diff --git a/.project b/.project new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f552209 --- /dev/null +++ b/.project @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + MathGR + + + + + + + + diff --git a/decomp.m b/decomp.m index 39fff80..bf9bab3 100644 --- a/decomp.m +++ b/decomp.m @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Needs["MathGR`utilPrivate`"] DeclareIdx[{UTot, DTot}, DimTot, LatinCapitalIdx, Blue] + DeclareIdx[{U2, D2}, Dim2, LatinIdx, Red] If[!ValueQ@DecompHook,DecompHook = {}] diff --git a/resources/MathGR_Manual.nb b/resources/MathGR_Manual.nb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..428cfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/MathGR_Manual.nb @@ -0,0 +1,7972 @@ +(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) + +(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) +(* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) + +(* CreatedBy='Mathematica 9.0' *) + +(*CacheID: 234*) +(* Internal cache information: +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookDataPosition[ 157, 7] +NotebookDataLength[ 242826, 7963] +NotebookOptionsPosition[ 235045, 7706] +NotebookOutlinePosition[ 235381, 7721] +CellTagsIndexPosition[ 235338, 7718] +WindowFrame->Normal*) + +(* Beginning of Notebook Content *) +Notebook[{ + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell["MathGR Manual", "Title", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.59238328321369*^9, 3.592383305878134*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +By Yi Wang, Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, DAMTP, University of Cambridge\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5923833667872066`*^9, 3.592383374507791*^9}, { + 3.592383436526936*^9, 3.592383450426792*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["Tensor Calculations (tensor.m)", "Section", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592383538641851*^9, 3.592383551837599*^9}, { + 3.592383748315991*^9, 3.592383764615114*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{"<<", "MathGR/tensor.m"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "MathGR/typeset.m", " ", + RowBox[{"(*", " ", + RowBox[{ + "This", " ", "is", " ", "to", " ", "typeset", " ", "the", " ", "output"}], + " ", "*)"}]}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592383563045433*^9, 3.592383575847917*^9}, { + 3.592383775936923*^9, 3.592383803780487*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["Tensor convention", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592383814715877*^9, 3.5923838198210506`*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +Tensors in MathGR are expressed in the form, e.g.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5923836026828337`*^9, 3.592383627927*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"T", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"UP", "@", "\"\<\[Alpha]\>\""}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "@", "\"\<\[Beta]\>\""}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "@", "\"\<\[Gamma]\>\""}], ",", + RowBox[{"UP", "@", "\"\<\[Delta]\>\""}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5923836316735477`*^9, 3.59238367071555*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], "", "", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Delta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Beta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Gamma]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592383654594595*^9, 3.592383671271758*^9}, + 3.592384665184346*^9, 3.5923848296110573`*^9, 3.592385543683503*^9, + 3.59255224733722*^9, 3.592552483637986*^9, 3.592566903005534*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[TextData[{ + "One can either input the tensors directly, or copy/modify the output as new \ +input. Note that the indices \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]\[Alpha]\ +\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote], ... are defined as strings. This is not necessary \ +but it prohibits the possibility that \[Alpha] is set to a value such as \ +\[Alpha]=1. In the output the doube quote sign is not displayed.\n\nHere the \ +UP and DN are identifieres for upper and lower indices. They are predefined \ +internally as\n\nDeclareIdx[{UP, DN}, DefaultDim, GreekIdx, Black]\n\nHere \ +DefaultDim is spacetime dimension, used in ", + Cell[BoxData[ + FormBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox[ + SuperscriptBox["\[Delta]", "a"], "a"], "=", "DefaultDim"}], + TraditionalForm]]], + ". GreekIdx is the default indices to use for dummy indices: {\ +\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]\[Alpha]\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote], \ +\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]\[Beta]\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote], ...}. One can either \ +use LatinIdx, LatinCapitalIdx, or any user-defined set of strings.\n\nBlack \ +is the color to display the indices {UP, DN}. Any other ", + StyleBox["Mathematica", + FontSlant->"Italic"], + "-defined colors can be used.