- 👋 Hi, I’m Tricia Johansson but online I go by the name Trix Joyce in most places.
- 👀 I’m interested in coding, graphic design, and illustration. I'm especially interested in web development and building web apps and small browser games.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning JavaScript and PHP but also refreshing my CSS skills.
- 📫 If you want to contact me, please read more here: http://trixjoyce.com/contact
- 😄 My pronouns are she/her
- ⚡ Fun fact: I used to work with coding and graphic design but it was like 10 years ago. Now I'm working on re-learning my skills.
My website/store: www.trixjoyce.com
I'm mostly here to test drive my coding projects since I'm (re)-learning how to code after almost 10 years of... not coding. I think the best way to learn is to just do it, at least when it comes to coding and such skills. I'm interested in web-based apps and building both games, websites and other applications. I'm very specific in my interest, especially in web apps, and that's probably just me being the autistic person I am 👀 So naturally I'm gravitating towards JavaScript and PHP and such.
Other interests are illustration/digital art, graphic design, writing, creating music, gaming, and tabletop games (RPGs like D&D), and I also have a YouTube channel so I'm into filmmaking and video as well. One can not have too many interests 😄
If you want to find out my other profiles on similar sites I'm on, please visit this link: www.trixjoyce.com/links, or if it code/developer-specific visit the page www.trixjoyce.com/apps
I'm still learning how to code and still pretty basic and have a huge journey ahead of me. Please be aware that these projects are highly experimental in nature! All of them are also works in progress in various stages! Some may be quite functioning while some are just a skeleton of a prototype...
Choose "source view" to read more about the project!
- World of Cagiu: Source view on GitHub / Live view in Browser
- Adventures of Avoranic: Source view on GitHub / Live view in Browser
- Happiness Ninja: Source view on GitHub / Live view in Browser
- Lunic Philosophy: Source view on GitHub / Live view in Browser
Choose "source view" to read more about the project!
- Trixie and Truls: Source view on GitHub / Live view in Browser
- Trix Time: Source view on GitHub / Live view in Browser
- DissociaTRIX: Source view on GithHub
- Trix Adventures Blog: Live view in Browser
© Copyright Tricia Johansson - http://tricia-johansson.github.io