08-12 23:26:19.666 10331 23822 D PackageVerifyedRecevier: verify package /data/app/vmdl481313538.tmp info: PackageInfo{4a0c490 il.org.osm.israelhiking} 08-12 23:26:19.677 1515 1558 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:19.678 10331 23822 D PackageVerifyedRecevier: verify package /data/app/vmdl481313538.tmp finish true 08-12 23:26:19.740 1515 1558 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:19.760 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:19.762 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:19.762 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:19.762 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:19.762 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:19.762 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:19.792 1515 1546 I ActivityManager: Start proc 23823:com.android.defcontainer/u0a10 for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService caller=android 08-12 23:26:19.792 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10010 reason: com.android.defcontainer, pid:0 08-12 23:26:19.806 23823 23823 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:19.814 23823 23823 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:19.855 23823 23823 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:19.866 23823 23823 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.android.defcontainer 08-12 23:26:19.870 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:491953329 08-12 23:26:19.873 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:26:19.873 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x2a6417b, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:26:19.873 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 31 microseconds, avg: 463 08-12 23:26:19.878 23823 23838 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:19.919 1515 1533 I ActivityManager: Start proc 23842:com.android.vending/u0a45 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PackageVerificationReceiver caller=android 08-12 23:26:19.920 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10045 reason: com.android.vending, pid:0 08-12 23:26:19.942 23842 23842 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:19.952 23842 23842 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@29f6b29 08-12 23:26:20.042 23842 23842 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:20.053 23842 23842 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:20.573 23842 23878 I Finsky : [34415] peg.a(39): Started reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 08-12 23:26:20.592 23842 23878 I Finsky : [34415] peg.a(45): Finished reading experiment flags from file [SKocQA9EQQFTb-1gQsc5WsjVhGA]. 08-12 23:26:20.629 23842 23878 I Finsky : [34415] peg.a(39): Started reading experiment flags from file [zcAb6n5hXb9DJrDlZT6b6AA8ViU]. 08-12 23:26:20.635 23842 23878 I Finsky : [34415] peg.a(45): Finished reading experiment flags from file [zcAb6n5hXb9DJrDlZT6b6AA8ViU]. 08-12 23:26:20.657 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] peg.a(39): Started reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As]. 08-12 23:26:20.664 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] peg.a(45): Finished reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As]. 08-12 23:26:20.676 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rhd.(8): Resetting scheduler db 08-12 23:26:20.701 23842 23875 I Finsky : [34413] dxv.X(6): Not a unicorn account 08-12 23:26:20.711 23842 23877 I Finsky : [34414] dxv.aR(9): Disable SystemUpdateActivity, because Android is lower than Q 08-12 23:26:20.723 23842 23895 I Finsky : [34428] dyh.run(3): Set SystemUpdateActivity enabled state to 2 08-12 23:26:20.742 23842 23877 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 08-12 23:26:20.745 23842 23877 I Finsky : [34414] ogh.a(8): SettingNotFoundException, fall through to G.downloadBytesOverMobileMaximum 08-12 23:26:20.745 23842 23877 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 08-12 23:26:20.762 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:20.764 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:20.764 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:20.764 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:20.764 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:20.764 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:20.774 23842 23877 I Finsky : [34414] wqp.e(1): Setup app restrictions monitor 08-12 23:26:20.777 23842 23877 I Finsky : [34414] wsf.a(4): Device wide unknown source restriction is changed. 08-12 23:26:20.896 23842 23898 I Finsky : [34430] nms.a(13): Loaded library for account: [vQ7hsnrSQtCeNjSvv7mzdJaZqcY] 08-12 23:26:20.897 23842 23898 I Finsky : [34430] nms.a(15): Finished loading 1 libraries. 08-12 23:26:20.950 23842 23874 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 76.0.3809.21, arch: armv8l 08-12 23:26:21.042 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] wkj.a(6): Verification requested, id = 77 08-12 23:26:21.086 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] lie.a(44): Installer: Attempting to start installer 08-12 23:26:21.113 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] lhl.(7): Not checking if recovering from paused session because experiment is off 08-12 23:26:21.144 23842 23842 E Finsky : [1] www.a(2): Package name null is not an installed package 08-12 23:26:21.154 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:21.155 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU1 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:21.162 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] lie.a(250): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 08-12 23:26:21.163 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] lie.a(250): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 08-12 23:26:21.165 23842 23878 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:26:21.184 23842 23883 I Finsky : [34418] wlx.a(15): Single user settings service is not running, bind it now 08-12 23:26:21.195 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] wly.onServiceConnected(1): Single user settings service is connected 08-12 23:26:21.268 23842 23883 W Settings: Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. 08-12 23:26:21.275 23842 23883 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:21.286 23842 23883 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:21.296 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] lkh.a(4): Installer: Installer starting, recovering 0 running downloads 08-12 23:26:21.297 23842 23930 I Finsky : [34456] lku.run(2): Installer: Installer starting, cleaning up sessions. 08-12 23:26:21.297 23842 23930 I Finsky : [34456] lku.run(4): Installer: Installer started. 08-12 23:26:21.301 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] lie.a(255): Installer: found apps to install. apps=[] 08-12 23:26:21.357 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] sjw.a(37): Connecting InstallListener to SplitInstallService broadcaster... 08-12 23:26:21.764 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:21.765 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:21.765 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:21.765 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:21.765 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:21.766 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:21.787 23842 23883 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:21.824 23842 23883 I Finsky : [34418] kcv.a(3): Task 7 requested foreground 08-12 23:26:21.829 23842 23883 I Finsky : [34418] kcv.a(5): Not entering foreground 08-12 23:26:21.903 23761 23788 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:26:22.296 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:22.299 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:22.300 1515 1645 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Mazorfalse,false 08-12 23:26:22.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:26:22.381 23842 23891 I Finsky : [34426] wry.b(3): Verification id=77 response=0 08-12 23:26:22.401 23842 23883 I Finsky : [34418] www.a(12): PSIC verification started with installer uid: 2000 package name: null, originating uid: -1 08-12 23:26:22.415 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] wst.c(3): Verifying id=77, result=1 08-12 23:26:22.422 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] wst.g(6): Verification complete: id=77, package_name=il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:22.422 1515 1546 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:22.434 1515 1546 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:22.475 1515 1546 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer: Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /data/app/vmdl481313538.tmp/base.apk pkg=il.org.osm.israelhiking isa=arm64 vmSafeMode=false debuggable=true target-filter=interpret-only oatDir = /data/app/vmdl481313538.tmp/oat sharedLibraries=null 08-12 23:26:22.551 23945 23945 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --compiler-filter=interpret-only -j6 --debuggable 08-12 23:26:22.766 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:22.767 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:22.767 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:22.767 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:22.767 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:22.768 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:23.328 23945 23951 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int android.support.v7.widget.DropDownListView.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView 08-12 23:26:23.381 23945 23951 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method int android.support.v7.widget.MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView 08-12 23:26:23.399 23945 23951 W dex2oat : Before Android 4.1, method android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter android.support.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawableCompat.updateTintFilter(android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter, android.content.res.ColorStateList, android.graphics.PorterDuff$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.graphics.drawable.Drawable 08-12 23:26:23.768 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:23.769 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:23.769 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:23.769 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:23.769 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:23.769 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:24.411 23945 23945 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 1.862s (threads: 6) arena alloc=8KB (8888B) java alloc=4MB (4983288B) native alloc=7MB (8301432B) free=2MB (2839688B) 08-12 23:26:24.444 1515 1546 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:24.740 1515 1524 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 186027(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 110(3MB) LOS objects, 24% free, 46MB/61MB, paused 4.884ms total 126.187ms 08-12 23:26:24.770 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:24.771 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:24.771 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:24.771 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:24.771 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:24.771 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:24.853 1515 1546 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION in package il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:24.854 1515 1546 W PackageManager: Unknown permission android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in package il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:25.206 1515 2092 W art : Long monitor contention with owner PackageManager (1546) at void com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.updateSettingsInternalLI(android.content.pm.PackageParser$Package, java.lang.String, int[], int[], com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$PackageInstalledInfo, android.os.UserHandle)(PackageManagerService.java:15653) waiters=1 in int com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.checkUidPermission(java.lang.String, int) for 390ms 08-12 23:26:25.206 1515 2112 W art : Long monitor contention with owner PackageManager (1546) at void com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.updateSettingsInternalLI(android.content.pm.PackageParser$Package, java.lang.String, int[], int[], com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$PackageInstalledInfo, android.os.UserHandle)(PackageManagerService.java:15664) waiters=1 in int com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.checkUidPermission(java.lang.String, int) for 353ms 08-12 23:26:25.210 699 699 D installd: Detected label change from u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 to u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 at /data/data/il.org.osm.israelhiking; running recursive restorecon 08-12 23:26:25.217 699 699 D installd: Detected label change from u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 to u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 at /data/user_de/0/il.org.osm.israelhiking; running recursive restorecon 08-12 23:26:25.289 3098 3115 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] New restore session, 2 apps 08-12 23:26:25.311 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:25.326 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:25.452 3098 3098 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 08-12 23:26:25.648 3098 3115 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 08-12 23:26:25.650 3098 3115 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:25.651 3098 3115 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:25.771 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:25.773 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:25.773 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:25.773 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:25.773 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:25.773 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:25.878 3098 3115 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 08-12 23:26:25.878 3098 3115 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:25.878 3098 3115 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:26.155 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:26.156 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:26.156 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:26.156 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:26.260 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3 down:true eventTime:491959720 downTime:491959720 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:26:26.409 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3 down:false eventTime:491959868 downTime:491959720 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:26:26.419 1741 1741 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 08-12 23:26:26.419 1515 1630 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 08-12 23:26:26.449 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@1e41b8d 08-12 23:26:26.450 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@a92e142 08-12 23:26:26.454 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b83e389 08-12 23:26:26.454 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b71cf8e 08-12 23:26:26.461 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b3e2f45 08-12 23:26:26.461 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@3f569a 08-12 23:26:26.464 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@c76fbcb 08-12 23:26:26.464 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@9633fa8 08-12 23:26:26.466 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@977ac1 08-12 23:26:26.466 3030 3030 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@a2c4266 08-12 23:26:26.517 3098 3115 I Backup : [BackupHttpRequestUtil] Http Response Code: 200 08-12 23:26:26.530 3030 3227 W OpenGLRenderer: Points are too far apart 4.001877 08-12 23:26:26.530 3030 3227 W OpenGLRenderer: Points are too far apart 4.001877 08-12 23:26:26.563 4988 4988 I Swype : [StrategyEmojiDecorator] saveToStore(): called >>>>>>>>>> 08-12 23:26:26.578 1515 2092 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:26.588 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rhd.b(5): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 29-29 08-12 23:26:26.591 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, -> L: 19802803ms, D: 63002803ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:26:26.592 1515 1515 D LockBoost: tid=1515, prevPriority=-10 08-12 23:26:26.592 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 24080ms, D: 54080ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:26:26.597 4988 4988 D VoiceInputHelper: Niel...initSpeech....start 08-12 23:26:26.597 1741 1741 I StatusBar: onNotificationPosted key:-1|android|17040453|null|1000 isUpdate:false 08-12 23:26:26.600 4988 4988 D VoiceInputHelper: Niel...No permission:android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO 08-12 23:26:26.603 1515 1515 D LockBoost: tid=1515, prevPriority=-10 08-12 23:26:26.605 1741 1741 I StatusBar: handleNotification key:-1|android|17040453|null|1000 isUpdate:false 08-12 23:26:26.606 1741 1741 D StatusBar: addNotification key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.610 10331 10331 V c : onNotificationPostedCallBack:StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040453 tag=null key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff06005b category=sys vis=PRIVATE)) 08-12 23:26:26.611 10331 10331 V c : onNotificationPostedCallBack:StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040453 tag=null key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff06005b category=sys vis=PRIVATE)) 08-12 23:26:26.613 1741 1741 D StatusBar: No peeking: unimportant notification: -1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.614 1741 1741 I StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped:false 08-12 23:26:26.614 1741 1741 I StatusBar: addNotification key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.614 1741 1741 I StatusBar: onNotificationPosted key:-1|android|17040453|null|1000 isUpdate:false 08-12 23:26:26.616 1741 1741 I StatusBar: handleNotification key:-1|android|17040453|null|1000 isUpdate:false 08-12 23:26:26.617 1741 1741 D StatusBar: addNotification key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.625 1741 1741 D StatusBar: No peeking: unimportant notification: -1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.625 1741 1741 I StatusBar: addNotification isHeadsUped:false 08-12 23:26:26.626 1741 1741 I StatusBar: addNotification key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.640 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(45): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9001 9000 08-12 23:26:26.642 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 19802803, D: 63002803, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:26:26.645 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 24080, D: 54080, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:26:26.655 3098 3115 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Got kv restore package: @pm@ 08-12 23:26:26.690 4988 4988 I Swype : [StrategyEmojiDecorator] saveToStore(): called >>>>>>>>>> 08-12 23:26:26.703 4988 4988 D VoiceInputHelper: Niel...initSpeech....start 08-12 23:26:26.705 4988 4988 D VoiceInputHelper: Niel...No permission:android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO 08-12 23:26:26.707 1515 1515 D LockBoost: tid=1515, prevPriority=-10 08-12 23:26:26.714 1741 1741 D StatusBar: No peeking: unimportant notification: -1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.716 10331 10331 V c : onNotificationPostedCallBack:StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040453 tag=null key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff06005b category=sys vis=PRIVATE)) 08-12 23:26:26.721 2806 2806 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:26,721 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:1] TinyData TinyDataManager.upload item:null ts:1565641586721 08-12 23:26:26.739 1741 1741 I StatusBar: onNotificationPosted key:-1|android|17040453|null|1000 isUpdate:true 08-12 23:26:26.740 1741 1741 I StatusBar: handleNotification key:-1|android|17040453|null|1000 isUpdate:true 08-12 23:26:26.741 1741 1741 D StatusBar: updateNotification(StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040453 tag=null key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff06005b category=sys vis=PRIVATE))) 08-12 23:26:26.744 3098 3115 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Unencrypted kv restore of @pm@ 08-12 23:26:26.761 1741 1741 D StatusBar: No peeking: unimportant notification: -1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:26.773 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:26.775 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 36000 . 08-12 23:26:26.775 1515 1539 I WindowManager: input method visible height changed 516 08-12 23:26:26.775 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:36000 mC 08-12 23:26:26.775 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:26.775 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:26.775 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:26.818 3098 3115 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] Got full restore package: il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:26.832 1515 2620 I BackupManagerService: Next restore package: RestoreDescription{il.org.osm.israelhiking : STREAM} 08-12 23:26:26.832 1515 2620 W BackupManagerService: Package il.org.osm.israelhiking: Version 80372 > installed version 80000 08-12 23:26:26.853 3098 3115 I Backup : [GmsBackupTransport] restore finished 08-12 23:26:26.860 1515 2620 I BackupRestoreController: restoreFinished for 0 08-12 23:26:26.860 1515 2620 I BackupManagerService: Restore complete. 08-12 23:26:26.862 1515 1546 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit 08-12 23:26:27.156 1515 1546 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 124226(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 25(500KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 44MB/60MB, paused 2.489ms total 293.985ms 08-12 23:26:27.157 699 699 E : Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl481313538.tmp: No such file or directory 08-12 23:26:27.162 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.feed.platformads.AppInstallReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.166 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.171 2056 2056 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 08-12 23:26:27.174 1741 1741 D LockScreenMagazineController: received broadcast android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 08-12 23:26:27.180 4028 4028 I WakePathManager: PackageMonitor. onPackageAdded: packageName =il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:27.184 10331 10331 D AppInstalledReceiver: receive broadcast 08-12 23:26:27.184 10331 10331 D AppInstalledReceiver: packageName: il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:27.192 30364 30364 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: onReceive 08-12 23:26:27.192 30364 30364 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: The installed package is: il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:27.228 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.games.packagecontroller.PackageChangeReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.229 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.microsoft.office.excel/com.microsoft.office.notification.SystemBroadcastReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.229 30364 30364 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_PROVIDER 08-12 23:26:27.229 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.microsoft.office.powerpoint/com.microsoft.office.notification.SystemBroadcastReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.229 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.microsoft.office.word/com.microsoft.office.notification.SystemBroadcastReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.230 30364 30364 D BluetoothMapAppObserver: Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_IM_PROVIDER 08-12 23:26:27.231 1515 23967 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames =com.miui.home 08-12 23:26:27.231 1515 23967 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames =com.teslacoilsw.launcher 08-12 23:26:27.231 1515 23967 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames =com.android.settings 08-12 23:26:27.242 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.microsoft.office.word/com.microsoft.android.crosssell.PackageStateReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.243 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.microsoft.windowsintune.companyportal/com.microsoft.omadm.apppolicy.AppInstallationReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.243 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.microsoft.windowsintune.companyportal/com.google.android.apps.work.dpcsupport.AccountManagementWhitelistEnforcer$ContinuousEnforcer 08-12 23:26:27.244 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.sec.android.app.shealth/com.samsung.android.service.health.status.PackageDelegateReceiver 08-12 23:26:27.251 2056 2056 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1 08-12 23:26:27.278 2056 2056 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0 08-12 23:26:27.294 1515 1539 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.294 10331 10331 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.307 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.309 10331 10331 E AutoInstalls: Layout definition not found in package: android.autoinstalls.config.Xiaomi.santoni 08-12 23:26:27.327 10331 10331 I TrafficManageService: mina mPackageReceiver 0 08-12 23:26:27.344 7263 7287 I WakelockPolicyManager: setWakelockPolicy 08-12 23:26:27.356 10331 10331 I GameBoosterService: il.org.osm.israelhiking add onReceive 08-12 23:26:27.356 10331 10331 I FireWallService: mina mPackageReceiver onReceive 08-12 23:26:27.368 23851 23862 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 08-12 23:26:27.374 1515 1539 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.375 10331 10331 I FireWallService: set mobile rule for il.org.osm.israelhiking:0:true 08-12 23:26:27.383 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.390 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.391 705 1510 V CommandListener: miuiFirewall: argc = 6 miuifirewall ... 08-12 23:26:27.391 705 1510 I miuiFirewall: packageName : il.org.osm.israelhiking, rule: 0, uid: 10338, type: 0 08-12 23:26:27.392 10331 10331 I FireWallService: set wifi rule for il.org.osm.israelhiking:0 08-12 23:26:27.394 10331 10331 D AppCompatStateReceiver: AppCompatStateReceiver package_name=il.org.osm.israelhiking,app_status=0 08-12 23:26:27.397 705 1510 V CommandListener: miuiFirewall: argc = 6 miuifirewall ... 08-12 23:26:27.397 705 1510 I miuiFirewall: packageName : il.org.osm.israelhiking, rule: 0, uid: 10338, type: 1 08-12 23:26:27.399 10331 23976 D AppCompatStateReceiver: json params=[{"pkg":"il.org.osm.israelhiking","ver":"80000"}] 08-12 23:26:27.415 10331 23822 I GameBoosterService: il.org.osm.israelhiking isGameFromJson false 08-12 23:26:27.416 10331 23822 D com.miui.gamebooster.provider.GameBoosterProvider: query 08-12 23:26:27.427 10331 23822 I GameBoosterService: il.org.osm.israelhiking isGameFromLocal false 08-12 23:26:27.431 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.435 23851 23862 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 08-12 23:26:27.435 1515 1515 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 541, previously 540 08-12 23:26:27.435 1515 1515 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 366, previously 1421 08-12 23:26:27.435 1515 1515 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 215, previously 1170 08-12 23:26:27.436 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.437 1515 1631 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 08-12 23:26:27.446 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.461 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.477 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.492 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.537 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.566 1515 3071 I ActivityManager: Start proc 23979:com.android.settings/1000 for broadcast com.android.settings/.search.provider.UpdateReceiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:27.569 23842 23883 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.570 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 1000 reason: com.android.settings, pid:0 08-12 23:26:27.585 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.618 23979 23979 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:27.638 23979 23979 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:27.657 23979 23979 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:27.695 1515 8512 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast com.miui.action.appcompatibility.update from system 10331:com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 pkg com.miui.securitycenter. Callers= 08-12 23:26:27.751 7263 7293 I GlobalFeatureConfigureHelper: nonCoreAppsList: [com.android.fileexplorer, com.miui.yellowpage] 08-12 23:26:27.751 7263 7293 I GlobalFeatureConfigureHelper: levelUltimateSpecialAppsList: [com.tencent.mobileqq, com.tencent.qqlite, com.tencent.mobileqqi, com.tencent.minihd.qq, com.tencent.mm, com.xiaomi.channel, com.mi.suliao, com.duowan.mobile, com.duowan.gamevoice, com.wali.live, com.alibaba.mobileim, com.yy.yymeet, cn.com.fetion, im.yixin, im.chaoxin, cc.iloc, com.yx, com.cootek.smartdialer, com.cootek.walkietalkie, com.tencent.lightalk, com.whatsapp, com.bsb.hike, com.tencent.pb, com.facebook.orca, com.imo.android.imoim, com.imo.android.imoimbeta, com.viber.voip, org.telegram.messenger, com.tinder, com.sgiggle.production, com.alibaba.android.rimet, jp.naver.line.android, com.skype.raider, com.jb.gosms, com.bbm, kik.android, com.yy.yymeet.cmcc, com.yeecall.app, com.tencent.qqmusic, cn.kuwo.player, com.kugou.android, com.ting.mp3.android, com.netease.cloudmusic, fm.xiami.main, com.changba, com.duomi.android, com.sds.android.ttpod, com.ximalaya.ting.android, cn.kuwo.tingshu, com.yibasan.lizhifm, com.yinyuetai.ui, com.imusic.iting, com.itings.radio, wawayaya.kids_song, com.iflytek.womusicclient, cmccwm.mobilemusic, com.gwsoft.imusic.controller, fm.qingting.qtradio, bubei.tingshu, com.duoduo.child.story, com.kunpeng.babyting, com.bsbportal.music, tv.accedo.airtel.wynk, com.saavn.android, com.gaana, com.luojilab.player, com.skysoft.kkbox.android, com.airtel.ng.android.music, com.kingsoft.email, com.xiaomi.facephoto​, com.google.android.apps.maps, com.baidu.BaiduMap, com.baidu.BaiduMap.pad, com.autonavi.minimap, com.autonavi.minimap.custom, com.autonavi.cmccmap, com.tencent.map, com.sogou.map.android.maps, com.mapbar.android.gpsnavi, com.mapbar.android.mapbarmap, com.mapbar.android.trybuynavi, com.tigermap.rem, com.tigermap.hd, com.magnetic.openmaps] 08-12 23:26:27.752 7263 7293 I GlobalFeatureConfigureHelper: dozeWhiteListAppsList: [com.tencent.mobileqq, com.tencent.qqlite, com.tencent.mm, com.xiaomi.channel, com.whatsapp, com.android.cts.net.hostside, com.cttl.testService, com.cttl.sendmmsbyjar, com.miui.greenguard, com.miui.voiceassist, com.xiaomi.xmsf, com.xiaomi.account, com.xiaomi.gamecenter.sdk.service, com.miui.player, com.xiaomi.market, com.xiaomi.mipicks, com.xiaomi.discover, com.miui.home, com.miui.msa.global, com.miui.systemAdSolution, com.miui.analytics, com.lbe.security.miui, com.android.email, com.milink.service, com.miui.backup, com.eg.android.AlipayGphone, com.unionpay.tsmservice.mi, com.xiaomi.metoknlp, com.miui.weather2] 08-12 23:26:27.775 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:27.776 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:27.776 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:27.776 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:27.776 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:27.776 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:27.777 23979 23979 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:27.780 23979 23979 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.809 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.821 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.832 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.841 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.895 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.959 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.967 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:27.981 1515 1515 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2766, previously 2768 08-12 23:26:27.981 1515 1515 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 876, previously 1791 08-12 23:26:27.991 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.005 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.034 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.048 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.148 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.174 1515 1532 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 30, previously 36 08-12 23:26:28.195 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.231 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.243 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.266 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.276 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.286 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.304 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.314 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.333 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:28.336 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:28.336 1515 1645 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Mazorfalse,false 08-12 23:26:28.353 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.371 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.407 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.425 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.430 23979 23979 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.438 23979 23979 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:28.439 23979 23979 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:28.439 23979 23979 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c0a000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:28.447 23979 23979 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:28.447 23979 23979 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:28.447 23979 23979 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:28.460 23979 23979 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:28.460 23979 23979 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c09000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:28.514 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.543 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.563 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.574 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.607 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.623 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.641 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.646 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.668 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.702 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.717 1515 1532 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1111, previously 1245 08-12 23:26:28.717 1515 1532 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 169, previously 544 08-12 23:26:28.727 1515 1532 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.746 1515 1532 W SearchableInfo: Invalid searchable metadata for com.recntrek/.activities.activityMain.view.ActivityMain: Search label must be a resource reference. 08-12 23:26:28.756 1515 1533 W XSpaceManagerService: update XSpace App: packageName:il.org.osm.israelhiking, user:UserHandle{0}, action:android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 08-12 23:26:28.771 23979 24003 I ag : process context: 0x000000A8 08-12 23:26:28.777 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:28.777 1515 2112 I ActivityManager: Killing 21887:com.google.android.apps.photos/u0a117 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:28.778 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:28.778 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:28.778 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:28.778 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:28.778 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:28.788 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.packagemanager.impl.PackageMonitorReceiverImpl.a(4): PackageMonitor received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 08-12 23:26:28.795 1515 1515 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.813 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] xny.a(11): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 08-12 23:26:28.819 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] xny.a(11): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 08-12 23:26:28.835 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.apps.photos, pid:21887, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:28.850 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] opv.b(2): Frosting ID looked up on UI thread. Caller should move to a background thread. 08-12 23:26:28.859 23842 24006 I Finsky : [34470] mah.run(2): Cleaning dev-triggered-update data on package install for il.org.osm.israelhiking. 08-12 23:26:28.866 705 1510 D DnsProxyBlocker: add uid(10338) for Firewall 08-12 23:26:28.873 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.apps.photos, pid:21887 08-12 23:26:28.878 23979 24003 I ag : apk last modified: 2008-12-31 18:00:00 08-12 23:26:28.883 3030 3197 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:28.918 1515 2112 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24012:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a114 for broadcast com.facebook.appmanager/com.facebook.oxygen.common.packages.event.manifest.ManifestPackageEventReceiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:28.922 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10114 reason: com.facebook.appmanager, pid:0 08-12 23:26:28.992 24012 24012 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:29.003 24012 24012 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:29.004 24012 24012 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:29.028 23842 24009 I Finsky : [34472] maj.run(2): Finished dev-triggered-update cleaning. 