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teach mavproxy about new "joymap" module
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This is an alternative to the existing "joystick" module.  Unlike the
joystick module, it loads joystick definitions dynamically from YAML
files, which makes it easier for someone to add support for a device
without needing to patch mavproxy itself.

Additionally, the "joymap" module supports a wider variety of control
types.  A "hat" can be used as a pair of toggle switches, and buttons
can be used either as momentary switches or grouped together to act
like a multi-position switch.
  • Loading branch information
larsks authored and tridge committed Jan 17, 2017
1 parent faaca99 commit de2c5a6
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Showing 12 changed files with 958 additions and 0 deletions.
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions MAVProxy/modules/mavproxy_joystick/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import pygame
import pkg_resources
import yaml
import fnmatch

from MAVProxy.modules.lib import mp_module
from MAVProxy.modules.lib import mp_util
from MAVProxy.modules.lib import mp_settings

from MAVProxy.modules.mavproxy_joystick import controls

class Joystick(mp_module.MPModule):
joystick set verbose
joystick set debug
joystick status
joystick probe

def __init__(self, mpstate):
"""Initialise module"""
super(Joystick, self).__init__(mpstate, 'joystick',
'A flexible joystick driver')

self.joystick = None



def log(self, msg, level=0):
if self.mpstate.settings.moddebug < level:

print('{}: {}'.format(__name__, msg))

def init_pygame(self):
self.log('Initializing pygame', 2)

def init_settings(self):

def init_commands(self):
self.log('Initializing commands', 2)
self.add_command('joystick', self.cmd_joystick,
"A flexible joystick drvier",
['status', 'probe'])

def load_definitions(self):
self.log('Loading joystick definitions', 1)

self.joydefs = []
search = []

userjoysticks = os.environ.get(
if userjoysticks is not None and os.path.isdir(userjoysticks):

search.append(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'joysticks'))

for path in search:
self.log('Looking for joystick definitions in {}'.format(path),
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for joyfile in filenames:
root, ext = os.path.splitext(joyfile)
if ext[1:] not in ['yml', 'yaml', 'json']:

joypath = os.path.join(dirpath, joyfile)
self.log('Loading definition from {}'.format(joypath), 2)
with open(joypath, 'r') as fd:
joydef = yaml.safe_load(fd)
joydef['path'] = joypath

def probe(self):

for jid in range(pygame.joystick.get_count()):
joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(jid)
for joydef in self.joydefs:
if 'match' not in joydef:
self.log('{} has no match patterns, ignoring.'.format(
joydef['path']), 0)
for pattern in joydef['match']:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(joy.get_name().lower(),
self.log('Using {} ("{}" matches pattern "{}")'.format(
joydef['path'], joy.get_name(), pattern))
self.joystick = controls.Joystick(joy, joydef)

print('{}: Failed to find matching joystick.'.format(__name__))

def usage(self):
'''show help on command line options'''
return "Usage: joystick <status|set>"

def cmd_joystick(self, args):
if not len(args):
self.log('No subcommand specified.')
elif args[0] == 'status':
elif args[0] == 'probe':
elif args[0] == 'help':

def cmd_help(self):
print('joystick probe -- reload and match joystick definitions')
print('joystick status -- show currently loaded definition, if any')

def cmd_probe(self):
self.log('Re-detecting available joysticks', 0)

def cmd_status(self):
if self.joystick is None:
print('No active joystick')
print('Active joystick:')
print('Path: {path}'.format(**self.joystick.controls))
print('Description: {description}'.format(

def idle_task(self):
if self.joystick is None:

for e in pygame.event.get():
override = self.module('rc').override[:]
values =
override = values + override[len(values):]

self.log('channels: {}'.format(override), level=3)

if override != self.module('rc').override:
self.module('rc').override = override

def init(mpstate):
'''initialise module'''
return Joystick(mpstate)
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions MAVProxy/modules/mavproxy_joystick/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
'''Joystick control classes'''

def scale(val,
inlow=-1, inhigh=1,
outlow=1000, outhigh=2000):
'''Scale an in value in the range (inlow, inhigh) to the
range (outlow, outhigh).'''
return (
((float(val) - inlow) / (inhigh - inlow)) *
(outhigh - outlow) + outlow

class Control (object):
'''Base class for all controls'''
def __init__(self, joystick,
inlow=-1, inhigh=1,
outlow=1000, outhigh=2000):
self.joystick = joystick
self.inlow = inlow
self.inhigh = inhigh
self.outlow = outlow
self.outhigh = outhigh

class Button (Control):
'''A Button acts like a momentary switch. When pressed, the
corresponding channel value is set to `outhigh`; when released,
the value is set to `outlow`.'''

def __init__(self, joystick, id, **kwargs):
super(Button, self).__init__(joystick, **kwargs) = id

def value(self):
state = self.joystick.get_button(
if state:
return self.outhigh
return self.outlow

class MultiButton (Control):
'''A MultiButton maps multiple buttons to the same channel like a
multiple-position switch. When a button is pressed, the channel
is set to the corresponding value. When a button is released, no
changes is made to the channel.'''

def __init__(self, joystick, buttons, **kwargs):
super(MultiButton, self).__init__(joystick, **kwargs)
self.buttons = buttons
self._value = buttons[0]['value']

def value(self):
for button in self.buttons:
state = self.joystick.get_button(button['id'])
if state:
self._value = button['value']

return self._value

class Axis (Control):
'''An Axis maps a joystick axis to a channel. Set `invert` to
`True` in order to reverse the direction of the input.'''

def __init__(self, joystick, id, invert=False, **kwargs):
super(Axis, self).__init__(joystick, **kwargs) = id
self.invert = invert

def value(self):
val = self.joystick.get_axis(
if self.invert:
val = -val

return scale(val, outlow=self.outlow, outhigh=self.outhigh)

class Hat (Control):
'''A Hat maps one axis of a hat as if it were a toggle switch.
When the axis goes negative, the corresponding channel value is
set to `outputlow`. When the axis goes positive, the value is set
to `outputhigh`. No change is made when the axis returns to 0.'''

def __init__(self, joystick, id, axis, **kwargs):
super(Hat, self).__init__(joystick, **kwargs) = id
self.axis = axis
self._value = self.outlow

def value(self):
x, y = self.joystick.get_hat(

value = x if self.axis == 'x' else y

if value != 0:
self._value = scale(value,
outlow=self.outlow, outhigh=self.outhigh)

return self._value

class Joystick (object):
'''A Joystick manages a collection of Controls.'''

def __init__(self, joystick, controls):
self.joystick = joystick
self.controls = controls

self.chan_max = max(control['channel']
for control in controls['controls'])
self.channels = [None] * self.chan_max


for control in controls['controls']:
if control['type'] == 'button':
kwargs = {k: control[k]
for k in control.keys()
if k in ['outlow', 'outhigh']}

handler = Button(self.joystick, control['id'], **kwargs)

elif control['type'] == 'axis':
kwargs = {k: control[k]
for k in control.keys()
if k in ['inlow', 'inhigh',
'outlow', 'outhigh', 'invert']}

handler = Axis(self.joystick, control['id'], **kwargs)

elif control['type'] == 'multibutton':
handler = MultiButton(self.joystick,
elif control['type'] == 'hat':
kwargs = {k: control[k]
for k in control.keys()
if k in ['outlow', 'outhigh']}

handler = Hat(self.joystick, control['id'], control['axis'])

self.channels[control['channel']-1] = handler

def read(self):
'''Returns an array of channel values. Return 0 for channels
not specified in the control definition.'''

return [int(handler.value) if handler is not None else 0
for handler in self.channels]

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