12.175 4808 6228 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :5399 / op:PendingIntent{233693f: PendingIntentRecord{704b5f0 com.android.systemui broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:12.176 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:31:12.176 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 1 05-29 11:31:12.176 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 1 05-29 11:31:12.181 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: wakeLock : 4000 05-29 11:31:12.185 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=InfinityWallpaper uid=10003 pid=5399 ws=null pkg=com.android.systemui 05-29 11:31:12.197 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.198 21261 21261 D AODStateMachine: request : (STARTING) --> (RUN) : action (2) 05-29 11:31:12.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.237 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:31:12.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.243 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.244 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.264 4808 6228 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_14 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:31:12.281 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.310 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-1s200ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:12.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.425 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.490 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: setDozeSuspendInternal : DozeSuspendState - [DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND] 05-29 11:31:12.490 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 4 05-29 11:31:12.459 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.491 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: DOZE_SUSPEND screenBrightness: 94 05-29 11:31:12.493 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(115, 547 - 1030, 1369) 05-29 11:31:12.494 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(153, 729 - 1373, 1825) 05-29 11:31:12.499 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.502 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.519 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.567 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.567 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.607 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.636 21322 21322 D SADVFSHelper: Either heavy-duty effect is Off or Music playback is not active 05-29 11:31:12.537 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.651 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-151ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:12.661 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.675 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.691 4808 5274 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_4 identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.725 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:12.792 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:12.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.812 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:31:12.812 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:31:12.813 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:31:12.814 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:31:12.814 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:31:12.814 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:31:12.815 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:12.846 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 560, Display = 0(Panel:0, LDIs:0), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:12.846 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 140, Display = 0, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:12.851 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.78, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.60], F_RF[30.40], B_AP[30.30], B_RF[30.00], B_WIFI[29.20], B_SPK[29.40] 05-29 11:31:12.875 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:SysNumbers:dream' ACQ=-677ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:12.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.882 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:12.892 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881d5a0 05-29 11:31:12.894 4808 5274 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{b86913e u0 Sys2410:dream}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2410 fl=#1880509 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x1600411 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:12.895 4808 5274 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Sys2410:dream) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:31:12.896 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=56 Removed Sys2410:dream#0 (5/7) 05-29 11:31:12.906 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=56 Removed Sys2410:dream#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:31:12.911 4295 4295 I Layer : id=56 onRemoved Sys2410:dream#0 05-29 11:31:12.912 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:31:12.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:12.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:12.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:12.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f03a060 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:12.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0388c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:31:12.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:12.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:12.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:12.983 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.048 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.048 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.191 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.191 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.300 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.359 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.360 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.408 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.408 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.540 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77770 5268828 w 28295 504104 d 3326 153504 f 7264 7337 iot 36140 30641 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 864.486 05-29 11:31:13.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.626 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.643 21186 21191 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=31KB, data=26KB 05-29 11:31:13.644 21186 21191 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=31KB, data=26KB 05-29 11:31:13.644 21186 21191 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 05-29 11:31:13.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.734 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.735 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.916 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:13.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.934 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:13.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:13.935 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.273 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'com.android.systemui' ACQ=-2s101ms (uid=10003 pid=5399) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:14.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.355 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.416 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.416 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.459 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.477 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.562 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.562 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.675 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERED => REGISTER_AGAIN 05-29 11:31:14.713 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:31:14.713 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113128, SetElapsed=879020, nowELAPSED=865662 05-29 11:31:14.716 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10003 action=com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.DELAYED_KEYGUARD alarm=Alarm{faf320c type 2 when 865661 com.android.systemui} 05-29 11:31:14.724 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: received DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION with seq = 3, mDelayedShowingSequence = 3 05-29 11:31:14.729 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:31:14.729 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510003 -j DROP 05-29 11:31:14.729 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:31:14.742 5236 5236 D FactoryTest: checkAutomationTestOption() : option=0 05-29 11:31:14.743 5236 5236 D FactoryTest: checkAutomationTestOption() : mode_screenlock=0 05-29 11:31:14.744 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing the lock screen 05-29 11:31:14.744 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: showLocked 05-29 11:31:14.748 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleShow 05-29 11:31:14.750 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: update lock state true 05-29 11:31:14.753 4808 6275 D ActivityManager: setLockScreenShown(true) is called from 5236 05-29 11:31:14.772 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:31:14.772 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510003 -j DROP 05-29 11:31:14.772 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:31:14.772 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:31:14.776 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=true myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:14.782 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:31:14.787 4808 5274 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:31:14.791 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:31:14.797 4808 4827 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=100 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:14.797 4808 4827 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:31:14.798 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=54 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (0/6) 05-29 11:31:14.798 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=54 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (-2/6) 05-29 11:31:14.799 4295 4295 I Layer : id=54 onRemoved com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:31:14.806 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=true, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:31:14.810 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:31:14.812 5236 5236 D KnoxStateMonitor: MDM is not enabled... 05-29 11:31:14.813 4808 5274 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue) 05-29 11:31:14.813 5236 5236 D KeyguardSecurityView: doWipeOutIfMaxFailedAttemptsSinceBoot( failedAttemptsBeforeWipe = 0 , failedAttempts = 0 ) 05-29 11:31:14.823 5236 5236 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) 05-29 11:31:14.823 5236 5236 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(None) 05-29 11:31:14.830 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: onAttachedToWindow mAttrCount = 4 05-29 11:31:14.831 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUITextView{cfb5415 GFED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0259 app:id/keyguard_dex_emergency_text_view} 05-29 11:31:14.839 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState: SHD -> KGRD 05-29 11:31:14.845 4808 5274 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateStatusBarNotifications] (2/2/2) showingKeys [{0}|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|null][{0}|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|null] 05-29 11:31:14.846 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = true, mIsScreenTurnedOn = false 05-29 11:31:14.846 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState( dispatchStatusBarState to false ) 05-29 11:31:14.850 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:31:14.854 5236 5236 E LSO_LSOInterface: LSO Service is not yet ready!!! 05-29 11:31:14.861 5236 5236 D StatusBar/KeyguardBottomAreaView: updateCameraVisibility isCameraDisabled=false 05-29 11:31:14.872 5236 5236 V PreviewInflater: switching default camera action 05-29 11:31:14.873 5236 21349 V PreviewInflater: switching default dialer action 05-29 11:31:14.877 5236 5236 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=true,preview=android.widget.AbsoluteLayout{98d2d82 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:14.880 4808 6228 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateStatusBarNotifications] (2/2/2) showingKeys [{0}|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|null][{0}|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|null] 05-29 11:31:14.881 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = true, mIsScreenTurnedOn = false 05-29 11:31:14.882 4808 6228 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateStatusBarNotifications] (2/2/2) showingKeys [{0}|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|null][{0}|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|null] 05-29 11:31:14.882 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = true, mIsScreenTurnedOn = false 05-29 11:31:14.883 5236 21351 D ShortcutManager: th = 1 is camera package 05-29 11:31:14.883 5236 5236 D StatusBar: mNotificationPanel.setAlpha(0f); 05-29 11:31:14.884 5236 21350 V PreviewInflater: switching default dialer action 05-29 11:31:14.885 5236 21351 V PreviewInflater: switching default camera action 05-29 11:31:14.888 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:31:14.888 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:31:14.889 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 101 05-29 11:31:14.889 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:31:14.889 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewBase: show() 05-29 11:31:14.890 5236 5236 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) 05-29 11:31:14.890 5236 5236 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(None) 05-29 11:31:14.891 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true) 05-29 11:31:14.891 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:31:14.891 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 0 05-29 11:31:14.891 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: refresh : true 05-29 11:31:14.896 5236 5236 D KeyguardOwnerInfoView: updateOwnerInfo(hasCMAS): -1 05-29 11:31:14.897 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = true 05-29 11:31:14.897 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:14.897 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:14.897 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardStateUpdated(true, false, false) 05-29 11:31:14.897 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false isSecure=false --> flags=0x1200000 05-29 11:31:14.898 4808 5274 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 865846 05-29 11:31:14.899 5236 5236 D KnoxStateMonitor: lockSdp :: Maybe keyguard shown as user 0 05-29 11:31:14.900 5236 5236 V KeyguardDisplayManager: show 05-29 11:31:14.904 5236 5515 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = true connected = false bluetoothState = 12 05-29 11:31:14.904 4808 6228 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x72 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81960040 pfl=0x400 fmt=-3 or=5 vsysui=0x600 if=0x4 userActivityTimeout=5000 colorMode=0 screenDimDuration=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:14.903 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:14.905 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:31:14.909 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:31:14.909 5236 5515 D FlashlightController: updateTorchCallback for mCameraId 0 05-29 11:31:14.909 5236 5515 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: handleUpdateState: value false state.dim false 05-29 11:31:14.916 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:31:14.925 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,72] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x23 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:31:14.928 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 2220, oldBottom : 72 05-29 11:31:14.928 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=true, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:31:14.929 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:31:14.931 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:14.931 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:31:14.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.938 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.964 4808 6228 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} in Surface(name=StatusBar) 05-29 11:31:14.971 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4b7550 05-29 11:31:14.975 4808 6228 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x144 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2019 fl=#21840068 fmt=-3 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:14.976 4808 6228 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=NavigationBar) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:31:14.976 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=7 Removed NavigationBar#0 (3/5) 05-29 11:31:14.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:14.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:14.982 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,2076][1080,2220] new=[0,2076][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:31:14.982 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:14.982 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:14.982 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:14.983 4295 4295 I Layer : id=7 onRemoved NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:31:14.983 5236 5236 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=true,preview=android.widget.AbsoluteLayout{61a6c85 I.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:14.991 5236 5236 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=false,preview=android.widget.RelativeLayout{a2eeada I.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:14.998 5236 5236 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=false,preview=android.widget.RelativeLayout{249b0b I.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:14.998 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardReset 05-29 11:31:14.998 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:14.998 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:14.998 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardStateUpdated(Bundle[{timeStamp=1527564674897, occluded=false, bouncerShowing=false, showing=true}]) 05-29 11:31:14.999 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:31:14.999 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:31:15.000 5236 21352 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: broadcast intent= Intent { act=com.samsung.keyguard.KEYGUARD_STATE_UPDATE (has extras) } 05-29 11:31:15.002 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:31:15.003 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:15.005 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.keyguard.KEYGUARD_STATE_UPDATE 05-29 11:31:15.016 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() >> START >> isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = true 05-29 11:31:15.016 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateContainerLayout() h = 603, s = 1.0, c = false, mk = false, d = false, e = false 05-29 11:31:15.017 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxPage: setPageType() pageType = 0, isReservedToTransition = false [false,1,false,false] com.android.systemui.servicebox.pages.music.ServiceBoxMusicPage{993240f VFE...... ........ 1080,0-2160,632} 05-29 11:31:15.027 19488 19488 D KeyguardUtils: :Ph::KEYGUARD_STATE_UPDATE - mIsKeyguardShowing:true mIsKeyguardOccluded:false mIsBouncerShowing:false 05-29 11:31:15.033 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxPage: attachContentsView() needToTransition=false, listener=com.android.systemui.servicebox.pages.KeyguardServiceBoxPage$2@f58f446, childPage=android.widget.LinearLayout{40a3200 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}, [false,0,false,false] com.android.systemui.servicebox.pages.music.ServiceBoxMusicPage{993240f VFE...... ........ 1080,0-2160,632} 05-29 11:31:15.036 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: onAttachedToWindow mAttrCount = 6 05-29 11:31:15.036 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUITextView{f937a39 V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a047d app:id/servicebox_music_page_appinfo} 05-29 11:31:15.037 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: onAttachedToWindow mAttrCount = 6 05-29 11:31:15.037 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUITextView{21e987e V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a048e app:id/servicebox_music_page_title} 05-29 11:31:15.038 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: onAttachedToWindow mAttrCount = 6 05-29 11:31:15.038 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUITextView{8f181df V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a047e app:id/servicebox_music_page_artist} 05-29 11:31:15.040 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: onAttachedToWindow mAttrCount = 6 05-29 11:31:15.040 5236 5236 D SystemUITextView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUITextView{5e06e2c G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a048b app:id/servicebox_music_page_oobe} 05-29 11:31:15.041 5236 5236 D SystemUIImageView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUIImageView{42880f5 V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a048d app:id/servicebox_music_page_prev_btn} 05-29 11:31:15.042 5236 5236 D SystemUIImageView: apply style: default 05-29 11:31:15.042 5236 5236 E SystemUIImageView: set Image Drawable!! 05-29 11:31:15.042 5236 5236 E SystemUIImageView: set Background Drawable!! 05-29 11:31:15.043 5236 5236 D SystemUIImageView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUIImageView{f07be8a V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a048c app:id/servicebox_music_page_play_btn} 05-29 11:31:15.044 5236 5236 D SystemUIImageView: apply style: default 05-29 11:31:15.044 5236 5236 E SystemUIImageView: set Image Drawable!! 05-29 11:31:15.044 5236 5236 E SystemUIImageView: set Background Drawable!! 05-29 11:31:15.044 5236 5236 D SystemUIImageView: updateStyle() flag=0,2 : com.android.systemui.widget.SystemUIImageView{b165cfb V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a048a app:id/servicebox_music_page_next_btn} 05-29 11:31:15.045 5236 5236 D SystemUIImageView: apply style: default 05-29 11:31:15.045 5236 5236 E SystemUIImageView: set Image Drawable!! 05-29 11:31:15.045 5236 5236 E SystemUIImageView: set Background Drawable!! 05-29 11:31:15.046 5236 5236 D MusicController_LOCK: Music ClosedText will be shown as MBR set to null 05-29 11:31:15.046 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxMusicPage0: clear() showOOBEText = true, showMusicClosedText = true 05-29 11:31:15.046 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxMusicPage0: setLyrics() isEmptyLyrics = true 05-29 11:31:15.046 5236 5236 I KeyguardClockPage: considerChangeClockView() >> START >> forceReplace: true 05-29 11:31:15.046 5236 5236 I KeyguardClockPage: needToShowDualClock() isRoamingClockEnabled=true, isWhereToShowOptionEnabled=true, isEasyModeEnabled=false, mIsNetworkRoaming=false 05-29 11:31:15.048 4808 6228 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:31:15.048 4808 6228 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:31:15.048 4808 6228 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10003, packageName : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:15.049 4808 6228 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.app.aodservice user:0 05-29 11:31:15.049 4808 6228 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:15.049 4808 6228 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:31:15.049 4808 6228 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.app.aodservice user:0 05-29 11:31:15.049 4808 6228 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:15.076 4808 6228 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21354:com.samsung.android.app.aodservice:settingui/u0a3 for content provider com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/com.samsung.android.app.clockpack.provider.LockContentProvider 05-29 11:31:15.077 21354 21354 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:31:15.078 21354 21354 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:31:15.079 21354 21354 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:31:15.080 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:15.080 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:15.081 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.082 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:15.084 21354 21354 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:31:15.085 21354 21354 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.app.aodservice:settingui 05-29 11:31:15.117 4808 5274 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10003 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:15.118 4808 5274 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10003 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:15.119 21354 21354 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:31:15.122 4808 5274 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.app.aodservice and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:31:15.125 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 120436(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 150(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 3.272ms total 222.106ms 05-29 11:31:15.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.188 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: Processing notification: 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264 05-29 11:31:15.188 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: updateNotificationItems: NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:31:15.188 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: Processing notification: 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212 05-29 11:31:15.188 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: updateNotificationItems: NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:31:15.189 21354 21354 D DBManager: ver : 8 05-29 11:31:15.189 21354 21354 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_log (UID integer primary key autoincrement, TIME integer, MESSAGE text) 05-29 11:31:15.189 21354 21354 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_clockcustom (UID integer primary key autoincrement, CLOCK_NAME text, SELECTED_COLOR integer, SELECTED_WALLPAPER integer, SELECTED_FONT integer, SELECTED_FONT_SIZE integer, SIGNATURE_TEXT text, BITMAP blob, SRC_BITMAP blob, COLOR_ELIMINATION_LEVEL integer, COLOR_SAMPLING_LEVEL integer, COLOR_INVERT integer, COLOR_MAX_LEVEL real, COLOR_MIN_LEVEL real, SELECTED_IMAGE_TYPE text) 05-29 11:31:15.189 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:15.189 21354 21354 D DBManager: create create table if not exists remoteview_calendar (UID integer primary key autoincrement, type text, date text, image blob, preview integer, timezoneid text, cityname text) 05-29 11:31:15.190 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:31:15.190 21354 21354 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_settings (UID integer primary key autoincrement, SETTING_KEY text, SETTING_VALUE text) 05-29 11:31:15.190 21354 21354 D DBManager: create create table if not exists table_lock_settings (UID integer primary key autoincrement, SETTING_KEY text, SETTING_VALUE text) 05-29 11:31:15.190 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:15.200 21354 21354 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:31:15.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.208 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.212 21261 21261 D NotificationContainer: updateContainerVisibility() true 2/false 05-29 11:31:15.213 21354 21354 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:31:15.214 21354 21354 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.10.038 05-29 11:31:15.215 21354 21366 D LockContentProvider: LOCK_SETTING_CLOCK_TYPE_URI lockSelectedClockType = 1 05-29 11:31:15.221 21354 21354 D DBManager: init : DBHelper is NOT NULL. 05-29 11:31:15.222 5236 5236 D ExternalClockProvider: getClockType() = 1 05-29 11:31:15.222 5236 5236 D KeyguardClockPage: previousClockKey:None 1 hometime:Asia/Taipei locale:en_US hasBG?false, newClockKey:None 2 hometime:Asia/Taipei locale:en_US hasBG?false 05-29 11:31:15.224 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 2 clockFacetype = 0 category = LOCK_SCREEN 05-29 11:31:15.224 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:15.224 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: getClockInfo clockType = 2 05-29 11:31:15.224 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 2 clockFacetype = 0 category = LOCK_SCREEN 05-29 11:31:15.224 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ExternalClockProvider: VERSION_CODE = 12 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D WallpaperUtils: external=false, infinity=true, kwp=false, not kwp=false, pkg name=blue, theme=false, emergency=false, upsm=false, mode=true 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D WallpaperUtils: set color main=-1971974, secondary=-2041862, bg_main=-3615238, bg_secondary=-3293446, bottom=-986630 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ExternalClockProvider: updateClockColor() adaptiveColors=com.android.systemui.wallpaper.WallpaperAdaptiveColor$AdaptiveColorResult@550f996 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: setAdaptiveColorsOnAnimation : firstMainColor = -1971974, secondaryMainColor = -2041862, firstBGColor = -3615238, secondaryBGColor = -3293446, animation = false 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D KeyguardClockPage: getContentsView 0 05-29 11:31:15.231 21354 21354 D ClockInfoManager: parseClockFaceInfo: clockId => 2131689483, clockType : 60000, clockLayout => 2130903105 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 2 clockFacetype = 0 category = LOCK_SCREEN 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: getClockInfo clockType = 2 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 2 clockFacetype = 0 category = LOCK_SCREEN 05-29 11:31:15.231 5236 5236 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:15.231 21354 21354 D ClockInfoManager: AODClockfaceTypeList size = 1 05-29 11:31:15.232 21354 21354 D ClockInfoManager: parseClockFaceInfo: clockId => 2131689483, clockType : 60000, clockLayout => 2130903105 05-29 11:31:15.232 21354 21354 D ClockInfoManager: LockScreenClockfaceTypeList size = 1 05-29 11:31:15.232 21354 21372 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Setting Sender] No status log 05-29 11:31:15.233 5236 5236 D ExternalClockProvider: VERSION_CODE = 12 05-29 11:31:15.233 5236 5236 D WallpaperUtils: external=false, infinity=true, kwp=false, not kwp=false, pkg name=blue, theme=false, emergency=false, upsm=false, mode=true 05-29 11:31:15.233 5236 5236 D WallpaperUtils: set color main=-1971974, secondary=-2041862, bg_main=-3615238, bg_secondary=-3293446, bottom=-986630 05-29 11:31:15.233 5236 5236 D ExternalClockProvider: updateClockColor() adaptiveColors=com.android.systemui.wallpaper.WallpaperAdaptiveColor$AdaptiveColorResult@550f996 05-29 11:31:15.233 5236 5236 D AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: setAdaptiveColorsOnAnimation : firstMainColor = -1971974, secondaryMainColor = -2041862, firstBGColor = -3615238, secondaryBGColor = -3293446, animation = false 05-29 11:31:15.233 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxPage: attachContentsView() needToTransition=false, listener=com.android.systemui.servicebox.pages.KeyguardServiceBoxPage$2@f8a2917, childPage=com.samsung.android.uniform.widget.clock.DigitalHorizontalClockView{d2cd9ad V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}, [false,0,false,false] com.android.systemui.servicebox.pages.clock.KeyguardClockPage{eccc6ed VFE...C.. ........ 0,0-1080,632 #7f0a0258 app:id/keyguard_clock_page} 05-29 11:31:15.233 21354 21354 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 1 clockFacetype = 0 category = AOD 05-29 11:31:15.233 21354 21354 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:15.235 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:31:15.235 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: onAttachedToWindow : mDateFormatter = DateFormatter : mFormat = EEE, MMMM d, mTimeFormatter = null, mTimeZone = null, mRoamingHomeTimeZone = null, mSuspend = false 05-29 11:31:15.236 21354 21354 I AODPinnedPreviewActivity: checkActivityEnable : pinPreviewActivityEnabled = true 05-29 11:31:15.237 21354 21354 I AODPinnedPreviewActivity: init: pinToAOD component current state : enabled 05-29 11:31:15.238 21354 21369 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:31:15.240 5236 5236 D KeyguardClockPage: initViews() mClockView=null, mExternalClockView=com.samsung.android.uniform.widget.clock.DigitalVerticalClockView{17e3fb3 V.E...... ........ 415,0-665,632}, rootView=com.samsung.android.uniform.widget.clock.DigitalHorizontalClockView{d2cd9ad V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:15.241 21354 21374 D LockContentProvider: LOCK_SETTING_CLOCK_TYPE_URI lockSelectedClockType = 1 05-29 11:31:15.242 5236 5236 D ExternalClockProvider: getClockType() = 1 05-29 11:31:15.242 5236 5236 I KeyguardClockPage: considerChangeClockView() << END << 05-29 11:31:15.242 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() << END << isExpandFinal = false 05-29 11:31:15.242 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:15.246 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:15.262 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:15.262 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:15.278 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:15.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.288 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.301 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:31:15.302 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:31:15.302 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:31:15.302 12481 12557 D ytrace : Pass 115 sec since last registration, expected expires is 120 sec 05-29 11:31:15.302 12481 12557 D ytrace : REG_OK (1), RTT=627 ms, mean RTT=564 ms, CSeq=29, Branch=4m1G9jSeoa4y9mwz, Expires=150 sec 05-29 11:31:15.302 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTER_AGAIN => SERVICE_READY 05-29 11:31:15.302 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=48, arg1=1527564667, arg2=-826811268, lineId=0 05-29 11:31:15.303 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_SERVICE_READY' subEvent='unknown subEvent=0x5B0CC97B' 05-29 11:31:15.303 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: SERVICE_READY => REGISTERED 05-29 11:31:15.303 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=3, arg1=3, arg2=-826815492, lineId=0 05-29 11:31:15.304 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_DONE' subEvent='C2C_INVALID_ACCOUNT' 05-29 11:31:15.304 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onSuccess 05-29 11:31:15.304 12481 12557 D RegisterNotificationJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:31:15.308 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=924, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, canceling 05-29 11:31:15.315 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{5233c09: PendingIntentRecord{4417e0e com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:15.318 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{11f202f: PendingIntentRecord{969363c com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:15.324 4808 5274 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:15.326 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=927, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:31:15.326 12481 12557 D BindCameraJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:31:15.328 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=925, tag=BindCameraJob}, canceling 05-29 11:31:15.335 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{49b6d1a: PendingIntentRecord{d87904b com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:15.338 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{5b17a28: PendingIntentRecord{2b96341 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:15.342 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-151ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:15.342 4808 5274 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:15.344 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=928, tag=BindCameraJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:31:15.345 12481 12557 D ModifyCameraPwdJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:31:15.347 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=926, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, canceling 05-29 11:31:15.355 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{8bce627: PendingIntentRecord{fb810d4 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:15.358 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{e77f27d: PendingIntentRecord{ea28572 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:15.361 4808 5274 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:15.362 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=929, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:31:15.362 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local NAT=[PORT_FIXED], Expires=150, ID=broncidemo2$gmail.com@jalabell.iptnet.net, port index is 1 05-29 11:31:15.402 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:15.402 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.mateagent:service 05-29 11:31:15.569 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:31:15.569 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:31:15.569 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:31:15.569 12481 12557 D ytrace : Recv duplicated registration ACK 05-29 11:31:15.598 21309 21319 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:15.598 21309 21319 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver 05-29 11:31:15.637 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:15.638 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:31:15.757 8147 8147 D ODTCFactoryService:AlarmReceiver: ODTC game - after sleep 05-29 11:31:15.758 8147 8147 D ODTCFactoryService:PowerMonitor: sessionStartTime 1527564675757 05-29 11:31:15.793 8147 8147 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1483 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:663 service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice.odtcfactory.AlarmReceiver$1.run:162 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:789 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:98 05-29 11:31:15.821 4808 5274 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:31:15.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.824 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.841 4808 4827 D GameManagerService: respondWithJson. command: get_package_data 05-29 11:31:15.841 4808 4827 D GameManagerService: jsonParam : {} 05-29 11:31:15.841 4808 4827 D GameManagerService: response : {"package_names":[{"odtc_global_memory":314572800}]} 05-29 11:31:15.851 4808 4827 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:31:15.852 8147 21385 D ODTCFactoryService:ProcessLockManager: Lock released 05-29 11:31:15.855 8147 8147 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 8147 SIG: 9 05-29 11:31:15.862 4808 4964 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T120115 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:15.862 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:15.905 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: Process service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice (pid 8147) has died: fore SVC (203,1437) 05-29 11:31:15.906 4808 4827 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice/.Misc.ODTCGameService in 1000ms 05-29 11:31:15.908 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:31:15.925 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_ENER_INFO_READ 05-29 11:31:15.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.932 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.950 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:15.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:15.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:15.962 4808 21386 D BatteryStatsService: !@ mLastInfo WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=607444 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=14 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=187 mControllerIdleTimeMs=4541 mControllerEnergyUsed=73461 } 05-29 11:31:15.962 4808 21386 D BatteryStatsService: !@ latest WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=866867 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=130 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=10173 mControllerIdleTimeMs=44030 mControllerEnergyUsed=2663010 } 05-29 11:31:15.962 4808 21386 D BatteryStatsService: !@ delta timePeriodMs : 259423 txTimeMs : 116 rxTimeMs :9986 idleTimeMs : 39489 05-29 11:31:16.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.032 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.098 4808 21386 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to daily db completed 05-29 11:31:16.103 4808 21386 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to weekly db completed 05-29 11:31:16.104 4808 21386 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: refreshstats completed 05-29 11:31:16.104 4808 21386 I BarTender:GATHERERBATTSTATS: set - time:1527564676104 05-29 11:31:16.104 4808 21386 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: Observer from Gatherer - time:1527564676104 05-29 11:31:16.104 4808 4964 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: MSG_TYPE_BARTENDER_CHECK_POWER:: 05-29 11:31:16.105 4808 4964 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDBHelper: checkForPowerThreshold called : 1527564676104 05-29 11:31:16.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.120 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.134 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.134 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.189 4808 6275 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'InfinityWallpaper' ACQ=-4s3ms (uid=10003 pid=5399) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:16.192 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:31:16.193 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:16.193 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:16.193 4808 6275 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:16.193 4808 6275 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:16.194 4808 6275 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:16.194 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE -> DOZE_SUSPEND brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:16.194 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:31:16.196 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 4 05-29 11:31:16.202 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=3, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:16.212 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:31:16.212 4274 17462 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1 05-29 11:31:16.212 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:16.216 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:16.221 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:16.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.238 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.295 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:16.296 4808 4860 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 101ms 05-29 11:31:16.297 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in !@display_state: DOZE_SUSPEND: 103ms 05-29 11:31:16.297 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE -> DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:31:16.297 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 103ms 05-29 11:31:16.297 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:31:16.297 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:16.298 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:16.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.417 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = -1 05-29 11:31:16.418 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = -1 05-29 11:31:16.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Read COPR_ROI or Luminance Data is Out of Bound - 14013 05-29 11:31:16.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.454 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.454 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.564 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.666 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.666 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.681 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.682 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.871 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:16.911 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:31:16.913 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:31:16.914 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:31:16.914 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice user:0 05-29 11:31:16.915 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:16.915 4808 4842 D ActivityManager: package service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:31:16.915 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice user:0 05-29 11:31:16.915 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:31:16.963 21387 21387 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:31:16.964 21387 21387 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:31:16.964 21387 21387 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21387:service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice/1000 for service service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice/.Misc.ODTCGameService 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 05-29 11:31:16.965 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc! 05-29 11:31:16.969 21387 21387 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:31:16.970 21387 21387 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:31:16.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.986 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:16.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:16.987 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.006 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:17.010 4808 6275 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:31:17.010 21387 21387 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:31:17.015 4808 6275 I ActivityManager: DSS on for service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:31:17.049 21387 21387 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:17.049 21387 21387 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:31:17.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.049 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.125 21387 21402 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:31:17.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.423 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.785 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.799 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.799 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.834 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.936 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.981 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.981 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:17.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:17.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:17.999 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.037 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.143 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.165 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.253 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.253 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.348 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.349 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.549 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28409 505644 d 3337 154584 f 7285 7358 iot 36268 30705 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 869.495 05-29 11:31:18.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:18.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:18.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:18.791 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.006 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.104 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.211 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.265 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.420 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.420 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.420 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.447 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.447 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.524 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.525 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.525 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.626 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.628 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.628 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.628 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.838 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.870 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=4 05-29 11:31:19.946 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.946 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.947 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:19.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:19.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:19.998 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.055 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.182 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.251 21354 21364 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:20.252 21354 21364 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.aodservice:settingui 05-29 11:31:20.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.260 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.272 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.348 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:20.349 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:31:20.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.416 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:20.417 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.mateagent:service 05-29 11:31:20.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.472 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.569 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 299 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 295, CHG = 294, CP = 303, WF = 293, WFPst = 295 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:20.625 21309 21319 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:20.625 21309 21319 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver 05-29 11:31:20.660 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:20.660 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:31:20.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.692 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.693 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.735 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.735 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.735 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.904 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.904 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:20.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:20.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:20.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.002 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.112 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.168 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.217 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.217 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.357 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.637 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.637 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.649 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.743 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.745 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.745 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.855 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.916 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:21.927 6102 20240 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b8a12e288: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort 05-29 11:31:21.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:21.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:21.961 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.025 21387 21397 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:22.025 21387 21397 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:31:22.058 21387 21401 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:31:22.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.062 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.062 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.104 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.154 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.263 4808 4827 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:31:22.264 4808 4827 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4308, temperature: 286, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2984000 05-29 11:31:22.265 4808 4827 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-10, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:2 05-29 11:31:22.265 4808 4827 D BatteryService: stay LED for fully charged 05-29 11:31:22.265 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:31:22.270 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:31:22.271 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:31:22.271 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:31:22.271 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:31:22.273 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:31:22.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.274 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:22.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.282 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:31:22.293 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:31:22.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.297 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.298 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:22.300 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:31:22.301 4808 6275 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:22.301 4808 6275 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:22.301 4808 6275 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:22.302 4808 6275 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:22.302 4808 6275 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:22.302 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:22.302 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:22.303 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE_SUSPEND -> DOZE brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:22.304 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 05-29 11:31:22.305 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 3 05-29 11:31:22.305 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:22.317 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE 05-29 11:31:22.319 4274 4365 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3 05-29 11:31:22.319 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:22.324 4808 6228 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:22.332 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:22.333 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:22.333 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:22.334 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE_SUSPEND -> DOZE 05-29 11:31:22.335 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:22.335 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:22.335 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:22.336 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:22.336 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:22.336 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:22.336 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:22.336 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:22.336 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:22.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.373 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.373 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.474 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-172ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:22.475 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:22.475 4808 4808 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:22.476 4808 4808 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:22.476 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:22.477 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:31:22.477 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:22.478 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE -> DOZE_SUSPEND brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:22.479 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:31:22.481 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=3, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:22.486 4274 4365 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1 05-29 11:31:22.486 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:22.502 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:31:22.504 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:22.505 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:22.506 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:22.507 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 4 05-29 11:31:22.511 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE -> DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:22.512 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:22.513 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:22.513 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:22.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.584 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.584 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.584 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.853 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.859 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:22.877 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:31:22.878 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:31:22.878 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:31:22.879 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:31:22.879 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:31:22.879 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:31:22.880 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:22.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:22.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:22.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:22.912 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 376, Display = 0(Panel:0, LDIs:0), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:22.912 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 94, Display = 0, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:22.918 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.68, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.50], F_RF[30.30], B_AP[30.20], B_RF[29.90], B_WIFI[29.10], B_SPK[29.30] 05-29 11:31:23.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.107 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.107 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.107 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.119 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.212 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.223 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.313 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.410 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.555 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28442 505868 d 3339 154592 f 7288 7363 iot 36276 30712 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 874.501 05-29 11:31:23.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.785 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.826 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.928 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.929 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:23.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.975 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:23.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:23.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.030 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.041 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:24.042 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:31:24.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.129 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:24.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.130 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:31:24.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.347 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.347 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.347 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.479 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.535 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.553 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.694 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.728 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.744 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:31:24.744 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510003 -j DROP 05-29 11:31:24.744 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:31:24.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.764 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.771 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:31:24.771 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510003 -j DROP 05-29 11:31:24.771 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:31:24.771 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:31:24.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.870 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.916 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:24.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:24.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:24.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.079 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.103 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.103 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.188 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.303 21354 21364 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:25.303 21354 21364 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.aodservice:settingui 05-29 11:31:25.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.481 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.601 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.668 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.812 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.812 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.812 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.813 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:25.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:25.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:25.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.025 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.132 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.235 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.235 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.337 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.443 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.443 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:26.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:26.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:26.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.057 21387 21397 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:27.057 21387 21397 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:31:27.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.082 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.502 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.606 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.635 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.636 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.712 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.713 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:27.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:27.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:27.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:28.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:28.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:28.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:28.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:28.072 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:31:28.073 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113200, SetElapsed=910948, nowELAPSED=879021 05-29 11:31:28.073 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113159, SetElapsed=910463, nowELAPSED=879021 05-29 11:31:28.074 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM alarm=Alarm{d84a66c type 2 when 879020 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:31:28.087 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{3b950ca: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:28.089 6102 20730 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:31:28.097 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113228 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:31:28.186 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{2c1223b: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:28.197 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113318 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:31:28.561 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28444 505888 d 3339 154592 f 7288 7363 iot 36276 30713 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 879.507 05-29 11:31:28.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:28.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.654 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:28.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.762 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:28.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:28.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.871 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:28.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.872 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:28.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:28.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:28.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.087 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:29.087 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:31:29.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.097 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.194 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.194 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.194 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.305 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.413 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.515 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.519 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.519 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.618 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.725 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.832 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.832 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:29.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.934 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:29.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:29.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.241 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.241 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.459 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.558 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.558 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.559 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.610 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 290, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 294, CHG = 293, CP = 302, WF = 292, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:30.628 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 29 [2018-05-29 11:31:30.628] 05-29 11:31:30.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.659 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:30.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:30.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:30.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.082 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.192 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.601 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.601 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.840 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:31.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:31.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:31.927 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.127 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.330 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.439 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.440 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.441 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.651 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.756 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.757 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.859 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:32.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:32.860 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:32.927 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:32.945 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:31:32.945 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:31:32.947 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:31:32.949 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:31:32.950 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:31:32.950 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:31:32.951 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:32.985 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 296, Display = 0(Panel:0, LDIs:0), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:32.985 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 74, Display = 0, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:32.992 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.61, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.40], F_RF[30.20], B_AP[30.10], B_RF[29.80], B_WIFI[29.00], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:31:33.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.286 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.390 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.566 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28446 505900 d 3339 154592 f 7289 7364 iot 36276 30714 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 884.513 05-29 11:31:33.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.600 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.600 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.820 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.820 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.820 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:33.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.919 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:33.919 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:33.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.021 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.021 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.124 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.124 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.752 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:34.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.959 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:34.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:34.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.066 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.066 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.066 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.175 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.175 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.175 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.283 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.300 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.300 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.599 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.599 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.600 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.701 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.804 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:35.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:35.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:35.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.015 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.015 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.015 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.126 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.550 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.561 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.561 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.861 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:36.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:36.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:36.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.075 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.075 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.076 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.087 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.196 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.196 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.289 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.394 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.394 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.713 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.716 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.716 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.818 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.818 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.819 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.924 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.924 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:37.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:37.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:37.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.089 4808 4841 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.easysetup] : 9485 K 05-29 11:31:38.089 4808 4841 I ActivityManager: Killing 20060:com.samsung.android.easysetup/u0a20 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:31:38.090 4808 4841 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.google.android.apps.tachyon] : 34707 K 05-29 11:31:38.090 4808 4841 I ActivityManager: Killing 19685:com.google.android.apps.tachyon/u0a187 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:31:38.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.195 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:31:38.202 4808 5274 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=29, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@94bbd58) 05-29 11:31:38.203 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=29, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:31:38.204 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=29, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:31:38.206 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=29, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:31:38.214 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:31:38.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.240 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.240 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.351 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.559 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.559 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.559 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.571 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28448 505912 d 3339 154592 f 7290 7365 iot 36276 30715 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 889.518 05-29 11:31:38.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:38.875 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:38.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:38.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.402 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.403 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.571 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.572 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.606 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.614 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.719 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.826 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:39.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:39.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:39.937 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.045 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.045 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.045 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.148 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.247 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.351 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.351 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.352 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.452 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.648 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 293, CHG = 292, CP = 301, WF = 291, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:40.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.656 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.763 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:40.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:40.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:40.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.279 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.280 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.285 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.286 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.387 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.387 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.694 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.796 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.799 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.799 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:41.899 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.899 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:41.900 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:41.900 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.008 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.009 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.116 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.535 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.540 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.642 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.743 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.743 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.744 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.844 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:42.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.950 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:42.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:42.950 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.006 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:43.025 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:31:43.025 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:31:43.026 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:31:43.027 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:31:43.027 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:31:43.027 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:31:43.028 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:43.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.054 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.054 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.067 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 364, Display = 0(Panel:0, LDIs:0), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:43.067 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 91, Display = 0, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:43.074 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.55, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.10], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.10] 05-29 11:31:43.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.262 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.366 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.366 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.366 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.373 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.577 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28450 505924 d 3339 154592 f 7291 7366 iot 36280 30717 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 894.523 05-29 11:31:43.584 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.584 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.584 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.689 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:43.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.994 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:43.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:43.995 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.097 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.410 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.518 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.684 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:31:44.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.835 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:44.944 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.945 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:44.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:44.945 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.051 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.051 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.379 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.675 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.675 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.687 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.687 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.687 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:45.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:45.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:45.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.211 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.213 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.426 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.532 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.532 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.619 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.620 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.621 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.635 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.635 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.635 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:46.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.957 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:46.957 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:46.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.169 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:47.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:47.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:47.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.120 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.120 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.225 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.539 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.583 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77930 5272336 w 28452 505936 d 3339 154592 f 7292 7367 iot 36284 30718 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 899.529 05-29 11:31:48.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.646 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.646 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.747 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:48.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.956 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:48.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:48.957 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.056 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.056 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.149 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.150 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.150 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.165 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.270 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.586 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.682 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.695 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.695 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.886 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.886 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.887 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:49.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:49.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:49.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.020 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.124 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.235 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:50.235 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:31:50.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.441 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.685 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 290, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 292, CHG = 291, CP = 301, WF = 291, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:50.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.858 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.917 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=901865176000 05-29 11:31:50.918 4808 4998 D InputReader: !@notifyKey(172), action=0 05-29 11:31:50.920 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0, interactive=false 05-29 11:31:50.924 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: call onForcePressedSleep 05-29 11:31:50.924 4808 4998 D NaviBarForceTouchMgr: onForcePressedSleep() 05-29 11:31:50.925 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:31:50.925 4808 4998 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:31:50.926 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: mWakeUpBooster.acquire() 05-29 11:31:50.929 4808 4998 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1469000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : DEVICE_WAKEUP@CPU_MIN@63 05-29 11:31:50.934 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] wakeUpWithReason (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) eventTime = 901865 event = 1 05-29 11:31:50.934 4808 4998 I PowerManagerService: !@[ps] Screen__On - 2 : wakeUpWithReason: 1 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) (1) 05-29 11:31:50.934 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingManager: showForWakeUp : packageName =android 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingClientManager: isAvailableEdgeLighting: condition=2 mCondition=3 mIsConnected=false0 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingManager: showForWakeUpInternal : return false by isAcceptableApplication. 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)... 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: setInteractive(true) 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D InputReader: Device ID 3: Releasing active all slots palm because the phone became interactive 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D InputReader: Device ID 4: Releasing active all slots palm because the phone became interactive 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D InputReader: KeyboardInputMapper: mPenInUse 0, needCancel 0 05-29 11:31:50.936 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:31:50.936 4808 5180 D NetworkPolicy: onScreenStateChanged, state: true, reason: 1 05-29 11:31:50.935 4808 4998 D InputReader: KeyboardInputMapper: mPenInUse 0, needCancel 0 05-29 11:31:50.936 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:31:50.936 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [s] UserActivityState : 4 -> 1 05-29 11:31:50.936 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:50.936 4808 4998 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Started waking up... reason=1 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4998 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 5180 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp reason=1 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 5180 D PowerManagerNotifier: handleEarlyInteractiveChange reason = 1 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange return as screen on from doze suspend 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4854 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] no lux value from sensor manager 05-29 11:31:50.937 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUpWithReason, seq = 4 why = 1 05-29 11:31:50.937 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedWakingUpWithReason( reason = 1 ) 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:50.937 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyWakingUp( why = 1 ) 05-29 11:31:50.937 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE_SUSPEND -> DOZE brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:50.938 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 05-29 11:31:50.939 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 3 05-29 11:31:50.940 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:50.941 5236 5236 D StatusBar: onStartedWakingUp - start animation 05-29 11:31:50.941 4274 4365 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3 05-29 11:31:50.941 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:50.942 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{c1d15ee: PendingIntentRecord{dee6e60 android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:50.944 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 3 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:31:50.944 4808 4808 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:31:50.944 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x40 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=3) set Off 05-29 11:31:50.944 4808 4808 D BatteryService: turn off LED 05-29 11:31:50.944 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:31:50.944 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/sec/led/led_lowpower, 1 05-29 11:31:50.945 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 0 + 05-29 11:31:50.945 5236 5236 E KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStartedWakingUp start 1 05-29 11:31:50.945 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:50.945 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:50.946 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:50.946 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE 05-29 11:31:50.946 4808 4808 D EdmStorageProvider: getCount(ClientCertificateManagerTable) - 0 05-29 11:31:50.946 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:31:50.946 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:31:50.947 4808 4808 I MdnieScenarioControlService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.947 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: isLockScreenOn : true 05-29 11:31:50.948 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:31:50.949 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:50.949 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 5000 05-29 11:31:50.949 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 120000 -> 5000 05-29 11:31:50.949 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 0 05-29 11:31:50.949 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:50.950 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=true myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE_SUSPEND -> DOZE 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: setScreenState(): mSeamlessAodReady : false AOD 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D AODManagerService: screenTurningOn post 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: return as screen on blocked 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: setScreenState(): mSeamlessAodReady : false AOD 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: return as screen on blocked 05-29 11:31:50.950 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:50.951 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:31:50.951 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:31:50.951 4808 4808 D SmartAlertController: ACTION_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.952 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 0 - 05-29 11:31:50.952 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:31:50.952 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:31:50.952 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:31:50.952 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:31:50.952 4267 4530 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(screen_state=on) 05-29 11:31:50.953 4267 4530 I audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: Screen State = on) 05-29 11:31:50.953 4429 4845 V MultiRecordManager: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue screen_state=on, calling pid 4808 05-29 11:31:50.953 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:31:50.954 5236 5236 D LockIcon: mCurrentState = 5, mLastState = 5, mDeviceInteractive = true, mLastDeviceInteractive = true, mScreenOn = false, mLastScreenOn = false, force = false 05-29 11:31:50.954 5236 5236 E KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStartedWakingUp end 05-29 11:31:50.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.956 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:50.956 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:50.956 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:50.957 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{db172e7: PendingIntentRecord{aa3b7cc android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:50.958 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: inside mBReciever onReceive : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.958 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block started**** 05-29 11:31:50.958 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: notifyChangeToPlugin is called for Lock status update... 05-29 11:31:50.958 4808 4808 D UcmService: notifyChangeToPlugin event 15 05-29 11:31:50.959 4808 4808 D UcmService: checkCallerPermissionFor is called for method-notifyChangeToPlugin 05-29 11:31:50.959 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block ended**** 05-29 11:31:50.959 4808 5036 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{238867e: PendingIntentRecord{e7fd7df android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:50.961 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 290, PST = 297 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 292, CHG = 291, CP = 300, WF = 291, WFPst = 293 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:50.961 4808 21180 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue) 05-29 11:31:50.961 4808 6223 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:50.961 4808 4808 I KnoxKeyguardScrimView: scrim receiver onReceive. action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.961 4808 5189 D KnoxKeyguardScrimView: MSG_CHECK_KEYGUARD_SERVICE_RUNNING 05-29 11:31:50.962 4808 5423 D GnssLocationProvider: receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.965 4808 6223 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateStatusBarNotifications] (2/2/2) showingKeys [{0}|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|null][{0}|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|null] 05-29 11:31:50.966 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : ACTION_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.966 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = false 05-29 11:31:50.967 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: SCREEN : ON 05-29 11:31:50.967 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:31:50.967 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:31:50.968 5205 5205 I SKBD : ahd SKBD mScreenUnlockReceiver - start 05-29 11:31:50.968 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:50.968 5205 5205 I SKBD : ahd SKBD mScreenUnlockReceiver - end 05-29 11:31:50.969 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:50.969 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:50.970 4808 5613 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isLockScreenEnabled 05-29 11:31:50.970 5567 5567 D NfcService: Top activity class name = com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:31:50.970 5567 5567 D NfcService: FactoryTestApp is not running, keep going 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0382a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:31:50.971 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:50.971 4808 5613 D SecContentProvider: called from com.sec.android.inputmethod 05-29 11:31:50.972 5567 5567 I NfcService: When receiving ACTION_SCREEN_ON, S view cover is already opened. So screenState is ON_LOCKED by isKeyguardLocked() 05-29 11:31:50.974 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:31:50.974 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:31:50.974 5567 21408 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:31:50.975 5567 21408 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 2 05-29 11:31:50.981 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:50.981 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:50.982 5579 5876 D VolteServiceModule: onSreenOnOffChanged: on =1 05-29 11:31:50.982 5579 5876 D StackIF[-1]: updateScreenOnOff: on 1 05-29 11:31:50.983 5579 5876 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0008]> REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:31:50.983 5579 5873 D [IMS6.0]: IMS_onResponse() Resp Id:101 05-29 11:31:50.983 5579 5873 D StackIF : readMessage: messageType 1 tid 8 pduLength 10 05-29 11:31:50.983 5579 5873 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0008]< REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:31:50.983 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: reqId 2 05-29 11:31:50.983 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: handle 0 result REQUEST_SUCCESS reason REASON_NO_ERROR 05-29 11:31:50.995 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: ACTION_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:50.995 7531 7531 D AbstractCocktailPanelView: setPanelVisible: CocktailPortraitRemotePanelView2 will be hidden: 4 05-29 11:31:50.995 7531 7531 D CocktailBarPanelVisibilityManager: updateActivePanelView: vis=false screenOn=true onTransit=false -hide: 4 current Active: 4 05-29 11:31:50.995 7531 7531 I AbstractCocktailPanelView: notifyPanelVisibilityChanged: visibility not changed 2 id: 4 05-29 11:31:50.997 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:50.997 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:31:50.997 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=4098 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=16 05-29 11:31:50.997 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : already 2 05-29 11:31:50.997 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : ACTION_SCREEN_ON wakeUp 1 05-29 11:31:50.998 4808 8055 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name f.c 05-29 11:31:50.998 4808 8055 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:50.998 4279 4279 D Sensors : M requested delay = 200000000, modified delay = 0 05-29 11:31:50.998 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - proximity_pocket try to batching with 0 05-29 11:31:50.999 4279 4279 I Sensors : ProximityPocket old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 51539624448 en : 1 05-29 11:31:51.001 10370 10370 V BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - startBleScan 05-29 11:31:51.001 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.001 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.001 10370 10370 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.002 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.002 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.MSG_CALL_START_LESCAN - isFilterScanFailed/discovering:false/true 05-29 11:31:51.002 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10370 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.onReceive - receive Action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - mScreenObserver action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:31:51.003 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - BroadcastReceiver onReceive end 05-29 11:31:51.003 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.004 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.005 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:51.005 4808 8055 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, Proximity Pocket, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.005 4808 8055 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name f.b 05-29 11:31:51.005 4808 8055 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==13 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:51.005 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - light_cct_sensor try to batching with 200000000 05-29 11:31:51.006 4279 4279 I Sensors : LightCCT_Sensor old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 55834591744 en : 1 05-29 11:31:51.006 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.006 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.directStopLeScan - call BleScanner.stopScan() 05-29 11:31:51.006 6102 16802 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=7 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:31:51.007 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.008 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.008 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:51.009 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, last scan stopped at 901957 05-29 11:31:51.009 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 40123, tot/min/max scan time: 854712/120/625444 05-29 11:31:51.009 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.google.uid.shared:10033, first scan started at 901957 05-29 11:31:51.009 4808 8055 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 13, TMD4906 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.009 4808 8055 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name f.d 05-29 11:31:51.010 4808 8055 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==1 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:51.010 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - accelerometer_sensor try to batching with 20000000 05-29 11:31:51.011 4279 4279 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 55834591745 en : 1 05-29 11:31:51.012 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 6 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 05-29 11:31:51.015 4808 8055 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 1, LSM6DSL Acceleration Sensor, 20000, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.017 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.018 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:31:51.018 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.019 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:51.020 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: 6 filters, scanMode=2, reportdelay=0, callback type=1, #clients=2, workSource=WorkSource{10033 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:31:51.021 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.022 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:51.022 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.023 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 7, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:51.023 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Starting scan on OS scanner. BT state: 12 05-29 11:31:51.023 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.023 4808 5180 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:31:51.023 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.024 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.024 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.024 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.025 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.025 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.025 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.026 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:51.027 6102 16802 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:31:51.029 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.029 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.030 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=901978977000 05-29 11:31:51.030 4808 4998 D InputReader: !@notifyKey(172), action=1 05-29 11:31:51.030 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=901978977000 05-29 11:31:51.031 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1, interactive=true 05-29 11:31:51.031 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:31:51.031 4808 4998 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:31:51.031 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 05-29 11:31:51.031 4808 4998 D InputDispatcher: Info: 14 05-29 11:31:51.031 4808 4998 D NaviBarForceTouchMgr: onForceReleasedSleep() playHaptic = false 05-29 11:31:51.031 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.032 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=901979555000 05-29 11:31:51.032 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.032 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:51.033 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.033 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:31:51.034 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.034 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:31:51.034 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:31:51.034 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: isVoIPRinging()... 05-29 11:31:51.034 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... 05-29 11:31:51.034 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: Not exist call session 05-29 11:31:51.035 4808 4997 I WindowManager: Ignoring HOME; down is not pressed. 05-29 11:31:51.036 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.037 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.039 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.039 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.041 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.041 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.044 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.044 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.047 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.047 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.049 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.049 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.050 4808 4850 D AODManagerService: screenTurningOn 05-29 11:31:51.050 4808 4850 D DisplayPowerController: [api] AODManager.AODChangeListener : Received readyToScreenTurningOn(). 05-29 11:31:51.050 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:51.050 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: [M OS] REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_OFF -> REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_TURNING_ON. 05-29 11:31:51.050 4808 4854 I WindowManager: Screen turning on... 05-29 11:31:51.050 4808 4854 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$2@9c8a2fa) 05-29 11:31:51.051 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: mWindowManagerPolicy.screenTurningOn(mPendingScreenOnUnblocker) 05-29 11:31:51.051 4808 4854 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] no lux value from sensor manager 05-29 11:31:51.051 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 94 -> 94 05-29 11:31:51.051 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] setLightSensorEnabled : registerListenerRunnable 05-29 11:31:51.051 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1), PendingAutoBrightness) 05-29 11:31:51.051 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn 05-29 11:31:51.051 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurningOn 05-29 11:31:51.051 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 0 05-29 11:31:51.051 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: refresh : true 05-29 11:31:51.051 4808 5181 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:51.052 4808 5181 I CAE : setPropertyValue(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:126) - Mode = 0 05-29 11:31:51.052 4808 5181 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 48, 1, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.052 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 5 05-29 11:31:51.052 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE -> ON brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:51.052 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:51.052 4279 4279 D Sensors : c1 17 30 01 00 05-29 11:31:51.052 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:51.052 4808 6223 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:51.053 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 05-29 11:31:51.053 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 2 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: dpi: 480, longPixel: 2076, shortPixel: 1080 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleLcdOn(). isDeivceLocked: false, inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode: true 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 4808 I CAE : handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:167) - AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:31:51.054 5236 5236 D WallpaperViewController: onScreenTurningOn 05-29 11:31:51.054 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: IKeyguardDrawnCallback.onDrawn() 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 4808 I CAE : updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:447) - AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 5613 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED **** 05-29 11:31:51.054 4808 5613 D WindowManager: mKeyguardDelegate.ShowListener.onDrawn. 05-29 11:31:51.055 4808 4843 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete 05-29 11:31:51.055 4808 4808 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -76, 13, -47, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.056 5567 5567 D NfcService: PROXIMITY SCREEN ON 05-29 11:31:51.059 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 5 05-29 11:31:51.059 4808 4843 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:31:51.059 4808 6223 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.systemui.classifier.FalsingManager 05-29 11:31:51.060 4808 5181 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:51.061 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.061 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AlwaysOnDisplay: REASON_DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGED: +onDisplayChanged display state On, Hide AOD! 05-29 11:31:51.061 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: onUIActionReceive: 200 05-29 11:31:51.061 4808 5181 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:51.061 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:31:51.061 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:31:51.061 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:51.061 4279 4279 D Sensors : b4 0d d1 00 05-29 11:31:51.061 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:51.061 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:31:51.062 4808 5181 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:155) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:51.062 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : LazyScreenInPocket : event: 901991221691 rgister: 1527564710998 901946162086 05-29 11:31:51.062 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : LazyScreenInPocket : proxVal: 8.0 05-29 11:31:51.062 4808 5181 V CAE : start(ContextProvider.java:128) 05-29 11:31:51.063 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==9 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:51.063 4279 4279 D Sensors : M requested delay = 20000000, modified delay = 0 05-29 11:31:51.063 4808 5181 V CAE : clear(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:267) 05-29 11:31:51.063 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:51.063 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - proximity_sensor try to batching with 0 05-29 11:31:51.064 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:31:51.064 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 5000 -> 120000 05-29 11:31:51.064 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:31:51.064 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:51.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.064 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.065 4808 5181 V CAE : enable(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:243) 05-29 11:31:51.065 4808 5181 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -79, 48, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.066 4279 4279 I Sensors : ProximitySensor old sensor_state 16897, new sensor_state : 55834591873 en : 1 05-29 11:31:51.067 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:31:51.068 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:31:51.068 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:31:51.068 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:31:51.068 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(2), blank(0) 05-29 11:31:51.068 4274 4365 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(2), blank(0) 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE -> ON 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 94 -> 94 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1), PendingAutoBrightness) 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 94 -> 94 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1), PendingAutoBrightness) 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn() 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: [M OS] Notify policy about screen turned on. 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:51.070 5236 5692 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOn 05-29 11:31:51.070 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOn 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : stopDream 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4854 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Finished waking up... 05-29 11:31:51.070 4808 4850 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 05-29 11:31:51.071 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = WAKE_LOCK 05-29 11:31:51.071 5236 5507 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 9, TMD4906 Proximity Sensor, 20000, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.071 5591 5866 E ImsAdaptorImpl2: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:31:51.072 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 3 05-29 11:31:51.072 4284 21412 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 05-29 11:31:51.072 4284 21412 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 05-29 11:31:51.072 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:51.072 5236 5692 D WallpaperViewController: sendWallpaperCommand() WAKE_LOCK 05-29 11:31:51.072 5399 5399 E InfinityWallpaper: Sensor resumed. 05-29 11:31:51.072 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:51.072 4279 4279 D Sensors : b1 30 00 05-29 11:31:51.072 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:51.073 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:31:51.073 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:31:51.073 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:31:51.073 4284 21411 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 1 05-29 11:31:51.076 6102 9556 I NearbyMessages: NetworkPollManager: RPC was requested, but deemed unnecessary. -- metadata{ service_id: 0 } 05-29 11:31:51.077 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 3 05-29 11:31:51.077 4808 5613 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.systemui.infinity.fractal.TiltDetector 05-29 11:31:51.077 4808 5181 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:281) - true 05-29 11:31:51.077 4808 5181 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:31:51.078 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==5 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:51.078 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - interrupt_gyro_sensor try to batching with 20000000 05-29 11:31:51.078 4808 5613 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:51.078 4279 4948 I Sensors : InterruptGyroSensor old sensor_state 17025, new sensor_state : 55868146305 en : 1 05-29 11:31:51.081 5567 21413 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:31:51.081 5567 21413 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 2 05-29 11:31:51.082 5567 21413 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 05-29 11:31:51.082 5399 5399 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 5, Interrupt Gyroscope Sensor, 66667, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.082 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:31:51.082 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 2 05-29 11:31:51.083 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 2 05-29 11:31:51.085 6102 7190 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:31:51.087 4808 5613 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 05-29 11:31:51.087 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DOZE_WAKE_LOCK 'DreamManagerService' ACQ=-40s604ms (uid=1000 pid=4808) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:51.085 6102 7190 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:31:51.088 4808 5181 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:31:51.088 4808 5181 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:31:51.088 4808 5181 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:51.088 4808 5181 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@bc04752, Service : DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR(1) 05-29 11:31:51.088 4808 5181 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@b552c88, Service : AUTO_BRIGHTNESS(1) 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:191) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SemContextService: .registerCallback : 3, client= 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@684ab20, Service : Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@59621, Service : Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SemContextManager: .registerListener : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@5dbce7e, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D SContextManager: .registerListener : listener = com.android.server.display.AutomaticBrightnessController$5@89901d2, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in SensorHubAutoBrightnessEnabled::registerListener done: 38ms 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 4850 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 05-29 11:31:51.089 4808 4850 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 05-29 11:31:51.091 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [api] DreamReceiver: onReceive: android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED 05-29 11:31:51.091 7531 7531 I TraySpecificModeController: SpecificModeReceiver : action = android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED 05-29 11:31:51.091 7531 7531 D TrayVisibilityController: onModeChanged : mode = 0 05-29 11:31:51.091 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{db172e7: PendingIntentRecord{aa3b7cc android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:51.093 4279 4395 I Sensors : ProximitySensor - 8(cm) 05-29 11:31:51.093 4279 4395 I nanohub : sensor: 8, mWakeEventCount(1) 05-29 11:31:51.093 4808 5012 D EdgeLightingListenerManager: unregister : pkg = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, mListeners = 1 05-29 11:31:51.094 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:31:51.094 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 2 05-29 11:31:51.094 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=2 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:31:51.094 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564438435Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:31:51.094 5236 5236 D SensorManager: Proximity, val = 8.0 [far] 05-29 11:31:51.094 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:31:51.095 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564438435Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:31:51.096 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:31:51.097 4808 5012 D PowerManagerService: [api] setButtonBrightnessLimit: 255 05-29 11:31:51.098 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:31:51.099 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() >> START >> isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false 05-29 11:31:51.099 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() << END << same state 05-29 11:31:51.099 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setLockNotificationClicked:false 05-29 11:31:51.099 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:51.100 4808 4964 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T120151 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:51.100 4808 6223 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:31:51.101 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: handleScreenTurnedOn() why = 1 05-29 11:31:51.101 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:31:51.102 5236 5236 D LockIcon: mCurrentState = 5, mLastState = 5, mDeviceInteractive = true, mLastDeviceInteractive = true, mScreenOn = true, mLastScreenOn = false, force = false 05-29 11:31:51.102 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = false 05-29 11:31:51.102 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:51.104 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: onStartCommand : command : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.intent.action.AOD_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:31:51.105 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: onDestroy() 05-29 11:31:51.105 21261 21261 D AODScheduleTimer: stop 05-29 11:31:51.105 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_ENER_INFO_READ 05-29 11:31:51.106 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :21261 / op:PendingIntent{3548934: PendingIntentRecord{8d9594c com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:51.106 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :21261 / op:PendingIntent{f04735d: PendingIntentRecord{ed16eaa com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:51.107 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: stopDozingInternal: DozeSuspendState - [DISPLAY_STATE_OFF] 05-29 11:31:51.108 21261 21261 D AODStateMachine: request : (RUN) --> (IDLE) : action (10) 05-29 11:31:51.108 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: [transitionTo] RUN >> IDLE 05-29 11:31:51.108 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_SEMCONTEXT 05-29 11:31:51.109 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_SENSOR_LIGHT 05-29 11:31:51.109 4808 5613 D SemContextService: Service.removeListenerLocked() : listener = com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@684ab20, service = Carrying Detection, used = 0 05-29 11:31:51.110 4808 5613 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:217) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:51.110 4808 5613 V CAE : stop(ContextProvider.java:155) 05-29 11:31:51.110 4808 5613 V CAE : clear(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:497) 05-29 11:31:51.110 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - Start filter Scan(SCREEN_ON) 05-29 11:31:51.110 4808 5613 V CAE : disable(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:486) 05-29 11:31:51.110 4808 5613 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -78, 56, 0, 0, 05-29 11:31:51.111 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.getMyScanPreferences - interval:3120, window:160 05-29 11:31:51.112 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:51.112 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.113 4808 21415 D BatteryStatsService: !@ mLastInfo WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=866867 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=130 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=10173 mControllerIdleTimeMs=44030 mControllerEnergyUsed=2663010 } 05-29 11:31:51.113 4808 21415 D BatteryStatsService: !@ latest WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=902052 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=132 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=10532 mControllerIdleTimeMs=46066 mControllerEnergyUsed=2756253 } 05-29 11:31:51.113 4808 21415 D BatteryStatsService: !@ delta timePeriodMs : 35185 txTimeMs : 2 rxTimeMs :359 idleTimeMs : 2036 05-29 11:31:51.113 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.113 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling activate off 10 05-29 11:31:51.113 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.113 4279 4948 I Sensors : LightSensor old sensor_state 33571457, new sensor_state : 55868145793 en : 0 05-29 11:31:51.113 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.114 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:51.114 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=58 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:31:51.115 4279 4395 I Sensors : lux = 324, CCT = 4710, r = 301, g = 747, b = 866, c = 699, atime = 17, again = 64, time = 902043223691 05-29 11:31:51.115 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:51.115 10370 19872 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=8 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:31:51.117 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:31:51.117 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:51.117 4279 4279 D Sensors : b2 38 00 00 05-29 11:31:51.117 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:51.117 21261 21261 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:51.117 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_PSM 05-29 11:31:51.117 4808 21177 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:31:51.117 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_WALLPAPER 05-29 11:31:51.118 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, first scan started at 902066 05-29 11:31:51.118 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{ddd19b2 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:51.118 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (request -> transition -> transitionTo -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:51.118 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:51.118 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:31:51.119 4808 6217 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} in Surface(name=StatusBar) 05-29 11:31:51.119 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:51.120 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => interval : 39 05-29 11:31:51.120 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:31:51.120 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:31:51.121 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:31:51.121 4808 5613 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:521) - true 05-29 11:31:51.121 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.121 4808 5613 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:31:51.121 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.121 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / PINNED_CONTENT_SHOWN_STATE = 0 05-29 11:31:51.122 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 8, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:51.122 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => brightnessValue : 3, prefsKey : high_light_display_time 05-29 11:31:51.122 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.122 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: start time : 1527564711122 05-29 11:31:51.122 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.123 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=4 05-29 11:31:51.123 4808 4945 D WindowManager: Window drawn win=Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} 05-29 11:31:51.123 4808 4945 D WindowManager: All windows drawn! 05-29 11:31:51.122 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:51.123 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:51.125 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.125 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.127 4808 4852 I WindowManager: All windows ready for display! 05-29 11:31:51.127 4808 4843 W WindowManager: Setting mWindowManagerDrawComplete 05-29 11:31:51.127 4808 4843 D WindowManager: finishScreenTurningOn: mAwake=true, mScreenOnEarly=true, mScreenOnFully=false, mKeyguardDrawComplete=true, mWindowManagerDrawComplete=true 05-29 11:31:51.127 4808 4843 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on... 05-29 11:31:51.128 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.128 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.128 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:31:51.128 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:31:51.129 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 5000 05-29 11:31:51.129 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 120000 -> 5000 05-29 11:31:51.129 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 0 05-29 11:31:51.130 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.130 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.130 21261 21261 D ScoverManager: unregisterListener 05-29 11:31:51.131 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:51.132 4808 5613 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:31:51.132 4808 5613 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:31:51.132 4808 5613 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:51.132 4808 5613 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@b552c88, Service : AUTO_BRIGHTNESS(1) 05-29 11:31:51.132 4808 5613 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:252) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:51.132 4284 21411 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 1 05-29 11:31:51.132 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.133 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in nativeSetInteractive(true): 63ms 05-29 11:31:51.133 4808 5613 D SemContextService: .unregisterCallback : 2, client= 05-29 11:31:51.133 4808 5613 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:51.133 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 81ms 05-29 11:31:51.133 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.133 4808 5613 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@59621, Service : Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:51.133 4808 5613 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:31:51.133 21261 21417 D SemContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@b2d9975, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:51.133 21261 21261 D DozeService: Dream ended: isDozing=false 05-29 11:31:51.134 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.134 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.135 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@c4d90e4[Sys2410:dream]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:31:51.135 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'b86913e Sys2410:dream (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:31:51.135 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'b86913e Sys2410:dream (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:31:51.136 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.136 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.137 4808 4971 D SensorHubManager: onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(11) = 1, 1, 48, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 1, 68 05-29 11:31:51.137 4808 4972 D CAE : onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:91) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :11], AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:31:51.137 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:192) - buffer size = 11 05-29 11:31:51.138 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:203) - 1, 1, 48, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 1, 68, 05-29 11:31:51.138 4808 4972 D CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:375) - ================= AUTO_BRIGHTNESS ================= 05-29 11:31:51.138 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:31:51.138 4808 5613 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 10003 pkg com.samsung.android.app.aodservice code 70 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 05-29 11:31:51.138 4808 4972 I CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:391) - Candela=[123], AmbientLux=[324] 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 4976 D SemContextService: Service.updateContext() : service = Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:51.139 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 5181 D SContextManager: onSContextChanged() : event = Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:51.139 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] onSensorHubChanged : 1st lux = 324.0, 1st candela = 123.0 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] updateAutoBrightnessSEC : 116(115.950424) 31.0 < 324.0 < 800.0 (0.0) 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: mCallbacks.updateBrightness() 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/lcd/panel/lux, 324 05-29 11:31:51.139 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:51.140 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Tracking Direct to etc : 116 05-29 11:31:51.140 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 116 -> 116 05-29 11:31:51.140 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=116, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:51.141 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/backlight/panel/auto_brightness, 3 05-29 11:31:51.141 5236 5236 D StatusBar.BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver.onChanged() : BRIGHTNESS_PMS_MARKER_SCREEN 05-29 11:31:51.141 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/auto_brightness, 3 05-29 11:31:51.141 5236 5515 V StatusBar.BrightnessController: UpdateSliderRunnable = 116 05-29 11:31:51.142 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:51.142 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:51.143 4808 21177 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} in Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) 05-29 11:31:51.144 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9620 + 05-29 11:31:51.147 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: dismissAODWindow 05-29 11:31:51.150 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:31:51.150 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9620 - 05-29 11:31:51.154 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:31:51.154 4808 21415 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to daily db completed 05-29 11:31:51.157 4808 21415 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to weekly db completed 05-29 11:31:51.157 21261 21261 I SmartAlertView: setAnimationState: -1 to -1 05-29 11:31:51.158 4808 21415 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: refreshstats completed 05-29 11:31:51.158 4808 21415 I BarTender:GATHERERBATTSTATS: set - time:1527564711158 05-29 11:31:51.158 4808 21415 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: Observer from Gatherer - time:1527564711158 05-29 11:31:51.158 4808 4964 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: MSG_TYPE_BARTENDER_CHECK_POWER:: 05-29 11:31:51.158 4808 4964 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDBHelper: checkForPowerThreshold called : 1527564711158 05-29 11:31:51.158 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODTspEventMonitor: unregister 05-29 11:31:51.159 21261 21261 D AODRemoteViewController: removeRemoteViewCallback: removed: true 0 05-29 11:31:51.161 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9840 + 05-29 11:31:51.162 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881d910 05-29 11:31:51.162 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@f2012c8[AOD]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:31:51.162 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel '977869e AOD (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:31:51.163 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel '977869e AOD (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65cd00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038c40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0388c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:31:51.163 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:51.166 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9840 - 05-29 11:31:51.167 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=false 05-29 11:31:51.167 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8608 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:31:51.167 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:31:51.167 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:31:51.168 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:51.169 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 21261 05-29 11:31:51.169 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:31:51.170 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:31:51.170 4808 5613 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8608 05-29 11:31:51.170 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:31:51.172 21261 21261 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:31:51.177 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10060 + 05-29 11:31:51.178 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:31:51.183 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10060 - 05-29 11:31:51.195 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10280 + 05-29 11:31:51.200 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10280 - 05-29 11:31:51.203 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:StatusBar' ACQ=-252ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:51.212 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10500 + 05-29 11:31:51.217 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10500 - 05-29 11:31:51.229 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10720 + 05-29 11:31:51.234 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10720 - 05-29 11:31:51.245 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10940 + 05-29 11:31:51.251 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10940 - 05-29 11:31:51.256 5236 5236 I ViewCaptureUtil: Capture the lockscreen 05-29 11:31:51.261 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11160 + 05-29 11:31:51.264 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|204] 05-29 11:31:51.267 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11160 - 05-29 11:31:51.278 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11380 + 05-29 11:31:51.284 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11380 - 05-29 11:31:51.294 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:31:51.294 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 116 -> 116 05-29 11:31:51.294 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=116, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:51.295 4808 5182 D DisplayPowerState: Tracking!!: 116 05-29 11:31:51.297 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11600 + 05-29 11:31:51.297 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 13 05-29 11:31:51.297 4279 4948 I Sensors : LightCCT_Sensor old sensor_state 33570945, new sensor_state : 51573178497 en : 0 05-29 11:31:51.302 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11600 - 05-29 11:31:51.302 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:51.303 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 11 05-29 11:31:51.303 4279 4948 I Sensors : ProximityPocket old sensor_state 33570945, new sensor_state : 17213440129 en : 0 05-29 11:31:51.306 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:51.306 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 1 05-29 11:31:51.306 4279 4948 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 33570945, new sensor_state : 17213440128 en : 0 05-29 11:31:51.310 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:51.347 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=AOD) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement:818 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:233 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:168 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:158 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.lambda$-com_android_server_wm_WindowSurfacePlacer_6459:135 05-29 11:31:51.347 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=57 Removed AOD#0 (5/5) 05-29 11:31:51.348 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=57 Removed AOD#0 (-2/5) 05-29 11:31:51.348 4808 4945 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 10003 pkg com.samsung.android.app.aodservice code 70 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:51.350 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:51.361 4295 4295 I Layer : id=57 onRemoved AOD#0 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038c40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65cd00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:31:51.367 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:51.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:51.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.701 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:51.701 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.803 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:51.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:51.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:51.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:51.934 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1469000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : DEVICE_WAKEUP@CPU_MIN@63 05-29 11:31:52.023 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.023 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.024 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.024 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.136 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.139 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.240 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.351 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.437 4808 6217 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:31:52.438 4808 6217 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4309, temperature: 285, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2984000 05-29 11:31:52.438 4808 6217 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-10, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:-7 05-29 11:31:52.438 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:31:52.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:52.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.441 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:31:52.441 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:31:52.441 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:31:52.442 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:31:52.443 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:31:52.450 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:52.453 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:31:52.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.456 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:52.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.462 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:31:52.466 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:52.467 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:31:52.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.762 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.929 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:52.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:52.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:52.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.039 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.039 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.039 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.071 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.096 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:53.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:53.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.109 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:31:53.109 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:31:53.110 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:31:53.111 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:31:53.111 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:31:53.111 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:31:53.112 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:31:53.140 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 448, Display = 296(Panel:44, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:53.141 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 112, Display = 74, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:31:53.143 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.48, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.10], F_RF[30.00], B_AP[29.80], B_RF[29.50], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.00] 05-29 11:31:53.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.276 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.346 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.348 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.376 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.376 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.480 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.483 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.484 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.552 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.553 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.553 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.587 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77963 5273104 w 28482 506348 d 3343 154648 f 7300 7377 iot 36312 30734 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 904.534 05-29 11:31:53.693 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.802 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.802 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:53.909 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:53.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:53.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.063 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:54.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.229 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.229 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.389 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.390 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.391 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.438 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.438 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.543 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.754 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:54.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:54.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:54.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.271 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.271 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.272 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:55.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.287 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:55.287 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:31:55.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.434 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.434 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.435 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.435 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.476 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.477 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.479 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.690 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.692 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.796 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:55.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:55.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.907 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:55.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:55.960 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:55.960 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 4 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: Nap time (uid 1000)... 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : startDreaming: false (canDreamLocked: false canDozeLocked: false) 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: !@[ps] Screen__Off - 2 : dream(timeout) (2) 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 5180 D NetworkPolicy: onScreenStateChanged, state: false, reason: 3 05-29 11:31:56.033 4808 4854 D InputManager-JNI: setInteractive(false) 05-29 11:31:56.037 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:56.038 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.038 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:31:56.039 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep... (why=3) 05-29 11:31:56.039 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedGoingToSleep(3) 05-29 11:31:56.044 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=59 createSurf (1080x2220),2 flag=404, ColorFade#0 05-29 11:31:56.049 4808 4854 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.050 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: Lock timeout lockAfterTimeout=5000 policyTimeout=0 displayTimeout=120000 05-29 11:31:56.050 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: timeout = 5000 05-29 11:31:56.050 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:56.051 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setUnlockingKeyguard( false ) 05-29 11:31:56.052 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:56.052 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:56.052 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyStartedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:56.057 4808 4854 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:56.058 4808 4854 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.060 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.098 21261 21271 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:31:56.099 21261 21271 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:56.