08-12 23:26:29.047 23969 23969 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit uid 2000 <<<<<< 08-12 23:26:29.072 23842 24007 I Finsky : [34471] opy.run(-1): Wrote row to frosting DB: 3569 08-12 23:26:29.082 23969 23969 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF 08-12 23:26:29.086 24012 24012 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:29.098 24012 24012 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:29.236 24012 24012 D c : ExceptionHandlerManager not explicitly initialized, using default mode 08-12 23:26:29.236 24012 24012 D c : initializing exception handler manager, prioritized=true 08-12 23:26:29.240 24012 24012 E ACRA : Initializing ANR detector for process: com.facebook.appmanager 08-12 23:26:29.251 24012 24012 D SoLoader: init start 08-12 23:26:29.251 24012 24012 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib 08-12 23:26:29.251 24012 24012 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib 08-12 23:26:29.251 24012 24012 D SoLoader: adding backup source from : com.facebook.soloader.b[root = /data/data/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main flags = 1] 08-12 23:26:29.251 24012 24012 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.e[root = /system/lib flags = 2] 08-12 23:26:29.252 24012 24012 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.e[root = /system/vendor/lib flags = 2] 08-12 23:26:29.252 24012 24012 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.b[root = /data/data/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main flags = 1] 08-12 23:26:29.252 24012 24012 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main 08-12 23:26:29.255 24012 24012 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main 08-12 23:26:29.255 24012 24012 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.facebook.appmanager/lib-main 08-12 23:26:29.255 24012 24012 D SoLoader: init finish: 3 SO sources prepared 08-12 23:26:29.256 24012 24012 D SoLoader: init exiting 08-12 23:26:29.463 23969 23969 D ICU : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat 08-12 23:26:29.630 23969 23969 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE 08-12 23:26:29.677 5271 24047 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:29.698 5271 24053 I Auth : [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] onHandleIntent(): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 08-12 23:26:29.698 5271 24053 I Auth : [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] This operation is disabled 08-12 23:26:29.704 5271 24053 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000011 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService (has extras) }. 08-12 23:26:29.716 23969 23969 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry com.android.commands.input.Input 08-12 23:26:29.717 23969 23969 I Input : injectKeyEvent: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_MENU, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, repeatCount=0, eventTime=491963177, downTime=491963177, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } 08-12 23:26:29.719 24012 24034 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource fb_network_security_config debugBuild: false 08-12 23:26:29.723 5271 24056 I AppsUpload: Received intent with action android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 08-12 23:26:29.728 1515 2112 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24054:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a20 for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:29.740 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10020 reason: com.google.android.partnersetup, pid:0 08-12 23:26:29.741 3098 24061 W GCM : Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000011 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService (has extras) } 08-12 23:26:29.745 5271 24053 I ChromeSync: [Persistence,AffiliationManager] One of affiliation or grouping data for android://huJJ7MKOGRiERaNUomWElmRTEJeALB79WxE_3B0o852ANwiqDKVs1tfoUDEW8OS2JL8HiFpyVuiY9SpEgMMjVA==@il.org.osm.israelhiking/ was not found. Marking affiliation data as stale... 08-12 23:26:29.751 24054 24054 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:29.763 24054 24054 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:29.764 24054 24054 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:29.778 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:29.780 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:29.780 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:29.780 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:29.780 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:29.780 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:29.787 3098 24067 W GCM : Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:il.org.osm.israelhiking flg=0x4000011 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService (has extras) } 08-12 23:26:29.894 24054 24054 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:29.895 24054 24054 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:29.901 24054 24054 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:29.922 1515 1630 W InputDispatcher: Permission denied: injecting event from pid 23969 uid 2000 to window Window{75e8a9f u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/com.teslacoilsw.launcher.NovaLauncher} owned by uid 10134 08-12 23:26:29.922 1515 3071 W InputManager: Input event injection from pid 23969 permission denied. 08-12 23:26:29.923 23969 23969 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: PID: 23969 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.SecurityException: Injecting to another application requires INJECT_EVENTS permission 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1718) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1671) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.hardware.input.IInputManager$Stub$Proxy.injectInputEvent(IInputManager.java:573) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.hardware.input.InputManager.injectInputEvent(InputManager.java:865) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.commands.input.Input.injectKeyEvent(Input.java:264) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.commands.input.Input.sendKeyEvent(Input.java:215) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.commands.input.Input.run(Input.java:96) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.commands.input.Input.main(Input.java:59) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.nativeFinishInit(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:29.926 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit.main(RuntimeInit.java:359) 08-12 23:26:29.929 23969 23969 E MQSEventManagerDelegate: reportJEEvent error happened:java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad file descriptor 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: Error reporting crash 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad file descriptor 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:622) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.getService(ServiceManagerNative.java:123) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.ServiceManager.getService(ServiceManager.java:55) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative$1.create(ActivityManagerNative.java:3112) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative$1.create(ActivityManagerNative.java:3111) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.util.Singleton.get(Singleton.java:34) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.getDefault(ActivityManagerNative.java:89) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$KillApplicationHandler.uncaughtException(RuntimeInit.java:190) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:1068) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:1063) 08-12 23:26:29.930 23969 23969 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.Thread.dispatchUncaughtException(Thread.java:1979) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: error while reportKillProcessEvent to system server! 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.os.ProcessInjector.reportKillProcessEvent(ProcessInjector.java:20) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.os.Process.killProcess(Process.java:1201) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$KillApplicationHandler.uncaughtException(RuntimeInit.java:204) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:1068) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:1063) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at java.lang.Thread.dispatchUncaughtException(Thread.java:1979) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad file descriptor 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:622) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.getService(ServiceManagerNative.java:123) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.os.ServiceManager.getService(ServiceManager.java:55) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative$1.create(ActivityManagerNative.java:3112) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative$1.create(ActivityManagerNative.java:3111) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.util.Singleton.get(Singleton.java:34) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: at android.app.ActivityManagerNative.getDefault(ActivityManagerNative.java:89) 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 E ProcessInjector: ... 7 more 08-12 23:26:29.931 23969 23969 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 23969 SIG: 9 08-12 23:26:29.941 5271 11317 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=32 08-12 23:26:29.951 5271 11309 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 08-12 23:26:30.002 1515 1526 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24088:com.miui.audioeffect/u0a30 for broadcast com.miui.audioeffect/com.android.musicfx.Compatibility$Receiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:30.004 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10030 reason: com.miui.audioeffect, pid:0 08-12 23:26:30.043 24088 24088 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:30.051 1515 1526 I ActivityManager: Killing 22823:com.google.android.apps.docs/u0a65 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.063 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.apps.docs, pid:22823, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:30.066 24088 24088 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:30.102 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.apps.docs, pid:22823 08-12 23:26:30.112 24088 24088 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:30.113 24088 24088 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MusicFX/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:30.116 24088 24088 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.133 24088 24088 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.android.musicfx 08-12 23:26:30.192 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10146 reason: com.miui.global.packageinstaller, pid:0 08-12 23:26:30.205 24113 24113 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:30.215 1515 4925 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24113:com.miui.global.packageinstaller/u0a146 for broadcast com.miui.global.packageinstaller/.AppInstalledReceiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:30.216 24113 24113 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:30.218 24113 24113 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:30.226 1515 1526 I ActivityManager: Killing 22808:com.xiaomi.discover/u0a101 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.241 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.xiaomi.discover, pid:22808, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.285 5271 24082 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.304 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.xiaomi.discover, pid:22808 08-12 23:26:30.310 24012 24098 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect 08-12 23:26:30.344 24113 24113 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:30.350 24113 24113 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.miui.global.packageinstaller-1/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:30.352 5271 5283 W art : Suspending all threads took: 9.146ms 08-12 23:26:30.369 1515 7138 I ActivityManager: Killing 22441:com.miui.msa.global:ui/u0a100 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.372 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.miui.msa.global:ui, pid:22441, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.391 24113 24113 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.400 5271 5283 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 51708(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(336KB) LOS objects, 21% free, 20MB/25MB, paused 38.481ms total 112.951ms 08-12 23:26:30.412 5271 24082 I Icing : Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 08-12 23:26:30.451 28670 28687 W AD-PLUGIN-RemoteMethodInvoker: Service[interface com.xiaomi.ad.internal.splash.uiprocess.api.ISplashUIInterface, com.xiaomi.ad.internal.splash.uiprocess.api.ISplashUIInterface$Stub$a@e355891] died, remove from reusing-map! 08-12 23:26:30.453 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.miui.msa.global:ui, pid:22441 08-12 23:26:30.468 5271 24082 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 08-12 23:26:30.484 24113 24113 D UserHandleCompat: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getUserId [] 08-12 23:26:30.513 24113 24113 D MI_STAT : initialize com.miui.global.packageinstaller, 2882303761517709801, international, false 08-12 23:26:30.518 5271 24053 I ChromeSync: [Persistence,AffiliationManager] Fetching affiliations from the server. 08-12 23:26:30.562 24113 24113 W MI_STAT : ABTest is NOT allow to register in background running 08-12 23:26:30.571 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: applicationInit 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: default config is not null:{ 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "poslist": [ 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: { 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "adtype": 1, 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "placeid": "1.312.1.1", 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "info": [ 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: { 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "name": "fb", 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "parameter": "156582598312204_156582654978865", 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: "weight": 3 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: } 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: ] 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: } 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: ] 08-12 23:26:30.572 24113 24113 D GlobalAdLoader: } 08-12 23:26:30.611 24113 24113 W MEDIATION-MiAdManager-packageinstaller-[Main]: initCrashMonitor: false 08-12 23:26:30.654 24113 24113 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. 08-12 23:26:30.665 23851 24069 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 08-12 23:26:30.703 1515 3071 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24146:com.miui.micloudsync/u0a162 for broadcast com.miui.micloudsync/.push.MicloudPushServiceReceiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:30.706 24113 24139 E MEDIATION-ConfigResponse-packageinstaller-[Def]-[IOThread]: get XoutTime: 1440 08-12 23:26:30.708 1515 3071 I ActivityManager: Killing 22837:com.miui.videoplayer/u0a87 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.720 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10162 reason: com.miui.micloudsync, pid:0 08-12 23:26:30.720 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.miui.videoplayer, pid:22837, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:30.723 24146 24146 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:30.729 4028 23968 D HttpDataUtil: seed:6 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:30.738 24146 24146 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:30.740 24113 24160 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:26:30.742 23842 23895 I ShortcutBadger: Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 1/3. 08-12 23:26:30.756 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.miui.videoplayer, pid:22837 08-12 23:26:30.780 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:30.781 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:30.781 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:30.781 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:30.782 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:30.782 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:30.794 23842 23895 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier 08-12 23:26:30.795 23842 23895 I ShortcutBadger: Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 2/3. 08-12 23:26:30.803 23842 23898 E Finsky : [34430] gsp.a(24): Unable to build selector: /storage/emulated/0/Download/marketenvs.csv (No such file or directory) 08-12 23:26:30.805 24146 24146 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:30.810 24146 24146 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/MiCloudSync/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:30.816 5271 5583 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 08-12 23:26:30.817 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.834 23842 23895 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier 08-12 23:26:30.838 23842 23895 I ShortcutBadger: Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 3/3. 08-12 23:26:30.842 23842 23934 I Finsky : [34459] pen.b(1): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 08-12 23:26:30.858 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.865 24146 24146 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:30.865 24146 24146 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:30.865 24146 24146 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c39000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:30.870 24146 24146 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:30.871 5271 5583 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:30.871 5271 5583 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:30.872 23842 23898 I Finsky : [34430] dyo.run(3): Initializing the instant apps module. 08-12 23:26:30.873 24146 24146 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:30.873 24146 24146 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:30.873 24146 24146 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:30.874 24146 24146 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c38000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:30.875 23842 23895 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier 08-12 23:26:30.875 23842 23895 W ShortcutBadger: Badge counter seems not supported in this platform: Unknown URL content://com.teslacoilsw.notifier/unread_count 08-12 23:26:30.912 23842 23895 I Finsky : [34428] wqp.g(3): Restoring notifications 08-12 23:26:30.919 23842 23895 I Finsky : [34428] wqp.g(7): Done restoring notifications 08-12 23:26:30.926 23842 23895 I Finsky : [34428] dxx.run(7): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearSupportService disabled via PackageManager. 08-12 23:26:30.927 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.929 23842 23895 I Finsky : [34428] dxx.run(7): Component class com.google.android.finsky.wear.WearChangeListenerService disabled via PackageManager. 08-12 23:26:30.936 23842 23895 I Finsky : [34428] xny.a(11): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 08-12 23:26:30.937 24146 24146 I miuisdk : loading module: com.miui.system 08-12 23:26:30.943 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.950 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.961 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.966 24146 24146 D miuisdk : process com.miui.system successful 08-12 23:26:30.966 24146 24146 I miuisdk : loading module: com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk 08-12 23:26:30.968 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.976 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:30.994 24146 24146 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:31.010 24146 24146 D miuisdk : process com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk successful 08-12 23:26:31.010 24146 24146 D miuisdk : process modules finished 08-12 23:26:31.017 24146 24146 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.miui.micloudsync 08-12 23:26:31.092 1515 2430 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24175:com.xiaomi.discover/u0a101 for broadcast com.xiaomi.discover/com.xiaomi.market.data.MyPackageMonitor caller=null 08-12 23:26:31.096 1515 2430 I ActivityManager: Killing 22942:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a15 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:31.128 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10101 reason: com.xiaomi.discover, pid:0 08-12 23:26:31.128 24175 24175 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:31.128 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.gms.ui, pid:22942, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:31.131 24146 24183 D MicloudPushContextWrapp: push service action : android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED sBindStatus:0 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:31.138 24175 24175 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:31.155 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:31.155 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:31.156 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:31.156 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:31.165 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.gms.ui, pid:22942 08-12 23:26:31.196 24175 24175 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:31.201 24175 24175 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:31.230 24175 24175 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:31.235 24175 24175 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:31.235 24175 24175 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:31.236 24175 24175 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f8eb8a000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:31.241 24175 24175 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:31.242 24175 24175 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:31.242 24175 24175 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:31.242 24175 24175 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:31.242 24175 24175 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89cd9000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:31.326 24175 24175 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth is not linked. Skipping initialization. 08-12 23:26:31.335 23842 23934 I Finsky : [34459] pen.b(6): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.stable. 08-12 23:26:31.336 23842 23935 W art : Long monitor contention with owner AsyncTask #3 (23934) at adfk knq.a(android.content.Context, dit, kod)(SourceFile:1) waiters=0 in int pen.b() for 485ms 08-12 23:26:31.341 24175 24175 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.crash.FirebaseCrash is not linked. Skipping initialization. 08-12 23:26:31.343 23842 23935 I Finsky : [34460] pen.b(1): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 08-12 23:26:31.356 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:31.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:31.363 24175 24175 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 11020 08-12 23:26:31.364 24175 24175 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 08-12 23:26:31.370 5271 5583 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 08-12 23:26:31.370 5271 5583 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:31.370 5271 5583 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@18382020@18.3.82 (040406-260264002):2) 08-12 23:26:31.391 24175 24175 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 08-12 23:26:31.391 24175 24175 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.xiaomi.discover 08-12 23:26:31.400 24175 24175 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 08-12 23:26:31.413 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-App: 08-12 23:26:31.413 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-App: 08-12 23:26:31.413 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-App: Process create: com.xiaomi.discover ------------------ 08-12 23:26:31.472 23842 23935 I Finsky : [34460] pen.b(6): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 08-12 23:26:31.479 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-apps from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.480 23842 23890 W art : Long monitor contention with owner AsyncTask #3 (23934) at adfk knq.a(android.content.Context, dit, kod)(SourceFile:1) waiters=1 in int pen.b() for 629ms 08-12 23:26:31.484 23842 23890 I Finsky : [34425] pen.b(1): Triggered update for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 08-12 23:26:31.534 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-LocalAppManager: add package to list: il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:31.535 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-LocalAppManager: load local apps from system : begin 08-12 23:26:31.575 5271 24082 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:31.628 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MobileApplication from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.677 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-apps 08-12 23:26:31.679 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:DigitalDocument from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.695 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Event from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.699 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-LocalAppManager: load local apps from system : finish 08-12 23:26:31.710 23842 23890 I Finsky : [34425] pen.b(6): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package com.google.android.finsky.regular. 08-12 23:26:31.721 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MobileApplication 08-12 23:26:31.723 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicGroup from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.732 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.742 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Message from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.751 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicAlbum from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.760 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicRecording from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:31.772 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:DigitalDocument 08-12 23:26:31.778 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Event 08-12 23:26:31.782 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:31.782 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicGroup 08-12 23:26:31.783 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:31.783 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:31.783 24175 24226 I SystemUpdate-AutoUpdateScheduler: [Update] scheduleAutoUpdateOnAppStart 08-12 23:26:31.783 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:31.783 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:31.783 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:31.787 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph 08-12 23:26:31.791 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Message 08-12 23:26:31.796 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicAlbum 08-12 23:26:31.801 5271 24082 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicRecording 08-12 23:26:31.812 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-UpdateAppList: visible update app list do not change, don't notify: (0) 08-12 23:26:31.832 24175 24219 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:31.835 24175 24219 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 08-12 23:26:31.837 24175 24219 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/lib/arm64:/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a for namespace 0x7f8ea2a160 08-12 23:26:31.837 24175 24219 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:31.845 24175 24175 I SystemUpdate-LoginManager: account has login 08-12 23:26:31.861 1515 3072 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24233:com.xiaomi.mipicks/u0a82 for broadcast com.xiaomi.mipicks/com.xiaomi.market.data.MyPackageMonitor caller=null 08-12 23:26:31.868 1515 3072 I ActivityManager: Killing 22966:com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/u0a46 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:31.876 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10082 reason: com.xiaomi.mipicks, pid:0 08-12 23:26:31.876 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, pid:22966, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:31.884 24175 24219 D AccessibilityManager: current package=com.xiaomi.discover, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false 08-12 23:26:31.885 24233 24233 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:31.898 24233 24233 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:31.899 24233 24233 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:31.949 24175 24219 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:26:31.952 24175 24219 W System : Ignoring header Content-Type because its value was null. 08-12 23:26:31.966 24175 24205 I SystemUpdate-MeteredUpdateConfirmUtils: set value to Settings: app_update_notify false 08-12 23:26:32.034 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, pid:22966 08-12 23:26:32.069 24233 24233 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:32.071 24233 24233 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/MiPicks/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:32.079 24233 24233 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:32.145 24233 24233 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:32.154 24233 24233 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:32.154 24233 24233 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:32.155 24233 24233 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89cea000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:32.158 24233 24233 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:32.159 24233 24233 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:32.159 24233 24233 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:32.159 24233 24233 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:32.159 24233 24233 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c36000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:32.208 24233 24233 I MiPicks-App: 08-12 23:26:32.208 24233 24233 I MiPicks-App: 08-12 23:26:32.208 24233 24233 I MiPicks-App: Process create: com.xiaomi.mipicks ------------------ 08-12 23:26:32.261 24233 24233 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: add package to list: il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:32.263 24233 24233 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: load local apps from system : begin 08-12 23:26:32.320 24233 24261 I MI_STAT : Initializing SDK: com.xiaomi.mipicks, 2882303761517492428, , true 08-12 23:26:32.348 24233 24261 I MI_STAT : The initialization consumes 28 ms. 08-12 23:26:32.359 24233 24233 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: load local apps from system : finish 08-12 23:26:32.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:26:32.502 24233 24267 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: air.com.FDGEntertainment.Lonewolf.gp 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:32.515 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:32.516 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:32.516 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:32.534 24113 24139 E MEDIATION-ConfigResponse-packageinstaller-[Def]-[IOThread]: get XoutTime: 1440 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: air.com.FDGEntertainment.Lonewolf.gp 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:32.560 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:32.561 24233 24233 I MiPicks-UpdateAppList: update app list do not change, don't notify: pkg (0) = 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.Harel.StupidSimpleAlarmClock 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:32.587 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.Harel.StupidSimpleAlarmClock 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:32.606 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:32.625 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: net.relaxio.babysleep 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:32.626 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: net.relaxio.babysleep 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:32.652 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:32.679 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24275:com.xiaomi.providers.appindex/u0a48 for broadcast com.xiaomi.providers.appindex/.PackageChangeReceiver caller=null 08-12 23:26:32.684 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10048 reason: com.xiaomi.providers.appindex, pid:0 08-12 23:26:32.696 24233 24272 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:32.706 24233 24272 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 08-12 23:26:32.707 24233 24272 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/lib/arm64:/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a for namespace 0x7f8ea2a160 08-12 23:26:32.708 24233 24272 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:32.708 24275 24275 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:32.721 24233 24281 I MiPicks-UpdateLevelManager: update level inited: 400 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:32.731 24275 24275 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:32.747 24233 24287 I SecurityDevice: getService: sService == null. 08-12 23:26:32.747 24233 24287 W SecurityDevice: getService: binder not alive. 