\n\nOne can also define upper and lower indices \ +identifiers other than {UP, DN}. For example,\n\nDeclareIdx[{U2, D2}, Dim2, \ +LatinIdx, Red]\n\nMore discussions are available when indroducing decomp.m " +}], "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592383697590067*^9, 3.592383723490519*^9}, { + 3.592383905386013*^9, 3.5923842422548513`*^9}, {3.592384319619892*^9, + 3.592384329855151*^9}, {3.592384365359956*^9, 3.592384421433889*^9}, { + 3.592535016857683*^9, 3.592535145456586*^9}}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["\<\ +Einstein\[CloseCurlyQuote]s summation convention\ +\>", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592547476879816*^9, 3.5925475145360126`*^9}}], + +Cell[TextData[{ + "Dummy indices are considered summed. \n\nHowever, sometimes, dummy indices \ +in one tensor may coincide with the dummy in another tensor. For example, ", + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + " = ", + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Rho]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Rho]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + ", then what\[CloseCurlyQuote]s ", + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + "? We know it shouldn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t be\n", + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + " = ", + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Rho]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Rho]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + 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Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534924696567*^9, 3.59253498255129*^9}, { + 3.592535158349567*^9, 3.592535183994375*^9}}], + " because it doesn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t make sense to have indice \[Rho] \ +appear 4 times.\n\nTo make sure the above problem doesn\[CloseCurlyQuote]t \ +happen, we make use of ", + StyleBox["Mathematica", + FontSlant->"Italic"], + "\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Unique[] function, to generate unique dummy indices. \ +For example, one can define" +}], "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592547488475833*^9, 3.592547782329068*^9}, { + 3.5925479021435432`*^9, 3.592547916818199*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\[Mu]_", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\[Nu]_", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} 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+ RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["$3", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Nu]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ")"}], " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["$4", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Mu]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ")"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.59254783872719*^9, {3.592547871864098*^9, 3.592547893913225*^9}, { + 3.5925479260594263`*^9, 3.592547954753255*^9}, 3.592552247434173*^9, + 3.5925524837407093`*^9, 3.5925669030865803`*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +Now the dummy indices do not coincide.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925479995155993`*^9, 3.592548041999528*^9}, { + 3.592548400425274*^9, 3.592548404856921*^9}}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["Tensor simplification", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592534897417115*^9, 3.592534905363347*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +Simp[expr] brings tensors into a unique forms. Thus cancellation between \ +tensors are manifest. For example,\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925352061125193`*^9, 3.592535272052431*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Mu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Lambda]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, + "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Lambda]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Nu]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], 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Simp can also take care of \ +tensor symmetries, as long as you define them (as below).\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535285161714*^9, 3.592535351508684*^9}}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["Declare tensor symmetry", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592383814715877*^9, 3.59238383651434*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +If a tensor is known to have some symmetries (or anti-symmetries), one had \ +better to declare them, so that the symmetries are taken into consideration \ +when doing tensor simplification. For example,\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592384546085244*^9, 3.592384610593562*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"DeclareSym", "[", + RowBox[{"T", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"UP", ",", "DN", ",", "DN", ",", "UP"}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5923838396306553`*^9, 3.5923838789715548`*^9}, { + 3.5923849367511253`*^9, 3.5923849474808197`*^9}, {3.592535493008594*^9, + 3.5925354942764053`*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +Now MathGR can make use of the symmetry:\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5923846959820957`*^9, 3.592384713671777*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], "", "", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Delta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Gamma]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], "-", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], "", "", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Delta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Gamma]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]}], "//", "Simp"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592384727308025*^9, 3.5923847379444313`*^9}, { + 3.592384865716988*^9, 3.592384868883602*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"2", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], "", "", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Delta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Beta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Gamma]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ")"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5923847384557257`*^9, 