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.116 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.124 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.128 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: ColorFade: onAnimationStart 05-29 11:31:56.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:56.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.132 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:56.132 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:56.132 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:56.132 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038540 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | ColorFade#0 05-29 11:31:56.132 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:56.147 21261 21430 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: addLogText 05-29 11:31:56.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.225 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.225 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.226 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:31:56.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.282 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.283 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.402 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerState: !@ ColorFade entry 05-29 11:31:56.403 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [input device light] onColorFadeExit(false) 05-29 11:31:56.403 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: ColorFade: onAnimationEnd 05-29 11:31:56.409 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.410 4808 4854 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 05-29 11:31:56.284 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:56.284 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.410 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 0 + 05-29 11:31:56.414 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 0 - 05-29 11:31:56.415 4808 4854 W mali_winsys: native_window_api_disconnect failed: -19 05-29 11:31:56.416 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 116 -> 116 05-29 11:31:56.417 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=116, rate=500 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.417 4808 4854 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 7 ms 05-29 11:31:56.417 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.417 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: [M OS] REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_* -> REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_OFF. 05-29 11:31:56.417 4808 4854 I WindowManager: Screen turned off... 05-29 11:31:56.418 4808 4854 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff() 05-29 11:31:56.420 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:56.421 5236 5869 D WallpaperViewController: sendWallpaperCommand() SLEEP_LOCK 05-29 11:31:56.422 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = SLEEP_LOCK 05-29 11:31:56.423 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:56.423 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setLockNotificationClicked:false 05-29 11:31:56.423 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: onScreenTurnedOff() 05-29 11:31:56.423 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 4 05-29 11:31:56.424 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=com.android.systemui uid=10003 pid=5399 ws=null pkg=com.android.systemui 05-29 11:31:56.424 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:56.424 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Dozing 05-29 11:31:56.424 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:56.424 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:56.425 4808 21177 D SensorService: Calling activate off 9 05-29 11:31:56.425 4279 4948 I Sensors : ProximitySensor old sensor_state 33570944, new sensor_state : 17213440000 en : 0 05-29 11:31:56.425 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: resetShapeData 05-29 11:31:56.426 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: parse data start shapeSizeRatio = 0.64 05-29 11:31:56.428 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateSessions() 05-29 11:31:56.430 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: onActiveSessionsChanged() controllers: Size: 0 05-29 11:31:56.430 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateController: , current controller = 05-29 11:31:56.430 5236 5236 D MusicController_LOCK: onSessionEnabled() enabled = true, mEnabled = true, lastSession = null, activeSession = null 05-29 11:31:56.432 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: mWindowManagerPolicy.screenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:56.433 4808 4854 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/lcd/panel/lux, -1 05-29 11:31:56.433 5236 5507 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:56.434 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] setLightSensorEnabled : unregisterListenerRunnable 05-29 11:31:56.434 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Service.removeListenerLocked() : listener = com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@59621, service = Auto Brightness, used = 0 05-29 11:31:56.435 4808 5181 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:217) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:56.441 4808 4854 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/backlight/panel/auto_brightness, 0 05-29 11:31:56.442 4808 4854 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/auto_brightness, 0 05-29 11:31:56.443 5236 5236 D LockIcon: mCurrentState = 5, mLastState = 5, mDeviceInteractive = true, mLastDeviceInteractive = true, mScreenOn = false, mLastScreenOn = true, force = false 05-29 11:31:56.443 4808 4854 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] no lux value from sensor manager 05-29 11:31:56.443 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = true 05-29 11:31:56.443 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.443 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:56.444 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : startDreaming: true (canDreamLocked: false canDozeLocked: true) 05-29 11:31:56.444 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : startDream(true) 05-29 11:31:56.445 4808 5181 V CAE : stop(ContextProvider.java:155) 05-29 11:31:56.445 4284 21432 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 0 05-29 11:31:56.445 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: parse data end 05-29 11:31:56.445 4808 5181 V CAE : clear(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:267) 05-29 11:31:56.446 4284 21433 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 05-29 11:31:56.446 4808 5181 V CAE : disable(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:256) 05-29 11:31:56.446 4284 21433 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 05-29 11:31:56.446 4808 5181 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -78, 48, 0, 0, 05-29 11:31:56.450 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:31:56.450 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.450 4279 4948 D Sensors : b2 30 00 00 05-29 11:31:56.450 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:56.450 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.450 5399 5399 E InfinityWallpaper: Sensor paused. 05-29 11:31:56.450 4808 4854 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 05-29 11:31:56.451 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 05-29 11:31:56.451 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.451 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.453 4808 4850 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 05-29 11:31:56.455 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:31:56.455 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:31:56.456 4808 5181 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:281) - true 05-29 11:31:56.457 4808 5181 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:31:56.458 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling activate off 5 05-29 11:31:56.458 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:56.460 4279 4948 I Sensors : InterruptGyroSensor old sensor_state 33570816, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:31:56.465 5399 5399 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:56.465 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:31:56.466 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 0 05-29 11:31:56.466 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 0 05-29 11:31:56.466 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: resetProperties 05-29 11:31:56.466 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:56.469 4808 5181 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:31:56.469 4808 5181 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:31:56.470 4808 5181 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:56.470 4808 5181 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:252) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:31:56.470 4808 5181 D SemContextService: .unregisterCallback : 1, client= 05-29 11:31:56.470 4808 5181 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:56.470 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:31:56.470 4808 5181 D SemContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@5dbce7e, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:56.471 4808 5181 D SContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = com.android.server.display.AutomaticBrightnessController$5@89901d2, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:31:56.471 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in SensorHubAutoBrightnessEnabled::unregisterListener done: 37ms 05-29 11:31:56.472 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:56.472 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:31:56.472 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:31:56.472 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:56.472 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:56.472 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:31:56.473 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:31:56.473 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:31:56.488 21246 21279 W FSvc|130134|ActionDispatcherImpl: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 05-29 11:31:56.489 21246 21246 I FSvc|130134|AgentSvcImpl: onIdle 05-29 11:31:56.498 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [api] DreamReceiver: onReceive: android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED 05-29 11:31:56.499 7531 7531 I TraySpecificModeController: SpecificModeReceiver : action = android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED 05-29 11:31:56.499 7531 7531 D TrayVisibilityController: onModeChanged : mode = 16 05-29 11:31:56.500 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T124256 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:56.500 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:31:56.500 4808 4808 I PersonaManagerService::Timeout: TimeoutReceiver.onReceive() {action:android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED userHandle:-1} 05-29 11:31:56.500 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=4099 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=16 05-29 11:31:56.500 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564711138Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:31:56.504 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:31:56.504 4284 21432 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 0 05-29 11:31:56.505 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in nativeSetInteractive(false): 61ms 05-29 11:31:56.505 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: ON -> OFF brightness: 9400 -> 0 05-29 11:31:56.506 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF 05-29 11:31:56.506 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:31:56.507 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 1 05-29 11:31:56.507 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleLcdOff() 05-29 11:31:56.508 5567 5567 D NfcService: PROXIMITY SCREEN OFF 05-29 11:31:56.510 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:56.510 4808 5613 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:56.511 4808 5613 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:31:56.511 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=58 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (4/5) 05-29 11:31:56.511 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=58 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/5) 05-29 11:31:56.513 5567 21435 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:31:56.514 5567 21435 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 1 05-29 11:31:56.514 4808 4808 I CAE : handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:155) - AP_SLEEP 05-29 11:31:56.515 4808 4808 I CAE : updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:447) - AP_SLEEP 05-29 11:31:56.515 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:31:56.516 4808 4808 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -76, 13, -46, 0, 05-29 11:31:56.516 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:31:56.516 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:31:56.516 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.517 4279 4948 D Sensors : b4 0d d2 00 05-29 11:31:56.517 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.517 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:31:56.517 4274 17462 I display : DDISCALER Info(clearDisplay) : Enable=2, Mode(w=1080, h=2220) 05-29 11:31:56.517 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:56.519 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:56.520 4808 4808 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 14, 3, 31, 56, 05-29 11:31:56.521 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 5 05-29 11:31:56.522 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.522 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 0e 03 1f 38 05-29 11:31:56.522 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.522 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:31:56.525 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 5 05-29 11:31:56.531 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: setView = DecorView@35e9bce[Sys2410:dream] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:31:56.536 21261 21261 D DozeService: onAttachedToWindow() 05-29 11:31:56.536 4808 5012 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:31:56.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.537 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 1 05-29 11:31:56.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.537 21261 21261 D DozeService: startDozing() : 1 05-29 11:31:56.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:56.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.541 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:31:56.543 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: setDozeModeBySysfs done: value is 0 05-29 11:31:56.544 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: OFF screenBrightness: -1 05-29 11:31:56.545 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x40 tag=DreamManagerService uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=null pkg=android 05-29 11:31:56.545 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:56.545 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:56.545 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:56.546 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.546 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.546 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:31:56.547 4808 5613 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{990c3da u0 Sys2410:dream}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2410 fl=#1880509 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x1600411 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:56.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.647 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:56.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.672 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(0), blank(4) 05-29 11:31:56.672 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(0), blank(4) 05-29 11:31:56.673 4808 4860 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 163ms 05-29 11:31:56.673 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in !@display_state: OFF: 168ms 05-29 11:31:56.674 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: ON -> OFF 05-29 11:31:56.674 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 230ms 05-29 11:31:56.675 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=60 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, Sys2410:dream#0 05-29 11:31:56.675 4295 4295 I Layer : id=58 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:31:56.678 4808 5613 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.678 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.678 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.679 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] On : 901865 (5762 ms ago) 05-29 11:31:56.682 4808 4854 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] mStayOn: false mWakeLockSummary & WAKE_LOCK_STAY_AWAKE: 0 mUserActivitySummary: 0x4 05-29 11:31:56.683 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.683 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.683 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:56.683 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:56.683 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:31:56.683 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Dozing 05-29 11:31:56.684 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:56.684 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:56.684 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep... (why=3) 05-29 11:31:56.684 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:56.696 21261 21261 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.697 4808 5180 D PersonaManagerService: onfinishedGoingToSleep why = 3 05-29 11:31:56.697 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: onFinishedGoingToSleep(3) 05-29 11:31:56.697 5236 5869 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyFinishedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:56.697 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530975260672} changed=true 05-29 11:31:56.697 5236 5869 E KeyguardViewMediator: resetStateLocked 05-29 11:31:56.712 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyFinishedGoingToSleep 05-29 11:31:56.713 21261 21295 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:56.713 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881d910 05-29 11:31:56.714 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:1/F:9/AC:false) 20180529T114156 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:56.716 21261 21261 D DozeService: onDreamingStarted: canDoze=true 05-29 11:31:56.722 4808 5613 D EdgeLightingListenerManager: register : pkg = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, mListeners = 0 05-29 11:31:56.723 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_CONFIGURATION 05-29 11:31:56.723 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 3, color = 0, mode = 14, onMS = 0, offMS = 0, (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:31:56.723 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_CONFIGURATION 05-29 11:31:56.723 4808 4808 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:31:56.724 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_COVER 05-29 11:31:56.724 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x40 | SvcLED(id=3) set On 05-29 11:31:56.724 4808 4808 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.server.lights.LightsService 05-29 11:31:56.725 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==10 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:56.726 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - light_sensor try to batching with 200000000 05-29 11:31:56.726 21261 21261 D ScoverManager: registerListener 05-29 11:31:56.727 4279 4948 I Sensors : LightSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179886080 en : 1 05-29 11:31:56.730 5236 5236 D WallpaperViewController: onScreenTurnedOff 05-29 11:31:56.730 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_COVER 05-29 11:31:56.731 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleReset 05-29 11:31:56.731 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_DISPLAY 05-29 11:31:56.731 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_DISPLAY 05-29 11:31:56.733 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.733 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_SETTINGSDB_AODENABLE 05-29 11:31:56.734 4808 4808 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 10, TMD4906 lux Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:31:56.734 4808 4808 D BatteryService: turn on LED for fully charged 05-29 11:31:56.735 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState: KGRD -> KGRD 05-29 11:31:56.735 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_LOCK_TASK_MODE 05-29 11:31:56.738 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = true 05-29 11:31:56.738 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState( dispatchStatusBarState to false ) 05-29 11:31:56.741 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:31:56.743 5236 5236 E LSO_LSOInterface: LSO Service is not yet ready!!! 05-29 11:31:56.743 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_LOCK_TASK_MODE 05-29 11:31:56.743 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_ROAMING 05-29 11:31:56.744 4808 4808 D EdmStorageProvider: getCount(ClientCertificateManagerTable) - 0 05-29 11:31:56.745 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = true 05-29 11:31:56.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:56.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.749 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = true 05-29 11:31:56.750 5236 5236 D StatusBar: mNotificationPanel.setAlpha(0f); 05-29 11:31:56.752 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:31:56.752 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:31:56.753 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 101 05-29 11:31:56.753 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:31:56.754 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewBase: show() 05-29 11:31:56.755 5236 5236 V KeyguardSecurityView: showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) 05-29 11:31:56.756 5236 5236 D KeyguardSecurityView: showSecurityScreen(None) 05-29 11:31:56.757 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: initialize monitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_ROAMING 05-29 11:31:56.759 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateSessions() 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: onActiveSessionsChanged() controllers: Size: 0 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D PlaybackStateMonitor_LOCK: updateController: , current controller = 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D MusicController_LOCK: onSessionEnabled() enabled = true, mEnabled = true, lastSession = null, activeSession = null 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D PowerUI.Notification: dismissUnintentionallyLcdOnNotice 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: handleScreenTurnedOff() 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:56.760 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:56.765 4808 4808 I MdnieScenarioControlService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.766 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:56.766 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:56.766 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:56.766 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardReset 05-29 11:31:56.766 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:31:56.766 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:31:56.768 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:31:56.768 4808 4808 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:31:56.771 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 297 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 292, CHG = 294, CP = 301, WF = 292, WFPst = 293 (W:15) 05-29 11:31:56.772 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isRoamingState: isDualClockSetting : true, isAODRoamingClockOptionEnabled : true, isHomeTimeZoneExist : true, isEasyUxON : false, isNetworkRoaming : false 05-29 11:31:56.774 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:31:56.778 4808 5274 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:31:56.778 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:31:56.785 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:31:56.785 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x40 -> 0x40 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:31:56.786 4808 4808 D SmartAlertController: ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.786 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: onStartCommand : command : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.intent.action.AOD_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.788 4267 4530 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(screen_state=off) 05-29 11:31:56.788 4267 4530 I audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: Screen State = off) 05-29 11:31:56.789 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isNavigationBarEnable : true / isHomeButtonSettingShowEnable : true 05-29 11:31:56.789 4429 4845 V MultiRecordManager: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue screen_state=off, calling pid 4808 05-29 11:31:56.790 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: getClockInfo clockType = 1 05-29 11:31:56.790 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 1 clockFacetype = 0 category = AOD 05-29 11:31:56.790 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:56.791 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: getClockInfo clockType = 1 05-29 11:31:56.791 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: isClockFaceType type = 1 clockFacetype = 0 category = AOD 05-29 11:31:56.791 21261 21261 D ClockInfoManager: SUPPORT_CLOCK_FACE = false 05-29 11:31:56.791 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: not applied theme clock 05-29 11:31:56.792 21261 21261 D AODBaseUtils: updateLockScreenState 05-29 11:31:56.792 21322 21334 D SADVFSHelper: Either heavy-duty effect is Off or Music playback is not active 05-29 11:31:56.797 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: wallpaper component=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} 05-29 11:31:56.797 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: componentName=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue 05-29 11:31:56.797 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: unmatched service name =com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlack 05-29 11:31:56.797 21261 21261 D WallpaperManager: isInfinityWallpaper = true 05-29 11:31:56.797 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isSeamlessWallpaper : true 05-29 11:31:56.798 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T124256 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:56.800 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isRoamingState: isDualClockSetting : true, isAODRoamingClockOptionEnabled : true, isHomeTimeZoneExist : true, isEasyUxON : false, isNetworkRoaming : false 05-29 11:31:56.800 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: inside mBReciever onReceive : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.800 4808 5274 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:31:56.801 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block started**** 05-29 11:31:56.801 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: notifyChangeToPlugin is called for Lock status update... 05-29 11:31:56.801 4808 4808 D UcmService: notifyChangeToPlugin event 15 05-29 11:31:56.801 4808 4808 D UcmService: checkCallerPermissionFor is called for method-notifyChangeToPlugin 05-29 11:31:56.801 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block ended**** 05-29 11:31:56.805 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: startAOD: AODServicePolicy :AODPolicy : mClockInfo = com.samsung.android.uniform.manager.ClockInfo@d1c4068, mPaletteColorIndex = 0, mIsSeamlessEnabled = true, mIsLiveClockEnabled = true, mIsSelfMoveEnabled = true, mIsDirtyMoveEnabled = true, mIsEnabled = true 05-29 11:31:56.805 21261 21261 I AODScheduleTimer: start 05-29 11:31:56.805 4808 4808 I KnoxKeyguardScrimView: scrim receiver onReceive. action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.805 4808 5189 D KnoxKeyguardScrimView: MSG_CHECK_KEYGUARD_SERVICE_RUNNING 05-29 11:31:56.808 4808 5423 D GnssLocationProvider: receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.813 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.815 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: SCREEN : OFF 05-29 11:31:56.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.816 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:31:56.816 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:31:56.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.816 21261 21261 D AODScheduleTimer: start : wake up aod 05-29 11:31:56.816 21261 21261 D AODScheduleTimer: notifyWakeUp 05-29 11:31:56.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:56.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.818 4808 5622 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:31:56.819 4808 5622 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:31:56.821 5205 5205 I SKBD : ahd SKBD mScreenLockReceiver onReceive() 05-29 11:31:56.821 21261 21261 W AODBaseSettingsUtils: [Always On Display] Is AOD shown(AODShowState)? true 05-29 11:31:56.821 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: isNeedRefreshLiveClockImage: false 05-29 11:31:56.822 21261 21261 D AODStateMachine: request : (IDLE) --> (STARTING) : action (1) 05-29 11:31:56.822 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: [transitionTo] IDLE >> STARTING 05-29 11:31:56.822 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_SEMCONTEXT 05-29 11:31:56.822 4808 5623 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isLockScreenEnabled 05-29 11:31:56.823 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_SENSOR_LIGHT 05-29 11:31:56.824 4808 5012 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SensorMonitor$SensorListenerSet 05-29 11:31:56.824 4808 5623 D SecContentProvider: called from com.sec.android.inputmethod 05-29 11:31:56.825 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==10 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:31:56.825 4808 5622 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.825 21261 21261 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 10, TMD4906 lux Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:31:56.825 21261 21261 I AOD_MONITOR@SensorMonitor: register: type: 5 05-29 11:31:56.825 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_PSM 05-29 11:31:56.826 4808 5622 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 05-29 11:31:56.826 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 4 , byte length 9 05-29 11:31:56.827 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.827 5567 5567 D NfcService: Top activity class name = com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:31:56.827 5567 5567 D NfcService: FactoryTestApp is not running, keep going 05-29 11:31:56.827 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 04 00 00 00 01 02 05-29 11:31:56.827 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.828 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: registerMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_WALLPAPER 05-29 11:31:56.829 5567 21439 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:31:56.830 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: createAODWindow 05-29 11:31:56.830 5567 21439 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 1 05-29 11:31:56.831 5567 21439 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 05-29 11:31:56.831 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:31:56.831 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:31:56.832 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 9 05-29 11:31:56.833 4808 5622 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.833 4808 5622 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.833 4808 5622 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:155) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.834 4808 5622 V CAE : start(ContextProvider.java:128) 05-29 11:31:56.834 4808 5622 V CAE : clear(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:497) 05-29 11:31:56.834 21261 21261 D PointerIcon: [View]semSetPointerIcon = 20019, view = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{8de56a6 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}, callingPid = 21261 05-29 11:31:56.834 4808 5622 V CAE : enable(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:471) 05-29 11:31:56.834 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: Create: AODUIPolicy : AODPolicy : mClockInfo = com.samsung.android.uniform.manager.ClockInfo@d1c4068, mPaletteColorIndex = 0, mIsSeamlessEnabled = true, mIsLiveClockEnabled = true, mIsSelfMoveEnabled = true, mIsDirtyMoveEnabled = true, mPageType = 1, mIsNotificationEnabled = true, mIsPinIconEnabled = true, mIsPinnedContentEnabled = false, mIsAODHelpEnabled = false, mIsSmartAlertEnabled = true, mIsHomeKeyEnabled = true, mIsHomeKeyHelpEnabled = false, mTSPEventEnabled = true, mScreenEventEnabled = true, mIsRoamingState = false, mBackgroundColor = 0, mIsBatteryInfoEnabled = true, mIsOwnerInfoEnabled = true, mIsBrightnessControllerEnabled = false, mIsMusicInfoEnabled = true, mIsNeedToRequestCalendar = false 05-29 11:31:56.834 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: getAnalogClockResources: version : 2 type : 1 : null 05-29 11:31:56.834 4808 5622 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -79, 56, 0, 3, 31, 56, 05-29 11:31:56.834 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 6 05-29 11:31:56.835 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.835 4279 4948 D Sensors : b1 38 00 03 1f 38 05-29 11:31:56.835 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.835 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / FIRST_LAUNCHED = 2018-03-89 11:40:34:4034 05-29 11:31:56.838 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxUIComponent: getPageKeyList() = servicebox_clock;servicebox_music 05-29 11:31:56.838 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxUIComponent: initializePages(): [ServiceBoxPageItem [mKey=servicebox_clock], ServiceBoxPageItem [mKey=servicebox_music]] 05-29 11:31:56.838 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:31:56.839 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 6 05-29 11:31:56.839 4808 5622 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:521) - true 05-29 11:31:56.840 4808 5622 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:31:56.840 4808 5012 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:31:56.842 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: initializeNotifications 05-29 11:31:56.842 5579 5876 D VolteServiceModule: onSreenOnOffChanged: on =0 05-29 11:31:56.843 5579 5876 D StackIF[-1]: updateScreenOnOff: on 0 05-29 11:31:56.843 5579 5876 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0009]> REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:31:56.844 5579 5873 D [IMS6.0]: IMS_onResponse() Resp Id:101 05-29 11:31:56.844 5579 5873 D StackIF : readMessage: messageType 1 tid 9 pduLength 10 05-29 11:31:56.844 5579 5873 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0009]< REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:31:56.844 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: reqId 2 05-29 11:31:56.844 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: handle 0 result REQUEST_SUCCESS reason REASON_NO_ERROR 05-29 11:31:56.849 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: LiveClockManager: ready 05-29 11:31:56.849 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: isNeedRefreshLiveClockImage: false 05-29 11:31:56.849 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{8de56a6 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 05-29 11:31:56.849 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (createAODContainer -> -> initLiveClockManager -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:56.849 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() >> START >> isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false 05-29 11:31:56.849 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() << END << same state 05-29 11:31:56.850 4808 5623 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=AOD_DRAW uid=10003 pid=21261 ws=null pkg=com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:31:56.850 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: dispatchEvent: false 05-29 11:31:56.850 4808 5622 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:31:56.850 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer$SWTicker@51eb730 05-29 11:31:56.850 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (createAODContainer -> -> initLiveClockManager -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:56.850 4808 5622 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:31:56.850 4808 5622 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@d4dcde2, Service : DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR(1) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:191) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:744) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.ISemContextCallback$Stub$Proxy.getListenerInfo(ISemContextCallback.java:116) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$ListenerManager.notifyListeners(SemContextService.java:1205) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService.registerCallback(SemContextService.java:189) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : at com.samsung.android.hardware.context.ISemContextService$Stub.onTransact(ISemContextService.java:62) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 W Binder : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:682) 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 D SemContextService: .registerCallback : 2, client= 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@3a37c30, Service : Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.851 4808 5622 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:31:56.851 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .registerListener : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.852 4808 5622 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.852 4808 5622 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 2, 0, 10, 05-29 11:31:56.853 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:56.853 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.853 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 02 00 0a 05-29 11:31:56.853 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.854 4808 5274 I AODWindowManager: AOD Window : Window{fee62e u0 AOD} 05-29 11:31:56.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.856 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=true 05-29 11:31:56.856 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:56.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.856 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x920a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:31:56.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 5 lines 05-29 11:31:56.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:56.856 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:31:56.856 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:31:56.857 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=true myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:56.857 4808 5622 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.857 4808 5622 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.858 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.858 4808 5274 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:31:56.858 4808 5274 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 21261 05-29 11:31:56.859 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[AOD]: setView = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.AlwaysOnDisplay$AODDecorView{eb1bd65 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:31:56.859 21261 21261 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_EnsureWorkingTime, timeout - 1100, reason - start delay by 100, wakeLock = WakeLock{5e01a86 held=false, refCount=0} 05-29 11:31:56.859 4808 5622 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:31:56.860 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: Add whitelist package alarm: PendingIntent{c3e35cf: PendingIntentRecord{8d9594c com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:56.861 4808 5274 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.862 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:0/F:9/AC:false) 20180529T113200 - CU:10003/CP:21261 05-29 11:31:56.862 21261 21261 I AODScheduleTimer: setAlarm : TICK, next alarm [1527564720000 ms], [05-29 11:32:00.000], [Reason: TimeTick| Self: NONE/O'clock: NONE/OFF: NONE/SW: NONE] 05-29 11:31:56.862 4808 5613 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :21261 / op:PendingIntent{7fc2b5c: PendingIntentRecord{ed16eaa com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:56.862 4808 5274 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 3, 0, 30, 05-29 11:31:56.862 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: start time : 1527564716862 05-29 11:31:56.864 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:56.864 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.864 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 03 00 1e 05-29 11:31:56.864 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.866 4808 4827 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{990c3da u0 Sys2410:dream}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2410 fl=#1880509 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x1600411 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:56.869 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:56.870 4808 5274 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.871 4808 5274 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.871 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.872 4808 5613 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.872 4808 5613 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 4, 0, 1, 05-29 11:31:56.872 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:56.873 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.873 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 04 00 01 05-29 11:31:56.873 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.874 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:56.875 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:56.875 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue) 05-29 11:31:56.875 4808 5613 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.876 4808 5613 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.876 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.876 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] onSensorChanged::light value = 403 05-29 11:31:56.876 4808 4859 D SensorService: Calling activate off 10 05-29 11:31:56.877 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.877 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530975260672} changed=false 05-29 11:31:56.877 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.877 4808 4827 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 3, 1, 0, 3, 05-29 11:31:56.877 7531 7531 D AbstractCocktailPanelView: setPanelVisible: CocktailPortraitRemotePanelView2 will be hidden: 4 05-29 11:31:56.877 7531 7531 D CocktailBarPanelVisibilityManager: updateActivePanelView: vis=false screenOn=false onTransit=false -hide: 4 current Active: 4 05-29 11:31:56.878 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - light_sensor try to batching with 200000000 05-29 11:31:56.879 4808 5012 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x920a 05-29 11:31:56.879 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 7 05-29 11:31:56.879 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.879 4808 4859 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:31:56.879 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 03 01 00 03 05-29 11:31:56.879 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.880 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/sec/led/led_lowpower, 0 05-29 11:31:56.881 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 5 + 05-29 11:31:56.881 7531 7531 I AbstractCocktailPanelView: notifyPanelVisibilityChanged: visibility not changed 2 id: 4 05-29 11:31:56.882 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:31:56.882 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=4099 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=16 05-29 11:31:56.882 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : already 2 05-29 11:31:56.882 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.882 4808 8055 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:956 f.g.handleMessage:162 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:105 android.os.Looper.loop:164 android.os.HandlerThread.run:65 05-29 11:31:56.884 13120 21441 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 05-29 11:31:56.884 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 7 05-29 11:31:56.884 4808 4827 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.885 4808 4827 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.885 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.885 4808 5012 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.886 4808 5012 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 4, 0, 0, 0, 110, 1, 05-29 11:31:56.886 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 4 , byte length 9 05-29 11:31:56.886 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.886 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 04 00 00 00 6e 01 05-29 11:31:56.886 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.888 4808 4827 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{990c3da u0 Sys2410:dream} in Surface(name=Sys2410:dream) 05-29 11:31:56.889 21261 21261 I AOD_TSP@AODTspEventController: setTouchMode: skipped 05-29 11:31:56.889 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODTspEventMonitor: register 05-29 11:31:56.889 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 9 05-29 11:31:56.889 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 5 - 05-29 11:31:56.889 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:31:56.889 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:31:56.889 4808 5012 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.890 4808 5012 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.890 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.890 4808 4859 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{3d59a53: PendingIntentRecord{62a2f90 android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:56.890 4808 5012 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.890 4808 5012 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 56, 4, 0, 0, 0, 17, 2, 05-29 11:31:56.890 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 4 , byte length 9 05-29 11:31:56.891 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:56.891 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 38 04 00 00 00 11 02 05-29 11:31:56.891 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:56.891 21261 21261 D AODRemoteViewController: addRemoteViewCallback: added 1 05-29 11:31:56.892 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.892 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.892 21261 21266 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=23KB 05-29 11:31:56.892 21261 21266 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=30KB, data=23KB 05-29 11:31:56.892 21261 21266 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 05-29 11:31:56.892 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.892 10370 10370 V BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - startBleScan 05-29 11:31:56.893 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.893 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:56.893 10370 10370 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.894 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.MSG_CALL_START_LESCAN - isFilterScanFailed/discovering:false/true 05-29 11:31:56.894 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 9 05-29 11:31:56.894 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.894 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.894 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.directStopLeScan - call BleScanner.stopScan() 05-29 11:31:56.894 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.894 4808 4827 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{82945b6 u0 NavBarTouchConsumer} in Surface(name=NavBarTouchConsumer) 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10370 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.onReceive - receive Action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.895 5236 5236 D PowerUI.Notification: dismissUnintentionallyLcdOnNotice 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.895 4808 5012 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - mScreenObserver action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:31:56.895 4808 5012 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:31:56.895 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - BroadcastReceiver onReceive end 05-29 11:31:56.895 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 6 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 05-29 11:31:56.895 21261 21438 D SemContextManager: .changeParameters : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:56.895 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, last scan stopped at 907843 05-29 11:31:56.895 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 5777, tot/min/max scan time: 860489/120/625444 05-29 11:31:56.898 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 7, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:56.898 4808 4859 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T114156 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:31:56.900 21261 21261 D RemoteViewsMonitor: requestServiceBoxRemoteViews() sent: 05-29 11:31:56.901 4808 5012 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateStatusBarNotifications] (2/2/2) showingKeys [{0}|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|null][{0}|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|null] 05-29 11:31:56.902 4808 5613 D AODManagerService: [onUpdateSmartAlert] (0<0>) showingKeys 05-29 11:31:56.902 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Stopping scan on delegate scanner. BT state: 12 05-29 11:31:56.902 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.902 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.902 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[AOD]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:31:56.902 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:56.902 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.google.uid.shared:10033, last scan stopped at 907850 05-29 11:31:56.902 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 5893, tot/min/max scan time: 824241/5893/625546 05-29 11:31:56.903 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.903 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.903 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Resetting - new scanner available: true 05-29 11:31:56.903 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled. 05-29 11:31:56.903 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients 05-29 11:31:56.906 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = true 05-29 11:31:56.906 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_READY 05-29 11:31:56.907 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: getLiveClockImageIfNeedToRefresh: new imageInfo = 1paletteItem=SOLID color : FFCCCCCCscreen=1080x2076, resizeRate=1.0, cur imageInfo = 1paletteItem=SOLID color : FFCCCCCCscreen=1080x2076, resizeRate=1.0, result = false 05-29 11:31:56.907 21261 21261 I AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@: refreshLiveClockDataIfNeeded: skipped 05-29 11:31:56.907 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onAttachedToWindow : mDateFormatter = DateFormatter : mFormat = EEE, MMMM d, mTimeFormatter = TimeFormatter : mDefaultFormat = null, m12hFormat = null, m24hFormat = null, m2DigitHour = true, mHasSeconds = false, mTimeZone = null, mRoamingHomeTimeZone = null, mSuspend = true 05-29 11:31:56.907 13120 21347 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%) 05-29 11:31:56.908 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 8, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:56.909 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onTimeChanged : [DateTimeInfo : date = Tue, May 29, hourMin = 11:31, hour = 11, minute = 31, amPm = , colon = :, second = , timezone = null, isLeftOfAmPm = false, ttsDate = Tuesday, May 29] 05-29 11:31:56.915 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.915 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.916 21261 21261 D MusicInfoContainer: onMusicPlaybackStateChanged() : 1 IsNeedUpdateMetadata : true 05-29 11:31:56.916 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.916 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.916 13120 21347 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.a.BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] NO 05-29 11:31:56.916 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:56.919 20700 20700 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 116 ms 05-29 11:31:56.922 21261 21261 D ServiceBoxMusicPage: printMusicInfo: true////false 05-29 11:31:56.926 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'com.android.systemui' ACQ=-502ms (uid=10003 pid=5399) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:56.927 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = true 05-29 11:31:56.927 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_NONE 05-29 11:31:56.927 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onAttachedToWindow : mDateFormatter = DateFormatter : mFormat = EEE, MMMM d, mTimeFormatter = TimeFormatter : mDefaultFormat = null, m12hFormat = null, m24hFormat = null, m2DigitHour = true, mHasSeconds = false, mTimeZone = null, mRoamingHomeTimeZone = null, mSuspend = true 05-29 11:31:56.929 21387 21387 D ODTCFactoryService:AlarmReceiver: On SCREEN_OFF 05-29 11:31:56.929 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onTimeChanged : [DateTimeInfo : date = Tue, May 29, hourMin = 11:31, hour = 11, minute = 31, amPm = , colon = :, second = , timezone = null, isLeftOfAmPm = false, ttsDate = Tuesday, May 29] 05-29 11:31:56.932 21261 21261 D MusicInfoContainer: onMusicPlaybackStateChanged() : 1 IsNeedUpdateMetadata : true 05-29 11:31:56.933 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{fee62e u0 AOD}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#30 ty=2225 fl=#1120700 pfl=0x10 fmt=-3 wanim=0x7f0b00a7 or=5 rotAnim=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:56.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=61 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, AOD#0 05-29 11:31:56.935 21387 21387 D ODTCFactoryService:AlarmReceiver: ODTC game - start sleep 05-29 11:31:56.935 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.935 4808 5180 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:31:56.937 4808 21177 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{f52d002 u0 Bouncer} 05-29 11:31:56.937 4808 21177 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} 05-29 11:31:56.938 4808 21177 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} 05-29 11:31:56.938 4808 21177 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} 05-29 11:31:56.938 4808 21177 V AODWindowManager: hide by AOD Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} 05-29 11:31:56.940 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:31:56.940 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 5000 -> 120000 05-29 11:31:56.940 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] UserActivityState : 4 -> 1 05-29 11:31:56.941 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:31:56.941 21261 21261 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:31:56.941 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[AOD]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974441472} changed=true 05-29 11:31:56.943 21261 21295 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:56.943 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881d5a0 05-29 11:31:56.944 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / android.widget.FrameLayout{540d6b5 V.E...... ......ID 82,0-997,1175 #7f0f00cf app:id/aod_layout_content_layout} 05-29 11:31:56.944 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (updateInner -> onUpdate -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:56.944 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:31:56.945 21261 21261 I AOD_MONITOR@BroadcastMonitor: onUpdate: BR : android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE 05-29 11:31:56.946 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: isRoamingState: isDualClockSetting : true, isAODRoamingClockOptionEnabled : true, isHomeTimeZoneExist : true, isEasyUxON : false, isNetworkRoaming : false 05-29 11:31:56.946 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: onRoamingStateUpdated: enabled = false 05-29 11:31:56.947 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: suspend: AODServiceBoxContainer 05-29 11:31:56.947 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_HW_SUSPENDED 05-29 11:31:56.947 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = false 05-29 11:31:56.952 21261 21261 D DigitalVerticalClockView: setLiveClockState: LIVE_CLOCK_SW_CLONE_SUSPENDED 05-29 11:31:56.952 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = false 05-29 11:31:56.954 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:31:56.954 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:56.954 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[AOD]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:31:56.955 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:56.958 21261 21261 D SmartAlertManager: updateSmartAlerts: false 0 05-29 11:31:56.958 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[AOD]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:56.973 4808 21177 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{fee62e u0 AOD} in Surface(name=AOD) 05-29 11:31:56.974 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:31:56.976 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=true myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:56.977 4808 5613 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{990c3da u0 Sys2410:dream} in Surface(name=Sys2410:dream) 05-29 11:31:56.978 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{8de56a6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:56.978 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (setPart -> transition -> transitionTo -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:56.979 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:31:56.981 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: initPosition: mCurPoint = Point(-24, 822), mRange = Rect(-38, 0 - 38, 840), mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = FULL_SCREEN, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 100, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 1120, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 49} 05-29 11:31:56.981 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / FIRST_LAUNCHED = 2018-03-89 11:40:34:4034 05-29 11:31:56.981 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: updatePosition: first : mCurPoint = Point(-24, 822), mRange = Rect(-38, 0 - 38, 840), count = 0, mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = FULL_SCREEN, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 100, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 1120, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 49} 05-29 11:31:56.981 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:31:56.981 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: initPosition: mCurPoint = Point(-6, 4), mRange = Rect(-8, -7 - 8, 7), mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = HOME_KEY, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 20, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 18, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 17} 05-29 11:31:56.981 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: updatePosition: first : mCurPoint = Point(-6, 4), mRange = Rect(-8, -7 - 8, 7), count = 0, mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = HOME_KEY, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 20, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 18, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 17} 05-29 11:31:56.982 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:31:56.982 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: setDozeInternal : IdleState - [DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE] 05-29 11:31:56.982 4808 21177 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue) 05-29 11:31:56.984 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[true], NitMode[60NIT], EdgeLighting[false], CoverState[false], isAutoBrightness[true], mLastBrightness[3] 05-29 11:31:56.984 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@DozeService: setDozeScreenBrightness mode : 65538, brightness : 3, this? com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService@8752931 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: setDozeModeBySysfs done: value is 65538 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: OFF screenBrightness: 94 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target1 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:56.984 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:56.985 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 3 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: DOZE screenBrightness: 94 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 5613 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerState: !@ ColorFade exit 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [input device light] onColorFadeExit(true) 05-29 11:31:56.985 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=59 Removed ColorFade#0 (6/6) 05-29 11:31:56.985 4295 4585 I SurfaceFlinger: id=59 Removed ColorFade#0 (-2/6) 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:56.985 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:56.986 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9400 + 05-29 11:31:56.986 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9400 - 05-29 11:31:56.986 4295 4295 I Layer : id=59 onRemoved ColorFade#0 05-29 11:31:56.986 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: OFF -> DOZE brightness: 0 -> 9400 05-29 11:31:56.986 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 05-29 11:31:56.987 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 3 05-29 11:31:56.988 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:31:56.989 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:31:56.989 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:31:56.989 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:31:56.990 4274 17462 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 0 05-29 11:31:56.990 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:56.990 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:31:56.990 4808 5623 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:56.991 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:31:56.991 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:31:56.991 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:31:56.991 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:31:56.991 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:56.992 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE 05-29 11:31:56.992 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:56.996 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - Start filter Scan(SCREEN_OFF) 05-29 11:31:56.996 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.getMyScanPreferences - interval:3120, window:55 05-29 11:31:56.997 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.997 10370 10417 I chatty : uid=5006(oem_5006) BleScanWorkHand identical 2 lines 05-29 11:31:56.997 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:56.997 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:31:56.999 10370 19872 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:31:57.002 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, first scan started at 907950 05-29 11:31:57.003 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:57.003 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 3 lines 05-29 11:31:57.003 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:57.003 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:31:57.003 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:57.006 21261 21284 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:31:57.006 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:57.006 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:57.008 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:57.008 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:31:57.009 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:57.009 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:57.011 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:31:57.011 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:31:57.013 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: default value of curScanSetting 0 is choosen 05-29 11:31:57.013 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:57.013 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:31:57.013 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:31:57.014 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:31:57.014 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:31:57.014 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:31:57.058 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:57.058 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:57.060 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:57.060 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:57.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.061 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.061 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.141 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:SysNumbers:dream' ACQ=-150ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:57.144 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-150ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:57.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.237 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:31:57.238 4808 4860 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 248ms 05-29 11:31:57.238 4274 4365 I display : [PrimaryDisplay] validateDisplay:: validateDisplay layer size is 0 05-29 11:31:57.238 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in !@display_state: DOZE: 252ms 05-29 11:31:57.238 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: OFF -> DOZE 05-29 11:31:57.238 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 252ms 05-29 11:31:57.238 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target3 05-29 11:31:57.239 4274 4365 I display : DDISCALER Info(clearDisplay) : Enable=2, Mode(w=1080, h=2220) 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:31:57.239 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:31:57.240 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0388c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Sys2410:dream#0 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:31:57.262 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:57.264 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.267 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_start]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(133, 1048 - 1048, 1870) 05-29 11:31:57.268 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_start]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(177, 1397 - 1397, 2493) 05-29 11:31:57.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.370 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.416 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-151ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:57.439 4808 4971 D SensorHubManager: onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(7) = 1, 1, 56, 1, 1, 104, 12 05-29 11:31:57.441 4808 4972 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 14, 3, 31, 57, 05-29 11:31:57.442 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 5 05-29 11:31:57.443 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:31:57.443 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 0e 03 1f 39 05-29 11:31:57.443 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:31:57.450 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 5 05-29 11:31:57.452 4808 4972 D CAE : onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:91) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :7], AP_SLEEP 05-29 11:31:57.452 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:192) - buffer size = 7 05-29 11:31:57.453 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:203) - 1, 1, 56, 1, 1, 104, 12, 05-29 11:31:57.455 4808 4972 D CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:375) - ================= DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR ================= 05-29 11:31:57.455 4808 4972 I CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:391) - AODReason=[12], AODStatus=[104], DataType=[1] 05-29 11:31:57.457 4808 4976 D SemContextService: Service.updateContext() : service = Carrying Detection 05-29 11:31:57.459 4808 4827 I LiveClock: set_ioctl_aod_self_display : ioctl : ret = 0 05-29 11:31:57.459 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setAnalogClockInfo : en 0 05-29 11:31:57.459 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setAnalogClockInfo : pos_x 0, pos_y 0, rotate 0 05-29 11:31:57.459 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setAnalogClockInfo : process result = 0 05-29 11:31:57.460 21261 21261 D StarLiveAnalogClockCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveAnalogClockCommand{en=0, posX=0, posY=0, rotate=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: set_ioctl_aod_self_display : ioctl : ret = 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en_hh 1, en_mm 1 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos1_x 0, pos1_y 0, pos2_x 0, pos2_y 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos3_x 0, pos3_y 0, pos4_x 0, pos4_y 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : img_width 0, img_height 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_en 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b1_pos_x 0, b1_pos_y 0, b2_pos_x 0, b2_pos_y 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_color 0, b_radius 0 05-29 11:31:57.463 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : process result = 0 05-29 11:31:57.464 21261 21261 D StarLiveDigitalClockCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveDigitalClockCommand{en=0, hourPos1=Point(0, 0), hourPos2=Point(0, 0), minPos1=Point(0, 0), minPos2=Point(0, 0), spriteItemSizeWQHD=0x0, colonEn=0, colonPos1=Point(0, 0), colonPos2=Point(0, 0), colonColor=0, colonRadius=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:57.464 21261 21261 D StarLiveClockClearCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveClockClearCommand{} result=0 05-29 11:31:57.464 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: !@AOD setCommand: [0] : displayState=DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE cmd=StarLiveClockClearCommand{} result=0 05-29 11:31:57.466 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: true / android.widget.FrameLayout{540d6b5 V.E...... ........ 58,772-973,1870 #7f0f00cf app:id/aod_layout_content_layout} 05-29 11:31:57.466 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (handleMessage -> onRestore -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:57.466 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: start: skipped : AODServiceBoxContainer, SWTicker, 05-29 11:31:57.466 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: Processing notification: 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264 05-29 11:31:57.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.475 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.490 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: updateNotificationItems: NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:31:57.490 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: Processing notification: 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212 05-29 11:31:57.503 21261 21261 D AODNotificationController: updateNotificationItems: NOTIFICATION 05-29 11:31:57.505 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.506 21261 21261 D NotificationContainer: updateContainerVisibility() true 2/false 05-29 11:31:57.508 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{8de56a6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:57.508 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (onAnimationStart -> onAnimationStart -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: set_ioctl_aod_self_display : ioctl : ret = 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : en_hh 0, en_mm 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos1_x 0, pos1_y 0, pos2_x 0, pos2_y 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : pos3_x 0, pos3_y 0, pos4_x 0, pos4_y 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : img_width 0, img_height 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_en 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b1_pos_x 0, b1_pos_y 0, b2_pos_x 0, b2_pos_y 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : b_color 0, b_radius 0 05-29 11:31:57.526 4808 4827 I LiveClock: setDigitalClockInfo : process result = 0 05-29 11:31:57.527 21261 21261 D StarLiveDigitalClockCommand: !@AOD executeCommand: cmd=StarLiveDigitalClockCommand{en=0, hourPos1=Point(0, 0), hourPos2=Point(0, 0), minPos1=Point(0, 0), minPos2=Point(0, 0), spriteItemSizeWQHD=0x0, colonEn=0, colonPos1=Point(0, 0), colonPos2=Point(0, 0), colonColor=0, colonRadius=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:57.528 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: !@AOD setCommand: [0] : displayState=DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE cmd=StarLiveDigitalClockCommand{en=0, hourPos1=Point(0, 0), hourPos2=Point(0, 0), minPos1=Point(0, 0), minPos2=Point(0, 0), spriteItemSizeWQHD=0x0, colonEn=0, colonPos1=Point(0, 0), colonPos2=Point(0, 0), colonColor=0, colonRadius=0} result=0 05-29 11:31:57.528 21261 21261 I AOD_MONITOR@SemContextMonitor: onUpdate: status : 104 reason : 12 05-29 11:31:57.529 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: onSemContextCarryingStateChanged - status : 104 reason : 12 lastBrightnessState = 2 05-29 11:31:57.529 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplay: REASON_SEMCONTEXT_BRIGHTNESS_CHANGE [SensorEvent] 12, brightness : 104 05-29 11:31:57.532 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => interval : 0 05-29 11:31:57.533 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / PINNED_CONTENT_SHOWN_STATE = 0 05-29 11:31:57.533 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => brightnessValue : 3, prefsKey : high_light_display_time 05-29 11:31:57.533 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: start time : 1527564717533 05-29 11:31:57.534 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: setSensorBrightness: 3 05-29 11:31:57.535 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: putStringInner: updated AODSettingsDBItem / aod_brightness_value=3 05-29 11:31:57.540 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: setDozeInternal : DozeState - [DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE] 05-29 11:31:57.542 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[true], NitMode[60NIT], EdgeLighting[false], CoverState[false], isAutoBrightness[true], mLastBrightness[3] 05-29 11:31:57.542 21261 21261 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@DozeService: setDozeScreenBrightness mode : 65538, brightness : 3, this? com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService@8752931 05-29 11:31:57.543 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 3 05-29 11:31:57.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.573 4808 4827 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_2 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:31:57.590 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.601 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'AOD_DRAW' ACQ=-752ms (uid=10003 pid=21261) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:57.607 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.684 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.771 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:57.772 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:57.776 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:31:57.777 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:31:57.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.792 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.794 21322 21322 D SADVFSHelper: Either heavy-duty effect is Off or Music playback is not active 05-29 11:31:57.743 4808 4827 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_2 identical 6 lines 05-29 11:31:57.769 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.802 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: initializing... 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: root = 0, root_strlen = 1 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: process = ffffffff00000000000000000000000a, process_strlen = 32 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: input max_sendmsg_size = 262196 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: input max_recvmsg_size = 262196 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: root = 0, root_len = 1 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: process = ffffffff00000000000000000000000a, process_strlen = 32 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: aligned max_sendmsg_size = 262208 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: aligned max_recvmsg_size = 262208 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: device_id = 0x0 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_open() was called 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Opening MobiCore device 05-29 11:31:57.849 4808 4987 I TeeSysClient: open mode set to: 0 [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos9810/mobicore/ClientLib/src/common.cpp:303] 05-29 11:31:57.850 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Allocating message buffer for TCI 05-29 11:31:57.852 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Opening the session 05-29 11:31:57.868 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(82, 1048 - 998, 1870) 05-29 11:31:57.869 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(109, 1397 - 1330, 2493) 05-29 11:31:57.835 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.876 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.887 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_open() succeeded 05-29 11:31:57.887 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info1 05-29 11:31:57.894 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info2 05-29 11:31:57.900 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info3 05-29 11:31:57.902 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:57.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.905 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:57.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:57.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:57.914 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info4 05-29 11:31:57.918 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info5 05-29 11:31:57.924 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info6 05-29 11:31:57.928 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info7 05-29 11:31:57.933 4808 4987 E TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: tima_pkm : /system/etc/tima/kern_sec_info8 05-29 11:31:57.947 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_initialize: Trustlet response is completed 05-29 11:31:58.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.223 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.223 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.293 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.327 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.436 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.437 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.567 21261 21261 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_EnsureWorkingTime, timeout - 500, reason - forceSuspendDoze, wakeLock = WakeLock{5e01a86 held=true, refCount=1} 05-29 11:31:58.569 21261 21261 D DozeService: Change dream background 05-29 11:31:58.570 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = AOD_START 05-29 11:31:58.572 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: true / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{8de56a6 V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:31:58.572 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (onAnimationEnd -> onAnimationEnd -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:31:58.572 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: start: skipped : SWTicker, 05-29 11:31:58.533 4808 5613 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_B identical 20 lines 05-29 11:31:58.566 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.574 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=com.android.systemui uid=10003 pid=5399 ws=null pkg=com.android.systemui 05-29 11:31:58.575 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:31:58.575 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :5399 / op:PendingIntent{bfd43b6: PendingIntentRecord{704b5f0 com.android.systemui broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:31:58.576 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:31:58.576 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 1 05-29 11:31:58.576 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 1 05-29 11:31:58.577 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: wakeLock : 4000 05-29 11:31:58.577 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=InfinityWallpaper uid=10003 pid=5399 ws=null pkg=com.android.systemui 05-29 11:31:58.590 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 77977 5273264 w 28561 507356 d 3348 154732 f 7326 7403 iot 36364 30763 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 909.537 05-29 11:31:58.601 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.602 21261 21261 D AODStateMachine: request : (STARTING) --> (RUN) : action (2) 05-29 11:31:58.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.651 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.672 4808 5613 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_B identical 3 lines 05-29 11:31:58.688 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.716 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-1s211ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:58.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.796 21322 21322 D SADVFSHelper: Either heavy-duty effect is Off or Music playback is not active 05-29 11:31:58.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.822 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.839 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:SysNumbers:dream' ACQ=-237ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:58.867 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.899 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: setDozeSuspendInternal : DozeSuspendState - [DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND] 05-29 11:31:58.900 21261 21261 D DozeService: setDozeState() : 4 05-29 11:31:58.902 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] setDozeOverrideFromDreamManager: screenState: DOZE_SUSPEND screenBrightness: 94 05-29 11:31:58.903 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(58, 1048 - 973, 1870) 05-29 11:31:58.904 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[showContainer_end]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(77, 1397 - 1297, 2493) 05-29 11:31:58.910 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.916 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:58.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:58.940 4808 5613 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_B identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:58.958 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:58.977 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:59.061 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-150ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:59.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.127 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:SysNumbers:dream' ACQ=-260ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:59.134 4808 5613 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:SysNumbers:dream uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:31:59.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.239 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881d910 05-29 11:31:59.242 4808 5613 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{990c3da u0 Sys2410:dream}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2410 fl=#1880509 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x1600411 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40000} 05-29 11:31:59.243 4808 5613 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Sys2410:dream) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:31:59.243 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=60 Removed Sys2410:dream#0 (3/5) 05-29 11:31:59.253 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=60 Removed Sys2410:dream#0 (-2/5) 05-29 11:31:59.257 4295 4295 I Layer : id=60 onRemoved Sys2410:dream#0 05-29 11:31:59.263 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:31:59.271 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:31:59.271 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:31:59.271 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:31:59.271 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:31:59.271 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:31:59.271 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:31:59.285 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:SysNumbers:dream' ACQ=-150ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:31:59.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.293 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.293 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.515 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 05-29 11:31:59.515 4808 4963 E AlarmManager: Set nextNonWakeup as mNextNonWakeupDeliveryTime=1090463 , orig nextNonWakeup=0 05-29 11:31:59.516 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113459, SetElapsed=1090463, nowELAPSED=910464 05-29 11:31:59.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.661 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:31:59.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.917 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:31:59.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:31:59.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:00.000 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:32:00.001 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113328 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:00.001 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113217, SetElapsed=928304, nowELAPSED=910950 05-29 11:32:00.002 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113200, SetElapsed=910948, nowELAPSED=910950 05-29 11:32:00.002 4808 4963 E AlarmManager: Set nextNonWakeup as mNextNonWakeupDeliveryTime=1090463 , orig nextNonWakeup=0 05-29 11:32:00.002 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113459, SetElapsed=1090463, nowELAPSED=910950 05-29 11:32:00.002 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@a50a285 alarm=Alarm{a3b78b7 type 2 when 855823 android} 05-29 11:32:00.004 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{ea45824 type 3 when 910948 android} 05-29 11:32:00.007 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_LOCATOR alarm=Alarm{111e542 type 2 when 873524 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:00.008 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP_CACHE_UPDATER alarm=Alarm{b84e953 type 2 when 874559 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:00.011 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.reporting.collectors.ULR_BAROMETER_READ_ALARM alarm=Alarm{e41b789 type 1 when 1527564688844 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:00.012 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 listener=android.os.BinderProxy@d6ddc1a alarm=Alarm{4dd138e type 3 when 910463 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:00.012 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10003 action=com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.action.ScheduleTimer.TICK alarm=Alarm{beac7af type 0 when 1527564720000 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} 05-29 11:32:00.013 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Send whitelist package alarm: PendingIntent{c3e35cf: PendingIntentRecord{8d9594c com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:00.014 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{c2887bc type 1 when 1527564720000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:32:00.016 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113218 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:00.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:00.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:00.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:00.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:00.031 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113300 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:00.033 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:32:00.033 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:32:00.034 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewTransitions called. 05-29 11:32:00.036 6102 9749 I Places : Converted 0 out of 13 WiFi scans 05-29 11:32:00.043 20870 20870 D WaitQueueForNetworkActivate: notifyNetworkActivated 05-29 11:32:00.047 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : NetworkStateReceiver::connected::recovered?false 05-29 11:32:00.051 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: scan requested by com.google.android.gms (it's NLP package. check moving state) 05-29 11:32:00.053 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113703 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:00.054 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: register SMD listener 05-29 11:32:00.054 20870 20870 D [SAUI] : Global::recovered::false 05-29 11:32:00.054 4808 5061 E SemContext.CaeProvider: setAttribute() : attribute is null! 05-29 11:32:00.056 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113205 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:00.056 4808 6217 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113205, SetElapsed=915965, nowELAPSED=911004 05-29 11:32:00.056 4808 5061 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:155) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER 05-29 11:32:00.057 4808 5061 V CAE : start(ContextProvider.java:128) 05-29 11:32:00.057 6102 6799 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 6102 / 10033 / 6799 05-29 11:32:00.058 4808 5061 V CAE : clear(AnyMotionDetectorRunner.java:151) 05-29 11:32:00.058 4808 5061 V CAE : enable(AnyMotionDetectorRunner.java:127) 05-29 11:32:00.058 4808 5061 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -79, 58, 0, 0, 05-29 11:32:00.059 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:32:00.059 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:00.059 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:32:00.059 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:32:00.059 4279 4948 D Sensors : b1 3a 00 00 05-29 11:32:00.059 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:32:00.064 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:32:00.068 4808 5061 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(AnyMotionDetectorRunner.java:164) - true 05-29 11:32:00.069 4808 5061 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:32:00.073 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:32:00.074 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:00.077 4808 4827 D SensorService: Calling activate off 18 05-29 11:32:00.077 4279 4948 D Sensors : M requested delay = 1000000, modified delay = 0 05-29 11:32:00.077 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - sig_motion_sensor try to batching with 0 05-29 11:32:00.078 6102 6596 D SensorManager: cancelTrigger :: 18, SAMSUNG Significant Motion Sensor, 05-29 11:32:00.080 4808 5061 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:32:00.081 4808 5061 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:32:00.081 4808 5061 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:32:00.081 4808 5061 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@d4dcde2, Service : DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR(1) 05-29 11:32:00.081 4808 5061 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@162fa9f, Service : ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER(1) 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:191) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER 05-29 11:32:00.082 6102 19228 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SemContextService: .registerCallback : 3, client= 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@57b57ec, Service : Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@3a37c30, Service : Carrying Detection 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SemContextManager: .registerListener : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@aeb7d65, service=Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 D SContextManager: .registerListener : listener = com.samsung.android.server.wifi.SemSmdMotionDetector$2@766bc73, service=Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:00.082 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: SMD detected. Force scan 05-29 11:32:00.093 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:00.110 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:32:00.112 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:00.114 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: Add whitelist package alarm: PendingIntent{1af1e4a: PendingIntentRecord{8d9594c com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:00.116 4808 5012 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:0/F:9/AC:false) 20180529T113300 - CU:10003/CP:21261 05-29 11:32:00.116 21261 21261 I AODScheduleTimer: setAlarm : TICK, next alarm [1527564780000 ms], [05-29 11:33:00.000], [Reason: TimeTick| Self: NONE/O'clock: NONE/OFF: NONE/SW: NONE] 05-29 11:32:00.116 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: onTick : TimeTick 05-29 11:32:00.116 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: isMonitorListenerRegistered MONITOR_SENSOR_LIGHT 05-29 11:32:00.118 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: onUpdateTime 05-29 11:32:00.118 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxUIComponent: onUpdateTime 05-29 11:32:00.118 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: refresh : true 05-29 11:32:00.121 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:00.122 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true] 05-29 11:32:00.125 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: refresh : true 05-29 11:32:00.128 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: SWTicker consume : 1 05-29 11:32:00.128 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: updatePosition: mCurPoint = Point(-23, 773), mRange = Rect(-38, 0 - 38, 840), count = 0, mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = FULL_SCREEN, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 100, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 1120, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 49} 05-29 11:32:00.129 21261 21261 I RandomViewPositionControllerImpl: updatePosition: mCurPoint = Point(-7, 5), mRange = Rect(-8, -7 - 8, 7), count = 0, mParams = ViewPositionParams {name = HOME_KEY, widthOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 20, heightOfMovingRangeInWQHD = 18, mOffset = Point(0, 0), mBigJumpInterval = 6, mMovingDistance = 1, mGravity = 17} 05-29 11:32:00.129 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: requestToUpdate MONITOR_SEMCONTEXT 05-29 11:32:00.129 6102 6102 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true] 05-29 11:32:00.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:00.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:00.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:00.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:00.137 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: onUpdate: position moved 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: true / android.widget.FrameLayout{540d6b5 V.E...... ......ID 59,773-974,1871 #7f0f00cf app:id/aod_layout_content_layout} 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (updateInner -> onUpdate -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: start: skipped : SWTicker, 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: onUpdate: position moved 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: true / android.widget.FrameLayout{540d6b5 V.E...... ......ID 59,772-974,1870 #7f0f00cf app:id/aod_layout_content_layout} 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (updateInner -> onUpdate -> access$000 -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:32:00.138 21261 21261 D LiveClockManager: start: skipped : SWTicker, 05-29 11:32:00.140 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:32:00.140 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:00.142 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113210 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:00.144 4808 5012 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awia 05-29 11:32:00.144 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:00.145 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:32:00.145 4279 4279 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 17179886112 en : 1 05-29 11:32:00.150 6102 6102 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:32:00.151 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:32:00.152 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113300 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:32:00.158 4808 5061 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T113215 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:00.161 6102 21445 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:00.161 6102 21445 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:00.162 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:32:00.219 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 184488(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 152(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 47MB/71MB, paused 1.292ms total 162.935ms 05-29 11:32:00.272 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-178ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:32:00.306 4441 21446 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:32:00.377 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:32:00.377 4279 4279 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16928, new sensor_state : 17179886080 en : 0 05-29 11:32:00.379 6102 6102 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:00.429 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[TimeTick]] updateAODTspRect : Rect(59, 1048 - 974, 1870) 05-29 11:32:00.430 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODServiceBoxContainer: [[TimeTick]] densityRate, change Rect > updateAODTspRect : Rect(78, 1397 - 1298, 2493) 05-29 11:32:00.433 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:AOD uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:00.538 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10033 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:00.584 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:AOD' ACQ=-151ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.samsung.android.app.aodservice}) (0x0) 05-29 11:32:00.641 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 30 [2018-05-29 11:32:00.640] 05-29 11:32:00.675 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'com.android.systemui' ACQ=-2s101ms (uid=10003 pid=5399) (0x0) 05-29 11:32:00.869 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180530T113703 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:00.976 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:00.976 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:32:01.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.181 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.287 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.393 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.492 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:01.492 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.mateagent:service 05-29 11:32:01.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.525 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 62 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14014 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.000570898451438 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 10.99750231927496 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 0, average - 23.00499536145008 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.997430956968531 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 0, average - 38.98458574181117 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 0, average - 53.95411403696568 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.959894383786484 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.9592521230286 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 0, average - 40.972596874330975 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.99985727538714 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 0, average - 36.98472846642406 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 0, average - 50.959109398415755 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.000356786071072 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 10.99671756814614 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.003353789068075 05-29 11:32:01.526 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.996860282574569 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98180391037534 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.95026402169259 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.958826887398317 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95675752818608 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.969673183958896 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.999357785072071 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.982089339232225 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.95547309833024 05-29 11:32:01.527 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.3124732410446 05-29 11:32:01.572 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel: TIMA: response_id = 3 05-29 11:32:01.572 4808 4987 I TLC_TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel: TIMA: response ret = 0, result_ondemand = MSG=Kernel Verification Success; 05-29 11:32:01.572 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_close() was called 05-29 11:32:01.572 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Closing the session 05-29 11:32:01.573 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Freeing message buffer 05-29 11:32:01.574 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: Closing MobiCore device 05-29 11:32:01.574 4808 4987 I TZ: mc_tlc_communication: tlc_close() succeeded 05-29 11:32:01.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.643 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.643 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.796 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:01.797 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:32:01.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.934 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:01.934 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:01.935 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:01.940 21387 21387 D ODTCFactoryService:AlarmReceiver: ODTC game - after sleep 05-29 11:32:01.941 21387 21387 D ODTCFactoryService:PowerMonitor: sessionStartTime 1527564721941 05-29 11:32:01.967 21387 21387 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1483 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:663 service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice.odtcfactory.AlarmReceiver$1.run:162 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:789 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:98 05-29 11:32:01.986 4808 5012 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:02.001 4808 5012 D GameManagerService: respondWithJson. command: get_package_data 05-29 11:32:02.001 4808 5012 D GameManagerService: jsonParam : {} 05-29 11:32:02.001 4808 5012 D GameManagerService: response : {"package_names":[{"odtc_global_memory":314572800}]} 05-29 11:32:02.011 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:02.014 4808 5012 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:02.014 21387 21450 D ODTCFactoryService:ProcessLockManager: Lock released 05-29 11:32:02.014 4808 4964 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T120202 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:02.016 21387 21387 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 21387 SIG: 9 05-29 11:32:02.066 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: Process service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice (pid 21387) has died: fore SVC (197,1440) 05-29 11:32:02.067 4808 5623 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice/.Misc.ODTCGameService in 4000ms 05-29 11:32:02.069 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:32:02.079 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_ENER_INFO_READ 05-29 11:32:02.111 4808 21451 D BatteryStatsService: !@ mLastInfo WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=902052 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=132 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=10532 mControllerIdleTimeMs=46066 mControllerEnergyUsed=2756253 } 05-29 11:32:02.112 4808 21451 D BatteryStatsService: !@ latest WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=913019 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=180 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=10980 mControllerIdleTimeMs=48051 mControllerEnergyUsed=2914023 } 05-29 11:32:02.112 4808 21451 D BatteryStatsService: !@ delta timePeriodMs : 10967 txTimeMs : 48 rxTimeMs :448 idleTimeMs : 1985 05-29 11:32:02.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.140 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.140 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.244 4808 21451 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to daily db completed 05-29 11:32:02.248 4808 21451 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to weekly db completed 05-29 11:32:02.248 4808 21451 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: refreshstats completed 05-29 11:32:02.248 4808 21451 I BarTender:GATHERERBATTSTATS: set - time:1527564722248 05-29 11:32:02.248 4808 21451 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: Observer from Gatherer - time:1527564722248 05-29 11:32:02.248 4808 4964 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: MSG_TYPE_BARTENDER_CHECK_POWER:: 05-29 11:32:02.249 4808 4964 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDBHelper: checkForPowerThreshold called : 1527564722248 05-29 11:32:02.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.375 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:02.376 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:02.380 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:02.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=18:B4:30:E5:6D:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.385 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:02.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.452 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.452 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.452 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.555 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.578 4808 5623 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'InfinityWallpaper' ACQ=-4s1ms (uid=10003 pid=5399) (0x0) 05-29 11:32:02.579 4808 5623 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:32:02.579 4808 5623 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:32:02.579 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:32:02.579 4808 5623 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:32:02.580 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:02.580 4808 5623 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:32:02.580 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE -> DOZE_SUSPEND brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:32:02.581 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:32:02.592 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 4 05-29 11:32:02.595 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:32:02.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.603 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.603 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=3, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:32:02.604 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.604 4274 17462 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1 05-29 11:32:02.604 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1) 05-29 11:32:02.608 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:32:02.610 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:32:02.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.665 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.665 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.670 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1) 05-29 11:32:02.671 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in !@display_state: DOZE_SUSPEND: 91ms 05-29 11:32:02.671 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE -> DOZE_SUSPEND 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 92ms 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target4 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:32:02.672 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable 05-29 11:32:02.673 4808 4854 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_enable done 05-29 11:32:02.673 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:32:02.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.685 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.873 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:02.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:02.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:02.978 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.098 4808 5623 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-29 11:32:03.100 4808 5061 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / listener:android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@c34ea31 05-29 11:32:03.156 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:03.156 4808 4808 I WifiService: Securities matching 05-29 11:32:03.164 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS 05-29 11:32:03.164 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:32:03.164 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:32:03.177 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:32:03.177 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:32:03.178 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:32:03.180 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:03.180 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:03.180 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:03.181 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:03.187 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.187 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.188 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.188 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.208 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 596, Display = 0(Panel:0, LDIs:0), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:03.208 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 149, Display = 0, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:03.210 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.48, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.10], F_RF[30.00], B_AP[29.80], B_RF[29.50], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.00] 05-29 11:32:03.211 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / listener:android.app.IAlarmListener$Stub$Proxy@e56b884 05-29 11:32:03.216 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113706 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:03.232 4808 5274 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113217, SetElapsed=928304, nowELAPSED=914180 05-29 11:32:03.233 4808 5274 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113703 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:03.243 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentLac failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:32:03.248 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentCellId failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:32:03.252 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentLac failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:32:03.253 4808 5459 D SLocation: getCurrentCellId failed! network is unavailable 05-29 11:32:03.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.316 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.396 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.396 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.396 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.594 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78029 5275104 w 28631 508092 d 3353 154848 f 7333 7410 iot 36404 30788 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 914.541 05-29 11:32:03.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.610 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.718 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.718 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.823 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:03.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:03.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:03.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.029 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.134 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.232 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.443 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.455 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.456 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.546 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.649 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.650 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.757 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.758 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.758 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:04.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:04.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:04.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:05.163 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:05.163 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:32:05.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:05.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.186 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:05.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:05.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.291 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:05.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:05.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:05.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:05.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:05.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.813 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:05.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.813 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:05.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.917 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:05.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:05.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.025 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.026 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.072 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:32:06.072 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:32:06.073 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:32:06.074 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice user:0 05-29 11:32:06.074 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:06.074 4808 4842 D ActivityManager: package service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:06.074 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice user:0 05-29 11:32:06.074 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:06.118 21452 21452 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:32:06.119 21452 21452 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:32:06.120 21452 21452 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:06.120 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 05-29 11:32:06.121 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 05-29 11:32:06.121 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 05-29 11:32:06.121 4808 4842 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21452:service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice/1000 for service service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice/.Misc.ODTCGameService 05-29 11:32:06.121 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 05-29 11:32:06.121 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 05-29 11:32:06.121 4808 4842 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc! 05-29 11:32:06.124 21452 21452 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:06.125 21452 21452 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:32:06.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.129 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.129 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.161 4808 4827 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:06.163 4808 4827 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:06.164 21452 21452 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:06.168 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: DSS on for service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:06.201 21452 21452 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:06.201 21452 21452 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:32:06.272 21452 21468 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:32:06.524 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:06.525 21246 21256 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.mateagent:service 05-29 11:32:06.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.652 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.653 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.797 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 297 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 292, CHG = 293, CP = 302, WF = 300, WFPst = 293 (W:15) 05-29 11:32:06.821 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:06.822 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:32:06.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:06.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.972 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:06.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:06.973 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.074 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.132 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:32:07.133 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:07.136 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:32:07.137 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:32:07.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.178 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.268 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.268 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.268 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.283 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.283 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.387 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.387 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.490 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.583 4808 20800 W OkHttpClient: A connection to http://www.wordpress.com/ was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body? 05-29 11:32:07.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.597 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.684 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.685 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.801 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.878 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:32:07.878 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:32:07.878 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:32:07.878 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:32:07.878 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:32:07.881 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:07.881 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.acore 05-29 11:32:07.900 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 15ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60108 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:32:07.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.963 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:07.964 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:07.968 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:07.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:07.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:07.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:07.970 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:08.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.006 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.115 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.115 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.220 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.312 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.327 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.434 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.434 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.434 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.535 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.600 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78029 5275104 w 28650 508348 d 3355 154856 f 7336 7413 iot 36416 30796 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 919.546 05-29 11:32:08.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.646 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.726 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.726 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.746 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.746 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.856 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.857 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:08.961 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.962 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:08.962 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:08.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.065 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.352 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.352 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.383 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.383 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.383 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=49:91:61:F4:9A:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.769 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.770 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:09.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:09.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:09.805 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:10.204 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:10.204 6156 6166 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:32:10.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:10.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:10.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:10.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:10.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.710 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:10.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:10.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.755 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:10.755 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.755 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:10.860 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.861 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:10.861 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.861 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:10.959 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:10.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:10.962 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.067 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.068 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.068 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.068 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.175 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.176 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.176 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.181 21452 21462 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:11.181 21452 21462 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:32:11.209 21452 21467 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:32:11.221 21452 21467 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 12.487ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:32:11.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.287 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.603 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.604 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.710 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.711 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.814 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.814 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:11.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.917 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:11.917 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:11.917 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.028 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.028 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.131 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.341 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.341 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.446 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.864 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.865 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:12.931 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:12.932 6676 6686 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - android.process.acore 05-29 11:32:12.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:12.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:12.970 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.046 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.046 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.046 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.046 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.221 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:13.239 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:32:13.240 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:32:13.242 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:32:13.243 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:13.244 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:13.244 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:13.244 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:13.275 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:32:13.276 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:32:13.276 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:32:13.276 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:32:13.281 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 304, Display = 0(Panel:0, LDIs:0), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:13.281 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 76, Display = 0, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:13.287 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.48, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.10], F_RF[30.00], B_AP[29.80], B_RF[29.50], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.00] 05-29 11:32:13.461 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.566 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.567 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.593 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.605 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78033 5275248 w 28684 508584 d 3357 154864 f 7338 7415 iot 36432 30803 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 924.551 05-29 11:32:13.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.698 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:13.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:13.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:13.798 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.007 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.007 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.008 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.109 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.210 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.315 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.316 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.316 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.400 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.424 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.500 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.526 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.527 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.602 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.602 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.602 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.628 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.629 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:14.689 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:32:14.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:14.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:14.943 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.052 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.053 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.153 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.567 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.568 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.774 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.877 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.948 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.948 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.948 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.949 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:15.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:15.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:15.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.185 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.220 21452 21462 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:16.220 21452 21462 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - service.odtcfactory.sec.com.odtcfactoryservice 05-29 11:32:16.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.320 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.504 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.694 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.694 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.712 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.831 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 290, PST = 296 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 291, CHG = 292, CP = 301, WF = 296, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:32:16.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.880 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.881 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:16.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.921 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:16.921 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:16.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.031 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.066 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.133 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.133 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.134 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.237 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.237 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.238 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.248 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.248 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.357 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:32:17.358 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113218, SetElapsed=929317, nowELAPSED=928306 05-29 11:32:17.367 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10058 action=com.sec.spp.push.ACTION_SEND_PING_MESSAGE alarm=Alarm{385c98f type 2 when 928304 com.sec.spp.push} 05-29 11:32:17.377 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:32:17.377 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:32:17.377 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:32:17.412 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113357 - CU:10058/CP:12309 05-29 11:32:17.422 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:32:17.422 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -D fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:32:17.422 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:32:17.422 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:32:17.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.439 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10058 pid :17449 / op:PendingIntent{aa3c1a1: PendingIntentRecord{8bbc8cf com.sec.spp.push broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:17.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:17.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:17.446 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:17.484 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10058 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:17.523 17449 21472 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:17.523 17449 21472 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:17.529 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:32:17.565 4441 21473 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:32:17.568 12309 20788 E SPPClientService: [b] __PingReply__ 05-29 11:32:17.570 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10058 pid :12309 / op:PendingIntent{6660252: PendingIntentRecord{f73adfa com.sec.spp.push broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:17.580 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10058 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:17.591 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10058 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:17.593 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10058 pid :12309 / op:PendingIntent{cfc5e20: PendingIntentRecord{9a01077 com.sec.spp.push broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:17.602 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10058 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:17.607 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113717 - CU:10058/CP:12309 05-29 11:32:17.834 17449 17459 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:17.834 17449 17459 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.spp.push:RemoteDlcProcess 05-29 11:32:18.170 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10058 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:18.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.369 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:32:18.370 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T123218 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:18.371 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113300, SetElapsed=970948, nowELAPSED=929319 05-29 11:32:18.371 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113300, SetElapsed=970948, nowELAPSED=929319 05-29 11:32:18.372 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@e054345 alarm=Alarm{32347f type 2 when 929001 android} 05-29 11:32:18.375 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=com.samsung.android.SENSOR_CALIBRATION_GET_ACTION alarm=Alarm{a993c4c type 3 when 929317 android} 05-29 11:32:18.379 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=null alarm=Alarm{b1389aa type 3 when 921742 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:18.386 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113335 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:18.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.392 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:32:18.393 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:32:18.393 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10126, packageName : com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:18.394 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.facebook.katana user:0 05-29 11:32:18.394 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:18.394 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: package com.facebook.katana, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:18.395 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.facebook.katana user:0 05-29 11:32:18.395 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:18.436 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21475:com.facebook.katana/u0a126 for service com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService 05-29 11:32:18.439 21475 21475 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:32:18.440 21475 21475 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:32:18.440 21475 21475 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:18.445 21475 21475 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:18.446 21475 21475 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:18.482 4808 6223 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10126 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:18.484 4808 6223 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10126 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:18.484 21475 21475 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:18.487 4808 6223 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.facebook.katana and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:18.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.490 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.492 6102 21482 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:32:18.513 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:18.516 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113318 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:18.550 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.551 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.581 21475 21475 W Process : Unable to open /proc/vmstat 05-29 11:32:18.581 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564738.575:357): avc: denied { read } for pid=21475 comm="facebook.katana" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:18.582 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564738.575:357): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=df37f190 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21475 auid=4294967295 uid=10126 gid=10126 euid=10126 suid=10126 fsuid=10126 egid=10126 sgid=10126 fsgid=10126 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="facebook.katana" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:18.582 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564738.575:357): proctitle="com.facebook.katana" 05-29 11:32:18.584 21475 21475 V CatchMeIfYouCan: initializing CMIYC, flags = 0x00000002 05-29 11:32:18.586 21475 21475 I CatchMeIfYouCan: found 0 crashes in last 14400 seconds: need remedy level 0 05-29 11:32:18.588 21475 21475 D ExceptionHandlerManager: initializing exception handler manager, prioritized=false 05-29 11:32:18.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.591 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.602 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564738.595:358): avc: denied { read } for pid=21475 comm="AppStateLoggerT" name="zoneinfo" dev="proc" ino=4026532580 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_zoneinfo:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:18.602 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564738.595:358): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=df2ff1e0 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21475 auid=4294967295 uid=10126 gid=10126 euid=10126 suid=10126 fsuid=10126 egid=10126 sgid=10126 fsgid=10126 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="AppStateLoggerT" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:18.602 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564738.595:358): proctitle="com.facebook.katana" 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: Couldn't open /proc/zoneinfo for reading 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/zoneinfo (Permission denied) 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method) 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:200) 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:150) 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: at java.util.Scanner.(Scanner.java:616) 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: at X.02E.(:8512) 05-29 11:32:18.607 21475 21490 D MemProcWatermarkReader: at X.00N.run(:3879) 05-29 11:32:18.608 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78105 5278348 w 28716 509004 d 3357 154864 f 7358 7435 iot 36468 30836 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 929.555 05-29 11:32:18.619 21475 21489 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:32:18.623 21475 21475 E ACRA : Initializing ANR detector for process: com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:18.629 21475 21475 I SplashScreenApplication: using nonodex init: ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL 05-29 11:32:18.630 21475 21475 D SplashScreenApplication: delaying init message { when=-134ms what=114 obj=CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd6b5fa className=com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService packageName=com.facebook.katana intent=null} target=android.app.ActivityThread$H } 05-29 11:32:18.631 21475 21475 D SplashScreenApplication: delaying init message { when=-133ms what=121 obj=BindServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@fd6b5fa intent=Intent { cmp=com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService }} target=android.app.ActivityThread$H } 05-29 11:32:18.633 21475 21495 D SoLoader: init start 05-29 11:32:18.633 21475 21495 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.633 21475 21495 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.633 21475 21495 D SoLoader: adding application source: X.02T[root = /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm flags = 0] 05-29 11:32:18.633 21475 21495 D SoLoader: adding backup source: X.02V[root = /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main flags = 1] 05-29 11:32:18.634 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.02T[root = /system/lib flags = 2] 05-29 11:32:18.634 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.02T[root = /vendor/lib flags = 2] 05-29 11:32:18.634 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.02T[root = /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm flags = 0] 05-29 11:32:18.634 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.02V[root = /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main flags = 1] 05-29 11:32:18.634 21475 21495 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.635 21475 21495 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.635 21475 21495 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.635 21475 21495 D SoLoader: init finish: 4 SO sources prepared 05-29 11:32:18.635 21475 21495 D SoLoader: init exiting 05-29 11:32:18.635 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Prepending to SO sources: X.02Z[root = /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets flags = 1] 05-29 11:32:18.635 21475 21495 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.636 21475 21495 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.636 21475 21495 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.636 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Prepended to SO sources: X.02Z[root = /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets flags = 1] 05-29 11:32:18.636 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Prepending to SO sources: X.02a[root = /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs flags = 1] 05-29 11:32:18.636 21475 21495 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.637 21475 21495 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.637 21475 21495 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.637 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Prepended to SO sources: X.02a[root = /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs flags = 1] 05-29 11:32:18.637 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.637 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libcoldstart.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libandroid.so, libz.so, liblog.so, libdl.so, liblowlevel.so, libsigmux.so, libxplat_FBExit_FBExit.so, libjnigraphics.so, libshadowmalloc.so, liblinkerutils.so, libforce_dlopen.so, libdistract.so, libreactivesocket-jni-livequery.so, libdextricks.so, libopencv.so, libglog.so, libflatbuffersflatc.so, libthird-party_easywsclient_easywsclientAndroid.so, libfbsystrace.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libm.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libandroid.so 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libandroid.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libandroid.so 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libz.so 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libz.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libz.so 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: liblog.so 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.642 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblog.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: liblog.so 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libdl.so 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdl.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libdl.so 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: liblowlevel.so 05-29 11:32:18.643 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblowlevel.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libshadowmalloc.so, libbreakpad.so, liblog.so, libdl.so, libglog.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libshadowmalloc.so 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libshadowmalloc.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libshadowmalloc.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libshadowmalloc.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libshadowmalloc.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.645 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libshadowmalloc.so 05-29 11:32:18.647 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libshadowmalloc.so 05-29 11:32:18.647 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libbreakpad.so 05-29 11:32:18.647 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libbreakpad.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libsigmux.so, libshadowmalloc.so, liblog.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libsigmux.so 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libsigmux.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libsigmux.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libsigmux.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libsigmux.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.648 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libsigmux.so 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libsigmux.so 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libgnustl_shared.so 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libgnustl_shared.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libgnustl_shared.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libgnustl_shared.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libgnustl_shared.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.652 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libgnustl_shared.so 05-29 11:32:18.654 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libgnustl_shared.so 05-29 11:32:18.654 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libc.so 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libc.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.655 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libc.so 05-29 11:32:18.657 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libbreakpad.so 05-29 11:32:18.657 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libglog.so 05-29 11:32:18.657 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libglog.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.658 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.661 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libglog.so 05-29 11:32:18.662 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: liblowlevel.so 05-29 11:32:18.662 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libxplat_FBExit_FBExit.so 05-29 11:32:18.662 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libxplat_FBExit_FBExit.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.663 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.663 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libxplat_FBExit_FBExit.so 05-29 11:32:18.663 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libjnigraphics.so 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libjnigraphics.so 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: liblinkerutils.so 05-29 11:32:18.664 21475 21495 D SoLoader: liblinkerutils.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.665 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libsigmux.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: liblinkerutils.so 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libforce_dlopen.so 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libforce_dlopen.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libforce_dlopen.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libforce_dlopen.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libforce_dlopen.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libforce_dlopen.so 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libforce_dlopen.so 05-29 11:32:18.666 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libdistract.so 05-29 11:32:18.667 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdistract.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.667 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdistract.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.667 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdistract.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.667 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdistract.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.667 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libdistract.so 05-29 11:32:18.668 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libdistract.so 05-29 11:32:18.668 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libreactivesocket-jni-livequery.so 05-29 11:32:18.668 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libreactivesocket-jni-livequery.