08-12 23:26:32.769 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_get_handle sb_length = 0x2000 08-12 23:26:32.770 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: App is not loaded in QSEE 08-12 23:26:32.770 24233 24281 I MiPicks-WakeLockManager: acquire wakeLock: CheckUpdateService for 30000 08-12 23:26:32.772 24233 24281 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: query update apps from server : begin 08-12 23:26:32.772 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: app_arch = 1, total_files = 8 08-12 23:26:32.783 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:32.785 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:32.785 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:32.785 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:32.785 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:32.785 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:32.794 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: Loaded image: APP id = 48168963 08-12 23:26:32.797 722 722 D MTService: load app cardapp from /firmware/image OK 08-12 23:26:32.817 573 577 E rpmb_emmc: ----------------------------rpmb_emmc_read----------------------------- 08-12 23:26:32.829 24233 24233 I MiPicks-LoginManager: account has login 08-12 23:26:32.831 24275 24275 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:32.832 24275 24275 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/AppIndexProvider/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:32.835 24275 24275 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:32.835 722 722 D MTService: Response OK, size: 64 08-12 23:26:32.836 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_dealloc_memory 08-12 23:26:32.836 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_shutdown_app, app_id = 48168963 08-12 23:26:32.836 722 722 D IMTService: sign length: 128 08-12 23:26:32.839 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_get_handle sb_length = 0x2000 08-12 23:26:32.839 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: App is not loaded in QSEE 08-12 23:26:32.839 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: app_arch = 1, total_files = 8 08-12 23:26:32.843 24233 24272 D AccessibilityManager: current package=com.xiaomi.mipicks, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false 08-12 23:26:32.855 24275 24275 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.xiaomi.providers.appindex 08-12 23:26:32.858 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: Loaded image: APP id = 48234499 08-12 23:26:32.860 722 722 D MTService: load app cardapp from /firmware/image OK 08-12 23:26:32.874 573 577 E rpmb_emmc: ----------------------------rpmb_emmc_read----------------------------- 08-12 23:26:32.887 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24302:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a162 for broadcast com.miui.cloudservice/.finddevice.FindDeviceGuideNotificationReceiver caller=com.xiaomi.finddevice 08-12 23:26:32.888 722 722 D MTService: Response OK, size: 64 08-12 23:26:32.888 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_dealloc_memory 08-12 23:26:32.888 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_shutdown_app, app_id = 48234499 08-12 23:26:32.889 722 722 D IMTService: sign length: 128 08-12 23:26:32.890 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: Killing 23072:com.supercell.clashofclans/u0a150 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:32.902 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_get_handle sb_length = 0x2000 08-12 23:26:32.903 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: App is not loaded in QSEE 08-12 23:26:32.903 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: app_arch = 1, total_files = 8 08-12 23:26:32.905 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10162 reason: com.miui.cloudservice, pid:0 08-12 23:26:32.906 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.supercell.clashofclans, pid:23072, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:32.920 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: Loaded image: APP id = 48300035 08-12 23:26:32.921 722 722 D MTService: load app cardapp from /firmware/image OK 08-12 23:26:32.926 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Database: insert statement is INSERT INTO functions ('_id', 'search_id', 'name', 'pinyin', 'keywords', 'operation_keywords', 'description', 'summary', 'intent_action', 'intent_data', 'package', 'dest_package', 'dest_class', 'icon', 'path', 'fragment', 'app_name', 'launch_count', 'last_resume_time', 'is_settings', 'additional_settings') VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, COALESCE(?, ''), ?, ?, COALESCE(?, ''), COALESCE(?, ''), COALESCE(?, ''), ?, COALESCE(?, ''), COALESCE(?, ''), COALESCE(?, ''), COALESCE(?, 0), COALESCE(?, 0), COALESCE(?, 0), COALESCE(?, 0)) 08-12 23:26:32.935 24302 24302 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:32.939 573 577 E rpmb_emmc: ----------------------------rpmb_emmc_read----------------------------- 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:32.949 24302 24302 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:32.951 24302 24302 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:32.955 722 722 D MTService: Response OK, size: 64 08-12 23:26:32.955 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_dealloc_memory 08-12 23:26:32.955 722 722 D QSEECOMAPI: QSEECom_shutdown_app, app_id = 48300035 08-12 23:26:32.956 722 722 D IMTService: sign length: 128 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.recntrek 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.recntrek 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.orux.oruxmapsDonate 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.orux.oruxmapsDonate 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.orux.oruxmapsDonate 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.orux.oruxmapsDonate 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.orux.oruxmapsDonate 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.myadventure.myadventure 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.myadventure.myadventure 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.myadventure.myadventure 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.youtube 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:32.963 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.apps.docs 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.apps.docs 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.cts.ctsshim 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.chrome 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.sec.android.app.shealth 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.sec.android.app.shealth 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.sec.android.app.shealth 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.keep 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.sheets 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.bambuna.podcastaddict 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.xiaomi.providers.appindex 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.xiaomi.mipicks 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.xiaomi.account 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.miui.calculator 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.mi.android.globalFileexplorer 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.youtube 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.music 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.google.android.gm 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.vending 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.vending 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.updater 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.thememanager 08-12 23:26:32.976 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Factory: remove com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim 08-12 23:26:33.017 24275 24301 D AppIndex.Database: delete functions. package = il.org.osm.israelhiking , id = 0 08-12 23:26:33.040 24233 24322 I MiPicks-AutoUpdateScheduler: [Update] scheduleAutoUpdateOnAppStart 08-12 23:26:33.044 24302 24302 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:33.046 24233 24274 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.049 24302 24302 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/CloudService/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:33.055 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.060 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.supercell.clashofclans, pid:23072 08-12 23:26:33.068 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.khn.nokdim 08-12 23:26:33.068 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:33.069 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:33.072 24233 24274 I MiPicks-ShortcutUtils: removeShortcut by name: Hot Apps 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.khn.nokdim 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:33.101 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:33.132 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.138 24302 24302 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:33.139 24302 24302 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:33.139 24302 24302 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c1e000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:33.151 24302 24302 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:33.152 24302 24302 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:33.152 24302 24302 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:33.152 24302 24302 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:33.152 24302 24302 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c1d000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:33.235 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.245 24302 24302 I miuisdk : loading module: com.miui.system 08-12 23:26:33.252 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.259 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.276 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.280 24302 24302 D miuisdk : process com.miui.system successful 08-12 23:26:33.280 24302 24302 I miuisdk : loading module: com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk 08-12 23:26:33.282 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.290 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.297 24302 24302 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.307 24302 24302 D miuisdk : process com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk successful 08-12 23:26:33.307 24302 24302 D miuisdk : process modules finished 08-12 23:26:33.313 24302 24302 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.miui.cloudservice 08-12 23:26:33.416 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,416 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.mipush.SEND_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:33.421 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,420 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.mipush.SEND_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:33.431 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,431 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.mipush.SEND_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:33.435 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,434 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = action_cr_config 08-12 23:26:33.458 24302 24302 D AuthoritiesModel: com.miui.cloudservice.model.AuthoritiesModel::prepareDisabledAuthorities@SourceFile:223, thread:1--prepareDisabledAuthorities 08-12 23:26:33.464 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to create folder /storage/emulated/0/MIUI/debug_log/com.miui.cloudservice/0. 08-12 23:26:33.464 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.466 24302 24302 I CloudConfigLoader: checkLocalConfig 08-12 23:26:33.466 24302 24302 I CloudConfigLoader: deserialize config. 08-12 23:26:33.488 24302 24302 I CloudConfigLoader: parseConfig{"result":"ok","retriable":false,"code":0,"data":{"all":true,"backup":false,"com.miui.gallery.cloud.provider":false,"gallery":true},"description":"成功","ts":1565617470890} 08-12 23:26:33.490 24302 24302 I AuthoritiesModel: com.miui.cloudservice.model.AuthoritiesModel::setDisabledAuthorities@SourceFile:244, thread:1--excluded authorities : records com.miui.gallery.cloud.provider com.miui.player 08-12 23:26:33.491 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.491 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.508 24302 24302 V CloudApp: has telephony feature 08-12 23:26:33.534 24302 24302 D ##XLogger##: com.miui.cloudservice.stat.StatHelper::initialStats@SourceFile:312, thread:1--StatHelper, init stats 08-12 23:26:33.535 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.535 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.540 24302 24302 I FindDeviceGNReceiver: Received miui.android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED. 08-12 23:26:33.563 24175 24219 I SystemUpdate-DataParser: [InvalidPackageList] JSON : invalidSystemPackageList list is null 08-12 23:26:33.569 1515 1663 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24344:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a109 for service com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/com.xiaomi.activate.ActivateService caller=com.miui.cloudservice 08-12 23:26:33.573 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10109 reason: com.xiaomi.simactivate.service, pid:0 08-12 23:26:33.576 24302 24302 I FindDeviceGNReceiver: isReplace: false, open: false. 08-12 23:26:33.581 1515 2432 I ActivityManager: Killing 22988:com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a107 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:33.585 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.inputmethod.latin, pid:22988, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:33.589 1515 3072 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish: com.google.android.gms/.gcm.nts.SchedulerReceiver 08-12 23:26:33.605 24344 24344 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:33.619 24344 24344 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:33.625 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: dds phoneId: 1 08-12 23:26:33.625 2056 2056 V QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: sendRilOemHookMsg: Outgoing Data is 514f454d484f4f4b270008000400000001000000 08-12 23:26:33.626 2234 2234 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 1 08-12 23:26:33.633 2234 2234 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 2 08-12 23:26:33.634 1515 1649 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=4337, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 08-12 23:26:33.635 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.inputmethod.latin, pid:22988 08-12 23:26:33.636 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = 0 08-12 23:26:33.637 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: dds phoneId: 1 08-12 23:26:33.637 2056 2056 V QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: sendRilOemHookMsg: Outgoing Data is 514f454d484f4f4b270008000400000001000000 08-12 23:26:33.638 2234 2234 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0 08-12 23:26:33.644 2234 2234 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 1 08-12 23:26:33.647 2234 2234 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 2 08-12 23:26:33.648 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = 0 08-12 23:26:33.648 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 08-12 23:26:33.648 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK 08-12 23:26:33.648 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 08-12 23:26:33.648 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK 08-12 23:26:33.650 2234 2234 D QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager: handleMessage what = 0 08-12 23:26:33.652 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 08-12 23:26:33.652 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK 08-12 23:26:33.652 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Received Broadcast Intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 08-12 23:26:33.652 2056 2056 D QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK: Oem ID in QCRILHOOK UNSOL RESP is QOEMHOOK 08-12 23:26:33.659 24302 24341 W art : No such thread for suspend: 0x7f837a0d28:SharedPreferencesImpl-load 08-12 23:26:33.680 1515 5264 I ActivityManager: Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{4cac7ce u0 com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler} 08-12 23:26:33.688 24344 24344 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:33.695 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.701 24302 24370 V MiPushMessageReceiver: SourceFile(57): onCommandResult is called, command: register, resultCode: 0, reason: null, category: null 08-12 23:26:33.702 24302 24370 D MiPushManager: SourceFile(83): [Thread:79610] ASSEMBLE_PUSH : assemble push register 08-12 23:26:33.723 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.727 24302 24370 V MiPushMessageReceiver: SourceFile(57): onCommandResult is called, command: subscribe-topic, resultCode: 0, reason: null, category: null 08-12 23:26:33.729 24344 24344 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:33.729 24344 24344 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:33.729 24344 24344 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c21000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:33.731 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,731 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.mipush.SEND_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:33.734 24344 24344 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:33.734 24344 24344 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:33.734 24344 24344 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:33.734 24344 24344 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:33.734 24344 24344 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c20000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:33.747 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,746 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = action_cr_config 08-12 23:26:33.785 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:33.787 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:33.787 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:33.787 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:33.787 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:33.787 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:33.797 2806 3259 W PushService: 2019-08-12 23:26:33,797 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:126] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.mipush.SEND_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:33.814 1515 6125 I ActivityManager: Delaying start of: ServiceRecord{e2402a6 u0 com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService} 08-12 23:26:33.821 24302 24341 I FindDeviceGPN: getLastNotificationState: NotificationState{count=7, lastTime=12 בספט׳ 2018 12:08:44 אחה״צ}. 08-12 23:26:33.841 24344 24344 I miuisdk : loading module: com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk 08-12 23:26:33.846 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.848 24302 24341 I FindDeviceGPN: ns: NotificationState{count=7, lastTime=12 בספט׳ 2018 12:08:44 אחה״צ}, open: false. 08-12 23:26:33.849 24302 24341 I FindDeviceGPN: Delay: -2.777778E-7h. 08-12 23:26:33.849 24302 24341 I FindDeviceGPN: saveLastNotificationState: NotificationState{count=7, lastTime=12 בספט׳ 2018 12:08:44 אחה״צ}. 08-12 23:26:33.855 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.863 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.870 24302 24341 I MiCloudStatusQuerySCD: com.miui.cloudservice.sync.MiCloudStatusQuerySchedular::rescheduleQuery@SourceFile:66, thread:79601--maxExecutionDelay: 0 millis. 08-12 23:26:33.871 24302 24341 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.871 24302 24341 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.874 24344 24344 D miuisdk : process com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk successful 08-12 23:26:33.874 24344 24344 I miuisdk : loading module: com.miui.system 08-12 23:26:33.876 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.882 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.893 24344 24344 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:33.897 24344 24344 D miuisdk : process com.miui.system successful 08-12 23:26:33.897 24344 24344 D miuisdk : process modules finished 08-12 23:26:33.905 24344 24344 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.xiaomi.simactivate.service 08-12 23:26:33.911 24302 24341 I CloudConfigLoader: checkLocalConfig 08-12 23:26:33.911 24302 24341 I CloudConfigLoader: checkLocalConfig 08-12 23:26:33.911 24302 24341 I CloudConfigLoader: checkLocalConfig 08-12 23:26:33.917 24344 24344 D MI_STAT : initialize com.xiaomi.simactivate.service, 2882303761517517533, V10-STABLE, false 08-12 23:26:33.925 24302 24341 I ##XLogger##: com.miui.cloudservice.sync.banner.BannerJobService::requestBannerPeriodicIfNeeded@SourceFile:81, thread:79601--banner periodic already set 08-12 23:26:33.925 24302 24341 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.925 24302 24341 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.951 24302 24302 D MiCloudStatusQuerySCD: com.miui.cloudservice.sync.MiCloudStatusQuerySchedular::onStartJob@SourceFile:169, thread:1--start micloud status job 47 08-12 23:26:33.951 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.951 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.962 24302 24302 I MiCloudStatusQuerySCD: com.miui.cloudservice.sync.MiCloudStatusQuerySchedular::handleQuery@SourceFile:179, thread:1--job 47 start run 08-12 23:26:33.962 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.962 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.967 24302 24382 W MiCloudStatusQuerySCD: com.miui.cloudservice.sync.MiCloudStatusQuerySchedular$QueryJobWorker::handleInThread@SourceFile:210, thread:79616--user ID changed since request from null to cd3d84fe78bd92521411d9554c2e1d0b 08-12 23:26:33.967 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:33.967 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:33.973 24344 24344 I DynamicDumpReceiver: Dynamic receiver registered 08-12 23:26:33.993 24344 24360 I ActivateService: uid:10162 pid:24302 m:getActivateInfo2 slotId:0 subId:2147483643 ts:1345430327 08-12 23:26:34.008 24344 24360 I ActivateInfoStorage: slotId: 0, subId: 2147483643 08-12 23:26:34.013 24344 24360 I ActivateInfoStorage: subId 2147483643 simState not ready : 1 08-12 23:26:34.022 24344 24360 I ActivateInfoStorage: slotId: 0, subId: 2147483643 08-12 23:26:34.030 24344 24360 I ActivateInfoStorage: subId 2147483643 simState not ready : 1 08-12 23:26:34.031 24344 24360 I ActivateService: uid:10162 pid:24302 m:getActivateInfo2 slotId:0 subId:2147483643 ts:1345430327 onResult not inserted 08-12 23:26:34.036 24302 24342 V ActivateStatusReceiver: Updating activate info for sim 0 inserted=false status=-1 08-12 23:26:34.054 24344 24360 I ActivateService: uid:10162 pid:24302 m:getActivateInfo2 slotId:1 subId:1 ts:1345430388 08-12 23:26:34.063 24344 24360 I ActivateInfoStorage: slotId: 1, subId: 1 08-12 23:26:34.099 24344 24360 I ActivateService: uid:10162 pid:24302 m:getActivateInfo2 slotId:1 subId:1 ts:1345430388 onResult UNACTIVATED 08-12 23:26:34.100 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: org.israelhiking.osm 08-12 23:26:34.100 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:34.100 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:34.100 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:34.100 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:34.100 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:34.101 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:34.105 24302 24342 V ActivateStatusReceiver: Updating activate info for sim 1 inserted=true status=1 08-12 23:26:34.106 24302 24302 V CloudActivateStatusListener: EVENT_NONE 08-12 23:26:34.106 24302 24302 V CloudActivateStatusListener: EVENT_NONE 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: org.israelhiking.osm 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:34.123 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:34.253 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:339, thread:79616--Original URL: http://statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net/mic/status/v2/user/overview. 08-12 23:26:34.254 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:34.254 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:34.305 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:344, thread:79616--New URL: https://us.statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net. 08-12 23:26:34.305 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:34.305 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:34.307 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:351, thread:79616--Final URL: https://us.statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net/mic/status/v2/user/overview. 08-12 23:26:34.307 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:34.307 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:34.342 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24387:com.xiaomi.account:accountservice/u0a110 for service com.xiaomi.account/.XiaomiAccountService caller=com.miui.cloudservice 08-12 23:26:34.346 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10110 reason: com.xiaomi.account:accountservice, pid:0 08-12 23:26:34.362 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:34.364 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:34.399 24387 24387 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:34.412 24387 24387 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:34.429 1741 1741 I StatusBar: onNotificationRemoved: -1|android|17040453|null|1000 08-12 23:26:34.433 1741 1741 D StatusBar: removeNotification key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000 old=StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040453 tag=null key=-1|android|17040453|null|1000: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff06005b category=sys vis=PRIVATE)) 08-12 23:26:34.434 1741 1741 D StatusBar: update app badge num: android/,num=0,isAllowed=true,userId=-1 08-12 23:26:34.435 1515 3074 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast android.intent.action.APPLICATION_MESSAGE_UPDATE from system 1741:com.android.systemui/1000 pkg com.android.systemui. Callers= 08-12 23:26:34.453 24302 24370 D MiPushManager: SourceFile(83): [Thread:79610] receive an intent from server, action=com.xiaomi.mipush.RECEIVE_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:34.456 24302 24370 D MiPushManager: SourceFile(83): receiving an empty message, drop 08-12 23:26:34.459 24302 24370 D MiPushManager: SourceFile(83): [Thread:79610] receive an intent from server, action=com.xiaomi.mipush.RECEIVE_MESSAGE 08-12 23:26:34.461 24302 24370 D MiPushManager: SourceFile(83): receiving an empty message, drop 08-12 23:26:34.496 1515 3074 I WindowManager: input method visible height changed 0 08-12 23:26:34.512 1515 3074 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast 08-12 23:26:34.513 24387 24387 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:34.515 24387 24387 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/XiaomiAccount/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:34.533 24387 24387 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.541 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24403:com.miui.home/u0a27 for broadcast com.miui.home/.launcher.UninstallShortcutReceiver caller=com.xiaomi.mipicks 08-12 23:26:34.555 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10027 reason: com.miui.home, pid:0 08-12 23:26:34.581 24403 24403 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:34.592 24403 24403 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:34.611 24387 24387 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.617 24387 24387 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:34.617 24387 24387 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:34.618 24387 24387 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c52000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:34.622 24387 24387 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:34.630 24387 24387 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:34.630 24387 24387 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:34.630 24387 24387 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:34.630 24387 24387 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c51000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.steps.app.steps 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:34.633 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:34.634 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:34.647 24233 24281 E MiPicks-Connection: create session error : RESULT_ERROR 08-12 23:26:34.650 24233 24272 W art : Long monitor contention with owner Pool-4-CheckAppUpdate-1 (24281) at boolean android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int)(Binder.java:-2) waiters=0 in com.xiaomi.market.conn.o com.xiaomi.market.conn.o.a() for 1.793s 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.steps.app.steps 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:34.665 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:34.681 24403 24403 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:26:34.682 24233 24272 W System : Ignoring header Content-Type because its value was null. 08-12 23:26:34.688 24403 24403 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.miui.home-1/lib/arm64 08-12 23:26:34.691 24403 24403 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.725 4028 24001 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: info.maigo.lab.intentviewer 08-12 23:26:34.725 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:351) 08-12 23:26:34.725 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:333) 08-12 23:26:34.725 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.adjustPermissionDefaultConfig() 08-12 23:26:34.725 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.performIncrementalUpdate() 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.PermissionManagerProvider.insert() 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:265) 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1292) 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.CloudUpdater$CloudQueryAction.doInBackground() 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:305) 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 08-12 23:26:34.726 4028 24001 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:760) 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: doApplyAppPermissionConfig error 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: info.maigo.lab.intentviewer 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.doApplyAppPermissionConfig() 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at com.lbe.security.service.provider.internal.AppOpsAdapter$AppOpsAdapterHandler.handleMessage() 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:34.756 4028 4096 E AppOpsAdapter: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:26:34.787 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:34.789 24387 24387 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.790 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:34.790 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:34.790 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:34.790 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:34.790 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:34.805 24387 24387 I miuisdk : loading module: com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk 08-12 23:26:34.811 24387 24387 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.848 24387 24387 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.878 24403 24403 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.894 24387 24387 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:34.904 24403 24403 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:26:34.904 24403 24403 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:26:34.904 24403 24403 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89cef000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:34.916 24403 24403 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:34.917 24403 24403 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:26:34.917 24403 24403 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:26:34.917 24403 24403 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:26:34.917 24403 24403 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89c4f000, size:4096 08-12 23:26:34.918 24403 24403 I Launcher.application: application attached 08-12 23:26:34.926 24387 24387 D miuisdk : process com.xiaomi.micloud.sdk successful 08-12 23:26:34.926 24387 24387 D miuisdk : process modules finished 08-12 23:26:34.942 24387 24387 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.xiaomi.account 08-12 23:26:35.053 24387 24387 D MI_STAT : initialize com.xiaomi.account, 2882303761517309296, STABLE, false 08-12 23:26:35.061 24387 24424 I DynamicDumpReceiver: Dynamic receiver registered 08-12 23:26:35.081 24233 24281 W System : Ignoring header Content-Type because its value was null. 08-12 23:26:35.101 24302 24302 I RemoteMethodInvoker: RemoteMethodInvoker connects remote service .XiaomiAccountService 08-12 23:26:35.102 24302 24382 I MiCloudSdkBuild: MiCloudSdk version:28 08-12 23:26:35.108 24403 24403 I miuisdk : loading module: com.miui.personalassistant 08-12 23:26:35.116 24233 24272 I MiPicks-DataParser: [InvalidPackageList] JSON : invalidSystemPackageList list is null 08-12 23:26:35.119 24403 24403 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.miui.personalassistant 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.util.PackageHelper.al(SourceFile:107) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.util.PackageHelper.getApkPath(SourceFile:37) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.component.module.ModuleLoader.loadModules(SourceFile:78) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.module.ModuleManager.loadModules(SourceFile:153) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.module.ModuleManager.loadModules(SourceFile:96) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.component.ComponentManager.N(SourceFile:48) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.component.ComponentManager.load(SourceFile:43) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.core.SdkManager.Bt(SourceFile:216) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.core.SdkManager.start(SourceFile:199) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.external.Application.startSdk(Application.java:103) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.external.Application.attachBaseContext(Application.java:165) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.home.launcher.Application.attachBaseContext(Application.java:30) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.Application.attach(Application.java:191) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.newApplication(Instrumentation.java:1009) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.newApplication(Instrumentation.java:993) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.LoadedApk.makeApplication(LoadedApk.java:800) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5480) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap2(ActivityThread.java) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1593) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:35.120 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6238) 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 E miuisdk : got ModuleLoadException when load modules: no such module found: com.miui.personalassistant 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 W miuisdk : process com.miui.personalassistant failed: 1 08-12 23:26:35.121 24403 24403 I miuisdk : loading module: com.miui.newhome 08-12 23:26:35.125 24403 24403 W System.err: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.miui.newhome 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:147) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:132) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.util.PackageHelper.al(SourceFile:107) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.util.PackageHelper.getApkPath(SourceFile:37) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.component.module.ModuleLoader.loadModules(SourceFile:78) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.module.ModuleManager.loadModules(SourceFile:153) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.module.ModuleManager.loadModules(SourceFile:96) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.component.ComponentManager.N(SourceFile:48) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.internal.component.ComponentManager.load(SourceFile:43) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.core.SdkManager.Bt(SourceFile:216) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.core.SdkManager.start(SourceFile:199) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.external.Application.startSdk(Application.java:103) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at miui.external.Application.attachBaseContext(Application.java:165) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.miui.home.launcher.Application.attachBaseContext(Application.java:30) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.Application.attach(Application.java:191) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.newApplication(Instrumentation.java:1009) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.newApplication(Instrumentation.java:993) 08-12 23:26:35.126 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.LoadedApk.makeApplication(LoadedApk.java:800) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5480) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap2(ActivityThread.java) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1593) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:163) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6238) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:35.127 24403 24403 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:35.128 24403 24403 E miuisdk : got ModuleLoadException when load modules: no such module found: com.miui.newhome 08-12 23:26:35.128 24403 24403 W miuisdk : process com.miui.newhome failed: 1 08-12 23:26:35.129 24403 24403 I miuisdk : loading module: com.mi.android.globalpersonalassistant 08-12 23:26:35.132 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: Killing 22665:android.process.acore/u0a0 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:35.135 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: android.process.acore, pid:22665, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:35.158 24403 24403 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:35.160 24302 24382 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:26:35.192 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: android.process.acore, pid:22665 08-12 23:26:35.215 24403 24403 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:35.261 24403 24403 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:35.290 23842 23853 W art : Suspending all threads took: 10.086ms 08-12 23:26:35.342 4028 24431 I com.lbe.security.service.provider.WakePathDatabaseUtil: getDefaultAutoStartApps 08-12 23:26:35.420 4028 24431 I com.lbe.security.service.provider.WakePathDatabaseUtil: writeWakePathWhiteList 08-12 23:26:35.424 4028 24431 I com.lbe.security.service.provider.WakePathDatabaseUtil: getWakePathWhiteList: whiteList.size=5 08-12 23:26:35.425 1515 3074 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=5 08-12 23:26:35.790 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:35.792 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:35.792 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:35.792 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:35.792 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:35.792 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:36.070 1515 1533 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{c3f22b1 u0 com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PackageVerificationService} 08-12 23:26:36.154 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:36.154 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:36.155 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:36.155 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:36.298 24403 24403 D miuisdk : process com.mi.android.globalpersonalassistant successful 08-12 23:26:36.298 24403 24403 D miuisdk : process modules finished 08-12 23:26:36.307 24403 24403 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@5c48586 08-12 23:26:36.371 24403 24403 E Launcher.CellCount: new compat:com.miui.home.launcher.compat.LauncherCellCountCompatResource 08-12 23:26:36.507 2056 17521 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] hasTetherApn on DDS: false 08-12 23:26:36.507 2056 17521 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] dunRequired: 2 08-12 23:26:36.674 24403 24403 E Launcher.UninstallShortcutReceiver: Launcher is not ready,process later 08-12 23:26:36.679 1515 4925 I ActivityManager: Killing 23348:com.android.deskclock/u0a57 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:36.690 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.android.deskclock, pid:23348, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:36.741 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.android.deskclock, pid:23348 08-12 23:26:36.754 700 700 D SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 700: Requested digest(s) supported for algorithm 1 and purpose 1 08-12 23:26:36.754 700 700 D SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 1202: Operation supported by Keymaster QTI HAL, passing through to keymaster1 module 08-12 23:26:36.761 24233 24281 I MiPicks-DataParser: [InvalidPackageList] JSON : invalidSystemPackageList list is null 08-12 23:26:36.761 24233 24281 I MiPicks-LocalAppManager: query update apps from server : finish, 0 / 275 to update 08-12 23:26:36.777 24233 24281 I MiPicks-UpdateAppList: update app list do not change, don't notify: pkg (0) = 08-12 23:26:36.780 24233 24281 I MiPicks-WakeLockManager: release wakeLock: CheckUpdateService 08-12 23:26:36.792 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:36.794 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:36.794 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:36.794 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:36.794 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:36.794 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:36.801 1515 6125 I ActivityManager: Killing 23390:com.android.chrome:webview_service/u0a63 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:36.804 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.android.chrome:webview_service, pid:23390, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:36.828 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.android.chrome:webview_service, pid:23390 08-12 23:26:37.371 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:37.373 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:37.466 24302 24382 D RequestInjector: checkResponse 08-12 23:26:37.490 24302 24382 D PackSyncUtils: com.miui.cloudservice.util.PackSyncUtils::getMiCloudStatusInfo@SourceFile:142, thread:79616--getMiCloudStatusInfo exception type = 0 08-12 23:26:37.490 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:37.491 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:37.591 24302 24382 V OpenApiStatProvider: delete sync setting 08-12 23:26:37.612 24302 24382 D SyncStateChangedHelper: not find when clear change state 08-12 23:26:37.618 24302 24382 V MiCloudNotificationHelper: register micloud notification 08-12 23:26:37.620 24302 24382 V MiCloudNotificationHelper: cancelNotification: name: MiCloudQuotaWarningNotification 08-12 23:26:37.622 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app com.miui.gallery/10029 for broadcast Intent { act=com.xiaomi.action.MICLOUD_STATUS_INFO_CHANGED flg=0x11 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start 08-12 23:26:37.669 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:339, thread:79616--Original URL: http://statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net/mic/status/v2/user/quota/free/status. 