3.592384754042075*^9}, + 3.592384829764579*^9, {3.592384866520507*^9, 3.592384869487259*^9}, + 3.5923855441215277`*^9, 3.592552247652443*^9, 3.592552483954777*^9, + 3.592566903273094*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[TextData[{ + "Other available symmetries include Symmetric and Cycles. Those functions \ +are ", + StyleBox["Mathematica", + FontSlant->"Italic"], + " builtin functions with manual available therein." +}], "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535500525838*^9, 3.59253558416088*^9}}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["Partial derivatives", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535477851265*^9, 3.592535481559907*^9}, + 3.592535707711619*^9}], + +Cell["\<\ +Partial derivatives in MathGR is defined as\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535656552045*^9, 3.592535674260539*^9}, + 3.5925357065087233`*^9}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], "", "", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Delta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Gamma]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "@", "\"\<\[Lambda]\>\""}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535622874538*^9, 3.592535640015697*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Lambda]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], "", "", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Delta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Beta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Gamma]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]}], + "mgrPd"]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.5925356431472683`*^9, 3.592552247739015*^9, + 3.592552484043466*^9, 3.592566903283193*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +Partial derivatives are linear and obeys the Leibniz rule:\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535698172316*^9, 3.592535749523859*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", "+", + RowBox[{"y", " ", "z"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "@", "\"\<\[Alpha]\>\""}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925357531868677`*^9, 3.592535766545393*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"], "+", + RowBox[{"z", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "y"}], + "mgrPd"], ")"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"y", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "z"}], + "mgrPd"], ")"}]}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.5925357669684277`*^9, 3.592552247753811*^9, + 3.5925524840575438`*^9, 3.592566903528707*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +As shown above, undeclared quantities are not assumed as constant. Rather, \ +one has to define constants explicitly:\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535785052247*^9, 3.592535836411697*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{"const", ",", "_"}], "]"}], ":=", "0"}], + ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"const", "*", "x"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "@", "\"\<\[Alpha]\>\""}]}], "]"}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535837904208*^9, 3.592535866796677*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"const", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"], ")"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.592535860337606*^9, 3.592552247837673*^9, + 3.592552484131105*^9, 3.592566903945957*^9}] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["The Kronecker \[Delta] symbol", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592535931013461*^9, 3.5925359577796497`*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +The Kronecker \[Delta] symbol will evaluate contraction automatically\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592536192699143*^9, 3.592536212260251*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["Dta", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Gamma]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592536000839815*^9, 3.5925360486091413`*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["$9", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ")"}], " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T1", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["$9", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Gamma]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ")"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592536030710761*^9, 3.592536049409071*^9}, + 3.592552247927678*^9, 3.5925524842322607`*^9, 3.592566904046266*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +If no contraction in \[Delta] is found, Dta is held to prevent searching for \ +contractions all the time. This Hold[Dta] is released when Simp is called, \ +where new contractions are searched for.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592536290281402*^9, 3.592536366758533*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["Dta", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Delta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + 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"\"\<\[Nu]\>\""}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925364331188517`*^9, 3.592536498293972*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox[ + RowBox[{"Hold", "[", "Dta", "]"}], + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Beta]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`UP]}, + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Mu]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], ""} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"], ")"}]}], " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox[ + RowBox[{"Hold", "[", "Dta", "]"}], + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + 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3.59253675689246*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +If spacetime dimension is given explicitly as a number, the Levi-Civita \ +symbol is defined as LeviCivita[...], which is totally anti-symmetric. A \ +product ot two Levi-Civita tensors is reduced to generalized \[Delta] symbol.