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.669 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.669 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libreactivesocket-jni-livequery.so 05-29 11:32:18.669 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libdextricks.so 05-29 11:32:18.669 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libdextricks.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.672 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libsigmux.so, libz.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libnative_redex_tools_oatmeal_oatmeal-src.so, libforce_dlopen.so, libdistract.so, libjava_com_facebook_common_dextricks_classtracing_logger_native.so, liblog.so, libfbsystrace.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:18.672 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libnative_redex_tools_oatmeal_oatmeal-src.so 05-29 11:32:18.672 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_tools_oatmeal_oatmeal-src.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libshadowmalloc.so, libnative_redex_shared_util.so, libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so, libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so, libnative_redex_shared_dex.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libnative_redex_shared_util.so 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_util.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_util.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_util.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_util.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libnative_redex_shared_util.so 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libnative_redex_shared_util.so 05-29 11:32:18.675 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so 05-29 11:32:18.676 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.676 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.676 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.676 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.676 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libnative_redex_shared_quickening.so 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libnative_redex_shared_mmap.so 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libnative_redex_shared_dex.so 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_dex.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.677 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_dex.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.678 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_dex.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.678 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libnative_redex_shared_dex.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.678 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libnative_redex_shared_dex.so 05-29 11:32:18.678 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libnative_redex_shared_dex.so 05-29 11:32:18.679 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libnative_redex_tools_oatmeal_oatmeal-src.so 05-29 11:32:18.679 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libjava_com_facebook_common_dextricks_classtracing_logger_native.so 05-29 11:32:18.679 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libjava_com_facebook_common_dextricks_classtracing_logger_native.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.680 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libfbsystrace.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.680 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libfbsystrace.so 05-29 11:32:18.681 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libfbsystrace.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.681 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:18.682 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libfbsystrace.so 05-29 11:32:18.683 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libjava_com_facebook_common_dextricks_classtracing_logger_native.so 05-29 11:32:18.685 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libdextricks.so 05-29 11:32:18.685 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libopencv.so 05-29 11:32:18.685 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libopencv.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.686 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libshadowmalloc.so, libthird-party_png_pngAndroid.so, libz.so, liblog.so, libdl.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libstdc++.so, libm.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.686 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libthird-party_png_pngAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:18.687 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libthird-party_png_pngAndroid.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libz.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libm.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libm.so 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libm.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.688 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libm.so 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libthird-party_png_pngAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libstdc++.so 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so not found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so not found on /vendor/lib 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so found on /system/lib 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libstdc++.so loaded implicitly 05-29 11:32:18.689 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libstdc++.so 05-29 11:32:18.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.702 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libopencv.so 05-29 11:32:18.702 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libflatbuffersflatc.so 05-29 11:32:18.702 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libflatbuffersflatc.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.703 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.704 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libflatbuffersflatc.so 05-29 11:32:18.704 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libthird-party_easywsclient_easywsclientAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:18.704 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libthird-party_easywsclient_easywsclientAndroid.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.705 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.705 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libthird-party_easywsclient_easywsclientAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:18.720 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.720 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to merge: verifier / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.720 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to merge: fb / liblowlevel.so 05-29 11:32:18.720 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to merge: fb / liblowlevel.so 05-29 11:32:18.722 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so 05-29 11:32:18.722 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.722 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-assets 05-29 11:32:18.722 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so not found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-main 05-29 11:32:18.722 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so found on /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/lib/arm 05-29 11:32:18.723 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so 05-29 11:32:18.723 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libbreakpad_cpp_helper.so 05-29 11:32:18.727 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to merge: lyramanager / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.728 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libterminate_handler_manager.so 05-29 11:32:18.728 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libterminate_handler_manager.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.729 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.730 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libterminate_handler_manager.so 05-29 11:32:18.730 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to merge: appstatelogger / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.730 21475 21495 V appstatelogger: Registered App State Logger stream with Breakpad 05-29 11:32:18.731 21475 21495 D DexLibLoader: IsArt = true context = com.facebook.katana.app.FacebookApplication@339d7ab 05-29 11:32:18.731 21475 21495 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:18.731 21475 21495 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:18.731 21475 21495 W dalvik-internals: ignoring failure to find _ZN3art12FaultManager35EnsureArtActionInFrontOfSignalChainEv: could not hook _ZN3art12FaultManager35EnsureArtActionInFrontOfSignalChainEv 05-29 11:32:18.732 21475 21495 V dalvik-internals: hooked signal using trap () 05-29 11:32:18.732 21475 21495 V dalvik-internals: hooked sysv_signal using trap () 05-29 11:32:18.732 21475 21495 V dalvik-internals: hooked bsd_signal using trap () 05-29 11:32:18.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.732 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.732 21475 21495 V dalvik-internals: hooked sigaction using trap () 05-29 11:32:18.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.732 21475 21495 I dalvik-internals: installed sigmux crash handler for crash log 05-29 11:32:18.733 21475 21499 D SoLoader: About to load: libacra.so 05-29 11:32:18.733 21475 21499 D SoLoader: libacra.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.733 21475 21495 D ClassFailureStapler: not installing class failure stapler: ART in use 05-29 11:32:18.733 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to load: libclasstracing.so 05-29 11:32:18.734 21475 21495 D SoLoader: libclasstracing.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.735 21475 21499 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libforce_dlopen.so, libdistract.so, liblog.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:18.735 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libjava_com_facebook_common_dextricks_classtracing_logger_native.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.736 21475 21499 D SoLoader: Loaded: libacra.so 05-29 11:32:18.736 21475 21499 D SigquitBasedANRDetector: Initialized 05-29 11:32:18.736 21475 21495 D SoLoader: Loaded: libclasstracing.so 05-29 11:32:18.736 21475 21499 D : Function _ZN3art13SignalCatcher6OutputERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE hooked with result=0 05-29 11:32:18.737 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: DLL.loadAll betaBuild:false flags:0x00000004 05-29 11:32:18.737 21475 21500 D SoLoader: About to load: libpreconnector.so 05-29 11:32:18.737 21475 21500 D SoLoader: libpreconnector.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:18.737 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: resolved non-canonical data directory /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana to /data/data/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:18.738 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: opening dex store /data/data/com.facebook.katana/dex 05-29 11:32:18.739 21475 21495 W DexLibLoader: disabling background optimization 05-29 11:32:18.739 21475 21500 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:18.740 21475 21500 D SoLoader: Loaded: libpreconnector.so 05-29 11:32:18.740 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [.root_relative] 05-29 11:32:18.740 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [.locators] 05-29 11:32:18.740 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes2.dex 0d721b829766eeba6e0c20d35ad978bb2c9b2a59 secondary.dex01.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes3.dex fd0ba74c00e3f1e1a90e4334fe25d482a9834229 secondary.dex02.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes4.dex 34c934ccf767a0869bf7421023e9c52fdd4ce071 secondary.dex03.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes5.dex bebb99c5c0a59b675fd049a5495c9e1275686f96 secondary.dex04.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes6.dex 5b9d89ab3f789c49537dc2fd3e4ce800ec58c704 secondary.dex05.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes7.dex 8881ad84282257fc930ebebbb80f85a2fae6d557 secondary.dex06.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes8.dex 88553fb7bbc9dff0d816dc908542929918463fab secondary.dex07.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes9.dex 77269f391d2d67a7a1bcae71070eba9e1da08128 secondary.dex08.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes10.dex a96c57e2d104d8779a196d6bda1ef46e8242703d secondary.dex09.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes11.dex f3026ac226a49cc33830e82a7d945f4fdd74b9aa secondary.dex10.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes12.dex 35e76f323e1ba3b0400b16888910d796db90a224 secondary.dex11.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.741 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: Secondary program dex metadata: [classes13.dex a56146bd17300d54129f599928a8726ddeead20b secondary.dex12.Canary] 05-29 11:32:18.744 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: read status:9 check:faceb007faceb00e str:STATE_NOOP 05-29 11:32:18.746 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: read saved dep file /data/data/com.facebook.katana/dex/deps (220 bytes) 05-29 11:32:18.746 21475 21495 I DexLibLoader: current scheme: com.facebook.common.dextricks.OdexSchemeNoop next step: LA_LOAD_EXISTING 05-29 11:32:18.747 21475 21495 I DexLibLoader: Read SetupStartupQEsConfig for MDCL Configure: [StartupQEsConfig Lock Dex Num: -1 Lock Art:false Lock Art:false Enable ColdStart Aware GC:false Disable Concurrent GC:false Concurrent GC Threshold:-1 Disable Native GC:false Grow Heap Aggresively:false Disable min concurrent:false Idle throughput enabled:false Max idle requests:1 Delay between idle calss:0 Prioritizew main thread:false Idle Startup Items delayed: false Idle Max Interval Startup: 500 Idle NonCritical INeedInits: false Idle NonCritical INeedInits Dealy: 1500 Idle LowPri INeedInits: false MC PROT_EXEC: false MC madvise random: false MC madvise will need: false XML Cache Size: 0 Threadpool IHPNeedInit Size: -1 Mobile Config MLockfalse Threadpool Urgent Size: -1 LRU XML Resource Cache Size: 0Drawables in LRU Xml Cache: falseDrawable XML LRU Cache Size: 0CachedThreadFactory count: 0Frame Rate Limited Enabled: falseFrame Rate Reduced By: 1Threadpool Use Pool Defaults For Scheduled:falseGraphics Cache Override Enabled: falseTexture Cache MB Increase: 0Texture Cache Ratio Change: 1.0Texture Cache Flush Rate Change: -1.0Texture Cache Flush Rate Ratio Change: 1.0Parse Generic System Properties Config: falsemadviseArt: falseenableOverscrollModification: falseoverscrollModificationFactor: 1.2000000476837158madviseApk: falsedefaultTextureCacheValue: -1defaultTextureFlushRateValue: -1.0] 05-29 11:32:18.748 21475 21495 V MultiDexClassLoader: installing MultiDexClassLoader before application classloader 05-29 11:32:18.748 21475 21495 D SoLoader: About to merge: classid / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.755 21475 21495 D MultiDexClassLoader: primary dex name: /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/base.apk 05-29 11:32:18.755 21475 21495 D MultiDexClassLoader: Found system/other dex /system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar 05-29 11:32:18.755 21475 21495 D MultiDexClassLoader: Found primary dex /data/app/com.facebook.katana-Gb10D9EuSl-CP0LMFagNYA==/base.apk 05-29 11:32:18.755 21475 21495 D MultiDexClassLoader: Setup multi dex took 0 ms. 05-29 11:32:18.755 21475 21495 I MultiDexClassLoader: using java MDCL 05-29 11:32:18.755 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: created tmpdir /data/data/com.facebook.katana/dex/dexopt196849040475913168.tmpdir (lock file /data/data/com.facebook.katana/dex/dexopt196849040475913168.tmpdir_lock) 05-29 11:32:18.756 21475 21495 V DexLibLoader: optimization needed: no 05-29 11:32:18.757 21475 21495 W MemoryReductionHack: Couldn't update the Loader (NoSuchFieldException) 05-29 11:32:18.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.800 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.801 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.860 21475 21501 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo_systemcounters / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.861 21475 21501 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo_stacktrace / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.862 21475 21501 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo_threadmetadata / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.863 21475 21501 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo_libcio / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.865 21475 21501 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo_resolvedmethods / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.869 21475 21501 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.879 21475 21501 W Process : Unable to open /proc/vmstat 05-29 11:32:18.879 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564738.875:361): avc: denied { read } for pid=21475 comm="CallOnCreateImp" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:18.879 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564738.875:361): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=e65fe750 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21475 auid=4294967295 uid=10126 gid=10126 euid=10126 suid=10126 fsuid=10126 egid=10126 sgid=10126 fsgid=10126 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="CallOnCreateImp" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:18.879 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564738.875:361): proctitle="com.facebook.katana" 05-29 11:32:18.900 21475 21501 W Process : Unable to open /proc/vmstat 05-29 11:32:18.900 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564738.895:362): avc: denied { read } for pid=21475 comm="CallOnCreateImp" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:18.901 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564738.895:362): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=e65fe750 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21475 auid=4294967295 uid=10126 gid=10126 euid=10126 suid=10126 fsuid=10126 egid=10126 sgid=10126 fsgid=10126 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="CallOnCreateImp" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:18.901 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564738.895:362): proctitle="com.facebook.katana" 05-29 11:32:18.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.919 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:18.961 21475 21501 D DownloadedFbResources: xmlCacheSize: 0 Lru Xml Resource Cache Size: 0 Drawables in Lru Xml Cache: false Drawable LRU Cache Size: 0 05-29 11:32:18.992 21475 21518 D SoLoader: About to merge: tigonnativeservice / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:18.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.997 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:18.997 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:18.997 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.012 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.035 21475 21475 D FacebookApplication: Did not setup main thread interception 05-29 11:32:19.046 21475 21475 D SoLoader: About to merge: jniexecutors / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:19.047 21475 21475 D SoLoader: About to merge: fbjni / liblowlevel.so 05-29 11:32:19.052 21475 21475 D SoLoader: About to merge: tigonliger / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:19.052 21475 21475 V tigonliger: tigonliger/JNI_OnLoad called 05-29 11:32:19.054 21475 21475 D SoLoader: About to merge: liger / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:19.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.100 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.162 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:19.165 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:19.201 21475 21475 D SoLoader: About to merge: rewritenativeplugin / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:19.205 21475 21475 D SoLoader: About to merge: tigonapi / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:19.205 21475 21475 V tigonliger: tigonapi/JNI_OnLoad called 05-29 11:32:19.212 21475 21475 V SplashScreenApplication: ceding control to main thread 05-29 11:32:19.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.289 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.292 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:19.292 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:19.300 21475 21535 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 21475 / 10126 / 21535 05-29 11:32:19.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.313 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:19.313 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:19.315 21475 21504 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 21475 / 10126 / 21504 05-29 11:32:19.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.328 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.389 21475 21528 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:32:19.391 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:32:19.432 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.432 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.432 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.432 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:19.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:19.534 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:19.535 4441 21543 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:32:20.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.058 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.058 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.058 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.172 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.261 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.261 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.272 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.374 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.374 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.441 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.479 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.584 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.585 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.622 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.622 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.685 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.792 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:20.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.998 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:20.998 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:20.999 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.091 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.091 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.092 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.173 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=932121249000 05-29 11:32:21.174 4808 4998 D InputReader: !@notifyKey(172), action=0 05-29 11:32:21.175 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0, interactive=false 05-29 11:32:19.169 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:19.245 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:21.179 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: call onForcePressedSleep 05-29 11:32:21.179 4808 4998 D NaviBarForceTouchMgr: onForcePressedSleep() 05-29 11:32:21.180 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:32:21.180 4808 4998 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:32:21.180 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: mWakeUpBooster.acquire() 05-29 11:32:21.183 4808 4998 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1469000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : DEVICE_WAKEUP@CPU_MIN@63 05-29 11:32:21.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.190 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.190 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.190 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.190 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] wakeUpWithReason (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) eventTime = 932121 event = 1 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 I PowerManagerService: !@[ps] Screen__On - 3 : wakeUpWithReason: 1 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) (1) 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingManager: showForWakeUp : packageName =android 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingClientManager: isAvailableEdgeLighting: condition=2 mCondition=3 mIsConnected=false0 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 D EdgeLightingManager: showForWakeUpInternal : return false by isAcceptableApplication. 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)... 05-29 11:32:21.191 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: setInteractive(true) 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: Device ID 3: Releasing active all slots palm because the phone became interactive 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: Device ID 4: Releasing active all slots palm because the phone became interactive 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: KeyboardInputMapper: mPenInUse 0, needCancel 0 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 5180 D NetworkPolicy: onScreenStateChanged, state: true, reason: 1 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: KeyboardInputMapper: mPenInUse 0, needCancel 0 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Started waking up... reason=1 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 5180 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp reason=1 05-29 11:32:21.192 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: false 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4998 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4998 I libsuspend: !@autosuspend_wakeup_count_disable done 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4998 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange return as screen on from doze suspend 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4854 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] no lux value from sensor manager 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 05-29 11:32:21.193 4808 5180 D PowerManagerNotifier: handleEarlyInteractiveChange reason = 1 05-29 11:32:21.193 5236 5692 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUpWithReason, seq = 6 why = 1 05-29 11:32:21.193 5236 5692 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedWakingUpWithReason( reason = 1 ) 05-29 11:32:21.194 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyWakingUp( why = 1 ) 05-29 11:32:21.194 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE_SUSPEND -> DOZE brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:32:21.194 5236 5236 D StatusBar: onStartedWakingUp - start animation 05-29 11:32:21.194 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE 05-29 11:32:21.195 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic] : 21992 K 05-29 11:32:21.195 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Killing 20220:com.samsung.android.networkdiagnostic/5017 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:32:21.196 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 3 05-29 11:32:21.197 5236 5236 E KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStartedWakingUp start 1 05-29 11:32:21.197 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:32:21.197 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:32:21.197 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE 05-29 11:32:21.200 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{c1d15ee: PendingIntentRecord{dee6e60 android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:21.200 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=true myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:32:21.202 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 3 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:32:21.202 4808 4808 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:32:21.202 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x40 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=3) set Off 05-29 11:32:21.202 4808 4808 D BatteryService: turn off LED 05-29 11:32:21.202 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:32:21.202 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/sec/led/led_lowpower, 1 05-29 11:32:21.203 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 0 + 05-29 11:32:21.204 4808 4808 D EdmStorageProvider: getCount(ClientCertificateManagerTable) - 0 05-29 11:32:21.204 4808 8055 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 8055 05-29 11:32:21.204 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 5000 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 120000 -> 5000 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 0 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 4808 I MdnieScenarioControlService: action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.205 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: isLockScreenOn : true 05-29 11:32:21.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.205 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.205 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.205 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.206 4808 4808 I WifiTrafficPoller: evaluateTrafficStatsPolling 05-29 11:32:21.207 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:21.207 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:21.208 4808 4827 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue) 05-29 11:32:21.208 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:32:21.208 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:32:21.209 4808 4808 D SmartAlertController: ACTION_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.210 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: led_pattern : 0 - 05-29 11:32:21.210 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:32:21.210 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:32:21.210 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:32:21.210 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:32:21.210 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:32:21.210 4267 5786 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(screen_state=on) 05-29 11:32:21.210 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: Screen State = on) 05-29 11:32:21.211 4429 4845 V MultiRecordManager: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue screen_state=on, calling pid 4808 05-29 11:32:21.212 4274 17462 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3 05-29 11:32:21.212 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:32:21.214 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:32:21.214 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:32:21.214 5236 5236 D LockIcon: mCurrentState = 5, mLastState = 5, mDeviceInteractive = true, mLastDeviceInteractive = true, mScreenOn = false, mLastScreenOn = false, force = false 05-29 11:32:21.214 5236 5236 E KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStartedWakingUp end 05-29 11:32:21.215 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1) 05-29 11:32:21.215 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE_SUSPEND -> DOZE 05-29 11:32:21.215 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.215 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: setScreenState(): mSeamlessAodReady : false AOD 05-29 11:32:21.215 4808 4854 D AODManagerService: screenTurningOn post 05-29 11:32:21.216 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:21.217 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: return as screen on blocked 05-29 11:32:21.217 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:21.217 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.217 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: setScreenState(): mSeamlessAodReady : false AOD 05-29 11:32:21.217 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: return as screen on blocked 05-29 11:32:21.217 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:21.218 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{db172e7: PendingIntentRecord{aa3b7cc android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: inside mBReciever onReceive : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block started**** 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: notifyChangeToPlugin is called for Lock status update... 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 4808 D UcmService: notifyChangeToPlugin event 15 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 4808 D UcmService: checkCallerPermissionFor is called for method-notifyChangeToPlugin 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block ended**** 05-29 11:32:21.220 4808 5036 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{238867e: PendingIntentRecord{e7fd7df android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:21.221 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:32:21.222 4808 4808 I KnoxKeyguardScrimView: scrim receiver onReceive. action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.222 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:21.222 4808 5423 D GnssLocationProvider: receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.222 4808 4827 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:21.226 4808 5189 D KnoxKeyguardScrimView: MSG_CHECK_KEYGUARD_SERVICE_RUNNING 05-29 11:32:21.226 5453 5453 D EventReceiver_FLP: BroadcastReceiver : ACTION_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.227 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: SCREEN : ON 05-29 11:32:21.227 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:32:21.227 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:32:21.228 5205 5205 I SKBD : ahd SKBD mScreenUnlockReceiver - start 05-29 11:32:21.228 5205 5205 I SKBD : ahd SKBD mScreenUnlockReceiver - end 05-29 11:32:21.231 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isLockScreenEnabled 05-29 11:32:21.231 5567 5567 D NfcService: Top activity class name = com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:32:21.231 5567 5567 D NfcService: FactoryTestApp is not running, keep going 05-29 11:32:21.232 5567 5567 I NfcService: When receiving ACTION_SCREEN_ON, S view cover is already opened. So screenState is ON_LOCKED by isKeyguardLocked() 05-29 11:32:21.232 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: called from com.sec.android.inputmethod 05-29 11:32:21.233 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:32:21.233 5567 21550 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:32:21.233 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onDataActivity: direction=0 05-29 11:32:21.234 5567 21550 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 2 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:32:21.234 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:21.235 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: performDraw() was skipped by AOD_SHOW_STATE... DisplayState=3 05-29 11:32:21.237 5579 5876 D VolteServiceModule: onSreenOnOffChanged: on =1 05-29 11:32:21.237 5579 5876 D StackIF[-1]: updateScreenOnOff: on 1 05-29 11:32:21.237 5579 5876 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0010]> REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:32:21.238 5579 5873 D [IMS6.0]: IMS_onResponse() Resp Id:101 05-29 11:32:21.238 5579 5873 D StackIF : readMessage: messageType 1 tid 10 pduLength 10 05-29 11:32:21.238 5579 5873 D SECIMSJ[-1]: [0010]< REQUEST_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIG 05-29 11:32:21.238 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: reqId 2 05-29 11:32:21.238 5579 5873 D StackIF[-1]: processResponse: handle 0 result REQUEST_SUCCESS reason REASON_NO_ERROR 05-29 11:32:21.244 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 296 (W:15), BAT = 285, USB = 291, CHG = 293, CP = 300, WF = 297, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:32:21.244 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: ACTION_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.244 7531 7531 D AbstractCocktailPanelView: setPanelVisible: CocktailPortraitRemotePanelView2 will be hidden: 4 05-29 11:32:21.244 7531 7531 D CocktailBarPanelVisibilityManager: updateActivePanelView: vis=false screenOn=true onTransit=false -hide: 4 current Active: 4 05-29 11:32:21.244 7531 7531 I AbstractCocktailPanelView: notifyPanelVisibilityChanged: visibility not changed 2 id: 4 05-29 11:32:21.245 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:32:21.245 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=4098 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=16 05-29 11:32:21.245 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : already 2 05-29 11:32:21.249 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : ACTION_SCREEN_ON wakeUp 1 05-29 11:32:21.249 4808 8055 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name f.c 05-29 11:32:21.249 4808 8055 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:21.249 4279 4948 D Sensors : M requested delay = 200000000, modified delay = 0 05-29 11:32:21.250 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - proximity_pocket try to batching with 0 05-29 11:32:21.250 4279 4948 I Sensors : ProximityPocket old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 51539624448 en : 1 05-29 11:32:21.252 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.252 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.252 10370 10370 V BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - startBleScan 05-29 11:32:21.252 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.253 6102 9593 I chatty : uid=10033(u0_a33) NearbyDirectMai identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.253 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.253 10370 10370 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.254 4808 8055 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, Proximity Pocket, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.254 4808 8055 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name f.b 05-29 11:32:21.254 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.254 4808 8055 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==13 flags=0 rate=200000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:21.254 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - light_cct_sensor try to batching with 200000000 05-29 11:32:21.254 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:21.254 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.MSG_CALL_START_LESCAN - isFilterScanFailed/discovering:false/true 05-29 11:32:21.254 4279 4948 I Sensors : LightCCT_Sensor old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 55834591744 en : 1 05-29 11:32:21.255 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.255 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.255 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.directStopLeScan - call BleScanner.stopScan() 05-29 11:32:21.255 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.256 6102 6689 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=7 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:32:21.256 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.256 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:21.256 10370 10370 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.onReceive - receive Action : android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.256 4808 8055 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 13, TMD4906 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.256 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.256 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, last scan stopped at 932204 05-29 11:32:21.256 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 24254, tot/min/max scan time: 884743/120/625444 05-29 11:32:21.256 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - mScreenObserver action:android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.256 4808 8055 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name f.d 05-29 11:32:21.257 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:32:21.257 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:32:21.257 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - start 05-29 11:32:21.257 4808 8055 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==1 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:21.257 10370 10416 D BeaconManager[]: EasySetupManager.screenOnIntentReceived - end 05-29 11:32:21.257 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - accelerometer_sensor try to batching with 20000000 05-29 11:32:21.257 10370 10416 I BeaconManager[]: BeaconManager.BeaconManagerWorkHandler - BroadcastReceiver onReceive end 05-29 11:32:21.257 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.google.uid.shared:10033, first scan started at 932205 05-29 11:32:21.258 4279 4948 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 16896, new sensor_state : 55834591745 en : 1 05-29 11:32:21.259 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 6 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 05-29 11:32:21.261 4808 8055 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 1, LSM6DSL Acceleration Sensor, 20000, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.263 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.264 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:21.264 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.265 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:21.266 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.266 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.266 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 7, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:21.266 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.267 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.267 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:21.267 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:32:21.269 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=932217653000 05-29 11:32:21.269 4808 4998 D InputReader: !@notifyKey(172), action=1 05-29 11:32:21.270 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=932217653000 05-29 11:32:21.270 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1, interactive=true 05-29 11:32:21.271 4808 4998 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:32:21.271 4808 4998 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:32:21.271 4808 4998 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 05-29 11:32:21.271 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.271 4808 4998 D InputDispatcher: Info: 14 05-29 11:32:21.271 4808 4998 D NaviBarForceTouchMgr: onForceReleasedSleep() playHaptic = false 05-29 11:32:21.272 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=932218091000 05-29 11:32:21.272 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.273 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: 6 filters, scanMode=2, reportdelay=0, callback type=1, #clients=2, workSource=WorkSource{10033 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:21.274 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:32:21.274 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:32:21.274 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: isVoIPRinging()... 05-29 11:32:21.274 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... 05-29 11:32:21.274 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: Not exist call session 05-29 11:32:21.275 4808 4997 I WindowManager: Ignoring HOME; down is not pressed. 05-29 11:32:21.276 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.276 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.277 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Starting scan on OS scanner. BT state: 12 05-29 11:32:21.278 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:32:21.278 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.279 6102 9593 I chatty : uid=10033(u0_a33) NearbyDirectMai identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:21.280 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.281 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:21.283 6102 6689 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:32:21.284 4808 5180 D PowerManagerService: [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 05-29 11:32:21.286 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.286 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.286 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.286 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:21.286 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.286 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.287 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.289 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.289 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.291 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.291 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.293 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.293 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.295 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.295 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.298 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.298 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.299 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.299 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.313 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.313 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.315 4808 4850 D AODManagerService: screenTurningOn 05-29 11:32:21.315 4808 4850 D DisplayPowerController: [api] AODManager.AODChangeListener : Received readyToScreenTurningOn(). 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: [M OS] REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_OFF -> REPORTED_TO_POLICY_SCREEN_TURNING_ON. 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 I WindowManager: Screen turning on... 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$2@9c8a2fa) 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: mWindowManagerPolicy.screenTurningOn(mPendingScreenOnUnblocker) 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] no lux value from sensor manager 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 94 -> 94 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] setLightSensorEnabled : registerListenerRunnable 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1), PendingAutoBrightness) 05-29 11:32:21.316 5236 5692 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn 05-29 11:32:21.316 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurningOn 05-29 11:32:21.316 4808 4860 D DisplayManagerService: !@display_state: DOZE -> ON brightness: 9400 -> 9400 05-29 11:32:21.317 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 0 05-29 11:32:21.317 4808 5181 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:32:21.317 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: refresh : true 05-29 11:32:21.317 4808 4852 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON 05-29 11:32:21.317 4808 5181 I CAE : setPropertyValue(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:126) - Mode = 0 05-29 11:32:21.317 4808 5181 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -63, 23, 48, 1, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.317 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 3 , byte length 5 05-29 11:32:21.318 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: onDisplayChanged. displyId: 0, state: 2 05-29 11:32:21.318 4808 4808 D GameManagerService: dpi: 480, longPixel: 2076, shortPixel: 1080 05-29 11:32:21.318 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleLcdOn(). isDeivceLocked: false, inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode: true 05-29 11:32:21.318 4808 4808 I CAE : handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:167) - AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:32:21.319 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:32:21.319 4808 4808 I CAE : updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:447) - AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:32:21.319 4279 4948 D Sensors : c1 17 30 01 00 05-29 11:32:21.319 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:32:21.319 4808 4808 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -76, 13, -47, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.319 5567 5567 D NfcService: PROXIMITY SCREEN ON 05-29 11:32:21.320 4808 5012 D PowerManagerService: [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x80 tag=Window:StatusBar uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui} pkg=android 05-29 11:32:21.321 5236 5236 D WallpaperViewController: onScreenTurningOn 05-29 11:32:21.321 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: IKeyguardDrawnCallback.onDrawn() 05-29 11:32:21.322 4808 5274 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED **** 05-29 11:32:21.322 4808 5274 D WindowManager: mKeyguardDelegate.ShowListener.onDrawn. 05-29 11:32:21.322 4808 4843 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete 05-29 11:32:21.322 4808 4843 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:32:21.322 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x776f662000 05-29 11:32:21.323 4808 4852 D PointerController: mLocked.displayWidth 1080, mLocked.displayHeight 2220 05-29 11:32:21.323 21261 21261 D LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.323 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AlwaysOnDisplay: REASON_DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGED: +onDisplayChanged display state On, Hide AOD! 05-29 11:32:21.323 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: onUIActionReceive: 200 05-29 11:32:21.324 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 5 05-29 11:32:21.324 4808 4998 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-29 11:32:21.324 4808 5623 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.systemui.classifier.FalsingManager 05-29 11:32:21.324 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:32:21.324 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:32:21.324 4279 4279 D Sensors : b4 0d d1 00 05-29 11:32:21.324 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:32:21.325 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 5181 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 21177 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==9 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : LazyScreenInPocket : event: 932257572470 rgister: 1527564741249 932197674679 05-29 11:32:21.325 4279 4279 D Sensors : M requested delay = 20000000, modified delay = 0 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 4808 D SSRM:a : LazyScreenInPocket : proxVal: 8.0 05-29 11:32:21.325 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - proximity_sensor try to batching with 0 05-29 11:32:21.325 4279 4279 I Sensors : ProximitySensor old sensor_state 16897, new sensor_state : 55834591873 en : 1 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 5181 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 5000 -> 120000 05-29 11:32:21.325 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:32:21.326 4808 5181 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:155) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:32:21.328 4808 5181 V CAE : start(ContextProvider.java:128) 05-29 11:32:21.331 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(2), blank(0) 05-29 11:32:21.331 4274 17462 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(2), blank(0) 05-29 11:32:21.331 5236 5507 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 9, TMD4906 Proximity Sensor, 20000, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.331 4808 5181 V CAE : clear(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:267) 05-29 11:32:21.331 4808 5181 V CAE : enable(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:243) 05-29 11:32:21.331 5567 21554 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:32:21.331 4808 5181 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -79, 48, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.332 5567 21554 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 2 05-29 11:32:21.332 5567 21554 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 05-29 11:32:21.332 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 3 05-29 11:32:21.332 4279 4279 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:32:21.332 4279 4279 D Sensors : b1 30 00 05-29 11:32:21.332 4808 4860 D DisplayPowerController: setActualDisplayState: DOZE -> ON 05-29 11:32:21.332 4279 4279 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:32:21.332 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.332 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 94 -> 94 05-29 11:32:21.332 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1), PendingAutoBrightness) 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 94 -> 94 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=94, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1), PendingAutoBrightness) 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn() 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: [M OS] Notify policy about screen turned on. 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: mDisplayReady: true 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: handleSandman : stopDream 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4854 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 4850 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 05-29 11:32:21.333 4284 21557 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 05-29 11:32:21.333 5236 5692 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOn 05-29 11:32:21.333 4284 21556 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write +: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 1 05-29 11:32:21.333 4808 5180 I WindowManager: Finished waking up... 05-29 11:32:21.333 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOn 05-29 11:32:21.333 4284 21557 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 05-29 11:32:21.333 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = WAKE_LOCK 05-29 11:32:21.333 5591 5860 E ImsAdaptorImpl: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:32:21.334 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:32:21.334 5399 5399 E InfinityWallpaper: Sensor resumed. 05-29 11:32:21.334 4279 4279 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 3 05-29 11:32:21.334 5236 5692 D WallpaperViewController: sendWallpaperCommand() WAKE_LOCK 05-29 11:32:21.334 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:32:21.334 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:32:21.334 4808 5181 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(AutoBrightnessRunner.java:281) - true 05-29 11:32:21.334 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:32:21.334 4808 21177 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.systemui.infinity.fractal.TiltDetector 05-29 11:32:21.334 4808 5181 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:32:21.335 4808 6217 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==5 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:21.335 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - interrupt_gyro_sensor try to batching with 20000000 05-29 11:32:21.336 4279 4279 I Sensors : InterruptGyroSensor old sensor_state 17025, new sensor_state : 55868146305 en : 1 05-29 11:32:21.336 5591 5866 E ImsAdaptorImpl2: setSSACInfo : ImsAdaptorImpl. 05-29 11:32:21.337 5579 5994 D SsacManager: updateSSACInfo[0] : Voice(-1:0) Video(-1:0) 05-29 11:32:21.337 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Voice Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:32:21.337 5579 5994 D SsacManager: Video Call updateSSACInfo[0] : f[100], t[0] 05-29 11:32:21.338 4808 21177 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 05-29 11:32:21.338 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DOZE_WAKE_LOCK 'DreamManagerService' ACQ=-24s793ms (uid=1000 pid=4808) (0x0) 05-29 11:32:21.338 4808 4850 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 05-29 11:32:21.338 4808 4850 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.samsung.android.app.aodservice/com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 05-29 11:32:21.339 4808 4854 D PowerManagerService: [api] DreamReceiver: onReceive: android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED 05-29 11:32:21.339 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{db172e7: PendingIntentRecord{aa3b7cc android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:21.340 5399 5399 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 5, Interrupt Gyroscope Sensor, 66667, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.340 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:32:21.340 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 2 05-29 11:32:21.340 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 2 05-29 11:32:21.341 7531 7531 I TraySpecificModeController: SpecificModeReceiver : action = android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED 05-29 11:32:21.341 7531 7531 D TrayVisibilityController: onModeChanged : mode = 0 05-29 11:32:21.344 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:32:21.344 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 2 05-29 11:32:21.344 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=2 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:32:21.345 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564711138Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:32:21.345 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:32:21.345 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564711138Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:32:21.346 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setLockNotificationClicked:false 05-29 11:32:21.346 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:32:21.346 4808 6223 D EdgeLightingListenerManager: unregister : pkg = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice, mListeners = 1 05-29 11:32:21.346 4808 5181 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:32:21.347 4808 5181 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:32:21.347 4808 5181 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:32:21.347 4808 5181 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@d4dcde2, Service : DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR(1) 05-29 11:32:21.347 4808 6223 D PowerManagerService: [api] setButtonBrightnessLimit: 255 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@162fa9f, Service : ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER(1) 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@7a530e3, Service : AUTO_BRIGHTNESS(1) 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 W CAE : registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:191) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for AUTO_BRIGHTNESS 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextService: .registerCallback : 4, client= 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@57b57ec, Service : Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@8cd2ae0, Service : Auto Brightness 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@3a37c30, Service : Carrying Detection 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SemContextManager: .registerListener : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@5dbce7e, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D SContextManager: .registerListener : listener = com.android.server.display.AutomaticBrightnessController$5@89901d2, service=Auto Brightness 05-29 11:32:21.348 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in SensorHubAutoBrightnessEnabled::registerListener done: 32ms 05-29 11:32:21.350 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:32:21.350 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: handleScreenTurnedOn() why = 1 05-29 11:32:21.350 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:32:21.350 4808 4964 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T120221 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:21.351 5236 5236 D LockIcon: mCurrentState = 5, mLastState = 5, mDeviceInteractive = true, mLastDeviceInteractive = true, mScreenOn = true, mLastScreenOn = false, force = false 05-29 11:32:21.351 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = true, enable = false 05-29 11:32:21.353 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:21.354 4808 6223 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:32:21.355 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=62 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:21.356 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:21.357 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:21.357 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: onStartCommand : command : com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.intent.action.AOD_SCREEN_ON 05-29 11:32:21.357 4808 21177 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:32:21.357 21261 21261 I AlwaysOnDisplay: !@AlwaysOnDisplay: onDestroy() 05-29 11:32:21.358 21261 21261 D AODScheduleTimer: stop 05-29 11:32:21.358 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:21.358 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:32:21.359 10370 10417 I BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.startBleScan - Start filter Scan(SCREEN_ON) 05-29 11:32:21.359 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :21261 / op:PendingIntent{58a150c: PendingIntentRecord{8d9594c com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:21.359 10370 10417 D BeaconManager[]: BleScanHelper.getMyScanPreferences - interval:3120, window:160 05-29 11:32:21.360 4279 4395 I Sensors : ProximitySensor - 8(cm) 05-29 11:32:21.360 4279 4395 I nanohub : sensor: 8, mWakeEventCount(1) 05-29 11:32:21.360 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:32:21.360 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:32:21.360 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10003 pid :21261 / op:PendingIntent{17cce55: PendingIntentRecord{ed16eaa com.samsung.android.app.aodservice broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:21.360 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.360 21261 21261 V AOD_DOZE@DozeServiceManager: stopDozingInternal: DozeSuspendState - [DISPLAY_STATE_OFF] 05-29 11:32:21.360 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.361 10370 10417 I chatty : uid=5006(oem_5006) BleScanWorkHand identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.361 10370 10417 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.361 21261 21261 D AODStateMachine: request : (RUN) --> (IDLE) : action (10) 05-29 11:32:21.361 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: [transitionTo] RUN >> IDLE 05-29 11:32:21.361 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_SEMCONTEXT 05-29 11:32:21.362 10370 10417 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:21.362 4808 21177 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=1 05-29 11:32:21.362 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_SENSOR_LIGHT 05-29 11:32:21.362 4808 21177 D SensorService: Calling activate off 10 05-29 11:32:21.363 4279 4948 I Sensors : LightSensor old sensor_state 33571457, new sensor_state : 55868145793 en : 0 05-29 11:32:21.363 10370 10382 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=8 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:32:21.363 4808 5012 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} in Surface(name=StatusBar) 05-29 11:32:21.363 5236 5236 D SensorManager: Proximity, val = 8.0 [far] 05-29 11:32:21.363 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:21.364 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:32:21.364 4808 6223 D SemContextService: Service.removeListenerLocked() : listener = com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@3a37c30, service = Carrying Detection, used = 0 05-29 11:32:21.364 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:32:21.364 4808 6223 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:217) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:32:21.364 4808 6223 V CAE : stop(ContextProvider.java:155) 05-29 11:32:21.364 4808 6223 V CAE : clear(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:497) 05-29 11:32:21.364 4808 6223 V CAE : disable(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:486) 05-29 11:32:21.364 4808 6223 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -78, 56, 0, 0, 05-29 11:32:21.365 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: android.uid.bcmgr:5006, first scan started at 932313 05-29 11:32:21.365 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.366 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.366 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.366 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: android.uid.bcmgr, scannerId: 8, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:21.366 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.367 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Waiting for drawn Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: removed=false visible=true mHasSurface=true drawState=4 05-29 11:32:21.367 4808 4945 D WindowManager: Window drawn win=Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar} 05-29 11:32:21.367 4808 4945 D WindowManager: All windows drawn! 05-29 11:32:21.366 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.366 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:21.368 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:32:21.368 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:32:21.368 4279 4948 D Sensors : b2 38 00 00 05-29 11:32:21.368 21261 21261 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:21.368 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:32:21.368 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_PSM 05-29 11:32:21.369 21261 21261 D AOD_CONFIG@AODConfigurationController: unregisterMonitor MONITOR_BROADCAST_WALLPAPER 05-29 11:32:21.369 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.369 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.369 4808 4852 I WindowManager: All windows ready for display! 05-29 11:32:21.369 4808 4843 W WindowManager: Setting mWindowManagerDrawComplete 05-29 11:32:21.369 4808 4843 D WindowManager: finishScreenTurningOn: mAwake=true, mScreenOnEarly=true, mScreenOnFully=false, mKeyguardDrawComplete=true, mWindowManagerDrawComplete=true 05-29 11:32:21.369 4808 4843 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on... 05-29 11:32:21.369 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: setLiveClock: false / com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.ui.view.container.AODServiceBoxContainer{8de56a6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2220} 05-29 11:32:21.369 21261 21261 D AODServiceBoxContainer: (request -> transition -> transitionTo -> setLiveClock) 05-29 11:32:21.369 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 5000 05-29 11:32:21.369 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 120000 -> 5000 05-29 11:32:21.370 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 0 05-29 11:32:21.370 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:32:21.371 4808 6223 D CAE : getFaultDetectionResult(DevicePhysicalContextMonitorRunner.java:521) - true 05-29 11:32:21.371 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => interval : 23 05-29 11:32:21.371 4808 6223 I CAE : notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:627) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.371 21261 21261 D AbsSettings: getStringInner: from cache AODSettingsDBItem / PINNED_CONTENT_SHOWN_STATE = 0 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.371 21261 21261 D AODSettingsUtils: updateAODDisplayTime => brightnessValue : 3, prefsKey : high_light_display_time 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:21.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.371 21261 21261 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: start time : 1527564741371 05-29 11:32:21.373 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.373 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.373 21261 21261 D ScoverManager: unregisterListener 05-29 11:32:21.375 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.375 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.375 21261 21261 D DozeService: Dream ended: isDozing=false 05-29 11:32:21.377 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.377 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.377 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@5af38c9[Sys2410:dream]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:21.377 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel '990c3da Sys2410:dream (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:32:21.377 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel '990c3da Sys2410:dream (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:32:21.379 4808 21177 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 10003 pkg com.samsung.android.app.aodservice code 70 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 05-29 11:32:21.380 4808 4971 D SensorHubManager: onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(11) = 1, 1, 48, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 1, 77 05-29 11:32:21.380 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.380 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.380 4808 4972 D CAE : onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:91) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :11], AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:32:21.381 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:192) - buffer size = 11 05-29 11:32:21.381 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:21.381 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:203) - 1, 1, 48, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 1, 77, 05-29 11:32:21.381 4808 6223 D CAE : doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:444) - complete notify the operation result. 05-29 11:32:21.381 4808 4972 D CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:375) - ================= AUTO_BRIGHTNESS ================= 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 I CAE : displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:536) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 4972 I CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:391) - Candela=[123], AmbientLux=[333] 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 D CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:377) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@162fa9f, Service : ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER(1) 05-29 11:32:21.382 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.382 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 I CAE : showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:386) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@7a530e3, Service : AUTO_BRIGHTNESS(1) 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 W CAE : unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:252) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for DEVICE_PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_MONITOR 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 4976 D SemContextService: Service.updateContext() : service = Auto Brightness 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 5181 D SContextManager: onSContextChanged() : event = Auto Brightness 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] onSensorHubChanged : 1st lux = 333.0, 1st candela = 123.0 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: [DAB] updateAutoBrightnessSEC : 116(116.458755) 31.0 < 333.0 < 800.0 (0.0) 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 5181 D AutomaticBrightnessController: mCallbacks.updateBrightness() 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 D SemContextService: .unregisterCallback : 3, client= 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 D SemContextService: ===== SemContext Service List ===== 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/lcd/panel/lux, 333 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@57b57ec, Service : Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@8cd2ae0, Service : Auto Brightness 05-29 11:32:21.382 4808 6223 D SemContextService: Listener : com.samsung.android.hardware.context.SemContextService$Listener@f32cfa7, Service : Free Fall Detection 05-29 11:32:21.383 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.383 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Tracking Direct to etc : 116 05-29 11:32:21.383 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 116 -> 116 05-29 11:32:21.383 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:32:21.383 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=116, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:21.383 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/backlight/panel/auto_brightness, 3 05-29 11:32:21.383 4808 5181 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteInt to /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/auto_brightness, 3 05-29 11:32:21.384 21261 21560 D SemContextManager: .unregisterListener : listener = com.samsung.android.app.aodservice.controller.configuration.SemContextMonitor$1@6b2eccf, service=Carrying Detection 05-29 11:32:21.384 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.384 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.386 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:21.386 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:21.387 4808 6217 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} in Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) 05-29 11:32:21.391 21261 21261 D AlwaysOnDisplay: dismissAODWindow 05-29 11:32:21.392 4284 21556 D Sec MiscPowerHAL: sysfs_write -: /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled: 1 05-29 11:32:21.393 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in nativeSetInteractive(true): 61ms 05-29 11:32:21.393 4808 4860 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in DisplayManagerInternal.requestDesiredDisplayState: 77ms 05-29 11:32:21.393 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:21.395 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9620 + 05-29 11:32:21.399 21261 21261 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalVerticalClockView: onDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:21.400 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9620 - 05-29 11:32:21.403 21261 21261 I SmartAlertView: setAnimationState: -1 to -1 05-29 11:32:21.404 21261 21261 D AOD_TSP@AODTspEventMonitor: unregister 05-29 11:32:21.404 21261 21261 D AODRemoteViewController: removeRemoteViewCallback: removed: true 0 05-29 11:32:21.406 21261 21295 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881d5a0 05-29 11:32:21.406 21261 21261 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[AOD]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:21.407 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'fee62e AOD (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:32:21.407 21261 21261 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'fee62e AOD (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:32:21.407 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=false 05-29 11:32:21.407 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8608 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:21.408 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:32:21.408 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:32:21.409 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:32:21.409 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:32:21.409 4808 6223 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 21261 05-29 11:32:21.411 4808 6223 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:32:21.411 4808 6217 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8608 05-29 11:32:21.411 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:32:21.411 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9840 + 05-29 11:32:21.411 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:32:21.414 21261 21261 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038540 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | AOD#0 05-29 11:32:21.415 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:21.418 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 9840 - 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:21.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.428 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10060 + 05-29 11:32:21.434 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10060 - 05-29 11:32:21.445 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10280 + 05-29 11:32:21.451 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10280 - 05-29 11:32:21.462 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10500 + 05-29 11:32:21.468 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10500 - 05-29 11:32:21.470 4808 4808 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock DRAW_WAKE_LOCK 'Window:StatusBar' ACQ=-264ms (uid=1000 pid=4808 ws=WorkSource{10003 com.android.systemui}) (0x0) 05-29 11:32:21.474 20700 20700 E hw-IPCThreadState: binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 152 ms 05-29 11:32:21.479 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10720 + 05-29 11:32:21.484 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10720 - 05-29 11:32:21.495 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10940 + 05-29 11:32:21.501 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 10940 - 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:21.506 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.513 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11160 + 05-29 11:32:21.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.516 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.516 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:21.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.519 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11160 - 05-29 11:32:21.522 5236 5236 I ViewCaptureUtil: Capture the lockscreen 05-29 11:32:21.529 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11380 + 05-29 11:32:21.534 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11380 - 05-29 11:32:21.536 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:21.539 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 13 05-29 11:32:21.539 4279 4279 I Sensors : LightCCT_Sensor old sensor_state 33570945, new sensor_state : 51573178497 en : 0 05-29 11:32:21.542 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:21.542 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 11 05-29 11:32:21.542 4279 4279 I Sensors : ProximityPocket old sensor_state 33570945, new sensor_state : 17213440129 en : 0 05-29 11:32:21.545 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: animateScreenStateChange: target2 05-29 11:32:21.545 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: getFinalBrightness : Summary is 116 -> 116 05-29 11:32:21.545 4808 4854 D DisplayPowerController: Animating brightness: target=116, rate=100 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1)) 05-29 11:32:21.546 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:21.546 4808 4808 D SensorService: Calling activate off 1 05-29 11:32:21.546 4279 4279 I Sensors : AccSensor old sensor_state 33570945, new sensor_state : 17213440128 en : 0 05-29 11:32:21.546 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11600 + 05-29 11:32:21.550 4808 4808 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:21.551 4276 4276 D SEC LightsHAL: lcd : 11600 - 05-29 11:32:21.581 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_ENER_INFO_READ 05-29 11:32:21.581 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=AOD) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement:818 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:233 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:168 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:158 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.lambda$-com_android_server_wm_WindowSurfacePlacer_6459:135 05-29 11:32:21.581 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=61 Removed AOD#0 (5/5) 05-29 11:32:21.581 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=61 Removed AOD#0 (-2/5) 05-29 11:32:21.582 4808 4945 W AppOps : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 10003 pkg com.samsung.android.app.aodservice code 70 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65cd00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038540 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:21.584 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:21.596 4295 4295 I Layer : id=61 onRemoved AOD#0 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038540 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:21.601 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:21.604 4808 21558 D BatteryStatsService: !@ mLastInfo WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=913019 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=180 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=10980 mControllerIdleTimeMs=48051 mControllerEnergyUsed=2914023 } 05-29 11:32:21.604 4808 21558 D BatteryStatsService: !@ latest WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=932525 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=191 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[] mControllerRxTimeMs=11534 mControllerIdleTimeMs=51663 mControllerEnergyUsed=3067156 } 05-29 11:32:21.604 4808 21558 D BatteryStatsService: !@ delta timePeriodMs : 19506 txTimeMs : 11 rxTimeMs :554 idleTimeMs : 3612 05-29 11:32:21.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.625 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.626 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.626 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:21.626 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.688 4808 21558 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to daily db completed 05-29 11:32:21.691 4808 21558 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: writing to weekly db completed 05-29 11:32:21.691 4808 21558 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDumper: refreshstats completed 05-29 11:32:21.691 4808 21558 I BarTender:GATHERERBATTSTATS: set - time:1527564741691 05-29 11:32:21.691 4808 21558 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: Observer from Gatherer - time:1527564741691 05-29 11:32:21.691 4808 4964 I BarTender:ANALYZERBATTSTATS: MSG_TYPE_BARTENDER_CHECK_POWER:: 05-29 11:32:21.691 4808 4964 I BarTender:BatteryStatsDBHelper: checkForPowerThreshold called : 1527564741691 05-29 11:32:21.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:21.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:21.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.938 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:21.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:21.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:21.938 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:22.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.190 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1469000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : DEVICE_WAKEUP@CPU_MIN@63 05-29 11:32:22.250 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.251 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.306 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:22.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.306 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:22.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.448 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=933396635000 05-29 11:32:22.448 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=933396635000 05-29 11:32:22.449 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.127 ] when=933396635000 05-29 11:32:22.450 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:22.450 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:22.451 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 1 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 690.0293 Y : 1833.0176 05-29 11:32:22.480 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933427 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.496 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933444 05-29 11:32:22.512 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933460 05-29 11:32:22.529 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933477 05-29 11:32:22.546 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933494 05-29 11:32:22.562 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933510 05-29 11:32:22.579 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933527 05-29 11:32:22.596 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933543 05-29 11:32:22.601 4808 21177 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:32:22.601 4808 21177 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4308, temperature: 286, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2984000 05-29 11:32:22.601 4808 21177 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-13, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:0 05-29 11:32:22.601 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:22.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.602 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:32:22.602 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:32:22.602 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:32:22.602 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:32:22.603 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:32:22.603 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:22.606 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:22.606 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:32:22.606 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:32:22.609 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:32:22.629 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933577 05-29 11:32:22.646 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933594 05-29 11:32:22.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.662 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933610 05-29 11:32:22.679 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933627 05-29 11:32:22.696 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933643 05-29 11:32:22.712 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933660 05-29 11:32:22.746 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933693 05-29 11:32:22.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.779 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933727 05-29 11:32:22.813 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933761 05-29 11:32:22.829 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933777 05-29 11:32:22.846 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933794 05-29 11:32:22.863 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933811 05-29 11:32:22.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.879 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933827 05-29 11:32:22.896 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933844 05-29 11:32:22.913 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933861 05-29 11:32:22.947 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933895 05-29 11:32:22.963 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933911 05-29 11:32:22.971 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.971 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.979 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933927 05-29 11:32:22.984 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:22.984 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.984 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.985 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:22.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:22.996 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933944 05-29 11:32:23.013 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933961 05-29 11:32:23.029 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933977 05-29 11:32:23.046 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 933994 05-29 11:32:23.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:23.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.051 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.062 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934010 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.079 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934027 05-29 11:32:23.096 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934044 05-29 11:32:23.113 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934061 05-29 11:32:23.129 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934077 05-29 11:32:23.146 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934094 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.073 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.150 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=934098071000 05-29 11:32:23.150 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=934098071000 05-29 11:32:23.150 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=934098071000 05-29 11:32:23.150 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:23.150 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934098 05-29 11:32:23.151 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:32:23.151 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:32:23.152 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:23.152 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:23.154 5236 5236 D SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): ACTION_UP (T/D/R)=24/36.05551275463989/432 05-29 11:32:23.154 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 934102 05-29 11:32:23.155 5236 5236 D SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): ACTION_UP mIsMultiTouch=false 05-29 11:32:23.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.178 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.179 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.235 21475 21539 D MultiDexClassLoader: notifyColdstartDone 05-29 11:32:23.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.238 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:23.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.238 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:23.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.307 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:23.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.317 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:32:23.317 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:32:23.317 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:32:23.318 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:23.318 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:23.318 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:23.318 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:23.341 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 516, Display = 300(Panel:40, LDIs:260), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:23.341 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 129, Display = 75, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:23.343 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.41, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.00], F_RF[29.90], B_AP[29.70], B_RF[29.40], B_WIFI[28.70], B_SPK[28.90] 05-29 11:32:23.360 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564743.355:363): avc: denied { read } for pid=21475 comm="Bg_Shared2" name="boot_id" dev="proc" ino=151950 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:23.361 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564743.355:363): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=c9ba4a60 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21475 auid=4294967295 uid=10126 gid=10126 euid=10126 suid=10126 fsuid=10126 egid=10126 sgid=10126 fsgid=10126 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Bg_Shared2" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:23.361 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564743.355:363): proctitle="com.facebook.katana" 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: Error reading boot_id from procfs 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id (Permission denied) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:200) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:150) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:103) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileReader.(FileReader.java:58) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.2Dp.D(:550759) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.3nB.B(Unknown Source:813) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0HO.B(Unknown Source:31) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0I7.H(:47591) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0I7.F(:47578) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.2Dk.D(:550454) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.2Dk.E(:550458) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.2Dk.A(:550429) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.2Di.init(:550399) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0Nr.run(:60382) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0N1.run(:59234) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0O2.run(:60875) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0Kf.run(:52874) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0O4.run(:60895) 05-29 11:32:23.363 21475 21538 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 05-29 11:32:23.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.426 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:23.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.426 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.427 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.434 21475 21539 D VpsController: Binding to exo service 05-29 11:32:23.449 21475 21539 D SoLoader: About to merge: mobileconfig-jni / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:23.458 21475 21539 D SoLoader: About to merge: xanalyticsnative-jni / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:23.468 21475 21539 I mobileconfig: Using asset manager to stream params_map.txt 05-29 11:32:23.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.498 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:23.498 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:23.555 21475 21539 I mobileconfig: Params map streaming - readbytes: 582711/582711 05-29 11:32:23.557 21475 21539 I mobileconfig: Successfully parsed params_map.txt 05-29 11:32:23.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.591 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:23.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.610 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78500 5303048 w 28782 509728 d 3368 154916 f 7364 7443 iot 36632 30947 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 934.558 05-29 11:32:23.610 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.633 21475 21539 I mobileconfig: Initialized MobileConfig - directory: /data/user/0/com.facebook.katana/files, deviceId: 8dad547a-0649-400e-85e0-ee97ead51e3d, appVersion:, session: , paramHash: cfb23b3b9fe5cc779dd5ae23c89dfba0, urlParams: [locale=en_US,client_country_code=TW,access_token=350685531728|62f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437a4a32], readOnly: false 05-29 11:32:23.653 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.773 4808 21177 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.781 21475 21540 D GcOptimizer: Configure for next cold start: disable 05-29 11:32:23.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:23.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.798 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.810 4808 4842 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.facebook.permission.prod.FB_APP_COMMUNICATION due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{cb418d3 u0 ReceiverList{cca22c2 21475 com.facebook.katana/10126/u0 remote:51730d}} 05-29 11:32:23.811 4808 4842 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.facebook.permission.prod.FB_APP_COMMUNICATION due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{cb418d3 u0 ReceiverList{cca22c2 21475 com.facebook.katana/10126/u0 remote:51730d}} 05-29 11:32:23.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:23.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.814 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.815 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.815 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.833 21475 21538 W fb4a.ServiceInfoParser: X.3wN: Service com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 05-29 11:32:23.834 21475 21538 W fb4a.ServiceInfoParser: X.3wN: Service com.facebook.backgroundlocation.reporting.periodic.PeriodicSignalCollectorJobService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 05-29 11:32:23.884 21475 21538 W fb4a.ServiceInfoParser: X.3wN: Service com.facebook.push.fbpushdata.FbPushDataHandlerService is missing meta key com.facebook.common.jobscheduler.compat.jobIds 05-29 11:32:23.887 4175 4175 E audit : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack pid=21475 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager 05-29 11:32:23.888 21475 21579 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module 05-29 11:32:23.888 21475 21579 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1 05-29 11:32:23.902 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:23.903 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:23.906 4808 4842 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.facebook.permission.prod.FB_APP_COMMUNICATION due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{ef6c5 u0 ReceiverList{942d93c 21475 com.facebook.katana/10126/u0 remote:59d6f2f}} 05-29 11:32:23.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.986 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:23.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.986 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:23.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:23.987 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:23.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.007 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.inspiration.shortcut.InspirationCameraExternalShareActivity newState = 1 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.017 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.inspiration.shortcut.InspirationCameraExternalShareActivityTestA newState = 2 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.023 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.inspiration.shortcut.InspirationCameraExternalShareActivityTestB newState = 2 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.030 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.inspiration.shortcut.InspirationCameraIntentLaunchActivity newState = 2 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.038 21475 21537 W fb4a.0J2: Called user scoped provider with no viewer. ViewerContextManager was created with no ViewerContext. Using EmptyViewerContextManager to return fake logged in instance. 05-29 11:32:24.069 21475 21537 W fb4a.0J2: Called user scoped provider with no viewer. ViewerContextManager was created with no ViewerContext. Using EmptyViewerContextManager to return fake logged in instance. 05-29 11:32:24.073 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 05-29 11:32:24.073 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.facebook.katana, className: com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity, count: 0 05-29 11:32:24.076 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:24.076 19044 19044 D MethodReflector: notifyChange is called 05-29 11:32:24.078 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:24.078 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:24.079 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 05-29 11:32:24.080 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:24.080 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:24.080 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 05-29 11:32:24.080 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 05-29 11:32:24.080 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 05-29 11:32:24.090 21475 21538 W fb4a.0J2: Called user scoped provider with no viewer. ViewerContextManager was created with no ViewerContext. Using EmptyViewerContextManager to return fake logged in instance. 05-29 11:32:24.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.133 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20180604T010000 - CU:10126/CP:21475 05-29 11:32:24.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:24.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.138 21475 21538 W fb4a.0J2: Called user scoped provider with no viewer. ViewerContextManager was created with no ViewerContext. Using EmptyViewerContextManager to return fake logged in instance. 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: Exception during service 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: X.2Vj: auth token while building handleFetchConfiguration is null, user logged out? 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at X.3xA.E(:834500) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at X.3wZ.A(:833492) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at X.3wX.nhB(:833442) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at X.1tg.run(:463803) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:457) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at X.1Ct.run(:266677) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:24.157 21475 21584 W fb4a.BlueServiceQueue: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:32:24.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.173 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:24.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.173 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:24.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.219 21475 21537 W fb4a.0J2: Called user scoped provider with no viewer. ViewerContextManager was created with no ViewerContext. Using EmptyViewerContextManager to return fake logged in instance. 05-29 11:32:24.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.224 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.241 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:24.254 4808 6217 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113318, SetElapsed=989139, nowELAPSED=935202 05-29 11:32:24.256 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180530T113224 - CU:10126/CP:21475 05-29 11:32:24.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:24.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.278 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges() entered. 05-29 11:32:24.283 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T114024 - CU:10126/CP:21475 05-29 11:32:24.287 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.lool = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud = 1 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.facebook.katana = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider = -1 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider/com.samsung.android.email.ui.activity.MessageListXL = -1 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android = 1 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager = 0 05-29 11:32:24.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol = 0 05-29 11:32:24.292 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{0}] 05-29 11:32:24.298 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:24.298 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.301 19065 19078 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:32:24.304 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 2 05-29 11:32:24.304 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android/.activity.SplashActivity = 2 05-29 11:32:24.305 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{95}] 05-29 11:32:24.305 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), final size : 4 05-29 11:32:24.305 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges(), badges count : 4 05-29 11:32:24.310 4808 6223 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.qrcode.QRCodeActivityAlias newState = 2 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.321 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:24.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.327 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.327 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:24.327 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:24.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.328 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.356 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:24.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.356 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.356 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.357 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:24.357 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.359 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:24.359 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.374 21475 21589 W Settings: Setting wifi_sleep_policy has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 05-29 11:32:24.384 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.timeline.profilevideo.ProfileVideoShareActivityAlias newState = 1 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.390 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.timeline.stagingground.Fb4aProfilePictureShareActivityAlias newState = 1 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.396 4808 6217 D PackageManager: setEnabledSetting : userId = 0 packageName = com.facebook.katana cmp = com.facebook.timeline.stagingground.WorkProfilePictureShareActivityAlias newState = 2 callingPackage = 10126/com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.413 21475 21540 D SoLoader: About to merge: profilo_network / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:24.416 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=935364707000 05-29 11:32:24.416 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=935364707000 05-29 11:32:24.416 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.128 ] when=935364707000 05-29 11:32:24.417 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:24.417 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:24.418 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 1 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 682.91016 Y : 1803.75 05-29 11:32:24.421 21475 21589 D TosState: getTosFlow() componentBasedStatus tosFlow=TosFlow{shouldAcceptTos=true, shouldShowExplicitTos=false, reason=EXPLICIT_COMPONENT_STATE} 05-29 11:32:24.426 21475 21589 D SoLoader: About to load: libchipset.so 05-29 11:32:24.426 21475 21589 D SoLoader: libchipset.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:24.434 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libsigmux.so, libshadowmalloc.so, liblog.so, libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libvulkan-stub_libvulkan-stubAndroid.so, libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libopencl-stub_libopencl-stubAndroid.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:24.434 21475 21589 D SoLoader: About to load: libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libvulkan-stub_libvulkan-stubAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:24.435 21475 21589 D SoLoader: libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libvulkan-stub_libvulkan-stubAndroid.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:24.438 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:24.439 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loaded: libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libvulkan-stub_libvulkan-stubAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:24.439 21475 21589 D SoLoader: About to load: libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libopencl-stub_libopencl-stubAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:24.439 21475 21589 D SoLoader: libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libopencl-stub_libopencl-stubAndroid.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:24.442 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so, libdl.so] 05-29 11:32:24.444 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loaded: libcaffe2_caffe2_mobile_contrib_libopencl-stub_libopencl-stubAndroid.so 05-29 11:32:24.447 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935395 05-29 11:32:24.447 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loaded: libchipset.so 05-29 11:32:24.449 21475 21589 D SoLoader: About to merge: compactdisk-common-jni / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:24.450 21475 21589 D SoLoader: About to merge: compactdisk-analytics-jni / libcoldstart.so 05-29 11:32:24.452 21475 21589 E SingleFileAttributeStore.cpp: Could not read data from the disk 05-29 11:32:24.455 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:24.464 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935412 05-29 11:32:24.480 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935428 05-29 11:32:24.497 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935445 05-29 11:32:24.514 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935462 05-29 11:32:24.523 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10126 pid :21475 / op:PendingIntent{5e1dab8: PendingIntentRecord{41e6091 com.facebook.katana broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:24.526 4808 21177 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113300, SetElapsed=970948, nowELAPSED=935474 05-29 11:32:24.526 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113335 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:24.527 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114403 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:24.530 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935478 05-29 11:32:24.547 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935495 05-29 11:32:24.564 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935512 05-29 11:32:24.581 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935528 05-29 11:32:24.597 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935545 05-29 11:32:24.614 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935562 05-29 11:32:24.624 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.627 4808 6217 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_10 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:24.628 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.631 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935579 05-29 11:32:24.632 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.636 21475 21589 D SoLoader: About to load: libfb_filesystem.so 05-29 11:32:24.636 21475 21589 D SoLoader: libfb_filesystem.so found on /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-xzs 05-29 11:32:24.640 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblowlevel.so, libshadowmalloc.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libc.so] 05-29 11:32:24.642 21475 21589 D SoLoader: Loaded: libfb_filesystem.so 05-29 11:32:24.633 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.647 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935595 05-29 11:32:24.697 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935645 05-29 11:32:24.711 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:24.711 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:24.714 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935662 05-29 11:32:24.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.728 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:24.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.731 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935679 05-29 11:32:24.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:24.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.741 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.742 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.742 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.747 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.747 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935695 05-29 11:32:24.751 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:24.764 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935712 05-29 11:32:24.742 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:24.742 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.767 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564744.759:364): avc: denied { read } for pid=21475 comm="Analytics-Norma" name="boot_id" dev="proc" ino=151950 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:24.767 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564744.759:364): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=e1995f80 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21475 auid=4294967295 uid=10126 gid=10126 euid=10126 suid=10126 fsuid=10126 egid=10126 sgid=10126 fsgid=10126 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="Analytics-Norma" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:24.767 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564744.759:364): proctitle="com.facebook.katana" 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: Error reading boot_id from procfs 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id (Permission denied) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:200) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:150) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:103) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at java.io.FileReader.(FileReader.java:58) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.2Dp.D(:550759) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.3nB.B(Unknown Source:813) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0HO.B(Unknown Source:31) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0I7.H(:47591) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0I7.F(:47578) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.3u7.vq(:828421) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.3o6.E(:806871) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.3tn.C(:826482) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0ZX.WQC(:91428) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0ZU.B(:91350) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at X.0b1.handleMessage(:95218) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:24.768 21475 21589 E fb4a.BootIdReader: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:32:24.781 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935729 05-29 11:32:24.797 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935745 05-29 11:32:24.814 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935762 05-29 11:32:24.821 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:24.831 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935779 05-29 11:32:24.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.843 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.847 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935795 05-29 11:32:24.864 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935812 05-29 11:32:24.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:24.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.876 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=935824896000 05-29 11:32:24.876 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=935824896000 05-29 11:32:24.876 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=935824896000 05-29 11:32:24.877 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:24.877 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935825 05-29 11:32:24.877 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:24.877 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:24.879 5236 5236 D SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): ACTION_UP (T/D/R)=24/26.832815729997478/432 05-29 11:32:24.879 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 935827 05-29 11:32:24.879 5236 5236 D SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): ACTION_UP mIsMultiTouch=false 05-29 11:32:24.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.913 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:24.913 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.913 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.951 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:24.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:24.951 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.951 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:24.951 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:25.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.106 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.161 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:25.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.288 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.299 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.299 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.371 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.372 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.372 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.434 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:25.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.580 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.583 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.661 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:25.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.662 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.789 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.789 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.790 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.828 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.828 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:25.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.854 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.894 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:25.894 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:25.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:25.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.001 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.001 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.005 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:26.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.037 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:26.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.080 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: Start of BadgeRunnable 05-29 11:32:26.080 4808 6023 I ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverOwner , PersonaId : -1 05-29 11:32:26.092 19044 19063 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : package IN ( "com.samsung.android.messaging" , "com.samsung.android.contacts" , "com.samsung.contacts ") 05-29 11:32:26.101 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 0 05-29 11:32:26.101 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:32:26.102 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 95 05-29 11:32:26.103 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:26.103 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:32:26.103 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:32:26.103 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:32:26.104 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:32:26.104 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:32:26.104 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:26.105 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:32:26.109 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.110 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.110 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:26.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.219 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:26.219 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:32:26.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.256 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.256 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.309 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.310 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:26.311 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.343 21261 21271 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:26.343 21261 21271 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:32:26.381 21261 21599 D AODBaseSettingsUtils: addLogText 05-29 11:32:26.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:26.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.417 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.418 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.528 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.604 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:26.604 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.604 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.606 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.792 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:26.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.879 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.879 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:26.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.947 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.948 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.982 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:26.982 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:26.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:26.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:27.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.051 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.157 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:27.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.157 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.160 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.161 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.176 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 9 lines 05-29 11:32:27.176 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.260 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 8 lines 05-29 11:32:27.260 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.264 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 6 filters, 1 clients, callingClientName=Nearby] 05-29 11:32:27.263 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.293 6102 6109 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=26KB 05-29 11:32:27.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.296 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.297 6102 6109 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=30KB, data=26KB 05-29 11:32:27.297 6102 6109 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 05-29 11:32:27.298 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.305 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Stopping scan on delegate scanner. BT state: 12 05-29 11:32:27.306 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:27.307 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:27.307 6102 9593 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:27.315 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:27.316 6102 9593 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:27.317 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: Resetting - new scanner available: true 05-29 11:32:27.317 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled. 05-29 11:32:27.317 6102 9593 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients 05-29 11:32:27.332 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.google.uid.shared, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:27.339 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:27.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.361 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.362 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.471 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.500 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute *filter 05-29 11:32:27.500 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:32:27.500 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:32:27.508 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: [iptables debug]iptables-restore execute done *filter 05-29 11:32:27.508 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: -A fw_standby_uid -m owner --uid-owner 9510058 -j DROP 05-29 11:32:27.508 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: COMMIT 05-29 11:32:27.508 4441 4645 E IptablesRestoreController: , res : 0 05-29 11:32:27.521 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=938469470000 05-29 11:32:27.521 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=938469470000 05-29 11:32:27.522 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.129 ] when=938469470000 05-29 11:32:27.522 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:27.523 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:27.524 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 1 TouchEmptyArea : false X : 922.85156 Y : 760.41504 05-29 11:32:27.524 4808 6223 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 938472 05-29 11:32:27.527 5236 5236 D swipe : !isFreemformEnabled 05-29 11:32:27.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.573 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.590 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:27.677 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.677 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.698 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=938646125000 05-29 11:32:27.698 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=938646125000 05-29 11:32:27.698 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=938646125000 05-29 11:32:27.698 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:27.698 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:27.707 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setLockNotificationClicked:true 05-29 11:32:27.708 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.723 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.723 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.780 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.882 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.883 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.883 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:27.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:27.914 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:27.914 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.097 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.097 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.098 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.196 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.196 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.196 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.197 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.241 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.241 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.282 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.306 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.474 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.475 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.475 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.613 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78763 5324616 w 28839 510184 d 3400 155100 f 7365 7444 iot 36772 31051 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 939.560 05-29 11:32:28.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.851 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.873 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:28.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:28.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:28.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.043 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.046 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.046 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.046 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.218 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.311 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:29.312 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:29.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.387 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.405 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.485 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=940433352000 05-29 11:32:29.485 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=940433352000 05-29 11:32:29.486 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.130 ] when=940433352000 05-29 11:32:29.488 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:29.489 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:29.490 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 1 TouchEmptyArea : false X : 384.4336 Y : 740.3613 05-29 11:32:29.491 4808 6217 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 940438 05-29 11:32:29.611 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=940558324000 05-29 11:32:29.611 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=940558324000 05-29 11:32:29.611 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=940558324000 05-29 11:32:29.612 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:29.613 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:29.618 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState: KGRD -> SHD_LCK 05-29 11:32:29.619 4808 6217 I EasyMuteController: UnRegister failed. no registered 05-29 11:32:29.619 4808 6217 V Vibrator: Called cancel() API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, token: android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:32:29.619 4808 6217 D VibratorService: cancel() : android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:32:29.619 4808 6217 D VibratorService: Turning vibrator off 05-29 11:32:29.619 4286 4286 D SecVibrator-HAL: writeNode node:/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 05-29 11:32:29.622 4808 6217 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:32:29.622 4808 6217 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:32:29.623 4808 6217 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:32:29.623 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:32:29.624 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:32:29.624 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:32:29.624 4808 6217 D SensorService: Calling activate off 9 05-29 11:32:29.625 4279 4279 I Sensors : ProximitySensor old sensor_state 33570944, new sensor_state : 17213440000 en : 0 05-29 11:32:29.630 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:32:29.630 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:32:29.630 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:32:29.630 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10193, packageName : com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:32:29.630 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.oneconnect user:0 05-29 11:32:29.631 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:29.631 4808 4842 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.oneconnect, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:29.631 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.oneconnect user:0 05-29 11:32:29.631 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:29.632 5236 5507 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:29.633 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState( dispatchStatusBarState to true ) 05-29 11:32:29.642 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 101, 1121, Tap expand button 05-29 11:32:29.642 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:29.648 21600 21600 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:32:29.648 4808 4842 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21600:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193 for broadcast com.samsung.android.oneconnect/.QcReceiver 05-29 11:32:29.648 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:32:29.649 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=2050 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:32:29.649 21600 21600 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:32:29.649 21600 21600 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:29.649 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564741383Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:32:29.650 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81960040 pfl=0x400 fmt=-3 or=5 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:29.652 21600 21600 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:29.652 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:32:29.653 21600 21600 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:29.655 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:32:29.655 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 5000 -> 120000 05-29 11:32:29.655 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:32:29.655 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:32:29.656 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:32:29.657 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:29.657 4808 21177 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:32:29.657 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=62 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (4/4) 05-29 11:32:29.658 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=62 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/4) 05-29 11:32:29.660 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:32:29.663 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:32:29.668 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:32:29.668 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( true ) 05-29 11:32:29.672 4295 4295 I Layer : id=62 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:29.673 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:29.675 4808 6223 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10193 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:29.676 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:32:29.676 4808 21177 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10193 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:29.676 21600 21600 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:29.678 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.oneconnect and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:29.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:29.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:29.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:29.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:29.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:29.679 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:29.712 21600 21600 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:29.712 21600 21600 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:29.735 21600 21600 V oneconnect: QcApplication.onCreate - 05-29 11:32:29.738 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSemAvailable : - ? true ,Version: 2601 05-29 11:32:29.742 21600 21600 D BixbyApi_0.1.6: Bixby Supported:true 05-29 11:32:29.742 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BixbyUtil.isExecutorServiceEnabled - SUPPORT 05-29 11:32:29.744 21600 21600 D BixbyApi_0.1.6: Version Name:1.7.00-39 05-29 11:32:29.744 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcApplication.startBixbyStateListener - 05-29 11:32:29.744 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BixbyUtil.setStartStateListener - 05-29 11:32:29.746 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSystemPreloaded - isSupportD2d true 05-29 11:32:29.747 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:32:29.747 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.setDeviceVisibilityTileEnable - QcSupport true 05-29 11:32:29.758 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:29.759 21475 21485 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.facebook.katana 05-29 11:32:29.786 21600 21600 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.33: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:32:29.793 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.hasKey - key: pp_agreed_enabled_1 05-29 11:32:29.802 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.hasKey - pp_agreed_enabled_1 exist: true 05-29 11:32:29.802 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: pp_agreed_enabled_1 05-29 11:32:29.806 21600 21615 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:32:29.809 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.810 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:29.810 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SA-oneconnect.Not Agreed - 0 05-29 11:32:29.810 21600 21600 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.33: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.33 05-29 11:32:29.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.821 21600 21600 V PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginPlatform.Init - Current Process : com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:29.825 21600 21619 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:32:29.834 21600 21600 D PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginManager.PluginManager - Initialize PluginManager 05-29 11:32:29.850 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:29.855 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:29.861 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:32:29.861 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:32:29.861 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.getInstance - 05-29 11:32:29.861 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.getInstance - init 05-29 11:32:29.861 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.InternalSettingsDbHelper - constructor 05-29 11:32:29.862 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.open - 05-29 11:32:29.867 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:29.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.871 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.871 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:32:29.871 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:32:29.872 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:29.874 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:32:29.875 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:32:29.875 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: false, SCRunningSetting: 0, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:32:29.878 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:32:29.878 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - service is not running, action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:32:29.884 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - INTENT_STATUSBAR_EXPANDED- bluetooth on: start service 05-29 11:32:29.884 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 11 05-29 11:32:29.893 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onCreate - 05-29 11:32:29.893 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.setAppUpdateBadge - [Android OS]26 05-29 11:32:29.893 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.QcManager - initiate from com.samsung.android.oneconnect.QcService@f220a52 05-29 11:32:29.894 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:32:29.894 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:29.895 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:32:29.895 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:32:29.896 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:29.897 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:32:29.905 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DiscoveryManager - Constructor 05-29 11:32:29.908 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:32:29.911 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:32:29.922 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:32:29.929 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.CloudHelper - 05-29 11:32:29.935 21600 21600 W linker : "/data/app/SamsungConnect/lib/arm/libconnectivity_abstraction.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x5ac6 05-29 11:32:29.967 21600 21600 W linker : "/data/app/SamsungConnect/lib/arm/libESMediatorRich.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x123bd 05-29 11:32:29.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.994 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:29.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:29.995 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:29.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.000 21600 21600 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI_OnLoad Enter 05-29 11:32:30.003 21600 21600 D NotificationService_JNI: initNotifcationConsumer 05-29 11:32:30.003 21600 21600 D OIC_CA_ADAP_UTILS: CANativeJNISetJavaVM 05-29 11:32:30.003 21600 21600 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI_OnLoad Exit 05-29 11:32:30.003 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.CloudNotificationHelper - 05-29 11:32:30.004 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.registerReceiver - 05-29 11:32:30.004 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.registerPushRegIdReceiver - 05-29 11:32:30.005 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudMetadataManager.getInstance - init 05-29 11:32:30.008 21600 21600 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI-OCFCLIENTMANAGER::nativeSetLocalDiscoveryListener Enter 05-29 11:32:30.008 21600 21600 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [OCFLocalDeviceDiscoveryManager()] IN 05-29 11:32:30.008 21600 21600 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [OCFLocalDeviceDiscoveryManager()] OUT 05-29 11:32:30.008 21600 21600 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [setCallbackHandlers] IN 05-29 11:32:30.008 21600 21600 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [setCallbackHandlers] OUT 05-29 11:32:30.008 21600 21600 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI-OCFCLIENTMANAGER::nativeSetLocalDiscoveryListener Exit 05-29 11:32:30.010 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ShpLocalHelper.ShpLocalHelper - Initiating (cacheEnabled=false) 05-29 11:32:30.011 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.SepBleHelper - Constructor 05-29 11:32:30.018 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.setCentralRunningMode - set to false 05-29 11:32:30.018 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:32:30.020 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.024 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.PreDiscoveryHelper - () 05-29 11:32:30.025 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.026 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.initializeAdvData - 05-29 11:32:30.027 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateContactInfo - 05-29 11:32:30.027 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getMyMobileNumber - 05-29 11:32:30.027 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: false 05-29 11:32:30.028 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getOwnerSystemNumber : - no contact permission 05-29 11:32:30.028 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.READ_CONTACTS: false 05-29 11:32:30.029 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getOwnerContactNumber - No Permission 05-29 11:32:30.030 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS: false 05-29 11:32:30.030 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getAccountNumber - No Permission 05-29 11:32:30.031 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getMyMobileNumber - null 05-29 11:32:30.035 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateDeviceName - mDeviceName: Galaxy S9 05-29 11:32:30.035 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setServiceType - 05-29 11:32:30.036 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isFileShare2Supported - TRUE (versionCode: 30) 05-29 11:32:30.036 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.setServiceCapability - Support File share 2 05-29 11:32:30.036 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setServiceType - 05-29 11:32:30.036 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.044 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.044 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.setVisibilityFromSystemDb - isAllowToConnect : false 05-29 11:32:30.046 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.isPossibleP2pProbe - possible P2p 05-29 11:32:30.048 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[] - WIFI_P2P, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:30.048 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:30.049 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateAdvData - 05-29 11:32:30.049 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setRespTarget - 05-29 11:32:30.049 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.054 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.054 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - [force]false || ([!needScanQcBg]true && [!needScanNearby]true) 05-29 11:32:30.054 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:32:30.054 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.061 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.062 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - [needScanQcBg]false || [needScanQcFG]false || [needScanCentral]false || [needScanNearby]false 05-29 11:32:30.062 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - not startLeScan(), lowerPeriphService() 05-29 11:32:30.062 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setRespTarget - 05-29 11:32:30.062 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setDiscoveredDevices - 05-29 11:32:30.067 4808 21177 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{f9db1d7 21600:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=21600, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:32:30.067 4808 21177 W ContentService: Ignoring content changes for content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup from 10193: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{f9db1d7 21600:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=21600, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:32:30.067 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:30.067 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:32:30.070 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.075 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.BluetoothHelper - 05-29 11:32:30.078 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.registerStateReceiver - mIsBtStateReceiver = false 05-29 11:32:30.078 21600 21600 D BluetoothAdapter: semIsSinkServiceSupported 05-29 11:32:30.078 5191 5204 D BluetoothAdapterService: semIsSinkServiceSupported : SecProductFeature_BLUETOOTH MULTI : true A2DPSINK : true 05-29 11:32:30.078 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.semIsSinkServiceSupported - true 05-29 11:32:30.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:30.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:30.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.082 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSemAvailable : - ? true ,Version: 2601 05-29 11:32:30.085 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isINDDevice - countryCode:Taiwan 05-29 11:32:30.086 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSShareCountryIso - 05-29 11:32:30.088 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getCurrentCountryIso - SIM does not have iso 05-29 11:32:30.089 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSShareCountryIso - get country code:US 05-29 11:32:30.090 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.startDiscovery - -- 05-29 11:32:30.091 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:32:30.097 4808 6223 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:32:30.097 4808 6223 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:32:30.097 4808 6223 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10020, packageName : com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:32:30.098 4808 6223 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.easysetup user:0 05-29 11:32:30.098 4808 6223 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:30.098 4808 6223 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.easysetup, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:30.098 4808 6223 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.easysetup user:0 05-29 11:32:30.098 4808 6223 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:30.114 4808 6223 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21635:com.samsung.android.easysetup/u0a20 for content provider com.samsung.android.easysetup/.tvmanager.database.RegisteredTvProvider 05-29 11:32:30.115 21635 21635 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:32:30.115 4808 21177 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{f9db1d7 21600:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=21600, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:32:30.115 4808 21177 W ContentService: Ignoring content changes for content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup from 10193: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{f9db1d7 21600:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=21600, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:32:30.115 21635 21635 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:32:30.115 21635 21635 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:30.116 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.ActionManager - () 05-29 11:32:30.116 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudActionHelper.CloudActionHelper - 05-29 11:32:30.117 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ScreenMirrorActionHelper.ScreenMirrorActionHelper - 05-29 11:32:30.117 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.BluetoothActionHelper - 05-29 11:32:30.118 21635 21635 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:30.118 21635 21635 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:32:30.122 21600 21600 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:32:30.128 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.initProfiles - support a2dp sink 05-29 11:32:30.128 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.A2dpSinkProfile - new() 05-29 11:32:30.129 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.bind - [mService]null [isFirstBinding]true 05-29 11:32:30.130 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:30.130 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:30.141 4808 21177 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10020 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:30.141 4808 21177 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10020 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:30.142 21635 21635 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:30.142 21600 21600 D BluetoothA2dpSink: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:32:30.145 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.bind - bound is true 05-29 11:32:30.146 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.easysetup and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:30.146 21600 21600 D BluetoothHeadset: BTStateChangeCB is registed (21600 @ com.samsung.android.oneconnect) 05-29 11:32:30.158 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: TvActionHelper.TvActionHelper - 05-29 11:32:30.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:30.181 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.182 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:30.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.184 21635 21635 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:30.184 21635 21635 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:32:30.186 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.SepActionManager - mRequestId initialized to 111 05-29 11:32:30.192 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.startDiscovery - android.os.Messenger@5be864e/null NONE, flush:false 05-29 11:32:30.205 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.CloudLocationManager - 05-29 11:32:30.205 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.getInstance - 05-29 11:32:30.205 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.getInstance - init 05-29 11:32:30.205 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceDbManager.MobilePresenceDbManager - constructed 05-29 11:32:30.208 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getIotServerPos - 2 05-29 11:32:30.208 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getIotServerPos - cached:2 05-29 11:32:30.208 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initService - PROD 05-29 11:32:30.208 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initService - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.208 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initHttpClient - 05-29 11:32:30.214 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.getAllDbInfo - 05-29 11:32:30.216 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudUtil.getSamsungAccountName - accounts info is empty 05-29 11:32:30.223 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:32:30.223 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:30.223 21635 21635 D EasySetup: RegisteredTvProvider.onCreate() - 05-29 11:32:30.224 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.225 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:32:30.225 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:30.225 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.226 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.SepBoardManager - 05-29 11:32:30.228 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 166730(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 96(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 700us total 161.525ms 05-29 11:32:30.231 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:32:30.231 21635 21647 D EasySetup: RegisteredTvProvider.query() - 05-29 11:32:30.232 21635 21635 I EasySetup: EasyConnectUtil.onCreate - created!! 