08-12 23:26:37.669 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:37.669 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:37.670 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:344, thread:79616--New URL: https://us.statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net. 08-12 23:26:37.670 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:37.670 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:37.671 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:351, thread:79616--Final URL: https://us.statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net/mic/status/v2/user/quota/free/status. 08-12 23:26:37.671 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:37.671 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:37.690 24302 24302 I RemoteMethodInvoker: RemoteMethodInvoker connects remote service .XiaomiAccountService 08-12 23:26:37.794 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:37.796 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:37.796 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:37.796 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:37.796 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:37.796 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:37.871 700 700 D SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 700: Requested digest(s) supported for algorithm 1 and purpose 1 08-12 23:26:37.871 700 700 D SoftKeymaster: system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 1202: Operation supported by Keymaster QTI HAL, passing through to keymaster1 module 08-12 23:26:38.382 24302 24382 D RequestInjector: checkResponse 08-12 23:26:38.449 24302 24382 D MemberStatusQuerier: com.miui.cloudservice.model.micloudstatus.MemberStatusQuerier::queryMemberStatus@SourceFile:75, thread:79616--queryMemberStatus: userId: 1 08-12 23:26:38.450 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:38.450 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:38.546 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:339, thread:79616--Original URL: http://statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net/mic/status/v2/user/level. 08-12 23:26:38.546 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:38.546 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:38.547 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:344, thread:79616--New URL: https://us.statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net. 08-12 23:26:38.548 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:38.548 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:38.549 24302 24382 I Micloud : com.xiaomi.micloudsdk.request.utils.CloudUtils::updateRequestHost@SourceFile:351, thread:79616--Final URL: https://us.statusapi.micloud.xiaomi.net/mic/status/v2/user/level. 08-12 23:26:38.549 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:38.549 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:38.567 24302 24302 I RemoteMethodInvoker: RemoteMethodInvoker connects remote service .XiaomiAccountService 08-12 23:26:38.796 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:38.798 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:38.798 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:38.798 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:38.798 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:38.798 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:38.952 23842 23842 W art : Long monitor contention with owner bgExecutor #0 (23883) at int java.util.zip.ZipFile.-wrap0(long, long, long, byte[], int, int)(ZipFile.java:-1) waiters=0 in boolean wzy.q() for 10.031s 08-12 23:26:38.992 1515 4925 I ActivityManager: Killing 22396:com.android.camera/u0a26 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:38.994 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.android.camera, pid:22396, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:38.995 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rvd.run(5): Detected restoreservicev2://recovery not needed, will not run 08-12 23:26:39.041 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.android.camera, pid:22396 08-12 23:26:39.084 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rhd.b(5): Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 26-1414141414 29-29 08-12 23:26:39.085 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 12-1, 1-1337, -> L: 4818ms, D: 62990307ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:26:39.086 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 29-29, 26-1414141414, -> L: 11585ms, D: 41585ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:26:39.110 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(45): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9002 9003 08-12 23:26:39.111 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 4818, D: 62990307, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:26:39.119 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 11585, D: 41585, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:26:39.261 24302 24382 D RequestInjector: checkResponse 08-12 23:26:39.280 24302 24382 D MemberStatusQuerier: com.miui.cloudservice.model.micloudstatus.MemberStatusQuerier::queryMemberStatus@SourceFile:90, thread:79616--getMiCloudMemberStatusInfo exception type = 0 08-12 23:26:39.280 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:39.280 24302 24382 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:39.290 1515 1533 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app com.miui.gallery/10029 for broadcast Intent { act=com.xiaomi.action.MICLOUD_STATUS_INFO_CHANGED flg=0x11 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start 08-12 23:26:39.301 24302 24302 I MiCloudStatusQuerySCD: com.miui.cloudservice.sync.MiCloudStatusQuerySchedular::rescheduleQuery@SourceFile:66, thread:1--maxExecutionDelay: 90000000 millis. 08-12 23:26:39.302 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Failed to open log file recently. Abort. 08-12 23:26:39.302 24302 24302 E miui.cloud.common.SwitchFileLogSender: Null output stream. Skip outputing. 08-12 23:26:39.318 1515 5264 I ActivityManager: Killing 23761:com.miui.securitycenter/1000 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:39.321 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.miui.securitycenter, pid:23761, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:39.357 1515 2092 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 9 08-12 23:26:39.359 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.miui.securitycenter, pid:23761 08-12 23:26:39.798 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:39.800 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:39.800 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:39.800 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:39.800 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:39.800 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:40.378 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:40.392 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:40.800 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:40.802 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:40.802 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:40.802 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:40.802 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:40.802 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:41.165 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:41.166 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:41.802 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:41.804 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:41.804 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:41.804 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:41.804 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:41.804 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:42.091 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3 down:true eventTime:491975551 downTime:491975551 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:26:42.212 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3 down:false eventTime:491975672 downTime:491975551 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:26:42.225 1741 1741 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 08-12 23:26:42.227 1515 1630 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 08-12 23:26:42.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:26:42.387 1515 1533 I ActivityManager: Killing 23791:com.miui.guardprovider/u0a75 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:42.389 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.miui.guardprovider, pid:23791, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:42.435 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.miui.guardprovider, pid:23791 08-12 23:26:42.804 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:42.806 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:42.806 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:42.806 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:42.806 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:42.806 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:43.399 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:43.407 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:43.806 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:43.808 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:43.808 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:43.808 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:43.808 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:43.808 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:43.970 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(3): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9000 08-12 23:26:43.996 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfd.a(5): Scheduling fallback in 43199988 (absolute: 1388640317) 08-12 23:26:44.008 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfd.a(5): Scheduling fallback in 64799988 (absolute: 1410240330) 08-12 23:26:44.125 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(19): DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1565641604115, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=49.0} 08-12 23:26:44.136 23842 23887 I Finsky : [34422] rhd.b(5): Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 26-1414141414 29-29 08-12 23:26:44.143 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfg.a(22): Running job: 12-1 08-12 23:26:44.149 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.contentsync.ContentSyncJob.a(22): ContentSyncJob started 08-12 23:26:44.155 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(92): RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 08-12 23:26:44.156 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(101): Running queue: 12-1 08-12 23:26:44.808 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:44.810 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:44.810 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:44.810 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:44.810 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:44.810 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:44.896 23842 24469 I Finsky : [34488] edm.a(19): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 08-12 23:26:44.897 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.contentsync.ContentSyncJob.a(20): Installation state replication succeeded. 08-12 23:26:44.897 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rgw.a(4): jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 754ms 08-12 23:26:44.899 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfg.c(3): Job 12-1 finished 08-12 23:26:44.900 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(92): RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 08-12 23:26:44.901 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(36): Executor finished 08-12 23:26:44.925 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rhd.b(5): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 29-29 08-12 23:26:44.926 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, -> L: 19784466ms, D: 62984466ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:26:44.927 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 5744ms, D: 35744ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:26:44.938 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(45): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9001 08-12 23:26:44.939 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 19784466, D: 62984466, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:26:44.943 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(15): Throttling wakeup for job 9003 (expected to run in 5744 ms) due to recent wakeup 08-12 23:26:44.944 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 30000, D: 35744, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:26:45.225 3030 3030 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:491978685 intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=il.org.osm.israelhiking/.MainActivity (has extras) } 08-12 23:26:45.228 1515 2432 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=il.org.osm.israelhiking/.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 10134 on display 0 08-12 23:26:45.229 1515 2432 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:45.245 1515 2432 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 08-12 23:26:45.267 1515 1546 I SettingsInjector: notify first launch 08-12 23:26:45.291 1515 2092 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24471:il.org.osm.israelhiking/u0a338 for activity il.org.osm.israelhiking/.MainActivity caller=com.teslacoilsw.launcher 08-12 23:26:45.291 1515 2092 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@aa3c8f 08-12 23:26:45.292 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10338 reason: il.org.osm.israelhiking, pid:0 08-12 23:26:45.297 24471 24471 I art : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 08-12 23:26:45.317 1515 1546 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH from system uid 1000 pkg null. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:19233 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:19335 com.android.server.pm.IActivityManagerCompat.sendBroadcast:19 com.android.server.pm.SettingsInjector$1.run:117 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:754 08-12 23:26:45.325 24471 24471 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:45.340 24471 24471 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:26:45.359 10331 10988 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='il.org.osm.israelhiking', mForegroundUid=10338, mForegroundPid=24471, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.teslacoilsw.launcher', mLastForegroundUid=10134, mLastForegroundPid=3030, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1} 08-12 23:26:45.361 1515 3072 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:491978821 08-12 23:26:45.386 24471 24471 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:45.420 705 1510 D DnsProxyBlocker: remove uid(10338) for Firewall 08-12 23:26:45.428 24233 24233 D AppActiveReceiver: receive app active broadcast for: il.org.osm.israelhiking, install from: null 08-12 23:26:45.438 1741 1741 D StatusBar: disable disable2 08-12 23:26:45.458 1515 1524 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 189019(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 119(2MB) LOS objects, 24% free, 45MB/60MB, paused 3.148ms total 152.274ms 08-12 23:26:45.522 24471 24471 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3) 08-12 23:26:45.522 24471 24471 I CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform version 7.1.4 is starting 08-12 23:26:45.522 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate() 08-12 23:26:45.546 24471 24471 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/com.android.chrome-2/lib/arm64:/data/app/com.android.chrome-2/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/com.android.chrome-2/split_config.iw.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a for namespace 0x7f8ea2a160 08-12 23:26:45.547 24471 24471 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:45.554 24471 24471 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.chrome version 76.0.3809.111 (code 380911137) 08-12 23:26:45.635 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:491979094 08-12 23:26:45.638 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:26:45.638 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x2a6417b, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:26:45.638 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 29 microseconds, avg: 463 08-12 23:26:45.638 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:26:45.639 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x2a6417b, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:26:45.639 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 463 08-12 23:26:45.681 24471 24471 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 5 ms (timestamps 9135-9140) 08-12 23:26:45.690 24471 24503 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 08-12 23:26:45.691 24471 24503 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/com.android.chrome-2/lib/arm64:/data/app/com.android.chrome-2/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/com.android.chrome-2/split_config.iw.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a for namespace 0x7f8ea2a1d0 08-12 23:26:45.715 1515 3072 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24504:com.android.chrome:webview_service/u0a63 for service com.android.chrome/org.chromium.android_webview.services.VariationsSeedServer caller=il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:26:45.716 24471 24471 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:45.718 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10063 reason: com.android.chrome:webview_service, pid:0 08-12 23:26:45.734 24471 24471 D AccessibilityManager: current package=il.org.osm.israelhiking, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false 08-12 23:26:45.736 24504 24504 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:26:45.740 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(51)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 08-12 23:26:45.740 24471 24471 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "76.0.3809.111", actual native library version number "76.0.3809.111" 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:26:45.746 24504 24504 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@29f6b29 08-12 23:26:45.795 24504 24504 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:26:45.810 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:45.812 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:45.812 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:45.812 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:45.812 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:45.812 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:45.863 24471 24471 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true 08-12 23:26:45.876 24471 24471 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f130532 (t=18 e=1330) (error -2147483647) 08-12 23:26:45.948 24233 24526 W System : Ignoring header Content-Type because its value was null. 08-12 23:26:45.965 24471 24471 E chromium: [ERROR:filesystem_posix.cc(89)] stat /data/user/0/il.org.osm.israelhiking/cache/WebView/Crashpad: No such file or directory (2) 08-12 23:26:45.965 24471 24471 E chromium: [ERROR:filesystem_posix.cc(62)] mkdir /data/user/0/il.org.osm.israelhiking/cache/WebView/Crashpad: No such file or directory (2) 08-12 23:26:46.168 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:46.169 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:46.169 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU1 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:46.170 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU1 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:46.360 24471 24471 D EgretLoader: EgretLoader(Context context) 08-12 23:26:46.364 24471 24471 D EgretLoader: The context is not activity 08-12 23:26:46.369 24471 24471 D IonicWebViewEngine: Ionic Web View Engine Starting Right Up 1... 08-12 23:26:46.405 24471 24471 D SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on device made by: Xiaomi 08-12 23:26:46.414 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:46.424 24471 24471 D PluginManager: init() 08-12 23:26:46.427 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:46.457 2092 2092 W Binder:1515_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:123282): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/media" dev="dm-1" ino=760321 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:26:46.457 2092 2092 W Binder:1515_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:123283): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/media" dev="dm-1" ino=760321 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:26:46.457 2092 2092 W Binder:1515_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:123284): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/media" dev="dm-1" ino=760321 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:26:46.457 2092 2092 W Binder:1515_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:123285): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/media" dev="dm-1" ino=760321 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:26:46.457 2092 2092 W Binder:1515_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:123286): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/media" dev="dm-1" ino=760321 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:26:46.457 2092 2092 W Binder:1515_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:123287): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/data/media" dev="dm-1" ino=760321 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:26:46.518 24471 24471 D FileUtils: Unrecognized extra filesystem identifier: assets 08-12 23:26:46.519 24471 24471 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 08-12 23:26:46.587 24471 24534 W cr_media: Requires BLUETOOTH permission 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 E libEGL : validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : dd15ef5, Ic280a69317 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : Build Date : 05/09/17 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : Local Branch : 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : Remote Branch : quic/gfx-adreno.lnx.1.0.r5-rel 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE 08-12 23:26:46.598 24471 24548 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 08-12 23:26:46.625 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: Started the activity. 08-12 23:26:46.643 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 08-12 23:26:46.802 24471 24471 W ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView 08-12 23:26:46.812 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:46.814 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:46.814 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:46.814 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:46.814 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:46.814 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:46.848 24233 24526 E MiPicks-ConnectionRSA: get key exception : com.android.org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.DecoderException: unable to decode base64 string: invalid characters encountered in base64 data 08-12 23:26:46.848 1515 2092 I ActivityManager: Killing 23823:com.android.defcontainer/u0a10 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:26:46.849 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.android.defcontainer, pid:23823, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:26:46.870 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.android.defcontainer, pid:23823 08-12 23:26:47.299 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 08-12 23:26:47.299 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc 08-12 23:26:47.309 24471 24553 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 08-12 23:26:47.309 24471 24553 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 08-12 23:26:47.316 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 08-12 23:26:47.316 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc 08-12 23:26:47.322 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 08-12 23:26:47.322 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc 08-12 23:26:47.337 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx 08-12 23:26:47.343 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx4 08-12 23:26:47.352 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-esdp 08-12 23:26:47.365 24471 24548 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-esdp 08-12 23:26:47.377 24471 24548 W Utils : could not parse long range '35-34' 08-12 23:26:47.399 24471 24548 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 08-12 23:26:47.501 1515 1539 I ActivityManager: Displayed il.org.osm.israelhiking/.MainActivity: +2s228ms 08-12 23:26:47.501 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{e0badd8 u0 il.org.osm.israelhiking/.MainActivity t42228} time:491980961 08-12 23:26:47.509 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActivityLaunchTime: il.org.osm.israelhiking/.MainActivity totalTime: 2228 08-12 23:26:47.520 24471 24471 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 08-12 23:26:47.524 1515 3058 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 08-12 23:26:47.814 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:47.815 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:47.815 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:47.815 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:47.815 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:47.815 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:48.032 24471 24529 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/ 08-12 23:26:48.816 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:48.817 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:48.817 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:48.817 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:48.817 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:48.817 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:48.879 24471 24471 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) 08-12 23:26:48.908 24471 24471 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(http://localhost/) 08-12 23:26:48.927 24471 24529 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/styles.css 08-12 23:26:48.933 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/logo.png 08-12 23:26:48.957 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/cordova.js 08-12 23:26:48.962 24471 24565 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/runtime.js 08-12 23:26:48.963 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/polyfills.js 08-12 23:26:48.964 24471 24529 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/scripts.js 08-12 23:26:48.972 24471 24565 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/main.js 08-12 23:26:49.111 24471 24471 D JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode 08-12 23:26:49.434 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:49.436 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:49.817 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:49.819 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:49.819 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:49.819 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:49.819 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:49.819 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:50.819 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:50.820 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:50.820 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:50.820 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:50.820 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:50.820 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:50.955 5271 5283 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 48053(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(136KB) LOS objects, 11% free, 22MB/25MB, paused 5.009ms total 73.668ms 08-12 23:26:51.165 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU1 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:51.166 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:51.166 812 812 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned) 08-12 23:26:51.821 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:51.822 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:51.822 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:51.822 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:51.822 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:51.822 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:52.015 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:26:52.015 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:26:52.138 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:26:52.138 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=2, roaming=false 08-12 23:26:52.141 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:26:52.143 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:26:52.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:26:52.440 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:52.455 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:52.822 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:52.824 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:26:52.824 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:26:52.824 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:52.824 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:52.824 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:53.824 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:53.825 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:53.825 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:53.825 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:53.826 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:53.826 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:54.826 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:54.827 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:54.827 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:54.827 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:54.827 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:54.827 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:55.461 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:55.470 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:55.827 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:55.829 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:55.829 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:55.829 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:55.829 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:55.829 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:56.829 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:56.830 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:56.830 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:56.830 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:56.831 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:56.831 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:57.036 24471 24471 I Choreographer: Skipped 59 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 08-12 23:26:57.831 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:57.832 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:57.832 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:57.832 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:57.832 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:57.832 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:58.477 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:26:58.491 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:26:58.567 1515 3058 W art : Long monitor contention with owner PackageManager (1546) at void com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$PackageHandler.doHandleMessage(android.os.Message)(PackageManagerService.java:1539) waiters=0 in int com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.checkUidPermission(java.lang.String, int) for 3.292s 08-12 23:26:58.568 1515 1537 W art : Long monitor contention with owner PackageManager (1546) at void com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$PackageHandler.doHandleMessage(android.os.Message)(PackageManagerService.java:1539) waiters=2 in java.util.List com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.queryIntentReceiversInternal(android.content.Intent, java.lang.String, int, int) for 1.008s 08-12 23:26:58.569 1515 2092 W art : Long monitor contention with owner PackageManager (1546) at void com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$PackageHandler.doHandleMessage(android.os.Message)(PackageManagerService.java:1539) waiters=1 in int com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService.checkUidPermission(java.lang.String, int) for 1.359s 08-12 23:26:58.571 1515 1537 E NetdConnector: NDC event {613 IfaceClass idle 0 1345453874294385} took too long: 1029ms 08-12 23:26:58.832 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:58.834 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:58.834 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:58.834 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:58.834 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:58.834 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:26:59.834 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:26:59.836 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:26:59.836 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:26:59.836 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:26:59.836 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:26:59.836 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:00.005 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 08-12 23:27:00.006 1515 1515 I ActivityManager: Killing 23979:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:27:00.034 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.android.settings, pid:23979, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:27:00.107 18393 24570 D EventNotificationJob: Running EventNotificationJob, isDetail=true 08-12 23:27:00.161 24471 24529 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/cordova_plugins.js 08-12 23:27:00.171 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.android.settings, pid:23979 08-12 23:27:00.214 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/cordova.js: Line 1219 : deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds. 08-12 23:27:00.214 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1219)] "deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.", source: http://localhost/cordova.js (1219) 08-12 23:27:00.215 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/cordova.js: Line 1212 : Channel not fired: onPluginsReady 08-12 23:27:00.215 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1212)] "Channel not fired: onPluginsReady", source: http://localhost/cordova.js (1212) 08-12 23:27:00.216 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/cordova.js: Line 1212 : Channel not fired: onCordovaReady 08-12 23:27:00.217 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1212)] "Channel not fired: onCordovaReady", source: http://localhost/cordova.js (1212) 08-12 23:27:00.217 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/cordova.js: Line 1212 : Channel not fired: onDOMContentLoaded 08-12 23:27:00.217 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1212)] "Channel not fired: onDOMContentLoaded", source: http://localhost/cordova.js (1212) 08-12 23:27:00.229 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/www/inappbrowser.js 08-12 23:27:00.249 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/DirectoryEntry.js 08-12 23:27:00.251 5271 5283 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 168082(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(88KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 22MB/37MB, paused 8.435ms total 235.890ms 08-12 23:27:00.254 24471 24539 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/DirectoryReader.js 08-12 23:27:00.258 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/Entry.js 08-12 23:27:00.263 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/File.js 08-12 23:27:00.267 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileEntry.js 08-12 23:27:00.285 18393 24570 D EventNotificationJob: finished processing events. 08-12 23:27:00.295 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileError.js 08-12 23:27:00.295 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileReader.js 08-12 23:27:00.298 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileSystem.js 08-12 23:27:00.301 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileUploadOptions.js 08-12 23:27:00.303 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileUploadResult.js 08-12 23:27:00.305 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileWriter.js 08-12 23:27:00.312 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/Flags.js 08-12 23:27:00.320 24471 24565 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/Metadata.js 08-12 23:27:00.322 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/LocalFileSystem.js 08-12 23:27:00.339 18393 18408 W art : Couldn't lock the profile file /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof: Failed to open file '/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof': Permission denied 08-12 23:27:00.340 18393 18408 W art : Could not save profiling info to /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof 08-12 23:27:00.327 18408 18408 W com.microsoft.office.outlook: type=1400 audit(0.0:123288): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=50726F66696C65205361766572 path="/data/misc/profiles/cur" dev="dm-1" ino=205950 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:27:00.355 24471 24575 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/ProgressEvent.js 08-12 23:27:00.358 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/fileSystems.js 08-12 23:27:00.358 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/requestFileSystem.js 08-12 23:27:00.359 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/fileSystems-roots.js 08-12 23:27:00.360 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/resolveLocalFileSystemURI.js 08-12 23:27:00.360 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-camera/www/CameraConstants.js 08-12 23:27:00.361 24471 24575 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/fileSystemPaths.js 08-12 23:27:00.361 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-camera/www/Camera.js 08-12 23:27:00.362 24471 24539 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/android/FileSystem.js 08-12 23:27:00.362 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-camera/www/CameraPopoverOptions.js 08-12 23:27:00.363 24471 24575 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-camera/www/CameraPopoverHandle.js 08-12 23:27:00.363 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-insomnia/www/Insomnia.js 08-12 23:27:00.364 24471 24565 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/browser/isChrome.js 08-12 23:27:00.364 24471 24539 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-device/www/device.js 08-12 23:27:00.365 24471 24531 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.openwith/www/openwith.js 08-12 23:27:00.367 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-background-geolocation-lt/www/BackgroundGeolocation.js 08-12 23:27:00.367 24471 24575 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview/src/www/util.js 08-12 23:27:00.367 24471 24539 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-background-geolocation-lt/www/API.js 08-12 23:27:00.368 24471 24565 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-background-geolocation-lt/www/DeviceSettings.js 08-12 23:27:00.368 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-plugin-background-fetch/www/BackgroundFetch.js 08-12 23:27:00.369 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/plugins/cordova-sqlite-ext/www/SQLitePlugin.js 08-12 23:27:00.836 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:00.837 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:27:00.837 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:27:00.837 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:00.837 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:00.837 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:01.497 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:01.508 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:01.838 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:01.839 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:27:01.839 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:27:01.839 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:01.839 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:01.839 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:02.