\ +\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925367343662148`*^9, 3.592536833037497*^9}}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["\<\ +Symmetrization or anti-symmetrization of free indices\ +\>", "Subsection", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592536937062154*^9, 3.592536944844756*^9}, { + 3.592536977316908*^9, 3.592536979794327*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["T", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + {"", ""}, + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Beta]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + 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Here UG and DG are upper and lower indices which \ +are to be contracted with metric.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.59254828328295*^9, 3.5925483174251413`*^9}, { + 3.592548350897723*^9, 3.592548367882963*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"T", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"DG", "@", "1"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DG", "@", "1"}], ",", + RowBox[{"UG", "@", "2"}], ",", + RowBox[{"UG", "@", "2"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DG", "@", "3"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DG", "@", "3"}]}], "]"}], "//", "MetricContract"}], "//", + "Simp"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925483207485228`*^9, 3.592548343651291*^9}, { + 3.5925483756902027`*^9, 3.592548379270257*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["g", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + {"", ""}, + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Beta]\"\>", + 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3.592563333218902*^9, 3.5925633340647087`*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +This module tries to rewrite an expression into a total derivative, possibly \ +with a rest part.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592548892759857*^9, 3.592548957858235*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Ibp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "y"}], + "mgrPd"]}], "+", + RowBox[{"y", " ", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"]}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925491001828203`*^9, 3.592549147025807*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"PdHold", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", "y"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "[", "\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", "]"}]}], "]"}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.59254914769416*^9, 3.5925522495365133`*^9, + 3.592552485632535*^9, 3.592566905558329*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +Here we have renamed Pd into PdHold. Otherwise Pd will automatically be \ +calculated via Leibniz rule. + +Note that expressions cannot always be written as total derivatives. For \ +example, the following has a rest part:\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592549152149476*^9, 3.592549384734662*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Ibp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "y"}], + "mgrPd"]}], "+", + RowBox[{"2", "y", " ", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"]}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925491001828203`*^9, 3.592549147025807*^9}, + 3.592549318260007*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"y", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"], ")"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"PdHold", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", "y"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "[", "\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.5925493186860323`*^9, 3.5925522496984177`*^9, + 3.592552485959116*^9, 3.592566905974062*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +Also, Ibp[expr] may fail to find the total derivative even if it exists. + +Sometimes one wants finer control. For example, what kind of rest part is \ +considered to be simpler. In this case, one can specify the measure function \ +explicitly. Here are a few examples:\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592549152149476*^9, 3.59254931134094*^9}, { + 3.5925493916620607`*^9, 3.592549462860622*^9}, {3.592549500998979*^9, + 3.592549506625141*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +(1) Get rid of derivative on specified variable (y in the below example)\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592549515406789*^9, 3.592549539574801*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Ibp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "y"}], + "mgrPd"]}], ",", + RowBox[{"IbpVar", "[", "y", "]"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592549475194147*^9, 3.5925494939242697`*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "y"}], " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"], ")"}]}], "+", + RowBox[{"PdHold", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", "y"}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "[", "\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.59254948607865*^9, 3.592549494391553*^9}, + 3.59255224984006*^9, 3.592552486132552*^9, 3.592556972679886*^9, + 