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Flowdock Git Hook

Git Post-Receive hook for Flowdock.


First, you need to install this gem. You need to have Ruby 1.8.6 and Rubygems installed in your system.

$ gem install flowdock-git-hook

Then, download the post-receive hook file to the hooks directory and make it executable

$ wget -O hooks/post-receive
$ chmod +x hooks/post-receive

Configure your Flow API tokens to git configuration

$ git config flowdock.token <Flow API token>

After this, you should get updates from your git repo every time you push to it.


Service specific instructions for Gitlab and Redmine can be found in Wiki.

Repository URL

Each Team Inbox item sent from the post-receive hook can link back to the repository. To configure the URL for the repository, configure a repository-url:

$ git config flowdock.repository-url ""

Commit URLs

Commit SHAs links in the Team Inbox of Flowdock can be made clickable to view the change on the web. To configure the URL for viewing commits, configure a commit-url-pattern:

$ git config flowdock.commit-url-pattern ""

The %s will be replaced with the commit SHA.

Diff URL

Commit messages in Team Inbox can have a action for viewing the commit diff. To enable the Diff action for comparing commits, configure a diff-url-pattern:

 $ gitconfig flowdock.diff-url-pattern ""

Advanced usage

The git hook allows Flowdock tags to be attached to push messages. If you only need static tags, e.g. git repo name as tag, this can be configured in git config:

$ git config flowdock.tags git,push

For programmatic control over tagging, you can change how the hook is called in post-receive hook file.

Flowdock::Git.background_post(ref, before, after, :tags => ["git", "push"])

Note that you can also define token as parameter allowing multiple Flows to be notified.

Flowdock::Git.background_post(ref, before, after, :token => "flow-token")
Flowdock::Git.background_post(ref, before, after, :token => "another-flow")

Example data

The hook uses GitHub webhook format.

payload {
  "after": "122b95a8808ea0cf708fb43b400a377c25c35d7f",
  "before": "2a445d1d348d9d45217cb9c89c12b67d3767ce42",
  "commits": [
      "added": [],
      "author": {
        "email": "",
        "name": "Raine Virta"
      "id": "122b95a8808ea0cf708fb43b400a377c25c35d7f",
      "message": "yeah!",
      "modified": [
      "removed": [],
      "timestamp": "2010-08-11T13:46:39+03:00"
  "ref": "refs\/heads\/master",
  "ref_name": "master",
  "repository": {
    "name": "testrepo"


Git post-receive hook for Flowdock







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