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:27:02.418 2798 14876 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:24471|il.org.osm.israelhiking|273|221|unknown|null|il.org.osm.israelhiking/il.org.osm.israelhiking.MainActivity|491993934456151|Slow issue draw commands|4 08-12 23:27:02.840 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:02.841 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:27:02.841 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:27:02.842 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:02.842 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:02.842 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:03.842 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:03.843 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 37000 . 08-12 23:27:03.844 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:37000 mC 08-12 23:27:03.844 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:03.844 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:03.844 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:04.516 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:04.531 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:04.844 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:04.846 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:04.846 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:04.846 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:04.846 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:04.846 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:05.846 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:05.847 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:05.847 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:05.847 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:05.848 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:05.848 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:06.279 24471 24529 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-12 23:27:06.848 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:06.850 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:06.850 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:06.850 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:06.850 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:06.850 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:07.537 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:07.552 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:07.552 1515 1645 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Mazorfalse,false 08-12 23:27:07.850 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:07.852 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:07.852 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:07.852 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:07.852 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:07.852 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:08.852 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:08.854 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:08.854 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:08.854 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:08.854 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:08.854 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:09.854 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:09.855 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:09.856 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:09.856 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:09.856 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:09.856 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:10.568 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:10.583 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:10.856 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:10.857 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:10.857 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:10.857 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:10.857 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:10.857 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:11.858 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:11.859 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:11.859 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:11.859 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:11.859 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:11.859 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:12.400 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:27:12.859 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:12.861 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:12.861 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:12.861 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:12.861 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:12.861 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:12.879 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:27:12.879 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:27:12.881 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:27:12.882 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false 08-12 23:27:12.885 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:27:12.887 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:27:13.589 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:13.604 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:13.861 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:13.863 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:13.863 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:13.863 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:13.863 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:13.863 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:14.863 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:14.865 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:14.865 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:14.865 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:14.865 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:14.865 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:15.865 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:15.867 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:15.867 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:15.867 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:15.867 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:15.867 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:16.610 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:16.620 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:16.643 1515 3058 D BatteryService: /data/anr/adb_enable file.exists() = false 08-12 23:27:16.643 1515 3058 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 340,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:27:16.643 1515 3058 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 340,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:27:16.650 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:27:16.651 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:27:16.652 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:27:16.653 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:27:16.654 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:27:16.867 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:16.869 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:16.869 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:16.869 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:16.869 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:16.869 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:17.869 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:17.871 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:17.871 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:17.871 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:17.871 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:17.871 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:18.871 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:18.873 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:18.873 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:18.873 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:18.873 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:18.873 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:19.624 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:19.639 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:19.873 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:19.874 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 38000 . 08-12 23:27:19.875 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:38000 mC 08-12 23:27:19.875 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:19.875 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:19.875 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:20.259 23842 23872 I Finsky : [34410] jjd.run(3): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor jkt@5a13a34[Running, pool size = 8, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 23] 08-12 23:27:20.278 23842 23872 I Finsky : [34410] jjd.run(3): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor jkt@d99d05d[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 65] 08-12 23:27:20.575 23842 23872 I Finsky : [34410] jjd.run(3): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor jkt@ce83dd2[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 43] 08-12 23:27:20.710 7263 7263 I PowerKeeperBackgroundService: onStartCommand() 08-12 23:27:20.710 7263 7263 I PowerKeeperService: onAlarm 08-12 23:27:20.732 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SCAN TYPE=ONLY' 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0.000000 sec 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=3 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Add radio work 'scan'@0x7f9f018480 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting radio work 'scan'@0x7f9f018480 after 0.000105 second wait 08-12 23:27:20.733 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: scan request 08-12 23:27:20.734 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan SSID - hexdump(len=0): [NULL] 08-12 23:27:20.734 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan extra IEs - hexdump(len=7): 7f 05 00 00 0a 02 01 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_STARTED (47) received 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Own scan request started a scan in 0.000281 seconds 08-12 23:27:20.735 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: ctrl_sock-sendmsg: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=24 08-12 23:27:20.737 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_1515-10\x00 08-12 23:27:20.766 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(3): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9003 08-12 23:27:20.797 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfd.a(5): Scheduling fallback in 43199970 (absolute: 1388677101) 08-12 23:27:20.806 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfd.a(5): Scheduling fallback in 64799993 (absolute: 1410277132) 08-12 23:27:20.875 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:20.876 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:20.876 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:20.876 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:20.876 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:20.876 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:21.164 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available 08-12 23:27:21.164 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0 08-12 23:27:21.164 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available 08-12 23:27:21.164 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan included frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472 08-12 23:27:21.164 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received 08-12 23:27:21.164 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan completed in 0.429378 seconds 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated on 2412 MHz 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated with 7c:03:4c:ff:09:23 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (2 BSSes) 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan results indicate BSS status with 7c:03:4c:ff:09:23 as associated 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 7967 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: BSS: last_scan_res_used=2/64 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan-only results received 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: ctrl_sock-sendmsg: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=24 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_1515-10\x00 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Radio work 'scan'@0x7f9f018480 done in 0.432032 seconds 08-12 23:27:21.165 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: radio_work_free('scan'@0x7f9f018480: num_active_works --> 0 08-12 23:27:21.169 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=1951 08-12 23:27:21.175 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=0 08-12 23:27:21.178 1515 1683 I AppScanObserverService: Start to match app observer 08-12 23:27:21.180 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=1951 08-12 23:27:21.184 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=0 08-12 23:27:21.188 1515 1645 D WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: ==========start qualified Network Selection========== 08-12 23:27:21.189 1515 1645 D WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: Current network is: "Mazor" ,ID is: 1 08-12 23:27:21.189 1515 1645 D WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: Quit qualified Network Selection since it is not forced and current network is qualified already 08-12 23:27:21.244 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(19): DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1565641641236, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=49.0} 08-12 23:27:21.252 23842 24587 I Finsky : [34489] rhd.b(5): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 29-29 08-12 23:27:21.255 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfg.a(22): Running job: 29-29 08-12 23:27:21.268 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(92): RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 08-12 23:27:21.269 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(101): Running queue: 29-29 08-12 23:27:21.271 23842 24588 I Finsky : [34490] wfe.a(1): ProcessRecoveryLogsUtil: No files in recovery directory 08-12 23:27:21.273 23842 24588 I Finsky : [34490] rgw.a(4): jobFinished: 29-29. TimeElapsed: 16ms 08-12 23:27:21.277 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfg.c(3): Job 29-29 finished 08-12 23:27:21.279 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(92): RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 08-12 23:27:21.284 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rfn.handleMessage(36): Executor finished 08-12 23:27:21.359 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] rhd.b(5): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 08-12 23:27:21.360 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, -> L: 19748032ms, D: 62948032ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:27:21.361 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] ree.a(59): ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 33187711ms, D: 34087711ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:27:21.376 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(45): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9002 08-12 23:27:21.377 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 19748032, D: 62948032, C: false, I: false, N: 1 08-12 23:27:21.380 23842 23842 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(1): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 33187711, D: 34087711, C: false, I: false, N: 0 08-12 23:27:21.877 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:21.878 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:21.878 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:21.878 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:21.878 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:21.878 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:22.138 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:27:22.138 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:27:22.140 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:27:22.140 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=2, roaming=false 08-12 23:27:22.144 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:27:22.145 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:27:22.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:27:22.644 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:22.658 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:22.878 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:22.880 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:22.880 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:22.880 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:22.880 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:22.880 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:23.880 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:23.882 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:23.882 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:23.882 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:23.882 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:23.882 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:24.882 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:24.884 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:24.884 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:24.884 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:24.884 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:24.884 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:25.180 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/translations/he.json?sign=1559405586838 08-12 23:27:25.296 24471 24545 W AssetFilesystem: Asset manifest not found. Recursive copies and directory listing will be slow. 08-12 23:27:25.420 24471 24471 D CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageFinished(http://localhost/) 08-12 23:27:25.423 24471 24575 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon.ico 08-12 23:27:25.425 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon-16x16.png 08-12 23:27:25.426 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon-96x96.png 08-12 23:27:25.427 24471 24539 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/android-chrome-192x192.png 08-12 23:27:25.428 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon-32x32.png 08-12 23:27:25.607 24471 24574 W art : Long monitor contention with owner ThreadPoolForeg (24575) at java.io.InputStream android.content.res.AssetManager.open(java.lang.String, int)(AssetManager.java:353) waiters=1 in java.io.InputStream android.content.res.AssetManager.open(java.lang.String, int) for 181ms 08-12 23:27:25.658 24471 24545 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:492019117 intent:Intent { act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.google.android.packageinstaller (has extras) } 08-12 23:27:25.661 1515 3074 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.google.android.packageinstaller cmp=com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10338 on display 0 08-12 23:27:25.667 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:25.671 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:25.678 1515 3074 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 08-12 23:27:25.679 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 08-12 23:27:25.703 1515 3058 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24592:com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a21 for activity com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity caller=il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:27:25.704 1515 3058 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@78e3a47 08-12 23:27:25.704 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10021 reason: com.google.android.packageinstaller, pid:0 08-12 23:27:25.728 24592 24592 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:27:25.739 24592 24592 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:27:25.771 10331 10350 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.google.android.packageinstaller', mForegroundUid=10021, mForegroundPid=24592, mLastForegroundPackageName='il.org.osm.israelhiking', mLastForegroundUid=10338, mLastForegroundPid=24471, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1} 08-12 23:27:25.773 1515 3058 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492019232 08-12 23:27:25.808 24592 24592 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GooglePackageInstaller/lib/arm64 08-12 23:27:25.812 24592 24592 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:25.845 1741 1741 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:25.885 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:25.890 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:25.890 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:25.890 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:25.890 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:25.890 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:26.003 24592 24592 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:26.034 24592 24592 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:26.090 24592 24592 D AccessibilityManager: current package=com.google.android.packageinstaller, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false 08-12 23:27:26.094 24592 24592 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@5c48586 08-12 23:27:26.094 24592 24592 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@ffde47 08-12 23:27:26.268 1515 1526 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492019728 08-12 23:27:26.271 1515 1526 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492019731 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : dd15ef5, Ic280a69317 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : Build Date : 05/09/17 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : Local Branch : 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : Remote Branch : quic/gfx-adreno.lnx.1.0.r5-rel 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE 08-12 23:27:26.274 24592 24609 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 08-12 23:27:26.286 24592 24609 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 08-12 23:27:26.287 24592 24609 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 08-12 23:27:26.361 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492019820 08-12 23:27:26.361 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:492019821 08-12 23:27:26.367 1515 1539 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity: +683ms 08-12 23:27:26.372 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActivityLaunchTime: com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity totalTime: 683 08-12 23:27:26.554 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{67031c8 u0 com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity t42228} time:492020013 08-12 23:27:26.890 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:26.892 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:26.892 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:26.892 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:26.892 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:26.892 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:27.892 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:27.893 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:27.894 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:27.894 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:27.894 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:27.894 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:27.894 3098 30000 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 08-12 23:27:28.515 24592 24592 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@c7200f2 08-12 23:27:28.633 1515 1515 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@e21b955) 08-12 23:27:28.635 1515 1532 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@e21b955) 08-12 23:27:28.666 3286 3334 I FusedLocationProvider: onSetRequest 08-12 23:27:28.677 1515 1515 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@791ff6a) 08-12 23:27:28.679 3286 3334 I FusedLocationProvider: onSetRequest 08-12 23:27:28.680 1515 1532 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(3, 0, com.android.server.location.GnssLocationProvider$GpsRequest@791ff6a) 08-12 23:27:28.680 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:28.694 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:28.726 1515 3058 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 08-12 23:27:28.778 10331 10350 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='il.org.osm.israelhiking', mForegroundUid=10338, mForegroundPid=24471, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.google.android.packageinstaller', mLastForegroundUid=10021, mLastForegroundPid=24592, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 08-12 23:27:28.793 1515 3058 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492022252 08-12 23:27:28.809 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity. 08-12 23:27:28.827 24592 24609 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f6edf9000 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f6e864b00 08-12 23:27:28.850 1515 3058 I ActivityManager: Killing 24012:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a114 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:27:28.851 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.facebook.appmanager, pid:24012, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:27:28.881 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.facebook.appmanager, pid:24012 08-12 23:27:28.894 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:28.895 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:28.895 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:28.895 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:28.895 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:28.895 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:28.963 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:27:28.816Z | DEBUG | Starting IHM Application Initialization 08-12 23:27:28.963 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:27:28.816Z | DEBUG | Starting IHM Application Initialization", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:27:29.024 532 532 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow. 08-12 23:27:29.061 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:492022521 08-12 23:27:29.066 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:27:29.066 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x2a6417b, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:27:29.066 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 46 microseconds, avg: 463 08-12 23:27:29.294 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316918 : 2019-08-12T20:27:29.288Z | ERROR | Error: Uncaught (in promise): Object: {"error":"not_found","name":"not_found","reason":"missing","message":"missing","status":404} 08-12 23:27:29.295 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316918)] "2019-08-12T20:27:29.288Z | ERROR | Error: Uncaught (in promise): Object: {"error":"not_found","name":"not_found","reason":"missing","message":"missing","status":404}", source: http://localhost/main.js (316918) 08-12 23:27:29.305 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:27:29.304Z | DEBUG | {"configuration":{"isAdvanced":false,"version":"8.0"},"location":{"longitude":35.12,"latitude":31.773,"zoom":13},"routes":{"past":[],"present":[],"future":[]},"routeEditingState":{"routingType":"Hike","selectedRouteId":null,"recordingRouteId":null},"tracesState":{"visibleTraceId":null,"traces":[],"missingParts":null},"layersState":{"baseLayers":[{"key":"Israel Hiking Map","address":"/Tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","isEditable":false,"minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16},{"key":"Israel MTB Map","address":"/mtbTiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","isEditable":false,"minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16},{"key":"ESRI","address":"https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}","isEditable":false,"minZoom":0,"maxZoom":16}],"overlays":[{"key":"Hiking Trails","address":"https://israelhiking.osm.org.il/OverlayTiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16,"visible":false,"isEditable":false},{"key":"Bicycle Trails","address":"https://israelhiking.osm.org.il/OverlayMTB/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16,"visible":false,"isEditable":false}],"selectedBaseLayerKey":"Israel Hiking Map","expanded":["Base Layers","Overlays","Private Routes"],"visible":[]},"userState":{"userInfo":null,"token":null},"poiState":{"selectedPointOfInterest":null,"uploadMarkerData":null,"isSidebarOpen":false},"inMemoryState":{"download":false,"shareUrl":null,"fileUrl":null,"baseLayer":null}} 08-12 23:27:29.306 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:27:29.304Z | DEBUG | {"configuration":{"isAdvanced":false,"version":"8.0"},"location":{"longitude":35.12,"latitude":31.773,"zoom":13},"routes":{"past":[],"present":[],"future":[]},"routeEditingState":{"routingType":"Hike","selectedRouteId":null,"recordingRouteId":null},"tracesState":{"visibleTraceId":null,"traces":[],"missingParts":null},"layersState":{"baseLayers":[{"key":"Israel Hiking Map","address":"/Tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","isEditable":false,"minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16},{"key":"Israel MTB Map","address":"/mtbTiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","isEditable":false,"minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16},{"key":"ESRI","address":"https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}","isEditable":false,"minZoom":0,"maxZoom":16}],"overlays":[{"key":"Hiking Trails","address":"https://israelhiking.osm.org.il/OverlayTiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16,"visible":false,"isEditable":false},{"key":"Bicycle Trails","address":"https://israelhiking.osm.org.il/OverlayMTB/{z}/{x}/{y}.png","minZoom":7,"maxZoom":16,"visible":false,"isEditable":false}],"selectedBaseLayerKey":"Israel Hiking Map","expanded":["Base Layers","Overlays","Private Routes"],"visible":[]},"userState":{"userInfo":null,"token":null},"poiState":{"selectedPointOfInterest":null,"uploadMarkerData":null,"isSidebarOpen":false},"inMemoryState":{"download":false,"shareUrl":null,"fileUrl":null,"baseLayer":null}}", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:27:29.356 24471 24545 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 166 08-12 23:27:29.359 24471 24577 I App : WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! 08-12 23:27:29.370 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: execute() called with action:setLogger and options: [] 08-12 23:27:29.371 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: setLogger() [] 08-12 23:27:29.371 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: setLogger() -> ok 08-12 23:27:29.380 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: execute() called with action:setHandler and options: [] 08-12 23:27:29.381 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: setHandler() [] 08-12 23:27:29.381 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: setHandler() -> ok 08-12 23:27:29.383 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: execute() called with action:init and options: [] 08-12 23:27:29.383 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: init() [] 08-12 23:27:29.383 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: onNewIntent() android.intent.action.MAIN 08-12 23:27:29.384 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: processPendingIntents() 08-12 23:27:29.384 24471 24577 D OpenWithPlugin: init() -> ok 08-12 23:27:29.387 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:27:29.385Z | DEBUG | Finished IHM Application Initialization 08-12 23:27:29.387 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:27:29.385Z | DEBUG | Finished IHM Application Initialization", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:27:29.391 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:29.434 1515 3034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24619:com.miui.securitycore.remote/1000 for broadcast com.miui.securitycore/com.miui.xspace.receiver.MediaScannerReceiver caller=il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:27:29.440 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 1000 reason: com.miui.securitycore.remote, pid:0 08-12 23:27:29.466 24619 24619 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:27:29.477 24619 24619 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:27:29.478 24619 24619 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:27:29.513 22524 24618 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:29.572 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:27:29.570Z | DEBUG | handling route change - this is where the UI gets updated. 