My cardio kickboxing workout class is gone, but I still want to continue doing it. Here's my attempt at a replacement.
The workout is made up of a number of rounds that include an alternating interval of activity and a rest periods. The application uses the Web Speech API to perform text-to-speech so that the user doesn't have to watch the screen during their workout.
Once the server-side and client-side applications are started, the application will be available at http://localhost:3000
Start the server-side application by entering the REPL with lein repl
, then run (start)
If you are not planning on making client-side changes, you can run (start-fw)
to start the client-side appliation.
Start the client-side application by entering the with lein figwheel
Note: If the cljs.user=>
prompt does not show up, close the tab with the application and open a new one.
If you are not planning on making server-side changes, you can also just run lein run
to start the server-side application.
To create a deployable jar file, execute the
script. This will output the cardio-kickboxing.jar file under the target/uberjar directory.
The application can be started using:
export DATABASE_URL="jdbc:h2:./"
java -jar target/uberjar/cardio-kickboxing.jar
The server will be available at http://localhost:3000