05-29 11:32:30.233 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:32:30.233 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:32:30.235 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.init - 05-29 11:32:30.236 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateMode - Mode(-2)->(0) + Stream(3) 05-29 11:32:30.237 4808 21177 I AudioService: Quick sound path is available with bit mask ==> 0x6fffffff 05-29 11:32:30.239 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPath.setIsWiredOn - false 05-29 11:32:30.241 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:32:30.241 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:32:30.242 21635 21635 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:32:30.245 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;getDevicesForStream=3 05-29 11:32:30.246 4429 4845 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream, streamType=3 05-29 11:32:30.246 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:30.246 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:30.246 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:30.247 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xe4899730 05-29 11:32:30.247 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 9 05-29 11:32:30.247 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 9 ports 0xe257d000 05-29 11:32:30.248 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 9 ports needed 9 05-29 11:32:30.248 4808 4851 D BluetoothManagerService: addProxy 05-29 11:32:30.249 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - Active(deviceId:2 ,infoType:2 ,a2dp active addr:[]) Stream(3) mask(6fffffff) isDualPlayMode(false) 05-29 11:32:30.249 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:32:30.250 4808 6217 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=1 05-29 11:32:30.250 4808 6217 D AudioService: device=1, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:32:30.252 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.x - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.253 4808 6217 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=2 05-29 11:32:30.253 4808 6217 D AudioService: device=2, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:32:30.253 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.o - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.253 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:32:30.258 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.registerListener - 05-29 11:32:30.258 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.setAllModeList - list : [] 05-29 11:32:30.258 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ServiceDbManager.ServiceDbManager - constructed 05-29 11:32:30.258 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudServiceManager.CloudServiceManager - 05-29 11:32:30.258 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.setCloudServiceResourceListener - 05-29 11:32:30.265 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationManager.CloudNotificationManager - 05-29 11:32:30.268 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.AppPackageUtil - () 05-29 11:32:30.269 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub 05-29 11:32:30.270 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearPluginInstalled - is null! 05-29 11:32:30.270 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearPluginInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.271 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.neckletplugin 05-29 11:32:30.271 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearCirclePluginInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.272 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.sec.android.app.applinker 05-29 11:32:30.273 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.wms 05-29 11:32:30.273 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearFitManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.274 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.samsunggear360manager 05-29 11:32:30.274 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.run - 05-29 11:32:30.274 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isSamsungGear360ManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.274 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getLastAppUpdateCheckTimePref - [lastCheckTime]1527478268 05-29 11:32:30.275 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.gear360manager 05-29 11:32:30.275 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGear360ManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.275 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:30.276 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.sec.samsungsoundphone 05-29 11:32:30.276 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isLevelAppInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.276 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.checkToAppUpdate - Data connection [type]WIFI [subType] 05-29 11:32:30.277 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.queryAppUpdateToServer - 05-29 11:32:30.277 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.smarthome 05-29 11:32:30.277 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isSmartHomeInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:32:30.278 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.sec.spp.push 05-29 11:32:30.281 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.registerReceiver - 05-29 11:32:30.281 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.canEnableDevloperMode: - true 05-29 11:32:30.283 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getDeveloperModeEnable - result: - getSharedpred:false 05-29 11:32:30.283 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getDeveloperModeEnable - result:0 05-29 11:32:30.283 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.registerReceiver - debugModeUtil intent - skip 05-29 11:32:30.287 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:32:30.287 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:30.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:30.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.294 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.QcManager - mobileThing option is disabled 05-29 11:32:30.294 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.getQcManager - make new instance com.samsung.android.oneconnect.manager.QcManager@7ff1efe 05-29 11:32:30.294 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.getQcManager - return existing instance com.samsung.android.oneconnect.manager.QcManager@7ff1efe 05-29 11:32:30.294 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.setSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:32:30.296 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:32:30.297 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:32:30.299 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessForeground - set true 05-29 11:32:30.305 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:30.312 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessImportant - [myPid]21600 >> [isForeground]true 05-29 11:32:30.312 21600 21654 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:30.313 21600 21654 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:30.313 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermissions - Denied android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 05-29 11:32:30.313 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.316 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.316 21635 21635 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:32:30.316 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.setSyncAll - false >> true 05-29 11:32:30.317 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.isFirstLaunch - value - isFirstLaunch: -1 05-29 11:32:30.317 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: first_launch_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.317 21635 21635 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.10.038 05-29 11:32:30.317 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:32:30.319 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 1 05-29 11:32:30.319 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.isFirstLaunch - RETURN: value - isFirstLaunch: 1 05-29 11:32:30.319 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isFirstLaunch(true), skip restore 05-29 11:32:30.320 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.init - 05-29 11:32:30.320 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.323 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.324 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]false [isHeadsetReady]false [isHidReady]false 05-29 11:32:30.324 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - isAllProfileReady is FALSE, retry in 100 msec retry:1 05-29 11:32:30.326 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDbDevice - db device list isEmpty 05-29 11:32:30.326 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:32:30.326 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:30.326 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.326 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:32:30.326 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:30.327 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.327 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:32:30.329 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 11 05-29 11:32:30.329 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.init - 05-29 11:32:30.329 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.331 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.331 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]false [isHeadsetReady]false [isHidReady]false 05-29 11:32:30.331 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - isAllProfileReady is FALSE, retry in 100 msec retry:2 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDbDevice - db device list isEmpty 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.332 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:32:30.335 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:32:30.336 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:32:30.336 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - action : android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION 05-29 11:32:30.336 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - receive INET_CONDITION_ACTION, but not signin state - restoreConnection 05-29 11:32:30.336 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:32:30.337 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:32:30.337 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isQcTopProcess return false, skip restore 05-29 11:32:30.337 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:32:30.337 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:32:30.338 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:32:30.338 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpProfile.onServiceConnected - Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:32:30.338 21600 21600 D BluetoothInputDevice: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:32:30.338 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:32:30.338 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: HidProfile.onServiceConnected - 4 android.bluetooth.SemBluetoothInputDevice@dea697b 05-29 11:32:30.338 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=0 what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:32:30.338 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:32:30.339 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:30.339 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:32:30.339 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.chooseTab - IsTabSelected[false], LastClickAction[], LastClickMac[],drawFrom[0] 05-29 11:32:30.340 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:30.340 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:32:30.340 4808 5012 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:32:30.341 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isWfdConnected - >> false 05-29 11:32:30.341 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:32:30.341 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:32:30.341 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:32:30.341 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:32:30.342 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: HeadsetProfile.onServiceConnected - Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:32:30.342 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.onAudioDevicesAdded - 05-29 11:32:30.343 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:32:30.343 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:32:30.343 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:30.343 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: WIFI: true 05-29 11:32:30.346 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.346 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.347 21600 21634 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.LoadRegisterTv - setHasRegisteredTV : FALSE 05-29 11:32:30.350 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - com.samsung.android.oneconnect.action.VD_DEVICE_CHANGED, (NearbyScan:true && HasVdDevice :false), NeedNearbyScan:false 05-29 11:32:30.350 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.stopScanForNearby - -- 05-29 11:32:30.350 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.350 21635 21651 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:32:30.353 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.353 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - [force]false || ([!needScanQcBg]true && [!needScanNearby]true) 05-29 11:32:30.353 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:32:30.353 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:30.355 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:30.355 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - [needScanQcBg]false || [needScanQcFG]false || [needScanCentral]false || [needScanNearby]false 05-29 11:32:30.355 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - not startLeScan(), lowerPeriphService() 05-29 11:32:30.355 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:32:30.355 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.sendStopServiceIntent - 05-29 11:32:30.358 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:32:30.358 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:32:30.361 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - com.samsung.android.oneconnect.action.STOP_SERVICE 05-29 11:32:30.361 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:32:30.361 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - service Will_stop - KEEP_ALIVE_TIME 05-29 11:32:30.364 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:30.364 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:30.365 4441 21662 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:32:30.368 21600 21654 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:32:30.382 21600 21619 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:30.382 21600 21619 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:30.382 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:32:30.416 4441 21666 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:32:30.427 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:30.431 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]true [isHeadsetReady]true [isHidReady]true 05-29 11:32:30.432 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - getBondedDevices size is 0 05-29 11:32:30.443 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.handleMessage - MSG_REQ_UPDATE_ALL 05-29 11:32:30.445 4808 6223 I AudioService: Quick sound path is available with bit mask ==> 0x6fffffff 05-29 11:32:30.445 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPath.setIsWiredOn - false 05-29 11:32:30.446 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;getDevicesForStream=3 05-29 11:32:30.446 4429 4845 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream, streamType=3 05-29 11:32:30.446 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:30.446 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:30.446 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:30.451 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false 05-29 11:32:30.457 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false 05-29 11:32:30.458 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - Active(deviceId:2 ,infoType:2 ,a2dp active addr:[]) Stream(3) mask(6fffffff) isDualPlayMode(false) 05-29 11:32:30.458 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:32:30.459 4808 6223 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=1 05-29 11:32:30.459 4808 6223 D AudioService: device=1, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:32:30.459 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.x - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.460 4808 6223 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=2 05-29 11:32:30.460 4808 6223 D AudioService: device=2, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:32:30.460 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.o - - ($) 05-29 11:32:30.460 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:32:30.461 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.handleMessage - call onUpdated 05-29 11:32:30.461 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:32:30.461 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mAudioPathManager.onUpdated - false 05-29 11:32:30.461 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mAudioPathManager.onUpdated - prevent flash 05-29 11:32:30.525 21600 21600 W DisplayManager: semGetActiveDlnaDevice, deviceInfo is null 05-29 11:32:30.526 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isDLNADeviceConnected - dlna : false 05-29 11:32:30.526 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.addConnectedDLNADevice - DLNA device is disconnected 05-29 11:32:30.533 21600 21600 W DisplayManager: semGetActiveDlnaDevice, deviceInfo is null 05-29 11:32:30.533 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isDLNADeviceConnected - dlna : false 05-29 11:32:30.533 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.addConnectedDLNADevice - DLNA device is disconnected 05-29 11:32:30.655 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 31 [2018-05-29 11:32:30.655] 05-29 11:32:30.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:30.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.728 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:30.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:30.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:30.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:30.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:30.811 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:30.811 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.006 21600 21619 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.33: [GetPolicyClient] Get Policy Success 05-29 11:32:31.006 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:31.006 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:31.015 21600 21654 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:31.016 21600 21654 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:32:31.109 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:31.110 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:31.251 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:31.251 21322 21332 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.app.soundalive 05-29 11:32:31.271 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 296 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 292, CHG = 296, CP = 303, WF = 296, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:32:31.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.292 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.292 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.333 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.334 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.334 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.390 21261 21271 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:31.390 21261 21271 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.app.aodservice 05-29 11:32:31.404 21600 21654 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SamsungAppsAPI.queryStubUpdateCheck - ?appId=com.samsung.android.oneconnect&callerId=com.samsung.android.oneconnect&versionCode=170039300&deviceId=SM-G960F&mcc=&mnc=&csc=BRI&sdkVer=26&pd=0 returns StubUpdateCheckResult [appId=com.samsung.android.oneconnect, resultCode=2, resultMsg=Update Available, versionCode=170725030, versionName=1.7.07-25] 05-29 11:32:31.404 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - newVersion [170725], installedVersion [170039] 05-29 11:32:31.404 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.updateLastAppUpdatePref - 05-29 11:32:31.422 21600 21654 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.setAppUpdateBadge - [Android OS]26 05-29 11:32:31.423 21600 21654 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getLastWithTvUpdateCheckTimePref - [lastCheckTime]1525074876 05-29 11:32:31.423 21600 21654 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.checkToWithTvUpdate - skip query on withtv update to server 05-29 11:32:31.548 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.763 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.818 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 222 228 222 143 155 180 7 23 81 137 150 175 05-29 11:32:31.820 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 81 05-29 11:32:31.820 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14015 05-29 11:32:31.820 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 87, average - 3.000356786071072 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 148, average - 10.99671756814614 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 143, average - 23.003353789068075 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 3, average - 7.996860282574569 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 24, average - 38.98180391037534 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 61, average - 53.95026402169259 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.958826887398317 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.95675752818608 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 2, average - 40.969673183958896 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 2, average - 6.999357785072071 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 21, average - 36.982089339232225 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 55, average - 50.95547309833024 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0063503389225827 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.006493043168033 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.011915804495185 05-29 11:32:31.821 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.996503745986444 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98073492686407 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.9507670353193 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.957759543346414 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95426328933284 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.9668926150553 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.999001070281841 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.98094898323228 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.9557616839101 05-29 11:32:31.822 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.31352122725644 05-29 11:32:31.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.865 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.867 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.867 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:31.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:31.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:31.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.029 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.217 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.218 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.219 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.219 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.404 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.405 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.494 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.496 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.496 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.588 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.601 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.603 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.603 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.712 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.713 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.713 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.728 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.967 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:32.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:32.969 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:32.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.138 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.154 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.154 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.242 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.244 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.348 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.376 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:33.349 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.349 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.393 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:32:33.393 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:32:33.394 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:32:33.395 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:33.395 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:33.395 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:33.396 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:33.429 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 628, Display = 336(Panel:84, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:33.429 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 157, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:33.435 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.50, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.10], F_RF[30.00], B_AP[29.80], B_RF[29.50], B_WIFI[28.70], B_SPK[29.00] 05-29 11:32:33.444 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:33.522 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.523 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.619 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78780 5325032 w 28903 511060 d 3404 155184 f 7371 7450 iot 36804 31070 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 944.566 05-29 11:32:33.523 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.524 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.659 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.707 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.708 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.709 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.709 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.767 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.767 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.872 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.891 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.892 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:33.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:33.979 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:33.979 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.077 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.078 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.078 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.189 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.192 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.192 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.266 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.267 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.267 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.332 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:34.332 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:34.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.502 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.605 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.608 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.627 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.685 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:34.685 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:34.714 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.724 21600 21614 I zygote : Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:32:34.900 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:34.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:34.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:34.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.022 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.025 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.091 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.128 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.155 21635 21645 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:35.155 21635 21645 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:32:35.199 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:35.199 21600 21611 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:32:35.228 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.230 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.230 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.274 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.275 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.275 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.338 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.338 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.546 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.546 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.639 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.647 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.655 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.656 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.657 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.657 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.762 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.833 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.863 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:35.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:35.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:35.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.137 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:36.138 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:36.183 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.184 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.184 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.208 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.210 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.210 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.290 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.291 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.341 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.342 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.343 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.550 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:36.505 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.505 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.610 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.710 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.711 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.711 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.712 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.771 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.808 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.810 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.810 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:36.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:36.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:36.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.012 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.118 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.121 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.121 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.143 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.145 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.145 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.224 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.224 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.323 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.324 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.332 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.421 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.532 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=948480735000 05-29 11:32:37.533 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=948480735000 05-29 11:32:37.534 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.131 ] when=948480735000 05-29 11:32:37.535 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:37.535 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:37.536 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 2 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 737.7539 Y : 1440.6152 05-29 11:32:37.538 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:32:37.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.674 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=948622237000 05-29 11:32:37.674 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=948622237000 05-29 11:32:37.674 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=948622237000 05-29 11:32:37.674 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:37.675 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:37.676 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:37.702 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.702 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.703 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.739 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.821 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 101, 1116 05-29 11:32:37.821 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:37.827 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:32:37.827 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:32:37.829 5236 5236 D StatusBar: Going to keyguard 05-29 11:32:37.829 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:32:37.829 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:32:37.832 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState: SHD_LCK -> KGRD 05-29 11:32:37.832 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.ANIMATING 05-29 11:32:37.832 4808 6223 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name com.android.systemui.classifier.FalsingManager 05-29 11:32:37.833 4808 6223 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==9 flags=0 rate=20000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:32:37.834 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = true 05-29 11:32:37.834 4279 4279 D Sensors : M requested delay = 20000000, modified delay = 0 05-29 11:32:37.834 4279 4279 I Sensors : batch - proximity_sensor try to batching with 0 05-29 11:32:37.835 4279 4279 I Sensors : ProximitySensor old sensor_state 33570816, new sensor_state : 17213440128 en : 1 05-29 11:32:37.836 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState( dispatchStatusBarState to false ) 05-29 11:32:37.836 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:32:37.836 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:32:37.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.837 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.840 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:32:37.841 5236 5236 E LSO_LSOInterface: LSO Service is not yet ready!!! 05-29 11:32:37.843 5236 5236 D StatusBar/KeyguardBottomAreaView: updateCameraVisibility isCameraDisabled=false 05-29 11:32:37.845 5236 5507 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 9, TMD4906 Proximity Sensor, 20000, 0, 05-29 11:32:37.845 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = true 05-29 11:32:37.847 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: setExpandState() isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false, mIsScreenTurnedOn = true 05-29 11:32:37.848 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:32:37.848 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:32:37.848 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:true 05-29 11:32:37.851 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81960040 pfl=0x400 fmt=-3 or=5 vsysui=0x600 if=0x4 userActivityTimeout=5000 colorMode=0 screenDimDuration=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:37.856 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 5000 05-29 11:32:37.856 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 120000 -> 5000 05-29 11:32:37.856 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:32:37.856 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 0 05-29 11:32:37.863 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:32:37.863 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:37.866 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:37.878 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:32:37.878 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 2 05-29 11:32:37.878 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=2 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:32:37.879 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564741383Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:32:37.880 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564741383Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:32:37.881 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:32:37.883 4808 6223 D PowerManagerService: [api] setButtonBrightnessLimit: 255 05-29 11:32:37.885 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:32:37.888 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.888 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:37.888 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.889 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=63 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:37.890 4808 6223 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:37.894 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:37.894 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:32:37.897 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:32:37.897 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:32:37.900 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:32:37.900 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:32:37.902 4279 4395 I Sensors : ProximitySensor - 8(cm) 05-29 11:32:37.902 4279 4395 I nanohub : sensor: 8, mWakeEventCount(1) 05-29 11:32:37.903 5236 5236 D SensorManager: Proximity, val = 8.0 [far] 05-29 11:32:37.908 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:32:37.905 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:37.914 4808 6223 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} in Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) 05-29 11:32:37.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.940 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:37.941 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:37.942 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:37.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:37.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:37.948 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() >> START >> isExpand = false, mIsExpanded = false 05-29 11:32:37.948 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: updateExpandState() << END << same state 05-29 11:32:38.050 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.072 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.152 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.152 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.152 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.254 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.254 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.261 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.262 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.262 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.354 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.491 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=949439314000 05-29 11:32:38.491 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=949439314000 05-29 11:32:38.491 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.132 ] when=949439314000 05-29 11:32:38.491 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:38.492 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:38.493 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 1 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 634.39453 Y : 1952.7979 05-29 11:32:38.522 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949470 05-29 11:32:38.538 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949486 05-29 11:32:38.555 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949503 05-29 11:32:38.572 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949520 05-29 11:32:38.588 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949536 05-29 11:32:38.605 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949553 05-29 11:32:38.622 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949570 05-29 11:32:38.623 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 78780 5325032 w 28905 511136 d 3405 155188 f 7372 7451 iot 36808 31071 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 949.571 05-29 11:32:38.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.639 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949586 05-29 11:32:38.655 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949603 05-29 11:32:38.672 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949620 05-29 11:32:38.632 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.676 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=949624415000 05-29 11:32:38.676 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=949624415000 05-29 11:32:38.676 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=949624415000 05-29 11:32:38.676 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:38.677 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949624 05-29 11:32:38.677 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:38.677 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:38.680 5236 5236 D SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): ACTION_UP (T/D/R)=24/1181.157483149474/432 05-29 11:32:38.680 4808 21177 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10003 pid: 5236) eventTime = 949628 05-29 11:32:38.681 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: unlockExecute() 05-29 11:32:38.681 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onUnlock() 05-29 11:32:38.681 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:32:38.685 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:32:38.687 5236 5236 D KeyguardSecurityView: showNextSecurityScreenOrFinish(false) 05-29 11:32:38.688 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: keyguardDone(false, 0) 05-29 11:32:38.690 4808 21177 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : UNLOCKSCREEN_BOOSTER@2 05-29 11:32:38.691 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDone 05-29 11:32:38.705 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleHide 05-29 11:32:38.706 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: keyguardGoingAway 05-29 11:32:38.706 4808 6223 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:32:38.707 4808 6223 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:32:38.712 7531 7542 I TrayUsageStatesWatcher: noteResumeComponent : ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} 05-29 11:32:38.712 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, clsName: com.android.launcher3.Launcher,FgActivityName:com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher 05-29 11:32:38.712 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). same package. game has never resumed yet. ignore 05-29 11:32:38.713 4808 6223 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 05-29 11:32:38.719 4808 6223 I FingerprintService: resetTimeout called from pid=5236 05-29 11:32:38.719 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendEventLog 101, 1001, 2 05-29 11:32:38.719 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / op:PendingIntent{155ec43: PendingIntentRecord{e6432c0 android broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:38.720 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:38.720 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:32:38.720 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:32:38.720 5236 5236 D SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): ACTION_UP mIsMultiTouch=false 05-29 11:32:38.722 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:32:38.724 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.724 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.724 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:32:38.724 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:32:38.724 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.725 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:32:38.725 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:32:38.727 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=100 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:38.731 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:32:38.732 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:32:38.732 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:32:38.733 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:32:38.733 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:32:38.741 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:32:38.741 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:32:38.742 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:32:38.742 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:32:38.742 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:32:38.742 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564758 05-29 11:32:38.742 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183550 05-29 11:32:38.742 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 1.0 05-29 11:32:38.743 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:32:38.743 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:32:38.743 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:32:38.743 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:32:38.744 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:32:38.750 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:32:38.751 6118 20592 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 3 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:32:38.752 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx], count : [1] 05-29 11:32:38.754 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:32:38.755 4808 21177 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:32:38.755 4808 21177 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0 05-29 11:32:38.756 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:38.756 4808 4808 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0 05-29 11:32:38.757 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:32:38.757 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:38.757 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:32:38.757 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:32:38.758 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:38.758 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=100 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:38.759 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=64 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:32:38.761 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:38.766 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:38.766 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:32:38.767 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:38.771 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:32:38.771 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:32:38.771 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:32:38.771 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:32:38.771 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:32:38.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.773 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:38.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.770 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:38.785 4808 6217 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} in Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) 05-29 11:32:38.791 4808 4945 D WindowManager: Starting keyguard transition. 05-29 11:32:38.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.791 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=949739 fadeoutDuration=450 05-29 11:32:38.791 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: setUnlockingKeyguard( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.794 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: update lock state false 05-29 11:32:38.804 4808 6223 D ActivityManager: setLockScreenShown(false) is called from 5236 05-29 11:32:38.809 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=7;device=0 05-29 11:32:38.809 4429 4845 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 05-29 11:32:38.809 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 7, situationVolume = 0.120000 05-29 11:32:38.810 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0 05-29 11:32:38.810 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 13, 0000 05-29 11:32:38.810 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 21, 0000 05-29 11:32:38.810 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 13 05-29 11:32:38.811 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0 05-29 11:32:38.811 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 13, 0000 05-29 11:32:38.811 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutput() commonFlags for output 21, 0000 05-29 11:32:38.811 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 13 05-29 11:32:38.812 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:32:38.813 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=true, match_parent=true 05-29 11:32:38.814 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onKeyguardVisibilityChanged(false) 05-29 11:32:38.815 5236 5236 D ServiceBoxPageResetTimer: updateTimer() F=false 05-29 11:32:38.816 5236 5236 I AOD_CLOCK@DigitalHorizontalClockView: suspend : mSuspend = false, enable = true 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 W AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: Skipped to add effects on session 9 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 21, stream 1, session 9 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=1 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0002 delayMs 0 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0002 or null device 05-29 11:32:38.817 4429 4845 I AudioFlinger: updateStageIndex prev 0, new -2101 05-29 11:32:38.819 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:32:38.820 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:32:38.820 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:32:38.820 4429 4824 D SoundAliveResampler: [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++ 05-29 11:32:38.821 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:32:38.821 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:32:38.821 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:32:38.821 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:32:38.821 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.821 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:38.821 5236 5236 E KeyguardFingerPrint: updateFingerprintListeningState#mFingerprintRunningState=0 shouldListenForFingerprint=false 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.821 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: stopListeningForFingerprint() 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.821 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardStateUpdated(false, false, false) 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:38.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.821 5236 5236 D StatusBar: setBarState: KGRD -> SHD 05-29 11:32:38.822 4267 21672 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:32:38.822 4267 6696 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_write: transited to Ready 05-29 11:32:38.822 4267 6696 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_write: try to route for playback 05-29 11:32:38.822 4267 6696 I audio_route: > audio_route_apply_path : "media-dual-speaker" 05-29 11:32:38.822 4267 6696 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "media-dual-speaker" reverse(0) 05-29 11:32:38.822 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.823 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.823 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.823 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.824 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.827 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendScreenViewLog 299 05-29 11:32:38.827 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:38.827 5236 5515 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = true connected = false bluetoothState = 12 05-29 11:32:38.827 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:32:38.828 5236 5515 D FlashlightController: updateTorchCallback for mCameraId 0 05-29 11:32:38.828 5236 5515 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: handleUpdateState: value false state.dim false 05-29 11:32:38.828 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Power 05-29 11:32:38.828 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: saving 05-29 11:32:38.829 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:32:38.830 5236 5236 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mOccluded=false isSecure=false --> flags=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.830 5236 5236 D KeyguardFingerPrint: setDisableBIOMETRICBySecurityDialog( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.830 5236 5236 D WallpaperViewController: sendWallpaperCommand() ACTION_UNLOCK 05-29 11:32:38.830 5236 5236 D KnoxStateMonitor: unlockSdp :: Maybe keyguard hidden as user 0 05-29 11:32:38.831 5399 5399 D Infinity: onCommand = ACTION_UNLOCK 05-29 11:32:38.831 5399 5399 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:32:38.831 5399 5399 E InfinityWallpaper: Sensor paused. 05-29 11:32:38.831 4808 6223 D SensorService: Calling activate off 5 05-29 11:32:38.831 4279 4948 I Sensors : InterruptGyroSensor old sensor_state 33570944, new sensor_state : 17179885696 en : 0 05-29 11:32:38.832 4808 5623 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x72 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillx72) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:38.833 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:38.833 5236 5515 D Tile.MobileDataTile: handleUpdateState : state false 05-29 11:32:38.833 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Performance 05-29 11:32:38.833 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: mode 05-29 11:32:38.835 5236 5515 D Tile.HotspotTile: handleUpdateState : = false 05-29 11:32:38.835 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Secure 05-29 11:32:38.835 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: Folder 05-29 11:32:38.837 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind NFC 05-29 11:32:38.837 5399 5399 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:38.838 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Animation type = 4 05-29 11:32:38.838 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: Change mode : 3 05-29 11:32:38.838 5399 5399 I InfinityWallpaper: start animation for mode : 3 05-29 11:32:38.839 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Always On 05-29 11:32:38.839 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: Display 05-29 11:32:38.839 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:32:38.839 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:32:38.839 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Smart View 05-29 11:32:38.842 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:32:38.842 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,72] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:32:38.843 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Phone 05-29 11:32:38.843 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: visibility 05-29 11:32:38.844 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:32:38.844 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.844 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,72 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 72, oldBottom : 2220 05-29 11:32:38.844 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:32:38.845 5236 5236 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{ea1f7a8 V.ED..... ......ID 0,1986-1080,2220 #7f0a0390 app:id/notification_panel_carrier_label} during layout: running second layout pass 05-29 11:32:38.845 5236 5236 I ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: requestLayout is already in process 05-29 11:32:38.845 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.845 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:32:38.845 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:32:38.845 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x72]-format:1 05-29 11:32:38.845 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:32:38.845 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:32:38.846 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:38.850 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@3e791c2 nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:32:38.850 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:38.851 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:38.851 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:32:38.851 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:32:38.851 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:32:38.851 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:32:38.851 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:32:38.854 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:32:38.854 4808 5623 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@225988f attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@c17b71c, token = android.os.BinderProxy@9d871b6 05-29 11:32:38.854 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 5000 -> 120000 05-29 11:32:38.854 4808 4852 D PowerManagerService: [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 05-29 11:32:38.854 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@c17b71c missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:32:38.854 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Sync 05-29 11:32:38.854 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:32:38.854 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:32:38.856 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:32:38.864 4808 5623 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x144 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=2019 fl=#21840068 fmt=-3 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:38.864 5236 5515 D DeviceState: isSimReady ? 0 05-29 11:32:38.864 5236 5515 W Tile.CustomTile: handleUpdateState : hasPendingBind Edge lighting 05-29 11:32:38.865 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=65 createSurf (1080x144),1 flag=4, NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:32:38.865 4808 5623 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:38.868 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:38.868 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,2076][1080,2220] new=[0,2076][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530070302720} changed=true 05-29 11:32:38.870 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x144]-format:1 05-29 11:32:38.870 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4bba60 05-29 11:32:38.872 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardStateUpdated(Bundle[{timeStamp=1527564758821, occluded=false, bouncerShowing=false, showing=false}]) 05-29 11:32:38.873 5236 21673 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: broadcast intent= Intent { act=com.samsung.keyguard.KEYGUARD_STATE_UPDATE (has extras) } 05-29 11:32:38.874 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:32:38.874 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:32:38.876 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.keyguard.KEYGUARD_STATE_UPDATE 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0397a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 246.0 506.0 834.0 1714.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:38.879 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:38.879 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.880 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.880 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.880 19488 19488 D KeyguardUtils: :Ph::KEYGUARD_STATE_UPDATE - mIsKeyguardShowing:false mIsKeyguardOccluded:false mIsBouncerShowing:false 05-29 11:32:38.886 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:32:38.887 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:32:38.887 4267 5786 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:32:38.887 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:32:38.887 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:32:38.887 4808 5012 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 05-29 11:32:38.888 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:32:38.890 4267 6696 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(10) 05-29 11:32:38.890 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_route: routed to media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:32:38.890 4267 6696 I audio_route: > audio_route_apply_path : "gain-media-dual-speaker" 05-29 11:32:38.890 4808 5012 D SensorService: Calling activate off 9 05-29 11:32:38.890 4267 6696 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-media-dual-speaker" reverse(0) 05-29 11:32:38.890 4279 4948 I Sensors : ProximitySensor old sensor_state 16512, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:32:38.892 4267 6696 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(2) 05-29 11:32:38.892 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_route: set gain as gain-media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:32:38.894 4808 4808 E MotionRecognitionService: mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_USER_PRESENT :: UNLOCK SCREEN 05-29 11:32:38.894 4808 4808 D EdmStorageProvider: getCount(ClientCertificateManagerTable) - 0 05-29 11:32:38.894 4808 6217 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar} in Surface(name=NavigationBar) 05-29 11:32:38.897 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } 05-29 11:32:38.898 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.898 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.898 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:32:38.898 5236 5507 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:32:38.899 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: UserPresentBroadcastReceiver : action = android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.899 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 16 selection = isLockScreenEnabled 05-29 11:32:38.899 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_playback: SPKAMP Playback PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened 05-29 11:32:38.901 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: called from com.sec.android.inputmethod 05-29 11:32:38.904 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: mBroadcastReceiver : dismiss mLockScreenDialog() 05-29 11:32:38.903 5567 21675 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:32:38.904 5567 21675 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 3 05-29 11:32:38.906 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: UserPresentBroadcastReceiver : action = android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.910 4808 5012 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:32:38.911 5236 5236 I KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: onReceive : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.912 5236 5236 I KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: Go to the clock page due to unlocking 05-29 11:32:38.912 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:38.912 5236 5236 I KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: onReceive : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.912 5236 5236 I KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: Go to the clock page due to unlocking 05-29 11:32:38.920 4808 5012 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:38.926 4808 21177 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.samsung.android.SettingsReceiver/.SettingsIntentReceiver 05-29 11:32:38.929 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 1000, packageName : com.samsung.android.lool 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.lool user:0 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.lool, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.lool user:0 05-29 11:32:38.930 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:38.935 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: readMagniferWindowEnabledSettingLocked() magniferWindowEnabled = false/ userState.mIsMagniferWindowEnabled = false 05-29 11:32:38.935 4808 4808 I AccessibilityManagerService: semIsAccessibilityServiceEnabled() 05-29 11:32:38.935 4808 4808 I MdnieScenarioControlService: action : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.936 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_playback: SPKAMP Playback PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started 05-29 11:32:38.939 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened 05-29 11:32:38.940 21684 21684 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:32:38.940 4808 4842 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21684:com.samsung.android.lool/1000 for broadcast com.samsung.android.lool/com.samsung.android.sm.ui.battery.AppLockingUserReceiver 05-29 11:32:38.941 21684 21684 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:32:38.941 21684 21684 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 4808 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 4808 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:32:38.942 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:32:38.943 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: inside mBReciever onReceive : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleUserPresent() 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4808 I PalmMotion: [PALM] SURFACE_MOTION_ENGINE: 1 SURFACE_PALM_TOUCH: 1 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4808 I PalmMotion: [PALM] SURFACE_PALM_SWIPE: 1 Mobile Keyboard : 0 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4808 D PalmMotion: [PALM] SETTINGS : [TOUCH: true] [SWEEP: true] 05-29 11:32:38.943 4808 4808 D PalmMotion: [PALM] ACCEPTED : [starlte] PALM_CNT : 1, M_TOUCH : 100.0, M_SWEEP : 100.0, E_SWEEP : 2.0, IGNORE_M_SWEEP : false 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 159.0 327.0 921.0 1893.0 | 0 1 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:32:38.944 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:38.944 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_erap_in: ERAP In PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened 05-29 11:32:38.944 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: readMagniferWindowEnabledSettingLocked() magniferWindowEnabled = false/ userState.mIsMagniferWindowEnabled = false 05-29 11:32:38.944 4808 4808 I AccessibilityManagerService: semIsAccessibilityServiceEnabled() 05-29 11:32:38.944 4808 4808 I MdnieScenarioControlService: action : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: inside mBReciever onReceive : android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 I PalmMotion: [PALM] SURFACE_MOTION_ENGINE: 1 SURFACE_PALM_TOUCH: 1 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 I PalmMotion: [PALM] SURFACE_PALM_SWIPE: 1 Mobile Keyboard : 0 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D PalmMotion: [PALM] SETTINGS : [TOUCH: true] [SWEEP: true] 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D PalmMotion: [PALM] ACCEPTED : [starlte] PALM_CNT : 1, M_TOUCH : 100.0, M_SWEEP : 100.0, E_SWEEP : 2.0, IGNORE_M_SWEEP : false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: checkUniversalSwitchState start: 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: checkUniversalSwitchState universalSwitchEnabled:false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: updateInputFilter universalSwitchState:false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: updateInputFilter userState.mIsUniversalSwitchEnabled:false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block started**** 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: notifyChangeToPlugin is called for Lock status update... 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UcmService: notifyChangeToPlugin event 16 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UcmService: checkCallerPermissionFor is called for method-notifyChangeToPlugin 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block ended**** 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: checkUniversalSwitchState start: 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: checkUniversalSwitchState universalSwitchEnabled:false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: updateInputFilter universalSwitchState:false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D AccessibilityManagerService: updateInputFilter userState.mIsUniversalSwitchEnabled:false 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block started**** 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: notifyChangeToPlugin is called for Lock status update... 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UcmService: notifyChangeToPlugin event 16 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UcmService: checkCallerPermissionFor is called for method-notifyChangeToPlugin 05-29 11:32:38.945 4808 4808 D UniversalCredentialManagerService: ****MSG_LOCK_STATUS_UPDATE block ended**** 05-29 11:32:38.947 21684 21684 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:38.947 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_erap_in: ERAP In PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started 05-29 11:32:38.947 4267 6696 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-adev_set_route-1: routes to device(speaker) for usage(media) 05-29 11:32:38.947 21684 21684 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, pkgname=com.samsung.android.lool 05-29 11:32:38.948 4267 6696 I audio_hw_proxy: fast_out-proxy_open_playback_stream: The opened PCM Device is /dev/snd/pcmC0D2p with Sampling_Rate(48000) PCM_Format(0) 05-29 11:32:38.949 4267 6696 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_write: transited to Idle 05-29 11:32:38.951 6439 12168 I CastDatabase: Opening the database 05-29 11:32:38.954 4267 6696 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_write: transited to Playing 05-29 11:32:38.963 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113253 - CU:10033/CP:6439 05-29 11:32:38.963 4808 5623 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113253, SetElapsed=964910, nowELAPSED=949911 05-29 11:32:38.966 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:38.966 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 1000 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:38.966 21684 21684 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:38.968 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.lool and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:38.969 4429 4824 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xe2803c80) Spend too much time to write: delta 147(effect 0, stage 0) 05-29 11:32:38.972 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: scan requested by com.google.android.gms (it's NLP package. check moving state) 05-29 11:32:38.972 6439 6439 I DiscoveryManager: WifiGuestModeDeviceScanner enabled. 05-29 11:32:38.972 4808 5061 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:589) - [setProperty 01] Mutex is locked for ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER 05-29 11:32:38.972 4808 5061 I CAE : sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:158) - -72, 58, 1, 0, 05-29 11:32:38.973 4808 4973 D SensorService: setSContextDataLocked ints length 2 , byte length 4 05-29 11:32:38.973 4279 4948 D Sensors : poll_inject_sensor_data 05-29 11:32:38.973 4279 4948 D Sensors : b8 3a 01 00 05-29 11:32:38.973 4279 4948 E Sensors : inject_scontext_data: New ssp_data_injection_fd(30) 05-29 11:32:38.977 4279 4948 D Sensors : SContext Data Injection return 4 05-29 11:32:38.977 4808 5061 I CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:594) - result : true 05-29 11:32:38.977 4808 5061 W CAE : setCAProperty(ContextAwareService.java:595) - [setProperty 02] Mutex is unlocked for ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER 05-29 11:32:38.977 4808 5061 D SemContextService: .requestToUpdate() : service = Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:38.977 4808 5061 D SemContextManager: .requestToUpdate : listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextManager$SContextListenerDelegate@aeb7d65, service=Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:38.980 6439 6780 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 122-GetRCNEnabledStatusOperation 05-29 11:32:38.980 6439 12168 I SQLiteCastStore: 0 CastNetworkInfo instances loaded, 0 CastDeviceInfo instances loaded, 0 paired guest mode devices loaded. 05-29 11:32:38.983 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:38.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:38.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:38.995 5567 7063 E SecNfcJni: nfaConnectionCallback: unknown event ???? 05-29 11:32:38.997 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564758.991:367): avc: denied { write } for pid=21684 comm="ng.android.lool" name="com.samsung.android.lool-_jMpZ3xOVZWftVRHAviXqA==" dev="dm-3" ino=1011 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:38.997 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564758.991:367): arch=c00000b7 syscall=48 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7bb331fc80 a2=2 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4425 pid=21684 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ng.android.lool" exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:system_app:s0 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:38.997 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564758.991:367): proctitle="com.samsung.android.lool" 05-29 11:32:38.997 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564758.991:368): avc: denied { write } for pid=21684 comm="ng.android.lool" name="com.samsung.android.lool-_jMpZ3xOVZWftVRHAviXqA==" dev="dm-3" ino=1011 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:38.997 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564758.991:368): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=7bb32d35a0 a2=42 a3=1b6 items=0 ppid=4425 pid=21684 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ng.android.lool" exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:system_app:s0 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:38.997 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564758.991:368): proctitle="com.samsung.android.lool" 05-29 11:32:39.000 4808 4971 D SensorHubManager: onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 58, 1 05-29 11:32:39.000 4808 4972 D CAE : onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:91) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP 05-29 11:32:39.000 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:192) - buffer size = 4 05-29 11:32:39.000 4808 4972 I CAE : parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:203) - 1, 1, 58, 1, 05-29 11:32:39.001 4808 4972 D CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:375) - ================= ANY_MOTION_DETECTOR_RUNNER ================= 05-29 11:32:39.001 4808 4972 I CAE : display(ContextProvider.java:391) - Action=[1] 05-29 11:32:39.001 4808 4976 D SemContextService: Service.updateContext() : service = Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:39.001 4808 5177 D SContextManager: onSContextChanged() : event = Any Motion Detector 05-29 11:32:39.007 5567 21700 D NfcService: call the applyRouting 05-29 11:32:39.007 5567 21700 D NfcService: Screen Cmd value : 3 05-29 11:32:39.007 5567 21700 D NfcService: Discovery configuration equal, not updating. 05-29 11:32:39.017 21684 21684 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:39.017 21684 21684 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.lool 05-29 11:32:39.040 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:32:39.078 4808 5061 I WifiScanController: SMD detected. Force scan 05-29 11:32:39.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:39.089 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:39.089 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:39.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:39.125 21684 21703 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:32:39.130 21684 21684 D SamsungAnalytics111040: cf feature is supported 05-29 11:32:39.131 4808 5061 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:8/AC:false) 20180529T113254 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:39.139 21684 21684 D SamsungAnalytics111040: newThread on Executor 05-29 11:32:39.141 21684 21684 D SamsungAnalytics111040: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.11.040 05-29 11:32:39.192 21684 21710 V AppLockingUserReceiver: not a notiable state 05-29 11:32:39.208 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:32:39.208 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:32:39.208 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:32:39.208 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: onNotifyUpdateTray: 0 to need to visible? true 05-29 11:32:39.253 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput() output 21, stream 1, session 9 05-29 11:32:39.253 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=0 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0 05-29 11:32:39.253 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:39.253 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 96 05-29 11:32:39.253 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002 05-29 11:32:39.253 4429 4603 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device 05-29 11:32:39.274 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 9510033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:39.288 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113254 - CU:9510033/CP:13349 05-29 11:32:39.291 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:32:39.291 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:32:39.301 13349 14023 I CastDatabase: Opening the database 05-29 11:32:39.307 4808 4945 D WindowManager: Keyguard transition done. 05-29 11:32:39.327 13349 14023 I SQLiteCastStore: 0 CastNetworkInfo instances loaded, 0 CastDeviceInfo instances loaded, 0 paired guest mode devices loaded. 05-29 11:32:39.330 5236 5236 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 05-29 11:32:39.377 13349 13349 I DiscoveryManager: WifiGuestModeDeviceScanner enabled. 05-29 11:32:39.390 13349 13466 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 122-GetRCNEnabledStatusOperation 05-29 11:32:39.651 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:39.691 4808 5623 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : UNLOCKSCREEN_BOOSTER@2 05-29 11:32:39.811 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:32:39.812 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:32:39.824 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:39.824 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:32:39.825 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:32:39.825 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:40.113 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:40.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.148 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.148 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.187 21635 21645 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:40.187 21635 21645 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.easysetup 05-29 11:32:40.248 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.249 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.249 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.253 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.255 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.255 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.300 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.300 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.363 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=951310971000 05-29 11:32:40.363 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=951310971000 05-29 11:32:40.363 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.133 ] when=951310971000 05-29 11:32:40.365 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:40.365 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:40.365 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:40.365 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:40.366 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:40.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.372 6221 6221 I System.out: Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 177) 05-29 11:32:40.373 6221 6221 D PagedView: reset touch state case 1 05-29 11:32:40.395 6221 6571 D ZeroPageController: setOffset - offsetX = 0, force = true 05-29 11:32:40.396 4808 5623 D VirtualScreen: setOffset() set offset from uid -1 to 10092 force : true 05-29 11:32:40.396 4808 5623 D VirtualScreen: setOffset() mXOffset : 0 mYOffset : 0 05-29 11:32:40.410 6221 6571 D ZeroPageController: setOffset - offsetX = 0, force = true 05-29 11:32:40.410 4808 5623 D VirtualScreen: setOffset() set offset from uid -1 to 10092 force : true 05-29 11:32:40.410 4808 5623 D VirtualScreen: setOffset() mXOffset : 0 mYOffset : 0 05-29 11:32:40.429 6221 6221 D ZeroPageController: restoreOffset 05-29 11:32:40.429 6221 6221 D PagedView: resetTouchState() 05-29 11:32:40.429 6221 6571 D ZeroPageController: setOffset - offsetX = 0, force = true 05-29 11:32:40.430 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:40.430 4808 5623 D VirtualScreen: setOffset() set offset from uid -1 to 10092 force : true 05-29 11:32:40.430 4808 5623 D VirtualScreen: setOffset() mXOffset : 0 mYOffset : 0 05-29 11:32:40.430 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:40.431 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:32:40.433 6221 6221 D Launcher.AppsPagedView: drawChild, mUpdateOnlyCurrentPage && !mIsPageMoving && !currentPage => draw skip! 05-29 11:32:40.444 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.68047094 05-29 11:32:40.462 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.35919 05-29 11:32:40.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.464 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.471 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=951419608000 05-29 11:32:40.471 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=951419608000 05-29 11:32:40.471 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=951419608000 05-29 11:32:40.471 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:40.472 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:40.473 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:40.473 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.08714306 05-29 11:32:40.473 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:40.474 6221 6221 D TrayManager: ACTION_UP : v = 1283.5526, 8331.86, threshold = 1500, scroll = false 05-29 11:32:40.477 6221 6221 I BlurUtils: blurByWindowManager with show = true, dest = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow@4c9299a, amount = 0.15, duration = 232, sBlur=false 05-29 11:32:40.478 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.08714306 05-29 11:32:40.479 4808 5623 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#30 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:32:40.478 6221 6221 I chatty : uid=10092(u0_a92) com.sec.android.app.launcher identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:40.478 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.08714306 05-29 11:32:40.484 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=false 05-29 11:32:40.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.492 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.492 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:32:40.493 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## animMode=3, target=2, pixType=1 05-29 11:32:40.493 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=13, timeMs=0, value=0.00, interp=0 05-29 11:32:40.493 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=13, timeMs=232, value=132.00, interp=3 05-29 11:32:40.493 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=14, timeMs=0, value=0.00, interp=0 05-29 11:32:40.493 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=14, timeMs=232, value=-7.00, interp=3 05-29 11:32:40.507 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:32:40.509 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.527 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.536 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:32:40.554 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.568 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.569 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.571 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.576 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:32:40.588 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:40.593 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.643 6221 6221 I chatty : uid=10092(u0_a92) com.sec.android.app.launcher identical 3 lines 05-29 11:32:40.660 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.667 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.668 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.668 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.676 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.693 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.710 6221 6221 D BixbyApi_0.2.7: isBixbySupported:true 05-29 11:32:40.710 6221 6221 D StateManager: onLauncherTopViewChanged() : AppsPageView 05-29 11:32:40.711 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:32:40.711 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:32:40.711 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setVisibility : 8 05-29 11:32:40.714 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 Trylock acquired successfully 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition_l 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_join_callback_thread 05-29 11:32:40.714 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 21672 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop: Termination message 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:32:40.714 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.723 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 9 05-29 11:32:40.723 4267 21672 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STOPPED] 05-29 11:32:40.723 4267 21672 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization stopped & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:32:40.723 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:32:40.723 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.726 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.726 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.727 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.727 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.728 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.729 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.729 4267 21672 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:32:40.729 4267 21672 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Disable MIC Controls 05-29 11:32:40.729 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:32:40.729 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:32:40.729 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:32:40.732 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stop Hotword Recognition status: true 05-29 11:32:40.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.881 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.987 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:40.987 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:40.987 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:40.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.057 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.057 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.057 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.202 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.263 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=952211370000 05-29 11:32:41.263 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=952211370000 05-29 11:32:41.263 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.134 ] when=952211370000 05-29 11:32:41.264 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:41.264 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:41.264 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:41.264 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:41.265 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:32:41.266 6221 6221 I System.out: Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 243) 05-29 11:32:41.267 6221 6221 D PagedView: reset touch state case 1 05-29 11:32:41.267 6221 6221 E ProActivieLaunch: Sending Broadcast 05-29 11:32:41.268 4808 4808 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:32:41.268 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: Checking for the Active launch isPkgEverLaunched :true, isPkgStopped : false, isDataCleared :false, isAutoRunBlocked : false 05-29 11:32:41.272 4808 4808 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startActivity:856 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$ActiveLaunchReceiver.onReceive:17929 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$-android_app_LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args_52166:1317 android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.$m$0:4 android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.run:0 05-29 11:32:41.274 4808 4808 E ActivityManager: TouchDown intent received, starting ActiveLaunch 05-29 11:32:41.274 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: starting Active launch 05-29 11:32:41.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.303 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.308 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.308 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 296 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 293, CHG = 297, CP = 303, WF = 306, WFPst = 294 (W:15) 05-29 11:32:41.308 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.308 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.330 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=952278914000 05-29 11:32:41.330 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=952278914000 05-29 11:32:41.330 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=952278914000 05-29 11:32:41.331 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:41.331 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:32:41.331 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:32:41.332 6221 6221 D PagedView: resetTouchState() 05-29 11:32:41.336 4808 21177 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : APP_LAUNCH@CPU_MIN@7 05-29 11:32:41.340 6221 6221 D ActivityOptions: semMakeCustomScaleUpAnimation, width : 198, height : 280, opts.mStartX : 27, opts.mStartY : 544, opts.mIsHomeItem : false 05-29 11:32:41.343 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}} from uid 10092 05-29 11:32:41.346 4808 21177 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@18 05-29 11:32:41.347 4808 21177 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() APP_SWITCH 05-29 11:32:41.347 4808 6033 D ActivityManagerPerformance: Received MSG_CFMS_HINT_AMS_SWITCH pkgName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.348 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(1) 05-29 11:32:41.352 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:32:41.353 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : false 05-29 11:32:41.353 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(1) 05-29 11:32:41.353 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : false 05-29 11:32:41.354 4808 4842 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$GmsExternalReceiver requires com.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to sender com.sec.android.app.launcher (uid 10092) 05-29 11:32:41.354 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onPause() 05-29 11:32:41.354 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:32:41.356 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: setView = DecorView@696ef9d[bxxxxxxxxxx] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_UP, x : 27, y : 544, isHomeItem : false 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 5623 D SamsungAnimationCreator: updateAppTransitionStartValues frame Rect(27, 544 - 225, 824) 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_UP, task.getRootActivity() : ActivityRecord{95966ae u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity t693}, task.getTaskToReturnTo() : 1 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: setAppIconInfo(), x : 27, y : 544, width : 198, height : 280, isHomeItem : false 05-29 11:32:41.360 4808 5623 D SamsungAnimationCreator: setAnimationFromLauncher : apps 2 05-29 11:32:41.361 4808 5623 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:32:41.361 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{26e4e74 u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:41.364 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=66 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:32:41.365 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.367 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=true 05-29 11:32:41.367 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:32:41.371 4808 5623 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:32:41.371 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:32:41.372 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:32:41.373 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, clsName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity,FgActivityName:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity 05-29 11:32:41.373 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:32:41.373 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:32:41.373 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:32:41.374 4808 5623 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, userId = 0 05-29 11:32:41.376 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:32:41.379 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:32:41.380 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:32:41.380 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.382 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.382 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.383 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.383 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.383 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.383 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.384 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.384 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.384 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.385 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.385 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.387 4808 4945 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{26e4e74 u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx} in Surface(name=Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:12 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:0 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:null insets:null 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenWallpaperExitAnimation 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: skip AppOpenWallpaperExit animation. 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1001 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenHomeExitAnimation 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1001 enter:true wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:32:41.390 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenAppEnterAnimation 05-29 11:32:41.390 21186 21186 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3) 05-29 11:32:41.391 21186 21186 I CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform version 6.4.0 is starting 05-29 11:32:41.391 21186 21186 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate() 05-29 11:32:41.391 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:32:41.393 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:32:41.393 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:32:41.396 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:32:41.397 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:41.399 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:32:41.401 21186 21186 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version 66.0.3359.158 (code 335915852) 05-29 11:32:41.401 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#30 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:32:41.401 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:32:41.403 4808 5623 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:32:41.404 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:32:41.404 4808 6223 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:32:41.411 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{26e4e74 u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:41.411 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:32:41.414 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=false 05-29 11:32:41.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.423 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.423 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.434 21186 21186 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 3 ms (timestamps 2379-2382) 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039500 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 3.0 1076.0 2214.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039c00 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1079.0 2077.0 | 65 351 590 1361 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 00 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 00 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:32:41.435 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:41.446 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:32:41.446 21186 21186 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:32:41.448 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:41.448 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.449 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.455 21186 21728 W cr_ChildProcLH: Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = com.android.chrome, sandboxed = true 05-29 11:32:41.458 4808 5623 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:32:41.458 4808 5623 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:41.450 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:41.450 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.458 4808 5623 D ActivityManager: package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:41.458 4808 5623 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:32:41.458 4808 5623 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:41.458 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: SA, print process name forked by webview_zygote : com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:32:41.460 5298 5298 E SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1 05-29 11:32:41.464 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21729:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i4 for webview_service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 05-29 11:32:41.466 21729 21729 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99004: Permission denied 05-29 11:32:41.466 21729 21729 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99004, 0) failed: Permission denied 05-29 11:32:41.466 21729 21729 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0.xml - Permission denied 05-29 11:32:41.466 6118 6607 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:32:41.466 21186 21186 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 05-29 11:32:41.467 21186 21186 I cr_base : Android Locale: en_US requires .pak files: [en-GB.pak, en-US.pak] 05-29 11:32:41.468 21729 21729 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:webview_zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:41.469 21729 21729 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=chrome, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:32:41.472 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.475 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:32:41.478 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564761.471:369): avc: denied { read } for pid=21186 comm="ild.bxxxxxxxxxx" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:32:41.478 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564761.471:369): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=dee47a20 a2=a0000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=21186 auid=4294967295 uid=10264 gid=10264 euid=10264 suid=10264 fsuid=10264 egid=10264 sgid=10264 fsgid=10264 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ild.bxxxxxxxxxx" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:32:41.478 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564761.471:369): proctitle="com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx" 05-29 11:32:41.473 4808 5623 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_D identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:41.474 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.479 5236 8357 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564761372 05-29 11:32:41.479 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:32:41.480 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:32:41.480 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:32:41.485 21729 21729 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 05-29 11:32:41.487 4808 6223 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10264 05-29 11:32:41.487 4808 6223 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:29250 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiver:23013 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:176 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3797 05-29 11:32:41.488 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:32:41.488 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:32:41.489 21729 21729 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service 05-29 11:32:41.494 21729 21729 D libmdf : libmdf v2.8.0.5 On 32bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL 05-29 11:32:41.497 21729 21729 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:41.502 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:32:41.504 21186 21186 I zygote : 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:32:41.505 21186 21186 I zygote : 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:32:41.506 21186 21186 I zygote : 05-29 11:32:41.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.511 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:32:41.511 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:32:41.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.518 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.517 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.520 21186 21186 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10264, CallingPid : 21186 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10264/21186 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.522 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.523 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.524 21759 21759 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 05-29 11:32:41.548 21186 21186 D SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on device made by: samsung 05-29 11:32:41.552 21186 21186 D PluginManager: init() 05-29 11:32:41.523 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.555 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:41.560 21186 21186 D FileUtils: Unrecognized extra filesystem identifier: assets 05-29 11:32:41.562 21186 21762 D FirebasePlugin: Starting Firebase plugin 05-29 11:32:41.590 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 05-29 11:32:41.559 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 7 lines 05-29 11:32:41.560 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:41.593 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=true 05-29 11:32:41.593 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x921a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:41.593 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:32:41.593 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:32:41.594 4808 6223 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 21186 05-29 11:32:41.595 4808 5623 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x921a 05-29 11:32:41.595 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@bc5372b[] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:32:41.608 21186 21186 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 05-29 11:32:41.609 21186 21186 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3L.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3L:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3T.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3T:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4L.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4L:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4T.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4T:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num35.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num35:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num45.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num45:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3Lv.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3LV:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3R.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3R:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Tv.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Tv:null 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Lv.ttf 05-29 11:32:41.613 21729 21729 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:32:41.614 21729 21729 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Lv:null 05-29 11:32:41.614 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.615 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.615 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x901a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:41.616 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 21186 05-29 11:32:41.616 4808 5623 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 21186 05-29 11:32:41.616 4808 6223 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x901a 05-29 11:32:41.616 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@eb1bd65[] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:32:41.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.618 21729 21729 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=21729 05-29 11:32:41.620 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:32:41.629 21186 21186 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity. 05-29 11:32:41.631 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:32:41.631 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:32:41.632 21186 21186 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 05-29 11:32:41.648 21186 21763 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.tagmanager:12 and remote module com.google.android.gms.tagmanager:213 05-29 11:32:41.648 21186 21763 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.tagmanager, version >= 213 05-29 11:32:41.657 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@53f519[MainActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:32:41.657 4808 6223 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:32:41.659 21186 21763 W GoogleTagManager: No container asset found in /assets/containers. Checking top level /assets directory for container assets. 05-29 11:32:41.662 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.666 21186 21186 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10264, CallingPid : 21186 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10264/21186 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.667 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:32:41.668 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.669 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-vappsprompt 05-29 11:32:41.673 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:32:41.668 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.673 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{8ddfbc3 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1810100 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x1030000 vsysui=0x410 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:41.674 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=67 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:32:41.675 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.679 21186 21186 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.680 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3403118592} changed=true 05-29 11:32:41.680 21186 21765 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:32:41.680 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:32:41.681 21186 21767 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 05-29 11:32:41.682 21186 21765 D libGLESv1: STS_GLApi : DTS, ODTC are not allowed for Package : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:41.682 21186 21767 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 05-29 11:32:41.682 21186 21765 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:32:41.683 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb40d328 05-29 11:32:41.683 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:32:41.685 21186 21767 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma 05-29 11:32:41.685 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{7c1a779 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1026x144 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1820000 pfl=0x1000000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302fd vsysui=0x10 surfaceInsets=Rect(96, 96 - 96, 96) needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:41.686 21186 21767 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ima 05-29 11:32:41.686 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity to com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:32:41.686 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=68 createSurf (193x193),1 flag=4, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:32:41.687 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.688 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.688 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.688 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.690 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:32:41.691 21186 21767 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 26 lines 05-29 11:32:41.691 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:32:41.695 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:32:41.696 21186 21767 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:32:41.696 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:32:41.697 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-29 11:32:41.697 21186 21186 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.697 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[27,1074][1053,1218] result=0x27 surface={valid=true 3403120640} changed=true 05-29 11:32:41.698 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-29 11:32:41.699 21186 21765 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1218x336]-format:1 05-29 11:32:41.699 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb40d5a8 05-29 11:32:41.699 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:32:41.700 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{26e4e74 u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:41.699 21186 21767 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 12 lines 05-29 11:32:41.699 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:32:41.702 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.702 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.702 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.705 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=false 05-29 11:32:41.706 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:32:41.707 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avc-wfd 05-29 11:32:41.708 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avc-wfd 05-29 11:32:41.710 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:32:41.711 4808 21177 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{36ec89c u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:32:41.716 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity to com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:32:41.716 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=69 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:32:41.717 4808 21177 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.718 21186 21767 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.720 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:32:41.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.720 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.722 21186 21186 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:32:41.722 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3403122688} changed=true 05-29 11:32:41.726 21186 21765 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:32:41.726 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb40d828 05-29 11:32:41.726 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:32:41.727 21186 21186 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@8062e51 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:32:41.727 21186 21186 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:41.727 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:41.728 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:32:41.728 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:32:41.728 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:32:41.728 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:32:41.728 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:32:41.728 4808 21177 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@e28807d inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@72de207 nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#1810100 05-29 11:32:41.730 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:32:41.730 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:32:41.732 4808 21177 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:32:41.732 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:32:41.732 4808 21177 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{1d18f34 uid 10264 pid 21186} 05-29 11:32:41.733 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:32:41.734 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:32:41.735 4808 5623 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@72de207 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:32:41.737 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:32:41.737 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:32:41.738 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.738 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.738 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:32:41.738 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 21186, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:32:41.739 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-29 11:32:41.740 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-29 11:32:41.740 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.742 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv7 05-29 11:32:41.742 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:32:41.744 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv8 05-29 11:32:41.747 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:32:41.748 21186 21767 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp43 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 50.0 | 0 2170 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:32:41.749 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:41.751 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:32:41.754 21729 21766 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 2701-2702) 05-29 11:32:41.755 21729 21766 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:32:41.756 21729 21766 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:32:41.757 21186 21767 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:41.781 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:41.801 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.741 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.801 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{8ddfbc3 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:32:41.808 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{7c1a779 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:32:41.801 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.820 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.820 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.826 4808 5623 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{36ec89c u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:32:41.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.826 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(27, 1074 - 1053, 1218) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:32:41.827 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:32:41.827 21186 21186 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@5057ea8 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:32:41.827 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.827 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.827 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.835 21186 21763 W GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager's event handler WILL NOT be installed (no container loaded) 05-29 11:32:41.835 21186 21763 I GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager initilization took 179ms 05-29 11:32:41.840 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@dd51647[bxxxxxxxxxx]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:41.840 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '26e4e74 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:32:41.840 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '26e4e74 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:32:41.841 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity: +471ms 05-29 11:32:41.842 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:32:41.842 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:32:41.842 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() TAIL 05-29 11:32:41.843 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextSchedTunePolicyRequest, index: 1 05-29 11:32:41.843 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@18 05-29 11:32:41.843 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_release() APP_SWITCH 05-29 11:32:41.845 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x101a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:41.846 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_OPAQUE animate=false 05-29 11:32:41.851 4808 6217 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x101a 05-29 11:32:41.851 21186 21797 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory 05-29 11:32:41.856 6221 6221 D StageManager: saved stages : inStack [1, 2] , outStack[] 05-29 11:32:41.864 4808 6217 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.notifyAppStopped:751 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowContainerController.notifyAppStopped:803 05-29 11:32:41.864 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=64 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (1/10) 05-29 11:32:41.864 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=64 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (-2/10) 05-29 11:32:41.867 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:32:41.872 21186 21753 E AndroidProtocolHandler: Unable to open asset URL: file:///android_asset/www/css/normal/height 05-29 11:32:41.878 4295 4295 I Layer : id=64 onRemoved com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:32:41.880 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.882 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{5912d64: PendingIntentRecord{dd2af93 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bfe0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039ea0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 69.0 0.0 1149.0 336.0 | 0 978 1080 1314 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0390a0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:41.884 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:41.909 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.910 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:41.912 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{90ad785: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:41.926 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113325 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:41.932 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.987 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:41.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:41.997 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:32:41.997 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:32:42.012 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:32:41.988 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:41.988 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.012 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=66 Removed Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 (4/9) 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bfe0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039ea0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 69.0 0.0 1149.0 336.0 | 0 978 1080 1314 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:42.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:42.024 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=66 Removed Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:32:42.028 4295 4295 I Layer : id=66 onRemoved Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:32:42.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.074 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:32:42.035 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.077 4808 6217 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-29 11:32:42.078 4808 5061 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:1000 pid :4808 / listener:android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@3c48c5a 05-29 11:32:42.085 4808 4808 I WifiService: Securities matching 05-29 11:32:42.086 5453 5509 D EventHandler_FLP: WIFI_SCAN_RESULTS 05-29 11:32:42.086 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:32:42.086 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Need to CLUSTER NOW! 05-29 11:32:42.086 5453 5509 D TrustAreaManager_FLP: Valid point is less than minimum dataCount: 3/10 05-29 11:32:42.086 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION 05-29 11:32:42.091 21600 21630 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbOpenHelper.open() - 05-29 11:32:42.091 21600 21630 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbOpenHelper.close() - opened database 05-29 11:32:42.093 21600 21630 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:32:42.093 21600 21626 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SupportedDeviceDbManager.getSdCategories - 05-29 11:32:42.116 4808 21801 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,40,10,10,0 05-29 11:32:42.118 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:32:42.118 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:32:42.126 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.126 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.135 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.142 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextCStateDisableRequest, index: 2 05-29 11:32:42.143 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:32:42.136 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.136 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.175 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_standby: transited to Idle 05-29 11:32:42.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.189 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: fast_out-proxy_close_playback_stream: closed PCM Device 05-29 11:32:42.190 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_standby: transited to Standby 05-29 11:32:42.190 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-out_standby: try to unroute for standby 05-29 11:32:42.193 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_erap_in: ERAP In PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) is stopped & closed! 05-29 11:32:42.195 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D12c) is stopped & closed! 05-29 11:32:42.218 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_playback: SPKAMP Playback PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D7p) is stopped & closed! 05-29 11:32:42.218 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "media-dual-speaker" reverse(1) 05-29 11:32:42.221 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(10) 05-29 11:32:42.221 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-reset_route: unrouted media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:32:42.221 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path + : "gain-media-dual-speaker" reverse(1) 05-29 11:32:42.221 4267 5786 I audio_route: > audio_route_update_path - : changed(2) 05-29 11:32:42.221 4267 5786 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-reset_route: reset gain gain-media-dual-speaker 05-29 11:32:42.221 4267 5786 I audio_hw_primary: fast_out-adev_set_route-1: unroutes to device(speaker) for usage(media) 05-29 11:32:42.242 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.242 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.242 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.339 4808 6217 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : APP_LAUNCH@CPU_MIN@7 05-29 11:32:42.339 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.420 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 17 17 15 59 192 201 36 181 193 57 186 195 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14016 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0063503389225827 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 0, average - 11.006493043168033 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 0, average - 23.011915804495185 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.996503745986444 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 66, average - 38.98073492686407 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 96, average - 53.9507670353193 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.957759543346414 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 50, average - 34.95426328933284 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 81, average - 40.9668926150553 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.999001070281841 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 57, average - 36.98094898323228 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 85, average - 50.9557616839101 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0061358447488584 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005707762557078 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01027397260274 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.995933219178084 05-29 11:32:42.421 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98266267123287 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.95376712328767 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.956692351598173 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95533675799085 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.96974885844749 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.998501712328767 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.98237728310505 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.958190639269404 05-29 11:32:42.422 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.31735159817345 05-29 11:32:42.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.657 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.670 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:42.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.736 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.745 21186 21186 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode 05-29 11:32:42.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:42.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:42.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:42.862 6118 6607 I BistoDBWrapper: Close DB 05-29 11:32:43.076 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.101 21729 21766 E chromium: [ERROR:BudgetService.cpp(160)] Unable to connect to the Mojo BudgetService. 05-29 11:32:43.105 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.105 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.105 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-76, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.294 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.364 21186 21805 I com.unarin.beacon: Determined config value FOREGROUND_SCAN_PERIOD: 1100 05-29 11:32:43.364 21186 21805 I com.unarin.beacon: Determined config value SAMPLE_EXPIRATION_MILLISECOND: 20000 05-29 11:32:43.367 21186 21805 D BeaconParser: Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=0215,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24 05-29 11:32:43.368 21186 21805 D com.unarin.beacon: Connected to IBeacon service 05-29 11:32:43.369 21186 21805 I com.unarin.beacon: Permission check result for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: 0 05-29 11:32:43.369 21186 21805 I com.unarin.beacon: Permission for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION has already been granted. 05-29 11:32:43.370 21186 21806 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] registerDelegateCallbackId() 05-29 11:32:43.372 21186 21725 D com.unarin.beacon: Registering delegate callback ID: LocationManager1162878256 05-29 11:32:43.376 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:32:43.388 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.394 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:43.396 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:43.396 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:43.388 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.396 21186 21805 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:32:43.396 21186 21805 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:32:43.396 21186 21805 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:32:43.396 21186 21805 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:32:43.397 21186 21186 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:32:43.397 21186 21186 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:32:43.397 21186 21186 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:32:43.397 21186 21186 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:32:43.397 4808 21177 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:43.401 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:43.405 21186 21754 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() "OK" 05-29 11:32:43.407 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:43.411 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:43.456 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:43.467 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:32:43.468 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:32:43.468 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:32:43.469 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:43.469 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:43.469 4429 4429 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:43.470 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:43.488 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.490 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 19 99 -19 -200 -19 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:32:43.490 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:32:43.490 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:32:43.490 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:32:43.493 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 980, Display = 336(Panel:92, LDIs:244), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:43.493 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 245, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:43.495 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.58, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.20], F_RF[30.10], B_AP[29.90], B_RF[29.60], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.10] 05-29 11:32:43.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.589 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.589 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.602 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:32:43.626 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 79861 5349384 w 29056 512876 d 3412 155432 f 7420 7499 iot 37044 31298 th 297472 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 954.573 05-29 11:32:43.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-77, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.695 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.695 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.734 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:43.734 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:43.788 6118 19723 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:32:43.796 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.813 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:43.797 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.797 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.820 4429 21671 W libutils.threads: Thread (this=0xe48b4730): don't call waitForExit() from this Thread object's thread. It's a guaranteed deadlock! 05-29 11:32:43.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.874 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:43.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:43.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:43.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:43.936 21186 21191 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=55KB, data=50KB 05-29 11:32:43.937 21186 21191 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=55KB, data=50KB 05-29 11:32:43.937 21186 21191 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 05-29 11:32:43.952 21186 21805 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:32:43.962 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofenceListener() 05-29 11:32:43.973 21684 21696 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:43.974 21684 21696 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.lool 05-29 11:32:43.996 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: $ setConfig() 05-29 11:32:44.000 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig c] ℹ️ Persist config 05-29 11:32:44.004 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:44.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:44.006 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:44.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:44.024 21186 21805 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig blocked the main thread for 28ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:32:44.029 21684 21702 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:32:44.030 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: $ stop() 05-29 11:32:44.031 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig c] ℹ️ Persist config 05-29 11:32:44.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:44.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:44.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:44.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:44.043 21186 21805 E BluetoothStatus: Bluetooth is supported 05-29 11:32:44.044 21186 21805 E BluetoothStatus: BluetoothLE is supported 05-29 11:32:44.044 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.hasBT = true;) 05-29 11:32:44.044 21186 21805 E BluetoothStatus: Bluetooth is enabled 05-29 11:32:44.044 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.hasBTLE = true;) 05-29 11:32:44.044 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.BTenabled = true;) 05-29 11:32:44.045 21186 21186 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.fireWindowEvent('BluetoothStatus.enabled');) 05-29 11:32:44.050 21684 21702 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 21.518ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:32:44.079 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 05-29 11:32:44.079 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, className: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity, count: 0 05-29 11:32:44.082 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:44.083 19044 19044 D MethodReflector: notifyChange is called 05-29 11:32:44.084 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:44.085 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:44.085 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 05-29 11:32:44.086 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:44.086 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:32:44.086 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 05-29 11:32:44.086 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 05-29 11:32:44.086 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 05-29 11:32:44.087 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: $ configure() 05-29 11:32:44.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 6- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:44.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:44.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:44.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:44.125 21186 21805 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BackgroundGeolocation.configure blocked the main thread for 38ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:32:44.139 21186 21805 D TSLocationManager: $ removeGeofences() 05-29 11:32:44.161 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:44.164 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:44.168 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:32:43.878 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:43.881 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:32:44.197 4808 6223 D JobServiceContext: sendStopMessageLocked stop reason: job rescheduled by app 05-29 11:32:44.197 21186 21186 I ScanJob : onStopJob called for immediate scan org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@7ff1efe 05-29 11:32:44.198 4808 6223 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113300, SetElapsed=970949, nowELAPSED=955146 05-29 11:32:44.199 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113244 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:44.199 4808 6223 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113245, SetElapsed=956145, nowELAPSED=955147 05-29 11:32:44.200 4808 6223 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113244, SetElapsed=955194, nowELAPSED=955148 05-29 11:32:44.200 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113244 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:44.200 21186 21754 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:32:44.200 21186 21754 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:32:44.200 21186 21754 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:32:44.200 21186 21754 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:32:44.203 21186 21211 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.204 21186 21211 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.204 21186 21211 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:44.206 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 955154 05-29 11:32:44.207 5191 5203 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 184765, tot/min/max scan time: 360200/5739/184765 05-29 11:32:44.202 4808 6223 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_13 identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:44.204 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113244 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:44.208 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:21186 05-29 11:32:44.211 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.211 21186 21211 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.211 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.211 21186 21211 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.211 21186 21211 D BluetoothLeScanner: could not find callback wrapper 05-29 11:32:44.211 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.211 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.211 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:32:44.212 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:32:44.212 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:32:44.213 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 6, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:44.214 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.216 21186 21186 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:32:44.216 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.216 21186 21186 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with PRIVIOUS callback intent 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx under uid 1002 but it is really 10264 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : at com.android.server.AppOpsService.getOpsRawLocked(AppOpsService.java:1402) 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : at com.android.server.AppOpsService.noteOperationUnchecked(AppOpsService.java:1150) 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : at com.android.server.AppOpsService.noteOperation(AppOpsService.java:1144) 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : at com.android.internal.app.IAppOpsService$Stub.onTransact(IAppOpsService.java:68) 05-29 11:32:44.218 4808 6223 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:682) 05-29 11:32:44.218 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_register_scanner_cb'. 05-29 11:32:44.219 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: java.lang.SecurityException: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx from uid 1002 not allowed to perform COARSE_LOCATION 05-29 11:32:44.219 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at android.app.AppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.java:1923) 05-29 11:32:44.219 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.isAppOppAllowed(Utils.java:627) 05-29 11:32:44.219 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.checkCallerHasLocationPermission(Utils.java:528) 05-29 11:32:44.219 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.continuePiStartScan(GattService.java:1979) 05-29 11:32:44.219 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.onScannerRegistered(GattService.java:1037) 05-29 11:32:44.225 21186 21818 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-91,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.57}]} 05-29 11:32:44.242 4441 21816 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:32:44.243 21186 21740 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:32:44.246 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:32:44.246 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113300, SetElapsed=970948, nowELAPSED=955194 05-29 11:32:44.246 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@c294ff8 alarm=Alarm{dd72dc4 type 2 when 955194 android} 05-29 11:32:44.246 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@ebf999b alarm=Alarm{e2864ad type 2 when 955194 android} 05-29 11:32:44.247 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114744 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:44.249 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113335 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:32:44.250 21186 21797 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-91,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.57}]} 05-29 11:32:44.252 21186 21806 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:32:44.255 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:44.255 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:32:44.260 21186 21186 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:32:44.260 21186 21186 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@a365c51 05-29 11:32:44.261 21186 21186 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:32:44.261 21186 21186 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:32:44.261 21186 21186 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:32:44.262 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.263 21186 21186 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:44.263 21186 21186 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:44.264 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: batchClient is NULL!, appDied: false 05-29 11:32:44.264 21186 21186 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback intent 05-29 11:32:44.269 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:21186 05-29 11:32:44.270 21186 21186 I ScanJob : Scanning not started so Scan job is complete. 05-29 11:32:44.282 21186 21805 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:32:44.285 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges() entered. 