08-12 23:27:29.573 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:27:29.570Z | DEBUG | handling route change - this is where the UI gets updated.", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:27:29.573 24619 24619 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:27:29.576 24619 24619 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/SecurityCoreAdd/lib/arm64 08-12 23:27:29.599 24619 24619 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0to white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Alarmsto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/DCIMto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camerato white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Screenshotsto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Downloadto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Moviesto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Musicto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Picturesto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Podcaststo white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Ringtonesto white list 08-12 23:27:29.621 22524 24618 D MediaScannerInjector: add /storage/emulated/0/Notificationsto white list 08-12 23:27:29.682 22524 24618 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:29.710 24619 24619 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:29.718 24619 24619 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 16 08-12 23:27:29.718 24619 24619 D : InitMiuiSdkHookClasses 08-12 23:27:29.719 24619 24619 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89cea000, size:4096 08-12 23:27:29.724 24619 24619 I : Never hook EnableMethodTracing 08-12 23:27:29.724 24619 24619 I : Never hook DisableMethodTracing 08-12 23:27:29.724 24619 24619 I : sConfigureStubsHookFlag is 0x3, so we must hook ConfigureStubs for methodtracing 08-12 23:27:29.724 24619 24619 I : Hook ConfigureStubs 08-12 23:27:29.724 24619 24619 I : create_mem miui-classproxy page:0x7f89cd9000, size:4096 08-12 23:27:29.750 24619 24619 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:29.776 24619 24619 D MI_STAT : initialize com.miui.securitycore, 2882303761517469555, default, false 08-12 23:27:29.896 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:29.897 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:29.897 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:29.897 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:29.897 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:29.897 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:29.917 1515 3034 I ActivityManager: Killing 22096:com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search/u0a46 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:27:29.924 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search, pid:22096, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:27:29.930 24619 24642 D SdcardUtils: need reopen: true 08-12 23:27:29.975 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search, pid:22096 08-12 23:27:29.976 1515 1649 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=4338, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] 08-12 23:27:30.031 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 245833 : [ngx-mapbox-gl] mgl-marker-cluster is deprecated, use mgl-markers-for-clusters instead 08-12 23:27:30.031 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(245833)] "[ngx-mapbox-gl] mgl-marker-cluster is deprecated, use mgl-markers-for-clusters instead", source: http://localhost/main.js (245833) 08-12 23:27:30.034 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 245833 : [ngx-mapbox-gl] mgl-marker-cluster is deprecated, use mgl-markers-for-clusters instead 08-12 23:27:30.034 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(245833)] "[ngx-mapbox-gl] mgl-marker-cluster is deprecated, use mgl-markers-for-clusters instead", source: http://localhost/main.js (245833) 08-12 23:27:30.092 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 88706 : Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode. 08-12 23:27:30.092 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(88706)] "Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode.", source: http://localhost/main.js (88706) 08-12 23:27:30.565 24471 24545 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 75 08-12 23:27:30.572 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:30.577 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/sprite/sprite@2x.json 08-12 23:27:30.581 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/sprite/sprite@2x.png 08-12 23:27:30.610 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon.ico 08-12 23:27:30.702 22524 24643 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:30.727 24471 24545 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 1420 08-12 23:27:30.744 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:30.766 22524 24643 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:30.767 22524 24643 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:30.887 22524 24643 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:30.898 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:30.900 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:30.900 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:30.900 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:30.900 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:30.900 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:30.939 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon-16x16.png 08-12 23:27:30.942 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon-96x96.png 08-12 23:27:30.943 24471 24573 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/favicon-32x32.png 08-12 23:27:30.944 24471 24564 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/favicons/android-chrome-192x192.png 08-12 23:27:31.006 24471 24545 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 75 08-12 23:27:31.014 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:31.128 22524 24646 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:31.222 24471 24545 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 94 08-12 23:27:31.226 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:31.244 22524 24646 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:31.251 22524 24646 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:31.323 22524 24646 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:31.546 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:27:31.546 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:27:31.550 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:27:31.551 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=1, roaming=false 08-12 23:27:31.556 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:27:31.557 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:27:31.701 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:31.717 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:31.717 1515 1645 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Mazorfalse,false 08-12 23:27:31.893 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 08-12 23:27:31.897 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 08-12 23:27:31.900 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:31.902 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:31.902 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:31.902 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:31.902 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:31.902 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:31.903 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/IsraelHikingMap.ttf?n9etb5 08-12 23:27:31.921 24471 24574 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 08-12 23:27:31.944 24471 24529 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 08-12 23:27:31.985 24471 24529 D SERVER : Handling local request: http://localhost/content/gps-direction.png 08-12 23:27:32.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:27:32.791 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:27:32.789Z | DEBUG | State was updated 08-12 23:27:32.791 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:27:32.789Z | DEBUG | State was updated", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:27:32.832 24471 24545 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 53 08-12 23:27:32.840 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:32.903 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:32.904 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:32.904 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:32.904 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:32.904 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:32.904 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:32.911 2798 14876 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:24471|il.org.osm.israelhiking|258|191|unknown|null|il.org.osm.israelhiking/il.org.osm.israelhiking.MainActivity|492024663575358|Slow issue draw commands|6 08-12 23:27:32.912 2798 14876 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:24471|il.org.osm.israelhiking|154|114|unknown|null|il.org.osm.israelhiking/il.org.osm.israelhiking.MainActivity|492025711920774|Slow issue draw commands|4 08-12 23:27:32.953 22524 24654 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:33.013 22524 24654 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:27:33.852 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:27:33.852 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:27:33.854 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:27:33.854 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=2, roaming=false 08-12 23:27:33.857 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:27:33.858 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:27:33.904 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:33.906 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:33.906 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:33.906 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:33.906 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:33.906 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:34.721 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:34.725 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:34.906 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:34.908 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:34.908 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:34.908 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:34.908 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:34.908 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:35.908 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:35.910 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:35.910 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:35.910 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:35.910 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:35.910 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:36.910 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:36.912 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:36.912 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:36.912 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:36.912 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:36.912 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:37.731 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:37.745 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:37.912 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:37.914 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:37.914 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:37.914 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:37.914 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:37.914 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:38.239 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.322 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.370 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.378 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.406 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.424 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.443 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.467 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.514 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.530 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.558 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.581 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.621 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 17, previously 24 08-12 23:27:38.629 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.668 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1694, previously 2072 08-12 23:27:38.668 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1355, previously 1360 08-12 23:27:38.670 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 258, previously 1600 08-12 23:27:38.676 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.695 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 541, previously 540 08-12 23:27:38.695 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 366, previously 1421 08-12 23:27:38.695 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 215, previously 1170 08-12 23:27:38.705 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.726 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.745 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.782 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 30, previously 36 08-12 23:27:38.790 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.837 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.857 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.905 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.914 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:38.915 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:38.916 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:38.916 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:38.916 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:38.916 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:38.927 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.944 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.975 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:38.985 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.010 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.048 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.090 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.105 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.205 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.238 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.277 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.304 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.344 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.363 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.387 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.402 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.414 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.474 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.501 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.521 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.543 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.592 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.613 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.628 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.673 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.714 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.737 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.799 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:39.916 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:39.917 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:39.917 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:39.917 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:39.917 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:39.917 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:40.017 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.041 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.067 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.079 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 219, previously 245 08-12 23:27:40.081 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 238, previously 239 08-12 23:27:40.081 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 162, previously 510 08-12 23:27:40.087 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.105 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 198, previously 200 08-12 23:27:40.105 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 128, previously 371 08-12 23:27:40.112 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.194 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.278 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.292 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.322 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.375 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.431 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.447 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.528 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.537 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 470, previously 537 08-12 23:27:40.541 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 196, previously 195 08-12 23:27:40.541 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 156, previously 534 08-12 23:27:40.547 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.572 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.600 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 3911, previously 4483 08-12 23:27:40.610 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 562, previously 556 08-12 23:27:40.610 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2658, previously 2655 08-12 23:27:40.611 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1324, previously 1362 08-12 23:27:40.611 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 4051, previously 4483 08-12 23:27:40.611 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 140, previously 566 08-12 23:27:40.611 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 3, previously 8 08-12 23:27:40.620 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.638 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 139, previously 222 08-12 23:27:40.638 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 271, previously 273 08-12 23:27:40.642 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 601, previously 600 08-12 23:27:40.642 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 168, previously 536 08-12 23:27:40.649 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.686 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 2766, previously 2768 08-12 23:27:40.687 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 876, previously 1791 08-12 23:27:40.698 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.715 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.740 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.751 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:40.755 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.765 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:40.783 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.799 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.811 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.835 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.864 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.904 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.909 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1111, previously 1245 08-12 23:27:40.909 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 169, previously 544 08-12 23:27:40.918 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.918 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:40.919 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:40.919 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:40.919 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:40.919 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:40.919 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:40.949 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.967 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.975 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:40.999 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.018 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 249, previously 264 08-12 23:27:41.018 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 17, previously 19 08-12 23:27:41.018 5271 21357 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 134, previously 463 08-12 23:27:41.024 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.038 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.063 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.093 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.151 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.171 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.261 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.270 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.296 5271 21357 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:41.312 5271 22687 I AppsUpload: Uploading list of 92 apps for 1 account(s) 08-12 23:27:41.482 5271 11751 I AppsUpload: Apps list updated 08-12 23:27:41.658 3098 3098 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 08-12 23:27:41.919 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:41.921 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:41.921 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:41.921 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:41.921 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:41.921 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:42.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:27:42.802 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:27:42.802 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:27:42.805 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:27:42.806 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false 08-12 23:27:42.809 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:27:42.811 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:27:42.921 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:42.923 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:42.923 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:42.923 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:42.923 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:42.923 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:43.058 1515 1677 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24662:com.google.android.apps.photos/u0a117 for service com.google.android.apps.photos/com.google.android.libraries.social.mediamonitor.MediaMonitorJobSchedulerService caller=android 08-12 23:27:43.060 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10117 reason: com.google.android.apps.photos, pid:0 08-12 23:27:43.114 24662 24662 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:27:43.126 24662 24662 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:27:43.127 24662 24662 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:27:43.245 24662 24662 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:27:43.278 24662 24662 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:27:43.282 24662 24662 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1694, previously 2072 08-12 23:27:43.283 24662 24662 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1355, previously 1360 08-12 23:27:43.283 24662 24662 W ResourceType: ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 258, previously 1600 08-12 23:27:43.771 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:43.785 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:43.923 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:43.924 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:43.924 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:43.924 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:43.924 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:43.924 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:44.175 24662 24683 D AccessibilityManager: current package=com.google.android.apps.photos, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false 08-12 23:27:44.925 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:44.926 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:44.926 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:44.926 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:44.926 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:44.926 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:45.926 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:45.928 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:45.928 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:45.928 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:45.928 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:45.928 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:46.791 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:46.805 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:46.928 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:46.929 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:46.929 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:46.929 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:46.929 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:46.929 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:47.930 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:47.931 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:47.931 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:47.931 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:47.931 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:47.931 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:48.931 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:48.933 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:48.933 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:48.933 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:48.933 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:48.933 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:49.813 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:49.821 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:49.933 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:49.935 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:49.935 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:49.935 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:49.935 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:49.935 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:50.935 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:50.937 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:50.937 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:50.937 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:50.937 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:50.937 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:51.937 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:51.939 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:51.939 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:51.939 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:51.939 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:51.939 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:52.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:27:52.827 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:52.841 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:52.939 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:52.940 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:27:52.940 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:27:52.940 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:52.940 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:52.940 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:53.941 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:53.942 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:53.942 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:53.942 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:53.942 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:53.942 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:54.943 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:54.944 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:54.944 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:54.944 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:54.944 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:54.944 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:55.848 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:55.863 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:55.945 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:55.946 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:55.946 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:55.946 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:55.946 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:55.947 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:56.947 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:56.948 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:56.948 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:56.948 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:56.948 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:56.948 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:57.949 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:57.950 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:57.950 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:57.950 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:57.950 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:57.950 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:58.870 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:27:58.880 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:27:58.950 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:58.952 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:58.952 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:58.952 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:58.952 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:58.952 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:27:59.805 5271 24709 I GmscoreIpa: Starting mediastore instant index 08-12 23:27:59.924 5271 22687 I Icing : Removing corpus key com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph for package com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:27:59.953 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:27:59.954 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:27:59.954 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:27:59.954 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:27:59.954 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:27:59.954 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:00.004 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 08-12 23:28:00.018 5271 22687 I native : flash-index.cc:1541 Flash index sort hb 183 prefix-hits 682 -> 669 at 66.633ms 08-12 23:28:00.093 18393 24710 D EventNotificationJob: Running EventNotificationJob, isDetail=true 08-12 23:28:00.383 18393 24710 D EventNotificationJob: finished processing events. 08-12 23:28:00.397 18408 18408 W com.microsoft.office.outlook: type=1400 audit(0.0:123289): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=50726F66696C65205361766572 path="/data/misc/profiles/cur" dev="dm-1" ino=205950 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:28:00.402 18393 18408 W art : Couldn't lock the profile file /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof: Failed to open file '/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof': Permission denied 08-12 23:28:00.402 18393 18408 W art : Could not save profiling info to /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof 08-12 23:28:00.954 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:00.956 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:00.956 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:00.956 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:00.956 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:00.956 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:01.641 5271 22687 I native : document-store.cc:1525 Scored 19844 usage reports, missing_corpora 0 update_failed 102 08-12 23:28:01.817 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:01.886 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:01.909 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:01.921 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph 08-12 23:28:01.958 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:01.959 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:01.959 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:01.959 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:01.959 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:01.959 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:02.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:28:02.912 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:DigitalDocument from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:02.961 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:02.962 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:02.962 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:02.962 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:02.962 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:02.963 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:02.968 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Event from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.012 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:DigitalDocument 08-12 23:28:03.022 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Event 08-12 23:28:03.024 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicGroup from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.042 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.050 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Photograph 08-12 23:28:03.052 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Message from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.069 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicAlbum from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.086 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicRecording from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.103 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MobileApplication from com.google.android.gms 08-12 23:28:03.124 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicGroup 08-12 23:28:03.133 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:Message 08-12 23:28:03.140 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicAlbum 08-12 23:28:03.149 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MusicRecording 08-12 23:28:03.156 5271 22687 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MobileApplication 08-12 23:28:03.925 24662 24682 I art : Note: end time exceeds INT32_MAX: 9223372018 08-12 23:28:03.963 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:03.965 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:03.965 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:03.965 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:03.965 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:03.965 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:04.916 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:04.930 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:04.966 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:04.968 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:04.968 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:04.968 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:04.968 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:04.968 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:05.420 710 710 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28 08-12 23:28:05.420 710 710 E cnss-daemon: Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 4 08-12 23:28:05.968 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:05.970 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:05.970 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:05.970 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:05.970 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:05.970 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:06.312 1515 1533 I ActivityManager: Killing 24054:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a20 (adj 906): empty #17 08-12 23:28:06.320 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActiveKilled processName: com.google.android.partnersetup, pid:24054, reason:empty #17 08-12 23:28:06.360 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcDied pacakageName: com.google.android.partnersetup, pid:24054 08-12 23:28:06.487 18393 18393 W .office.outlook: type=1400 audit(0.0:123290): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/dev/pmsg0" dev="tmpfs" ino=15236 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:pmsg_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0 08-12 23:28:06.500 3098 19474 I GCoreUlr: Starting BLE scan: mode: 2 08-12 23:28:06.502 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=LOW_LATENCY, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 2 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=ULR] 08-12 23:28:06.544 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: 5 filters, scanMode=2, reportdelay=0, callback type=1, #clients=2, workSource=WorkSource{} 08-12 23:28:06.547 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: Starting scan on OS scanner. BT state: 12 08-12 23:28:06.548 3098 3098 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 08-12 23:28:06.558 30364 9951 D BtGatt.GattService: registerClient() - UUID=257b9858-74e1-4c49-b848-af6b5f94e703 08-12 23:28:06.565 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onClientRegistered() - UUID=257b9858-74e1-4c49-b848-af6b5f94e703, clientIf=16 08-12 23:28:06.566 3098 5315 D BluetoothLeScanner: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=16 mClientIf=0 08-12 23:28:06.570 30364 9951 D BtGatt.GattService: start scan with filters 08-12 23:28:06.588 30364 9951 D BtGatt.ScanManager: startScan: 16 10015 3098 08-12 23:28:06.589 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: handling starting scan 08-12 23:28:06.603 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=1 08-12 23:28:06.603 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.605 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: addFilterToController: 5 08-12 23:28:06.617 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=16, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=5, availableSpace=31 08-12 23:28:06.617 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.617 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0 08-12 23:28:06.621 18393 24716 D EventNotificationJob: Running EventNotificationJob, isDetail=false 08-12 23:28:06.638 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=14 08-12 23:28:06.638 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.639 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: addFilterToController: 2 08-12 23:28:06.649 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=16, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=31 08-12 23:28:06.649 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.649 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0 08-12 23:28:06.661 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=13 08-12 23:28:06.661 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.661 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: addFilterToController: 2 08-12 23:28:06.672 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=16, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=30 08-12 23:28:06.672 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.672 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0 08-12 23:28:06.682 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=12 08-12 23:28:06.683 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.683 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: addFilterToController: 5 08-12 23:28:06.690 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=16, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=5, availableSpace=30 08-12 23:28:06.690 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.690 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0 08-12 23:28:06.697 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=11 08-12 23:28:06.697 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.698 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: addFilterToController: 2 08-12 23:28:06.706 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterConfig() - clientIf=16, action = 0 status = 0, filterType=2, availableSpace=29 08-12 23:28:06.706 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.707 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0 08-12 23:28:06.717 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=10 08-12 23:28:06.717 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:06.717 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=2 08-12 23:28:06.717 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=0 08-12 23:28:06.717 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000 08-12 23:28:06.718 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 08-12 23:28:06.765 18393 24716 D EventNotificationJob: finished processing events. 08-12 23:28:06.849 18393 24716 D EventNotificationJob: Running EventNotificationJob, isDetail=false 08-12 23:28:06.970 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:06.972 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:06.972 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:06.972 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:06.972 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:06.972 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:06.979 18393 24716 D EventNotificationJob: finished processing events. 