3.592566906109055*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +A more efficient version of this function (and setting boundary term to be \ +zero) is\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592556915990922*^9, 3.5925569645030823`*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"IbpVariation", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"x", " ", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\"\<\[Alpha]\>\"", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "y"}], + "mgrPd"]}], ",", "y"}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925569388245983`*^9, 3.592556951119632*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "y"}], " ", + RowBox[{"(", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\<\"\[Alpha]\"\>", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], "x"}], + "mgrPd"], ")"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592556951526786*^9, 3.592556973943396*^9}, + 3.592566906146654*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +(2) Rules to write second order action in standard form\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592549546714025*^9, 3.592549582835376*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"Ibp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"2", + SuperscriptBox[ + RowBox[{"(", + OverscriptBox["\[Phi]", "\[Bullet]"], ")"}], "2"]}], "+", " ", + RowBox[{"\[Phi]", " ", + OverscriptBox["\[Phi]", "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"]}], "+", + RowBox[{"m", " ", "\[Phi]", + OverscriptBox["\[Phi]", "\[Bullet]"]}], " ", "+", " ", + RowBox[{ + SuperscriptBox["M", "2"], + SuperscriptBox["\[Phi]", "2"]}]}], ",", "IbpStd2"}], "]"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592556785759036*^9, 3.592556870702876*^9}, { + 3.592557000430122*^9, 3.592557042034514*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + SuperscriptBox["M", "2"], " ", + SuperscriptBox["\[Phi]", "2"]}], "-", + FractionBox[ + RowBox[{ + SuperscriptBox["\[Phi]", "2"], " ", + OverscriptBox["m", "\[Bullet]"]}], "2"], "+", + SuperscriptBox[ + OverscriptBox["\[Phi]", "\[Bullet]"], "2"], "+", + RowBox[{"PdHold", "[", + RowBox[{ + FractionBox[ + RowBox[{"m", " ", + SuperscriptBox["\[Phi]", "2"]}], "2"], ",", + RowBox[{"DE", "[", "0", "]"}]}], "]"}], "+", + RowBox[{"PdHold", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\[Phi]", " ", + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{"\[Phi]", ",", + RowBox[{"DE", "[", "\<\"(PdId)\"\>", "]"}]}], "]"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"DE", "[", "\<\"(PdId)\"\>", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.592556871506406*^9, {3.592557007787573*^9, 3.592557042543975*^9}, + 3.5925669062559977`*^9}] +}, Open ]] +}, Closed]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["\<\ +Decomposition of dimensions (decomp.m)\ +\>", "Section", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592557249590426*^9, 3.592557252593915*^9}, { + 3.592557467915167*^9, 3.592557468950857*^9}, {3.592557507780242*^9, + 3.592557509644903*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{"<<", "MathGR/gr.m"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "MathGR/decomp.m"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "MathGR/ibp.m"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "MathGR/typeset.m"}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592557441459054*^9, 3.59255745414318*^9}, { + 3.592563340824881*^9, 3.592563355889909*^9}, {3.592565088523473*^9, + 3.592565092333067*^9}}], + +Cell["\<\ +In decomp.m, two additional set of indices ({UTot, DTot}, {U2, D2}), together \ +with decomposition rules are defined. Here we show the usage of decomp.m by \ +going through an example. + +First we define metric in the total dimensions, and the \ +\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]compactified\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] dimensions. The \ +3+1 dim metric is pre-defined as usual, denoted by g.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592557463132421*^9, 3.5925575430470743`*^9}, { + 3.5925576214368973`*^9, 3.592557679319751*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{"UseMetric", "[", + RowBox[{"\[DoubleStruckG]", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"UTot", ",", " ", "DTot"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"UseMetric", "[", + RowBox[{"\[Gamma]", ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"U2", ",", "D2"}], "}"}], ",", "False"}], "]"}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592557441459054*^9, 3.59255745414318*^9}, + 3.592557547534232*^9}], + +Cell["\<\ +Here for illustration purpose, we compactify Einstein gravity on n-torus. The \ +non-compact dimensions are assumed Minkowski and the internal dimensions also \ +has no curvature. There are n constant teleparallel killing vectors (denoted \ +by V here) on n-torus. The off-diag components of the metric is expanded \ +using this killing vector basis, with coefficients as gauge fields A. + +The followings are the form of the metric and definition of their partial \ +derivatives.