05-29 11:32:44.289 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings = 0 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.lool = 0 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud = 1 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 0 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.facebook.katana = 0 05-29 11:32:44.290 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps = 0 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx = 0 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider = -1 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider/com.samsung.android.email.ui.activity.MessageListXL = -1 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android = 1 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager = 0 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol = 0 05-29 11:32:44.291 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{0}] 05-29 11:32:44.293 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:44.299 21186 21805 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:32:44.300 19065 19078 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:32:44.302 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 2 05-29 11:32:44.302 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android/.activity.SplashActivity = 2 05-29 11:32:44.304 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{95}] 05-29 11:32:44.304 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), final size : 4 05-29 11:32:44.304 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges(), badges count : 4 05-29 11:32:44.418 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xcb40d5a8 05-29 11:32:44.419 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@570165c[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:44.419 21186 21186 D InputEventReceiver: channel '7c1a779 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:32:44.419 21186 21186 D InputEventReceiver: channel '7c1a779 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:32:44.422 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x161a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:44.427 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 21186 05-29 11:32:44.427 4808 21177 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 21186 05-29 11:32:44.429 4808 6217 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x161a 05-29 11:32:44.441 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:32:44.441 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:44.442 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:32:44.442 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:32:44.442 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:32:44.442 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:32:44.442 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:32:44.442 4808 6217 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@c5e7c65 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@c12fb72 05-29 11:32:44.443 21186 21186 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:32:44.532 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:44.532 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:32:44.601 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:32:44.602 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=68 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 (3/8) 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65be20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039b20 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:44.606 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:44.616 4295 4295 I Layer : id=68 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:32:44.652 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xcb40d328 05-29 11:32:44.652 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@2fde37a[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:32:44.654 21186 21186 D InputEventReceiver: channel '8ddfbc3 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:32:44.654 21186 21186 D InputEventReceiver: channel '8ddfbc3 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:32:44.655 4808 6217 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately:2395 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2584 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2424 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:1988 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:233 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:242 05-29 11:32:44.655 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=67 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:32:44.658 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:32:44.659 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_OPAQUE -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:32:44.659 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=67 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:32:44.663 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 21186 05-29 11:32:44.667 4295 4295 I Layer : id=67 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:32:44.670 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 21186 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bb80 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:32:44.672 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:32:44.675 4808 21177 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:32:44.681 21186 21186 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:32:44.682 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:32:44.685 21186 21186 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@9f86ea1 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:32:44.685 21186 21186 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:44.686 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:32:44.686 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:32:44.687 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:32:44.687 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:32:44.687 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:32:44.687 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:32:44.687 4808 21177 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@e28807d inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@8bf79e1 nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#110 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:32:44.687 4808 21177 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:32:44.688 4808 21177 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@8bf79e1 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:32:44.689 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:32:44.689 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:32:44.690 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 21186, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:32:44.690 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad CACHEDIC onStartInput isCachedICEnabled: false 05-29 11:32:44.690 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 05-29 11:32:44.690 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato resetBinderManager() 05-29 11:32:44.690 5205 5205 I SKBD_SYNC: SamsungKeypad onStartInput: import DLM 05-29 11:32:44.691 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs setPrivateImeOptionsToTable privateImeOptions ( null ) 05-29 11:32:44.691 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs imeOptions is null 05-29 11:32:44.691 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [PF_OP][onStartInput] 1013885 05-29 11:32:44.693 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:32:44.865 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:32:45.055 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:45.757 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:45.573 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:46.088 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: Start of BadgeRunnable 05-29 11:32:46.088 4808 6023 I ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverOwner , PersonaId : -1 05-29 11:32:46.094 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:46.095 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:32:46.120 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : package IN ( "com.samsung.android.messaging" , "com.samsung.android.contacts" , "com.samsung.contacts ") 05-29 11:32:46.142 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 0 05-29 11:32:46.143 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:32:46.144 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 95 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:32:46.145 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:32:46.209 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:46.362 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:46.362 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:32:46.399 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 125195(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 118(2MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 1.839ms total 305.608ms 05-29 11:32:46.826 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:32:47.349 21186 21805 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:32:47.385 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:47.385 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:47.352 21186 21805 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:32:47.701 21186 21805 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:47.707 21186 21805 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:32:47.709 21186 21805 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:47.710 21186 21805 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:32:47.713 21186 21199 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:32:47.720 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 958668 05-29 11:32:47.724 21186 21805 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.startScan blocked the main thread for 24ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:32:47.725 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:47.725 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:47.728 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:32:47.730 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:47.732 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:32:47.733 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:32:47.744 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:32:47.744 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:32:47.750 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:32:47.752 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:32:47.752 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:32:47.898 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:47.898 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:47.903 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:47.903 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:47.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:47.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:47.909 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:47.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:47.911 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:47.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:47.912 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:47.912 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:47.996 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:47.997 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:48.000 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:48.001 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:48.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.040 21186 21805 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, auto: false 05-29 11:32:48.041 21186 21805 D BluetoothAdapter: isSecureModeEnabled 05-29 11:32:48.041 5191 5204 D BtConfig.SecureMode: isSecureModeOn:false 05-29 11:32:48.042 21186 21805 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() 05-29 11:32:48.043 21186 21805 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=2f2a75c2-d543-4366-8c9d-5f9121bda5fb 05-29 11:32:48.045 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - UUID=2f2a75c2-d543-4366-8c9d-5f9121bda5fb 05-29 11:32:48.047 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=2f2a75c2-d543-4366-8c9d-5f9121bda5fb, clientIf=6, status=0 05-29 11:32:48.048 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6 05-29 11:32:48.052 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - address = FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, isDirect=true transport =0 set own addr = false own addr type:0, clientIf: 6, phy: 1 05-29 11:32:48.054 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x1 05-29 11:32:48.054 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:32:48.200 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:32:48.200 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btif_dm_generic_evtacl_created hci_handle=0x40 link_role=0 transport=2 05-29 11:32:48.200 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1b, rl_mask = 0x1, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:32:48.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.212 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.212 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.269 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.270 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.270 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.399 5191 5897 W bt_smp : smp_br_connect_callback is called on unexpected transport 2 05-29 11:32:48.399 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0 05-29 11:32:48.399 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT 05-29 11:32:48.399 5191 5323 W bt_btif : bta_sys_event: EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED 05-29 11:32:48.400 5191 5323 E bt_btif : remote name callback registration fail. 05-29 11:32:48.400 5191 5897 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_cache_load: can't open GATT cache file /data/misc/bluetooth/gatt_cache_fbbf796d102b for reading, error: No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:48.401 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:Connected to Device:6D:1, linktype is 2 05-29 11:32:48.409 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:48.411 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:32:48.411 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:32:48.412 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onConnected() - clientIf=6, connId=6, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:32:48.417 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=6 device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:32:48.419 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.421 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:32:48.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.422 10370 10370 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.onReceive - ($) 05-29 11:32:48.422 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.423 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 5 lines 05-29 11:32:48.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.448 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.449 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.449 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.459 21600 21633 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:32:48.468 5191 5909 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:32:48.470 21600 21633 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:32:48.478 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:32:48.480 6118 6607 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:32:48.481 6439 21827 I BluetoothDevice: fetchUuidsWithSdp() for device 6D:1 called by pid: 6439 tid: 21827 05-29 11:32:48.483 5191 5958 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:32:48.484 5191 5909 E BluetoothBondStateMachine: is in PendingState ? false 05-29 11:32:48.485 21600 21633 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:32:48.485 21600 21633 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:32:48.485 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:32:48.497 21600 21633 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:32:48.504 21600 21633 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.addDevice - ADD: [Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[Alias]null[Class]7936[Battery]-1[Bonded]false[ConnectedA2dpSink]false[SecType]Unknown[A2dpSink]false[HasAppLinkerPkg]0 05-29 11:32:48.504 21600 21633 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.mDiscoveryListener - onDeviceAdded: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:32:48.505 21600 21623 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DeviceUpdateHandler - MSG_UPDATE_SCAN_LIST 05-29 11:32:48.505 21600 21623 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.updateDeviceList - [ADDED][Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[Alias]null[Class]7936[Battery]-1[Bonded]false[ConnectedA2dpSink]false[SecType]Unknown[A2dpSink]false[HasAppLinkerPkg]0 05-29 11:32:48.509 21600 21623 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DeviceBt.getDiscoveryType - DiscoveryType : 4 05-29 11:32:48.510 21600 21623 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcDevice.getStandardIcon - unknown device type : -1 05-29 11:32:48.510 21600 21623 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDevice - [Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[ConType]NONE[size()]1[OCFDiscovery]NONE[OCFOwned]-1 05-29 11:32:48.511 21600 21623 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcDevice.getDiscoveryType - DiscoveryType : 4 05-29 11:32:48.629 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 79949 5352980 w 29291 516300 d 3445 155968 f 7491 7570 iot 37232 31427 th 294316 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 959.576 05-29 11:32:48.637 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.638 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.787 6118 19723 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:32:48.794 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:48.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.826 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.826 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:48.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:48.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:48.933 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:32:49.050 21684 21696 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:49.050 21684 21696 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.lool 05-29 11:32:49.050 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.052 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.064 21186 21805 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:32:49.102 5191 5897 W bt_bta_gattc: bta_gattc_explore_srvc no more services found 05-29 11:32:49.102 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:32:49.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:32:49.103 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:32:49.105 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:32:49.106 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_search_services_evt: no disc_ble_res.bd_name 05-29 11:32:49.112 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B Status=0 05-29 11:32:49.166 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:32:49.216 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:32:49.270 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:32:49.313 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:49.313 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:49.368 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.369 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.369 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.487 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = MW11Jf/QJgk= 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop MW11Jf/QJgk= dkeyDecode 31 dkeystr 1mu%��& 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:32:49.488 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES eb 31 8a cf ca 2c cf 2e 05-29 11:32:49.489 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return 6zGKz8oszy4= 05-29 11:32:49.489 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 6zGKz8oszy4= 05-29 11:32:49.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.489 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.491 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.492 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.519 21186 21805 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.write blocked the main thread for 17ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:32:49.534 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:32:49.566 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:32:49.567 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:32:49.567 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:32:49.567 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:49.568 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:32:49.568 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:32:49.569 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:32:49.570 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:32:49.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.572 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.572 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.577 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:32:49.578 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: true, SCRunningSetting: 1, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:32:49.579 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:32:49.579 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - SERVICE IS ALREADY RUNNING, action:android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED needNearbyScan :false , NearbyResponseSetting:false 05-29 11:32:49.579 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 12 05-29 11:32:49.591 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 12 05-29 11:32:49.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.677 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.762 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.764 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.764 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.786 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.787 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.788 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.788 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.887 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.892 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.893 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.893 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.991 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:49.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:49.993 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:49.993 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.010 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.012 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.074 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.076 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.256 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.258 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.258 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.409 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.447 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.448 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.448 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.536 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.538 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.619 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.620 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.621 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.728 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.729 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.821 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.822 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.823 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.823 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.831 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:50.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:50.943 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:50.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.005 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.005 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.048 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.149 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:51.149 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:51.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.160 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.160 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.185 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.257 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.329 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 297 (W:15), BAT = 286, USB = 293, CHG = 299, CP = 307, WF = 302, WFPst = 295 (W:15) 05-29 11:32:51.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.369 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.370 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.385 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.387 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.470 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.470 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.485 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.535 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:51.536 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:32:51.546 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.548 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.569 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.570 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.570 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.671 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.772 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.774 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.774 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.800 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.801 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.834 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:51.802 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.879 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.906 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:51.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:51.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:51.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.091 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.093 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.093 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.201 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.202 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.202 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.305 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.305 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.306 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.306 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.307 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.307 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.329 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.429 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.430 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.430 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.493 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.495 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.495 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.509 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.613 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.614 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.615 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.615 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.640 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.640 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.684 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.722 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.724 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.747 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.749 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.791 4808 21177 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:32:52.793 4808 21177 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4308, temperature: 288, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2984000 05-29 11:32:52.793 4808 21177 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-47, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:-1 05-29 11:32:52.793 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:32:52.749 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.797 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:32:52.797 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:32:52.797 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:32:52.797 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:32:52.799 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:32:52.803 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:52.805 4808 21177 D PowerManagerUtil: Excessive delay in BatteryService : sendIntentLocked(): 13ms 05-29 11:32:52.811 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:32:52.817 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:32:52.818 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:32:52.830 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:32:52.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.851 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.867 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.868 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:52.940 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:52.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.034 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14017 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0061358447488584 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005707762557078 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01027397260274 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.995933219178084 05-29 11:32:53.035 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.98266267123287 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.95376712328767 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.956692351598173 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.95533675799085 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.96974885844749 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.998501712328767 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.98237728310505 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.958190639269404 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.005921381179996 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005636013412285 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01155739459228 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.995362773774703 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98416208889206 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.95612470571449 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.955625312120995 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95455518299207 05-29 11:32:53.036 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.9698223585646 05-29 11:32:53.037 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.998002425626026 05-29 11:32:53.037 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.9836626952986 05-29 11:32:53.037 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.960476564172076 05-29 11:32:53.037 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.32118142255825 05-29 11:32:52.942 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:52.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.040 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.042 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.050 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.051 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.052 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.052 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.145 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.146 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.147 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.147 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.168 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.245 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.246 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.247 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.247 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.351 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.353 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.353 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.375 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.376 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.377 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.377 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.518 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:53.455 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.455 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.537 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:32:53.538 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:32:53.540 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:32:53.542 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:32:53.542 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:32:53.542 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:32:53.543 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:53.573 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 680, Display = 364(Panel:108, LDIs:256), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:53.574 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 170, Display = 91, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:32:53.579 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.54, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.10], B_AP[29.90], B_RF[29.60], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.10] 05-29 11:32:53.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.634 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 79949 5352980 w 29349 516992 d 3451 156088 f 7497 7577 iot 37264 31441 th 295116 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 964.580 05-29 11:32:53.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.662 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.663 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.771 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.772 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.773 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.773 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.797 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.798 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.798 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.801 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.802 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.802 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.880 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:53.881 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.963 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 05-29 11:32:53.965 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113259, SetElapsed=970948, nowELAPSED=964913 05-29 11:32:53.968 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE alarm=Alarm{59417db type 3 when 964910 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:32:53.997 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:32:53.882 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:53.882 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:53.999 6439 21827 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 05-29 11:32:54.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.164 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.165 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.166 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.166 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.295 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.338 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:54.338 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:54.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.365 21186 21199 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=60 latency=0 timeout=400 status=0 05-29 11:32:54.436 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.492 5191 5191 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:32:54.495 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:32:54.501 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:32:54.518 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:32:54.519 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:32:54.519 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: msgWhat: 2(2) 05-29 11:32:54.519 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: UUIDs on ACTION_UUID: null for device FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:32:54.520 4808 6217 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.broadcastreceiver.external.ExternalCommonBroadcastReceiver 05-29 11:32:54.530 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.531 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.539 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.577 6118 6118 I SpeechSettingsImpl: Exception device found. 05-29 11:32:54.589 6118 6607 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:32:54.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.609 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.713 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.734 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.734 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.824 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.922 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.928 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:54.923 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.923 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:54.932 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:54.933 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:54.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.032 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.101 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.288 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.355 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.355 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.380 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.381 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.455 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.480 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.481 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.484 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.485 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.485 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.561 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.562 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.664 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.664 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.769 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.771 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.858 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.858 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.871 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.872 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.873 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.897 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:55.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:55.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:55.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.042 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.043 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.043 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.085 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.086 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.086 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.108 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.110 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.110 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.124 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.125 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.125 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.180 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:56.180 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:32:56.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.293 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.297 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.297 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.319 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.320 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.425 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.426 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.427 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.427 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.499 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.501 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.501 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.509 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.510 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.517 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.611 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.613 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.613 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.684 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.685 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.692 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.831 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.831 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.847 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.849 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.849 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.876 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.876 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.931 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:56.933 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:56.940 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:56.940 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.037 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.038 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.038 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.053 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.053 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.143 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.151 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.151 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.251 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.252 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.253 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.420 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.421 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.421 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.568 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.569 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.610 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.674 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.773 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.775 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.782 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.783 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.784 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.784 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.796 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.796 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.876 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.877 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.889 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.890 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.890 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.891 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:57.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:57.980 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:57.980 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.081 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.181 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.182 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.183 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.183 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.198 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.307 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.309 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.393 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.394 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.501 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.503 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.537 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.579 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:32:58.579 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = MqC6zVwDBKM= 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop MqC6zVwDBKM= dkeyDecode 32 dkeystr 2���\� 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:32:58.580 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:32:58.581 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 54 1e 53 ee 45 2a 3a 3b 05-29 11:32:58.581 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return VB5T7kUqOjs= 05-29 11:32:58.581 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = VB5T7kUqOjs= 05-29 11:32:58.603 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.028 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:32:58.638 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 79949 5352980 w 29387 517404 d 3452 156092 f 7501 7581 iot 37280 31449 th 294952 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 969.585 05-29 11:32:58.605 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.605 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.705 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.707 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.707 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.707 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.720 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:58.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:58.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:58.725 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:58.725 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:32:59.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.096 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.096 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.122 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.123 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.124 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.124 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.226 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.228 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.237 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.281 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.281 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.332 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.332 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.342 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.343 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.344 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.434 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.435 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.436 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.436 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.461 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.538 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.539 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.539 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.749 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.750 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.750 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.752 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:32:59.752 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.778 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{9ce09a8: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:32:59.788 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113449 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:32:59.800 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:32:59.801 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:32:59.801 4808 4842 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10144, packageName : com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:32:59.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:32:59.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:32:59.801 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.google.android.apps.maps user:0 05-29 11:32:59.802 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:59.802 4808 4842 D ActivityManager: package com.google.android.apps.maps, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:32:59.802 4808 4842 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.google.android.apps.maps user:0 05-29 11:32:59.802 4808 4842 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:32:59.836 4808 4842 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21832:com.google.android.apps.maps/u0a144 for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmReceiver 05-29 11:32:59.837 21832 21832 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:32:59.838 21832 21832 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:32:59.838 21832 21832 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:32:59.842 21832 21832 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:32:59.843 21832 21832 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:32:59.869 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10144 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:59.871 4808 5623 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10144 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:32:59.872 21832 21832 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:32:59.875 4808 5623 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.google.android.apps.maps and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:32:59.947 21832 21832 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:32:59.948 21832 21832 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:00.000 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 12 05-29 11:33:00.002 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:0/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113757 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:33:00.002 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113335, SetElapsed=1006244, nowELAPSED=970950 05-29 11:33:00.003 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{77d1c66 type 3 when 970948 android} 05-29 11:33:00.006 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10251 action=null alarm=Alarm{dce1854 type 0 when 1527564777024 com.rsupport.mobizen.cn.k.sec} 05-29 11:33:00.007 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 9510033 action=com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.cryptauth.DEVICE_STATE_CHECK_DELAY_COMPLETE alarm=Alarm{12223fd type 3 when 965222 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:33:00.018 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{49d0b43 type 1 when 1527564780000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:33:00.020 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113359 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:33:00.023 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:33:00.024 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:33:00.045 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 9510033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.046 13349 21851 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 05-29 11:33:00.059 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:33:00.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.073 21832 21846 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:33:00.078 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:33:00.130 4808 21177 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.152 4808 21177 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1C identical 4 lines 05-29 11:33:00.156 4808 21177 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.160 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.169 21832 21853 E zygote64: The String#value field is not present on Android versions >= 6.0 05-29 11:33:00.170 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.170 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.171 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.171 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.176 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.177 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.250 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.250 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.276 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.281 21832 21857 W zygote64: Class com.google.android.apps.gmm.map.internal.store.bh failed lock verification and will run slower. 05-29 11:33:00.281 21832 21857 W zygote64: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code 05-29 11:33:00.281 21832 21857 W zygote64: and incorrect proguard optimizations. 05-29 11:33:00.311 4808 6223 D LocationManagerService: getLastLocation: Request[ACCURACY_FINE gps requested=0 fastest=0 num=1] 05-29 11:33:00.314 4808 6223 D LocationManagerService: getLastLocation: Request[POWER_LOW network requested=0 fastest=0 num=1] 05-29 11:33:00.318 4808 21177 D PermissionMonitor: we received permission notification for rUid: 10144, rPid: 21832from rModuleFlag: 8 05-29 11:33:00.318 4808 21177 I PermissionMonitor: Binder.getCallingUid(): 5013 05-29 11:33:00.318 4808 21177 I PermissionMonitor: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:00.321 4808 21177 D PermissionMonitor: Calling app is pre-installed on system partition. pkgName: com.google.android.apps.maps, UserId: 0 05-29 11:33:00.321 4808 21177 I PermissionMonitor: App is whitelisted. Ignore 05-29 11:33:00.321 4808 21177 D PermissionMonitor: we received permission notification for rUid: 10144, rPid: 21832from rModuleFlag: 8 05-29 11:33:00.321 4808 21177 I PermissionMonitor: Binder.getCallingUid(): 5013 05-29 11:33:00.322 4808 21177 I PermissionMonitor: packageName: com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:00.323 21832 21859 W zygote64: Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:33:00.323 4808 21177 D PermissionMonitor: Calling app is pre-installed on system partition. pkgName: com.google.android.apps.maps, UserId: 0 05-29 11:33:00.323 4808 21177 I PermissionMonitor: App is whitelisted. Ignore 05-29 11:33:00.351 6102 6114 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:00.352 6102 6114 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.persistent 05-29 11:33:00.376 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 5-LoadOwners 05-29 11:33:00.414 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.426 6102 16802 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 51-RegisterOperationCall 05-29 11:33:00.430 4808 21177 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.432 4808 21177 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.435 4808 5623 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.439 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.455 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.460 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.461 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.463 4808 5623 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.466 4808 5623 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.471 4808 5623 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.472 4808 6223 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.483 21832 21874 W zygote64: Class com.google.android.apps.gmm.tutorial.e failed lock verification and will run slower. 05-29 11:33:00.484 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.485 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.489 4808 4827 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.494 4808 6217 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.501 4808 4827 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.553 21832 21859 W zygote64: Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:33:00.582 21832 21832 W linker : "/data/app/com.google.android.gms-7pe1ybYU0ry6GTSBy1Kvfw==/lib/arm64/libconscrypt_gmscore_jni.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a 05-29 11:33:00.585 21832 21832 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 280 native methods... 05-29 11:33:00.615 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:00.615 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:33:00.633 21832 21832 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:33:00.636 21832 21832 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL 05-29 11:33:00.645 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|208] 05-29 11:33:00.629 4808 4827 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_2 identical 7 lines 05-29 11:33:00.630 4808 4827 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:00.668 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 32 [2018-05-29 11:33:00.667] 05-29 11:33:00.689 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:00.689 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:00.696 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.716 21832 21881 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10144, CallingPid : 21832 05-29 11:33:00.721 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10144/21832 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:33:00.722 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:33:00.722 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:33:00.722 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.722 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:33:00.723 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:33:00.723 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:33:00.723 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:33:00.723 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:33:00.724 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.727 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.728 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.728 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.745 21832 21859 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 64.0.3282.137, arch: aarch64 05-29 11:33:00.772 4808 21177 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10144 05-29 11:33:00.750 4808 4827 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_2 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:33:00.751 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.772 4808 21177 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:29250 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiver:23013 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:176 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3797 05-29 11:33:00.775 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:33:00.776 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:33:00.851 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.858 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.874 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.878 4808 6223 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT pkg=com.google.android.apps.maps } U=0: not found 05-29 11:33:00.884 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:33:00.888 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113400 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:33:00.891 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.901 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.901 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.904 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{db675a: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:00.905 4808 4827 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113400, SetElapsed=1030948, nowELAPSED=971853 05-29 11:33:00.905 4808 4827 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113400, SetElapsed=1030948, nowELAPSED=971853 05-29 11:33:00.896 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.896 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.913 6102 16802 I GeofencerStateMachine: removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_IDS Ids=[atn_geofence_request_id], packageName=com.google.android.apps.maps] 05-29 11:33:00.918 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10144 pid :21832 / op:PendingIntent{849d8b: PendingIntentRecord{8fc5281 com.google.android.apps.maps broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:00.923 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:00.924 4808 6223 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113325 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:33:00.924 4808 6223 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113325, SetElapsed=996633, nowELAPSED=971872 05-29 11:33:00.990 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:00.990 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:00.991 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:00.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.002 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.002 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.006 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:01.014 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.104 4441 21904 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:01.110 21832 21890 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:33:01.119 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.127 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:01.120 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.120 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.305 4808 4827 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10144 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:33:01.308 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:01.310 4441 21906 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:01.357 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 293, CHG = 299, CP = 306, WF = 300, WFPst = 295 (W:15) 05-29 11:33:01.452 6102 6600 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 50-LightweightReportNetworkQuality 05-29 11:33:01.492 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.507 6102 15744 W Herrevad: [330] wun.b: Invalid mccmnc 05-29 11:33:01.515 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[] - WIFI_P2P, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.516 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.525 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.525 6102 15744 D TelephonyManager: getCellLocation : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 6102 / 10033 / 15744 05-29 11:33:01.533 6102 15744 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 6102 / 10033 / 15744 05-29 11:33:01.552 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:01.552 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:01.560 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.561 4808 6223 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.582 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[] - WIFI_P2P, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.582 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.611 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.615 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[] - WIFI_P2P, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.616 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:01.726 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.727 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.727 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.852 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.853 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.853 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.910 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.960 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.977 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:01.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:01.978 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:01.978 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.379 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.379 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.476 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.477 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.478 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.478 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.498 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.500 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.500 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.583 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.585 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.586 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.659 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.690 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.690 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.902 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:02.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:02.903 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:02.903 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.011 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.012 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.013 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.013 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.029 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.121 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.122 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.122 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.219 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.221 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.222 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.227 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.227 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.228 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.325 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.399 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.400 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.401 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.401 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.431 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.533 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.591 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.612 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:03.593 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.630 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:33:03.630 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:33:03.631 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.632 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.632 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.633 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:33:03.634 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:33:03.634 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:33:03.634 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:33:03.635 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:03.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.643 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80205 5361648 w 29456 518140 d 3459 156216 f 7513 7593 iot 37420 31525 th 293628 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 974.590 05-29 11:33:03.661 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14018 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.005921381179996 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005636013412285 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01155739459228 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.995362773774703 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.98416208889206 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.95612470571449 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.955625312120995 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.95455518299207 05-29 11:33:03.662 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.9698223585646 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.998002425626026 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.9836626952986 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.960476564172076 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.005706948209445 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.00556427450421 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.012840633471253 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.994792409758882 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98566129262377 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.958481951776285 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.954558424882293 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95377371950348 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.96989584819518 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.997503210158368 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.984947924097625 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.96276216293337 05-29 11:33:03.663 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.32501070052783 05-29 11:33:03.668 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 424, Display = 364(Panel:112, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:03.668 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 106, Display = 91, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:03.672 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.51, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.10], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.60], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.10] 05-29 11:33:03.642 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.743 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.745 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.745 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.850 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.851 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.852 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.852 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.941 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.942 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.943 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.943 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.959 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:03.960 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:03.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:03.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.147 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.149 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.158 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:04.156 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.156 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.173 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.174 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.174 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.336 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.361 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.363 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.576 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.592 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.593 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.594 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.594 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.889 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:04.890 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:04.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.897 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:04.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.902 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:04.902 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:04.940 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.g.f(552): Preparing logs for uploading 05-29 11:33:04.942 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:04.952 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare] : 15117 K 05-29 11:33:04.953 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: Killing 20276:com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare/5005 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:33:04.966 21832 21845 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:33:05.028 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(810): Connecting to server: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log?format=raw&proto_v2=true 05-29 11:33:05.030 20859 20906 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:33:05.030 20859 20906 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:33:05.084 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:05.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:05.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.091 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:05.119 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:33:05.126 21832 21845 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 160.171ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:33:05.155 6102 20909 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b890f3708: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:33:05.160 4441 21909 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:05.418 20859 20906 I PlayCommon: [274] com.google.android.play.b.g.a(275): Successfully uploaded logs. 05-29 11:33:05.731 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:05.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:05.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.822 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:05.824 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:05.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.827 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:05.827 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:33:05.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:05.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:05.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:05.911 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:05.911 21832 21842 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.apps.maps 05-29 11:33:05.936 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:05.940 4441 21910 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:05.941 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:33:05.945 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "jalabell.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:33:06.003 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.006 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.006 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.052 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.054 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.056 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.059 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.060 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.060 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.160 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.162 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.187 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.189 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.189 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.471 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.558 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.560 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.560 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.578 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.579 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.671 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.app.appsedge] : 10233 K 05-29 11:33:06.671 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: Killing 20298:com.samsung.android.app.appsedge/u0a2 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:33:06.580 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.580 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.687 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.740 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.749 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:33:06.793 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.896 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.905 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.915 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.929 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:06.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:06.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:06.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.010 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.110 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.144 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:33:07.145 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:33:07.148 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:33:07.149 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:33:07.259 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:07.111 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.112 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.299 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.301 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.301 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.313 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.313 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.411 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.412 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.413 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.413 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.483 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.483 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.515 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.616 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.618 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.618 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.722 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.722 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.727 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.729 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.833 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.926 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.928 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.928 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.938 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:07.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:07.939 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:07.939 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.001 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:33:08.001 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:33:08.001 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:33:08.001 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:33:08.001 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:33:08.010 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 8ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60109 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:33:08.028 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.030 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.030 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.038 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.040 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.040 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.130 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.223 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.334 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.335 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.335 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.361 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.362 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.404 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.404 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.435 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.437 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.437 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.537 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.592 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.592 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.640 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.647 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80207 5361656 w 29509 518656 d 3464 156244 f 7515 7595 iot 37448 31535 th 294516 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 979.594 05-29 11:33:08.642 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.642 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.739 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.741 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.741 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.789 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.842 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.844 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.844 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.945 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.947 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:08.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.947 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 5 lines 05-29 11:33:08.947 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.953 4441 21912 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:08.953 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:33:08.953 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "wf053.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:33:08.963 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:08.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:08.965 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:08.965 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.046 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.047 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.049 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.049 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.155 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.157 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.157 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.252 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.253 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.254 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.254 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.362 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.363 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.364 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.422 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.423 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.424 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.424 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.527 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.527 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.567 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.628 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.629 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.675 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.677 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.677 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.715 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.781 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.781 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.841 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.843 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.843 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.877 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:33:09.878 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:33:09.882 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:33:09.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.885 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:33:09.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.885 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.906 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:09.907 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.908 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:09.908 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:09.980 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:33:09.981 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:33:09.981 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = M/qwWQf2qU8= 05-29 11:33:09.981 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:33:09.981 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:33:09.981 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop M/qwWQf2qU8= dkeyDecode 33 dkeystr 3�Y�O 05-29 11:33:09.982 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:33:09.982 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:33:09.982 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:33:09.982 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES bc ac b3 d4 93 c2 2c 93 05-29 11:33:09.982 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return vKyz1JPCLJM= 05-29 11:33:09.982 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = vKyz1JPCLJM= 05-29 11:33:10.029 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.enhance.gameservice] : 16103 K 05-29 11:33:10.029 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 20155:com.enhance.gameservice/u0a130 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:33:10.086 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.087 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.087 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.094 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.103 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:33:10.154 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.159 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.159 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.197 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.199 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.307 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.309 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.310 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.310 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.360 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.404 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:10.362 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.362 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.410 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.411 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.411 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.461 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.462 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.514 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.646 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.647 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.731 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.732 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.784 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.785 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.786 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.786 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.833 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.834 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.836 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.838 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.838 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:10.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:10.936 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:10.936 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.024 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.026 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.026 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.100 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.101 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.243 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.245 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.245 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.286 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.287 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.288 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.288 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.388 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 294, CHG = 298, CP = 305, WF = 298, WFPst = 295 (W:15) 05-29 11:33:11.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.466 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.466 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.467 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.469 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.476 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.476 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.565 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.566 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.567 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.648 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.666 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.667 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.667 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.746 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.747 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.754 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.767 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.768 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:11.768 5191 5201 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.bluetooth 05-29 11:33:11.771 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.772 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.772 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.871 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.871 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.956 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:11.959 4441 21913 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:11.960 12481 12592 I ytrace : call getaddrinfo() 05-29 11:33:11.960 12481 12592 I ytrace : query "wf054.iptnet.net" done (1) !! 05-29 11:33:11.979 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:11.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:11.981 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:11.981 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.084 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.084 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.191 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.193 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.193 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.297 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.395 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.397 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.404 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.405 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.405 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.509 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.611 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.611 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.718 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.719 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.719 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.788 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.789 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.790 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.790 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.819 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.821 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.821 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.957 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:12.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:12.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:12.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.032 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.034 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.104 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.104 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.138 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.140 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.140 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.211 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.213 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.213 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.213 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.242 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.243 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.243 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.244 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.344 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.451 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.453 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.453 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.508 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:13.508 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.508 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.528 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.530 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.530 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.554 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.632 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.656 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80207 5361656 w 29543 518968 d 3469 156264 f 7517 7597 iot 37464 31543 th 296000 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 984.603 05-29 11:33:13.634 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.634 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.663 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.665 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.665 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.694 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.694 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:13.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.696 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.696 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.711 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:33:13.711 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:33:13.711 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:33:13.713 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:33:13.713 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:33:13.713 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:33:13.714 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:13.738 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.745 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 320, Display = 364(Panel:112, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:13.745 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 80, Display = 91, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:13.753 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.60, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.40], F_RF[30.20], B_AP[30.10], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:33:13.739 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.739 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.763 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.765 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.765 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.878 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.879 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.879 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.972 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:13.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:13.974 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:13.974 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.061 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.062 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.063 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.080 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.082 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.161 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.184 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.185 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.186 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.186 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.249 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.274 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:33:14.276 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:33:14.276 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14019 05-29 11:33:14.276 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.005706948209445 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.00556427450421 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.012840633471253 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.994792409758882 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.98566129262377 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.958481951776285 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.954558424882293 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.95377371950348 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.96989584819518 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.997503210158368 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.984947924097625 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.96276216293337 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0054925458306583 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.00549254583066 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.014123689278836 05-29 11:33:14.277 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.994222127113204 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.98716028247379 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.96083886154505 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.95349168984949 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95299236750123 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.96996932734147 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.99700406591055 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.986232969541376 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.965047435623084 05-29 11:33:14.278 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.32883943219909 05-29 11:33:14.251 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.289 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.291 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.393 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.394 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.394 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.440 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.495 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.497 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.581 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.582 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.583 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.583 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.682 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.683 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.683 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.701 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:33:14.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:14.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:14.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:14.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.008 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.009 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.009 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.093 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.094 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.106 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.108 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.108 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.117 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.118 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.118 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.519 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.537 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.537 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.622 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.623 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.623 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.646 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.648 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.648 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.832 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.833 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.833 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.849 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.850 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.850 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.953 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:15.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:15.954 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:15.954 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.019 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.019 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.036 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.036 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.199 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.201 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.201 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.280 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.280 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.328 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.329 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.386 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.386 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.401 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.403 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.403 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.491 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.550 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.552 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.552 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.575 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.577 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.606 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:16.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.701 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.703 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.703 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.761 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.803 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.804 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.910 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:16.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:16.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:16.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.114 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.115 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.116 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.135 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.137 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.137 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.220 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.221 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.321 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-78, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.329 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.499 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.499 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.514 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.514 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.542 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.544 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.544 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.648 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.650 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.650 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.925 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.926 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.927 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.927 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.966 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:17.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:17.968 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:17.968 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.033 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.067 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.069 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.075 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.076 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.077 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.077 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.177 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.178 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.179 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.179 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.281 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.282 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.283 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.283 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.386 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.387 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.388 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.388 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.441 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.443 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.443 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.491 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.491 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.662 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80207 5361656 w 29586 519204 d 3471 156280 f 7521 7601 iot 37480 31552 th 295708 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 989.608 05-29 11:33:18.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.696 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.697 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.697 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.698 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.761 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.762 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.763 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.763 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.803 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.804 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.805 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.805 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.813 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.909 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:18.910 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:18.911 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:18.911 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.002 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.004 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.004 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.331 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.333 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.333 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.377 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.378 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.378 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.390 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.395 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.395 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.439 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.440 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.440 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.485 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.487 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.487 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.541 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.543 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.543 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.567 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.569 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.569 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.645 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:33:19.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.646 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:33:19.646 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:33:19.707 21186 21805 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:33:19.713 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:19.711 21186 21805 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:33:19.713 21186 21805 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:33:19.713 21186 21805 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:33:19.719 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 990667 05-29 11:33:19.719 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 31999, tot/min/max scan time: 392199/5739/184765 05-29 11:33:19.726 21186 21805 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.stopScan blocked the main thread for 24ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:33:19.735 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:33:19.737 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:33:19.738 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:33:19.739 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:33:19.739 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:33:19.740 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:33:19.741 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:33:21.381 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:33:21.381 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:33:21.381 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = NL5qiyDZi0U= 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop NL5qiyDZi0U= dkeyDecode 34 dkeystr 4�j� ًE 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES b0 a2 c3 d8 37 f1 d1 87 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return sKLD2Dfx0Yc= 05-29 11:33:21.382 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = sKLD2Dfx0Yc= 05-29 11:33:21.419 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 294, CHG = 297, CP = 304, WF = 297, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:33:22.809 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:22.995 4808 6217 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:33:23.667 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80207 5361656 w 29590 519268 d 3472 156284 f 7523 7604 iot 37484 31555 th 295264 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 994.613 05-29 11:33:23.775 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:23.794 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:33:23.795 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:33:23.796 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:33:23.796 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:33:23.797 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:33:23.797 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:33:23.798 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:23.825 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 340, Display = 360(Panel:108, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:23.826 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 85, Display = 90, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:23.836 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.60, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.40], F_RF[30.20], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:33:24.602 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent] : 15808 K 05-29 11:33:24.603 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 20186:com.samsung.android.knox.containeragent/1250 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:33:24.698 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:33:24.891 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:33:24.892 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:33:24.892 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14020 05-29 11:33:24.892 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0054925458306583 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.00549254583066 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.014123689278836 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.994222127113204 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.98716028247379 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.96083886154505 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.95349168984949 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.95299236750123 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.96996932734147 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.99700406591055 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.986232969541376 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.965047435623084 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0052781740370897 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005420827389443 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01540656205421 05-29 11:33:24.893 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.993651925820258 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.988659058487876 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.96319543509272 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.952425106990015 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.952211126961465 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.97004279600571 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.996504992867332 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.98751783166909 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.967332382310985 05-29 11:33:24.894 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.33266761768895 05-29 11:33:25.685 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:33:25.685 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113400, SetElapsed=1030948, nowELAPSED=996633 05-29 11:33:25.690 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_CHECK_QUEUE alarm=Alarm{6f99aba type 2 when 996633 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:33:25.703 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:25.704 4808 5622 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:25.708 4808 5622 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{50470c8: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:25.792 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114807 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:33:25.812 4808 5622 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:33:25.813 4808 5622 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:33:25.813 4808 5622 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 9510033, packageName : com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:33:25.814 4808 5622 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.google.android.gms user:95 05-29 11:33:25.814 4808 5622 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: Not valid knox user. Allowed 05-29 11:33:25.814 4808 5622 D ActivityManager: package com.google.android.gms, user - 95 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:33:25.814 4808 5622 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.google.android.gms user:95 05-29 11:33:25.814 4808 5622 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: Not valid knox user. Allowed 05-29 11:33:25.835 4808 5622 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21925:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u95a33 for service com.google.android.gms/.droidguard.DroidGuardService 05-29 11:33:25.846 21925 21925 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:33:25.847 21925 21925 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=gmscore, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:25.877 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 9510033 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:33:25.878 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 9510033 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:33:25.879 21925 21925 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:33:25.881 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.google.android.gms and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:33:25.919 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:25.993 4808 6217 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:33:25.993 4808 6217 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:33:25.994 4808 6217 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=3, uid : 9510033, packageName : com.google.android.gsf 05-29 11:33:25.995 4808 6217 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.google.android.gsf user:95 05-29 11:33:25.995 4808 6217 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: Not valid knox user. Allowed 05-29 11:33:25.995 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: package com.google.android.gsf, user - 95 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:33:25.995 4808 6217 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.google.android.gsf user:95 05-29 11:33:25.996 4808 6217 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: Not valid knox user. Allowed 05-29 11:33:26.015 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21940:com.google.process.gapps/u95a33 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.gservices.GservicesProvider 05-29 11:33:26.019 21940 21940 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:33:26.020 21940 21940 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:33:26.020 21925 21939 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:33:26.052 4808 5622 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 9510033 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:33:26.053 4808 5622 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 9510033 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:33:26.054 21940 21940 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:33:26.059 4808 5622 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.google.android.gsf and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:33:26.084 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:33:26.084 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get ALIVE from server 05-29 11:33:26.084 12481 12557 D ytrace : get heart beat from server 05-29 11:33:26.093 21940 21940 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:26.093 21940 21940 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:33:26.168 13384 13384 I GeofencerStateMachine: sendQueryLocationOptIn 05-29 11:33:26.174 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:33:26.175 4808 6223 D SecContentProvider: called from com.google.uid.shared:10033 05-29 11:33:26.180 21940 21940 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true 05-29 11:33:26.188 21940 21954 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:33:26.264 21940 21940 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client 05-29 11:33:26.347 21925 21925 W linker : "/data/app/com.google.android.gms-7pe1ybYU0ry6GTSBy1Kvfw==/lib/arm64/libconscrypt_gmscore_jni.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a 05-29 11:33:26.349 21925 21925 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 280 native methods... 05-29 11:33:26.376 21925 21925 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 05-29 11:33:26.379 21925 21925 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL 05-29 11:33:26.430 21925 21925 E zygote64: The String#value field is not present on Android versions >= 6.0 05-29 11:33:26.587 21925 21964 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:33:26.588 21925 21964 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:33:26.590 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:33:26.592 4441 21966 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:33:26.597 21925 21964 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:33:26.658 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:26.658 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:26.801 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 9510033 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:33:26.957 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:26.957 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:27.023 21925 21964 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 and remote module com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:4 05-29 11:33:27.024 21925 21964 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates 05-29 11:33:27.048 21925 21964 W zygote64: Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:33:27.535 4435 4435 D keymaster_tee: [DBG] (knox_secure_db.cpp:1153) command(113) : L1628 05-29 11:33:27.535 4435 4435 D keymaster_tee: [DBG] (knox_secure_db.cpp:1170) SELECT (ALIAS) WHERE CREATOR=u95_com.google.android.gms.unstable AND ACCESSOR=u95_com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:27.553 4435 4435 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.825349ac930c2370b39f30e7d789963a.36 9510033 0 05-29 11:33:27.553 4435 4435 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.825349ac930c2370b39f30e7d789963a.36 9510033 0 05-29 11:33:27.553 4435 4435 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.825349ac930c2370b39f30e7d789963a.36 9510033 0 05-29 11:33:27.553 4435 4435 I keystore: del USRSKEY_unstable.825349ac930c2370b39f30e7d789963a.36 9510033 0 05-29 11:33:27.553 4435 4435 I keystore: del USRCSR_unstable.825349ac930c2370b39f30e7d789963a.36 9510033 0 05-29 11:33:27.558 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: entered add_rng_entropy function. 05-29 11:33:27.560 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: exit add_rng_entropy function, returned 0 05-29 11:33:27.561 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: entered generate_key function. 05-29 11:33:27.584 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: entered get_key_characteristics function. 05-29 11:33:27.588 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: exit get_key_characteristics function, returned 0 05-29 11:33:27.589 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: entered export_key function. 05-29 11:33:27.596 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: exit export_key function, returned 0 05-29 11:33:27.600 4435 4435 D keystore: ENTER attestKey name USRPKEY_unstable.825349ac930c2370b39f30e7d789963a.36, callingUid 9510033 05-29 11:33:27.601 4808 6217 D KeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService: uid : 9510033 05-29 11:33:27.602 4808 6217 D KeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService: finally getKeyAttestationApplicationId 05-29 11:33:27.602 4808 6217 D KeyAttestationApplicationIdProviderService: keyAttestatioonPackageInfos length : 2 05-29 11:33:27.604 4182 4182 D vendor.samsung.security.skeymaster@3.0-impl: attestWithSamsung 0 05-29 11:33:27.604 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: entered attest_key function. 05-29 11:33:27.619 4182 4182 W keymaster2_mdfpp: exit attest_key function, returned 0 05-29 11:33:27.623 21925 21964 D CertificatePolicyCache: Creating new instance of CertificatePolicyCache myUid: 9510033 callingUid: 9510033 05-29 11:33:27.623 21925 21964 D CertificatePolicyCache: readVariables type: null userId: 95 05-29 11:33:27.754 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 9510033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:27.767 21925 21964 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:33:27.767 21925 21964 I System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 05-29 11:33:27.893 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:27.894 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:27.960 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:27.960 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:33:28.215 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 141674(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 193(3MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 1.478ms total 255.865ms 05-29 11:33:28.673 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80534 5368704 w 29647 519892 d 3472 156284 f 7536 7617 iot 37616 31637 th 295300 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 999.619 05-29 11:33:28.995 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:29.531 6102 20909 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7b85888408: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe 05-29 11:33:30.672 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 33 [2018-05-29 11:33:30.672] 05-29 11:33:30.889 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:30.890 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:31.069 21940 21950 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:31.070 21940 21950 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:33:31.103 21940 21953 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:33:31.117 21940 21953 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 13.758ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:33:31.450 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 298 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 294, CHG = 297, CP = 304, WF = 297, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:33:31.706 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:31.707 21925 21935 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms.unstable 05-29 11:33:32.040 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:32.707 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = NXCu8hghz4c= 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop NXCu8hghz4c= dkeyDecode 35 dkeystr 5p��!χ 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:33:32.709 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:33:32.710 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:33:32.710 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 16 4c fb e0 d b7 53 31 05-29 11:33:32.710 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return Fkz74A23UzE= 05-29 11:33:32.710 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = Fkz74A23UzE= 05-29 11:33:33.679 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80534 5368704 w 29664 519968 d 3472 156284 f 7536 7617 iot 37620 31638 th 296084 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1004.625 05-29 11:33:33.859 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:33.880 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:33:33.881 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:33:33.882 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:33:33.883 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:33:33.884 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:33:33.884 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:33:33.884 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:33.917 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 400, Display = 360(Panel:108, LDIs:252), WIFI = 8, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:33.918 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 100, Display = 90, WIFI = 2, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:33.923 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.60, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.20], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:33:35.077 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:35.514 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:33:35.516 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:33:35.516 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14021 05-29 11:33:35.516 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0052781740370897 05-29 11:33:35.516 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005420827389443 05-29 11:33:35.516 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01540656205421 05-29 11:33:35.516 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.993651925820258 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.988659058487876 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.96319543509272 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.952425106990015 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.952211126961465 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.97004279600571 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.996504992867332 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.98751783166909 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.967332382310985 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0050638328221955 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005349119178375 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01668925183653 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.993081805862635 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.99015762071179 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.965551672491266 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.951358676271308 05-29 11:33:35.517 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.95142999786034 05-29 11:33:35.518 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.970116254190145 05-29 11:33:35.518 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.9960059910134795 05-29 11:33:35.518 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.988802510519974 05-29 11:33:35.518 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.96961700306683 05-29 11:33:35.518 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.33649525711427 05-29 11:33:36.113 21940 21950 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:33:36.113 21940 21950 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.process.gapps 05-29 11:33:38.181 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:38.685 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80534 5368704 w 29666 519984 d 3472 156284 f 7537 7618 iot 37620 31640 th 295792 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1009.631 05-29 11:33:39.704 12481 12560 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTERED => REGISTER_AGAIN 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D ytrace : Pass 144 sec since last registration, expected expires is 150 sec 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D ytrace : REG_OK (1), RTT=197 ms, mean RTT=453 ms, CSeq=30, Branch=4m1G9jSeoa4y9mwz, Expires=180 sec 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: REGISTER_AGAIN => SERVICE_READY 05-29 11:33:39.901 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=48, arg1=1527564812, arg2=-826811268, lineId=0 05-29 11:33:39.905 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_SERVICE_READY' subEvent='unknown subEvent=0x5B0CCA0C' 05-29 11:33:39.905 12481 12557 D ytrace : Reg State: SERVICE_READY => REGISTERED 05-29 11:33:39.906 12481 12557 D JNI_C2C : recv protocol message=3, arg1=3, arg2=-826815492, lineId=0 05-29 11:33:39.907 12481 12557 I C2CViewer: receiveProtocolMessage lineId=0 message='C2C_REGISTER_DONE' subEvent='C2C_INVALID_ACCOUNT' 05-29 11:33:39.907 12481 12557 D MainService: onRegisterListener onSuccess 05-29 11:33:39.907 12481 12557 D RegisterNotificationJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:33:39.924 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=927, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, canceling 05-29 11:33:39.940 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{45c7327: PendingIntentRecord{d9d19d4 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:39.949 4808 5623 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{7bac77d: PendingIntentRecord{afd3672 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:39.955 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:39.958 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=930, tag=RegisterNotificationJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:33:39.958 12481 12557 D BindCameraJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:33:39.961 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=928, tag=BindCameraJob}, canceling 05-29 11:33:39.973 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{9bff40: PendingIntentRecord{5b15e79 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:39.976 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{1e447be: PendingIntentRecord{702a01f com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:39.981 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:39.983 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=931, tag=BindCameraJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:33:39.983 12481 12557 D ModifyCameraPwdJob: scheduleJob 05-29 11:33:39.987 12481 12557 I JobManager: Found pending job request{id=929, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, canceling 05-29 11:33:39.994 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{9e06935: PendingIntentRecord{89921ca com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:39.998 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10234 pid :12481 / op:PendingIntent{dbb1f3b: PendingIntentRecord{ed27658 com.bronci.jalavideo broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:33:40.002 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:40.004 12481 12557 D JobProxy21: Schedule one-off jobInfo success, request{id=932, tag=ModifyCameraPwdJob}, start 00:00:00, end 00:00:05 05-29 11:33:40.004 12481 12557 D ytrace : Local NAT=[PORT_FIXED], Expires=180, ID=broncidemo2$gmail.com@jalabell.iptnet.net, port index is 1 05-29 11:33:40.328 12481 12557 D ytrace : FD_READ of TCP, num=1 05-29 11:33:40.328 12481 12557 D ytrace : Get REG_OK from server 05-29 11:33:40.329 12481 12557 D ytrace : reg ok 05-29 11:33:40.329 12481 12557 D ytrace : Recv duplicated registration ACK 05-29 11:33:41.105 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = Nm98lfrcIjg= 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop Nm98lfrcIjg= dkeyDecode 36 dkeystr 6o|���"8 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES e2 30 3 46 ef 5d cc 70 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return 4jADRu9dzHA= 05-29 11:33:41.106 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = 4jADRu9dzHA= 05-29 11:33:41.288 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:41.502 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 299 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 294, CHG = 297, CP = 303, WF = 295, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:33:43.690 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80534 5368704 w 29699 520716 d 3478 156548 f 7550 7631 iot 37644 31658 th 295160 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1014.637 05-29 11:33:43.950 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:43.968 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:33:43.968 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:33:43.970 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:33:43.972 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:33:43.972 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:33:43.972 4429 6640 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:33:43.973 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:44.004 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 296, Display = 360(Panel:108, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:44.005 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 74, Display = 90, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:44.012 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.59, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.20], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:33:44.471 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:46.127 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:33:46.128 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:33:46.128 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14022 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0050638328221955 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005349119178375 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01668925183653 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.993081805862635 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.99015762071179 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.965551672491266 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.951358676271308 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.95142999786034 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.970116254190145 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.9960059910134795 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.988802510519974 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.96961700306683 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0048495221794322 05-29 11:33:46.129 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005277421195265 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.017971758664956 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.992511767222936 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.99165596919127 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.96790757381258 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.950292397660819 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.950648980173995 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.97018970189702 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.995507060333761 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99008700613326 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97190129796035 05-29 11:33:46.130 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.34032235059186 05-29 11:33:47.569 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:48.696 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80534 5368704 w 29710 520796 d 3479 156600 f 7551 7632 iot 37652 31662 th 294860 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1019.642 05-29 11:33:49.653 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.mStopRunnable - -- 05-29 11:33:49.660 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:33:49.676 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.android.printspooler] : 8363 K 05-29 11:33:49.676 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 20315:com.android.printspooler/u0a155 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:33:49.695 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:33:49.695 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:33:49.695 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:33:49.697 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:33:49.698 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:33:49.698 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:33:49.699 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:33:49.700 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.shouldStopService - ConnDevice:false, (NearbyScan:true && HasVdDevice :false), NearbyResponse:false, isCloudWorking:false 05-29 11:33:49.700 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.mStopRunnable - call stopSelf 05-29 11:33:49.709 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onDestroy - 05-29 11:33:49.710 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessForeground - set false 05-29 11:33:49.720 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessImportant - [myPid]21600 >> [isForeground]false 05-29 11:33:49.720 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.setSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:33:49.722 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:33:49.723 4808 6217 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:33:49.725 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.terminate - -- 05-29 11:33:49.726 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.stopDiscovery - android.os.Messenger@5be864e/null 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21623 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DiscoveryWorkHandler - MSG_STOP_SCAN 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.terminate - mGUIScanTypeMap.size - 0 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.terminate - mDeviceHandlerList.size - 0 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21623 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.stopDiscoveryDevice - 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21623 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.stopDiscoveryDevice - not discovering. 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.728 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.unregisterStateReceiver - mIsBtStateReceiver = true 05-29 11:33:49.731 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.terminate - Destructor 05-29 11:33:49.732 21600 21600 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopLeScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:33:49.732 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.terminate - -- 05-29 11:33:49.735 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WearableHelper.terminate - -- 05-29 11:33:49.736 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.738 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.739 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.740 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.740 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.unregisterReceiver - 05-29 11:33:49.740 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.unregisterPushRegIdReceiver - 05-29 11:33:49.740 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.terminate - -- 05-29 11:33:49.740 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.cancelConnectPeer - 05-29 11:33:49.740 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:33:49.742 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=139376 arg2=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:33:49.742 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState package to call requestNfcConnect -> com.samsung.android.oneconnect with arg : 0 05-29 11:33:49.741 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.removeP2pConfirm - skip: false 05-29 11:33:49.743 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ShpLocalHelper.