08-12 23:28:07.940 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:07.949 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:07.972 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:07.974 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:07.974 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:07.974 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:07.974 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:07.974 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:07.980 1515 11422 E WifiHAL : Received fatal event, sending alert 08-12 23:28:07.981 1515 11422 D wifi : on_alert_data called, vm = 0x7f8b08c180, obj = 0x106d42, buffer_size = 0, error code = 4105 08-12 23:28:08.336 1515 1645 D wifi : no kernel logs 08-12 23:28:08.337 1515 11422 E WifiHAL : Error reading from socket 08-12 23:28:08.337 1515 11422 E WifiHAL : Error :-5 while reading nl msg 08-12 23:28:08.327 1645 1645 W WifiStateMachin: type=1400 audit(0.0:123291): avc: denied { syslog_read } for scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=system permissive=0 08-12 23:28:08.501 3098 19474 I GCoreUlr: Starting BLE scan: mode: 3 08-12 23:28:08.502 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 2 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=ULR] 08-12 23:28:08.515 3098 19474 I GCoreUlr: BLE: collected 0 results 08-12 23:28:08.529 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: Stopping scan on delegate scanner. BT state: 12 08-12 23:28:08.531 3098 3098 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON 08-12 23:28:08.533 30364 9951 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =2 08-12 23:28:08.535 30364 9951 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient() - clientIf=16 08-12 23:28:08.538 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=11 08-12 23:28:08.538 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:08.541 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: Resetting - new scanner available: true 08-12 23:28:08.541 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: ZERO_POWER is disabled. 08-12 23:28:08.541 3098 3098 I BeaconBle: 'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients 08-12 23:28:08.552 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=12 08-12 23:28:08.552 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:08.559 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=13 08-12 23:28:08.559 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:08.566 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=14 08-12 23:28:08.566 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:08.572 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=16, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=15 08-12 23:28:08.572 30364 30389 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 16 status - 0 08-12 23:28:08.572 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1 08-12 23:28:08.572 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=0 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2 08-12 23:28:08.572 30364 30395 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 800 08-12 23:28:08.573 30364 30389 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0 08-12 23:28:08.974 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:08.975 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:08.975 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:08.975 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:08.975 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:08.976 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:09.976 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:09.978 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:09.978 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:09.978 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:09.978 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:09.978 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:10.955 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:10.970 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:10.978 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:10.981 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:10.981 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:10.981 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:10.981 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:10.981 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:11.981 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:11.984 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:11.984 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:11.984 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:11.984 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:11.984 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:12.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:28:12.984 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:12.986 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:12.986 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:12.986 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:12.986 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:12.986 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:13.976 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:13.986 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:13.988 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:13.988 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:13.988 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:13.988 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:13.988 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:13.991 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:14.988 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:14.989 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:14.989 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:14.989 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:14.990 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:14.990 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:15.990 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:15.991 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:15.991 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:15.991 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:15.991 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:15.991 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:16.475 1515 3034 D BatteryService: /data/anr/adb_enable file.exists() = false 08-12 23:28:16.475 1515 3034 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 345,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:16.475 1515 3034 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 345,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:16.478 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:16.479 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:28:16.480 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:16.485 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:28:16.489 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:16.490 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:16.490 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:16.490 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:28:16.495 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:28:16.501 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:16.992 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:16.993 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:16.993 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:16.993 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:16.993 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:16.993 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:16.997 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:17.006 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:17.331 3098 23161 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations 08-12 23:28:17.994 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:17.995 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:17.995 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:17.995 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:17.995 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:17.995 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:18.995 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:18.997 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:18.997 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:18.997 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:18.997 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:18.997 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:19.997 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:19.999 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:19.999 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:19.999 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:19.999 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:19.999 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:20.011 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:20.028 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:20.999 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:21.001 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:21.001 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:21.001 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:21.001 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:21.001 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:22.001 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:22.003 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:22.003 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:22.003 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:22.003 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:22.003 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:22.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:28:23.003 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:23.004 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:23.004 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:23.004 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:23.004 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:23.005 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:23.033 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:23.049 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:24.005 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:24.006 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:24.006 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:24.006 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:24.006 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:24.006 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:25.007 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:25.008 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:25.008 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:25.008 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:25.008 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:25.008 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:26.009 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:26.010 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:26.010 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:26.010 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:26.010 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:26.010 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:26.055 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:26.070 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:27.010 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:27.012 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:27.012 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:27.012 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:27.012 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:27.012 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:28.012 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:28.013 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:28.014 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:28.014 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:28.014 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:28.014 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:29.014 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:29.015 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:29.015 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:29.015 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:29.015 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:29.016 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:29.074 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:29.083 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:29.099 1515 1526 D BatteryService: /data/anr/adb_enable file.exists() = false 08-12 23:28:29.099 1515 1526 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 347,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:29.099 1515 1526 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 347,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:29.105 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:29.105 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:28:29.106 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:29.109 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:29.112 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:28:29.343 1515 1526 D BatteryService: /data/anr/adb_enable file.exists() = false 08-12 23:28:29.343 1515 1526 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 347,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:29.343 1515 1526 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 347,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:29.348 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:29.349 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:29.350 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:29.350 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:28:29.350 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:28:30.016 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:30.017 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:30.017 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:30.017 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:30.017 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:30.017 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:31.018 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:31.019 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:31.019 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:31.019 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:31.019 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:31.019 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:32.020 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:32.021 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:32.021 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:32.021 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:32.021 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:32.021 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:32.088 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:32.104 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:32.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:28:33.021 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:33.023 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:33.023 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:33.023 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:33.023 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:33.023 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:34.023 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:34.025 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:34.025 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:34.025 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:34.025 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:34.025 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:34.495 24471 24471 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@1797135 08-12 23:28:35.025 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:35.026 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:35.026 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:35.026 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:35.026 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:35.026 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════ 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: ║ LICENSE VALIDATION FAILURE: il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════ 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: ╟─ Failed to find license key in AndroidManifest. Ensure you've added the key within 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: ╟─ BackgroundGeolocation is fully functional in DEBUG builds without a license. 08-12 23:28:35.060 24471 24577 E TSLocationManager: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════ 08-12 23:28:35.098 24471 24471 I Toast : Show toast from OpPackageName:il.org.osm.israelhiking, PackageName:il.org.osm.israelhiking 08-12 23:28:35.102 24471 24577 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.event.ConfigChangeEvent 08-12 23:28:35.102 24471 24577 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 08-12 23:28:35.110 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:35.124 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:35.127 24471 24577 W System.err: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityTransitionEvent 08-12 23:28:35.127 24471 24577 W System.err: at libcore.reflect.InternalNames.getClass(InternalNames.java:55) 08-12 23:28:35.127 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.Class.getDexCacheType(Class.java:2551) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.AbstractMethod.getParameterTypes(AbstractMethod.java:169) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.getParameterTypes(Method.java:193) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findUsingReflectionInSingleClass(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:163) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findUsingInfo(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:88) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findSubscriberMethods(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:64) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.register(EventBus.java:136) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.a(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.getInstance(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.getAdapter(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:1051) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.initializeLocationManager(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:118) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.pluginInitialize(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:101) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.privateInitialize(CordovaPlugin.java:58) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.getPlugin(PluginManager.java:171) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:122) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:323) 08-12 23:28:35.128 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 08-12 23:28:35.129 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:28:35.129 24471 24577 W System.err: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityTransitionEvent" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]] 08-12 23:28:35.129 24471 24577 W System.err: at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 08-12 23:28:35.129 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:380) 08-12 23:28:35.129 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:312) 08-12 23:28:35.130 24471 24577 W System.err: at libcore.reflect.InternalNames.getClass(InternalNames.java:53) 08-12 23:28:35.131 24471 24577 W System.err: ... 22 more 08-12 23:28:35.141 24471 24577 W System.err: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityTransitionEvent 08-12 23:28:35.141 24471 24577 W System.err: at libcore.reflect.InternalNames.getClass(InternalNames.java:55) 08-12 23:28:35.141 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.Class.getDexCacheType(Class.java:2551) 08-12 23:28:35.141 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.AbstractMethod.getParameterTypes(AbstractMethod.java:169) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.getParameterTypes(Method.java:193) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findUsingReflectionInSingleClass(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:163) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findUsingInfo(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:88) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findSubscriberMethods(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:64) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.register(EventBus.java:136) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.a(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.getInstance(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.getAdapter(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:1051) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.initializeLocationManager(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:118) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.pluginInitialize(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:101) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.privateInitialize(CordovaPlugin.java:58) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.getPlugin(PluginManager.java:171) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:122) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:323) 08-12 23:28:35.142 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityTransitionEvent" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]] 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:380) 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:312) 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: at libcore.reflect.InternalNames.getClass(InternalNames.java:53) 08-12 23:28:35.143 24471 24577 W System.err: ... 22 more 08-12 23:28:35.157 24471 24577 W System.err: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityTransitionEvent 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at libcore.reflect.InternalNames.getClass(InternalNames.java:55) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.Class.getDexCacheType(Class.java:2551) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.AbstractMethod.getParameterTypes(AbstractMethod.java:169) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.getParameterTypes(Method.java:193) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findUsingReflectionInSingleClass(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:163) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findUsingInfo(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:88) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.SubscriberMethodFinder.findSubscriberMethods(SubscriberMethodFinder.java:64) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus.register(EventBus.java:136) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.a(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.adapter.BackgroundGeolocation.getInstance(Unknown Source) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.getAdapter(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:1051) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.initializeLocationManager(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:118) 08-12 23:28:35.158 24471 24577 W System.err: at com.transistorsoft.cordova.bggeo.CDVBackgroundGeolocation.pluginInitialize(CDVBackgroundGeolocation.java:101) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.privateInitialize(CordovaPlugin.java:58) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.getPlugin(PluginManager.java:171) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:122) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:323) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 08-12 23:28:35.159 24471 24577 W System.err: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) 08-12 23:28:35.160 24471 24577 W System.err: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.google.android.gms.location.ActivityTransitionEvent" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/lib/arm64, /data/app/il.org.osm.israelhiking-1/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]] 08-12 23:28:35.160 24471 24577 W System.err: at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 08-12 23:28:35.160 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:380) 08-12 23:28:35.160 24471 24577 W System.err: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:312) 08-12 23:28:35.160 24471 24577 W System.err: at libcore.reflect.InternalNames.getClass(InternalNames.java:53) 08-12 23:28:35.160 24471 24577 W System.err: ... 22 more 08-12 23:28:35.554 2798 14876 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:24471|il.org.osm.israelhiking|397|313|unknown|null|il.org.osm.israelhiking/il.org.osm.israelhiking.MainActivity|492088945565698|Slow handle traversal|4 08-12 23:28:35.600 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/21887/status 08-12 23:28:35.600 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22096/status 08-12 23:28:35.600 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22396/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22441/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22665/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22762/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22808/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22823/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22837/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22942/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22966/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/22988/status 08-12 23:28:35.606 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/23072/status 08-12 23:28:35.607 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/23348/status 08-12 23:28:35.607 1515 3034 W Process : Unable to open /proc/23390/status 08-12 23:28:35.716 1515 1524 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 141721(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 169(4MB) LOS objects, 23% free, 46MB/60MB, paused 4.155ms total 116.680ms 08-12 23:28:36.027 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:36.029 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:36.029 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:36.029 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:36.029 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:36.029 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:37.029 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:37.030 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:37.030 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:37.030 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:37.030 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:37.030 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:38.032 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:38.033 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:38.033 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:38.033 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:38.033 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:38.033 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:38.132 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:38.149 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:38.177 18408 18408 W com.microsoft.office.outlook: type=1400 audit(0.0:123292): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=50726F66696C65205361766572 path="/data/misc/profiles/cur" dev="dm-1" ino=205950 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:28:38.187 18393 18408 W art : Could not save profiling info to /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof 08-12 23:28:38.584 1515 1515 W WindowManager: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@c6d5082 08-12 23:28:39.034 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:39.035 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:39.035 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:39.035 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:39.035 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:39.035 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:39.378 1515 3034 D BatteryService: /data/anr/adb_enable file.exists() = false 08-12 23:28:39.378 1515 3034 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 347,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:39.378 1515 3034 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 347,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:28:39.382 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:39.382 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:28:39.387 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:39.398 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:28:39.403 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:28:40.036 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:40.037 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:40.037 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:40.037 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:40.037 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:40.037 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:40.280 710 710 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28 08-12 23:28:40.280 710 710 I cnss-daemon: NDA_DST received: ul: 562992919980224 08-12 23:28:40.281 710 710 I cnss-daemon: NDA_LLADDR received 08-12 23:28:41.038 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:41.040 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:41.040 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:41.040 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:41.040 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:41.040 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:41.155 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:41.170 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:42.040 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:42.042 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:42.042 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:42.042 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:42.042 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:42.042 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:42.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:28:43.042 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:43.044 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:43.044 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:43.044 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:43.044 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:43.044 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:44.044 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:44.047 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:44.047 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:44.047 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:44.047 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:44.047 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:44.178 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:44.193 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:45.047 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:45.049 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:45.049 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:45.049 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:45.049 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:45.049 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:46.049 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:46.051 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:46.051 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:46.051 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:46.051 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:46.051 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:47.051 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:47.053 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:47.053 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:47.053 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:47.053 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:47.053 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:47.199 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:47.214 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:48.053 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:48.055 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:48.055 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:48.055 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:48.055 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:48.055 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:49.055 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:49.056 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:49.056 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:49.056 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:49.056 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:49.056 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:50.057 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:50.058 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:50.058 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:50.058 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:50.059 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:50.059 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:50.221 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:50.241 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:51.059 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:51.060 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:51.060 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:51.060 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:51.060 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:51.060 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:52.061 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:52.062 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:52.062 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:52.062 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:52.062 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:52.062 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:52.374 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:28:53.063 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:53.064 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:53.064 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:53.064 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:53.064 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:53.064 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:53.249 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:53.263 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:54.064 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:54.066 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:54.066 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:54.066 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:54.066 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:54.066 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:55.067 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:55.068 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:55.068 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:55.068 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:55.068 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:55.068 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:56.068 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:56.070 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:56.070 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:56.070 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:56.070 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:56.070 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:56.269 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:56.284 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:28:57.070 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:57.072 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:57.072 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:57.072 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:57.072 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:57.072 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:58.072 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:58.073 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:58.073 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:58.073 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:58.073 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:58.074 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:59.074 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:28:59.075 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:28:59.075 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:28:59.075 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:28:59.075 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:28:59.075 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:28:59.291 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:28:59.306 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:00.003 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 08-12 23:29:00.074 18393 24747 D EventNotificationJob: Running EventNotificationJob, isDetail=true 08-12 23:29:00.076 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:00.077 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:00.077 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:00.077 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:00.077 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:00.077 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:00.239 18393 24747 D EventNotificationJob: finished processing events. 08-12 23:29:01.077 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:01.079 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:01.079 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:01.079 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:01.079 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:01.079 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:02.079 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:02.081 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:02.081 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:02.081 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:02.081 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:02.081 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:02.311 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:02.324 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:02.