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592565424747127*^9, 3.592565484159156*^9}, { + 3.5925655974296083`*^9, 3.592565682069167*^9}, {3.592565746190011*^9, + 3.5925657686960583`*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"DecompHook", "=", + RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["\[DoubleStruckG]", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + {"", ""}, + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\[Alpha]_", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN], + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\[Beta]_", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + 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The \ +TrySimp utility is provided in ibp.m\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592565814753924*^9, 3.592565850559642*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"TrySimp", "[", + RowBox[{"R\[Bullet]decomp", ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"a_.", "+", + RowBox[{"b_.", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\[Beta]_", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]], + TagBox[ + RowBox[{ + AdjustmentBox["A", + BoxMargins->{{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}], + StyleBox[GridBox[{ + { + TagBox[ + StyleBox["m_", + FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], + MathGR`decomp`U2], ""}, + {"", + TagBox[ + StyleBox["\[Alpha]_", + FontColor->GrayLevel[0]], + MathGR`tensor`DN]} + }, + GridBoxSpacings->{"Columns" -> { + Offset[0.27999999999999997`], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.27999999999999997`]}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> { + Offset[0.2], { + Offset[0.]}, + Offset[0.2]}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], + FontSize->10]}], + "mgrTsr"]}], + "mgrPd"]}]}], "\[RuleDelayed]", + 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Here \ +we illuatrate the usage of this module by calculating second order \ +cosmological perturbations. + +Note that there may be a few warnings if kernel is not new. Those warnings \ +come because temp variables in frwadm.m are not made local. Nevertheless \ +those warnings should not cause problems.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925663283418407`*^9, 3.592566526740505*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{"<<", "\"\\""}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "\"\\""}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "\"\\""}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"<<", "\"\\""}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592565911778283*^9, 3.592565950142881*^9}, { + 3.592566071705748*^9, 3.592566103393549*^9}, 3.592566541700692*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + StyleBox[ + RowBox[{"a", "::", "shdw"}], "MessageName"], + RowBox[{ + ":", " "}], "\<\"Symbol \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"a\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] appears in \ +multiple contexts \[NoBreak]\\!\\({\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\", \ +\\\"Global`\\\"}\\)\[NoBreak]; definitions in context \ +\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] may shadow or be shadowed \ +by other definitions. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \ +ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ +ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/shdw\\\", ButtonNote -> \ +\\\"MathGR`frwadm`a::shdw\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG", + CellChangeTimes->{3.59256690780935*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + StyleBox[ + RowBox[{"\[Alpha]", "::", "shdw"}], "MessageName"], + RowBox[{ + ":", " "}], "\<\"Symbol \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"\\\\[Alpha]\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] \ +appears in multiple contexts \[NoBreak]\\!\\({\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\", \ +\\\"Global`\\\"}\\)\[NoBreak]; definitions in context \ +\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] may shadow or be shadowed \ +by other definitions. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \ +ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ +ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/shdw\\\", ButtonNote -> \ +\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\[Alpha]::shdw\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG", + CellChangeTimes->{3.592566907900854*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + StyleBox[ + RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "::", "shdw"}], "MessageName"], + RowBox[{ + ":", " "}], "\<\"Symbol \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"\\\\[Beta]\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] \ +appears in multiple contexts \[NoBreak]\\!\\({\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\", \ +\\\"Global`\\\"}\\)\[NoBreak]; definitions in context \ +\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] may shadow or be shadowed \ +by other definitions. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \ +ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ +ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/shdw\\\", ButtonNote -> \ +\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\[Beta]::shdw\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG", + CellChangeTimes->{3.592566907990961*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + StyleBox[ + RowBox[{"b", "::", "shdw"}], "MessageName"], + RowBox[{ + ":", " "}], "\<\"Symbol \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"b\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] appears in \ +multiple contexts \[NoBreak]\\!\\({\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\", \ +\\\"Global`\\\"}\\)\[NoBreak]; definitions in context \ +\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] may shadow or be shadowed \ +by other definitions. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \ +ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ +ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/shdw\\\", ButtonNote -> \ +\\\"MathGR`frwadm`b::shdw\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG", + CellChangeTimes->{3.5925669080786667`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + StyleBox[ + RowBox[{"h", "::", "shdw"}], "MessageName"], + RowBox[{ + ":", " "}], "\<\"Symbol \[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"h\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] appears in \ +multiple contexts \[NoBreak]\\!