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.743 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepAccountManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.743 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.743 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=-1ms what=139376 arg2=3 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:33:49.743 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState package to call requestNfcConnect -> com.samsung.android.oneconnect with arg : 0 05-29 11:33:49.744 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.unregisterSShareReceiver - mIsSShareReceiver = false 05-29 11:33:49.747 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.747 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.unbind - [mService]null 05-29 11:33:49.749 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.release - 05-29 11:33:49.749 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.cancelNotification - 05-29 11:33:49.749 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.unregisterA2dpSinkReceiver - mIsBtA2dpSinkProfileReceiver = false 05-29 11:33:49.749 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.requestServiceEnable - false 05-29 11:33:49.751 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:33:49.762 21600 21600 E BluetoothHeadset: BTStateChangeCB is unregisted 05-29 11:33:49.763 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: com.samsung.bluetooth.btservice.action.ACTION_REGISTER_A2DP_SINK_SERVICE 05-29 11:33:49.765 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: A2DP_SINK_SERVICE : 0, : false 05-29 11:33:49.766 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: Not allowed - REGISTER_A2DP_SINK_SERVICE 05-29 11:33:49.767 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.767 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.unregisterListener - 05-29 11:33:49.767 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.release - 05-29 11:33:49.769 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:33:49.769 21600 21600 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:33:49.770 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:33:49.773 21600 21600 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.772 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:33:49.773 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:33:49.775 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.775 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.783 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudDbOpenHelper.close - 05-29 11:33:49.783 21600 21600 E SQLiteLog: (10) POSIX Error : 11 SQLite Error : 3850 05-29 11:33:49.784 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudServiceManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.784 21600 21600 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.terminate - 05-29 11:33:49.784 21600 21600 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.setAppUpdateBadge - [Android OS]26 05-29 11:33:49.786 21600 21600 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 21600 SIG: 9 05-29 11:33:49.851 4808 21177 I ActivityManager: Process com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService (pid 21600) has died: fore SVC (68,1406) 05-29 11:33:49.854 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:33:50.668 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:51.526 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 299 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 294, CHG = 296, CP = 302, WF = 293, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:33:52.502 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:33:52.502 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:33:52.502 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = N8RSk02kh1Y= 05-29 11:33:52.502 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop N8RSk02kh1Y= dkeyDecode 37 dkeystr 7�R�M��V 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES b0 90 f5 76 49 81 52 a0 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return sJD1dkmBUqA= 05-29 11:33:52.503 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = sJD1dkmBUqA= 05-29 11:33:53.197 4808 21177 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:33:53.198 4808 21177 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4308, temperature: 287, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2984000 05-29 11:33:53.198 4808 21177 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:0, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:-5 05-29 11:33:53.199 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:33:53.203 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:33:53.203 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:33:53.203 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:33:53.203 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:33:53.205 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:33:53.210 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:33:53.215 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:33:53.224 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:33:53.225 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:33:53.233 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:33:53.702 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80534 5368704 w 29727 521020 d 3481 156668 f 7555 7637 iot 37668 31670 th 297064 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1024.647 05-29 11:33:53.768 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:53.867 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1024814441000 05-29 11:33:53.867 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1024814441000 05-29 11:33:53.867 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.135 ] when=1024814441000 05-29 11:33:53.869 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:33:53.869 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (21186): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:33:53.870 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:33:53.948 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:53.948 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:53.957 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1024905378000 05-29 11:33:53.957 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1024905378000 05-29 11:33:53.957 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1024905378000 05-29 11:33:53.957 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (21186): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:33:53.958 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:33:53.960 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:33:53.960 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:33:53.960 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:33:53.960 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:53.960 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:53.966 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:53.966 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:54.031 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:54.036 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:33:54.036 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:33:54.037 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:33:54.037 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:33:54.037 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:33:54.038 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:33:54.038 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:33:54.058 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 304, Display = 364(Panel:112, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:54.058 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 76, Display = 91, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:33:54.059 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.59, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.20], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:33:54.462 13349 13744 I CastDatabase: Saving the database 05-29 11:33:54.488 13349 13744 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: save 0, skipped: 0 05-29 11:33:55.068 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:33:56.428 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1027376215000 05-29 11:33:56.428 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1027376215000 05-29 11:33:56.429 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.136 ] when=1027376215000 05-29 11:33:56.432 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:33:56.433 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (21186): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:33:56.435 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:33:56.501 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:56.501 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:56.516 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:56.517 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:56.529 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:56.529 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:56.537 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1027485451000 05-29 11:33:56.537 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1027485451000 05-29 11:33:56.537 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1027485451000 05-29 11:33:56.537 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (21186): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:33:56.539 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:33:56.540 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:33:56.546 21186 21186 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:33:56.546 21186 21186 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 55 187 196 13 156 165 52 184 193 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14023 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0048495221794322 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005277421195265 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.017971758664956 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.992511767222936 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 58, average - 38.99165596919127 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.96790757381258 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.950292397660819 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 25, average - 34.950648980173995 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 43, average - 40.97018970189702 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.995507060333761 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 54, average - 36.99008700613326 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 81, average - 50.97190129796035 05-29 11:33:56.737 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0046352421022604 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005205733437924 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.01925408257862 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.991941809883763 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.99301148113813 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.970263139128576 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.949226271126006 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.94993938529557 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.97033445054553 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.99500820081295 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99130000713118 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97404264422734 05-29 11:33:56.738 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.34414889823854 05-29 11:33:56.874 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:33:57.866 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:33:58.708 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80548 5368760 w 29739 521188 d 3482 156712 f 7559 7641 iot 37680 31678 th 296724 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1029.655 05-29 11:33:59.940 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:00.000 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 12 05-29 11:34:00.003 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113528 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:00.004 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113449, SetElapsed=1080731, nowELAPSED=1030952 05-29 11:34:00.007 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113431, SetElapsed=1062394, nowELAPSED=1030955 05-29 11:34:00.008 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@9683c2e alarm=Alarm{9b27417 type 2 when 1006244 android} 05-29 11:34:00.012 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 action=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK alarm=Alarm{124a004 type 3 when 1030948 android} 05-29 11:34:00.014 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=null alarm=Alarm{c7189ed type 3 when 989460 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:34:00.016 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.location.reporting.collectors.ULR_BAROMETER_READ_ALARM alarm=Alarm{d603ab3 type 1 when 1527564808844 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:34:00.024 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10092 action=com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE alarm=Alarm{ee9d7e9 type 1 when 1527564840000 com.sec.android.app.launcher} 05-29 11:34:00.033 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114244 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:00.049 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:34:00.050 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:34:00.050 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10153, packageName : com.samsung.android.sm.policy 05-29 11:34:00.051 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.sm.policy user:0 05-29 11:34:00.051 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:00.051 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.sm.policy, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:34:00.051 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.sm.policy user:0 05-29 11:34:00.051 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:00.089 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Start proc 21988:com.samsung.android.sm.policy/u0a153 for service com.samsung.android.sm.policy/com.samsung.android.scpm.service.SyncJobService 05-29 11:34:00.092 21988 21988 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:34:00.093 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:3/F:1/AC:false) 20180529T113459 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:00.093 21988 21988 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:34:00.093 21988 21988 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:00.097 21988 21988 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:34:00.097 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK 05-29 11:34:00.097 5236 5236 D KeyguardServiceBoxContainer: refreshTime() 1 05-29 11:34:00.098 21988 21988 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.sm.policy 05-29 11:34:00.102 4808 4827 I SensorService: createSensorEventConnection package name awia 05-29 11:34:00.105 4808 6217 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==8 flags=0 rate=100000000 timeout== 0 05-29 11:34:00.105 4279 4948 I Sensors : batch - pressure_sensor try to batching with 100000000 05-29 11:34:00.107 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16384, new sensor_state : 17179885600 en : 1 05-29 11:34:00.113 6102 6102 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 8, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 0, 0, 05-29 11:34:00.115 6221 6221 I Launcher: onReceive: com.samsung.action.EVERY_MINUTE_CLOCK_UPDATE 05-29 11:34:00.118 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:1/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113500 - CU:10092/CP:6221 05-29 11:34:00.127 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:00.133 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:00.138 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10153 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:00.139 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10153 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:00.139 21988 21988 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:34:00.140 6102 21987 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 35-GetDeviceDataUploadOptInStatusOperation 05-29 11:34:00.145 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.sm.policy and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:34:00.169 4808 21177 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:3/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113500 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:00.171 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:00.174 21988 21988 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:00.174 21988 21988 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.sm.policy 05-29 11:34:00.216 4808 21177 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10153 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:00.248 21988 22003 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:34:00.268 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.sm.provider] : 14504 K 05-29 11:34:00.269 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: Killing 20841:com.samsung.android.sm.provider/1000 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:34:00.316 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:00.323 4808 6217 D SensorService: Calling activate off 8 05-29 11:34:00.324 4279 4948 I Sensors : PressureSensor old sensor_state 16416, new sensor_state : 17179885568 en : 0 05-29 11:34:00.330 6102 6102 D SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 05-29 11:34:00.684 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 34 [2018-05-29 11:34:00.684] 05-29 11:34:00.826 21186 21805 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:34:00.828 21186 21805 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = /wAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:34:00.828 21186 21805 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = OA0+um1ZnuQ= 05-29 11:34:00.828 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:34:00.828 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptextop /wAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr � len 8 >�mY��11:34:00.828 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : dkeyop OA0+um1ZnuQ= dkeyDecode 38 dkeystr 8 05-29 11:34:00.829 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:34:00.829 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:34:00.829 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:34:00.829 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 12 b6 49 96 26 a4 d3 b3 05-29 11:34:00.830 21186 21805 I JNIMsg : short return ErZJliak07M= 05-29 11:34:00.831 21186 21805 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = ErZJliak07M= 05-29 11:34:01.562 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 300 (W:15), BAT = 287, USB = 294, CHG = 296, CP = 302, WF = 292, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:34:03.060 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:03.713 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80589 5369796 w 29756 521428 d 3483 156716 f 7562 7644 iot 37692 31693 th 297116 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1034.660 05-29 11:34:04.084 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:04.103 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:34:04.104 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:34:04.105 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:34:04.106 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:04.106 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:04.106 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:04.107 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:04.138 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 352, Display = 364(Panel:108, LDIs:256), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:04.139 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 88, Display = 91, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:04.145 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.59, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.10], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.10] 05-29 11:34:05.152 21988 21998 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:05.153 21988 21998 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.sm.policy 05-29 11:34:05.181 21988 22002 I zygote64: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-29 11:34:05.188 21988 22002 I zygote64: WaitForGcToComplete blocked for 6.520ms for cause ProfileSaver 05-29 11:34:06.173 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:07.158 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageFullBytes DEFAULT_FULL_THRESHOLD_BYTES : 20971520, threadhold : 20971520 05-29 11:34:07.159 4808 4851 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:07.163 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:34:07.164 4808 4851 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1 05-29 11:34:07.351 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 13 155 164 66 185 194 05-29 11:34:07.352 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:34:07.352 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14024 05-29 11:34:07.352 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0046352421022604 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005205733437924 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.01925408257862 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.991941809883763 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.99301148113813 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.970263139128576 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.949226271126006 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.94993938529557 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.97033445054553 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.99500820081295 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.99130000713118 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.97404264422734 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0044209925841416 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005134055904165 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.020536223616656 05-29 11:34:07.353 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.991371933827725 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.994509412435825 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97261836851112 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.948160296634342 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.94915858528236 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.970407872219056 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.994509412435824 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.9925841414718 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.976326297775245 05-29 11:34:07.354 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.34797490017107 05-29 11:34:07.967 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1038915150000 05-29 11:34:07.967 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1038915150000 05-29 11:34:07.968 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.137 ] when=1038915150000 05-29 11:34:07.969 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:07.969 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:07.970 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:07.970 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 10 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 1038915 05-29 11:34:08.010 4808 4843 D WindowManager: requestTransientBars to Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar} : sb= false ,nb= true 05-29 11:34:08.011 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:08.013 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:34:08.013 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:08.032 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:08.066 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1039013956000 05-29 11:34:08.066 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1039013956000 05-29 11:34:08.066 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1039013956000 05-29 11:34:08.066 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:08.067 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:08.068 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65be20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:08.069 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:08.106 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [CONTACT contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) accounts deleted({}) calls([logtype:300 cnt:1]) countryIso(TW) userId(0) ] 05-29 11:34:08.106 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ agr({}) ] 05-29 11:34:08.106 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [ actCnt({android.process.acore(6676)=1}) ] 05-29 11:34:08.106 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [PROFILE contacts(0) data(0) accounts({}) ] 05-29 11:34:08.106 6676 6808 D ContactsProvider_EventLog: contents_sample_state: [SAPROFILE contacts(1) data(2) accounts({vnd.sec.contact.phone (1)=1}) ] 05-29 11:34:08.110 6676 6808 E ContactsProvider_EventLog: Flush buffer to file cnt : 1 size : 0Kb duration : 2ms lastUpdatedAfter : 60100 ms mFlush_time_threasold : 2000 mCurrentSize : 454 05-29 11:34:08.652 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1039599351000 05-29 11:34:08.652 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1039599351000 05-29 11:34:08.652 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.138 ] when=1039599351000 05-29 11:34:08.653 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:08.654 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:08.656 4808 4827 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=1039602000000 05-29 11:34:08.657 4808 4827 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:34:08.660 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:34:08.660 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:34:08.669 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564761372 05-29 11:34:08.670 4808 4827 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:08.671 4808 4827 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:08.671 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:08.672 4808 5409 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:34:08.673 4808 5409 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:34:08.673 4808 5409 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:34:08.673 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:34:08.674 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:34:08.674 5236 5236 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:34:08.674 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:34:08.701 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1039649512000 05-29 11:34:08.701 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1039649512000 05-29 11:34:08.701 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1039649512000 05-29 11:34:08.702 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:08.702 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:08.703 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=1039650000000 05-29 11:34:08.704 4808 5409 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:34:08.705 4808 5409 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:34:08.705 4808 5409 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: haptic disabled by policy 05-29 11:34:08.706 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:34:08.706 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:34:08.707 5236 5236 D Recents : toggleRecentApps 05-29 11:34:08.711 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:08.712 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [904x132]-format:1 05-29 11:34:08.712 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:08.716 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:08.717 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-6] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:34:08.717 5236 5236 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity - hideMenuEvent 05-29 11:34:08.717 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: reason=recentapps 05-29 11:34:08.718 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80589 5369796 w 29780 521772 d 3485 156800 f 7564 7646 iot 37704 31699 th 296460 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1039.665 05-29 11:34:08.722 4808 5409 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=null typ=null flg=0x10804000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} from uid 10003 05-29 11:34:08.730 4808 5409 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_ACT_START@CPU_MIN@84 05-29 11:34:08.733 4808 5409 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() ACT_START 05-29 11:34:08.734 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(5) 05-29 11:34:08.736 21186 21186 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 05-29 11:34:08.736 4808 5409 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : true 05-29 11:34:08.736 4808 5409 D ActivityManager: clearAppIconInfo() 05-29 11:34:08.737 4808 5409 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:08.737 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:08.737 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 21186 05-29 11:34:08.742 4808 5409 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:08.744 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.android.systemui, clsName: com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity,FgActivityName:com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:34:08.744 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:08.744 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.android.systemui, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:08.744 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:08.745 4808 5409 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.android.systemui, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:08.747 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: startRecentsActivity for UserHandle{-2} done. 05-29 11:34:08.747 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:08.748 21186 21186 I TSLocationManager: - onPause 05-29 11:34:08.748 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:08.748 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:08.748 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(5) 05-29 11:34:08.748 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:08.749 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: done. 05-29 11:34:08.751 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 500 05-29 11:34:08.751 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:08.753 21186 21805 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:08.754 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:08.754 21186 21186 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 05-29 11:34:08.755 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:08.755 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:08.756 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Activate EmRecentsManager with RecentsView 05-29 11:34:08.756 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Recents 05-29 11:34:08.756 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:34:08.757 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:08.757 21186 21196 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:08.764 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#120 ty=1 fl=#89910500 pfl=0x24040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:08.766 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato getNaviationBarHeight() first use took : 0 05-29 11:34:08.766 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=70 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:08.767 21186 21805 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:08.768 4808 6217 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:08.768 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8718 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:08.770 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:34:08.771 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:08.771 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530119700480} changed=true 05-29 11:34:08.771 21186 21765 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xcb40d828 05-29 11:34:08.776 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:08.776 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:08.776 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{36ec89c u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:08.777 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:08.777 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:08.777 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:34:08.777 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:34:08.777 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:08.777 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:08.778 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:34:08.778 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:34:08.778 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:08.778 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:08.778 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:08.778 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:08.778 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8718 05-29 11:34:08.778 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:08.779 5236 5236 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@9b53cb4 nm : com.android.systemui ic=null 05-29 11:34:08.779 5236 5236 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@f52417b inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@94800b8 nm = com.android.systemui controlFlags=#100 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#89910500 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:08.779 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@94800b8 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:08.780 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:08.783 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:08.783 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:08.785 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 5236, caller uid : 10003 05-29 11:34:08.789 4808 5409 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity) 05-29 11:34:08.789 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:34:08.790 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:08.790 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:34:08.790 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:08.791 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:34:08.791 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:34:08.791 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:34:08.791 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:34:08.792 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=71 createSurf (904x132),1 flag=4, thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:34:08.792 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:08.798 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:08.806 4808 4945 D TaskSnapshotCache: putSnapshot mTaskId=693 RunningCache size=1 05-29 11:34:08.807 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:08.809 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:08.809 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{36ec89c u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity EXITING}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:08.811 4808 4827 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:08.812 21186 21186 D ViewRootImpl@ca64c60[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:08.817 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=false 05-29 11:34:08.817 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:08.818 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:08.819 4808 5496 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b480 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65be20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2218.0 | 1 3 1080 2219 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:08.821 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:08.824 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:08.825 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{fbe82cd: PendingIntentRecord{7865782 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:08.831 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:34:08.832 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:34:08.832 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:08.832 5236 5248 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:08.833 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:34:08.834 5236 5236 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=false,preview=null 05-29 11:34:08.834 5236 5236 D KeyguardCircleAffordanceView: setPreviewView: mRight=true,preview=null 05-29 11:34:08.836 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:08.836 4808 5496 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x80008708 05-29 11:34:08.836 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:08.838 5236 5251 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564848734 05-29 11:34:08.838 4808 4827 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:08.839 4808 4827 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:08.839 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:08.841 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:08.841 4808 4827 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:08.842 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{bbd7ec9: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:08.850 4808 4827 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114807 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65be20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 5.0 1080.0 2192.0 | 6 33 1074 2195 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:08.852 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:08.854 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:08.854 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:08.865 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:08.910 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.android.systemui className : com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:34:08.910 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:08.985 21186 21876 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:34:09.030 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.android.systemui className : com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:34:09.030 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65be20 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 62.0 1080.0 1869.0 | 76 391 1003 1943 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bc60 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 904.0 132.0 | 74 410 1001 545 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Devic 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: e | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:09.038 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:09.080 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.081 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.081 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.082 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.082 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.082 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.082 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.082 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.084 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.084 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.137 21186 21876 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:34:09.144 21186 21805 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:34:09.144 21186 21805 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=6 05-29 11:34:09.145 5191 20441 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=6 05-29 11:34:09.146 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=6, connId=6, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:34:09.146 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 6 05-29 11:34:09.233 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:09.234 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() TAIL 05-29 11:34:09.234 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextMaxCPUCoreRequest, index: 1 05-29 11:34:09.235 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_ACT_START@CPU_MIN@84 05-29 11:34:09.235 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_release() ACT_START 05-29 11:34:09.248 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:09.248 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=69 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (2/8) 05-29 11:34:09.249 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=69 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (-2/8) 05-29 11:34:09.249 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=71 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:09.249 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=71 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:34:09.254 4808 5188 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:34:09.254 4808 5188 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:34:09.261 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1040209068000 05-29 11:34:09.261 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1040209068000 05-29 11:34:09.261 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.139 ] when=1040209068000 05-29 11:34:09.261 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:09.261 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:09.261 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:09.261 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:09.265 4295 4295 I Layer : id=69 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:09.265 4295 4295 I Layer : id=71 onRemoved thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:09.272 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:09.272 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:09.368 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1040316853000 05-29 11:34:09.368 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1040316853000 05-29 11:34:09.368 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1040316853000 05-29 11:34:09.368 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:09.368 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:09.369 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:09.369 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 299, 1102 05-29 11:34:09.369 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:09.370 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.370 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.370 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:09.534 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:09.707 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:34:09.713 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.stickercenter] : 7756 K 05-29 11:34:09.713 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: Killing 20946:com.samsung.android.stickercenter/1000 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:34:09.781 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:09.867 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: reason=homekey 05-29 11:34:09.868 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: tid=693 05-29 11:34:09.868 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5102, Swipe 05-29 11:34:09.869 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:09.870 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: done. 05-29 11:34:09.870 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:09.871 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:09.872 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:09.875 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [com.samsung.android.scloud] : 27282 K 05-29 11:34:09.875 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 20995:com.samsung.android.scloud/5009 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:34:09.875 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: KPU : put [android.process.media] : 11126 K 05-29 11:34:09.875 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 20976:android.process.media/u0a51 (adj 906): DHA:empty #25 05-29 11:34:09.877 21186 21186 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onDestroy() 05-29 11:34:09.879 4808 6217 D TaskSnapshotCache: removeRunningEntry taskId=693 RunningCache size=0 05-29 11:34:09.879 4808 6217 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:34:09.879 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 21186:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/u0a264 (adj 900): remove task 05-29 11:34:09.880 4808 6217 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:34:09.880 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: Killing 21729:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a264i4 (adj 900): remove task 05-29 11:34:09.881 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: done. 05-29 11:34:09.885 4808 4827 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}} from uid 10003 05-29 11:34:09.887 4808 4827 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:34:09.890 4808 4827 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() HOME 05-29 11:34:09.891 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(0) 05-29 11:34:09.893 4808 4827 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:34:09.893 4808 4827 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:09.893 4808 4827 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:09.894 4808 4827 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:34:09.897 4808 4827 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=5, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:09.900 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:34:09.900 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, clsName: com.android.launcher3.Launcher,FgActivityName:com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher 05-29 11:34:09.900 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:09.900 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.sec.android.app.launcher, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:09.900 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:09.900 4808 4827 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:09.900 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#30 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:09.903 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:09.903 6221 6221 D Launcher: onNewIntent 05-29 11:34:09.903 6221 6221 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 6221 05-29 11:34:09.904 4808 6217 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10092: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@341bd0b 05-29 11:34:09.904 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:34:09.906 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:34:09.906 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:09.906 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:09.906 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(0) 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:34:09.906 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:09.906 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:34:09.907 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Deactivate EmRecentsManager 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Root 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 D EmSystemUIManagerBridge: releaseInterimStateListener 05-29 11:34:09.908 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: ScreenStatesRequested:"stateIds":["Root"] 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: createInterimStateListener 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: activeAppName is not Notification:Recents 05-29 11:34:09.908 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:09.908 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.908 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.909 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.909 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.909 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.910 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.910 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.910 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:34:09.910 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.910 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:09.913 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:34:09.913 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:34:09.914 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:09.914 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:34:09.914 6221 6221 D BixbyApi_0.2.7: isBixbySupported:true 05-29 11:34:09.914 6221 6221 D StateManager: onLauncherTopViewChanged() : AppsPageView 05-29 11:34:09.914 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:34:09.914 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:34:09.915 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564849 05-29 11:34:09.915 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183641 05-29 11:34:09.915 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:34:09.915 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 0.0 05-29 11:34:09.915 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:34:09.919 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 3 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:09.920 6118 20411 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:09.920 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:09.921 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:09.921 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:09.921 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:34:09.921 4808 6217 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0 05-29 11:34:09.921 4808 4808 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0 05-29 11:34:09.922 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:34:09.922 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:34:09.923 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:09.924 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:09.924 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:09.925 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=72 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:09.926 4808 6217 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:09.926 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:09.928 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:34:09.929 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:09.929 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:34:09.930 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:09.931 4808 6217 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:09.933 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:09.933 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## animMode=3, target=2, pixType=1 05-29 11:34:09.933 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=13, timeMs=0, value=0.00, interp=0 05-29 11:34:09.933 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=13, timeMs=232, value=132.00, interp=3 05-29 11:34:09.933 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=14, timeMs=0, value=0.00, interp=0 05-29 11:34:09.933 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=14, timeMs=232, value=-7.00, interp=3 05-29 11:34:09.933 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:09.933 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:34:09.933 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:09.933 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:09.934 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:09.934 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:34:09.935 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:09.935 4808 5496 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#120 ty=1 fl=#89910500 pfl=0x24040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:09.939 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@dfa0ae6 nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:34:09.939 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:09.939 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:09.940 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:09.940 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:09.940 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:09.940 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:09.940 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:09.942 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:09.943 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@fc49551 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@4a6ac39 nm = com.sec.android.app.launcher controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#130 windowFlags=#81910d02 05-29 11:34:09.944 4808 6217 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:09.944 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:09.944 4808 6217 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@4a6ac39 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:09.945 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:09.945 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:09.946 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:34:09.950 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:34:09.950 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:34:09.950 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:34:09.951 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:34:09.951 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:34:09.952 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:34:09.952 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:09.952 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:34:09.952 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:34:09.952 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:34:09.952 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:09.954 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.954 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:09.954 4267 22015 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:34:09.955 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.955 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.955 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.955 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.961 4808 4827 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} in Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) 05-29 11:34:09.968 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:09.971 5236 20449 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 12663(601KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/15MB, paused 407us total 51.670ms 05-29 11:34:09.973 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:09.975 4808 5275 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 05-29 11:34:09.975 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.975 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.975 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:34:09.975 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:34:09.975 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:34:09.975 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:09.980 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:10.014 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:34:10.014 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:34:10.014 4267 5786 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:34:10.014 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:34:10.014 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:34:10.014 4808 5496 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 05-29 11:34:10.015 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 25.0 51.0 1056.0 2170.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:10.015 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:10.015 4808 5496 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:10.015 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSLUCENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:10.021 4808 4997 W InputDispatcher: channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 05-29 11:34:10.021 4808 4997 E InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 18.0 38.0 1062.0 2183.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 58.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 14 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: D 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: evice | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:10.026 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:10.037 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:34:10.037 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:10.074 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@7ae15a9) 05-29 11:34:10.076 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:34:10.076 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:10.076 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@96ee72e) 05-29 11:34:10.076 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:10.076 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:10.076 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:34:10.076 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:10.077 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:10.078 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{1d18f34 uid 10264 pid 21186} (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:10.078 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{1d18f34 uid 10264 pid 21186} (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:10.082 4808 4844 W zygote64: failed to open /acct/uid_99004/pid_21729/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:10.083 4808 5496 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{36ec89c u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:34:10.084 4808 5496 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 05-29 11:34:10.134 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:508 05-29 11:34:10.134 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=70 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:10.146 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnect 05-29 11:34:10.146 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:10.146 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_send_hci_disconnect: handle:0x40, reason=0x13 05-29 11:34:10.150 4295 4295 I Layer : id=70 onRemoved com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:10.156 4808 4852 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 21186 05-29 11:34:10.157 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:34:10.157 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 7.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 65 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:10.160 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:10.186 21988 21998 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:10.186 21988 21998 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.sm.policy 05-29 11:34:10.258 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:10.259 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:10.259 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:10.259 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=7 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:10.259 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=8 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:10.259 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btm_acl_removed:1: 05-29 11:34:10.259 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnected 05-29 11:34:10.260 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT 05-29 11:34:10.260 5191 5323 D btif_av : btif_av_move_idle(L3072), cannot find av control block! 05-29 11:34:10.260 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:10.260 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:DisConnected to Device:6D:1 05-29 11:34:10.261 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:10.261 5191 5191 D PanService: onReceive : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:10.261 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:10.261 5191 5191 D EnhancedTetheringManager: isLastConnectedDevice : 6D:1 05-29 11:34:10.261 5191 5191 I BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED, state: -2147483648 05-29 11:34:10.261 5236 5515 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:10.261 5191 5191 E BluetoothPbapService: Device 6D:1 not waiting for authorization..Skipping cancel dialog... 05-29 11:34:10.262 5191 5323 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifyDisconnectReason() is called!!! 05-29 11:34:10.262 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:34:10.262 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:34:10.262 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:10.264 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:10.267 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:10.267 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:10.267 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: devicePropertyChangedCallback: bdDevice: 6D:1, value is empty for type: 241 05-29 11:34:10.269 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:10.366 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:10.427 4808 22020 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,60,10,32,888 05-29 11:34:10.467 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:34:10.467 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:34:10.689 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:34:10.736 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:10.764 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:10.765 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:10.769 4808 5598 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:34:10.879 4808 5169 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: [|203] 05-29 11:34:11.067 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 18 99 -18 -200 -18 -200 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 0 2147483647 0x5 P gsm|lte level=5 05-29 11:34:11.067 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): getMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:34:11.067 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): updateHKTWMobileIconGroup(): 0 05-29 11:34:11.067 5236 5515 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/-2): isCallingState() : false 05-29 11:34:11.557 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1042505252000 05-29 11:34:11.558 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1042505252000 05-29 11:34:11.559 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.140 ] when=1042505252000 05-29 11:34:11.560 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:11.560 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:11.561 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:11.561 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:11.561 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:11.565 6221 6221 I System.out: Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 243) 05-29 11:34:11.568 6221 6221 D PagedView: reset touch state case 1 05-29 11:34:11.568 6221 6221 E ProActivieLaunch: Sending Broadcast 05-29 11:34:11.570 4808 4808 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:34:11.570 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: Checking for the Active launch isPkgEverLaunched :true, isPkgStopped : false, isDataCleared :false, isAutoRunBlocked : false 05-29 11:34:11.571 4808 4808 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startActivity:856 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$ActiveLaunchReceiver.onReceive:17929 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$-android_app_LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args_52166:1317 android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.$m$0:4 android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.run:0 05-29 11:34:11.575 4808 4808 E ActivityManager: TouchDown intent received, starting ActiveLaunch 05-29 11:34:11.576 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:34:11.577 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:34:11.577 4808 4808 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10264, packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.577 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:11.578 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:11.578 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:34:11.578 4808 4808 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:11.578 4808 4808 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:11.588 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 300 (W:15), BAT = 287, USB = 294, CHG = 295, CP = 302, WF = 293, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:34:11.592 22022 22022 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:34:11.592 22022 22022 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:34:11.592 22022 22022 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:11.593 4808 4808 I ActivityManager: Start proc 22022:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/u0a264 for activity com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:11.593 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: starting Active launch 05-29 11:34:11.594 22022 22022 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:34:11.595 22022 22022 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.613 4808 21180 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:11.614 4808 21180 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:11.614 22022 22022 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:34:11.615 4808 21180 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:34:11.623 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1042571804000 05-29 11:34:11.623 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1042571804000 05-29 11:34:11.623 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1042571804000 05-29 11:34:11.623 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:11.624 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:11.624 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:11.624 6221 6221 D PagedView: resetTouchState() 05-29 11:34:11.627 4808 5598 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : APP_LAUNCH@CPU_MIN@7 05-29 11:34:11.630 6221 6221 D ActivityOptions: semMakeCustomScaleUpAnimation, width : 198, height : 280, opts.mStartX : 27, opts.mStartY : 544, opts.mIsHomeItem : false 05-29 11:34:11.632 4808 5598 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}} from uid 10092 05-29 11:34:11.633 4808 5598 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@18 05-29 11:34:11.633 4808 5598 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() APP_SWITCH 05-29 11:34:11.633 4808 6033 D ActivityManagerPerformance: Received MSG_CFMS_HINT_AMS_SWITCH pkgName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.634 4808 8055 D TelephonyManager: getAllCellInfo : Caller (PID / UID / TID): 4808 / 1000 / 8055 05-29 11:34:11.634 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(1) 05-29 11:34:11.638 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:11.639 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : false 05-29 11:34:11.639 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onPause() 05-29 11:34:11.639 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:34:11.640 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : false 05-29 11:34:11.640 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(1) 05-29 11:34:11.642 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: setView = DecorView@c45cc8c[bxxxxxxxxxx] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:11.645 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_UP, x : 27, y : 544, isHomeItem : false 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 D SamsungAnimationCreator: updateAppTransitionStartValues frame Rect(27, 544 - 225, 824) 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_UP, task.getRootActivity() : ActivityRecord{951d0e1 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity t694}, task.getTaskToReturnTo() : 1 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: setAppIconInfo(), x : 27, y : 544, width : 198, height : 280, isHomeItem : false 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 D SamsungAnimationCreator: setAnimationFromLauncher : apps 2 05-29 11:34:11.645 4808 21180 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 Trylock acquired successfully 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition_l 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_join_callback_thread 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 22015 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop: Termination message 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:34:11.646 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:11.647 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.647 4808 21180 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:11.647 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:11.648 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:34:11.650 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, clsName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity,FgActivityName:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:11.650 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:11.650 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:11.650 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:11.650 4808 21180 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:11.652 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 9 05-29 11:34:11.652 4267 22015 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STOPPED] 05-29 11:34:11.652 4267 22015 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization stopped & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:34:11.652 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:34:11.652 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.654 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:11.654 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:11.654 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.654 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.654 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{ff1ddbf u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:11.654 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.654 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.656 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.656 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:11.656 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.656 4267 22015 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:11.656 4267 22015 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Disable MIC Controls 05-29 11:34:11.657 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:11.657 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:34:11.657 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:34:11.657 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:11.658 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stop Hotword Recognition status: true 05-29 11:34:11.658 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.658 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=73 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:11.659 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.659 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.659 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.659 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.659 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.660 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.662 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=true 05-29 11:34:11.662 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:11.662 4808 5598 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:11.681 4808 4945 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{ff1ddbf u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx} in Surface(name=Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:12 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:0 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:null insets:null 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenWallpaperExitAnimation 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: skip AppOpenWallpaperExit animation. 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1001 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenHomeExitAnimation 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1001 enter:true wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:34:11.683 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenAppEnterAnimation 05-29 11:34:11.686 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:34:11.688 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:11.689 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:34:11.689 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:11.691 4808 5598 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:34:11.691 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:11.692 4808 22016 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:11.694 4808 5496 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:11.694 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:11.703 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{ff1ddbf u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:11.703 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:11.707 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=false 05-29 11:34:11.721 22022 22036 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:34:11.721 22022 22022 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:34:11.723 22022 22022 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:34:11.726 22022 22022 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:34:11.729 22022 22022 I BiChannelGoogleApi: [FirebaseAuth: ] No Fallback module; NOT setting up for lazy initialization 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65bfe0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 3.0 1076.0 2215.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bc60 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2075.0 | 65 355 584 1352 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:11.730 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 00 05-29 11:34:11.731 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 00 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:11.731 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:11.731 22022 22037 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:34:11.734 22022 22037 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Loading module via FirebaseOptions. 05-29 11:34:11.734 22022 22037 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create service connection to gms implementation 05-29 11:34:11.746 4808 5598 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10264 pid :22022 / op:PendingIntent{361948e: PendingIntentRecord{81b70bc com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:11.746 22022 22040 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.flags:2 and remote module com.google.android.gms.flags:3 05-29 11:34:11.746 22022 22040 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.flags, version >= 3 05-29 11:34:11.746 6118 20411 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:34:11.749 22022 22022 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 05-29 11:34:11.751 4808 5496 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:11.753 5236 5869 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564851649 05-29 11:34:11.754 4808 22016 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:11.754 4808 22016 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:11.755 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:11.760 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:34:11.760 6118 6118 I chatty : uid=10094(u0_a94) com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:11.760 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:34:11.761 22022 22043 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 11910 05-29 11:34:11.761 22022 22043 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 05-29 11:34:11.761 22022 22043 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 05-29 11:34:11.761 22022 22043 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:11.768 22022 22040 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:34:11.769 22022 22022 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3) 05-29 11:34:11.769 22022 22022 I CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform version 6.4.0 is starting 05-29 11:34:11.769 22022 22022 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate() 05-29 11:34:11.776 22022 22040 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.crash not found. 05-29 11:34:11.778 22022 22040 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.crash:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.crash:215 05-29 11:34:11.778 22022 22040 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.crash, version >= 215 05-29 11:34:11.778 22022 22022 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version 66.0.3359.158 (code 335915852) 05-29 11:34:11.779 22022 22040 I FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrashApiImpl created by ClassLoader ad[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/DynamiteModulesC_GmsCore_prodmnc_xxhdpi_release.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/n/armeabi-v7a, /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/n/armeabi, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]] 05-29 11:34:11.779 22022 22040 I FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting loaded - com.google.android.gms.internal.zzdzk@11dac02 05-29 11:34:11.783 22022 22041 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.flags:2 and remote module com.google.android.gms.flags:3 05-29 11:34:11.783 22022 22041 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.flags, version >= 3 05-29 11:34:11.788 22022 22041 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.crash not found. 05-29 11:34:11.788 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:11.788 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:11.795 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.800 22022 22041 I FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrash reporting API initialized 05-29 11:34:11.800 22022 22041 I FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting initialized com.google.android.gms.internal.zzdzk@11dac02 05-29 11:34:11.800 22022 22041 D FirebaseCrash: Firebase Analytics Listener for Firebase Crash is initialized 05-29 11:34:11.813 22022 22022 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 2 ms (timestamps 2759-2761) 05-29 11:34:11.827 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:34:11.827 22022 22022 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:34:11.830 4808 5496 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_8 identical 3 lines 05-29 11:34:11.830 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.832 22022 22049 W cr_ChildProcLH: Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = com.android.chrome, sandboxed = true 05-29 11:34:11.835 4808 22016 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:11.835 4808 22016 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:11.835 4808 22016 D ActivityManager: package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:34:11.835 4808 22016 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:11.835 4808 22016 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:11.835 4808 22016 I ActivityManager: SA, print process name forked by webview_zygote : com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:34:11.838 5298 5298 E SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1 05-29 11:34:11.841 22022 22022 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 05-29 11:34:11.842 22022 22022 I cr_base : Android Locale: en_US requires .pak files: [en-GB.pak, en-US.pak] 05-29 11:34:11.843 22051 22051 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99005: Permission denied 05-29 11:34:11.844 22051 22051 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99005, 0) failed: Permission denied 05-29 11:34:11.844 22051 22051 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0.xml - Permission denied 05-29 11:34:11.845 22051 22051 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:webview_zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:34:11.846 22051 22051 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=chrome, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:34:11.846 4808 22016 I ActivityManager: Start proc 22051:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i5 for webview_service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 05-29 11:34:11.848 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.849 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.849 4808 5496 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_8 identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:11.850 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.853 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564851.847:374): avc: denied { read } for pid=22022 comm="ild.bxxxxxxxxxx" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:34:11.853 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564851.847:374): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=d30b8860 a2=a0000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=22022 auid=4294967295 uid=10264 gid=10264 euid=10264 suid=10264 fsuid=10264 egid=10264 sgid=10264 fsgid=10264 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ild.bxxxxxxxxxx" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:34:11.853 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564851.847:374): proctitle="com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx" 05-29 11:34:11.862 4808 5496 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10264 05-29 11:34:11.862 4808 5496 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:29250 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiver:23013 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:176 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3797 05-29 11:34:11.863 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:34:11.863 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:34:11.872 22051 22051 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 05-29 11:34:11.873 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:11.874 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:11.875 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:11.876 22022 22022 I zygote : 05-29 11:34:11.877 22051 22051 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service 05-29 11:34:11.882 22051 22051 D libmdf : libmdf v2.8.0.5 On 32bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL 05-29 11:34:11.885 22051 22051 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:34:11.885 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.887 22022 22022 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10264, CallingPid : 22022 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10264/22022 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:11.888 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:11.889 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.890 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:11.893 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:11.894 4808 5496 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:34:11.908 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:11.908 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:11.912 22083 22083 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 05-29 11:34:11.914 22022 22022 D SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on device made by: samsung 05-29 11:34:11.918 22022 22022 D PluginManager: init() 05-29 11:34:11.922 4808 5496 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:11.928 4808 5496 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_8 identical 7 lines 05-29 11:34:11.928 4808 5496 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:11.929 22022 22022 D FileUtils: Unrecognized extra filesystem identifier: assets 05-29 11:34:11.930 22022 22085 D FirebasePlugin: Starting Firebase plugin 05-29 11:34:11.958 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 05-29 11:34:11.962 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=true 05-29 11:34:11.963 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x921a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:11.963 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22022 05-29 11:34:11.963 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:34:11.964 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@1e02ac2[] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:11.964 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:34:11.964 4808 5496 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x921a 05-29 11:34:11.976 22022 22022 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 05-29 11:34:11.977 22022 22022 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 05-29 11:34:11.982 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x901a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:11.983 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22022 05-29 11:34:11.983 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22022 05-29 11:34:11.983 4808 22016 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x901a 05-29 11:34:11.983 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@85dd3f7[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@89f6982[] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:11.987 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:34:11.988 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{ff1ddbf u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:11.992 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=false 05-29 11:34:11.997 22022 22022 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity. 05-29 11:34:12.000 22022 22022 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 05-29 11:34:12.005 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3L.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3L:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3T.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3T:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4L.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4L:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4T.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4T:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num35.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num35:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num45.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num45:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3Lv.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3LV:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3R.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3R:null 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Tv.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.006 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.007 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Tv:null 05-29 11:34:12.007 22051 22051 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Lv.ttf 05-29 11:34:12.007 22051 22051 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:12.007 22051 22051 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Lv:null 05-29 11:34:12.009 22051 22051 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=22051 05-29 11:34:12.012 22022 22043 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.tagmanager:12 and remote module com.google.android.gms.tagmanager:213 05-29 11:34:12.012 22022 22043 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.tagmanager, version >= 213 05-29 11:34:12.017 22022 22043 W GoogleTagManager: No container asset found in /assets/containers. Checking top level /assets directory for container assets. 05-29 11:34:12.018 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@f75a8e7[MainActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:12.018 4808 5496 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:34:12.020 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:12.022 22022 22022 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10264, CallingPid : 22022 05-29 11:34:12.023 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10264/22022 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:12.023 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:34:12.023 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:34:12.023 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:34:12.023 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:34:12.023 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:12.024 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:12.024 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:12.024 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:12.024 4808 22016 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1E identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:12.025 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:12.025 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:12.025 22022 22043 W GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager's event handler WILL NOT be installed (no container loaded) 05-29 11:34:12.025 22022 22043 I GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager initilization took 9ms 05-29 11:34:12.027 4808 5598 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{35bbefa u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1810100 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x1030000 vsysui=0x410 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:12.028 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-vappsprompt 05-29 11:34:12.028 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=74 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:12.029 4808 5598 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:12.033 22022 22022 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:12.033 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3398518784} changed=true 05-29 11:34:12.033 22022 22087 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:34:12.033 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:34:12.033 22022 22088 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 05-29 11:34:12.034 22022 22088 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 05-29 11:34:12.035 22022 22088 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma 05-29 11:34:12.035 22022 22087 D libGLESv1: STS_GLApi : DTS, ODTC are not allowed for Package : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:12.035 22022 22088 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ima 05-29 11:34:12.036 22022 22087 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:12.037 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc98adca8 05-29 11:34:12.037 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@85dd3f7[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:12.037 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.037 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.037 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.038 4808 5598 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{393cf08 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1026x144 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1820000 pfl=0x1000000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302fd vsysui=0x10 surfaceInsets=Rect(96, 96 - 96, 96) needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:12.039 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:12.040 22022 22088 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 26 lines 05-29 11:34:12.040 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b720 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 49.0 | 0 2171 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity to com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:12.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=75 createSurf (193x193),1 flag=4, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:12.043 4808 5598 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:12.044 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:34:12.045 22022 22088 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:12.045 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:34:12.046 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-29 11:34:12.046 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-29 11:34:12.047 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:12.048 22022 22088 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 12 lines 05-29 11:34:12.048 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:12.049 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.049 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.049 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.052 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:34:12.053 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avc-wfd 05-29 11:34:12.054 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:34:12.056 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:34:12.056 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avc-wfd 05-29 11:34:12.057 22022 22022 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:12.057 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@85dd3f7[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[27,1074][1053,1218] result=0x27 surface={valid=true 3398520832} changed=true 05-29 11:34:12.059 22022 22087 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1218x336]-format:1 05-29 11:34:12.059 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc98adf28 05-29 11:34:12.065 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:12.065 22022 22088 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.065 4808 5598 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{f371502 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:12.066 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity to com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:12.066 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=76 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:12.067 4808 5598 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:12.069 22022 22022 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:12.070 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3398522880} changed=true 05-29 11:34:12.073 22022 22087 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:12.073 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:12.073 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc98ae1a8 05-29 11:34:12.073 22022 22022 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@abfb556 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:34:12.073 22022 22022 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b720 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@495fd1c inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6857f4e nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#1810100 05-29 11:34:12.073 4808 5598 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:12.074 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:12.074 4808 5598 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{7f5286f uid 10264 pid 22022} 05-29 11:34:12.074 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@85dd3f7[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:12.075 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:34:12.075 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6857f4e missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:12.075 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:12.076 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:12.076 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 22022, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:34:12.079 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.079 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.079 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:12.080 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-29 11:34:12.081 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-29 11:34:12.082 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv7 05-29 11:34:12.083 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv8 05-29 11:34:12.084 4808 5598 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:12.084 22022 22088 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp43 05-29 11:34:12.085 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:12.086 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:12.089 22022 22088 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape 05-29 11:34:12.101 22051 22103 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 3048-3049) 05-29 11:34:12.101 22051 22103 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:34:12.102 22051 22103 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:34:12.119 4808 5598 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{35bbefa u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:34:12.125 4808 5598 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{393cf08 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:34:12.129 4808 5598 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{f371502 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:34:12.129 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@85dd3f7[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(27, 1074 - 1053, 1218) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:12.129 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:12.129 22022 22022 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@385cae1 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:34:12.139 4808 5598 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:12.140 4808 5598 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{1923c14: PendingIntentRecord{7865782 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:12.144 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@e7977de[bxxxxxxxxxx]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:34:12.144 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ff1ddbf Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:12.144 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ff1ddbf Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:12.146 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x101a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:12.146 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_OPAQUE animate=false 05-29 11:34:12.148 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity: +493ms 05-29 11:34:12.148 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:12.149 4808 5496 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x101a 05-29 11:34:12.149 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:12.149 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() TAIL 05-29 11:34:12.149 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextSchedTunePolicyRequest, index: 1 05-29 11:34:12.150 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@18 05-29 11:34:12.150 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_release() APP_SWITCH 05-29 11:34:12.154 6221 6221 D StageManager: saved stages : inStack [1, 2] , outStack[] 05-29 11:34:12.155 22022 22118 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory 05-29 11:34:12.156 4808 22016 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.notifyAppStopped:751 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowContainerController.notifyAppStopped:803 05-29 11:34:12.156 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=72 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (1/10) 05-29 11:34:12.156 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=72 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (-2/10) 05-29 11:34:12.158 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:12.170 4295 4295 I Layer : id=72 onRemoved com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:12.183 22022 22072 E AndroidProtocolHandler: Unable to open asset URL: file:///android_asset/www/css/normal/height 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65d080 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65cb40 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 69.0 0.0 1149.0 336.0 | 0 978 1080 1314 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b720 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:12.196 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:12.260 22022 22032 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:12.260 22022 22032 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:12.289 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:12.289 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:12.321 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:12.321 4295 4342 I SurfaceFlinger: id=73 Removed Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 (4/9) 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65d080 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b640 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65ca60 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 69.0 0.0 1149.0 336.0 | 0 978 1080 1314 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039880 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:12.325 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:12.332 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:12.335 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=73 Removed Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:34:12.337 4295 4295 I Layer : id=73 onRemoved Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:12.409 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:12.409 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:12.449 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextCStateDisableRequest, index: 2 05-29 11:34:12.450 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:12.483 4808 22121 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,40,10,10,0 05-29 11:34:12.631 4808 5496 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : APP_LAUNCH@CPU_MIN@7 05-29 11:34:13.015 22022 22022 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode 05-29 11:34:13.382 22051 22103 E chromium: [ERROR:BudgetService.cpp(160)] Unable to connect to the Mojo BudgetService. 05-29 11:34:13.627 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:34:13.652 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:13.722 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80721 5372092 w 29905 523196 d 3497 156896 f 7599 7681 iot 37780 31753 th 304348 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1044.669 05-29 11:34:13.785 22022 22124 I com.unarin.beacon: Determined config value FOREGROUND_SCAN_PERIOD: 1100 05-29 11:34:13.792 22022 22124 I BeaconManager: BeaconManager started up on pid 22022 named 'com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx' for application package 'com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx'. isMainProcess=true 05-29 11:34:13.798 22022 22124 D BeaconParser: Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25 05-29 11:34:13.800 22022 22124 I com.unarin.beacon: Determined config value SAMPLE_EXPIRATION_MILLISECOND: 20000 05-29 11:34:13.809 22022 22124 D BeaconParser: Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=0215,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24 05-29 11:34:13.813 22022 22124 D com.unarin.beacon: Connected to IBeacon service 05-29 11:34:13.820 22022 22124 I com.unarin.beacon: Permission check result for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: 0 05-29 11:34:13.821 22022 22124 I com.unarin.beacon: Permission for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION has already been granted. 05-29 11:34:13.823 22022 22125 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] registerDelegateCallbackId() 05-29 11:34:13.833 22022 22046 D com.unarin.beacon: Registering delegate callback ID: LocationManager1771972977 05-29 11:34:13.890 4808 22016 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:13.894 4808 22016 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:13.897 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:13.897 4808 22016 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:13.898 22022 22124 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:34:13.898 22022 22124 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:34:13.898 22022 22124 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:34:13.898 22022 22124 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:34:13.906 4808 22016 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1E identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:13.910 4808 22016 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:13.921 22022 22073 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() "OK" 05-29 11:34:13.933 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:13.934 22022 22022 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:34:13.935 22022 22022 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:34:13.935 22022 22022 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:34:13.935 22022 22022 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:34:14.167 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:14.172 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:34:14.172 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:34:14.173 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:34:14.173 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:14.173 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:14.173 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:14.173 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:14.184 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:34:14.195 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 880, Display = 336(Panel:88, LDIs:248), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:14.195 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 220, Display = 84, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:14.197 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.59, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.30], F_RF[30.10], B_AP[30.00], B_RF[29.70], B_WIFI[28.80], B_SPK[29.10] 05-29 11:34:14.352 22022 22032 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:14.352 22022 22032 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:14.447 4808 22016 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:14.452 4808 22016 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1E identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:14.456 4808 22016 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:14.530 22022 22124 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:34:14.540 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofenceListener() 05-29 11:34:14.547 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ setConfig() 05-29 11:34:14.549 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig c] ℹ️ Persist config 05-29 11:34:14.571 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ stop() 05-29 11:34:14.572 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig c] ℹ️ Persist config 05-29 11:34:14.591 22022 22124 E BluetoothStatus: Bluetooth is supported 05-29 11:34:14.592 22022 22124 E BluetoothStatus: BluetoothLE is supported 05-29 11:34:14.592 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.hasBT = true;) 05-29 11:34:14.592 22022 22124 E BluetoothStatus: Bluetooth is enabled 05-29 11:34:14.593 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.hasBTLE = true;) 05-29 11:34:14.594 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.BTenabled = true;) 05-29 11:34:14.594 22022 22022 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.fireWindowEvent('BluetoothStatus.enabled');) 05-29 11:34:14.669 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ configure() 05-29 11:34:14.700 22022 22027 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=28KB, data=28KB 05-29 11:34:14.701 22022 22027 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=28KB, data=28KB 05-29 11:34:14.701 22022 22027 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 05-29 11:34:14.712 22022 22124 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BackgroundGeolocation.configure blocked the main thread for 43ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:34:14.756 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ removeGeofences() 05-29 11:34:14.765 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xc98adf28 05-29 11:34:14.766 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@85dd3f7[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:34:14.766 22022 22022 D InputEventReceiver: channel '393cf08 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:14.766 22022 22022 D InputEventReceiver: channel '393cf08 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:14.771 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x161a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:14.783 4808 5598 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22022 05-29 11:34:14.783 4808 5598 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22022 05-29 11:34:14.787 4808 22016 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x161a 05-29 11:34:14.798 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:34:14.812 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:14.814 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:14.814 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:14.814 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:14.814 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:14.814 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:14.815 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:14.815 4808 22016 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@566bcae attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@6a37d25 05-29 11:34:14.815 22022 22022 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:34:14.837 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:14.839 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:14.905 4441 22134 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:34:14.907 22022 22056 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:34:14.938 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:14.946 6118 22137 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:14.953 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:14.957 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:14.962 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:14.963 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=75 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 (3/8) 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65cec0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:14.965 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:14.967 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:14.975 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=75 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 (-2/8) 05-29 11:34:14.977 4295 4295 I Layer : id=75 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:14.977 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:15.020 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xc98adca8 05-29 11:34:15.020 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@35a9b0d[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:34:15.020 22022 22022 D InputEventReceiver: channel '35bbefa com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:15.020 22022 22022 D InputEventReceiver: channel '35bbefa com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:15.021 4808 5598 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately:2395 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2584 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2424 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:1988 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:233 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:242 05-29 11:34:15.021 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=74 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:15.021 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=74 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:34:15.024 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:15.024 4808 5598 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22022 05-29 11:34:15.025 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_OPAQUE -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:15.026 4808 5598 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22022 05-29 11:34:15.027 4295 4295 I Layer : id=74 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:15.028 4808 22016 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65d080 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:15.030 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:15.031 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:15.032 22022 22022 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@8974740 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:34:15.032 22022 22022 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:15.032 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:15.032 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:15.032 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:15.032 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:15.032 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:15.032 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:15.033 4808 22016 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@495fd1c inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6cf8a4f nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#110 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:34:15.033 4808 22016 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:15.033 4808 22016 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@6cf8a4f missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:15.033 22022 22022 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:34:15.033 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:15.033 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 22022, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad CACHEDIC onStartInput isCachedICEnabled: false 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato resetBinderManager() 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD_SYNC: SamsungKeypad onStartInput: import DLM 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs setPrivateImeOptionsToTable privateImeOptions ( null ) 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs imeOptions is null 05-29 11:34:15.034 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [PF_OP][onStartInput] 474616 05-29 11:34:15.378 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:15.914 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:16.501 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:16.643 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:16.643 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:34:17.091 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:17.662 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:17.662 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:17.894 6439 6469 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:17.981 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 61 192 201 13 155 164 58 188 198 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14025 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0044209925841416 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005134055904165 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.020536223616656 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.991371933827725 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 66, average - 38.994509412435825 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 96, average - 53.97261836851112 05-29 11:34:17.982 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.948160296634342 05-29 11:34:17.983 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 24, average - 34.94915858528236 05-29 11:34:17.984 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 42, average - 40.970407872219056 05-29 11:34:17.984 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.994509412435824 05-29 11:34:17.984 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 60, average - 36.9925841414718 05-29 11:34:17.984 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 90, average - 50.976326297775245 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.0042067736185385 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.005062388591801 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.021818181818183 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.990802139037434 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.99643493761141 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97561497326203 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.947094474153298 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.94837789661318 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.97048128342246 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.994010695187166 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99422459893052 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97910873440285 05-29 11:34:17.985 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.35180035650617 05-29 11:34:18.411 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:18.463 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:18.465 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:18.726 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80721 5372092 w 30059 524796 d 3509 157080 f 7645 7727 iot 37876 31805 th 294620 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1049.673 05-29 11:34:18.803 22022 22124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:18.815 22022 22124 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:18.817 22022 22124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:18.820 22022 22124 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:18.825 22022 22034 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:34:18.830 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 1049778 05-29 11:34:18.833 22022 22124 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.startScan blocked the main thread for 36ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:34:18.833 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:18.834 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:18.836 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:18.839 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:18.844 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:18.845 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:18.858 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:34:18.858 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:34:18.865 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:18.865 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:18.867 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:18.971 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:18.972 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:18.973 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:18.973 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:18.985 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:18.987 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:18.990 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:18.991 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:18.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:18.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:18.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:18.991 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:18.992 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:18.993 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:19.054 22022 22124 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, auto: false 05-29 11:34:19.054 22022 22124 D BluetoothAdapter: isSecureModeEnabled 05-29 11:34:19.055 5191 6149 D BtConfig.SecureMode: isSecureModeOn:false 05-29 11:34:19.055 22022 22124 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() 05-29 11:34:19.056 22022 22124 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=92d1e60b-280a-4396-b795-95347e3e93be 05-29 11:34:19.058 5191 6149 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - UUID=92d1e60b-280a-4396-b795-95347e3e93be 05-29 11:34:19.062 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=92d1e60b-280a-4396-b795-95347e3e93be, clientIf=6, status=0 05-29 11:34:19.063 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6 05-29 11:34:19.067 5191 6149 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - address = FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, isDirect=true transport =0 set own addr = false own addr type:0, clientIf: 6, phy: 1 05-29 11:34:19.070 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x1 05-29 11:34:19.071 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: Task 174 failed or timed out. Client 26908776118758188 disconnecting from SearchService! 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.eC(SourceFile:224) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.get(SourceFile:135) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.cs.q(SourceFile:1) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.az.o(SourceFile:7) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.bb.run(SourceFile:5) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.concurrent.b.an.run(SourceFile:2) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:19.271 6118 20411 W NamedFutures: Timeout future task has been cancelled: 9000 milliseconds 05-29 11:34:19.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.276 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:19.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.289 5191 5897 E bt_btm : [BTCORE][DBFW+]btm_acl_created hci_handle=0x40 link_role=0 transport=2 05-29 11:34:19.289 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:19.289 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1b, rl_mask = 0x1, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:19.302 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:19.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.319 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:34:19.322 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:34:19.328 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:34:19.381 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:34:19.407 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:19.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.433 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:34:19.435 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:34:19.437 4808 5598 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$GmsExternalReceiver requires com.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to sender com.sec.android.app.launcher (uid 10092) 05-29 11:34:19.457 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:19.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.475 5191 5897 W bt_smp : smp_br_connect_callback is called on unexpected transport 2 05-29 11:34:19.475 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0 05-29 11:34:19.475 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT 05-29 11:34:19.475 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED 05-29 11:34:19.475 5191 5323 E bt_btif : remote name callback registration fail. 05-29 11:34:19.476 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:34:19.476 5191 5897 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_cache_load: can't open GATT cache file /data/misc/bluetooth/gatt_cache_fbbf796d102b for reading, error: No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:19.476 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:Connected to Device:6D:1, linktype is 2 05-29 11:34:19.477 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:19.478 4808 5496 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:19.480 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{da2be0c: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:19.481 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:19.482 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:34:19.482 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:34:19.482 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onConnected() - clientIf=6, connId=6, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:34:19.482 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=6 device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:34:19.489 10370 10370 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.onReceive - ($) 05-29 11:34:19.500 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:34:19.501 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:34:19.507 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.509 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:19.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.509 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 5 lines 05-29 11:34:19.509 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.509 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, className: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity, count: 0 05-29 11:34:19.512 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:19.514 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114807 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:19.515 19044 19044 D MethodReflector: notifyChange is called 05-29 11:34:19.516 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:19.517 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:19.517 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 05-29 11:34:19.518 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:19.518 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:19.518 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 05-29 11:34:19.518 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 05-29 11:34:19.518 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 05-29 11:34:19.544 6439 22144 I BluetoothDevice: fetchUuidsWithSdp() for device 6D:1 called by pid: 6439 tid: 22144 05-29 11:34:19.545 5191 6149 E BluetoothBondStateMachine: is in PendingState ? false 05-29 11:34:19.545 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:19.718 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges() entered. 05-29 11:34:19.735 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:34:19.744 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.lool = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud = 1 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.facebook.katana = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider = -1 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider/com.samsung.android.email.ui.activity.MessageListXL = -1 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android = 1 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager = 0 05-29 11:34:19.745 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol = 0 05-29 11:34:19.748 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{0}] 05-29 11:34:19.767 19065 19078 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:34:19.772 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 2 05-29 11:34:19.772 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android/.activity.SplashActivity = 2 05-29 11:34:19.776 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{95}] 05-29 11:34:19.776 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), final size : 4 05-29 11:34:19.776 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges(), badges count : 4 05-29 11:34:19.811 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.812 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.813 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:19.813 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:19.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:19.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:19.918 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:34:19.941 6118 22138 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:19.963 6118 22137 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:20.016 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.017 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.023 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.024 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.024 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.105 5191 5897 W bt_bta_gattc: bta_gattc_explore_srvc no more services found 05-29 11:34:20.108 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:20.110 22022 22124 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:34:20.110 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_search_services_evt: no disc_ble_res.bd_name 05-29 11:34:20.113 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:34:20.113 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:20.113 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:34:20.120 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B Status=0 05-29 11:34:20.141 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1051089584000 05-29 11:34:20.141 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1051089584000 05-29 11:34:20.144 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.141 ] when=1051089584000 05-29 11:34:20.146 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:20.146 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:20.147 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:20.200 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.216 22022 22022 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:34:20.216 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:34:20.219 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:34:20.222 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:34:20.229 22022 22022 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:34:20.229 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:34:20.231 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.231 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.231 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.246 22022 22022 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:34:20.246 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:34:20.257 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1051205610000 05-29 11:34:20.257 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1051205610000 05-29 11:34:20.257 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1051205610000 05-29 11:34:20.257 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:20.258 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:20.259 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:20.260 22022 22022 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:34:20.260 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:34:20.260 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:20.260 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:20.265 22022 22022 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:34:20.265 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:34:20.282 6177 6177 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:34:20.283 6118 22137 I BistoDBWrapper: Create DB 05-29 11:34:20.314 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:34:20.322 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.322 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.322 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.336 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.368 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:20.369 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:20.370 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:20.370 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:20.370 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.371 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.371 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.384 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.385 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.419 22022 22124 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:34:20.419 22022 22124 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:34:20.419 22022 22124 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = OvtkpM7vtfA= 05-29 11:34:20.419 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : dkeyop OvtkpM7vtfA= dkeyDecode 3a dkeystr :�d���� 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 21 b1 3a 39 6b e ac c2 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : short return IbE6OWsOrMI= 05-29 11:34:20.420 22022 22124 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = IbE6OWsOrMI= 05-29 11:34:20.442 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.442 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.442 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.549 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.549 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.549 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.553 4808 21180 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:34:20.553 4808 21180 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:34:20.556 4808 21180 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10193, packageName : com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:34:20.556 4808 21180 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.samsung.android.oneconnect user:0 05-29 11:34:20.556 4808 21180 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:20.556 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: package com.samsung.android.oneconnect, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:34:20.556 4808 21180 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.samsung.android.oneconnect user:0 05-29 11:34:20.556 4808 21180 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:20.568 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.568 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.570 4808 21180 I ActivityManager: Start proc 22146:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193 for broadcast com.samsung.android.oneconnect/.QcReceiver 05-29 11:34:20.570 22146 22146 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:34:20.571 22146 22146 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:34:20.571 22146 22146 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:20.573 22146 22146 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:34:20.574 22146 22146 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=platform, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:34:20.594 4808 21180 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10193 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:20.595 4808 21180 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10193 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:20.596 22146 22146 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:34:20.597 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.598 4808 6243 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.samsung.android.oneconnect and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:34:20.640 22146 22146 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:20.640 22146 22146 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:34:20.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.651 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.651 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.663 22146 22146 V oneconnect: QcApplication.onCreate - 05-29 11:34:20.666 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSemAvailable : - ? true ,Version: 2601 05-29 11:34:20.667 22146 22146 D BixbyApi_0.1.6: Bixby Supported:true 05-29 11:34:20.668 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BixbyUtil.isExecutorServiceEnabled - SUPPORT 05-29 11:34:20.668 22146 22146 D BixbyApi_0.1.6: Version Name:1.7.00-39 05-29 11:34:20.668 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcApplication.startBixbyStateListener - 05-29 11:34:20.668 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BixbyUtil.setStartStateListener - 05-29 11:34:20.670 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSystemPreloaded - isSupportD2d true 05-29 11:34:20.671 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:34:20.671 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.setDeviceVisibilityTileEnable - QcSupport true 05-29 11:34:20.703 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.hasKey - key: pp_agreed_enabled_1 05-29 11:34:20.711 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.hasKey - pp_agreed_enabled_1 exist: true 05-29 11:34:20.711 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: pp_agreed_enabled_1 05-29 11:34:20.716 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:20.716 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SA-oneconnect.Not Agreed - 0 05-29 11:34:20.717 22146 22146 D SamsungAnalytics:1.8.33: [Tracker] Tracker start:1.8.33 05-29 11:34:20.724 22146 22146 V PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginPlatform.Init - Current Process : com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:34:20.728 22146 22146 D PluginPlatform[0.13.3][13003] : PluginManager.PluginManager - Initialize PluginManager 05-29 11:34:20.738 22146 22160 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:34:20.743 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:20.748 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.748 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.748 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.753 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:20.756 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:34:20.756 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:20.757 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.getInstance - 05-29 11:34:20.757 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.getInstance - init 05-29 11:34:20.757 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.InternalSettingsDbHelper - constructor 05-29 11:34:20.757 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.open - 05-29 11:34:20.762 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:20.766 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:20.766 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:20.766 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:20.767 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:20.772 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:34:20.772 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: false, SCRunningSetting: 0, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:34:20.772 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:34:20.773 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - service is not running, action:android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED 05-29 11:34:20.784 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - Bluetooth Profile - ACTION_ACL :0 / Bundle[{com.samsung.bluetooth.device.extra.LINKTYPE=2, android.bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, com.samsung.bluetooth.device.extra.DISCONNECTION_REASON=0}] 05-29 11:34:20.858 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.859 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.859 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.869 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.898 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.934 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.935 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.935 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.958 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:20.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:20.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:20.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.064 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.085 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1052033886000 05-29 11:34:21.086 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1052033886000 05-29 11:34:21.086 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.142 ] when=1052033886000 05-29 11:34:21.086 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:21.086 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:21.087 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:21.119 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.119 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.119 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.140 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.141 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.141 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.144 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.144 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.144 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.163 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.163 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.163 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.169 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1052117532000 05-29 11:34:21.169 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1052117532000 05-29 11:34:21.169 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1052117532000 05-29 11:34:21.169 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:21.170 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:21.192 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:21.193 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:21.263 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.264 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.264 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.330 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.330 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.331 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.331 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.349 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:21.421 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:21.443 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:21.520 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: Start of BadgeRunnable 05-29 11:34:21.520 4808 6023 I ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverOwner , PersonaId : -1 05-29 11:34:21.530 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : package IN ( "com.samsung.android.messaging" , "com.samsung.android.contacts" , "com.samsung.contacts ") 05-29 11:34:21.531 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:21.531 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:34:21.537 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 0 05-29 11:34:21.537 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:21.537 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:34:21.537 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:34:21.537 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 95 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:21.538 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:34:21.601 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 301 (W:15), BAT = 287, USB = 295, CHG = 299, CP = 305, WF = 296, WFPst = 297 (W:15) 05-29 11:34:21.684 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.684 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.684 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.686 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.686 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.686 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.706 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.706 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 205405(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 298(6MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 47MB/71MB, paused 987us total 175.607ms 05-29 11:34:21.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.706 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.706 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.842 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:21.843 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:34:21.895 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:21.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.895 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:21.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:21.902 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:21.905 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:22.013 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.014 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.014 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.078 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.080 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.081 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.081 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.128 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1053076507000 05-29 11:34:22.129 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1053076507000 05-29 11:34:22.129 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.143 ] when=1053076507000 05-29 11:34:22.131 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:22.131 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:22.132 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:22.221 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.222 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.222 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.229 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 20 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 1053177 05-29 11:34:22.232 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.233 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.233 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.265 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.265 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.285 6177 6177 I BistoRealService: onDestroy 05-29 11:34:22.287 6177 6177 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:34:22.292 5191 6149 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectedDevices : size=0 05-29 11:34:22.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.324 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.324 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.368 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.368 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.368 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.433 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.433 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.433 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.455 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1053403601000 05-29 11:34:22.455 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1053403601000 05-29 11:34:22.455 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1053403601000 05-29 11:34:22.455 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:22.456 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.456 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.457 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.457 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.457 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:22.458 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:22.463 22022 22022 D SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js: Line 3 : Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080 05-29 11:34:22.463 22022 22022 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5093566007214080", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/source/jquery-2.2.3.min.js (3) 05-29 11:34:22.472 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.503 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.504 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.504 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.533 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.534 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.534 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.577 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.577 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.578 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.578 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.633 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.633 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.633 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.638 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.638 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.639 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.639 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.736 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.737 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.777 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.777 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.813 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1053761069000 05-29 11:34:22.813 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1053761069000 05-29 11:34:22.813 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.144 ] when=1053761069000 05-29 11:34:22.814 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:22.814 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:22.814 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:22.829 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.837 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:22.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.837 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:22.837 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:22.889 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1053837132000 05-29 11:34:22.889 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1053837132000 05-29 11:34:22.889 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1053837132000 05-29 11:34:22.889 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:22.889 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:22.954 22022 22167 I FirebaseCrash: Sending crashes 05-29 11:34:22.960 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:23.153 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.153 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.153 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.200 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.259 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.259 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.259 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.303 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.317 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.318 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.318 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.360 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.361 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.361 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.364 4808 21180 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:34:23.364 4808 21180 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4306, temperature: 288, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2983000 05-29 11:34:23.365 4808 21180 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-30, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:5 05-29 11:34:23.365 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:34:23.367 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:34:23.367 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:34:23.367 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:34:23.367 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:34:23.368 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:34:23.368 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:23.369 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:34:23.370 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:23.370 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:34:23.375 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:34:23.471 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.472 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.473 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.573 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.576 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.576 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.579 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.581 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.581 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.594 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.681 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.681 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.730 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80726 5372112 w 30199 526616 d 3521 157452 f 7689 7772 iot 37944 31855 th 289132 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1054.677 05-29 11:34:23.768 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.769 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.770 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.770 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.792 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.793 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.794 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.794 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.828 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.828 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.899 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:23.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:23.949 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:23.950 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.009 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.010 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.010 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.115 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.116 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.117 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.117 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.135 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.135 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.141 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.142 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.192 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1055140374000 05-29 11:34:24.193 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1055140374000 05-29 11:34:24.193 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.145 ] when=1055140374000 05-29 11:34:24.194 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:24.194 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:24.196 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:24.220 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.220 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.220 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.222 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:24.229 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:34:24.230 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:34:24.230 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:34:24.231 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:24.231 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:24.231 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:24.231 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:24.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.239 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.239 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.255 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 712, Display = 372(Panel:124, LDIs:248), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:24.255 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 178, Display = 93, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:24.256 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.65, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.40], F_RF[30.30], B_AP[30.10], B_RF[29.80], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:34:24.266 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1055214727000 05-29 11:34:24.266 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1055214727000 05-29 11:34:24.266 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1055214727000 05-29 11:34:24.266 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (22022): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:24.268 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:24.304 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:24.306 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:24.414 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.415 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.415 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.430 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.431 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.431 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.523 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:24.535 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.536 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.536 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.688 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.688 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.689 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.689 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = O8vZq2LAvN8= 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : dkeyop O8vZq2LAvN8= dkeyDecode 3b dkeystr ;�٫b�� 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 35 b1 8c 3f 97 b2 4 8e 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 I JNIMsg : short return NbGMP5eyBI4= 05-29 11:34:24.706 22022 22124 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = NbGMP5eyBI4= 05-29 11:34:24.753 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.754 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.754 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.781 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:24.781 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:24.862 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.864 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.865 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.865 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.868 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.868 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.869 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.894 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:24.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:24.895 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:24.895 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.071 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.082 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.089 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.090 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.090 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.114 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:25.119 22022 22124 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:25.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.275 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.276 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.277 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.277 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.294 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.296 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.296 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.387 22022 22034 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=60 latency=0 timeout=400 status=0 05-29 11:34:25.489 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.490 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.490 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.510 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.512 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.512 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.553 5191 5191 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:25.554 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:25.555 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: msgWhat: 2(2) 05-29 11:34:25.556 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: UUIDs on ACTION_UUID: null for device FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:34:25.556 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:25.556 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:34:25.560 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:25.589 4808 21180 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.broadcastreceiver.external.ExternalCommonBroadcastReceiver 05-29 11:34:25.598 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.598 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.598 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.603 22146 22156 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:25.604 22146 22156 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:34:25.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.608 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.608 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.613 6118 6118 I SpeechSettingsImpl: Exception device found. 05-29 11:34:25.618 6118 20411 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:34:25.640 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.641 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.641 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.704 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.705 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.705 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.777 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.778 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.778 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.806 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.808 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.808 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.828 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:25.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:25.829 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:25.829 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.018 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.018 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.039 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.125 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.126 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.127 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.127 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.230 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.232 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.232 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.324 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.325 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.326 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.326 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.337 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.337 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.470 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.471 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.471 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.541 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:26.541 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:26.545 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.547 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.547 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.566 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.567 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.595 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.641 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.643 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.644 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.644 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.750 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.753 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.753 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.855 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.856 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.869 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.870 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:26.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:26.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:26.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.063 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.065 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.065 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.109 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.111 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.111 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.136 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.138 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.166 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.169 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.169 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.280 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:27.280 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:27.285 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:27.287 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:27.288 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-99, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.290 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.292 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.294 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.295 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.295 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.303 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.304 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.304 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.384 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.384 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.385 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.408 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.409 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.409 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.487 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.488 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.488 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.489 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.512 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.513 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.513 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.583 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:27.586 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.668 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.669 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.670 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.670 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.680 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.681 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.682 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.682 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.690 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.691 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.691 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.794 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.795 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.795 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.896 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.897 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.898 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.898 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.954 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:27.