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:29:03.081 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:03.083 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:03.083 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:03.083 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:03.083 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:03.083 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:04.083 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:04.085 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:04.085 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:04.085 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:04.085 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:04.085 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:05.085 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:05.086 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:05.086 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:05.086 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:05.086 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:05.087 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:05.330 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:05.346 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:06.087 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:06.088 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:06.088 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:06.088 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:06.088 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:06.088 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:07.089 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:07.090 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:07.090 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:07.090 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:07.090 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:07.090 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:08.090 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:08.092 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:08.092 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:08.092 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:08.092 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:08.092 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:08.351 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:08.367 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:09.093 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:09.094 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:09.094 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:09.094 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:09.094 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:09.094 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:10.095 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:10.097 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:10.097 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:10.097 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:10.097 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:10.097 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:11.097 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:11.098 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:11.099 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:11.099 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:11.099 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:11.099 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:11.372 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:11.388 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:11.420 710 710 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28 08-12 23:29:11.420 710 710 E cnss-daemon: Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 4 08-12 23:29:12.099 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:12.100 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:12.100 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:12.100 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:12.100 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:12.100 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:12.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:29:13.101 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:13.103 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:13.103 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:13.103 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:13.103 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:13.103 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:14.103 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:14.105 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:14.105 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:14.105 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:14.105 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:14.105 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:14.393 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:14.404 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:15.106 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:15.108 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:15.108 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:15.108 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:15.108 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:15.108 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:16.111 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:16.112 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:16.112 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:16.112 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:16.112 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:16.112 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:16.639 1515 3034 D BatteryService: /data/anr/adb_enable file.exists() = false 08-12 23:29:16.639 1515 3034 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 350,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:29:16.639 1515 3034 D BatteryService: mBatteryProps.batteryTemperature = 350,,mBatteryProps.batteryHealth=2 08-12 23:29:16.643 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:29:16.643 1741 1741 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 08-12 23:29:16.645 2041 2128 W QCNEJ : |CORE| CNE received unexpected action: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:29:16.646 30364 30402 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0 08-12 23:29:16.646 10331 10331 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 08-12 23:29:17.113 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:17.114 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:17.114 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:17.114 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:17.114 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:17.114 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:17.410 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:17.425 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:18.115 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:18.116 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:18.116 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:18.116 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:18.116 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:18.116 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:19.116 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:19.118 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:19.118 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:19.118 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:19.118 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:19.118 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:20.118 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:20.120 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:20.120 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:20.120 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:20.120 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:20.120 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:20.357 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SCAN TYPE=ONLY' 08-12 23:29:20.357 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0.000000 sec 08-12 23:29:20.357 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=3 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Add radio work 'scan'@0x7f9f018480 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting radio work 'scan'@0x7f9f018480 after 0.000076 second wait 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: scan request 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan SSID - hexdump(len=0): [NULL] 08-12 23:29:20.358 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan extra IEs - hexdump(len=7): 7f 05 00 00 0a 02 01 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_STARTED (47) received 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Own scan request started a scan in 0.000239 seconds 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: ctrl_sock-sendmsg: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=768 send_len=24 08-12 23:29:20.359 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_1515-10\x00 08-12 23:29:20.428 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:20.436 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:20.462 2798 24758 E FileUploader: File name is wrong format! 08-12 23:29:20.462 2798 24758 E FileUploader: File name is error! FileName:online 08-12 23:29:20.856 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available 08-12 23:29:20.857 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0 08-12 23:29:20.857 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available 08-12 23:29:20.857 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan included frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472 08-12 23:29:20.857 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received 08-12 23:29:20.857 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan completed in 0.497658 seconds 08-12 23:29:20.858 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated on 2412 MHz 08-12 23:29:20.858 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated with 7c:03:4c:ff:09:23 08-12 23:29:20.858 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (4 BSSes) 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan results indicate BSS status with 7c:03:4c:ff:09:23 as associated 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 7968 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: BSS: 00:b8:c2:0f:50:16 changed freq 2452 --> 2462 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: BSS: last_scan_res_used=4/64 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan-only results received 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: ctrl_sock-sendmsg: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=24 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_1515-10\x00 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Radio work 'scan'@0x7f9f018480 done in 0.501287 seconds 08-12 23:29:20.859 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: radio_work_free('scan'@0x7f9f018480: num_active_works --> 0 08-12 23:29:20.863 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=1951 08-12 23:29:20.867 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=0 08-12 23:29:20.870 1515 1683 I AppScanObserverService: Start to match app observer 08-12 23:29:20.874 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=1951 08-12 23:29:20.880 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=0 08-12 23:29:20.883 1515 1645 D WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: ==========start qualified Network Selection========== 08-12 23:29:20.884 1515 1645 D WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: Current network is: "Mazor" ,ID is: 1 08-12 23:29:20.884 1515 1645 D WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: Quit qualified Network Selection since it is not forced and current network is qualified already 08-12 23:29:21.120 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:21.121 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:21.121 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:21.122 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:21.122 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:21.122 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:22.122 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:22.124 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:22.124 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:22.124 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:22.124 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:22.124 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:22.286 1515 1677 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24759:com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search/u0a46 for service com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.tasks.BackgroundTasksJobService caller=android 08-12 23:29:22.290 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10046 reason: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search, pid:0 08-12 23:29:22.308 24759 24759 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:29:22.326 24759 24759 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:29:22.327 24759 24759 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:29:22.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:29:22.558 24759 24759 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:29:22.589 24759 24759 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:29:23.117 24759 24759 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 08-12 23:29:23.117 24759 24759 I MultiDex: install 08-12 23:29:23.117 24759 24759 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 08-12 23:29:23.124 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:23.125 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:23.125 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:23.125 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:23.126 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:23.126 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:23.408 24759 24764 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=0B, data=14KB 08-12 23:29:23.408 24759 24764 I art : After code cache collection, code=0B, data=14KB 08-12 23:29:23.409 24759 24764 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 08-12 23:29:23.424 24759 24764 I art : Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 16948 in com.google.common.collect.eu com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.logger.b.f.c() 08-12 23:29:23.430 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:true eventTime:492136889 downTime:492136889 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:29:23.441 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:23.455 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:23.538 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:false eventTime:492136997 downTime:492136889 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:29:23.655 24759 24759 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task UPLOAD_HOTWORD_SETTINGS. 08-12 23:29:23.663 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:true eventTime:492137123 downTime:492137123 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:29:23.719 24759 24786 I EventBusThread: Event Bus thread starting with TID 24786 08-12 23:29:23.746 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:false eventTime:492137204 downTime:492137123 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:29:23.803 24759 24759 D AccessibilityManager: current package=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox, accessibility manager mIsFinalEnabled=false, mOptimizeEnabled=false, mIsUiAutomationEnabled=false, mIsInterestedPackage=false 08-12 23:29:23.862 24759 24795 I SharedPreferencesProto: load shared preferences: file not found 08-12 23:29:23.872 24759 24782 I ModelDownloadListener: Schdedule model download 08-12 23:29:23.912 24759 24786 W art : Before Android 4.1, method double java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextDouble(double, double) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random 08-12 23:29:23.912 24759 24786 W art : Before Android 4.1, method int java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextInt(int, int) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random 08-12 23:29:23.912 24759 24786 W art : Before Android 4.1, method long java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextLong(long, long) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random 08-12 23:29:23.934 24759 24759 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting EXCLUSIVE background task UPDATE_HOTWORD_MODELS. 08-12 23:29:23.939 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:29:23.938Z | DEBUG | Starting IHM Application Exit 08-12 23:29:23.940 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:29:23.938Z | DEBUG | Starting IHM Application Exit", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:29:23.940 24759 24759 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task UPLOAD_AUDIO_LOGS. 08-12 23:29:23.965 24759 24782 I OpaEligibilityChecker: send OpaEligibilityChange broadcast to CommonBroadcastReceiver 08-12 23:29:23.972 24759 24759 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small. 08-12 23:29:24.025 1515 3034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24803:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a20 for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider caller=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox 08-12 23:29:24.028 24471 24799 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 65 08-12 23:29:24.029 7263 7291 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10020 reason: com.google.android.partnersetup, pid:0 08-12 23:29:24.041 24759 24792 I ModelDownloadController: requestHotwordModelUpdate modelType-1 modelLocale-he-IL 08-12 23:29:24.045 24759 24792 W ModelDownloadController: Failed fetching the hotword model location configuration 08-12 23:29:24.045 24759 24792 E ModelDownloadController: Invalid hotword model location. 08-12 23:29:24.068 24803 24803 D TidaProvider: TidaProvider() 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.MessageQueue#enableMonitor()#bestmatch 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:338) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethodBestMatch(ReflectionUtils.java:375) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.callMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:800) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at miui.util.ReflectionUtils.tryCallMethod(ReflectionUtils.java:818) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.BaseLooper.enableMonitor(BaseLooper.java:47) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at android.os.Looper.prepareMainLooper(Looper.java:112) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6221) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 W ReflectionUtils: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:29:24.093 24803 24803 V BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b5c90b0 08-12 23:29:24.126 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:24.127 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:24.127 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:24.127 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:24.127 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:24.127 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.135 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.144 24759 24792 I S3UtteranceSender: send account: %s, audioType: %d[harel.mazor@gmail.com, OK_GOOGLE] 08-12 23:29:24.144 24759 24792 W S3UtteranceSender: Should not send utterances. 08-12 23:29:24.146 24803 24803 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace 08-12 23:29:24.147 24803 24803 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup/lib/arm64 08-12 23:29:24.147 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.147 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.150 24803 24803 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000000 08-12 23:29:24.211 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:29:24.210Z | DEBUG | State was updated 08-12 23:29:24.211 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:29:24.210Z | DEBUG | State was updated", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:29:24.217 24471 24471 D SystemWebChromeClient: http://localhost/main.js: Line 316910 : 2019-08-12T20:29:24.212Z | DEBUG | Finished IHM Application Exit 08-12 23:29:24.217 24471 24471 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(316910)] "2019-08-12T20:29:24.212Z | DEBUG | Finished IHM Application Exit", source: http://localhost/main.js (316910) 08-12 23:29:24.236 24759 24771 I HotwordHelper: hasHotwordEverywhere-false 08-12 23:29:24.246 18957 18957 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: #checkDspStatus 08-12 23:29:24.264 24471 24799 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 53 08-12 23:29:24.294 24759 24786 W SessionLifecycleManager: Client : AttachedClient[108892799210187629, ClientConfig[mFlags=[40000088001] mSuggestFlags=[0] mClientId=HOTWORD_SERVICE mSessionType=search publicSearchServiceCallerUid=-1]] has no associated SessionController 08-12 23:29:24.294 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.369 24759 24786 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 08-12 23:29:24.411 24471 24799 D TEST : cdvfile://localhost/sdcard/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt: 65 08-12 23:29:24.433 24471 24577 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to File.resolveLocalFileSystemURI blocked the main thread for 41ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool(). 08-12 23:29:24.657 1515 1526 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 08-12 23:29:24.700 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: Paused the activity. 08-12 23:29:24.761 1515 1526 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492138221 08-12 23:29:24.768 10331 10988 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.teslacoilsw.launcher', mForegroundUid=10134, mForegroundPid=3030, mLastForegroundPackageName='il.org.osm.israelhiking', mLastForegroundUid=10338, mLastForegroundPid=24471, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 08-12 23:29:24.802 1741 1741 D StatusBar: disable disable2 08-12 23:29:24.804 1515 3072 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492138264 08-12 23:29:24.857 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:492138317 08-12 23:29:24.921 18393 18408 W art : Couldn't lock the profile file /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof: Failed to open file '/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof': Permission denied 08-12 23:29:24.921 18393 18408 W art : Could not save profiling info to /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/com.microsoft.office.outlook/primary.prof 08-12 23:29:24.917 18408 18408 W com.microsoft.office.outlook: type=1400 audit(0.0:123293): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=50726F66696C65205361766572 path="/data/misc/profiles/cur" dev="dm-1" ino=205950 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:user_profile_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 08-12 23:29:25.125 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.127 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:25.129 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:25.129 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:25.129 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:25.129 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:25.129 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:25.167 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:492138626 08-12 23:29:25.171 1515 1539 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{628207a u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher t2} time:492138630 08-12 23:29:25.171 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:29:25.172 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x2a6417b, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:29:25.172 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 47 microseconds, avg: 463 08-12 23:29:25.172 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:29:25.172 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x2a6417b, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 08-12 23:29:25.172 1741 1741 D EventBus: [1741, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 10 microseconds, avg: 463 08-12 23:29:25.181 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: Stopped the activity. 08-12 23:29:25.182 24471 24471 D CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onDestroy() 08-12 23:29:25.183 24471 24471 D CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(about:blank) 08-12 23:29:25.207 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: WebView.destroy() called while WebView is still attached to window. 08-12 23:29:25.239 22524 24830 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.245 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.254 24471 24471 W ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView 08-12 23:29:25.259 22524 22524 D MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE path: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: Application attempted to call on a destroyed WebView 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: java.lang.Throwable 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.a(PG:355) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.r(PG:636) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at aIE.loadingStateChanged(PG:135) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:323) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:142) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6238) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:933) 08-12 23:29:25.269 24471 24471 W cr_AwContents: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:823) 08-12 23:29:25.278 22524 24830 D MediaProvider: object removed 18491 08-12 23:29:25.473 22524 24830 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.476 22524 24830 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.580 22524 24830 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.581 22524 24830 D MediaScannerService: start scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:25.798 22524 24830 D MediaScannerService: done scanning file: /storage/emulated/0/IsraelHikingMap/log.txt 08-12 23:29:26.129 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:26.131 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:26.131 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:26.131 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:26.131 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:26.131 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:26.460 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:26.474 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:26.556 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3 down:true eventTime:492140016 downTime:492140016 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:29:26.694 1515 1631 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3 down:false eventTime:492140153 downTime:492140016 policyFlags:22000002 flags:48 deviceId:6 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 08-12 23:29:26.731 1741 1741 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 08-12 23:29:26.734 1515 1630 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 08-12 23:29:27.131 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:27.132 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:27.132 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:27.132 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:27.132 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:27.132 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:28.133 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:28.134 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:28.134 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:28.134 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:28.134 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:28.134 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:29.134 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:29.136 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:29.136 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:29.136 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:29.136 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:29.136 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:29.479 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:29.492 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:29.811 710 710 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28 08-12 23:29:29.811 710 710 I cnss-daemon: NDA_DST received: ul: 562992919980224 08-12 23:29:29.812 710 710 I cnss-daemon: NDA_LLADDR received 08-12 23:29:30.136 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:30.137 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:30.137 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:30.137 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:30.137 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:30.137 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:31.138 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:31.139 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:31.139 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:31.139 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:31.139 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:31.139 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:31.923 1741 2110 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=1 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 08-12 23:29:31.923 1741 2110 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 08-12 23:29:31.926 1741 2110 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[1]=151126936, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 08-12 23:29:31.926 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=1, inetCondition=1, level=4, roaming=false 08-12 23:29:31.929 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 08-12 23:29:31.931 1741 2110 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=1 08-12 23:29:32.139 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:32.141 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:32.141 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:32.141 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:32.141 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:32.141 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:32.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:29:32.498 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:32.512 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:33.141 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:33.142 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:33.143 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:33.143 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:33.143 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:33.143 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:34.143 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:34.144 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 40000 . 08-12 23:29:34.145 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:40000 mC 08-12 23:29:34.145 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:34.145 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:34.145 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:35.145 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:35.146 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:35.146 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:35.146 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:35.146 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:35.147 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:35.518 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:35.533 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:36.147 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:36.148 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:36.148 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:36.148 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:36.148 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:36.148 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:37.149 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:37.150 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:37.150 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:37.150 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:37.150 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:37.150 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:38.150 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:38.152 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:38.152 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:38.152 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:38.152 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:38.152 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:38.539 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:38.554 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:39.152 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:39.154 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:39.154 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:39.154 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:39.154 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:39.154 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:40.154 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:40.155 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:40.155 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:40.155 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:40.156 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:40.156 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:41.156 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:41.157 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:41.157 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:41.157 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:41.157 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:41.157 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:41.560 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:41.574 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:42.158 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:42.159 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:42.159 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:42.159 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:42.159 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:42.159 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:42.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:29:43.159 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:43.161 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:43.161 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:43.161 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:43.161 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:43.161 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:44.161 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:44.163 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:44.163 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:44.163 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:44.163 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:44.163 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:44.579 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:44.588 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:45.163 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:45.165 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:45.165 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:45.165 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:45.165 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:45.165 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:45.662 710 710 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28 08-12 23:29:45.662 710 710 E cnss-daemon: Stale or unreachable neighbors, ndm state: 4 08-12 23:29:46.165 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:46.166 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:46.167 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:46.167 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:46.167 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:46.167 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:47.167 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:47.168 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:47.168 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:47.168 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:47.168 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:47.168 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:47.596 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:47.607 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:48.169 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:48.170 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:48.170 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:48.170 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:48.170 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:48.170 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:49.170 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:49.172 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:49.172 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:49.172 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:49.172 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:49.172 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:50.172 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:50.174 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:50.174 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:50.174 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:50.174 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:50.174 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:50.611 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 08-12 23:29:50.626 11423 11423 D wpa_supplicant: CTRL-DEBUG: global_ctrl_sock-sendto: sock=8 sndbuf=212992 outq=0 send_len=48 08-12 23:29:51.174 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:51.176 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:51.176 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:51.176 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:51.176 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:51.176 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:52.009 24662 24682 I art : Note: end time exceeds INT32_MAX: 9223371909 08-12 23:29:52.176 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait done. 08-12 23:29:52.178 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Reading 39000 . 08-12 23:29:52.178 682 764 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:case_therm:39000 mC 08-12 23:29:52.178 682 764 D ThermalEngine: update_active_thresh: case_therm Active(1), Hi(1) 42000, Lo(0) -2147483648, Interval(1) 1000 08-12 23:29:52.178 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_monitor: case_therm Sensor wait. 08-12 23:29:52.178 682 764 D ThermalEngine: sensor_wait: case_therm Wait start. 1000ms 08-12 23:29:52.373 18393 18610 D ClClient: Not sending keepalive. Current connection state=STOPPED 08-12 23:29:52.543 18393 18553 D AccessTokenRefreshRunnable: Running the refresh ...