\\({\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\", \ +\\\"Global`\\\"}\\)\[NoBreak]; definitions in context \ +\[NoBreak]\\!\\(\\\"MathGR`frwadm`\\\"\\)\[NoBreak] may shadow or be shadowed \ +by other definitions. \\!\\(\\*ButtonBox[\\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\", \ +ButtonStyle->\\\"Link\\\", ButtonFrame->None, \ +ButtonData:>\\\"paclet:ref/message/General/shdw\\\", ButtonNote -> \ +\\\"MathGR`frwadm`h::shdw\\\"]\\)\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG", + CellChangeTimes->{3.592566908178864*^9}] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +Here we define the indices explicitly, because we want to use LatinIdx \ +instead of GreekIdx for 3 spatial dimensions. + +We neglect boundary terms. Also \[Phi] is set to be homogeneous and isotropic \ +(i.e. the calculation is done in \[Zeta]-gauge). \ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592566547259996*^9, 3.592566620248598*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{"DeclareIdx", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"UP", ",", "DN"}], "}"}], ",", "DefaultDim", ",", "LatinIdx", ",", + "Black"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"PdHold", "[", "__", "]"}], ":=", "0"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "|", + RowBox[{"Pd", "[", + RowBox[{"\[Phi]", ",", + RowBox[{"DE", "@", "0"}]}], "]"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"DN", "@", "_"}]}], "]"}], ":=", "0"}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592565911778283*^9, 3.592565950142881*^9}, { + 3.592566071705748*^9, 3.592566103393549*^9}, 3.592566541700692*^9}], + +Cell["\<\ +The action is calculated using the ADM curvature, and the decomposed scalar \ +field. DecompG2H is a helper function to decompose 3+1 dimensional quantities \ +into 3 and 1.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592566633154161*^9, 3.592566633519821*^9}, { + 3.592566666147599*^9, 3.592566722486635*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"s012", "=", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Sqrtg", " ", + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"RADM", "[", "]"}], "/", "2"}], "+", + RowBox[{"DecompG2H", "[", + RowBox[{"X", "[", "\[Phi]", "]"}], "]"}], "-", + RowBox[{"V", "[", "\[Phi]", "]"}]}], ")"}]}], "//", + RowBox[{"SS", "[", "2", "]"}]}]}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592565970960834*^9, 3.59256597896949*^9}, { + 3.5925660621883097`*^9, 3.592566079499516*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "3"}], " ", + SuperscriptBox["a", "3"], " ", + SuperscriptBox["H", "2"]}], "+", + RowBox[{ + FractionBox["1", "2"], " ", + SuperscriptBox["a", "3"], " ", + SuperscriptBox[ + OverscriptBox["\[Phi]", "\[Bullet]"], "2"]}], "-", + RowBox[{ + 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Here OO[n] is defined in util.m, which collect order \ +n terms w.r.t. 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and do integration by parts, we get the \ +desired second order action.\ +\>", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.5925668657837667`*^9, 3.5925668890597563`*^9}}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"s2Solved", "=", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"s2", "/.", "solCons"}], "//", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Ibp", "[", + RowBox[{"#", ",", "IbpStd2"}], "]"}], "&"}]}]}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.592565904539886*^9, 3.592565904542253*^9}, { + 3.592565936939898*^9, 3.592565992536055*^9}, 3.592566052381837*^9, { + 3.5925660860275183`*^9, 3.592566117708316*^9}, {3.592566252107847*^9, + 3.592566260591505*^9}}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "a"}], " ", + SuperscriptBox["k", "2"], " ", "\[Epsilon]", " ", + SuperscriptBox["\[Zeta]", "2"]}], "+", + RowBox[{ + SuperscriptBox["a", "3"], " ", "\[Epsilon]", " ", + SuperscriptBox[ + OverscriptBox["\[Zeta]", "\[Bullet]"], "2"]}]}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{3.5925662626264563`*^9, 3.592566911054432*^9}] +}, Open ]] +}, 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142, 3, 32, "Input"], +Cell[63665, 2168, 28145, 950, 84, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[91825, 3121, 145, 3, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[91995, 3128, 256, 6, 32, "Input"], +Cell[92254, 3136, 28142, 950, 84, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[120411, 4089, 286, 5, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[120722, 4098, 270, 7, 32, "Input"], +Cell[120995, 4107, 9442, 315, 36, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[130486, 4428, 109, 1, 44, "Subsection"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[130620, 4433, 288, 8, 32, "Input"], +Cell[130911, 4443, 8513, 291, 47, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[139473, 4740, 108, 1, 44, "Subsection"], +Cell[139584, 4743, 203, 4, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[139812, 4751, 1492, 52, 36, "Input"], +Cell[141307, 4805, 1638, 55, 36, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[142960, 4863, 329, 6, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[143314, 4873, 468, 13, 32, "Input"], +Cell[143785, 4888, 3711, 124, 36, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]] +}, Closed]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[147557, 5019, 115, 1, 50, "Section"], +Cell[147675, 5022, 229, 4, 55, "Input"], +Cell[147907, 5028, 186, 4, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[148118, 5036, 591, 21, 32, "Input"], +Cell[148712, 5059, 264, 6, 32, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[148991, 5068, 308, 7, 68, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[149324, 5079, 622, 22, 32, "Input"], +Cell[149949, 5103, 538, 17, 32, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[150502, 5123, 454, 9, 68, "Text"], +Cell[150959, 5134, 162, 3, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[151146, 5141, 403, 13, 32, "Input"], +Cell[151552, 5156, 602, 19, 32, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[152169, 5178, 177, 4, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[152371, 5186, 378, 12, 32, "Input"], +Cell[152752, 5200, 373, 13, 32, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[153140, 5216, 145, 3, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[153310, 5223, 605, 16, 44, "Input"], +Cell[153918, 5241, 859, 26, 52, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +}, Closed]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[154826, 5273, 229, 5, 50, "Section"], +Cell[155058, 5280, 398, 7, 99, "Input"], +Cell[155459, 5289, 517, 10, 70, "Text"], +Cell[155979, 5301, 411, 10, 55, "Input"], +Cell[156393, 5313, 665, 12, 90, "Text"], +Cell[157061, 5327, 25083, 728, 209, "Input"], +Cell[182147, 6057, 1409, 48, 143, "Input"], +Cell[183559, 6107, 104, 1, 31, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[183688, 6112, 269, 6, 32, "Input"], +Cell[183960, 6120, 9070, 307, 47, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[193045, 6430, 205, 4, 31, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[193275, 6438, 3670, 110, 36, "Input"], +Cell[196948, 6550, 4282, 147, 47, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +}, Closed]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[201279, 6703, 185, 4, 50, "Section"], +Cell[201467, 6709, 462, 9, 90, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[201954, 6722, 407, 6, 99, "Input"], +Cell[202364, 6730, 658, 13, 23, "Message"], +Cell[203025, 6745, 683, 13, 23, "Message"], +Cell[203711, 6760, 680, 13, 23, "Message"], +Cell[204394, 6775, 661, 13, 23, "Message"], +Cell[205058, 6790, 659, 13, 23, "Message"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[205732, 6806, 340, 7, 70, "Text"], +Cell[206075, 6815, 659, 17, 77, "Input"], +Cell[206737, 6834, 310, 6, 31, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[207072, 6844, 484, 13, 32, "Input"], +Cell[207559, 6859, 16331, 494, 197, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[223905, 7356, 186, 4, 31, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[224116, 7364, 297, 6, 32, "Input"], +Cell[224416, 7372, 1999, 64, 47, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[226430, 7439, 180, 4, 31, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[226635, 7447, 1061, 29, 32, "Input"], +Cell[227699, 7478, 976, 28, 45, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[228690, 7509, 108, 1, 30, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[228823, 7514, 330, 7, 32, "Input"], +Cell[229156, 7523, 2352, 66, 57, "Output"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[231523, 7592, 139, 3, 31, "Text"], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[231687, 7599, 1014, 27, 32, "Input"], +Cell[232704, 7628, 1251, 40, 56, "Output"] +}, Open 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auto-choose idx wrt identifiers. LatinIdx is chosen instead. *) (*SimpQ[e0_]:= Module[{e=ReleaseHold@Expand@ReleaseHold@e0, fr, dum, rule,a}, @@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ tReduce[e_]:= MemoryConstrained[TensorReduce[e], tReduceMaxMemory, Message[SimpM::ld, term];e] simpMTerm[term_, fr_, dum_, x_]:=Module[{t, tCt, tM, xFr, slots, tNewIdx, cnt, cntId, slot1, slot2, oldDummy=dummy@term}, - If[oldDummy==={}, Return[term]]; (* no need to simp with no dummy idx *) + If[oldDummy==={}&&fr==={}, Return[term]]; (* no idx *) t = x ~TensorProduct~ times2prod[term, TensorProduct]; (* Add tensor product and contraction tensor *) tCt = Map[Flatten@Position[idx@t,#]&, fr~Join~oldDummy]; (* Determine contraction pairs *) tM = t /. id:IdxPtn:>id[[0]] /. f_[id__]:>MAT[f][id] /; !FreeQ[{id},sumAlt,1]; (* The tensor to input to TensorReduce *) diff --git a/typeset.m b/typeset.m index 4e6279e..b39910c 100644 --- a/typeset.m +++ b/typeset.m @@ -25,5 +25,17 @@ MakeExpression[TagBox[RowBox[{SubscriptBox["\[CapitalSampi]", a_], f_}], "mgrPd"], form_] := MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Pd[", f, ",", a, "]"}], form] +(* following: time derivative. May need cleanup *) + +MakeBoxes[Pd[a_, DE@0], form_] := OverscriptBox[MakeBoxes[a, form], "\[Bullet]"]; +MakeBoxes[Pd[Pd[a_, DE@0], DE@0], form_] := OverscriptBox[MakeBoxes[a, form], "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"] +MakeBoxes[Pd[Pd[Pd[a_, DE@0], DE@0], DE@0], form_] := OverscriptBox[MakeBoxes[a, form], "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"] +MakeBoxes[Pd[Pd[Pd[Pd[a_, DE@0], DE@0], DE@0], DE@0], form_] := OverscriptBox[MakeBoxes[a, form], "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"] + +MakeExpression[OverscriptBox[a_, "\[Bullet]"], form_] := MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Pd[#,DE@0]&@", a}], form] +MakeExpression[OverscriptBox[a_, "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"], form_] := MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Pd[#,DE@0]&@Pd[#,DE@0]&@", a}], form] +MakeExpression[OverscriptBox[a_, "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"], form_] := MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Pd[#,DE@0]&@Pd[#,DE@0]&@Pd[#,DE@0]&@", a}], form] +MakeExpression[OverscriptBox[a_, "\[Bullet]\[Bullet]\[Bullet]\[Bullet]"], form_] := MakeExpression[RowBox[{"Pd[#,DE@0]&@Pd[#,DE@0]&@Pd[#,DE@0]&@Pd[#,DE@0]&@", a}], form] + End[] EndPackage[] \ No newline at end of file