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:27.955 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:27.955 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.001 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.003 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.003 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.021 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.022 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.022 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.100 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.166 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1059114161000 05-29 11:34:28.166 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1059114161000 05-29 11:34:28.167 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.146 ] when=1059114161000 05-29 11:34:28.168 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:28.168 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:28.170 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:28.191 4808 4843 D WindowManager: requestTransientBars to Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar} : sb= false ,nb= true 05-29 11:34:28.192 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:28.193 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:28.193 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:34:28.200 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.200 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.200 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.207 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65cec0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:28.244 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:28.281 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1059229525000 05-29 11:34:28.281 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1059229525000 05-29 11:34:28.281 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1059229525000 05-29 11:34:28.282 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:28.282 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:28.283 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:28.301 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.302 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.302 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.406 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.406 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.406 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.410 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.410 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.410 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.497 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.517 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.518 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.518 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.580 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 65 129 163 70 188 196 12 122 112 66 181 190 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14026 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.0042067736185385 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.005062388591801 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.021818181818183 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.990802139037434 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 60, average - 38.99643493761141 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 87, average - 53.97561497326203 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.947094474153298 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 8, average - 34.94837789661318 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 9, average - 40.97048128342246 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.994010695187166 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 50, average - 36.99422459893052 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 76, average - 50.97910873440285 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.003992585198916 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.004990731498646 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.0230999572223 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.99023242549551 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.99793241123628 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.977969485241694 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.946028803650364 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.94645658063595 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.9682019107372 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.993512049051761 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99515186082993 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.980892627976615 05-29 11:34:28.581 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.35562526736055 05-29 11:34:28.590 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.620 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.621 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.621 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.729 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.730 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.734 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80726 5372112 w 30237 526984 d 3521 157452 f 7693 7776 iot 37956 31861 th 291960 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1059.681 05-29 11:34:28.840 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.840 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.840 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.948 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.949 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.949 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.966 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:28.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:28.966 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:28.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.041 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.041 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.041 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.050 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.050 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.050 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.311 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.312 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.312 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.350 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.350 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.350 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.364 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.532 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.555 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:29.572 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.573 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.574 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.585 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.586 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.587 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.587 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.679 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.680 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.680 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.719 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.720 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.781 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.782 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.782 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.799 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:29.799 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:29.856 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.857 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.857 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.886 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.887 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.888 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.888 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.904 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.905 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.905 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.906 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.944 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.945 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.945 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.993 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:29.994 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:29.995 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:29.995 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.094 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.095 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.095 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.099 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.101 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.127 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.128 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.128 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.206 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.208 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.208 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.314 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.316 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.316 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.363 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.364 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.365 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.365 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.415 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.416 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.417 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.417 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.461 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.462 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.469 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.474 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.474 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.520 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.521 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.521 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.522 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.566 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.567 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.568 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.568 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.623 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.625 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.625 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.637 22146 22156 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:30.637 22146 22156 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService 05-29 11:34:30.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.653 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.653 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.670 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.671 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.671 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.672 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.679 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1061627004000 05-29 11:34:30.679 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1061627004000 05-29 11:34:30.679 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.147 ] when=1061627004000 05-29 11:34:30.681 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:30.681 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:30.682 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:30.683 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=1061630000000 05-29 11:34:30.687 4808 5496 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:34:30.690 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:34:30.690 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:34:30.694 4808 5349 E Watchdog: !@Sync 35 [2018-05-29 11:34:30.694] 05-29 11:34:30.710 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564851649 05-29 11:34:30.712 4808 5496 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:30.713 4808 5496 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:30.713 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:30.714 4808 5496 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:34:30.714 4808 5496 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:34:30.714 4808 5496 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:34:30.714 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:34:30.715 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:34:30.715 5236 5236 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:34:30.716 5236 5236 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:34:30.723 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.724 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.724 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.753 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1061701674000 05-29 11:34:30.753 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1061701674000 05-29 11:34:30.753 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1061701674000 05-29 11:34:30.753 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:30.754 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:30.754 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=1061702000000 05-29 11:34:30.756 4808 5496 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:34:30.756 4808 5496 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:34:30.756 4808 5496 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: haptic disabled by policy 05-29 11:34:30.758 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:34:30.758 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:34:30.759 5236 5236 D Recents : toggleRecentApps 05-29 11:34:30.763 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:30.764 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [904x132]-format:1 05-29 11:34:30.764 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:30.769 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:30.769 5236 5236 E BufferItemConsumer: [unnamed-5236-7] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1) 05-29 11:34:30.769 5236 5236 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity - hideMenuEvent 05-29 11:34:30.769 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: reason=recentapps 05-29 11:34:30.774 4808 5496 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=null typ=null flg=0x10804000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} from uid 10003 05-29 11:34:30.775 4808 5496 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_ACT_START@CPU_MIN@84 05-29 11:34:30.775 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-96, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.775 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.776 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.776 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.778 4808 5496 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() ACT_START 05-29 11:34:30.779 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(5) 05-29 11:34:30.781 4808 5496 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : true 05-29 11:34:30.781 4808 5496 D ActivityManager: clearAppIconInfo() 05-29 11:34:30.781 4808 5496 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:30.781 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:30.782 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22022 05-29 11:34:30.787 4808 5496 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:30.789 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.android.systemui, clsName: com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity,FgActivityName:com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:34:30.789 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:30.789 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.android.systemui, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:30.789 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:30.789 4808 5496 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.android.systemui, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:30.792 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:30.792 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: startRecentsActivity for UserHandle{-2} done. 05-29 11:34:30.792 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:30.792 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:30.792 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(5) 05-29 11:34:30.792 5236 5236 D AnalyticUtils: sendScreenViewLog 500 05-29 11:34:30.793 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:30.797 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: done. 05-29 11:34:30.797 22022 22022 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 05-29 11:34:30.798 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Activate EmRecentsManager with RecentsView 05-29 11:34:30.798 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Recents 05-29 11:34:30.798 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:30.798 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:30.799 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:30.799 4808 5496 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:34:30.800 22022 22022 I TSLocationManager: - onPause 05-29 11:34:30.802 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:30.804 22022 22022 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 05-29 11:34:30.806 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:30.808 4808 5496 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#120 ty=1 fl=#89910500 pfl=0x24040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:30.809 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato getNaviationBarHeight() first use took : 1 05-29 11:34:30.810 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=77 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:30.811 4808 5496 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:30.811 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:30.811 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8718 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:30.812 22022 22032 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:30.813 22022 22032 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:30.813 4808 5496 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:34:30.814 5236 5236 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:30.814 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530119700480} changed=true 05-29 11:34:30.817 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:30.817 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:34:30.818 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:30.818 4808 5496 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8718 05-29 11:34:30.819 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:30.819 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:30.819 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:30.819 5236 5236 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@17b4b36 nm : com.android.systemui ic=null 05-29 11:34:30.819 5236 5236 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@f52417b inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@9f719b3 nm = com.android.systemui controlFlags=#100 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#89910500 05-29 11:34:30.819 4808 5496 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:30.820 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:30.820 4808 5496 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@9f719b3 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:30.821 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:30.821 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:30.822 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 5236, caller uid : 10003 05-29 11:34:30.830 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.830 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.830 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.831 4808 5496 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity} in Surface(name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity) 05-29 11:34:30.832 5399 22104 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:34:30.832 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:30.833 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:34:30.833 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:30.833 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:34:30.833 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:34:30.833 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:34:30.833 22022 22087 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xc98ae1a8 05-29 11:34:30.834 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:34:30.834 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.835 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.835 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.835 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=78 createSurf (904x132),1 flag=4, thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:34:30.836 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:30.842 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:30.851 4808 4945 D TaskSnapshotCache: putSnapshot mTaskId=694 RunningCache size=1 05-29 11:34:30.851 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:30.853 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:30.853 4808 6243 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{f371502 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:30.855 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:30.856 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:30.860 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=false 05-29 11:34:30.860 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:30.860 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:30.861 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:30.862 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:30.864 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:30.872 4808 6243 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{f371502 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity EXITING}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:30.874 22022 22022 D ViewRootImpl@8de56a6[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:30.876 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:34:30.878 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:34:30.878 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:34:30.878 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:30.878 4808 6243 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x80008708 05-29 11:34:30.878 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65cec0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2218.0 | 1 3 1080 2219 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f658e00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:30.881 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:30.882 5236 5658 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564870779 05-29 11:34:30.883 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:30.883 4808 6243 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:30.884 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b560 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65cec0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 5.0 1080.0 2190.0 | 7 34 1074 2192 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:30.896 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:30.899 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:30.899 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:30.905 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:30.906 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{7590e9c: PendingIntentRecord{7865782 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:30.910 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:30.919 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:30.919 4808 6243 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:30.920 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{1e20c2b: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:30.928 4808 6243 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114807 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:30.937 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:30.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.937 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:30.937 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:30.991 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.android.systemui className : com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:34:30.991 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:31.010 22022 22033 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:34:31.017 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.017 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.017 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.044 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.044 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.044 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.055 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.055 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.055 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b3a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65cec0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 60.0 1080.0 1881.0 | 74 379 1006 1951 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038540 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 904.0 132.0 | 71 401 1003 537 | thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:31.065 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Devic 05-29 11:34:31.066 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: e | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:31.066 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:31.111 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.android.systemui className : com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity 05-29 11:34:31.111 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:31.132 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-98, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.132 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.132 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.149 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.150 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.150 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.159 22022 22033 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:34:31.160 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.161 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.161 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.161 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.161 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.161 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.162 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.162 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.163 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.163 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:31.170 22022 22124 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:34:31.170 22022 22124 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=6 05-29 11:34:31.171 5191 6149 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=6 05-29 11:34:31.172 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=6, connId=6, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:34:31.172 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 6 05-29 11:34:31.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-90, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.240 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.250 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.251 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.251 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.254 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1062202458000 05-29 11:34:31.254 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1062202458000 05-29 11:34:31.254 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.148 ] when=1062202458000 05-29 11:34:31.254 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Dropped event because of pending overdue app switch. 05-29 11:34:31.275 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:31.276 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() TAIL 05-29 11:34:31.276 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextMaxCPUCoreRequest, index: 1 05-29 11:34:31.276 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_ACT_START@CPU_MIN@84 05-29 11:34:31.276 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_release() ACT_START 05-29 11:34:31.292 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:31.292 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=76 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (2/8) 05-29 11:34:31.292 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=76 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (-2/8) 05-29 11:34:31.292 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=78 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:31.293 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=78 Removed thumbnail anim#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:34:31.298 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.298 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.298 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.299 4808 5188 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:34:31.299 4808 5188 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:34:31.308 4295 4295 I Layer : id=78 onRemoved thumbnail anim#0 05-29 11:34:31.309 4295 4295 I Layer : id=76 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b1e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:31.315 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:31.354 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1062302623000 05-29 11:34:31.354 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1062302623000 05-29 11:34:31.354 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1062302623000 05-29 11:34:31.354 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 30 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 1062302 05-29 11:34:31.359 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.359 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.359 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.402 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.402 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.402 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.428 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.428 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.428 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.445 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 8 05-29 11:34:31.446 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 listener=android.os.BinderProxy@c05de41 alarm=Alarm{1367888 type 3 when 1062394 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:34:31.465 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.481 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.482 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.482 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.574 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:31.574 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:31.576 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:31.615 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 302 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 295, CHG = 299, CP = 306, WF = 295, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:34:31.645 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:31.645 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:34:31.676 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.676 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.676 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.716 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.779 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.780 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.780 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.799 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.799 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.800 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.800 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.877 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.878 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.878 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-102, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.931 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.931 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.984 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.985 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.986 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.986 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.990 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:31.991 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:31.992 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:31.992 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.034 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.035 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.035 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.098 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.098 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.099 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.099 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.105 22022 22124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.106 22022 22124 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.107 22022 22124 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.107 22022 22124 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:32.108 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 1063056 05-29 11:34:32.108 5191 6149 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 13278, tot/min/max scan time: 405477/5739/184765 05-29 11:34:32.115 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.117 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.117 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.118 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:32.119 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:32.120 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:32.120 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:32.146 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:34:32.163 22022 22124 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofences() 05-29 11:34:32.173 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnect 05-29 11:34:32.173 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_send_hci_disconnect: handle:0x40, reason=0x13 05-29 11:34:32.173 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:32.214 4808 21180 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.214 4808 21180 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113433, SetElapsed=1064159, nowELAPSED=1063162 05-29 11:34:32.218 4808 21180 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113432, SetElapsed=1063208, nowELAPSED=1063166 05-29 11:34:32.218 4808 21180 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.219 22022 22125 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.219 22022 22125 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.219 22022 22125 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.219 22022 22125 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.225 4808 21180 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1D identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:32.227 4808 21180 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.260 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:32.260 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113433, SetElapsed=1064173, nowELAPSED=1063208 05-29 11:34:32.260 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@901c6e alarm=Alarm{ff090d2 type 2 when 1063208 android} 05-29 11:34:32.262 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=7 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=8 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btm_acl_removed:1: 05-29 11:34:32.285 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnected 05-29 11:34:32.286 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT 05-29 11:34:32.286 5191 5323 D btif_av : btif_av_move_idle(L3072), cannot find av control block! 05-29 11:34:32.286 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:32.286 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:DisConnected to Device:6D:1 05-29 11:34:32.288 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.289 5191 5323 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifyDisconnectReason() is called!!! 05-29 11:34:32.289 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:34:32.289 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:34:32.289 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:32.289 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:32.289 5236 5515 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:32.290 5191 5191 D PanService: onReceive : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:32.290 5191 5191 D EnhancedTetheringManager: isLastConnectedDevice : 6D:1 05-29 11:34:32.291 5191 5191 I BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED, state: -2147483648 05-29 11:34:32.292 5191 5191 E BluetoothPbapService: Device 6D:1 not waiting for authorization..Skipping cancel dialog... 05-29 11:34:32.298 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.298 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:32.308 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.308 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:32.308 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: devicePropertyChangedCallback: bdDevice: 6D:1, value is empty for type: 241 05-29 11:34:32.317 22022 22022 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:34:32.319 22022 22022 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@3f0fdba 05-29 11:34:32.319 22022 22022 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:34:32.322 22022 22022 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:32.322 22022 22022 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:32.323 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:34:32.325 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.329 22022 22022 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.330 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.332 5191 6149 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@d777e17 05-29 11:34:32.332 22022 22022 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:34:32.333 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113432, SetElapsed=1063208, nowELAPSED=1063282 05-29 11:34:32.334 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:32.334 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.338 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:22022 05-29 11:34:32.339 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113449, SetElapsed=1080731, nowELAPSED=1063287 05-29 11:34:32.339 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@adc3e2 alarm=Alarm{c91682a type 2 when 1063208 android} 05-29 11:34:32.341 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114932 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.342 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.343 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.345 22022 22173 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.345 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.345 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113433, SetElapsed=1064290, nowELAPSED=1063293 05-29 11:34:32.345 22022 22173 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.347 22022 22022 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:34:32.347 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.348 22022 22173 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.350 22022 22173 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.351 22022 22173 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:32.351 4808 4808 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113432, SetElapsed=1063328, nowELAPSED=1063299 05-29 11:34:32.351 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.351 4808 6243 D JobServiceContext: sendStopMessageLocked stop reason: null 05-29 11:34:32.352 22022 22046 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.352 22022 22022 I ScanJob : onStopJob called for immediate scan org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@3f0fdba 05-29 11:34:32.352 22022 22046 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.352 22022 22046 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.352 22022 22046 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:32.355 22022 22034 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:34:32.356 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.358 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.359 22022 22046 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:32.360 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 1063308 05-29 11:34:32.361 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:22022 05-29 11:34:32.364 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.364 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.365 22022 22173 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.365 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.365 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.365 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.365 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:32.366 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.366 22022 22173 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.366 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.366 22022 22173 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:32.366 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.368 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 1063315 05-29 11:34:32.368 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 7, tot/min/max scan time: 405484/7/184765 05-29 11:34:32.369 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.370 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:34:32.370 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:34:32.371 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.372 22022 22174 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:34:32.373 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:32.373 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.374 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 5 05-29 11:34:32.374 5191 5323 E BtGatt.GattService: Scan app or callback is null for scannerId = 5 05-29 11:34:32.374 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:32.374 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:32.374 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.376 22022 22022 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with PRIVIOUS callback intent 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113449, SetElapsed=1080731, nowELAPSED=1063328 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@2bd13b8 alarm=Alarm{bb5dcf6 type 2 when 1063328 android} 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@9f9d5a3 alarm=Alarm{20638f7 type 2 when 1063328 android} 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : Bad call: specified package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx under uid 1002 but it is really 10264 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : java.lang.RuntimeException: here 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : at com.android.server.AppOpsService.getOpsRawLocked(AppOpsService.java:1402) 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : at com.android.server.AppOpsService.noteOperationUnchecked(AppOpsService.java:1150) 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : at com.android.server.AppOpsService.noteOperation(AppOpsService.java:1144) 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : at com.android.internal.app.IAppOpsService$Stub.onTransact(IAppOpsService.java:68) 05-29 11:34:32.380 4808 22016 W AppOps : at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:682) 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: An exception was thrown by callback 'btgattc_register_scanner_cb'. 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: java.lang.SecurityException: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx from uid 1002 not allowed to perform COARSE_LOCATION 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at android.app.AppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.java:1923) 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.isAppOppAllowed(Utils.java:627) 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.Utils.checkCallerHasLocationPermission(Utils.java:528) 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.continuePiStartScan(GattService.java:1979) 05-29 11:34:32.381 5191 5323 E BtGatt.JNI: at com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService.onScannerRegistered(GattService.java:1037) 05-29 11:34:32.383 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114932 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.384 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:32.385 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.385 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.386 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.386 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:32.386 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:32.386 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:32.386 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:32.387 22022 22174 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:34:32.390 22022 22118 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:34:32.393 22022 22073 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:34:32.396 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:32.400 22022 22125 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:34:32.402 22022 22046 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:34:32.407 22022 22118 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:34:32.411 22022 22073 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[]} 05-29 11:34:32.414 22022 22022 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:34:32.416 22022 22125 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:34:32.417 22022 22022 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@7dfe537 05-29 11:34:32.417 22022 22022 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:34:32.419 22022 22022 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:32.419 22022 22022 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:32.421 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.423 22022 22022 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.424 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.427 5191 5726 E BtGatt.ScanManager: batchClient is NULL!, appDied: false 05-29 11:34:32.427 22022 22022 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback intent 05-29 11:34:32.433 4808 5496 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:22022 05-29 11:34:32.437 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.437 22022 22022 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.438 22022 22022 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:34:32.438 22022 22175 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.441 22022 22175 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.442 22022 22175 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.442 22022 22175 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:32.445 22022 22034 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:34:32.447 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1063395247000 05-29 11:34:32.447 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1063395247000 05-29 11:34:32.447 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.149 ] when=1063395247000 05-29 11:34:32.448 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:32.448 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:32.448 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:32.448 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:32.450 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 1063398 05-29 11:34:32.453 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.453 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.454 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:32.455 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.456 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:32.457 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:32.460 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:34:32.460 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:34:32.462 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:32.463 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:32.463 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:32.510 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.510 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:32.511 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.512 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:32.513 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.515 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.516 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.516 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.526 22022 22022 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:32.527 22022 22022 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:32.534 22022 22046 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:34:32.535 22022 22118 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:34:32.536 22022 22124 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:32.538 22022 22073 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:34:32.539 22022 22125 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:34:32.540 22022 22046 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:34:32.572 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1063520948000 05-29 11:34:32.572 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1063520948000 05-29 11:34:32.573 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1063520948000 05-29 11:34:32.573 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:32.573 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:32.573 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:32.573 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 1102 05-29 11:34:32.573 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:32.574 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=79:35:5E:2E:53:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.574 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:32.574 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:32.574 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.575 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.575 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.575 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:32.617 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.617 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.617 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.623 22022 22178 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:34:32.669 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.670 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:32.671 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:32.671 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:32.672 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.673 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.673 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.674 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.721 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.721 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.721 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.732 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.733 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.733 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.781 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:32.790 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:32.791 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:32.792 4808 5496 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:34:32.825 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.825 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.825 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.879 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: reason=homekey 05-29 11:34:32.880 5236 5236 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: tid=694 05-29 11:34:32.880 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 5102, Swipe 05-29 11:34:32.880 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:32.881 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: sendCloseSystemWindows: done. 05-29 11:34:32.882 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:32.883 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:32.883 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:32.892 22022 22022 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onDestroy() 05-29 11:34:32.894 4808 5496 D TaskSnapshotCache: removeRunningEntry taskId=694 RunningCache size=0 05-29 11:34:32.895 4808 5496 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:34:32.895 4808 5496 I ActivityManager: Killing 22022:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/u0a264 (adj 100): remove task 05-29 11:34:32.896 4808 5496 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:34:32.896 4808 5496 I ActivityManager: Killing 22051:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0a264i5 (adj 100): remove task 05-29 11:34:32.897 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: removeTask: done. 05-29 11:34:32.905 4808 21180 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}} from uid 10003 05-29 11:34:32.906 4808 21180 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:34:32.910 4808 21180 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() HOME 05-29 11:34:32.910 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(0) 05-29 11:34:32.912 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:34:32.912 4808 21180 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:32.912 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:32.913 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:34:32.916 4808 21180 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=5, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:32.918 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, clsName: com.android.launcher3.Launcher,FgActivityName:com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher 05-29 11:34:32.918 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:32.918 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.sec.android.app.launcher, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:32.918 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:32.918 4808 21180 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:32.918 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.918 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.918 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.921 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:32.921 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:32.921 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:32.921 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(0) 05-29 11:34:32.921 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:32.922 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:32.922 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:34:32.922 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:34:32.922 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:34:32.923 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.923 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.923 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.923 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.923 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: Deactivate EmRecentsManager 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 V EmRecentsManager: updateScreenState: Root 05-29 11:34:32.924 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 D EmSystemUIManagerBridge: releaseInterimStateListener 05-29 11:34:32.924 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 D EmRecentsManager: ScreenStatesRequested:"stateIds":["Root"] 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: createInterimStateListener 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: activeAppName is not Notification:Recents 05-29 11:34:32.924 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:32.924 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:34:32.926 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:32.926 5236 20449 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.systemui 05-29 11:34:32.929 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:34:32.929 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7b6c4bbd30 05-29 11:34:32.929 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e98118e u0 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#120 ty=1 fl=#89910500 pfl=0x24040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:32.930 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:32.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.930 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:32.930 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:32.932 4808 22016 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:32.932 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@da0e0b8[RecentsActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:32.934 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:32.934 6221 6221 D Launcher: onNewIntent 05-29 11:34:32.934 6221 6221 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 6221 05-29 11:34:32.935 4808 22016 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10092: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@8c0fc0b 05-29 11:34:32.935 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 0.0 05-29 11:34:32.935 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:34:32.938 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:34:32.938 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:34:32.938 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:32.938 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:34:32.938 6221 6221 D BixbyApi_0.2.7: isBixbySupported:true 05-29 11:34:32.938 6221 6221 D StateManager: onLauncherTopViewChanged() : AppsPageView 05-29 11:34:32.939 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:34:32.939 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:34:32.939 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:34:32.939 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564872 05-29 11:34:32.939 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183664 05-29 11:34:32.939 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 0.0 05-29 11:34:32.939 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:34:32.942 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:34:32.944 6118 10586 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 3 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:32.945 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:32.946 4808 22016 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:34:32.946 4808 22016 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0 05-29 11:34:32.946 4808 4808 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0 05-29 11:34:32.947 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:34:32.947 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:34:32.948 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:32.948 4808 5598 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:32.949 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=79 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:32.949 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:32.950 4808 5598 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:32.951 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x80008708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:32.953 4808 5598 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:34:32.954 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:32.954 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:34:32.958 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:32.959 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:34:32.959 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:32.959 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:34:32.959 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:32.959 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:32.961 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@4cbef72 nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:34:32.961 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:32.961 4808 5598 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@fc49551 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41012df nm = com.sec.android.app.launcher controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#130 windowFlags=#81910d02 05-29 11:34:32.961 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## animMode=3, target=2, pixType=1 05-29 11:34:32.961 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=13, timeMs=0, value=0.00, interp=0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=13, timeMs=232, value=132.00, interp=3 05-29 11:34:32.961 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=14, timeMs=0, value=0.00, interp=0 05-29 11:34:32.961 4295 4295 D Layer : applyEffect ## pixAnim anim=14, timeMs=232, value=-7.00, interp=3 05-29 11:34:32.962 4808 5598 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:32.962 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:32.962 4808 5598 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41012df missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:32.963 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:34:32.964 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:34:32.964 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:32.964 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:32.964 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:34:32.966 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:34:32.966 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:34:32.966 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 22185 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:32.967 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.969 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.969 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.969 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.969 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.972 4808 5598 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 in 1000ms 05-29 11:34:32.972 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:32.973 4808 5496 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} in Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) 05-29 11:34:32.981 5236 20449 I zygote64: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 10870(610KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(84KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/15MB, paused 234us total 54.787ms 05-29 11:34:32.984 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.984 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.984 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:34:32.984 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:34:32.984 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:34:32.984 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:32.985 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:33.022 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:34:33.022 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:34:33.023 4267 5786 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:34:33.023 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:34:33.023 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:34:33.023 4808 21180 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 05-29 11:34:33.023 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:34:33.024 4808 21180 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:33.024 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSLUCENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 25.0 51.0 1056.0 2170.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b560 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:33.031 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:33.032 4808 4997 W InputDispatcher: channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 05-29 11:34:33.032 4808 4997 E InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 18.0 38.0 1062.0 2183.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b560 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 58.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 14 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: D 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: evice | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:33.042 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:33.052 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:34:33.052 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:33.073 5191 5204 D LeAppInfo: removeLeacReportedServerApp, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:33.073 4808 22016 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1848ca9) 05-29 11:34:33.073 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:34:33.073 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:33.074 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 1064022 05-29 11:34:33.074 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:33.074 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 624, tot/min/max scan time: 406108/7/184765 05-29 11:34:33.074 4808 5275 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{f371502 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} 05-29 11:34:33.074 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{7f5286f uid 10264 pid 22022} (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:33.074 4808 5275 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 05-29 11:34:33.074 5205 5205 D InputEventReceiver: channel 'ClientState{7f5286f uid 10264 pid 22022} (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:33.076 4808 5409 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@4c971cf) 05-29 11:34:33.076 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] (CALLBACK_RELEASED) 05-29 11:34:33.076 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:33.076 4808 5068 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:33.077 4808 4844 W zygote64: failed to open /acct/uid_99005/pid_22051/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:33.077 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:33.078 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:33.078 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:33.078 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: Exception when unbinding service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: android.os.DeadObjectException 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:761) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy.scheduleUnbindService(IApplicationThread.java:1575) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.removeConnectionLocked(ActiveServices.java:2917) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActiveServices.unbindServiceLocked(ActiveServices.java:1692) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.unbindService(ActivityManagerService.java:22562) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1658) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.job.JobServiceContext.closeAndCleanupJobLocked(JobServiceContext.java:718) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.job.JobServiceContext.onServiceDisconnected(JobServiceContext.java:395) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(LoadedApk.java:1672) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:1687) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:724) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:543) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:33.079 4808 4808 W ActivityManager: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:33.079 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:33.079 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:33.079 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:33.080 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:33.084 4808 4852 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 22022 05-29 11:34:33.085 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113503 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:33.145 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:508 05-29 11:34:33.145 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=77 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:33.147 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=77 Removed com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0390a0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0387e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 7.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 65 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:33.154 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:33.162 4295 4295 I Layer : id=77 onRemoved com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-29 11:34:33.172 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:34:33.172 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:33.450 4808 22186 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,60,10,32,888 05-29 11:34:33.480 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:34:33.480 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:34:33.710 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:34:33.738 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80774 5372604 w 30365 529268 d 3541 158308 f 7725 7808 iot 38028 31919 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1064.685 05-29 11:34:33.745 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:33.901 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:34.279 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:34.295 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:34:34.295 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:34:34.296 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:34:34.297 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:34.297 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:34.297 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:34.298 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:34.327 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 536, Display = 344(Panel:92, LDIs:252), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:34.327 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 134, Display = 86, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:34.333 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.63, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.40], F_RF[30.30], B_AP[30.10], B_RF[29.80], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:34:34.888 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:34.913 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:35.798 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:35.799 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:34:36.083 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:34:36.829 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:37.957 6118 22137 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:37.967 6118 22138 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:38.310 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1069258188000 05-29 11:34:38.310 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1069258188000 05-29 11:34:38.311 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.150 ] when=1069258188000 05-29 11:34:38.312 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:38.312 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:38.313 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:38.315 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:34:38.323 5236 5515 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = true connected = false bluetoothState = 12 05-29 11:34:38.324 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.ANIMATING 05-29 11:34:38.325 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:34:38.325 5236 5515 D FlashlightController: updateTorchCallback for mCameraId 0 05-29 11:34:38.325 5236 5515 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: handleUpdateState: value false state.dim false 05-29 11:34:38.332 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:34:38.332 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:34:38.334 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:34:38.344 4808 5409 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x72 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:38.364 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,72] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:38.366 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 2220, oldBottom : 72 05-29 11:34:38.366 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:34:38.367 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:38.368 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:38.368 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:38.376 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:34:38.377 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=513 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:34:38.377 4808 5409 I EasyMuteController: UnRegister failed. no registered 05-29 11:34:38.377 4808 5409 V Vibrator: Called cancel() API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, token: android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:34:38.377 4808 5409 D VibratorService: cancel() : android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:34:38.377 4808 5409 D VibratorService: Turning vibrator off 05-29 11:34:38.378 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564757908Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:34:38.378 4286 4286 D SecVibrator-HAL: writeNode node:/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 05-29 11:34:38.381 4808 5409 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:34:38.381 4808 5409 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:34:38.381 4808 5409 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:34:38.382 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:34:38.382 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:34:38.382 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:34:38.383 4808 6217 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81860040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:38.384 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:34:38.384 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8608 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:38.387 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:34:38.387 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:34:38.388 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:38.388 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:38.391 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:38.392 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:38.392 4808 6217 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8608 05-29 11:34:38.392 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:34:38.394 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:38.394 4808 5275 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:34:38.395 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=63 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (5/6) 05-29 11:34:38.395 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=63 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/6) 05-29 11:34:38.399 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:38.399 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:38.405 4295 4295 I Layer : id=63 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:38.408 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0381c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:38.417 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:38.422 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:38.426 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:38.493 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1069441189000 05-29 11:34:38.493 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1069441189000 05-29 11:34:38.493 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1069441189000 05-29 11:34:38.494 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:38.498 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:38.498 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:38.498 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:38.498 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:38.504 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:34:38.504 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:38.507 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:38.507 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:34:38.507 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:38.741 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80774 5372604 w 30418 529720 d 3544 158368 f 7729 7812 iot 38044 31932 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1069.688 05-29 11:34:38.841 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 22 lines 05-29 11:34:38.857 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:39.206 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 226 232 226 117 125 125 2 8 16 114 121 122 05-29 11:34:39.206 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:34:39.206 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14027 05-29 11:34:39.206 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 100, average - 3.003992585198916 05-29 11:34:39.206 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 160, average - 11.004990731498646 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 154, average - 23.0230999572223 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 1, average - 7.99023242549551 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 9, average - 38.99793241123628 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 14, average - 53.977969485241694 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.946028803650364 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 0, average - 34.94645658063595 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 0, average - 40.9682019107372 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 1, average - 6.993512049051761 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 7, average - 36.99515186082993 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 13, average - 50.980892627976615 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.010907535467313 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.01561274684537 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.032437442075995 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.989734084266059 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.99579382619234 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.97511941256149 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.944963285093035 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.943965209952225 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.96528124331646 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.993084765095887 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99301347401444 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.97818492906537 05-29 11:34:39.207 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.35944963285087 05-29 11:34:39.437 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1070385376000 05-29 11:34:39.437 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1070385376000 05-29 11:34:39.437 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.151 ] when=1070385376000 05-29 11:34:39.438 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:39.438 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:39.438 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:39.439 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 0 TouchEmptyArea : false X : 751.9922 Y : 427.63184 05-29 11:34:39.570 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1070518203000 05-29 11:34:39.570 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1070518203000 05-29 11:34:39.570 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1070518203000 05-29 11:34:39.570 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:39.570 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:39.571 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingManager: isCallingUserSupported : callingUserId=0, mUserId=0, isDualAppId=false 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : packageName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingPolicyManagerNotificationGroup: remove :0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264,size=3 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager.NotificationGroup: 0|android|40|null|1000:NotificationData time=1527563882353, 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager.NotificationGroup: 0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094:NotificationData time=1527563846906, 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingPolicyManager.NotificationGroup: 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212:NotificationData time=1527563882354, 05-29 11:34:39.577 4808 4808 D EdgeLightingManager: hideForNotification : isOngoing is false 05-29 11:34:39.578 4808 4808 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:34:39.578 4808 4808 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:34:39.578 4808 4808 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:34:39.578 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:34:39.578 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:34:39.578 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:34:39.582 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [valid] onNotificationRemoved : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user=UserHandle{0} id=1 tag=null key=0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264: Notification(channel=default-channel-id pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=default tick defaults=0x5 flags=0x11 color=0x00000000 actions=1 number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) 05-29 11:34:39.582 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:39.582 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationRemoved() : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:39.582 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: updateLauncherIconBadges : 1 05-29 11:34:39.583 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: updateLauncherIconBadges() item : [IconInfo(title=Brilong intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity (has extras) } id=122 type=0 container=-102 screen=1 cellX=0 cellY=1 spanX=1 spanY=1 rank=5 hidden=0 dropPos=null user=UserHandle{0})], item.mBadgeCount: [0] 05-29 11:34:39.583 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564879 05-29 11:34:39.583 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183671 05-29 11:34:39.585 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:39.585 5236 5236 W StatusBar: removeNotification for unknown key: 0|com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx|1|null|10264 05-29 11:34:39.585 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: onChange 05-29 11:34:39.585 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: updateBadgeManager 05-29 11:34:39.590 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:34:39.592 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onNotificationPreviewBinding 05-29 11:34:39.592 6221 6221 D Launcher.AppsController: onNotificationPreviewBinding 05-29 11:34:39.593 5236 5657 I OpenGLRenderer: prepareTree mLayerUpdateQueue is not empty, size = 1 05-29 11:34:39.593 5236 5657 I OpenGLRenderer: name = ExpandableNotificationRow, size (1080, 482) 05-29 11:34:39.594 7531 7531 D BadgeProviderManager: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:34:39.594 7531 7531 D BadgeProviderManager: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:34:39.596 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: key=android:0 count=1 05-29 11:34:39.596 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: key=com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2:0 count=1 05-29 11:34:39.598 7531 7531 I AppsEdge.Badge: getBadgeIconType 0 05-29 11:34:39.711 12481 12560 D ytrace : send keep alive packet to server (period=30) 05-29 11:34:39.923 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:40.429 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1071377448000 05-29 11:34:40.429 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1071377448000 05-29 11:34:40.430 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.152 ] when=1071377448000 05-29 11:34:40.430 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:40.430 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:40.431 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:40.432 5236 5236 D PanelView: !mQsExp : true BarState : 0 TouchEmptyArea : true X : 585.8789 Y : 1127.8857 05-29 11:34:40.433 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:34:40.434 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.529 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:40.546 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.562 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:40.562 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:40.563 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1071511774000 05-29 11:34:40.563 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1071511774000 05-29 11:34:40.563 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1071511774000 05-29 11:34:40.563 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:40.564 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:40.566 4808 5275 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:34:40.566 4808 5275 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:34:40.567 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:40.567 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:40.569 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:40.570 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 500, 1116 05-29 11:34:40.571 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:40.571 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendScreenViewLog 299 05-29 11:34:40.571 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:40.573 4808 5275 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@3a196d5 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@9d871b6 05-29 11:34:40.576 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:34:40.577 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.577 4808 5275 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:40.578 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:40.583 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.583 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:true 05-29 11:34:40.583 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:34:40.585 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:34:40.590 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:34:40.591 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:34:40.591 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:34:40.591 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:34:40.591 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.591 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:40.591 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.595 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x72 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillx72) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:40.615 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,72] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:40.617 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,72 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 72, oldBottom : 2220 05-29 11:34:40.617 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:40.617 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:34:40.618 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x72]-format:1 05-29 11:34:40.618 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:40.625 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.627 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:34:40.628 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:34:40.628 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:34:40.629 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564757908Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:34:40.630 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:40.631 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564757908Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:34:40.633 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:34:40.635 4808 5275 D PowerManagerService: [api] setButtonBrightnessLimit: 255 05-29 11:34:40.636 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:34:40.644 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:40.652 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=80 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:40.654 4808 5275 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:40.658 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:40.659 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:34:40.661 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:34:40.661 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:34:40.666 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:34:40.666 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:34:40.667 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:40.671 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:34:40.678 4808 5275 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} in Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f0388c0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038380 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a300 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:40.719 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:40.960 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:40.960 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 22184 W NamedFutures: Timeout future task has been cancelled: 9000 milliseconds 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: Task 174 failed or timed out. Client 26908776118758192 disconnecting from SearchService! 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.eC(SourceFile:224) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.get(SourceFile:135) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.cs.q(SourceFile:1) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.az.o(SourceFile:7) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.common.util.concurrent.bb.run(SourceFile:5) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.concurrent.b.an.run(SourceFile:2) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:41.317 6118 6118 E SearchServiceStarter: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:41.334 19098 19098 D DQA : get data intent 05-29 11:34:41.335 19098 19098 D DQA : save data 05-29 11:34:41.338 19098 19098 D SamsungAnalytics:DQA: [Log Sender] insert 05-29 11:34:41.398 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:34:41.399 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:34:41.406 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.419 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.420 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:34:41.420 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:41.420 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.421 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.421 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:41.422 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.423 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.423 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]0 05-29 11:34:41.423 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: false, SCRunningSetting: 0, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:34:41.424 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:34:41.424 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - service is not running, action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED 05-29 11:34:41.426 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - INTENT_STATUSBAR_EXPANDED- bluetooth on: start service 05-29 11:34:41.426 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 11 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 1 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : 3 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 D StorageManagerService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10264, packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 D ActivityManager: package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:41.435 4808 5409 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:41.448 4808 5409 I ActivityManager: Start proc 22189:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/u0a264 for broadcast com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/de.appplant.cordova.plugin.localnotification.ClearReceiver 05-29 11:34:41.449 22189 22189 E Zygote : isWhitelistProcess - Process is Whitelisted 05-29 11:34:41.449 22189 22189 E libpersona: scanKnoxPersonas 05-29 11:34:41.449 22189 22189 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0/personalist.xml - No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:41.451 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onCreate - 05-29 11:34:41.451 22189 22189 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:34:41.451 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.setAppUpdateBadge - [Android OS]26 05-29 11:34:41.452 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.QcManager - initiate from com.samsung.android.oneconnect.QcService@f220a52 05-29 11:34:41.452 22189 22189 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:41.453 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:41.453 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.454 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.454 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:41.454 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.455 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.459 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DiscoveryManager - Constructor 05-29 11:34:41.461 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:34:41.463 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:34:41.469 4808 5409 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:41.470 4808 6217 I ClientCertificateManager Service: fixContextInfoForMP() returning Caller uid: 10264 ,Container id: 0 05-29 11:34:41.470 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.470 22189 22189 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:34:41.472 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:34:41.476 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.CloudHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.481 22146 22146 W linker : "/data/app/SamsungConnect/lib/arm/libconnectivity_abstraction.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x5ac6 05-29 11:34:41.512 22146 22146 W linker : "/data/app/SamsungConnect/lib/arm/libESMediatorRich.so" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x123bd 05-29 11:34:41.543 22146 22146 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI_OnLoad Enter 05-29 11:34:41.545 22146 22146 D NotificationService_JNI: initNotifcationConsumer 05-29 11:34:41.546 22146 22146 D OIC_CA_ADAP_UTILS: CANativeJNISetJavaVM 05-29 11:34:41.546 22146 22146 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI_OnLoad Exit 05-29 11:34:41.546 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.CloudNotificationHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.546 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.registerReceiver - 05-29 11:34:41.546 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationHelper.registerPushRegIdReceiver - 05-29 11:34:41.547 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudMetadataManager.getInstance - init 05-29 11:34:41.549 22146 22146 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI-OCFCLIENTMANAGER::nativeSetLocalDiscoveryListener Enter 05-29 11:34:41.550 22146 22146 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [OCFLocalDeviceDiscoveryManager()] IN 05-29 11:34:41.550 22146 22146 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [OCFLocalDeviceDiscoveryManager()] OUT 05-29 11:34:41.550 22146 22146 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [setCallbackHandlers] IN 05-29 11:34:41.550 22146 22146 D OCF_LOCAL_DEVICE_DISCOVERY[0.10.35]: [setCallbackHandlers] OUT 05-29 11:34:41.550 22146 22146 I OCF_JNI[0.10.35]: JNI-OCFCLIENTMANAGER::nativeSetLocalDiscoveryListener Exit 05-29 11:34:41.551 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ShpLocalHelper.ShpLocalHelper - Initiating (cacheEnabled=false) 05-29 11:34:41.552 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.SepBleHelper - Constructor 05-29 11:34:41.555 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.setCentralRunningMode - set to false 05-29 11:34:41.555 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.Constructor - 05-29 11:34:41.558 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.561 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.PreDiscoveryHelper - () 05-29 11:34:41.562 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.562 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.initializeAdvData - 05-29 11:34:41.563 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateContactInfo - 05-29 11:34:41.563 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getMyMobileNumber - 05-29 11:34:41.565 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: false 05-29 11:34:41.565 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getOwnerSystemNumber : - no contact permission 05-29 11:34:41.565 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.READ_CONTACTS: false 05-29 11:34:41.565 22146 22146 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getOwnerContactNumber - No Permission 05-29 11:34:41.566 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermission - android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS: false 05-29 11:34:41.567 22146 22146 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getAccountNumber - No Permission 05-29 11:34:41.568 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CONTACT_Info.getMyMobileNumber - null 05-29 11:34:41.572 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateDeviceName - mDeviceName: Galaxy S9 05-29 11:34:41.572 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setServiceType - 05-29 11:34:41.573 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isFileShare2Supported - TRUE (versionCode: 30) 05-29 11:34:41.573 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.setServiceCapability - Support File share 2 05-29 11:34:41.573 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setServiceType - 05-29 11:34:41.573 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.579 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.579 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryHelper.setVisibilityFromSystemDb - isAllowToConnect : false 05-29 11:34:41.581 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.isPossibleP2pProbe - possible P2p 05-29 11:34:41.583 4808 5409 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[] - WIFI_P2P, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:41.584 4808 5409 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:41.585 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.updateAdvData - 05-29 11:34:41.585 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setRespTarget - 05-29 11:34:41.585 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.596 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.596 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - [force]false || ([!needScanQcBg]true && [!needScanNearby]true) 05-29 11:34:41.596 22146 22146 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.stopScan - mBtAdapter is null or LE is not ON state 05-29 11:34:41.597 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.606 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.607 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - [needScanQcBg]false || [needScanQcFG]false || [needScanCentral]false || [needScanNearby]false 05-29 11:34:41.607 22146 22146 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBleHelper.startScan - not startLeScan(), lowerPeriphService() 05-29 11:34:41.607 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setRespTarget - 05-29 11:34:41.607 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PreDiscoveryPacket.setDiscoveredDevices - 05-29 11:34:41.608 22189 22206 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so 05-29 11:34:41.608 22189 22189 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:34:41.614 22189 22189 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:34:41.617 4808 6217 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{49b0ef2 22146:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=22146, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:34:41.617 4808 6217 W ContentService: Ignoring content changes for content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup from 10193: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{49b0ef2 22146:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=22146, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:34:41.620 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: NetUtil.getP2pMacFromWifiMac - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.625 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.BluetoothHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.627 22189 22189 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:34:41.627 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 300, PST = 302 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 295, CHG = 298, CP = 306, WF = 294, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:34:41.632 22189 22189 I BiChannelGoogleApi: [FirebaseAuth: ] No Fallback module; NOT setting up for lazy initialization 05-29 11:34:41.634 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.registerStateReceiver - mIsBtStateReceiver = false 05-29 11:34:41.634 22146 22146 D BluetoothAdapter: semIsSinkServiceSupported 05-29 11:34:41.634 5191 5204 D BluetoothAdapterService: semIsSinkServiceSupported : SecProductFeature_BLUETOOTH MULTI : true A2DPSINK : true 05-29 11:34:41.635 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.semIsSinkServiceSupported - true 05-29 11:34:41.639 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isSemAvailable : - ? true ,Version: 2601 05-29 11:34:41.645 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isINDDevice - countryCode:Taiwan 05-29 11:34:41.646 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSShareCountryIso - 05-29 11:34:41.649 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getCurrentCountryIso - SIM does not have iso 05-29 11:34:41.649 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSShareCountryIso - get country code:US 05-29 11:34:41.652 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.startDiscovery - -- 05-29 11:34:41.652 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.removeAllDiscoveredDevice - 05-29 11:34:41.661 4808 5409 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{49b0ef2 22146:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=22146, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:34:41.661 4808 5409 W ContentService: Ignoring content changes for content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup from 10193: Permission Denial: opening provider com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 from ProcessRecord{49b0ef2 22146:com.samsung.android.oneconnect:QcService/u0a193} (pid=22146, uid=10193) requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS or android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS 05-29 11:34:41.666 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.ActionManager - () 05-29 11:34:41.667 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudActionHelper.CloudActionHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.667 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ScreenMirrorActionHelper.ScreenMirrorActionHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.667 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.BluetoothActionHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.673 22146 22146 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:34:41.674 22189 22213 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.firebase.auth not found. 05-29 11:34:41.676 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.initProfiles - support a2dp sink 05-29 11:34:41.676 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.A2dpSinkProfile - new() 05-29 11:34:41.677 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.bind - [mService]null [isFirstBinding]true 05-29 11:34:41.685 22146 22146 D BluetoothA2dpSink: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:34:41.687 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpSinkProfile.bind - bound is true 05-29 11:34:41.688 22189 22217 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.flags:2 and remote module com.google.android.gms.flags:3 05-29 11:34:41.688 22189 22217 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.flags, version >= 3 05-29 11:34:41.691 22146 22146 D BluetoothHeadset: BTStateChangeCB is registed (22146 @ com.samsung.android.oneconnect) 05-29 11:34:41.692 4808 6217 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10264 pid :22189 / op:PendingIntent{1734631: PendingIntentRecord{85e0116 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:41.698 21635 21647 D EasySetup: RegisteredTvProvider.query() - 05-29 11:34:41.699 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: TvActionHelper.TvActionHelper - 05-29 11:34:41.703 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepActionManager.SepActionManager - mRequestId initialized to 110 05-29 11:34:41.708 22146 22216 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: RegisteredDeviceHelper.LoadRegisterTv - setHasRegisteredTV : FALSE 05-29 11:34:41.710 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.startDiscovery - android.os.Messenger@d5f236f/null NONE, flush:false 05-29 11:34:41.713 22189 22189 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 05-29 11:34:41.719 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.CloudLocationManager - 05-29 11:34:41.720 4808 5275 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:41.724 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.getInstance - 05-29 11:34:41.724 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.getInstance - init 05-29 11:34:41.724 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceDbManager.MobilePresenceDbManager - constructed 05-29 11:34:41.730 22189 22213 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Loading module via FirebaseOptions. 05-29 11:34:41.730 22189 22213 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create service connection to gms implementation 05-29 11:34:41.738 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getIotServerPos - 2 05-29 11:34:41.738 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getIotServerPos - cached:2 05-29 11:34:41.738 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initService - PROD 05-29 11:34:41.738 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initService - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.738 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: MobilePresenceManager.initHttpClient - 05-29 11:34:41.742 22146 22146 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:34:41.748 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.getAllDbInfo - 05-29 11:34:41.750 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudUtil.getSamsungAccountName - accounts info is empty 05-29 11:34:41.758 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:41.759 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.759 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.759 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:41.759 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.763 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.764 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.SepBoardManager - 05-29 11:34:41.766 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:34:41.769 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:34:41.769 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:34:41.771 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.init - 05-29 11:34:41.771 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:34:41.772 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:34:41.772 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10264 pid :22189 / op:PendingIntent{2cf9d9e: PendingIntentRecord{aa0707f com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:41.773 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateMode - Mode(-2)->(0) + Stream(3) 05-29 11:34:41.774 4808 11437 I AudioService: Quick sound path is available with bit mask ==> 0x6fffffff 05-29 11:34:41.776 22189 22217 W zygote : Skipping duplicate class check due to unrecognized classloader 05-29 11:34:41.776 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPath.setIsWiredOn - false 05-29 11:34:41.778 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;getDevicesForStream=3 05-29 11:34:41.779 4429 20601 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream, streamType=3 05-29 11:34:41.779 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:41.779 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:41.779 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:41.781 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xe45140b0 05-29 11:34:41.781 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 9 05-29 11:34:41.782 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 9 ports 0xe0d3e000 05-29 11:34:41.782 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 9 ports needed 9 05-29 11:34:41.785 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - Active(deviceId:2 ,infoType:2 ,a2dp active addr:[]) Stream(3) mask(6fffffff) isDualPlayMode(false) 05-29 11:34:41.785 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:34:41.786 4808 11437 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=1 05-29 11:34:41.786 4808 11437 D AudioService: device=1, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:34:41.787 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.x - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.787 4808 11437 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=2 05-29 11:34:41.787 4808 11437 D AudioService: device=2, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:34:41.788 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.o - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.788 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:34:41.792 4808 4851 D BluetoothManagerService: addProxy 05-29 11:34:41.792 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.registerListener - 05-29 11:34:41.793 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.setAllModeList - list : [] 05-29 11:34:41.793 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ServiceDbManager.ServiceDbManager - constructed 05-29 11:34:41.793 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudServiceManager.CloudServiceManager - 05-29 11:34:41.793 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.setCloudServiceResourceListener - 05-29 11:34:41.800 22146 22227 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.run - 05-29 11:34:41.800 22146 22227 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getLastAppUpdateCheckTimePref - [lastCheckTime]1527564751 05-29 11:34:41.800 22146 22227 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.checkToAppUpdate - skip query on app update to server 05-29 11:34:41.801 22146 22227 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getLastWithTvUpdateCheckTimePref - [lastCheckTime]1525074876 05-29 11:34:41.801 22146 22227 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppUpdateTask.checkToWithTvUpdate - skip query on withtv update to server 05-29 11:34:41.804 22189 22221 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 11910 05-29 11:34:41.804 22189 22221 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 05-29 11:34:41.804 22189 22221 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 05-29 11:34:41.804 22189 22221 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:41.807 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudNotificationManager.CloudNotificationManager - 05-29 11:34:41.809 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.AppPackageUtil - () 05-29 11:34:41.810 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub 05-29 11:34:41.811 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearPluginInstalled - is null! 05-29 11:34:41.811 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearPluginInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.812 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.neckletplugin 05-29 11:34:41.812 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearCirclePluginInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.812 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.sec.android.app.applinker 05-29 11:34:41.815 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.wms 05-29 11:34:41.815 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGearFitManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.816 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.samsunggear360manager 05-29 11:34:41.816 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isSamsungGear360ManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.816 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.android.gear360manager 05-29 11:34:41.816 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isGear360ManagerInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.817 22189 22217 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.crash not found. 05-29 11:34:41.817 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.sec.samsungsoundphone 05-29 11:34:41.817 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isLevelAppInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.817 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - NOT Installed - com.samsung.smarthome 05-29 11:34:41.817 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isSmartHomeInstalled - not installed 05-29 11:34:41.818 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AppPackageUtil.isAppInstalled - Installed - com.sec.spp.push 05-29 11:34:41.820 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.registerReceiver - 05-29 11:34:41.821 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.canEnableDevloperMode: - true 05-29 11:34:41.822 22189 22217 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.crash:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.crash:215 05-29 11:34:41.822 22189 22217 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.crash, version >= 215 05-29 11:34:41.822 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getDeveloperModeEnable - result: - getSharedpred:false 05-29 11:34:41.823 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DebugModeUtil.getDeveloperModeEnable - result:0 05-29 11:34:41.823 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.registerReceiver - debugModeUtil intent - skip 05-29 11:34:41.825 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:34:41.828 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.QcManager - mobileThing option is disabled 05-29 11:34:41.829 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.getQcManager - make new instance com.samsung.android.oneconnect.manager.QcManager@7ff1efe 05-29 11:34:41.829 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.getQcManager - return existing instance com.samsung.android.oneconnect.manager.QcManager@7ff1efe 05-29 11:34:41.829 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.setSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:34:41.829 4808 5275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:41.831 4808 5275 D SecContentProvider: called from com.samsung.android.oneconnect 05-29 11:34:41.832 22189 22217 I FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrashApiImpl created by ClassLoader ad[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/DynamiteModulesC_GmsCore_prodmnc_xxhdpi_release.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/n/armeabi-v7a, /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000025/n/armeabi, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]]] 05-29 11:34:41.833 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessForeground - set true 05-29 11:34:41.833 22189 22217 I FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting loaded - com.google.android.gms.internal.zzdzk@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:41.842 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.setProcessImportant - [myPid]22146 >> [isForeground]true 05-29 11:34:41.842 22146 22146 E oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: PermissionUtil.hasPermissions - Denied android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 05-29 11:34:41.843 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.846 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.846 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.setSyncAll - false >> true 05-29 11:34:41.846 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.isFirstLaunch - value - isFirstLaunch: -1 05-29 11:34:41.846 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: first_launch_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.846 22189 22218 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.flags:2 and remote module com.google.android.gms.flags:3 05-29 11:34:41.847 22189 22218 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.flags, version >= 3 05-29 11:34:41.849 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 1 05-29 11:34:41.849 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SettingsUtil.isFirstLaunch - RETURN: value - isFirstLaunch: 1 05-29 11:34:41.849 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isFirstLaunch(true), skip restore 05-29 11:34:41.849 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.init - 05-29 11:34:41.849 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.852 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.853 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]false [isHeadsetReady]false [isHidReady]false 05-29 11:34:41.853 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - isAllProfileReady is FALSE, retry in 100 msec retry:1 05-29 11:34:41.856 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDbDevice - db device list isEmpty 05-29 11:34:41.856 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:41.856 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.856 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.856 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:41.856 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.857 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.857 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:34:41.858 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 11 05-29 11:34:41.858 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.init - 05-29 11:34:41.858 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:41.861 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:41.861 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]false [isHeadsetReady]false [isHidReady]false 05-29 11:34:41.861 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - isAllProfileReady is FALSE, retry in 100 msec retry:2 05-29 11:34:41.862 22146 22146 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDbDevice - db device list isEmpty 05-29 11:34:41.862 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:41.862 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.862 22189 22218 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.crash not found. 05-29 11:34:41.863 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.864 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:41.864 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:41.864 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.864 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudLocationManager.startGeofenceMonitoring - getCloudModeRunningState or getMobilePresenceState false 05-29 11:34:41.867 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:34:41.869 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:34:41.869 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=0 what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:34:41.869 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: DefaultState{ when=0 what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:34:41.869 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:34:41.869 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - action : android.net.conn.INET_CONDITION_ACTION 05-29 11:34:41.869 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.onReceive - receive INET_CONDITION_ACTION, but not signin state - restoreConnection 05-29 11:34:41.870 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: CloudHelper.restoreCloudConnection - isQcTopProcess return false, skip restore 05-29 11:34:41.871 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION addr : null, state : false 05-29 11:34:41.872 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=-1ms what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:34:41.872 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.onReceive - WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION to 3 05-29 11:34:41.872 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:34:41.872 4808 5065 D WifiP2pService: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=139287 arg2=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } 05-29 11:34:41.872 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: A2dpProfile.onServiceConnected - Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:34:41.872 22146 22146 D BluetoothInputDevice: Proxy object connected 05-29 11:34:41.872 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: HidProfile.onServiceConnected - 4 android.bluetooth.SemBluetoothInputDevice@caa2d0a 05-29 11:34:41.874 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE 05-29 11:34:41.874 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:41.875 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.chooseTab - IsTabSelected[false], LastClickAction[], LastClickMac[],drawFrom[0] 05-29 11:34:41.875 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:41.875 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:34:41.876 4808 11437 V WifiDisplayAdapter: getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: Client/Owner: Client GroupId: Passphrase: SessionId: 0 IP Address: , connectedState=-1} 05-29 11:34:41.876 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isWfdConnected - >> false 05-29 11:34:41.876 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.isNoDrawBoard - 05-29 11:34:41.876 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - 05-29 11:34:41.876 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isDexMode - false 05-29 11:34:41.877 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.terminateBoard - update RemoteView : type: null Board 05-29 11:34:41.877 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.onAudioDevicesAdded - 05-29 11:34:41.878 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: HeadsetProfile.onServiceConnected - Bluetooth service connected 05-29 11:34:41.878 5236 5236 V Bar.QuickConnectBar: intent receive 05-29 11:34:41.878 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION - CONNECTED: TYPE_WIFI 05-29 11:34:41.878 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:34:41.878 5236 5236 D Bar.QuickConnectBar: collapsed =null, expanded =null 05-29 11:34:41.878 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10193 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:41.879 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcManager.mReceiver - CONNECTIVITY_ACTION - activeNetwork: WIFI: true 05-29 11:34:41.880 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:41.880 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.881 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepP2pHelper.requestGroupInfo - onGroupInfoAvailable- - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.893 22189 22218 I FirebaseCrashApiImpl: FirebaseCrash reporting API initialized 05-29 11:34:41.894 22189 22218 I FirebaseCrash: FirebaseCrash reporting initialized com.google.android.gms.internal.zzdzk@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:41.894 22189 22218 D FirebaseCrash: Firebase Analytics Listener for Firebase Crash is initialized 05-29 11:34:41.961 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isAllProfileReady - [isA2dpReady]true [isHeadsetReady]true [isHidReady]true 05-29 11:34:41.964 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.discoverConnectedDevices - getBondedDevices size is 0 05-29 11:34:41.978 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.handleMessage - MSG_REQ_UPDATE_ALL 05-29 11:34:41.980 4808 11437 I AudioService: Quick sound path is available with bit mask ==> 0x6fffffff 05-29 11:34:41.981 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPath.setIsWiredOn - false 05-29 11:34:41.981 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;getDevicesForStream=3 05-29 11:34:41.981 4429 20601 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream, streamType=3 05-29 11:34:41.982 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:41.982 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:41.982 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:41.985 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false 05-29 11:34:41.988 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: isDualPlayEnabled : false 05-29 11:34:41.988 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - Active(deviceId:2 ,infoType:2 ,a2dp active addr:[]) Stream(3) mask(6fffffff) isDualPlayMode(false) 05-29 11:34:41.988 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:34:41.988 4808 11437 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=1 05-29 11:34:41.989 4808 11437 D AudioService: device=1, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.x - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.989 4808 11437 D AudioService: getPinAppInfo, device=2 05-29 11:34:41.989 4808 11437 D AudioService: device=2, pinappinfo= 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.o - - ($) 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.updateList - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.handleMessage - call onUpdated 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: AudioPathManager.isChangeable - false 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mAudioPathManager.onUpdated - false 05-29 11:34:41.989 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mAudioPathManager.onUpdated - prevent flash 05-29 11:34:41.994 9929 9929 E adbd : recv: OPEN 0000003b 00000000 0030:73 68 65 6C 6C 3A 65 78 70 6F 72 74 20 41 4E 44 52 4F 49 44 5F 4C 4F 47 5F 54 41 47 53 3D 22 27 27 22 3B 20 65 78 65 63 20 6C 6F 67 63 61 74 00 05-29 11:34:41.996 9929 9929 E adbd : service_to_fd: shell:export ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="''"; exec logcat 05-29 11:34:42.054 22146 22146 W DisplayManager: semGetActiveDlnaDevice, deviceInfo is null 05-29 11:34:42.054 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isDLNADeviceConnected - dlna : false 05-29 11:34:42.054 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.addConnectedDLNADevice - DLNA device is disconnected 05-29 11:34:42.062 22146 22146 W DisplayManager: semGetActiveDlnaDevice, deviceInfo is null 05-29 11:34:42.062 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: WfdUtil.isDLNADeviceConnected - dlna : false 05-29 11:34:42.062 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepUpnpHelper.addConnectedDLNADevice - DLNA device is disconnected 05-29 11:34:42.166 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1073114022000 05-29 11:34:42.166 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1073114022000 05-29 11:34:42.166 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.153 ] when=1073114022000 05-29 11:34:42.167 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:42.167 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:42.167 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:42.167 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:42.167 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:42.168 6221 6221 I System.out: Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 243) 05-29 11:34:42.169 6221 6221 D PagedView: reset touch state case 1 05-29 11:34:42.169 6221 6221 E ProActivieLaunch: Sending Broadcast 05-29 11:34:42.170 4808 4808 I MARsPolicyManager: AR not enabled 05-29 11:34:42.170 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: Checking for the Active launch isPkgEverLaunched :true, isPkgStopped : false, isDataCleared :false, isAutoRunBlocked : false 05-29 11:34:42.171 4808 4808 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startActivity:856 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$ActiveLaunchReceiver.onReceive:17929 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$-android_app_LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args_52166:1317 android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.$m$0:4 android.app.-$Lambda$FilBqgnXJrN9Mgyks1XHeAxzSTk.run:0 05-29 11:34:42.172 4808 4808 E ActivityManager: TouchDown intent received, starting ActiveLaunch 05-29 11:34:42.172 4808 4808 D ActivityManager: starting Active launch 05-29 11:34:42.233 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1073181755000 05-29 11:34:42.233 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1073181755000 05-29 11:34:42.233 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1073181755000 05-29 11:34:42.233 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (6221): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:42.233 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5399): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:42.234 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:42.234 6221 6221 D PagedView: resetTouchState() 05-29 11:34:42.240 4808 6217 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : APP_LAUNCH@CPU_MIN@7 05-29 11:34:42.241 6221 6221 D ActivityOptions: semMakeCustomScaleUpAnimation, width : 198, height : 280, opts.mStartX : 27, opts.mStartY : 544, opts.mIsHomeItem : false 05-29 11:34:42.244 4808 6217 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}} from uid 10092 05-29 11:34:42.245 4808 6217 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@18 05-29 11:34:42.245 4808 6217 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() APP_SWITCH 05-29 11:34:42.245 4808 6033 D ActivityManagerPerformance: Received MSG_CFMS_HINT_AMS_SWITCH pkgName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.246 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(1) 05-29 11:34:42.250 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:42.250 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : false 05-29 11:34:42.250 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(1) 05-29 11:34:42.256 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: setView = DecorView@bcf657[bxxxxxxxxxx] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:42.257 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onPause() 05-29 11:34:42.257 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection false 05-29 11:34:42.257 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:34:42.250 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : false 05-29 11:34:42.257 4808 4842 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$GmsExternalReceiver requires com.android.launcher.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to sender com.sec.android.app.launcher (uid 10092) 05-29 11:34:42.264 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:42.264 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{155fd7b u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle 0 Trylock acquired successfully 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition_l 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_join_callback_thread 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 22185 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop: Termination message 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:34:42.264 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:42.265 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.267 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=81 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:42.268 4808 4945 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.272 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=true 05-29 11:34:42.273 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 9 05-29 11:34:42.273 4267 22185 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STOPPED] 05-29 11:34:42.273 4267 22185 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization stopped & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:34:42.273 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:34:42.273 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.274 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : false 05-29 11:34:42.274 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_UP, x : 27, y : 544, isHomeItem : false 05-29 11:34:42.274 4808 6217 D SamsungAnimationCreator: updateAppTransitionStartValues frame Rect(27, 544 - 225, 824) 05-29 11:34:42.274 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_UP, task.getRootActivity() : ActivityRecord{3123f14 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity t695}, task.getTaskToReturnTo() : 1 05-29 11:34:42.274 4808 6217 D ActivityManager: setAppIconInfo(), x : 27, y : 544, width : 198, height : 280, isHomeItem : false 05-29 11:34:42.274 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.274 4808 6217 D SamsungAnimationCreator: setAnimationFromLauncher : apps 2 05-29 11:34:42.274 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.274 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.274 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.275 4808 6217 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:42.275 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.276 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.276 4267 22185 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:42.276 4267 22185 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Disable MIC Controls 05-29 11:34:42.276 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:42.276 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:34:42.276 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_stop_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:34:42.280 4808 6217 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:42.280 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:42.281 4808 6217 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:34:42.282 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, clsName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity,FgActivityName:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:42.282 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:42.282 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:42.282 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:42.282 4808 6217 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:42.285 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:42.288 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Stop Hotword Recognition status: true 05-29 11:34:42.289 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.289 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:42.290 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.290 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.291 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.291 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.291 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.291 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.291 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.292 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.292 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.292 4808 4945 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{155fd7b u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx} in Surface(name=Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) 05-29 11:34:42.293 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.293 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:12 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:0 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:null insets:null 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenWallpaperExitAnimation 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: skip AppOpenWallpaperExit animation. 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1001 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenHomeExitAnimation 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1001 enter:true wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:34:42.294 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppOpenAppEnterAnimation 05-29 11:34:42.296 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:42.296 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:34:42.298 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:34:42.299 4808 11437 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:42.301 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:42.303 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:42.304 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:42.305 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:42.307 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:42.308 4808 6218 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:34:42.307 22189 22189 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3) 05-29 11:34:42.308 22189 22189 I CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform version 6.4.0 is starting 05-29 11:34:42.308 22189 22189 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate() 05-29 11:34:42.308 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:42.314 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:42.315 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{155fd7b u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:42.316 22189 22189 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version 66.0.3359.158 (code 335915852) 05-29 11:34:42.319 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=false 05-29 11:34:42.330 6177 6177 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b720 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f038a80 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 3.0 1076.0 2214.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]ies.LauncherActivity#0 (BlurSurface) 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1079.0 2077.0 | 65 351 590 1361 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 00 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 00 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.336 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:42.347 22189 22189 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 2 ms (timestamps 3293-3295) 05-29 11:34:42.360 22189 22189 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:34:42.360 22189 22189 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:34:42.363 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.369 22189 22239 W cr_ChildProcLH: Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = com.android.chrome, sandboxed = true 05-29 11:34:42.370 6118 22184 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:34:42.373 4808 6218 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:42.373 4808 6218 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageWhitelisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:42.365 4808 21180 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1D identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:42.367 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.373 4808 6218 D ActivityManager: package com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, user - 0 is SDcard whitelisted 05-29 11:34:42.373 4808 6218 I ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted:com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx user:0 05-29 11:34:42.373 4808 6218 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationExternalStorageBlacklisted: DO is not enabled on user 0. Allowed. 05-29 11:34:42.373 4808 6218 I ActivityManager: SA, print process name forked by webview_zygote : com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:34:42.376 6118 6118 W SearchService: Abort, client detached. 05-29 11:34:42.376 5298 5298 E SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed; fd=-1 05-29 11:34:42.377 22189 22189 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false 05-29 11:34:42.378 22189 22189 I cr_base : Android Locale: en_US requires .pak files: [en-GB.pak, en-US.pak] 05-29 11:34:42.380 4808 6218 I ActivityManager: Start proc 22241:com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0/u0i6 for webview_service com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 05-29 11:34:42.381 22241 22241 E /system/bin/webview_zygote32: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99006: Permission denied 05-29 11:34:42.381 22241 22241 E Zygote : createProcessGroup(99006, 0) failed: Permission denied 05-29 11:34:42.381 22241 22241 E libpersona: Couldn't open the File - /data/system/users/0.xml - Permission denied 05-29 11:34:42.382 22241 22241 W SELinux : SELinux selinux_android_compute_policy_index : Policy Index[2], Con:u:r:webview_zygote:s0 RAM:SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001, [-1 -1 -1 -1 0 1] 05-29 11:34:42.382 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.383 22241 22241 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=chrome, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 05-29 11:34:42.384 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.384 4808 6218 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_11 identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:42.385 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.386 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:42.386 5236 5658 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564882281 05-29 11:34:42.387 4808 6218 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:42.387 4808 6218 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:42.387 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:42.389 4412 4412 E audit : type=1400 audit(1527564882.383:375): avc: denied { read } for pid=22189 comm="ild.bxxxxxxxxxx" name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026532579 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 SEPF_SM-G960F_8.0.0_0001 audit_filtered 05-29 11:34:42.389 4412 4412 E audit : type=1300 audit(1527564882.383:375): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffff9c a1=d03bd9e0 a2=a0000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=4426 pid=22189 auid=4294967295 uid=10264 gid=10264 euid=10264 suid=10264 fsuid=10264 egid=10264 sgid=10264 fsgid=10264 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="ild.bxxxxxxxxxx" exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null) 05-29 11:34:42.389 4412 4412 E audit : type=1327 audit(1527564882.383:375): proctitle="com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx" 05-29 11:34:42.401 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: The following uid has registered to recieve broadcast for proxy related updates 10264 05-29 11:34:42.401 4808 21180 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.requestKnoxVpnToSendProxyBroadcast:29250 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.registerReceiver:23013 android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact:176 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact:3797 05-29 11:34:42.401 22241 22241 I SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled. 05-29 11:34:42.402 4808 4808 D KnoxVpnEngineService: Vpn Receiver : com.samsung.android.knox.intent.action.VPN_PROXY_BROADCAST_INTERNAL 05-29 11:34:42.402 4808 5021 I KnoxVpnEngineService: vpn handle : Message received 05-29 11:34:42.404 22241 22241 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaKeyStore is not enabled: cannot add TimaSignature Service and generateKeyPair Service 05-29 11:34:42.409 22241 22241 D libmdf : libmdf v2.8.0.5 On 32bit PLATFORM With BORINGSSL 05-29 11:34:42.412 22241 22241 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:42.413 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:42.414 22189 22189 I zygote : 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/SafeBrowsingResponse; 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.android.chrome-TwxH0ghf3x7QfYfJ1MIZLw==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:93) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.init(java.util.Map, boolean) (WebViewChromium.java:48) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:651) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:581) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:564) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.webkit.WebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:551) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (SystemWebView.java:47) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebView.(android.content.Context) (SystemWebView.java:43) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemWebViewEngine.(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (SystemWebViewEngine.java:76) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java.lang.Object[]) (Constructor.java:334) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewImpl.createEngine(android.content.Context, org.apache.cordova.CordovaPreferences) (CordovaWebViewImpl.java:79) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewEngine org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebViewEngine() (CordovaActivity.java:206) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.makeWebView() (CordovaActivity.java:202) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.init() (CordovaActivity.java:146) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void org.apache.cordova.CordovaActivity.loadUrl(java.lang.String) (CordovaActivity.java:224) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (MainActivity.java:39) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7174) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1220) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2908) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:3030) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1696) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:105) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6938) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.Zygote$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (Zygote.java:327) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:1374) 05-29 11:34:42.415 22189 22189 I zygote : 05-29 11:34:42.417 4808 6218 I ActivityManager: DSS on for com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx and scale is 1.0 05-29 11:34:42.422 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:42.422 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:42.425 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.429 22189 22189 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10264, CallingPid : 22189 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10264/22189 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.430 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.432 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.440 22271 22271 E asset : setgid: Operation not permitted 05-29 11:34:42.460 22189 22189 D SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on device made by: samsung 05-29 11:34:42.467 22189 22189 D PluginManager: init() 05-29 11:34:42.434 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.469 4808 21180 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:42.475 22189 22189 D FileUtils: Unrecognized extra filesystem identifier: assets 05-29 11:34:42.476 22189 22274 D FirebasePlugin: Starting Firebase plugin 05-29 11:34:42.506 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline 05-29 11:34:42.473 4808 21180 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_1D identical 7 lines 05-29 11:34:42.474 4808 21180 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:42.510 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=true 05-29 11:34:42.511 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x921a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:42.511 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : true 05-29 11:34:42.511 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=true, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:34:42.511 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22189 05-29 11:34:42.511 4808 5275 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x921a 05-29 11:34:42.512 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@df0c1a4[] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:42.526 22189 22189 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 05-29 11:34:42.527 22189 22189 D ScrollView: initGoToTop 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3L.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3L:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3T.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3T:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4L.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4L:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4T.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4T:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num35.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num35:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num45.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num45:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3Lv.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3LV:null 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num3R.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.530 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num3R:null 05-29 11:34:42.531 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Tv.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.531 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.531 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Tv:null 05-29 11:34:42.531 22241 22241 E Typeface: Error mapping font file /system/fonts/SamsungSans-Num4Lv.ttf 05-29 11:34:42.531 22241 22241 E Minikin : Could not get cmap table size! 05-29 11:34:42.531 22241 22241 E Typeface: Unable to load Family: samsung-sans-num4Lv:null 05-29 11:34:42.533 22241 22241 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=22241 05-29 11:34:42.538 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x901a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:42.539 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:42.539 4808 5275 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22189 05-29 11:34:42.539 4808 5275 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22189 05-29 11:34:42.539 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:42.539 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@4d0891[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@a8f03f6[] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:42.540 4808 6218 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x901a 05-29 11:34:42.544 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:34:42.552 22189 22189 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity. 05-29 11:34:42.556 22189 22189 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 05-29 11:34:42.576 22189 22221 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.tagmanager:12 and remote module com.google.android.gms.tagmanager:213 05-29 11:34:42.576 22189 22221 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.tagmanager, version >= 213 05-29 11:34:42.583 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: setView = DecorView@6e99885[MainActivity] TM=true MM=false 05-29 11:34:42.584 4808 21180 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() false 05-29 11:34:42.587 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.588 22189 22221 W GoogleTagManager: No container asset found in /assets/containers. Checking top level /assets directory for container assets. 05-29 11:34:42.590 22189 22189 D ConnectivityManager: requestNetwork; CallingUid : 10264, CallingPid : 22189 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: listenForNetwork for uid/pid:10264/22189 NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: network has: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35] 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 3. No change. 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] was already satisfying request 1. No change. 