function [cardiac_sess, respire_sess, mult_sess, ons_secs, order, verbose, ... c_sample_phase, r_sample_phase] ... = tapas_physio_create_retroicor_regressors_mod(ons_secs, sqpar, order, verbose) % calculation of regressors for physiological motion correction using RETROICOR (Glover, MRM, 2000) % % USAGE: % [cardiac_sess, respire_sess, mult_sess, verbose, c_sample_phase, r_sample_phase] ... % = tapas_physio_create_retroicor_regressors(ons_secs, sqpar, thresh, slicenum, order, verbose) % % NOTE: also updates order of models to 0, if some data does not exist % (cardiac or respiratory) % % INPUT: % ons_secs - onsets of all physlog events in seconds % .spulse = onsets of slice scan acquisition % .cpulse = onsets of cardiac R-wave peaks % .r = time series of respiration % .svolpulse = onsets of volume scan acquisition % .t = time vector of logfile rows % % sqpar - sequence timing parameters % .Nslices - number of slices per volume in fMRI scan % .NslicesPerBeat - usually equals Nslices, unless you trigger % with the heart beat % .TR - repetition time in seconds % .Ndummies - number of dummy volumes % .Nscans - number of full volumes saved (volumes in nifti file, % usually rows in your design matrix) % onset_slice - slice whose scan onset determines the adjustment of the % regressor timing to a particular slice for the whole volume % % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Lars Kasper, March 2012 % Copyright (C) 2013 Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH/Uni Zurich. % % This file is part of the PhysIO toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public % Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL % (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file % COPYING or . %% modified to retain original temporal resolution %% variable renaming if ~exist('verbose', 'var') verbose.level = 1; end svolpulse = ons_secs.svolpulse; cpulse = ons_secs.cpulse; r = ons_secs.r; spulse = ons_secs.spulse; t = ons_secs.t; hasRespData = ~isempty(r); hasPhaseData = isfield(ons_secs, 'c_sample_phase') && ~isempty(ons_secs.c_sample_phase); hasCardiacData = hasPhaseData || ~isempty(cpulse); if ~hasPhaseData % update model order, if resp/cardiac data do not exist if ~hasCardiacData order.c = 0; end if ~hasRespData order.r = 0; end if ~hasRespData || ~hasCardiacData = 0; end % compute phases from pulse data % compute differently, i.e. separate regressors for multiple slice % generation nSampleSlices = numel(sqpar.onset_slice); %parameters for resampling rsampint = t(2)-t(1); %% Get phase, downsample and Fourier-expand %% modified to retain temporal resolution % sample_points = tapas_physio_get_sample_points(ons_secs, sqpar); sample_points = t; % % cardiac phase estimation and Fourier expansion if (order.c || %% modified: replace acquisition times with all time points to % retain temporal resolution % [c_phase, verbose] = ... % tapas_physio_get_cardiac_phase(cpulse, spulse, verbose, svolpulse); [c_phase, verbose] = ... tapas_physio_get_cardiac_phase(cpulse, t, verbose, svolpulse); % c_sample_phase = tapas_physio_downsample_phase(spulse, c_phase, sample_points, rsampint); c_sample_phase = c_phase; % cardiac_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion(c_sample_phase,order.c); cardiac_sess = tapas_physio_split_regressor_slices(cardiac_sess, ... nSampleSlices); else cardiac_sess = []; c_sample_phase = []; end % Respiratory phase estimation and Fourier expansion if (order.r || fr =; if verbose.level >=3 [r_phase, verbose.fig_handles(end+1)] = ... tapas_physio_get_respiratory_phase( ... fr,rsampint, verbose.level); else r_phase = tapas_physio_get_respiratory_phase(fr,rsampint, 0); end %% modified to keep resolution and retain any nans in the data % in the original scripts in the calculation of the respiratory % phase low values of the derivative are treated as nans which are % set to 0 later in the fourier expansion. This has been adjusted % as such: The nans are retained to later identify the problematic % points and interpolate them. This interpolation has to happen % after all fourier expansion. Otherwise it would introduce % artifacts into the fourier data because there needs to be a jump % in the phase from 2pi to 0. This leads to smooth expansion % values (sin(2pi)=sin(0) & cos(2pi)=cos(0)). If you interpolate % the jump than you violate this smoothness. % r_sample_phase = tapas_physio_downsample_phase(t, r_phase, sample_points, rsampint); r_sample_phase = r_phase; % respire_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion(r_sample_phase,order.r); respire_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion_mod(r_sample_phase,order.r); % interpolate missing values in expansion (nans) now to avoid % artifacts use spline interpolation for smoothness % phase comes later respire_sess = fillmissing(respire_sess, 'spline', 1); % end of mod respire_sess = tapas_physio_split_regressor_slices(respire_sess, ... nSampleSlices); else respire_sess = []; r_sample_phase =[]; end else % compute Fourier expansion directly from cardiac/respiratory phases % select subset of slice-wise sampled phase for current onset_slice c_sample_phase = ons_secs.c_sample_phase; r_sample_phase = ons_secs.r_sample_phase; if (order.c || cardiac_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion(... c_sample_phase, order.c); respire_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion(... r_sample_phase, order.r); else cardiac_sess = []; respire_sess = []; end end % Multiplicative terms as specified in Harvey et al., 2008 if && hasRespData && hasCardiacData %% modified to deal with nans in the same way as above % crplus_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion(c_sample_phase+r_sample_phase,; % crdiff_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion(c_sample_phase-r_sample_phase,; crplus_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion_mod(c_sample_phase+r_sample_phase,; crdiff_sess = tapas_physio_get_fourier_expansion_mod(c_sample_phase-r_sample_phase,; % interpolate nan values crplus_sess = fillmissing(crplus_sess, 'spline', 1); crdiff_sess = fillmissing(crdiff_sess, 'spline', 1); % end of mod mult_sess = [crplus_sess crdiff_sess]; mult_sess = tapas_physio_split_regressor_slices(mult_sess, ... nSampleSlices); else mult_sess = []; end %% modified: perform interpolation of respiratory phase now after all % fourier expansions are done and normalize both phases to (-1, 1) c_sample_phase = c_sample_phase/pi - 1; r_sample_phase = fillmissing(r_sample_phase, 'spline'); % do a very mild smoothing of the phase r_sample_phase = smooth(r_sample_phase, 5); r_sample_phase = r_sample_phase/pi - 1; % end of mod ons_secs.c_sample_phase = tapas_physio_split_regressor_slices(... c_sample_phase, nSampleSlices); ons_secs.r_sample_phase = tapas_physio_split_regressor_slices(... r_sample_phase, nSampleSlices); %% plot cardiac & resp. regressors if verbose.level >=2 R = [cardiac_sess, respire_sess, mult_sess]; hasCardiacData = ~isempty(ons_secs.c); hasRespData = ~isempty(ons_secs.r); verbose.fig_handles(end+1) = ... tapas_physio_plot_retroicor_regressors(R, order, hasCardiacData, ... hasRespData); end