function [cardiac_phase, verbose] = tapas_physio_get_cardiac_phase(... pulset,scannert, verbose, svolpulse) % estimates cardiac phases from cardiac pulse data % % USAGE % cardiac_phase = tapas_physio_get_cardiac_phase(pulset,scannert, verbose, svolpulse) % % INPUT % pulset - heart-beat/pulseoxymeter data read from spike file % scannert - scanner slice pulses read from log file % verbose - set verbose.level >=3, if figures for debugging are wanted % svolpulse - volume start pulses from log file (only for plot reasons) % % OUTPUT % cardiac_phase - phase in heart-cycle when each slice of each % volume was acquired % fh - figure handle % % The regressors are calculated as described in % Glover et al, 2000, MRM, (44) 162-167 % Josephs et al, 1997, ISMRM, p1682 %_______________________________________________________________________ % Author: Lars Kasper, heavily based on an earlier implementation of % Eric Featherstone and Chloe Hutton 26/03/07 (FIL, % UCL London) % % Copyright (C) 2009, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH/Uni Zurich. % % This file is part of the PhysIO toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public % Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL % (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file % COPYING or . % %% modified: bugfix to deal with interleaved acquisition % see below, also on how to restore original % Find the time of pulses just before and just after each scanner time % point. Where points are missing, fill with NaNs and set to zero later. isVerbose = verbose.level >=3; nPulses = numel(pulset); % number of cycles to average for heart beat duration guess nAverage = min(20, nPulses/2); % add pulses in beginning, if first onset time of scan before recorded % pulses - use guess based on average heart rate %% modified because in interleaved acquisition first slice scan isn't % necessarily the earliest -> perform the same check for minimum slice % acquisition time; to restore original remove the line continuation % in the if-statement if scannert(1) <= pulset(1) ... % begin of mod || min(scannert) <= pulset(1) % end of mod verbose = tapas_physio_log(... 'Guessed additional cardiac pulse at time series start for phase estimation', ... verbose, 1); meanCycleDur = mean(diff(pulset(1:nAverage))); nAddPulses = max(1, ceil((pulset(1) - scannert(1))/meanCycleDur)); %% modified. same problem -> replaced first scannert with min % to restore original remove the next line nAddPulses = max(1, ceil((pulset(1) - min(scannert))/meanCycleDur)); % end of mod pulset = [pulset(1) - meanCycleDur*(1:nAddPulses)';pulset]; end % add pulses in the end, if last onset time of scan after last recorded % pulses - use guess based on average heart rate %% modified because in interleaved acquisition last slice scan isn't % necessarily the lates, similar to above ; to restore original remove the % line continuation in the if-statement if scannert(end) > pulset(end) ... % begin of mod || max(scannert) > pulset(end) % end of mod % add more pulses before first one, using same average heartbeat % duration as in first nAverage cycles meanCycleDur = mean(diff(pulset((end-nAverage+1):end))); nAddPulses = ceil((scannert(end) - pulset(end))/meanCycleDur); %% modified. same problem -> replaced last scannert with max % to restore original remove the next line nAddPulses = ceil((max(scannert) - pulset(end))/meanCycleDur); % end of mod pulset = [pulset; pulset(end) + meanCycleDur*(1:nAddPulses)']; verbose = tapas_physio_log(... sprintf('Note: Guessed %d additional cardiac pulse(s) at time series end for phase estimation', nAddPulses), ... verbose, 0); end scannertpriorpulse = zeros(1,length(scannert)); scannertafterpulse = scannertpriorpulse; for i=1:length(scannert) % check for prior heartbeat n = find(pulset < scannert(i), 1, 'last'); scannertpriorpulse(i) = pulset(n); scannertafterpulse(i) = pulset(n+1); end % Calculate cardiac phase at each slice (from Glover et al, 2000). cardiac_phase=(2*pi*(scannert'-scannertpriorpulse)./(scannertafterpulse-scannertpriorpulse))'; if isVerbose % 1. plot chosen slice start event % 2. plot chosen c_sample phase on top of chosen slice scan start, (as a stem % and line of phases) % 3. plot all detected cardiac r-wave peaks % 4. plot volume start event stringTitle = 'Preproc: tapas_physio_get_cardiac_phase: scanner and R-wave pulses - output phase'; fh = tapas_physio_get_default_fig_params(); set(fh, 'Name', stringTitle); stem(scannert, cardiac_phase, 'k'); hold on; plot(scannert, cardiac_phase, 'k'); stem(pulset,3*ones(size(pulset)),'r', 'LineWidth',2); stem(svolpulse,7*ones(size(svolpulse)),'g', 'LineWidth',2); legend('estimated phase at slice events', ... '', ... 'heart beat R-peak', ... 'scan volume start'); title(regexprep(stringTitle,'_', '\\_')); xlabel('t (seconds)'); %stem(scannertpriorpulse,ones(size(scannertpriorpulse))*2,'g'); %stem(scannertafterpulse,ones(size(scannertafterpulse))*2,'b'); end