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.591 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.592 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification IP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:42.593 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.593 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:42.593 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.593 4808 5275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{2fed810 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1810100 pfl=0x1020000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x1030000 vsysui=0x410 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:42.594 6439 6457 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-vappsprompt 05-29 11:34:42.594 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=82 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:42.596 4808 5275 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.597 22189 22221 W GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager's event handler WILL NOT be installed (no container loaded) 05-29 11:34:42.597 22189 22221 I GoogleTagManager: Tag Manager initilization took 11ms 05-29 11:34:42.600 22189 22277 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1 05-29 11:34:42.600 22189 22277 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 05-29 11:34:42.602 22189 22277 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma 05-29 11:34:42.602 22189 22277 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ima 05-29 11:34:42.603 22189 22189 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.603 4808 4945 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{155fd7b u0 Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830118 pfl=0x1020011 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:42.603 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3396431872} changed=true 05-29 11:34:42.604 22189 22275 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:34:42.604 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:34:42.605 22189 22275 D libGLESv1: STS_GLApi : DTS, ODTC are not allowed for Package : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.607 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.607 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.607 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.608 22189 22275 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:42.608 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xca77a300 05-29 11:34:42.608 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530095157248} changed=false 05-29 11:34:42.609 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@4d0891[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:42.610 4808 6218 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{67c550e u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1026x144 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1820000 pfl=0x1000000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302fd vsysui=0x10 surfaceInsets=Rect(96, 96 - 96, 96) needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:42.611 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity to com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:42.611 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:42.611 22189 22277 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) Chrome_InProcGp identical 12 lines 05-29 11:34:42.611 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:42.611 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=83 createSurf (193x193),1 flag=4, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:42.612 4808 6218 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.613 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:42.614 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.615 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{4fc5217: PendingIntentRecord{7865782 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:42.614 22189 22277 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) Chrome_InProcGp identical 12 lines 05-29 11:34:42.614 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:42.621 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:34:42.622 22189 22277 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) Chrome_InProcGp identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:42.622 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:34:42.623 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-29 11:34:42.623 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-29 11:34:42.624 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:42.626 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.624 22189 22277 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) Chrome_InProcGp identical 12 lines 05-29 11:34:42.625 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 05-29 11:34:42.627 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.627 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.627 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.627 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.628 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{eee1622: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:42.630 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 0 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp9 05-29 11:34:42.632 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avc-wfd 05-29 11:34:42.633 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avc-wfd 05-29 11:34:42.633 22189 22189 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.633 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@4d0891[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[27,1074][1053,1218] result=0x27 surface={valid=true 3396433920} changed=true 05-29 11:34:42.635 22189 22275 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1218x336]-format:1 05-29 11:34:42.635 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xca77a580 05-29 11:34:42.641 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114807 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:42.646 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow 05-29 11:34:42.648 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1831d3b u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2004 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:42.648 22189 22277 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.650 4295 4295 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity to com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:42.651 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=84 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=404, com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:42.652 4808 21180 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.660 22189 22189 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:42.660 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][0,0] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 3396435968} changed=true 05-29 11:34:42.663 22189 22275 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:42.663 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xca77a940 05-29 11:34:42.664 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:42.667 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.667 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.667 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es 05-29 11:34:42.669 22189 22189 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@68f947e nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:34:42.669 22189 22189 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:42.669 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 26.0 | 0 2194 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:42.669 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:42.669 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:42.670 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 05-29 11:34:42.671 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-29 11:34:42.671 5399 22104 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): false 05-29 11:34:42.673 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: false 05-29 11:34:42.673 4808 11437 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@b80ec2 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@669f8b3 nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#1810100 05-29 11:34:42.673 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv7 05-29 11:34:42.673 4808 11437 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:42.673 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:42.674 4808 11437 V InputMethodManagerService: Creating new session for client ClientState{2579e70 uid 10264 pid 22189} 05-29 11:34:42.674 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@4d0891[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:42.675 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@669f8b3 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:42.675 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:34:42.675 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:42.675 4808 4818 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - system_server 05-29 11:34:42.676 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv8 05-29 11:34:42.677 22189 22277 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp43 05-29 11:34:42.678 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:42.678 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:42.678 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 22189, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:42.683 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:42.685 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.686 22189 22277 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape 05-29 11:34:42.686 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:42.697 22241 22276 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 3644-3645) 05-29 11:34:42.698 22241 22276 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 05-29 11:34:42.698 22241 22276 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "66.0.3359.158", actual native library version number "66.0.3359.158" 05-29 11:34:42.686 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:42.719 4808 21180 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{2fed810 u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:34:42.726 4808 21180 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{67c550e u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:34:42.738 4808 21180 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{1831d3b u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity} in Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) 05-29 11:34:42.738 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@4d0891[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(27, 1074 - 1053, 1218) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:42.738 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1 05-29 11:34:42.738 22189 22189 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@904cfa9 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:34:42.753 4808 4945 D ViewRootImpl@af7910a[bxxxxxxxxxx]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:34:42.753 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '155fd7b Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:42.753 4808 4945 D InputEventReceiver: channel '155fd7b Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:42.754 4808 4852 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/.MainActivity: +472ms 05-29 11:34:42.755 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:42.755 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() TAIL 05-29 11:34:42.755 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextSchedTunePolicyRequest, index: 1 05-29 11:34:42.755 4808 4852 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_SWITCH@CPU_MIN@18 05-29 11:34:42.755 4808 4852 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_release() APP_SWITCH 05-29 11:34:42.756 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x101a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:42.756 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_OPAQUE animate=false 05-29 11:34:42.758 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:42.759 4808 11437 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x101a 05-29 11:34:42.765 22189 22306 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory 05-29 11:34:42.765 6221 6221 D StageManager: saved stages : inStack [1, 2] , outStack[] 05-29 11:34:42.782 4808 11437 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.notifyAppStopped:751 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowContainerController.notifyAppStopped:803 05-29 11:34:42.783 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=79 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (1/10) 05-29 11:34:42.783 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=79 Removed com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 (-2/10) 05-29 11:34:42.784 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:42.796 22189 22264 E AndroidProtocolHandler: Unable to open asset URL: file:///android_asset/www/css/normal/height 05-29 11:34:42.797 4295 4295 I Layer : id=79 onRemoved com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f03a060 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 69.0 0.0 1149.0 336.0 | 0 978 1080 1314 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039a40 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:42.807 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:42.815 4808 4818 I zygote64: Background concurrent copying GC freed 145036(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 166(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 46MB/70MB, paused 362us total 139.674ms 05-29 11:34:42.857 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:42.857 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:42.915 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:42.915 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:42.931 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:42.931 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=81 Removed Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 (4/9) 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039180 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039ea0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 69.0 0.0 1149.0 336.0 | 0 978 1080 1314 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:42.934 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:42.938 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=81 Removed Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 (-2/9) 05-29 11:34:42.947 4295 4295 I Layer : id=81 onRemoved Splash Screen com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx#0 05-29 11:34:42.956 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:42.965 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:42.967 6118 22138 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:43.035 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx className : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity 05-29 11:34:43.035 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:43.038 4808 22309 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,40,10,10,0 05-29 11:34:43.054 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: FrequencyrequestList.getNextCStateDisableRequest, index: 2 05-29 11:34:43.055 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_RESUME_TAIL@CPU_MIN@24 05-29 11:34:43.241 4808 11437 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : APP_LAUNCH@CPU_MIN@7 05-29 11:34:43.304 6118 6118 I SpeechSettingsImpl: Exception device found. 05-29 11:34:43.326 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:34:43.327 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:34:43.736 22189 22189 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode 05-29 11:34:43.743 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80812 5373408 w 30579 531908 d 3558 158776 f 7779 7862 iot 38136 31993 th 307200 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1074.691 05-29 11:34:44.196 22241 22276 E chromium: [ERROR:BudgetService.cpp(160)] Unable to connect to the Mojo BudgetService. 05-29 11:34:44.284 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:44.335 6177 6177 I BistoRealService: onDestroy 05-29 11:34:44.336 6177 6177 D BluetoothA2dp: doBind(): CallingUid(myUserHandle) = 0 05-29 11:34:44.340 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectedDevices : size=0 05-29 11:34:44.351 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:44.360 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:34:44.360 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:34:44.360 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:34:44.361 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:44.361 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:44.361 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:44.361 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:44.384 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 880, Display = 288(Panel:60, LDIs:228), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:44.384 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 220, Display = 72, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:44.387 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.61, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.40], F_RF[30.30], B_AP[30.10], B_RF[29.80], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:34:44.464 22189 22312 I com.unarin.beacon: Determined config value FOREGROUND_SCAN_PERIOD: 1100 05-29 11:34:44.465 22189 22312 I BeaconManager: BeaconManager started up on pid 22189 named 'com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx' for application package 'com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx'. isMainProcess=true 05-29 11:34:44.467 22189 22312 D BeaconParser: Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25 05-29 11:34:44.468 22189 22312 I com.unarin.beacon: Determined config value SAMPLE_EXPIRATION_MILLISECOND: 20000 05-29 11:34:44.470 22189 22312 D BeaconParser: Parsing beacon layout: m:2-3=0215,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24 05-29 11:34:44.470 22189 22312 D com.unarin.beacon: Connected to IBeacon service 05-29 11:34:44.472 22189 22312 I com.unarin.beacon: Permission check result for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: 0 05-29 11:34:44.472 22189 22312 I com.unarin.beacon: Permission for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION has already been granted. 05-29 11:34:44.473 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] registerDelegateCallbackId() 05-29 11:34:44.475 22189 22236 D com.unarin.beacon: Registering delegate callback ID: LocationManager598754475 05-29 11:34:44.490 4808 21180 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:44.492 4808 11437 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:44.492 22189 22312 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:34:44.492 22189 22312 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:34:44.493 22189 22312 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:34:44.493 22189 22312 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:34:44.493 4808 11437 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:44.496 4808 11437 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:44.497 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:44.500 22189 22189 D NetworkManager: toLower : wifi 05-29 11:34:44.500 22189 22189 D NetworkManager: wifi : wifi 05-29 11:34:44.501 22189 22189 D NetworkManager: Connection Type: wifi 05-29 11:34:44.501 22189 22189 D NetworkManager: Connection Extra Info: "Timothy's iPhone 6s" 05-29 11:34:44.501 4808 21180 W StorageManager: getStorageLowBytes lowPercent : 5, lowBytes : 2821057740, maxLowBytes : 524288000 05-29 11:34:44.505 22189 22265 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() "OK" 05-29 11:34:44.559 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.notification.local.core.fireEvent("clear",{"id":1,"title":"Auto-unlock info","text":"For security reasons, the lock has been automatically switched to the Home mode. Switch back to the Away mode?","smallIcon":"res:\/\/notification_icon","actions":[{"id":"idAway3b450b2418325db2fb7e9eddf96d6f3a","title":"Switch to \"Away\" mode"}],"attachments":[],"autoClear":true,"defaults":0,"foreground":false,"groupSummary":false,"launch":true,"led":true,"lockscreen":true,"number":0,"priority":0,"progressBar":{"enabled":false,"value":0,"maxValue":100,"indeterminate":false},"showWhen":true,"silent":false,"sound":true,"trigger":{"type":"calendar"},"vibrate":false,"wakeup":true,"meta":{"plugin":"cordova-plugin-local-notifications","version":"0.9-beta"}},{"event":"clear","foreground":false,"queued":true,"notification":1})) 05-29 11:34:44.697 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 05-29 11:34:44.864 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:44.864 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:45.022 22189 22312 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-29 11:34:45.030 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofenceListener() 05-29 11:34:45.038 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ setConfig() 05-29 11:34:45.040 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig c] ℹ️ Persist config 05-29 11:34:45.063 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ stop() 05-29 11:34:45.064 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: [c.t.l.adapter.TSConfig c] ℹ️ Persist config 05-29 11:34:45.083 22189 22312 E BluetoothStatus: Bluetooth is supported 05-29 11:34:45.083 22189 22312 E BluetoothStatus: BluetoothLE is supported 05-29 11:34:45.084 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.hasBT = true;) 05-29 11:34:45.084 22189 22312 E BluetoothStatus: Bluetooth is enabled 05-29 11:34:45.085 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.hasBTLE = true;) 05-29 11:34:45.085 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.BluetoothStatus.BTenabled = true;) 05-29 11:34:45.086 22189 22189 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.fireWindowEvent('BluetoothStatus.enabled');) 05-29 11:34:45.171 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: badge intent : Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 cmp=com.sec.android.provider.badge/.BadgeCountReceiver (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:45.171 19044 19044 D BadgeCountReceiver: packageName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, className: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity, count: 0 05-29 11:34:45.173 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ configure() 05-29 11:34:45.177 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:45.178 19044 19044 D MethodReflector: notifyChange is called 05-29 11:34:45.179 4808 5000 D ProcessBadgeData: onChange uri false/content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:45.180 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:45.180 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: sendNotify, [notify] : null 05-29 11:34:45.181 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, getCallingPackage() : com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:45.181 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps 05-29 11:34:45.181 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [uri.query] : null 05-29 11:34:45.181 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 05-29 11:34:45.181 19044 19044 D BadgeProvider: update, [UpdateCount] : 1 05-29 11:34:45.217 22189 22194 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=28KB, data=28KB 05-29 11:34:45.218 22189 22194 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=28KB, data=28KB 05-29 11:34:45.218 22189 22194 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 05-29 11:34:45.232 22189 22312 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BackgroundGeolocation.configure blocked the main thread for 60ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:34:45.274 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ removeGeofences() 05-29 11:34:45.299 4441 4639 D DnsProxyListener: DNSDBG::dns addrinfo af 2 05-29 11:34:45.302 4441 22322 E DnsProxyListener: send_dns_err: Not Ready to mdc 05-29 11:34:45.308 22189 22246 D TcpOptimizer: TcpOptimizer-ON 05-29 11:34:45.325 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xca77a580 05-29 11:34:45.326 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@4d0891[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:34:45.326 22189 22189 D InputEventReceiver: channel '67c550e com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:45.326 22189 22189 D InputEventReceiver: channel '67c550e com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:45.330 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x161a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:45.341 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22189 05-29 11:34:45.341 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22189 05-29 11:34:45.342 4808 11437 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x161a 05-29 11:34:45.354 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114432 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.356 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114932 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.357 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113445 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.357 4808 11437 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113446, SetElapsed=1077304, nowELAPSED=1076305 05-29 11:34:45.359 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:45.359 4808 11437 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113445, SetElapsed=1076349, nowELAPSED=1076308 05-29 11:34:45.360 4808 11437 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113445 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.360 22189 22265 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:45.360 22189 22265 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:45.360 22189 22265 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:45.360 22189 22265 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:45.361 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:45.361 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:45.362 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:45.362 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:45.362 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:45.362 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:45.362 4808 11437 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@3b5fcfb attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@ee994d3 05-29 11:34:45.362 22189 22189 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:34:45.363 4808 21180 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113445 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.370 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:45.371 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:45.380 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges() entered. 05-29 11:34:45.385 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.settings = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.lool = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud = 1 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.scloud/.app.ui.splash.launcher = 1 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.facebook.katana = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.sec.android.app.samsungapps = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider = -1 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.email.provider/com.samsung.android.email.ui.activity.MessageListXL = -1 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android = 1 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity = 1 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager = 0 05-29 11:34:45.387 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: com.doorware.qsaccesscontrol = 0 05-29 11:34:45.388 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{0}] 05-29 11:34:45.392 19065 19078 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : null 05-29 11:34:45.393 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 1. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android = 2 05-29 11:34:45.393 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: 2. updateBadgeCounts: jp.naver.line.android/.activity.SplashActivity = 2 05-29 11:34:45.394 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), tempBadges.size() : [4], user : [UserHandle{95}] 05-29 11:34:45.394 6221 6304 D BadgeCache: updateBadgeCounts(), final size : 4 05-29 11:34:45.394 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: reloadBadges(), badges count : 4 05-29 11:34:45.401 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:45.401 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113446, SetElapsed=1077311, nowELAPSED=1076349 05-29 11:34:45.401 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@7dad282 alarm=Alarm{85d771 type 2 when 1076349 android} 05-29 11:34:45.405 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114445 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.436 22189 22312 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:45.442 22189 22189 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:34:45.443 22189 22189 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@78b8b65 05-29 11:34:45.443 22189 22189 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:34:45.444 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:45.444 22189 22189 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:45.444 22189 22189 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:45.447 22189 22189 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:45.449 22189 22189 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:45.449 22189 22189 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:45.450 5191 5204 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@446a3ed 05-29 11:34:45.450 22189 22189 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:34:45.450 22189 22312 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 05-29 11:34:45.451 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113445, SetElapsed=1076349, nowELAPSED=1076400 05-29 11:34:45.452 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:22189 05-29 11:34:45.452 22189 22189 I ScanJob : Scanning not started so Scan job is complete. 05-29 11:34:45.452 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:45.454 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113449, SetElapsed=1080731, nowELAPSED=1076402 05-29 11:34:45.454 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@fc09cd alarm=Alarm{8a11073 type 2 when 1076349 android} 05-29 11:34:45.457 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114945 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:45.521 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:45.521 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=83 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 (3/8) 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b480 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f0380e0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:45.523 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:45.525 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=83 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 (-2/8) 05-29 11:34:45.536 4295 4295 I Layer : id=83 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#1 05-29 11:34:45.576 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xca77a300 05-29 11:34:45.576 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@5b99837[MainActivity]: dispatchDetachedFromWindow 05-29 11:34:45.576 22189 22189 D InputEventReceiver: channel '2fed810 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~ Disposing input event receiver. 05-29 11:34:45.576 22189 22189 D InputEventReceiver: channel '2fed810 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity (client)' ~NativeInputEventReceiver. 05-29 11:34:45.578 4808 5275 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeImmediately:2395 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2584 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeIfPossible:2424 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:1988 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:233 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:242 05-29 11:34:45.578 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=82 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:45.580 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=82 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 (-2/7) 05-29 11:34:45.586 4295 4295 I Layer : id=82 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#0 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b2c0 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:45.592 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:45.594 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:45.597 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_OPAQUE -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:45.604 4808 5275 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22189 05-29 11:34:45.607 4808 5275 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 22189 05-29 11:34:45.612 4808 21180 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x961a 05-29 11:34:45.615 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:45.617 22189 22189 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@23d61f9 nm : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx ic=null 05-29 11:34:45.618 22189 22189 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:45.618 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:45.618 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@b80ec2 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@f333165 nm = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#110 windowFlags=#81810100 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:45.619 4808 21180 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@f333165 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:45.620 22189 22189 E ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() returned. 05-29 11:34:45.621 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:45.622 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:45.622 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 22189, caller uid : 10264 05-29 11:34:45.622 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad CACHEDIC onStartInput isCachedICEnabled: false 05-29 11:34:45.622 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs getDefaultInputRange : UNKNOWN 05-29 11:34:45.622 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato resetBinderManager() 05-29 11:34:45.623 5205 5205 I SKBD_SYNC: SamsungKeypad onStartInput: import DLM 05-29 11:34:45.623 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs setPrivateImeOptionsToTable privateImeOptions ( null ) 05-29 11:34:45.623 5205 5205 I SKBD : aqs imeOptions is null 05-29 11:34:45.623 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [PF_OP][onStartInput] 726923 05-29 11:34:45.777 4808 5190 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 05-29 11:34:45.999 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:46.220 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:46.504 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: updateCapabilities: oldCap = [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -35], newCap = [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -65] 05-29 11:34:46.504 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=6, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=6, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=7, [] ] 05-29 11:34:46.505 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=7, [] ] 05-29 11:34:46.506 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.507 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10188 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.508 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.508 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.509 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=8, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.510 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=8, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.510 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10134 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.511 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10132 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.512 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=9, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.512 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=9, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.513 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:46.513 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:46.513 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.513 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.514 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.514 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:46.514 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.514 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.514 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.515 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1001 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.515 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.515 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10153 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10133 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10159 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10068 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5017 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5009 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.520 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:46.520 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:46.525 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:46.527 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.527 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.530 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:46.532 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.529 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.534 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:46.534 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:46.535 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.536 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.537 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.538 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.537 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.539 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.539 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5017 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.540 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.540 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10134 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.542 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.543 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.544 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.545 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.545 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.546 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.547 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5017 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.548 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.547 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:46.548 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.549 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.549 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:46.549 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.550 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.552 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:46.787 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:47.180 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: Start of BadgeRunnable 05-29 11:34:47.180 4808 6023 I ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverOwner , PersonaId : -1 05-29 11:34:47.192 19044 19064 D BadgeProvider: query, [selection] : package IN ( "com.samsung.android.messaging" , "com.samsung.android.contacts" , "com.samsung.contacts ") 05-29 11:34:47.204 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 0 05-29 11:34:47.205 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:34:47.207 4808 6023 D ProcessBadgeData: handleObserverPersona() and the PersonaId : 95 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.HashMap.size()' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.handleObserverPersona(ProcessBadgeData.java:332) 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData.-wrap1(Unknown Source:0) 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at com.android.server.bridge.operations.ProcessBadgeData$1.run(ProcessBadgeData.java:93) 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:789) 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 05-29 11:34:47.208 4808 6023 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 05-29 11:34:47.264 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:47.264 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:34:47.391 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:47.421 22189 22330 I FirebaseCrash: Sending crashes 05-29 11:34:47.508 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: updateCapabilities: oldCap = [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -65], newCap = [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -56] 05-29 11:34:47.508 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 504] 05-29 11:34:47.508 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.508 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.508 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=5, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=6, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=6, [ Transports: CELLULAR|WIFI Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=7, [] ] 05-29 11:34:47.509 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=7, [] ] 05-29 11:34:47.510 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=8, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.510 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10188 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.510 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.511 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.511 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.512 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10134 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.512 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=8, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.513 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10132 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.513 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=9, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.513 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=9, [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.514 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:47.514 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:47.515 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1001 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.516 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10153 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10126 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10133 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10159 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.517 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10068 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5017 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5009 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivityThr identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:47.518 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.519 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5017 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10134 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.520 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10234 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/BLOCKED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 5017 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10028 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.521 4808 5062 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.522 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:47.523 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:47.525 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:47.525 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:47.525 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:47.525 4808 5068 D ConnectivityService: sending notification CAP_CHANGED for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 05-29 11:34:47.526 4808 21180 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10055 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.527 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10144 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.528 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.530 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:47.532 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10264 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:48.031 6439 6458 I AsyncOpDispatcher: 45-xlb 05-29 11:34:48.293 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:48.293 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:48.484 22189 22312 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:48.745 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80812 5373408 w 30790 534532 d 3578 159328 f 7843 7926 iot 38256 32067 th 300944 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1079.693 05-29 11:34:48.824 22189 22312 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:48.830 22189 22312 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) JavaBridge identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:48.831 22189 22312 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:48.833 22189 22312 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:48.837 22189 22201 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:34:48.841 5191 5204 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 1079789 05-29 11:34:48.843 22189 22312 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to BluetoothLePlugin.startScan blocked the main thread for 22ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 05-29 11:34:48.844 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:48.845 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:48.846 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:48.846 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:48.848 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:48.849 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:48.859 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:34:48.859 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:34:48.868 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:48.870 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:48.870 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:48.910 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:48.911 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:48.915 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:48.917 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:48.921 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:48.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:48.922 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:48.922 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:48.966 22189 22312 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B, auto: false 05-29 11:34:48.966 22189 22312 D BluetoothAdapter: isSecureModeEnabled 05-29 11:34:48.967 5191 5204 D BtConfig.SecureMode: isSecureModeOn:false 05-29 11:34:48.968 22189 22312 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() 05-29 11:34:48.968 22189 22312 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=1104935f-015a-4d35-921c-f2f050c9e90c 05-29 11:34:48.970 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - UUID=1104935f-015a-4d35-921c-f2f050c9e90c 05-29 11:34:48.974 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=1104935f-015a-4d35-921c-f2f050c9e90c, clientIf=6, status=0 05-29 11:34:48.976 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6 05-29 11:34:48.982 5191 5204 D BtGatt.GattService: clientConnect(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - address = FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, isDirect=true transport =0 set own addr = false own addr type:0, clientIf: 6, phy: 1 05-29 11:34:48.984 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x1 05-29 11:34:48.984 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:49.064 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:49.213 5191 5897 E bt_btm : [BTCORE][DBFW+]btm_acl_created hci_handle=0x40 link_role=0 transport=2 05-29 11:34:49.213 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1b, rl_mask = 0x1, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:49.213 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:49.213 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1b, rl_mask = 0x1, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:49.222 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.223 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.223 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.233 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.404 5191 5897 W bt_smp : smp_br_connect_callback is called on unexpected transport 2 05-29 11:34:49.405 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0 05-29 11:34:49.405 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT 05-29 11:34:49.405 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED 05-29 11:34:49.405 5191 5323 E bt_btif : remote name callback registration fail. 05-29 11:34:49.407 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:Connected to Device:6D:1, linktype is 2 05-29 11:34:49.407 5191 5897 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_cache_load: can't open GATT cache file /data/misc/bluetooth/gatt_cache_fbbf796d102b for reading, error: No such file or directory 05-29 11:34:49.420 10370 10370 D BeaconManager[]: AppControlManager.onReceive - ($) 05-29 11:34:49.423 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:34:49.425 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:49.427 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:34:49.428 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:34:49.438 22146 22212 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:34:49.450 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onConnected() - clientIf=6, connId=6, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:34:49.452 5191 5204 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:34:49.452 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=6 device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:34:49.452 22146 22212 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:34:49.463 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.464 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.464 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.464 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.465 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.465 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.465 5191 5909 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:34:49.466 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:34:49.466 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:34:49.474 6118 20411 I ThreadRunner: setContextAndRunner 05-29 11:34:49.478 6439 22332 I BluetoothDevice: fetchUuidsWithSdp() for device 6D:1 called by pid: 6439 tid: 22332 05-29 11:34:49.483 5191 5204 E BluetoothBondStateMachine: is in PendingState ? false 05-29 11:34:49.484 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:49.485 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:34:49.504 22146 22212 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.addDevice - ADD: [Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[Alias]null[Class]7936[Battery]-1[Bonded]false[ConnectedA2dpSink]false[SecType]Unknown[A2dpSink]false[HasAppLinkerPkg]0 05-29 11:34:49.505 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.mDiscoveryListener - onDeviceAdded: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:49.505 22146 22202 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.DeviceUpdateHandler - MSG_UPDATE_SCAN_LIST 05-29 11:34:49.505 22146 22202 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.updateDeviceList - [ADDED][Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[Alias]null[Class]7936[Battery]-1[Bonded]false[ConnectedA2dpSink]false[SecType]Unknown[A2dpSink]false[HasAppLinkerPkg]0 05-29 11:34:49.507 22146 22202 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: DeviceBt.getDiscoveryType - DiscoveryType : 4 05-29 11:34:49.507 22146 22202 W oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcDevice.getStandardIcon - unknown device type : -1 05-29 11:34:49.507 22146 22202 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepDiscoveryManager.addDevice - [Name]BC_lockFBBF796D102B[DeviceType]UNKNOWN[Discover]_BT[Services]None[Connected]false[ConType]NONE[size()]1[OCFDiscovery]NONE[OCFOwned]-1 05-29 11:34:49.508 22146 22202 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcDevice.getDiscoveryType - DiscoveryType : 4 05-29 11:34:49.776 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.779 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.783 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:49.783 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113517, SetElapsed=1108619, nowELAPSED=1080731 05-29 11:34:49.784 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:3 / 20180529T113500, SetElapsed=1090948, nowELAPSED=1080732 05-29 11:34:49.784 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 10033 action=com.google.android.gms.gcm.HEARTBEAT_ALARM alarm=Alarm{c7b1a92 type 2 when 1080731 com.google.android.gms} 05-29 11:34:49.853 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: CoprRoi = 64 128 163 65 189 198 13 156 165 67 185 194 05-29 11:34:49.854 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: BRIGHTNESS = 120 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: AfcThread interpolationCount - 14028 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 0, xRGB = 0, average - 3.010907535467313 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 1, xRGB = 10, average - 11.01561274684537 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 2, xRGB = 41, average - 23.032437442075995 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 3, xRGB = 0, average - 7.989734084266059 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 4, xRGB = 61, average - 38.99579382619234 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 5, xRGB = 90, average - 53.97511941256149 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 6, xRGB = 0, average - 14.944963285093035 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 7, xRGB = 25, average - 34.943965209952225 05-29 11:34:49.854 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 8, xRGB = 43, average - 40.96528124331646 05-29 11:34:49.855 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 9, xRGB = 0, average - 6.993084765095887 05-29 11:34:49.855 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 10, xRGB = 55, average - 36.99301347401444 05-29 11:34:49.855 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.855 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: XRGB _i = 11, xRGB = 83, average - 50.97818492906537 05-29 11:34:49.855 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 0, value = 3.010692899914457 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 1, value = 11.015540347875676 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 2, value = 23.033718277730255 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 3, value = 7.989164528086685 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 4, value = 38.9973624180211 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 5, value = 53.9776874821785 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 6, value = 14.943897918448817 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 7, value = 34.94325634445394 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 8, value = 40.96542629027659 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 9, value = 6.99258625605931 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 10, value = 36.99429712004566 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average XRGB - i = 11, value = 50.980467636156256 05-29 11:34:49.856 4808 8303 I AfterimageCompensationService: Average interpolationLuminance = 66.36327345309375 05-29 11:34:49.941 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=6 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:34:49.958 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:49.958 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:49.962 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:49.963 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.964 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.964 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.965 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:49.965 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.966 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.967 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.967 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.974 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:49.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:49.975 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:49.975 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.062 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.063 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.064 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.064 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.069 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.070 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.070 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.090 22189 22312 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:34:50.106 5191 5897 W bt_bta_gattc: bta_gattc_explore_srvc no more services found 05-29 11:34:50.106 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:34:50.106 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:50.106 5191 5323 E bt_btif_gattc: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Unhandled event (7)! 05-29 11:34:50.108 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:50.110 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_search_services_evt: no disc_ble_res.bd_name 05-29 11:34:50.114 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B Status=0 05-29 11:34:50.162 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:34:50.186 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: onConnectionUpdated() - Device=FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B interval=39 latency=0 timeout=500 status=0 05-29 11:34:50.237 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: true 05-29 11:34:50.272 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.274 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.274 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.335 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.336 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.336 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.344 22189 22312 D DesInterface: DesInterface before jni lib load 05-29 11:34:50.344 22189 22312 D DesInterface: ptext in JAVA = BwAAAAAAAAA= 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 D DesInterface: dkey in JAVA = PTwIcbbFje8= 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : in processing des 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : ptextop BwAAAAAAAAA= ptxtDecode 0 ptxtstr len 8 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : dkeyop PTwIcbbFje8= dkeyDecode 3d dkeystr =q�ō� 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : plen 12 dkeybase64len 12 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : pkey is not null 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : exchanged key 2wfV+lhznt8= decode ���Xs�� length 12 8th byte 0 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : ptxtDecode after DES 2b af 4e e1 9f 81 f a2 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 I JNIMsg : short return K69O4Z+BD6I= 05-29 11:34:50.345 22189 22312 D DesInterface: return des in JAVA = K69O4Z+BD6I= 05-29 11:34:50.397 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:50.397 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:50.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.494 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.494 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.520 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - key: device_visibility_enabled 05-29 11:34:50.525 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.526 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.526 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.542 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: ExternalSettingsManager.getIntFromSettingDB - value: 0 05-29 11:34:50.542 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: UpdateManager.getAppUpdateLevel - [appUpdateLevel]0 05-29 11:34:50.543 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - 05-29 11:34:50.543 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:50.544 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.hasKey - - ($) 05-29 11:34:50.545 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - 05-29 11:34:50.545 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsDbHelper.query - 05-29 11:34:50.548 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: InternalSettingsManager.getBooleanFromSettingDB - - ($) 05-29 11:34:50.550 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: Util.getSCRunningSetting - [value]1 05-29 11:34:50.550 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - isQcRunning: true, SCRunningSetting: 1, updateLevel: 0 05-29 11:34:50.552 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: FeatureUtil.isQcSupportedMode - user: 0 05-29 11:34:50.552 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.onReceive - SERVICE IS ALREADY RUNNING, action:android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED needNearbyScan :false , NearbyResponseSetting:false 05-29 11:34:50.553 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcReceiver.startService - Reason: 12 05-29 11:34:50.571 22146 22146 V oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: QcService.onStartCommand - Reason: 12 05-29 11:34:50.590 4808 5409 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{4b9d060: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:50.596 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.597 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.597 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.597 6102 20730 E WakeLock: release without a matched acquire! 05-29 11:34:50.605 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113550 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:50.666 4808 5409 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{adb2919: PendingIntentRecord{d7b88c3 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:50.673 4808 5409 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Intent (T:2/F:5/AC:false) 20180529T113640 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:50.759 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1081707331000 05-29 11:34:50.760 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1081707331000 05-29 11:34:50.760 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.154 ] when=1081707331000 05-29 11:34:50.761 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:50.761 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:50.762 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:50.762 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 40 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 1081707 05-29 11:34:50.869 4808 4843 D WindowManager: requestTransientBars to Window{180f43a u0 NavigationBar} : sb= false ,nb= true 05-29 11:34:50.869 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x2800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:50.871 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:34:50.871 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:50.871 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x800961a 05-29 11:34:50.883 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x800961a fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:50.914 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.915 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.916 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.916 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b100 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039340 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 27.0 | 0 2193 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:50.922 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:50.982 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:50.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:50.983 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:50.983 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.009 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1081957744000 05-29 11:34:51.009 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1081957744000 05-29 11:34:51.009 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1081957744000 05-29 11:34:51.010 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:51.010 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:51.011 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:51.011 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:51.011 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:51.101 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.101 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.102 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.102 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.133 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.134 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.134 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.167 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.168 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.168 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.209 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=20:71:52:79:F0:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.209 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.209 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.234 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.234 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.234 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.339 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.353 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.354 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.354 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.445 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.540 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.540 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.541 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.541 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.557 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.557 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.624 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.624 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.639 4808 8055 D SSRM:J : SIOP:: AP = 310, PST = 303 (W:15), BAT = 288, USB = 295, CHG = 301, CP = 309, WF = 297, WFPst = 296 (W:15) 05-29 11:34:51.660 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.660 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.660 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.730 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.730 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.731 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.731 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.765 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.766 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.766 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.788 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:51.789 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:51.790 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:51.791 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:51.791 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=F5:8A:DD:30:71:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-101, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.791 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.791 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.792 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.870 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.870 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.870 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.920 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.920 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.920 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.976 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:51.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:51.977 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:51.977 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.083 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.083 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.083 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.102 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.103 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.129 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:52.142 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.142 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.143 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.143 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.210 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:52.210 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:52.284 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:52.288 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.289 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.289 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.290 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.388 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1083335903000 05-29 11:34:52.388 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1083335903000 05-29 11:34:52.389 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.155 ] when=1083335903000 05-29 11:34:52.390 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:52.391 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:52.392 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.392 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.392 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.393 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=0, eventTime=1083339000000 05-29 11:34:52.393 4808 5409 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=0, interactive=true 05-29 11:34:52.394 4808 5409 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:34:52.394 4808 5409 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:34:52.394 4808 5409 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=0, wmActions=1 05-29 11:34:52.400 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:34:52.400 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:34:52.453 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1083401724000 05-29 11:34:52.453 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1083401724000 05-29 11:34:52.453 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1083401724000 05-29 11:34:52.453 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:52.454 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@4cfb9b[NavigationBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:52.454 4808 5409 D InputDispatcher: Inject key (5236): action=1, eventTime=1083402000000 05-29 11:34:52.454 4808 5409 D InputManager-JNI: !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(0), action=1, interactive=true 05-29 11:34:52.455 4808 5409 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: sec interceptKeyTq home s_result=1 05-29 11:34:52.455 4808 5409 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq s_result=1 05-29 11:34:52.456 4808 5409 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: f.b. a = false hd = true eme = false ksno = false id = -1 isDM = false 05-29 11:34:52.456 4808 5409 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: haptic disabled by policy 05-29 11:34:52.456 4808 5409 D InputManager-JNI: !@handleInterceptActions(0), action=1, wmActions=1 05-29 11:34:52.459 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState of user: -1 05-29 11:34:52.459 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: getKeyguardShowState() does not exist any showing knox keyguard 05-29 11:34:52.459 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: isVoIPRinging()... 05-29 11:34:52.459 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... 05-29 11:34:52.459 4808 4997 D VoIPInterfaceManager: Not exist call session 05-29 11:34:52.460 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-100, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.461 4808 4997 I MultiPhoneWindowManager: updateImeTargetFreeformTaskId: taskId=-1 05-29 11:34:52.460 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.460 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.462 4808 4808 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:52.462 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) eventTime = 1083410 05-29 11:34:52.462 5236 5521 D vol.VolumeDialogControl: onReceive ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:52.463 5236 5515 D LocationControllerImpl: onReceive() = android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:52.463 4808 4997 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:34:52.466 4808 4997 D ActivityManagerPerformance: AMP_acquire() HOME 05-29 11:34:52.466 4808 4997 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: performHome 05-29 11:34:52.466 4808 4997 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1170000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : HOME_BOOSTER@1 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS mSimCount 0 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D vol.SecVolumeDialogImpl: dismissH reason: 2 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D Tile.MobileDataTile: action:android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D PopupUI : PopupUIReceiver.onReceive() action : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D PopupUI.PopupUINotifications: dismissAlertDialogs() 05-29 11:34:52.467 5236 5236 D BrightnessMirror: hideMirror cancelled since it's not visible 05-29 11:34:52.468 5205 5205 I SKBD : ato getNaviationBarHeight() first use took : 1 05-29 11:34:52.468 4808 4997 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN typ=null flg=0x10200000 cmp=ComponentInfo{com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}} from uid 1000 05-29 11:34:52.470 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: MultiWindowEventListener::onFocusStackChanged(0) 05-29 11:34:52.470 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:52.470 6118 6131 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 05-29 11:34:52.471 22189 22189 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D ActivityManager: isScaleDownAnimationEnabled() : true 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D ActivityOptions: semMakeCustomScaleDownAnimation, startX : 0, startY : 0 width : 0, height : 0 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D ActivityManager: clearAppIconInfo() 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked, ANIM_CUSTOM_SCALE_DOWN 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D SamsungAnimationCreator: updateAppTransitionStartValues frame Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D PersonaManagerService: Current focused persona service handled id set to : 0 05-29 11:34:52.472 4808 4997 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx 05-29 11:34:52.473 4808 4997 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 22189 05-29 11:34:52.473 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.473 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.478 4808 4997 V WindowManager: rotationForOrientationLw(orient=5, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false 05-29 11:34:52.480 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: handleForegroundChange(). pkgName: com.sec.android.app.launcher, clsName: com.android.launcher3.Launcher,FgActivityName:com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.android.launcher3.Launcher 05-29 11:34:52.480 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: sem_perfomance_mode: 0 05-29 11:34:52.480 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). pkg: com.sec.android.app.launcher, type: 4, isMinimized: false, isTunableApp: false 05-29 11:34:52.480 4808 5122 D GameManagerService: notifyResumePause(). unexpected mPrevNotiType: -1 05-29 11:34:52.480 4808 4997 D MARsPolicyManager: onPackageResumedFG pkgName = com.sec.android.app.launcher, userId = 0 05-29 11:34:52.483 4808 4997 I MultiPhoneWindowManager: minimizeAllFreeformTasks 05-29 11:34:52.483 4808 4997 I FreeformStackController: minimizeAllTasksInFreeform is calling 05-29 11:34:52.483 4808 4808 D CS_HdrController: updateMultiWindowState : 0 05-29 11:34:52.483 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:52.483 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : false 05-29 11:34:52.483 4808 4808 D CodecSolution: MultiWindowEventListener::onMultiWindowFocusChanged(0) 05-29 11:34:52.483 22189 22189 I TSLocationManager: - onPause 05-29 11:34:52.484 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:52.483 4808 4808 D MdnieScenarioControlService: Listener Real Multi Window State : true 05-29 11:34:52.484 4808 5409 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d02 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=232 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x40} 05-29 11:34:52.487 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:52.487 6221 6221 D Launcher: onNewIntent 05-29 11:34:52.487 6221 6221 I StageManager: finishAllStage : 1 <--- 2 , stack=2 05-29 11:34:52.487 22189 22312 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:52.487 6221 6221 I StageManager: finishAllStage : 1 <--- 2 , stack=2 05-29 11:34:52.487 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:34:52.487 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:34:52.488 6221 6221 I BlurUtils: blurByWindowManager with show = false, dest = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow@4c9299a, amount = 0.0, duration = 100, sBlur=true 05-29 11:34:52.488 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setVisibility : 0 05-29 11:34:52.488 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:34:52.488 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:34:52.488 6221 6221 D BixbyApi_0.2.7: isBixbySupported:true 05-29 11:34:52.488 6221 6221 D StateManager: onLauncherTopViewChanged() : Home 05-29 11:34:52.489 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:34:52.489 6221 6221 D StageManager: start stageTransitionAnim : from com.android.launcher3.allapps.controller.AppsController@f65f1e0 to com.android.launcher3.home.HomeController@a550737 05-29 11:34:52.489 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564892 05-29 11:34:52.489 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183684 05-29 11:34:52.489 6221 6221 D StageManager: dump stageview info : mode(1), visible(0) , alpha(1.000000) 05-29 11:34:52.489 6221 6221 D StageManager: current stack : 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D StageManager: dump stage 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D StageManager: com.android.launcher3.home.HomeController@a550737 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D StageManager: current stack : 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D StageManager: dump stage 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D StageManager: com.android.launcher3.home.HomeController@a550737 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D InputMethodManager: HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 6221 05-29 11:34:52.490 4808 5409 W InputMethodManagerService: hideSoftInput : Ignoring, uid 10092: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@8bd94db 05-29 11:34:52.490 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgDataIncServer(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.490 6221 6221 D HomeContainer: setAlpha : 1.0 05-29 11:34:52.490 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:52.491 6221 6221 V Launcher: Launcher.onResume() 05-29 11:34:52.491 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.491 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.491 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.491 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.492 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getSosPolicy(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.492 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.492 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.494 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.494 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D ExternalRequestQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_REQUEST_LIST: null 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D ExternalMethodQueue: Getting and clearing EXTERNAL_METHOD_LIST: null 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D Launcher: setHotWordDetection : call requestHotWordDetection true 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=2) 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: currentTime : 1527564892 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6304 I LauncherAppWidgetInfo: reinflateWidgetsIfNecessary, Not required: AppWidget(id=3) 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D NotificationHelpTip: differentTime5183684 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D Launcher.HomeController: onResume HomeContainer current alpha = 1.0 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: notifyUpdate : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D AppsDragController: needDeferToBind : true , false 05-29 11:34:52.495 6221 6221 D Launcher: setupWallpaperScroller 05-29 11:34:52.496 6118 6118 W SearchServiceClient: Starting with NO_SESSION handoverId is deprecated. Just don't. You will break. 05-29 11:34:52.496 6118 6118 W SessionLifecycleManager: Handover failed. Creating new session controller. 05-29 11:34:52.496 22189 22189 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 05-29 11:34:52.496 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.498 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.498 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.498 22189 22312 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=27 tag=null key=-1|android|27|null|1000: Notification(channel=USB pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff607d8b number=0 vis=PUBLIC semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6221 D Notification.Badge: [filtered] shouldBeFilteredOut().mTempRanking.canShowBadge[false], [sbn : StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox user=UserHandle{0} id=-1873494995 tag=n key=0|com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox|-1873494995|n|10094: Notification(channel=21 pri=-2 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x118 color=0xff4285f4 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0))] 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() : 2 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|android|40|null|1000, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 0, this.count : 1 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: notificationKey : 0|com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2|9942585|null|10212, count : 1, mTotalCount : 1 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[com.transistorsoft.backgroundgeolocation.ionic2], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:52.499 6118 6118 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[26908776118758135] not persisted. 05-29 11:34:52.499 6221 6304 D Notification.Badge: LauncherModel:onNotificationFullRefresh() not need to update, updatedBadges.remove[android], count : [1] 05-29 11:34:52.500 6118 22184 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[26908776118758135] from persistence. 05-29 11:34:52.500 4808 6218 D ActivityManager: post active user change for 0 fullscreen true isHomeActivity() true 05-29 11:34:52.500 4808 6218 I WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0 05-29 11:34:52.501 4808 4808 D WallpaperManagerService: force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0 05-29 11:34:52.501 6221 6221 I Launcher: onWindowVisibilityChanged : true 05-29 11:34:52.501 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:34:52.501 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:34:52.501 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:34:52.502 6118 6118 I OptInState: There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request. 05-29 11:34:52.502 4808 6218 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#130 ty=1 fl=#81910d00 pfl=0x20000 fmt=-2 wanim=0x10302ea vsysui=0x700 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 dimDuration=100 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:52.502 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:52.503 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=85 createSurf (1080x2220),1 flag=4, com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:52.503 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:52.503 4808 5409 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:52.503 4808 6218 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:52.504 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8718 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:52.505 5236 5236 D BarTransitions.SecNavigationBarView: MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT -> MODE_TRANSPARENT animate=false 05-29 11:34:52.506 6221 6358 D SamsungAnalytics:110038: [DLC Sender] send result success : 0 05-29 11:34:52.506 4808 6218 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:34:52.507 4808 21180 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8718 05-29 11:34:52.507 6221 6221 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:52.507 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530778349568} changed=true 05-29 11:34:52.509 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate start : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:52.509 6221 6594 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:52.509 6221 6594 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881dbe0 05-29 11:34:52.509 6221 6221 D AppsCustomAdapter: no change items 05-29 11:34:52.509 6221 6221 D AppsAdapter: notifyUpdate end : com.android.launcher3.Launcher@e4891aa 05-29 11:34:52.509 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:52.512 6221 6221 V InputMethodManager: Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@c6590be nm : com.sec.android.app.launcher ic=null 05-29 11:34:52.512 6221 6221 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 V InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : reason=WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN client=android.os.BinderProxy@fc49551 inputContext=null missingMethods= attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@7eb8a89 nm = com.sec.android.app.launcher controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#130 windowFlags=#81910d00 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 V InputMethodManagerService: hideCurrentInputLocked : shouldHideSoftInput is false 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: isImeSwitcherDisabledPackage : false 05-29 11:34:52.512 4808 6218 D InputMethodManagerService: setCurrentInputInfo - inputContext : null eidtorInfo : android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@7eb8a89 missingMethods : 0 05-29 11:34:52.513 5205 5205 I InputMethodWrapper: call dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:52.513 5205 5205 I InputMethodService: dispatchStartInputWithToken 05-29 11:34:52.514 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10094 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:52.514 22189 22275 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0xca77a940 05-29 11:34:52.514 5205 5205 I SKBD : SamsungKeypad [IMI] onStartInput - caller pid : 6221, caller uid : 10092 05-29 11:34:52.517 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@1257c9b[NavBarTouchConsumer]: MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 2203 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) or=1 05-29 11:34:52.517 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:34:52.520 4808 6218 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1831d3b u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity}: viewVisibility=4 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:52.522 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:52.524 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:52.525 4808 5409 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{c920eb7 u0 com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity} in Surface(name=com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity) 05-29 11:34:52.525 5399 5420 D WallpaperService: dispatchAppVisibility onVisibilityChanged(): true 05-29 11:34:52.526 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=false redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:52.526 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: reportVisibility onVisibilityChanged visible: true 05-29 11:34:52.527 5399 5745 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:52.527 5399 5745 I InfinityWallpaper: onSurfaceChanged w = 1080, h = 2220 05-29 11:34:52.527 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize ow = 1080, oh = 2220 05-29 11:34:52.527 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSize nw = 1080, nh = 2220 05-29 11:34:52.527 5399 5745 D InfinityWallpaper: updateSensors() mHomeSensorEnabled : false 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:13 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:0 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:null insets:null 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppCloseWallpaperEnterAnimation 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: skip, wallpaperEnterAnimation is not allowed 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1002 enter:false wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 72 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:34:52.527 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppCloseAppExitAnimation 05-29 11:34:52.528 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation type:HighEnd transit:1002 enter:true wallpaperXoffset:-1 split:false fixedOri:false 05-29 11:34:52.528 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAnimation displayFrame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) frame:Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) insets:Rect(0, 0 - 0, 144) 05-29 11:34:52.528 4808 4945 D SamsungAnimationCreator: createAppCloseHomeEnterAnimation 05-29 11:34:52.535 4295 4295 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:52.543 4808 4945 D TaskSnapshotCache: putSnapshot mTaskId=695 RunningCache size=1 05-29 11:34:52.543 5399 5399 D WallpaperService: updateSurface forceRelayout=true redrawNeeded=false myWidth=-1 myHeight=-1 fixedSize=false x = 0 y = 0 mWidth=-1 mHeight=-1 05-29 11:34:52.546 4808 5409 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:52.546 4808 11437 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{45a6bc5 u0 com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue}: viewVisibility=0 req=-1x-1 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#800033 ty=2013 fl=#10318 pfl=0x4 fmt=1 wanim=0x103030d colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0 sfl=0x8} 05-29 11:34:52.552 4808 11437 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1831d3b u0 com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity EXITING}: viewVisibility=8 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#110 ty=1 fl=#81810100 pfl=0x1020000 wanim=0x10302fc vsysui=0x610 needsMenuKey=2 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65bfe0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 179.0 367.0 901.0 1852.0 | 1 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Client | 0x776f65b100 | 0002 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 5 10 1075 2210 | com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:52.556 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:52.557 22189 22189 D ViewRootImpl@3bfe9fc[MainActivity]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:52.558 5567 5578 D ForegroundUtils: could not check pending caller 05-29 11:34:52.559 4808 4843 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw : setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility=false 05-29 11:34:52.560 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle 0 05-29 11:34:52.560 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_callback_thread 05-29 11:34:52.560 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_close_callback_thread_sockets 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: Starting VTS Recognition 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 0 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_active_callback_bitmask 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power enabled: 1 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS DMIC SEL 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 22337 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: callback_thread_loop 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC SEL configured value: 0 05-29 11:34:52.561 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF RCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.562 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS DMIC IF LCH EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.562 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS SYS SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.562 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF EN configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.562 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS HPF SEL configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.563 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.563 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.563 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.567 5236 5236 D NavigationBar: setForceImmersiveBtnVisibility visible : false 05-29 11:34:52.567 5236 5236 D SecNavigationBarView: setPinButtonVisibility() shouldshow=false, leftRemoteVisible=false, mAllKeyDisabled=false, isBouncerShowing=false, isUltraPowerSaving=false, isEmergencyMode=false, isDeviceEncrypted=false, isUserSetupComplete : true 05-29 11:34:52.573 5236 8357 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: newTime=1527564892470 05-29 11:34:52.573 4808 5275 D SecContentProvider: query(), uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed 05-29 11:34:52.574 4808 5275 D SecContentProvider: called from android.uid.systemui:10003 05-29 11:34:52.574 5236 5445 D SystemServicesProxy: updateOverviewLastStackActiveTimeAsync: done. 05-29 11:34:52.575 4808 6218 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mServices 05-29 11:34:52.576 4808 6218 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mProviders 05-29 11:34:52.576 4808 6218 D PackageManager: getComponentMetadataForIconTray : com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity does not exist in mReceivers 05-29 11:34:52.576 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, bg=144-144, dr=144-144, forDefault=true, density=0 05-29 11:34:52.576 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: scaled rate=201.0, size=144, alpha=0, hold=102 05-29 11:34:52.576 5236 8357 D ApplicationPackageManager: iconScale: getScale(): 201.0 getAlpha(): 0 05-29 11:34:52.577 4808 6218 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:52.577 5236 8357 I ApplicationPackageManager: load=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx-crop, bg=144-144, dr=144-144 05-29 11:34:52.579 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: DMIC1 Switch configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.579 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Virtual Output Mux configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.579 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_mic: Enable MIC Controls 05-29 11:34:52.579 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization start 05-29 11:34:52.579 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls, path: VTS Active Keyphrase 05-29 11:34:52.579 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS Active Keyphrase configured value: 1 05-29 11:34:52.579 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6439 / op:PendingIntent{906f8fd: PendingIntentRecord{7865782 com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:52.598 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:52.598 4808 5275 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 10033 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:52.599 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: Cancel Alarm calling from uid:10033 pid :6102 / op:PendingIntent{78133e: PendingIntentRecord{2f62f3d com.google.android.gms broadcastIntent}} 05-29 11:34:52.609 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114807 - CU:10033/CP:6102 05-29 11:34:52.618 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceRecognization Mode configured value: 4 05-29 11:34:52.618 4267 5786 V soundtrigger_hw_primary: set_mixer_ctrls: VTS VoiceTrigger Value configured value: 2000 05-29 11:34:52.618 4267 5786 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy-notify_sthal_status: Ok-Google Model Recognition [STARTED] 05-29 11:34:52.618 4267 5786 D soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_vts_set_power: Google Model recognization started & Notified to AudioHAL 05-29 11:34:52.618 4267 5786 I soundtrigger_hw_primary: stdev_start_recognition Handle Exit 0 05-29 11:34:52.618 4808 21180 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful. 05-29 11:34:52.619 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true 05-29 11:34:52.619 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1170000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : HOME_BOOSTER@1 05-29 11:34:52.622 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:34:52.661 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.661 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.689 4808 5001 D MdnieScenarioControlService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:34:52.689 4808 5001 V MdnieScenarioControlService: setUIMode from UI function(3) 05-29 11:34:52.769 22189 22201 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 0000fff4-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb enable: false 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65bfe0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 8.0 17.0 1072.0 2203.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038620 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039960 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65a680 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:52.772 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:52.776 22189 22312 D BluetoothGatt: close() 05-29 11:34:52.777 22189 22312 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=6 05-29 11:34:52.777 5191 20441 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient(com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx) - clientIf=6 05-29 11:34:52.778 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onDisconnected() - clientIf=6, connId=6, status=0, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX 05-29 11:34:52.778 5191 5323 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for ID 6 05-29 11:34:52.809 4808 5002 D AllAroundSensingService: packageName : com.sec.android.app.launcher className : com.sec.android.app.launcher.activities.LauncherActivity 05-29 11:34:52.809 4808 5002 V AllAroundSensingService: setPlatformBrightnessValue 120 05-29 11:34:52.816 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.834 4808 4945 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:722 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:706 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.onExitAnimationDone:5260 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:542 05-29 11:34:52.834 4295 5945 I SurfaceFlinger: id=84 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (2/7) 05-29 11:34:52.836 4295 5948 I SurfaceFlinger: id=84 Removed com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 (-2/7) 05-29 11:34:52.841 4808 5188 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 05-29 11:34:52.841 4808 5188 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 05-29 11:34:52.842 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:52.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.842 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:52.842 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:52.850 4295 4295 I Layer : id=84 onRemoved com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx/com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx.MainActivity#2 05-29 11:34:53.004 4808 22338 D TspStateManagerInternal: update cmd=set_grip_data,1,60,10,32,888 05-29 11:34:53.027 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.027 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.027 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.034 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:34:53.034 6221 6594 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: WorkspaceCellLayoutChildren, destroying layer... 05-29 11:34:53.064 22189 22312 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.065 22189 22312 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) JavaBridge identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:53.065 22189 22312 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.065 22189 22312 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:53.066 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, last scan stopped at 1084014 05-29 11:34:53.066 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStop() - scan time: 4225, tot/min/max scan time: 410333/7/184765 05-29 11:34:53.068 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.069 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:53.069 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.069 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 800 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:53.069 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:53.069 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:53.069 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_STOP, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:53.081 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:34:53.093 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ addGeofences() 05-29 11:34:53.112 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.112 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113454, SetElapsed=1085059, nowELAPSED=1084060 05-29 11:34:53.112 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113453, SetElapsed=1084109, nowELAPSED=1084061 05-29 11:34:53.113 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.113 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.113 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.113 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.113 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.114 4808 5275 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:4808_5 identical 1 line 05-29 11:34:53.115 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.154 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.154 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113517, SetElapsed=1108619, nowELAPSED=1084103 05-29 11:34:53.155 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114953 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.155 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.155 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113454, SetElapsed=1085103, nowELAPSED=1084103 05-29 11:34:53.156 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113453, SetElapsed=1084151, nowELAPSED=1084104 05-29 11:34:53.156 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setExact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T113453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.156 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.157 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.157 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified interval for 1 is +5m0s0ms. Clamped to +15m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.157 22189 22236 W JobInfo : Specified flex for 1 is 0. Clamped to +5m0s0ms 05-29 11:34:53.159 22189 22236 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateOutside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:53.165 22189 22340 D com.unarin.beacon: didStartMonitoringForRegion: {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:34:53.167 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateOutside"} 05-29 11:34:53.169 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:34:53.171 22189 22312 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:53.173 22189 22306 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didStartMonitoringForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:34:53.175 22189 22236 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didStartMonitoringForRegion 05-29 11:34:53.177 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didStartMonitoringForRegion() 05-29 11:34:53.202 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:53.203 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113454, SetElapsed=1085106, nowELAPSED=1084151 05-29 11:34:53.203 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@3075956 alarm=Alarm{8bbe5d8 type 2 when 1084151 android} 05-29 11:34:53.203 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114453 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.223 22189 22189 I CycledLeScanner: Using Android O scanner 05-29 11:34:53.224 22189 22189 I ScanJob : Running immediate scan job: instance is org.altbeacon.beacon.service.ScanJob@e0a0bc8 05-29 11:34:53.224 22189 22189 I ScanJob : scanJob version 2.12.4 is starting up on the main process 05-29 11:34:53.226 22189 22189 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:53.226 22189 22189 W ModelSpecificDistanceCalculator: Cannot find match for this device. Using default 05-29 11:34:53.227 22189 22189 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.229 22189 22189 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:53.229 22189 22189 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.230 5191 20441 E BtGatt.ContextMap: Context not found for info com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService$PendingIntentInfo@96be4b3 05-29 11:34:53.230 22189 22189 D BluetoothLeScanner: Stop Scan with NO SUCH callback intent 05-29 11:34:53.231 4808 5275 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113453, SetElapsed=1084151, nowELAPSED=1084179 05-29 11:34:53.231 4808 4963 D SamsungAlarmManager: Expired : 4 05-29 11:34:53.232 4808 5275 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Intent (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 19300320T051002 - CU:10264/CP:22189 05-29 11:34:53.232 4808 4963 I SamsungAlarmManager: setLocked to kernel - T:2 / 20180529T113517, SetElapsed=1108619, nowELAPSED=1084180 05-29 11:34:53.232 4808 4963 V SamsungAlarmManager: Sending to uid : 1000 listener=android.app.AlarmManager$ListenerWrapper@9703a9 alarm=Alarm{fed1b6d type 2 when 1084151 android} 05-29 11:34:53.232 4808 4808 D SamsungAlarmManager: setInexact Listener (T:2/F:0/AC:false) 20180529T114953 - CU:1000/CP:4808 05-29 11:34:53.234 22189 22189 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.234 22189 22189 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.235 22189 22189 I ScanJob : Scan job running for 300000 millis 05-29 11:34:53.235 22189 22341 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.236 22189 22341 I chatty : uid=10264(u0_a264) CycledLeScanner identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:53.237 22189 22341 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.237 22189 22341 D BluetoothLeScanner: Start Scan with callback 05-29 11:34:53.238 22189 22201 D BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=5 mScannerId=0 05-29 11:34:53.240 5191 20441 D BtGatt.AppScanStats: recordScanStart() - app: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, first scan started at 1084188 05-29 11:34:53.240 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.240 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.241 5191 5729 E BtGatt.GattService: [GSIM LOG]: gsimLogHandler, msg: MESSAGE_SCAN_START, appName: com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, scannerId: 5, reportDelayMillis=0 05-29 11:34:53.241 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.241 5191 5726 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothScanMa identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:53.241 5191 5726 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 05-29 11:34:53.242 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : onFoundTimeout | onLostTimeout | onFoundCount | numOfTrackingEntries | scanFilterRssiThreshold | trackableScanFilterRssiThreshold | matchMode 05-29 11:34:53.242 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter() : __________500__|________10000__|___________1__|___________________0__|___________________-128__|____________________________-128__|________1_ 05-29 11:34:53.244 5191 5726 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() scan param set to 8000 / 8000 (units) 05-29 11:34:53.244 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_disable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x1a, rl_mask = 0x2, to_resume = 1 05-29 11:34:53.244 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_ble_enable_resolving_list() rl_state = 0x18, rl_mask = 0x2 05-29 11:34:53.266 4808 4808 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1794000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 tag : AMS_APP_HOME@CPU_MIN@11 05-29 11:34:53.338 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-79, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.339 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.340 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.340 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.357 22189 22189 D com.unarin.beacon: didDetermineStateForRegion 'CLRegionStateInside' for region: BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:53.358 22189 22189 D com.unarin.beacon: didEnterRegion INSIDE for BC_lockFBBF796D102B 05-29 11:34:53.363 22189 22265 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didDetermineStateForRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"state":"CLRegionStateInside"} 05-29 11:34:53.366 22189 22306 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didDetermineStateForRegion 05-29 11:34:53.369 22189 22312 D PluginManager: exec() call to unknown plugin: BackgroundJS 05-29 11:34:53.374 22189 22236 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didEnterRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"}} 05-29 11:34:53.376 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didEnterRegion 05-29 11:34:53.382 22189 22265 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] DEFAULT didEnterRegion() 05-29 11:34:53.397 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.543 4808 21180 D BatteryService: !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! 05-29 11:34:53.544 4808 21180 D BatteryService: level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4307, temperature: 289, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, POGO powered:false, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303838, invalid charger:0, maxChargingCurrent:0, maxChargingVoltage:0, chargeCounter:2983000 05-29 11:34:53.545 4808 21180 D BatteryService: online:4, current avg:-34, charge type:0, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, batterySWSelfDischarging:false, misc_event:0, current_event:0, current_now:0 05-29 11:34:53.545 4808 4808 D BatteryService: Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. 05-29 11:34:53.398 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.398 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.547 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.548 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.551 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.551 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.561 4808 4808 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged 05-29 11:34:53.561 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1 05-29 11:34:53.561 4808 4808 D MotionRecognitionService: setPowerConnected : mGripEnabled = false 05-29 11:34:53.561 4808 4808 D SamsungPhoneWindowManager: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED - Level :: 100, battStatus :: 5 05-29 11:34:53.565 4808 4850 D UsbDeviceManager: handleMessage -> MSG_UPDATE_CHARGING_STATE = 1 05-29 11:34:53.569 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:53.569 5236 5236 D BatteryController: onReceive-ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : mLevel=100, mBatteryStatus=5 05-29 11:34:53.572 5236 5236 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 05-29 11:34:53.576 5191 5191 V HeadsetService: Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:53.576 5191 5908 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 05-29 11:34:53.584 22189 22345 I ScanHelper: Non-distinct packets detected in a single scan. Restarting scans unecessary. 05-29 11:34:53.587 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-88, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.588 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.588 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.606 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:53.608 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:53.609 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.610 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:53.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.612 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.612 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.614 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:53.620 4808 4808 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget, appWidgetId = 3 05-29 11:34:53.621 6221 6221 I LauncherAppWidgetHostView: updateLastInflationOrientation, orientation: 1, widget: AppWidgetProviderInfo(UserHandle{0}/ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchWidgetProvider}) 05-29 11:34:53.635 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer onMeasure, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:34:53.636 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 1296/ 370 scaleToResize = 0.7955247(widget id = 3) 05-29 11:34:53.637 6221 6221 D LauncherAppWidgetHostView: setResizeScaleResult() 774/ 1136 scaleToResize = 0.79457366(widget id = 2) 05-29 11:34:53.637 6221 6221 D DragLayer: DragLayer dispatchDraw, mIsNaviBarPositionChanged = false, mWillOrientationChange = false 05-29 11:34:53.651 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.652 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.748 5972 5972 D io_stats: !@ 8,0 r 80816 5373424 w 30933 536628 d 3595 159776 f 7884 7968 iot 38316 32113 th 298252 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 1084.695 05-29 11:34:53.759 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x10, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.779 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnect 05-29 11:34:53.779 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_send_hci_disconnect: handle:0x40, reason=0x13 05-29 11:34:53.779 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:53.791 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=3 connected=0 conn_id=3 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:53.791 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:53.791 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=5 connected=0 conn_id=5 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:53.791 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=7 connected=0 conn_id=7 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:53.792 5191 5897 W bt_btif : bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=8 connected=0 conn_id=8 reason=0x0016 05-29 11:34:53.792 5191 5897 E bt_btm : btm_acl_removed:1: 05-29 11:34:53.792 5191 5897 W bt_btm : btm_sec_disconnected 05-29 11:34:53.792 5191 5323 W bt_btif : btif_dm_generic_evt: event=33037 05-29 11:34:53.793 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT 05-29 11:34:53.793 5191 5323 D btif_av : btif_av_move_idle(L3072), cannot find av control block! 05-29 11:34:53.793 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:53.793 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: aclStateChangeCallback: State:DisConnected to Device:6D:1 05-29 11:34:53.796 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:53.797 5191 5323 D BluetoothDataManager: BluetoothDataManager :: notifyDisconnectReason() is called!!! 05-29 11:34:53.797 5191 5323 E bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_evt: ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT 05-29 11:34:53.797 5191 5323 W bt_btif : BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT :: p_data->busy_level.level_flags : 0x0 05-29 11:34:53.797 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:53.800 22146 22146 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.mBtStateReceiver - [action]android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED [connState]0[address] - ($) 05-29 11:34:53.801 5191 5191 D PanService: onReceive : android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:53.802 5191 5191 D EnhancedTetheringManager: isLastConnectedDevice : 6D:1 05-29 11:34:53.802 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:53.802 5236 5515 E BluetoothEventManager: ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED 05-29 11:34:53.802 5191 5191 I BluetoothPbapService: action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED, state: -2147483648 05-29 11:34:53.802 5191 5191 E BluetoothPbapService: Device 6D:1 not waiting for authorization..Skipping cancel dialog... 05-29 11:34:53.806 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:53.808 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:53.808 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:53.809 22146 22212 D BluetoothA2dp: getState(6D:1) 05-29 11:34:53.809 5191 5323 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: devicePropertyChangedCallback: bdDevice: 6D:1, value is empty for type: 241 05-29 11:34:53.819 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:53.824 5191 5909 D A2dpStateMachine: getConnectionState: 0 05-29 11:34:53.825 22146 22212 D BluetoothHeadset: getConnectionState() in if statement 05-29 11:34:53.831 5191 5958 E BluetoothRemoteDevices: mSocketConnectedCount 0 05-29 11:34:53.832 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isConnected - ($)10:2B NO profile connected 05-29 11:34:53.832 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothActionHelper.isA2dpSinkConnected - ($)10:2B mA2dpSlink not connected 05-29 11:34:53.840 22146 22212 D oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: BluetoothHelper.getManufacturerData - - ($) 05-29 11:34:53.957 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:53.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:53.958 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:53.958 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.023 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:54.024 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:54.030 5191 5323 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:54.032 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED 05-29 11:34:54.033 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.034 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.034 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.128 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.129 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.130 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.130 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.137 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.139 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.139 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.237 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.238 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.238 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.300 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@7ca37c6 05-29 11:34:54.303 4808 21180 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:971 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendDQLog:1093 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamDQServer:817 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamServerLocked:715 com.samsung.android.hqm.BigDataModule.sendHWParamToHQM:537 05-29 11:34:54.320 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-87, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.321 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.321 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.343 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.344 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.345 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.351 22189 22340 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.01},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.62}]} 05-29 11:34:54.362 22189 22306 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"334","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-95,"tx":-86,"accuracy":1.01},{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-82,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.62}]} 05-29 11:34:54.368 22189 22236 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:34:54.405 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Timothy's iPhone 6s", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:54.416 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;activeStream 05-29 11:34:54.416 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### active stream : 0 05-29 11:34:54.417 4808 8055 D AudioService: active stream is 0x0 05-29 11:34:54.417 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice 05-29 11:34:54.417 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 05-29 11:34:54.417 4429 20601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: ### curdevice : 2 05-29 11:34:54.418 4808 8055 D ConnectivityService: filterNetworkStateForUid() uid: 1000 networkInfo: [type: MOBILE[] - MOBILE, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false] 05-29 11:34:54.439 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: power = AP_CP = 700, Display = 360(Panel:96, LDIs:264), WIFI = 0, SPK = 0, RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:54.440 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: current = AP_CP = 175, Display = 90, WIFI = 0, SPK = 0,RCV = 0, Camera = 0, PAM = 0 05-29 11:34:54.442 4808 8055 D SSRM:j : ATC: Ambient Temperature = 25.58, Skin temperature = F_AP[30.50], F_RF[30.30], B_AP[30.10], B_RF[29.80], B_WIFI[28.90], B_SPK[29.20] 05-29 11:34:54.444 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.444 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.445 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.471 4808 4808 D PreBindingService: handleMessage : 1 05-29 11:34:54.506 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.507 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.507 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.544 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.545 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.545 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.629 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.630 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.630 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.698 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.699 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.700 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.700 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.736 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=ED:AB:0A:14:08:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.737 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.738 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.738 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.757 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-97, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.758 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.759 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.759 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.861 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.862 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.863 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.863 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.884 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:54.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:54.885 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:54.885 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.067 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.069 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.069 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.070 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.071 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.072 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.072 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.174 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.177 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.220 4282 4282 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: getLinkLayerStats 05-29 11:34:55.260 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.265 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.265 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.280 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-94, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.286 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.286 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.417 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:55.417 19065 19075 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:55.443 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.445 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.446 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.446 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.459 22189 22340 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-94,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97}]} 05-29 11:34:55.473 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-94,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97}]} 05-29 11:34:55.478 22189 22265 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:34:55.491 5191 5191 D BluetoothUtils: getBtEnabledContainers(): btContainers = [] 05-29 11:34:55.494 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:55.495 5191 5191 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:55.495 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: msgWhat: 2(2) 05-29 11:34:55.495 5236 5515 V BluetoothEventManager: onReceive :: android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID 05-29 11:34:55.495 5191 5191 D BluetoothPhonePolicy: UUIDs on ACTION_UUID: null for device FB:BF:79:6D:10:2B 05-29 11:34:55.496 6177 6177 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } 05-29 11:34:55.496 5191 5223 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex Bluetooth.apk 05-29 11:34:55.497 5191 5223 W zygote64: Checksum mismatch for dex Bluetooth.apk 05-29 11:34:55.502 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.502 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.503 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.503 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.593 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.595 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.596 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.596 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.608 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-89, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.609 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.610 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.610 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.713 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.714 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.715 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.715 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.815 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-91, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.816 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.817 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.817 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.924 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.925 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.925 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.975 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:55.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:55.976 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:55.976 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.031 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.032 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.032 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.033 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.057 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ getGeofences() 05-29 11:34:56.091 22189 22312 D TSLocationManager: $ startGeofences() 05-29 11:34:56.111 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1087059612000 05-29 11:34:56.112 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=1 when=1087059612000 05-29 11:34:56.112 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.156 ] when=1087059612000 05-29 11:34:56.113 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:56.113 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:56.114 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 05-29 11:34:56.118 5236 5236 I SwipeDoorsillDetector: onTouchEvent(): mIntercepting is false 05-29 11:34:56.128 5236 5515 D Tile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState enabled = true connected = false bluetoothState = 12 05-29 11:34:56.128 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.ANIMATING 05-29 11:34:56.131 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:34:56.131 5236 5515 D FlashlightController: updateTorchCallback for mCameraId 0 05-29 11:34:56.131 5236 5515 D Tile.AirplaneModeTile: handleUpdateState: value false state.dim false 05-29 11:34:56.134 22189 22189 W Notification: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 05-29 11:34:56.134 22189 22189 W Notification: See the documentation of setSound() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case 05-29 11:34:56.134 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:34:56.134 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:34:56.136 5236 5515 D Tile.RotationLockTile: handleUpdateState: false orientation = true 05-29 11:34:56.138 4808 11437 D ApplicationPolicy: isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx,userId = 0 05-29 11:34:56.138 4808 11437 D API test: getContainerInfo: value is 05-29 11:34:56.138 4808 11437 E NotificationService: No Channel found for pkg=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, channelId=android-permissions, id=-1888586689, tag=[android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION], opPkg=com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx, callingUid=10264, userId=0, incomingUserId=0, notificationUid=10264, notification=Notification(channel=android-permissions pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0x00000000 number=0 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0) 05-29 11:34:56.139 4808 11437 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x72 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:56.158 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.158 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.158 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.165 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,72] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:56.167 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:56.168 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,2220 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 2220, oldBottom : 72 05-29 11:34:56.168 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=true 05-29 11:34:56.168 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x2220]-format:1 05-29 11:34:56.168 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:56.176 4808 11437 I EasyMuteController: UnRegister failed. no registered 05-29 11:34:56.176 4808 11437 V Vibrator: Called cancel() API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, token: android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:34:56.176 4808 11437 D VibratorService: cancel() : android.os.Binder@f25746f 05-29 11:34:56.176 4808 11437 D VibratorService: Turning vibrator off 05-29 11:34:56.176 4286 4286 D SecVibrator-HAL: writeNode node:/sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 05-29 11:34:56.179 4808 11437 D LightsService: [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 4808) 05-29 11:34:56.179 4808 11437 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_lock, LightsService 05-29 11:34:56.179 4808 11437 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off 05-29 11:34:56.179 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] handleForcedSvcLEDTask() 05-29 11:34:56.179 4808 4859 D LightsService: [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right 05-29 11:34:56.179 4808 4859 D PowerManagerUtil: fileWriteString to /sys/power/wake_unlock, LightsService 05-29 11:34:56.180 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:34:56.180 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=513 visible=2 mCurrentVisible=1 specificMode=0 05-29 11:34:56.181 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564880671Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:34:56.181 4808 21180 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81860040 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:56.182 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8608 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:56.183 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 2 : 0 --> 2 05-29 11:34:56.185 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 6221 05-29 11:34:56.185 4808 21180 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 5236 05-29 11:34:56.186 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:56.186 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:56.189 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.189 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:56.189 4808 11437 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8608 05-29 11:34:56.193 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:34:56.194 4808 6218 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:56.194 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.195 4808 6218 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2465 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:967 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurfaceUnchecked:3651 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroySurface:3599 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:2646 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2430 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:249 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:288 05-29 11:34:56.195 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=80 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (5/6) 05-29 11:34:56.195 4295 4343 I SurfaceFlinger: id=80 Removed com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 (-2/6) 05-29 11:34:56.198 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x5 surface={valid=false 0} changed=true 05-29 11:34:56.205 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=2 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:34:56.207 4295 4295 I Layer : id=80 onRemoved com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:56.208 4808 6218 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=8 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:56.211 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x1 surface={valid=false 0} changed=false 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b560 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038460 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:56.216 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:56.239 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-92, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.240 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.240 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.274 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.326 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:56.343 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.345 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.345 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.346 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.346 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.360 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.426 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:56.443 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.453 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.454 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.454 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.460 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.510 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 3 lines 05-29 11:34:56.528 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.531 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.532 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.532 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.543 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.556 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.556 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.556 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.561 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.565 22189 22340 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-83,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:34:56.571 22189 22306 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-83,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.99}]} 05-29 11:34:56.577 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.577 22189 22236 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:34:56.594 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.654 4808 4997 D PowerManagerService: [api] userActivityFromNative : 50 (event: 2 flags: 0) eventTime = 1087602 05-29 11:34:56.658 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.658 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.658 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.677 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.694 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.717 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.717 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.717 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.760 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-93, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.760 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.760 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.761 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.778 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.844 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 4 lines 05-29 11:34:56.861 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.866 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.866 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.866 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.878 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.895 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.901 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.901 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.901 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.912 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:56.962 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1087910459000 05-29 11:34:56.962 4808 4998 D InputReader: Input event(3): value=0 when=1087910459000 05-29 11:34:56.962 4808 4998 I InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=1087910459000 05-29 11:34:56.962 4808 4997 I InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to (5236): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 05-29 11:34:56.963 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 05-29 11:34:56.964 4808 8055 D GameManagerService: identifyGamePackage. com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:56.964 4808 8055 D GamePkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.sec.android.app.launcher 05-29 11:34:56.965 4808 8055 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 858000 uid : 1000 pid : 4808 pkgName : GESTURE_DETECTED@CPU_MIN@66 05-29 11:34:56.969 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-86, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:56.969 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:56.970 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:56.970 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.010 5236 5236 D SystemUIAnalytics: sendEventLog 299, 1116 05-29 11:34:57.011 5236 5236 W SamsungAnalytics: [SamsungAnalytics] Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int com.samsung.context.sdk.samsunganalytics.a.b.a(java.util.Map)' on a null object reference 05-29 11:34:57.015 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: TrayVisibilityReceiver action :com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:34:57.016 22146 22146 I oneconnect[1.7.00-39_3]: SepBoardManager.mReceiver - action : com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED 05-29 11:34:57.016 4808 11437 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2220 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:57.016 4808 4843 D WindowManager: set systemUiVisibility : systemUiFlags= 0x8708 fullscreenStackSysUiFlags= 0x0 05-29 11:34:57.021 4808 11437 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 5236 05-29 11:34:57.021 4808 11437 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 6221 05-29 11:34:57.022 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:57.022 6221 6221 D ViewRootImpl@60f4f79[LauncherActivity]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 05-29 11:34:57.024 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:34:57.026 5236 5236 D MultiSIMPreferredSlotBar: onQsClosed 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: startInputOrWindowGainedFocus : windowGainedFocus 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: destinationUserId (getCallingUid) = 0 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: currentUserId=0 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: mCurrentFocusedUserId=0 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : lock - currentUserId = 0 destinationUserId = 0 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 D InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus : mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled - false, userSwitched - false 05-29 11:34:57.031 4808 11437 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@97e4795 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@9d871b6 05-29 11:34:57.034 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:34:57.034 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:34:57.034 5236 5236 D StatusBar: disable 05-29 11:34:57.034 5236 5236 D CollapsedStatusBarFragment: disable 05-29 11:34:57.035 5236 5236 D BixbyNotiManager: action:com.samsung.systemui.statusbar.COLLAPSED mWaitingPanelOpen:false mIsPanelOpen:false 05-29 11:34:57.035 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 05-29 11:34:57.035 4808 6218 D WindowManager: adjustSystemUiVisibilityLw : vis= 0x8708 05-29 11:34:57.038 4808 6218 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{50d35aa u0 StatusBar}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x72 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillx72) gr=#30 sim=#10 ty=2000 fl=#81840048 fmt=-3 vsysui=0x600 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:57.048 5236 5236 D ViewRootImpl@2754cb[StatusBar]: Relayout returned: old=[0,0][1080,2220] new=[0,0][1080,72] result=0x21 surface={valid=true 530625757184} changed=false 05-29 11:34:57.050 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglDestroySurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:57.051 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: onLayoutChange() v: com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView{d78818a I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,72 #7f0a0068 app:id/backdrop}, bottom : 72, oldBottom : 2220 05-29 11:34:57.051 5236 5236 D KeyguardWallpaperController: mShowing=false, mOccluded=false, mFadingAway=false, match_parent=false 05-29 11:34:57.051 5236 5657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x72]-format:1 05-29 11:34:57.051 5236 5657 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7ba881f260 05-29 11:34:57.057 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:57.057 5236 5236 I chatty : uid=10003(u0_a3) com.android.systemui identical 2 lines 05-29 11:34:57.058 5236 5236 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleStatusBarState( false ) 05-29 11:34:57.066 7531 7531 I Utils : isCurrentUser current = 0, ownerId = 0 05-29 11:34:57.066 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: getComputedTrayVisible : keyguardState = 1 05-29 11:34:57.066 7531 7531 I TrayVisibilityController: updateTrayVisible: State=1 visible=1 mCurrentVisible=2 specificMode=0 05-29 11:34:57.066 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564880671Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) 05-29 11:34:57.067 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: putInputRect mDynamicInputRegion=253758137@LastEvent=t=1527564880671Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445),Rect=Rect(25, 0 - 67, 445) 05-29 11:34:57.068 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: getTriggerMarginOnTop retY=574 halfHandleSize=223 getTriggerPosition=31.236559 05-29 11:34:57.070 4808 6218 D PowerManagerService: [api] setButtonBrightnessLimit: 255 05-29 11:34:57.071 7531 7531 D TrayStateController: setUiState 0 : 2 --> 0 05-29 11:34:57.073 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.074 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.077 4808 11437 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService}: viewVisibility=0 req=67x445 WM.LayoutParams{(0,574)(67x445) gr=#35 sim=#20 ty=2226 fl=#1800148 pfl=0x50 fmt=-2 vsysui=0x2000 colorMode=0 naviIconColor=0} 05-29 11:34:57.082 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: id=86 createSurf (67x445),1 flag=4, com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:57.083 4808 11437 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:57.088 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.088 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.088 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.088 7531 7531 V Surface : sf_framedrop debug : 0x4f4c, game : false, logging : 0 05-29 11:34:57.088 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x7 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=true 05-29 11:34:57.091 7531 7608 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [67x445]-format:1 05-29 11:34:57.091 7531 7608 D OpenGLRenderer: eglCreateWindowSurface = 0x7bb3242790 05-29 11:34:57.096 7531 7531 D TrayStateTrigger: showTriggerView 05-29 11:34:57.096 7531 7531 D CocktailBarUiController: onCocktailBarStateChanged: flag=0x1 vis=1 bgType=0 showTimeout=-1 activate=true 05-29 11:34:57.102 7531 7531 D ViewRootImpl@b2d9975[CocktailBarService]: Relayout returned: old=[1013,574][1080,1019] new=[1013,574][1080,1019] result=0x3 surface={valid=true 530974388224} changed=false 05-29 11:34:57.108 4808 11437 V WindowManager: finishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING Window{1ab1080 u0 com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService} in Surface(name=com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice/com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbarservice.CocktailBarService) 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Display 0 HWC layers: 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: type | handle | flag | format | source crop (l,t,r,b) | frame | name 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: ------------+--------------+------+-----------+----------------------------+---------------------+------ 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65c280 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.android.systemui.infinity.InfinityWallpaperBlue#0 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b560 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 2220.0 | 0 0 1080 2220 | com.sec.android.app.launcher/com.sec[...]uncher.activities.LauncherActivity#0 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f039c00 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 72.0 | 0 0 1080 72 | StatusBar#0 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f038fc0 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 67.0 445.0 | 1013 574 1080 1019 | com.samsung.android.app.cocktailbars[...]ktailbarservice.CocktailBarService#0 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: Device | 0x776f65b020 | 0000 | RGBA_8888 | 0.0 0.0 1080.0 144.0 | 0 2076 1080 2220 | NavigationBar#0 05-29 11:34:57.131 4295 4295 I SurfaceFlinger: 05-29 11:34:57.228 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:57.228 19044 19054 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.sec.android.provider.badge 05-29 11:34:57.273 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-84, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.273 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.273 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.382 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-82, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.382 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.382 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.462 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-83, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.463 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.463 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.488 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:57.488 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:57.490 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:57.490 6439 6456 I zygote64: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.google.android.gms 05-29 11:34:57.492 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-80, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.492 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.493 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.493 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.494 22241 22257 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:57.494 22241 22257 I /system/bin/webview_zygote32: SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.android.chrome:sandboxed 05-29 11:34:57.525 6118 9284 I EventLogSendingHelper: Sending log events. 05-29 11:34:57.589 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-81, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.590 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.590 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.617 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 1. proc_name - 05-29 11:34:57.617 22189 22199 I zygote : SuspendAllInternal: 2.proc_name - com.bxxxxxxxxx.bxxxxxxxxxx 05-29 11:34:57.644 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=51:BB:6A:25:80:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-85, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.645 5191 5323 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BT Service Call identical 6 lines 05-29 11:34:57.645 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data 05-29 11:34:57.667 22189 22340 D com.unarin.beacon: didRangeBeacons: {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97}]} 05-29 11:34:57.673 22189 22313 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _onDelegateCallback() {"eventType":"didRangeBeaconsInRegion","region":{"identifier":"BC_lockFBBF796D102B","uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","typeName":"BeaconRegion"},"beacons":[{"uuid":"7a243e81-4f88-b420-05af-30b6b3f54c0d","major":"0","minor":"78","proximity":"ProximityNear","rssi":-81,"tx":-86,"accuracy":0.97}]} 05-29 11:34:57.674 22189 22265 D com.unarin.beacon: [DOM] _mapDelegateCallback() found eventType didRangeBeaconsInRegion 05-29 11:34:57.693 5191 5323 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanResult to scannerId: 5- event_type=0x1b, address_type=1, address=FB:BF:79:6D:10:XX, primary_phy=1, secondary_phy=0, advertising_sid=0xff, tx_power=127, rssi=-95, periodic_adv_int=0x0 05-29 11:34:57.693 5191 5323 D ScanRecord: Not a Multi Manu data